Weekend Unthreaded

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71 comments to Weekend Unthreaded

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    Regardless of your view of vaccines, this is troubling.

    It seems the authorities in the UK have declared war on anyone who actually might think, and may not want a rushed, RNA-based, untested ( and potentially dangerous ) vaccine. Lest we also forget that it appears the manufacturers of the vaccines have 100% legal immunity from any law suits arising from injury by the vaccine.

    I mentioned a while back the World Econimic Forum was all vaccine vaccine vaccine and nothing else – why?


    “The U.K. government wants to fight the misinformation virus on multiple fronts, with a rebuttal team at the center aided by Whitehall departments spreading positive messages in their areas and working with social media firms to take down damaging content. But there are questions over whether the state — and online platforms themselves — have what it takes for the fight.

    “With hopes a vaccine rollout could begin before the end of the year, ministers must get on top of damaging narratives fast.

    “The latest polling from YouGov suggests around a fifth of Brits are unlikely to take the vaccine…


    “The counter-terrorism chief’s concerns have added to the growing chorus of government entities calling for the blanket censorship – or even criminalization – of vaccine scepticism. The Labour Party earlier this week demanded the government adopt emergency legislation to impose civil and criminal penalties on social media platforms that don’t immediately remove posts that question the safety of the jab and other “false” materials.

    And going fully Orwellian ( shutting down any freedom of speech? )


    “Spreading anti-vaxx conspiracy theories should be a CRIME, top scientists say amid fears bogus claims will damage uptake of coronavirus jab

    “Spreading anti-vaccine conspiracy theories online should be a crime, according to some of Britain’s top scientists.

    “The Royal Society and British Academy institutions have together called for laws to be drawn up about spreading bogus claims about vaccination on the internet.

    “A huge leap forward in the fight against coronavirus was announced yesterday when it emerged that a Covid-19 jab being developed by Pfizer and BioNTech appears to be 90 per cent effective and could be given to members of the public next month.

    “But experts fear lies about the vaccine spreading online will put people off getting the jab, and surveys have found that more than a third of Brits already say they are unlikely to have it.


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    el gordo

    Premier Xi has a suggestion.

    ‘Chinese President Xi Jinping has proposed using a global QR code system to enable cross-border movement of people amid the coronavirus pandemic.

    ‘Addressing the virtual G20 summit on Saturday night, Xi said a global mechanism involving mutual recognition of health certificates, including nucleic acid test results in the form of QR codes, could be used to enable cross-border travel.

    “We hope more countries will join this mechanism,” Xi said, according to a transcript published by state news agency Xinhua.’ SCMP


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      el gordo, thought you might enjoy to see this if you haven’t seen it . . . .



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        el gordo

        Thanks its worth following up, love the hype.

        ‘The real beauty of this RCEP agreement is that it pursues a steady course forward, despite all the adversities imposed by the west, foremost the US of A. In fact, the RCEP may, as “byproduct”, integrate the huge Continent of Eurasia that spans all the way from western Europe to what is called Asia and covering the Middle East as well as North Africa, of some 55 million square kilometers (km2).’


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      Except the cov19 virus is a bit of a non event…but its a great smokescreen to implement a communist-styled tracking and control grid.

      Xi can take his idea and go inflict it on someone else. We prefer freedom…


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        John R Smith

        WWI was a feudal war.
        Coinciding with end of the Czar.
        Followed by the nation state era.
        WWII was followed by the Cold War … Capitalism vs. Communism.
        Capitalism won.
        Now we have the decline of nations states and the rise of Global Capitalism using the Chicom model.
        Capital Freedom for Bezos and Gates.
        Social Credit scorecards for the rest of us
        Social Credit cards will literally replace debit/credit cards.
        Bezos and Gates will own everything.
        We’ll tithe to them and be happy.
        (thnank you Richard Nixon)


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          John R Smith

          (thank you Richard Nixon)
          … in the NWO editing errors will probably go on your Social Credit Score.
          Just think of the possible improvements to public discourse.


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      Sceptical Sam

      How to make a million dollars in the China market?

      Start with ten million.

      The CCP is the enemy of the western democracies. Never forget it. The CCP cannot be trusted. Ever.

      Of course Xi wants a QR system for cross border travel. It’s the cheapest and most effective way to spread their next trick.


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        el gordo

        ‘ … the cheapest and most effective way to spread their next trick.’

        That is correct, so we are caught in a bind.


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    Peter C

    Does Gmail censor incoming mail?

    I have noticed a few times before that I can’t always seem to find mail in my gmail inbox that I remember seeing before. I was not certain why. I thought maybe I had not searched properly.

    Today I wondered why I had not received the weekly email from John Roskam at the IPA? So I searched my mail and there it was, received 20 Nov but with an odd address, ” viabounce.s7.exacttarget.com”. I went back at rechecked all emails received on 20 Nov. Nothing from John Roskam!


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    When I came across the Australian attendee’s to the 2020 WEF meeting in Davos, the Australian National University (ANU) had a disproportionate amount of attendee’s

    The Australian National University seems to be into the Davos, WEF in a big way.
    ANU’s contribution to the 2020 Davos meeting
    Genevieve Bell
    Distinguished Professor; Director, 3A Institute, Australian National University, Australia
    Level 1Academia/Think-tank

    Julie Bishop
    Chancellor, Australian National University, Australia
    (Julie Bishop and Malx444 signed us up to Agenda 2030 and the Paris agreement in 2015)
    Level 1Academia/Think-tank

    Brian Schmidt
    Vice-Chancellor, Australian National University, Australia

    The ANU has really churned out the socialists over the decades, seems to be their main job, well that and figuring out which bathroom to use.

    The ANU has a history of association with the WEF.

    While searching the ANU library, I came across many interesting bits on the WEF, Davos and Agenda 2030
    The ANU papers link to the WEF website, the below is a study into Corona vaccine acceptance and Pandemic response this survey was conducted on the 23rd of March 2020. The Who declared the Pandemic on the 11th of March 2020, gee they have a brilliant degree of foresight.
    Go to page 22 for an insight into what they claim is people who believe the Media, 64% of people will believe the media after hearing the message once or twice.
    One in three people have already punished brands due to their Pandemic response, 12 days after it was declared, heavy hitters us Public.

    On the social media side, Social influencer’s are at 41%. Explains the 3.4 million influencers hired to push the WHO Covid Agenda/response.
    31% of people believe what they read on facebook, this is a scary number.

    Our youngest, best and brightest has found a way of locking CO2 away in building products at great expense, you would think tree’s, you
    would be wrong. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/11/an-expert-explains-how-to-turn-carbon-into-useful-building-materials/


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      Kalm Keith

      MalEx444. Mal alex 444.

      The Mal is obvious; Malcolm. The submarine expert.

      Alex ; the son of, involved in “finance” and renewables.

      The 444 represents the Aud$444 million dollars sent to a Foundation somewhere in the Great Big Barrier Reef.

      MalEx444, a constant reminder of what went before.


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    Kalm Keith

    Following Steve’s comment about vaccines at #1 I must confess to have lately become a “limited” AntiVaxer.

    Always a supporter of vaccination I felt unhappy with the AntiVaxer movement which seemed to be clutching at straws when declining vaccination for their children.

    It seemed that they were abusing others who had taken the vaccination path.

    More recently, however, the introduction of the annual flu shot provoked some uncertainty and events of the last couple of years added to my discomfort.

    I had a few flu shots but not on a regular basis. Two or three years ago I had a bad reaction to the annual flu vax and later learned of some bad experiences, one in WA I believe.

    Can an annual vaccine be developed, tested and distributed safely: I have my doubts, and following the promise of CV19 Vax for all am starting to feel very uncomfortable.

    Why do I no longer trust my Government?



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      I’m agnostic. I genuinely believe the jab I got in the services every 3 years made me susceptible to TB. I should not have got it.

      I showed +ve to the Mantoux test, [exposed to dairy cattle] had the Xray and was cleared. Still clear when I joined the services. Why, three years later, did I show symptoms? I had not been well for months and when I felt bad my upper arm itched. I self diagnosed and when I coughed blood I just felt “Well, I was right”.

      The next morn when I presented to the MO HE almost panicked. Fortunately I was not allergic to streptomycin, but my strain of bug was.

      But I am aware that so many scourges have been virtually eliminated. In this case “the greater good” theory carries weight.


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        Kalm Keith

        I’ve mentioned before as a youngster seeing two severely deformed locals who had had a run in with polio.

        When we lined up at school to get the Polio vaccine I was very happy and relieved to think that I wouldn’t get it.

        Same for the others, measles, mumps, chicken pox etc.

        That was our government at work: a non profit jab.

        Later I took antimalarial before, during and after a one month stay in PNG.

        I’m now aware of the commercialization of vaccines and it worries me.



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          Peter C

          Later I took antimalarial before, during and after a one month stay in PNG.

          I hope you had some chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine left over Keith. Very handy to treat incipient Covid.


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            Kalm Keith

            That was 50 years ago Peter. It may have been a liquid, but so long ago, and almost certainly quinine.

            The old ladies up in the village seemed to keep the mosquito problem under control with booai and that white powder.



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        Some very interesting info on TB – Ann Stone doing a Leakey Foundation lecture.


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      It is a good thing to feel a response to flu vaccine. The early soreness and feverishness tells you there is something in the vaccine you are already immune to. The late response around 48 hours tells you you are making antibodies and T-cells to something new – this is a primary immune response. No reaction could be an indicator your immune system is failing. This is particularly common in the aged and is a bad thing.

      I always hope to feel lousy around two days after flu vaccine, because it is evidence that I am becoming immune to at least something in the vaccine.


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        Kalm Keith


        that’s a bit more reassuring.
        What caused most concern was the deaths which were strongly associated with that batch of annual flu mix.

        What I dislike intensely is the mixing of politics with vaccines where reality can become a big loser.

        The fact is that governments have come up short in the CV19 episode during 2020.

        NSW let a boatload of people flood out into the community (no money was involved), and then along with Victoria set up
        hotel accommodation as quarantine. Again, I’m sure that this didn’t involve any intention to benefit the hotel owners.

        Quarantine in the centre of major cities with those in care stacked close together; what could go wrong.

        I just hope that the vaccine is better thought through than the quarantine strategy.



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    “Sinking” Maldives Clear Forests, Pave Beaches, To Construct Four New Airports For Future Tourism!

    Underwater in 7 years?

    We recall how in 2012, the former President of the Maldives Islands, Mohamed, Nasheed said: “If carbon emissions continue at the rate they are climbing today, my country will be underwater in seven years.”

    4 new airports!

    Well, today the islands have not gone underwater and remains popular with tourists like never before. And to help with the job of ferrying the 1.7 million (2019) tourists to and from the resort islands, the Maldives have recently opened 4 new airports, according to German site Aero here!.



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      Graeme No.3

      In 1988 James Hansen (NASA) said that The Maldives would be underwater in 30 years, along with parts of Wall St. in Manhattan.

      Such slow progress, is rising sea levels government run project?


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      Good find Ric……


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    Some Amazon rainforest regions more resistant to climate change than previously thought

    New observational study demonstrates that increasing air dryness does not reduce photosynthesis in certain very wet regions of the Amazon rainforest, contradicting Earth system models that show the opposite.



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    Five rules for evidence communication

    Avoid unwarranted certainty, neat narratives and partisan presentation; strive to inform, not persuade.



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    Here is a link to a five minute statement by Dr Roger Hodkinson, on the Covid 19 scamdemic.

    Dr. Roger Hodkinson is the former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, he was once CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta, and for the past 20 years has held the position as Chairman of a Medical Biotechnology company based in North Carolina currently tasked with selling a COVID-19 test. He is a medical specialist in pathology, which includes virology, who trained at Cambridge University in the UK — he is perfectly positioned to speak on this topic.

    “[COVID-19] is nothing more than a bad flu season. This is not Ebola. It’s not SARS. It’s politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game.”


    It takes a couple of seconds for the sound to start.


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    Still a great website …. but after the really slow download time issue was fixed, a new problem began: From here in the USA.

    The “home page” I get to is (mysteriously) the “1775” article, which is a few days old.

    Sometimes the comments are visible, and sometimes they are not.

    I don’t see any comments for this November 23 “35,000 votes” article right now … but i bet this is not the first one. Your confuser has me confused, I only got to this 35,000 article by clicking the title in the “recent posts” box. If this confusion continues I feel I will have to get a full refund plus a generous payment for my pain and suffering. I was already confused enough before this started. I blame the Russians.


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      It took me over 12 minutes to find this comment after I posted it here. Should have taken 1.2 seconds. I swear that I left the comment for an article that had “35,000 votes” in the title … but it ended up here and I can’t even find any “35,000 feet” article anywhere.

      Maybe I left a comment on another website and they sent it here> Unfortunately this website has morphed from very slow to unusable. I have no problems with any other website in the world using Safari, Chrome and Firefox. Except here. maybe I should start drinking … or stop drinking.


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        Sorry I had to move this discussion from the original page (including all nested comments as a group). I have switched off another aspect of Cloudflare and am hoping that the updating or caching will be resolved without too much loss of speed. I’m still searching for a better long term solution. – Jo


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      Another Ian


      There was a tip back a while if you’re using Firefox

      This is not ideal but works

      When the site comes up and settles (currently I land at the _1775″ thread.

      Then refresh using “shift + renew current page” and you can work up to the latest threads and comments

      No idea on other browsers.


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        Ian, thanks
        Firefox and Safari do not take me to the latest article.
        But Chrome seems to work. I just tried it.
        Comments take about 10 seconds to load, which is equivalent to one hour pre-internet.


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          No problems for me on firefox and safari. Chrome is now at least showing the latest article but suggests just 15 comments on this article, compared to firefox showing 31.


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          Richard I have no access problems with Safari but with Firefox and Chrome I too go to the 1775 post


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        No problems here. The site is coming up quite quickly atm, with the full home page, using Firefox (despite the current version of F being rather irritating in many ways) on my ageing basic Damsung tablet and weakish NBN (though that’s a bit better these days).


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          Damsung, didn’t proof read, d@mn! Samsung…


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            Another Ian


            That sounded in keeping with some of your other mentions there


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            That’s really funny Annie!
            My wife has been having trouble with her Samsung phone and last week she began calling it a Damnsung phone. Great minds think alike.
            My Crapple computer has been having problems too.
            Got new batteries for both.
            Everything else inside them is a mystery to me.


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      Geoff Croker


      Spreadsheet Calculator, Y-axis Tells Lies



      See the “transition team” for sleepy joe!


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      Yes, same with me. Has been like that for a long time. The solution as proposed by others is, at least for Firefox, SHIFT_CTRL+R, which brings up the latest list of threads, then select the one you one, then do another SHIFT_CTRL+R to see the latest comments.

      Jo, you need to fix this issue once and for all. There is no doubt about it. THERE IS A MAJOR ISSUE WITH YOUR WEBSITE for many users if not most.


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      David Maddison

      I am using Chrome on an Android phone and am currently having no problems other than the site taking a few seconds to load.


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      Thanks Richard for kicking off with the only sensible comment in this post.


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        GA rather than tick up favors with the left by denigration of the right perhaps you could explain the 300K plus vote totals that are swapped, disappeared, magically reappeared etc in the vote count and put everyone’s mind at rest?

        I know you cant do this but the question should be asked to allow the right to respond


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          No explaining. There were none. Explain to me fairies and santa.


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          Come on crakar, you need to show us exactly what you are talking about. Not just announce, Trump style, particular detailed numbers with no backing whatsoever.

          Yeah, I know it is hard to find, and you think we should seek it out ourselves, but usually when you put up a statement it is up to you to back it up.
          I usually go to the trouble of providing links or quotes. (to things other than shouty YouTube videos, please. They ain’t proof, just more people saying the same things.)


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            “but usually when you put up a statement it is up to you to back it up.”

            That is not something those that follow Mr Trump do as they take their lead from their leader who has given no evidence to back any of his increasingly bizarre claims


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      My old Mac Mini running duck duck browser has never had any difficulties. NBN is patchy so load times vary.


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    el gordo

    ‘Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who is currently a senior advisor on the board of Boris Johnson’s post Brexit trade panel, is trying to stop British MPs from wrecking Britain’s future by inserting a series of absurd demands on climate targets, labour rights and treatment of animals into post Brexit trade negotiations.’ (WUWT)


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    el gordo

    BoM forecast for Queensland summer, they are not ruling anything in or out, but temperatures may be a little lower.



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    I have given up worrying about the BOM’s forecasts for anything; they cannot be trusted, This watermelon institution does not deserve funding. After ACORN1/2, I believe that the BOM not be given independent status. Unfortunately, that means dissolving the BOM into the CSIRO (which, currently, is just as watermelon -y).


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    robert rosicka

    Just reading a snippet about Sidney Powell and why she was sacked / removed from the Trump legal team , they wanted her to testify in the SCOTUS and that wouldn’t have been possible if she was part of the legal team .
    No idea if this is factually correct can anyone who knows confirm deny ?


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    Here you go Jo….a way of effectively forcing people to take a vaccine by blocking international air travel without it……

    People need to be able to sign a waiver to say they accept the risk. Anything else is trampling of human rights and a right to refuse medical procedure and soverignty over your own body.

    Shows you how desperate they are to force people to take the vaccine…gut feel says its priming your immune system for whats goinhg to come next.

    This needs a separate topic and a lot of debate on this. The globalists are desperate to implement a control grid based around the lie of covid, using effectively forced vaccination to keep their sick little plan alive….

    Just say No.


    “”We are looking at changing the terms and conditions to say for international travellers that we will ask people to have the vaccination before they get on the aircraft,” Mr Joyce said.

    “”But certainly for international visitors coming out and people leaving the country (Australia), we think that’s a necessity.”


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    el gordo

    The push is on to tap Narrabri and support the renewable zones.

    ‘The Berejiklian government is considering setting up a special gas zone in northern NSW, and may release more areas for exploration to increase supplies in the state.’ SMH
