A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The Antarctic Ice extent is looking to break out of the upper bound (ie much more sea ice than usual) according to the NSIDC – this is while the Arctic is sitting in 3rd place (1979 claims the gold here).
Now before you get all excited, remember that this is extent, not volume. Volume at both poles for sea ice is declining more rapidly than the extent would suggest.
What are you looking at Peter. The arctic is tracking towards the lowest ever (2012) according to this
It probably wont beat 2012
Also the Antarctic in the last decade has, apart from 2 years, tracked well above the long term average with a much tighter range of extent than the Arctic.
Leaf is correct, the Arctic is way down and the Antarctic is tracking average, so overall world sea ice extent is on the bottom rung.
Just how the H&&l you can apply to a continent larger than Australasia a local Volcanic phenomena is way beyond comprehensions Peter!
“the world needs Biden to defeat the cult of Trump”
So says our former Minister for Wildly Over-Priced Submarines. If you had any doubts about Pyne, this will dispel them. He hasn’t changed his Black Hand ways.
And here’s the saviour in his own words.
10 dead and 40 wounded this last weekend in Chicago, and the MSM just looks the other way because the race politics arent PC. Quite staggering numbers when you think the place is only about the size of Melbourne.
What were they refering to ?..City or Metro areas ?
Chicago City is 600+ sqr kms , with a population of 2.5million
Melbourne City is 37 sqr kms. With a population of 170,000
Chicago Metro area is 28,000 sqr kms with 8.5 million .. double Melbourne “metro” population and 3 times its area. !
“What were they refering to, City or Metro areas?”
That was in the city itself. The neighborhoods are mentioned in this Chicago Sun-Times article:
Wait, that was last weekend. Here are the locations for this weekend’s fatalities:
By your definitions of city metro (they mean different things in each country) It would be Chicago City vs Melboune metro.
The actual CBDs are pretty simila in scale. Another more cynical reference /score keepe is
Since I previously raised the issue of Quercetin and zinc as per Dr zelenko’s recommendation if HCQ was not available, and I recently listened to a Dutch Dr. who had been using HCQ until the authorities in the Netherlands banned it’s use for covid-19 that I should update. The DR. only treated one patient with Quercetin plus zinc, the patient died. However quercetin is still being recommended by many Drs. if HCQ is not available, and the science appears sound.
The Dr. then went on to recommend Bromhexine, available across the counter both in 8mg tablets and in Duro Tuss chesty cough mixture. There has been one small study, 78 patients with remarkable results. Bromhexine is being used in Iran. I copy the abstract to this comment.
Abstract Introduction: Bromhexine is a potential therapeutic option in COVID-19, but no data from a randomized clinical trial has been available. The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of bromhexine in intensive care unit (ICU) admission, mechanical ventilation, and mortality in patients with COVID-19. Methods: An open-label randomized clinical trial study was performed in Tabriz, NorthWest of Iran. They were randomized to either the treatment with the bromhexine group or the control group, in a 1:1 ratio with 39 patients in each arm. Standard therapy was used in both groups and those patients in the treatment group received oral bromhexine 8 mg three times a day additionally. The primary outcome was a decrease in the rate of ICU admissions, intubation/ mechanical ventilation, and mortality. Results: A total of 78 patients with similar demographic and disease characteristics were enrolled. There was a significant reduction in ICU admissions (2 out of 39 vs. 11 out of 39, P=0.006), intubation (1 out of 39 vs. 9 out of 39, P=0.007) and death (0 vs. 5, P=0.027) in the bromhexine treated group compared to the standard group. No patients were withdrawn from the study because of adverse effects. Conclusion: The early administration of oral bromhexine reduces the ICU transfer, intubation, and the mortality rate in patients with COVID-19. This affordable medication can easily be administered everywhere with a huge positive impact(s) on public health and the world economy. Altogether, the verification of our results on a larger scale and different medical centers is strongly recommended.
G’day TedM,
That result sounds promising for those who reach hospital, but I still prefer Dr Zelenko’s aim of keeping his patients out of hospital altogether. And the abstract makes no mention of vitamin D3 either.
With the quercetin, do you have anything about when it was administered? Age of patient? Vitamin D3 level?
Dave B
No information on that David, or if it was administered in the early or later stage of the infection. There is also the question of dosage and quality control with regard to the quercetin, as not all countries have quality control for health food supplements. However being a Dr I would have thought he would have got it from a known reliable source.
G’day TedM,
Two things about quercetin that I’ve found:
The bottle mine came in has directions of one tablet three times a day. I’ve opted to take just one per day at the moment; and it doesn’t last long in the body, the time measured in hours, not days, which explains the 3 per day.
My one per day is because I normally shop in the mornings as my only possible contact, so I think it would be effective at my critical times.
Dave B
Bromhexine =cough medicine.
Is it useful? I am not sure yet. Unlike Hydroxychloroquine they do not propose a mechanism of action.
If I ha a Covid cough I would probably take it but I would not be expecting much.
” If I had a Covid cough…..”
What is the difference between a covid cough and an “ordinary” cough?
I’ve been using the Chesty Duro Tuss on and off for a few years now
whenever I get a cough that won’t shake. Works for me.
Obviously a covid one is MUCH more infectious?
Divide and Conquer, is the way to go!
JO—This comment should be copied over to your Cough Syrup thread
Latest England/Wales deaths – CV19 continues to be all but irrelevant, despite apparent slightly increasing cases since about mid-July.
Deaths overall are about average but a slight uptick related to heat wave most likely or just natural variation.
Flu and non-CV19 pneumonia continue to be considerably more deadly than CV19, it’s also noticeable that the lockdown (23rd March) had no significant impact on the level of flu deaths that just continued average and slightly below throughout the whole year. See Fig. 1
Open letter to Chairman Dan Andrews of Victoriastan from a group of medical doctors regarding mismanagement of C-19.
This is a huge development.
There are around 10800 medical practitioners in Victoria. 13 signatories aren’t many but it’s a start.
I agree it is a small percentage, but they didn’t ask everybody.
“from a group of medical doctors regarding mismanagement of C-19”
I don’t see very good math in that. The lockdowns are clearly driving the numbers down yet the argument is based on numbers from that success not from what would have been occurring without action to stop it. Very much like measuring the speed of a car accelerating down a steep hill after the brakes were applied to conclude incorrectly that it would not have been going too fast. Ignoring the acceleration.
Without the actions taken to stop the exponential rate increase, comparing 3 covid deaths to 114 normal deaths on a day that had 41 covid deaths announced would look several doublings sillier than it already does.
That’s averages for ya! Just misleading numbers.
Your point is valid siliggy but it should be a response to David at #5, since he posted the article containing those words.
True Peter i just clicked on the “reply” at the end of the diagonal line instead of his comment.
I’d have been more enthusiastic if they’d mentioned a cure, already existing, and inexpensive, as their major justification. Zelenko of course.
Dave B
David, I too would have liked to have seen them mention HCQ according to the Zelenko protocol but then they would have been instantly dismissed as “tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists” and they would have zero chance of having the letter read. This way there is a 0.001 chance.
Their position is admirable in that they clearly state the medical harm that the government’s policies on lockdown cause.
The Premier claims to be following medical advice, but medical advice is not uniform.
As to the small numbers, neither science nor medicine follow majority vote.
On such advice there is the system that a friend used for university assignments.
Periodically I’d get a request along the lines of
“Hey Ian, say this”
Then he could truthfully write
“Ian (2020) said “- – -”
or use it as a pers. comm.
Dan has been stating that Mother’s Day was vastly different from normal and Father’s Day will be vastly different from normal but is hopeful that Christmas can be celebrated with family and friends not too dissimilar to normal.
It irks me that Eid al-Fitr was celebrated in much the same in 2020 as it normally is. There is no doubt this was the cause of the rapid community spread in Melbourne in late May and early June. So, despite the government being pro-diversity, the government decisions are devoid of understanding for non-christian community groups and their religions.
If there was some honesty rather than political correctness it would be possible to have an approach commensurate with the risk. But Dan runs a secret society that cannot be open and honest. With that framework, it takes a sledge hammer approach where a delicate hand would suffice.
The ABC had some video inside the contract racing headquarters in Victoria a few days ago. The dominant feature was a Wyteboard with green sticky notes. Apparently the contact tracers from others states working on Victorian cases were in disbelief of crude tools and ineffectiveness of the Victorian tracing system – no wonder it was overwhelmed with just a handful of cases.
The only legislation that should pass the Victorian chambers is a vote of no-confidence in the Andrew’s government and an administrator appointed to run the show until there can be a State election. A benevolent dictator would be better than Do pi Dan.
I am not sure that I would accept that under funding is the reason for incompetence.
It’s that the endemic illiteracy and innumeracy our education system has churned out for the last three decades has now reached high levels of the bureaucracy.
The Chief Health Officer, Sutton Hoo, has this very year contributed to a study on the release of greenhouse gases from hospitals (, a master exercise in mataeotechny (rubbish science) if ever there was one.
The PRC must be loving the way our economy’s hollowing out has been accelerated by our overreaction to their Kung Flu. Indeed who knows from whence premier Andrews’s totalitarian policies are inspired.
Covid is an economic weapon primarily, that said, this has all the hallmarks of having been years in the planning.
Makes you wonder….
Then, what are you sure of Peter C?
After reading the first one third of the letter it was enough.
It is overwhelming in the application of common sense and logic but apparently beyond the ken of politicians and their “selected” medical advisors.
That these people have arisen and made their concerns about the Government’s response to the CV19 drama is highly commendable and something we should all admire.
Few have the courage to speak out like this.
Especially in a failed socialist state like Victoria, where the truth is the lie and the lie is the truth.
“in a time of universal deception, telling the truth was a revolutionary act”.
– “1984”
In America, we have leftist thugs on the street, burning buildings and assaulting politicians as they leave the White House, and put guillotines out in the street to intimidate people.
Here we’ve got what appears to be a hostile medical dictatorship set up.
Funny how they can get enough politicians to turn up to pass the laws they want but not enough to actually have a functional operational parliament.
What a beautifully crafted proposal.
Canada is in a desperate situation of needing hundreds of thousands of trained workers to fill the hundreds of thousands of job openings to fill the shortages in manufacturing and schools.
It is willing to change the health and safety guidelines and laws to do this in schools.
The biggest problem is the teachers contracts signed before this Pandemic does not allow new laws and guidelines as their work places too are demand unsafe.
You can’t just hire someone off the street, the health and safety laws with penalties just doesn’t allow this.
So, our government is trying to change the health and safety rules to re-open schools to train these hundreds of thousands of job openings.
The teachers 4 year contracts were signed before this Pandemic hit.
So our government is willing to bring the children back before the schools are set up and ready.
This is how desperate our government is.
In a market economy, you could raise the wage offered, and wait for the stampede, anything else is coercion
anything else, anything at all
But you have to be qualified from a government approved institutions and currently our schools are shut down.
The snake eating its tail is how our governments currently are.
Interesting data from France and Spain. Their daily infection numbers are now higher than they were at the previous peak in March and April, yet their death rates are now almost 100 times lower.
There is a delay between the selfish and careless getting it and passing it on to their victims. This passing on would peak after the restriction relaxation parties of the brain dead calm down. Then a further delay until their victims struggle through weeks of suffering to be declared “recovered” with impaired vision, a new heart condition, brain damage and amputated limbs. No doubt many weakened by the disease will be deaths recorded as something else because they had “recovered”.
Notice also that southern hemisphere and equatorial countries have risen up quickly in the “Daily deaths” as the seasonal nature of the fatality rate becomes more obvious. Australia, Brazil, Indonesia, Peru, South Africa, Chile, Argentina and Bolivia all doing badly now compared to a couple of months or two ago.
Although the situation in Australia is obviously improving with the all important “active cases” number being 1191 less than the April peak now after having suddenly risen to 9022. Falling quickly to 3744 shows just how quickly getting the “R” value way down works. It clearly would have risen way beyond that 9022 and spread more to other states.
This is all beyond the virus lives matter protesters ability to think through as they plot to earn the Darwin award to the utter disgust of the silent majority.
Those figures of rising cases and falling deaths is included as one of the article here
Depends what else they are doing at the same time, I doubt we have any view o knowledge of that. If the vulnerable are protected more it could well be the case. Or I guess its back under the dooona for everyone, where we all live forever.
From that letter by the dozen:
“ effective in preserving medical capacity”
This is a better way of saying “flatten the curve”.
Once the curve was flattened, closures and lock downs ought to cease.
Places went from preserving medical capacity to destroying livelihoods. Nuts!
“Once the curve was flattened, closures and lock downs ought to cease.”
Push on to elimination and the whole lockdown, outbreak, lockdown, outbreak cycle ceases unless the sniffer dogs are ignored and outbreaks suddenly appear because testing stops.
And asymptomatic cases spread the SARS-CoV-2 to people who then get COVID-19 and spread it even further.
Climate crazy from NPR:
“Everything Is Unprecedented. Welcome To Your Hotter Earth”
“The upshot of climate change is that everyone alive is destined to experience unprecedented disasters. The most powerful hurricanes, the most intense wildfires, the most prolonged heat waves and the most frequent outbreaks of new diseases are all in our future. Records will be broken, again and again. But the predicted destruction is still shocking when it unfolds at the same time.”
“Everything is unprecedented” is actually meaningless, but it sure sounds scary.
The Democrats believe this and the Republicans do not. That is about as far apart as you can get, right? The end is nigh versus let’s get back to work. What a world!
Skimmed the article. It’s full of hot air. It fails to note that the nature of change in almost all areas of natural and human endeavour. For instance the record for the 100m race in the Olympics will be broken in the future, as will that for just about every event. The records for the coldest day, month or year will also be broken and some of this is happening now. The article also has many ‘facts’ which are clearly wrong.
What a depressing article.
Interesting that during the 325 years of global warming since the late 1600s, world productivity, prosperity and health has had huge gains. 100 percent good news.
But according to the article if global warming continues, it will be 100 percent bad news. Amazing how fast global warming changed from good news to bad news.
Is there ANY explanation for the SAW-TOOTH waveform of CO2 as measured at Mt Muna Loa?
IMHO this is not a naturally observed waveform.
Officially (UN IPCC, NASA, etc)…it is caused by the seasonal growth and die off of vegitation in the NH.
Unofficially, and Realistically , that explanation has a few holes in it !
It would require CO2 to be uniformly distributed world wide , within a few hours to be recorded at the time periods used…
But we know from the CO2 “maps” that are available, that is not the case, with large variations in CO2 acrooss the globe and continents.
TdF has posted a theory that it is more likely due to outgassing variations from the Oceans dictated by temp and current oscillations ?
And your answer explains the UN-natural change from negative going to positive going at a specific time!!!!!!!
You must have failed physics at secondary grade.
Such dramatic change cannot ever be natural!
Another conspiracy?
They calculate those state wide temperatures from the AWAP maps. Not from ACORN. It is the addition of many cells containing just model derived infill component between sites and some data from the sites that they admit are too sparsely spaced.
The data was far far too sparse before around 1957 for the infilling model to even work over very large parts of the country. So much of the older infill of the maps is the same day after day and months are the same year after year in those areas because it is not derived from sites at all but long term averages.
Many of the sites that are used are non compliant with their own guidelines.
‘Perth’s mean maximum was 19.9C, its equal warmest at the city’s official site in Mount Lawley, which has been recording temperature observations since 1994.’
Surely they mean 1894?
No. The WA BOM now only refers to records from the Mt Lawley site, which by my estimation, is around two degrees warmer than the Mt Eliza site that was used from the early 1900s up to around 1965. This gives the BOM the ability to claim more warmer “records”.
Forgot to also mention that some of the NW sites the BOM referred to sound like new sites, so wouldn’t have a long temp history and no doubt are located in hot locations.
Looking at one of their sites mentioned, Yampi Sound, there are two Yampi measuring sites – the older one on Koolan Island, and the newer one at the RAAF “ bare base”, which only opened in 1988 and is located inland on the hot plains. If this Defence base is now included in the WA average, it’s bound to increase the state’s average temp.
Which brings me to another point – if the BOM add more temperature measuring sites in the NW then use these sites to determine WA’s average temperature, surely the new averages must be hotter than the old averages?
Thanks G4.
nope 1994
nope 1994
Leaf would you like to tell us why G4 shouldn’t be concerned?
So is this how it works…now we see the next step in the agenda?
…implement what appears to be a medically irrelavent and useless lockdown on victoria, create what seems to be a vast open air prison, crush the economy & proper jobs, then open up the economy with a few pitiful green and ( ironically ) unsustainable jobs and tell us to be we should be grateful?
Is this Andrews “let them eat cake” moment?
“Clean energy projects will receive a Victorian government funding boost in the hope of driving the state’s battered economy out of the coronavirus downturn and avoiding a slump in wind and solar investment.
“Victorian Energy Minister Lily D’Ambrosio is preparing to brief 300 investors on Wednesday about the launch of a formal process to test interest in building 600 megawatts of renewable energy capacity statewide, which she said would drive down prices and create new jobs at a critical time.
“It comes amid calls around the world for “green recoveries” – economic rescue packages targeting investments in clean energy that would tackle global warming as well as stimulate growth. Under the Victorian program, the government would award contracts to buy power from project developers at a fixed price, giving them the revenue certainty to secure debt and proceed with projects in a volatile market.
This is straight out of the globalists play book – destroy our industrial civilization, create poverty, then offer a few meagre jobs and tell us were saving the planet and we should be grateful?
These people appear to be completely disconnected from reality….
“”It comes amid calls around the world for “green recoveries””
It’s all of a piece with the urgent push to interlace the CBD with bicycle lanes. The trouble being that yer social distancing renders the high rise office block unusable and people will keep working remotely.
It seems that this stultifying nightmare is to be our lot until the inevitable Failure of Everything within a couple of years and certainly before Dan has to face the electors again let alone fess up to having already sold the State of Victoria to the CCP soon to be announced as their third Administrative Region after Honkers and Macao.
Dan will be long retired and enjoying his indexed pension and perks by the next election.
Watch an Aussie Politician Squirm as Malcolm Roberts demands Evidence Climate Change is a Problem
Thanks RicDre,
Two fascinating clips of questions and non-answers in the first, and excellent interviewing in the second.
I admire Senator Roberts persistence, and hope he can capitalise on the fact that Senator Korman’s non-answers are now recorded in Hansard. But the exchange shows, very clearly, the way the parliament is abused by ministers who refuse to answer valid questions.
Dave B
9-1 new cases 48/653= 7.4% increase/day new cases/active cases
69/716= 9.6% increase/day
9-1-20 China says Czech senate president will ‘pay heavy price’ for visiting Taiwan
ahoy, mates, try this: 11-19-2019 Newly released pesticide usage statistics for 2018 confirm that the British people are being used as lab rats. That’s the message environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason has sent to Dave Bench, senior scientist at the UK Chemicals, Health and Safety Executive….Ian Boyd, the former Chief Scientific Adviser to Defra, says pesticides, once they have been authorised, are never reviewed….
Glyphosate is an herbicide, an antibiotic, a fungicide, an antiprotozoal, an organic phosphonate, a growth regulator, a toxicant, a virulence enhancer and is persistent in the soil. It chelates (captures) and washes out the following minerals: boron, calcium, cobalt, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, nickel and zinc….
In her various reports Dr. Mason has discussed the importance of gut microbiome and the deleterious effects of glyphosate which result in various health issues, such as obesity and depression. By 2018, CRUK was claiming that obesity caused 13 different cancers, but De. Mason argues that contamination by residues from 123 different pesticides on the fruit and vegetables supplied to schools by the Department of Health is the real reason for childhood obesity – not biscuits or poor choices.
The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer formally classifies glyphosate as a “probable carcinogen.” German chemical company Bayer will pay up to $10.9 billion to settle tens of thousands of cancer claims linked to one of its herbicides, Roundup, in one of the largest-ever settlements in United States civil ligation. The weed-killer Roundup is glyphosate-based….
The credibility of the EPA’s determination is further undermined because the agency relied on non-peer reviewed research commissioned by Monsanto – a Bayer subsidiary
Did anyone watch the “Great Accelleration” last night ?
All the usual abc spin on global warming , CO2, coal vs solar & Wind etc ..but also some small degree of acknowledgement of issues rarely mentioned before..such as RE interference ith grid stability, the need for storage annd acceptance that batteries wont do it on a grid scale.
One sliver of light was the comment that Nclear is the logical answer if we cn get over the paranoia, and ultimately Fusion power is the re answer, with some sggestion that it is becoming a real possibility.
Also another new battery that could dramatically reduce home storage costs, have infinite life, totally safe, and made from plentiful rresources..
the Gelion Endura cell from Sydney Uni development team..and going commercial !
The GA episode will be on iView, and worth a watch for those interested.
Can somebody please explain the recent expansion of the SA battery, requiring more subsidies from the taxpayer? Has the actual physical battery capacity been expended, or is it only a software change that magically results in more battery capacity?
Don’t they expand just before they burst into an uncontrollable meltdown?
In Tesla EVs, definitely!
The Hornsdale power reserve Tesla battery was recently, this year, expanded by 64 MWh to a total capacity of 193 MWh at a cost of $91 million .
In addition , the control software was also updated to the latest “Autobid” system which enables the facility to maximise its financial returns from acting most oportunely in the market for both FCAS and arbitrage of charge/discharge costs.
Obviously NEON the owner/operators have realised there is big bucks to be made by NOT actually generating any power… just using it as a stake in a bidding game, and getting paid to compensate for the problems their other RE generators cause to the grid stability.
..they are scheming A55h0le5 !
Forgot to add ..
Electranet are spending $160 million to install 4 synchronous condensers to stabilise frequency on the SA grid. They estimate that it will save every customer $5 a year. That’s a few million every year Plus payback Plus electricity used (Analitic knows the details).
That will dent the profits from the FCAS side. Probably they will have to charge the batteries when the wind blows and prices are low, and discharge it when there’s no wind and high prices. The price would have to get really high to payback the investment.
I dont pretend to know the exact technical details, but my understanding is that the battery has a much faster response to frequency and voltage fluctuations, than any other method .
It responds in the millisecond range . +ve or -ve , and earns the maximum compensation as a result.
Also that Autobid software is recognised as being very slick at picking the optimum cost points to trigger charge or discharge …often only for brief periods… to maximise the returns.
They would not have expanded the capacity if the system had not already proven its earning potential ( i do not believe eithe NEOEN or the SA govmt care about its technical benefits,..only its financial returns, !
A suitable amendment to Victorian Labor’s Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 would be to suspend the salaries of the Chief Health Officer and the Police Minister while their “broad powers” are being exerted; that this has been overlooked during its amendment is no surprise being exactly the sort of poor performance one expects from crossbenchers anywhere in the country.
Xavier Herbert could have written another book about the way the country has been snatched away from its people by their representatives planting bombs such as Hill’s Renewable Energy Act and Turnbull’s Water Act in our legislation. But had his imagination extended to curfews and five kilometre tethering zones readers would have snorted in derision and pitched the book into a bin; verily, truth is stranger than fiction.
This is worth a read:
“”That would be bad enough. But the truth is, the PCR test is not able to produce ANY reliable number that reflects how much virus a person is carrying. A lot, a little, it doesn’t matter.
“The test has never been validated, in a large-scale study, for the ability to quantify the amount of virus a person is carrying. I’ve proposed how that study should be done IN THE REAL WORLD, NOT IN THE LAB.
“Therefore, the claim that the PCR can determine how much virus is in a human is completely and utterly unproven. Period.
Its all about to come crashing down.
Dont forget, according to the US CDC, 94% of “covid deaths” are from not-related-to-covid illnesses. Oh dear….
So why are the healthy locked up in a huge open air prison and forced to wear face nappies/diapers while El Dangerous runs around proclaiming another 6 months of Stalag Victoria?
And double uh oh…( very lengthy article, worth a detailed read )
Seems to single out the overarching reaction to this thing as an economic take down.
However – the globalists have said many times they want to destroy our industrial civilization to protect their laughably mythical “gaia”.
We weren’t “obedient” to our eco-overloards and didn’t take the global warming bait, so now we have what appears to be an attack on us directly…..
“Accordingly, Revolver News set out to commission a study to do precisely that: to finally quantify the net damage of the lockdowns in terms of a metric known as “life-years.”
“Simply put, we have drawn upon existing economic studies on the health effects of unemployment to calculate an estimate of how many years of life will have been lost due to the lockdowns in the United States, and have weighed this against an estimate of how many years of life will have been saved by the lockdowns. The results are nothing short of staggering, and suggest that the lockdowns will end up costing Americans over 10 times as many years of life as they will save from the virus itself.
“The COVID-19 lockdown measures that Americans have had to endure for the greater part of 2020 represent one of the most dramatic, consequential, and damaging policy measures undertaken in this nation’s history. For the first time in its history, America has experienced a situation so crippling and perilous that long term financial and social stability have been legitimately threatened.
What the pandemic has clearly illustrated is that China is a highly disciplined society, in comparison to the US. China has a strong central government which acts decisively, but in the US the states seem to have more responsibility and its easier for the system to break down.
Australia is afflicted with the same problem, but the US has a lot more states to contend with, giving the appearance of an undisciplined rabble.
“Four months ago, I wrote a column titled “The Worldwide Lockdown May Be the Greatest Mistake in History.” I explained that “‘mistake’ and ‘evil’ are not synonyms. The lockdown is a mistake; the Holocaust, slavery, communism, fascism, etc., were evils. Massive mistakes are made by arrogant fools; massive evils are committed by evil people.”
“Regarding the economic catastrophe in America and around the world — especially among the world’s poor who are dependent upon America and other first-world countries for their income through exports and tourism — I wrote, “It is panic and hysteria, not the coronavirus, that created this catastrophe.”
“Unfortunately, I was right.
“Reuters reported that three separate studies, including one by UNICEF, “showed that Swedish children fared better than children in other countries during the pandemic, both in terms of education and mental health.”
“For more than a month, Sweden has had almost no deaths from COVID-19 while the entire society remains open and almost no one wears masks. (In Holland, too, almost no one wears masks.) For all intents and purposes, the virus is over in Sweden.
“I live in California, a state governed by that most dangerous of leaders: a fool with unlimited power.
hmmm…sounds familiar….
Watch: Pregnant Aussie Mother Arrested for Allegedly ‘Inciting’ Coronavirus Lockdown Protest
I sincerely hope that was a staged arrest. If not all those that have created this hysterical panic ought to be ashamed of themselves
CLINTEL challenges IChemE climate scaremongering
By David Wojick
The beginning:
The Institution for Chemical Engineers (IChemE) is a prestigious international group of scientists and professionals with over 35,000 members in about 100 countries. IChemE has been conducting what it calls a consultation on its draft Position Statement on Climate Change. This basically means that the members are invited to submit comments. Given that many engineers are skeptical of the climate scare, it will be interesting to see if all of these comments are made public.
The draft statement itself is pure alarmism. They say the science is settled, per the IPCC, and catastrophe looms. Here is the opening paragraph:
“Climate science is established – global climate change is upon us, exacerbated by human activities. IChemE accepts the veracity of the science and its conclusions published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). To avoid irreparable social, economic and environmental damage, it is essential that we accelerate our efforts to decarbonize our economic systems and stabilize the levels of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere, if we are to have any chance of limiting the global average temperature rise to 1.5 degrees C, beyond which catastrophic consequences are more likely. Action needs to be global and fair, recognizing the relative differences between regions, both in terms of historic contributions to emissions and vulnerability to the consequences of a warming planet. Chemical engineers are uniquely placed to take action in the industries that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions to arrest and reverse the damage we humans are doing to the life support systems of our single, shared planet .”
Not only do they simply sing the IPCC song, they even get it wrong. Nowhere does the IPCC suggest that 1.5 degrees of warming (with one degree already on their books) is a threshold to catastrophe. In fact the Paris Accord target is still 2.0 degrees. The last sentence may explain IChemE’s fervent catastrophism. Its members are positioned to make huge sums of money doing the engineering to decarbonize the world. After all, CO2 emissions are typically the product of chemical reactions (including combustion).
In fact most of the four page draft position statement is nothing but a strategic plan for cashing in on the unwarranted fear of human caused catastrophic climate change.
The CLINTEL letter challenges IChemE to actually do the scientific and engineering analysis needed to back up a reasonable climate statement. That this analysis has not done so makes the present draft what CLINTEL calls an embarrassing “me-too” position statement.
Here is how CLINTEL puts it: “With all respect, the Institution’s draft statement on climate change is an unquestioning, me-too, statement, political in character and lacking in scientific argument, justification or rationale. The document is unworthy of your prestigious Institution. Uniformed ‘me-too’ climate statements do not bring us closer to thermodynamic reality.”
There is more in the article.
Please share this.
If that Institution is like most professional bodies i know, ….IE, membership is a unspoken essential for a successful career in that field….. then i doubt any member is going to openly comment in contradiction to the proposed Position Statement for fear of potentially being secretly “Black Balled” at some point in the future.
Even by not commenting they possibly risk being on the wrong side of a career move decision.
So basicly they are just collecting signatures to support their position.
Professional Integrity of that idea…. None !
There is no money in it!
OK I got shot, I will make a bundle in compensation, I will always walk with a limp but what the hell I am rich!
I was told to stand still.
I kept walking.
I was told stand still or we fire.
I kept walking.
They fired, stingers, aka tasers.
I kept walking.
They fired real bullets, they struck home I got injured!
I now have a solid case against the police and expect to live the rest of my life in luxury!
/Sarc Off
‘Governments should use the coronavirus pandemic as a chance to shift economies towards combating climate change, the NSW Premier and former UK prime minister say.
‘Speaking at a webinar on conservatives and climate change, Gladys Berejiklian and Theresa May said the pandemic had prepared people for massive changes.
“I think we fear disruption less,” Ms Berejiklian told the Coalition for Conservation talk on Wednesday.
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