A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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If only they had “climate-friendly beef” they might still be here.
And a carbon (sic) tax …
Michael Mann: “We don’t need to ban burgers; we need climate-friendly beef.”
Earliest direct evidence of milk consumption
“Milk protein, entombed in calcified dental plaque (calculus), has been identified on the teeth of prehistoric farmers from Britain.
It shows that humans were consuming dairy products as early as 6,000 years ago, despite being lactose intolerant.”
Humans eat meat..end of story. Denying that inconvenient fact that we need the protein from animals to survive is idiotic.
They NEED meat to be healthy. The Inuit people are not freaks, even europeans can thrive on a carnivore diet.
BTW While I’m unqualified to give medical advice, anyone with diabetes [T1 or 2 it seems] should read up on keto diets. Because it is low carb it stabilises blood sugars and less insulin is needed. Anecdotally some people are “cured” on keto.
9 out of 10 doctors agree eating food can keep you alive, the 1 dissenter is an AMA climate change believer.
So does drinking clean water!
I think the dissenter might be the President of the AMA, Dr Tony Bartone! He is shown here looking like a crazy man.
I wrote to him about his Climate Health emergency and received a polite reply from his Public Health Policy Advisor.
I may follow up with her.
So what’s wrong with me, er, I mean you…
Is it just me, or is society behaving like mice with Toxoplasma gondii?
This appears to be a Soviet era play book item….freedom of speech – not?
“Greens equate climate denial to conspiracy
“The motion also calls for the upper house to accept that burning thermal coal is the single biggest contributor to climate change, in a move designed to compare denial of that effect with conspiracy thinking.
Amendment to that motion.
ALL electricity and fossil fuels be cut of the di-Nutters suburb of residence and Bandt’s electorate..
Homo Sapiens is an omnivore. And with good reason. It lends to our adaptability, resilience and ability to survive. It also means we are explicitly neither a herbivore nor a carnivore, and in particular, neither are we a tofuavore.
Those that peddle the faux-hamburger climatism narrative (note to PC adherents, you can stick it, HAM-burger), low in iron, zinc, bereft of the complement of essential amino acids, low in protein, are merely underhandedly peddling their ideological inspired de-population agenda. What else would you expect from a UN adhering eco-Marxist globalist? Well, there is de-industrialisation, destitution and despair.
Let’s not forget why they are dwindling into screeching irrelevance.
And as has been observed elsewhere all that for about three times the price of a meat one
I think they should have said paleolithic there. Given the memory hole weather records disappear down, prehistoric will soon mean “some time before last weekend”.
Not paleolithic. They were hunter gatherers. Neolithic were the first farmers(by definition). Agriculture first arrive in western Europe about 6000 years ago.
The fire in the Oil Stabilization Plant in Saudi Arabia is going to dramatically affect our supply of petrol and kerosene.
Dramatically? They have 10% of the world market, the affected facilities are a portion of that 10%. Previous reports have been that aggregate demand is down (recessions, uncertainty and increasing efficiency….not forgetting the transition to EVs!)
The plant repair estimate is currently 120 days. They have 150 days buffer by cutting shipments to one third. The shortfall is 2 Million barrels per day of light crude. There is plenty of heavy crude, the light crude market is tight. The oil price is going to rise. Zero interest rates will attract the banksters. You need light crude to allow heavy crude to flow in a pipeline.
As the oil refineries are now possible targets this is going to change. The buffer sto ck will be the new target.
EVs will have zero impact on anything. This attack is aimed at splitting the EU away from the US. Its different from ALL previous attacks because of its accuracy.
The US strategic reserve is there to service the US military. When that cranks up it uses 10% of the world’s oil output. Tanks and aircraft need light crude.
It might affect the price. The gougers will see to that.
It won’t affect the supply.
What goes around, comes around.
Hurricane cyclone data..declining! regardless of the mantra surrounding ‘Dorian’
Tiltle: Downward trends in the frequency of intense Atlantic hurricanes during the past five decades (Includes 2 Australian researchers)
Main source iceagenow.
Prolly a question for Tony or Robber: What’s with NSW generation today? Their coal generation is well down.
NSW has sixteen coal fired Units, four at Bayswater, four at Eraring. four at Liddell, two at Mt. Piper, and two at Vales Point.
For the last couple of days, six of those Units have been off line, and that’s almost half the Fleet in that State, one down at Bayswater, (Minus 660MW) one down at Eraring, (Minus 720MW) both down at Mt. Piper (Minus 1320MW) and both down at Vales Point. (Minus 1400MW)
So there’s 4100MW missing, and with those four Units at Liddell now restricted to 400MW, that’s 4100MW missing from a Nameplate of 9840MW, so they only have 58% of their total on line at the moment, and as I have just noticed Vales point 6 came back up during the early AM, so that’s added 700MW back so the Nameplate on line is now 6440MW, and they are currently delivering 4270MW, but as they have been doing since their original Build, they all wind back between the morning and evening peaks, so that’s not unusual. What is unusual is to have so many of them off line at one time.
What is also highly unusual is to have all four Units at Liddell on line and relatively stable at their restricted 400MW, and in fact that has been the case now for 30 days, first time I have ever seen that for such an extended period.
We’re gonna need a bigger solar farm …
AEMO slashes output of five big solar farms by half due to voltage issues
“The solar farms involved are Broken Hill in NSW, and the Karadoc, Wemen, Bannerton and Gannawarra solar farms in north west Victoria.”
‘ issues over “system strength” that appear to have suddenly emerged.’..I would guess that would be due to un-renewables un-reliablity?
Solar to fix voltage problems? Thats a contradiction in terms isnt it?
The problem is that the panels in full sun provide voltage at the top end of the range and when the sunlight drops, at the lower end.
They may not be phase matched.
If the bank is big then that causes fluctuations in the voltage of the whole grid.
I think this affects not only supplies from solar farms, but also mum and dad supplies on a sunny day within the grid itself.
My X Ray machine ‘mysteriously’ produced a coil of smoke and died.
The machine was freighted to japan and out of my hands for over two months, then brought back with the maximum KV reduced, ie the machine was defeatured.
A couple of Japanese engineers in black suits visited to find out what happened as they could not find anything wrong with the machine and were worried it was a manufacturing problem.
The most likely cause was a high voltage fluctuation in the local supply.
Since I am 100 metres from a pole transformer that is newish, the fluctuation must have come from local solar panels on my side of the grid and beaten the internal voltage
regulator of the X Ray machine.
Ok Lewis. What is your xray machine for? Where are you?
Woof, woof.
Shiba Inu
You need to closely vet those men in black suits.
The problem is that the panels in full sun provide voltage at the top end of the range and when the sunlight drops, at the lower end.
They may not be phase matched.’ Panels produce DC, phase has nothing to do with it at the panel.
Phase only is after the DC has been converted to AC 50 Hz mains then applied to the grid. When there is no light, there is no DC so the DC- AC invertor doesnt operate unless connected to a battery. The point before, is that the whole solar thing is just plain intermittent depending on light intensity, full sun, cloud cover , rainy days etc. i.e. Just plain useless for continuous reliable power.
There is a bit on it here.The solar panel produces varying DC, which is inverted to AC.
‘The synchronous (also sometimes called a grid-tie) inverter typically synchronizes its frequency with that of the grid using a local oscillator. It must also limit its output voltage to no higher than the grid voltage.”
So if it does not, the X Ray machine when operated, goes bang, because the output of the solar panels is on the same side of the grid as the X Ray so out of control
of voltage and phase and pitch from the local transformer 100 metres up the road. When I use my machine the lights dip.
Incidentally, that supply just from coal fired sources in NSW still makes up 68.5% of all the power being currently consumed in that State.
The energy business these days is being run by renewable fanatics who brilliantly manipulate the subsidy game.
The fact that they are pathetic with power station maintenance is disgusting.
Less than 90% availability of installed generating plant is pathetic.
Testing the no Lidell scenario
Qld seems to be having a fire sale (no pun intended) with zero pricing due lots of solar (2.7 GW) and low weekend demand, so max exports to NSW. And in NSW nearly 2 GW of solar and low weekend demand means lower demand for coal. Across the whole grid coal is delivering 12 GW that is typical for weekends at this time of year.
I wonder sometimes how no one has even bothered to find out something like this.
In all this talk of how rooftop solar is going to be the source of the future, and how right now, Sunday, the day of the absolute lowest power consumption of the week, rooftop solar is delivering 4200MW of lovely glorious saving the Country power.
And yet, in all of that, no one has even bothered to mention that at this same time, somewhere, no one seems to know, the rest of the Country is somehow consuming ….. 17500MW of power. I wonder where that come from.
In Summer, on a working week and school day, when those rooftops might be kicking in a lovely 6000MW, somehow the rest of the Country will be burning up ….. 22000MW.
Watch how much of that will be coal fired power when the time comes, and just how critical those coal fired Units will be.
Total or net?
That sort of analysis is always difficult but not impossible.
A similar assessment was made on.comments earlier:
“A thorough analysis of the comments was attempted in order to assess the truthfulness, or otherwise.
The nominal assessment being to deterine impact on the blog and clearly the end point anticipated by the assessment must be defined according to its charter.
But that is only true if the precursor of the anticipated end state is accurately predicted prior to the enactment of the process under assessment.
Should that mid process data not be available then the initial baseline would be eliminated from the assessment resulting in substantial disconfirmation of the proposed analytical pathway and complete collapse of this important project.
Unfortunately the data was so badly homogenised during transfer to the computer that final analysis was impossible.
We tried.
All solar systems export net power. Which means that gross power is much higher
That 6000MW is the TOTAL power generated by all the rooftop systems in Australia. None of it is exported out into the wider grid, beyond the homes nearby to where those rooftop panels are located.
No they don’t. The excess power is used in the local sub-district. The effect is to drop overall demand but the thought of vast amounts of “free electricity” going into pumped storage (or heavy industrial use) is as substantial as your theories.
No Tony it the total net power exported from the premise, using this method Net = Gross – household use. Better stick to ecology
And that’s where you’re wrong again.
Stick to changing the subject. That’s what you’re best at doing.
“All solar systems export net power”
For a few hours per day. !
Unless its cloudy.
Or they have burnt out.
It’s a bit hard to argue with a statue.
A statue of a DRONGO.
Ok show me your workings then.
For example Western Australia now has some 1.125GW of rooftop solar, what proportion of that is exported from the premises
And this is totals for Australia
“what proportion of that is exported from the premises”
For well more than half the day (24 hours).. absolutely NOTHING. !
In the evening, when the peak usually is.. absolutely NOTHING.
At breakfast time.. absolutely NOTHING
During the day, when most people are at work…. not much use required.
I don’t think poor little CCPF has caught on that solar cannot be transmitted passed the nearest transformer.
His lack of awareness of basic electrical systems is again leading him to make DUMB comments.
The APVI data is an unmetered estimate based on installed capacity and the output of some selected installations that have solar output metering. The data includes both exported and behind the meter use.
At 1200hrs AEST on Sunday 15 Sept 2019, the total estimated rooftop solar output in Australia was 3881MW. It is enough to screw with the economics and management of dispatchable generators and enables rooftop owners to farm subsidies in preference to the grid scale farmers. Both SA and QLD experienced long periods of negative wholesale price today as the grid scale intermittent tried to balance between sending power out at small margin or actually paying to send it out. SA price went below minus $200/MWh. Meanwhile I got my 66c/kWh ($660/MWh) exported for the entire day.
PF you need to lookup the term “Impedance” something the electrical supply grid has plenty of. When you do you will realise that it is not possible for rooftop solar to put power back into the distribution grid without going way over the allowed maximum local voltage. Given the maximum voltage a solar installation can generate is limited by regulations (which is higher than reasonable and should be reduced by 10Volts ) it is possible for them to have no output back to the grid at all.
Rooftop solar is responsible for local over voltage conditions and power supply distortion/harmonics which has many issues in itself. If every house had rooftop solar nothing would be exported from the premises. This is basic engineering fact.
Rick Will said:
Socialism at peak Utopian.
Remember, no power can transfer from source to load if there is equal voltages. Cant draw a vector diagram on here..
‘In Summer, on a working week and school day, when those rooftops might be kicking in a lovely 6000MW, somehow the rest of the Country will be burning up ….. 22000MW.’ So removing that 16GW of NON rooftop might be a wakeup call to somebody..
That is 6000MW rooftop TOTAL, none of which is exported back to the wider grid, as all of it is being consumed in the nearby Residential area to the homes with the panels.
That 22000MW does not include that rooftop solar, in other words, 22000MW from power plants.
AH, I was thinking that was the combined total.
Tony,….. and that 6000 mW of RT Solar is a midday “Peak” number ESTIMATED ..(so likely much less in reality)…and certainly not a continuous stable number as the graphs may suggest . !
The linked paper discusses the subject:
I expect the synchronous condensers being installed in South Australia will be useful in controlling power flows. It puts SA at the bleeding edge of the technology so expect SA power prices to maintain their king of the world status.
as all of it is being consumed in the nearby Residential area
Tony, what would happen if all or most the local grid occupants have rooftop solar ?
Its not like they can just dump the electricity to somewhere else.
And then there is the reliance on the main grid for synchronisation and frequency stability.
hmmmm ???
The reverse power flow has become a challenge for the distributors as they are required to get that rooftop power back through the distribution network to the transmission system. It is a whole new layer of expense that will increase the connection charge for all consumers.
Rooftop owners are a very powerful political force and they do not like their systems on reduced output because the local network is on overvoltage. Rooftop have highest priority access to the market as they are automatically dispatched and are still being paid when grid scale solar and wind are paying money to send out power at lunchtime so are voluntarily curtailing output.
Distributors have already flagged the need for upgrades in the distribution network to manage what is now termed negative power flows; pushing energy up the system from low voltage distribution into high voltage transmission. The cost of installing automatic tap changers on transformers at the distribution level is going to be significant. Some distributors are installing battery storage as an alternative to avoid the reverse power flow; cost of batteries also significant.
Rick, even though I did EE101 about 50 years ago, I don’t know what it means, but it does sound like another cost to the consumer.
I posted this to the wrong level one up.
The linked paper discusses the subject:
However, with increased penetration of renewable generation on distribution feeders, including homeowners installing solar panels on rooftop and additional utility-scale or commercial PV installations, a paradigm shift is occurring in the operational expectations of voltage regulators and LTCs. It has become very common to expect reverse power flows to the substation as a result of increased PV penetration.
Voltage regulators perform as desired when regulating from the source to the load and when regulating from a strong source (utility) to a weak source (distributed generation). (See the glossary for definitions of a strong source and weak source.) Even when the control is provisioned for reverse operation, it has been observed that tap-changing voltage regulators do not perform as desired in reverse when attempting regulation from the weak source to the strong source. The region of performance that is not as well understood is the regulation between sources that are approaching equal strength. As part of this study, we explored all three scenarios: regulator control from a strong source to a weak source (classic case), control from a weak source to a strong source (during reverse power flow), and control between equivalent sources.
I expect the synchronous condensers being installed in South Australia will be useful in controlling power flows. It puts SA at the bleeding edge of the technology so expect SA power prices to maintain their king of the world status.
That is a very very big problem. Roof top solar owners have been promised a big return on their investment. We the taxpayers cannot afford it!
So we have a conflict which needs a political solution, which our politicians would like to avoid.
Yes and no Peter C – but this is also the problem of technically pig ignorant politicians letting equivelently pig ignorant consumers have unbridled access to tech that messes with everyones lives…….
But we know its not accidental….
TWEET: Bian Stelter, Anchor of @ReliableSources and @CNN’s chief media correspondent. Formerly @nytimes, @tvnewser and Top of the Morning
Trump just said there are people in line for his rally and “they are soaking wet.” Per CNN’s @betsy_klein, “it is 88 and sunny here in Fayetteville. It has not rained here today.”
9 Sept 2019
Charles Gruenwald:
Is CNN in a contest with MSNBC to become the class clown of cable news?…
People are soaking wet from standing in line in humidity levels at 76% Brian
Screenshot taken at 4:53pm PST 9/9/19:
CHART: Fayetteville NC: feels like 93 degrees, humidity 76 percent…
11 Sept: Newsbusters: Brian Stelter Mocked for Lame ‘Gotcha’ Tweet on Trump Rally Weather
by P.J. Gladnick
No sweat! Or so CNN’s Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter must have thought when he victoriously tweeted about how President Donald Trump was supposedly completely wrong about weather conditions. Stelter seemed to forget that something other than rain can get people wet in the humid South, namely Fayetteville, North Carolina where Trump held a rally on Monday…ETC
Sounds like he’s never experienced life outside the air conditioning
I thought someone called Bian could be excused for being a dill but his first name is actually Brian. So remember the name Brian Stelter as a class 2 dingbat. He is SO stewpud he does note rate class 1.
Mark Dice takes the mickey out of Stelter.
spring nears, i hear. world news–
“Washington Winery releases wine called “The Denier” ”
And don’t miss the comments.
A good package.
How much CO2 does it take to grow it 😉
Good vid on the 13000 year ago lake that caused that flood. Now THAT was REAL climate change, Greta, where were you then!
Didn’t nylon stockings 50yrs ago have a denier rating?
Around ten drone strikes have knocked out half of Saudi oil capacity and Iran is being blamed for assisting the attacks. We might be having other things to worry about soon.
USA is self sufficient in O&G.
We and most other countries are not.
I think Oh Bummer’s great Muslim mate (Iran) is about to get a touch up.
Iran and the US deep state, in cahoots again ????
Gotta get a war going somewhere, somehow. !!
Trumps fault, no doubt ! 😉
Donald sacked his hawk and the stock market went up.
OK, fess up. Who took the loo?
A $1.82 million, 18ct solid gold toilet has been stolen from Blenheim Palace. If anyone offers you a solid gold toilet for a measly $1 million at the pub . . . it could be stolen.
Well, if they sell it, they will be flush with funds. !
Solar panel farms should be TAXED! not SUBSIDIZED!… An Indian prospectus.
I like it. Many thanks,
Dave B
Also owners of wind farms should be fined heavily for causing the deaths of many thousands of birds. Birds are already supposed to be protected by law. If a coal mine or power station killed as many the activists would be all over them.
“Solar energy badly harms the environment. It must be taxed, not subsidised”
Excellent take-down article from the Times of India (written by Sanjeev Sabhlok, September 2, 2019) that injects a bare bones reality into the vapid Green nightmare of roof top PV and eVs.
Thanks for the heads up theRealUniverse.
I wonder how long it will be before a Jacinda Ardern/AOC clone emerges on the left in Australian politics and hoovers up enough votes to get into office.
I wonder when someone with balls will get up and say no to the Greens, and no to the IPCC and withdraw from Paris.
I reckon they’d win in a landslide the way Tony Abbott did.
Dave B
Superman isn’t running for PM here.
Doesn’t one already exist? I thought it was KK who is regularly being ‘promoted up’ as Paul Murray has it.
That’s no way to speak about Kristina.
Like many of the literate elite she has a post graduate degree in EcoEmotoVerbalism that puts her head and shoulders above the whining of Willi Shortn. But just as self serving and irrelevant.
I got that wrong…it was ‘failed up’. 🙁 In the past (and probably it’s still the case) useless people were promoted up out of the way.
I thought they were modelling themselves from Sarah Hansen Young.
If they did get up, it speaks loudly about how gullible the electorate may be……
Funny how both countries, who are joined at the hip, have had near matching Port Arthur events to conveniently greatly restrict firearm ownership.
the “vain” bit is very funny:
VIDEO: 1min28sec: 9 Sept: Breitbart: Donald Trump Defends Bringing Back ‘Better’ Incandescent Light Bulbs
by Charlie Spiering
They were forcing you to buy lightbulbs that cost a fortune, so I signed something a couple of days ago that gives you the right to use the incandescent light,” he said. “Much less expensive.”
The president spoke about light bulbs during a political rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in which he highlighted his administration’s dramatic regulation cuts to boost the economy…
Trump commented that he looked better under incandescent lighting.
“I’m not a vain person … but I look better under an incandescent light than these crazy lights that are beaming down on me,” he said…
“If a bulb breaks, it’s considered almost like a waste site …the new bulbs, they’re very dangerous with all of the gasses,” he said, referring to the labels that warn consumers not to break the bulbs.
He explained that the rollback of the regulations would allow consumers to choose whether they wanted the new bulbs or not.
“You’re going to hopefully buy the new ones, but you can buy the old ones too, and you can save a lot of money and you can even look better,” he said.
minus the “vain” bit, but lots of good stuff, with accompanying video clips:
Speech: Donald Trump Addresses the House GOP Conference Member Retreat Dinner – September 12, 2019
Two hundred and twenty-eight House Democrats voted to put America back into the disastrous Paris Climate Accord. How’s that working out for Paris? How’s that one working out for France? The yellow vests. They didn’t like all that money being sent to people that they never heard of…
But that would have been a disaster for us. It would have cost us a tremendous fortune. They were going to take away our wealth. They were going to say we can’t do certain businesses. We can’t take the oil and gas. We can’t do anything. This would have been one of the great travesties…
The Paris Accord would do nothing to improve our environment. It would only punish our country while foreign polluters operate with impunity. Isn’t it incredible? You look at China, you look at India, you look at Russia, you look at so many other places, their smokestacks are pouring out. Everything is pouring out…
And then they talk about plastic straws. I say, “What about the plate? What about the wrapper that’s made out of a much tougher plastic? What about all the other plastic?” “Well, we haven’t gotten to that. Just straws. That’s the only thing we’re worried about.” Someday, you’ll explain that to me, Louie…
The light bulb. People said, “What’s with the lightbulb?” I said, “Here’s the story…” And I looked at it — the bulb that we’re being forced to use — number one, to me, most importantly, the light is no good…
I always look orange. And so do you. The light is the worst. But number two, it’s many times more expensive than that old incandescent bulb that worked very well. And very importantly — I don’t know if you know this — they have warnings. If it breaks, it’s considered a hazardous waste site…
It’s gasses inside. And read what they say: “If it breaks, bring it to your local whatever. Have it wrapped, have it this.” What are we doing? What are we doing? And I said to one of the top people today, “Well, they break a lot. Don’t they?” “Yes, sir.” “What do they do?” “They just throw them away. They don’t care.” But they call it “hazardous waste.” But it’s many times more expensive…
And the light is not as good. I mean, frankly, the light is not as good. So, we’re going to solve that. But we’re also going to solve incandescent bulbs. And people are so happy about it. It’s really been pretty amazing. People don’t tell you why. All they do is say, “Oh, he’s getting rid of an energy-efficient bulb.” Well, they don’t tell you about the dangers of the bulb, and they don’t tell you about the cost of that bulb…
Over 100 Democrats have signed up to support the 100-trillion-dollar Green New Deal. That’s a beauty. No more cows. No more planes. I guess, no more people, right?…
Hillary wanted windmills. She wanted solar. Solar is fine — you know, small potatoes, compared to what we’re talking about. It doesn’t have the power that you need. And someday, good. I love solar. I think solar is good, but it’s limited…
The wind is very expensive because you put up those windmills — I know it very well. First of all, they’re made in Germany and they’re made in China. Think of the pollutants that go on the air when they’re making these massive steel things. If it’s anywhere near your house, your house is way down in value…
Try dropping a windmill someplace close to your house. Try selling your house. They make noise. They kill all the birds. The energy is intermittent. If you happen to be watching the Democrat debate and the wind isn’t blowing, you’re not going to the see the debate. “Charlie, what the hell happened to this debate?” He says, “Darling, the wind isn’t blowing.
The goddamn windmill stopped. That windmill stopped.”…
Youtube: 1h8m5s: 13 Sept: President Trump Delivers Remarks at the 2019 House Republican Conference Member Retreat Dinner
Interesting about the incandescent light bulbs. We have some wall sconces that came with incandescents. We also have a small chandelier that had them too. Some failed so we had to replace them with LEDs as incandescents are no longer sold here. There is an amazing difference in the quality of the light from the sconces compared with the chandelier…the former are far more beautiful and light-giving.
Bring back incandescent lights in UK and Australia!
You should have predicted it and bought a few extra in case :D. I know its just so damn annoying..AND the saving on the LEDs isnt that huge. Generally when LED fails its not the LED its the little power converter inside it that goes. So wasteful.
We bought the chandelier and sconces in Melbourne but the store concerned no longer has incandescents. Unlit LEDs are ugly.
A return to incandescents will be like reinventing unsliced bread – beautiful.
and 100 watt winter heating for home brewing
I have a stash of incandescent bulbs as a backup.
One emp = LEDs dead.
High frequency flicker from LEDs and CFLs can trigger seizures in some people. The EMI from LEDs and CFLs can contribute to illness. Most brands of LEDs have more blue light than red light, which is damaging to the eyes. Those that have more blue light than red still have multiple times more blue light than incandescents or halogen, so they disrupt the body clock more than incandescents or halogen. Warmists and useful idiot rule makers are too stupid to see the consequences of their actions and will readily sacrifice peoples health for their warmist religion anyway. I’ve put a few hundred incandescents and halogens away because I do not react well to LEDs or CFLs. The key to surviving is to not let stupid people kill you off.
11 Sept: WashingtonTimes: Top Brazilian diplomat sees Trump, Bolsonaro forging ‘universal insurgency’
By Lauren Meier
President Trump and Brazil’s conservative populist President Jair Bolsonaro have an opportunity to forge a new “universal insurgency,” an anti-globalist movement that stands up for those whose voices and views are not respected by traditional political forces, Brazilian Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo said Wednesday on a visit to Washington…
“Trump and Bolsonaro are a part of the same insurgency, what I would call universal insurgency against [BS],” Mr. Araujo said in an address to the Heritage Foundation…
Brazil under Mr. Bolsonaro has emerged as a key player in global debates on climate change, trade and the standoff in neighboring Venezuela.
But unlike several other G-7 nations, Mr. Bolsonaro’s administration has rejected the stance that climate change is a crisis and said outside attempts to dictate Brasilia’s environmental policies was an attack on Brazil’s sovereignty.
In his speech, Mr. Araujo told an audience of several hundred that some say “the big threats that our civilization now faces involve climate change.
“It’s absolutely not true,” he said, saying the world faces an even bigger ideological crisis.
“There is no climate change catastrophe,” he added. “From the debate that is going on it would seem that the world is ending.”…
“The Amazon is ground zero for the fight against globalism,” he said, “and for the recovery of the human being and its voice.”
14 Sept: SBS: AFP: Forest fires destroying vital buffer against climate change
Humankind’s reliance on fossil fuels usually receives much of the blame for climate change but scientists say that deforestation has also played a big role.
Forests are natural buffers against climate change, as they suck greenhouse gas carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere…
“If (forest fires) continue, the dream to limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees will remain just a dream,” said WRI’s Wijaya.
15 Sept: Reuters: Brazil’s Amazon chief Raoni tapped for 2020 Nobel Peace Prize nomination
by Anthony Boadle
BRASILIA – A group of Brazilian anthropologists and environmentalists has put forward Chief Raoni Metuktire of the Kayapó tribe as a candidate for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize for a lifetime of work protecting the Amazon rainforest…
The Darcy Ribeiro Foundation, named after one of Brazil’s first anthropologists, announced this week that it had formally proposed Raoni’s name to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, which decides who wins the annual award…
Raoni, an unmistakable Amazon icon with his large lip plate, yellow macaw-feather headdress and ear rings, became known internationally as an environmental campaigner in the 1980s with musician Sting at his side…
the Darcy Ribeiro Foundation appears to be connected to the Uni of Brasilia (pics of a Foundation building on the campus are available online):
Wikipedia: University of Brasília
The University of Brasilia Foundation was founded on December 15, 1961. Professor Darcy Ribeiro, who became its first leader, was one of the most enthusiastic supporters of its creation…
Wikipedia: Darcy Ribeiro
Darcy Ribeiro’s ideas belonged to the evolutionist school of sociology and anthropology, and his main influences were Neoevolutionists Leslie White and Julian Steward, and the Marxist archeologist V. Gordon Childe…
Uni of Brasilia has plenty of anti-Bolsonaro types.
segment begins 3min42sec to the end; episode sponsored by Rice University’s Master of Global Affairs:
AUDIO: 31min14sec: 29 Aug: UN Dispatch: Jair Bolsonaro and the Destruction of the Amazon
By Mark Leon Goldberg
(UN Dispatch appreciates the sponsorship of the United Nations Foundation)
Rebecca Abers is professor of political science at the University of Brasilia in Brazil. And in this conversation, she describes the bureaucratic maneuvers engineered by Bolsonaro to undermine protections against de-forestation…
27 Sept PBS: What Bolsonaro’s presidency means for Brazil and the Amazon
By Amna Nawaz & Mike Fritz
Mercedes Bustamante: I think there is a dangerous combination of an anti-science discourse and an anti-environmental discourse.
Amna Nawaz: Mercedes Bustamante is a biologist and professor at the University of Brasilia. She says Bolsonaro’s push to open up the Amazon rainforest for more agriculture and mining threatens both the battle against global warming and Brazil’s image and legacy as an environmental leader…
Amna Nawaz: Now, eight months into Bolsonaro’s presidency, those problems still linger, says Eduardo Viola, a professor of international relations at the University of Brasilia.
Eduardo Viola: He’s governing a lot over tweets, OK, like Trump, more or less, OK? And so this many times create crisis…
15 Sept: ABC: Frank Bainimarama’s journey from coup leader to climate change crusader
By Michael Walsh
CREEPY PIC: Macron, Bainimarama, Merkel with young boy. Photo: Frank Bainimarama has transformed into an international climate change ambassador. (Reuters: Wolfgang Rattay…)
16 Nov 2017: Guardian: Climate change will determine humanity’s destiny, says Angela Merkel
by Damian Carrington in Bonn
PIC: (L-R) French president, Emmanuel Macron, prime minister of Fiji, Frank Bainimarama, 12-year-old Timothy Naulusala, German chancellor, Angela Merkel and Antonio Guterres, secretary general of the UN. Photograph: Ronald Wittek/EPA
Merkel, Guterres and Macron were almost upstaged by the first speech of the high-level session, given by 12-year-old Timoci Naulusala from Fiji, without any hint of nerves. Referring to the impact of Cyclone Winston in 2016, he said: “My home, my school, sources of food, money, water, were totally destroyed. My once beautiful village, which I called home, is a barren waste. Climate change is real, not a dream.”…
12 Sept: Spectator: GetUp’s child slavery
by Tina Faulk
We now see more Children’s Crusades occurring, this time in favour of climate change, not Christianity, led by children clearly being manipulated by people behind the scenes; Greta Thunberg from Sweden and now, in Australia, 12-year-old “Lucie”, who, on behalf of activist group GetUp! has been sending out emails for $12 donations to fund television advertising promoting next Friday’s school climate strike…READ ALL
“Climate change is real, not a dream.”…”
Well…. like, Fiji has NEVER had cyclones before.. right !!!
perhaps the oddest child climate saviour of all…to date:
PICS: 3 Sept: Child Climate Activist from Manipur Ms.Licypriya Kangujam received “World Children Peace Prize 2019” at Maldives on 31st August 2019
7-years-old Child Climate Activist from Manipur, India Ms. Licypriya Kangujam received the prestigious “World Children Peace Prize 2019″ from Global Peace Index – Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), Australia for child advocacy on one of the greatest impending dangers to humanity: the devastation that could be triggered by climate change in an event organised by Regional Alliance for Fostering Youth & Ministry of Youth, Sports & Community Empowerment, Government of Maldives at Maldives National University, Male, Republic of Maldives on 30th August 2019.
The prize was received from the Hand of Mr. Charles Allen, Executive Director of Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), Australia which is the parent organisation of Global Peace Index (GPI)…
The Global Peace Index (GPI) is a report produced by the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), and developed in consultation with an international panel of peace experts from peace institutes and think tanks with data collected and collated by the Economist Intelligence Unit (PARENT COMPANY: ECONOMIST GROUP)…
GPI is endorsed by individuals such as former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former President of Finland and 2008 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Martti Ahtisaari, Nobel laureate Muhammed Yunus, economist Jeffrey Sachs, former president of Ireland Mary Robinson, former Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Jan Eliasson and former United States president Jimmy Carter…
(Licypriya Kangujam) said…”They recognized climate change as one of the greatest long-term challenges to international peace and security. The impact of climate change goes beyond the environment. At the national, regional and global levels, climate change is having a significant effect on economies, social development and peace and security, particularly in fragile contexts where it is a threat multiplier to governance challenges.” ETC…
She will be traveling to Thailand after Maldives to attend the United Nations Asia – Pacific Climate Week 2019 to be held from 2-6 September at UN Conference Centre, Bangkok…
“My visit to this important nations on the invitation of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will helps to raise regional and global climate ambition which are walking the talk and making the conferences sustainable to the greatest possible extent. This includes offsetting all unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions from air travel to and from the conference. Will meet global leaders from various countries in next 5 days.”
The program is convened by United Nations Secretary General in advance with the upcoming UN Climate Summit 2019 to be held on 23 September in New York to meet the climate challenge…
She is currently on 5 Nations Official visits to Maldives, Singapore, Thailand, Angola & USA since 27 August till 25 September.
begins 13sec: the Greta Thunberg of India…Maldives prize etc. child looks very uneasy. one cannot imagine her quotes at e-Pao being her own:
Youtube: 3min58sec: 11 Sept: Licypriya Kangujam, Manipur: World children peace prize 2019 holder. India today interview
She received the Prestigious ‘World Children Peace prize ‘2019 from the hands of Charles Allen, Director of Institute for Economic and Peace (IEP) Australia.
24 Apr: ImphalFreePress: How the mysterious story of 7-year-old student from Manipur attending a UN event disappeared
By Chitra Ahanthem & PaojelChaoba
27 Apr: EastMojo: UN body confirms Manipur girl ‘achievement’ claim as fake
I can confirm that Manipur girl, Licyprya Devi Kangujam, is not an official speaker at the Global Platform 2019 in Geneva, UNISDR communication head tells EastMojo.
In a new twist to the confusing story, the girl, on Friday, allegedly wrote a post on her now-deleted Facebook profile, saying, “Finally I decided not to attend the program in Geneva next month as I am completely in depression. Even my visa and flight tickets was ready. This is not the way to treat your “Ningol” [daughter]” (sic)…
We recognized the climate change AGENDA as one of the greatest long-term challenges to international peace and security.
There, fixed for them.
“At the national, regional and global levels, the climate change FARCE/AGENDA is having a significant effect on economies, social development and peace and security, particularly in fragile contexts where it is a threat multiplier to governance challenges.”
The globalist tactics writ large.
“Climate change will determine humanity’s destiny”
Yes, we must do everything we can to fight this deceitful, underhanded, socialist globalist agenda.
I think Frank B is more qualified in climate science than most climate scientists – particularly Peter (the DRONGO) Fitzroy.
Not many countries are taking it so seriously. Australia is with the leaders in reducing emissions with renewables. Most of the much larger produces of CO2 though couldn’t care less as they are busy building hundreds of new coal fired power stations. Makes us look really dumb and stupid.
Hot off the press, the end is nigh for renewables.
Why do they need political support when they are always touted as the lowest cost option!!
Even dingbat Lily in Victoria will be shuddering at the thought of blackouts. Facing the press when the lights go out is not going to foster affection for intermittent generation and Audrey’s hopium. At some point a brave soul will stand up and state clearly that it was dark and there was no wind. That will be Lily’s light bulb moment; realising that those lights depend on sunshine and wind, which have precisely ZERO guaranteed level of output.
On a more positive note, by the time Victoria completes the current planned subsidy farms, including rooftops, it will be incapable of sinking power from South Australian intermittents. Or sending power to SA when the wind and sun are not complying. That is when SA will begin to see the true cost of intermittents. Governments will begin to question the reality of the diversity fairy fondly promoted by the subsidy farm proponents and supporters.
“Makes us look really dumb and stupid.”
“Emphasises that we are really dumb and stupid”. sounds better IMO
World’s Worst Scientist?
YouTube: (by Tony Heller.)
And he doesn’t work at James Cook Uni.
He could always apply
Flat file here
pollie talk:
14 Sept: Deutsche Welle: EU plans energy tax to combat climate change
Climate protection is high on the public agenda and EU finance ministers want to get in on the discussion. They have many ideas on carbon dioxide emissions pricing, but are yet to find an answer, reports Bernd Riegert.
Finance ministers of the 28 European Union countries met in Helsinki on Friday to discuss measures to finance and encourage environmentally sustainable growth.
The meeting took place on the same day the governing coalition parties in Germany met to decide on climate measures targeting the transportation sector to ensure the country meets its 2030 goals to combat the climate crisis. Spending toward that end could approach a reported €75 billion ($83.6 billion)…
It’s not entirely clear if all the finance ministers are impressed by the message. After all, nothing concrete will be decided at this informal meeting in Helsinki; the intention is to start a fundamental discussion.
The EU, says German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz, must find a way to put a sensible price on carbon dioxide emissions, optimally on an international level. “I believe we are currently in a situation where many say ‘we’d like to do something on a national level, but no one else is.'”
Scholz thinks it’s the right moment to act together and find out if consensus can’t eventually be found, saying, “That would be a big step forward.”…READ ON
Europe has millenarian madness real bad.
Indeed it does: “a sensible price on carbon dioxide emissions … on an international level” –these clowns seem to think that the entire world shares their delusion.
The sooner Australia undoes Turnbull’s mischief regarding signing up to Paris the sooner our economy will begin to recover and while we’re at it we can cut immigration by ninety percent to relieve the pressure on the nation’s infrastructure and services.
The best way for Marxists to cripple the middle class is tax it to death….
Remember the UK with the Poll Tax riots?
time will tell – meanwhile, get out of Yemen!
14 Sept: Saudi Officials Say Oil Production to Return to Normal Levels by Monday
Oil markets haven’t seen a shutdown on the scale of Saudi’s five million barrels since Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990
By Benoit Faucon in London, Summer Said in Dubai and Amrith Ramkumar in New York
The attack led to speculation that the U.S. and Europe could release emergency stockpiles. On Saturday, the International Energy Agency, a Paris-based group representing top energy-consuming nations, said it was in contact with Saudi authorities and major producer and consumer nations, and “for now, markets are well supplied with ample commercial stocks,” the group said. “The IEA is monitoring the situation in Saudi Arabia closely.”…
How many of our politicians make this grade?
And don’t flood the thread with names (/s)
“The Competence Vote…”
He’s made a career putting up buildings on time and under budget. No Another Ian, we don’t have any politicians that make that grade and I doubt any other country does as Trump is sui generis.
“How many times in a year is it OK for the grid to go down? Step up Albo and show us that you care”
“UPDATE. Investment in wind and sun stalling in Australia, demonstrating that the unreliables depend on government assistance and can’t stand on their own. Fancy that. And so cheap too!”
Interesting to read predictions for vege “meat” consumption to increase substantially over the coming years. That demand will grow considerably with people giving up real meat for the veggie alternative. I wonder how may will really switch away from real meat to plant based protein alternatives? I never understand why a vegan would choose to eat meat alternatives named after the real meat items. If they hate meat then why do they choose to eat meat alterative – like cluck or oink and moo – some of the names given to fake meats. Call them what they are – pea protein paddies, lentil burgers, soy sausages etc. Calling them names related to the meat they loath is as bad as calling soy milk “milk”. Even calling them burgers or sausages is possibly pushing it as well
Then there are those that choose to reduce their meat consumption and they are called “flexitarians” – what the? Isn’t that what omnivores are – eat meat and vegetable matter? Why do we need a new term for something that already exists? You eat meat sometimes and veggies other times and sometimes meat and vegies in the one sitting – that’s an omnivore not a flexitarian.
To fill in some time and to make a little $, I do some online surveys on a regular basis. I’ve just completed a survey from the Australian Energy Regulatory. (AER)
T he gist of the survey was trying to find out how much compensation you would expect for having an unreliable electricity supply. The supply that once a month or so there would be a localised blackout of an hour or so. So how much would you like to be compensated for this unreliability?
The choices ranged from a few dollars for the inconvenience to around $14. This compensation would be a discount on your monthly power bill. There was the option as well to say no compensation and no issues with reliability.
How ridiculous is it that the AER is surveying people to understand how much they are willing to accept the inconvenience of an unreliable power supply and how many dollars will makes us feel great that we have an unreliable power supply?
We used to have a reliable and affordable power supply. Now we have the AER looking to see how we can be compensated for an unreliable power supply. I don’t want compensation; I want a power supply that’s reliable and AFFORDABLE. Fix the damn thing; we’re not a third world country!
By my calculation the rains won’t arrive before this time next year, so looks like we’ll be drinking our urine before Xmas.
‘Parts of regional New South Wales could run out of water as early as November with data showing the worst-case scenario for the state if there’s no rain or government intervention.
‘The projections from NSW’s river operator and bulk water supplier WaterNSW show without significant rain the first towns to lose water supply will be Dubbo, Cobar, Nyngan and Narromine with the Macquarie River forecast to run dry by November.’ Guardian
What are you looking at to arrive at your conclusion Gordo? IOD, PDO, solar min? Do you include sunspots like Inigo and Lennox?
I’m not questioning it. It just sounds so dire. Scary stuff. I’ll have to stock up on urine.
A negative PDO should produce more La Nina like conditions and I’ve earmarked this time next year for the start of a two year event.
Solar forcing appears to be implicated and there is a lag, but I haven’t sorted the details.
Anyway, I expect nothing less than another back to back event.
‘The 2010–11 and 2011–12 La Niña events were two of the most significant in Australia’s recorded meteorological history.’ BoM
ALP on the news tonight rethinking their “ambitious climate goals” God knows what mealy mouth BS they will come out with next. I am guessing the will take a leaf from the doomist handbook and just move the timeline. How they will rationalise the change from telling us what they thought we wanted hear before, to telling what they think we want to hear know will be amusing. I imagine DiNatali will go nuts, but I doubt anyone will notice or care.
As you surely know, California had it’s share of bad fires this last year. Here’s how we’re going to cope with the next threat of wildfires.
A system of Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) is now in effect and I just received my letter explaining it all.
First you must blame climate change for the past fires. The letter begins,
With that hogwash introduction how can anyone disapprove of any measure to prevent fires? How dare you complain? The letter goes on to explain the more sensible measure they will take like clearing brush and maintenance. Of course if they had done these things all along think of the possibilities for less devastating fire seasons. Add to that (how considerate of them) the area where I live has been designated a High Fire Threat District, meaning that when conditions are dry they will shut off my power as a preventive measure.
Of course, conditions of high fire danger may last for days. Goodbye food in the fridge. Good bye gas stations that will be open. Goodbye common sense.
Never miss a chance to blame climate change and never miss a chance to institute overkill measure based on the precautionary principle.
Had good practice been kept up I doubt that the last fire traceable to a power line would have happened.
Would I be wrong if I think this is pandering to public fear?
The Government identifies the wrong cause for an event. Then does the wrong thing to prepare for the event. When the preparation does not prevent the event from becoming much worse than it should be, the Government blames the wrong cause for the event.
The Government then does more of the wrong thing to prepare for the event. The next event becomes even worse. The Government grows, the private sector shrinks, and the situation becomes still worse. Rinse, repeat, and continue the cancerous growth of Government until the private sector collapses.
Then the Government takes the worst possible action: it declares martial law, confiscates all private property, and acts as the infinite caring mother-may-I source of permission for everything. After which nothing happens except a thousand (ten thousand?) dark years of despair, poverty, death, and destruction.
Which, is what the so called governing elite wanted from the get go. What they wanted was/is a return to the situation where the Church priesthood ruled every aspect of life AND death. The only difference is they envision themselves as being the priesthood and the godhead all in one.
We are at least half way there – maybe even more. Are we past the point of no return? I don’t know. Maybe yes, maybe no. At 82 years of age, I likely don’t have to care so much for much longer. For the rest of you, relying on the Government to “fix” things might not be the best choice.
Re “The Government identifies the wrong cause for an event. Then does the wrong thing to prepare for the event.:’
Brings to mind the era of “multiple guess” exams of the punch card era.
Most of them had 5 potential answers – 3 of which were ridiculous as was tyhe 4th if you knew the subject.
Except for one lecturer – his were hierarchical and that is what the government is getting
Roy, is the fire risk in Kaliforniastan mostly due to your imported Aussie Eucalypt trees or also native species?
There were once large tracts of land in northern CA planted with eucalyptus. The railroads were growing and needed a source of cross ties. So some genius learned that eucalyptus grows fast and planted trees, acres and acres of them. Then came the reckoning with reality, eucalyptus twists, cracks and distorts when it dries, making it unsuitable for anything but firewood. Thought you’d get a kick out of that little story. And even for firewood you have something that’s greasy and the smoke can clog a chimney.
These days eucalyptus use is decorative or one species has been planted as a windbreak. I think the fire danger was from all native stuff. The chaparral is generally about as combustible as any bomb when dry and then you add trees to that, especially those that have needles instead of leaves and it’s as good as it gets for a rip-roaring fire.
These last fires are blamed correctly on the practice of not plowing firebreaks, not thinning out dead wood and generally saying nuts to the accumulated wisdom of many years. Wind was a big problem too. But climate change had nothing to do with it. One fire was started by a downed power line. So now power lines are taking the hit for fixing the problem when it was just coincidence that there was a lot of wind.
a YouGov poll I don’t believe in, but read all for the charts, etc:
15 Sept: Survey underscores high levels of US scepticism on climate change
Via Financial Times
The US is a clear outlier in terms of public scepticism of the threat of climate change, according to a comprehensive survey of attitudes to the issue in 28 countries.
The results of the survey, released on Sunday, come ahead of a major UN climate summit in New York next week, where 60 heads of state are expected to make new climate pledges, but those will not include US President Donald Trump.
Even while climate change has become a more prominent issue in the recent Democratic presidential debates, 15 per cent of Americans believe either that the climate is not changing at all, or that it is not changing due to human causes, according to the poll conducted by YouGov.
This figure is the highest of any country in the world, almost three times the global average, and five times as high as fellow big carbon emitters China and India…
The YouGov survey of 32,000 people showed that the US was also the country most riven with political division over climate change. The results show that 30 per cent of Republicans are climate sceptics, compared with just 4 per cent of Democrats…
Globally, the survey reveals that poorer countries or those most exposed to the extreme weather events that climate change may exacerbate are the most likely to acknowledge its existence and the role humanity plays in accelerating the process…
12 Sept: PedestrianTV: HOW GOOD: Scott Morrison To Miss Huge UN Climate Summit During US Trip
by David Adams
Even though he’ll be in the United States this month to pal around with the Trump administration, Prime Minister Scott Morrison will skip out on the upcoming UN climate change summit in New York City, The Guardian reports…
Instead, the international conference will be attended by Foreign Minister Marise Payne and Australian ambassador for the environment Patrick Suckling – the latter of whom appeared on a pro-coal panel last year.
The Guardian reports Morrison will not speak at the September 23 event because the UN only plans to hear from leaders of nations which have affirmed new emission reduction goals or funding for the UN’s own climate action fund.
Australia plans to do neither right now, with Morrison’s office confirming to the outlet the government is committed to previously-announced targets and plans to independently hurl $500 million at Pacific nations for local climate change mitigation measures…
15 Sept: SMH: Labor’s Mark Butler rejects 45 per cent emissions reduction target
By Dana McCauley
Mr Butler attacked Prime Minister Scott Morrison over his decision not to attend the UN climate summit later this month, despite the fact he will be in the United States at the time…
“I don’t think it’s any surprise he’s not going, because he’s indicated they’re not willing to change position … Australia is coming in for particular attention from the international community.”…
***last count I recall posting was for 200 news outlets:
15 Sept: What’s the Difference Between Global Warming and Climate Change?
by Mark Mancini
***(AT BOTTOM: This story is part of Covering Climate Now, a global collaboration of more than ***250 news outlets to strengthen coverage of the climate story)
The evidence is overwhelming: Greenhouse gas emissions (and other human activities) are radically transforming the planet on which we live. As a result, California’s wildfire season is getting longer; thawing permafrost has destabilized Russian infrastructure; and yes, most of the world’s glaciers are swiftly retreating.
With public concern on the rise, two relevant terms have entered the lexicon: “Climate change” and “global warming.” These are often treated like synonyms, but they have different meanings…
To learn more, we reached out to Dr. Nathan Steiger. An atmospheric scientist at Columbia University, Steiger studies the effects that variations in climate have had — and still have — on human civilizations.
“Historically, societies were impacted most by the same kinds of disruptive climate events that occur today: prolonged and extreme heat and cold, droughts and floods,” he says via email. “Often these climate changes in the past simply happened to people due to no fault of their own … But sometimes these disruptive climate extremes were made worse by human mismanagement of their environments.”…
So let’s do a quick recap. Over 20 centuries of human history, our forebears never had to withstand any climate-related phenomenon that was as universally impactful — or frankly, alarming — as modern-day climate change.
Aren’t we lucky?
AI and climate change transform investment sector
Financial Times – 2 hours ago
Climate change and artificial intelligence will reshape the future of investing, according to an analysis that indicates that much of the asset management industry…
Industry report finds fund sector is badly prepared to tackle its biggest … Have asset managers put enough money aside to deal with a crisis?…
possible report mentioned above:
9 Sept: InstitutionalAssetManager: Amazonisation is the future of European financial services, says new report
PIC John Parkhouse PwC
Three trends will dominate and disrupt European financial services over the next five years, according to a new report by PwC and Luxembourg for Finance, the development agency for the country’s financial centre…
2. In asset management, pressure will intensify from a fundamental shift in client preference, ***underpinned by millennials inheriting billions from the baby boomers***. This generation of investors will favour managers with compelling and transparent ESG propositions, coupled with technology that is personalised and easy to use…
The report estimates that global ESG fund assets will grow to more than USD 1.7 trillion by 2025 from USD 885 billion in 2017 and Europe will lead the way with the majority of these assets namely USD 1.31 trillion in 2025 a growth of more than 9 per cent CAGR from 2017…
Seattle Times carrying a fascinating, but old, Bloomberg piece from June about the CAGW vultures pouncing on the babyboomer heirs:
10 Sept: Seattle Times: Harvard course helps rich millennials do good (and make money)
By David Ramli, Bloomberg
On a crisp morning last October, a few dozen students with wildly diverse backgrounds and expertise filed into the red-brick building of Harvard University’s Kennedy School. Three things united them: They were young, they wanted to do good and they were all staggeringly wealthy.
The group was attending a joint course run by Harvard and the University of Zurich, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum, called “Impact Investing for the Next Generation.” In this context, that generation means the heirs to some of capitalism’s greatest fortunes. Participants had to pass an interview before paying up to $12,000 for a week of classes in the U.S. and Switzerland, not including airfares and board. A more intensive related course costs $58,000.
The program has barely been advertised since its founding in 2015 and word is spread through old-money networks and among European royalty. Alumni include Chung Kyungsun, grandson of Hyundai Group’s founder, and Antonis Schwarz, who came into his fortune aged 16 when the drugmaker his grandfather founded was sold for 4.4 billion euros ($5 billion).
The graduates represent a quiet insurgency among the world’s wealthy millennials. As their peers march to protest climate change and inequality, these privileged few are arming themselves with the skills and arguments they need to convince their families — often against bankers’ advice — to make more “impact investments” that are designed to benefit society as well as turn a profit…
And while politicians dither over issues like climate change, fearful of votes, and corporations make charitable contributions with one eye on shareholder profits, high-net-worth individuals have the money and freedom to make rapid and influential investment decisions — they will have almost $70 trillion at their disposal by 2021, according to Ernst & Young LLP…
Asia is a prime example of both the potential upside and huge challenges facing young heirs trying to do good. While the region now holds one-third of global wealth, it contributes a much smaller portion of the total in impact investing, according to Abhilash Mudaliar, research director for the Global Impact Investing Network…
Recruiting people like Chung to the sector is vital because the scale of the challenge is too great for government aid or philanthropy alone, said ***James Gifford, head of impact investing at UBS Group AG and co-founder of the Harvard course…
“The heavy lifting of, say, pulling a billion people out of poverty has to be through sustainable capitalism,” said Gifford, an Australian who worked as an environmental activist…
Gifford said working with the new generation is important because younger people are more likely to identify with the need for social and environmental change…
While more than 100 students have participated in the Harvard course, they’re only a fraction of the wealthy millennials who are attracted to the idea…
Good impact investments are hard to find and often come with higher risks, so enthusiasm could wane when transactions sour…
“There are literally tens of thousands of ultra-high-net-worth people, and a lot would have multiple children,” UBS’s Gifford said. “We’ve barely scratched the surface.”
***Australian, James Gifford has been at this a long time. pre his UBS days:
March 2012: ABC PM: Financial institutions go ethical – in theory
MARK COLVIN: Many of Australia’s biggest superannuation funds and investment managers have signed up to the Principles for Responsible Investment…
It’s a partnership between major financial institutions and the United Nations, which asks its members to be active as shareholders to try and change bad environmental, social or corporate governance practices…
The executive director of the Principles for Responsible Investment, Dr James Gifford spoke to Michael Janda.
JAMES GIFFORD: We were working about six or seven years ago with the UN Environment Program on climate risk and risk around environmental issues in the finance sector and there was a recognition that, given how important issues like resource depletion, climate change, economic development in the developing world are that these issues are actually material to investment processes in a way that traditional financial analysts didn’t think they were…READ ON
Gifford has moved on to Credit Suisse since the Bloomberg article was written – check out his LinkedIn page:
LinkedIn: James Gifford, James Gifford, Head of Impact Advisory at Credit Suisse Sept 2019 –
Head of Impact Investing, Chief Investment Office, UBS Wealth Management, UBS January 2017 – June 2019
Just a note to inform readers of my new book, titled “Existential Threat: Facing the Climate Change Abyss.” This is not just another book on climate change, as should be evident from the following excerpt from the introduction:
“What makes this book different is the fact that I no longer really care whether or not you believe me. As I see things, it’s already too late to argue one way or another on this topic. It’s not that “the science is settled” – I feel sure it isn’t – it’s that the issue is settled. Climate change is no longer a scientific matter, but a social construct. The debate is over and it’s been won by those most adept at influencing public opinion.
At this point, therefor, it’s no longer a matter of whether “the science” is right or wrong, but whether humanity can survive the exceedingly dangerous “existential” abyss we are now being forced to confront. I’m not talking about the predicted climate disaster, but the social and psychological trauma induced by the extreme demands that will increasingly be imposed as necessary to avoid it.”
Preprints are being offered free of charge to readers of this blog (and of course, Jo, if she’s interested). Email me with your request at doktorgosh (at)
All true and has been that way for some time now. We are imploding as a result. Let’s see if we wake up before the final thump. I doubt it but always live in hope.
What would happen if the Solar owners had to post a cash bond up-front to cover the disposal costs of their panels?
“Solar panels generate 300 times more toxic waste per unit of energy than nuclear power plants. They also contain lead, cadmium, and other toxic (even carcinogenic) chemicals that cannot be removed without breaking apart the entire panel.”…..”The simple truth is that it is past time for a real accounting of the overall costs to the public and to the environment of a massive increase in the use of solar panels as compared, for example, of increased reliance on non-intermittent technologies like nuclear energy and natural gas.”
I think it is an excellent idea that the cost of end of life disposal and packaging disposal be built into the price of all consumer goods.
Same will apply to (useless) wind turbines. Then how do you remove that tower? Can hardly wait for the demolition teams..mind boggles.
Good point. Related informative article.
Worth reading, confirmation that our governments have not governed well.
How money in England is spent ‘fighting climate change’ – apparently we have a ‘climate emergency’….
They have already done more than enough to fight climate change. They have over a dozen nuclear power stations and the power generated from their coal fired power plants is lower and diminishing as they are being closed down. So even if there were a climate emergency (there isn’t of course) the problem is not the UK. It’s China, India, Japan, and many other nations who are collectively building hundreds of new coal fired power stations. Those asking for countries like the UK to do more are fools and/or m00r0ns.
Dennis Prager fireside chat. “Leftism makes mean people”.
Taswegians better off without the Basslink interconnector?
Since it failed on Aug 25, Tassie wholesale prices in Sept have averaged $40/MWhr, previous months $70-74.
However as Hydro Tas is owned by the government, they are missing out on revenue (or perhaps not, if they hold retail prices constant).
Meanwhile Vic is missing that peaking hydro, and having to use more gas, with prices higher than SA.
Don’t worry, I’m sure someone will suggest they install lots of wind turbines and we all (except P.F.) know what that will do to the cost of electricity.
Hydro Tasmania is owned by the Tasmanian people
Not by any of the governments.
The government when selling power via Bass link
Are choosing to STING
Their own population with higher
Exorbitant power prices.
Listening to 2GB today it is clear the cat is now out of the bag. The reason we are not building new dams, coal fired power stations etc. is because there are too many political hurdles to overcome. The blame rests squarely on both major parties and their alliances. We are caught between a rock and a hard place. Unless something changes very soon we are going the way of Venezuela.
PeterS –
I didn’t hear the interview, but heard listener response which was scathing, including don’t have Morton on the program again.
AUDIO: 14min50sec: 16 Sept: 2GB: Alan Jones: Government claims power prices are falling… you’re telling us a very different story
An Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) report to be released today finds nearly 800,000 customers have had their bills reduced after a crackdown on big power companies.
But that’s hardly the feedback we’re receiving, with listeners telling Alan Jones they’re paying more than ever.
Assistant Coalition Minister Ben Morton tells Alan the Government will do everything it can to bring prices down.
“We’re not pretending our job here is done and we’ve got much more work to do in this space.
“But I am pleased to say that it is heading in the right direction and I’m sorry that some of your listeners haven’t seen that.”
I still am unsure of the way ahead for our cause. Today, a majority of people are too ignorant and “dumbed down” and lack a sufficient attention span to understand the complete range of issues.
Could we just focus on:
1) There is no evidence of significant
warming. Warming that is claimed is based on inappropriately altered datasets. Show warming with an unaltered unhomogenised data set.
2) There is no evidence that CO2 in any amount whatever can cause any degree of warming.
3) Name a time in all of human history when natural warming has actually been a bad thing or when cold periods have been a good thing.
And no scientist has ever proven that the CO2 increase is man made. Everyone defers to ‘obvious’. But it’s not true.
Warming increases ocean temperature and thus CO2 is obvious and old science.
The proposition that an increase in a very small invisible gas produces rapid temperature increases is borderline absurd.
Then if you ask people to quote a real qualified scientist, they cannot. But 32,000 qualified real scientists in the Oregon petition of last century signed with name and address and qualifications that they do not believe it. That is just ignored.
We are being overwhelmed by opinion, media, interested parties, pressure groups and the extreme left of politics.
To my utter amazement, they even insist we go vegetarian to save the planet. And get rid of gender definitions. And borders. And replace grasses with trees. And save the cute animals but get rid of the cows, pigs, horses, chickens
Children are being told there are 100 genders for humans but only two for every other animal.
The extreme left is drunk on political power and control of the media and the education system and the cities and councils. And really annoyed about Donald Trump.
And BHP/Billiton is spending $400 Million trying to reduce their carbon footprint, to avoid displeasing the big superannuation companies who are under assault by activist shareholders and who want to be socially responsible by wrecking the joint.
Mr Gupta who now owns steel making in 30 countries says he will make steel with Green energy. He is just countering illogical nonsense with more.
Obvious real data is of no use to the MSM and the blinded idiots that sit in govt buildings.
‘And no scientist has ever proven that the CO2 increase is man made.’ AFAIK there is NO published paper showing this either.
But you cant argue with these idiots, they know best. And you cant suggest that a 16yo girl with a KNOWN condition has been brainwashed to regurgitate absolute climate garbage (in front of the US congress) or youll get it from the usual suspects in the media.
“I still am unsure of the way ahead for our cause”.
Maybe we only need to buy a few media conglomerates.
I doubt big oil will help us out Joseph.
To brighten up your Monday
Hundreds, I repeat hundreds of scientists set to protest against climate change
So What !
100’s of left wing gullible psycho-phants. IRRELEVANT.
And what “climate change”?
In what way has climate changed that can be scientifically put down to human anything?
You know its all a socialist FARCE, don’t you PF.
You have FAILED MISERABLY at all attempt to produce any empirical evidence of anything.
Perhaps you should attend and ask these so call scientists socialist activists if they have any evidence?
mis-read PF’s link, because I had a link to “climate marches” open at the same time.
It seems there ARE some real scientists about, after all.
“I repeat hundreds of scientists set to protest against climate change”
No PF, these are REAL scientists, they are not protesting against “climate change”
That was a deliberate LIE on your behalf, wasn’t it.
they are rallying against the LIES and DECEITS of the climate change agenda.
Its supported by those loverly people at DeSmog Blog
here is a quote
The “European Declaration” letter claims current changes in the climate are “expected from the cyclic behaviour of the climate system”. It also says there is “no proof” that carbon dioxide is a major driver of climate change
Of course AndyG55 is against it (who know he was a closet greenie)
You really are a deceitful LIAR, aren’t you PF.
They are NOT protesting against “climate change.”
You comment was a deceitful LIE.
Its GREAT NEWS that real scientists are standing up against the LIES and DECEIT of the climate change agenda.
They KNOW , just like PF KNOWS that so-called “climate change” a total and absolute load of BS
“Its supported by those loverly people at DeSmog Blog”
Yet another deliberate LIE.
This is what PF has not descended to, deliberate LIES
Its all he has left.
The letter, obtained by investigative non-profit news organisation DeSmog
Andy – sorry what were you saying,
PS you could try reading the article
Doesn’t say they support it.
You are LYING ALWAYSNow answer the question .. or run away like a headless chook
And what “climate change”?
In what way has climate changed that can be scientifically put down to human anything?
Poor ZE-PF
Reduced to deliberate LIES.. just to get attention.
So sadly pathetic.
Deceitful distraction from answer again hey PF
And what “climate change”?
In what way has climate changed that can be scientifically put down to human anything?
You never did point out where the empirical evidence was in your link to the AGW pap.
Still waiting !!
Can’t find any ??? Oh dear, you poor pathetic drone.
I’m guessing now that Andy has actually read the post, that all the contributors to this blog will be roundly condemning any action which disrupts normal business, as they have for the ER and School Strike protests.
One of which is happening on Friday
Again with the deliberate slimy innuendo of misinformation.
In no way place does it say this group will disrupt anything.
You are being exceptionally deceitful today, PF..
and still ducking and weaving as you avoid answering questions.
Funny the school strikes aren’t at the weekend, hey PF.
No-one would go to them if they were. !!
Do you REALLY condone disrupt of normal public activities by a handful of ER degenerates???
What a loathsome creature you are.
I did give Jo first crack at this story, and she would have probably managed to frame it in a way that doesn’t generate some many red thumbs, although in this case all the red thumbs would be against this group, and by extension pro my position, and to think I was not aware that there were so many fellow travelers here
Stop your pathetic trolling.
And you are still cowardly running away from questions.
In what way has climate changed that can be scientifically put down to human anything?
It seems that PF agrees with this group of real scientists.
There is NO EVIDENCE of any human caused “climate change”.
PF has continually backed and reinforced this FACT.
Finally PF has opened his eyes and advertised that FACT for all to read.
Well done PF ! 🙂
“There is no climate emergency and therefore no cause for panic and alarm … Our advice to political leaders is that science should aim at significantly better understanding the climate system while politics should focus on minimising potential climate damage,” the letter reads.
My sentiments exactly, global cooling has begun but there is no need for alarm.
I wish I could share your complacency – I believe that it is going to get worse before it gets better, independent of any cooling period, and therefore, we should be talking about alleviation
There is NO EVIDENCE of any human caused “climate change”.
PF has continually backed and reinforced this FACT.
“I believe that it is going to get worse before it gets better”
Yes the AGW scamming and baseless super-hyped rhetoric WILL get a lot worse.
They DESPERATELY want their socialist agenda to take hold.
“we should be talking about alleviation”
Yep, all governments should wake up to reality and drop EVERYTHING that supports the anti-CO2 climate scam.
Alleviate the anti-carbon agenda burden by getting rid of all idiotic renewable targets and carbon taxes.
Allow the world to progress as needed without the manic yelping of the climate change hounds.
Great to see you finally on the right track, PF. !!
‘I wish I could share your complacency …’
Global cooling is not a lark.
‘I believe that it is going to get worse before it gets better, independent of any cooling period …’
Its going to be a horrid Xmas in the MDB, but we are confident the rains will return. Do you imagine the drought will continue for a decade?
‘ … we should be talking about alleviation.’
We would like an irrigation pipeline from Lake Argyle to Bourke, drought proofing the MDB would cost about $5 billion. We should do it now before the next La Nina, otherwise the tenders will end up in the bottom draw.
‘I was not aware that there were so many fellow travellers here.’
Much amusement, but if both of you could just sharpen your wit a bit we might have a dynamic combo. Traffic would obviously increase as people flock here for an informative laugh.
‘I was not aware that there were so many fellow travellers here.’
PF is saying he is totally on the side of these free-thinking realist scientists.
He has finally woken to reality that THERE IS NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY and is advertising it far and wide.
At this Stage there are 13 Red Thumbs – who obviously disagree with the link in the comment. So I’ll count them as pro AGW
Thanks for supporting and continuing to advertise these free-thinking realist scientists, PF
What we disapprove of is your DELIBERATE LIES to attract people attention.
Just TELL THE TRUTH next time you want to advertise something.
You have finally started to tell the truth by supporting and advertising the fact that..
Please keep posting on this topic so more people can see it. 🙂
Also, THANKS for continuing to prove my points that:
1. there is absolutely no so-called global climate change that can be scientifically linked to any human activity,
2. that there is absolutely no empirical evidence of warming by atmospheric CO2.
Keep up the GOOD WORK, PF 🙂
Well said, but the vested interests lined up against energy sanity are immense. Ranging from the globalists at the UN, the scientists, bureaucrats and academics riding the climate gravy train, and big oil/gas who want utilities to switch out of coal to PV and turbine manufacturers and long time wind carpetbaggers like UPC, kiwi mob Tilt Renewables, the union super funds who support them, and countries like Russia, China, and Qatar who would like to see Western energy production lessened.
The fight against the climateers will be like WW3.
no appearances for Jo on theirABC, but have a website for a few weeks (not that you’d know that from the interview) and you get plenty of time & soft questions, when you are with the CAGW/RE program.
repeated from Saturday. Morrow sitting in for Geraldine Doogue.
Doig segment 13min15sec in to the end: job of journalists is to be sceptical, Morrow says to Doig at one point!
16 Sept: ABC Extra: Julian Morrow: Malaysia under Mahathir and, finally, some good news
(Julian Morrow is a co-founding member of The Chaser)
In 2016 David Byrne (formerly Talking Heads) started collecting stories about people who had found solutions for some of the world’s most pressing problems. Now he’s created a whole magazine devoted to the subject.
Will Doig, editor, Reasons to be Cheerful
Morrow/ABC/Doig didn’t mention ***OSF!
LinkedIn: Will Doig, Editor at Reasons to be Cheerful, New York – Apr 2019 – Present
Book Author
Columbia Global Reports, Feb 2017 – May 2018
Wrote “High-Speed Empire: Chinese Expansion and the Future of Southeast Asia.” Published by Columbia University, the book focuses on on China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its role in international development, viewed through the prism of its plan to build a railway from Kunming to Singapore…
Senior Editor
***Open Society Foundations – Nov 2014 – Feb 2017
• Crafted and managed OSF’s editorial online communications.
• Wrote and edited daily content for the OSF website on a range of issues, including human rights, inclusive development, and climate change.
• Collaborated with other OSF communications specialists and program officers to tell the story of the foundation’s work and cultivate its public-facing identity.
• Worked with OSF’s offices around the world to optimize communications for a global audience.
• Collaborated with a social media manager to enhance website SEO and boost traffic using targeted emails, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other online platforms…
ABC’s Morrow brings up this article:
(undated) Reasons to be cheerful: How China Sold Us a Solar-Powered World
All those pictures of smog-cloaked Chinese cities mask the fact that China’s cheap solar panels have fueled the world’s green-energy revolution.
By Will Doig
For years, the Chinese government has subsidized its domestic solar manufacturing industry, flooding the global market with cheap panels and driving down prices worldwide. For China, this was just a good way to make a buck. But it also helped other countries—which had pro-solar policies but couldn’t afford the panels—become actual, real-life solar-powered nations. Today, because of China’s cheap solar panels, the green-energy ambitions of countries across the world have gone from being long shots to slam dunks.
It started with Germany. In April 2000, the national government passed a law requiring all German power companies to buy up excess energy generated by solar. This effectively guaranteed that anyone who installed solar panels could sell the extra power they generated at a premium rate. As a result, demand for solar panels skyrocketed.
But German manufacturers of solar panels couldn’t keep up with the sudden demand for their product. China saw an opening, and the Chinese government helped its solar companies scale up fast. Consumers in countries like Germany, where policies encouraged solar use, began gobbling up the cheap Chinese panels—and China’s solar industry soon ballooned to become the world’s largest.
By solving the world’s problem of how to meet surging demand for solar power, China inadvertently became the factory floor that powered the global green-energy revolution…
China has recently stirred uncertainty by flirting with the idea of decreasing government subsidies for its solar companies. And the Trump administration hasn’t helped with its tariffs. And yet, most analysts expect cheap panels to keep flowing out of China…
backup material re Reasons to be Cheerful:
TWEET: Reasons to be Cheerful
Tomorrow we relaunch with a redesigned website and lots of brand new stories. We can’t wait to share what we’ve been working on with you!
23 Aug 2019
24 Aug: Forbes: David Byrne Bestows ‘Reasons To Be Cheerful’ Upon The Web
by Russ Espinoza
First announced two years ago, Reasons to Be Cheerful went live on Saturday and already features a host of stories, including several by Byrne (“Doing the Right Thing Is Good for Business”…
“I imagine, like a lot of you who look back over the past year, it seems like the world is going to Hell,” Byrne wrote about the project last year on his blog. “I wake up in the morning, I look at the paper, and I say to myself, ‘Oh no!’ Often I’m depressed for half the day. It doesn’t matter how you voted on Brexit, the French elections or the U.S. election—many of us of all persuasions and party affiliations feel remarkably similar.”…
24 Aug: Rolling Stone: David Byrne Launches Online Magazine ‘Reasons to Be Cheerful’
by Daniel Kreps
Nearly two years after first announcing the project, David Byrne has launched an online magazine named Reasons to Be Cheerful that aims to be a “tonic for tumultuous times.”…
24 Aug: Spin: David Byrne Launches Reasons to be Cheerful Online Magazine
by Rob Arcand
The venture finds Byrne teaming up with co-editors Christine McLaren and Will Doig, who bring experience from Monocle, Metropolis, the Globe and Mail, The Guardian, and NPR…
30 Aug: Guardian: The Upside weekly report
What we liked
David Byrne’s Reasons to be Cheerful website feels like a close cousin of ours. Particularly jealous of the tagline: “News for when you’ve had too much news.”
About: Reasons to be cheerful
Francesca Michel – Digital Content Manager
Holding a B.A. in Art History from Reed College, her research focuses on depictions of digital media in postmodern film with an affinity for cultural studies and ***Marxism for the 21st century…
“World economics explained”
VIDEO: 1min35sec: 15 Sept: 9News: Binna Burra blaze that destroyed historic lodge likely deliberately lit
Arson is likely to blame for a ferocious fire which tore through the Gold Coast Hinterland, destroying nine homes as well as an iconic Queensland lodge.
While touring fire ravaged Timbarra Drive in Beechmont this morning, the street dubbed ‘ground zero’ by crews, QLD Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll couldn’t rule out if fire bugs were to blame for the Binna Burra blaze.
“Yes, we do have concerns with how the fire started,” she conceded.
“Certainly, an investigation is ongoing… we have got a number of people that we are looking at and that investigation will continue until we have an outcome.”..
15 Sept: ABC: Bushfire in Gold Coast hinterland could have been act of arson, Police Commissioner says
By Rachel Riga and Tom Forbes
Queensland police suspect a large bushfire that started in the state’s Gold Coast hinterland and destroyed historic Binna Burra Lodge could have been deliberately lit…
A total of 17 properties have been destroyed in Queensland during the fire emergency, with many more incurring damage, including form smoke.
(7 PARAS LATER) Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll said officers were investigating arson as a possibility in the Sarabah fire in Gold Coast Hinterland, which destroyed 11 houses and five businesses.
She said police “have concerns with how the fire started” and that arson had not been ruled out…
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk: “The winds are going to pick up, it’s going to be dry right across half the state, and of course we’re seeing temperatures between 5 and 8 degrees [Celsius] higher for this time of year…
Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster Sam Campbell said Sunday’s weather would be “more of the same”…
“Temperatures would hit 4C to 7C above average in southern Queensland.
“Winds would be generally pretty light through most areas.”…
Pointman update on Brexit
Turnbull’s latest marching orders?
“Goldman Sachs Analysis: Good Grief, Trump Might Be Serious About China…”
For those interested, Leighton Smith’s (Aussie’s best export to NZ!) latest podcast is an hour chatting with Dr Tim Ball, this time about the politics of CC. Well worth an hour of your time.
( Obviously need to “sign up” to the app etc.)
Re “The Conversation”
“Interesting that The Conversation (Academic rigour, journalistic flair) is funded by the Group of Eight leading universities presumably to demonstrate their commitment to learning and scholarship. Or is the “unlearning” motto at the University of Sydney a real aspiration and not just a malicious rumour? Anyway check out this story about the Reef.
“45 Whoppers about the Barrier Reef”
There is at least $20 billion of new renewables on the drawing board, mostly wind. Meanwhile many households want the government to subsidize their solar installations. The vested interests are big. The boss of the $5 billion Snowy hydro pumped storage boondoggle says Australia needs 8 of them to stabilize the grid. It’s big bucks for construction guys and earthmoving operators. Importers of pickup trucks and diggers are grinning. Sure hope iron ore export prices stay up, otherwise the economy is toast.
Did the boss provude any insights into where the other 7 might be built?
15 Sept: UN News: UN General Assembly: Here are the 5 big summits to watch for
1 Climate Action
UN chief António Guterres has made the fight against the climate crisis one of his top priorities…
The Summit will bring together governments, the private sector, civil society, local authorities and other international organizations to develop ambitious solutions in six areas:
•A global transition to renewable energy…
4 Financing for development
The High-Level Dialogue on Financing for Development, on September 26, will bring together leaders from government, business and the financial sector, in a bid to unlock the resources and partnerships needed, and accelerate progress.
It has been estimated that annual investments of around $5 to $7 trillion across all sectors are needed to achieve the SDGs…
16 Sept: TheConversation: Australia to attend climate summit empty-handed despite UN pleas to ‘come with a plan’
by Frank Jotzo, Director, Centre for Climate and Energy Policy, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University
Disclosure statement
Frank Jotzo leads research projects funded by various organisations, including the Australian government.
Australia has gained an international reputation as a climate action laggard…
Large improvements can readily be made in transport by shifting to electric vehicles and improving the rather dismal fuel efficiency of conventional cars still sold in Australia. Gas and coal use in industry can be cut by improving efficiency and shifting to electricity, and by phasing out some old energy-hungry and often uneconomic plants like aluminium smelters…
The transition in the energy sector will definitely happen, based on the cost advantage of renewables, unless governments actively stand in the way…
21 Aug: McClatchy: Trump is expected to snub the next U.N. climate summit
By Michael Wilner
The United Nations General Assembly opens next month with a major summit on climate change – but at least one head of state will be absent from the global stage.
Three senior administration officials told McClatchy that President Donald Trump plans to skip the U.N. Climate Action Summit on Sept. 23 hosted by U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler will lead the U.S. delegation.
Wheeler will participate “in part of the summit to highlight America’s environmental progress,” an EPA spokesman confirmed…
***declining what? as if the President had asked to meet her??
14 Sept: President Trump snubbed by teen climate change activist
A Swedish teenage climate change activist has made waves in the US, ***declining to meet with US President Donald Trump.
by Adrianna Zappavigna, AFP
After declining to meet with President Donald Trump, she said: “I don’t want to meet with people who don’t accept the science.”…
15 Sept: Fox8Cleveland: President Trump to visit Ohio with Australian PM, attend Houston rally with PM of India
by AP & Fox8
President Donald Trump will attend a Houston rally next week featuring Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India and visit an Australian-owned manufacturing facility in Ohio with Australia’s prime minister.
The White House says the president will visit Houston, Texas and Wapakoneta, Ohio on Sunday, September 22 to underscore the important partnerships between the United States and India, and Australia.
President Trump will use the “Howdy, Modi! Shared Dreams, Bright Futures” event in Houston to “emphasize the strong ties between the people of the United States and India” and reaffirm the two countries’ strategic partnership. He hopes to discuss ways to “deepen their energy and trade relationship.”…
The White House says Trump will also travel to Wapakoneta, Ohio to join Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison to visit an Australian-owned manufacturing facility.
“This visit will demonstrate the strong trade and investment relationship between the United States and Australia and President Trump’s successful efforts to restore the United States as the world’s leading destination for foreign direct investment,” the White House press secretary wrote in a statement.
Trump is hosting Morrison at the White House Friday for a state visit, including the second state dinner of his administration.”
Donald is a huge disappointment, Will Happer has quit.
Just watched a report on the far left ABC news about how some parts of the Middle East were becoming and will become uninhabitable because of climate change .
How’s your stomach ? Is the bucket full yet ?
They are becoming uninhabitable because of some of the people who live there.
Spike Milligan in his war histories mentions the smell of s thoudand years of Arab drains
Every country in the Middle East, except Israel, is already uninhabitable but it’s a people problem, not a climate problem.
Too much typing
“a thousand years”
DC Disruption coming (my latest article)
“Global warming pressure groups plan to block travel”
Out There:- I’m updating rainfall intensities and rainfall patterns for data collection at work, and I’ve found this dataset which will interest some who frequent here.
Enter your town of interest (on the map) and select the data type “Temporal Patterns []”, Submit Query.
This will give you two csv files.
*_AllStats.csv is the one which I wish to draw your attention to. This has all the flooding events listed for your area.
[Burst Duration] is the duration of the rainfall event in minutes. Local flooding is caused by short duration storms, large scale river flooding is caused by long duration storms.
[Original Burst Depth] is the total rainfall in mm that fell for that storm event.
[AEP Window] is the classification of the storm event, common intermediate or rare event.
Cheers, have fun.
Any questions I’ll try to answer.
The Ridd case is so important. It really is more important than anything it does for Peter.
If he wins the free speech censorship in all our education system fails. All those teachers
in schools and universities that have argument against the enforced theory of CO2 and the
Climate will be free to speak out. The iron lock on comment in the institutions will be broken.
That then returns knowledge and free speech to the people. This is a society king hit against its
current controllers, the climate and social activists.
I wonder if JCU is actually funding its challenge itself or if it has called on the
troops in all the other schools and universities to stump up the cash with the aim of saving the
millions poured into research on the activists’ side of the argument.
A JCU loss, apart from the funds, will free up free speech in the country tremendously. It will
also be the salvation of the scientific method and a return of free trade for Ridd.