Friday April 19th set more records than anyone realized. Not only was it the earliest recorded snowfall at Bluff Knoll and WA, but it was also the coldest ever April day in Albany and many other towns in south-west Western Australia. It may also be the largest single day temperature mystery I’ve ever seen in the official “raw” data.
Days like the 19th are extremely unusual in Western Australia — it’s a state that often doesn’t get any snow all year and when it does, the length of the entire snow season is measured in hours. So you might think the million-dollar-a-day Bureau of Meteorology would be paying extra attention. Instead it appears they have lost that day’s data in Albany, despite having two thermometers there to record it. One station is in the city itself and there’s an official “expert” ACORN station at the airport about 10km away.
Luckily Chris Gillham, unpaid volunteer, was watching the live half hour observations roll in at and saw that thermometers at the airport recorded a maximum of only 10.4°C at 11am that day, which he remarks is the lowest April maximum the BOM has ever recorded there. Strangely, the 10.4°C seems to have disappeared. Somehow, the BOM has estimated that April 19th in the city of Albany was 25.1°C on Friday April 19th, which is what is now entered as “raw data” in their Climate Data Online. This is despite temperatures in almost all the surrounding towns being similarly low, and often lowest ever records (for April) as well.
This single day’s omission is so large, it raises the monthly average of Albany Airport by 0.7°C— that’s equivalent to 70 years of “global warming”. Chris reports below that the airport thermometer was also missing four days following Good Friday, which were reasonably cool (according to the City thermometer). He estimates that if the airport thermometer had worked, the official monthly average would have been nearly a whole degree, or 0.9°C cooler than what was officially recorded. (Jo, meanwhile, wonders if any planes took off at Albany Airport over Easter and whether they missed having weather data?)
The big issue here is not a few days of data — it’s the quality control. If the BOM isn’t even checking days that are record extremes, how many other errors like this go unnoticed all around Australia. Volunteers are only picking up the obvious outliers on days of extreme weather. Fortunately we can supply the BoM with the observations they seem to have lost. I’m sure they’ll rush to fix it and thank us. 😉
We know they throw away data all the time, maybe because they can’t afford the memory sticks at Officeworks? (A million dollars a day is not enough.) Perhaps we should run a GoFundMe campaign to buy them a spare hard disc?
The map below shows all the southern WA stations that set record low April daily maxima on the 19th. Chris recorded screen captures of the observations of the day at various stations in the South West. The cold blast was everywhere apparently, except Albany?

Raw thermometer records show Albany Airport reached 10.4C on the 19th of April. Towns for hundreds of kilometers around recorded similar cool maximums. Instead officially the City of Albany is listed as 25.1C — a temperature recorded the day before at the Airport, and the Airport has no reading at all.
Here is the image (below, left) that Chris Gillham recorded with the half hour observations compared to the now official “raw” daily data for the “top 100” ACORN rated site of Albany Airport and Albany City.
There is a 15°C discrepancy. What on Earth is going on?
Clearly the maximum for the day was set at 11am at 10.4°C. Click to see the full screen of observations on April 19th at Albany airport. Those measurements are not available on the BoM site now. The official daily records for the month of April comes from the Bureau of Met here: Albany Airport 9999, and Albany City 9500.
UPDATE: Lance Pidgeon copied another site’s observations of the day — This is what he recorded on April 23 which matches what Chris copied from the BOM site. The timeanddate site has since been edited and the Easter data has vanished as per BoM official records.

Time and Date data for Albany over Easter shows data that has disappeared since then. (Click to enlarge)
WA’s south coastal city of Albany appears to have been robbed of its coldest ever April maximum temperature.
Guest post by Chris Gillham, who tracks temperatures in Western Australia at
On April 19thwhile Bluff Knoll to the north was experiencing its earliest recorded snowfall, Albany Airport was experiencing its coldest ever April day.As it happened, I was monitoring the current half hourly observations at Albany Airport on the 19th of April. Fortunately I left my browser tab open and a couple of days later reloaded that page (which is why the full half hourly observations graphic says it was issued by the BoM on 21stApril).The half hourly observations screenshot shows the airport thermometer struggled to get to a 10.4°C maximum at 11am on the 19thof April, maybe creeping a few decimal points higher sometime between the 9.0°C at 10.30am and 8.9C at 11.28am.10.4°C was the lowest ever April maximum ever recorded at Albany. The prior records were 12.2°C in 1928 at Albany township dating back to 1907, 15.4°C in 2014 at the current Albany Airport, and 12.9°C in 1970 at the previous airport screen that operated from 1965 to 2014.
However, the Bureau of Meteorology appears to have mislaid this year’s observations and Climate Data Online shows no maximum temperature for Albany Airport on the 19th of April or the following four days.
About 15 kilometres south at Albany itself, CDO lists the maximum temperature on the 19th of April as 25.1°C. Oddly, 25.1°C was the maximum temperature at the airport the day before, the 18th of April.
For hundreds of surrounding kilometres, lowest April maximum temperature records were set at currently operating weather stations in Rocky Gully, North Walpole, Shannon, Katanning, Bridgetown, Lake Grace, Collie East and Busselton Aero.
Over the three nights from April 20th to April 23rd, new April minimum temperature records were also set at currently operating weather stations in Rocky Gully, Ongerup, Katanning and Newdegate, with North Walpole having its coldest ever night at 6.3°C on April 20th but then setting a new record at 6.2°C the following night, April 21st.
Record cold Easter in South West WA
Unlike record hot days and nights that confirm global warming, there has been no media mention of these record cold days and nights.
The true maximum temperature in the City of Albany on the 19th of April is unknown. However, it wasn’t 25.1°C.
Albany Airport is an ACORN weather station that contributes to the bureau’s estimate of national average temperatures. The BoM’s official average maximum temperature at the airport for April 2019, without any listing for 19th April, is 22.2°C. If the 10.4°C for 19th April is included, the April monthly average drops to 21.5°C.
It seems Albany Airport’s April monthly average will be up to 0.7°C warmer than it really was and would have been if the bureau hadn’t lost its temperature readings on the coldest ever April day ever recorded there (did the thermometer freeze?).
Through a remarkable coincidence further south in Albany itself, it appears somebody also forgot to take temperatures on what was almost certainly the city’s coldest ever April day, and instead the bureau has inserted 25.1°C – which was either the maximum the previous day (also missing) or it’s been transplanted from the 18th of April at the airport.
In fact, Albany Airport had no observations from April 20th to April 23rd and if the airport had the same daily maxima as Albany itself on those days (14.5°C, 20.4°C, 24.9°C, 21.1°C), the ACORN station’s April maximum would have been 21.3°C, which is 0.9°C cooler than the official monthly average maximum of 22.2°C.
April minimum daily temperature records weren’t set at either station but a comparison with the coastal city’s observations over the missing five days suggests the airport’s monthly average minimum would also have been a fair bit cooler than the official average of 11.0°C.
Since the airport’s new screen started in 2012, the average April maximum has been 22.3°C and the average April minimum has been 11.9°C.
It’s been over two weeks since the temperatures mysteriously disappeared and/or appeared, and it seems two locations have been robbed of their coldest ever April day – Albany Airport where there is no temperature for the 19th of April and the City of Albany where it’s been replaced by a fictitious 25.1°C.
- Current raw records for Albany
- Western Australian observations
- Plus other data backed up “in case” Jacup 10905 | Jacup raw | Rocky Gully 9964 |
Thanks Chris Gillham, its disgraceful and deserves a Royal Commission. Vote Gerard Rennick.
This politician gives me some hope for the future, compared to the other dills.
I just wish I could vote for him in NSW.
Excellent man! Of course he might get accused of agreeing with One Nation with that line.
Not surprising!
One can only be left to ponder how long this kind of activity has been going on. It also highlights that the raw data is not necessarily the raw data, meaning the entire BOM database can’t be considered as trustworthy as we have no idea how many real records have been replaced by values that meet their ideological criteria. It’s also likely that at some future point, the colder neighbouring stations would get homogenised upwards to more closely align align with Albany.
Conveniently missing data were homogenized into existence.
For quite some time. The BOM, as well as all such organisations, now openly lie about these things knowing that they will get away with impunity. If people think that conservatives push fascism, this is true fascism on the rise. Basic truth are completely buried until people believe that black is white and white is black.
When people are freezing (and going to an early grave), and there’s little power to go around, these same people will be saying we’re experiencing record heatwave conditions as they report 5C as being 25C. I wonder when people will stop believing the lies?
They’ve gotten away with so much now that they don’t care who is watching when they fiddle the books for the good of mankind .
They will explain this off the same as always and no way any political party or politician will be able to do anything about or will want to do anything about it .
If only we had an unbiased media .
Good evening Jo,
Great work by you & Chris.
Unfortunately the horse has well & truly bolted.
Since at least the falling of the Berlin Wall & Warsaw Pact in the early 90’s, all the socialist acolytes in our once great “Five I’s” countries have gone into over-drive.
The public service has been perverted to become the “public faux service”, & the future “one world governments” state’s media arm.
Former honourably-based and conservative by nature institutions are now all barracking for the; Barack Obama-esque “Warm & Fuzzy” – don’t mention the war – Trust me I’m from the government – just hand over all your money, & I’ll fix all your problems – and just in case you were wondering, we know what’s best for everyone (and we don’t really care if you wondering anyway) – not to mention #NotMyPresident – Uber-mench government super-state.
These institutions that are no virtually now Untouchable” inc.: ABC., BOM., teachers’ unions, and many of the international bodies like EU. and the UN.
Anzac Day and Labor Day are a perfect time of the year for us, as Australians to be taking a long hard look at ourselves.
Those of us, who are still capable of thinking for ourselves in this country (and the US. and many EU. members) have to take strong and decisive remedial action in the next couple of years, to “hit the Reset button”, to double-check we are heading in the right direction. Failure to do this will have us all regretting our non-action/s in the very near future!
By the way, I’ll be doing my bit! …
Next month, help celebrate/commiserate World Earth Day, I will be launching my own climate change common sense site, called “Climate Crisis Yeah Nah”!!
I hope to see many/most of you there in the coming weeks.
As always,
Increasingly warm regards,
Reformed Warmist of Logan.
I remember around 1991, after the Victorian Kirner government was retired, one key player in that poli-drama was reported in The Age declaring the best way to forward the leftist agenda was to take over the public service. 30 years later, that is exactly what we see.
Bureau of Mythology?
I like that John !
1954: adjustments needed …
May 4, 1954: Summers are cooler, wetter
“AUSTRALIA’S climate is changing, according to C.S.I.R.O. scientists.
… observations covering a survey of 70 years showed thatover the southern half of Australia summer temperatures had decreased and summer rainfall had increased.
Dr. Priestley said the change in south-eastern Australia was in line with similar changes in the Northern Hemisphere.”
April 8, 1954: World’s Temperature Getting Warmer
“The world’s temperature has gone up two degrees
Fahrenheit in the past 100 years, most of the rise developing since 1890.
A new survey of world warmth has been made by United Nations scientists working for UNESCO and their conclusions are that not only is the world getting warmer, but the rise in temperature is probably caused by industrial man.”
Carbon (sic) the magical, mysterious gas of climate control.
Delusional hysteria is everywhere, just
do itbelieve…
“University researchers surveyed 9000 people, and found about 12.7 per cent of respondents – one in eight of us – don’t believe humans are to blame for climate change. 7.9 per cent were unsure… Victoria University PhD candidate John Kerr found 79.5 per cent of participants agreed climate change was caused by humans. The research showed 63.3 per cent of those climate change skeptics were men. In environmental psychology [the what?] we do talk about this ‘conservative white male’ effect – meaning that men who align themselves with conservative political parties are typically more likely to deny climate change”.
Of course, this isn’t about science, this is about the psychology of environment or POP, Propaganda of Persuasion. And ye, the L•rd doth savour the aroma of burnt offerings: “About three quarters, or 76.5 per cent of participants, said they were willing to make personal sacrifices for the environment, and 74.5 per cent said they’d made some sacrifices already”.
Or if you don’t want to personally sacrifice yourself, there’s the convenient institution of indulgences where one can purchase forgiveness of sins, ofttimes revered by young academics as Carbon Credit Communion. As The Who once shouted: We won’t get fooled again… much.
And just like that:
“Only a tiny minority of people submitting to the government on climate change think that New Zealand should do all the hard work by itself. The vast majority want this country to be able to buy carbon credits from other countries that do the heavy lifting on our behalf”. What’s NZ’s
emissionspollutionplant food output? 0.1% of 4% of 400 ppm?“Overseas credits for emissions reductions have been used before, notably from Russia and Ukraine. These were banned in 2015 because of doubts that they were genuine. It is understood future international credits would be required to have more integrity“. One would hope so yet one doesn’t hold out much hope – in climastrology it’s all about ESP isn’t it – existential sustainable profits.
Trust all you Victorian and New South Welshmen & women enjoyed your weekend rain? Looks like more cold and snow and sub-zero alpine temps on the way later this week. Thankfully our blocking high is keeping lovely, pleasant, mild northerlies wafting down from the semi-tropics; gotta say it, I’m loving this
globalwarmingclimatechangeweatherweirdingcatastrophicIndian summer of ours…40
In the interests of brevity, you can refer to us collectively and sexlessly as “New South Welshers”. I do hope we live up to it and welsh on all the renewable energy/emission target nonsense. Wouldn’t object if we welshed on Federation for that matter.
On a slightly related note, should people from Perth be called Perthlings?
We did appreciate our rain, thank you Greg….all 55.4mm of it.
I responded to your other posts re China and Tibet travels…it sounds as though you had an amazing experience. The nearest I ever managed was Hong Kong for two days!!!
Thanks Annie, and I responded to your response too. Had a married couple in their 40s from Hong Kong visit last week (westernised finance people) who were astounded, once we got chatting, I’d gone into China from H.K. and spent months wandering around before heading to Tibet and ‘over the hill’ to Nepãl and India. “Why would you want to go to China in the 1980s?” she asked. It was the only way to get to Tibet, I replied. “Why would you want to go to Tibet?” she pressed further. Even to this day, Chinese see The Forbidden Land as a backward place in need of ‘development’ and ‘progress’ and modernity and railways and dams and mines and…
On finding out they had three children (with the nanny back at the hotel) I asked where the kids played at home in H.K. – at indoor playgrounds, came the reply, and indoor swimming pools as the air and sea were too polluted and besides, there was nowhere outside to play anymore… eek! Methinks they were eyeing-up some property here for when the ship really hits the fan. Which reminds me of this wacky 80s song from when I lived in QLD; Bullamakanka’s Give Me A Home Among The Gum Trees, With Lots Of Plum Trees…
A minor correction Greg to your statement ” the convenient institution of indulgences where one can purchase forgiveness of sins”
No it’s the sacrament of confession which forgives climate sins.
This happens at the regular international Climate confession conferences like Paris or Kyoto etc..
But the buying of Carbon Credits is indeed the buying of indulgences
Sanctified by the holy UN commission of climate change.
Ohhhhh dear, if this was only a joke.
Unfortunately it’s not
I suspect that that was before the great ‘ice-age’ scare, before they realized that was fake and changed it into warming scam.
So Albany had some of that warm snow that only falls because the planet is getting warmer !
Now that we no longer have those hand written Result sheets that were archived, they can literally do anything they want with the raw data with relative impunity.
It was just luck that Chris happened to be monitoring those temperatures and caught them.
They actually have the nerve to call themselves Scientists.
Maybe the lost heat of 1933 has finally wandered back.
Looks like not all records have been adjusted .
Get a screen capture of that, while its still there.
Send to BOM. !
Odd isn’t it.
A company from the other side of the world can get a temperature reading, but BOM can’t.
Now we see how BOM get their hottest day evah.
Just for the record, this is what is says at the moment:
The BOM recording 25.1C is really shocking.
At least the ABC did cover the story.
“an ACORN weather station”
Eaten by squirrels…
Sorry Dennis
Red Thumb !
No feral aquirrels
Possums did it !
I don’t know about that Bill , have you ever been to Fremantle?
Do you have
feral aquirrels
In fremantle ?
Might be
Possums Mate !
A rare newly discovered
ACORN dependent
Species !
“Trichosurus ACORN’ensis”
To be precise.
The Bureau of Meteorology and the Ministry of Truth approved this adjustment,
The Ministry of Love will be investigating all terrorist claims of histeria re-writing.
Go easy on the BOM Jo, it’s getting harder and harder to make every year “The hottest on record”. I wonder how they explain dam volumes which are 15% higher than 12 months ago? Oh of course – water expands with temperature. That’ll do.
They should be more creative…climate change causes more bushfires, leading to less vegetation cover, increasing soil erosion, and sediment buildup in said dams. Or… just ‘homogenise’ the previous dam volume records.
More heat = more evaporation = more rain.
Climate change = extreme weather = more rain.
Water use shaming = lower water usage. Conclusion: We need lots more population shaming by government.
Oh, I don’t know, anything half-witted will do.
The system is completely corrupt, tony Abbot put a broom through the CSIRO and they more-or-less finally got back to the topic of science research, yet the useless sacred-cows of BOM and ABC are still crapping all over the living room and their sorting out is not even on the agenda.
Still think you’re getting my vote, to support such a corrupt system and such villainous politicians? … dream on … they’re still crapping in the family-room because the Lib-Nats did nothing, and the Lab-Gre will promote more corruption and tax scams, then the Lib-Nats will return to protect and wink at the corruption and scams again.
Nope, you’re not my government, I didn’t vote for any of you.
It’s May 5TH
For god’s sake !
Autumn by the old reckoning
yet outside my back door
It’s 7 degrees right now.
And the forecast is for 3 degrees.
I’ll have a frost on the lawn
In the morning.
BOM for God’s sake
Get us some more global warming !
Frost outside
At Mt Barker !
The earliest frost Evah !
We need more
Global Warming
Where is it when
We need it ?
Utterly useless
As usual
Nah Bill, you must be dreaming. BoM says Mt Lofty min temp 4.9C, and at Mt Barker they don’t get out of bed to read the temp until 9am. 🙂
Could it be
That the frost
On my windscreen
Blocking my vision,
Needing a good washdown,
Was just a figment
Of my hyperactive
caffine deprived
This morning ?
Nahhhhhhh !
Twas also bloody cold !
Meanwhile I wonder
If the local BOM folk
Know that they
Have to read
Both the Minimum &
Maximum temps
When they get out of bed
At 9.00 AM ?
But Bill, the temperature in Woodside at 9.00 AM was 7.2℃, exactly 3 times that at 7.00 AM.
So reading the minimum at 9.00 AM helps boost global warming.
Frosts @ 7 degrees Centigrade !
Is BOM now re-arranging
The laws of physics ?
Bill in Oz:
Yes. According to the Channel 10 news you had a low this morning of 5℃ in Mt. Barker, which corresponds with a low of 6.6℃ in the City (as reported by Channel 9 whereas Channel 10 said 7℃) and they claimed that Mt. Lofty had dropped to 5℃. This isn’t the first time that I’ve noticed that Mt. Lofty is warmer than places at lower altitudes. A negative atmospheric lapse rate is, I think, an Australian record.
Channel 10 is the only TV station that is reporting the minimum in Mt. Barker in the evening. Channels 9 & 2 will give you an estimate the previous night but won’t give you a figure next day. Ch.7 wimps out.
For what it is worth you might have recorded a minimum in Mt. Barker IF
their temperature for Mt. Lofty was accurate,
and Mt. Barker is 367metres below Mt. Lofty and the normal lapse rate of 9.8℃ per km. applies then
you would have had a temperature in Mt. Barker this morning of 1.4℃ which would be low enough for a frost. I got 2.4℃ at 7.00 a.m. in Woodside just after sunrise (can’t say the actual time as was busy starting the fire) under cover of the front verandah and still ice on the car windscreen..
Maybe some at Da Bom are conscientious workers who keep their mouths shut when the B-O-Mythology Politburo have thier Emmauel Sceptict-stein 5 minutes of hate each day.
Sad but true…I wonder if they have a May Day parade as well?
” thier Emmauel Sceptict-stein 5 minutes of hate each day. ”
Note – this is a figure of speech only, not meant to be considred as literal….
May Day in Oz is a celebration of 8 hours work, 8 hours sleep, 8 hours play….
Tell them you had to do a “Walcha defrost”
This is just a small boo boo. Try this one for rainfall at Finley.
Rainfall mm 2018
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ann. total
Jerilderie 10.6 33.8 72 27 27 246
Deniliquin 10 4 28 24 14 190
Tocumwal 20 6 27 40 50 256
Finley BoM 0 0 0 0 35 90
“Gort” Finley 19.5 9.5 26.5 30.5 29 218
Records for the four towns are on the BoM website. “Gort” is a farm about 3 km out of Finley owned by a friend. The zero rainfall records are still on the BoM website! Blind Freddy should have been able to pick these errors by now. Of course the 90mm is record low rainfall for Finley by miles on the website.
Ahhh yes,
The new fandangle
Expert electronic devices
Are so much more
Than old fashioned
Trained Humans
Who don’t need
A mains or battery
Power supply
And are not fussed
Or fused by
The odd electrical storm
Passing through.
But the Bureau of
Doesn’t care.
The dodgy devices
Are just so, so cheap.
Truth & accuracy
Are just tooooooooooo
Expensive for the ‘bombed’
Doug send a copy to Jennifer Marohasy
The temperature rose again three days early.
My 4 year old Granddaughter can read a thermometer better than your BOM.
The difference is,your granddaughter is looking at a temperature measuring device.
BOM meteorologist are looking at a PC generated trend line from a temperature modeling app.
Since it’s the BOM, predictable but UFB! (Unf*&^*ing believable).
So the BOM recognises warm spikes in recorded temperatures that last a few seconds but dismisses a cold one that lasts 24 hours, anything to make the 30 year dataset look as needed I guess.
Changing the temperature to suit the model is the worst crime possible in science.
It’s over for the BOM. Everyone or can have a thermometer. Clock. Altimeter. Humidity gauge. There are brilliant full working weatehr stations for under $200. Australian mae. Then satellites cover the planet for places where people do not live, like 75-95% of the surface. 75% is just water and ice.
We do not need thousands of Stephenson boxes and for rainfall and humidity, they should all be fully automatic and require no attention at all. We do not need a BOM. Sell the lot. It is now a political organization working for the IPCC.
What happened to those 350 full time Scientists in the CSIRO who were working on proving Climate Change and man made Global Warming. It is all an expensive farce, at our massive expense. They know it.
Australian made unit. Brilliant. Connects by WiFi and has built in solar, so no changing batteries, no regular service, enclosed unit for mounting on a post or anywhere. An army of these devices would cover the country for real time monitoring. After all, the BOM doesn’t believe the results of the Stevenson boxes anyway. The WMO and IPCC needs more warming. As I said, criminal.
Got a link ti that please?
I have “inherited” a Holman weather station .(holmanindustries,com). which is polemount, wireless, with All the usual data including humidity,,pressure,rainfall, wind speed and direction, etc etc. including max/min recording.’
works well, but cannot speak to its calibration accuracy.
Try this..
The totally corrupt BOM organization hangs around now like a bad smell (discrediting all of science on a daily basis) because of a couple of services that are vital and need to be supplied from a state-controlled and provided met source.
Those are Aviation weather forecasts, and Military forecasting needs. Remember that foreign (and presumed to be Chinese) data hack a few years back? People were puzzled as to why such a thing would occur, but there are very good military reasons for it.
Firstly, aviation forecasts need to be current, sufficiently detailed and reliable. In this time of satellites, accurate advanced weather models and automated ADS-B transponders, delivering auto PIREP data, the BOM is less and less required for that role, but it’s still and essential and valid requirement which they have to try to get right, and be near-term ‘current’ with. Even though most of the work is now done by satellites, models, integrated electronics and comms, plus the work of air-traffic-control people and their computer systems. But pilots still have to have an accurate and current situation at takeoff and a near-term forecast, well before any flight. So BOM still has that valid excuse to exist as an agency of the State and flying taxpayers.
The other factor is that modern (and increasingly automated) precision-guided smart-weapons (and drones), and their sensors and datalinks require ideal weather conditions to do their best work with the most reliability and precision. A jet or drone or cruise weapon could takeoff with a weapon or sensor suited to the then conditions, only to find the ambient light, particulates (smoke, dust, haze) and precipitation and the cloud/fog/mist levels have all dynamically changed, and been changing drastically all along the navigation path and target area. All within the hour or three of flight time needed to get there, and the weapon and sensor combination is no longer suitable for the mission profile and aims. So modern aircraft, ships and their weapons, sensors and comms will only work optimally with effective results when the weather is in the optimal configuration and ideal ranges. So BOM again is the Australian military’s source of that vital state-based need for accurate regional weather forecasts and observation data within any potential significant conflict (hence the hack which was probably to see how that data is being developed and delivered, and what capability it has to produce useful combat effect). This is something the state will not allow to go away. However the military itself maybe better at providing it at this stage.
As regard to weather monitoring and weather forecasting for the general public’s needs there really is little reason for this gigantic subverted, politicized and clearly totally corrupt BOM apparatus to exist any longer. We certainly can dispense with that part of BOM which is clearly lying to the public and is openly working against the interests of the Australian public, and inimical to science in general.
That nefarious part of BOM should be purposefully and permanently eliminated from here as much as it can be, and as soon as it can be.
The BOM (Bureau of weather) Mismanagement, cant deny the geophysical/astrophysical FACT that we are entering into a solar downturn. We WILL get more cold events, this has occurred and is still occurring right now in the Northern Hemisphere even though it is now late spring.
BOM, get a life!
Currently two weeks on a big sailing boat off the coast of Spain, France and Italy tomorrow. I noticed on the stormy days though how the big waves crashed back burying huge quantities of gas into the ocean. The area is a light aqua because it is just air. So apart from the normal exchange covered by Henry’s law for a still situation, the amount of gas being pummelled into the world’s oceans must be massive.
The very idea that they are not connected, that it takes thousands of years for CO2 levels to change, that CO2, O2 and N2 are not continuously exchanged at a very high rate is clearly wrong. Just light wind pushes air into the water and waves do it mechanically.
However we are told man released CO2 stays in the air forever, which is why it as gone up 50%. What rot. It simply indicates slightly warmer oceans. 98% of CO2 is already in the water and the equilibrium determines our CO2 levels. We tiny humans cannot change this, even if we wanted to do so.
As for CO2 warming the planet, if it is natural, why isn’t the conclusions tha a warming ocean releases more CO2? We know the agenda. Why the BOM push this agenda needs a Royal Commission. Of all people, they know it is not true.
Or more simply, we are expected to believe that CO2 levels are not subject to rapid global equilibrium. This in addition to the unlikely statement that CO2 and CO2 alone control world tempeature. How can the BOM scientists not deny this?
Though where would an atmospheric scientist find another job in Australia? The CSIRO?
Not the CSIRO Tdef but at Maccas flipping some of Bills burgers .
I was always impressed with how blue the sea is around Greece…..amazing colour..
‘The wine dark sea’.
Ahhhhh ! Patrick O’Brian !
great author
Great writing!
But the ‘wine dark sea’ was in the Pacific I think
And was due to an undersea volcanic eruption.
You aren’t a fan of Lord Byron ?
(quoting Homer hence Adriatic sea)
A bit before Patrick O’ Brian, Bill, another great writer, Homer. )
Lord Byron the Hellenophile rake !
Homer the illiterate ancient story teller !
I know of them.
But to actually read them ?
No they passed me by.
But it’s fine that O’Brian
Quoted them later ?.
“However we are told man released CO2 stays in the air forever,”( of course that what they want you to believe) IS INCORRECT, Dr Ed Berry has proved that totally wrong. If the data doesnt fit your model IT IS WRONG! IPCC should take note.
Fake climate scientists, fake data, fake news about climate, it keeps coming like a plague of locusts.
With corrupt politicians ignoring or even encouraging doctored data to be published by government employees what can we do about it?
It’s clear that the global political agenda operates hand in hand with fellow travellers intent on gaining wealth and together they now do whatever they want to do.
I remember the complaints made to the Abbott Government Minister responsible for the BoM and that he advised the Prime Minister and Cabinet of the issue, apparently when the PM recommended due diligence be conducted, an audit of media releases and historical record data, a majority in Cabinet rejected that recommendation. We now know that PM Abbott was handicapped by Liberals In Name Only (self named Black Hand Faction) who in 2015 replaced him with their leader, Minister for Communications became the new Prime Minister. The Black Hand Faction of leftist globalists have much to answer for, but no doubt as usual in Australian politics, they never will be held to account.
We can do nothing as a society because society in general is corrupt. The best we as individuals can do is not to vote for either major party. Both have instigated and plans to instigate policies to destroy our nation, whether they realise it or not. So anyone who votes for them is helping them achieve that end.
It’s obvious that there was snow on the Albany BoM thermometers on Good Friday April 19, so they gave false readings, and it took BoM technicians a few days to apply a blow torch to restore global warming – or did they simply homogenise with Broome measurements?
And just look at the first four days of May at Albany Airport:
Min 10.2 9.3 3.5 10.9
Max 14.9 14.4 20.9 24.8
May the Fourth be with you.
The BOM has been getting away with this sort of temperature [snip “games” ] for so long, unchallenged, that they have become absurdly blatant. It shows that the ‘raw data’ is not raw data but has already undergone some extraordinary [snip] processing. The whole BOM database is untrustworthy from beginning to end. These [type of changes] are the leverage that they use to homogenise up any other station in the Nation.
[NT – snipped for legal reasons. – Jo]
One word – Rutherglen.
Well done Geoff. We’ll never be able to ‘keep the bastards honest’ but we can at least show when they are being dishonest. Keep it up.
So is the data from ACORN sites used to cook, uhm I mean “homogenise” the data from surrounding sites?
Depends on which way they need the averages to go .
My understanding
Is that the other
Non ACORN sites
Are simply
More dopiness !
just checked to see if any MSM have picked up this story. THEY HAVEN’T.
however, here’s a beauty – read all. it’s almost as if BoM/ABC knew what Chris Gillham had discovered:
4 May: ABC: How WA is on track to have Australia’s most advanced weather forecasting system
ABC Great Southern By Kit Mochan and Mark Bennett
Even if you aren’t a weather nerd, if you use your phone to check the forecast after a rumble of thunder or find yourself subject to endless talk about the ***sweltering weekend ahead on TV and radio, all of the information is drawn from Australia’s extensive national network of over 60 weather radars.
Now, in the country’s most isolated state, forecasting is about to enter a new era as the Bureau of Meteorology [BOM] brings the next generation of tools online.
“When you look at the coverage of radars across the south-west of WA we will have more radars in the south-west than other state’s have in totality,” the Bureau’s WA spokesperson Neil Bennett said.
“We will have one of the most comprehensive networks of Doppler radar in the country.”…
Along its coastline, Albany’s upgrade will become active in the next fortnight with Geraldton and Esperance online by early 2020…
“we will have more radars in the south-west than other state’s have in totality,” the Bureau’s WA spokesperson Neil Bennett said.”
But temperature gages
That work properly ?
Not a chance.
Too ideologically
If anyone has doubts that corruption in the climate data is rife and deliberate then they must be either totally ignorant of what’s happening in society today in general or are brain dead.
And, Tony Heller has PROVED that NOAA, NASA have faked the data for years.
61% fake data..
Let’s help the Bom out with some explanations for what happened!
Hardware error
Software error
Human error
The dog ate it
Aliens probed the probe
What mistake ?
Move on nothing to see here
You flat earthers and your conspiracy theories
Homogenisation is explained on page 1099 in chapter 7 of our charter
Oops my bad
We didn’t think anyone would notice
Wouldn’t you rather be warmer on a cold day ?
You left out the one they actually would use and mean it. They would claim CAGW is real. Of course it’s not and it’s a complete scam.
‘You flat earthers and your conspiracy theories’ actually THAT applies to the GHG supporters/theorists. They are the flat earthers.
Jo asks if they missed having weather data…….well yes of course, the prime purpose of these stations is to calculate the QNH value, without this the ATC would have been screaming at the techs to fix it. Suggest this is just another screwup by the centre of excellence of all this climate.
Can you email me please crakar? 🙂
Email sent, to expand a little the AWS generates weather data along with QNH and sends it to the air traffic controllers they use this data but also it is uploaded to the Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS), this is a voice recording broadcasted on VHF 24/7 for the pilots giving them all manner of information regarding that terminal. ATIS plays an important role in flight safety. To have no weather data or QNH for 4 days with at least 8 REX flights a day would not happen. Mind you BOM employees are not the brightest and as they have remote access to these sites have been known to turn them OFF for no good reason which us probably what happened here or just simply BOM software failure.
Great insight Crakar24 but it raises more questions about Bom , they may have lost a couple of days of temps but other weather networks are still displaying a much lower temp for the Friday .
ASA have a data base called ERSA with all the freqs wil confirm tomorrow if Albany (YABA) have ATIS, they have an NDB and DME (google) so I would expect they have one.
o/t but speaking of deception.
I posted about ABC’s abuse of this little girl, Stella Brazier, on Jo’s “Global Bullies” thread, in comment #14. since then, I have heard a caller on radio say she was also broadcast on free-to-air – Seven or Nine. now there is this. can’t confirm, but wouldn’t be surprised:
TWEET: Rebooted
Stella Brazier, tearful little girl afraid for her future, or pawn in the @GetUp/@zalisteggall election campaign? Are there no depths to which these (GetUp) grubs won’t stoop? #warringahvotes #auspol
5 May 2019
TWEET: Margaret Wallis Ede
That little girl who was so upset over ‘climate change’ needs to read Dorothea Mackellar and then discuss why ‘droughts and flooding rains’ was spoken of before current practices were in place. The brainwashing of our kids is criminal! #KENNYONSUNDAY @SkyNewsAust
5 May 2019
reply: Rebooted:
That little girl is Stella Brazier, avowed supporter of Steggall being exploited by her parents for political purposes. #warringahvotes #auspol
Just seen this on faceache and the comments are scathing of not only getup but the parents .
Just saw a Liberal Party campaign poster defaced with a large professionally done sticker – Fix the Climate Emergency.
Did I miss something? What emergency?
Robber it’s an emergency but only because the trough feeders and rent seekers are running out of money .
On the other hand
“When too low is not low enough for Labor!”
There are several searchable records (albethey unofficial, from volunteers who operate automatic weather stations) for very many parts of Australia including at and around Albany.
Their data in this case are easy to access on a search for Albany, Australia on either the UK Met Office WOW website of the USA based website.
I have looked at both these websites for Albany stations and then gone to the April 19 saved data. The WOW site is the BOM site at Albany airport and it shows the temperture at 11.50am local as 7.9ºC. On at least two (of several) private sites at Albany show the 19 April maximum as 14ºC, minimum 6ºC and average for the day as 9ºC.
The revised BOM figures are thus impossible to defend.
Did anyone attempt to contact the BOM? It could be that they don’t yet know
They don’t yet hey ? Yeah right !
Why don’t you contact them? They’re your comrades surely?
They can’t call you a denier can they.
BoM is either complicit or incompetent, at least Weatherzone is on script.
‘It has been a warm start to May in parts of northern WA, with Broome registering its warmest spell of days this late in the season for nearly 30 years.
‘A stagnant mass of warm air sitting over northwestern Australia has caused temperatures to climb more than five degrees above average during the last few days.’
O/T For Hanrahan re Unthreaded and Ok Tedi
Garnaut it was
The BOM person at the end of the phone doesn’t know what happened – she thought perhaps technology had let them down that day. Perhaps the systems froze and wouldn’t work?
Gerry their technology seems to let them down a fair bit and nearly always it’s raising temps .
behind paywall:
5 May: UK Times: The zero-carbon mania is just so much hot air
by Dominic Lawson
It’s not practicable, voters don’t want it — and it won’t ‘save the planet’
Brexit is too difficult for parliament. So instead, last week, it decided to turn its collective mind — I use the term loosely — to something simpler. Saving the planet. Apparently a decisive contribution to this can be achieved if the UK becomes “net carbon zero” by 2050. That was the purpose of the debate on the “climate emergency” on Wednesday; and, the following day, of a report from the committee on climate change headed by Lord Deben (who as John Gummer achieved dubious fame during the BSE crisis by trying to force-feed his daughter a hamburger).
Unfortunately, the whole business is an exercise in vanity and hubris. The UK generates barely 1% of annual global CO2 emissions. So if we were, by magic, to become “carbon zero” by lunchtime tomorrow, it would mean — based on accepted links between manmade emissions and climate — an average global temperature (in 2040) about 0.005 degrees lower than if we had carried on with “business as usual”. Someone would need to tell the planet, as neither Gaia, nor indeed any of her inhabitants, would notice the difference.
As Professor McKay pointed out in his book Sustainable Energy — without the Hot Air, there is no practicable zero-carbon future without full-on investment in nuclear power, which provides emission-free electricity uninterruptedly (unlike wind and solar power). Yet nuclear wasn’t mentioned by MPs in the debate last week, as the political purpose of their vapourings was to attract the approbation of the sort of folk who regard nuclear power as satanic…
behind paywall:
5 May: UK Times: Labour’s call for climate emergency hit by report showing party still hot on coal
by Caroline Wheeler
Jeremy Corbyn’s decision to declare a climate emergency has been called into question after a leaked internal Labour document revealed that the party would continue to support coal.
The briefing, compiled for the shadow energy secretary, Rebecca Long-Bailey, said that “most coal should be left in the ground” but did not endorse the end of its use entirely. It added that there will “remain a limited role for coking coal” in activities such as steel production.
The document also failed to condemn Cumbria council for supporting a new pit. It stated that if Labour MPs were “pressed” on the issue, they should respond by saying: “Councils like Cumbria have had their options severely limited by this Tory government which has cut support for renewables, failed to deliver on promised new nuclear and are under-investing across the UK.” West Cumbria Mining, which is ultimately controlled by a firm in the Cayman Islands, wants to extract coking coal from the seabed at St Bees, near Whitehaven…
Watching an ABC inspired propaganda program about hydrogen cars, CSIRO driving cars using liquid hydrogen to make electricity to drive motors etc.
The guy from CSIRO said the cars are great and are emission free because they only produce water vapor……..out, out you demons of stupidity
Cracker 24:
How do they store the liquid hydrogen? Vapours would be a safety problem and keeping it cold (below minus 253℃) when the car is sitting in the hot sun for a few hours ???.
Pressurized at about 700 bar or thereabouts
Introducing child actor and model Estella Renee, GetUp stunt girlie, also appears in Warringah electorate street theatre for the skier candidate …
Dennis –
did u see my comment above #32?
3 May: ABC: Tears outside PM’s office as students skip school to demand climate action again
By Paige Cockburn
Stella Brazier, 14, burst into tears when asked about her decision to attend…
why did ABC call her “Stella BraZier” IF her name is “Estella BraSier”?
just noting other MSM had her name as Estella Brasier:
Tim Blair: Climate change is attracting devotees like a religion
Daily Telegraph-20 hours ago
Like 14-year-old Sydney schoolgirl Estella Brasier, for example, who burst into tears…
Miranda Devine: Climate protesters have been exploited by adults
Daily Telegraph (blog)-2 May 2019
Fourteen year old Estella Brasier is so terrified about climate change that she can’t even speak to a journalist about her fears…
Hundreds of students strike for climate change in Sydney, Marrickville …
Daily Telegraph-2 May 2019
“I’m so concerned about what’s going to happen to humankind,” Nepean Creative Performing Arts High School student Estella Brasier, 14, said…
CHILDREN used as pawns in a political agenda?
CHILDREN will do anything for a day off school?
(Telegraph article)
Hundreds of students strike for climate change in Sydney, Marrickville, Bankstown and Manly
Adella Beaini, Campbell Gellie and Derrick Krusche, Eliza Barr, The Daily Telegraph
Estella Brasier, 14, took the day off school at Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School in Sydney’s west and travelled by train with her friends Keisha Davis, 15, and Coco Norris, 13, to Cronulla for the peaceful protest…
“My dad sent me the information for this,” Keisha said.
“He’s a big fan of renewables and doing what he can do reduce his plastic use – they are in full support of us and they are extremely proud.”…
High school students, primary school pupils and Greens leader Richard Di Natale are among those in the crowd, with one holding a placard saying “It’s time for Abbexit”…
these children are being used in a politically partisan way. it’s time for Dept of Education/teachers to do something about these nonsense strikes.
Little girls cry about nothing all the time.
Hurt feeling are enough. Oh so sad.
Guess what, little girl…
NOBODY CARES except your mother.
6 May: Daily Mail: What a difference a year makes! Arctic air brings a May Day bank holiday chill as temperatures fall to just -4C and 15C lower than last year with thunderstorms on the way for Wednesday
•Beaches will be empty and storms on the way as the country will near the coldest Bank Holiday Monday ever
•Britain is 15C colder than a year ago, when the early May Bank Holiday saw a record 28.7C in Northolt, London
•Coldest temperatures will be in south-west of England and south Wales which will drop to around -4C tonight
By James Gant
Britain is 15C colder than a year ago, when the early May Bank Holiday saw a record 28.7C in Northolt, London…
The coldest figures will be recorded in the south-west of England and south Wales which will see temperatures drop to around -4C overnight tonight.
The far north of Scotland will struggle to reach single figures tomorrow during the day…
There is a chance Wales could record its lowest ever temperature for an early May bank holiday of -3.5C as it was predicted to be around -3C to -4C.
Snow flurries were reported on high ground in Wales and the north on Saturday, when highs of around 6C in parts of the north-east felt close to 0C in windchill.
The Met Office forecasts highs of just 14-15C daily. Britain is colder than -1C lows in Tasiilaq, Greenland, which straddles the Arctic Circle, and Moscow, which will be 20C today and see 11C overnight.
Frosts will be widespread and the Met Office predicted the temperature this morning could push towards -6C.
The coldest May 6 since unofficial records began 178 years ago in 1841 is -5.6C in 1980 at Camps Reservoir, South Lanarkshire, Scotland…
‘Cold air from well north of the Arctic Circle, not too far from the Pole, is flooding to the UK and a good part of Europe as far south as Italy…
‘Slightly lower than -5C is quite possible on Monday morning in the West.
‘Beating the -5.9C early May Bank Holiday Monday UK minimum temperature record can’t be ruled out…
***It follows what has been dubbed ‘weathermen’s biggest U-turn’ which saw predictions for a 25C ‘Spanish Plume’ scrapped after all major forecasters said a week ago that a warm Bank Holiday weekend was expected. Computer forecast models were blamed.
Met Office forecaster Mark Wilson said: ‘Forecasts can change. If high pressure had been over Scandinavia, we’d have had a southerly flow – but high pressure being to the west of the UK means a northerly flow, as winds blow clockwise around high pressure.’
Mr Gaze said: ‘Forecasters’ jaws dropped when the Bank Holiday weekend forecast changed from hot to cold.
‘I can’t recall a more dramatic sudden short-term forecast change, with a 14C difference in computer model forecasts between the warm southerly from Spain bringing 25C and the cold northerly from the Arctic bringing 11C.’
Has the British Government considered leasing Russian river ice breakers to keep the River Thames navigable?
Or would the arrival cause a riot?
Computer forecast models were blamed. So they don’t work a week ahead but “are infallible” for 2050.
I was amused that the BBC, when forecasting the Bank holiday weather, called it , not the “coldest May Bank holiday ever” but the “coolest ever”, presumably to minimise the deviation from the global warming catastrophe theme that subtitles every BBC programme these days. They have a clever way with words.
You poor old freezing
In the UK
Need lots more
Of that awful
Global warming.
I suggest prayers
To the Goddess Gaia
Or intercession by
Her beloved autistic
Teenage Saint
From Sweden.
Off topic but thought this may interest Jo and readers.
As you will be aware Lake Eyre is filling with water and this huge inland saline sea will likely contribute to atmospheric CO2.
Note that the average surface water pCO2 of saline lakes almost always exceeds atmospheric pCO2 (usually by a factor of 5-8 times) and this suggests that waters in Lake Eyre will emit considerable CO2 to the atmosphere. We should watch with interest!
Can’t get behind the paywall, but this sounds bad. We may have to cement it over or turn it into a fresh water pond.
On further reading it seems we have a problem.
Methinks I might’ve found the culprit, fellas:
The BOM had simply extracted the 25.1° C figure from Albany Airport (different station to Albany), from the day prior to its record cold maximum—the 18th of April.
We noticed that. It’s unlikely that these two would be exactly the same to the tenth of a degree.
If you hover over the cell in the BOM daily data for April there is a message “2 days” on on the 25.1 recorded at Albany.
Metadata on Albany is here. It’s AWS – electronic. Seems hard to believe it got stuck on Thursdays max, and no one noticed til the next day.
That 10.4° is even dodgy. I guess the sun could have come out for half an hour but it seems a strange spike.
OT and I keep saying it , all lil Bill had to do to win the election was keep his mouth shut !
So he opened it again and this time he said ” I don’t accept people don’t like me or my policies” , now I’m sure someone in the psychology profession out there would be analysing this and matching it up with some dictators .
Yes, it was his to lose !
he’s doing a good job
Of exactly that.
Probably took lessons
From Hewson & Keating
5 May: EuroNews: Winter returns to France, with snow and ice on the Côte d’Azur
By Nicholas Wells
Parts of the French Riviera resembled a ski resort at the weekend as a cold front brought ice and snow to the Côte D’Azur…
The story was the same across much of France, with snow and wind gusts up to 130 km/h in the Rhône Valley.
The French weather service issued a warning for dangerous driving conditions…
Paris had its coldest May temperatures for 22 years…
5 May: Daily Mail: Emma Thompson the first-class hypocrite! Actress is pictured dining on champagne and beef in £18,000 personal booth on carbon-spewing BA plane jetting to New York days after lecturing us all to stop flying
•Actress seen in the luxury cabin of a British Airways flight from Heathrow to JFK
•Tickets can cost up to £18,000 and create nearly two tons of carbon dioxide
•Two weeks ago she joined the Extinction Rebellion protests that shut down swathes of Central London
By Harry Cole
Only playing to the fan base among Green followers, who just love the attention of celebrity endorsement.
Surprised she’s not been annointed a UN Climate Ambassador yet.
The warming alarmists have been on the back foot for quite a time now but they will use every falsehood to deny the truth. The whole issue is not surprising in that context.
If you enter the date 2019-04-19 and click the “GET WEATHER” button, it gives this:
Feel free to take a screen shot if that helps.
REAL DATA, the irreplaceable
record against ‘Fake News,’
‘Deep State’ and ‘goddam gurus.’
Looks like Bom have forced themselves into a corner on this , but which other weather service has the right temp record .
I’ve seen 10 and 12 as the maximum temps and then you have Bom at 25
Thankyou Tel. Screencapped.
Big radar comes to SWWA.
‘Now, in the country’s most isolated state, forecasting is about to enter a new era as the Bureau of Meteorology [BOM] brings the next generation of tools online.
“When you look at the coverage of radars across the south-west of WA we will have more radars in the south-west than other state’s have in totality,” the Bureau’s WA spokesperson Neil Bennett said.’
I guess if tgey oyt them up north, you coukd work out what sone if the hush hysh bases were transmitting maybe?
Interference patterns and all….typical sleight of hand…make the punters look one way, while…
A bit like promoting CAGW, just before the planet becomes an ice block…
Fat fingers…sorry….
Should read:
“I guess if they put them up north, you might work out what some of the hush hush bases were transmitting……?”
So a little after that hailstorm hit, is when the BOM started deleting the temperature records. It’s possible that the electronic weather station was damaged in some way, or perhaps they just arbitrarily decided the readings were not what they expected. With a sudden cold snap, and a hail storm, and presumably rain as well … it’s easy to see why this was lower than typical. It’s another question about what data you consider “real” and what you consider unimportant. Obviously if it had been a heatwave they would have made sure that stayed in the records.
As I wrote at the time, the locals went a bit loopy with excitement, even snowboarding down their driveway and across the street.
Just noticed the greens have turned off the comments option in their Facebook advertising, probably because of the type of comments they get from people who don’t like the nutters .
the BIG story being carried on SkyUK right now, plus theirABC and the rest of the FakeNewsMSM:
6 May: ABC: One million species at risk of extinction, UN report warns, and we are mostly to blame
By Lexi Metherell
One million of the world’s species are now under threat of extinction, according to the biggest-ever review of the state of nature on Earth.
The UN-backed report was three years in the making and was based on systematic reviews of 15,000 scientific and government sources.
Among a vast number of alarming findings is that the average population size of native species in most habitats on land has fallen by at least 20 per cent, mostly since 1900.
More than 40 per cent of amphibian species, almost 33 per cent of reef-forming corals and more than a third of all marine mammals are now under threat.
“We are eroding the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide,” said Sir Robert Watson, the chair of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), which put together the report
The IPBES has 132 nation-members and is known as the equivalent of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), but for biodiversity…
Professor Watson said it’s an opportunity to reset the clock and design a global deal for nature and biodiversity.
“The sad thing is Australia has gone missing in these negotiations, they haven’t even turned up to the last major international negotiations around this matter, and as you are seeing in the federal election, biodiversity is just not even mentioned,” he said…READ ON
perhaps I’ve missed the answer in the past, but can someone tell me if MINIMUM temps are adjusted down to account for increasing UHI?
No Pat minimum temps are adjusted upwards to confirm globull warming .
robert rosicka –
lol. I’m signing off. goodnite.
sillier and sillier:
6 May: ClimateChangeNews: We, the climate generation, demand the G7 set an example
Young people will bear the brunt of your inaction, we need the ministers of the largest economies to lead
By Student Climate Strikers
Dear ministers of the G7 environment meeting
The UN and IPCC reports are clear: we must change if we want to stop destroying our planet…
Arctic Canada is currently warming at three times the global speed: temperature has already risen by more than two degrees causing permafrost melt, impacts of which include homes sinking into the ground, food insecurity as hunting is more dangerous, and starving animals such as polar bears. Climate change is a violation of the Inuit’s rights as indigenous people under UNDRIP…
In Japan, record rains in July 2018 caused floods and landslides that killed about 200 people, followed by unimaginable heat waves which threatened the vulnerable elderly population. The flooding of the Kansai airport by typhoon Jebi has reminded Japan of how vulnerable an island country is to climate change. If the climate keeps getting worse, abnormal weather patterns will occur more regularly. Japan’s future can only be foreseen with even more suffering…ETC
***all CAGW-related roads lead to COP15 in Beijing, China in October 2020:
5 May: RFI: AFP: G7 meeting in Metz to take action on the environment
PIC: In Metz a “World march for ecological and social justice” organized just before the start of the G7 meeting
Environmental ministers from G7 countries gathered on Sunday in the French city of Metz, to discuss concrete climate actions and adopt a charter on biodiversity. This was on the eve of the publication of a major report on the current state of the environment by the United Nations.
The G7 countries of France, Canada, Germany, the United States, Japan, Italy, the UK, along with delegations from Mexico, Chili, Niger, Gabon, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Fiji, Norway and the European Union, are all attending the summit.
“We will agree on the best ways to enhance the place given to biodiversity in the international scene and to achieve an ambitious result at the ***COP15 meeting in China at the end of 2020,” promised Francois de Rugy, France’s Minister of Ecological Transition at the opening of the summit…
Questions surrounding financing, along with climate change and scientific warnings, will also be tackled…
The summit is due to wrap up Monday afternoon, which will then be succeeded by the public release of UN report on the current situation of the world’s ecosystems…
The report, due to be unveiled on Monday, was written by more than 400 experts and will be the first UN global assessment of the natural world in 15 years.
According to drafts seen by AFP, the report will likely reveal that up to one million of the Earth’s estimated eight million species face extinction, many just decades away…
“The evidence is incontestable,” says Robert Watson, chair of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
Just before negotiations got underway, Watson told delegates that the current destruction of biodiversity and ecosystem services “has reached levels that threaten our well-being at least as much as human-induced climate change”.
European Union: Joint statement of the 20th EU-China Summit – Press release
Bruxelles, 17/07/2018
2. As comprehensive strategic partners, the EU and China will reinforce the global dimension of their partnership in order to promote peace, security and sustainable development…
29. The leaders welcomed the increase in high-level contacts on environmental protection and natural resource conservation, and the importance of assuming greater leadership on the global environmental agenda, in particular on issues such as pollution prevention and control, biodiversity conservation, CITES implementation and enforcement and wildlife trafficking, and elimination of illegally harvested timber from the markets, as well as desertification and land degradation. The two sides welcomed the adoption by the UN General Assembly of a resolution titled “Towards a Global Pact for the Environment” and look forward to the presentation of a report by the Secretary General in the next General Assembly as a basis for further work. The EU and China will work together actively with a view to achieving the preservation of biodiversity. The EU welcomes China’s commitment to organise COP 15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity in 2020, which should mark the adoption of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
30. The two sides agreed on the transition to a circular economy as a priority for their cooperation, recognising the contribution of resource efficiency to meeting climate and sustainable development targets and agreeing to enhance cooperation and support joint actions in this field…
1.The EU and China consider climate action and the clean energy transition an imperative more important than ever…
3.The EU and China are committed to show firm determination and work together with all stakeholders to combat climate change, implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and promote global low greenhouse gas emissions, climate resilient and sustainable development. They underline that fighting climate change and promoting the global clean and low-carbon energy transition, especially towards sustainable, affordable, reliable and modern energy services, are mutually reinforcing objectives to achieve sustainable, secure and competitive economies. They also underline that tackling climate change and reforming our energy systems are significant drivers of job creation, investment opportunities and economic growth…
4.Through the EU-China Joint Statement on Climate Change in 2015, the EU-China Roadmap on Energy Cooperation in 2016, and the present Statement, the EU and China commit to significantly intensify their political, technical, economic and scientific cooperation on climate change and clean energy, in view of the necessary world-wide transformation to a resource efficient, sustainable, low greenhouse gas emission and climate resilient economy and society, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication…
10.The EU fully stands behind the collective mobilization goal of developed countries to jointly provide USD 100 billion annually by 2020, and urges other developed country Parties to stand behind this collective goal. The EU and China recall that on climate finance, developed countries shall provide financial resources to assist developing countries with respect to both mitigation and adaptation in continuation of their existing obligations under the Convention…
12.The EU and China will communicate, by 2020, long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies as foreseen in the Paris Agreement…
13.The EU and China emphasize the global vision to make financial flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emission and climate-resilient development. The EU and China agree on the need for sustainable investment and green finance to drive the transition to a low greenhouse gas emission and climate resilient economy…
Promoting Concrete Bilateral Cooperation
16.The EU and China are confident that their collaboration on climate change and clean energy will become a main pillar of their bilateral partnership, including in their economic relations. In particular, the EU and China will further strengthen their bilateral cooperation in the following areas…
(2) Emissions Trading: The EU and China agree on the importance of emissions trading as a cost-effective climate policy tool and agree to further enhance and reinforce bilateral cooperation activities on emissions trading in the context of reforming the EU-Emissions Trading System and the launch of the national Emissions Trading System in China in 2017, allowing for the sharing of experience and expertise among the two largest carbon markets in the world. The EU and China therefore strongly welcome the launch of a new bilateral cooperation project, building on the previous initiative, further deepening exchanges on their respective experiences with the implementation and development of emissions trading. Both sides also agree to expand their collaboration to further facilitate the implementation and development of emissions trading systems, including through technical workshops between carbon market experts with a view to exchanging experience and expertise on how to develop run and review Emissions Trading Systems and, in the longer run, consider ways to further cooperate together…
This looks like a classic case of a Time of Observation Error.
Do they still use Maximum Thermometers at that site? If so, what time of day do they take the reading?
If the previous day had been much warmer, then what shows up on the Maximum Thermometer is the highest temperature after the last reading was taken (not the highest temperature after midnight). So if the last reading had been taken at 5pm the previous day, and at 5:05pm the temperature was still 25.1°C, then that would be the maximum for the 24 hours from 5pm on Thursday to 5pm on Friday.
OK, so there was no reading taken the previous day. So the Maximum Thermometer was not reset.
This is terribly careless! And on such a meteorologically interesting day as well!
As you say, they have (accidentally on purpose?) lost the reading.
I wondered the same thing, but according to metadata both sites are electronic AWS systems, not min-max glass thermometers.
A Stevenson Screen is visible on the “current” (ha!) Google Streetview,117.8812838,3a,16.7y,327.53h,89.25t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgPw3Et0IKnM23qSEp4qv_A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Well done.
Looks like Albany is just glass thermometers here.
“If the previous day had been much warmer, then what shows up on the Maximum Thermometer is the highest temperature after the last reading was taken (not the highest temperature after midnight).”
Albany (not the airport) Weather Station is located in the grounds of the “Museum of the Great Southern” (a.k.a “Peace Park”). The metadata is here
On page 14 we see that Surface Observations are only performed once a day at 9am.
On page 15 we see that the Maximum thermometer (WIKA S/N – 27782) was last replaced on 13th Feb 2017.
I guess it relies on Museum personnel to take the readings, and April 19th being Good Friday, they must have all taken the day off.
Sorry did not see that when i replied above.
I think the two days will be removed from the gridded area interpolation input to this map from Albany. The 19th would be removed from that input from the airport. So the cold area may be reduced.
Maybe the lost heat of 1933 has finally wandered back