A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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❶①❶① . . . Temperature and Population by Country . . .
How many people will die, if we reach the +2.0 degrees Celsius temperature limit?
Does anybody know?
Even an approximate number?
It is difficult to give an accurate number, because it is a totally new situation.
But I have found a way to estimate the number of deaths.
It took quite a bit of work. But in the end, the answer was obvious.
The answer is so obvious, that I am not going to tell you the answer.
I have done all of the work so far. It is about time that you pulled your weight.
Don’t worry. I am only asking you to look at a graph. Do you think that you could manage that?
This is the only graph that you need to look at, to fully understand global warming.
It even comes with a money back guarantee.
So what are you waiting for, click the following link:
tricky thing, most people die in the coldest months not the hottest, so global warming will likely save lives net. Another dang complexity is that not all countries will warm the same. For a 2C average the tropics will hardly warm much, but the poles where no one lives will warm by 4C (at least that’s the theory).
And the real killer is indoor temperature not outdoor temperature.
Calculating actual mortality rates with so many variables is nigh impossible. Especially because the biggest factor is not temperature but probably wealth. And if we all go broke trying ot stop a degree of warming — that will blow any stats away.
Argggh, Jo, please stop perpetuating the 2 degree falsehood, it’s 2 degrees above preindustrial which was about 0.9 Deg cooler than today. It’s not a 2C rise it’s a mere 1.1 Deg rise that all the fuss is about, on the basis of the 1.5C target that’s just an undetectable 0.6 Deg rise.
The answer is clear 0.6 Deg – 1.1 degrees means nothing, in fact even the IPCC notes that this level of warming will be beneficial.
Exactly Bobl. We should stop talking the warmista’s language. Far harder for the IPCC to argue that a 0.6 degree rise from today will be catastrophic. Of course some Climate Catastrophobians believe that the world is doomed today, as they fly around the world to yet another IPCC conference, and spend yet more grant money on useless studies.
The core issue is whether “our” CO2 emissions are harmful.
Human Origin CO2 is not a player in the global warming meme.
IF tells us that quantitatively our emissions are irrelevant.
Just as relevant is the supposed mechanism by which all CO2 is deemed to act:
We didn’t do it.
Let’s get on with our lives.
So Mr Keith, you persist in promoting this long debunked fallacy;
And this debunks your C02 does not cause warming fallacy
You haven’t debunked anything Roy, or is it Peter.
No matter, they probably fit together as required.
And if you think that this comment is insulting then maybe you are reading too much into it.
The level of insult that you have deliberately offered Jo’s blog, those who contribute here, and interested readers is substantial.
In conclusion I would just say that I think that Roy fits better than Peter.
Maybe you could change your name, or maybe you already have.
@PF…………………I read new scientist regularly in dept common room. NS is a populist magazine trying to look scientific by publishing selected articles from some publications. VERY selective these days to push the AGENDA like ALL other MSM media. Those articles are FAKE!
pfutz, you still have ZERO EVIDENCE that atmospheric CO2 at any level causes any warming
It is a FANTASY.
Your puerile propaganda link shows what has been known for a long time, that CO2 is a radiative gas. SO WHAT !!
It mentions zero science showing that CO2 warms the atmosphere, just a load of mindless unproven conjecture, that you swallow like the gullible fool you are, because you have zero actual real science in your non-learning.
Your joke of a propaganda link shows what has been known for a long time, that CO2 is a radiative gas. SO WHAT !!
It mentions zero science showing that CO2 warms the atmosphere, just a load of mindless unproven conjecture, that you swallow like the gullible twerp you are, that is because you have zero actual real science in your non-learning.
None of you have explained where all the extra C02 is coming from. It’s far from a trivial amount at around 27 gigatonnes a year.
A radiative gas doesn’t warm things?
And AndyG55 you better watch out because TonyfromOz will castigate you for referring to me in words other than my screen name
The fact that he never has before does not break my faith that he will this time /scarc off
Without agreeing on the number, none of “you” have accounted for every natural source.
Trick question. Have you correctly accounted for all the variables? Please be very detailed with your answer.
Mark D. Read the references I posted.
Poor pfitz, stop your pathetic whimpering, you are like a 5 year old bed-wetter..
The extra CO2 is coming mostly from a naturally warmer carbon cycle, that is very obvious from CO2 mapping.
A person PRETENDING to be a biologist should know that.
You are STILL totally bereft of ANY evidence that atmospheric CO2 causes warming
The references you posted contain NOTHING by anti-science propaganda pap.
They contain absolutely zero evidence that atmospheric CO2 causes warming, just baseless anti-science assumptions and fantasies that you lap up as if it were climate swill.
“A radiative gas doesn’t warm things?”
NO it doesn’t
A change in aCO2 from 300-400ppm causes a slight change in the mean free path at which absorbed LWIR is absorbed and thermalised to the rest of the atmosphere.
Once thermalised , before any possible re-emittance, the natural gravity controlled convection and other normal atmospheric transfers that’s over and cools the atmosphere just like any other energy.
There is absolutely zero possibility for any actual trapping or extra warming.
CO2 is nothing but another conduit for cooling of the surface.
We know you are totally incapable of seeing past your manic child-minded brain-washing, but at least try to comprehend some basic science past junior high level.
Peter says:
Which ones? The ones so far fail to answer either of my really simple questions.
IF you know every thing that the “consensus” claims you should easily tell me how you/they have accounted for every natural source of CO2 and the specific methods they have used to account for variables in how the atmosphere behaves.
Nothing in your “references” so far provides what I’ve asked for.
Kinky Keith
December 19, 2018 at 11:17 am
El gordo,
There’s a very simple scientific condemnation of the CO2 _ Climate Change atmospheric heating meme.
All physics trained people know that while CO2 may selectively absorb energy from outbound Infrared there’s a problem for the Warmers: it cannot hold or “trap” that energy.
There is almost instantaneous equilibration of the CO2 with surrounding molecules, principally oxygen and nitrogen.
The hotter parcel of gas then floats up thus continuing the energy transfer from ground to space by convection.
Admittedly convection is slower than moving IR but over the 24 hour solar cycle it’s not all that relevant.
If basic uncontestable physics doesn’t stick then we have to go with IF.
What if it was true: that CO2 causes global warming. The second problem for warmers is that Human Origin CO2 is such a small contributor to the system that it is quantitatively irrelevant. The biggest “dangers” are atmospheric Water and natural origin atmospheric CO2.
The Science is all too real, but qualified scientists want to keep their jobs, and who can blame them.
Voodoo is alive and kicking.
The above comment contain Science of a pre global warming nature and as such, may cause difficulty if read by snowflakes.
How does that equilibration work?
According to LiveScience “The atmosphere is 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen, which are both gases made up of molecules containing two atoms. These tightly bound pairs don’t absorb much heat.” C02, H20 etc have 3 atoms, which is a big difference in that whole heating thing.
As to the Anthropogenic emissions are too tiny to matter fallacy, you have to show that the last 50 years increase in atmospheric C02, which is about 1/3 of the current total is not due to our emissions, despite having those isotope ratios saying the opposite.
@PF what part of a collaborated SCAM (AGW ) dont you understand??? Although it was suggested earlier it was mostly pushed at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 by a certain Maurice Strong (deceased) .
O AND PF Venus ISNT heated by a Greenhouse effect either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“which is about 1/3 of the current total is not due to our emissions”
more anti-science BS
Human contribution is around 5% maximum
“which is a big difference in that whole heating thing.”
pfutz drifts off , yet again into that scientifically unsuportable la-la-land fantasy of his.
zero evidence.. and he knows it.
“How does that equilibration work?”
OMG pfutz, you really DID miss out on junior high science, didn’t you.
Do you imagine little excited CO2 molecules running around in the atmosphere or something equally bizarre ?
Do you DENY that the gravity based thermal gradient doesn’t exist ?
Are you really totally EMPTY of any actual scientific education?
YEP, it seems that you are.
are you sure you meant this?
Do you DENY that the gravity based thermal gradient doesn’t exist ?
or is it this
Do you DENY that the gravity based thermal gradient exists ?
or this
Do you DENY that the atmospheric pressure based thermal gradient exists ?
or this
Do you DENY that the altitude based thermal gradient exists ?
how does gravity cause heating?
Gay Eye:
Gee Aye, It looks like you are going to join the queue of posters that TonyfromOz will be defending from malicious changes to their pseudonyms. He was very adamant yesterday that this practice should stop. Mind you, he is yet to intervene for either you or me, but it might happen. After all what sort of person would defend some and not others?
OOPS typo should be
Do you DENY that the gravity based pressure/thermal gradient exists ?
“how does gravity cause heating?”
OMG, you too???
Compression causes heating, geegee. !
The atmosphere is always acting under the compressive force of gravity.
Did you know that as an aircraft in flight takes in air from outside (passengers need air), despite the fact it might be -30C or less outside, they still have to cool the air as they compress it back to 1 atmosphere pressure !
poor pfutz goes into “victim” mode. How pathetic. !
Distracting from the questions asked and instead making issue of a simple typo. (prove otherwise)……
You mean pfutz’s total avoidance of anything to do with a rational science based answer !
Hi Jo,
when you try to analyse the data for nearly 8 billion people, in 216 different countries, of very different sizes, at many different latitudes, you have to make some simplifying assumptions.
I have made a few simplifying assumptions:
– that we have already warmed by about +1.0 degrees Celsius, since pre-industrial times. So we only need to warm by about +1.0 degrees Celsius more, to reach the +2.0 degrees Celsius temperature limit
– that every country will warm by approximately the same amount
I agree with you, about many people dying in cold temperatures.
Some countries will warm than others. But a small difference doesn’t invalidate my analysis. In fact, my analysis shows where there is a safety margin, and where there is not a safety margin. China can warm by another +5.0 degrees Celsius, before its hottest month is the same temperature as India’s current hottest month. That +5.0 degrees Celsius “safety margin”, applies to nearly half of the world’s population (it applies to more than just China).
I had fun creating the graph, and I think it shows a lot of useful information. It may not be perfect, but it is better than most of the other “scientific” evidence.
Who’d a thunk it!
Sheldon, you are a great salesman
— I clicked on your link.
Your analysis seems to
makes the assumption
that peak (daytime) temperatures
would increase +2 degrees C.
with +2 degrees global warming.
How do you know that ?
Past climate change has mainly
increased nighttime temperatures,
described as “slightly warmer nights”.
If CO2 controlled the climate,
and mainly affected daytime
temperatures, then why do Australia
and the US have so many
daytime record temperatures set
set so many decades and/or years ago,
sometimes in the prior century ?
In general human health is far more diminished
by colder weather, than warmer weather.
And if the warmer weather was warmer nights,
mainly in the northern half of the
northern hemisphere, during the
six coldest months of the year,
which is the primary warming since 1975,
then that seems like it would be
especially good news for human health ?
Here’s what I wrote about the US
Green New Deal (Green Bad Dream)
(which completely ignores
sustainable power generation
problems and costs in Australia,
as if they never happened ! )
“Back in reality-land,
the average temperature
is rising intermittently,
at one-third the rate
predicted by the obviously
wrong computer games,
… and the warming rate
has slowed to zero —
the average temperature
of our planet did not change
from 2003 through 2018,
per weather satellite data !
( slight warming, per far less
accurate surface thermometers )
Is + 1 degree C.
of global warming
in the past 138 years,
an “existential threat” ?
Of course not !
Is global warming,
at a rate less than
+0.1 degree C. per decade
since 1940 (cause unknown),
an “existential threat” ?
Of course not !
Is no global warming,
in the past 15 years,
an “existential threat” ?
Of course not !”
Full article on my climate science blog:
The immorality of the whole CAGW scam needs to be emphasized. And that skeptics hold the moral high ground. I can’t list all the ways that climate action policies are immoral, but here’s a start:
Driving up the price of energy hurts the poor and the needy and the elderly and the very young.
It places and/or keeps billions of fellow humans in fuel poverty
It hurts working families which is the foundation of civil society
It squanders investments in infrastructure that has already been paid for.
It curtails economic growth, which cripples generations yet unborn.
The costs are massive but the opportunity costs are greater.
It will place generations yet unborn under the bondage of Eco Marxism.
It is a transfer of wealth from the poor and middle classes to the rich.
It empowers the administrative state.
It is fundamentally dishonest to sound the alarm when evidence clearly doesn’t support it.
It has corrupted science and academia.
It has siphoned funding and research away from real environmental problems.
Virtue signaling is rank hypocrisy……….
It causes us to burn food for fuel
Reducing CO2 reduces plant yields that feeds all the animal life. Reducing CO2 induces famine.
It diverts trillions away from cures for cancer, HIV, and Ebola.
It isolates vulnerable populations who can’t leave their homes due to artificially inflated fuel costs.
Indigenous populations have been displaced across Africa to make way for carbon sink plantations.
The world banks refusal to fund reliable coal energy condemns billions to abject poverty.
All of these things are evil.
Dave, an amazing list of consequences that we all too often fail to acknowledge.
There’s more reality in that list than in all of the fake lamentations about the consequences of Global Warming.
As I’ve said before, we are moving from the Holocene to the Idiocene.
We are also moving from democracy to rule by the idiocracy.
At 6am in Geelong, according to weather apps, it’s 9C. It certainly feels like it. This is ‘turn the heater on’ weather rather than enjoy the last couple of weeks of summer.
Yesterday, a casual acquaintance remarked to me, ‘What happened to summer?’ I agreed. Here in Geelong, we’ve had a few days in the high 30s, but none in succession. As she said, we’ve had very few days in the high 20s, but plenty in the low 20s.
The more that people who aren’t particularly vested in the AGW scam question the weather/climate predictions versus the reality the better.
Perhaps reality is starting to hit home with the general populace.
I know that’s a big jump based on the evidence based on one person’s comment to me, but where there’s one, be sure, there’s more.
I mean, just step outside. It’s bloody cold for a February morning.
Here in upstate NY we would kill for weather like that right now. We would get out the shorts. We had 15 cm of snow last night, and it was -5 degress C here this morning. The first 10 degree C (50 F) day in spring seems like a heat wave!
I understand, but, heck, this is supposed to be our summer. The AGW alarmists told it would be the hottest ever! In reality, perhaps the Sun is controlling our climate.
If this continues, I’m heading north soon.
(Heading north is like you heading south.)
OK, GD, I’ll fess up – we stole your summer this year (as last year’s rare long-hot-summer was so nice we wanted two-in-a-row!). We parked that blocking high in the north Tassie and hey presto! No cyclones, no rain, gentle breezes, warm sun, perfect, just like back in the 1960s… oh wait, that’s 2x 30-year climate cycles (as per WMO propaganda). Crikey, I wonder if it’s like, y’know, natural…
My sister’s over from Perth this week and today we were the same temp, 29˚C, which was warmer than Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Adelaide, and of course Hobart where it was snowing yesterday up on the tops. For decades, Catastrafarians have been preaching NZ will soon have Australia’s climate (due to a 0.04% CO₂ trace gas, apparently), yet as always with these eggspurts, they got it back-to-front and upside-down – Australia is now getting NZ’s climate! Even looks like you’re in for a few more cold waves next week: wet, cool southerlies and snow on the tops (?). Ah yes, February . . .
I heat has mostly been in the centre, where very few people live.
This has been because of stagnant WEATHER conditions allowing for the continued build up of heat.
The warmer days on the east coast have been when westerly winds have allowed some of that heat to escape.
It seems lower Victoria has missed out on these nice warm summer days. Sorry about that. 🙂
Well, that’s just not good enough. I’m sure I ticked the box for ‘nice warm summer days’.
I’ll be demanding a refund from AGL.
At last, a weather outline that makes sense.
The weather gods are cruel. Townsville was flooded a week ago and there is now a dust storm blowing in. [“storm” might be a strong word, let’s call it a cloud] It must be coming from western NSW where, I assume, it is still dry.
Listening to the local radio at breakfast someone rang in and said it was coming “BS” I thought.
Seems I was right that the dust is from NSW. Here’s a post from another board. I’ve never seen this site before.
Some pretty impressive pics for the massive dust storm yesterday via the Japanese weather satellite.
Change the date and make sure you turn off shoreline plotting for nicer pictures, you can zoom in a long way. Pictures are at 10 min intervals
You can see the dust storm forming in the arfternoon on the 12th and then blown above cloud cover so easy to see pretty much all the way to New Zealand by the evening yesterday.
Far bigger than the last one of significance in November last year.
You can also see the bush fires.
North of the Divide, two hours from Melbourne, we had 3C early today; the forecast was for 6C! The stove is going but I expect we’ll let it go out later…it’s 12C now at nearly 10:00 am.
In Mt Barker in the Adelaide Hills of South Australia, it was 7 degrees C this morning !
Yes cold for Summer. !
Current temperature at 11 am is 20 degrees.
Again cool for Summer !
We have had the odd day of hot weather.It was 43.5 lone day last week. But so far since the start of Summer we’ve had maybe 5-6 of those days in total. And they all were a day or so at a time.Not continuous which is what I consider a ‘heat wave.’
But we are still bombarded with crap about global warming.
Frankly it’s just cow dung !
“Frankly it’s just cow dung !”
Lower quality than that – at least cow dung is useable as fertilizer
Re the next federal election
“Data analysis: Global temperature has not increased under Republican presidents, only Democrats”
and then the world awoke
‘Energy giant Shell has reignited climate tensions after its call for a carbon price was slammed by the federal government.’ Oz
Australian Conservatives – The Election
The policy on Media and Broadcasting is here;
I wonder if we need a National Tax Payer funded broadcaster? I would go further myself, but I have found that there is still wide support for the existence of the ABC, even if people can’t articulate their reasons clearly.
It is unlikely that any of this will happen, because even with the most optimistic scenario, there will not be enough conservative senators and members to change the status quo.
Even so, if one or more Australian Conservative Candidates are elected to the senate it will be a big blow for the Greens and Socialists and could be seen as a turning point.
Peter the ABC once reflected the voice and thinking of ordinary Australians all over this continent.
It was ours and we loved it. and were willing to fund it with our taxes.
In the past 20 years it has been taken over by a progressive Greenist clique based in Sydney & Melbourne.
It is no lobger our ABC.
I will support any party which will restore the ABC to what is should be : OURS !
Selling it off to private interests will not do that.
Thanks Bill,
The Australian Conservatives are aligned with your view,
For interest, what is it that a GOOD ABC would provide which you don’t get from commercial media?
I’m not usually a betting man but 20 or so years ago I would have bet that I wasn’t likely to tune in to ads, Ray Hadley and Allan Jones. And I’d have lost that bet.
Mind you that all alpha station gets most time – Radio – OFF.
When I came across this I was reminded of the campaign here in Australia last winter to encourage all pregnant women to get the flu shot. It was full on.
WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 11, 2019—In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the FDA has admitted, for the first time, that government agencies, including the CDC, are recommending vaccines for pregnant women that have neither been licensed for pregnant mothers by FDA nor tested for safety in clinical trials. The lawsuit, filed by Children’s Health Defense (CHD) attorney, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on behalf of Informed Consent Action Network(ICAN), a vaccine safety advocacy group, sought all clinical trial data used by FDA to approve influenza vaccines for pregnant women. The FDA’s terse reply: “We have no records responsive to your requests.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says, “As a nation, we can no longer pretend our trusted agencies are protecting our children. It is time to hold federal agencies accountable.”
That’s the issue.
We no longer run government, it runs us and has no thought for our wellbeing.
And, we are obliged to Fix That Problem and resume normal services as soon as possible.
“It is time to hold federal agencies accountable.”
It certainly is, starting with the FBI, EPA, NASA, NOAA.
Just wondering, did the Greens and Labor effectively just tell New Guinea their entire medical system is utter rubbish?
Maybe we are seeing the wheels starting to come off the global warming band wagon.
The down side is that those blowing the whistles have to retire before they can do so without being fired from their jobs – which appears to be the way the UN Church of Climatology keeps the scientists in line.
The deadly Far North Queensland (FNQ) floods of 2019.
The blame game begins.
The question yet to be asked: To what extent did the Australian Bureau of Meteorology CO2 prediction incompetence play in the devastating floods?
No global warming nee climate change predictions from 30-20-10-5 years ago predicted it.
Not even a warning a month out for farmers to clear herds of cattle from plains in case of a 1-in-1000-year flood, or Townsville residents to prepare for a 1-in-100-year flood.
No wonder the devastation is so complete with zero killer-flood warnings.
Absolutely nothing. Just warnings of CO2 heat waves.
>> The BoM even recommends solar panels/windmills as a solution:
Feb 5, 2019: Townsville floods: dam management under scrutiny as experts demand greater preparation
Feb 2, 2019, no mention/warning of rain, let alone deadly floods:
Australia’s extreme heat is sign of things to come, scientists warn
[Global Warming] is the long-term driver. “The warming trend which has seen Australian temperatures increase by more than 1C in the last 100 years also contributed to the unusually warm conditions,” Andrew Watkins, a senior climatologist at BoM said.
The Bureau of Meteorology should give up the unscientific and unprovable future 100 year climate predictions, with added climate solutions, and concentrate on getting the here, now correct.
Accountability. Now.
More perspective on: “we didn’t do it”.
Anybody prepared to wager that Adam Bandt’s Coal-Fired Power Funding Prohibition Bill 2018 or some clone of it won’t be legislated this year?
After seeing the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Green New Deal phenomenon and the mayor of Los Angeles responding by abandoning the city’s program to rebuild its gas fired electricity generators it’s clear to me that the battle against climate idiocy is lost.
Why has the ground started burning on an outback cattle station?
Did cow dung spontaneously ignite?
It can do, like haystacks can.
bringing all the CAGW memes together in one lengthy CNN piece:
13 Feb: CNN: Fueled by climate change, Zimbabwe’s erratic harvests cause farmers with HIV to struggle
By Jacqui Thornton
8 Feb: GrainCentral: WA 2018 winter crop surges to 17.9Mt; SA nudges 4Mt
WESTERN Australia’s final grain production for the 2018 season has reached 17.9 million tonnes (Mt), the second highest on record with a value of just under $7 billion dollars.
Earlier predictions of 14Mt following the dry spring and several severe frost events were eclipsed by a nearly 4Mt turnaround over most parts of the state, due to the late ‘soft finish’ mild temperatures during grain fill prior to harvest…
The standout crop in 2018 was barley with an average grain yield of 3.19 tonnes per hectare, well above recent averages…
This is the fourth time WA has produced 10Mt or more of wheat and three of those years were in the last seven years, including a trend over that time of declining area…
In South Australia, bulk handler Viterra has received 222,875 tonnes since 31 December to lift its intake from the 2018 winter crop to 3.98 million tonnes (Mt)…
Industry sources said Viterra’s bulk terminals were now busy loading grain for export, and out-turning grain to ships and trains to supply the drought-hit eastern states’ markets.
From Warwick Hughes’ blog:
ABC TV News24 particularly Joe O’Brien has been shamelessly milking this story from NT making a wink wink connection to “climate change”. Spontaneous combustion in haystacks is a well known phenomena as explained by the ABC’s own Dr Karl. There must be mass sackings in the GreenLeft AgitProp machine that is the ABC.
ABC TV News24 milking “ground is burning” propaganda
13 Feb: Fox News: FBI’s top brass raced to handle Fox News inquiry on alleged quid pro quo over Clinton emails, new documents show
By Catherine Herridge, Gregg Re
A Fox News inquiry about an alleged quid pro quo involving a senior State Department official and Hillary Clinton’s classified emails apparently was so sensitive that then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was called on to give his approval, according to newly released emails disclosed as a result of a federal lawsuit (LINK).
The 10 pages of email traffic from mid-October 2016, just weeks before the presidential election, were obtained by Judicial Watch as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit and were revealed Monday. They showed that the FBI’s top brass quickly circulated Fox News’ questions about an alleged offer from the State Department’s then-Under Secretary of State for Management, Patrick Kennedy, to give the FBI additional personnel slots in Iraq in exchange for the FBI reducing the classification of a Clinton email.
Almost all of those executives have since left the bureau — some fired, others reassigned, demoted or retired…READ ALL
13 Feb: Sara Carter: Stone Files Motion: Alleges Special Counsel’s Office Released Unsealed Indictment To CNN
CNN obtained Roger Stone’s indictment from someone allegedly in the Special Counsel’s office hours before it had been unsealed by the court, thus allowing the news outlet to stage a camera crew outside his home and lie in wait until armed FBI agents arrested him, according to a motion filed by Stone’s lawyers Wednesday morning…READ ON
TWEET: George Papadopoulos: It’s amazing that Brennan has the audacity to speak publicly about the investigation. He suckered the Brits/Australians into sabotaging their relationship with Trump by having them spy on us in London and NY. Fortunately, the sitting CIA director was stationed in London in 2016.
13 Feb 2019
Ya know Pat, I’m convinced that there is a cadre of us Aussies that know and care more about American politics than Joe Sixpack in the US.
If they knew what I know they would be marching on DC with pitch forks. I’m not advocating the modern equivalent but if the swamp is desperate enough to do an assassination [I think they have tried already], it won’t be taken with the resignation of the JFK hit.
this was just the overflow. tens of thousands more applied for tickets, but missed out altogether; arena itself was packed:
VIDEO: 22secs: Facebook: Ryan Fournier: This is the overflow crowd at the Trump Rally in El Paso, TX. The media won’t show you this!
1 million views
11 Feb: Donald Trump Approval Rating at 52 Percent; 9-Point Jump in 10 Days
by Charlie Spiering
President Donald Trump received an approval rating jump in the week following his State of the Union address.
Rasmussen reports that the president’s approval rating is now at 52 percent, a nine-point jump in just ten days.
Trump’s approval rating hit a low of 43 percent at the end of January, but strong jobs numbers released in February and a successful State of the Union address appear to have had an effect on his approval numbers…
The last time that Trump earned a 52 percent approval rating from Rasmussen was in March 2017…
AUDIO: 54min59sec: 10 Feb: ABC Speaking Out: Policy and Impact: The Murray-Darling Crisis
… the US Presidential State of the Union address.
Indigenous Affairs editor for Guardian Australia, Lorena Allam and Professor Nareen Young from the Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education & Research at the University of Technology, Sydney, discuss the hot ticket items of the past week…
Trump’s SOTU segment begins at 13min45sec – Presenter: Larissa Behrendt (Professor of Law and and Director of Research at the Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning at the University of Technology, Sydney):
Nareen: I don’t think he’s ok. (laughter). I actually think – it’s always been the case – that there’s something really wrong with the poor man, but I think it’s much more noticeable and much more heightened. I think it’s really tragic that someone of that calibre is the leader the free world and I think we are all in deep trouble, if that is the case…the norms of politics is now being demanded again by a strengthened Democratic Congress and I think that is really interesting.
Lorena/Guardian: I’m probably not alone in saying I gave him 5 minutes. the tone of his voice, the content of his speech. the whole Trump thing. I couldn’t bear it. I couldn’t bear it, because he’s such a blowhard…there was nothing in that speech that wasn’t there before…in the realms of fantasy. I felt like I needed to exercise some self-care and I didn’t listen in great depth. what I did enjoy was Nancy Pelosi giving him that very condescending round of applause and I loooved the young boy, Joshua Trump, who fell asleep. I could relate to Joshua. in fact, I was Joshua. he spoke for many of us when he nodded off.
Actually that is a trivial amount. We are talking about a geological scale.
Well worth looking at from the Morning Mail
Somerset Regional Council approved . Lunacy.
Your Council
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New Solar Farm Development Application Shines A light on Jobs
A DEVELOPMENT application to construct a large solar power plant at Harlin in the Somerset region, has today been given the green light by Council.
Somerset Regional Council conditionally approved the 1500 megawatt farm to be constructed over two stages on a 2,055 hectare site east of Harlin on the D’Aguilar Highway.
The facility is proposed to be staffed seven days per week with up to 60 permanent staff. During construction, this solar farm has the potential to create up to 200 jobs.
Somerset Mayor Graeme Lehmann said the solar farm, once completed, would be Australia’s largest.
“This was a complex development application put together by Ethos Urban planning consultants, who have been involved in other large infrastructure projects throughout Australia, on behalf of Sunshine Energy Australia Pty Ltd,” Cr Lehmann said.
“This application has been referred to various government departments and agencies for their input and Council approved the development in line with our planning scheme which allows for such developments in rural areas.”
Cr Lehmann said Council had taken into account concerns raised by submitters during the public consultation phase and had addressed these concerns, where possible, by implementing conditions on the development application to offset these.
“For example, where residents were concerned about the solar farm being seen from the D’Aguilar Highway, we’ve requested that trees be planted along the fenceline,” he said.
“We’ve also increased offsets and stipulated that solar panels cannot be installed within 100 metres of a neighbouring property.
“We have also requested that a year after construction and operation that developers review the impact of glare and if there is an impact on neighbouring properties that additional trees be planted or the tinting of windows is to occur.
“Further, Council has conditioned the development application so that no solar panels can be installed in the flood plain.
“These are just some of the conditions we’ve placed on the developers to ensure we’re addressing the concerns of residents, where possible.”
Cr Lehmann said it was important for residents to remember that these types of proposals provide an opportunity to capitalise on an emerging market for renewable energy sources.
It is anticipated that construction of the solar farm will start mid-2019, will take up to three years to complete and be completed over two stages.
Update from The Somerset newspaper 13-2-19. Letters to the editor..5.2 million solar panels,10 Ks frontage to the D,Aguilar Highway,2055 hectares,143 shipping containers for the batteries, sited besides Neara Creek flowing into Gregors Creek and the Brisbane River for Brisbane water supply.
Any report on the capacity of the batteries for the Harlin Qld solar farm?
battery will be four times bigger than South Australia’s
November 20, 2018 | Angela East
The world’s largest lithium-ion battery is being built in Queensland at the site of what will also be the world’s largest single site solar farm, according to one industry player.
Sunshine Energy Australia has been granted development approval by Somerset Council in Queensland to build a 1500MW solar farm, which will span 2500ha, and a 500MW lithium-ion battery storage facility.
The new battery would well and truly trump Tesla’s 129MW lithium-ion battery storage facility at the Hornsdale power station in South Australia.
Meanwhile, Sunshine Energy’s $2 billion renewable energy project, once fully operational will produce enough green energy to power around 300,000 homes, slashing 2.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions in the process.
The project will comprise 247,000 subarrays of 21 solar modules, with roughly 5.2 million solar panels on the site.
“The 500MW battery storage onsite will provide additional energy distribution options, providing a more consistent energy supply that will reduce price volatility during peak periods,” Sunshine Energy director Anthony Youssef said.
“We are using our high-performance lithium battery system, patented in Australia, for the facility.”
Two substations built by Powerlink will distribute solar generated energy back to the commercial electricity network.
It will connect to the 275kV national distribution network in Queensland. The first 250MW is scheduled for completion by the end of 2019.
Australia’s investment in energy storage drives battery metal demand
Australia is continuing the push to help secure its energy future by upping its investment in the battery storage market, which has seen demand for commodities like lithium and vanadium climb.
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) last week announced that the second of two grid-scale batteries had been completed at the Gannawarra solar farm near Kerang in North Western Victoria.
The 25MW/50MWh Gannawarra energy storage system began exporting electricity to the grid in October and will be fully commissioned in time for summer.
The system uses Telsa’s lithium-ion battery technology.
ARENA said the Gannawarra energy storage system is Australia’s largest battery to be integrated with a solar farm and will be among the largest solar and battery facilities in the world. It will have the ability to provide solar energy at night to the grid.
EnergyAustralia is the operator of both the Gannawarra and Ballarat batteries in Victoria.
“The ability to store and quickly release energy will help integrate renewables in the system as coal-fired plants progressively retire,” EnergyAustralia managing director Catherine Tanna said.
“These are the new technologies and approaches that will come to underpin our energy system, keeping customers’ lights on and their costs down.”
Battery storage in individual homes is also witnessing a rapid escalation.
The number of household solar batteries installed in Australia this year is expected to jump 57 per cent to 33,000 compared to 2017, according to industry consultant SunWiz.
The 2017 figure of 21,000 was already three times higher than the year before.
The Northern Territory recently installed an $8.3m 5MW battery system in Alice Springs to support greater supply of solar power to homes.
The initiative was part of the government’s push to have half its power coming from renewable sources by 2030.
That followed the installation of a trial 105kWh Tesla battery in a Mandurah suburb, south of Perth in Western Australia, designed to allow households with solar panels to maximise their existing grid connection.
Other government initiatives are expected to drive the installation of batteries in South Australia alone to between 40,000 and 100,000 over the next four years.
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Sunshine Energy website …
I was a tad shocked to find this on The Australian Psychological Societies website this morning. Advice on how to spread alarmist propaganda. No metion of actual evidence though…
Here’s a sample from the APS website.
“Make climate change here, now and for sure. Bring climate impacts close to home to show people that climate change is relevant to them, and that it threatens their health, families, communities, jobs or other things they deeply care about. People are more likely to heed risks they see as relevant, personal and salient.”
I’m not sure Psychologists should be scaring people
Its gone viral, Charles the Moderator at WUWT is running the story.
‘A court ruling linking new coal mines to global climate change could threaten Sydney’s second airport, warns Whitehaven.’
Unforeseen consequences, a handicap for most politicians.
Front Page headline for The Oz tomorrow morning: “Heat on BoM for records rewrite”. Article by Graham Lloyd. Bound to create a lot of comment traffic – must stock up on popcorn.
Jo Nova,
In case you are not aware of this BOM site. It contains
some Australian temperature data that goes all of the way back to
the 1880s. This is prior to the BOM censorship wall of 1910.
Go to the FTP site:
Name___________________________Size________Date_____ Modified
HQ_daily_tdr_txt.tar___________11.9 MB____4/16/13,__10:00:00 AM
HQ_daily_tmax_txt.tar_________12.0 MB____4/16/13,__10:00:00 AM
HQ_daily_tmean_txt.tar________11.9 MB____4/16/13,__10:00:00 AM
HQ_daily_tmin_txt.tar__________11.9 MB____4/16/13,__10:00:00 AM
HQdailyT_info.pdf______________36.9 kB_____1/8/08,___11:00:00 AM
e.g. look at the data for Kent Town near the centre of Adelaide.
023090___-34.92__138.62__ 0048.0___ KENT TOWN
It goes all the way back to 1887.
I hope it might be useful to people who want to get access to
this forbidden data.
A Travellers Tale: 3 litre diesel engine with 6-speed auto transmission Isuzu 4WD verses Tesla S Electric Vehicle travelling the Hume Highway south of Goulburn NSW yesterday.
As my vehicle entered the highway from a Goulburn entry point and I was increasing speed to the 110 KMH limit a Tesla S moved to the overtaking lane and passed. After a few minutes I overtook the Tesla with cruise control engaged and travelling at an actual 110 KMH, 117KMH speedometer reading. After overtaking the Tesla I steered back into the left hand lane and the Tesla maintained my speed at a safe distance behind.
Soon I approached a construction zone and slowed as directed to 80, 60 and finally 40 KMH. While slowing the usual fools raced past ignoring the construction zone speed zones, and a couple ended up between my vehicle and the Tesla.
As the 110 KMH zone appeared I lifted my speed to 110 KMH steadily and then engaged cruise control. The Tesla rocketed up passing the vehicles in front of it and pulled in behind my 4WD. A while later as we approached another hilly section the Tesla driver pulled out to overtake me as we closed in a large truck, and to my annoyance stayed alongside and forced me to disengage cruise control, my vehicle’s indicator was blinking but the Tesla stayed alongside until the top of the hill and then overtook the truck.
At 110 KMH my 4WD overtook the Tesla and again it followed at a safe distance. It remained behind for maybe 20 minutes and then started to fall back and was soon way back and falling further back. Obviously the driver was concerned about battery charge and distance remaining. I noted there were two men in the Tesla and a rear seat full of luggage.
I understand that typically an EV with as new battery pack should be given a one third discount on factory range to account for weight, hills, speed, accessories used etc. And that range could be fifty per cent of new battery pack range. Better performance at suburban speeds.
This was my first on highway encounter with an EV. Compared to what my 4WD achieves at 110 KMH with 6-speed automatic transmission in auto lock (5th and 6th engaged only above 80 KMH (from memory) an average of close to 13 Kilometres per Litre with two people and luggage. The on board computer when leaving Goulburn with a full tank of diesel indicated 850 Kilometres range.
The Tesla S (from memory) offers 450 Kilometres of range, less up to fifty per cent depending on speed and conditions, average less one third.
My point is that obviously EV is not a good choice for country road travellers, and with due consideration for recharging time (30-40 minutes for an eighty per cent fast charge), and stress working out where the next closest recharge station is located.