A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Article over at WUWT talks of the blackouts due to renewables in the last day or two.
How bad has it been.
I will take a trip over to WUWT shortly…
Annie, can you give me directions?
Open DDG/scroll cursor to search box/| symbol will flash/holding down Shift type WUWT/suggestions may appear in drop down box format/either scroll cursor to a suggestion and click or press Enter/a search results page will appear of websites or related content of WUWT/click on and the site home page appears/find Green Electricity Grid Collapses During Aussie Heatwave/click on link and the article page will appear/scroll down to read relevant content.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Yonnie, I should have included the link … probably too shocked at being the first to comment !
I’m sure you could get to WUWT without tripping if you think carefully about it. We’d all be very sad if you got hurt.
Take it from someone who fell — it ain’t fun. 😉
And before you ask, yes, it was one dull weekend around here. 🙁
I’ll try not to Roy! I hope that you are well.
Not that bad, only 200-250 thousand homes blacked out across two States.
Not directly due to renewables in a techinical sense, but more due to the destruction of coal generation and flat out lack of real capacity of any kind.
Our State energy minister tried to lay it at the feet of the coal generators for having unit outages, when they same minister was in control when the forced a major generator out of business. Had those units been there all this would have passed unnoticed.
Its heartening to see some of the “are you serious” responses appearing in the media.
Why is Australia electricity situation worse than in Malawi?
Malawi has lower CO2 emissions from electricity generation than Australia….True
Malawi depends on a reliable supply (hydro) from renewables….True
Malawi has had blackouts because of a lack of supply(drought)….True
BUT Malawi is doing something about it by building a coal fired power station.
A story of sobering proportions:
As a result of a power outage recently in an unnamed aged care ( old folks home ) , the residents were stuck in bed as the beds were mains electrically powered, and all the lifting machines to get them out of bed and into wheelchairs were also mains powered.
At another building of the same aged care operator, raw sewerage started to leak out into the buildings as the mains powered pumps failed from lack of power.
The facility did not have a back up generator.
Now imagine what might happen in a fire when the power goes out…..
Question – do you know if the aged care facility your parents or grandparents are in has a back up generator? And for bonus points, do you know if its regularly tested?
Your assertion mate dont ask me to explain it.
Of the top of my head I expect the have lower CO2 emissions (as if that matters) because the have less people and do not generall live a first world lifestyle.
The latter points? good for them , they are doing what makes sense in there country and political environment. How that relates to Australia escapes me.
It was a question, rhetorical question if you like, but not a dig at you.
Around 50% of Malawi population don’t have electricity. 50% + of food needs to be imported. President recently found embezzling around $17m in the last year.
Botswana has a Chinese built coal power station that has yet, after 8 years, to work properly (AROUND 60% of design capacity at best) Japanese company are trying to fix. 20% electricity shortfall, imported from South Africa.
And don’t even think about the levels of corruption ……
It seems from that, that a large proportion of Malawi citizens will be cooking over open fires?
The CO2 output would be massive, not to mention the actual Real Pollution from burning local scrub and trees if there are any left.
Living “with nature” is not necessarily eco friendly.
How to pay for a gas import terminal?
Get the Victorian government to pay $50M for the approvals? Done.
What about the $250M capex?
How do we get consumers to pre-pay the capex?
Lets turn off some big generators when the hot weather hits Melbourne and Adelaide!
Our bill goes from sub $100 per MWHr to $14,500 per MWHr. Problem solved!
What will AEMO do? What will the SA and Vic state governments do?
How do we get them in on it!
good morning.
If any of you more mathematical / engineering types would like to understand more about the maths and science behind power system stability, I did a series of posts on it a couple of years ago. Here’s a link to the first article. It’s pretty much text book stuff, but not commonly known.
Best regards to all.
Great series Robin thanks for putting in so much effort in order to explain the issues and workability of the grid . . .
Rehadrs GeoffW
Very good Robin. Especially the description of why frequency is the main factor in generation.
“What could Possibly Go Wrong?”
Along those lines
It would appear that a belief in the effectiveness of “ephemeral energy” goes along with a firm belief that Murphy’s Law has yet to be pronounced
“Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”.
Let alone Finagle’s Law
“Anything that can go wrong, will—at the worst possible moment.”
Inigo Jones would be loud at the moment if he was still alive.
The last sunspot was at the same time as Cyclone Penny. Now after a long pause and stagnant weather we have sunspot Riley and cyclone number 2733. Did i get that the right way around?
Shame on those who falsely associate his science with astrology!
It is said Astrology is the Cancer of Astronomy but I digress, the long known observations of Astrology led to the development of Modern Astronomy and is so new that 95% of the original Astrologists are still alive today.
By Modern I mean the 20th century discoveries of a universe that that was way more expanded than first imagined, Hubble etc….
The Cancer reference was a poor attempt at humour.
I thought it was amusing.
Thanks, that’s one.
Ooooh Two gutless red thumbs.
“Plausible modulation of solar wind energy flux input on global tropical cyclone activity”
Think positively –
You’ve caused two people to take their daily exercise
And on Andy’s scoring system they are equivalent to 10 green thumbs
Funny, isn’t it, or better still, ironic.
Two red thumbs presumably locked to the implausible belief that CO2 drives AGW / climate change.
It’s sad that Australian politics is no longer about deciding which party or candidate is best but which one is least dangerous.
Unfortunately David, there are two answers;
Neither or Both.
Ah…but what about political “refugees” from overseas countries to positions of power ( a bad pun……sorry…), who seem to be very good at stuffing up essential services?
Could it be coincidence? ( or as one southerner i know says, a coinkeedink …)
While we had a great Australia day I couldn’t help but notice the lead up to it was a bit more subdued than last year, my guess is that the left don’t want to draw as much attention to it as last year’s anti Australia day push which resulted in more people celebrating it, I suspect they plan to create a useless survey that subversively becomes a quasi plebiscite on which political change is unlawfully enacted.
They must be careful what they wish for as unlawful actions can go both ways, and the majority (myself included) would rather utilise the systems in place to restore any resemblance of a free democratic society, this can only occur by first reversing the dangerous melding of our separations of powers that has given the wrong people authority to enact legal and constitutional decisions without the consent of the true majority.
The alternative route is by civil unrest and while it could succeed I fear the short term victory would install long term divisions in a young Nation that hasn’t yet felt the terrible act of brother fighting brother, but I suppose going with a bang or a whimper is still to go.
What the Left in general and their Southern Hemisphere AU/NZ sycophant globalists in particular refuse to learn from their ideological antecedents is that the “redistribution” of wealth by regulation driven by neo-Marxist ideology infected with Green feelings guarantees economic and social collapse. Indeed, some consider that this objective is a serendipitous proxy for population control. They cannot embrace the reality that wealth creation and prosperity is the only way forward to a global future capable of embracing human and environmental compassion.
Whatever the globalists intent, everyone in the end becomes impoverished and destitute.
One faces or waves the barrel of a gun, while the environment goes to hell in a hand basket.
The speed of the journey to this destination may vary but those travelling first-class always appreciate the journey in quite a different way through the chattering haze of canapés and champagne. They only discover their arrival when there is no one to serve them … to generate wealth or maintain a viable and prosperous economy.
The Left never understands that it is the arbiter of its own demise, the engineer of its own impoverishment. Repeating the same actions and expecting a different result is insanity, which is why Leftism belongs in the DSM-5.
As for the destination, it’s only a matter of time.
seen this you tube clip and for some reason it made me think of how stupid it is to measure how Co2 heats up in a bottle .
But Robert this is how our atmosphere will react if we exceed 350ppm of CO2 doncha know?
The first one was great.
What’s the stuff he introduced into the lower bubble. Assume it was liquid hydrogen.
Butane I think KK .
And yes, you have to ask, does glass absorb and transmit energy being passed to the CO2.
Yep, let’s blow up coal energy plants, and build windmills. That should solve the non-existent problem …
“The role of carbon dioxide, the primary greenhouse gas, has been known for more than a century, including how it is eventually removed from the atmosphere by absorption into the oceans or by terrestrial plants.
But what has actually happened to some 40 other gases, including methane, hydrofluorocarbons and ozone-depleting chemicals, over the decades since industrialisation turns out to be rather less well understood.
“We know pretty well how [these gases] are produced.
We need to know how quickly they are removed,” Etheridge says from the rather warmer confines of Melbourne this week.
“Without that, we’ve only got part of the puzzle, part of the equation.”
The oxidation process involving hydroxyl is actually crucial at keeping methane “in the supporting role that it’s in, rather than actually becoming the leading troublemaker for warming the atmosphere”, Neff says.
The implication – depending how the results play out – could include requiring a recalibration of the major climate models that underpin the Paris climate agreement that almost 200 nations have signed up to.
‘Terrifying’: Scientists dig deep for missing piece of climate puzzle
There is a major flaw in this ‘science’ program :
They are looking & using a proxy – carbon 14 levels in the snow/ice…as an indication of hydroxil levels since the 1840’s ( ?)
But there was lots of carbon 14 produced during the 1940-60’s by nuclear weapons tests..This went on until until all surface nuclear bomb testing stopped.
Sooooooooo ?
The spike of the 1940s-1950s 14-C is well known. They’re well aware of the GCRs forming 14-C but I do wonder if they are also aware ot the present spike in GCRs.
The article reads like a journalist’s attempt to translate some serious science, or a serious scientist’s attempt to translate it for a journalist. 14-C is formed from/in any present Carbon whereever Cosmic Rays can penetrate. The atmospheric cascades of the secondary cosmic rays can penetrate as deep as volcanic magma chambers so there is a good possiblilty that the ice they’re trying to analyse has already been `well polluted’ before they even went fishing for the core.
14-C is a pretty good proxy for solar magnetic activity. The Cosmic Ray count at present is the highest its ever been since the start of the space era, so their conclusions will be interesting.
Mag poles are shifting more quickly toward the equator. Could mean our flux is dropping allowing more CR deeper into atmosphere.
It means just that. That’s why GCR flux is higher than it’s ever been now. With the magnetic poles moving, the planetary magnetic field is also weakening, and up to four years ago had lost at least 15% of it’s strength. It’s not just the solar magnetic field.
The magnetic field deviation for compass settings and navigation was supposed to be updated next year but it’s been brought forward to the end of last year. The US Govt shutdown means it’s still on the shelf, but it was brought forward because it’s changing so quickly.
“Yep, let’s blow up coal energy plants, and build windmills. That should solve the non-existent problem …”.
Has anyone given a thought to WHY farmers stopped the erection of windmills, for pumping water years ago ???
Seems to me the “pushers” of Wind Farms certainly didnt understand…!
Water….Energy……..surely they are as important as each other….for sustaining life and living !
Still being sold
Thanks Ian…..
Maybe in outback areas……..
In my “neck of the woods” ….small mills are used for fishponds circulation only 🙂
G’day Mark M,
“The oxidation process involving hydroxyl is actually crucial…”
I don’t understand this statement. Is this talking about the OH radicle, and treating it as a collectable gas?
(My chemistry is dated but this sounds peculiar.)
Dave B
On efficiency of using EV batteries as part of mains storage
” Gordon Dressler
January 26, 2019 at 8:42 am ”
“Thus, somewhere between 20 and 25% of the total energy input into the home battery storage system will be lost each month. If the US average home’s 867 kWh per month all passed through the storage battery, that will represent dumping the heat equivalent of 5.7 to 7.1 kW into the environment each and every day (equivalent to leaving 60 to 70 100-watt light bulbs on continuously!). Even if the home battery storage system only provided 10% of the monthly electricity usage, we’re still talking about dumping 600 to 700 watts of waste heat into the environment each and every day for each and every house using such a system.
So now let’s talk about global warming!”
Interesting argument but I doubt whether heat lost through inefficiencies is all that important, much less whether it affects global warming.
Coal power plants run about 40% efficiency, the rest is exhausted as heat, then the transmission also loses a significant percent as heat.
So if lost heat is really important, then Solar rooftop PV with battery would be hands down winner.
No extra heat in generation, virtually none in transmission, maybe 20% in conversions.
What is really important is economics, not CO2 or heat generated.
It is there that coal is the hands down winner.
No heat generated from solar ? What colour are solar panels and why do they need an air gap ?
I notice you don’t tell us what losses occur as the panels heat up .
By that I mean energy in sunlight that falls on an area will be the same whether a solar panel is there or not (ignoring differences of reflection back into space from snow etc).
Compared to burning coal which releases additional heat from chemical storage.
You forget that the amount of heat that solar panels absorb and magnify then add the heat involved in charging a battery or through an inverter multiplied by xxx solar panels .
If you work out the heat from a 250mw coal fired generator and how many panels and battery’s to get equivalent power over 24 hours I think the results may just shock you .
So from your already under performing solar/wind generation you will LOOSE an extra 25% in the energy transfer to the battery and then another 25% transferring it back to the grid.
Political efficiency in action!
Excellent, so every house and vehicle is a class one fire hazard, and according to the MFB in Melbourne 12 months ago, all large lithium batteries should be put in a fire proof bunker 1m from a dwelling ……. and last i looked, appear to produce HF gas when they go up….
EVs are the worlds most pointless vehicles, and try and get out of a city… cant unless they have purpose built slow charging stations evey 100 km. Its a really great way of restricting our travel capability. Digitally controlled chains around our ankles….
Stupid on stupid idea, EVs are. Who thought of this dumb idea…?
Two of the most offensive things to Leftists are freedom of speech and freedom of movement.
I’m finding out that freedom of information is another one of those offensive things. I argued all weekend that instead of trying to fugue out which green energy scheme would be the most advantageous on our local community forum people should learn the ins and outs of climate change.
But there’s hope. By explaining a few things carefully I was thanked by quite a few readers. If I managed to convince just one or two to look more seriously maybe I will have done some good. On the other hand, maybe not and I may never know what the result was.
Al Gore says the current invaders heading north to the USA are victims of global warming™.
That was meant to be a new post.
Is there any thing they aren’t victims of?
The outsiders program is back on channel 83 sky news , looks like they’re lampooning the greens about the power shortage .
Oh good! It’a a pity it’s on so late though.
Sunday version starts at 9am .
I’m tied up with church then, or trying to be ready to rush out of the house to go there anyway.
I looked to see if Outsiders was on last night, no sign of it.
The federal government is planning to build Hele coal fired power stations for those states that want them.
‘On Saturday the Australian reported that St Baker had developed a $6bn proposal backed by a Chinese joint venture to develop Australia’s first high-efficiency, low-emissions coal plants in Victoria and New South Wales.
‘The proposal would see a 1300 MW coal plant built at the site of the shuttered Hazelwood station in Victoria, a $500m pumped hydro facility in South Australia and a coal plant in NSW either at AGL’s Liddell coal plant, which is scheduled to shut down in 2022, or at the site of the old Vales Point A power station.
“Our plan is the cheapest way to supply the essential firm generation you need for reliable power,” St Baker reportedly said.’
We need a Hele generator in SA And soon !
SA is the dryest state..So where will the water for a pumped hydro scheme come from ? Seawater maybe ? But I’m sure that the greenists will be against pumping salty water in to any site up ‘high’ in the low hills of SA….Because salt water could damage the enviroment….. Ha !
If CY O’connor can solve a problem like this i think we can too. EG: unwanted flood water from any place in the country via our new national water grid down below sea level into lake Eyre. Providing its own hydro power.
On the contrary they are all for jerry build dams holding sea water (some of the time) all over the place, up to 200 km. from sea water.
By the way the average level of Lake Eyre is 6 metres below sea level, although some of it is 15 metres below.
The obvious place for a pumped storage place in SA is the western plateau, where the land is 80-100metres above sea level. You may have seen photos of the cliffs along the Great Australian Bight.
It’s true that it is miles from anywhere and the transmission losses would be high and they would need permission to build it on tribal land. Then fight off the Greenies who would be against development.
The really obvious place for pumped storage is Tasmania.
Lots of people favourable to Greenies.
Hydro dams already built.
Transmission line to Victoria available (some of the time).
Stronger winds on the west coast.
Have the wind turbines pump the water back uphill. Doesn’t interfere with regular generation. Doesn’t require regular operation of wind turbines. Enables storage of high output.
If we’re building dams let’s build them to harvest rainwater .
robert rosicka Yes.
Many years ago I designed and tried to get built ‘The Big Shed’ Placed from bottom to top of suitable slope, The escarpment is ideal. The shed had many small turbines generating electricity. It had a drinking water collector at the bottom. Maintenance costs minimal. could take out turbines individually for repair/maintenance.
The power source:- Why atmospheric pressure, 100% reliable never fails, lol.
Sort of obtrusive but not as bad as wind farms. Zero animal kills, But of course the Greens would not let the proposal get studied!
That is very interesting. Seems like a very good idea. I had wondered if anything like that was possible after watching how moisture bubbles in exterior house paint swell and contract during the day.
Big slope right near where i live. Would like to know more.
The ‘Big Shed’ 100m wide and 30m high in the middle. Tapers to 80m wide some 100m up slope. Two Bucket turbines each side here. Next part 100m wide again and 100m upslope down to 80m wide, again two Bucket turbines either side. Continue this sequence till reach the top.
Mt Arrarat in Vicistan would make a good spot as the shed could be sited to benefit from the prevailing wind as well.
Atmospheric pressure is constant 24/7/52.
LOL! For some reason the discussion of dams made me recall this little gem used to excuse a drop in SL at one time:
“We need a Hele generator in SA And soon !”
Like last week would have been handy
Jeez you croweaters are hard to please. Half a billion dollars worth of diesel/gas generators a BIG battery and you still want MOAR!
Seems topical
“Are Studies of High Penetrations of Wind Power Valid?”
Probably sexist at least?
January 25, 2019 at 8:52 pm
Politicians typically focused on the easy “bird courses” in the social sciences, and skipped the “tough” courses in science and engineering. Here is a primer:
First, this is the economic solution for intermittent green energy – typically wind and solar power:
1. Build your wind or solar power system and connect it to the grid.
2. Build your back-up system consisting of 100% equivalent capacity in gas turbine generators.
3. Using high explosives, blow your wind or solar power system all to hell.
4. Run your back-up gas turbine generators 24/7.
5. To save even more money, skip steps 1 and 3.
Despite many trillions in squandered subsidies, global green energy has increased from above 1% to below 2% is recent decades. Green energy is not green and provides little useful (dispatchable) energy.”
Looks like SA and Vic got there explosives circus phased wrongly
Plus 11 more points
“We told you so, 17 years ago.”
Northern Australia needs 9 more cyclones in the next 9 weeks to keep up with the long term average.
So Mother Nature, hurry up!
All jokes aside it’s these events that bring good flooding rain to the interior of the country and a cyclone of the north coast of WA seems to mean a good rain in Vic .
Robert r,
My tongue in cheek comment was aimed at those who claim wild weather events are on the increase.
Similar to no major tornados in USA during the last tornado season.
Also been a while since the subcontinent experienced disastrous typhoons.
I know that but it’s worth pointing out that cyclones are an important inland water source .
Dead right. It staggers me that people believe that cyclonic weather events are localised, when all one has to do is look at a weather map or a satellite image to see that they are the size of continents. Sure, they are more concentrated at their centres, but they have impacts thousands of miles away.
Why would it stagger you? Its how they are portrayed in the 5 minutes shapshot you see in any news media coverage of a cyclone. All you get is how it affecting XYZ community. Thats all the input most people get and I doubt any go off researching cyclones.
toorightmate said:
Apply to the sun! :-).
TCs are initially formed by Solar wind. They are strengthened by sunspot flares and CMEs. The CMEs do need to be on target (as a slap in the planet’s face …).
SSC 25 is starting, there have been a couple of spots over the last few days. With spots, there are flares and with flares, more geomagnetic storms and stronger TCs. So far, these ones have been pretty tame (there was a bit of a crackle) but you just might get some of your wish. There have been three in the last eight weeks, so 9 in 9 weeks at this stage of the cycle will be rather optimistic. This cycle is
predictedprojected to be about the same as SSC 24 so check back to SSC 24 and see what its starting and ramp-up score was like. That should give you a bit of an idea.20
So apart from spewing C02 and increasing the rate of global warming, Coal plants also pollute in other ways. A report by EJA last August found that the pollution levels of Australian coal-fired power stations would be illegal in the US, Europe and China. We are worse than China! The pollutants include Mercury, particularly in the Latrobe valley, Minamata disease for all. NOX and sulphur dioxide are more a problem in the Hunter, affecting wine production. Particulate pollution is also a huge problem.
For those who would like to continue Coal fired power, will you accept a plant in your neighbourhood?
“and increasing the rate of global warming”
Scientifically unsupportable hogwash.
“will you accept a plant in your neighbourhood”
I’m in the Hunter Valley, with a coal line 100m away.
Would YOU accept a big wind turbine 100m away from your inner city latte-sipping LGBTxxxx ghetto, pfutz?
Sure, why not.
Let me know when its installed…
Except you know that they will never be put in Greenie electorates.
How many wind turbines are there inside the borders of 100% renewables ACT ?
We can all expect to see you out there campaigning for that local wind turbine, right pfutz 😉
Hey PF.
Sounds positively frightening and very 97% apocalyptic sciency!
I’m old enough to remember when there were eight years left to save the planet.
Now there are only 12 years left, if we don’t act soon, there will be only 20 years left to save the planet …
2008: The final countdown
100 months to save the world
2019: Ocasio-Cortez: Claim World Ending in 12 Years Due to Climate Change Was Not a ‘Gaffe’
Seriously, try harder.
we’ve had `10 years to save the planet’ in every year for the last 18 or more years.
Exactly, with the alarmist crowd nothing is ever here and demonstrable and measureable. Its always 10,20, 30 years away all the time. When a prediction fails they just move it further out. How long has “accelerated sea level rise” going to swallow assorted locations? oddly Tuvalu, Seychelles, Netherlands and Bangladesh are all still there. Never mind, send that to the memory whole and say the same thing for 30 years from today.
Doesnt matter if its the grid scale storage that going to make renewables work, the big rise in EV sales, or assorted scares on sea level or whatever. It will always be just over the horizon, an imminent tipping point and we must “do something” (anything really because it doesnt matter , it will all be equally useless and involve lotso money)
I can only hope that as people age , educate themselves away from propaganda, have their own memories and observational skills they will see that perpetual imminent armageddon is just BS.
The dopey idiot who wrote the Guardian article said that people falsely shouting ‘fire’ in a theatre should be arrested.
Well he has been proved totally wrong. No catastrophe and we are well past the 100 months deadline he set 10 years ago.
Time to arrest the silly bugger ?
And the Guardian which promotes this nonsense ?
I think you might find that one of the few circumscribed limits to the USA’s free speech laws is the ability to falsely cry `fire’ in a crowded theatre to cause panic. That circumscription is a famous historical example used by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes.
I am not in the very oddly constitution bound han USA.
Arrest. the bastards !
I know.
In NZ it could result in charges of Creating A Public Nuisance. Like OZ, we’re not big on Free Speech.
Bill, it’s definitely not nonsense.
A great deal of money is being creamed off on the back of this scam.
Have any of these “purveyors of climategedon” actually worked out if their estimates are concurrent or additive?
Polluting the chardonnay? And even the pinot gris? Well, there’s another reason to completely renew all aspects of coal in Australia, from mine to light switch. And let’s indeed be like our Asian customers and avoid wasting a single lump of Australian coal.
Of course, the decay of our coal infrastructure is intended. Not rational, but intended. There is no interest in thrift, because Big Green is not about conservation. Oh no. Even coal can be wasted in the War on Coal.
Because that bewildering neglect and decay of our most vital resource is all part of the relentless War on Coal, which will be waged right here as elsewhere. The funders/clients of globalism, the carpetbaggers of Big Green in alliance with the banksters and Big Oil, need this war. Sometimes the enemy will canoodle, joke, flatter and retreat, sometimes the enemy will advance howling familiar slogans like “spewing C02 and increasing the rate of global warming”.
It’s a war, aimed at our most vital point. Losing this war is out of the question. We have to win it, fighting from the ground because the heights have been taken by malevolent elites. Ordinary Australians have to win the war for coal.
Do I sound dramatic? Good. That also is intended.
Repeating what I just posted on Melbourne 200 000 Houses Blacked Out post Guess it’s time for us CAGW sceptics to take a leaf out of the Saul Alynsky play book, not focused abuse, but focused arguments from the DATA, write focused letter campaigns to PM and Cabinet, focused letters to news editor that disseminate to a larger audience, shared knowledge from experience discussed amongst ourselves here at Jo’s open forum. And what about a march, with banners saying what should be nailed to the cathedral door? And we also need to continue making donations to forums like Jo that allow us a place to communicate.
We enquire, investigate, discuss,sift evidence, while the Green left activists act, undermine, infiltrate institutions to propagana-ize, Hafta’ bell the cat! We are individuals but we need to do group sorties.
Mosomoso, a correction if i may…
Its not a war on coal- its a war on the middle class, the middle class which drives the economy.
No power = no jobs ( except govt ones ) = Communism.
Easy to see what these mongrels are up to.
Now, how long before we see criminal trials of people who appear to deliberately damage not just the electrical infrastructure, but by same extension damage and/or undermine our ability as a nation to degend ourselves?
Would that not be the “T” word?
Did not the Vommunists on the waterfront hinder loading ships during WW2 to supply troops? What would you call that?
…Communists….not Vommunists….
I’ve been looking for a better word to describe globalists.
You know, in geo-political stuff I’m never sure of who’s an actual enemy, who’s a dummy enemy, what’s a real attack, what’s a false flag. Certainly don’t believe what I get served up in the “news”. Or the court historians.
But I’m sure that the people attacking my country’s most vital infrastructure right now are mortal enemies. Those who undermine domestic coal power generation in Australia are my certain quarry. It is moral and responsible to hunt them.
Maybe vommunists is a good word. These people are not so far removed from the trots and bolsheviks in their ways (including all the Wall Street and bankster funding) and they certainly make me vomitous.
Vommunists. Might give it some thought.
‘Vommunist’ has a certain ring to it.
OS: it’s war against Australia as a democratic self determining nation.
Peter we could replace the old girls with Hele, as a compromise solution, what do you think?
It would be good start. It certainly would get my vote, if it was a plank in any parties platform. Also it would be a step towards CCS.
HELE good? No wonder China and Japan, Australia’s biggest coal customers, are implementing it in the form of hundreds of new coal plants.
Sure, but let’s cripple HELE here with CCS. Hang that dead turkey around HELE’s neck and see how far it gets in Oz.
Hmmm. There are just so many ways to wreck our most vital resource. You can even wreck it while fixing it. There’s a white elephant for every purpose, isn’t there? Though even a dead turkey will do if it’s big enough.
Carbon Capture and Storage is a white elephant.
Would you really vote for Morrison’s mob if they decide to build Hele? It will be a huge election issue.
Energy security, environmental benefits, what’s not to vote for. As to CCS, these HELE plants are a step towards a plant that did use CCS. I’m not suggesting that this version of HELE should be saddled with that version of CCS technology.
Well, Peter, I don’t do red thumbs so this is my first thumb for you – a green one!
We have agreement on new HELE coal plants for Oz? Unimpeded by dead turkey CCS?
As a conservationist I am delighted. Never mind if Morrison and the rotting corpse of the coalition do not propose new HELE. You have proposed new and unimpeded HELE, and that’s a start. Who knows, the corpse might still be able to hear.
Good, we are all on the same plate going into the election, but if Morrison doesn’t grow a backbone then all bets are off.
In regards CCS, put it out of your mind, its useless and unnecessary. Just found this at Judith Curry’s blog and I would like your opinion on UV radiation and the NAO solar connection?
Why the heck would anyone with a rational mind ever consider the utter waste in time and energy of CCS.
The atmosphere needs that CO2, putting it underground is very counter-productive, in every way.
The ultimate in virtue signalling.
The only thing that carbon dioxide should be stored in is plants. Use the exhaust to feed greenhouses or release it under cornfields. Can get rid of about 30% that way
All CO2 is needed for the biosphere burying it is an evil way to lock away the oxygen which would otherwise be returned to us by plants.
Peter you are being stupid with your scaremongering about mercury. The Japanese mercury poisoning was about methyl mercury, the covalent form. The mercury discharged by coal plant at low concentrations (ppb usually as the precips take a lot out) is in the metallic form. They are not the same compound.
And out of the HELE plants, what are the discharges? Hell of a lot less than those of the smelters making rare earths for wind turbines or solar panels. But being in China, you can sit back in your smug virtue signaling greenwashing.
then I am stupid like the US
US Occupational Safety and Health Administration occupational exposure air elemental mercury Ceiling (not to exceed) 0.1 mg/m³
US Occupational Safety and Health Administration occupational exposure air organic mercury Ceiling (not to exceed) 0.05 mg/m³
US Food and Drug Administration eating sea food methylmercury Maximum allowable concentration 1 ppm (1 mg/L)
US Environmental Protection Agency drinking water inorganic mercury Maximum contaminant level 2 ppb (0.002 mg/L)
As you can mercury in any form is toxic, and is bioaccumulated (which is why I avoid swordfish)
When did Mercury in PPB that’s parts per BILLION equate to 0.1mg/m³ or 0.05 mg/m³ or 1PPM or 2 ppb (0.002 mg/L) in DRINKING water???
Do you have ANY data to support your claim that La Trobe mercury is getting into the drinking water?
Is there anyone out there who, like me, used to distil mercury to get its purity suitable for use in a polarograph?o
The fume hood seemed to work very effectively – discharging the vapour to atmosphere.
No living species were affected in anyway by the distillation which was carried out for 20 years that I am aware of.
AAS and XRF replaced the polarograph. The former (AAS) was an Australian invention.
A lecturer at uni owned a supply of mercury in a container that had a surface about 300 mm by 450 mm. The mercury was 100 mm deep.
Value at that time was impressive.
Funny, we used to play with mercury in high school. God knows if any paid the price for that.
then you consume the products of the wetlands and the sea – that is why you should avoid swordfish
Not much wetland and sea in central Australia old mate.
That’s where we distilled the mercury.
the Latrobe valley is in central Australia? I do not want to use your GPS. Mercury in the environment is from 2 major sources. 1 is volcanoes, 2 is coal fired power plants. Now go back to sleep.
Nothing from Latrobe Valley is going to affect wetlands or the oceans
You are proving your ignorance again, pfutz.
Now slink back under your rock.
Peter Fitzroy old mate,
It was nowhere near Victoria – it was near central Australia.
Please stop making an ass of yourself – hee haw, hee haw – understand?
Around this area
Arsenic borders on being considered an essential trace mineral. And inland Oz borders on deficient.
Which is why us inlanders need to get into the prawns when we get coastal.
Why did the powers that be Ban Mercury Blood pressure machines, because nurses were showing higher than average mercury in their blood. Contact with liquid mercury is way more toxic than any ingested from food.
It bioaccumulates in wetlands and the sea. That is not a feature of the Latrobe valley. And to set the scene more, the standard for EPA limits is one hundredth of the levels at which there are postulated deleterious effects assuming linear no threshold vulnerability.
Right! you are.
Ask when you’ve heard of widespread mercury illness because of coal burning in the US? Please provide links.
More likely it is out of control EPA.
Mark D,
I think Peter Fitzroy is far more stupid than the USA.
Peter has just got his talking point memes and little pesky things like facts won’t deter him from the true path.
Here is the current review on Mercury toxicity.
Note the lines
“Human mercury exposures occur chiefly [7, 8] through inhalation of elemental mercury vapor via occupational or dental amalgam exposure or through ingestion of mercury bonded to organic moieties (methyl, dimethyl, or ethyl mercury), primarily from seafood.” So if you are worried about mercury levels, look after your teeth and don’t have fillings.
from your link, down at the discussion
Mercury exposure is not insignificant according to WHO, as cited previously, and the NHANES reports suggest widespread exposure in the United States, especially among women [124, 125].
You can have my swordfish to eat, I’ll stay with a steak
Sorry Peter but steak has to go in favour of the planet but how about a Kale and tofu salad .
Yuck, I’ll have a schnitty instead
Nah can’t have one of them either sorry we have to save the planet remember , can offer a mung bean and red lentil burger though .
Peter you are conpounding your stupidity, not even following through with the links that you posted triumphantly.
This from the CDC factsheet embedded in the 2018 update of the 4th report.
“Defining safe levels of mercury in blood continues to be an active research area. In 2000, the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences determined that a level of 85 micrograms per liter (µg/L) in cord blood was associated with early neurodevelopmental effects. The lower 95% confidence limit of this estimate was 58 µg/L. All blood mercury levels for persons in the Fourth Report were less than 33 µg/L.”
So no one measured was anyway near the safety limit. In a lot of cases it was below the limit of detection. The levels between 2003 and 2014 don’t seem to have dropped significantly, even though coal power generation has plummeted and half life in the body of ingested mercury is less than 3 months.
So as I said earlier, you are just scaremongering and you have proven that you don’t understand or even know the facts.
Go back to your latte and smashed avocado – it must be a pretty exotic neighbourhood you live in to have swordfish on the menu. You don’t get that in your average fish and chip shop. I have never eaten it or any of the other top predators, and I would hazard a guess most of the other readers haven’t either.
We’re mostly missing the lark’s tongues too
hunh – I report from your link, and you wander off into the weeds. I’ll say it again – your link. If swordfish is too exotic, then barramundi, and shark, according to the victorian gov is also high in mercury.
“and you wander off into the weed
s”I suspect that is where your mind spends most of its time, pfutz.
Andy, it doesn’t even know the difference between swordfish and crawfish. Totally different.
I thought only blackfish ate weed?
The reason why I went “off in the weeds” is you don’t know what you are talking about and keep trying to focus on some insignificant detail, rather than just admit you are wrong, or even better, shut up.
The risk to the general public and even power station workers in Australia from mercury in the coal is tiny. Victorian government doesn’t see it as a specific risk worth listing. Note the freshwater contamination came from gold mining.
And they thought of you. As long as you don’t eat your swordfish more than once a week, you should be OK
And here is proof Peter that your talking points are [snip] and you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Note the paragraph “The results show that the power stations contribute less than 1% to the total mercury concentrations modelled in the Latrobe Valley. Mercury concentrations are dominated by the atmospheric background and natural emissions from vegetation, soil and water.”
Now go back to your lattes and stop polluting the comments.
[Good link, thanks Chris! – jo]
Are you using CFL globes in your house Peter? If yes, how do you dispose of them? Not throw them in the rubbish I hope. As far as mercury contamination is concerned, I regard them as absolutely the worst product on the market.
all our lights are LED ‘lifetime’ globes
lifetime of what or who I wonder?
‘…and increasing the rate of global warming …’
Have you heard of the hiatus?
On the evidence available, CO2 doesn’t cause warming and the AGW theory is falsified.
Peter stop lying.
Go away & get informed about CO2.
the truth will surprise you
just like it surprised me
A few month ago.
Soz, I can not agree here, The rate is increasing, the nights are getting warmer, frequency of extreme weather events (heat is energy after all, and energy drives weather). We had the pause back at the start of this century, all down to one outlier year in 97. Climate is the rolling average of 30 years. All the claims of pauses, hiatuses etc neglect that.
If you care to take the time and read more widely before opening your mouth. The pause in temperature for close on 19 years and the attached massive model failure, is an indication that something is not right.
The weather is no more extreme than it once was and nights are not getting warmer, this stuff is all made up.
‘… all down to one outlier year in 97.’
not so much opened mouth but jaw dropping amazement, since internet searching is hard (all those sites like NASA to avoid for example)
This shows the way the skeptics try to frame the argument, and yes it has 1997 in there
‘… all those sites like NASA to avoid for example …’
Yeah its hard at first, but a genuine line of inquiry shows that NASA is not a reliable source.
Skeptical science thinks 20 years is a cherry pick, so we are supposed to wait another 10 years to prove temperatures have been flat. Even the Klimatariat now accept the pause, so should you.
All out of date Peter…
Nothing after 2009 !
Why ?
out of date? wrong sites? I know that in baby debating class we were taught to use those sort of attacks as a bait and switch tactic. Climate is 30 years, and yes if you take a smaller interval you could plausibly suggest a pause, hiatus or a drop. But it is not climate.
In the 40 years of satellite record, that is absolutely zero sign of any warming by increased atmospheric CO2
The only warming has come from the 1998 El Nino event, ocean cycles and the 2015/16 El Nino transient.
Apart from those events, there has been no warming
No warming from 1980-1997
No warming from 2001-2015
That is 33 years of no warming.
Your CO2 warming myth is BUSTED, pfutz. !
Technically 30 years is climate, the AMO and PDO capture it.
With all the new technologies we should be able to accept 10 years as climate.
I remember in the 1980s in Riverina area of NSW as a teenager, it was 40C average for about 2 weeks, and never got below 30C overnight. People were a bit cranky by the end of the 2 weeks, but survive we did…without aircon…just fans…
The poor snowflakes, if they experienced such a thing now, they would be huddled in self-support groups near the coffee machine in thier favourite air-conditioned latte spot, whimpering into thier beards….
“frequency of extreme weather events “
…. is NOT increasing.
You have lived your life linked to mindless propaganda, pftuz.
Maybe you should shut up for a while and actually try to learn something so you can counter the likes of NOAA, and Sks.
Your comments show you are here only as a self-worshiping smart-ass.
nah, here is a link
see it is happening
roflamo.. models all the way down.
Get back to reality, pfutz, and stop your childish attempts to be a smart-ass troll.
‘… see it is happening …’
The latest from Cheng et al 2019 is that over the period from 1971 to 2010 the ocean heat content was closely in line with the IPCC AR5 report, whereas the period from 2005-2017 was significantly smaller than predicted by the IPCC.
This is 0-2000 m deep, so we have to assume that CO2 has no part to play.
LOL Tornadoes down to a near record low this year without a single EF4 or EF5 recorded in the US and a single EF4 recorded in Manitoba. Tornado incidence and severity on a downslope since 1950
All of this despite the very increasing capability and coverage of weather radar and growing and dispersing populations in the US and Canada. EF-0, 1, and 2s dominate the count these days.
BTW Fitzroy, thermal energy alone does not make for more violent weather. It takes contrasts in the temperatures and pressures of air masses.
Anyone who uses SKS as their primary reference has already lost the argument as there is little or no science involved in it.
Do you find it just a coincidence that 1997 was the year when most weather monitoring systems changed over to NEW ‘U Beaut’ equipment.
Can you explain away the 1.3 degree centigrade JUMP and then maintained in Melbourne in 1997/8 BOM data?
Them Melbournians have taken of the global temp records. Must be all that mercury
Well now you know where the mercury from the coal goes to…the thermometers…to top them up as “record heat” continues…
Do you know what date they changed to smaller screens?
Not that it matters if the world is warming when it’s not cooling, since it can’t do anything else…
Around here on the NSW midcoast the highest annual mean minimum was in 1914, which was both hot and overcast, hence the warm nights. Next comes 1950, which was not hot but the cloud simply wouldn’t go away, as anyone with an interest in historical climate knows. That’s why up on the chilly tableland they had all those high winter minima. 1973 comes next, but that was cloudy all over the continent. So much for “warm” nights.
As for extreme events, our biggest flood here was in 1949 and our worst fires were probably in the wake of that very dry late winter and early spring of 1895. Heaviest downpour was in 1963. Hottest year by mean max was 1915. Hottest month by mean max was Jan 1914. Wettest year was 1950. Driest year was 1902, like in a lot of places. Of course, all of this could be dismissed by some ingenious calculations of “frequency”.
Clever. Wait for some stifling summer nights then say “nights are getting warmer”. I wonder what they’re saying in N America right now. They’ll think of something.
Mind you, I would never argue about a triviality like global warming. Even global cooling is trivial…down to a point.
The CO2 horsesh*t has to stop.
Peter F,
CO2 is rising because the planet is warming. CORRECT
Those who think CO2 is warming the planet (like you) are INCORRECT.
hey Fitz, I’m 71..
I can remember heatwaves going back to November 1952,
And freezing nights too.
Nothing much has changed…
Being a spring chicken means you weren’t around for the hot stuff of the 1930s – which my grandfather told me were quite mild in comparison to the 1890s.
Agree trm……the 1930s were bad…
My father, born 1924 was around 7yrs at the time…..
He lived on a dairy farm on the Mid Nth Coast of NSW.
He remembers the days being so hot that calves died ( never forgotten, as he got a belting by his father for not keeping the water up to them fast enough)….
Chooks died ….along with birds in flight, dropping out of the sky….
This can be verified by researching TROVE and viewing local paper reports at the time..
I wish some “truth seeking” MSM journalists would do a series on our “Local History Climate Events “…. guess
noone has the guts to put the truth out there. !!
For some odd reason it is very hard to research Trove when you are sipping lattes in an Ultimo coffee shop.
My dad, born in Jan ’04 was mining for gold in WA. He said the heat nearly killed him.
you remember a heatwave the occured when you were 4 years old? Amazing!
I remember deep snow in Birmingham in England when I was that age.
I doubt that Peter Fitzroy can remember his age.
You’ve got competition
R.V.Jones “I replied that not only could I remember the war, and its air raids, but that I could remember my father leaving for France on 11th November 1914, and that I could recall incidents from 1913 when I could not have been more than eighteen months old. “In that case” said Tizard, “you have the longest memory of any man I know – except myself. Do you know, I can distinctly remember having had a bottle”
From R.V. Jones “Most Secret War”
My sister can remember being born.
“I doubt that Peter Fitzroy can remember his age.”
He can only count to 9.
There are three types of people in the world.
Those that can count, and those that can’t.
You, Peter Fitzroy, are a Science Denier, and a believer in Witchcraft.
-Dr Phil Jones, the head of the CRU in East Anglia University was interviewed in 2008 by the BBC, who published the interview on the Internet. In the interview, he stated: “ It’s been cooling since 2003, but it’s statistically insignificant!” This has been reported on this blog several times. Pat (you’ve read his postings, surely?) found the article and posted a link to it on this blog. It’s your punishment for being so superstitious to find those postings on I can’t be bothered.
Your superstition extends to extreme weather Oh dear. The NOAA database shows the frequency and severity of extreme weather has been declining over the twentieth century and into the 21st century. Are you calling NOAA wrong? Bad luck.
You allege: frequency of extreme weather events
. Yes, energy the size and strength of the sun drives the weather down here. I’ve recently published links to the Science here. Obviously, you have ignored the literature—the peer reviewed and published science. Poor little Pfutz. Big mistake. You, sir, are Gob-smackingly ignorant.
I apologise to Jo for this list of papers —these are all peer reviewed and published, they are all part of the scientific literature which is more than you can say for that other blog.
1. Prikryl, L Nikitima, V Rinsin: Rapid intensification of tropical cyclones in the context of the solar-wind-magnetosphere-ionsphere-atmosphere coupling. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics. 2018.
2. Prikryl et al, Tropospheric weather influenced by solar wind through atmospheric vertical coupling downward control . Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 2017
3. Prikryl et al. A link between high-speed solar wind streams and explosive extratropical cyclones. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 2016
4. Hodges et al. The sun-hurricane connection: Diagnosing the solar impacts on hurricane frequency over the North Atlantic basin using a space-time model, Natural Hazards 2014
5. Hodge and Elsner, Evidence linking solar variability with US hurricanes, Int. J. Climatol, 2011
6. Hodge and Elsner, The spatial pattern of the sun-hurricane connection aross the North Atlantic,
ISRN Meteorology 2012
7. Harrison et al, Space weather driven changes in lower atmosphere phenomena, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 2013
8. Douglass and Knox, The Sun is the climate pacemaker I, Equatorial Pacific Ocean temperatures. Physics
Letters A 2015
9.Douglass and Knox, The Sun is the climate pacemaker II, Equatorial Pacific Ocean temperatures. Physics
Letters A 2015
How to use this list: especially written for PF:
Select the paper you wish to look up leaving out the number I have given it. Drop that selection into your Internet search engine. Go read the delivered abstract. If you are feeling wealthy and want to read more, then buy the full copy of the paper. I just ask my University’s library and they get it for me.
I have another 340 papers in similar vein for you when you have finished these Pfutz and all their cross-references.
Those papers also cover the solar causes of deep earthquakes magnitudes 6 and greater along the subduction zones of the tectonic plates, and even the Solar effects on human health and longevity. I don’t think Jo would be too happy if I chose to publish all that list here.
There are hundreds of links to other papers about the solar effects on Planet Earth published regularly on Those papers so linked are all peer reviewed and part of the scientific literature, Peter-Science-Denier-Fitzroy. Much of what the commenters on this blog claim or allege is in the scientific literature. It’s just not repeated over and over so cretinous coprocephalics such as yourself keep missing them. CO2 is just another atmospheric gas and a trace gas at that. It has no effect.
Allmendinger: Thermal behaviour of gases under solar irradiance. (2017. pdf)
Dr Ed Berry on why CO2 cannot change climate.
You have a lot of reading to do. Go do it.
Not just a science Denier, but he is also a Climate Change Denier.
He denies the climate has changed naturally due to the sun.
So much so he has to fabricate a mythical CO2 warming farce that has absolutely zero supporting empirical evidence.
Reading his faceache page there was an interesting link to a site where they claim that “Theories ” are the ducks nutz of science .
The sun drives earth systems, tick. Variations in the sun cause variations in earth systems, tick. Variations in the Earth’s orbit cause variations in earth systems, tick. The gobbledygook about how C02 can not change climate, X. Dr Berry uses made up numbers for anthropomorphic C02- no wonder it had to be self published.
The gobbledigoop is that CO2 can change climate systems.
There is absolutely zero empirical evidence that is the case.
It is a fantasy, a MYTH.
You have been totally incapable of presenting a single bit of empirical evidence,
… yet still you yabber on mindlessly.
‘The sun drives earth systems, tick’
If you are so confident, what are the mechanisms? As you know, the sun is fairly constant.
‘When UV energy reaching Earth is diminished at solar minimum, Crawford reasoned, the north-south temperature contrasts in the stratosphere ought to be lessened because of less heating of ozone at lower latitudes. That, he reckoned, ought to favor a more variable polar vortex and a negative North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).
‘A simple test helped convince Crawford: “If you pull the NAO values for the three winters centered on each of the last six solar minima (18 total values), and you compare them to the other winters, you find a statistically significant tendency for more negative NAO values during solar minimum.”
Weather Underground
With a blank sun you could say the NAO is recalcitrant, it should be in negative territory.
Peter Fitzroy claimed:
You don’t hold a candle to Dr Berry. In comparison you are just a loose mouth on legs(?) uttering childish insults. It will make trouble for you one day. Here’s Dr Berry’s bio: read
About Dr Ed Berry
and then do a realistic comparison with yourself.
Note: We will happily assist you with that.
As for your dismissal of Dr Berry, having to `self publish’ here’s proof he doesn’t:
PrePrint: Contradictions to IPCCs Climate Change Theory This was presented at the American Meteorological Society 99th Annual Meeting, January 8, 2019, You will see if you can be bothered to even read the paper, that it was submitted to a journal on 22nd Jan—a week ago. It will then go through peer review. It could be published this year.
Read it now: it will be not be up on his website for long because of copyright reasons.
Dr Berry, with his reputation, doesn’t need to self publish. He might do that for what he regards as trivial.
I called you a Cretinous Coprocephalic. I’m sorry, that description is a gross under-statement.
you link to a paper on and then say he does not self publish – my comment stands vindicated
Argue the science, pfutz.
You know you can’t pfutz. !!
Your comments are meaningless and irrelevant, as always.
I meant sawfish.
Could it be that night time temperature measurements from the new super sensitive equipment have Flood lights trained upon them? Could the night watchman be BREATHING into the box as he passes and triggers his ‘I was here” dongle?
“For those who would like to continue Coal fired power, will you accept a plant in your neighbourhood?”
I think floating coal fired plants out to sea a bit or on small islands means those outputs can help fertilise the oceans. While the lovely life giving CO2 helps fertilise globally.
Some of that Mercury’s got in your brain son . .
Go and play with your toy lead soldiers!!
Regards GeoffW
I just realised fitzy, didn’t you used to go to Kogarah high school ?
Did you?
Nah wasn’t much into that there book learnin.
Neither was he
I did, Paul Dawson was the PE teacher for my last two years. Interestingly, as a result of the Baby boom, Kogarah accepted a lot of students who would have normally gone to other schools. Of the 80 or so that matriculated in my year 78 went on to uni, becoming doctors, lawyers etc. I did biology/ecology.
You did Biology? Why is it you don’t understand how the PH scale works as in your masters keep telling us the oceans are becoming more acidic when you would know this is a false claim ?
CO2 (aq) + H2O ⇌ H2CO3 ⇌ HCO3− + H+ ⇌ CO32− + 2 H+. more C02 will lead to more H+ moving more towards pH7 (neutral) from its slightly basic state.
Now, if you have another chemical pathway, I’m all eyes
So Peter, how many tonnes of CO2 will cause the worlds oceans to drop to pH7?
There are obvious benefits in the above process where Hydrogen is being liberated.
This should be harvested to provide clean fuel for power generation.
Problem solved.
Not at all sure Dave
However, it is estimated that surface ocean pH has dropped by slightly more than 0.1 units on the logarithmic scale of pH, representing about a 29% increase in H+. It is expected to drop by a further 0.3 to 0.5 pH units by 2100 as the oceans absorb more anthropogenic CO2
The natural pH of the ocean is determined by a need to balance the deposition and burial of CaCO3 on the sea floor against the influx of Ca2+
and CO2−3 into the ocean from dissolving rocks on land, called weathering. These processes stabilize the pH of the ocean, by a mechanism called CaCO
3 compensation…The point of bringing it up again is to note that if the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere changes more slowly than this, as it always has throughout the Vostok record, the pH of the ocean will be relatively unaffected because CaCO3 compensation can keep up. The [present] fossil fuel acidification is much faster than natural changes, and so the acid spike will be more intense than the earth has seen in at least 800,000 years.
at this time
“it is estimated that surface ocean pH has dropped by slightly more than 0.1 units on the logarithmic scale of pH”
Again, a total load of hogwash
There is no way anyone could have measured whole of ocean pH 50 years ago.
There is no way anyone can do it even now.
You have, yet again, fallen for a load of assumption driven modelled garbage.
Actual surface pH measurements since 1900 show a slight increase in pH.
“representing about a 29% increase in H+”
And even if it were actually true, rather than assumption based model junk output…
… there is still some 1800% to 2000% increase in H+ before it even becomes neutral.
” It is expected to drop by a further 0.3 to 0.5 pH units by 2100 ”
Balderbash.. Assumption based model garbage.
There is zero evidence of that happening. The massive buffering from carbonates and marine life precludes it.
Basically all rivers that run into the oceans are below pH 7, yet over billions of years they have not changed the ocean pH one skerrick.
Only very gullible, anti-fact people “believe” in ocean de-alkalisation.
Here is a graph of ALL sea surface pH reading since 1900.
If anything , a slightly upward trend.
Zero signal from increased atmospheric CO2 concentration,
just like there is zero CO2 signal in the real temperature.
It just ISN’T happening.
and can you name any field where models are not used?
Hi Andy,
Without a clear “cause and effect” that is measurable, there IS no model.
We know that: the Gulls don’t.
There is a huge difference between UN-validated models and engineering models that are constantly tested and validated.
Climate models are UN-validated hogwash.
In fact, reality has made them in-valid.
And I suspect you know that, so stop your childish attention-seeking.
Peter F:
Did you learn that 98% of CO2 dissolved in the ocean is as gas? Did you consider the buffering action of calcium and magnesium ions?
And have you seen the White Cliffs of Dover (even just in a picture)? They, and the South Downs in England, and a good deal of the French NW coastal region, was laid down in the Cretacious time when the atmospheric CO2 level was between 1600 and 1950ppm. The sea wasn’t acid then.
Nor the English Jurassic coast (Dorset etc) which was laid down in the Jurassic when the CO2 was 2200-2700ppm.
There famous for the fossils of sea creatures of that time, including clams, Belemnites, Nautiloids and Ammonites (all with carbonate shells) which flourished during that time.
And chemically, the conversion to carbonic acid is pH dependent and slows as the pH drops.
So it is possible for something that’s alkaline to be more acidic even though it’s still alkaline , I’m glad you cleared that up for me .
My fifth grade science teacher has a lot to answer for .
That’s Male Bovine Excrement.
The HCO3- and the CO3 — are both, when in solution. much stronger alkaline pH than H+ or even H3O+ (as it quickly becomes) is an acid. It’s a very weak acid so your scenario of heading for pH 7 will never occur.
You claimed to be a biologist. What’s up Peter? Forgotten it all? Forgotten what Buffered Solutions are and how they work? All animals including the human animal make use of buffered solutions internally. The oceans are the world’s biggest and strongest buffered solution Their pH is going Nowhere.
You’ve got more study to do. Go do it.
Even buffering will have limits.
Note that if the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere changes more slowly than this, as it always has throughout the Vostok record, the pH of the ocean will be relatively unaffected because CaCO3 compensation can keep up. The [present] fossil fuel acidification is much faster than natural changes, and so the acid spike will be more intense than the earth has seen in at least 800,000 years.
another summary here –
Stop your yabbering, putz,
There is zero evidence of any change in ocean pH.
In fact, a collation of all surface readings since 1900 shows a very slight INCREASE in pH.
Let’s put the insignificant period of the Hawaii site into perspective, shall we, against measurements at Flinders Reef.
Notice anything, pfutz.
You and your propaganda will have to do much better, because you are failing badly at the moment.
Just DENY the data, like all little AGWers do.
The ancient saying is “The poison is in the dose”.
I cannot see any persuasive path that would collect mercury from burned coal dust and concentrate it to Minimata levels, then place it at a location in harm’s way for people.
It is so, so easy these days for people to mouth platitudes like “toxic heavy metal threats” without evidence of reaching toxic level or having any knowledge of why metals are classed as ‘heavy’.
You will not know that this very author was one of the first chemists in this country to evolve ways to measure trace mercury in human hair. Mt first test set was a half dozen chemists from my own alaytical lab. We found a strong correlation, more mercury in hair with more years at the lab bench. But, none of them was remotely in danger of Minimata sickness. That would have needed 100 to 1,000 times more mercury.
So easy to chant populist slogans, so hard to listen to voices of experience. Geoff.
The old Lotts Road, Chelsea, coal fired power station? No.
A nice new HELE? Yes.
Sigh… Not the Latrobe Valley study again. This discredited study, widely disparaged by local health folks, was written by an activist doctor and based on another discredited study from New Jersey. As the local health folks pointed out, there are many other reasons why the death rates are higher in that region.
Peter, can you point to one, just one, coal plant that doesn’t meet the stringent EPA regulations? The pollution from coal plants has decreased markedly in the last 40 years, down at least 80% based on US figures. And you need to question very closely why plants need to meet PM 2.5 standards.
Victoria’s environmental watchdog is reviewing the licences of the state’s three remaining coal-fired power plants, amid claims toxic emissions have contributed to an unusually high number of low-birthweight babies in the Latrobe Valley and even poisoned native dolphins. (Latrobe Valley Express). PM 2.5 dangers have been known for a long time, but what the hell, power is more important than health.
You really have been brainwashed into green ideology and thinking haven’t you ? Totally incapable of free thought and unquestioning with anything at all that comes from modern Climatologists and climate evangelists .
cause and effect proven in the Latrobe Bugle. I guess that science is settled then.
PF, when you multiply a really big number by a really small number, you can end up with a sizeable number. As in your case. I cannot find an exact assay of how much Hg is in a sample of Latrobe brown coal. In Poland, their brown coal has about 280micrograms per kilogram. So, for argument sake. We burn…or used to burn, up to 35,000,000 tonnes a year. The calculation is about 980kg of Hg a year, or, 2.65kg a day out of all of the Latrobe power stations. Whislt any Hg produced sounds bad…context is king! The Great Dividing Range above the Latrobe Valley has cinnabar occurring naturally. Where do you draw the line, PF? I used to be very amused by greeny filth discovering BAD arsenic present in Koppers Logs playgrounds in Queensland, yet, totally ignoring the arsenic present in the deco granite covering of the same playground…context!
Bioaccumulation and we only need a small dose, say 2 swordfish steaks a week to make us sick (swordfish are top predators)
all over the MSM, some with headlines suggesting it’s a done deal, when it’s only recommendations. read all:
26 Jan: ClimateChangeNews: Germany to quit coal by 2038, under commission proposal
After late-night talks, a dedicated commission has agreed a timetable to phase out coal burning in Europe’s largest economy
By Sven Egenter and Benjamin Wehrmann for Clean Energy Wire
Germany will stop burning coal for electricity by 2038, under plans finalised by a commission in the small hours of Saturday.
It is the first time Europe’s biggest economy, which gets 35% of its power from coal, has outlined a timeline to phase out the polluting fuel.
A commission drawn from industry, civil society, green groups and government published its final report after more than six months of deliberations and a last 21-hour marathon negotiating session.
In the resulting compromise, 12.5GW of coal power capacity will close by 2022 and another 25.6GW by 2030. This will be coupled with a support package to affected regions that media estimated was worth €40 billion over 20 years. Out of 28 committee members, 27 endorsed the deal…
The conclusions are only advisory for Germany’s government and the actual implementation of measures may ultimately deviate from what the commission recommends…
Hambach Forest
The commission says it would be “desirable” to keep the embattled forest which is slated for clearing to make room for an extension of a lignite mine…READ ALL
This will give the AFB party another policy weapon against the Merkel Greenist nutters in Germany
Excellent…unless the shortfall is replaced by nukes, then germany will be at the whims of Russian supplied gas….
No geo-political risk there of course…
26 Jan: Townhall: Paul Driessen: Saved by Pseudo-renewable Energy?
Australia Day Picnic yesterday in the Fitzroy Gardens, Melbourne with Australian Conservatives.
The Victorian candidate, Kevin Bailey, gave an address.
There is a cultural war going on, which is not of our making but we must engage. The socialist left has infiltrated and all but destroyed our institutions including our two main political parties, the Labor party and the Liberal party. There may still be some sensible elements in those parties and also in Government, Education, Media etc but they are being overwhelmed by an active and organised and emotional opposition.
The Australian Conservatives are standing candidates in the Senate only, because we do not yet have the resources to take on the whole system.
Kevin says there are two Senate seats in Victoria that may be winnable; One held by the Greens and the other by Derryn Hinch, who mostly votes Green/Labor. He estimates that about 2.5 million Victorians support our policies and could potentially vote for him. He needs 540,000 votes, which is doable.
The main issues are; Cost of Living, National Security and Australian Values.
Take a look at the Australian Conservative policies here.
Thanks Peter.
Something positive.
He’s got mine.
‘There is a cultural war going on, which is not of our making but in which we must engage. The socialist left has infiltrated and all but destroyed our institutions including our two main political parties, the Labor party and the Liberal party. There may still be some sensible elements in those parties and also in Government, Education, Media etc but they are being overwhelmed by an active and organised and emotional opposition.’
Apropos my comment earlier, we have discussed,identified, evaluated the problems with cli sci and renewable energy for decades now. Do we continue the back and forth till western democracy sinks without a trace or do we engage in concerted attack as we did when the enemy without attacked our shores in WW 11. Air craft, navy, minesweepers protected us then, what are we doing now against the enemy within? Jo gets out there. so what about us? Personally I’m prepared to jump in to the fray, donate $$,march,the time fer talkin’s past.
Thanks Beth!
What do we do about now about the enemy within?
No 1. we vote for Kevin Bailey.
No 2. We have to push back against the socialist left narrative: here on the blog and every where else that we can. I signed up two members of my family last night just by telling them about my Australia Day experience.
Peter, some good policies from the A C Party.
Officially on Friday 25th (Kyabram) had a maximum temperature of 47.1. Yet when I look at the AWS 30 min data the highest reported temperature was at 6.30 pm and was 45.4. So why is the reported temperature so different to what I can see on the AWS data?
I thought where a peak is reached, no matter where in the reporting time it gets reported. i.e. if it was 45.4 at 6.30 and then peaked at 47.1 at say 6.38 then this would have been recorded in the data table but there is no 47.1 reported in this table where is the 47.1? 1.7 degrees between what it the highest on the table vs reported is quite significant.
Other stations around Kyabram report nothing like the 47.1 we had officially reported.
Shepparton AWS (airport) is around 31ks away (as the crow flies) south east from the Kyabram AWS (middle of a “farm” ) and Shepparton’s officially reported temperature was 46.2C at 4.30 pm against the AWS reported data on the BOM site of 45.4 so the official temp reported was 0.8 higher. Shouldn’t that temperature be on the data table?
Tatura’s AWS is only 22ks SE from Kyabram. The temperature table reports a maximum of 44.2 at 4 and 5pm . The official reported temperature is 44.8 – so 0.6 higher than what is observed on the table.
Echuca which has a manual weather station at its airport is 33km North West of Kyabram has a maximum temperature reported of 46.9. There is no autodata to compare against so 46.9 is it..
Site AWS Table max temp Reported max temp Difference
Shepparton 45.4 46.2 +0.8
Tatura 44.2 44.8 +0.6
Kyabram 45.4 47.1 +1.7
Echuca NA 46.9 NA
I’m just trying to understand the AWS data against the officially reported maximum figures and why there is this discrepancy. Even comparing the AWS vs Official figures the 47.1 doesn’t look right. Echuca is typically 1-2 degrees hotter than Kyabram yet we were hotter this time around.
The quick response time for the new thermometers can pick up anything. It seems the highest half-hourly temp for Kyabram was 44.6C at 2:30pm.
The high temp would have been recorded on the BoM official site but would have disappeared by next morning. The site is here under Vic observations.
Scroll down to Northern Country to find Kyabram. On the right HS you’ll find High Temp and time for the present time.
If you click on your town you will find the last few days of half-hourly temps (but no HT).
I checked my town today and found that at 11:50am was showing 33.8C but showing 35.4C for 11:50am for the High temp.
That’s a difference of 1.6C in the same minute – yet there’s no cloud around.
I’d say that is what happened at your town.
As the lead story on its 11 o’clock radio news the ABC has launched its candidate in Warringah, some hitherto unknown champion skier and barrister, with an extended “grab” on her position on global warming; The gloves are off and we’re in for a bare knuckle luvvie led brawl to vanquish the former PM.
Serp – she’s a genius!
27 Jan: ABC: Zali Steggall to challenge Tony Abbott’s Warringah seat at 2019 federal election
By Danuta Kozaki and Bellinda Kontominas
Australia’s most successful alpine skier, Zali Steggall, has formally announced she will stand as an independent in former prime minister Tony Abbott’s Sydney seat of Warringah in the next federal election.
At a media conference in Sydney today, the barrister and four-time Winter Olympian accused the former prime minister of being “set in his ways” and unwilling to change, particularly when it came to climate change policy.
She told supporters she wanted to be “a voice for the sensible centre” in Australian politics and to address their concerns about climate change.
“The science is in. It’s time to act. What are we waiting for,” she said…
“We do not want to be remembered as the generation that had all the facts but failed to act.”
She said she was concerned about the Government’s lack of leadership on the issue.
“Climate change is not a political football,” she said.
“Warringah has for too long had someone who is set in his ways, unwilling and unable to change.
“He does not represent who we are and what we stand for.”
***Ms Steggall said she was also determined to bring down the cost of power by using more renewable energy and hydro storage…
She said she would push for long-term economic stability ***with policies to encourage growth and investment and boosting healthcare services, particularly for mental health…
Never heard of her.
She wants more snow to ski ?
I suggest she go to Canada or the USA in the next few days.
She’ll get far more than she needs.
I recognized that name immediately, I think she is well known.
Wiki says she was born in Manly and she came from a sporting family,
her grandfather played ten Tests for Australia in rugby union.
Could be good selling points to the public.
My grandfather the Rugby player, told me all about Global warming ?
yehhhhh sure.
Will the folks of Warringah believe that one ?
Well, as the temp drops into the LIA, maybe the sea at Manly will freeze over, and we can play thugby league on the ice?
Ice skating should become a growing sport…perhaps move the AIS to Manly?
What’s wrong with Roolz? Wouldn’t it be a better game on ice skates than thugby?
Kicking the ball would be interesting, though! 🙂
Another facepalm moment. She appears to be another simpleton that believes the multi layered myth of cheaper renewable and energy equivalence.
You should have to have some form of STEM education to get into Parliament.
There is probably a good reason (many good reasons?) why STEM educated people are sadly missing in politics and in senior roles in the Energy industry. They would probably go insane dealing with the idiocy that goes on every day.
From “The Australian”
“Ms Steggall, who is likely to gain support from activist group GetUp!, said she would use her courage and determination
“It’s time for real action on climate change. We want to make sure we lead the economic boom with new technology, renewable energy, and (that) we bring jobs to Warringah.
“I have been consulting with Australia’s leading climate change and economics experts. I’m very lucky to have professor Tim Flannery here today, and he and other experts have agreed to advise me on climate strategy and how we can best achieve the results we need to achieve for Warringah and Australia.”
Words fail me!
Isnt Stegall … er….
I think shes a cooked goose….a non starter..
Not raw packaged chicken?
Now *that* is funny !!
Quadrant has a story on this where she’s described as an “ex-Turnbull staffer”. Phwoar!
Got the link wrong, should be
Quote from Quadrant …
“Could this be a coincidence? Zali Steggall, former Olympic skier and admirer of Malcolm Turnbull, is to contest Tony Abbott’s seat of Warringah. At her launch on January 27 she said her decision to declare as an independent was motivated by a desire to promote the “sensible centre”.
That term is code for climate change, the issue which is supported by agitprop from the massive funding that scurrilous and self-interested entities have at their fingertips, courtesy of funding for renewables, Great Barrier Reef and the associated green-ish endeavours governments of all stripes have provided. She made this clear”
Backed and supported by GetUp the activist group from the US funded by sources such as Soros and here the CFMMEU, founded via the AWU when Bill Shorten was a senior AWU executive and he became a Director at GetUp.
Remember the “Independents” Windsor and Oakeshott who turned out to be supported and funded by Rudd led Labor and then Gillard led Labor who became alliance partners in 2010 to enable Labor to form a minority government.
Be wary of “Independents” in Coalition electorates, they are only masquerading as independents because Labor even with Green preferences could not succeed if they had a candidate using that brand.
behind paywall:
26 Jan: UK Times: Lights go out for ‘ethical’ Our Power
by Miles Costello
About 38,000 customers of Our Power have been left in the lurch after it became the tenth smaller energy supplier to go under in a year.
The loss-making, Edinburgh-based company was set up less than three years ago and viewed itself as an ethical operator.
Our Power was set up as a not-for-profit company in 2016, with support from the Scottish government, to be a fair energy supplier and to help to tackle fuel poverty. It was owned by social housing providers, community groups and local authorities…
G’day Pat,
Any news on what happened to those 38,000 customers?
Dave B
Someone stated in the Adelaide paper the hottest day is Jan 12 1939. It was 117F which converts to 47.2C which is hotter than Fridays 46.7C, is this another case of basic math errors from the BOM?
“Someone stated in the Adelaide paper the hottest day is Jan 12 1939. It was 117F which converts to 47.2C which is hotter than Fridays 46.7C, is this another case of basic math errors from the BOM?”
No both numbers are correct.
One number came from the thermometer in the Glaisher stand which had stood in the same spot since 1858, the other number came from a Stevenson screen next to it. The papers published the Greenwich/Glaisher stand number because it was more relevant to the 1856 to 1939 numbers. The BoM prefer the Stevenson screen numbers.
I am not the gutless red thumber.
Here is an example of the papers showing a cooler minimum temperature from the Greenwich Glaisher stand.
Paper 37.5 F = 3 or 3.1 C
Bom has 3.5 C
Station number 023000 after selecting max temp here.
Ooops after selecting MINIMUM temp here.
Well I hope those red thumbs are what I earned by saying select maximum instead of minimum. But just incase there are people who just don’t want to know that different screens produce different temperatures or don’t want minimums looked at closely, this newspaper clipping should stir up everyone.
So far the BoM have been blaming the newspapers for quoting the Glaisher/Stevenson readings but the newspapers must have gotten that information from the Bureau in the first place.
This shows either that happening or something very strange going on.
The coldest temperature the BoM has listed for the West Terrace site is 1944 June 24. @ 0.8 degrees C. While this demonstrates that the long running comparison never compared sub zero temperatures and that alone is interesting, this newspaper snippet shows the BoM quote the lower reading.
“He said the record low
temperature for June was
32.5 deg. on June 24, 1944.”
That is 0.3 degrees C not 0.8.
Why is this important? Well the past minimums seem to get adjusted down all over the place. If where those minimums came from Greenwich/Glaisher stands the numbers were reading lower than Stevensons then… THE PAST NEEDS TO BE ADJUSTED UP!
Ooooh another thumbs down. That needs to be punished.
Well back when it got hot like this more often in Adelaide 1850 – 1855 the Stevenson screen had not been invented and Sir Charles Todd had not yet installed his Glaisher Greenwich stand people with private thermometer records wrote them into the paper.
How is this for punishment 121.6 degrees F (49.8 degrees C) in 1850 in Adelaide. Recorded well in the shade but with no specific heat of wood to slow its rise and fall.
Hmm could be 49.8 degrees C for 1855 not 1850 in Adelaide.
1850 was still hotter than the other day though. Check it out!
It’s interesting that ACORN 1 shows 12th Jan,1939 in Adelaide as 46.4C (46.1C in the CDO records).
19390109 44.3
19390110 46.2
19390111 34.9
19390112 46.4***
19390113 44.5
At least two adjustments to this temp – I wonder what ACORN 2 will show.
reported mostly by French-language MSM. can’t find anything on theirABC, Fairfax, Guardian! (some Murdoch press coverage):
PIC/VIDEO: 25 Jan: Le Monde: Greenpeace envoie deux drones sur le site nucléaire de la Hague
by Le Monde avec AFP
VIDEO: 1min47sec: 25 Jan: Weekly Times: Greenpeace Drone Drops Smoke Bombs on French Nuclear Power Facility
French nuclear facilities are not sufficiently protected: so say Greenpeace activists, who, on Friday, January 25, flew drones over the Orano La Hague plant and dropped smoke bombs onto the roof of a building containing irradiated fuel. Greenpeace used one drone to drop the smoke bombs; however, the Orano Group, which runs the plant, said that they detected two drones.
The group announced that it would file a complaint about the incident.
“What is particularly shocking is that this drone was able to drop smoke bombs on the roof,” said Greenpeace campaigned Alix Mazounie. “That is to say, the weak point of a building containing the largest amount of radioactive material in the world.” Credit: Greenpeace France via Storyful
25 Jan: France3: Greenpeace se pose sur le toit de l’usine nucléaire Orano La Hague
playing silly games around nuclear facilities is a good way to get yourself shot.
25 Jan: EnergyLiveNews: Building and curtailing solar ‘could be cheaper than battery storage’
A new report found installing more capacity and not using it all the time was the best option
by Jonny Bairstow
Building more solar and curtailing surplus electricity could be cheaper than adding battery storage.
That’s according to a Solar Potential Analysis (SPA) report from MS Solar Pathways, which found installing more capacity and not using it all the time would be considerably less expensive than installing long-term or seasonal storage in Minnesota…
Josh Quinnell, Senior Research Engineer at the Center for Energy and Environment and a contributor to the report, said: “It is cheaper to overbuild solar than it is to add enough storage to avoid curtailment. That is not to discount storage.
“Storage is still important. We don’t have all the answers but certainly the results challenge traditional thinking.”
That is true and the same as ARENA determined in this 2018 report:
Figure 17 gives the multiples of overbuild that gives the lowest dispatchable LCOE for given periods of firm generation and cost of storage.
Think of what this means for the silliness of comparing solar and wind generation unbuffered LCOE with dispatchable generation when the overbuild is a factor of two, three or more.
This is something I pointed out in my submission to the Finkel enquiry years ago now and went over their head as they persisted in using average capacity factor for the amount of generation required. It has taken a long time for this understanding to be appreciated more widely.
I wonder what the impact of over build is on night time generation
24/7 anti-Brexit propaganda:
26 Jan: UK Times: More delays for smart meter rollout
by Emily Gosden
A no-deal Brexit threatens to tip the troubled £11 billion smart meter rollout into chaos as energy suppliers fear that imports of the devices may be disrupted.
Several companies are understood to be increasing stockpiles of the meters to have them ready to install even if there are delays at the border.
One senior industry source said that this was proving difficult, however, because Britain’s exit from the European Union coincides with a government deadline forcing suppliers to change the kind of meter they install…
The National Audit Office has said that there is no realistic prospect the deadline will be met. The programme is running £500 million over-budget and costs could rise by more than £2 billion, it added. So far only 13 million meters have been installed out of more than 50 million required. About 100,000 meters are being put in every week, with most understood to be imported…
How to maximise profits as a generator in the AEMO market.
Everyone knows that when supply is tight and demand is high, prices go up.
AGL owns Loy Yang A (LYA) in Vic with a capacity of 2,200 MW. It also owns Bayswater (BW) NSW 2,600 MW and Liddell (LD) NSW 2,000 MW, all coal fired power stations.
It also owns Torrens (TR) SA (gas) 1,300 MW, Somerton Vic (gas) 160 MW, and various hydro 690 MW ans solar 200 MW.
It used to own Macarthur windfarm Vic 420 MW, sold it but still retains rights to LGCs.
Under construction are Coopers Qld wind 450 MW, and Silverton wind NSW 200 MW.
During January, LYA ran at 2,200 MW Jan 1-8, 1,650 MW Jan 9-18, 2,200 MW Jan 19-22, 1,600 MW Jan 23-25, 1,100 MW Jan 25-26.
Vic wholesale prices during those periods were Jan 1-8 $64-120, avge $91/MWhr; Jan 9-18 $71-207, avge $131/MWhr, Jan 19-22 $80-255, avge $146/MWhr, Jan 23-25 $151-3378 avge $1427/MWhr, Jan 25-26 $753-164, avge $458/MWhr.
So when AGL ran Loy Yang at max capacity of 2200 MW, the price received was $91-146. When running at 1600 MW, the price received was $131-1427, and at 1100 MW price was $458.
Clearly the other factor on price is demand – higher demand on hot days increases prices.
But just as an example, running LYA at 2,200 MW and price $120 gives daily income of $6.3 million.
Running LYA at 1600 MW and price $200 gives daily income of $7.7 million.
Running LYA at 1100 MW and price $400 gives daily income of $10.6 million.
In addition, in SA TRs has run at an average of 500 MW through January, with peaks of 1100 MW. At SA average price of $264 for January, that’s daily income of $3.2 million.
And of course AGL has announced plans to close Liddell in 3 years. Yet during January LD was generating an average 1200 MW @ $107 for a daily income of $3.1 million, while BW was generating an average 2,000 MW for a gross daily income of $5.1 million.
So tightening supply is likely to increase AGL’s profits. When will AEMO and governments stand up and demand more reliable dispatchable generators? More intermittent wind and solar is only going to exacerbate the problem of higher prices for consumers, because that will reduce utilisation of coal generators, but at peak demand that reliable supply must still be available. Do we want more months like January where Vic/SA prices have averaged $272/263 per MWhr while in NSW/Qld prices were $107/91? What will it be like with 50% intermittent renewables?
Let me show you something here, and use this in reference to 50% renewables by 2030.
That Coopers Gap wind plant was first proposed back in 2005, and might be finally completed in 2019, 14 years after the proposal was first planned.
See how even these renewables can have long lead times.
We have 11 years till 2030.
If these renewables favouring politicians plan to reach those 50% targets, a lot of these wind plants need to be in planning now, not just a political statement made at election times.
Coopers Gap proposed Capacity Factor in 2005 was stated at 38%, and it still is. Good luck with that. Still, they do mention the usual homes powered, in this case, 264,000 of them.
And only (approximately) $850 Million for 453MW, effectively 136MW.
The fact that ON AVERAGE about 180,000 of the 264,000 homes will be without power is immaterial.
Do any green victorian pollies have links to power companies?
No doubt union industry superannuation funds do.
Crazy unjustified stuff.
There is no Ecological basis for these renewables:
the intense pollution during manufacture, the poor economies of scale, the variability of output, the inherent difficulty of disposal after useful working life etc together make this trend worthy of serious judicial investigation.
The damage to our industry and commerce have countered fifty years of hard won progress and essentially moved Australia from Democracy to Kleptocracy.
And still the ugliness continues with Australia now leaderless.
Via Chiefio
“The Exploitative Globalist Greedy Evil Bastards.”
More Nutty Greenist Nonsense put out by the ABC !
And not about power or climate change..This time it’s flying foxes !
One of the good things about South Australia for farmers is that it did not have any flying foxes and has never had them ever since settlement in 1835. They are a dangerous pest : flying rats !
That is until about 6-7 years ago when a small mob of them discovered the Botanic Gardens.. And in that lovely protected area they have increased in numbers till there are now over 15,000..with sub colonies developing elsewhere around Adelaide wherever fruiting trees have been planted
But the colony was devastated by recent heat. At least “1,500 grey-headed flying foxes dropped from the trees in Adelaide’s Botanic Park, in the parklands and along the banks of the River Torrens.”
But our local dopey greenists Fauna Rescue, went to the rescue :Fauna Rescue.
“We bought a lot of extra spraying equipment so that we could spray the low down ones in the heat to try and give some moisture”
All of the deaths have been grey-headed flying foxes, which are indeed classed as a vulnerable species in NSW & Qld:
BUT NOT NATIVE in South Australia. They are an invasive pest here. They also can carry lyssavirus – a virus related to Rabies which has no cure. So everybody is urged to keep their distance from them and never touch them.
Now please tell me why it is that anyone is allowed to protect and help a pest species which carries a rabies like disease ?
I’m hoping for a few more hot days.
Why ? So the whole colony is wiped out !
Not sure if is grey-headed or another flying fox but they also carry Hendra virus. It is a death sentence for horses, trainers and vets. Vic Rail was a trainer and possibly the first to die.
Vic Rail was in Qld I think where these flying foxes are native…So that’s unfortunately goes with the territory there.
But in South Australia ? Invasive foreign flying pest rats carrying an incurable deadly disease! Mortality is almost 100%
they are probably here because they are now a protected species and have over populated their native habitats.
71 thembs for wanting flying rats to die !
Now who could be doing that I wonder ?
I suspect it is a rat who cant fly.
Keep this up and you might stampede the “rescuers”
Didn’t I read here a couple of months back that your flying fox can’t abide bagpipes? Surely it’s worth a try by the various infested gardens?
Love the pipes.
“your flying fox can’t abide bagpipes”
An astute sense of hearing ! 🙂
TWEET: Kevin Saunders: Here we go. The BBC is now leaving the UK in the event of Brexit.
(LINK GUARDIAN) BBC looks at settng up international HQ in Belgium after Brexit
Broadcaster also considers Netherlands and Ireland in hunt for EU bas for licences
24 Jan 2019
reply Stephen Phillips
This is really good news. The #LicenseFee must be cancelled with immediate effect, or we will be subsidising a foreign organisation out of taxpayers’ money. (Don’t say this part of the BBC makes a profit, since that probably wouldn’t be the case without our cash.)
25 Jan 2019
reply Nigel Ward
Brussels Broadcasting Corporation
Great that would mean no licence fee and can they take Lineker with them
25 Jan 2019
reply from PABz etc (too complex to paste the whole name!):
And here’s some more details of institutions in the euro pocket
Friends of the Earth
BBC etc
25 Jan 2019
Friends of the Earth – Our funding
Friends of the Earth Europe gratefully acknowledges funding from:
European Union: European Commission Directorate General (DG) for Environment…European Climate Initiative (EUKI); German Federal Ministry for the Environment (Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety); European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe; European Climate Foundation…
A detailed breakdown of Friends of the Earth Europe’s funding for 2017 can be found here (LINK) . Detailed financial information for previous years can be found here (LINK)…
Full copies of Friends of the Earth Europe’s accounts are available from the Belgian National Bank at (LINK)…
WWF – Funding & partners
WWF EPO has five main sources of income, with funding received via the WWF network representing the bulk of our office’s budget in FY16 (53.8%). The second and third sources of income in FY16 are respectively from contributions by trusts and foundations (27.4%) and funding received through EU grants (17.1%). The remainder of our budget was financed through the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (1.4%) and corporate partnerships (0.3%).
In particular, WWF EPO wishes to gratefully acknowledge funding from the following donors: The European Climate Foundation, supporting our climate and energy programme…
The European Commission – LIFE Programme, providing an operating grant to support certain administrative costs of our office as well as specific grants to projects such as MaxiMiseR…
These donors provide invaluable support to WWF’s work at EU level. Without their additional support, it would be harder for NGOs to take part in EU decision making processes and represent the interests of their membership…
For more information about the work these donors finance, please consult our issue specific pages here (LINK)…
Our work is done with the financial support of the European Union. WWF European Policy Office gratefully acknowledges funding support from the European Commission…
27 Dec 2013: UK Telegraph: European Union funding £90m green lobbying con
Green activists are given more than £90 million on EU “cash carousel” promtingcalls for the fund to be scrapped
By Robert Mendick, Chief Reporter, and Edward Malnick
Activists are being given the grants from a European Commission environmental fund, which enables a network of green groups to influence and promote EU policy.
The practice has been branded a “cash carousel” by critics, who have called for the special fund — called Life+ — to be scrapped.
In total, the fund has handed out more than £90 million to green groups in the past 15 years, according to the TaxPayers’ Alliance, which has analysed its spending…
The European policy office of the World Wide Fund for Nature, also based in Brussels, has received £7.4 million, while Friends of the Earth Europe (FoEE), also based in Brussels, is the third highest recipient with £6.4 million…
Wikipedia: Greenpeace…does not accept money from governments, intergovernmental organizations, political parties or corporations in order to avoid their influence…However, Greenpeace does receive money from the National Postcode Lottery, the biggest government-sponsored lottery in the Netherlands, and several for profit companies like Ben & Jerry’s partner with and indicate they donate a percentage of sales to Greenpeace campaigns…
Since in the mid-1990s the number of supporters started to decrease, Greenpeace pioneered the use of face-to-face fundraising where fundraisers actively seek new supporters at public places, subscribing them for a monthly direct debit donation. In 2008, most of the €202.5 million received by the organization was donated by about 2.6 million regular supporters, mainly from Europe. In 2014, the annual revenue of Greenpeace was reported to be about €300 million (US$400 million) although they lost about €4 million (US$5 million) in currency speculation that year…
“Broadcaster also considers ….. in hunt for EU bas for licences” do you mean base or bias? Or is that short for “bloody awful service”?
Graeme No.3 –
just checked – it was “base” … but could just as well been “bas” as you described.
Sounds like a recommendation for Australian politicians to follow:-
“corsair red says:
26 January 2019 at 12:25 pm
Speaking of fun. I saw a post on Facebook that members of Congress should be drug tested. There was this comment:
Congress should volunteer enthusiastically. Then they can take the results and say, ” See? It was the drugs. It wasn’t just more random stupid. “ ”
Watching a national TV breakfast show this morning and they had an item on a snowed-in Davos, starting with the usual claptrap on ‘Climate Change’ showing Sir David Attenborough.
For all his scientific research, Sir David still has a lot more to do on the Holocene climate.
“I am quite literally from another age,” the 92-year-old said. “I was born during the Holocene, the name given to the 12,000-year period of climatic stability that allowed humans to settle, farm and create civilizations.
“Now in the space of one human lifetime, indeed in the space of my lifetime, all that has changed,” he continued. “The Holocene has ended. The Garden of Eden is no more.”
“We have changed the world so much that scientists say we are now in a new geological age – the Anthropocene – the Age of Humans.”
Thanks to Kleinefeldmaus for this link:
Chicken Little
Do I have this right about Sir David?
The people who were skating on the Thames and starving in Northern Germany 9frozen Baltic Sea) in the mid 15th century were just experiencing “climate stability”.
Some folk should just accept that when the brain degenerates, it is time to retire (gracefully).
Unintended consequesces
“High and dry.”
“Climate Science”? What is it? Who made it up
Climatology or climate science is the scientific study of climate, scientifically defined as weather conditions averaged over a period of time.
This modern field of study is regarded as a branch of the atmospheric sciences and a subfield of physical geography
Basic knowledge of climate can be used within shorter term weather forecasting using analog(?) techniques such as
El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO)
North Atlantic oscillation (NAO)
Northern Annular Mode (NAM) which is also known as the Arctic oscillation (AO)
Northern Pacific (NP) Index
Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO)
Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO).
While I have no idea what they mean by ‘analog’, None of these are predictable by climate models which predict absolutely that there is rapid,runaway, tipping point Global Warming due entirely to an increase in the tiny gas CO2.
You would have to think Climate Science could do with some skeptics. Or is someone just making it up?
Also most major climate events El Niño and La Niña, osciallations and major storms are solar variations and consequent temperature fluctuations in surface waters of the tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean, shouldn’t we be accurately predicting water temperatures first? Now how does CO2 heat the water surface? Or is that obvious somehow?
There is a debate on the issue, are the oceans warming? If they are, then what is doing it? Judith Curry is leading the charge.
On that list they left out the Southern Annular Mode (SAM), a major driver in the Southern Hemisphere.
Really, is the atmosphere warming?
After all the median height of humans is only 194metres and half live below that, but only say 4% of the air is at that level and that is what we measure with our Stevenson Screens. As air cools about 0.6C per 100 metres, if you moved people up 100 metres, you could solve Global Warming? Maybe taller buildings?
Taller buildings would also avoid flooding from rapidly rising oceans.
‘Really, is the atmosphere warming?’
No, the atmosphere stopped warming 19 years ago and the klimatariat said the heat had gone into the oceans. If we accept the proposition at face value, then the IPCC need to answer why OHC has stalled.
CO2 keeps rising, yet the system is shutting down.
Judith came up with this in her latest weekly review.
From her conclusion :
“In this study, we present a novel dataset of surface diffusivities based on long-term global velocity observations. We find strong evidence that mixing rates in the ocean vary on interannual and longer time scales in many regions of the global ocean. The observed mixing rates suggest a coupling between large-scale climate variability and eddy mixing rates due to small amplitude changes in the large-scale flow. To our knowledge, such large-scale, coherent temporal variability between mesoscale mixing and global climates modes has not been documented before……….
This mechanism is not represented in eddy parameterizations for global climate and Earth system models, potentially biasing internal variability and long-term trends in circulation, water mass transformations, heat and tracer transport, ocean-atmosphere interaction, and global climate variability.”
Ok so there is something important in this.
But is there anyone who can. translate this paper into an intelligent layman’s language ?
otherwise we will all be none the wiser !
Yes, it is impenetrable. So many terms you have to presume are only known to those who play in this area. Very frustrating. You can only guess what it is a about and what is being said.
However as all the story so far is that the air over land is getting hotter because of CO2, the totally different absorption and radiation of CO2 from the 3/4 of the earth which is covered by water really needs attention in any attempt at a climate model. Mixing is critical.
After all, as 3.4Km deep and 1 atmosphere per 10 metres, the mass of the oceans is 340x that of the atmosphere and the heat capacity much greater. Dry air is an insulator after all. So all the weather, the rain, the hurricanes, the monsoons and the hot and cold currents which define the weather of so many countries are critically dependent on the ocean and in turn on a full understanding of ocean circulation and mixing.
I doubt any of the ‘Climate models’ on which the man made Global Warming theory is based make any serious attempt to include the fluid which contains long term 99% of the incident surface heat. Still they want us to give up meat and coal and cars and all our cash. I think the last one is the key.
Well, this paper certainly has all that modeling in spades –
Strewth Peter Fitzroy, it reads like an elaborate joke although the drafting is immaculate; do you have any idea what it actually means, if anything?
Well, they took some models, and then looked at the model output and compared that with observations. They then looked to see if their experimental design had any holes in it, and found that at some of the middle depths, the models were not as good as they could be. However, in their conclusion they say that “The anthropogenically forced changes in the longwave components become distinguishable from preindustrial values by the 1920s, but near cancellation of terms prevents the net heat flux from becoming well separated from the preindustrial mean until the 1960s, a gap of some decades” an observation which ties in nicely with some of the known effects of the sun and the earths orbit (although they do not say that)
Thanks for going to the trouble and actually pulling a piece of it out for me which in isolation seems sort of meaningful.
Maybe I should have read it more attentively but I am always repelled by essentially tendentious question begging references to pre-industrial levels of stuff and tend to “switch off”.
Javier over at Climate etc explains it more succinctly than me.
‘The evidence that we have is that CO2 and temperature are anti-correlated during the past 10,000 years, and during the past 50 million years. They only correlate during the past 800,000 years when we know that CO2 is not responsible for the observed climate change, because it takes place at orbital frequencies.
‘So the evidence supports that CO2 is not the primary climate forcing, and at some point those believing CO2 is the primary forcing have to start admitting that it is not.’
el gordo, are you saying that anthropomorphic C02 was around 10,000 years ago? I would be happy with 100 years ago. If you want to talk geologic time frames, at what point do humans enter the picture as major contributors. But that I mean better than volcanoes for example
“at what point do humans enter the picture as major contributors”
10% or so is NOT a major contributor, pfutz.
But with well over 1000 new coal fired power stations being built, that may climb a little bit higher.
Well done humans.. helping the biosphere to recover.
Serp – I’m always concerned with the dilemma of quoting an authority, or summarising what was said. the quote process is not perfect, not is a summary. Maybe I should post a summary with a link to the original.
“A load of model based nonsense, models tweaked to produce just the outcome they pre-determined.”
There ya go pfutz, I saved you the bother of putting your child-mind into reality mode.
What should concern us is the massive climate change from the depths of the last full glaciation a mere 15 thousand years ago to full-on warm Holocene conditions 10 thousand years ago. That’s not mentioning a very rapid global warming from 14 thousand years ago to just before the Younger Dryas. We should be concerned at the extreme warming which lifted the world out of the Younger Dryas in the space of a few centuries. The warming some 8 thousand years ago was the most dramatic during this interglacial…but nothing compared to the rate of warming from glaciation to before the YD and shortly after from the depths of the YD.
Something causes this semi-regular oscillation between glaciation and interglacial which has been going on for a few million years. Whatever it is, it goes two ways and doesn’t muck about when it makes up its mind. Compared to that, a few tiny wobbles within an interglacial are just embarrassing pimples on a teenage flea.
‘… are you saying that anthropomorphic C02 was around 10,000 years ago?’
Are you saying industrial CO2 is more potent that the variety out gassed from the oceans?
“Peter Fitzroy
January 27, 2019 at 9:35 pm
el gordo, are you saying that anthropomorphic C02 was around 10,000 years ago? I would be happy with 100 years ago. If you want to talk geologic time frames, at what point do humans enter the picture as major contributors. But that I mean better than volcanoes for example”
I don’t know? Tell you what. Scroll down to the Köppen Climate Classification System
maps and tell me where the human signature is. Or show me any other source that without a doubt extracts the human signature from natural variation.
BTW I do so like someone who talks geologic time frames and then says that 100 years would be good.
It’s unverifiable because of the current US Govt shutdown. It refers to and uses the NODC data, which is not available.
That makes it crap.
Oh good. That answers my question “why is CO2 behaving differently in the last 40 years to the last 500 millions years?”
Now I know it changed its behaviour in the 1920’s.
I presume it was because the length of women’s skirts suddenly grew shorter, and bathing costumes were seen in public.
But the bikini appeared in 1947 and temperatures dropped for roughly the next 30 years. Please explain.
Atmospheric CO2 levels climbed all through the latter half of the Holocene.
That period is named the Neoglaciation, because it led down into the coldest period in 10,000 years.
And it refers to and uses the NODC data — which is not available because of the US govt shutdown. Toss that paper, for now, it can’t be verified.
Waded through it, ALL conclusions are based upon MODEL predictions and pseudo results, so a red one from me.
Bill I only read the abstract, its designed for us ordinary folk.
‘Changes in mixing length, driven by variations in the large-scale flow, often exceed the effect of variations in local eddy kinetic energy, previously thought of as the primary driver of variability in eddy mixing.’
Imagine large ocean currents overwhelming small eddies, it has the potential to change climate.
homogenisation, – you still end up warmer
“homogenisation, – you still end up warmer”
Yep, that is the whole purpose of the homogenisation process.
Straight out of the CRU “how to fabricate warming” textbook.
Just like Rutherglen, eh?
Peter a few years ago the East Coast Current overwhelmed the eddies.
In weather forecasting analogs are using weather patterns of the past to forecast what will happen. The use of Analogs is a primary characteristic which makes Joe Bastardi and the guys at weatherbell such great forecasters. Weatherbells weather model uses analogs and antilogs to a much larger extent than the major models. And climate models apparently do not use either because if they did so properly they would not produce the crap outputs they produce.
being carried by WaPo and others in the FakeNews business:
25 Jan: WRAL: AP: United Nations warns climate change impacts security, US ignores link
UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. system’s chief scientist on weather and climate warned Friday that climate change has “a multitude of security impacts” and is increasingly regarded as a national security threat — with global warming records broken in 20 of the last 22 years.
The Maldives’ foreign minister, Abdulla Shahid, told a U.N. Security Council meeting on “the impacts of climate-related disasters on international peace and security” that there is no bigger security threat than climate change which endangers the Indian Ocean island nation’s very existence…
But the acting U.S. ambassador, Jonathan Cohen, never even mentioned the words “climate change” or “security” in his council speech. And Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia objected strongly to discussing climate change in the Security Council, saying it is not a threat to international peace and security and should only be discussed in specific cases where it is a risk factor.
More than 80 of the 193 U.N. member states spoke at the day-long council meeting and virtually everyone except the United States agreed that climate change was happening.
Russia’s Nebenzia said it should be discussed elsewhere in the U.N. system by experts, but the U.S.’ Cohen spoke only of “natural disasters” like hurricanes and floods that “frequently lead to breakdowns in social order and spikes in crime, violence and instability.”
Professor Pavel Kabat, chief scientist of the World Meteorological Organization, recalled that the first warnings of the world’s changing climate were issued at its First World Climate Conference in 1979. And he began his speech saying this week’s World Economic Forum in Davos ranked extreme weather, natural disasters, climate change and water crises as the top four existential threats in its new Global Risks Report 2019…
“The last time the Earth experienced a comparable concentration of carbon dioxide was 3-5 million years ago, when the temperature was 2-3 degrees Celsius warmer and sea level was 10-20 meters higher than now,” Kabat said…
26 Jan: Accuweather: Snow, wintry chill to penetrate southern US next week
By Faith Eherts, AccuWeather meteorologist
A winter storm is expected to impact the Midwest and Northeast through the weekend and into early next week, paving the way for a blast of frigid air to spill into the eastern United States.
The Arctic front associated with this storm could sweep as far south as the Gulf Coast, according to AccuWeather Meteorologist Rob Richards…
Overnight temperatures are expected to dip below freezing from central Texas to northern Florida on Tuesday night, including New Orleans; Mobile, Alabama; and Jacksonville, Florida.
Farther north, cities such as Atlanta and Nashville will be stuck in the teens.
***Even during the day, “many locations across this part of the country will be about 15-20 degrees below average,” Richards said…
freelancer Sharkey piece is being carried on a few websites – lengthy, all about concern for pets:
25 Jan: DailyJournalOnline: This Vet Tried To Spend The Night In A Freezing Doghouse To Show How Cold It Is For Outdoor Pets In The Winter
by Bridget Sharkey
As extreme winter weather continues to bring snow, ice and below average temperatures across the country, many people are wondering what to do about their pets…
how cold would the CAGW mob like it to be?
Bitter cold continues to blanket northern Illinois
AP – 26 Jan 2019
Cold continues to hold northern Illinois and northwest Indiana in its grip.
The National Weather Service is forecasting temperatures in the low teens during the day Saturday, dropping to four to 11 degrees below zero at night…
The weather service forecast predicts lows Tuesday and Wednesday of around 20 degrees below zero in northern Illinois…
26 Jan: HindustanTimes: Delhi: Cold wave to return for three days, rain expected next week
Delhi and other parts of north India will likely experience cold wave conditions over the next three days, with the night temperature expected to drop to 4 degrees Celsius by Monday, the India Meteorological Department said on Sunday.
The minimum temperature dropped to six degrees Celsius in the national capital on Saturday, three notches below the season’s average. The maximum temperature settled at 19.2 degrees Celsius, which was also 3 degrees below average…
The weather department declares a cold wave if the temperature drops to 4 degrees Celsius or below and such a situation continues for at least two days.
“There has been heavy snowfall in the Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh. The northwesterly winds are bringing in the chill resulting in drop in night temperature,” said the official…
26 Jan: Gulf News: UN chief announces UAE as host of key global conference
Preparatory meeting for UN Climate Summit to prepare agenda and draft resolutions
Davos (Switzerland): UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has announced that the United Arab Emirates will host the preparatory conference of the UN 2019 Climate Summit in Abu Dhabi in June…
The preparatory meeting for the Climate Summit aims to prepare an agenda, recommendations and draft resolutions to be presented and adopted during the United Nations Climate Summit in September.
The meeting will witness the highest international participation in terms of official representation of countries, the private sector and civil society organisations since the Paris Agreement 2015, officials said.
In a statement, the UN Secretary-General said, “I would like to thank the United Arab Emirates for its unwavering support for the United Nations and its commitment to taking ambitious measures to address climate change.”…
Al Gergawi said the UAE had played a pivotal role in the development of the outcomes of the climate summit hosted by Paris in 2015, through its partnership with the United Nations, hosting the 2014 summit preparatory meeting, which developed recommendations and draft resolutions that have become a global reference for environment’s conservation efforts.
“The UAE shares with the international community the efforts of protecting the environment and addressing the challenges posed by climate change, based on its belief in the centrality of consensus and international cooperation to achieve global goals that transcend individual interests to benefit the humanity as a whole.”…
Since 2013, the UAE has provided around $1 billion (Dh3.67 billion) in aid to developing countries to deploy renewable energy solutions and has committed itself to reducing and adapting to climate change through its $5 billion annual aid package…
26 Jan: WeatherNationTV: The Latest on the Dangerous Cold Outbreak
by Meteorologist Steve Glazier
Dangerously-cold air is on the way for millions of people across central Canada and the United States from Monday to Thursday. Some areas will go days staying at or below zero. Other cities have a chance at breaking decades-old temperature records. Here’s the latest…
The air temperature will fall to -20 to -30 degrees Fahrenheit for many. When factoring in the wind, the wind chill (feels-like temperature) could be as cold as the -50° range!…
Daily temperature records are at risk of being tied or broken, especially on Wednesday and Thursday…
Not only do *daily* low temperature records look to be at risk of getting shattered, this air may be the coldest felt in 20+ years!…
Make sure you have a reliable heating source and it’s ready to go. Check for local shelters that will open up during these cold days. Charge your electronics, make sure space heaters are far from flammable items, make sure generators are emitting exhaust outside, and check in on your neighbors/friends to make sure they’re alright.
Make sure you know the signs of hypothermia…
27 Jan: Daily Mail: Ice jams and rising water cause huge boats break loose on Hudson River as polar vortex returns bringing ‘the coldest air in five years’ over the weekend – and forecasters warn there is worse to come
•Forecasters said the inbound bad weather is a replay of 2014’s ‘polar vortex’ which split above Arctic Circle with one part heading to Michigan
•Some forecasters have dubbed the weather system ‘Barney’ because computer forecast models show the cold air as chubby purple blobs
•They warn wind chills will send temperatures plunging to -45F in Chicago and will be ‘the coldest air in five years’ by midweek as warming centers open
•The arctic blast spread painful cold across the Midwest Friday, closing schools
•Polar vortex rarely plunges as far south as the US and last big plunge was in 2014
By Maxine Shen For and Lauren Fruen For and Associated Press
The breakaway boats led to temporary closures of the Rensselaer, New York’s Dunn Memorial Bridge, Albany’s Patroon Island Bridge and Troy’s Menands Bridge, among others, during Friday morning’s commute. All the bridges were reopened later in the day…
As it floated on the Hudson, the four-deck, 300-foot-long Captain JP Cruise Line crashed into the Congress Street Bridge before coming to a stop when it got wedged against the Livingston Avenue Amtrak bridge, police said.
Amtrak trains were forced to reduce speeds as they approached the bridge.
Two Coast Guard ice-breaking cutters and a pair of commercial tug boats worked throughout the day to dislodge the cruise ship, eventually freeing it at 3.30pm and then towing it back to its starting point in Troy, according to CBS 6 Albany…
The incoming polar vortex is expected to cause temperatures to plummet in some areas to as little as minus 60 degrees below Fahrenheit when windchill is factored in…
Jeff Masters, meteorology director at the private Weather Underground, said: ‘We’re going to be feeling it big time. It’s going to be the coldest air in five years.’
Forecasters said it could be even colder this time round with wind chills by midweek reaching as much as 45 degrees below Fahrenheit in Chicago.
Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, forecasters as much as a foot of snow to fall from Sunday to Monday, with temperature lows of minus 20 degrees, which would feel like anywhere from minus 40 to minus 60 degrees with windchill, according to the Wisconsin State Journal…PICS AND PICS
minus 45℉ = minus 43℃ or as someone (Capt. Robert Scott) said Great God! this is an awful place
All this is just evidence of climate change. The hot weather in Australia is Global Warming, while cold weather across the northern hemisphere is Climate Change.
The fairy tale has been so thoroughly spun, sense no longer prevails.
Desal to be turned on in Sydney and yes it does use fossil fuel to operate but here’s the good news they offset it from a windfarm at Bungendore .
robert rosicka –
I was just about to excerpt the article, because it’s one of the funniest pieces ever by theirABC. every line seems to contradict the line before. at least it mentions the money it’s already costing, to which should be ADDED the $30 (or $45 as some have reported). this is not being made clear by the media:
27 Jan: ABC: Sydney’s desalination plant is turned on — so what does that mean?
By Paige Cockburn
Updated 41 minutes ago
After much anticipation, Sydney’s desalination plant has been flicked on today.
Its activation tells us Sydney’s dam levels have dipped below 60 per cent and ***we need a backup source of drinking water. (SURELY IT’S THE CONTRACT THAT DEMANDS IT’S ACTIVATED AT 60%)..
It may surprise some people to know the desalination plant is the first line of defence, with water restrictions not imposed until dams reach 50 per cent…
A simple email acts as the green light for turning the plant on.
“There is no big lever or button that is activated,” plant chief executive Keith Davies said…
The plant is now given eight months to restart, which seems like a long time right?
But over that time 20 extra staff have to be hired, chemicals need to be brought onsite and the pipeline has to be flushed through and disinfected.
The water that will come out of your taps will travel through this pipeline.
However, Mr Davies told the ABC he thought the plant could be firing earlier than expected, perhaps in three to four months.
This is because the plant was tested quite recently — in 2015 — after it had to undergo a rebuild as a result of a freak tornado that hit the suburb of Kurnell.
Once fully operational, the plant will provide 15 per cent of Sydney’s drinking water…(WHAT IT IT’S NOT NEEDED?)
Predictably, some people are not pleased the plant is being turned on because it means an increase to water bills.
Now the trigger has been pulled, Sydney residents can expect their water bill to climb by $25 to $30 a year.
But when the plant is not operational, and just sitting at the ready, it still costs $90 a year per house…
How is it powered?
Desalination is an energy-intensive industry and relies heavily on fossil fuels.
This makes it expensive and a huge producer of greenhouse gases…
While the Kurnell plant is powered by the national grid, it is 100 per cent offset by wind at the Capital Wind Farm near Bungendore in NSW…
Between 2010 and 2012 the plant operated to prove its reliability and capacity, and then-premier Kristina Keneally described the water as “delicious”.
Pat I reckon it should be run off wind and solar only , after all they are reliable and cheaper than nasty coal , I’m wondering also if the waste concentrated salt wouldn’t be too alkaline and shouldn’t go back in the sea .
After all I’m sure there would be an equivalent chemical that if you pumped it into the sea the powers that be would shut it down .
“it is 100 per cent offset by wind at the Capital Wind Farm near Bungendore in NSW…”
I thought the ACT counted Capital Wind Farm in its 100% “renewables” by whenever farce.
hmmmm … Surely there couldn’t be double accounting occurring 😉
btw, The reason for turning on the desal plant is to slow down the rate of decrease in Warragamba.
Sounded too good to be true, so they sprinkled fairy dust over it.
Now it go go forever.
“they offset it from a windfarm at Bungendore .”
Just like everyone else does 😉
It sounds like an esoteric move in a little know and obscure martial art…..
When cheap coal fired energy was not a Greenie nightmare but a blessing.
Put A Light In Every Country Window
Song by Don Henderson sang by Gary Shearston
Henderson wrote the song during his experience of working on the Snowy River Scheme.
27 Jan: ABC: Adelaide’s extreme heat kills thousands of chickens and bats
By Brittany Evins
Temperatures have cooled across South Australia after a wave of extreme heat but the change has come too late for thousands of animals — including those at a chicken farm and a city bat colony…
Pat I commented on the their ABC’s story on flying foxes up above at #29.
I know the people & farm where the chooks died..A well run operation by caring people.. It should never have been mixed up with the flying fox nonsense.
Interesting one in our region. A mushroom farm suffered complete loss of crop in the blackout. The had recently spent $100kish on solar panels, but had no gen back up. Dont know if its terminal for them or just a setback.
theirABC is in “extreme weather” heaven today:
27 Jan: ABC: Flood alert issued as Daintree River beats 118-year flood record
By Rebecca Hyam and Nick Wiggins
Updated about an hour ago
Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said there had been a “tremendous” amount of rain in the last 48 hours.
“The Daintree River has exceeded the level that we knew about in 1996, which was 11.8 metres, and it has got up to 12.6, which is beating the 1901 record of 12.4,” she said.
“Power at the moment is out throughout Daintree, and Ergon is waiting for it to be safe so that they can helicopter in and send more crews, and we’ve still got some Telstra issues as well.”
“The good news is that today the forecast is for showers, but not heavy rain and … as of now the water levels are receding.”…
The Hay-Runners, running on diesel.
You can’t get more Australian then helping someone you don’t know.
❶①❶① . . . A climate fairy tale – (but it might be true) . . .
Once upon a time, a long long time ago, in a distant galaxy, there lived 2 twins. There were originally 3 twins, but the 3rd twin was a contradiction in terms, and had to be “put down”. The twins’ names were Sheldon Sky-Walker, and Leia Sky-Walker. Leia was often referred to by her nickname, “Princess”.
[ please insert a $1 coin to continue reading … ]
Sheldon sighed. “I wish that I knew what snow was”, said Sheldon. [ Ironically, when Sheldon was older, and he was trapped on Hoth the ice planet, he would wish that he DIDN’T know what snow was. ]
A smile suddenly appeared on Sheldon’s face. “I know what to do”, he said. “I am going to use the dark side of the force, to prove that there was a recent slowdown.
“No, Sheldon”, cried Leia, “don’t do it. It is too dangerous. What if the Empire finds out?”
Sheldon’s smile disappeared, but a look of determination took its place. “I don’t care if the IPCC does find out. Dad (Darth) will protect me. I know that there is still some good, deep down inside him.”
[ please insert another $1 coin to continue reading … ]
Simply hilarious !!
Where can they hire that intergalactic hitman .
read all:
27 Jan: SMH: ‘Terrifying’: Scientists dig deep for missing piece of climate puzzle
By Peter Hannam
This weekend, a crucial but barely heralded scientific mission will come to an end in a remote part of Antarctica.
A team of seven Australian and American researchers will conduct the last extraction of ancient air from ice cores drilled as deep as 240 metres.
They hope to reveal answers to some fundamental questions about how our atmosphere is coping with our soaring emissions of greenhouse gases.
“We’re trying hard not to screw it up,” Peter Neff, a glaciologist at the University of Washington, tells the Sun-Herald and Sunday Age from behind the wheel of a tracked snow vehicle at his icy basecamp.
“Every time we handle a sample, it’s terrifying – it only takes one mistake to ruin weeks of work.”
In fact, the findings of the six-year project – led by senior CSIRO atmospheric scientist David Etheridge and Vas Petrenko from the University of Rochester in the US – may carry their own measure of terror, depending on how they turn out…
A savage round of cuts planned by CSIRO management, announced three years ago next week, brought the whole project within days of being axed. Public pressure at home and internationally ended up sparing many scientists from the chop, including possibly this project.
Lately, the challenges have been mostly physical, ***including coping with the bitter cold – temperatures often drop below minus 20 degrees – and heavy snow drifts that come with working at Law Dome, some 120 kilometres east of Australia’s main Antarctic base at Casey…
In particular, the site happens to have some of the heaviest snow falls anywhere.
“Right here, we have about 10 times the average snow in Antarctica – 120 centimetres a year versus five to 10 centimetres,” Neff said. “It buries the ice much more quickly than anywhere else. It just piles and piles on top.”…READ ON
***WA’s Sunday Times check NASA’s website & get in touch with CSIRO!
27 Jan: Perth Now: ‘Blame NASA and Al Gore’: City of Swan councillor Rod Henderson’s bizarre climate change speech
by Josh Zimmerman
City of Swan council has rejected recognising human activity as the dominant cause of climate change after councillor Rod Henderson branded the phenomenon a con that had been “totally dispelled”.
During a five-minute diatribe Cr Henderson, who ran unsuccessfully as a Liberal Party candidate against Rita Saffioti for the seat of West Swan in 2017, falsely claimed both NASA and the CSIRO had “changed their mind” about human involvement in climate change.
Instead, he laid blame for global concern about rising temperatures and sea levels at the feet of former US vice-president Al Gore and his “inconvenient lie” documentary.
“(Gore) has made hundreds and millions of dollars out of a game that frankly has been totally dispelled — totally dispelled councillors,” Mr Henderson said.
“NASA have even changed their mind because there is no pot of money for it there any more. That is what it was all about. (It’s) the same with our own scientific body in Australia.
“If you could show me a dot of a change, and I mean a dot … they don’t exist and they’re not real and we’ve been conned by movements that are saying these things are real.”
***Contrary to Cr Henderson’s claim, both NASA on its website and the CSIRO — contacted by The Sunday Times — maintain human activity is the primary cause of climate change…
When contacted this week, Cr Henderson said global climate had “gone up and down” over time.
Swan chief executive Mike Foley said councillors were entitled to opinions that “differ from the overall approach of the City’s operational delivery”.
One has to wonder if Dr Neff et al realise they are doing their 14-C analysis at a time when cosmic rays—the creators of 14-C on earth—are at their highest since the start of the space age? If they are trying so hard to protect their ice cores … and the cosmic rays are penetrating their ice cores, making 14-C in the air in the ice …
Let’s just say their results will be `very interesting.’
RE-advocating Guardian grooms “climate activists” – it’s the new cool:
27 Jan: Guardian: Ben Smee: Warming world gets older, wiser, richer activists hot under the collar
A growing number of older protesters are standing up and fighting for the environment
The 72-year-old retired Melbourne schoolteacher’s husband died of pancreatic cancer nine years ago. She has two young grandchildren. And she is now a full-time climate activist.
“I’ll do it until I drop,” she says. “I’m in a hurry. We are facing an existential threat and this is more important than anything for me.”…
Her tiny 1.5 metre (4ft 11in) frame has become familiar at protest marches and demonstrations…
Unprecedented amounts of time, money and motivation
Miriam Robinson, 58, is the spokeswoman for the Grey Power Climate Protectors. She says one of the group’s first aims is to encourage grandparents to attend the next school strike on 15 March…
“Grandparents bringing their grandkids to the … strike will be a powerful moral statement that all ages are concerned about the effects of climate change.
“Heatwaves can be deadly for the elderly and infants. Older people will change their vote for their own sake but also [for] their kids and grandkids.”…
A former Greens leader, Bob Brown, says older Australians look at the world “with mixed feelings of amazed horror”…
“The money-driven absurdity of Adani is on a collision course with thousands of environment-alarmed older Australians who are prepared to give up time, money and comfort to help save the planet.”
Brown plans to lead a convoy of vehicles – appealing to grey nomads – from Tasmania to Bowen in Queensland later this year…
Heath helps to run Extinction Rebellion, a climate protest group, in Adelaide. She hopes to help recruit more retirees and older Australians…
“It’s fun to get out there and do something, rather than lying awake at night worrying about these sorts of things.”
26 Jan: London Review of Books: Where are the protesters?
by Isabelle Mayault
In a world where the 26 richest people own as much as the poorest 50 per cent, you might have expected to see massive protests outside the Kongresszentrum in Davos this week. Over the past ten years, however, the once thriving mobilisation against the World Economic Forum has lost steam. ‘We’ve witnessed a slump,’ Mélinda Tschanz told me. She belongs to the Swiss chapter of ATTAC, an ‘alter-globalisation’ organisation founded in 1998. ‘“What happened?” is a question we’ve been asking ourselves a lot lately.’
In 2000, a few months after the anti-WTO protests in Seattle, a crowd of demonstrators converged on Davos from all over Europe. Shop windows were broken despite the large police presence (Davos summits cost Swiss taxpayers $6 million a year). ‘The gueux’ – ‘beggars’ or ‘peasants’, with connotations of revolt – ‘have reached the drawbridge and now they’re walking towards the castle,’ José Bové said. (The French farmer and alter-globalisation activist is now a twice-elected MEP.)…
A more likely reason is the shift in protesters’ focus from a global to a local or national level, where they may have a better chance of effecting change. In the Netherlands in 2015, a grassroots mobilisation led to a landmark court ruling that the Dutch government must reduce the country’s greenhouse-gas emissions by at least 25 per cent by 2020. Similar movements have grown in Belgium, India, Norway, Colombia, the US and France.
The Swiss sociologist Jean Ziegler said in 2013 that the anti-Davos protest movement was ‘dead’, but for a good reason: ‘With the economic crisis and financial scandals, the masks are truly off.’ Ziegler revisited his analysis this week, enthusiastic at the prospect of new forms of mobilisation. ‘Essentially, the scandal is twofold,’ he told me: ‘growing inequalities and the destruction of the environment.’ He sees the Gilets Jaunes movement as leading the way along a potential transnational path for action…
Perhaps the most striking anti-Davos gesture this year took place not on the streets of Bern, where a few hundred people marched last Saturday, but inside the Kongresszentrum. Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish climate activist, addressed a panel of diplomats, tycoons and pop singers…
One gueux, it seemed, had made it inside the castle. But the recuperation was almost immediate. It took only a second or two for the crowd Thunberg had criticised to break into applause.
Quartz bio of the writer: Isabelle Mayault is a French freelance writer based in Geneva. Her work appeared in The Guardian, Al Jazeera, Le Monde among other publications…
“A former Greens leader, Bob Brown, says older Australians look at the world “with mixed feelings of amazed horror”…”
Quite right Bob , but not in the way you are thinking. Much of horror is triggered by the utterances of people like your good self.
Gaming the system, or profiteering, aka Gouging.
Last week when BOM predicted maximum temperature in Adelaide AGL CUT its electricity generating capacity in half.
AGL then bid on spot price at 14k per Mw. Their reduced production gained them almost TWICE the income.
Now who is culpable, who is responsible and who is just plain stupid?
AGL is a company who’s responsibility to its shareholders is to provide maximum profit. So they just took advantage.
The Politicians who set up this crazy system, well there is no evidence as yet that they personally benefitted, but follow the money always reveals much. So reluctantly it was not them.
Nope the real guilty party are the gullible fools who voted them in.
The real problem with this is. They made their bed and must now lay in it. Trouble is I also have to lay in it!
Try and find an elector who has read the RET legislation.
The gullible fools are the parliamentary members who were whipped into voting for it without demanding to see and then reading the full document and subsequently demanding a clear explanation of its implications. (vide Craig Kelly and the NEG legislation.)
Nevertheless I take your point.
Slithers, AGL looks to be the biggest profiteer but they are not alone. There looks to be a cabal in NSW which perennially undersupplies. Regardless of demand they are nearly always >1 GW short. [1.3 GW short ATM]. The temptation to cut supply a little to get more per watt is irresistible. Our dumb as dog poop pollies don’t know how to fix this in spite of having created the mess.
Slithers any link for this ?
I’d like to repost this info but need to know where it comes from, to show accuracy.
Al Gore says the current invaders heading north to the USA are victims of global warming™.
Build the wall!
You can expect anything to come out of Man-bear-pigs mouth to support the meme.
Hey! Somebody here likes Al Gore?
Here’s a question for Jo or David or anyone if they have the time. At Dr Cowton’s York uni tool the trend from 1910 to 1950 is 0.125c/decade and the trend from 1950 to 2019 is also 0.125c/decade.
This is using IPCC’s preferred HAD Crut 4 Krig global. Co2 levels in 1910 were about 310 ppm and perhaps 315ppm by 1950. But this had increased to about 350ppm by 1990 and now about 409ppm by 2019.
So how does anyone make sense of this data since 1910 and 1950? Of course since 1850 to 2019 the trend is much lower at 0.056 c/decade.
Can anyone offer an opinion about this data? Here’s the York Uni tool link.
That is a nice tool.
Judith Curry just did a post on the topic.
and Jaime Jessup discusses
and Tamino bites
Look at Driesden’s good talking points:
1. Climate alarmists intend to carbon-tax, legislate and regulate our energy, factories, livelihoods, living standards, liberties and lives to the max. It’s an unprecedented economic and political power grab.
2. Can wind, solar and biofuel energy actually replace fossil fuels?
3. Left’s escalating efforts to silence us – are proof that they are getting desperate.
Hey Andy reckon this is our Fitzy or could there be two of em .
“Self-driving roadkill”
Cartoon at
22 Jan: SMH: ‘Not too late’: Australians develop carbon model with DiCaprio’s help
By Peter Hannam
Renewable energy can supplant fossil fuels across the global economy, with Australia among the three regions best placed to benefit because of its rich solar and wind resources, according to a new study funded by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation’s One Earth project.
The work – based on a two-year project between the University of Technology Sydney, the University of Melbourne and German Aerospace Centre – found a combination of renewables and energy efficiency can achieve the net-zero emissions outcome needed by 2050…
The research (LINK), released on Monday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, modelled 72 regional energy grids at hourly increments through 2050, including the Australian states on the National Electricity Market and other regions.
Costs would be moderated in Australia because the average age of coal-fired power plants was about 40 years, and would soon have to be replaced anyway. Solar and wind-generated electricity was also already cheaper than new coal, he said.
Fossil-fuel use in other sectors, such as transport and agriculture, could also be phased out and replaced by synthetic fuels, particularly hydrogen. Australia’s abundant sun and wind resources gave the nation an advantage only matched by north Africa and the Middle East as a renewable powerhouse, Dr Teske said…
I hope they test their plans based on Friday the 25th of January 2019 so we can all be convinced how cheap and reliable wind and solar are. /sarc
Probably ought to read the link at #13 in conjunction with this
Indeed Ian, this is what sensible voices have been saying for a while wind does not scale. I gave a friend a lift to our monthly Jazz Jam yesterday. He told me how bad climate change was and how the last ten years were the hottest ever. He did not know that the Sun is devoid of sunspots at the moment and that it has an effect on the climate. He also did not know the average wind turbine only puts out 30% at best of nameplate.
When I told him that on Friday the 25th of January wind and solar’ contribution was extremely low and that SA had the diesels going at full bore and that the heat reduced solar panel efficiency he went very quite. I suggested that he looked at the live supply and demand widget to see what wind and solar were actually producing.
The conversation turned to pentatonic and blues scales and chord progressions.
You can cover South Australia in wind farms but if it’s not windy they won’t generate anything , on the other hand they all require lubrication and have to be rotated regular or the bearings fail so then they are consuming power not producing it .
Re that lubrication
A post on another site pointed out that one wind farm in SE Colorado used a semi load of Mobil 1 a fortnight
Are alarmists dumb or wilfully dumb? [There is a difference]
Today I scrolled down on the nem watch site to read some comments. One bright spark said that Son Metals, a zinc refinery in Townsville, now gets “most” of its electricity from its newly installed solar cells.
Really? AFAIK these are not tracking cells so, generously, would only meaningly produce for six hours a day [very little this month, it’s not so much the wet season but it is the cloudy season] How do solar cells provide “most” of the power for a 24 hr operation? He and his friends get a warm feeling from this but little do they know it is just from piddling in each others’ pockets.
Can this conceivably be true FGS? I notice the word “recommendation” , but??
Germany to close all 84 of its coal-fired power plants, will rely primarily on renewable energy
If this is false news I apologise.
As we have seen so many times before; Talking the talk is much easier than walking the walk.
Germany will be heavily dependent on Russian gas long before then if not an outright Russian satellite.
It is really hard to believe they could close 84 coal plants in 19 years.
They are closing all their nuclear plants by 2022.
It is a poor location for solar.
While you down under battle the heat, this is what’s heading towards me.;-86.7;5&l=temperature-2m&t=20190130/2100
BTW a great app for visualizing weather and forecasts. Just scroll out to find where you want to look, center it, and then scroll to blow it up. Here’s Australia. Looks like summer to me.;129.7;4&l=temperature-2m&t=20190202/2100
It’s not bad in Victoriastan at the moment RAH but I’ll have the heat over your cold any day .
BTW I live about 30 miles NNE of Indianapolis.
Here’s some plain speaking on ‘global warming’ from psychologist Jordan Peterson. (Six minutes)
He doesn’t debate the science, instead, he attacks the argument from a different angle.
Thanks GD,
We’re both fans of JP, and in this he’s at his best. Much appreciated.
Dave B
What a refreshingly different take on the whole global warming issue. I’ve seen Peterson interviewing Lomborg about this and it makes such sense. I wonder if it’s sensible enough even for the pollies to take notice. Maybe, just maybe, they might listen to the money argument. Hmmm.
Forgot to say thanks to GD for posting it.
This 3-minute video from the Heartland Institute is excellent.
Here’s the link.
Yes, historically it was warmer, there was more CO2 and there isn’t a problem. However those are just facts, geology, ancient history, physics and chemistry.
What people care about is Climate Change, without any idea of what it is. Those in the tropical reasons could not care as their temperature is utterly moderated by water. Those in the polar regions would love some warming. Those in the temperate zones have such a huge range of temperatures from winter to summer, up to 80C that 0.5C makes no difference at all. As for cities drowning, after 30 years of this, where? When is that going to even start?
There just isn’t a problem. Mass concern from incessant bombardment by charlatans, opportunists, carpet baggers, snake oil salesmen and fake scientists is a problem. Why non scientist, self proclaimed mammologist Tim Flannery has any credibility on meteorology and even nuclear power is beyond logic. Chief Climate Commissioner? Glad to see he did not get an Order of Australia for his contribution to pushing Climate Change (Global Warming).
Small blessings. Unfortunately, the across the board acceptance of the global warming/climate change myth is proving hard to debunk.
Thanks to the media, particularly the ABC, people who have no interest in science are now convinced that coal is a pollutant, and renewables are the way to cheaper electricity.
Since the ‘heatwave’ in Victoria on Friday, what I’m hearing is ‘it’s the government’s fault’, which is true, and ‘if the coal-fired power stations hadn’t failed…’.
No mention of the failure of renewables.
Perhaps I mix in the wrong circles.
Yes, it is the government’s fault.the .Daniel Andrews Labor governmnet’s fault..
But the dopey bastards were re-elected last Novemeber.. 🙁
The video shows 4 old white men. Any committed believer will turn off as soon as they see the faces.
Yes, but it’s typical of the public sceptics. Very well qualified but retired people.
As I have pointed out many times before, scientists have poor salaries, are not financially independent and generally work for big companies or the public service. They cannot afford to get up and call Climate Change people liars. Until they retire.
And then the list of things wrong factually with Climate Change/Global Warming runs off the page. It is hard to find a list of predictions which were right. Even the core facts are questionable and the conclusions improbable to wrong. After 30 years of this with dire warnings, surely people can see for themselves that the Climate Rapture is fake?
True and yet the vanguard mouthpieces of the alarmist side are from exactly the same demographic.
Perhaps the death of the LNP (the ugly) should be honoured with this music:
Thanks Peter that was great I even liked the non PC fake body swinging from a noose above the orchestra.
That fake body is the LNP but unlike the movie where Clint Eastwood cut the rope with a rifle shot from afar to save the person we don’t have a “Clint Eastwood” to do the same for the LNP currently hanging up high.
Perhaps For A Few Dollars More someone can give us a reprieve from both Shorten and Morrison.
More likely though it will require a Fistful of Dollars.
“Sunday silliness: AOC is too dumb to even come up with her own disaster scenario”
Don’t miss the second cartoon
““Truth never dies, but it lives a wretched existence, “ Jewish Proverb,
“And it is often painfully underfunded.” Anonymous Heins”
I like that one too…must commit it to memory.
I demand a Royal Commission to sort the wheat from the chaff.
‘Flannery in 2005 predicted Sydney’s dams could be dry in as little as two years, leaving the city “facing extreme difficulties”. In 2008, he said: “Adelaide … may run out of water by early 2009.” In 2007, he claimed: “In Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane, water supplies are so low they need desalinated water urgently, possibly in as little as 18 months.”
‘All three cities — and Melbourne, too — then built hugely expensive desalination plants, convinced by the likes of Flannery that the rain would not return. All four plants have essentially been mothballed since.’
Andrew Bolt / Daily Terror
Regardless, the politicians continued to process migrants year after year and in 2018 the population reached 25 million a couple of decades ahead of estimates.
And they handed over identified dam sites to National Parks protected from development.
A shocking statement was made by a United Nations official Christiana Figueres at a news conference in Brussels.
Figueres admitted that the Global Warming conspiracy set by the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, of which she is the executive secretary, has a goal not of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity, but to destroy capitalism. She said very casually:
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”
She even restated that goal ensuring it was not a mistake:
“This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”
I was invited to a major political dinner in Washington with the former Chairman of Temple University since I advised the University with respect to its portfolio. We were seated at one of those round tables with ten people. Because we were invited from a university, they placed us with the heads of the various environmental groups. They assumed they were in friendly company and began speaking freely. Dick Fox, my friend, began to lead them on to get the truth behind their movement. Lo and behold, they too admitted it was not about the environment, but to reduce population growth. Dick then asked them, “Whose grandchild are we trying to prevent from being born? Your’s or mine?
All of these movements seem to have a hidden agenda that the press helps to misrepresent all the time. One must wonder, at what point will the press realize they are destroying their own future? reminds Figueres that the only economic model in the last 150 years that has ever worked at all is capitalism. The evidence is prima facie: From a feudal order that lasted a thousand years, produced zero growth and kept workdays long and lifespans short, the countries that have embraced free-market capitalism have enjoyed a system in which output has increased 70-fold, work days have been halved and lifespans doubled.
It would be more accurate to say the agenda is to destroy the West not so much capitalism since China, India, Japan and many other countries who use capitalism at least to a certain degree are willingly ignoring the CAGW agenda and going ahead building in total several hundreds of new coal fired power stations over the foreseeable future in complete opposition to the call by the alarmists who are demanding the West close their own ones down. In other words the left want the West to self-destruct while giving the green light for the rest of the world to build as many coal fired power stations as they like. If that’s not painting the extreme left of the renewables movement as terr0rists then nothing will.
She’s said that regularly over the last three or four years. We should listen carefully!
I’m a bit short in time so I dont know if this has been posted before, it refers to a new OECD report which is well worth a read.
Ding dong the witch is back!
Zeleny said, “Hillary Clinton is telling people that she’s not closing the doors to the idea of running in 2020.”
He continued, “I’m told by three people that, as recently as this week, she was telling people that, look, given all this news from the indictments, particularly the Roger Stone indictment, she talked to several people, saying look, I’m not closing the doors to this.”
Hanrahan –
from the moment it was known that the Clinton campaign/DNC/Marc Elias, Perkins Coie/FusionGPS/Steele etc produced the phony “Trump Russian dossier”, it should have been called “The Clinton Russian dossier”.
from the moment it was known the phony “Clinton Russian Dossier” was used to get FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, there should have been indictments of everyone who signed off on the FISA applications.
instead, can you imagine, Kamala Harris has employed Marc Elias, Perkins Coie. the things you do when you are protected by the Deep State, or part of it!
Wikipedia: Marc Elias
He is a partner at the law firm Perkins Coie LLP and head of its Political Law practice. ***He is the general counsel for Kamala Harris’s 2020 presidential campaign. He worked in the same role for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and for John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign…
According to The Washington Post, in April 2016, Elias hired Fusion GPS on behalf of the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign to complete the research that resulted in the ***Donald Trump–Russia dossier…
In January 2019 Elias joined Kamala Harris’s 2020 presidential campaign as general counsel.
***note Wikipedia, like all of the FakeNewsMSM – BBC, ABC included – continue calling it the Donald Trump-Russia dossier! unbelievable.
The Lukewarmers Way
“I’m not going to get into name calling with anyone.
“I think people want their power prices reduced and, sure we all want to do the right thing by the environment, but let’s never forget we are about 1.3 per cent of global emissions.
“We could close our economy down tomorrow and it wouldn’t make a scrap of difference, and the last thing I want to do is to see our country impoverished for no good purpose.”
Tony Abbott / ABC
Roger Stone on Tucker Carlson, the day before 29 FBI agents with AR-15s and sidearms, in 17 vehicles, raided Stone’s home at 6am with CNN in tow:
Youtube: 5min25sec: 24 Jan: (Roger) Stone On Tucker Carlson: “Mueller Trying To Destroy My Life”
posted by Stone Cold Truth:
Trump advisor Roger Stone discusses how the Mueller probe is threatening his financial future and family!
CNN were with the FBI for an hour before the raid began, and the FBI did not ask CNN to leave for security reasons!
VIDEO: 4min14sec: 26 Jan: Facebook: Judge Jeanine, Fox News: Second Opening Statement re FBI raid on Roger Stone
Roger Stone lying to congress? Dear Hillary…She lies every time she opens her mouth. The only reason Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Bryan Pagliano and all the gang surrounding and protecting Hillary are not charged with process crimes is because Comey– who should be indicted himself — never bothered to investigate. God help America.
26 Jan: GatewayPundit: Joe Hoft: UPDATE: Mueller and FBI Arrest Roger Stone Because Major FBI Scandal Out Today – FBI Agent Pientka Linked to Major FISA Abuse Scandal and General Flynn Setup
There always is a something that is breaking related to the corrupt Deep State whenever they attempt to change the news cycle. Today is no exception…
23 Jan: Epoch Times: Brian Cates: Why FBI Special Agent Joseph Pientka Is the DOJ’s Invisible Man
23 Jan Updated 24 Jan: Epoch Times: Clinton Campaign Relied on Former Spy’s Web of Connections to Frame Trump
How Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS used their connections to spread the Trump dossier
By Jeff Carlson
❶①❶① . . . Curry versus Tamino . . .
I don’t have time for a full article about this debate now. I don’t even know the exact details (but that has never stopped me from giving my opinion).
The debate seems to be about the size of the Early 20th Century Warming, compared to the Late 20th Century Warming.
By my reckoning, the Early 20th Century Warming was about 0.30 degrees Celsius.
The Late 20th Century Warming was about 0.77 degrees Celsius.
So the Late 20th Century Warming was about 2.5 times bigger than the Early 20th Century Warming.
But before Tamino begins celebrating, he should think about this.
The Early 20th Century Warming took place over about 30 years.
The Late 20th Century Warming took place over about 50 years.
So the warming rates, were approximately equal.
Did Judith Curry say whether she was talking about “temperature change” size, or “warming rate” size?
Because a case can be made for the claim that the warming rate of the Early 20th Century Warming, was of a similar size to the warming rate of the Late 20th Century Warming.
See the 2 following graphs.
Curry is a luke warmist (believes in the greenhouse theory).
26 Jan: Daily Caller: (VICTORIA) TOENSING: Why Did Christopher Wray Allow Mueller’s Thugs To Use 29 FBI Agents On Roger Stone?
(Victoria Toensing served as deputy assistant attorney general in the Criminal Division of the U.S. Justice Department from 1984-1988, where she established the department’s Terrorism Unit. She is founding partner of the Washington, D.C. law firm diGenova & Toensing, LLP)
Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Chris Wray should hang his head in shame. At a time when he should be restoring the FBI’s reputation after Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and others tarnished its image as our country’s premier law enforcement agency, he allowed 29 gun slinging agents to make a predawn arrest of former Trump advisor Roger Stone.
Stone is not a drug dealer, nor is he a terrorist. Stone is charged with obstruction of justice and making false statements to the special counsel. Significantly, the alleged false statements specified in the indictment were about conduct, which, if admitted, was not criminal.
I prosecuted drug dealers. I never sent more than a handful of agents to arrest them, and these were were gun toting, vicious dudes. Stone does not own a gun nor does he even have a license to do so.
I supervised the prosecution and, thus, the capture of foreign terrorists. The FBI never sent 29 agents to capture even the most dangerous…
21 Jan:The Intercept: Beyond BuzzFeed: The 10 Worst, Most Embarrassing U.S. Media Failures on the Trump/Russia Story
by Glenn Greenwald
They are listed in reverse order, as measured by the magnitude of the embarrassment, the hysteria they generated on social media and cable news, the level of journalistic recklessness that produced them, and the amount of damage and danger they caused. This list was extremely difficult to compile in part because news outlets (particularly CNN and MSNBC) often delete from the internet the video segments of their most embarrassing moments. Even more challenging was the fact that the number of worthy nominees is so large that highly meritorious entrees had to be excluded, but are acknowledged at the end with (dis)honorable mention status.
Note that all of these “errors” go only in one direction: namely, exaggerating the grave threat posed by Moscow and the Trump circle’s connection to it…
24 Jan: Axios: More than 1,000 media jobs lost in one day
Sizable layoffs at Buzzfeed, Gannett and Verizon Media (home of AOL, Yahoo, HuffPost and others) were announced Wednesday, totaling over 1,000 jobs cut…
Verizon Media will cut roughly 800 jobs, or 7% of its global workforce across the organization, as well as certain brands and products…
Buzzfeed will cut roughly 250 jobs, or roughly 15% of its workforce, including jobs within its news division…
Gannett cut over 20 jobs Wednesday, per Poynter, with more expected as the company tries to shed costs amid buyout talks…
TWEET: Donald J. Trump: “Ax falls quickly at BuzzFeed and Huffpost!” Headline, New York Post. Fake News and bad journalism have caused a big downturn. Sadly, many others will follow. The people want the Truth!
26 Jan 2019
It’s not an accident or an act of ignorance that the FBI haven’t arrested Hilary Clinton and associates.
PeterS –
could have something to do with:
those who watched Peter Schweizer’s “Clinton Cash” documentary know the story of Uranium One, but the following connections have been pretty much ignored by the FakeNewsMSM, or mocked as in the MediaIte piece:
VIDEO: 2min21sec: 9 Jun 2018: MediaIte: Rep. Louie Gohmert: Mueller ‘Covering’ Up For Clinton and Plotting ‘Coup’ Against Trump
by Aidan McLaughlin
Appearing on Fox & Friends Weekend Saturday morning, Gohmert declared: “Robert Mueller has done more damage during his 12 years as FBI director than probably all the other directors put together.”
Gohmert added that Mueller, who is leading the investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, “actively went out and sought people who hated the very person that they were going to be investigating.”
“He has wasted money right and left,” Gohmert continued. “Amazingly, he’s hired people like [Andrew] Weissmann that worked with him and [Rod] Rosenstein in investigating the Russian illegal efforts to obtain our uranium which they quashed information in order to allow the sale to go through so that Hillary could get the $145 million for her foundation.”
“So it is really outrageous,” he added. “He’s covering for himself at the same time he’s trying to have a coup against the president.”…
Youtube 2:12 – 25 May 2018: Judicial Watch: Mueller, Rosenstein, Weissmann covered up Clinton Uranium One deal
7 Sept 2007: ABC Australia: Russia uranium deal makes good sense: Downer
Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer says the nuclear safeguards agreement signed today with Russia paves the way for the export of at least $1 billion worth of uranium a year…
It stipulates that Australian uranium can not be sold on to any other nations or used for weapons.
Mr Downer says Russia is planning to massively increase its nuclear power station capacity over the next 20 years…
June 2018: Michael Smith News: Downer and Gillard – proof that birds of a Clinton Foundation Feather still flock together on the taxpayer ticket
Aussie Alexander Downer from Spygate fame not only signed a deal to provide $25 million to the Clinton Foundation but he was also involved in the sale of uranium to the same Russian state owned company that later purchased Uranium One…
27 Jan: Reuters: Germany’s coal exit could mean cash windfall for plant operators
by Christoph Steitz, Tom Käckenhoff
Operators of Germany’s coal-fired power plans will have to negotiate compensation with the authorities for accelerating moves to phase out use of the fuel, a report said on Saturday, with the prospect that payouts could run into billions of euros…
The fuel now generates 38 percent of Germany’s electricity…
The report said ways to determine compensation could include capacity tenders or keeping plants on standby, similar to existing reserve payments for operators that have totaled as much as 150 million euros ($171 million) per gigawatt per year in the past.
Of Germany’s total installed power generation capacity, which stood at 218 GW at the end of 2017, hard-coal and lignite plants accounted for 46 GW, or more than a fifth, suggesting billions of euros in overall compensation payments…
RWE, Germany’s biggest power producer and the largest operator of coal-fired plants at 13.3 GW of capacity, said 2038 was too soon, urging lawmakers to consider extending this during a review in 2032.
“We are obliged to protect the interests of our employees as well as our shareholders,” RWE Chief Executive Rolf Martin Schmitz said in a statement.
The 336-page report by the commission said: “If there are auctions, avoiding forced layoffs as well as unfair social and economic disadvantages for the affected employees is a necessary precondition.”
Compensation should apply to plants in operation and those that have not yet entered service or were still being built, which includes Uniper’s Datteln 4 plant, the report said. The older the plants, the lower the compensation, it added…ETC
behind paywall:
27 Jan: UK Times: D-day looms for Sneddon Law wind farm as residents raise fears of polluted water
Concerned locals who fear supplies have been contaminated await ministers’ ruling on 15-turbine development
by Mark Macaskill
Scottish ministers are poised to deliver their verdict on a controversial wind farm that was halted mid-construction amid concern that a private water supply had been polluted.
Scotland’s top civil court rejected an appeal by Cheshire-based Community Windpower to push ahead with a 15-turbine development on Sneddon Law, in East Ayrshire, after it was blocked by council planning officials.
The local authority ordered the company to stop digging on the site after it failed to ensure that water supplies to about 20 nearby households would remain uninterrupted.
People living in the area complained that silt and other contaminants were coming through their taps, and one young family was left without water after test holes dug by the firm cut them off…
recalling Orwell.
forget “climate change”, ignore humans being responsible!
27 Jan: Politico Mag: The New Language of Climate Change
Scientists and meteorologists on the front lines of the climate wars are testing a new strategy to get through to the skeptics and outright deniers.
That means avoiding the phrase “climate change,” so loaded with partisan connotations as it is. Stop talking about who or what is most responsible. And focus instead on what is happening and how unusual it is—and what it is costing communities.
That was a main takeaway at the American Meteorological Society’s annual meeting this month, where top meteorologists and environmental scientists from around the country gathered to hear the latest research on record rainfall and drought, debate new weather prediction models and digest all manner of analysis on climatic mutations.
Educating the public and policymakers about climate change at a time when elected leaders are doubling down on denying that it is happening at all or that humans are responsible for it demands a new lexicon, conference attendees told me—one that can effectively narrate the overwhelming scientific evidence but not get sucked into the controversy fueled most prominently by President Donald Trump…
The new language taking root is meant to instill this sense of urgency about what is happening in ways to which everyday citizens can relate—without directly blaming it on human activity…
“Is it humans or is it not? We really need to get beyond that,” Bernadette Woods Placky, an Emmy award-winning meteorologist who directs the Climate Matters program at Climate Central, told me…
Nowhere is the challenge of convincing the doubters without being labeled a partisan or environmental zealot greater than in the ranks of broadcast meteorologists. Local TV weather experts were among the last holdouts in the scientific community to accept the consensus that humans are responsible for climate change—so much so that in 2014 then-President Barack Obama met with some of them as part of his effort to sell his environmental policy agenda…READ ALL
first 10min17sec:
VIDEO: 27 Jan: Fox News: Maria Bartiromo interviews Rep. Devin Nunes: The process of discovery is going to be fascinating in the Roger Stone case
California Republican Rep. Devin Nunes says that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office must be embarrassed that they have to come to House Republicans to request information on the Roger Stone investigation.
OMG the ABC have just run a story linking obesity and climate change , must be hard up for a climate scare story day .
‘In complicated and, all too often, emotive weather and climate coverage, the Bureau of Meteorology needs to be more transparent.’
Chris Kenny / Oz
‘New Zealanders have poked fun at health warnings issued after the country was hit by a heatwave that reached only 25C in some of the country’s main cities.
‘Some described how they had to pause – briefly – while climbing the stairs, and open windows in 21C heat ….’
Judith Sloan must be chortling away after the renewable energy lobby rubbished her for not knowing what she was talking about. won’t be Judith eating humble pie.
Can anyone find out how much electricity the Capital Wind Farm in NSW was producing 24/25 Jan?
Go to website, click on wind, click on MW rather than %, and on RHS you can click back day by day, or see January in total, then deselect all except CAPTL_WF