This is your brain on government funding (pace Mark Steyn). The government of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) gave $18k to a theatre group to put on a play called “Kill the Deniers”. Now, lucky us, we can read the e-book. Because the climate debate really needs more guns, hostages, brute force, and threats right?
Well, it does if you don’t have any evidence.

“Kill the Deniers” — All the wit and wisdom of government funded “arts”. Can’t persuade the voters? Shoot their representatives.
The Kill the Deniers e-book is coming:
…writer and theatre-maker whose work sits at the intersection of art and science, [David] Finnigan said Kill Climate Deniers grew out of discussions with Aspen Island Theatre Company’s Julian Hobba.
‘We got really interested in talking about the climate debate, and we were wondering why it was that in Australia the debate had stalled so badly; what is it about this country? And then we moved on to asking what would it take to shift the debate forward again – what would it actually take to generate real political change?’ said Finnigan.
Why did the debate stall? They could have done some research and asked skeptics. Instead…
The answer they came up with (‘though not one that I feel comfortable or very positive about,’ he stressed) was guns.
Subsequently, Finnigan wrote an action movie-style drama in which Parliament House is invaded by gun-toting eco-terrorists. With the Government held hostage, and facing the threat of imminent execution unless she ends global warming immediately, the embattled Environment Minister has no choice but to defend her ideals – one bullet at a time.
Because terrorism is fun, right?
‘It’s a really fun, really action-packed, really over the top hostage drama, and action film genre piece; and hanging from that are some really important questions about the climate debate,’ Finnigan said.
And the play inspires important questions
Questions like, why are Arty types so dysfunctional that they miss the obvious solution to solve their angst, and why are taxpayers forced to pay to amplify that dysfunction?
Here’s the lesson they missed in kindergarten. When the grown ups are discussing a problem, and a point of view is presented in full through TV, documentaries, drama, news, and two-week global junkets with forty thousand people, and yet despite all that more than half the grown ups are still not persuaded — perhaps the message is stupid? Perhaps windfarms don’t slow cyclones, and solar panels won’t stop droughts?
Heretical thoughts for the tribal brain…
Here’s another heretical thought: perhaps emotional artistes are being played by big-money? Let’s explore that idea. What if Big Money was using the fools-for-tools tactic — the smart players are making cashola from carbon trading and renewables, respectively $176b and $300b industries. The Green vested interests are now a $1.5 trillion industrial complex. The clever self-serving players can push predictable fear-buttons in people who are not-good-with-big-numbers, who respond by feeling real angst, frustration and dismay. Those panicking pawns then convert that into shallow expressions of anger and fantasies of control through brute force. When will the government fund this expose?
The fact that their combined intellectual wit thinks “guns” might solve a problem in a science debate, says a lot about their combined intellectual wit.
Aren’t the Arts supposed to ask hard questions?
Instead of fantasizing about killing the people who aren’t persuaded, maybe the Arts could ask hard questions, or even easy ones? It’s called introspection — either the message is not explained well enough, or the message is wrong. Here, instead of higher order creativity and inquiry, the government is funding groups who amplify base instincts of primitive unthinking anger and frustration. Some people might call it “art”, but others know it’s a flashed up sooky of a three-year-old.
Where are the real artists speaking up about this kind of fantasy terrorist trash? If the Arts community can’t condemn government funding for unresearched, low base, violent wet dreams about science policy, it’s time to kill off all government funding for Arts. Let ’em earn their money in the free market, and best of luck to Finnigan selling a hissy-spit as high art.
In my last post on “Kill the Deniers”, I satirized the satirist and mock-admired David Finningan’s uber-deep satirical approach — where the play is not “art”, his whole life is. Readers might prefer to imagine Finnigan as the skeptic playing a sick-small-minded artiste, who stays in character for years while he uses government funds to mock the entire Arts community and all government funded art. His statements admiring Chenchen terrorists really take the cake… (laugh til you cry). So if you prefer that approach, check out Kill the Climate Deniers — taxes fund new “living satire” where writer plays paranoid believer admiring terrorists.
Let’s face it, if I had to satirize the utter indulgence and intellectual vacuum that is modern art, I couldn’t do it better than Finnigan.
Hard to believe the left has fallen so far into totalitarian murder “art” while they whine about being insulted by the truth.
OH I don’t know…the infamous 10:10 snuff movies killing kids who disagreed with the lunatic climate cult was right up there…..
I consider the Klimate Kult to be Nhilists, not Leftists now…..
Got to love them rabid lefties … it is the gift that keeps on giving. Something drives them to keep opening their mouths and removing all doubt.
Unfortunately their influence on society tends to become dangerous. No one needs one more example showing that guns can solve problems.
They might solve the problem, just not in the way that they imagine…
Well maybe…but it gives you an insight into the Leftists mind when John “gun control & closet Socialist” Howard implemented the main plank in every totalitarian regeimes “to do ” list….gun control.
All you’re seeing now is planned stand over tactics and the demonization of the enemy…..
Think back to WW2 and how Hitlers National Socialists demonized the Jews as the first step to the “final solution”…..
The Left hasnt changed…..
A while ago an innocent comment during a dinner about a kangaroo shooting license, which sent the ANU climate science division (or whatever) into virtual lockdown and associated staff apparently fearing for their mortal lives.
Now there are implied suggestions of actually killing sceptics and this is condoned and paid for by taxpayer’s money?
Surely you can see the difference between sweet, flannel-eared, cute kangaroos and crass, evil, subhuman climate deniers, or sceptics as they euphemistically call themselves? /s
So the Eco-loons have progressed from murdering schoolchildren and office workers with explosives to shooting politicians. At least it is a step in the right direction.
Wasn’t there one where they dropped whales on cities?
Polar bears.
And don’t forget that when Richard Bean wrote and staged The Heretic (a play favourable to climate skeptics), the Green/Left immediately climbed onto their hind legs and wailed about how such dangerous material should not be allowed in public.
Actually the view behind the dressed to kill psychopaths looks quite nice. So what exactly has gone wrong with the climate of Canberra in the last say 30 years? Were these women even born when the world temperature changed violently and drowned all those countries and killed the Great Barrier reef and made Tasmania uninhabitable and Canberra as much as +0.8C warmer? Or did they just believe what they were told? If so, what was it? What is anyone denying exactly? Nothing happened.
‘What is anyone denying exactly?’
The Denialati fail to accept that CO2 has anything to do with temperature.
Actually can you deny being a denier without being a denier? So everyone is a denier. Are only Egyptians in denial? Are Parisians in Seine or is the Seine in Paris? This would all be a bit silly except we taxpayers have to pay for it. The whole idea of government sponsored art is open to corruption and rorting and without merit and costly. Who gave any government or public servants or even politicians the idea that they could take taxpayers money and spend it on what they liked? It is not their money. This is not something for which we agreed to pay taxes to a Federal government let alone a council. Public servants are not the new Medicis.
I read today that Gillard was embarrassed internationally by a possum in the walls of the Lodge, so she authorized a renovation just finished which cost $11.3Million. That’s some sort of house! I suppose she was not embarrassed at a face plant in India but an $11 Million possum? Surely they could have trapped it instead of building a new house?
When did Australian politicians start to see our money as their money? Or is that the whole idea, that they could parade around the world like Julie Bishop, donating $400 million to victims of Climate Change without even bothering to check whether it was real or whether Australians agreed? Who voted for this? Which politician authorised 350 CSIRO scientists plus BOM people to work full time on Climate Change/Global Warming, to no particular end? Then if you question where the money has gone, you are a denier of some sort?
‘Tdef says .
Politicians from time immemorial have seen our money as theirs. It takes some of us 65 years or so to wake up to the fact.
That is because there is no evidence, whatsoever, that it is. When asked for such evidence, the best that can be summoned is: “Because it is!” Any doubts about that presumption immediately makes you a “denier”, despite many of the protagonists denying much at all. The logic in this debate is truly twisted.
‘That is because there is no evidence, whatsoever…’
There are skeptics who believe CO2 may cause a little bit of warming, but even they can’t find any positive feedbacks.
The whole AGW thing is illogical, irrational and scientifically unsound.
That is exactly what’s at the heart of it. Someone with some appearance of authority on the subject told them… …[from here you can finish the sentence almost any way you like and it will be true].
‘…and we were wondering why it was that in Australia the debate had stalled so badly …’
The hiatus.
Perhaps Aussie hoi poloi are not nearly as stupid those soi-disant elites believe; though the reverse may be true.
OTOH, looking at the leading US presidential candidates, a clown and a criminal, we may be as stupid as warmists believe.
A debate that has stalled might be a debate where both sides are being heard.
Exactly! The problem being that, for Mr Finnigan, a debate which does not stalled is one that induces “real political changes”.
As I said in my super-lengthy comment, when you are already proposing what the result of a debate should be, you are actually not proposing any debate at all.
Your spot-on remark makes me think that people like Mr Finnigan probably overlook they have been heard. Since for them, it is unfathomable they are heard and nothing ensues.
The herd is no longer being heard, and not being heard is hard.
It could not have been advertised on a more suitable date.
The Great Wheel of History just keeps right on rolling come what may.
And as it rolls on in its inexorable way the other side of that Great Wheel rolls ever on and upwards towards its high point.
And those that thought the were on the top of that Great Wheel forever, never to be displaced or challenged find themselves steadily descending into the blackness as that Great Wheel just keeps right on rolling into the unknown future.
And those who believed they were there forever on the cusp of History, on the apex of that Great Wheel will find themselves crushed and morally dismembered never to be resurrected or seen again.
Only their names will remain in the annals of history, names stained forever with arrogance, ignorance and stupidity for later generations to cast their eyes over and ask, were those Artists of those times long past so utterly corrupted morally and ethically, so utterly inhuman, so murderous that they could only demand the lives and blood of those who did not believe what they believed.
Seventy to one hundred millions died in the great 20th century war waged to destroy those who demanded the lives and the blood of those who they deemed inferior and sub-human because they refused to bow the knee to those believers in yet another of mankind’s many murderous ideologies.
And yet, those future historians will say, we see yet another cult demanding the blood and lives of those who again did not bow the knee to another pubescent and potentially murderous ideology of Climate Change being promoted by these presumed Artistes only three quarters of a century later.
Did they ever learn anything at all from those seventy millions of lives destroyed for no reason other than it took a great World wide War to exorcise forever it was hoped, the gross evil that was present in the world at that time, the historians of the future will ask!
The evil remains, dressed scantily in some semblance of presumed respectability under yet another banner of what is claimed to be Art.
A well worn path that the Nazis, the Stalin’s Soviet Communists, Pol Pot and any number of other mass killers also regularly dressed their savage blood lusts and murderous acts under those same “Banners of Art”.
And so those Artistes who have promoted this utterly depraved, homicidal, putrescent Art be remembered as just another gathering of blood lusting murderous thugs.
Great Wheel of History
Thanks for that. Are you the source?
Did I sleep during one of my classes? Well yes, but “the great wheel” is an analogy I think I would have come across someplace else.
Fiinnigen says that “the debate has stalled”. There has been no debate, as the Warmists refuse to debate the Sceptics. What he really means is, the Climate Change message is not getting through because a large proportion of the public know it is cr*p, and most of the rest don’t care. Only the “progressive” minority get their knickers in a twist, and it’s starting to hurt.
And of course, knickers being in a twist doesn’t cause anyone to stop and ask, are we getting it wrong and the skeptics are getting it right? You would think that idea would occur to at least a few. But somehow it doesn’t.
I’m not sure – aren’t their numbers dropping? A lot of skeptics began out as believers until something made them question and look closer. Popularity for “the Cause” has dropped too. And trolls! Let’s not forget the trolls and the fact that many wear multiple identities to make their number seem higher. There’s a reason for that. 🙂
Total agreement with you, PeterP, on the “Fiinnigen says that “the debate has stalled”. There has been no debate, as the Warmists refuse to debate the Sceptics”
Perhaps, in Art, “debate” means you listen, I talk, you agree.
April 1st, this is a joke obviously.
Any group could have been selected for a satirical, artistic, fun filled, taxpayer-funded killing-off. Ethnic groups, natives of this country, LGBTI persons, etc, but who would dare to even imply such a thing (certainly not me!)? Climate deniers, however, meh. /s
I can remember back in the ‘flat-earth-days’.
Life was easier..
All yu had to do was make sure there were nothing around the house resembling a ball or something that was curved that might have suggested it might be a part of sphere/ball etc.
If a table was not flat, had a slight warp it was out…
Free beer for all the workers, when the red revolution comes. Is the chorus.
Perhaps we should file a joint action against the promoters. Sect. 18c we Sceptics are very hurt that there is a push to have us shot.
Sorry Ross.
I assume that like most of us here you are a white caucasian male, possibly self employed and pay lots of tax so Sect 18c won’t work at all for you or for most of us here.
Being male, white and caucasian we at the very bottom of the heap of humanity in the elitist feminist, leftists, same sex, ecofanatics greens and those on the tax payers teat’s understanding of how the world should be reconstructed with the aforesaid elite incomplete charge, no “ifs” or “buts” allowed .
Plus being Skeptics, a sure fire double whammy that any self respecting judge in today’s grossly warped do gooder and increasingly perverted highly discriminatory academic and legal system would be more inclined to lock us up rather than give a judgement in our favour along with a big legal black eye to the communistic fascism that now passes in many leftist circles as some severely perverted public dialogue.
Thats the price of Sect 18C.
Now if you were black, same sex, and an eco green from the hard left plus one of those poor benighted souls on the dole so that you can demonstrate and shut down anything constructive and earning somebody a pittance from all their hard work and risk, that you don’t agree with, a few hundred thousand dollars in compensation would be waiting on your doorstep tomorrow morning courtesy of the ACT government or the Turnbull government or the South Australian government and etc.
No…..The ACT/Yurncow government have ‘creditors’,,,,,,, they do not do it all by then selves
Sorry ROM …… What were you thinking???? …….That they could fund including the compensation themselves????
It is called “follow the bailout money’….. and ‘stock buyback’
My thought too, Ross Stacey. ‘The guvuhmint of
the ACT gives $18k to a theatre group for a play
called ‘Kill the Deniers.’ Heh, how does that
gel with clause 18c of the Racial Discrimination
Act re inciting hatred? … Oh well. never mind.
Oh, well I believed we were regarded as a seperate race.. We are ignored and looked down upon. Reassuring to be told we are one of the accepted in the eyes of the law. Sarc. Off
Maybe deniers could claim to be a persecuted minority-du-jour, then watch the money flow……
I lump them with those who made that disgusting video a few years ago with exploding heads and kids who refused to pull the line. Absolute garbage. Goes to show their mental state is not only questionable but dangerous to mankind, far more so than any myth about runaway man-made global warming. Most artists like most actors live in a corrupted imaginary world hence their thinking is corrupted.
You mean this 10:10 movie?
Don’t forget to salute the teacher!
As TdeF noted, what is striking is the amount of time that passed since the subject surfaced in the mainstream media. By now anyone would have listened to discourses from all sides. We all have biases but even then, after so much time, one cannot have ignored informed speeches.
Unless the biases amount to a dogma.
I think for people like Mr Finnigan, the matter was settled a long time ago, crazy skeptics rose but were bashed (literally) with good reasons (since these came from Science™) and from that point on, mere confirmations just piled up (and they were of course above suspicion because Science™). So the fact skeptics are still there must be baffling. Does Finnigan even know they are growing? Anyway I doubt his mind would suggest him they may be onto something.
After all that time, what’s even more striking is how much bad science works have accumulated and how obviously bad some are and how among them you have a lot of emblematic results like the Hockey-Stick or the infamous 97% consensus. If one would just take a look at the underpinnings of these works, just out of boredom or curiosity, not even for the sake of intellectual inquiry, he would have at least smelled something fishy. And then just seeing the behavior of (quite) some warmists would raise the suspicion of a dogma-like problem.
It seems even that is out-of-reach for people like Finnigan. And finally his play makes sense. These people only entertain their views. And the associated solution is so enthralling (we will save the Planet!) that anyone denying their views must want the opposite, the doom of the Planet. Yet again, blinded by dogma, they miss the point of skeptics that the Planet is just doing fine.
I wonder.
Don’t we all share the implicit view here at Jo’s that the planet is just neutral about us? Nor careful or careless, just not caring?
It seems to me that among warmists, there’s a sense of Nature, as source of life, a great provider of all we need. And there’s also a sense of the one true great equilibrium with Nature. And there’s this notion that we will reach it if only we would cease to go down our ways.
The convenient part here being that trying to do some maths on the issue or pointing out that while Nature provides, it does not exactly do the delivery at our doorsteps and thus we have to cater for one another, well, that’s also part of our ways and we should let that go too.
The funny part is that you can deny the lack of logistics of Nature only for so long, like until the next meal!
The sad part is that, for the people on with this Nature notion, it seems they rely on something akin to a bureaucracy, a big government to address the obvious problem of logistics. While the benefit of centralizing information and of having better supervision is indisputable, it is still not widely recognized that more and more centralization is done for its own sake and gets based on political premises and goes through political treatments. Both introduce biases and by nature they are in pure opposition with how centralizing information provides its benefits.
We have that with the IPCC.
Plus we don’t know when to stop. We never anticipate we may be done. In fact we don’t try to picture we may have to stop because we will be done. We don’t even start on the premise to just nail down the process in order to have it running “in the background”.
We have that with CSIRO. People keep saying the science is settled but when some say that means we’re done or that we just have to let run the process run in the background now we’re good at it and focus on what’s important, suddenly it seems we’re not so done and we’re not so good and it is still too important to be left in the background.
The distressing part of it all starts with that: people displaying a tolerant, open, “go-with-the-flow” attitude of living together (because Nature backs us up) while at the same time relying on a hardcore enforcement of ways which are good and right per definition and thus do not need to be discussed through democratic means. It ends when you pinpoint that conflict and are answered than most people are dumb or ignorant or wrong and what’s important is so important it must get done urgently (and indefinitely).
Finally, again, the play makes sense. Democracy is not needed and you can do without the people hindering “debates”. It’s interesting to note the notion of a climate debate not stalling is a debate that must move forward to induce “real political changes”. I bet Mr Finnigan thinks he is open and all for democracy here but when you are already proposing what the result of a debate should be, you are actually not proposing any debate at all. Or just a debate for the dumb, the ignorant and the wrong, provided we still have “real political changes” in the end.
Because of democracy, you are not assured of that. Hence the solution of guns, “though not one that I feel comfortable or very positive about”. Well. Not only Mr Finnigan’s mind can’t suggest skeptics may be on something right, it can’t even suggest he may be on something wrong.
The debate has not stalled; it continues apace. That the debate is not going in the direction that you wish it to, is not a stall, it is progress. Compare and contrast this rationale with that of the more extreme religious and/or political zealots – it is using exactly the same logic of death and destruction to impose your views. Not healthy, I am sure most people would agree.
“What I do know because I’ve seen it before is that there will be consequences from such an accepted environment of casual hate speech. Someone, somewhere, sometime will decide one of the deniers will have to be killed to protect the environment. It’s a prediction but one I feel will eventually happen as the hate speech spirals ever more violently out of control and gives someone a feeling of authorisation to do something murderous to save the planet.”
The day is coming at us …
Regretfully Pointman, I have been of the same opinion as you for some time now.
In fact I am a little surprised it hasn’t happened as yet which I can only put down to the possible fact that by far the greatest and a largest proportion of the loudest of the hate preachers [ deep shades of ISIS! ] don’t actually believe very deeply in what they are preaching about on the so called “dangers of climate change”.
Of course they would also have the problem of defining quite accurately and exactly just what it was they supposedly believed in.
And just what it was about the Skepticsm that was so dangerous to what they believed they believed in.
Its likely to be a naive and ignorant “mule” that would be groomed to do such an assassination with lots of cutouts between the “mule” and the “essential to the movement” [ sarc ] climate change hate preacher.
When Bob Carter died and left a huge gap, I saw a comment somewhere to the effect of “one more denier down, only a few to go”. A passive murder, but one nevertheless.
I fear you are prophetic about the inevitable result. A blind man could see it but the left cannot. And frankly I’d rather be blind than belong to the left branch of humanity.
We have laws in Australia that prohibit HATE speech and incitement to violence. For some reason no one has thought of using them against Mr Finnigan. I can not understand why not.
All haters are equal but some haters are more equal than others…….
What is this talk of ‘Climate Extremism’, strapping bottles of CO2 to their bodies and …. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. very hot torture chambers, water boarding sceptics and just plain…….generally very hot debate in a non debate climate of the Great Barrier Reef which is ………….
“Catchment runoff
What does the Outlook Report say about catchment runoff?
The Great Barrier Reef,”
??????????????? ????????? ????? ! ?
What do “Flat-Earth-“Extreme-Climate”-Scientists” have to say about “nutrients”. ……… And of course, The Great Barrier Reef”.
Hehehee. A great chance to promote two jokes of mine previously posted to JN.
When I wrote my “Only Finnigan Knows” song in Jo’s previous thread about this maddening play (in 2014) I had no idea Finnigan’s plot involved taking parliament hostage or I would have pointed out the similarity sooner. You see…
I was three years ahead of Finnigan.
Yes, I also wrote a play where the carbon tax advocates have captured parliament, but the plot twist is… nope, not spoiling the ending!
Make some popcorn, cast your mind back to the politics of 2011,
get your smirking gear on, and feast your eyes upon
the epic,
the rude,
the one and only… Battle of Capital Hill.
ABC TV News Friday 1 April …
March 2016 was the hottest March on record and exceeded the last hottest in 1986.
Yes, it is not midnight yet.
So every March since 1986 has been colder. Where is the warming?
..the vampire is warming… For ordinary mortals, the economy and money is cooling
Ring, ring ….. ring, ring ….. ring, ring …
“Hello, you’re speaking to Kaaytii of the Kill the Deniers theatre booking agency.”
“I’d like a group booking for the Climate Deniers Euthanasia Society. Do you do audience participation and use live bullets?”
“Yes. How many, and which night would you like.”
“We want front row seats naturally. What night is available?”
Times like these you need and old-school Colosseum and some cranky lions.
Worst thing about April 1st is you know you’re being played, but worst thing about the internet is it’s getting harder to tell when it’s not April 1st. I’ll presume the worst here.
But in case I’m wrong I’ll also ask how this pubescent drivel is consistent with western governments insisting they’re combating violent extremist ideology and radicalization?
I guess they didn’t mean it.
Apart from that, Jo, how did you like the play?
😀 +1
Hi Jo
Because terrorism is fun, right?
Well if you heard any of the BBC/ABC coverage of the Egyptian airline hijack during the week then the answer is yes! The whole thing was reported in a very light hearted way e.g. this is just a university professor with “issues” surrounding his relationship with his ex-wife, not really a terrorist at all, and possibly even an asylum seeker.
The funniest thing I saw was when one of the air crew climbed out the cockpit window and ran for his life. He sure looked to be having a load of fun. Wish I was there. I am joking, just in case anyone gets the wrong idea. It was the worst reportage of a serious news event that I can remember. The BBC world service made it even worse the next day when a presenter listing the upcoming items on a show said, and I quote: “and later a lighter look at yesterdays hijacking”. Needless to say I didn’t keep listening.
You see they are not terrorists until they kill someone you like. So Christians, Jews, Climate sceptics, conservatives of any kind are fair game as far as the people who believe that their own superior moral virtue must be enforced on everyone else to save the planet i.e. the socialist greens.
Hope I didn’t stray too far off topic, cheers.
[It has already gone off topic and also into territory we do not want to deal with. Please let this be the end of it. Thanks to everyone for your cooperation.] AZ
Not to drive this OT, but a certain kind of killer can never be a “terrorist”, according to the Beebyanka. Only ever a “militant”.
[It has already gone off topic and also into territory we do not want to deal with. Please let this be the end of it. Thanks to everyone for your cooperation.] AZ
I am sure i’ve seen those ladies in the article photo protesting at a Donald Trump raleigh , or maybe not 😉
So far as I know, no guns have yet showed up at a Donald Trump rally. But who knows, there’s still plenty of time…
Because they are Lefties. Comes with the territory.
Get George Brandis to answer that one. He can chastise whoever the ACT Arts minister is.
It’ll be guns as a metaphor for intransigent idiocy as a tactic in argument…..
Hmmmmm……that label could also apply to some IN Govt actually. LoL! Dennis Jensen has been busted for using Parl Letter head to try and get his War / Porn Arty Literary efforts.
Which is a bit sort of pervy / yucky really and makes you wonder what he actually spends his time in parliament thinking about. 🙁 All accompanied by the smell of pre-selection going up in smoke i suppose.
Were I to propose a play in which all the climate change pushers were killed with guns, can you imagine the outrage? It would be cause for my arrest on charges of incitement to murder if they could get just one Federal District Attorney to decide to do it. And they would try. Gun control (read elimination) is the cause du jour. Yet these %#%#**&$%$^ will get away with their play without question. At a minimum the term for this has to include the word despicable.
Isn’t this a wonderful world we live in? Or maybe unbelieveable is more like it. Is it any wonder that so many people think guns solve problems? And here’s yet another example, fiction though it be, showing how to solve problems with guns. Are there not enough movies and TV programs that send that message already?
And yes I know. I’m mixing U.S. and Australia here. But does that change anything?
The taxpayers outrage should be overwhelming and stop this, right? Well, isn’t that right? ??? Or will it?
“With the Government held hostage, and facing the threat of imminent execution unless she ends global warming immediately, the embattled Environment Minister has no choice but to defend her ideals – one bullet at a time.”
That sounds as though the Denialist Environment Minister shoots the eco-terrorists one at a time or have I missed something?
Is it much different from [snip] terrorists that save the world by shooting opponents.
Allways be very carefull with peoble who believe they can/must save the world.
[the “I” word]ED
As always, the non tool users are advocating use of force against the tool users.
Slight disconnect maybe?
Those who propose the use of destruction, usually have never built a thing.
For it takes self restraint,determination and faith in the future to build any structure.
And for those attracted to the ease and joy of destruction, their inexperience in building is revealed in their ineptitude .
The snip18 we are told to fear so much,are hopeless idiots, if you want real talented destruction, piss off the makers.
The most moving and compelling story since the famous video!
Government funded Shakespeare..
Aus’ government is giving money to thespians ? 😮
I don’t think they are thespians.
You have the word incorrect.
Video: Why is Modern Art so Bad? 5min 49sec
In the above video mention is made of a 320 ton rock at the Los Angeles Museum of Art which is claimed to be art and cost US$10 million. The “artist” has never explained the meaning of the work. You can read about it here.
Finnegan talks about Melbourne being threatened with 50 degree heatwaves. I think this is the kind of thing most people are led to believe.
This is complete nonsense. Global temperatures are an average of temperatures Worldwide. Even if we did get a six degree rise, this does not mean that the average temperature where you are rises by six degrees.
According to the media, it means all ice melts, everyone dies of heatstroke or drowns in the melted ice, and only the
purecockroaches survive.00
The divide between climate sceptics and alarmists is to a large degree also the divide between those who produce the goods and services on which our economic system is based as opposed to those who produce little or nothing themselves and live off the production of others. Rather than gratitude (and perhaps even a touch of guilt) over their good fortune, the latter seem to prefer a posture of moral superiority. Producing nothing apparently provides a wonderful freedom of responsibility for any of the negatives which inevitably accompany doing things.
Historically limited productivity has generally restricted the numbers of non-producers to a small minority. However, advancing technology has now made possible a majority of non-producers. A century ago about half the population had to be engaged just in food production. Today it is 5% or less.
The utter disconnect from our economic, technological and environmental reality which characterizes the perspective of the eco-leftist non-producers would be hard to imagine were it not real. Ironically, if their desires were implemented, most of the proponents of their view would soon find themselves making their best personal contribution to the new ecology in the form of compost. Although their unconscious selflessness may be impressive, it is difficult not to also sense an uncomfortable similarity with the anger, martyrdom and promise of paradise also manifesting in yet another of the paroxysms of righteousness to which our species seems so afflicted.
As for the idea of an armed enforcement of climate alarmism, one wonders who they think would win that one; and, even if they did win who would then provide the food, shelter, power, clothing and everything else they require but are incapable of producing.
We do live in strange times.
Read what Walter Starck writes here and consider just how prescient Atlas Shrugged really was, written 59 years ago.
Is it any wonder that the left hates that novel with a passion.
For those who have read it, it’s like staring into the abyss, and seeing what’s in there.
For the left, it’s like holding up a mirror.
Ayn Rand was an insider of the NWO too….
Consider it is possible that some people have such a strong desperation to leave a legacy beyond their own lifetime that they don’t even require that legacy to be good, any effect will suffice.
[…] Kill The Greenies. That’s the title of my new play which I hope to be touring later this summer round all the usual arts festivals. There’s just one problem: I can’t seem to get the grant funding. […]
[…] […]
How infantile.
I’m going to have to settle down and re-read The Crimes Act (again).
I have a suspicion that inciting people to commit murder is an offence.
Time to find out.