James Delingpole on Tour in Australia — Book Now!

The brilliant James Delingpole is coming to Australia thanks to the IPA to promote freedom for the world, to rescue modern science and to sell a hundred thousand copies of his new book: Killing the Earth to Save It (How Environmentalists are ruining the planet, destroying the economy and stealing your jobs). He is visiting Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne,  Sydney, and  Brisbane.

If you don’t know who James Delingpole is, all I can say is Where Have You Been?

Delingpole is devastating. His disarming honesty, outrageous anecdotes and wide ranging research makes for an ripping read that combines politics, science, money in ways only Delingpole can. His quips paralyze the most excessively pious and drown pomposity with cold common sense.

He has a knack for getting to the heart of the matter, and usually with a poleaxe. I’d heard a lot about Agenda 21, but I didn’t know why it mattered or where it came from until I read Killing the Earth…”

James Delingpole  one of the worlds most popular, most irreverent libertarian commentators. His twitter bio says: I’m right about everything.  He pulls no punches, and tells it like it is.

Guaranteed to be eye-opening, though provoking, and entertaining.

Date: Tuesday 17 April
Venue: Royal Perth Yacht Club
Australia II Drive, Crawley
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Cost: Free
RSVP Essential: [email protected]

In Perth, numbers are limited, so please RSVP with names to make sure you don’t miss out. Thanks to Council for the National Interest (CNI WA) for helping with the Perth event. We’ll be asking for donations to cover the costs on the night.

Date: Monday 23 April
Venue: The Bert Kelly Research Centre
Time: 12.30pm – 2pm
Cost: Free for IPA Members
$15 for Non-members
RSVP: 03 9600 4744

Date: Thursday 26 April
Venue: CQ Functions, 113 Queen Street
Time: 5 for 5.30pm – 7pm
Cost: Free for IPA Members
$15 for Non-members
RSVP: 03 9600 4744

Date: 30 April 2012
Venue: Level 4, 38 Oxley St, St Leonards
Time: 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Cost: Free for CIS Members
$11 for Non-members
02 9438 4377 or

Date: Wednesday 2 May
Venue: Novotel, 200 Creek Street
Time: 5.30 for 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Cost: Free for IPA Members
$15 for Non-members
RSVP: 03 9600 4744



Rachel Leigh
Telephone 03 9600 4744
Email [email protected]

8.6 out of 10 based on 57 ratings

119 comments to James Delingpole on Tour in Australia — Book Now!

  • #

    Be good if he was coming to New Zealand. I’d be a starter.


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    Does he plan on touring the USA? I have read his pots for years and he is a titan!


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    Joe V.

    This is probably a dumb question, though it has intrigued me for some time.
    Why did JD rename the book for distribution in Aus. ?
    Esp. as Australia doesn’t strike me as the sort of place where you need to call a spade anything else.


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      Perhaps it had something to do with this

      According to “back of the envelope” calculations presented at a conference last week, scrubbing the atmosphere of the trace, harmless, life-sustaining gas CO2 would require an industry “1000 times larger than any existing industry” and could deprive an additional 53 million people of water. According to the report in New Scientist, “some schemes to save the Earth just might cost the Earth.”

      Quite frankly, I’m rather partial to Watermelons but Killing the Earth to Save It is very much today.


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        Jjoe V.

        I see. So calling them watermelons might suggest they had some useful side effect after all – as in being a source of water – while in fact it’s quite the opposite.
        Australia seems so much more tuned in to questions of water resources. Thanks to all that government advice on the matter perhaps.


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    There’s a new kid in town Julia, and his name is James. James Delingpole….. There just aint room for the both of you.


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      Watch out for Fenbeagle. His witty comments pepper the comments of Delingpole’s blog in the Daily Telegraph, and the fenbeagle blog is full of 1950s-style comic-book cartoons, often with Delingpole as the inter-galactic hero.


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        @ Manicbeancounter

        Shouldn’t that be: ‘inter-glaciactic hereo’…?!

        Delingpole is up amongst ’em on my daily reading list. Very insightful, very funny, very good writer, very good orator.
        In keeping with the photo accompanying this piece wouldn’t it be great to see & hear him in combat (so-to-speak)- pitted against one or two warmist media dingbats. Maybe the high-priestess of the well-to-do unicyclist “occupier” crowd here in Australia, ‘Get Up’!? Just a thought. But could they be coaxed? Have they got the kahunas…?


    • #

      Love the Fen’s work … LOL !


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    Apart from the Oz one there are 2 other versions of ‘Watermelons’.
    After its successful launch in USA with its sub-heading ‘The GreenMovement’s True Colors’, he up-dated it for the UK market with a different sub-title.
    It was thought that describing a segment of the population who are ‘green on the outside but red on the inside’ as ‘Watermelons’, might not YET resonate with Australian readers.
    Hopefully, by the end of the tour the term will be in common usage.


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    That photo of James may puzzle a few of you.
    As a military history enthusiast he has published two novels about WW2. The first ‘Coward on the Beach’ concerns D-Day and its aftermath, the second ‘Coward at the Bridge’ is about Arnhem and Operation Market Garden.
    Why Coward ? Well they’re about Dick Coward who isn’t a coward and his brother James who is.
    If you love good, well-written, racy war stories with loads of gratuitous sex, you’ll love the Coward books.
    Oh, and that photo. His brother (Dick) is chairman of Worcester Re-enactors. Amongst them are a number of WW2 enthusiasts who persuaded James to accompany them as they relived the break-out after D-Day.
    He now realises that fighting a war is 99% boredom, hunger, thirst and cold (particularly cold in the photo) and 1% sheer terror.


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      Bungalow Bill

      He now realises that fighting a war is 99% boredom, hunger, thirst and cold (particularly cold in the photo) and 1% sheer terror.

      Some of my relatives (deceased) would disagree.

      I doubt Delingpole could fight his way out of a wet paper bag.


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    Graeme No.3

    With a poleaxe?

    You’re not suggesting that some one who heads a post with “Greenies sacrifice babies to Beelzebub, and sell their Grandmothers into slavery among the Bogomils” uses strong language, are you?

    Should be an interesting talk. See you there.


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    Looking forward to it. Always enjoy his articles, and Aussie journalists could learn a lot from him.


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    Fred Harwood

    Where did he find my old uniform?


  • #

    …… and the photograph’s meaning is what?


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    Amr Marzouk

    Booked and ready for him.Wonder if he will sign Kindles as have already read his book on it?
    He did visit USA last year San Diego.Response to Mr Aruba.
    Happy Easter to all.


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    An essay by one of the real pioneers in weather research. Well worth a read.




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    I will suggest that my son, who lives in Perth, book JD’s talk. Latest IPCC fraud news: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/04/04/spencers-posited-1-2-cloud-cover-variation-found/

    ‘A paper published last week finds that cloud cover over China significantly decreased during the period 1954-2005. This finding is in direct contradiction to the theory of man-made global warming which presumes that warming allegedly from CO2 ‘should’ cause an increase in water vapor and cloudiness. The authors also find the decrease in cloud cover was not related to man-made aerosols, and thus was likely a natural phenomenon, potentially a result of increased solar activity via the Svensmark theory or other mechanisms.’

    Also, my mate mydogsgotnonose has just had an interesting internet discussion with Met Office people on Bishop Hill, now realising the MDGNN is deadly serious when he points out that climate science has made a BIG BAD BOO-BOO by believing pyrgeometers measure ‘back radiation’.

    In 1967, Manabe and Wetherald claimed that IR from the Earth’s surface was at the S-B level for a black body in a vacuum. The Trenberth Energy Budget shows that this is rationalised by adding 333 W/m^2 ‘back radiation’ to the measured 63 W/m^2 to gie 396 W/m^2, the S-B level for a black body at 16 °C.

    This exaggerates warming by a factor of 2.7 or 4.3 for the IR bit. Hence they use double real low level cloud optical depth to offset the imaginary warming plus a variable aerosol cooling, the physics of which is also completely broken.

    Today in the UK we had 20 cm of snow, the first time for 30 years yet a week ago we had record highs. The reason is that Arctic ice is high and very near the UK so there’s very cold air.

    The IPCC scam is tottering as real weather disproves all the ‘projections’. The weasels in charge, Trenberth and Hansen have prepared a get out: it’s the claim in the 2009 energy budget of 0.9 W/m^2 vanishing into the ocean deeps!


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    Alexander K

    Why do us flightless Kiwis miss out on JD?
    I too would be a starter!


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      The Moon's a Balloon

      Hear this appearance of James Delinpole on the Alex Jones Show, originally transmitted in 2010. Jones gives a knowledgeable analysis of NWO Carbon Taxes, and devious intent of the so called Miltary Industrial Complex. Delingpole appears about halfway through part 10 of this 21 part playlist, though it’s worth hearing the whole show, just to remind you how long Delingpole had been fighting this hokum.

      Alex Jones Show – 2nd September 2010


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        The Moon's a Balloon

        “The problem is that they are a very shifty, cunning opposition … the whole Global Warming thing is dying, now that the IPCC has been exposed as a bunch of charlatans … they’re shifting their ground, so that they’re talking about this thing called biodiversity … they will always find new ways of imposing their taxes and control over us free people … Agenda 21 is probably the most dangerous piece of legislation in the World today” – J.Delingpole 2 Sept 2010


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    Fred Harwood & Apoxonbothyourhouses
    The WW2 lot in ‘Worcester Re-enactors’ do American WW2 not British, hence the uniform. They try to be as authentic as possible. WW2 stuff is still around so this is not difficult.
    James’s brother (Dick) does Napoleonic, both French and British. It’s a pity Boney never invaded England as all their proper re-enactments have to take place abroad. However with plenty of 200th anniversaries around they are always welcome in Spain, Portugal etc
    The 200th Anniversary of Waterloo is in 3 year’s time, this will be something to behold !
    Oh, and why does he use THAT photo ? James just fancies himself as a GI, and he’s got more fans Stateside than in the UK.


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    Just bought tickets for Melbourne, can’t wait!


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    If that’s him with the gun he doesn’t understand that green on a white background will see him dead faster than a polar bear on a melting iceberg.


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      Joe V.

      Methinks the white background may have been somewhat unseasonable, rather like the unexpected 20cm across the UK yesterday. And as it’s rolling fields or ‘bocage’ of Northern France, rather than alpine territory, I suspect perhaps these GIs weren’t equipped with white overalls. I don’t remember seeing any in Saving Private Ryan anyway.


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      He better ditch the rifle before he gets to Australia — guns have been outlawed there.

      (Just one more step on the Road to Serfdom .)


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    and where are the comedians – apart from the witty delingpole – to send up such nonsense?

    3 April: UK Telegraph: Surgery bans elderly patient over her carbon footprint
    An elderly woman was ordered to find a new GP because the “carbon footprint” of her two-mile round trips to the surgery where she had been treated for 30 years was too large
    Avril Mulcahy, 83, was told to address the “green travelling issues” over her journeys from her home in Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, to the West Road Surgery. The surgery wrote to Mrs Mulcahy, telling her to register with a new GP within 28 days.
    The letter said: “Our greatest concern is for your health and convenience but also taking into consideration green travelling issues. Re: Carbon footprints and winter weather conditions, we feel it would be advisable for patients to register at surgeries nearer to where they live.
    “We would be very grateful if you could make the necessary arrangements to re-register at another practice.”
    Mrs Mulcahy, a grandmother, believes the decision was made because she complained about a doctor.
    “When I read through the letter, I found it absolutely ridiculous they were saying the reason was to decrease their carbon footprint,” she said. “I have been a patient at the practice for 30 years now, and there has never been any problem…
    The West Road Surgery declined to comment. Andrew Stride, the head of governance, risk and customer services for NHS South Essex, said: “We would advise all patients who have concerns about any aspect of local NHS care to contact the patient advice and liaison service…


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      For anyone who has lived in the UK – it’s a fully socialised health system, not a hybrid version like ours.

      If you want to see a doctor, you are assigned one in your local area. This is your doctor.

      If it’s a bad-breathed foreigner who doesn’t speak any english, tough, that’s your assigned doctor. Suck it up and enjoy your ‘free’ health care.

      Note the above paragraph on how to deal with complaints – can you take your business elsewhere? No. You can contact the patient advice and liason service and lodge a complaint. Anyone familiar with our socialised news service (ABC) will be familiar for how your complaint will be dealt with.

      Whilst most in Australia agree that the health service is pretty good, we must all be vigilant that it doesn’t slip further towards the British model. For example : the recent move on private health deductibility is one.

      Socialised health systems only work when there is a free example somewhere else as a last resort.


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      Joe V.

      Just wait till the surgery gets little old ladies turning up complaining of having ‘carbon foot’. They say one of the downsides of a socialised health service is bored, lonely people just turning up for attention, at the taxpayer’s expense. Well JD says it actually, in that lengthy but informative video attached to his blog page, that Jo links to from her article above.


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    James is one of the contributors at a U.S. site called FSM (Family Security Matters).

    The site I contribute to has approval from a number of sites to use one of their Posts each day, as we wish, and FSM is one of those sites we take Posts from.

    Whenever I see one of James Posts at FSM, I always copy that one across to our site.

    His most recent Post was yesterday, and I’ve included the link here.

    Global Weirding: The New Big Lie



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      Hi Tony. O/T but just know you’re going to love this one if you haven’t seen it already!

      This is hilarious when one sees the high-profile NIMBY’s protesting about the ruination of the view from their luxury homes by the proposed 130-Turbine Cape wind energy plant to be built in the sea opposite their beaches.

      Apr 03, 2012
      Smarten up America – Massachusetts’ Affordable Energy Prospects Are Blowing In the Wind




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        right from when I started four years ago, I’ve been using this Cape Wind proposal as a prime example of how Wind Power will not work at any cost.

        It was originally proposed in 2001, and is still only barely started.

        This is also an excellent example to point at when people say that more of these style plants will see the cost coming down. It was originally costed at $600,000 and has gone through at least four different price hikes, and is now expected to cost $2.5 Billion +.

        The problem they had all along was that this is in the Kennedy playground Nantucket Sound, home to the rich and famous.

        If you need to give Wind power a good kick in the behind, just mention Cape Wind.

        The U.S. Secretary For The Interior Ken Salazar (same as a Federal Government Minister here in Oz) based his famous Wind Power to ‘power the whole U.S. on Cape Wind, and if there was ever a case when someone of this high a position in Government would wish he had kept quiet, this is it.

        See the Post at this link from three years ago.

        Salazar’s Wind Power: First Open Mouth, Then Change Feet

        Cape Wind is a turkey of the very first order. This comedy actually tempted me into trying some humour in a Post 4 years back about Cape Wind.

        Remember the two old guys kibbitzing from the balcony in Sesame Street sketches. Well, Statler and Waldorf are standing on the beach, pants rolled, up feeling the gentle waves lapping at their bare feet, and looking out over Nantucket Sound.
        Statler turns to Waldorf and says, “Man, those wind towers out there really spoil the view.”
        Waldorf, squinting and peering off into the distance replies, “I can’t see no damn wind towers.”
        Statler looks at him like he’s blind. “Well, climb up on that forty foot stepladder there then.”
        Waldorf climbs the ladder, and holding on for dear life peers out to sea again. “Nope. Still can’t see ‘em.”
        “You’ll need these binoculars then.”



        • #

          My bad Tony. Another bloody senior moment! I’d read your excellent Salazar post but had forgotten the Cape wind connection!


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    4 April: BishopHill: The Crazy Gang
    Lutz Pfannenstiel is a German player who was at one time a goalkeeper at the club. He is now a football talent scout.
    So why is the BBC profiling him and why am I telling you about it?
    I’m sure you can guess…
    Some of the biggest names in football are supporting his cause.
    “I want to use football as an engine to fight against global warming. I believe the role model of footballers is still very big worldwide. If somebody can get into the heads of the youth or the normal man in the street then it’s the football players.
    “I have over 400 players now who are members of Global United Football Club, the likes of Pavel Nedved, Zinedine Zidane, George Weah and Lothar Matthäus.”…

    after Spurs’ Peter Crouch and other footballers’ disastrous involvement in the 10:10 No Pressure video, u would think footballers would steer well clear of the CAGW scam.


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      Joe V.

      Yes, footballers, not unlike like actors, aren’t well known for their judgement, outside of their chosen field. Lending their name to something they know nothing about, but may be persuaded they ought to be seen to have an opinion on, often backfires.


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      Joe V.

      Global flamin’ United ! Who are they going to play ? Other Globes ? Like most Global inspired enterprises, it seems doomed to failure, especially if championed by the rich & famous. Like eg. World Music for instance.


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    Get Up, The Greens and all the usual “believers” will be on the verge of strokes or heart attacks. Since the hypothesis of AGW was extended by the more rabid alarmists into “runaway Catastrophic blame everything on AGW”, it has laid itself open to rightful ridicule.

    Wit, humour and downright commonsense is IMHO one of the best ways to deal with the whole scam and it’s mindboggling spin-off schemes, as it resonates with the general public and James Delingpole does this so well.

    No doubt he’s booked to speak at that bastion of free speech and open exchange of ideas with the motto of “Seek Wisdom”, the University of Western Australia. He can be assured of a “warm” welcome! sarc/on

    “24 June 2011 An open letter to Notre Dame University (Fremantle) from members of the Australian academic community. “We all support academic freedom and the freedom to express our ideas and beliefs. However………………”


    The Vice Chancellor of the University of Western Australia Professor Alan Robson……..
    “My view has been to let many flowers bloom and let many voices be heard, but…..

    and 3 July 2011 Academics opposed to free speech



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      Joe V.

      I love the way that 1st protest in Keith’s comment above, is headed by 3 of the ‘usual suspects’, known only for their efforts in running a vindictive & futile vendetta against Monckton. Lewandowsky, Abraham & then the come-lately Latter.


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      Interesting link Keith. I must admit that when I first saw the list of “academics” 12 odd months ago, I was besumed as to why 16 out of the 50 were noted as “Phd Candidates”. One can only wonder how on earth are “candidates” now being accepted as “academics”……surely not to fatten up the numbers in a pathetic attempt to attack free speech?? (They would have fitted in beautifully at the Finklestein “trials” of the Murdoch Press…sorry ALL press (supposedly)). Surely you need to obtain your drivers licence before you can be classified as a driver?
      But apparently being classified as a “candidate” is good enough to be classed as an “academic”. Answers a whole lot of questions actually about the 34 others.
      Am I missing something here?


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    As his many fans in the UK are getting ready to wave James off, it is nice for us to know there are so many fine sceptics in Australia to receive him. Do look after him, he’s a gentle, delicate little flower really. I’m sure he will have great success, and be given a warm welcome in Oz.



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    There is plenty more for Delingpole and all sceptics to do, especially in Australia. The climate zombies have entrenched themselves in the mainstream media so they can launch evidence-free ad hominens like this every day.


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    Apologies again Jo (and I do ask others not to sidetrack this thread by commenting here now) but your site has become one of the last bastions of true freedom of speech and every Australian, no matter what their politics or personal beliefs should be appalled at this and I’m absolutely sickened by where my beloved country is being pushed. O/T but………

    “Bizarre. A journalist makes an error about Andrew Bolt in an article about Aboriginality. Andrew Bolt attempted to correct the error and, for legal reasons, was prevented from doing so. Farewell free speech.”



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    He really does seem to be a complete twat to me. It’s not as though I think that of all commentators I don’t agree with. I don’t think Watts or Plimer are Twats… but old Dellers… twat factor to the max.


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      That’s OK, Matty. You shouldn’t blame yourself if you don’t “get” Delingpole’s wit and intellect.


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      You do realise he dials up the twat factor to really get under the skin of people like yourself? It’s very effective, actually.

      When people entrenched in an idealogical position find someone who doesn’t give two figs about their beliefs, it tends to produce some quite amusing cognitive dissonance. They can scarcely believe the un-PC nature of the whole thing!


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      Mattb, Dellers would worry if you didn’t think he was a twat.


      • #

        There is a fine line between concocting an extreme parody stype persona designed to deliver a stinging witty rebuke to the left that would be unable to be delivered from a more moderate, rational and sane position, and actually being a twat:) Prat is probably a better word. It is not a word I use in Australia much but he is indeed far more a Prat than a twat.


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          Funny how when our side does it, then he’s a prat, and when your side does it, it’s considered wry and witty comment.

          Still, I suppose it does indicate that you’ve read enough of his Posts to form a considered opinion, and if so, then I wonder why you kept going back to read what he has to say if you consider him to be a prat.



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          No, No, No, MattyB

          Matt THE PRAT!
          Monbiot THE TWAT!


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    He hopes to sell 100,000 books and yet you’ve got to ask for donations to help with costs?


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      At least they aren’t hitting up the taxpayer for funds. No Federal/State/Council funding. All out of people’s own pockets. This is how it should be done.


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      Here we go again.
      Let’s enter into a pointless funding discussion over minuscule donations to cover costs…
      Actually Delingpole covers this topic in his book “Watermelons”.

      Read it.


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      I’m a bit worn out having my taxes donated to all and sundry defunct socialist green schemes. At least Dellers is privately funded.


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      Funny that MattB. Dellers just can’t seem to get on board the UNIPCC gravy train with at least one guaranteed annual all-expenses paid trip to an exotic location for a non- productive gabfest that could have been done by video-link. Or perhaps he should join the AYCC and try for a $271,000 taxpayer funded grant to brainwash other gullible youngsters!

      Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC)
      Value: $271,560
      Purpose: Power Shift events for youth in Perth and Brisbane to raise awareness on climate change.
      Approval date: 30 June 2011



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    Ross James

    Delingpole clever manner hides the distortion in this man very well. His use of half witted commentary presents as completed logic development. This leaves the reader subject to a space in their thinking process that is already filled with a confirmation bias. What he does is lead you to cliff of his verbaged outpouring of tirades. You connect the dots of your already repositioned bias in the matrix of predicator thinking.

    The synergistic misuse of an invented polarised political system that is either right and wrong or white and black or good verses evil is the ultimate fiction. We know of charismatic orators of our past 20th century with this similar gifting – this does mean that the charisma gift is always right, white or good. Whole nations come under its spell. It can be hypnotic, persuasive and addictive.

    The “devil” is often hidden in the detail. Cleverness and what appears high level reasoning are often only smoke and mirror. It is the hidden “spirit” by which something is written or spoken that must be brought to the light of truth. Deningpole fails on many counts.


    • #

      I like the way you mentioned it without directly mentioning it.

      Sort of defeats your intent in using it as a comparison to Delingpole.

      You just can’t see that you’re using the same thing you so rail against.

      Pot, meet kettle!



    • #

      Ross, welcome back!

      Delingpole clever manner hides the distortion in this man very well. His use of half witted commentary presents as completed logic development.

      No Roger, Dellingpole shows the error in the green-lefts half witted commentary that they think is completed logic development. You have this backwards.

      This leaves the reader subject to a space in their thinking process that is already filled with a confirmation bias. What he does is lead you to cliff of his verbaged outpouring of tirades. You connect the dots of your already repositioned bias in the matrix of predicator thinking.

      Wrong again. It is the tirades of the green-left and anti-democracy crowd that Dellingpole deals with using incisive wit and clever analogy. The only obvious confirmation bias here is your own as shown by your own tirade without any examples to support your assertions.

      The synergistic misuse of an invented polarised political system that is either right and wrong or white and black or good verses evil is the ultimate fiction. We know of charismatic orators of our past 20th century with this similar gifting – this does mean that the charisma gift is always right, white or good. Whole nations come under its spell. It can be hypnotic, persuasive and addictive.

      This is a very good description of the guilt-laden fear-mongering of the green-left that is trying to get control of everything. Dellingpole is trying to promote freedom and democracy. It also sounds like you are against free speach and the reduction of bureaucratic control.

      The “devil” is often hidden in the detail. Cleverness and what appears high level reasoning are often only smoke and mirror.

      The devil is always in the detail, something that Dellingpole continuously points out. It is the green-left and anti-democratic forces that try to hide the detail of the truth with their smoke and mirrors of moral superiority.

      It is the hidden “spirit” by which something is written or spoken that must be brought to the light of truth.

      Well done Ross! This is actually correct.

      Deningpole fails on many counts.

      Oh dear, wrong again. Dellingpole succeeds on many counts. He uses examples and clear logic with the irreverence that really annoys the “morally superior” green-left who feel that their opinions are too important to be ridiculed.


    • #

      Although it was listed as a Rule of Bureaucracy; it seems to apply here to Ross’ comment:

      Rule 7a: Accuse the truth teller of one’s own defects, deficiencies, crimes, and misdemeanors.


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      Graeme No.3

      Your comments would seem to apply to Al Gore and James Hansen also.


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    Looking forward to meeting James in Brisbane and catching up with the IPA guys.

    Don’t go out much these days so a good excuse to make a night of it.


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    In a strange way Dellers could learn a bit from Monbiot… at a certain time you have to stop bowing to the masses that lap you up and make a brave call or two.


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      Mark D.

      ….at a certain time you have to stop bowing to the masses that lap you up and make a brave call or two.

      If only you’d take your own advice………!


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      Monbiot is so dissembled by hatred of Western civilisation and his love of a notional, mad communist alternative his rantings on everything from climate to society are totally irrational. He is also unemployable outside of the UK’s Green establishment as exemplified by the Guardian, the BBC, WWF, Greenpeace and all the other activist NGOs. The mad zoologist has never met a fact he couldn’t spin into a lie and an opinion he couldn’t misrepresent as a fact. It is a measure of Western democracy’s strength, liberty and compassion that it accords such feral subversives total freedom that would be forbidden on his utopian Planet Monbiot.


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      Joe V.

      You mean Monbiot the flake, who changes colours every so often just to stand out among his own crowd. Having watched him be ‘let down’ in his position on things several times I’ve realised nothing Monbiot says is of any consequence and eventually he realises it to. As an aspiring writer he has to be seen to have a position on things,, any position, but preferably just a little of the mainstream, but only by a little.


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    85 cents transitioning to $23. what a laugh…

    5 April: Australian: AAP: NSW to close carbon dioxide trade scheme
    THE NSW Government is calling on the Federal Government to provide compensation when the state closes its failed Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme (GGAS) after the carbon tax comes into force later this year.
    NSW Energy Minister Chris Hartcher today announced the state-based trading scheme would be wound up in July.
    “Due to the Federal Government’s desire for a national approach, we will be closing the state scheme to remove duplication and minimise costs to NSW consumers,” Mr Hartcher said in a statement…
    The program, which does not put a price on carbon, has been beset by problems since it came into force in 2003.
    ****The price of certificates has fallen from the initial rate of $8.50 to the current spot price of 85 cents…
    Mr Hartcher said the Federal Government promised in 2009 to compensate holders of unused GGAS certificates, of which there are now 16 million.
    The Commonwealth later reneged on the commitment…
    However, the call for federal compensation has fallen on deaf ears, with a spokesman for federal Climate Change Minister Greg Combet saying “compensation is entirely a matter” for the NSW Government.


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    WUWT has had a number of qualified people bring up arguments about this study, yet The Australian just goes along with an AFP piece which makes a single point:

    5 April: Australian: AFP: Carbon dioxide ended last Ice Age, scientists’ new study says
    CARBON dioxide was the big driver that ended the last Ice Age, scientists say in a study that undermines a key argument by global-warming sceptics…

    interestingly, MSNBC looked for dissenting opinion, even if they don’t spell WUWT correctly!

    4 April: MSNBC: Miguel Llano: Study aims to settle climate battle over temperatures, CO2
    But a website critical of the science was quick to post comments by other skeptics.
    “The paper is based on many assumptions without supporting data,” Whatsupwiththat.com quoted Don Easterbrook, a geology professor emeritus at Western Washington University, as saying.
    University of Oslo geologist Tom Segalstad was quoted as citing a 1992 study that questioned any data from ice cores…


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    for anyone who still hasn’t worked out why the MSM loves CAGW!

    4 April: Ninemsn: $17m spent on carbon tax ads
    The federal government spent about $17 million on ads explaining its carbon pricing package – almost double the amount spent encouraging people to take part in the census.
    A new report on government advertising for the second half of 2011 shows the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency spent $16.8 million on a campaign to support the Clean Energy Future policy package.
    The campaign ran from July to mid-September and included televisions, radio, newspaper and online advertisements and a household mail out…


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    5 April: Illawarra Mercury: Amanda Hoh: Native trees put to the carbon test
    Researchers at Sydney’s new Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment have started the largest CO2 enrichment experiment in the southern hemisphere to study the effects of higher carbon dioxide levels on Australian bushland.
    “It’s taken several years of planning as well as two years of building to have this facility,” said the chief research scientist, David Ellsworth, of the University of Western Sydney…
    Over the next few months, researchers will pump high levels of carbon dioxide into areas of bushland through 28-metre high structures.
    They will slowly increase the amount of CO2, from 390 parts per million, to 550 ppm until the levels mimic conditions predicted for later this century.
    Scientists will then study the trees over the next 10 years, measuring how they adapt to the higher CO2 levels.
    Based on studies in North America and Europe, Professor Ellsworth said Australian trees might be able to survive on less water…
    The Minister for Science and Research, Senator Chris Evans, opened the facility yesterday.
    “It’s a fantastically interesting and novel experiment that’s going on there,” Mr Evans said. “It’s a really large-scale experiment and I think it’s going to do a lot for our understanding of the impact of carbon on our forests.” http://www.illawarramercury.com.au/news/national/national/general/native-trees-put-to-the-carbon-test/2513013.aspx

    imagine the endless funding opportunities:

    Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment: Professor David Ellsworth


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      Another Gravy Train on the Green Dream.
      Over the next few months, researchers will pump high levels of carbon dioxide into areas of bushland through 28-metre high structures.
      They will slowly increase the amount of CO2, from 390 parts per million, to 550 ppm until the levels mimic conditions predicted for later this century.

      They should also be charged the CO2 Tax – Uni’s, Hospitals etc are not exempt – so why should these guys get away with it!

      Senator Chris Evans, opened the facility yesterday and said
      I think it’s going to do a lot for our understanding of the impact of carbon on our forests.”


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      Jenness Warin

      SANTOS can likely provide scientific expertise and advice on chimneys to the academics and Minister. The Moomba Gas Fields, South Australia were novel when first proposed, but differ in that they are not an experiment,remain usefully productive and contribute to the national economy [energy].

      Can’t recall what was pumped into the atmosphere that produced the post-facto [in]famous peppered moth and birches study.


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    federal election now, before we enter this EU lunatic asylum! love the quotes…to the very last..

    4 April: WSJ: As Carbon Prices Sink, Unease Rises .
    Jacob Bunge contributed to this article
    LONDON—The market for carbon emissions is running out of gas.
    “The price level reflects a lack of confidence in the tool,” said Emmanuel Fages, head of power, gas, carbon and coal research at Société Générale Commodities in Paris.
    The decline in prices comes as investors continue to retrench from the market…
    The collapse in prices has cast doubt on whether the system can withstand a prolonged economic slump and about whether the EU can muster the political will to bolster prices. Some analysts expect the supply glut to worsen. Deutsche Bank boosted its estimate of the oversupply by 2020 by more than 50%, to 1.063 billion allowances.
    “The magnitude of this projected surplus out to 2020 underlines the urgent need for action to be taken by the EU authorities to re-establish scarcity” in the emissions-trading system, known as ETS, said Mark Lewis, head of energy research at Deutsche Bank…
    Some companies that favor intervention have drafted strategies around the ETS and need to get a return on their investments. Others, like Royal Dutch Shell RDSA -1.36%PLC, promote clean technologies that have a future only with high emission-allowance prices. “The economic crisis has significantly impacted the effectiveness of the EU ETS,” said David Hone, Shell’s climate-change adviser. “The [carbon dioxide] price is currently too low to drive the development of low-carbon technologies. For the EU to meet its longer-term climate-change goals, the [carbon dioxide] price in Europe today needs to be strengthened.”…
    But there are some who are opposed to changing the trading system. Action “would create a risky precedent in trying to manipulate a market-based mechanism,” said William Garcia, executive director for energy at Cefic, an EU chemicals lobby group in Brussels, adding that it would undermine the credibility of the system. “The ETS is not broken, it’s delivering what’s supposed to.”
    The fall in prices has created incentives for burning more coal for electricity generation in Europe. According to the U.K.’s natural gas and power network operator, National Grid NGG -1.06%PLC, coal accounted for 46% of generation in the first quarter of this year compared with 26% for natural gas. That is a higher percentage for coal compared with previous quarters.
    Analysts say carbon prices would need to be at about €15 a ton to encourage the switch out of coal into natural gas…
    Poland recently vetoed nonbinding goals that would lead the EU to meet an agreed target of cutting carbon dioxide emissions by at least 80% by 2050.
    “This year is the most legitimate opportunity to fix the market, but the window of opportunity is rapidly closing,” said Damien Morris, senior policy adviser for U.K.-based climate group Sandbag.


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    back in Louise Gray’s greendreamworld, she is threatening(?)
    or demanding David Cameron take more crazy economic action NOW:

    5 April: UK Telegraph: Louise Gray: Government advisers urge ministers to close loop hole on climate change targets
    Ministers must decide whether to include cutting emissions from international flights and shipping in climate change targets in a major “test” of the “Greenest Government ever”.
    At the moment the target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050 does not include the carbon produced by flights in or out of the country and transporting goods by sea.
    However In a move described by the Committee on Climate Change as a “test” of the Government’s commitment to a low-carbon economy, the advisory body recommended the sectors should be formally included by the end of this year…
    If the Government refuse to widen the targets it will mean they can allow more emissions to be produced and environmentalists claim it will destroy David Cameron’s claims to be “the greenest Government ever”…
    And the move needs to be made now, to help drive the ambitious goals to decarbonise sectors such as transport by rolling out electric vehicles…


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      Joe V.

      The “Greenest Government ever” Tag has served its purpose and can now be quietly dumped, continuing lip service notwithstanding.
      In this week’s Budget announcement the Chancellor abolished incentives on company car tax for low emmission vehicles from 2015.


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    Joe V.

    Kennedy, the Commission on Climate thingy’s Chief Executive saying:-
    “”There isn’t any valid reason why the Government should reject the advice we’re giving, and if they were to do so, that would be a rolling back in terms of commitments on building a low-carbon economy.”

    That’s the language of a social controller, who presume to be the arbiters of validity , just in case they cann’t win the argument on merit.


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    Denis, formerly of Perth

    Dear Joanne and All,

    I haven’t read all the comments to this article so if it has already been suggested forgive my duplication.

    What about having a Tim Blair inspired Beacon of Lights for James’ Australian tour…….bonfires (for those that remember them), skyrockets…… a trail of lights wherever he goes in Australia.



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    Dont’cha just love MattB’s comment at 1.15 pm. – ‘In a strange way Dellers could learn a lot from Monbiot… at a certain time you have to stop bowing to the masses that lap you up and make a brave call or two’.
    These ‘brave calls’ are Monbiot climbing down from every entrenched position he ever held except one – that Climate Change is the greatest catastrophe ever to threaten mankind.(visit his CACC website to read the Monbiot Doctrine in full).
    Monbiot has to keep on making ‘brave calls’ because he has so often been proved wrong.
    Delingpole however, as you may have noticed, is always Right.


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      Joe V.

      Well put. Delingpole is so bare faced about it that you can take it as he’s joking, or not, but he’s actually not.


  • #
    Kevin Moore


    This 8th grade geography test from 1895 may be of interest –

    (Time, one hour)

    1. What is climate? Upon what does climate depend?
    2. How do you account for the extremes of climate in Kansas?
    3. Of what use are rivers? Of what use is the ocean?
    4. Describe the mountains of N.A.
    5. Name and describe the following: Monrovia, Odessa, Denver, Manitoba, Hecla, Yukon, St. Helena, Juan Fernandez, Aspinwall, and Orinoco.
    6. Name and locate the principal trade centers of the U.S.
    7. Name all the republics of Europe and give capital of each.
    8. Why is the Atlantic Coast colder than the Pacific in the same latitude?
    9. Describe the process by which the water of the ocean returns to the sources of rivers.
    10. Describe the movements of the earth. Give inclination of the earth.

    Answers here –



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    Update on my Freedom of Speech/Andrew Bolt post at 25. The ABC closed Comments after 20/20 scathing ones were registered and have disabled the Audio download of the “Am I Black Enough for You” Anita Heiss interview!

    Give yourselves new heart and read the comments before they are “disappeared”. I’ve taken a copy just in case.



    • #
      Madame La Guillotine

      Thakyou so much for posting that link Keith (keep that copy in a very safe place). That is the best laugh I’ve had in ages !
      I normally steer clear of anything published by “our” ABC, but on the basis of that alone, I may have to venture over for the odd giggle / snicker now and again !
      I wonder if Anita is feeling quite so smug this afternoon.
      Karma can be quite the bitch eh ?


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    Denis, formerly of Perth

    thankyou keithh @ #41


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    Will James book be available in kindle format? I only buy electronic books in order to save trees.


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    pat see above.
    Just followed your link to the Illawarra Mercury and then googled Prof David Ellsworth.
    So the Aussie government have given him $65 million and a job for 10 years to prove what any nurseryman could have told him. That if you pump CO2 into your plants they’ll flourish.
    It’s staggering that even though he’s obviously done the experiment many times he still declares – ‘There may be a debate about Climate Change but there is nobody out there who doesn’t think that CO2 levels are rising. IT”S A FUTURE WE WANT TO AVOID’
    Weasel words indeed, but with a job for life and all that money……….


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    Reply to Sonny, above.
    The UK version ‘Watermelons’ is available on Kindle from Amazon.
    Don’t know about the Oz version.


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    ash casey

    Where they is a voice of common sense; where someone else has the courage to point to the eco-emperors and say ‘look they are naked’.. we are so THERE! Looking forward to this.


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    Delingpole wrote an article about wind turbines in a Daily Mail article in which he lied/misled (choose your preference) about the number of birds killed every year by wind turbines. He stated 400,000 birds were killed by US turbines every year. This would equate to about 16 per turbine per year (the true figure ranges between 1 and 3 per year). An estimated 60 to 80 million are killed by road vehicles every year and even more are killed by buildings. Just 28,000 to 35,000 are killed by wind turbines a similar figure as those killed by aircraft every year.

    The problem is that he makes all sorts of claims about science, but he is totally incompetent (like any ranting political ideologist) when it comes to any facts. He is all about personal opinion and has a chip on his shoulder when it comes to anything technical. He is a typical British pompous humanities graduate who writes in the style of a ranting undergraduate at odds with the world around him. He needs to grow up.


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      What’s the number of motor cars in the USA?
      What’s the number of buildings in the USA?
      What’s the number of aircraft in the USA?

      What’s the number of wind “turbines” in the USA?

      Who’s doing the misleading?


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    Ash Casey

    James Delingpole did not merely pluck the estimated numbers of bird kills by wind turbines out of his head. His statements repeat a 2008 study by a biologist with the (USA) FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE estimated that wind farms were killing about 440,000 birds per year in the United States. The number of wind turbines has grown significantly since then, with overall output increasing from about 25,000 megawatts of electricity in 2008 to nearly 47,000 megawatts last year, according to the wind energy association. The wind industry’s goal of providing 20 percent of the nation’s electricity by 2030 could lead to a million bird deaths a year or more, according to the American Bird Conservancy.

    The (USA) FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE July 2008 study of the wind farm at Altamont Pass, Calif., estimated that its turbines kill an average of 80 golden eagles per year. The study, funded by the Alameda County Community Development Agency, also estimated that about 10,000 birds—nearly all PROTECTED by the MIGRATORY BIRD ACT —are being whacked every year at Altamont….Altamont’s turbines, located about 30 miles east of Oakland, Calif., kill more than 100 times as many birds as Exxon’s tanks, and they do so every year. But the Altamont Pass wind farm does not face the same threat of prosecution, even though the bird kills at Altamont have been repeatedly documented by biologists since the mid-1990s.

    The number of birds killed by wind turbines is highly variable. And biologists believe Altamont, which uses older turbine technology, may be the worst example. But that said, the carnage there likely represents only a fraction of the number of birds killed by windmills. Michael Fry of the AMERICAN BIRD CONSERVANCY estimates that U.S. wind turbines kill between 75,000 and 275,000 birds per year. Yet the Justice Department is not bringing cases against wind companies.

    “Somebody has given the wind industry a get-out-of-jail-free card,” Mr. Fry stated. “If there were even one prosecution,” he added, the wind industry would be forced to take the issue seriously.


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    Beth Cooper

    Not sure what James D date is for Melbourne. 16 th April isn’t a Thursday?


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    I had already booked to see Delingpole in Sydney and have just go an email that they have moved venues to cater for a much bigger crowd. It has moved from St Leonards to the city CBD at the same date and time.


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    […] forward to my Australian tour. (It's to promote Killing The Earth To Save It (Connor Court). Jo Nova has posted up the tour dates, together with the kind of generous panegyric not even my closest friends would give me over here. […]


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    John Brookes

    Why does James Dellingpole make me think of Withnall in “Withnall & I”?


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    Rob Cameron

    Any seats left for Perth?


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    William Martin

    I booked for adelaide. 50 seats for lunch and 90 mins of focus… very cheap @ $15.


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    Must say we were very impressed with the evening.
    Thanks for th hard work Jo of getting James here in Perth.


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    Very enjoyable. Had to “run” at the end to return one who’d not previously heard of James Delingpole to her digs as she had an early start today. She was somewhat envious of Delingpole’s plan to go swimming with the sharks today.

    Dellers doesn’t appear above the horizon for most outside of the English-speaking world. Even less so behind the Green Curtain around Germany.


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    Bernd Felsche
    James has travelled extensively in Germany. His last trip was to research a war novel about “Wacht am Rhein’. Though 80% complete this novel
    ‘Coward in the Woods’ is unlikely to be completed, due to his Climate Change activities, but you can get his two earlier novels, about D-Day and Arnhem. “Coward on the Beach’ and ‘Coward at the Bridge’.


    • #

      Don’t mention ze vore! 😉

      Seriously though, anything not German-language simply doesn’t get through to a significant audience. And a lot of German-language stuff also remains smothered behind the Green Curtain, lest it spoil the illusion of Germans all into the Gaia worship and sacrifices. Fortunately, the Internet and widely-dispered people with appropriate language skills provide glimpses that all is not at Gaia-central as the official sources make it out to be. vis e.g. NoTricksZone

      And, back to James’ historical novels, there were more English-speaking tourists around the ruins of the Luddendorf Bridge at Remagen than German-speaking, when I was there in 2007. Germans aren’t interested in the war(s) because they don’t want to make their neighbours uncomfortable. Besides which, there’s a culture of shame associated, without an understanding of how Germans got themselves into such a mess in the first place. Focus on particular, simplistic “labels” distracts from the actual erosion of freedom and representative democracy by unelected, domestic and foreign groups. The obvious unintended consequence of not appreciating that history has the foreseeable outcome of repetition. 🙁


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    Bernd Felsche
    James has travelled extensively in Germany. His last trip was to research a war novel about “Wacht am Rhein’. Though 80% complete this novel
    ‘Coward in the Woods’ is unlikely to be completed, due to his Cl [ imate Change activities, but you can get his two earlier novels, about D-Day and Arnhem. “Coward on the Beach’ and ‘Coward at the Bridge’.


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    […] country and its people so much I could happily stay here forever. (Articles like this and this and this may partly explain why) There's just one small problem – well, one bloody big problem […]


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    […] country and its people so much I could happily stay here forever. (Articles like this and this and this may partly explain why.) There’s just one small problem – well, one bloody big problem […]


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    […] of Killing The Earth To Save It out here than I have of Watermelons in the rest of the world. (Jo Nova has the tour dates, though I think all the events have sold out). Tim Blair has written a brilliant, uber generous […]
