Yet another victory for grassroots action. Here is the first Asian language translation of The Skeptics Handbook.
Email it to all your Japanese friends!
The Japanese translation has been provided by the International Access Corporation (IAC), a research and consulting company specializing in energy sector issues and headed by nuclear engineer, Tomohiro Yuki. As a long term skeptic of the man-made climate change theory, Mr. Yuki believes that this publication will be welcomed by the people and policymakers in Japan who are increasingly demanding a more balanced debate about climate change.
I hear that Mr Yuki is very well connected in science, government, business and media circles in Japan. He has been an active global-warming skeptic over the last 2-3 years and has amassed a large audience for his emails.
I also hear that, in spite of Japan’s public commitment to climate change regulation, in private conversations with policy makers, apparently real doubts are starting to be expressed. (That was even before the ClimateGate revelations.)
With Copenhagen a few days away this is the perfect time to spread copies of the Japanese translation especially for the bureaucrats sitting on the fence.
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Did I say things were changing? The latest Rassmussen poll shows that the knowledge of falsified data is spreading fast and the polls are collapsing. Nearly 60% of Americans are now suspicious that there has been some falsification of the data.
Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Americans say it’s at least somewhat likely that some scientists have falsified research data to support their own theories and beliefs about global warming. Thirty-five percent (35%) say it’s Very Likely. Just 26% say it’s not very or not at all likely that some scientists falsified data.
Only a quarter of US citizens think that scientists agree on the climate. (Possibly just the White House and it’s employees? Only a few days ago a spokesman for the Obama Government was still insisting that he didn’t think the science was “under dispute”.)
How fast that news spreads… or possibly not. (After all, before Climategate, how many polling companies thought to ask a question about scientists falsifying data?)
7 out of 10 based on 3 ratings […]
These maps and graphs make it clear just how brazenly unscientific the Hockey Stick is.
It’s clear that the world was warmer during medieval times. Marked on the map are study after study (all peer-reviewed) from all around the world with results of temperatures from the medieval time compared to today. These use ice cores, stalagmites, sediments, and isotopes. They agree with 6,144 boreholes around the world which found that temperatures were about 0.5°C warmer world wide.
8.3 out of 10 based on 38 ratings […]
Friday December 4, 12.30 lunch time – 2pm Melbourne State Parliament Steps Spring St
This is a great opportunity to meet like minded people, and make a stance against legislation based on fraud. The Australian Government will be considering the ETS again in February 2010. Tag: ClimateGate
10 out of 10 based on 2 ratings
From now forward nothing will be quite the same for climate skeptics. It’s true that there is still a major war against unreason, and massive vested money which will fight all the way from the bank, but the ClimateGate story has taken on a reality that cannot be stopped.
Jon Stewart is a liberal (meaning leftie) comedian in the US, and watch him mock Gore, and give people the real import of “hide the decline”. …it’s just scientist speak for using a standard statistical technique for recalibrating data in order to… …TRICK YOU!. He delivers the blows beautifully.
[ Darn. This youtube video was removed from youtube…]
Most people in polls might say they believe we should do something about the climate, but only 10% of them are truly committed followers. The other 90% are dutiful. And because the dutiful followers of the greenhouse crisis are well… dutiful, they aren’t going to object too hard when someone tells them it was all scam, and… they don’t have to pay more money, or apologize for taking long flights, or swap their dog for a goldfish (which has a smaller carbon footprint). That’s why, once this begins to fall, there […]
History will record December 1, 2009 as the day of the first major political damage to the momentum of the Global Warming Scam.
For the first time anywhere in a major western democracy, a mainstream party is ready to face an election on “climate change” and face the bullies. The Australian Liberal Party have elected a new leader, held a secret ballot and voted 55 : 29 to defer the Emissions Trading Legislation.
10 out of 10 based on 3 ratings […]
Behind the scenes, large financial houses are moving in stealthily. In 2008, carbon trading worldwide reached $126 billion and is projected to grow to become a $2-$10 trillion dollar market, or “The largest commodity traded world wide”. The largest. That’s bigger than oil, coal, gas, or iron.
Banks want us to trade carbon
9.5 out of 10 based on 6 ratings […]
Since 1989 the US government has given nearly $80 billion dollars to the climate change industry. 9.3 out of 10 based on 4 ratings […]
Science is broken. Bloggers are paid to smear scientists, and rather than decry the intimidation and bullying, groups like the David Suzuki Foundation, New Scientist, the UN and Nature (the journal!) actively support it. DeSmogblog is run from a PR firm “Hoggan and Associates”, and Jim Hoggan is on the Suzuki Foundation board. Professional marketing types attack scientists for any mistake on any topic they may have ever made, for their funding, their religious beliefs, and they scorn their credentials (that’s rich, coming from PR graduates). If they can’t find “funding”, they imply it anyway. Who needs evidence?
10 out of 10 based on 5 ratings […]
What if governments poured billions of monopolistic funding into one theory but hardly anything into the alternatives: a theory that suited personal ambitions, profits of major players, careers of scientists, and the aims of naïve greens?
How would you know?
What if governments sacked and bullied scientists who disagreed? If officials used slander and libel in order to suppress scientific opinions? What if public agencies hid their data, refused to supply it, or even lost it; if baseless graphs were publicized and not corrected? Who informs the public and who enforces the rules of science, of science journals, of Aristotle?
What if thousands of scientists rose up in protest, but it went unreported?
10 out of 10 based on 3 ratings […]
It’s unthinkable. Big Government has spent $79 billion on the climate industry, 3000 times more than Big-oil. Leading climate scientists won’t debate in public and won’t provide their data. What do they hide? When faced with legal requests they say they’ve “lost” the original global temperature records. Thousands of scientists are rising in protest against the scare campaign. Meanwhile $126 billion turned over in carbon markets in 2008 and bankers get set to make billions.
8.7 out of 10 based on 6 ratings […]
Thanks to Eric Raymond, famous computer guru and leader of the open-source movement, at ESR, we can see what those sophisticated climate modelers were doing. They’ve found the code from the leaked files, and Eric’s comment is:
This isn’t just a smoking gun, it’s a siege cannon with the barrel still hot.
Here’s the code. The programmer has written in helpful notes that us non-programmers can understand, like this one: “Apply a very artificial correction for decline”. You get the feeling this climate programmer didn’t like pushing the data around so blatantly. Note the technical comment: “fudge factor”.
6.6 out of 10 based on 8 ratings […]
Hockey declares conscience vote!
News: If Hockey wins tomorrow and becomes leader of the Opposition, he will allow a conscience vote. This means only seven senators need to vote for the huge ETS package and it would still get in.
Tony Abbot is now the best chance there is to delay this legislation. Abbott vs Hockey tomorrow.
A conscience vote? This has what this has come down too? Our elected representatives think a topic of science is decided by conscience? (Well why not? Just roll the dice!)
Shall we ask the clouds if they have an ethical code about warming the planet? Talk to thermometers and see if they are morally upstanding?
History will damn the Liberals as unscientific cowards afraid to stand up to bullies who call people names rather than discuss the evidence. Parliament is not that far from the stone age.
Thanks to Mattb for the heads up.
Allen F yesterday commented: “The other most widely suggested leader is Joe Hockey”
Not a wise choice, in my opinion. His wife is head of foreign exchange and global finance at Deutsche Bank, one of the leading financial houses pushing carbon trading. Can Hockey […]
This is what it comes down to:
Turnbull is sacrificing his leadership ambitions, ignoring his party members, brushing off thousands of emails, denying the devastating ClimateGate scandal and the evidence of fraud, and doing his utmost to force through legislation in a break-neck rush when the only reason for the hurry is to make Rudd (his opponent) look good in Copenhagen.
D-Day is tomorrow. If Turnbull can find six complicit senators they can pull the “guillotine” on questions, and force a vote. With their seven votes the ETS legislation could be passed, and from that instant, Australians will be poorer. Even if the scheme doesn’t start, from that moment on businesses and banks will ‘invest’ and demand compensation if it’s not carried through.
Turnbull will face almost certain wipeout the next day as leader in a spill he claims he can win, but has “deferred” from Monday until Tuesday. He is nothing but naked bluff. His determination to help the Labor Party at the expense of his own ambition defies logic and begs dark questions.
10 out of 10 based on 3 ratings […]
Guest post by Dr David Evans PDF at sciencespeak.com
Now that ClimateGate has buried the fraudulent hockey stick for good, it is easy to prove that global warming is not man-made: just compare the timing of our carbon dioxide emissions with the timing of global warming.
Human Emissions of Carbon Dioxide
Emissions of carbon dioxide by humans are easy to estimate from our consumption of coal, oil, and natural gas, and production of cement:
Figure 1: Carbon emissions by humans. Source: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center.
The vast bulk of human emissions occurred after 1945, during post-WWII industrialization. Half of all human consumption of fossil fuels and cement production has occurred since the mid 1970s.
7.8 out of 10 based on 38 ratings […]
I woke up this morning to find the Queen telling me to care for the Climate, and the front page of The Australian declaring that the liberals faced oblivion if they did not pass this legislation.
Oblivion? Because the Liberals saved us from being defrauded?
It’s as if the editor of The Australian has not noticed their own articles about the climate science scandal known as ClimateGate. There is no way this story is going to fade away. The fuse is ignited, and people everywhere are burning with anger and spreading the word. There is already polished, popular satirical songs on You-Tube (see below) and t-shirts printed with “Hide the decline”.
I’ve put in this video here even though I’ve linked to it before, because this is so relevant to the question of voter polls. This mocking slam-dunk is just the beginning. With this kind of material doing the rounds, how can ClimateGate be ignored?
10 out of 10 based on 4 ratings […]
INTERVIEW-Climate science untarnished by hacked emails-IPCC
The IPCC says ClimateGate doesn’t change anything. (Well Shock Me! Really?)
Source: Reuters
Imagine if a politician called “Jones” had been caught emailing a colleague saying “Delete all those files. Don’t tell anyone about that off-shore tax haven I have. Burn those receipts, ask Keith to burn his too and I’ll let Casper know. By the way, I’ve used that accounting trick Mike talked about to hide the money.”
Let Reuter-wash swing into gear and the “news” article would blandly say Jones’ emails were “seized upon by his opponents, showing he made snide comments, and talked about ways to present his accounts in the most favourable light”. In other words, Reuters wouldn’t mention that he’s been caught red-handed and implicated as a colluding fraud who squandered funds and mislead the public. What’s really newsworthy is that he’s been exposed being not-very-nice, and glossing up his reports. Would we sack those journalists? We couldn’t. But we could cancel our subscriptions and just go searching blogs for the real news.
10 out of 10 based on 3 ratings […]
The Australian situation tonight: Today the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) decision was successfully delayed by questions until Monday. That’s good news, but there’s no Champers popping yet. The longer we wait, the longer the real story of the fraud has to filter through to our representatives, but this is a race to overcome two decades of propaganda in one weekend.
This week will be written up in history books. Late yesterday a parliamentary mutiny occurred as opposition cabinet members abandoned their leader.
10 out of 10 based on 3 ratings […]
I like Chris Uhlmann, and he’s spoken out with reason before on the issue of skeptics. So I was a little surprised to see him say:
“…one of the reasons Malcolm Turnbull is staring into the abyss is because he is getting too far ahead of many in his party room.
He accepts the prevailing consensus on global warming and is personally committed to an emissions trading system. A significant part of his party does not or believes that this emissions trading scheme is a dog.”
source: Oh Malcolm, how did it come to this? (my italics)
Coming soon: one of those In-the-Matrix moments when reality shifts for our journalists.
Imagine that ambitious powerful people were exploiting science to create a scare to gain power and money. Who would know? How would you find out? Normally, you’d read about it in the press. A whistle-blower would make an announcement, and the press would be all ears, and bring the story to the public. But imagine the press decided not to print anything from whistleblowers, not because they didn’t speak in reasonable tones, and not because they couldn’t back up what they said, but just because they are whistle-blowers? […]
We all know something is gravely wrong, but what exactly are the crimes implicated? This insight comes from Richard S. Courtney, who has been an expert witness for the UK Parliament, and House of Lords, the IPCC and was one of 15 scientists invited to speak for the US congress in 2000.
Jones, Briffa and Mann seem to have committed several criminal offences.
These include:
1. Misappropriation of public funds
They deliberately falsified data then used the results of the falsification to obtain additional research funding. This is criminal fraud under English Law.
2. Deliberate attempt to prevent disclosure of information that was requested under the FOI Act
They colluded to destroy information that was the subject of an FOI request. This is a criminal offence under English Law.
10 out of 10 based on 2 ratings […]
JoNova A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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