Goldilocks graphs: not too close, not too far

Have you noticed, the scaremongers are being boxed into reusing the same graph over and over. We sceptics are not afraid of any graph, but alarmists just don’t want to look from too close or too far away…

When skeptics debunk a graph we show the graph we debunk. Not so the carbon-is-a-crisis crowd. The latest trend in graphology-PR is to debunk sceptics graphs by ignoring the graph itself and putting up an entirely different graph.

7.8 out of 10 based on 8 ratings […]

Ocean temperatures: the new bluff in alarmism

There are 2014 updates on this topic:

Ocean temperatures – Is that warming statistically significant? IPCC in denial. “Just-so” excuses use ocean heat to hide their failure.

There has been a change in direction by the alarmists, as shown by their new “Synthesis Report.” The independent scientists noticed it during the Wong-Fielding meeting.

The alarmists have abandoned air temperatures as a measure of global temperature, because the air temperature graphs are just too hard to argue with (like the second figure below, from the Skeptics Handbook). Instead they’ve switched to ocean temperatures, which they often disguise as ocean heat content (a huge number like 15×10²² Joules sounds much more scary than the warming it implies of 0.003° C/year).

All three pages of the Synthesis Report that deal with ‘evidence’ are about factors or trends that tell us nothing about whether or not the warming is due to carbon emissions. If God put the galaxy in a toaster, sea levels would rise, ocean heat content would increase, and ice would melt.

Notice how the graph above from the Synthesis Report that came out this month doesn’t include the last six years of data? Carrier pigeons from the remote worldwide […]

Funded arrogance

Professor Matthew England

The debate that Senator Steve Fielding started continues, this time between heavyweights in Australian climate science. Yet again, the side with the funding, the power, and the large claims is unable to answer basic polite science questions. The pompous arrogance is evident. Why not just answer the question?

Professor Matthew England’s research teams have received nearly $2.5 million in funding from the Australian government, much of it for studying oceans and climate change. So when we need good answers on the topic, he would be the man. If a school student asked for help, we might expect only a two line reply passing on a link. But when the question comes from one of the most informed climate scientists in the country, with 12 years as head of Australia’s National Climate Centre, and it’s about a graph at the centre of legislative negotiations, it’s inexcusable that the reply was vague, poorly reasoned and didn’t answer the question. All this, in a conversation that England himself started.

10 out of 10 based on 2 ratings […]

School president censors science

In a spot of unwitting self-parody Michael Kundu states: “…we need to have the ability to tell fact from fiction. This last mailing is an excellent example of ‘fiction’.” Thus Michael Kundu, whale photographer, pronounces the data from NASA, Hadley, UAH, CSSP, IPPC, as fiction. […]

Skeptics Handbook Art

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The latest Skeptics Handbook Full Adobe InDesign File 8 Mb (You’ll need permission for this one.)

p1 Click here for the Web size (600 px) Click here for the PPT size (768 x 1024px) Click here for the FULL print Quality Size (LARGE 4Mb) p3 Click here for the WEB size (550 px) Click here for the PPT size (768 x 1024) Click here for the FULL print Quality Size (LARGE 2.4Mb) p4 Click here for the WEB size (550 px) Click here for the PPT size (768 x 1024) Click here for the FULL print Quality Size (LARGE 0.9Mb) p4 Click here for the WEB size (550 px) Click here for the PPT size (768 x 1024) Click here for the FULL print Quality Size (LARGE 1.1Mb) p5 Click here for the WEB size (550 px) Click here for the PPT size (768 x 1024) Click here for the FULL print Quality Size (LARGE 4.2Mb) p6 Click here for the WEB size (550 px) Click here for the PPT size (768 x 1024) Click here for the FULL print Quality […]

Key Links in the Global Warming Debate

Contents of Links

The Science of CO2 & temperature

Blogs – Detailed discussions of the science

Benefits of Carbon dioxide



Correlation: CO2 & temperature

Energy Use


Hockey Stick Graph (See MWP & LIA also)

Ice cores

Greenhouse Gas Theory

Missing hot spot


Medieval Warming & Little Ice Age




Pacific Decadal Oscillation


Science (Method and Philosophy)

Sea Ice

Solar Magnetic Theory

Storms (Cyclones and Hurricanes)


Thermometers – ground stations (problems with)





EPA Legislation

A history

Peer Review

The ‘consensus’


Energy Use

The UN


Monetary Theory

Economic Impact

Funding the industry

Research Programs

Trading Carbon











  The Science of CO2 and Temperature Albedo Over the whole surface of the Earth, about 30 percent of incoming solar energy is reflected back to space. [NASA] Benefits of Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide Fertilizes plants and increases plant growth Earths Biosphere is Booming. Source link. Hundreds of papers show how plant life on Earth loves CO2. Doubling CO2 may increase crop yields by 33%. Kimball. Trees grow faster. Paper in […]