By Jo Nova
Such is the network of the Blob, even here in the last outpost of Western Civilization, in the city furthest on Earth from Washington DC, The ABC Blob TV news made sure we knew that Robert F Kennedy Jnr was a “headache” for Donald Trump, and a guy who believed wild conspiracy theories and hung out with quacks. Yesterday they prepared us for his confirmation hearings by interviewing his cousin. She called him a predator.
What they would not show Australians is a few minutes of Kennedy speaking for himself, discussing medical studies in intricate detail. Apparently Australians don’t need to know that not even one US childhood vaccine was pretested in a long term placebo controlled trial. They just need the family gossip about the man who might be a health minister soon in a foreign country.
This was our national prime time news.
Our ABC Blob TV, paid by us, replayed the Congressional critics, hid Kennedy’s replies, and also hid that Big Pharma money was greasing the palms of most of the critics. RFK Jnr is roughly the Antichrist to Big Pharma, so looking for Big Pharma influence among his critics is the obvious thing to do. But our award winning celebrity journalists missed it. Citizen journalists on X, like A Midwestern Doctor, figured it out instead:
The hostility @RobertKennedyJr experienced at his hearing was directly proportional to how much Pharma money each Senator received. In fact, each of them simply repeated the same attacks we just saw flood the mass media (all of which were blatant lies). 🧵
— A Midwestern Doctor (@MidwesternDoc) January 30, 2025
The figures they quote come from Open Secrets, so the paid journalists just had to google. If they had, they’d know that the corruption goes right to the top.
You’ll never guess which politicians Big Harma like the most
Money from Pharmaceuticals / Health Products to US Senators, 1990-2024
Harris, Kamala (D) | $11,341,349 | |
Biden, Joe (D) | $9,128,291 | |
Obama, Barack (D) | $6,041,678 | |
Clinton, Hillary (D-NY) | New York | $4,622,654 |
Romney, Mitt (R-UT) | Utah | $3,378,614 |
The Big Government Blob is so nebulous but extensive, the ABC / BBC /NPR and CBC journalists wouldn’t even feel like they were a part of it. But every one of them is paid by the Big Government Blob, trained in Blob Universities that feed off Big Government funds. They were probably taught to read in Blob schools, with a Blob curriculum. They have Blob Friends, they marry Blob people, and they learn to scorn the riff raff outside The Blob. They know smug insults about the Rednecks will impress their friends. They know that being anti-vax is social death.
Pfizer and the CIA didn’t have to phone up the ABC to ask them to paint RFK Jr as a freak, or to cover for the racketeering politicians. ABC journalists do it voluntarily. All parts of the Blob are cheerleaders for all the other parts. Their salaries depend upon it. So does their social status.
ABC WA News Jan 30th 2025: 17 minutes
This story has been buried by the Lamestream media, either that or they’re too lazy or incompetent to look it up. I couldn’t find it on Goolag, presumably because it’s been downranked or made invisible. I found it on DuckDuckGo.
I repeat:-
The greatest lurk in business is to persuade a government to mandate the use of your product.
This can be and often is achieved by prohibiting the use of an alternative product.
That’s why we must have free markets, not markets where Government can mandate the use of a particular product and ban other effective products such as IVM and HCQ in the case of Australia during covid or deny correction of vitamin D deficiency was beneficial. Or mandated use of expensive and unreliable “renewables”.
And when government mandates use of a product such as “renewables” they always have to be protected through taxpayer-funded subsidies or banning competing products like inexpensive coal, gas or nuclear power. Or in the case of covid treatment, banning or delegitimising safe, effective and inexpensive products like IVM, HCQ or correction of vitamin D deficiency.
Renewables and mandated defective covid 19 “vaccines” were and are a license to print (taxpayer-sourced) money.
Could this also be true?
David, it was published 18 months ago by Jo Nova:
R F Kennedy Jnr: Not one childhood vaccine was pretested in a long term placebo controlled trial
And again 2 months ago.
The Duck won’t find that or any of the alt med sites that have been talking about this for years.
What goes on inside the mind of an ABC journalist? They hate corporations that produce wealth and well-being. They work as low-paid propagandists for the least reputable. They get it wrong once, and then wrong again. That’s their life.
On an entirely different topic, why have ABC journalists come to have that slicked-up look that once defined the used-car salesperson?
ABC consider themselves above the truth. In the Robert-Smith trail they actually said “Public interest is more important than the truth.” So who decides
‘Public interest’ … well they do of course.
In the “good-old days”, Australian defamation laws were quite perverse.
“Truth’ was of NO importance.
If the “accuser” could NOT prove, in court, that:
a. The “public wanted to know”. and,
b It was “in the public interest” that they should know, they were nailed to the wall.
All very “Napoleonic Code.
A penal colony, then.
A panopticon penal colony, now.
Allegedly, things are “better” now, but I remain skeptical.
A common way for politicians to “legally” extract bribes was to claim they were “defamed” by someone, they would get the damages money and it would all appear legitimate.
Writing a book – Bulk purchases and by who?
At least the used car salesman knew he was selling you a lemon.
Some might consider the used car salesman as more trustworthy.
I picked a copy of that Murdoch(neo-con) broadsheet; same thing. Several articles and letters to editor bagging Kennedy as a crank and a threat to civilization. One-sided bull. The Australian newspaper is a front for the globalists.
Unfortunately, the MSM including our own ABC, weaponised journalism some time ago and in the wrong hands there is no greater weapon than distributing fake or distorted news under the banner of truth, to take out your political opponents. If the LNP had one testicle between them they would have sorted out the ABC years ago when they had the numbers in the parliament, but alas… If you look at past history, Tony Abbott was a victim and then they went for Christine Porter to make sure the next-in-line was killed off and they will do the same to Dutton if he becomes PM and stands still in their crosshairs. The only way to defeat this beast is to either sell them off or restructure their operating and funding model. Personally, I think the best solution would be to remove their non-partisan charter and break up the ABC into two parts, one conservative and one left wing and give them equal finding with equal air time. This move would finally give half the population of the nation a FTA news and current affairs outlet that they could actually enjoy watching and listening to and it would also give us value for money for the high taxes we pay for a service we never use. The small number of hard left activists that make up today’s audience of the ABC will still get their same free ‘fake news’ activism online and OTA, but they will squeal loudly at the prospect of conservative taxpayers finally having a voice of their own.
Serge Wright:
The split would be managed by existing personel so both sides would be “speaking with the same voice” e.g. the ABC took over Radio Australia and soon lost hearers.
My view is that the existing channels be split into various interests e.g. Children’s, Rural (including warning advice), and one News & Current Affairs – possibly another for BBC repeats etc.
Viewers could access each with a subscription of (a guess) 8¢ a day, ($29.20 a year or $2.43 a month). Say 4 services around $10 a month.
If ALL taxpayers were to join then the ABC would be no worse off so they cannot (but will) winge.
And this would bring home to them how popular they are.
The split could only be managed if you had a separate director for each side, appointed by independent boards representing the cultural / political interests for each side
They are disciples of Marx, operating in a Marxist enclave.
Disgusting stuff from their ABC and like US lefties they’ll go after Kennedy jr from now on and he’ll be hated until he dies and even some family members will continue to white ant him as well.
I watched the Kennedy jr hearings via Meghan Kelly and she did a good job and her guests were able to double check all of the BS and nonsense from the Demorat vipers.
Back in the day the Left hated and mistrusted Big Pharma.
Now they have a love affair with it.
NB: Reminder to Leftists – time for your 37th Covid 19 “vaccine” booster.
The problem with socialist is, as Margaret Thatcher put it, ‘when they run out of other people’s money’.
That’s why Mussolini’s new socialism took off in Italy and was copied by Adolph Hitler who formed his National Socialist.
In this new vision of equality, the rich join the business and get richer. The biggest company in the world was the German steel giant Krupp and Mrs Krupp was Adolph’s backer.
So while the US Democrats rail against ‘Fascists’. They are the Fascists. And protect their front line black suited thugs, rioters and murderers AntiFA. Massive devastating AntiFA riots and occupation are labelled, ‘mainly peaceful’ despite billions in damages. It’s all high farce. Fascism is alive in well in the US Democrats. Meanwhile Tim Walz is openly a great supporter of Chinese communism as a preferable government and was close to being the US Vice President.
The great sign though is that the Tech Barons are swapping sides for a decade. They can see the purges coming. And they were all there at the inauguration with their check books, being careful not to cheer when Trump said God had saved him. Their god is cash.
Indeed, as was documented in Dinesh D’Souza’s book The Big Lie: Exposing the N@zi Roots of the American Left and a related book on the topic, Rupert Darwall’s Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex.
And, of course, the Democrats was the party that supported slavery. Today they use the former slaves not as agricultural and domestic labourers but as voter and welfare slaves, keeping them in perpetual poverty for political purposes.
And free abortion and mass murder and mass immigration keep their numbers down. Only 13% of the population is black. But half of the murder victims are black. And their chance of being killed by another black is 90%. Random would be 13%.
It’s endemic, perpetual suppression through black on black violence. Drugs, guns, abortion, murder. Mainly inner city. The Democrats have never stopped their segregation and suppression. And they made lifetime violent criminal George Floyd out to be a victim, a saint. And the black population buys the story that they are oppressed, which perpetuates the suppression by the Democrats.
The DemonRats’ slaves are now replaced by poorly paid illegal immigrants to mow the lawns and nanny the kids.
>The biggest company in the world was the German steel giant Krupp and Mrs Krupp was Adolph’s backer.
William Manchester’s book The Arms Of Krupp is a massive indictment of the Krupp family’s complicity in Nazi war crimes and exploitation of slave labor.
The Krupp steel works used forced child labor. Children as young as 10 were forcibly taken from Eastern Europe, trained, and made to work in Krupp factories, often under brutal conditions. Additionally, the company operated a “children’s camp” at Voerde West, where infants born to slave laborers were separated from their mothers and suffered high mortality rates due to malnutrition and neglect. Records show at least 88 infant deaths over seven months in 1944-1945
“… the Blob, even here in the last outpost of Western Civilization, in the city furthest on Earth from Washington DC …”
At first glance I misread this as …
‘the furthest city from Earth, Washington DC’.
I self corrected my dyslexia … or did I?
The dyslexic alt truth. I like it. 🙂
US voting stats suggest you are right. DC is off the planet.
In mundane geometry, Perth, Australia is close to the opposite point on Earth to Washington DC. It is 11,500 miles or 18,500 km in a great circle distance. The antipodal point to Washington is 39S and 103E — in the Indian Ocean SW of Perth. Perth is 32S 116E. Though, technically, Bunbury is slightly closer.
In this distance there is great hope and potential.
Your own continent.
Very near your own hemisphere.
Almost your own ‘climate’ that refuses to cooperate with the IPCC.
Ya’ll are as close to having your own planet as currently possible.
You can free yourselves.
The top worlders have demonstrated they do not deserve your compliance.
Recall those decades ago at the start of the Cold War when Russia got ICBMs, intercontinental ballistic missiles that did not have in-flight guidance?
There was newspaper discussion about a hypothetical Russian launching site that could target anywhere in the world. Point it in the right direction, launch, let it circle the Earth or bring it down when the target approached.
Experts debated how to shoot down the ICBMs. One guy noted that from the single Russian launch pad, there was a point in the opposite side of the globe that all orbits would pass over, so put your intercepting weapons there. For one actual site, the opposite was south-east of the southern tip of New Zealand.
Good reasoning from those with a bent for spherical geometry theory.
Then it came to nothing when missile tracks could be changed in flight. I guess some poor bods spent time on a ship off NZ or were threatened with it before it fell apart.
Cheers. Geoff S
Of course, don’t mention the direct payments to the ABC / BBC /NPR and CBC in the form of advertising is over a BILLION per year and I am sure I read some where that Bobby wants to shut down big pharma advertising, no wonder the blob are out for his head!!
The Blob – It Eats You Alive –
BTW Republican senator Josh Hawley questions Kash Patel about the corruption and illegal actions of recent FBI heads under the Demorats via the Biden / Harris loonies.
Just incredible hounding and arrests of decent US citizens by the FBI just because they were Conservatives. This really is unbelievable but true.
Let’s hope Kash Patel can now help to clean up this corrupt Demorat swamp.
Someone once said that politicians should be like NASCAR drivers and have all their main sponsors emblazoned on their clothing.
That was Robin Williams:
But the original idea seems to have come from Don Noel:
Supplementary; possibly anonymous:
“How can you identify an honest politician?
When they are bought, they STAY BOUGHT”.
Too broad a brush?
Tar and…………
Supplementary; possibly anonymous:
“How can you identify an honest politician?
When they are bought, they STAY BOUGHT”.T
oo broad a brush?
Tar and…………
You sum it up wonderfully, Jo. That last paragraph says it all. The pity is that our media don’t do journalism any more and just pass on the government hand outs. Witness the way they promote wind factories but fail to tell of the destruction of forests for the installation and transmission. If the people were fully informed we would be living in a far better world.
In Australia I would like to see an investigation as to what the “science” was of banning IVM and HCQ for covid 19 treatment (taken according to appropriate protocols) as well as correcting common vitamin D deficiency in nursing homes and in many non-white people not living in tropical areas (vitamin D is known to make one more resistant to covid). [The Left claimed the higher susceptibility of darker-skinned people to covid was due to “racism” but it was more likely due to vitamin D deficiency.]
You will recall that it was former WEF employee, Greg Hunt that banned IVM and HCQ and whose department said vitamin D was useless.
A lot of people died due to the banning of IVM and HCQ and the lie that correcting vitamin D deficiency was useless.
And in Australia we had (effectively) compulsory covid “vaccination”, denial of harm of covid vaccines, denial of ineffectiveness of covid vaccines, and some of the world’s most extreme abd brutal covid lock-ups and tremendous damage to the economy.
And today, you still can’t get an organ transplant in Australia if you haven’t had covid “vaccine”.
I documented all this and more Government Disinformation in my submission against the Australian Government censorship bill:
After I recover from current SCC Excision Op, as I have had CLL for nearly 30 years, I am thinking of asking my Female Haematologist if she can prescribe and monitor me on taking IVM to see if it has any effect on blood levels
OldOzzie, even fully woke and former reputable but now far Left journal Nature admits the wide ranging uses and potential uses for IVM, at least they did in 2017.
Fenbendazole (sp?) drives down RBC count. Not sure about IVM.
And best wishes for your successful treatment, OldOzzie.
Thanks David,
with low plateelets – have a couple of really good blood spurters on the Wound Skin Graft – like a river flowing down my body to the floor.
Wife & Youngest Daughter were panicking a bit – but have got control of self daily wound care
From Chemist Warehouse yesterday, Fixomull Stretch 5cm x 10m Wound Tape plus Leukoplast Compress Cotton Gauze 10 x 10cm 50 Pack
2 pieces of Kaltostat (Blood Coagulant) on 2 of the spurters, then overlay full wound with Bactigras Mesh, cover with 10cm x 10cm Gauze and tape down with 2 strips 5cm Fixomull Wound Tape
Solved problem and will continue daily change, till next Specialist Appt 10 Feb 25
I have a son with CML and have suggested he try IVM or mebendazole. No luck so far and I think he’s too afraid to ask his haematologist. But they’re both worth a try and there’s already some very good science indicating both IVM and MBZ are very complementary to chemotherapy treatments. Also, in Australia you can buy mebendazole OTC from chemists. Well, you can in Victoria, don’t know if other state’s are different. It’s a common human dewormer. The advantage of IVM and MBZ is also that they achieve metastasis and impact the stem cells causing “L” in the first place. Hope that’s relevant mate, but I’m not a doctor, blah, blah, blah etc.
Ross, I don’t have any idea of the appropriate dose of IVM for that condition, and this is not medical advice, but standard doses of IVM for parasitic infection are 3mg which may not be enough (but I have no idea). The suggested dose for covid treatment is 24mg. If I need them, I get 24mg pills via doctor’s prescription and a compounding pharmacist in Melbournistan. Others get it from India. I pay about $3 per pill. Best wishes for your son.
4 Ivermectin
Low-grade cancers:
Dose of 0.5mg/kg, 3x per week (Guzzo, et al., 2002).
Intermediate-grade cancers:
Dose of 1mg/kg, 3x per week (Guzzo, et al., 2002).
High-grade cancers:
Dose from 1 mg/kg/day (de Castro, et al., 2020) to 2 mg/
kg/day (Guzzo, et al., 2002).
All these doses have been established as tolerable for
humans (Guzzo, et al., 2002).
5 Benzimidazoles and DON
Low-grade cancers:
Mebendazole: Dose of 200 mg/day (Dobrosotskaya,
et al., 2011).
Intermediate-grade cancers:
Mebendazole: Dose of 400 mg/day (Chai, et al., 2021).
High-grade cancers:
Mebendazole dose of 1,500 mg/day (Son, et al., 2020) or
Fenbendazole 1,000 mg 3x per week (Chiang, et al.,
All these doses have been established as tolerable for
humans (Chai, et al., 2021; Chiang, et al., 2021; Son, et al.,
2020). Benzimidazoles can be replaced or combined
with DON, administered without toxicity; intravenously
or intramuscularly: 0.2 to 0.6 mg/kg once daily; or orally:
0.2 to 1.1 mg/kg once daily (Lemberg, et al., 2018; Rais, et
al., 2022). Benzimidazole are much easier to obtain than
DON. However, for metastatic cancers, which rely heavily
on glutamine (Seyfried, et al., 2020), a combination of
DON and Benzimidazoles should be considered
(Mukherjee, et al., 2023).
In case you missed it, an article recently featured in The Desert Review. An AI program was asked to compile of a list of the best repurposed drugs for treating cancer.
I’ve got lots of info already thanks. I follow Dr William Maki’s on X. Canadian oncology specialist who the “ blob” are trying to cancel. Plus you can just do a good old Google search ( or your preferred search engine) and get lots of scientific papers etc. Particularly PreMed. I’m very envious of your 24mg IVM tablets. That’s actually the more appropriate concentration pill for most western countries. Is it a very large pill?
No, the pill is no bigger than any other typical capsule, perhaps a bit smaller. No problem swallowing it whatsoever.
One substance that reportedly has been used to treat cancer but was overlooked by AI is nigella sativa, commonly known as black seed oil. It’s high in thymoquinone (TQ). I’ll post this link (found via Yandex). Click on the link, copy the title and paste it into Google, see what happens…
Once you’re aware of the substance, you can research the numerous medical studies conducted in relation to it.
I’ll throw in one other link that may be relevant. T cells are vital in the body’s immunological response. I’m only speculating, but perhaps TQ either stimulates the thymus gland or provides a substitute role, ie. the consumed TQ takes over the role of the thymus gland.
A little food for thought there. I’m pretty sure that most people commenting on this blog “do their own research”. Hopefully these links provide some angles to explore.
My last comment scored a red thumb. I wear this as a badge of honour 😉
There was no explanation for it.
I would respect red thumbs if they provided evidence that contradicted my links/claims.
As it is, I expect most red thumbers are gutless.
Nevertheless, I encourage people to research and converse with medical professionals.
If your thumb is red, put your name to a dissenting post. Engage in a discussion.
The peer-reviewed paper is here:
Michael Shellenberger thinks we may have reached the end of totalitarian Wokism and let’s hope he’s correct.
He makes many points about the USA since 1990 and I think I nearly agree with him on every point.
He was very radical in his youth but at long last he has grown up and seems to be more open to conservative ideas and he even thinks it’s okay for men to be masculine. But he admits he has lost a lot of his friends over the last few years.
I think he should celebrate and find some new friends.
One of the best aspects of the Trump team is that they cannot be bought. Unlike Joe Biden who never earned more than $140,000 pa as a senator, Trump’s people are generally independently wealthy. The sight of our own Prime Minister with disgraceful Daniel Andrews being feted by a fake Indian education scammer at a private four hour Toorak lunch is typical of the grubby side of politics. And what was Andrews doing there? What is he selling?
We are supposed to believe that our political leaders are not subject to bribery. Now that’s ridiculous. It’s often the whole point of being in politics.
How much money does the Biden Crime family have today? Or the Clintons? Or Obamas?
Yes, the Left love their champagne millionaires/billionaires or Bollinger Bolsheviks as I prefer to call them.
The source of so much money of Leftist politicians is unaccounted for, while conservatives have a credible source for their wealth.
And look at TRUMP. The LEFT spent years trying to find financial (and other) dirt on him and didn’t legitimately find a cent out of place (only through fabrication, lies, lawfare and through corruption of the courts).
I read last year that BHO has reached billionaire status. How did that happen? I think he passed up Al Gore.
During Liz Cheney’s tenure she increased her wealth from about 7 million to about 40 million. How did that happen?
New England is heavily represented. I wonder what the Pilgrims would think? And Mitt was a governor of Massachusetts.
Money can’t buy you love but it sure can buy you a government.
And I’m getting a little tired of the relentless ‘loving’ that our government is giving us.
There are serious ethical concerns about involving children in placebo control vaccine trials.
So give them untested vaccines instead as the “hero” Fauci allowed?
But they should first be tested on volunteer adults.
Then the usual concept is “age de-escalation” whereby after adults are tested, progressively younger cohorts are tested as they trial progresses.
You’re correct Simon to a certain extent. This is often used as an excuse to wash out RCT trials, which very often favours dud treatments. But there are overall ethical concerns about ALL human trials. Which is why simple observational trials can be just as effective.
Placebo controlled trials for vaccines are run on children. See here and here.
This report is 10 years old, but even the WHO ethics panel recommends placebos even in later stage trials.
For longer term testing we have Phase IV trials. If you have a vaccine that passes Phase 1-3 safety testing, it’s not really ethical to continue placebo when your risk versus reward calculation gets to a particular point. Hell, I think our standards for useful vaccines in modern society is too risk averse.
Basically, RFK is bullshitting everyone. There are placebo controlled trials and Phase IV trials which deal with safety. He is saying there is no “long term” placebo controlled trials is basically complaining about not having a redundant process. It’s like complaining that we don’t train Aussies to survive grizzly bear attacks, even though we don’t have grizzly bears here.
For what it’s worth it wouldn’t surprise me if RFK makes sure he and his loved ones are vaccinated. This is likely just his path to power and to inherit the MAGS mantle in a few years.
Tony, a WHO recommendation is just a fig leaf, it’s not a trial. It is not data.
If RFK was bullshitting, Fauci and the entire US government Justice Dept, would have sued the pants off RFK. Instead RFK got their admission that he was correct but only a year after taking them to court. Why can’t they just speak the truth and answer straight up?
Clearly Fauci et al are dishonest people happy to deceive parents and children. Why would we leave any of them in charge of our childrens health?
The Nature paper was only published in 2024 after 500 million children were injected. And years after RFK launched his suit against Fauci and make the claims.
Even so, the follow up was only for 2 weeks. Any longer term risk of myocarditis, GB syndrome, inflammation, cancer, the wrong antibody formation, increased long term risk, autoimmune disease, it’s all going to be missed by this trial. It is inexcusable that we weren’t getting the data live as it came in, and that parents still don’t know what risks they are taking.
RFK makes it clear some trials were done with a pathetic follow up of 3 to 5 days. This is scandalous and appalling.
Your speculation about RFK is exactly what any agent trying to undermine him would say. Just the playbook baseless smear.
I mean Samoa should probably conider trying to sue RFK jr as his misinformation has been linked to the deaths of the measles outbreak.
It would be difficult to sue anyone spreading anti-vaccine in the US because of 1st Amendment free speech protections. Not to mention RFK is a lawyer and part of wholesome sounding Children’s Health Defence, he knows how to spread misinformation whilst making it sound like policy advocacy.
I somehow doubt Mr Fauci on a career civil servant paycheck, would barely be able to hire a lawyer to litigate. And what’s the point? Why waste your life going after cranks? All it would do is make RFK a matyr.
Besides, I think he probably has to hire security from all the cookers with guns who keep sending him death threats.
Regardless, like I noted above, vaccines do undergo longer term studies like Phase IV trials. There’s also a multitude of retrospective and longitudinal studies looking at millions of people to look at long term relative risk of specific vaccines. The pros for vaccinating are super high.
As far as COVID vaccines go, there’s pretty clear evidence the medium term tissue damaging effects of actual damage by the virus are far worse than the vaccine. And that’s not taking into account the damage to your immune memory Covid can do. This is even accounting for the myocarditis/pericarditis effects of the mRNA vaccines.
If you look at work of people like Peter Aaby way back in the 1980s, you will see researchers looking at the effects of vaccine sequence and particular hazards in young girls in Africa. But here’s is the kicker; if you read any of Aaby’s recent published reviews, you will find that the off-target effects of vaccination, particularly live cell vaccines boost immunity against other diseases and lower overall mortality. Probably by enhancing trained immunity of innate immune cells. That’s a massive endorsement of the long term positive effects of vaccination in general.
But you can’t link to long term studies of placebo controlled trials in children, so RFK Jnr is correct. Thanks for your honesty.
Fauci is the highest paid bureaucrat in US history. He was paid more than the President. Your “somehow doubts” are just the same baseless speculative smear. Since Fauci got a pardon we know he was guilty, and has protection right up to the highest levels of government in the US. Big Pharma paid Kamala and Joe for a reason, didn’t they?
Phase IV trials are only done after a drug is approved. Why are we approving drugs for use in children without proper testing?
My point is long term placebo trials are actually unethical.
Imagine you did 20 year placebo trials of the Hepatitis B vaccine. That would have run from 1980-2000. That’s 20 years of the placebo group getting infected with a virus that is a causative agent of liver cancer.
If you look at Gardasil, released in 2006, it has decreased rates of cervical cancer by 80-90% in vaccinated populations.
Imagine being in a double blind placebo controlled trial for 20 years. A 12 year old woman would be 30 now and not know if they were vaccinated. Of course, if anyone looked at the epidemiological, they would see cancer rates falling by 45-50%. Not to mention cervical lesions are even rarer in vaccinated cohorts. People would begin to reasonably conclude that a cancer diagnosis likely means you aren’t vaccinated. Heck, if you can lesions on Pap smears etc you would begin to figure it out.
Of course, by this point, the researchers who made the vaccine have long since retired or gone out of business. So, in reality, I doubt anyone bothers designing new vaccines at all.
Come to think of it – that’s probably the point. Make it too difficult to bother making vaccines in the first place. Have some faux outrage about medical experts aren’t doing those good standard placebo controlled tests in a long term setting!
But, if they were actually good faith agents, then why no discussion of Phase IV, retrospective studies, or longitudinal studies?Or the pros and cons of each vs long term placebo trials? The better answer is enrolling people in publicly funded, life long studies. There is always some small fraction of the population who are vaccine hesitant that make a logical control group.
All that said, you can bet your bottom dollar, that if someone did agree to legislate 20 year placebo controlled trials, then RFK and his ilk would be outraged it wasn’t 30 years. Forever shifting goalposts.
So, the argument for long term placebo trials is fairly weak. Really it’s just preying on people’s fear and lack of specific expertise. If we actually follow through the idea to its logical conclusion, it would be straight up unethical to do them.
Do you read your own links?
I followed the first link and it was published in 2024 … whereas RFK jr published his book about Fauci in 2021. Seems a tiny bit unfair to call RFK jr a liar, based on articles published years later, which he couldn’t have known about at the time.
Besides that, RFK jr was talking about vaccine mandates in the USA and the article you linked is regarding the Chinese product from Sinovac Biotech, not produced in the USA and to the best of my knowledge, never used in the USA either.
I mean my point of recent articles was that vaccine placebo trials are still ongoing in 2024. If you want to go back to 1984, here are results on the chickenpox vaccine. If you want to look on Google Scholar or PubMed, you can see meta analysis and reviews of safety pre-2021. Of course, there’s been truckloads of papers since, that look at long term safety and immunity. Perhaps RFK should update or withdraw his book?
For vaccines like the original smallpox, finding data is a bit harder due to study age. But there is plenty of recent data on smallpox vaccines for mpox and published assessments of which ones have the best safety profile.
To address COVID vaccines, you have to make rational decisions on approval. Before you get to the whole recipe, usually it’s being made with previously approved by the FDA materials. The safety tests looked very good. When lots of people starting getting immunised, it became apparent that the mRNA vaccines has notable side effects, notably myo or peri carditis. Conspiracy theorists see vaccine scientists and public health officials as bad faith actors, when they are the same people are the ones actually capturing all this adverse event data. (Not to mention I’ve been around immunologists and vaccine techs for decades – it’s insane to think these highly trained people are on being paid average wages for making vaccines that are taken by themselves, their kids and
If you look at the other main options – adenovirus vaccines, had a higher risk of death. At the same time COVID caused much higher rates of complications like carditis than the vaccine. Not to mention cutting hospitalisation by like 80-90% and death in hospital by a third.
So, it’s fairly logical to approve, there’s no point withholding the technology because we are worried about unlikely long term side effects. I think one Rotavirus vaccine was withdrawn after approval, pre-Covid.
All the vaccines have been changed since 1984 — presumably so they were still under patent and profitable for Big Harma. So it is not legit to link to old studies of variants that are not used and pretend that applies to different products.
It is reckless to experiment on children with therapies which are radically different and where long term permanent health damage is possible.
There can be no informed consent if there have been no long term studies and parents are not told that.
The entire industry is built on deceit and no accountability. (No liability).
The generic line that youve been around unnamed experts is the same baseless speculation that an industry PR Team would want anon commenters to say. N
Since industry experts face social and career ostracism if they admit they don’t vaccinate their kids, who would know?
The Conspiracy Theorist insult is the usual namecalling that people with no argument always resort too.
Not a good enough reason to NOT do them. And just keep piling more shots into schedules.
Water and sanitation, good food and healthy environments help children thrive too – these shots on shots just seem to be catering to the lowest common denominator environments that children are raised in these days,
And there never seems to be a study of the effects of all the vaccines piled on together in a very short period of time.
Double blind impossibility.
Medical people seem to ignore what serious statistical analysis can support.
Republican senator John Kennedy certainly fires a number of questions at Kash Patel at his hearing and as usual we can learn a lot from Kennedy’s search for the truth.
I hope only 2% of FBI operatives are scum, but we should know a lot more after Kash has been in the job for 12 months.
Our good chefs at the Culinary Institute of America have concluded IT came from a lab.
Considering we have the WHO, CDC, TGA, NIH, and all the other permutations of the alphabet, along with the heroic populations of Medicine and Academia that showed such courage during IT, especially in reminding us that we are not horses, and stopping us from buying paint, flooring, or gardening products from Home Depot, not to mention saving us from dangerous walks on the beach and visiting dying relatives …
I think it’s great that the final scientific assessment comes from the Culinary Institute of America, you know, where they do science and epidemiology and stuff.
Not from those silly university science and research places.
And ‘Public Health’ … they did good sticking to social control and mandating commercial products, not wasting effort figuring out where some disease came from.
They interviewed his cousin! Really? They couldn’t interview him, so they went for 25th best.
The ABC should drop to their knees every morning and give thanks that they aren’t responsible for their actions.
If DJT was their boss, they wouldn’t exist.
I mean the projection verges on insanity.
“Kennedy is a headache for President Trump.” How the hell would they know? They don’t know how to put their own pants on.
The loony left race is run,
As their meaningless slogans are done,
Which will fail to defame,
The great patriot’s game,
Who will show how the West is won.
Down in the Jungle,
Got a belly ache,
Want to go to the toilet,
Whoops, a BLOB too late.
Like the poem!
But . . . I, for one, am far from certain that the Brezhnevite left have truly run their race.
Don’t forget, they, and the Blobbites, depend on our money for wages, and pensions.
Will they give up easily?
Maybe not.
Where are the Australian names?
I would consider Kennedy a big improvement over de incumbent, a sickly man with serious mental problems.
However I must put it that the ‘placebo control’ for vaccines is ‘no vaccination’, and there is ample documentation of that around.
I don’t think RFK Jr. has said anything that Dr. Vernon Coleman hasn’t been saying for close to 60 years.
In response to TdeF at 4.1, Hjalmar Schact did little different than what Clifford Douglas, the inventor of Social Credit economics, advocated. The “capitalist” system adopted by governments is the law of diminishing returns. Even without the ability of having a central bank, the Province of Alberta, in the middle of a depression, elected a Social Credit government that eliminated the province’s massive debt and turned it into a surplus. Funny Margaret Thatcher never talked about socialists Mikael Bakunin or his inspiration Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, the father of anarchism, both of whom despised Marx.
“The Blob” that Jo refers to is having its teeth extracted. Trump’s extremely articulate and very impressive Press Secretary, Karoline Leavitt, has opened up the White House’s Brady media briefing room to “New Media”. The ‘new media’ includes podcasters, bloggers, influencers and various non-legacy content creators. Leavitt announced that over 10,000 applications have been received from new media outlets requesting accreditation. Traditionally, the Associated Press has had the right to ask the first question at each White House press briefing. Ms. Leavitt has upended that tradition and has invited new media outlets to ask the first questions. But wait, there’s more! Legacy media outlets such as the New York Times, NBC News, NPR, and Politico have been booted from their offices inside the Pentagon and are to be replaced by outlets such as the New York Post, One America News Network (OANN), Breitbart News, and HuffPost. And the legacy media have well and truly have their noses out of joint. At a time when Americans have record low levels of trust in the mass media, the Conversation has come out with the headline “Trump inviting influencers to White House press briefings is likely to usher in a new era of fake news”. Apparently, The Conversation prefers the old era of fake news!