By Jo Nova
Four weeks before the biggest election in history, the The Wayback Machine, was hacked in a major DDOS attack. The site was restored partially, but for the moment operates as “read only”. It is not possible to ask the archive to save a page. In a strange coincidence, Google caching stopped earlier this year and officially ended in September. So there is suddenly no recognised source of common shared truth about the history of the internet at the moment. Officially, supposedly, they will be back in action, sometime, one day, and theoretically they are copying the same pages they normally copy, they just can’t update yet, or archive new pages…
Imagine how convenient that might be if someone were planning to lie, cheat, or change their story after the election?
So please, everyone, “keep a copy”, and tell your friends to keep copies too. Capture the screenshots. Save the page. Download the youtubes and save them. You never know when an election promise, a counting tally, a prediction, or a gaffe might disappear down a memory hole.
Is it just a coincidence or was this the deep state blob at work? As Jeffrey Tucker says, the timing is perfect, but we just do not know.
Deleting history helps people who want to cheat:
They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now
By Jeffrey Tucker, Brownstone Institute
Incredibly, the service which has been around since 1994 has stopped taking images of content on all platforms. For the first time in 30 years, we have gone a long swath of time – since October 8-10 – since this service has chronicled the life of the Internet in real time.
As of this writing, we have no way to verify content that has been posted for three weeks of October leading to the days of the most contentious and consequential election of our lifetimes.
Crucially, this is not about partisanship or ideological discrimination. No websites on the Internet are being archived in ways that are available to users. In effect, the whole memory of our main information system is just a big black hole right now.
What this means is the following: Any website can post anything today and take it down tomorrow and leave no record of what they posted unless some user somewhere happened to take a screenshot. Even then there is no way to verify its authenticity. The standard approach to know who said what and when is now gone. That is to say that the whole Internet is already being censored in real time so that during these crucial weeks, when vast swaths of the public fully expect foul play, anyone in the information industry can get away with anything and not get caught.
Without the Wayback Machine Chris Gillham couldn’t have shown how the second round of adjustments in our national climate database wiped out even more historic hot days. (See the graph changes below).

Sweeping changes in record hot days? The Bureau of Meteorology adjusted raw data to make ACORN 1 and has adjusted that further to make ACORN 2!
Without the Wayback Machine we might not have a copy of the Victorian Government paper pushing for offshore wind power which accidentally admitted that all the onshore wind and solar plants they needed would require up to 70% of all agricultural land in the state.
Without the Wayback Machine we wouldn’t have a link to the original government report that listed the climate models biggest prediction and the results that showed it was a complete failure. The missing hot spot is probably the most important feedback within the climate models. All the models predicted the most rapid heating would happen 10km over the tropics, but 28 million weather balloons hunted for that signal and found it never happened. This shows water vapor doesn’t amplify the warming, and there was no catastrophe coming. After skeptics pointed out the failure, the large 6 Chapter Report from 2005 quietly disappeared. All my links to references broke, but there was a full copy on the WaybackMachine so I could update that post.
Every time government agencies screw up they want to hide the evidence. That’s why we need the Wayback Machine, and it’s why they need to shut it down.
h/t Bally, Skepticynic, and Simon Thompson.
George Orwell would be updating 1984 if he was alive today!
Nineteen Eighty Four wouldn’t need updating.
He prophesied nearly exactly our present situation.
Perhaps change the name to 2024.
1984 must be the only book ever written that went from dystopian nightmare fantasy to become an instruction manual without any changes whatsoever to it’s content.
Biggest question (besides who the bad guys are) of last four years is was Orwell a prophet, or have all the bad guys just used him as an instruction manual?
I think that Ray Bradbury deserves an honourable mention for Farenheit 451. In which he also proposed the solution – keep your own copy.
Ooh My second Hat Tip evah. Yeah something big is going down and they are playing with us right now. To go from hundreds of millions of bots capturing every web page to nothing from “Denial of service attacks” is ludicrous. The green curtain has been pulled back by Toto, but we have been ordered to studiously ignore the wizard behind it. I find it interesting that AI can “fill in the information gaps” with ideological purity that would make a Kommissar blush. Sit back and enjoy the ride!
The biggest show on Earth just got even bigger, or, the biggest dodge on Earth just got more dodgier.
If it weren’t for sites like Jo’s or Tony Heller’s and a few others, I too could possibly maybe might believe the planet was on fire – or drowning – and that lovely kind caring coloured woman VP was the world’s last chance for, um, what’s it called, oh yeah, climate justice and equity and freedom for all.
™️Turn the page™️??? Puke. 🤮
For USA readers, ‘puke’ is the same as your Ralph, Chuck, and Barf, ie. stomach churning.
I like the word “chunder”. From a land Down Under.
They think chunder comes from immigrants/convicts being on sailing ships warning those below to ‘Watch under’ when throwing up over the side. Certainly remember Puckapunyal early 90s where the showers had signs telling you to yell out ‘Watch your back’ when turning on the water due temp changes.
Thank you Greg, you actually restored a bit of compassion for the deluded.
Ayn Rand also wrote “Atlas Shrugged”, another dystopian setting where the government is out of control.
Hi Jo; you mention the lack of a hotspot as one of the most major predictitive fails of the CAGW narrative. No argument but there is one even more serious. CAGW is entirely based on the claim that rising CO2 reduces thermal emmission to space – acting like an additional blanket over the Earth – and this reduction in energy loss is what causes the warming. Its not just a prediction, its the entire CAGW thesis.
That a testable claim, NASA has been monitoring Earth’s thermal energy loss to space for nearly 50 years. Its called outgoing longave radiation or OLR for short. Measured OLR has been steadily rising for the entire measurement period. Rising not falling even though CO2 levels are supposedly rising!!! According to basic principles of science that means the thesis is falsified.
Thats Richard Lizden’s (Lindzen? – I can never recall his last name) point is it not? He was the first scientist I came across when I began to investigate this CC stuff and he change my mind from being an agnostic “believer” to thinking ‘ah its not as we are told”.
Hi Philip; I thought Lindzen was focussed on the iris effect. A strong negative feedback mechanism involving clouds which he claims largely nullifies the impact of rising CO2. He may be right but what I am suggesting is somewhat more fundamental. Forget about any whys or wherefores, the theory makes the absolutely fundamental claim OLR should fall as CO2 rises. CO2 has been rising but OLR as not been falling, it has been rising. I dont really care why (well I do but not in this context), experimental observation contradicts theory so theory is wrong. End of issue.
Michael, I do not think that is the theory. The theory is that it delays, or increases the residence time of outgoing LWIR. And that additional rise in T does equaliser at a higher level.
…equalizes at a increased level.
I am not certain and working it through. A warmer atmosphere must have more outgoing LWIR yes?
Hi David; I do not quite understand what you mean by “increases the residence time of OLR”. Some of the heat is stored for a while before being radiated? Where is this heat stored and for how long? Lets not forget the claim is 1-2 degrees of warming yet the surface temperature can change by well over 10 degrees over a couple of hours around sunset and again at sunrise. Assuming the surface is the major energy storage (the atmosphere has far less thermal capacity) its time costant is measured in hours. So any impact of change in residence time would be effectively instantaneous on the time scale we are talking about (years). Any warming on this sort of time constant has to come down to a small long term imbalance between solar energy input and OLR. Apart from that, the known greenhouse impact of CO2 is to absorb energy at a narrow range of wavelengths centered around 14.7 micron. As CO2 increases some energy at those wavelengths radiated by the surface is absorbed by atmospheric CO2 instead of being radiated to space. Sure energy at those wavelengths is radiated by by atmospheric CO2 but that radiation comes from the top of the CO2 column where it is colder so the energy radiated is less than the surface energy. In short, the energy radiated is reduced, the additional CO2 is acting to reduce Earth’s energy loss to space. These processes are effectively instantaneous. The only way it changes if the temperatures at the surface and top of the CO2 column change – which is of course the global warming hypothesis. So, in the above have I unintentionally vindicated the CAGW myth? No, the facts above are not controversial, they are well understood the point is the impact is trivial and does not lead to significant warming. If it did the observed OLR woud be declining as CO2 rises. As an indiction, if there were a step change in CO2 we would expect an abrupt fall in OLR and then a low rise back to the original level as the Earth warmed in response. Since CO2 is rising continuously that would have to become a constant or increasing drop in OLR. A rising OLR completely conflicts with the thesis.
Are you a scientist?
It goes against my feelings so I’m going to insist “Everyone knows” trumps the scientific argument.
This is LITERALLY killing people.
And you do not have to be a scientist to recognise fallacy.
Simon; if I understood your post correctly you seem to be claiming that peoples feelings/beliefs are superior to and outweigh rational scientific protocol (where a theory makes predictions that are falsified experimentally the theory itself is falsified). If that was your claim I only have a one word response Bulls**t. Hundreds of years of painstaking scientific advance improving every aspect of our lives out the window.
Simon you forgot the /s tag.
Poe’s Law.
The trouble is that today a lot of the Party’s are all Left.
Seen on a baseball cap: Make 1984 fiction again!
I’ve noticed that the polarization is so great that facts no longer matter.
Cold comfort, but it’s not like we can change minds anymore.
In the first Reformation, common possession of books posed a threat to the powerful.
Have we come full circle?
Must we now start secretly saving and hoarding books in hope of preserving the past?
Hete is a video about how we can preserve digital information and distribute it with ad hoc wireless networks when the grid goes down or the Internet becomes even more heavily censored.
Years ago before the Internet I knew of a data hoarder who did it with Microfiche.
We have been pushed into using the “cloud” for data storage for some time and almost no-one is backing up to hard drives or *gasp* paper . We have also lost the ability to do research – search engines have pretty much killed that . The “cloud” is storage on someone else’s hardrive which is subject to their compliance and security and you are hostage to that . If EMP weapons are used all data and most electronics will be gone in seconds . Thats the “sudden stop” after you go off the cliff…
> I knew of a data hoarder
David how do you keep track of all your snippets, quotes, literary passages, and other saved information, and how do you find it once you’ve recalled something?? You must have an efficient cataloguing system. Share with us how you do it so we can all have encyclopedic memory.
IIRC it worked for about 1500 years
As Greg in NZ pointed out, Tony Heller was onto this years ago. As a long time computer programmer he was able to devise his own way back machine and archive the NOAA weather database. He can do all the before and after comparisons quite easily. Before = raw data, after= manipulated data. Hopefully, someone has done the same for the Australian BOM data.
Plus his research via old newspapers and other reports of the time put paid to the mind-narrowing (and mind-numbing) preachers of consensus, high-priests of mumbo jumbo, and invisible investment banksters making more than a pretty penny out of their [old/new] religion.
‘Fool me once…’ as ye olde saying goes.
The Australian Parliament frequently “disappears” past submissions to various enquiries from “we the people”, especially when they don’t conform to the Official Narrative.
Hopefully, Hansard ts written down and well documented.
How will the AI systems give ‘correct’ answers if even they cannot reference the Wayback Machine?
Will they only spout the currently available sites/papers/’experts’ then give a different response in following days after changes are made (but not recorded)?
Will AI prognostications be archived?
Huxley vs Orwell interpretation of what’s going on.
Oh how lucky we are in the Western world to live in these times of democracy and truth.
Unlike those poor fools in the Communistica world who have no access to freedom truth.
Just being a little sarcastic really. But sometimes I do wonder . .
YUP!! 😁
…and, hinting again, maybe Jo could/should do a siterip here for posterity.
Maybe archive every month as a PDF…
Hi John Connor II, i am writing this to you from the future………………………… 🙂
The reason caching and site imaging is not being done is in order to free up memory on the internet to cache everything that every individual is looking at when surfing the web and blogging etc..
>…siterip here for posterity
…archive every month as a PDF
Best idea yet.
Hi John, I’m open to suggestion. At the moment the full site zip is a bit under 10Gb. But as that includes emails and IPs I can’t release that publicly. I do have an off site copy, but I would appreciate another layer of backup. Only to a most trusted and vetted location.
I have not thought of doing a PDF (and don’t know how). I guess that avoids the privacy problem because it captures only the public side.
I love the idea of being able to buy a copy of the site data on a DVD or USB stick. Heaps of amazing web sites i would love to have off line copies of.
There are already software like Wget for Linux but have to admit i am not that much of a web nerd, instead i am more of a functional nerd on matters pertaining to the subject of the microbiome and holobiome and latest biology info papers, studies concerning the microbiome and the like.
Isn’t there a convenient nerd somewhere handy who can devise a script to scrub user IP’s & user email addresses from a copy of the site to cleanse it for general distribution in the form of commercial publication?
As the communists used to say, the future is known, it is the past that keeps on changing.
Modern verion of ‘book burning”
The timing of this event is probably very significant . With the election in the USA and current events lies (misinformation?) are flying about like flies on carrion . If a record exists it easy to quote but if it’s gone we are in Orwell territory . Qui Bono (who is telling the most porkies?).
Psst: cui bono.
Ro Ha,
I should have googled it 🙂 Thanks
This comment never existed.
I think it is fortunate that during the last month or so Ms Harris has matured into a fluent, creative, and endearing character loved by all. It is clear that she will eclipse Joe Biden’s massive popularity. She has equally overwhelming support from middle America, radicals, and conservatives. No-one will even remember the other candidate – or if there even was another candidate. Ms Harris’s popularity has demonstrated that only one candidate is needed for an election. So the record will show.
‘So the record will show.’
From Zerohedge,, Jeffrey Tucker also writes:
‘We did not know until Melania Trump’s latest biography that she and her son Barron were victims of debanking, the practice of shutting down a person’s bank account based on an unsigned and unexplained decision in which the account holder is merely notified that all services are hereby denied.
Good on her for admitting this. People rarely do.
This apparently happened in 2021, after her husband had left the office of the presidency. There were concerted efforts at the time to wipe out the memory of his time in office.
Back in those days, I used the home assistant app called Google Home. I asked who the 45th president was and the product responded that it had no information on that. Indeed, it was like a scene from Orwell.
Apparently Melania and Barron were also being deleted by their own bank.’
So the record shows.
[…] HERE […]
The overall Climategate file is on the Wayback machine, but I have not been able to find the files that it references IOW the wayback machine has the index but not the actual communications between the climate scientists. If that is the case, I hope someone has got a copy of it all somewhere.
Mike, this might be what you seek.
Climategate Emails. Edited and annotated by John Costella, The Lavoisier Group, March 2010.
180 page PDF. With hot links to the emails proper.
Yes – all of it, including actual emails. There are two tranches as well.
Suggest you diligently search Stephen McIntyre’s site while it still exists.
It started with King Unas circa 2306 BC. The Tyrants Tyrant.
Pyramid Text.
Utterance 302
There is no word against me on earth among men, there is no accusation in the sky among the gods, for I have annulled the word against me, which I destroyed in order to mount the sky.
Wayback Machine test. Search: vince foster*/vince%20foster
Site loads. Maybe some parts are disappearing?