In Deep State warfare space rockets need to show they don’t hurt sharks

By Jo Nova

There are a million pointless ways the Deep State Machine can tie down opponents.

Elon Musk is having fun sharing his stories of Bureaucratic Entanglement, as petty officials demand he protect sharks, whales and seals in every launch.

Bureaucrats are not even pretending to serve the people anymore, they just serve themselves

The Lordships at the Californian Coastal Commission have admitted they are disallowing extra Space X launches from Vandenberg Space Force Base because they don’t like Elon’s tweets. And they even said so out loud. It’s so third-world.

Commissioner Gretchen Newsom apparently has a theory that stopping rocket launches will protect the people of California from hearing opinions she doesn’t want them to hear. She has appointed herself decider of your vote.

“Right now Elon Musk is hopping about the country, spewing and tweeting political falsehoods and attacking FEMA while claiming his desire to help the hurricane victims with free Starlink access to the internet,” said Newsom, who has no relation to Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Newsom claimed Musk harbored an anti-California agenda, saying the CEO had enjoyed billions of dollars in state subsidies while threatening to relocate his companies to Texas due to “bigoted beliefs against California’s safeguards and protections over our transgender community.” — Wall Street Journal

In other words, it was just a form of extortion. She was hoping she could exploit her public role to force Musk to endorse the politicians and causes she personally preferred. Unfortunately for her, Musk is suing them all instead. He claims he has a right to free speech…

So at this point, despite being the richest man in the world, Elon Musk knows the people in control of the Army, the Spies, and the six trillion dollar budget could take it all away from him in a blink. Which is why he is all in with Trump, and if a few million dollars here or there might shift the outcome, it’s nothing.

In his latest volley back against the Machine, Musk wants people in swing states to sign a petition to protect the First and Second Amendments. In the world we thought we lived in, he would have spent millions on the mainstream media for advertising. Since the media are the enemy, to get attention, he’s decided to pick one lucky person each day who signed the petition, and give a million dollars to them instead. Fans of Kamala are crying foul, as though he is “buying votes” but since the petition is endorsing the First and Second Amendment, Democrats can sign the petition too, and (in theory) the Democrats support the Constitution. Yes? And if the Democrats don’t, then now would be a good time for American voters to find that out.

It’s so much better than feeding the Machine.



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15 comments to In Deep State warfare space rockets need to show they don’t hurt sharks

  • #
    Honk R Smith

    I know I keep going on about that Pandemic thing.
    But seems to me that during Pandemic, governments crossed over from being simply annoyingly bureaucratic with smatterings of corruption …
    to being outright vindictive and openly and fully corrupt.

    As I’ve said before, notice how they make no effort to rebuild public trust, but instead are working insidiously to silence and even outlaw criticism.


    • #
      David Maddison

      One major purpose of the Plandemic, especially in the fanatically woke UN and WEF following countries like Australia was to introduce laws, never to be repealed (because unlike many US laws, most Australian laws don’t usually have a sunset clause) that further removed what few rights we have.

      Australia is fully compliant with the UN and WEF Agenda with numerous politicians and senior public serpents (who tell politicians what to think) loyal to the UN, WEF and China but not Australia.


      -World’s strictest Plandemic lockups + compulsory vaccination if you wanted to work, travel, shop or socialise.
      -Fanatical commitment to wind, solar and Big Batteries despite their obvious harm to the economy and people.
      -World’s most expensive real estate when it used to be among the cheapest and most affordable.
      -Commitment to 15 Minute Cities, rebranded as 20 Minute Neighbourhoods.
      -Wars on many fronts against private motorists.
      -Wars against farmers and promotion of insect eating with kids in at least 1000 Australian “schools” being offered insects to eat.
      -Ongoing wars against law abiding firearm owners.
      -Continued mass importation of some of the world’s most violent, uneducated and anti-Western people.

      There are many more examples. Australia shoukd be a warning to others.



  • #
    James Murphy

    Here’s a 30 minute interview with a US congressman, Kevin Kiley (surprisingly, a Republican from California) who also sees the California Coastal Commission as maliciously obstructive.

    here’s another 15 minute video from the same person which focusses more on the FAA being difficult.


  • #
    Kalm Keith

    A great outline of what’s going on in the USA and it’s not pleasant reading.
    The Australian version would describe the Great Big Barrier Reef Foundation “thingy” which saw AUD $444 Million (equivalent to more than seven tons of gold bullion) “allocated” to the “committee” before the Snowy Hydro Two Ultimate Insult of more recent times.

    How does this sort of behavior continue, it’s unbelievable.

    I’m tempted to apply for a University grant to study the effect of Purple People Eaters on 1950s music.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Well I saw the thing comin’ out of the sky
      It had the one long horn, and one big eye
      I commenced to shakin’ and I said “Ooh-eee”
      It looks like a purple people eater to me


    • #

      I worked it out at less than 4 tonnes of gold.

      7 is such an overstatement.

      The government would never waste 7 tonnes of gold.

      /s for those too thick to care.

      And the rest of us get…… nothing/shafted.


  • #
    David Maddison

    he’s decided to pick one lucky person each day who signed the petition, and give a million dollars to them instead. 

    On Their ABC (Australia) (taxpayer funded far Left multimedia propaganda organisation, A$1.2 billion dollar budget), they said Musk is using his wealth to “influence the US election”, which of course is his Right.

    And yet they never say this about the Hollyweirdos, the Lamestream Media, woke corporations, Farcebook who spent US$350 million on the last US Presidential “election”, socialist media and search engine shadow banning, censorship, deplatforming, Government lawfare and lobby group lawfare against members of the Thinking Community etc..

    As usual, the hypocrisy of the Left is staggering.

    …quickly amassed hundreds of millions of dollars in donations to help local election offices — most notably, $350 million from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan. …


    • #


      … to get attention, he’s decided to pick one lucky person each day who signed the petition, and give a million dollars to them instead

      That actually had me laughing out loud. Of course the lefties hate it – using billionaires’ money to buy votes is their schtick.

      I really dislike EV’s (hopelessly expensive, impractical and dangerous for longer journeys) but freely admit Musk is absolutely outstanding. An organizational genius with a real dash of John Cleese-type humour.


      • #
        David Maddison

        I think Elon knows he only sells EVs to rich, virtue signaling Leftists who also secretly keep an ICE vehicle or hybrid vehicle for long trips.

        And good on him for identifying a market for his products for the woke and stupid, but rich, Left. At least he’s not taking money from the “Deplorables” as the American Left refer to ordinary working people.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Musk’s rockets will harm whales, sharks and seals but monstrous proposed California offshore wind subsidy plantations will not?

    As usual, the hypocrisy of the Left is staggering.


  • #
    David Maddison

    The Left are always racist against successful African Americans like Elon Musk. They prefer them to remain as welfare-dependent Democrat-voting slaves.


  • #

    The “Deep State” is endemic and ‘woking’ to WEF riding instructions world wide! In the process killing off initiative and choice populations once believed to be ours by rite.


  • #

    Today the lunatics are definitely running the Asylum and I hope Musk wins against these loonies and moves to Texas ASAP.
    How do you run a business in 2024 against govts who really hate you?


    • #
      David Maddison

      While it’s great freedom-loving anti-woke people are moving to relatively free states Like Texas, unfortunately California is too dysfunctional even for many Leftists so many Leftists are also moving there and taking the poisonous ant-American, socialist and anti-western ideas with them. Many Texans are concerned about this.


  • #
    Greg in NZ

    Monday morning nitpick, or, How I Leaned 2 Stop Wurryn & Luv Murican Spaling –

    “requiring @SpaceX to asses”

    Colin Wright is so wrong… I’m fairly certain Elon doesn’t swing that way, which could be why Gretchen the witch is shrieking. Are we antipodeans allowed to ‘sign up’ to go into the US$1 million lucky dip?


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