Hellfire, brimstone and societal collapse coming at 6pm, say the “experts”

Humanities Future in Balance say paid hacks from captive universities.By Jo Nova

With four weeks to go ’til D-Day for the parasitic blob (the US Election), the headlines today are biblical hellfire with photos. Earth’s vital signs have hit record extremes they tell us. In all the years we’ve been recording things, which is practically nothing, storms, floods, droughts and the mental health of jellyfish have never been worse, which is obviously why food crops are higher than ever before, the Earth is greening and more humans are alive than have ever existed.

Like soothsayers with chicken entrails, captive scientists are squawking disaster like their funding depends on it:

Earth’s ‘vital signs’ show humanity’s future in balance, say climate experts

by Damien Carrington, The Guardian

“We’re already in the midst of abrupt climate upheaval, which jeopardises life on Earth like nothing humans have ever seen,” said Prof William Ripple, of Oregon State University (OSU), who co-led the group. “Ecological overshoot – taking more than the Earth can safely give – has pushed the planet into climatic conditions more threatening than anything witnessed even by our prehistoric relatives.

It’s “like nothing humans have ever seen” says Prof Ripple, who has forgotten the Eemian, the ice ages, the Toba supervolcano, countless asteroids, and the Black Plague.

We’re panicking about a couple of degrees of warming, but cavemen had it hotter and colder, and for 150,000 years their air conditioners didn’t work.

It’s like the modern “scientists” are trying to erase all of prehistory

What we’re dealing with is nothing like what humans have already suffered through.  Humans saw the seas rise by 125 meters (twice) — children used to play on the continental shelf until all their beaches disappeared, their homes washed away, and their favourite reefs were destroyed. Humans saw ice caps a mile thick roll over Manhattan and humans saw the wall of ice melt away too.

Things were so bad, at some point humans waved good-bye to an entire species of hominid which had brains bigger than our own, and the vast forests of the Sahara desert turned to dust, the fish died, the rivers stopped flowing and the communities that existed for thousands of years were wiped out.

Nothing we’re dealing with today is remotely as bad as what humans have already dealt with.

Every kind of disaster will hit “Billions of people”:

The hyperbole knows no bounds. The “millions of climate refugees” that didn’t happen, are now “billions”.

No disaster is off limits to the Scare-fairies:

“Climate change has already displaced millions of people, with the potential to displace hundreds of millions or even billions. That would likely lead to greater geopolitical instability, possibly even partial societal collapse.”

Human Suffering in Pictures

Every bad thing under the sun is caused by climate change. That’s how we know it isn’t science.

The climate is doing just fine, but the The State of Climate Science is a tragedy.


REFERENCE (if you can call it that)

William Ripple, et al including Michael Mann and Naoimi Oreskes (2024) The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth, BioScience, biae087, https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biae087



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69 comments to Hellfire, brimstone and societal collapse coming at 6pm, say the “experts”

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    Graeme No.3

    The guardian should change its name to The Rubbish.


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      The Guardian The Guarbage


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      The Turnbull Times, named after its source of invitation to set up in Australia


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      It’s worse than that. Alarmists only ever present the negative side of alarmism; and they lie and exaggerate about that. The positive side of the slight warming which has occurred over the last 150 years, which is NOT caused by humans, has brought many benefits. Lomborg in his book Cool It shows this emphatically. At figure 11 he shows the costs and benefits of alarmist policies with attempts to keep the increase to 1.5C costing $84 trillion for $11 trillion benefits. Doing nothing produces $2 trillion benefit for $1 trillion cost. And this is predicated on the false assumption that humans are causing AGW.

      At Figure 13 Lomborg shows by 2050, with warming, that 1.8 million lives will be saved and 300,000 lost.

      The use of fossils and nuclear has literally save humanity. People lead better lives independent of the harsh vagarties of nature. Children are better fed, GDP has increased, illness dealt with. Alarmists wish to send humanity back to the cave. They are misanthropes as Jo has written about before:


      Alarmism is supported by grifters, communists and useful idiots.


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    I think it’s best I take my umbrella today when I go to the city. You can’t be too careful.


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    Michal Mann involved with the paper-say no more. I wonder if people are still looking at him funny in the local supermarket. (one of his ridiculous claims against Mark Steyn)


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      Leo G

      Mann involved … I wonder if people are still looking at him funny.

      His Know-bull prize claim has attracted attention.


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        On of MM’s claims against Steyn was that as a result of the “false” characterisations against him that his research funds/grants would be affected. Steyn’s defence did an analysis of his research funds before and after the alleged comments. No major difference. In fact, they increased after a couple of years. So, the notoriety actually helped MM. Yes, he attracted more attention.


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    Avoiding the misinformation coming out of the Guardian and going straight to Ripple, who passionately believes CO2 causes global warming.

    ‘Last year, we witnessed record-breaking sea surface temperatures, the hottest Northern Hemisphere extratropical summer in 2000 years, and the breaking of many other climate records,’

    Hunga Tonga?


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      Greg in NZ

      Hunga Tonga … and now Samoa.

      Those pesky South Pacific islands which sank beneath the waves oh so long ago sure are affecting the ‘fragile planet’ and her myriad alphabet+ life forms: I mean, why did they put that coral reef bommie right where the surveying ship was going to cruise by.

      Then again, European missionaries converted the islanders to Christianity (in all its myriad forms) around the time of the Industrial Revolution: I’m surprised MO (Mann/Oreskes) haven’t blamed ‘faith, hope & charity’ for that lovely extra 1 degree of bliss.

      As an aside, Mt Mawson in Tasmania looked beautiful yesterday with all that fresh new snow on the ground, the same storm now dropping 20-30cm of snow on Fiordland and Otago. Climastrology 101: warming causes freezing… just believe.


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      Leo G

      From a recent study prompted by consideration of the increase in stratosphere water vapour following the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai eruption:

      This study … examines the consequences of large stratospheric water vapor anomalies and reveals that surface temperatures across large regions of the world increase by over 1.5°C for several years, although some areas experience cooling close to 1°C.


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        … persistent warming of Northern Hemisphere landmasses in boreal winter, and austral winter cooling over Australia, years after eruption.’

        South east Australia remains in the grip of wintry conditions.


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    John Connor II

    The Earth’s crust is melting!
    More taxes, more solar, more ev’s!

    Beneath a depression called the Konya Basin, Earth’s crust is slowly dripping deeper into the planetary interior, a process that is gradually shaping the surface geology of not just the basin, but the plateau that surrounds it.

    It’s called lithospheric dripping, a phenomenon that has only recently been discovered here on Earth, and geologists are still figuring out the different ways it manifests.



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    Oh my goodness. The guardian rag and its gormless contributors are at it again, but send us money as we’re defending truth against evil people who want to stop us publishing. So sad and deluded, but what can one expect from their audience who believe the sky is falling in and doom awaits at every rising and falling of the sun. Mush for brains socialist greens.


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    Like soothsayers with chicken entrails, captive scientists are squawking disaster like their funding depends on it:

    This should be the quote of the day!
    Absobloodylutely beautiful!


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    David Maddison

    children used to play on the continental shelf


    It may come as a shock to many climate catastrophists and other anti-science Leftists who are Aristotlean in their world view that the earth system never changes, but much of early human archeological remains are buried in deposits on the continental shelves because humans tend to live near the ocean.

    Bones may not survive, depending if they are buried or not but things like axe and arrow heads will.

    Of course, Leftists don’t like it when one questions the Official Narrative on early human origins and migration patterns. Like climate, “the science is settled (sic)”.

    Occasionally such remains get hauled up by fishing trawlers.


    Snared in a fishing net at the bottom of the North Sea, on the edge of the continental shelf, the “oldest Dutch work of art” has been found, according to an article published in Cambridge Antiquity magazine last week.

    The 13,500 year-old carved bison bone, which has a distinctive zigzag pattern along its length, was carved by a “Late Ice Age hunter gatherer” who once foraged the bountiful landscapes which later became the North Sea. This discovery highlights ”the importance of continental shelves as archaeological archives,” according to scientists in the Cambridge report. Curator of prehistory at the Leiden museum, Luc Amkreutz, who wrote the paper, told reporters at Dutch News, “What the carvings mean is unclear. Some have interpreted the zigzags as symbols of movement, rhythm, water or a need for symmetry.”


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    What is the point of the chart of Vostok ice cores? Humans don’t usually live in Antarctica.


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      A historical lack of human population (that we know of) makes Vostock ice cores a great place to sample CO2 proxies. The less likelihood of a localised artificial influence on CO2 makes those cores a better record for historical tracing than if there was a variable local source, such as a populated location that also had population change.


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        Except most of the CO2 is in the biosphere which does not get measured. Antarctica is an outlier both physically and statistically. The ice cores tell us nothing about what is happening on the biospheric Earth.


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          One part of the biosphere is not representative of another part either. But from an atmosphere proxy perspective, which I think the ice cores are, the Antarctic ice cores are probably a reasonable data source for that purpose.

          Being an outlier is not necessarily a bad thing anyway. Outliers can be a good control. Being aware of it is the important part.


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            The activists insist that atmospheric CO2 is a well mixed gas, so catastrophic “climate change” caused by human emissions of CO2 is global.

            The Vostok ice core data show that temperature changes occur some 800-900 years before atmospheric CO2 changes.

            So then geoscientifically illiterate activists claim that the core data cannot be representative; somehow, as one approaches the equator, their “physics” does magical changes.


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      It is because humans haven’t spent much time there till lately that they put the hole in the ozone layer there. No historical record to compare with.


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      Vostok ice cores are the gold standard and gives humans the power to travel back in time.

      This comment by Ripple is unfalsifiable, so anything he says is dubious, what do you reckon?

      ‘… the hottest Northern Hemisphere extratropical summer in 2000 years …’


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        Ripple uses Esper as a reliable source, takes 536 AD as a starting point.

        ‘Comparison of the 2023 JJA warming against the coldest reconstructed summer in 536 CE reveals a maximum range of pre-Anthropocene-to-2023 temperatures of 3.93°C.’ (Esper et al 2023)


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        The answer to that is: “Show us your data!”


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      Greenland ice cores easily cover the Holocene, we see the Younger Dryas and 8.2 kilo year event, less pronounced is the Medieval Warm Period.



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    Kalm Keith

    Good one Jo.


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    This is purely hyperbole as a front runner to the DemoNcrat’s big shock to distort the election! Just hope the US population can see through the mist and vote DJT! As Elon Musk has said “if Trump doesn’t win it will be the last true election for a very long time!


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    Apparent température this morning in Melbourne east was minus. Actual got down to 3.6C:

    Not much Global Warming™ occurring in Melbourne Australia.


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      That’s how Dan Andrews counts his golf score!


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      Jon Rattin

      Yep, had to remove ice from my windscreen at 5.30am so l could drive to work. Dan Andrews is an abject liar- l reckon his golf scorecard would have as much credibility as the Guardian article central to this thread…


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      Actually that’s cold for Melbourne. Ferny Creek is a protected valley in the Dandenong ranges about 20km East of Melbourne on the far side, full of ferns of course. Very pretty fern valley, temperate rainforest at an elevation of 500 metres. It is much cooler than coastal Melbourne.


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    Honk R Smith

    Disaster is looming.
    Entirely attributable to the apocalyptic, anti-human, anti-modernity, quasi religious progressive elitist mass hysteria birthed out of CAGW mythology and reaching zenith manifestation in ‘Pandemic’.

    Sad that affluence and comfort breeds madness.


  • #

    Thanks again Jo for allowing us to kill Turnbull’s Guardian BS and nonsense.
    Here’s Lomborg’s groups updated graph for deaths from extreme weather events 1920 to 2021.
    And Dr Koonin has shown this data and has won all his debates for the last 2 years. BTW voted by the audience.
    Deaths from extreme weather events have fallen by 98% since 1920, IOW about one fiftieth of deaths today compared to 1920.
    Under 2 billion in 1920 and over 8.1 billion at risk today.So why don’t they use their brains and think for a change?
    Here’s that very important graph.



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    Again , a massive increase in life expectancy since the UK started the Industrial Revolution and the use of coal to power the world.
    And Oceania is now at the top. See the OWI Data link.

    1770 – 28.5 years.- 0.8 billion

    1900 – 32 yrs. – 1.6 bn

    1950 – 46.5 yrs.- 2.5 bn.

    2021 – 71.5 yrs.- 8 bn +



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    The genuine Co2 Coalition scientists tell us that the Eemian I G was 8 c warmer than today and Greenland was OK and the Polar bears survived etc.
    So why do the lefty extremists at the Guardian continue with their BS and nonsense?



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    More important data from Daniel Fitzhenry about SLR at Fort Denison since 1914.
    Certainly no signs of dangerous global warming over that long period of time.



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    they said the same thing in 2014, 2004 and 1994.


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    The BAS Turner et al Nature study has also shown cooling on the Antarctic peninsula since the 1990s.
    Obviously just more natural variability.



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      Gee Aye

      You’ve read this paper right? about 1997 to 2015 (published 2016) and shows indeed no warming in 20ish years compared with their opening statement

      Since the 1950s, research stations on the Antarctic Peninsula have recorded some of the largest increases in near-surface air temperature in the Southern Hemisphere1. This warming has contributed to the regional retreat of glaciers2, disintegration of floating ice shelves3 and a ‘greening’ through the expansion in range of various flora4. Several interlinked processes have been suggested as contributing to the warming, including stratospheric ozone depletion5, local sea-ice loss6, an increase in westerly winds5, etc etc

      (my etcs).

      Do you know what happened in the Antarctic immediately after this was published? If you don’t, you should. Here is another grab from their abstract to help

      emphasize that decadal temperature changes in this region are not primarily associated with the drivers of global temperature change but, rather, reflect the extreme natural internal variability of the regional atmospheric circulation.


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    another ian


    “Wise Words”

    “One of the less well-known economists of the Austrian School was Professor Antal Fekete who died in 2020. Fekete arguably had a much better grasp of monetary issues than many of his contemporaries. His works are still available on his website, and one in particular details why debt must necessarily grow exponentially in a fiat currency system.”

    More at



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    Andrew Bolt had to pressure their ABC to tell the truth about coral islands and SLR and eventually they started to wake up.
    So why did it take years before they started to tell the truth?
    Actually a young Charles Darwin solved this coral island puzzle on the way to his voyage of discovery in the 1830s.
    Here’s their ABC link in 2021.



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    Again, here’s OWI Data deaths from fires and burns per 100,000 people from 1980 to 2021.
    A huge drop for all countries and wealthy countries are much lower than middle income and then poorer countries.
    I included Australia as well and we are very low today and about one third the deaths of other wealthy countries since 1980.
    In fact deaths in 1980 were six times higher for Aussies or 1.2 to 0.2 in 2021. But every group has improved over the last 41 years.
    But when will the Gusrdian loonies wake up? And what about the clueless Labor, Greens and Teals etc?



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    Well, a coupla things…
    I doubt there’s any serious possibility of humans lasting another few hundred years:
    It won’t be because of Climate Change;
    And, who cares?
    What makes people think they are important? We are merely the current parasite on the Planet, and when the resources run out, that’s the way it works.
    We’re no more important than cockroaches when it comes to life. The Planet just doesn’t care!
    Take our ancestors. Who really has any relationship with our great grandparents? We may pretend to, but they are just people from the past.
    I wonder what the percentages are of the number of people who actually did something, invented something, found something, figured something out. What’d it be? One in a million? Just the one, and the other Nine Hundred Thousand, Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine merely paid for it.
    So, The authors of the articles are looking no further than their next grant. The problem is they aren’t the one in a million. We’re just paying for it.


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    Ken Stewart has linked to many Australian SL studies and shown that the earlier Holocene was much warmer than today.



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    36 years, even 250 years of terrible warming? Where?

    At what point are we supposed to suspend belief and pretend that 2024 is hotter than 1924? Or that it makes a jot of difference, unlike two world wars.


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      So much for the boy who cried wolf. Al Gore has been yelling Wolf! for 36 years. And ‘the sky is falling’. Send all your cash.


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        Greg in NZ

        Is that the same Al Gore who had hurricanes spinning clockwise in his Sci-Fi Fantasy Horror movie? Now that’s a preacher I can trust! Where do I send my Monopoly™️ play money to?


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          but in the Southern Hemisphere it would be right. Cyclones in the Southern Hemisphere, anti cyclones in the Northern. We in Australia suffer from Cyclones which are the same as Typhoons (big wind), Tropical storms. I have never heard a hurricane described as an anti cyclone.


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    Here’s a group of retired dingbats trying fan hysteria. Too much time and money on their hands it seems.


    With all this doomsterism around you would think there was another COP coming up


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    The Eemian Interglacial was warmer, however I found this anomaly.

    ‘The Eemian lasted about 1,500 to 3,000 years longer in Southern Europe than in Northern Europe. Kaspar et al. (GRL, 2005) performed a comparison of a coupled general circulation model (GCM) with reconstructed Last Interglacial temperatures for Europe. Central Europe (north of the Alps) was found to be 1–2 °C warmer than present; south of the Alps, conditions were 1–2 °C cooler than today.’ (wiki)


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    Dr. Roy Spencer, who gathers the satellite data measuring Earth’s temperature, gives an interesting assessment of the frequency of hurricanes that hit the Florida coast. He concludes by saying

    as I approach 70 years on this Earth I have noticed a long-term decline in critical thinking regarding weather, climate, and causation. I doubt that trend will change any time soon.



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    Alice Thermopolis

    OMG. Mann and Oreskes together. Two of the most unhinged promulgators of CC porn on the planet. Another fine post JN. Thank you.


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    At the same time, woeful and inhumane government-led emergency response is not called out by MSM (governments don’t have to address disasters anymore, they are getting at the ‘root cause’ these days, fixing the climate). Remember ‘no jab, no filling sandbags’ in Northern Rivers floods?


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    There has been a decrease in USA land falling hurricanes since 1850 according to the Co2 Coalition Scientists.



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    I asked John Howard about this, but he ducked the question.

    In the UK it is recognized that they have the highest electricity prices in the world. Thanks to John Howard. It was his government which in 2001 pioneered stealing billions from electricity users with ‘certificates’. So having privatized electricity and banked the money, governments proceeded to pass laws which forced electricity retailers who bought bad electrons to pay cash for non existent worthless ‘certificates’ which were traded for cash to windmill and solar panel owners/installers. It was so illegal and so successful as the world’s greatest carbon tax, that it was copied exactly into the UK.

    So where governments used to own the power supplies which provided cheap reliable power, these were sold off and government force the unsuspecting public to pay for the windmills which they do not get to own at all. Brilliant. The idiot taxpayers pay twice for electricity, once to build the windmills and then forced to buy overpriced ‘free’ electricity from their own windmills! Meanshile the owners get a massive tax deduction depreciating the windmills bought with public money. Just brilliant.

    And even the Labor party has never woken up. Julia Gillard promised “there will be no carbon tax in a government I lead”. It cost her the job. Meanwhile Howard and friends are laughing all the way.

    Now we have agricultural Carbon Certifiates (2011) and the Safeguard mechanism (2022) where all big companies (big Polluters) will pay 35% cash on CO2. Which goes on all airfares, all deliveries, all food, all exports. Sewage and all goods. Tens of billions in cash to bankers and the UN and criminal and military dictatorships all over the world and China of course. To grow trees.

    Mugs are born every day. Who reads the laws anyway? They are boring. Everyone wants ‘Clean Energy’. Like fairness for aborigines. A smokescreen for skulduggery.

    Donald Trump says he could halve power bills on the first day. He will. So could a new Australian or UK government. Just repeal all the incredibly illegal carbon games. And no one is really saving the world. No one believes that, especially the millions making their living from it. And certainly not the Chinese who cannot believe the compliant stupidity of the West as they head to 50% of all CO2 output. And the Pope still blames the Americans. But he’s a socialist.


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      The reason this is illegal is simple. Since Magna Carta it has been a principle of British law that a King is not allowed to order the enrichment of his friends. Taxes can be passed, reviewrf, monitored, budgeted reported as ALL taxes go into General Revenue.

      But ‘certificates’ are pretend ‘trades’ in an obligatory ‘free market’ legislated illegally to enrich the owners of windmills and solar panels and owners of ‘trees’ in tree farms. There are tree farms all over the world. It’s not a free market if you are forced to buy.

      In the UK alone “A total of 366 projects had been validated to the Woodland Carbon Code in the UK at 31 March 2022, covering over 19 thousand hectares and projected to sequester 6.9 million tonnes of carbon dioxide over their lifetime.”

      And no one notices. Brilliant. Who needs awkward taxes and balancing budgets. Legalized theft. It’s clever.


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    I would love to explain to the Liberal party how they could actually reduce electricity bills. But it’s all their idea. Greener than the Greens. And much smarter. The country is bleeding green.


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    Yawnnnn….. ZZZzzzzz…..

    Another bloated journalistic malpractice that is published shamelessly because they are unaware of their mental distress condition.

    We are living on a planet that is very happy getting the additional CO2 as NASA pointed out 8 years ago:

    Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds


    There will always be some bad storms creating damage somewhere which hasn’t changed at all.


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      I worked out a 14% increase in tree coverage, largely in fringe desert areas. And CO2 went up 14% in the same time. So the limit was lack of CO2, not water or sunshine! And of course, this is the opposite of tree farms. It proves growing trees does not reduce CO2. Quite the reverse.

      Also that was 1988 to 2014. Another ten years have passed. Add another 6% tree cover.


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    While I largely agree with your history of climate during the age of mankind, I would like to point out that none of those changes were noticeable to people living during that time.

    Children didn’t ‘lose their homes’ on the continental shelf, no villages were wiped out, and no one saw ice caps meandering to and fro across the continent, no one saw hundreds of meters of sea rise/fall. People moved from the homes of their ancestors on the continental shelf, people abandoned the villages of their grandparents and great grandparents, only the eldest of people could notice that glaciers and shores advanced/receded a few feet during their lifetime (and certainly didn’t notice it as it was happening).

    The notion that climate change is going to cause mass casualties like in a disaster movie is poppycock. It’s going to be a slow-rolling, barely noticeable change within a single human lifetime. The people who are going to be ‘flooded out’ by sea level rise will have generations to pick up and move (or do what the Dutch did and use technology to mitigate/reverse the changes). The people whose farmland is rendered barren by drought and rivers drying up will slowly trickle away over generations as crop yields slowly decrease and they can no longer support themselves on that land. And what no one talks about is the reverse is also true. People in formerly poor agricultural areas like much of northern Europe and Canada and Siberia are going to see their fortunes vastly improve due to climate change. It’s already happening as global crop yields indicate.

    Climate change is not a disaster or an emergency. It’s just …. change. There is no stopping it. Humans have been adapting to it since they first started insulating themselves with mud (and eventually animal skins) and living in caves. And we’ll keep adapting and the world will continue to turn.


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