Fight submarines with solar panels?: Former Defence Chief more afraid of bad weather than China

Fantasy Car, Truck, military mad max vehicle.

Image by GrumpyBeere from Pixabay

By Jo Nova

Maybe it’s lucky Australia didn’t have to fight a war when Chris Barrie was the Australian Defence Force Chief.

Admiral Barrie says “ security threats from climate change dwarfed those posed by China”. Apparently the land of drought, fire and flood is will be overwhelmed with a one millimeter annual sea level rise. The things that really scare him are not the subs, drones, propaganda programs, embedded spies or hypersonic missiles, what really freaks him out is a half a degree of warming.

So, five or six retired defence types are calling for an “emergency mobilization” and another government bureaucracy — a dedicated office of Climate Threat Intelligence — which if it was intelligent would do what no government has ever done, and audit the UN climate models. They’d discover the models fail on humidity, drought, rain, clouds, the upper troposphere, the Antarctic, the sea ice, the short term, the long term, ocean currents, and practically everything else.

They also want some kind of “early warning system” — in case the cyclones develop Stealth mode perhaps?

You never know when a tropical storm will sneak up on you. Especially if a hostile government wiped out your satellites, or crashed your grid with booby trapped chips in solar panels, or paralyzed a city with an EV update.

Australian Security Leaders Climate Group calls for overhaul of federal government’s climate threat preparedness strategy

A group of former national security leaders says the federal government needs to radically overhaul the way it plans for climate threats, warning that Australia is totally unprepared to deal with the cascading and existential risks that climate change presents to the region and the world.

The starkly worded new report by Australian Security Leaders Climate Group (ASLCG) — which includes former Australian Defence Force chief Chris Barrie — says that climate change presents such a serious security threat that it demands an “emergency mobilisation” in response.

“Today, unimaginable new climate extremes confront us: record-breaking droughts and floods, cruel heatwaves, unstoppable bushfires, broken infrastructure, and coastal inundation. Worse is to come,” it says.

Win wars with wind turbines!

The ASLCG says the federal government must make sharper and faster cuts to emissions, as well as pressing the largest polluters to collaborate on driving down carbon pollution.

The answer to everything is solar panels, for sure.

They’re also calling on the government to establish a new climate threat intelligence branch and early warning system to assess the impacts with “brutal honesty,” while improving planning for the disruptions climate change will bring.

Lord help us, if our military bases can’t handle a drought-surprise in a continent of deserts, or a flood in a land of monsoonal rains, we are already in trouble.

Admiral Barrie said that the latest climate science showed that large parts of northern Australia “could become uninhabitable within 30-40 years, threatening military bases, communities, and the economy.

Hypothetically President Xi would be happy about statements like this:

“All the billions of resources being put into confronting China will not help one iota in dealing with the greatest threat to our future security in Australia and the region — and that is climate disruption.”

If the CCP had funded a group which aimed to reduce Australian industrial competitiveness, our defence capability and also raise electricity prices, it might make similar arguments to ASLCG. Just sayin’…


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22 comments to Fight submarines with solar panels?: Former Defence Chief more afraid of bad weather than China

  • #

    Coming up with ways to counter the threat of rival nation states is complicated.

    Coming up with ways to change the climate is simple. Just turn the dial on the global CO2 emissions knob and everything will be okey-dokey. Controlling the weather is as easy as pie. Just ask Dr Evil, or Ernst Blofeld, or Sir August de Wynter.

    Sadly, that is the depth of thought of much of the modern military. They fear that climate change will rob them of their precious bodily fluids, and will fight anyone in the war room who disagrees with them.


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    It is surely time to call a halt to this madness!



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      Honk R Smith

      I think their real intent is to stop you from being allowed to say that.
      They’re getting pretty close.
      I also think when Trump says “they’re not really after me, they’re after you, I’m just in the way”, isn’t just about Americans.
      It includes Australians.
      Sounds like the Admiral would label climate skepticism a “national security threat”.

      We all knew that’s where they would go.


      • #
        Honk R Smith

        Moreover, here in the US, on the eve of the election no less, Democrats are openly calling for major Constitutional revisions.
        The Senate candidate in my state, called for packing the Supreme Court in a debate last night.
        The VP candidate has openly called for eliminating the Electoral College.
        Halting Free Speech is a major policy goal of establishment politicians across the the Western, soon to be formerly, Free World.

        All because they can no longer win the argument … except by force.
        Behold the Great Pandemic Reset.


    • #

      The “Tipping Point” that established the advance of the CAGW fiasco was the thwarting of Tony Abbott’s “landslide mandate” in the Australian Federal election of 2013 by Al Gore.

      Had Abbott been able to abolish the RET that would have tipped the balance the other way and that would have been the end of the CAGW scam world wide.

      This was one of the most significant events in the history of our federation, with national policy determined by a foreigner, and nobody noticed.

      Under Al Gore’s guidance Abbott’s “mandate” didn’t even let him stop the reckless spending!

      Somebody should ask Al. How did he do it?


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      Ridicule; and strip the old fool of his medals. Seriously, the Admiral might be on to something:

      The Sahara has flooded; this is now a perfect place for solar powered subs: all that sunshine and now a heap of water!


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    Welp. it certainly shows the level of competence in the Australian Defence/Security areas, I’d say we’re rooted if we get into a war anywhere!

    These semi-criminals always have a solution that means “throw a few million to us and we’ll save you from this invisible supposed threat.” Nothing has changed over hundreds of years!


  • #

    Barrie and the rest of them are nut cases.

    Dutton had better refute this crap or I promise I’ll vote for One Nation!


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      Is there no end to the stupidity of Australia elites ? Is it something to do with the tax rate ? Or is stupidity sprayed over them each day at private school? Do they REALLY believe this absolute crap they spout? Can it be true?


  • #

    Personally I’m sick of left wing loonies yapping about delusional nonsense like dangerous CC when the data proves we live in the safest period in Human history.
    Check out OWI Data for all the deaths from extreme weather events like droughts , floods, cyclones, deaths from hunger. etc and we’ve reduced all extreme events deaths by 98% since 1920. Dr Koonin, Dr Happer, Dr Pielke, Dr Spencer, Dr Christy, Dr Lindzen etc agree on this data.
    Less than 2 billion people in 1920 and today over 8.1 at risk. Why don’t they think about those much higher population numbers today and wake up?
    Again,why don’t these lefty loonies understand the relevant Data?
    Again here’s Willis Eschenbach’s article on just about all the relevant data and updated to 1st of Oct 2024.


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    Leo G

    … existential risks that climate change presents …

    Anything like the existential climate change risk associated with the dozens of ice epoch cycles which our ancestors survived and which shaped our development as a species?

    Perhaps we are fortunate those ancestors didn’t have retired defence force chief early warning systems to show them the PC way to appease the weather gods.


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    Why am I in mderation? No swearing, just real data and updated to the 1st of October?


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    Serge Wright

    The biggest threat from CC is from the reckless transition to a RE grid, where we become dependent on China for intermittent energy that will kill our economy and where China can remotely switch off whatever power is remaining before they invade our defenseless nation.


  • #

    BTW here are death rates ( per 100,000) from all natural disasters from OWI Data since 1900.
    Note these are all global disasters and include death rates from all extreme weather deaths as well.
    Note the big drop in deaths after 1960. Three billion in 1960 and over 8.1 billion today. When will they start to think?


    • #

      BTW the 50 million deaths from China’s bad drought from 1958 to 1961 is one factor for that peak in deaths in the OWI Data graph.
      And mad Mao’s leadership didn’t help his people either.


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    I very much hope these leaders (sheep) have had their clearances cancelled. They are not to be trusted with Australia’s security.


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    Robert Swan

    … early warning system to assess the impacts with “brutal honesty,”

    Oh, how I wish they would!
    If their predictions were *honest*, they would come out like this:

    Will there be a drought?
    Is it going to be a wet summer?
    More than average cyclones this year?


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    Jon Rattin

    The ASLCG says…pressing the largest polluters to collaborate on driving down carbon pollution.

    As if the Australia government will admonish China and India to reduce their CO2 admissions. It rolled over last year and suspended the WTO case against China over prohibitive tariffs on barley.

    If you buy into the climate change argument, it makes perfect sense to challenge the largest polluters to drastically reduce their emissions. The fact that western governments do not actively do so undermines the argument. Similarly, leftists generally seem to position this fact in their blind spot. They rebuke western nations over CO2 emissions whilst ignoring the fact that so-called developing nations are pumping out the vast majority of emissions.


  • #

    Here’s Lomborg’s groups updated graph for deaths from extreme weather events 1920 to 2021.
    And Dr Koonin has shown this data and has won all his debates for the last 2 years. BTW voted by the audience.
    Deaths from extreme weather events have fallen by 98% since 1920, IOW about one fiftieth of deaths today compared to 1920.
    Under 2 billion in 1920 and over 8.1 billion at risk today.So why don’t they use their brains and think for a change?
    Here’s that very important graph.


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    Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

    Wise men don’t swear that which is ineffable.^

    ^ᵃⁿᵈ ᴵ ᵈⁱᵈⁿ’ᵗ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ!


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    ‘Australia is totally unprepared to deal with the cascading and existential risks …’

    The only risks is that an elite group might start a weather war. For example the unprecedented eruption of Hunga Tonga made the globe warmer.


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