The Rejection of Environmentalism is a driving force behind the surging “Far Right” vote

Emmanuel Macron

By Jo Nova

Le Pen has weaponized ‘punitive’ environmental policies, and voters seem to like that

In the largest turnout since 1981, French voters chose the “Far Right” National Rally party in a record vote of 33 per cent. It is the first round of voting with the second on July 7th, but The Washington Post is already comparing the potentially “shocking” French election result with the 2016 Brexit win in the UK. The Guardian said the unthinkable has become plausible.

French elections: Why is the rejection of environmentalism a driving force behind France’s far-right vote?

By , Le Monde

After long neglecting environmental issues, the far-right party has made the denunciation of allegedly ‘punitive’ environmental policies into its new electoral weapon.

 The former presidential candidate railed against “Brussels,” which “forces you, almost overnight, to change your boiler for €15,000,” against the “authoritarian reductions to agricultural land” and against the “heartless European Commission.”

“Don’t they have as their objective the reduction of human activity as a whole?” she asked, before connecting the issue to her obsession with French people’s daily lives, a strategy that has brought the RN to the threshold of coming to power. “It’s always the same logic of degrowth, which leads them to ban the sale of internal combustion engines in 2035, and thus deliberately program the sacking of our automotive industry and dependence on China,” she continued.

Long downplayed or mocked, environmental issues are now a core part of the RN’s political strategy.

Pierre Haski, in the Guardian: “This is a real tragedy”

Macron is history, Le Pen is triumphant. What do ‘reasonable’ French voters like me do now?

… I always had the naive idea that “reasonable” people, from the right as well as from the left, would never let them win. …I woke up this morning to a different country, one in which the Le Pen clan is at the gates of power.

We can also wonder why this country, with its many assets, has generated enough anger and resentment among its citizens to produce an election result that is more likely to damage its economy and social cohesion than solve real problems. We can also question a French political elite that was so blind it let the far right prosper in large corners of a society that felt forgotten and despised.

Reasonable people live in the cities of course, and delusional people farm the land.

All of this is true, and is being discussed everywhere now in France, among friends, colleagues and in our family circles. Everyone is looking in the mirror and wondering what to do next Sunday in the second round. At the very least, we’ll have to learn to live in a divided land where the National Rally controls small towns and vast areas of rural France, while the “reasonable” people have the upper hand in major cities including Paris. This is a real tragedy.

Imagine learning to live in a “land divided”?

Indeed, according to CarbonBrief  this is Marine Le Pens tragic manifesto — something about protecting the standard of living:

RN climate policy

Their original policies (in French): Rassemblement National.

PS: Forgive me, I forgot to mention the obvious, but it needs to be said: “Far Right” and “Extreme Right”, as applied to a third of the population, are just the fake labels of the word-smithing liars on the left. Sleepy voters in-the-middle may be fooled by this cheap name-calling tactic, scared of voting for something “extreme”. But liars are vulnerable — every time we point out the lie, they pay the price.

Photo Macron: Defense Visual Information Distribution Service




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104 comments to The Rejection of Environmentalism is a driving force behind the surging “Far Right” vote

  • #
    No name man

    Bring it on in Australia, the UK and US – Vive Le France!


    • #

      The far right? You reckon?

      At the Australian election in 2013, the far right vote was harvested by Clive Palmer with his Palmer United party.

      After coming under the influence of Al Gore, the Palmer United party, then delivered those votes in the parliament to the far left.

      Abbott’s mandate was never delivered.


      • #
        Geoff Sherrington

        Did you (or anyone here) ever get to know what Palmer and Gore discussed? I’ve never had any idea. Links appreciated. Geoff S


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        Only in Gore’s wet dreams! The rot was set in train by Jaquie Lambie who conned PUP into financially supporting her for the duration of the election process then promptly jumped ship. Subsequently, She in turn was double crossed by her chosen mate in the next election.


      • #

        “Far right” is in inverted commas. The MSM always insult any deviation from woke/green issues, particularly AGW and renewables as coming from the “far right”. “Far right” in fact means common sense or pro Western democracy. When folks label someone else as “far right” what they really mean is the official green narrative is not being supported and reasonable, logical counter arguments are being presented. This is what the left does: quarantine and twist language and meaning to support their essentially anti Western democratic issues and policies.


      • #

        Most people on this blog would be labelled ‘Far Right’ by the left and most of the press of the day.
        The label is applied against anyone defying the demands of anyone to the right of the centre left. Watching the Democrat response to the SCOTUS decision on Presidential Immunity is the best example of what its all about. To defy the Obama type leftist elites is to stir the rabid hornets nest of the true left. Automatically it’s labelled ‘Far Right’. We ought take that as a compliment from these bods. It’s a term they apply out of context to its meaning. After all, who can imagine talking about ‘dreams of assassination’ in response to a SCOTUS legal decision they don’t like. That’s what some in the left in the USA are saying on air today! That’s in a nation where the assassination of US Presidents is always a thought on what’s possible when these nutters stir up the nutty extremes of US society. These people call us ‘dangers to Democracy’, but as always if the left accuses the rest of being or doing something perverse, you can almost guarantee that is what they are already doing.
        They are dictators at heart. They don’t believe in democracy. Their open borders policies are aimed precisely to damaging democracy! The idea is to import so many people from anywhere that they will all be grateful to the Democrats, vote democrat and ensure Democrat rule forever – in a ‘Democracy’ of course. They totally ignore the entirety of the damage they are doing to middle class USA living conditions and to the internal threat to the existence of the USA itself.


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      John in NZ

      You just misgendered La France.


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    Tim Whittle

    It’s not over yet. I have the feeling that Le Pen will not win the runoff, and as I’ve said many times before;

    “things need to get a lot worse before enough people realise they are just sick to death of others telling them what to do and when to do it.”

    Since when was the desire to be Free “Far Right?” The Media’s comparison of Le Pen to the Vichies is utterly wicked. Jo’s graphic from a few weeks ago says it all and don’t go making the mistake that we or anyone else are “nearly there.” This has a long way to go.


  • #

    Le Pen is mightier than le sword.


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    David Maddison

    As I have mentioned before, the slur of the Left to call anyone to the right of Pol Pot “far right” is an attempt to paint them as a National Socialist. But National Socialism and Fascism are variations of socialism, as the name of the National Socialists implies. The moral philosopher of the Fascists was Giovanni Gentile who was a socialist, as was Mussolini. Fascism, of which National Socialism is a derivative, is socialism with nationalistic elements.

    Gentile wrote: “Fascism is a form of socialism, in fact, it is its most viable form.”

    And Mussolini had his Black Shirt thugs, just as the Left has Antifa today, who also where a similar uniform.

    Also see

    And “The Big Lie: Exposing the (National Socialist) Roots of the American Left” Book by Dinesh D’Souza.

    Also “environmentalism”, not true care for the environment but the Leftist kind which is about destruction of the energy supply and preventing reasonable access to resources also has its origins in the National Socialists.

    See: “Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex” Book by Rupert Darwall.

    Also see:

    “Far right” is a term rendered meaningless by the Left and the reality is that they themselves are the ones promoting Fascism. It’s a typical example of the Left reversing the truth of everything.


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    And anyone who disagree with the journalistic Far Left is automatically labelled, the Far Right. No one is allowed to live in the sensible middle. In the US the far left says President Trump will send seal teams after dissenters. Where the far left uses judges and prosecutors to jail dissidents. Whether for protesting a stolen election or the right to life for unborn children or simply disobeying orders from a kangaroo court.

    The reaction of conservatives is just starting. We have had enough. The massive hoax of man made Climate Change and Clean Energy has to end and world wide insanity. Even Greta has given up. How dare she!


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    When feudalists reinvented themselves as socialists (academised feudalism) they incorporated morality as a political force to control and direct. They do that with environmentalism. Trouble is they have a very black and white approach to morality. To have otherwise would be for them to lose power. Our trouble in Australia is that Wokism is so blindly accepted. However The Times they are a Changing.


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    Steve of Cornubia

    Note also that Macron and other influential leftists are inciting people to pour onto the streets in protest against his conservative challengers, before the election has even taken place. Needless to say, they are heeding his call and violent protests are commencing already. This of course is acceptable because the protests are anti-conservative but contrast this with the way Trump was accused of ‘inciting violence’ through his much less inflammatory speeches.

    There are many, many, MANY laws for us, but none for them.


    • #

      I’m in France right now and have been here for several weeks. There is no, repeat no, evidence of people pouring onto the streets as it plays little role in for this matter. What is happening is that the left wing candidates from the first round of voting who came second or third are standing aside to block the National Rally next Sunday.

      The NR leaders have said they will not attempt to form a government unless they are given an outright majority in the parliament in Sunday’s vote.


      • #
        Steve of Cornubia

        The Guardian: “French election: thousands protest far-right results in Paris – as it happened.”
        Sky News Australia: “Left-wing protesters flood streets of Paris after Marine Le Pen wins first round of French election.”
        Al Jazeera: “Hundreds of thousands in France protest far right ahead of snap elections.”
        Deutsche Welle: “French elections: Thousands protest rise of far right.”
        The Standard: “French election: Rivals rally to stop Marine Le Pen’s far-Right party winning power amid clashes in Paris.”


  • #

    Thanks again Jo for trying to explain the mess that Western countries have found themselves in.
    In Australia we’ve turned our backs on reason and actually ignore proper data and evidence about energy capacity factors. Like 15% for Solar and 30% for Wind and 85% for Coal or Gas and 93% for Nucl,ear.
    Plus we have to ignore the fact that toxic W & S only last about 15 to 20 years and Wind lasts even less time in the sea. And the entire toxic mess then has to be torn down and buried in landfill. Every 15 to 20 years.
    Dutton has a lot of work to convince ignorant voters about Nuclear but he does have the Data on his side, if he chooses to use it properly.
    And he must tell the people about how Labor and the Greens and the Teals are destroying our environments for a zero return.
    And the waste of trillions of $ is something the electorate doesn’t understand yet, even though their ABC have recently confirmed this mad folly of the Labor, Greens and Teals etc.Even Bloomberg has warned us about this horrific cost / waste for a zero dividend and repeated every 15 to 20 years.
    But how is it that in a so called educated country so many people don’t understand very simple data and evidence?


    • #

      Yes, agreed but it’s not a mess. It’s a legal assault on Democracy.

      Lawfare is not restricted to Donald Trump. We are assailed at every level. Power is being moved from states to Federal to the UN. And language is being stolen. Clean energy is not clean. CO2 is clean invisible, essential, the gas of life. And more is great. Even literal power to heat our homes, travel, manufacture, grow food, mine is being taken away from the people at every level. Even the country is being gifted away from under our feet to ‘indigenous’ tribes who no longer exist and created nothing of what is here today. Not out of a matter of fairness or equity, but to impoverish everyone.

      And the fightback has to be at the political level. I will not vote for a pretend Conservative party. I will boycott anyone who tells me that women don’t exist or that women’s rights don’t exist, that in sports men can pretend to be women and take all their hopes and dreams. I will write to political organizations and tell them so. If they want my vote, they have to agree with me, not me with them. And I will only donate to political parties who are true to what they promise.

      We have had enough. There is no science in hating an element of the Periodic table. There is no justice in equity and diversity. It is stealing. People need to be the best to get a job, no matter who they are. And the UN needs to fire 90% of the people and stop pretending it has a mission other than the destruction of National sovereignty.

      In the UK the Tories lied about Brexit. It’s what the people wanted, independence, not invasion. In the UK and Europe parties will be torn down until they mean what they say and say what they mean. And especially in France and Germany, where the Communists Left is already trying to bring down the government with street violence often from uninvited guests. And the Islamist assault on Christian Europe and America and Australia and Canada is planned, not accidental. Starting with Israel.

      We have had enough. And I have had enough of being told what scientists say. They can lie like anyone else especially with the new scientists who know no science, do not believe in facts and do not understand basic chemistry, physics or biochemistry. The new State sponsored Cult of Climate Science is an evil attack on Western democracy, nothing less.


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      Kalm Keith

      That’s a great outline Neville.

      The fact is that democracy has always been based on trust, which unfortunately is not often returned.

      Very few voters are equipped to understand the complexities of engineering costing so when we say “people don’t understand very simple data and evidence?” we really should be asking “why can’t we trust those who we have nominated to act on our behalf?”

      Engineering costing is not difficult for engineers but when you shut engineers down with political abuse you are most likely telling a fib.

      “Somebody” has taken over the running of our nation by the application of threats and incentives and the only way up for us is to understand that.

      And then act decisively.

      ps. Can someone tell me the difference between firmed and unfirmed electricity?


      • #
        Gee Aye

        Do you want the old definition or the current one?


        • #
          Kalm Keith


          Backed up 90% of the time with taxpayer funded coal, diesel and gas electrical generators with costs buried hidden.

          The constant blackout you have when you didn’t want it.


      • #

        Firmed and unfirmed?

        If I said “windmills” could you work it out from there?

        I am sure you could because you are an engineer. I could because I was a farmer. But how many of our journalists could?

        We depend on our journalists to know everything, but they don’t. Collectively they are the weakest link in our information chain.

        So, what drives journalism? Good and bad?


    • #
      Mike Jonas

      “One of the painful signs of years of dumbed-down education is how many people are unable to make a coherent argument. They can vent their emotions, question other people’s motives, make bold assertions, repeat slogans– anything except reason.” – Thomas Sowell.


    • #

      Battery Baloney, Hydrogen Hype, and Green Fairy Tales

      By Viv Forbes

      How low Australia has fallen — our once-great BHP now has a “Vice President for Climate,” the number of Australian students choosing physics at high school is collapsing, and our government opposes nuclear energy while pretending we can build and operate nuclear submarines.

      Our Green politicians want: “No Coal, No Gas, No Nuclear” while Our ABC, Our CSIRO and Our Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) are telling us that wind and solar energy plus a bit of standby gas, heaps of batteries, and new power lines can power our homes, industries, and the mass electrification of our vehicle fleet.

      This sounds like Australia’s very own great leap backwards.

      There are two troublesome Green Energy Unions — the Solar Workers down tools every night and cloudy day, and the Turbine Crews stop work if winds are too weak or too strong.

      And wind droughts can last for days. The reliable Coal and Gas Crews spend sunny days playing cards, but are expected to keep their turbines revving up and down to keep stable power in the lines.


      • #

        Jo – you get a mention – As Jo Nova says:

        “No one wants industrial plants in their backyard, but when we have to build 10,000 km of high voltage towers, 40 million solar panels and 2,500 bird killing turbines — it’s in everyone’s backyard.”

        summed up by


      • #

        The reliable Coal and Gas Crews spend sunny days playing cards, but are expected to keep their turbines revving up and down to keep stable power in the lines.

        Not only that. When they are asked to operate at capacity the luvvies complain about the prices that the fossil fuled operators charge. How else are they expected to recover costs after being forced to idle many hours of the day?
        It’s not rocket science.
        No company makes money if no product is being produced..


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      Leo G

      And he must tell the people about how Labor and the Greens and the Teals are destroying our environments for a zero return.

      He should explain that Environmentalism is not an ideology aimed at protecting the environment for the net benefit of humanity but instead is one that uses the environment to attack humanity regardless of the net damage to the environment.


  • #

    Accoring to the Guardian anyone who doesn’t subscribe to the ALL left woke control on the world is FAR RIGHT….do these people even check themselves from time to time?


    • #

      I have never met this Far Right. Are these half dozen people with leather and shaved heads punks or political activists or just poor actors?

      And the theory that the Far Right are the racists is wrong. It is the far left, Hitler, Stalin, Corbyn all extreme racists. What the left has done is paint everyone else with their own beliefs. That’s standard Marxist practice.

      Nancy Pelosi in the US is now claiming Donald Trump suffers from Dementia. (“some experts say”). Ha! She was the one who caused January 6th, refused the National Guard, told the police to open the doors, invited the unarmed demonstrators into the Capitol as tourists and then jailed hundreds for accepting. And blamed Donald Trump. And all the liars claim Donald Trump is a liar. As does Joe Biden who only tells the truth.


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        Peter C

        Speaking of Nancy Pelosi’s role in the Jan6 events I wonder what happened to her lap top computer which was allegedly stolen from her office?


      • #

        The is half page of the Australian today showing 13 Far Right extremists. With photos. Properly dressed. They even have a NAZI flag! Amazing. And this is treated as a significant political force in Australia? I’ll bet they have practiced their goose step too. Who is pulling my leg? And why?


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      Gerry, England

      If the Guardian is upset then something is going well.


  • #

    Not sure there is “Left and Right” any more. It’s the socialists vs the anti-socialists. Up to this point I would have to say the socialists are winning. Australia being a perfect example of the progression with nearly all Federal and State governments held by Labor with the support of the Greens. Probably find if you did a survey of councils/ municipalities you would find the same trend. In fact, Australia is probably now the most “woke” country in the world. We celebrate Pride Month and Naidoc week but cant even do one day to celebrate Australia.


    • #

      My son and family landed yesterday in Naarm. Apparently the aboriginal for Melbourne. Now who can explain that?


      • #

        …who can explain that?

        Bruce Ruxton probably if he was still around.
        I miss the straight talkers in this suffocating ocean of fluffy-left wokery.

        I remember when they wanted to change the name of the Grampians to Gariwerd.
        Bruce Ruxton understandably objected loudly saying, “Why don’t they change their own names? Charles Perkins isn’t an Aboriginal name! And if Michael Mansell is an Aboriginal, I’m a bloody Zulu!”


        • #

          Old Bruce was good value, I loved hearing him go off, we need another Bruce.


          • #

            I have mixed feelings about the value of alleged camp cook Bruce Ruxton, though that’s not how his resume reads. But he certainly wasn’t camp in the other sense and he was an invited guest at a revamped pub in Port Melbourne. Without knowing it was a gay pub. That was funny apparently. Bruce though was very upset when he realised, so the management gave him a bottle of champagne to calm down and stay. Then the gays were upset. Sometimes life is funnier than you expect.


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        Bob Close

        That’s a clear example of racism right there!
        The western world’s cultural norms are under attack from far-left neo-socialists and post modernism anti-growth eco-nutters. They are trying to rewrite history and want to go back to some mythical pre-industrial fantasy world where everything was simpler and less confusing. However, that is not reality, because poverty was rife, racism was normality, the landed gentry or social elders owned nearly everything, women were subjugated, etc etc.

        People here don’t realize how wealthy and desirable our Australian society has become over the last two hundred years, since colonization and nation building began with UK settlement, the gold rush and subsequent mining booms together with agricultural exports that pays for all our social largess. Many mistakes were made, but that is normal in any growing society, we should be proud of our achievements, not regretful. The proof of our worth is that so many people want to come and live here and be part of this great country, as I was a grateful immigrant sixty odd years ago. So, don’t play the racist, Aboriginal card with me, I won’t wear that label. All folks are welcome here who want to improve our nation and themselves by hard work, but they must leave their own prejudices behind to fit in with our hard-won norms to be proud Australians!


  • #

    Something is refreshing is on the wind. The worm has finally turned and the slack-jawed Labor/Green/Teal are in disarray at the prospect of La Penn and Trump (figuratively) calling the shots. In a repeat of Trumps first win the Lefties resort to outsourced 3rd party violence. Even the “you will own nothing and be happy” WEF “Chef” has resigned under allegations of sexual improprieties. If only we could nail a few of the wuflu directors to the mast to complete the trifecta instead of watching them ride off into the sunset on big fat pensions.


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    bobby b

    “Rejection of environmentalism”?

    Not even close. The “far right” – me, us! – has been trying to reinstate true environmentalism.

    The anti-warmenists have sucked all the air out of the environmentalist room. Almost all of our environmental efforts now go toward feeding a hoax, and feeding the hoaxsters.

    There are quite a few environmental issues out there that need more attention and money, but they’re not getting them. “Global warming” is getting all the money and effort. Every dollar spent on a windmill or a new temp study is a dollar that can’t be used for useful things.


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      As someone who studied ecology, botany, zoology and more, what we have now is not environmental preservation, it is environmental.ism. And it is destroying the environment. National Parks, Oceans, whales, raptors, bats, eagles, whole landscapes. And it is anti human. Greens are now the sworn enemies of humanity.

      Very much as real muslims reject not Islam but Islam.ism, a virulent and very violent path, indoctrination in hating, suicide and martyrdom.

      It’s not that Christians did not do the same thing at various stages, mass murder in the name of their god. We are free from that today.

      But the new God of environmental.ism is an evil and savage god. And a huge hoax. Climate Scientology. Send us all your money. And the Church is the UN. And the UN Pope of Climatology tells us that the seas are boiling and we are on the path to Climate Hell. Sound familiar?


      • #

        Unfortunately ‘real’ Muslims are going to have to be willing to die fighting them, and not just reject the fanatics, to make their religion liveable. Jihad’s promise of paradise, or loot, is an excellent incentive, and makes any change very difficult.


        • #

          I could write a lot on this, but I have met real muslims who are lovely. Like all religions, it can be used and abused. Turkish people in particular are very different in many ways to the often extreme Arab culture. Remember Hitler’s men were all Christians. As are the Russians. And the British. I no longer think it is just religion, but education, culture, attitude. And so often a dark Ages world in the Middle East, a thousand years behind everyone else. Unfortunately.


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      The ironical thing about that “Naarm” word – it just means “place”. Hence, you could just name Melbourne “city”, except Aborigines never had cities. At least they could have picked a word that means something. I live close to Ballarat in central Victoria. That aboriginal derived name means “ good resting place”. For Naarm it basically means “ that place over there”. FFS.


      • #

        This should have been reply to 10.1


        • #

          Thanks. I just wonder, before anyone arrived, how much travel there was from Fiji to the aboriginal city of Naarm? Or even from the Gold Coast, which I am sure will have an aboriginal name by now. And an aborigine will have invented the surf board before the Hawaiians. But maybe they imported one?


          • #

            Bruce Pascoe would know. He knows so much, as only an insider can. A member of three tribes, which is itself amazing.


            • #
              Bob Close

              Three tribes eh! all tarred with the same socialist brush!
              He is an example of the worst kind of Australian, who denies his ancestry, lies about his culture to gain acceptance of social benefits and joins the aboriginal industry, that is dead set in holding back
              the outback poor both black and white, from properly joining the rest of our modern society.
              Shame on him and all of the bureaucrats living fat off the social guilt money we provide so that the bush people can be rehabilitated, but somehow the money never gets spent on them or their problems.
              Senator Price has lived with these issues and has some solutions; we hope she can make a real difference when this corrupt Labor government finally falls, taking their stupid climate/energy policies with them.


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    John Galt III

    So she gets 33.15% and the two Leftist parties get a total of 49%.

    Macron then gets his 21% to go with the Communist Bloc Left total of 28% and she loses.

    What is all the fuss about. Le Pen gets immigration right but she is a dirigiste statist and collectivist on all else.

    The one thing you can count on is that the French, the most envious people on earth, will screw it up as they have since 1789.

    Who said they are they are the most envious people on earth? Charles de Gaulle, the most famous French politician of the 20th century.


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      He also famously said you could not govern a country which had 250 kinds of cheese.

      But the hatred between Macron’s elitists and the Communists is a vast chasm. But Stalin did a deal with Hitler, so it happens.


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      And in Australia, if the Greens voted with the woke Liberals, Labor would be completely wiped out. Most Labor seats are only on Green preferences but the Greens have only four seats in the Federal House of Representatives. In the UK parliament only 1.
      This was the private deal Malcolm Turnbull had struck, but it fell apart when the other Greens found out.

      America uniquely has only two parties. And RFK Junior. As many Democrats are now saying, they have no candidate at all. But Americans have the choice of not voting.


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      Gerry, England

      An RN candidate on GB News said that if France had our first past the post system then not only would he have won his seat but RN would have a parliamentary majority. But in their system where a candidate must have 50% of the votes there is a run off between the top two where I assume one does get 50%. The far left trot out their scare stories in the second round and in the past RN has not got enough seats but we can hope this time people can see through their lies in the same way that the legacy media campaign against AfD did not stop them getting the most votes.


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    And the leader of the Not French, Joe Biden, has just appeared as the new Orange man, causing widespread criticism and I would hope, a bit of laughter.
    Image is everything.


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    After long neglecting environmental issues, the far-right party has made the denunciation of allegedly ‘punitive’ environmental policies into its new electoral weapon.

    “Allegedly ‘punitive'”?!

    Definitely punitive.


  • #

    Meanwhile Macron at 46 is the most remarkable leader of the Elites of France, a social and administrative class which controls the country and has done for a very long time.
    Among his prestige schools was Sciences Po, a political science establishment.

    “The École acquired a major role in France’s political system. From 1901 to 1935, 92.5% of entrants to the Grands corps de l’État, the most powerful and prestigious administrative bodies in the French Civil Service, had studied there

    Born to rule. I doubt he would get on with the Communists.


  • #

    There is a movement to the right which unhinges the mindless left who demonise anyone right of centre.

    ‘Fellow right-winger, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, claimed that attempts to “demonise” hard right voters were failing.

    “The constant attempt to demonise and corner people who don’t vote for the left… is a trick that fewer and fewer people fall for,” Meloni told the Adnkronos news agency.’ (Aljazeera)


  • #

    Dear new GG. It is not possible to
    “Challenge each other, engage in contest of ideas: carer-in-chief plots a new path. Governor-General Sam Mostyn has rallied the nation to challenge each other, engage in a contest of ideas and bring a ‘sense of care’ to Australia’s big debates.”

    Will this be a defence against the absence of FREE SPEECH!


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    And the world leader of environmental vandals, Joe Biden, has attacked the Supreme Court decision. Wait for the last phrase.


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      Jon Rattin

      Where are the subtitles? Is he talking about Trump or himself and is he cognisant of the words coming out of his mouth?


    • #

      It’s a snippet, but the last words were ‘end of quote’. You would think whoever prepared his speech could have used
      quotation marks? Talk about Joe Burgundy!


      • #
        Jon Rattin

        Yeh, that reminds me of a recent video in which he reads the word “pause” off the Teleprompter which is followed by the crowd of supporters chanting “four more years!”


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    Gary S

    I would class political ‘scientists’ with climate ‘scientists’.


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    we’ll have to learn to live in a divided land where the National Rally controls small towns and vast areas of rural France, while the “reasonable” people have the upper hand in major cities including Paris.

    Perhaps we should look at the mirror (who is the fairest if them all) on the wall of Australia.
    Consider the “deal” with the inner city politicians that will, in banning live sheep exports, destroy the economies of many small WA towns. This leading to more movement to the urban areas and less “one man, one vote” in the rural areas.


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    Frosty morning in Canberra yesterday. Went past a couple of men in hi-viz jackets (ie, not shiny-bum public servants) having a well-earned morning coffee.

    “Hi, guys” I said, “warm enough for you?”

    “Not quite” one replied.

    “Well, don’t worry! Global warming will make things better!”

    Reply: “When’s THAT gonna happen?”



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    PS: Forgive me, I forgot to mention the obvious, but it needs to be said: “Far Right” and “Extreme Right”

    What’s to forgive. The appellation of “Far Right” as applied to decent people fighting for freedom of speech has become so brainwashed into the linguistic centres of our brains by the government and their media flunkies that it’s an effort to deprogram. By contrast, the number of times we hear the term “Far Left” pejoratively applied to say the ABC or the Albanese Labour government or better still to The Greens (New Reds) by the media or even most everybody else, can be counted, metaphorically, on the fingers of no hands. To remedy this propaganda I automatically apply the term “Far Left” or even “Faaar Left” for a bad dose, to the above traitors to free speech.


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    There is an actual active far right.

    The horseshoe theory comes in to play however, and most of the genuine far right, are not right at all, but actually quite left – they just don’t like immigration and Israel, so they get called far right. They despise Margaret Thatcher possibly more than Labour do; they don’t like the King and loathe Winston Churchill.

    They were quite active on YouTube until they were chased off, but still exist in a soft quasi form.

    So yes, the slur is quite repugnant, but it is based on some truth, like all bad ideas. But getting rid of them from social media I kind of – perhaps – do support, because they legitimize the slur. And this is why the media are always so keen to highlight Australia’s small club of disaffected misdirected young men – dressed in black throwing Romans with a flag, doing marches that remind me of the Mickey Mouse Club. These people are the tiniest fraction of society but are a goose around the neck of the right.


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      Geese is right. Hitler was far left. And his followers did the Goose step. Unbelievable his story has been rewritten to make him a conservative, even though the Nazis were the National Socialists. Fascism was when they joined forces with big business, as today. Of course the violent murdering extreme left Black shirts who pose as the fascist hating AntiFA, accusing the opposition of being fascists. It’s standard. Accuse your opposition of being exactly who you are.

      Biden who lies routinely and repeatedly calls Trump a liar. As do so many journalists, even British and Australian journalists, especially if parked in Washington, Los Angeles or New York. It’s the old switcheroo. And the only way to get an invitation to the parties.


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    Funny how these people struggle with binary on gender, but is the only lens they have for politics


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    Gerry, England

    I see the globalist fascist financiers are already saying that they will put up the cost of bonds to finance French debt in revenge for voting for the wrong party. The globalist fascist financiers caused so much chaos when Liz Truss was voted in as Tory leader and thus PM that she was forced out. Even the Bank of England, led by the grossly incompetent Andrew Bailey, screwed her by not telling her of actions they were taking on quantitative easing just as her budget was announced. And who knew that the financial world was playing roulette – again after 2008 – with other people’s pensions with Leveraged Debt Instruments???


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    Let’s see what happens -popcorn ready.


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    Ed Zuiderwijk

    The anti-ecos will inherit the earth. And the earth will be fine and thrive.


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