
9.1 out of 10 based on 14 ratings

149 comments to Wednesday

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    Interesting development out of England that may prompt the release of a new range of health Public Service Announcements (PSA) urging us to liaise with our trusted health professionals and get medication or shots to counter a new health risk that has nothing to do with that recent global health risk that we try not to talk about.

    First came the PSA shingles ads warning how 1 in 3 can expect to suffer from it in their lifetime. Despite being recognized as a distinct disease for thousands of years with the earliest recorded description of herpes zoster being attributed to Hippocrates in the 5th century BCE it was not until the 2020s it reached PSA status.

    Then came the PSA Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Just a wee toddler by Hippocrates comparison having been first identified in 1956. Same sudden recent flurry of announcements despite some 60-years of PSA silence.

    And now for #3. Seems the British media have noticed an increasing incidence of middle-aged 40-50+somethings suddenly starting to have first-time seizures. Apparently there have been a couple of cases of cars fatally running down children walking to school and the drivers were impaired with a seizure.

    Absence seizures or petit mal seizures are characterized by the person freezing in place, blank stare or pause in activity, no response to surroundings or stimuli before recovering quickly often without any memory of the event. Sound like any current global leader we know, love and trust?

    According to the Mayo Clinic absence seizures are more common in children than in adults but then we used to associate measles more with children than adults.

    The real worry to me is the potential for carnage on our roads as more people fall victim to this new unexpected impairment that could already be contributing to the death toll.

    Our road deaths for 2023, described by Senator Brown (Asst, Min Infrastructure and Transport) as a “catastrophic number” showed a 7.3 per cent increase on the previous year.

    The 2024 figures have started even worse with February alone having 110 road deaths up 25 per cent on February 2023!

    Typical and atypical absence seizures can last for up to 20+ seconds which means a lot of distance can be covered by a car travelling at 50kmph let alone 110kmph


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      Its funny how about 1000 people dying in road accidents each year spawns a massive multi-million dollar Govt industry to stop it, yet 15000 people dying from a new cause each year gets completely ignored.


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        John Connor II

        But Tucker touched on the realities.
        Cig packs carry graphic warnings but the govt doesn’t seek to ban them outright. There are taxes to be had, and most smokers won’t be around by retirement to be a burden on the system. Win-win.
        But they care about your health, and tear gas or shoot you with a rubber bullet for protesting Fakevax ™.


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        Ian George

        ‘Even though the number of vehicles on the road has continued to increase, annual road deaths have dropped from a peak of 3798 in 1970 to an average of 3613 in the 1970s, 2971 in the 1980s, 1957 in the 1990s and 1641 in the 2000s for the period 2000–08 (Figure 1).’


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    Very negative view of Oz’s energy systems

    I remain confident that those on this blog will follow Greta’s siren calls and substantially cut down on their electricity consumption, adopt EV’s, stop mining coal and buy more stuff from overseas, as doing so will cut down on Oz’s carbon emissions without apparently increasing it elsewhere, and therefore head off catastrophically disastrous climate Armageddon,


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      Yes, James Delingpole’s Four Horsemen of the Ecopolypse. One is now man made Climate Change aka man made Global Warming. As Melbourne reaches 0C this morning, can you be clearer on what exactly we have to do to warm our houses. The gas is about to run out, putting an incredible strain on electricity because not only do we need gas for many industries, we have been blowing up power stations to prevent warming.


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      CO2 Lover

      stop mining coal

      Australia exports four times the CO2 emissions released on home soil as coal and natural gas – but hey politicians need the money to spent to get them re-elected.

      Green lunatics in Newcaste attempting to block coal shipments from the world’s largest coal exporting port.


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      “There are two troublesome green energy unions – the solar workers down tools every night and cloudy day, and the turbine crews stop work if winds are too weak or too strong”

      And lets not forget that often these union members all turn up for work at the same time.


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          Green Dreams?

          In the Veterinary biz, “Green Dreams” is a euphemism for a product called “Lethabarb”. (Catchy little name).

          This is, unsurprisingly, a green-coloured, injectable liquid, widely used to “put down” animals, large and small.

          Handy thing to know; given that the eco-loons are a death cult to the core.


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        Brilliant observation. As I suggested yesterday there should be reports on how many of the supposed homes that a certain solar or wind village are “designed” to power face not being able to cook, or watch tv when generation drops. The average voter can then more quickly digest and understand the impact of the folly in everyday language. Your “union” idea dovetails nicely into that. Imagine:

        “The Queensland Coopers Gap Wind Farm Union staged a strike today resulting in a X-hour close down of production. 20,000 customers were immediately affected with their power supply disrupted endangering their home heating, cooking and entertainment services. Production recommenced at HH:MM however ongoing supply remains uncertain. A spokesman for the union stated that stop works are in their nature and are just something they do so customers will have to get used to them”.


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      Leo G

      I remain confident that those on this blog will follow Greta’s siren calls … and head off catastrophically disastrous climate Armageddon

      I don’t think so. Man-made Climax Change alarm fatigue has set in. We’re all lotus-eaters now.


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    Worth making a cup of tea and spending ten minutes have a read of this. It concerns the Church of England’s determination to pay reparation for slavery they weren’t involved in. initially £100 million had been suggested as the reparation figures, which after lobbying by the usual parties has now been put at £1 billion

    This is a shorter but useful accompaniment concerning the huge sums of manpower and money the UK spent to force others to give up slavery.


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      Yes the country which singlehandedly stopped eternal and endemic world wide slavery is to blamed for slavery. And the cost of doing so was not only directly the lives of 3,000 British sailors fighting to stop the slave ships but billions in expenses. Now the British are the villains?

      Slavery was necessary for every society before modern machines. The Roman Empire ran on slavery. They all did. More than 95% of people worked in food production, all manual and often brutal. Even slaves have to eat. The great booty of war was treasure and slaves, even WWII.

      Hitler took millions of slaves and worked them to death and starved them to death and once again the end of Hitler was the end of appalling slavery and forced labour and mass starvation. How quickly people forget. Tens of millions died in this war against tyranny and slavery. Mainly Russians and Eastern Europeans. Slavs. From which we get the word Slave. America did not join the war directly until after Pearl Harbour. The Russians lost a terrible 300,000 soldiers just in the final solo battle for Berlin. And clerics talk righteous morality about who owes whom and for what. Moral accountants. What have they done for their own freedom?

      So in the new world of endless apologies from people who have nothing better to do with their time, the country which also created the industrial revolution which eliminated even the need for slavery has to pay again for doing so? And the cosseted political moralists are once again on the wrong side of history ignoring truth and influenced perversely by anti Christian Marxist cant. (cant .. hypocritical and sanctimonious talk, typically of a moral, religious, or political nature.)


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        And by far the majority of the slaves in Europe were white people. At the time of the end of the Pirates of Barbary, “to the shores of Tripoli” there were up to a million Irish people who were captured as slaves. No one cared about colour in slavery. That’s a modern myth.

        But life was very harsh anyway. People starved to death in great numbers, as in the three Potato Famines in Ireland. Mass migration after WWII, say from Italy, was often about lack of food. The practical difference with slavery is small. Men took any jobs they could get to feed their families. And the poverty and overcrowding was endemic. In Victorian times maternal mortality in childbirth was 30%, so most children ended with step mothers, if they had any mother. Orphanages abounded in Western society and the deserted buildings are in every city. There are many forms of slavery.

        Australia was a haven and those young people who had committed very minor crimes were transported, which solved two major problems. And such slaves earned their ticket of leave and often but not always became very successful but there was plenty of food and opportunity. The desperation of the multitudes also drove the gold rush which really built both America and then Australia. And the endless wars of the 1860s in Germany, even America, Mexico, South America, everywhere drove millions to seek new countries and new homes. Life was tough, but in new Post Modern history, people do not forget, they just do not know. In the war on the West by the West, history is buried, forgotten, not taught.

        And those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat the mistakes. We are free from slavery more than any time in human history. And now clerics are making a principled stand? What do they think the monasteries were all about? Unpaid millions of slaves but at least food on the table. But the monks, priets and nuns generally provided the only source of support for the poor. Health, education, accommodation, safety for the masses, roles only recently taken over by state governments in the richer modern world since WWII. So you notice almost all of the hospitals and schools and orphanages and missions in Australia were originally church institutions. Even the Calvary hospital in Canberra recently forcibly seized by the Canberra government. Not because they would run it better, but because they are anti Catholic.

        As world life expectancy booms, the world is universally a better place and slavery is ending everywhere. Without machines and modern appliances, it was a poor system but the only system. Even Capitalists realised that by making the poor rich, they become the majority of consumers. And slavery ends simply because it is unprofitable. Which is why Marxism is wrong. The working classes are no longer oppressed.

        Try telling that to the anti slavery crowd who would rather talk about their fake history than modern abuses in China.


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          “But the monks, priests and nuns generally provided the only source of support for the poor. Health, education, accommodation, safety for the masses, roles only recently taken over by state governments in the richer modern world since WWII.”

          ..and the Church made itself irrelevant by letting the Govt take its main duties away from it! This is the point where the human race changed from being a slave to an all-powerful God into being a slave for power-hungry politicians. If the Church had retained its position as the welfare overseer, the education center and the health system, the world would be a different place.


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          there were up to a million Irish people who were captured as slaves

          In 1631, the village of Baltimore in West Cork, Ireland was raided by Barbary pirates from Algiers. The pirates, led by Captain Morat Rais, stormed the village at night and captured almost all of its inhabitants, selling them into slavery in North Africa.

          Maybe the IRA can lead the negotiations for reparations from the Muslim captors/buyer descendants.


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      CO2 Lover

      Will the Muslims be willing to pay reparations to Christians?

      During the Arab slave trade, Europeans were among those traded by the Arabs. The term Saqaliba (Arabic: صقالبة) was often used in medieval Arabic sources to refer specifically to Slavs being traded by the Arabs, but it could also refer more broadly to Central, Southern, and Eastern Europeans who were also traded by the Arabs, as well as all European slaves in some Muslim-controlled regions like Spain, including those abducted from raids on Spanish Christian kingdoms. During the era of the Fatimid Caliphate (909–1171), the majority of slaves were Europeans taken from European coasts and during conflicts. Similarly, the Ottoman slave trade that included European captives was often fueled by raids into European territories or were taken as children in the form of a blood tax from the families of citizens of conquered territories to serve the empire for a variety of functions. In the mid-19th century, the term ‘white slavery’ was used to describe the Christian slaves that were sold into the Barbary slave trade in North Africa.


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    CO2 Lover

    Tracking down voting machines connected to the internet.

    Now this sounds useful with the US election due in November.

    If the voting machine has no password protection you are in and if it has a weak password you may be successful with passwork cracking software.


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      David Maddison

      At the time of the last election it was brought to the attention of authorities that voting machines were connected to the internet, contrary to regulations, but no one would do anything.


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    CO2 Lover

    Rogue Labor Senator Fatima will surely join the Australian Greens

    The good news is that the seat of Genius Bowen (MacMahon) is one they are targeting!


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      CO2 Lover

      “Diversity is our Strength”

      Labor is being torn apart over the “Palestinian Question” and Anne Aly and Ed Husic (other Labor Muslims) will now come under huge pressure from fellow Muslims to “Cross the Floor” and side with the Greens.

      This is just so much fun to watch!


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        I would expect that the proposal coming from the emerging Muslim Voice party would be along the lines of if you want our support to get elected on our ticket then show your obedience by crossing the floor now.

        When it comes to politics “free and fair” holds as much worth as “safe and effective”.


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        At long last, hooray!
        We should welcome the birth of a Muslim Party here.
        I am serious – Honesty is the best Policy.
        It is also the only method to resolve any issue – political, technical or moral.
        Lay everything, every opinion on the table and let the best idea win.


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          Totally agree Honesty is the best policy. I would suggest however that your list of issues is out of order as to when each is addressed. The first issue is always the moral one with guidance from the perfect book and the supporting laws each of which can not be challenged or modified for they are perfect. Then, and only then, can those who have proven their morality can they advance to the sub-ordinate issues.

          2:109 Many of the followers of the Book wish that they could turn you back into unbelievers after your faith, out of envy from themselves, (even) after the truth has become manifest to them; but pardon and forgive, so that Allah should bring about His command; surely Allah has power over all things.

          9:29 Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.


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        Gary S

        As he is so eager to atone for the previous ‘invasion’ of this fine continent by the evil white colonists, perhaps Albanese could ask his black brothers (you know, the ones he wished to have a ‘voice’), what they think of the current level of ‘invasion’ by all and sundry. Surely they can’t be happy with the latest crop of murderers, rapists, terrorists, etc.?


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      We really don’t want these types in Australia.


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      Try Again…This is nothing but the end game of Multiculturalism. Thankyou, Gough and Al!


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    CO2 Lover

    With the latest AI advancements you can take a photo of Albo and a voice clip and for once have a clip of Albo telling the truth! Same with Genius Bowen.

    Or if you are devious have them telling even more outrageous lies – if that is possible!


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    CO2 Lover

    Genius Bowen is yet to get the memo as to what is happening to Offshore wind projects in the USA

    20 June 2024
    The Hon Chris Bowen MP, Minister for Climate Change and Energy

    Sharon Claydon MP, Member for Newcastle

    The Albanese Government is paving the way for energy and job security in a region that has helped to power Australia for generations, with next steps announced for the Hunter offshore wind zone.

    This industry represents a huge opportunity for regional Australia, providing reliable renewables to power homes and heavy industry while creating highly skilled and well-paid jobs.

    Offshore wind in the Hunter could support future onshore manufacturing, as it builds on the local industrial expertise and infrastructure.

    Equinor and Oceanex have been preliminarily offered a feasibility licence for the potential Novocastrian Wind Pty Ltd project. Only one feasibility licence is being proposed because other applications were for overlapping areas and found to be of lower merit.

    The good news is:

    Cancelled: Investors Ditch Dozens of Mega-Offshore Wind Power Projects

    A slow-motion collapse in the offshore wind industry continues to grow as sticky inflation and supply chain challenges force developers to delay or cancel major projects. In particular, progress towards the Biden administration’s goal of building large amounts of floating wind off the northeastern US coast is just about stalled.


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    CO2 Lover

    BBC and ABC go into meltdown over Trump’s huge lead going into the November election

    “If I Was Biden I’d Hurry Up and Have Trump Murdered” – BBC Presenter Sparks Outrage After Calling for Murder of President Trump

    ABC star Alan Kohler issues an urgent warning to Australia about the prospect of Donald Trump being elected as president
    Kohler warned of Mr Trump’s disregard of climate change
    He said Australia should prepare for second Trump presidency


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      CO2 Lover

      With friends like Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama – Biden should be the one to worry about his days being numbered!


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        Forrest Gardener

        Especially so if Killary sees Biden as an impediment to her installation as Queen of the USA.


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      NBC News reported Saturday: “There is an understanding among top Democrats that Biden should be given space to determine next steps.” That seemed like a very deliberate hint that Democrats want Biden to make the decision to drop out on his own terms, in a manner that would preserve some of his dignity. Instead the Bidens have dug in their heels.

      There are reports that Democratic governors want a meeting with Biden, and have been speaking amongst themselves that he has to go. So far the White House has not scheduled a meeting. Michigan Governor Wretched Whitmer (as I call her) was reported to have told Biden’s people that Michigan is in doubt if Biden stays on the ticket (she has since backtracked—for now). Several Democratic senators are now more publicly expressing doubts that Biden can continue. There are separate reports that a gaggle of congressional Democrats have pondered an open letter calling for Biden to drop out, but this effort has fizzled because no one wants to be the first mover in such an effort.

      Well, maybe Texas Democrat Lloyd Doggett does. This, released short time earlier today (click to embiggen)


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      If someone said that about Sadiq Khan or Rishi Sunak on social media there would be a police knock on the door.

      A talking head encourages murder on broadcast TV and ………………….?


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    It is fascinating to watch Team Biden unravel. I believe the biggest problem is Joe Biden. Just because he is senile doensn’t mean he can be overruled by anyone. The whole system is built on the concept of a competent person fit for the job. The only person who can remove him is Kamala Harris backed by a majority of Cabinet, a group of 25 people. This modern 25th Amendment was only made law in 1967 and is untested.


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      However as Kamala Harris and her team are very upset that Gavin Newsom and Whitmer and more are hanging around for the top job next year, she is not being considered. Kamala will be the President if Biden resigns voluntarily or is removed by the 25th Amendment. If only for six months.

      But what sensible person wants President Kamala Harris this side of November? The Democrats have made their bed. It will be excruciating to watch as they thrash around. And Biden will do nothing to accelerate his own demise. In fact he is likely to become angry and vengeful. The Democrats obviously believed their own hype that Grumpy Joe was fine for another four years. And that is hard to believe. Did they really think he would be a high performing US president at 86? Or is the situation so bad that they have been trapped by their own attempts to hide the problem and just cripple Donald Trump with lawfare? There is now no Plan B.


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    David Maddison

    I saw this question on Quora Digest. I think the questionner is in the US. I think it’s a fairly disgusting attitude of the person whose life was saved. It may be the action of some ambulance chasing sleazebag lawyer (a tautology, I know). Anyway, my understanding is a broken rib, or more, is common when CPR is done right. If you don’t break a rib (or more), you might be doing it wrong.

    Also, in many states in the US there are “Good Samaritan” laws preventing rescuers being sued for actions related to saving you.

    Are there such laws in Australia?


    I did CPR on a crash victim until paramedics arrived. They said I saved her life. I am now being sued by her for breaking a rib. What do I do?


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      In British based law you can generally only recover your actual loss, which in this case is the nett cost of the broken rib . That’s it.

      In US law the potential debt is limitless. If you are rich, you can pay millions as punishment for helping because everyone is thrashing around looking for someone to pay! And the amount is decided by a jury, not the judge.

      Take Donald Trump’s payment to Ms Carroll for $5 million and now $83 million for defamation by calling her a liar. She could not conceivably have such losses.

      Her actual losses in her private civil suit are zero from something which she alleges happened 30 years ago and she is now long retired anyway. Trump was never even able to defend himself against the most ridiculous vague accusation without evidence of any sort. And they removed the statute of limitations to allow Carroll or any other person to bring this case against Trump.


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      Honk R Smith

      Trump lawyers might be good at helping with this.
      Especially if Trump wins and he releases them from jail.


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      As part of a multimedia course I had to complete an OHS course. The question arose as to whether companies would absolve volunteer fire wardens of liability if their instructions led to injury or worse. When we each questioned our own bosses about this, we found that we could be held liable – it was more a case that they wouldn’t give us written statements. The next week many of the course folks who were fire wardens had already resigned from that role, including me.


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      “I did CPR on a crash victim until paramedics arrived. They said I saved her life. I am now being sued by her for breaking a rib”

      Hellooo.. crash victim.. Who is to say her rib wasn’t broken in the crash? Performing CPR on a person suggests they are not able to tell you their rib is broken and your CPR hurts. Did they have a Dr standing there who heard the rib break? Was the rib cracked in the crash and only broke when the paramedics picked the victim up?

      The best thing to do would be to rescind your saving of her life and kill her now. Its not murder if you just return her to her original state.


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      Thoughts is that the crash victim is also the victim of the incredibly expensive health care system and needs to sue to recover expenses. Or become bankrupt.


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      A past workmate was very involved with Surf Life Saving Australia and he once mentioned that the group became incorporated because of exactly this set of circumstances. Someone pulled from the surf and resuscitated sued because their rib was broken. Apparently being incorporated gave more protection/power to both the individual and the organisation in defending such claims.

      He went on to relate very isolated instances of where life guards had been faced with having to “save” individuals who were intent on death by shark suicide ie beach closed due to sharks and a determined individual turned up intent on swimming out.


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        One person at a place I worked for a while sent an email around to everybody, saying that, in the event of any collapse, seizure, etc., he didn’t want to be resuscitated. Stunned everybody.


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      John Connor II

      Perhaps everyone should wear a bracelet identifying their political side, woke status etc.
      Woke – walk away
      Lefty – walk away
      Polly – kick and walk away

      These days, states and territories around Australia have ‘Good Samaritan’ provisions in their various laws covering civil liability. In NSW, the law regarding people who come to the assistance of people who are injured or at risk of being injured is found in Part 8 of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (‘the Act’).

      This section provides statutory protection to anyone who comes to the aid of another in emergency situations such as car accidents… but there are some exceptions.


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    Honk R Smith

    It is interesting (how I spell scary) watching the Democrats disassemble here in the US.

    We here often speak about the religious character of climate alarmism.
    And as the antecedent of Pandemic and Trump hysteria.

    I’m noticing the behavior seems less like religiosity and more like addiction.

    They sound like addicts waking up one day and realizing they have a problem.
    A problem everyone around them has noticed, and made unheeded effort to help.
    Along with years of blaming their problems on those that tried to help.

    Only problem is addicts tend to not turn it around until they burn the house down.
    The destructive behavior only stops because there is nothing left to destroy.


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      I think they have been so busy hiding the problem that they have not considered what would happen if the electors woke up. After all the press were covering it all up beautifully. They thought Weekend at Bidens could go on forever. And that Grumpy Joe would mellow and stay home more and more, living on ice cream and helicopter trips.

      But his performance at G7 was a disaster on the world stage, but largely well hidden at home. His insistence on knocking Trump down in a debate was unexpected and unstoppable. You see Joe really thinks he won the Presidency on merit and he beat Trump and wanted to do so again. And he is the President and he has a good strong arm and can throw a long way. Trump doesn’t stand a chance.


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        Steve of Cornubia

        “They thought Weekend at Bidens could go on forever. And that Grumpy Joe would mellow and stay home more and more, living on ice cream and helicopter trips.”

        That’s my belief, too. I know it sounds unlikely that people as smart as the Obamas and Clintons could make such a mistake, but I reckon they are so drunk on power that it blinded them. That and arrogance because, you know, “deplorables” and all that.


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          Its quite clear that Joe floated to the surface during the Primary ( a dumb democracy) and the Democrats hoped that he could be propped up for a few years.

          If he doesn’t stand aside then they have already lost and Putin will be enlivened.


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    David Maddison

    On Monday night I went to the Australian Freedom Conference sponsored by Clive Palmer and the United Australia Party.

    I provided a report in Tuesday open thread.

    RickWill said:

    Great feedback.

    Was the venue sold out?

    Was Clive Palmer well received?

    The answers are:

    1) Yes. The venue was sold out according to the ticketing website but there were a small number of unoccupied seats, Probably due to the seats being sold but people not turning up, Perhaps concerned about Leftist violence.

    2) Clive Palmer was very well received.

    The event took place at the Plenary Hall at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre. It has a seating capacity of 5541 people.

    It was extremely refreshing to see so many Aussies who actually still believe in freedom.

    We see too many Australians that subscribe to, or at least don’t care about the destructive Leftist ideology thst infests Australia today.

    Too many people today are naive, brainwashed, conformist, servitude-loving, government-worshipping lemmings, passive and servile. We saw that during Australia’s covid lockups and subsequently.


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      Statistically there are always people who don’t make it. If it was a grand final others would take the seats.


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        Don’t the airlines work on 10%.


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          Yes, the US airlines always overbook. I have turned up and found my business class premium seats booked months before are gone even though I was on time. I have not traveled since the pandemic Wuhan Flu but overbooking of US airlines and hotels and car rentals was universal. Which is really tough for Australians if you have traveled for 24 hours, paid in full months in advance only to be told tired and jet lagged that there are no rooms at the hotel. They will offer your money back. Eventually.


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      Was the event disrupted? I’ve never forgiven Palmer for his stunt with Gore.


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      In 2013 Clive Palmer harvested the votes of the “far right” of the electorate to gain his Palmer United Party four seats in the senate, which gave the PUP the balance of power.

      When the new parliament sat the PUP, after coming under the influence of Al Gore, delivered those votes which had been cast by the furthest right in the electorate to the furthest left in the parliament, thereby thoroughly thwarting Tony Abbott’s 90 seat mandate. Abbott’s mandate was never delivered.

      This was surely one of the most momentous events in the history of our Federation, and only I and Jo noticed. Australian Federal Government policy on a matter of world wide importance was determined by a foreigner.

      Was Al at Clive’s party?


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    David Maddison

    Did you know 99% of international internet traffic goes via undersea cable? So much so that social(ist) media companies like Goolag and Farcebook even have their own cables.

    Thankfully Elon Musk is building (has built) an alternative means of internet delivery via Starlink which might be safer from Australia’s e Safety Kommissar than social(ist) media controlled cables or censors in Australia and other unfree countries.


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      You would know more about this than I, but aren’t cables in general faster and have higher capacity than satellite links?


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        Steve of Cornubia

        The GPS on my last two smartphones has been less than reliable whenever there is significant cloud cover, when Google Maps will occasionally take me on a mystery side trip.


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        Yip and they have a 25-year design life. The other thang with satellite voice communication (which used to deliver a 1 second propagation delay aka latency) is that you are actually communicating with someone that “sounds” like your relative/dearly beloved. That is where forward error correction (fec) comes in. So transmission delay + “sounds like” them + fec = fertile ground for controlled interference and you thought Big Brother on an individual personal level was a new development.


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      In the late Jim Molan’s superb book, Danger on our doorstep” he warned of the relative ease of disabling our under water internet cable by a hostile (aka CCP) force.


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        Vicki – always the old altenative

        Global communication via amateur radio

        International conversation via ham radio

        Ham radio operators can communicate internationally using various methods. The process is relatively straightforward, and the required equipment is discussed below.

        International Prefixes

        Each country has its unique prefix, which is used to identify the station operator and the country. For example, the prefix “G” is used for the United Kingdom, while “R” is used for Russia.

        Radio Equipment

        To communicate internationally, you’ll need a radio transceiver, an antenna, coaxial feedline cable, and a power supply. For beginners, a handheld transceiver like the Baofeng UV-5R is a good starting point. You can always upgrade to a more powerful mobile or base station transceiver later.

        Methods of Communication

        Ham radio operators can communicate internationally through various methods, including:

        . HF Radio: High-frequency (HF) radio waves can travel long distances, allowing operators to communicate with other hams around the world.

        . Echolink: Echolink is a digital communication system that allows ham radio operators to connect to other stations via the internet.

        . IRLP: IRLP (Internet Radio Linking Project) is another digital communication system that enables ham radio operators to connect to other stations via the internet.

        International Space Station (ISS) Contacts

        Ham radio operators can even make contact with the International Space Station (ISS) using amateur radio equipment. The ARISS (Amateur Radio on the International Space Station) program allows students and ham radio operators to communicate with astronauts on the ISS.


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          another ian

          R.V. Jones in “Most secret war” mentions the benefits that UK got from its ham radio fraternity as an already skilled base to staff military radio needs and radar as examples. Even to the POW camp secret radios including transmitters.

          Whereas Hitler had banned ham radio in Germany.


        • #

          I’ve been thinking I should get the grandkids going with ham radio. Haven’t done anything yet. If anybody starts throwing nuclear bombs it would be too easy to obliterate communications with fibre.

          WE should have maintained one copper network. That could be repaired with a bit of barbed wire out of a fence when access to fibre technology was not available.


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    David Maddison

    It’s 2C (35.6F) in Melbourne according to the Bureau of Meterology.

    I don’t believe them without checking their data because they are known to alter it to conform to the Official Narrative via “homogenising”.

    However, my reading agrees with theirs. My own weather station says 2.2C (36F).

    So on this occasion, they are not lying.


    • #

      Even a broken clock is right twice a day Dave.


    • #

      Cool story bro.

      I doubt you guys have been watching the Euro football tournament. I think the media had all the players suffering in heatwave stories ready to go. So far the only issue is rain making it a bit slippy underfoot.

      I see the June UAH temp. finally appears to be starting to drop.


    • #

      According to the radio its minus 2 here in the low part of the high country. According to google its plus 2. Interestingly both these temps are allegedly drawn fron the same source at a weather station a couple of K’s away. Now, no longer having my own weather station ( after backing over it with the slasher a couple of years ago ) I can tell you that the dogs water bowl is frozen solid, the grass is frozen, the car parked outside looks like it is covered in snow.
      The conclusion, I’ll go with the minus 2 until I get a better opinion!


      • #

        At 0846 our weather station read -3.7C after a min of -4.8C at 0705. We are also in the low part of the high country! Yesterday our min was -5.4C. We had a min of -5.6C on the 18th of June; I think that was the same day that Tambo in Qld registered the same temp.
        Everything here is getting colder and the last two days my husband has had to smash the ice on the sheep and horse water troughs.
        It was good meeting you the other week Sambar; my husband and I enjoyed our coffee and chat very much.


        • #

          Tambo. As I remember going north, it was about Tambo that the roadkill turned from grey kangaroos to red kangaroos.

          Curious, that! We have no red kangaroos.


    • #

      But in the Latest Weather Observations, where I live, the BOM also shows the apparent temperature. Where I live, the BOM shows the temperature at 8:20am as 2.4C and the apparent temperature as -3.1C, with wind SSW at 19kph, and it’s frosty. The recorded low temp was 1.6C at 7:27am. The -3.1 will disappear shortly never to be seen again so the only record will be the 1.6C.

      Mind you, the temperatures are actually recorded at an airfield about 15 Ks north of the town


      • #

        No wind chill here Maptram! Just a brief slight lift at 1049 when 2kph recorded and temp was 3.3C after the sun hit the weather station and melted the goodly frost in that area.
        Our remaining lime crop has been wrecked; just as well I harvested some beforehand, especially as they are $1.89 EACH locally.


    • #

      Having a cold winter in Perth also, colder than last year. Difficult to say whether it’s colder than past years because the main Perth measurement site has been moved three times.


  • #
    David Maddison

    The Scott-T transformer is clever.

    It converts two phase to three phase power and vice versa.

    It must have been what was used at the original Niagara Falls hydro plant which had two phase generators according to Tesla’s design.

    The Scott-T transformer allowed 2 and 3 phase electricity to coexist during the early days of electricity generation.


    • #

      A clever beast. When developing an electrical training course on the design of high-power electrical systems, the calculations involved were diabolical. I would not like to be an electrical engineer when attempting to balance loads on three-phase circuits.


      • #

        I am sure there is an App for that now ?👍


        • #

          Never thought to look Chad. Probably is. Basically just applying the Wiring Rules in all its glory.
          Also calculating light levels using geometry is fun…


    • #

      Memories of working with various Electrical Motors/Generators in Sydney Uni Electrical Engineering 1963


  • #
    David Maddison

    Latest Leftist madness.

    They don’t understand Blazing Saddles.

    ‘Blazing Saddles’ Slapped With “Trigger Warning” on Max

    February 6, 2024

    HBO Max, the streaming platform that canceled “Gone With The Wind,” is at it again — they just slapped “Blazing Saddles” with a nauseating pre-film PSA. If you want to watch “Blazing Saddles,” you will have to watch an introduction by TCM’s Jacqueline Stewart, who is the channel’s expert on film preservation and “representation.” Here’s part of her speech to the viewer:

    You’re about to watch a movie from 1974 that many consider one of the greatest comedies of all time […] As the storyline implies, the issue of race is front and center in ‘Blazing Saddles’ … and racist language and attitudes pervade the film. But those attitudes are espoused by characters who are explicitly portrayed here as narrow-minded, ignorant bigots. The film’s real and much more enlightened perspective is represented by the two main characters played by Cleavon Little and Gene Wilder.

    It comes out as a lecture because, as Christian Toto says, “you’re too stupid to process satire in its highest forms”. You basically need to be talked down to. It’s an insult to the intelligence of Max viewers.



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    Richard C (NZ)

    Extreme E rebrands as Extreme H, ditches electric for hydrogen

    Jenson Button, team owner of the JBXE Extreme E team, echoed this sentiment: “For Extreme E to be evolving into Extreme H is incredibly exciting and a brilliant step forward in such a short space of time for the series.”

    E is just so last year.


    • #

      Love it.. a 75KW engine in a vehicle weighing 2.2tons and they call it a racing car!

      Use the battery to do 0-100kph in 4.5seconds and then crawl the rest of the way while it recharges…


      • #
        Steve of Cornubia

        That motorsport ‘niche’ is also contaminated by DEI, with drivers getting into good seats by virtue of gender rather than ability.


      • #
        Richard C (NZ)

        KP >a 75KW engine in a vehicle weighing 2.2tons

        H => Battery => E motors

        On Mondays Open Thread I questioned Ford’s primary power source for their winning F150 Lightening runs up Pikes Peak. Conclusion, after looking at on-site 2023 diesel genset photos was here (and comment below):

        So if Ford’s Pikes Peak F150 Lightning requires a similar genset to the 2023 SuperVan 4.2 configuration, Ford’s EV racer could very well be diesel powered.

        From what I could see by size and colour: 4 banks of either Cummins or Perkins diesel gensets. So irrespective of whether generation is onboard or not, energy source to motors is this:

        FF => Battery => E motors

        Same as Extreme H just FF instead of H.


        • #
          Richard C (NZ)

          >4 banks of either Cummins or Perkins diesel gensets

          I should add that because Ford only had 20 minutes to recharge between runs they had some serious generation on hand.

          Those 4 genset banks took up all the space on a flat-bed trailer (see video at link above).


        • #

          July 3, 2024 at 8:56 am · Reply
          Love it.. a 75KW engine in a vehicle weighing 2.2tons and they call it a racing car!
          Use the battery to do 0-100kph in 4.5seconds and then crawl the rest of the way while it recharges…

          Actually, depending on how you want to read it, that 75kW. is just the charger power from the fuel cell. The drive motors output power is 400kW, which is supplied by the battery pack (36 kWh), so potentially they could use max power continuously for 5 minutes.
          ….but they rarely use continuous max power when racing, and their races are short.
          Last year they ran full battery drive only and were spectacular.


    • #
      Richard C (NZ)

      Watch Out EVs: Walmart Introduces First Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck to Retail Fleet

      Walmart has reportedly deployed its first hydrogen fuel cell-powered Nikola Tre semi truck, marking a significant milestone in the retail industry’s transition to alternative fuel vehicles. Hydrogen technology stands as a potential competitor to EV trucks, which have the disadvantage of massive battery weight.

      It boasts a range of approximately 800 kilometers (over 400 miles) per tank.

      Although still an EV – Nikola Tre hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle (HFCEV).

      Just H fuel, not whatever is at the end of a plug.


  • #
    David Maddison

    On Twitter/X Jordan Peterson wrote in relation to the election of Marie Le Pen:

    Far right
    Everything right of Che Guevara


    I (DM) am also constantly amused (well not really, its exactly what I expect of the Left) by Leftists who wear T-shirts with Che Guevara’s image.

    He was a psychopathic murderer, racist and hated gays. All things the Left pretend to be opposed to.

    A few quotes:

    “We don’t need proof to execute a man. We only need proof that it’s necessary to execute him.” 14000 people executed without trial in Cuba.

    Che was quoted in 1962 by the editor of the RevolucÍon, Carlos Franqui, as saying “We executed many people by firing squad without knowing if they were fully guilty. At times, the Revolution cannot stop to conduct much investigation.”

    “My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood…I’d like to confess, Papa, at that moment I discovered that I really like killing.”

    “We must eliminate all newspapers; we cannot make a revolution with free press.”

    “We send to Guanahacabibes [i.e., Cuban labor camp] people who have committed crimes against revolutionary morals…it is hard labor…the working conditions are harsh…”

    You can see why the Left love him.


    • #

      A lot of young people want revolution and to be revolutionaries. It is a common idea. Of course they have no idea what that means except that it empowers them to do what they like. And that is very appealing. It has powered invading armies for thousands of years, young men with nothing better to do except rape and pillage. As a career.

      Lethals wars were about every generation in human history, about every 25 years. Take America alone, a largely peaceful place.

      War of independence 1785, American English war 1812-15, Mexican American war 1846-8, American revolution 1861-55, Spanish American War 1898, WW1 1914, WWII 1939-45, Vietnam 1964, .. For many, it’s a living. There’s always a new generation who think revolution and war is an end in itself. And then declare it is the war to end all wars.


    • #
      Richard C (NZ)

      DM, someone gave you a downvote.

      Is that denial of history?

      Disgust at your exposure of it?

      Implicit support of revolutionary killing?

      Discomfort, being one wearing the tee shirt?


    • #
      Richard C (NZ)

      In that X thread:

      Matt Cleeve @cleeve_matt

      5 day work week is far right to the “progressives”


  • #
    another ian


    Judge Sotomayer’s dissent on presidential immunity got a mention or two on Tuesday’s thread. The Supreme Court majority also had a say –

    “OUCH! Supreme Court Majority ZINGS Sonia Sotomayor in Blistering Opinion”


    • #
      another ian

      A lawyer looks at the recent Supreme Court decisions


      Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more
      ☕️ DEVASTATING ☙ Tuesday, July 2, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
      Special Edition: the best news day since the Pandemic. All the hot takes and headlines are wrong about yesterday’s Supreme Court decision. It’s all so much bigger and better than anyone imagines.
      Jeff Childers
      Jul 2


      Good morning, C&Cers, and Happy, Happy Tuesday! You aren’t going to believe how great yesterday’s news really was. It’s historic. It’s unprecedented. It’s all good. It’s a special, all-Supreme Court roundup , featuring a realistic, hyper-optimistic analysis you won’t find anywhere else. You’re gonna love it.


      🔥🔥🔥 We begin with the UK Independent’s alarming headline from this morning: “Biden warns Trump can do ‘whatever he pleases’ if elected as Republicans relish Supreme Court immunity ruling.” Tellingly, that was a modified headline. Earlier in the day, it more simply said, “Supreme Court awards Trump some immunity from prosecution.” Biden did say that though, even though the Supremes ended none of the Trump cases. Biden is cognitively functioning on par with an above-average boiled turnip. But Biden and his handlers have no idea how good the decision really was, or they would be crying much, much harder.


      How good was it? It was so good I actually started wondering if the QAnon people have been right all along. It was that good. It was that much of a game-changer. Just not for any of the reasons in the headlines.

      Let’s begin with what yesterday’s decision didn’t do. Trump v. United States did not “totally immunize” the President. Instead, it created a three-tier test (the Supreme Court loves three-tiered tests), which explains why the Independent’s first headline said it provided Trump with “some” immunity.

      But Democrats desperately hope for some distraction from Biden’s terrible Debate, and they are thinking maybe this could be it.

      Joe made a short, sleepy, mumbly announcement last night that was just a feeble tantrum about the Immunity decision. While reading the three-minute blurb off a teleprompter, Joe recited, “For all practical purposes, today’s decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what a president can do. This is a fundamentally new principle. And it’s a dangerous precedent.”

      The three liberal Justices were equally unhinged, with Justice Sotomayor going so far as to say the majority decision transformed the Office of the President into “a king above the law.” I blame the public schools for Justice Sotomayor not knowing what a king is. She was probably thinking about a royal personage more like Burger King.

      image 2.png

      Let’s cut through all the noise right now. I’ll tell you what it actually said, and then I will explain why it changes everything. And after explaining how it doesn’t help Trump much, I’ll tell you how the Supreme Court sneakily helped Trump anyway, even though this decision largely ignored his actual cases. Stick with me for a minute, it will be worth it.

      Regarding Presidential Immunity —for the first time in American history— the Supreme Court, solidly relying on a whole bunch of previous cases about related presidential issues, announced a brand-new three-tier immunity test:

      Tier 1: Total Immunity for Constitutional Acts. “The President is absolutely immune from criminal prosecution for conduct within his exclusive sphere of constitutional authority.” This blessed tier is only for when a president exercises explicit authority under Article Two of the Constitution. Things like negotiating treaties, issuing pardons, and directing military operations. As you can imagine, this is a small, well-defined tier.

      Tier 2: Presumptive Immunity for Official Acts. The Court declared that “the President must be immune from prosecution for an official act unless the Government can show that applying a criminal prohibition to that act would pose no dangers of intrusion on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch.” In short, if the President acts officially, as President, that act is immune—but a prosecutor can still proceed if they can show criminalizing that type of conduct will not hinder the Presidential office.

      Tier Two answers the Democrats’ most deranged temper tantrums. Prosecuting Presidents who order the military to assassinate (i.e. murder) their opponents would not harm the Presidential office, because presidents are not supposed to murder people, and it wouldn’t hinder the Presidential office to criminalize murder. Duh.

      Tier 3: No Immunity for Unofficial Acts. “The separation of powers does not bar a prosecution predicated on the President’s unofficial acts. The first step in deciding whether a former President is entitled to immunity from a particular prosecution is to distinguish his official from unofficial actions.” For example, the Court said a President has zero immunity when he acts as the leader of his political party, or when pursuing his personal interests.

      Actually, assassinating political rivals would probably fall squarely under Tier 3 — enjoying no immunity at all.

      As you can see, this three-tier system neither turns Presidents into kings —not Burger King, impotent King Charles, or Solomon— nor places presidents above the law. Certainly not Trump. The decision only resolved a couple of the worst counts in a single Trump case. As for the surviving counts involved in this particular appeal (Judge Chutkan’s case), the Supremes bounced most of the counts back down to her, to apply the new test and then get back to them.

      I know that’s a lot of legal mumbo jumbo. But stick with me. This is where it gets really good.

      🔥🔥 Over-reacting Democrats —and there are plenty of those— are really only mad because the decision helped Trump indirectly, with timing. Judge Chutkan now must order more briefing and hold more hearings to satisfy the new 3-Tier Immunity Test. That will probably result in more appeals arguing she applied the test wrong, and so forth, and before you know it, Bob’s your uncle, the election will have come and gone and Trump will be walking around free as a bluebird with only an ankle monitor from his other conviction.

      Democrats are also peeved because it gives Trump a small second bite at his “check stub” conviction. Yesterday, his lawyers filed a letter motion to delay sentencing —scheduled for next week— and asked Judge Merchan to reconsider the verdict under the new test. It’s a long shot, because they never argued presidential immunity as a defense in that case. But still, it annoyed Democrats.

      But all of this political wrangling misses the point. Let’s jump into the C&C time machine and travel back in time to 2020, before the Trump cases were filed. (Cue wacky time-travel music.)

      image 3.png

      🔥🔥 Clueless, low-information Democrats are wailing that the Judges anointed a Presidential King by creating a three-tier test under which —wait for it— Presidents can be prosecuted for crimes. Democrats are acting like this is a revolutionary improvement of the Presidential position. But that, like nearly everything else partisan Democrats say, is a lie.

      What was the rule before the Supreme Court issued its decision? Well, before Trump, no president was ever prosecuted for a crime. Not for droning an Iraqi wedding. Not for illegal wars. Not even for jaywalking or running lawn sprinklers on a Tuesday.

      Presidential prosecutions never ever happened.

      Don’t miss this: before Trump, presidents obviously enjoyed de facto total immunity. The unspoken rule that everyone followed was that nobody can prosecute the President, or even a former President.

      During the period the de facto total immunity rule reigned, the Supreme Court never had to address Presidential immunity. There were no cases; that’s how absolute the immunity was. But now that the Court has crafted a de jure (legal) rubric, Presidents who do illegal things can be prosecuted. They can now be prosecuted much more easily, in fact. Just not for nuisance claims, like the creative, trumped-up claims brought against President Trump, such as for notating his check stubs wrong.

      Let’s do a little thought experiment. Evidence shows President Obama was involved in the now-discredited Russia Dossier matter, which was used as a false predicate to spy on the Trump campaign for partisan political purposes. Evidence suggests Obama knew the Dossier was fake, purchased by the Clinton campaign. Yesterday’s new 3-tier test provides a clear procedure for prosecuting Obama for those very serious allegations.

      In other words, the High Court incinerated de facto Presidential immunity, and replaced it with a clear de jure prosecutorial process. Former and future Presidents susceptible to more serious crimes than Trump’s are now fair game. I even got a very reluctant AI chatbot to agree:

      image 4.png

      The irony! By bringing all these silly, creative claims against President Trump for keeping a few boxes of “classified documents,” and because his bookkeeper wrote the wrong thing on a check stub, the Supreme Court got an unprecedented opportunity to end forever the silent, implicit protection previously enjoyed by every other previous President. That de facto absolute immunity is gone, never to return.

      And now it’s open season on serious crimes committed by Presidents.

      If President Trump wins the election, this decision provides exactly the right tool his DOJ needs to prosecute the last twenty years of Presidential malfeasance and abuses of authority. It almost seems like Trump planned it this way. In hindsight, it couldn’t have gone any better for Trump in the big picture. When Trump’s DOJ brings its first charges against Biden and Obama, the media cannot wail about it being “unprecedented.” He’ll just be following the law.

      Beyond those long-term benefits for President Trump, the decision also placed a massive granite capstone on out-of-control Presidential authority. All future Presidents, Trump included, must now consider potential criminal liability under the new Trump v. US standard. The new rule will make Presidents much more careful when acting outside their Constitutional authority, like when they mandate vaccine shots or something, just as a random example.

      So … it’s not even so much that Trump won. The American People won.

      But the good news doesn’t stop there! Justice Thomas’s concurrence slid an assassin’s knife into Trump’s two most dangerous criminal cases.

      🔥🔥 Judge Aileen M. Cannon sits in the Southern District of Florida and presides over the Mar-a-Lago raid case. She is the only Trump judge the Democrats dislike, intensely, because she has been ruling fairly. Judge Cannon right now is considering the issue of Special Prosecutor Jack Smith’s authority. And Justice Thomas just penned an entire concurring opinion carefully analyzing Prosecutor Smith’s authority. Justice Thomas’s conclusion was that Smith lacks the Constitutional basis to prosecute his two Trump cases. Yesterday’s headline from the New York Sun:

      image 5.png

      Justice Thomas’s astonishing concurrence is not binding law. That’s not what the case was about. But it just handed a shrink-wrapped legal package to Judge Cannon, that will fuel her decision against the Special Prosecutor. After all, she now has a complete roadmap dished up by a sitting Supreme Court Justice.

      Justice Thomas was Judge Cannon’s law clerk.

      If Judge Cannon follows Justice Thomas’s Constitutional roadmap —and why wouldn’t she?— both of Prosecutor Smith’s cases will probably be dismissed. Democrats couldn’t fairly criticize Judge Cannon’s decision to dismiss, because she won’t just be some rebellious federal judge in South Florida. Her opinion would be consistent with a Supreme Court Justice’s analysis. And when the government inevitably appeals, in light of Thomas’s concurrence, the Eleventh Circuit would be under great pressure to affirm her decision. Then the majority of the Supreme Court could decline to hear a further appeal, since the Court has essentially already weighed in.

      If it isn’t quite checkmate, it looks a lot like “mate in two.” Yesterday’s opinion greatly helped Trump, both by complicating his other cases apart from Prosecutor Smith’s, and also by stabbing Agent Smith’s two cases in the heart.

      image 6.png

      But beyond any benefits to President Trump, we the people benefited the most.

      The Supreme Court still wasn’t done yet. It quietly slipped in another decision that could help tear the bloated, rotten heart out of the entire deep state.

      👨‍⚖️👨‍⚖️👨‍⚖️ This term delivered a trifecta of swamp-draining decisions. Let’s recap. In Jarkezy, the Court deleted Executive Agencies’ ability to prosecute citizens for crimes; that must now happen in a real court with a real jury. In Loper Bright, the Supreme Court overturned Chevron, stripping Executive Agencies’ right to interpret laws by themselves and restoring that power to the courts.

      image 7.png

      Yesterday, the Supreme Court quietly published Corner Post v. Federal Reserve, and squared the deep-state-demolishing circle. Corner Post deleted the current 6-year statute of limitations for challenging Executive Agency rules under the Administrative Procedure Act. Now, citizen plaintiffs can challenge long-standing Agency regulations within 6 years of being affected by them.

      The Loper Bright decision made it easier to overturn bad Agency decisions going forwards. And Corner Post just opened the door to retroactive challenges to decades-old regulations. It’s a gold rush for new, re-envigorated litigation against the Regulatory State. Virtually everything is now up for grabs. And I’m not the only one who noticed:

      image 8.png

      Liberal Justice Jackson, dissenting in Corner Post, also noticed how revolutionary this decision was. Jackson wrote, “At the end of a momentous Term, this much is clear: The tsunami of lawsuits against agencies that the Court’s holdings in this case and Loper Bright have authorized has the potential to devastate the functioning of the Federal Government.”

      They’re going to need a bigger courthouse. Do it! Devastate the functioning of the Federal Government!

      image 9.png

      Ironically, Justice Jackson was right, in one sense. A tsunami is a natural event, like the flood waters crashing through a broken dam. Something unnatural (a dam) held the waters back. It’s time for the river to flow through its proper channel again.

      Collectively, the new three-part immunity test plus the three-decision trifecta of administrative agency cases drastically pruned presidential authority, about which conservatives and liberals alike (depending on who the sitting president was), have long and bitterly complained.

      The “power of the pen” might no longer be as powerful as advertised. Today the Presidential pen is looking more like a cheap Chinese knock-off.

      It is difficult to overestimate how much this Supreme Court just historically and permanently altered the landscape of federal government overreach. I’m tempted to invoke again my overused ‘2024’ canard. But actually, I believe this unimaginable improvement in our national prospects was the inevitable result of the Supreme Court observing the government’s wild and painful overreach during the pandemic.

      In other words: vaccine mandates.

      We’ve longed for a lone decision saying HHS and OSHA can’t just arbitrarily order people to take experimental medical treatments they don’t want. We didn’t get that. But what we did get is arguably and breathtakingly much, much better. The Supreme Court took the long view. They’ve changed everything —including but not only medical freedom— for the better.

      We had no right to expect this revolutionary Supreme Court session. What a great day to be alive.”


    • #
      another ian


      A lawyer looks at the recent US Supreme Court decisions –

      Conclusions –

      “The “power of the pen” might no longer be as powerful as advertised. Today the Presidential pen is looking more like a cheap Chinese knock-off.

      It is difficult to overestimate how much this Supreme Court just historically and permanently altered the landscape of federal government overreach. I’m tempted to invoke again my overused ‘2024’ canard. But actually, I believe this unimaginable improvement in our national prospects was the inevitable result of the Supreme Court observing the government’s wild and painful overreach during the pandemic.

      In other words: vaccine mandates.

      We’ve longed for a lone decision saying HHS and OSHA can’t just arbitrarily order people to take experimental medical treatments they don’t want. We didn’t get that. But what we did get is arguably and breathtakingly much, much better. The Supreme Court took the long view. They’ve changed everything —including but not only medical freedom— for the better.

      We had no right to expect this revolutionary Supreme Court session. What a great day to be alive.”


      • #

        Very good point with vaccine mandates which took government interference in lives in an unprecedented and potentially illegal way.


  • #
  • #
    Geoff Sherrington

    Here is the “pause” Viscount Monckton style for Australia, calculated with the just released UAH satellite data from Dr Roy Spencer.
    It is seeming more like the Hunga Tonga eruption is involved in the curent peak, but that is not yet proven.
    In any case, the peak is not so strong as to greatly affect the length of the pause as the last few months have unfolded.
    More speculation by experts will follow in the next months.
    Geoff S


    • #
      Richard C (NZ)

      Geoff – The beginning of that series, around 2016, was when natural variation went wild up to 2023. The CO2 crowd claims all that before removing NV from datasets (e.g. see Gavin Schmidt, Real Climate) and then say the models are tracking observations very well (no they are not).

      Prior to that, in ERA5 at the surface, there was a similar flat trend.

      I’m anticipating the last hike to return to that level eventually. It’s what happens after that that matters. That’s this risk scenario in my opinion:

      0.1 Warming: IPCC
      0.4 No change this century after NV removed
      0.5 Cooling: Abdussamatov, Zharkova, Leudecke & Weiss, et al

      There’s no govt policy anywhere prepared for the Cooling scenario but that has severe consequences. Back around 2010 when a cold wave encroached on Sth America up into the tropics and over the equator, tropical aquatic life died in the rivers – dolphins, alligators, fish, everything floating on the surface.

      In Bolivia farm animals perished and the govt distributed blankets. Hardly newsworthy though.


    • #
      • #
        Richard C (NZ)

        >Hottest June Eva!

        Up in the troposphere. Probably at the surface too.

        But not a chance for July at surface:

        2024 SST is already below 2023 at Climate Pulse.

        Going down….


      • #
        Richard C (NZ)

        Gee Aye >Hottest June Eva! [UAH]

        Me >The CO2 crowd claims all that before removing NV from datasets

        UAH exhibits a wild spike. How much is attributable to NV and how much to CO2?


        • #
          Gee Aye

          What a ridiculous thing to assert. And this from someone who I’m sure disagrees with homogenisation and back adjusting old data to account for insrtumentation anomalies. Natural variation is not error or noise and it should not be removed.

          “Wild” spike is unscientific gibberish.


          • #
            Richard C (NZ)

            Gee Aye

            >What a ridiculous thing to assert.

            That NV should be removed from datasets before comparing to CO2-forced models that can’t predict ENSO or volcanics or determining a secular trend?

            There’s a whole body of scientific literature doing exactly that. Maybe look it up.

            >And this from someone who I’m sure disagrees with homogenisation and back adjusting old data to account for insrtumentation anomalies.

            Seriously? None of that in UAH (except version updates) or ERA5. This has absolutely nothing to do with my question – “UAH exhibits a wild spike. How much is attributable to NV and how much to CO2?”

            Which I note you studiously avoid answering.

            >Natural variation is not error or noise and it should not be removed.

            Tell that to the IPCC and paper authors they cite that do exactly that, for example:

            Global temperature evolution 1979–2010
            Grant Foster and Stefan Rahmstorf (2010)[IPCC Citation]

            Fine in principle just lacking sophistication. For that this required:

            Application of the singular spectrum analysis technique to study the recent hiatus on the global surface temperature record.
            Macias D, Stips A, Garcia-Gorriz E (2014)


            • #
              Gee Aye

              Accounting for variation from a variety of sources, as scientists do, is not the same as removing it. Don’t remove it or just attribute any variation to a nebulous thing called NV. NV is a specific thing, not a thing to wave away.

              Hmmm… that really answers the rest of your gish gallop.

              And yes, I studiously avoided answering your unscientific question, with unscientific “wild”, which is either a deliberate red herring or your just have no understanding of the issue.


          • #
            Richard C (NZ)

            Gee Aye

            >“Wild” spike is unscientific gibberish.

            Really? Why does it have to be confined to “science”?

            It’s statistical data. Occurs all over:

            Corona virus statistics
            How to measure a spike in data

            Generic data
            How to investigate a spike in your data

            IT bandwidth monitoring
            The Top 5 Causes of Sudden Network Spikes

            Most bandwidth monitoring solutions make it easy for IT teams to identify alarming or sudden peaks in their network traffic by communicating the data through graphical interfaces.

            “Alarming or sudden peaks” verboten too?

            “Extreme outlier” ok or gibberish?


            • #
              Gee Aye

              “wild” was the unscientific and meaningless. Spike, which I didn’t put in inverted commas, just describes the shape of a graph.


          • #
            Richard C (NZ)

            Gee Aye >Natural variation is not error or noise and it should not be removed.

            Me >There’s a whole body of scientific literature doing exactly that. Maybe look it up.


            Separating Internal Variability from the Externally Forced Climate Response
            Leela M. Frankcombe, Matthew H. England, Michael E. Mann, and Byron A. Steinman (2015)

            Separating Anthropogenically- and Naturally-Caused Temperature Trends: A Systematic Approach Based On Climate Memory Analysis
            Naiming Yuan, Chao Ma, Christian L. E. Franzke, Hourui Niu, Wenjie Dong (2023)

            Climate Models vs Observations (Incl. spikes, Excl. spikes)

            Should be obvious that 5 year running averaging of observations is the appropriate comparison to models.

            Even inclusion of Pinatubo in both Obs and Models is superfluous in those graphs. Volcanism is a transient phenomenon that doesn’t change the secular trend.


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        Richard C (NZ)

        >Hottest June Eva!

        Jun 1: +6, -24.5 C
        Jun 25: -1.2, -33 C

        At the surface it was only “Hottest June Eva” in the Tropics and NH excluding Arctic. Not SH.


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          Gee Aye

          Your very serious reply seems to miss my use of “Eva”. Of course I should have written this is the hottest June in the UAH data, which has various features that mean it might not reflect global surface temperature.

          In context though, all global data sets have the last 12 months as hotter than any other even if not true for all regions for June or the 12 months.

          Also- don’t make up a thing called NV. It is meaningless.


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            Richard C (NZ)

            Gee Aye

            >In context though, all global data sets have the last 12 months as hotter than any other even if not true for all regions for June or the 12 months.

            But still you will not answer my question in respect to the “last 12 months” of UAH:

            How much is attributable to NV and how much to CO2?

            >Also- don’t make up a thing called NV. It is meaningless.

            Tell that to the IPCC (a.k.a. “natural variability”):

            IPCC AR6 FAQs

            FAQ 3.2 | What is Natural Variability and How Has it Influenced Recent Climate Changes?

            Natural variability refers to variations in climate that are caused by processes other than human influence.

            It includes variability that is internally generated within the climate system and variability that is driven by natural external factors. Natural variability is a major cause of year-to-year changes in global surface climate and can play a prominent role in trends over multiple years or even decade

            You were saying Gee Aye?

            It’s not me making this up, this is widely accepted terminology in climate science including the IPCC.

            Of course the IPCC follows the above passage with missattribution but that’s their assessment premise.


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              Gee Aye

              You are, ad hoc, attributing variation to a lumped together thing called NV. NV is not a discrete entity like you write and you are attributing this something you claim is NV to observed data and stating it should be removed. This is simplistic rubbish and has nothing to do with he definition of NV that the IPCC or any scientist is using.


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    having first read

    How to use a slide rule

    A slide rule is a mechanical device used for multiplication, division, exponentiation, and root extraction. It consists of two logarithmic scales, one on top of the other, which can be moved relative to each other to perform calculations.

    Understanding the Scales

    The slide rule has several scales, each with a specific function:

    . C Scale: The top scale, usually marked with numbers from 1 to 10, is used for multiplication and division.
    . D Scale: The bottom scale, usually marked with numbers from 1 to 10, is used for multiplication and division.
    . L Scale: The left scale, usually marked with numbers from 0 to 1, is used for logarithms and antilogs.
    . R Scale: The right scale, usually marked with numbers from 0 to 1, is used for reciprocals.

    Basic Operations

    1. Multiplication: To multiply two numbers, set the left index (start of the scale) on the C scale to line up with one factor on the D scale. Then, find the second factor on the C scale and read the product on the D scale.

    2. Division: To divide two numbers, set the left index on the C scale to line up with the dividend on the D scale. Then, find the divisor on the C scale and read the quotient on the D scale.

    3. Exponentiation: To raise a number to a power, use the L scale. Set the left index on the L scale to line up with the base and the exponent on the C scale. Read the result on the D scale.

    4. Root Extraction: To extract a root, use the R scale. Set the left index on the R scale to line up with the number on the C scale and the root on the D scale. Read the result on the C scale.

    Additional Resources

    For a more comprehensive guide, refer to the following resources:

    . Slide Rule MuseumA detailed tutorial on using a slide rule.

    . Instructables: A More Complete Slide Rule Tutorial – A step-by-step guide to using a slide rule.

    Remember, the key to mastering the slide rule is practice and patience. With time and effort, you’ll become proficient in using this powerful tool for mathematical calculations.


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    Everything about politicians in one article-

    Desperate to be seen to have ideas, they scream-

    “Dutton to supermarkets: Rein in prices, or we’ll force you to sell stores”

    Then in a massive show of deflection, they take a major problem of their own making and of course blame inflation on their opposition-

    “We want cheaper prices at the checkout, and Mr Albanese has yet again demonstrated…. an inability to stand up to these companies, and we’re prepared to do that,” Dutton said.

    ..and to keep the more intelligent of their listeners quiet they say they won’t really enact the laws they are making because it would be bad for the economy.

    National Party leader David Littleproud argued the laws should be seen mostly as a deterrent. “This isn’t about fixing prices, and it won’t mean that tomorrow or when we get into government, that we’re going to break up the supermarkets straight away,” he said.

    ..of course once passed and on the books, the laws WILL get used, but not for the companies they were presented for. Just like the anti-smacking laws in NZ, the politicians said they would only get used in cases of extreme abuse, and next moment the Police were prosecuting all and sundry! They’ll probably break up IGA!

    We have just enough of a free market left for customers to shop where they like, there is no reason to shop at Woolworths or Coles, the cost of living is purely due to Govts borrowing money and throwing it around, and breaking up a company will not make the two halves more competitive. This story is so full of lies it should be banned as fake news and misinformation!

    ..exactly what I would expect from politicians, yet people still believe in them!


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    Meanwhile in Russia as reported in Karl Sanchez’s Substack

    Gazprom reports record year past and similar progress this year. Refinery modernisation continues with a focus on technology independence.

    In a probably related move since 2020, 50 new engineering schools have been created in 28 regions of Russia providing heavily STEM focussed education.

    In Oz we have Bowen and Albanese and Co.


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    Last month while John Yoo and I were larping around central Europe in search of the rule of law, we happened to make the acquaintance of former (and perhaps future?) Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who graciously agreed to sit down for a conversation about his broad gauge view of the world scene right now. We heard him give a terrific speech at the Danube Institute, which you can take in at the beginning of this YouTube video.

    In our conversation Abbott ranges from the Ukraine War and the Middle East to the Climate Cult and the ruin of identity politics everywhere. We also digress to learn more about the origins of Australia’s mandatory voting system, which reformers in the U.S. sometimes think we should try. I’m sure you’ll agree both from our conversation and the video linked above that he has a better grasp of important things than just about every leader in Europe (or America) at the moment.

    Listen here, or from our hosts at Ricochet.


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    I wrote here about the first round of French elections, in which the “far right” National Rally scored an impressive plurality of votes for the National Assembly. But round two is coming up, and the left-wing and the relatively centrist (Macron) parties are combining to try to stop the “far right” from winning an outright majority in the National Assembly:

    At least 200 candidates have stood down days before France’s run-off election as President Macron and a left-wing coalition seek to block the hard-right National Rally from gaining an absolute majority.

    Centrist and left-wing parties are hoping tactical withdrawals before the second round of voting on Sunday will prevent the far-right National Rally party of Marine Le Pen winning a mandate of 289 seats in the 577-seat National Assembly, which would allow them to form France’s next government.

    The idea is to create two-candidate races in which all the other parties can combine to out-vote the National Rally. But things aren’t going smoothly:

    A total of 125 left-wing candidates have withdrawn and 75 from Macron’s camp, according to Le Monde. However, in a sign that the president’s authority may be collapsing, some senior centrist figures said that they would not join the coalition.

    It is striking that in France, as in a number of other countries, perhaps including the U.S., politicians of vastly different convictions are willing to unite against the “far right.”

    Why? In Europe, the defining characteristic of “far right” parties is their opposition to mass third-world immigration. That is a populist issue, of course, and beyond that they tend to be more or less populist. But how is that “far right”?


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    John Connor II

    Wednesday funny: the debate – if only


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    John Connor II

    Words of wisdom

    Until the lion learns to write, every story will glorify the hunter
    – African proverb


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    John Connor II

    China claims USA never landed on the moon

    Capricorn 1 set.😎


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    Richard C (NZ)

    Wetter wet days, drier dry days in NZ as planet heats, study finds

    Wetdry, Wetwet, and Drydry.

    But what if the planet has reached peak heat already?


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    John Connor II

    Wednesday woke wtf: maffs question made easier

    5 is a “friendlier” number than 3 or 4. 😆


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    Steve of Cornubia

    Biden has apparently agreed to a TV interview, though I don’t know if they have told him yet.

    Needless to say, a friendly ABC guy, George Stephanopoulos, will as the questions, which of course the Biden team will not be forewarned of. It is being described as Biden’s first “off the cuff” interview since the debate. Sure, I buy that totally.

    Oh and it won’t be broadcast live. It might be edited a teeny, weeny bit do you reckon?


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      Joe is sporting a new spray tan for the occasion. We have a new Orange Man.


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      Honk R Smith

      It’s the Age Of Gaslight.

      Renewable Energy is cheap and can replace all others (Hallowed be Its’ Name.)
      Stonehenge is a symbol of Colonialist Supremacy built by the Confederacy.
      Ivermectin is for horses.

      January 6th was an Insurrection.
      It was a fair election.

      Joe Biden is at the top of his game.

      My point (yes there is one).
      We are failing to recognize our situation.
      The power of the Dark Consortium is great , so great that it gaslights us to be blind to its’ existence and power.
      It’s a conspiracy theory.

      My prediction …
      The Dark Consortium rebuilds Joe’s image enough to re-nominate and reinstall him.
      Because they can.
      (Even if Trump can survive and move back to 1600, they will not allow him to rule and there will be Antifa marshmallow roasts in every Blue US city.)
      We’ve just witnessed nearly a decade of them convincing more than half the population that up is down, or at least to acquiesce.
      Men can have babies.

      If my prognostication pans out … I expect a cookie.
      You can send it to me via Amazon to the Federal MAGA Reeducation Facility.


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    Problems Plague BEVs Despite Traditional OEMs Leveling Playing Field with Tesla, J.D. Power Finds

    Ram Ranks Highest Overall in Initial Quality Study; Porsche Ranks Highest among Premium Brands

    In its inaugural year incorporating franchise dealership repair visits with the Voice of the Customer (VOC) data to create a more expansive metric for problems per 100 vehicles (PP100), the J.D. Power 2024 U.S. Initial Quality StudySM (IQS), released today, the industry average is 195 PP100. Mass market brands, with a combined average of 181 PP100, outperform the industry average. Meanwhile, premium brands—often including more complicated systems and thus more reliance on connectivity—average 232 PP100. A lower score reflects higher vehicle quality.

    “It is not surprising that the introduction of new technology has challenged manufacturers to maintain vehicle quality,” said Frank Hanley, senior director of auto benchmarking at J.D. Power. “However, the industry can take solace in the fact that some problem areas such as voice recognition and parking cameras are seen as less problematic now than they were a year ago.”

    Proponents of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) often state these vehicles should be less problematic and require fewer repairs than gas-powered vehicles since they have fewer parts and systems.

    However, newly incorporated repair data shows BEVs, as well as plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), require more repairs than gas-powered vehicles in all repair categories.

    “Owners of cutting edge, tech-filled BEVs and PHEVs are experiencing problems that are of a severity level high enough for them to take their new vehicle into the dealership at a rate three times higher than that of gas-powered vehicle owners,” Hanley said.

    Gas- and diesel-powered vehicles average 180 PP100 this year, while BEVs are 86 points higher at 266 PP100. While there are no notable improvements in BEV quality this year, the gap between Tesla’s BEV quality and that of traditional OEMs’ BEV quality has closed, with both at 266 PP100. In the past, Tesla has performed better, but that is not the case this year and the removal of traditional feature controls, such as turn signals and wiper stalks, has not been well received by Tesla customers.

    Following are key findings of the 2024 study:

    . Frustration rising from false warnings:
    . Owners want to cut the cord: –Problems with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay persist as the feature remains one of the top 10 problems.
    . In-vehicle controls are out of control:
    . One problem area that stinks: – While, figuratively, all vehicle problems stink, there is one problem that is increasingly prevalent: unpleasant interior smell.


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      “Proponents of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) often state these vehicles should be less problematic and require fewer repairs than gas-powered vehicles since they have fewer parts and systems.”

      The alleged complexity of ICE vehicles is part of a very mature, well understood and well supported system.

      The complexity of EVs is immature, not well understood and from all reports not that well supported. The are really only trading one set of perceived complexity with a different set of complexity.


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    another ian


    “Trees Have Become a Hidden Source of Air Pollution in Los Angeles”

    IIRC a lot of eucalypts have migrated to LA. What are they contributing in Oz?


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      Eucalyptus cause blue haze in blue mountains

      The Blue Mountains in Australia are known for their distinctive blue haze, which is caused by the presence of eucalyptus oil in the air.

      The oil is released by the leaves of the eucalyptus trees, which are abundant in the region. When the oil combines with dust particles and water vapor in the air, it creates a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering, which scatters short-wavelength light, such as blue and violet light, in all directions.

      How Eucalyptus Oil Affects the Light

      The high concentration of eucalyptus oil in the air creates a blue light filter across the horizon, giving the mountains their characteristic blue hue. The oil mist is released by the eucalyptus trees as a natural defense mechanism to protect them from insects and other predators. When the oil combines with dust particles and water vapor, it refracts the light passing through it, making it appear blue to the human eye.

      The Role of Dust and Water Vapor

      Dust particles and water vapor play a crucial role in the formation of the blue haze. The oil mist released by the eucalyptus trees combines with these particles to create a blue light filter. The blue light is then scattered in all directions, giving the mountains their distinctive blue color.

      The Blue Mountains’ Unique Characteristics

      The Blue Mountains are unique in that they have a high concentration of eucalyptus trees, which release a large amount of oil into the air. This, combined with the region’s dry climate and high temperatures, creates the perfect conditions for the blue haze to form. The blue haze is most visible during the summer months when the temperatures are highest and the eucalyptus trees are in full bloom.


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    John Connor II

    COLD old Tassie

    Liawenee just recorded a low of -12.6C

    Global warming at work again.


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    John Connor II

    Taiwan Trialled a CBDC Declaring it a ‘Total Success’

    While global attention was diverted towards political unrest and conflicts, a groundbreaking event unfolded in Taiwan as the world witnessed the initiation of the first live CBDC trial. Taiwan’s Central Bank, under the umbrella of China’s financial authority, successfully concluded a comprehensive feasibility study on its wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency (wCBDC).

    The innovative ‘wholesale’ designation (wCBDC) marked a transformative shift, replacing conventional paper currency, online transactions, and card payments with an integrated system. The all-encompassing nature of the system left no aspect of financial transactions untouched.

    As anticipated, the system imposed restrictions on users, dictating specific types of transactions. The currency’s geolocation feature constrained spending within a predetermined radius from one’s residence. Furthermore, some transactions were time-sensitive, compelling users to utilize the funds before they expired.

    Tick tick tick…


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    another ian

    A while back this was posted – a product endorsement

    “Mercedes 240D the most driven taxi in Africa and the most sustainable car in the world.

    Built for 30 years and 600,000 kilometers of use, these vehicles are now still reliably driving in the taxi service with often over 2 million kilometers and 45 years.

    More at

    In comparison yesterday the Brisbane courier Mail had this –

    “Major failure” Car buyers $72K refund for Merc ute”

    Behind a paywall but you’ll get the gist – less than 3 years old and less than 40,000 km
