
8.7 out of 10 based on 10 ratings

76 comments to Saturday

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    Honk R Smith

    It has become the thing here in the US for anti-Trump elements to now concede, after 8 years, that Trump did not call the alleged Charlottesville ‘supremacists’ “fine people”.

    However, they now claim their slur was, and is still, true “in context” … meaning Trump didn’t say it but could have … because Orange Man Bad.

    I wish to ask the greater minds of JoNova …

    can anyone provide examples of something that is false out of context, but true in context?

    I sense the postulation of false/true contextualization may be a possible path to the TOE.


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      David Maddison

      It’s all about the modern Left’s core philosophy of “post-modernism”.

      They think that there is no such thing as objective reality. “Truth” is what you believe it to be and dependent upon “context”.

      That’s why you hear Leftists talk about “my truth” not “the truth”.

      A good article about post-moderrnism:


    • #

      can anyone provide examples of something that is false out of context, but true in context?

      Well, if we reverse the above and look for something that is true out of context but false in context, the cost of ‘renewables’ comes to mind.


    • #
      David Maddison

      … because Orange Man Bad

      One day, if any genuine scholars can be found left in the universities, they will study the very real and disturbing phenomenon of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

      It might even make it into the DSM.


      • #
        Honk R Smith

        The interesting scholarship would on the relationship and intersection of COVID hysteria with TDS and its’ foundational psychopathy climate hysteria.
        Providing actual scholarship survives currently trending political and cultural hysteria.


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      Isn’t birth and the gender “assigned” to the newborn an example or is that more correctly just an out of sync issue?

      There seems to be no argument that there are two sexes (androgyny is a 3rd classification being a mix of the two (2) sexes) so it is within the realm of covid-land “rare instances” that the chances are 50-50 as to what pops out of the birth canal.

      Then everything goes out the window along with the after birth and the physical identity of the baby is double parked in the “gender” space. What took 9 months to develop/establish physically in the womb is suddenly subservient to the later/slower mental development of the individual while they make up their own mental picture of themselves whether it is in-sync with the already established physical picture or not.

      That’s not a knife, this is a knife.


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    Biden was great yesterday wasn’t he? Lucid answers. Cutting ripostes to Trump. A clear vision of the way ahead. He looked every inch the Most powerful man in the world.

    What’s that Nurse? Time for my meds?


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      I think Body Language Expert Susan Constantine’s comment to Fox News captured Biden’s performance pretty well:

      It really almost felt abusive in my opinion, to literally allow him … [to] go through that kind of pressure knowing that he is in this high cognitive decline was to me, almost abusive.”

      “And it was sad to watch. My heart broke,” she added. “I mean, literally, I could have cried watching him try to force these words out the best he could and it was just super hard to watch. The emotion that I felt, of sympathy, of empathy, because he just truly looked pathetic.”


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      First time since 1922 when he gave Putin green light for invasion, I felt for the old fellow.
      Being just a bit younger than Biden (as many contributors here…) we know how hard is not to steer away from the main line of conversation.

      Here is a prime example: I wanted to talk about today’s perils America faces under non-existent President, not what might or might not happen in 1/2 year but my sissy heart pooled me over…

      So, back to focus – Democratic leadership – it is their fault, it is their fault, it is their fault.


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    Sunday looks interesting as the National Rally consolidate their lead ahead of the hastily called election.


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      And what about Australia’s yet to be hastily called election?

      As somebody said: We live in interesting times.


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    Nigel Farage is now tipped to pick up 18 seats. Although he will likely poll more actual votes than the Tories his supporters tend to be clustered in a smaller number of places so in our fptp system the Tories will get many more seats


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      But 18 seats means he is established as a player and his party is on board. With the right funding it is about the next election and a fully funded Reform party. As in Australia, voters are sick of both parties, playing games and ideas from the 20th century. Ideas like Climate Change and perpetuating the cold war and devastating uncontrolled migration. Australia is in the same boat with all three major parties being Woke and politicians obsessed by Climate Change and DEI.

      We are in the era of the professional politician with the backbone of a jellyfish. Farage is a breath of fresh air and sensible policies. We had the same in Abbott who remains welded to the conservative Menzies Liberal party which no longer exists.


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        Steve of Cornubia

        Sure, but his influence in parliament will be more or less zero if Labour achieve the predicted majority.


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    It’s great fun to see how Trump haters are trying to spin the debate disaster. In the Telegraph, one headline was “Trump could be in real trouble now”. Just clickbait.

    Even the Australian pictures the debate as a ‘stumble’. No, it wasn’t. The real stumble potential was coming.

    Jill Biden went up to help Joe down the just one step so he didn’t fall on National television as Trump strode off stage without assistance.

    Watching Joe step down that one step was painful. Both feet down. Then they can relax.

    Watch the stage manager studying Joe’s feet and watching with real concern on what is one tiny step. There is an optical illusion as it looks like four steps.

    All the drugs didn’t help. He couldn’t always understand his earpiece or follow his notes, except in his practiced summation.

    Plus he couldn’t stop himself telling the world his son died in Iraq, which is not true. Or that he played off a 6 handicap in golf when VP for Obama. Trump’s reaction was priceless.

    I doubt the Biden team would have been happy at any time. But the press leave the outrageous lies alone. According to his team, and Governor Newsom, he won the debate

    And lacking the same English language, Biden went to a Waffle House to celebrate. Words fail.


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      Trump does own 17 golf courses, even one at home! Not many people do. And one in Scotland. His mother was Scottish. You would think he would be good at it. It has been a lifetime passion and it is credible. When he played golf while President, it was front page that he was derelict in his duty as President. When Biden spent 50% of his presidency at his beach house, that was him working hard from home, if at all mentioned.

      But Biden’s claim of 6-8 handicap means an average score in 18 holes is 80 or below, putting Biden in the 95th percentile of amateur golfers.


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      I am also interested in how Biden walks.

      Trump who is comparable in age, confidently and alone strode off the stage, his arms by his side swinging as he walked. This is normal human walking.

      How often do you see two people watching someone’s feet as they go down one step?

      After making it safely down the one step and both feet on the lower surface, Jill and the manager who were watching Joe’s feet closely then walk away pretending they were not very concerned. Ha!

      But old Joe walks in no direction staring blankly with his hands in front of him. Lost. Joe Biden has no idea where he is or where he is meant to be. And perhaps worried about falling over. Waiting for someone to guide him, as Meloni did at the G7.

      Anyone who saw his gait would know he is physically and mentally feeble. And scared of falling.

      I have seen old people walk like that. It’s sad. This night was close to elder abuse.

      Four more years? Not possible. He needs to finish this one and I think that’s unlikely.


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        The Biden team say they are not considering replacing old Joe. They are lying. He will be lucky to make the distance to November.
        Medical science will do what it can. It really is Weekend at Bidens.

        So what next year? The fact is that Biden is NOT the candidate yet. Nor is Trump. So this debate was strange as it is was so early.

        And it may be a chance to see if Biden is a viable candidate. It may have sealed his fate at the Democratic convention.

        Otherwise to argue he is incompetent to stand would be to argue that he is incompetent today, as Donald Trump says. If he is unfit to stand trial, unlike Trump, he is unfit to be President today. And he is completely unfit to be president for another 4 1/2 years.

        This is a way out, to dump a sitting President. That is the only explanation for this appalling demonstration of rapid senility at work.

        The next move is the 25th Amendment, which provide “provides the procedures for replacing the president or vice president in the event of death, removal, resignation, or incapacitation.”

        So we are looking to President Cackling Kamala Harris who will not be the nominee. Newsom is most likely.

        And then they will be free to attack Trump on his age. Too old. Just like poor Joe.


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          “Medical science will do what it can….to…provide the procedures for replacing the president or vice president in the event of death, ”

          Easiest.. ‘Great Presidential candidate, sadly died just before the election.. ‘


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      at 79 with lousy knees, I have to defend Biden here – I cannot stand in one spot for more than 1 minute without knees locking up, and he did 90 Minutes – I am trying Platelet-rich plasma injections into knee, as a slack person not a good candidate for surgery, and it is not working – “Oh Well” – I walk with a cane, mainly for going downhill, and unlike Biden, I have to go down stairs sideways and would approach one step like him, but sideways and would be happy for my wife’s hepful hand.

      Brain still functioning. and beat 12 Year Old Grandson in 60 question History Quiz 50 out of 60 to his 48 out of 60 – on Movie Stars & Hollywoood, with a lot of obtuse questions, 59 out of 60


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    Here is the BBC again trying to plug battery cars. This new ground breaking development, a battery that manages 120 miles range on a 4 minute charge, so about a quarter of a reasonably juicy modern ICE car.

    Just to make the joke worse, buried in the detail is an admission that the demo went awry with charger compatibility issues and overheating in the UK ‘heatwave’. (The hottest place in the country was a modest 30.5C!)


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    David Maddison

    I thought that the White House Resident’s performance at the debate, no doubt assisted by knowing the questions in advance and having an earpiece, was acceptable in the sense that it wasn’t sufficiently disastrous for the DemocRATs to have to replace him with someone like “Big Mike” Obama. And no doubt the ‘RATs are also sufficiently confident in their fraudulent election procedures to also think they’ll win with their cognitively impaired candidate who doesn’t even tick any diversity boxes like Big Mike.


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      Nope, not even.


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        David Maddison

        Acceptable for the Dems as in not sufficiently disastrous to justify his replacement. This debate was the trial they used to decide whether to replace him or not. I don’t think they will.


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          They have it planned. Newsom. See #5.2.1.


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            CO2 Lover

            Are Hilary and Michael Obama out of the running?


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              John Connor II

              Of course not!
              Captain sniff was setup to shoehorn WW3 Hillary in.


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              ‘Are Hilary and Michael Obama out of the running?

              I don’t think Michael Obama was ever considered to be in the running. His sister Michelle has however been mentioned as a possible candidate


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            Steve of Cornubia

            I think there is a factional war happening here.There is a group of people behind Biden who desperately want to cling on to power through their geriatric puppet president, but there is another faction – probably more than one – who want him gone so that their candidate can replace him. All of the known candidates, including Clinton, Newsom and Obama, will of course have their own teams. At the moment, the Biden team holds more cards by virtue of incumbence and party rules, which is why I believe the only way Joe and Jill will leave the White House is through enormous bribes, probably including huge sums of money, plus pardons or other shenanigans to get Hunter off the hook.

            I should go get a bucket of popcorn, or maybe a few. This could take a while.


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    CO2 Lover

    Teslas are just so yesterday – Here is a battery powered vehicle that people will want to ride in.

    Would you ride in one?


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    David Maddison

    YouTuber Liberal Hivemind looks at the debate:


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    CO2 Lover

    Revisiting a recent blog

    While on the 13 June wind power almost hit zero in the NEM, for the whole day wind generation was around 20% of the daily average wind generation with a deficit of 56GWh below the average. If this deficit was to be made up from back up batteries then the cost of batteries would be around A$42 Billion (at A$750 kWh).

    What is more significant is when there are consecutive days of well below average wind generation.

    From 22 to 27 May there were 6 consecutive days of low wind power below 40% of the daily average for a deficit of 287 GWh. The cost of battery back up goes up to A$215 Billion.

    To provide for dispatchable electricity at the daily average 73 GWh EVERY day from wind plus battery storage would required 1135 GWh of peak battery storage in March (4% of annual wind generation) at a cost of A$850 Billion

    Australia currently has less than 5 GWh of grid scale battery storage which is used for grid stabilisation

    And we are told that “Renewables” are the cheapest form of electricity!


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      SAs performance with RE generation is always a good real look at the future for a net zero generation grid.
      It is a real time “pre project” test site.(grid)

      Yesterday, June 28, had Wind and Solar pretty much maxed out, supprisingly supplying most of the demand all day….
      …EXCEPT for that pm peak demand when it yet again fell short by 40% needing the gas back up and VIC interconnector support.
      Battery back up was hardly a drop in the supply shortage when needed ?
      How i wish someone of influence would see these obvious warnings of what we are headed to with the current generation policy !


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        CO2 Lover

        Because of the high cost of battery back-up the proposed “solution” will be a massive overbuild of wind and solar capacity with the claim that all the extra electrical energy can be used to generate green hydrogen no matter what the cost is to do so!


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      CO2 Lover

      If we add in the variable contribution of solar (both large scale and rooftop) to variable wind, the amount of battery storage increases to 4470 kWh (or 6.7% of annual wind + solar) (also peaking in March) to make EVERY day dispatchable power equal to the daily average and the cost goes up to A$3,350 Billion

      Nuclear power which does not required any battery backup could be somewhat cheaper!


      • #

        I don’t believe that the backup storage can be based on any renewable output, as assumed in GenCost. Surely the backup storage has to be based on the total grid requirement at any given time.
        Clearly, batteries are far too expensive, so open-cycle gas will have to be kept running to provide this backup. This is also a very expensive option in the long term, and of course it would mean that the grid renewables percentage will never reach 82%.


        • #
          CO2 Lover

          Surely the backup storage has to be based on the total grid requirement at any given time.

          Backup battery storage has to be based on the total grid requirement OVER TIME namely at least one year – with adjustment to cover yearly cycles like droughts.

          Because of the variable nature of wind and solar both daily and seasonally when generation is above average, the excess electricity can be used to partly recharge the battery modules. In the six months before March (end of summer) daily recharging generally exceeds what daily discharge requirements are while in the six months after March the opposite occurs.

          So if you have sufficient battery storage capacity in March this can be recharged/discharged throughtout the year to keep dispatchable electricity equal to the average amount produced without out using other sources of energy to recharge the battery storage.

          It is any easy spreedsheet calculation using daily electricity generation data by source to work out the battery storage requirement for a typical year.

          Something the highly paid boffins at the CSIRO are unable to do! Because this exposes the true cost of making unreliable “renewables” reliable.


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            Watching the SWIS grid wind recently tumble off a cliff and vanish in a very short time, there is no way that could have been predicted or compensated for by ramping up gas – you would have needed continuous backup. While it was ok while the wind was providing less than 20% of the grid requirements, if wind was expected to provide 82% at night, then without a continuous backup, a grid-wide blackout would have occurred.
            Now I don’t know how fast gas can be ramped up, but surely you could not increase by 3.5GW in 10mins. And that would have been the worst-case requirement.
            So surely it’s not really calculations over a year, or spreadsheet involved, it is a very simple figure – provide 82% backup immediately, or risk a blackout.
            And for reliability, nothing is ever designed for averages. Not aircraft, not bridges, not electricity grids. They have to be designed to cope with peak loads, then some extra margin.


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    another ian

    FWIW –

    “The Liars Have Been Exposed”

    Those being the MSM


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    David Maddison

    Fully woke United Airlines kicked a mother, her mother and baby off a flight for allegedly “misgendering” a staff member.

    It was probably an accident. And how are you meant to know a stranger’s pronouns anyway?

    No one has an obligation to conform to someone else’s delusions. In fact, they probably correctly gendered the person (that’s hardwired into your brain’s perceptual systems) and that could be proven in court by requiring the offended party to produce a karyotype.

    I hope they sue.

    Get woke, go broke.


  • #
    David Maddison

    This is huge!

    A very large US company with 50,000 employees has decided to “de-woke” itself.

    It sounds like they understand “get woke, go broke”.

    Being woke is bad for business.


    • #

      share price increased +2% overnight

      Top 10 holders

      Vanguard Group Inc
      Blackrock Inc.
      Capital International Investors
      Wellington Management Group, LLP
      State Street Corporation
      Capital World Investors
      Price (T.Rowe) Associates Inc
      Alliancebernstein L.P.
      Geode Capital Management, LLC
      Invesco Ltd.


  • #

    Biden’s only positive of the debate was to quickly leave his waffle behind and go to a Waffle House.

    Problem is that while he had a celebratory dessert on his mind his “supporters” had only desert on theirs.

    Bad case of a “dessert deserted desert” – sweet and satisfying but in reality, abandoned, dried up and lacking vegetation – which is ironic given his vegetative state.


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    Has anyone else noticed how much more “Brandon” resembles “Captain Pike”, with each passing day?


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      Equally have there been comments on how many shots he had for covid and how fast his cognitive decline?


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    another ian


    “Reality And Carbon-Based Fuels”

    On heating – electricity/heat pumps and gas


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    New IPA energy paper by Stephen Wilson, “The ruinous cost of free energy” has been released. Referenced by Chris Uhlmann in this mornings’s The Australian. Uhlmann’s article points out that existing coal power is supplied at around A$50/MWh, while renewables will always require backup power and will end up costing A$200/MWh.


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      CO2 Lover

      existing coal power is supplied at around A$50/MWh

      Brown coal power is cheaper then black coal power and if variable wind and solar is backed up with battery storage costing A%3,350 Billion (see #11.3 above) then the cost for renewables at A$200/MWh seems far too low.


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        If batteries were used as backup storage, then yes, the $200/MW is way too low. But that’s not going to happen. I can see Labor giving way on the 82% by 2030 statement, then adding more renewables while adding more gas to back them up. Since this can be a gradual process, they will hope that the masses don’t notice. Except of course when they receive their next electricity bill…


        • #
          CO2 Lover

          This is Labor’s “Boiling Frog” strategy.

          The boiling frog is an apologue describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.


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            And I now believe this is what Labor is going to do, all the while emphasising that their approach is cheaper than Dutton’s nuclear approach. So the power bills will creep up slowly higher and higher.


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    YYY Guy

    At last! The Dept of Veteran Affairs is addressing the problem of mental ill-health in the ranks. With a video.
    Can you get through all 30 seconds?


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    YYY Guy

    Scam of the day. Being a library-goer I bemoan the lack of conservative-leaning literature and the plethora of autobiographies and such by lefties that fill (or don’t fill) the shelves and I wonder, when I read of who is attending which Writer’ Festival, what their actual book sales are. This week on the radio was a chap who admitted what we know, most writers don’t earn a living. So, how do they survive? You, of course.
    A “creative” with the correct political thinking writes a book which nobody wants to buy, gets it snapped up by hundreds of public libraries (which you pay for) and then receives a payment if it’s loaned. How about that!
    Chap accidentally admitted (he’s

    an Australian author, academic, and activist. He is a professor at the University of Melbourne and has written several books, including novels, short fiction collections, and poetry books

    0 he “earned” $18,000 last year from such loans. Quick search shows

    More than 17,700 individual lending right payments totalling $23.3 million were paid in 2022–23

    which averages out at about $1400 per “creative”.
    Perfesser chap read a couple of passages from one of his novels and it made me not want to run out and buy it or even borrow it.
    All those qualifications make him an expert.


    • #

      Thanks, 3Y.
      This schtick is absolutely worthy of a prize.

      On the other hand, the authors must be paid somehow.., at least the pay is in some way related to readers feedback.


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    John Connor II

    Words of wisdom

    War is sweet to those who haven’t tasted it.
    Dulce Bellum Inexpertis.

    – Erasmus


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    Richard C (NZ)

    Via Cap Allon, Electroverse:

    Daily sea surface temperature for 60S – 60N

    2024 = 2023, but going in opposite directions.

    The slow ramp down from the peak.


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    How’s your timetable looking JC?

    “The American media Foreign Affairs, known for its relations with the US establishment, has published an article.. which says that the American agencies have information about a Russian invasion of two NATO and Baltic countries in the coming months… Latvia and Estonia .. the two Baltic countries with large Russian minorities.. ..This confirms yesterday’s War News 24/7 revelations that NATO intends to enter Ukraine in 3 months.

    a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO could occur..(with) a blockade of Russian ports in the Baltic Sea (or) members of Russia’s Federal Security Service will push Russian-speakers in either country to claim that they are oppressed by a neo-Nazi government and need the Kremlin’s help.”


    “the German Council on Foreign Relations (reported) “Currently, roads, railways and bridges are in dire straits, unable to handle fast, heavy transport…The German government should create a fund of at least 30 billion euros to finance the most urgent upgrades! Investment should target existing as well as proposed military corridors ” The German-language Russia Today comments on the above as follows:

    “German ministries are preparing transport infrastructure for war with Russia. Roads, bridges and railways are to be extended to transport troops and tanks. According to the new regulation, even private transportation can be confiscated by the army.”

    I wonder what people were talking about in 1938??


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      John Connor II

      Lol. As bad as Canadian Prepper.
      Russia has ZERO plans of empire expansion and invasion, the communist era is dead.
      Western media, complicit-in-their-own-demise little puppets that they are, keep pushing the ordered narrative though.
      As per usual, move in the right circles and you’ll know about real events ahead of time.


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        “As per usual, move in the right circles and you’ll know about real events ahead of time.”

        ..or you’ll find that those circles you picked were the wrong ones after all! It like religion, when the end times come and God gathers his own, there’s no guarantee your religion was the right one!

        I doubt there will be an end to this war until Russia/China dominate the world stage, America has invested so much in fighting Russia for the last 50years that they won’t want to admit they’re no longer number one.


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    John Connor II

    South Korean ISP deliberately infects their own customers with malware

    One of South Korea’s largest Internet service providers, KT Corporation, intentionally infected the computers of more than 600,000 users with malware because they used a torrent service. These are the results of a journalistic investigation conducted by local television company JTBC.

    The problem came to light in May 2020, when customers flooded Korean cloud service provider Webhard with complaints of unexplained errors. The company discovered that its Grid service, based on the BitTorrent peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol, had been compromised, leading to suspicions of a hacker attack. Further investigation revealed that all affected ISPs had KT. The malware that had infiltrated the ISP users’ PCs created strange folders or made files invisible, disabled the Webhard program, and in some cases, even disabled the PCs.

    The police have joined the investigation, and it has been established that the malicious activity originated from a KT data center south of Seoul.

    That’s not very nice!


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    John Connor II

    Saturday funny. Need a good laugh?



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    John Connor II

    Monster 310-mile (500km) automated cargo conveyor will replace 25,000 trucks

    The Japanese government is planning to connect major cities with automated zero-emissions logistics links that can quietly and efficiently shift millions of tons of cargo, while getting tens of thousands of trucks off the road.
    According to The Japan News, the project has been under discussion since February by an expert panel at the Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism ministry. A draft outline of an interim report was released Friday, revealing plans to complete an initial link between Tokyo and Osaka by 2034.

    Japan’s well-known population collapse issues foretell severe labor squeezes in the coming years, and one specific issue this project aims to curtail is the continuing rise in online shopping, with a forecast decline in the numbers of delivery drivers that can move goods around. The country is expecting some 30% of parcels simply won’t make it from A to B by 2030, because there’ll be nobody to move them.

    Thankfully Japan is a VERY honest country, except for the Yakuza.


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    Google just recommended the NYT article on how “Climate Science” explains why the Maldives haven’t sunk under the waves.

    Then an ABC article on how arctic terms have come to Adelaide because of climate change.

    Changing climate blows rare birds onto South Australian shores for first time, says Birds SA


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    Did a wind turbine in Victoria catch fire around 8pm EST?


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    Steve of Cornubia

    More evidence (as if it was needed) that the UK’s so-called ‘conservative’ party is anything but. In the UK Daily Telegraph today:

    “Three figures sitting around Rishi Sunak’s top table told The Telegraph that Mr Biden should be switched with someone better placed to defeat Donald Trump.”

    Our own Liberals are similarly compromised, masquerading as conservatives while acting like a leftist government.


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    Latest update on the cow fart joke: EU charging $98 per cow – (video)
