A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Died Suddenly
The recent death of Dr Michael Moseley attracted quite a bit of attention.
His death has been attributed to heat stroke although the autopsy was inconclusive and only excluded injury and foul play.
Died Suddenly is also the title of a documentary looking at the pandemic of excess deaths which started in 2021 and continues to the present,
Topher Field recently interviewed a funeral director who spoke about her experiences over the past few years. She has noticed two things. Firstly a lot of family are reporting that their deceased relative died suddenly, with no history of chronic or recent illness.
Secondly she has noticed a lot of infant and child deaths which increased from about 1 per month to 4 per week! Again the trend is continuing.
Topher here.
“Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun.”
Noel Coward.
I heard Topher Field speak recently at a public forum. He is very, very impressive.
Dr Michael Mosley was qualified as a psychiatrist, but was more than happy to talk about areas of medicine which he had very little knowledge in. He was also a vaccine fanatic and didn’t like being around unvaccinated people because of the ‘risk’ they posed.
My answer to Mosley and the pandemic of the unvaccinated claim from the Resident of the US.
Take 2 people each with an unloaded hand gun. Imagine that the hand gun is their immune system. Give one of those people 6 bullets (boosters) to load into their hand gun. Now tell me which poses the greatest risk… or ask the “loaded” one to go first in a game of Russian roulette. lol
One thing that seems to have died from the Pandemic, is authoritative data.
Once long ago, we had some faith in either government or academia to produce honest numbers.
Maybe naive faith.
What is blatantly clear, is government and academia’s lack of concern over their credibility problem.
‘Misinformation’ and ‘conspiracy theory’ is their retort.
Confirming the public’s distrust.
At least they will have a much harder time getting their next balloon aloft.
Re “One thing that seems to have died from the Pandemic, is authoritative data.”
And one thing that seems to have grown with each new enquiry release is the encouragement for “Ye of little faith” to become “Ye of littler faith”
More “Fauci & Co”
“In 2015, the NIH schemed to engineer a highly infectious, highly fatal version of the difficult disease that, back while it was only paddling around remote African villages, was long called ‘monkeypox.’ But the worst part of 2022’s worldwide epidemic of horrid sores afflicting delicate body parts, which terrified the world’s leather festival community, was the bug’s triggering, intolerant name. So alert public health authorities narrowly avoided disaster by promptly re-defining the disease as the nonsense word ‘mpox.’ ”
“This week, following a painful 1.5-year probe, the House Energy and Commerce Committee released its aching results: the HHS, NIAID and the NIH repeatedly “obstructed and misled the committee” about whether the risky experiments were approved and actually carried out, describing the agency’s deceptive lack of cooperation with the probe as “unacceptable and potentially criminal.” ”
Goes with that area
“CALLS FOR JUSTICE: Criminal Referral Requests Against Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, and Other Public Health Officials Have Been Submitted to District Attorneys in Louisiana”
“The criminal referrals accuse Dr. Fauci, current and former federal officers, and hospital systems providing care within Louisiana of committing crimes as per Louisiana criminal code. The alleged crimes include:
Terrorism – by Causing Intentional Killing or Infliction of Serious Bodily Injury (La. R.S. 14:128.1(A))
First Degree Murder (La. R.S. 14:30)
Second Degree Murder (La. R.S. 14:30.1)
Manslaughter (La. R.S. 14:31(A)(3))
Human Trafficking (La. R.S. 14:46.2)
Prohibited Racketeering Acts (La. R.S. 15:1353)
Cruelty to Persons with Infirmities (La. R.S. 14:93.3)
False Imprisonment (La. R.S. 14:46)
Second Degree Kidnapping (La. R.S. 14:44.1)
Battery (La. R.S. 14:33)
Simple Battery of Persons with Infirmities (La. R.S. 14:35.2)”
Your invitation for another go –
“FDA Changes Course, Advises Updated COVID-19 Vaccines Target KP.2 Strain”
More of that –
“Breaking News: BC Centre for Disease Control Caught Lying and Withholding Important Public Health Data”
Link to
“The report obtained by a freedom of information request is damning. It demonstrates the withholding of comparative data that would have dramatically facilitated informed consent with respect to COVID-19 shots. It also shows that numbers of adverse events were manipulated in the public report in a way that substantially downplayed safety concerns. I did not find explanations for this in the report.”
“What he did find…
British Columbia Centre for Disease Control Discovered COVID-19 Shots Were More Than Sixteen Times More Dangerous Than Flu Shots But Never Disclosed this Publicly.
COVID-19 Shots Caused 13.6-Fold More Hospitalizations and 24-Fold More Deaths Than Flu Shots.”
Is it perhaps being suggested that Moseley possibly died from taking the vaccine.
The basic facts are that he was a 67 year old man. He unwisely took a Very strenuous walk including a hill in 40c of heat in the shade. In direct sun, and there was no shade, and with the sun coming off the rocks, the temperature would easily have exceeded 55c
He lasted about two hours and diet of heat stroke and dehydration.there is no suggestion it was vaccine related
He had a very inquiring mind and knew a lot about various branches of medicine and wrote numerous columns and books
He was a much liked person and this got a lot of publicity because of the circumstances. Most people die of old age or perhaps have been Ill for some time.
This was a bizarre and unfortunate death that came out of the blue whilst on holiday. Which raises the interesting question as to whether people feel that perhaps nothing bad can happen to them when on holiday and do things they wouldn’t thnk of doing at hme.
I took a look at the temperatures in Symi. It seems to have been around 35C which is hot, but not incredible heat. The areas where he was walking are all open spaces and less than 1/2km from the sea. So I think 55C is unlikely.
Myocarditis is often asymptomatic. However it does predispose to abnormal electrical activity in the heart which can lead to ventricular fibrillation (heart attack), brought on by exercise. That is why so many young sports people have collapsed on the field. It happens to older people as well.
I have known 4 people who have died suddenly in the past two years.
The sea would have had no mitigating effect. The basic temperature was just on 40c. It was an arena of rocks super heated by the sun. The temperatures would have been at the least well into the 40’s and like
Y much more in direct sun. Here in the UK I have often done experiments of the thermometer in the shade and also in the sun and regularly achieve well into the 40’s in the sun.
He was 68 . He climbed what were steep hills and had to scramble over rocks.there is simply no suggestion whatsoever that his death was vaccine related.
I agree that a lot of young sporting people in particular have died suddenly. Moseleys death through heat was inevitable as the circumstances evolved
Really? Our BOM observations show seaside areas are a lot cooler than places further from the sea.
No it was not an arena of rocks. It was a rocky slope convex to the shore.
We’ll never know. He doesn’t seem to have taken as much water as he should. Dehydration and heat in an unacclimatized body might explain it. Being dehydrated makes a blood clot of the unnatural or natural kind more likely. In any case, after 4 days of his body lying on hot rocks, clots could have formed posthumously, so even the coroner couldn’t tell what came first.
I presume they are not going to release the CCTV from Agia Marina which they say shows he was unsteady and wandering for 20 minutes before sitting down and lying down, never to get back up, but bizarrely so close to help. It seems suspicious, but then again, if someone near and dear died in a slightly embarrassing mistake, would his family want the footage shown all over the news? Not likely.
So it’s possible the vax increased the odds of death, but it’s also possible it made no difference. Even if we accept the ghastly statistics on excess deaths — most deaths are still natural. With excess deaths up 12%, it means 89% of deaths would have happened anyway. Like 8 out 9 deaths are not vax related.
The guy had a lot to live for. But smart people do dumb overconfident things sometimes, and an incompetent search is also believable. The lesson it seems is “get the CCTV footage asap”. Though it was probably already too late whatever they did.
Yes, it was an arena of blazing hot rocks with different angles. There was little wind. No shade. A merciless sun. A 67 year old unprepared man with little water climbed up and down steep and tricky rocky slopes. Not everything is vaccine related.
The sudden death of apparently fit sportspeople-mostly men-is worth investigating, but no one has suggested that anything but the heat and exertion caused the unfortunate death of the Doctor. If I can record over 50C in the sun in the hot June sun here in the UK, then the heat caused on that rocky terrain was a killer
I struggle to believe a doctor who focussed on health would have allowed himself to dehydrate to death, even on a slightly warm day.
40C isnt that hot if youre prepared for it.
Temperatures were quoted as 37-43C.
In the open, near surface, on bare rock, it would have easily been 50C+.
It also seems that he was walking at well over 4 mph for the first few miles, that’s hard work in any conditions.
Then there’s his much praised diet/weight loss and exercise experiments. That in itself can perversely cause heart issues.
Maybe a PM will provide some answers.
The distance from Agius Nikolaus beach to the middle of Main Street Pedi seems to be about 900m on google maps, but the ABC report says 1.5km. Mosely walked that distance in 20 minutes which is a speed of 3-4.5km/hr. A good walking speed but not hurrying. The cctv in Pedi shows him walking purposefully under his sunshade umbrella. 10 minutes later he was passing the Pedi marina on his way out of town in the direction of Agia Marina beach.
If he had stayed on the path he should have walked to the beach in about 40 minutes but he evidently left the path and went further up the hill behind Agia Marina. Possibly he intended to visit the caves in the area.
Nothing in his behaviour suggests that he was lost or disoriented.
His wife did not report him missing until 6:30 pm so she was not concerned that he had not gone straight back to the house. He may have even told her something if his plans.
The Hellenic Meteorological Bureau has issued an excessive heat warning for the South Agean region
The hottest temperature forecast for the nearby island of Kos is 32C!
Unbearable heat! Like a Furnace! Cauldron. Rocks superheated by the Sun.
Dr Mosely was undetered.
It does not take such a high temperature to cause dehydration … 35C on a dry day while exercising is quite sufficient to be losing a litre of sweat per hour.
If you aren’t replacing those fluids at an equal rate … the symptoms are confusion, loss of balance, loss of appetite, weakness … the sort of things that might lead to a fall.
Mad Dogs and Englishman, in other words!
haha. That’s what I said above. Indeed, the first thing that came to mind was that witty song.
This one death shows nothing about vaccines. Or heat.
This discussion shows that Government policy was wrong. We shouldn’t all be left wondering if our friends and families have been killed by the government. ‘Nocebo’ effect that the same vaccine fanatics are now screaming was well known about before COVID and should have factored into how vaccines were deployed. Offered only to those who wanted them – not mandates or vax passports.
There were no more deaths from either COVID or the vaccines – we still all only get one.
The problem is the mass hysteria over a flu leading to government over reach leaving society battered.
Peter C –“the autopsy was inconclusive…”
Dr Pierre Cory, an intensive care specialist, on the failure of pathologists to stain for Covid vaccine spike protein thus failing to identify the cause of death if due to mRNA vaccines.
Thanks mawm.
If they don’t look they will never see!
But why should they look. No one wants to implicate the Covid vaccine. The heat stroke diagnosis is far more acceptable and convenient.
That diagnosis of heat stroke likely causing heart problems in a dehydrated 67 year old man is also far more sensible than pointing the finger at a covid vaccination. It was blazing hot in the direct sun, with fantastically high temperatures he would not have been used to. He took some wrong turns, had to climb and scramble over rocks which themselves would have been hot to the touch. Why implicate covid in this instance?
His wife said:
“He {Michael Moseley} did an incredible climb, took the wrong route and collapsed” …
Sad in many ways, but news only because of his celebrity status.
About 7,000 folks die each hour.
An incredible climb? I read he was feeling unwell. And this was high exposure 37C on rocky slopes which would be tough on a normal day. Sounding more like misadventure.
” 37 C ”
I’d be in the shade with a cold beer!
Sounds sensible to me.
I responded to that survey yesterday.
All the questions are phrased in a way which supposed that all vaccinations are good. They want affirmation and ways to promote vaccine acceptance, especially in the aboriginal communities, where apparently vaccine uptake is the lowest!
Consequently it was necessary for me to use the comments at the end of each section to clarify my views.
Peter C – Most of what they want to vaccinate us against are no more than a short period of illness presenting no danger to healthy well-nourished people. It seems to be the WHO way; get the affluent West to take the vaccine so as to increase the uptake in malnourished/unhealthy populations. They have the same plan to get the 3rd world to breast feed.
In my life I have had polio (no adverse effects – the most virulent form has a 1/200 incidence of paralysis), measles, rubella, mumps, chicken pox (and shingles), whooping cough and influenza (and probably Covid). As a child of the early 50’s I had the polio vaccine after having the disease and a small pox vaccine, as an adult a BCG inoculation at the beginning of my medical training and in the military DPT and yellow fever vaccines. Inexplicably I have survived!
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Back in the good old days (20th century) these self-appointed saviours wanted to fight climate change [sic]: now that we’re living in the future, they want to ease it? A kinder gentler battle? Delusions of grandeur are a DOG.
Forget the wind.
These days it is “Any way the money blows”
The Biden juggernaut back in 2021, on behalf of that naive cash cow the long-suffering US taxpayer, allocated 7.5 billion taxpayer dollars to provide 500,000 EV chargers by 2030. So far only 7 or 8 have been built.
Buttigieg called it, “a new category of federal investment”.
Flushing your money down the toilet is ‘investment’ now apparently!
Well said.
It has only EVER been about the “spillage”.
A billion here, a billion there and, pretty soon, we’re talking about real money.
Scott wrote this morning about an episode yesterday at the G7 meeting in Italy, where Joe Biden wandered away from the group of leaders during a parachute jump. Democrats are trying to justify Biden’s actions and are denouncing Republicans for allegedly misrepresenting Biden’s perfectly normal behavior. This has been a recurring debate, as Republicans point out apparent senescence in videos of Biden, while Democrats claim everything is normal.
But how do people abroad react to the obviously aging President Biden? This is the London Sun’s report on yesterday’s incident:
From the Comments
– Biden is a DEI hire:
Authorities Warn Of Con Artist Scamming Dementia Patients Out Of Billions Of Dollars
U.S. — Authorities are warning that a con artist is currently on the loose and scamming elderly dementia patients out of billions of dollars. They are urging anyone who sees the suspect to call law enforcement immediately.
“He’s very short, dresses in all green for some reason, and has an accent like some kind of Eastern European henchman from a Guy Ritchie movie,” said a spokesperson for law enforcement. “Scumbags like this are always preying on confused, senile people who don’t know better. People like this make me sick.”
Sources confirmed his most recent scam convinced a very old and disoriented man to sign a 10-year, bilateral security agreement for billions of dollars. Authorities suspect the money will be used to fund illegal activities around the globe, including drug trafficking, arms deals, and expensive cars for some guy named “Volodymyr.”
“Yeah, once these jerks get their hands on the life savings of the victims, it gets laundered and immediately used to fund criminal enterprises,” the spokesperson said. “If I could only get my hands on this sicko before he steals from someone else…”
At publishing time, the suspect had been spotted in Europe scamming several gullible world leaders.
Meanwhile in Australia – “Excuse me, Handsome Boy, but I am looking for the Man who runs this Country”
Where Are Those 500,000 EV Chargers Biden Promised? Turns Out They’ve Been Delayed by… DEI Requirements.
But a report Wednesday from the Washington Beacon claims there’s another culprit to blame for the embarrassing delays—the government’s insistence on injecting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) into the project.
internal memos from the Department of Transportation obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, as well as interviews with those who are responsible for overseeing the implementation of the electric vehicle charging station project, say the delay is in large part a result of the White House’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
“These requirements are screwing everything up,” said one senior Department of Transportation staffer who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “It’s all a mess.”
This is government idiocy personified:
In order to qualify for a grant, applicants must “demonstrate how meaningful public involvement, inclusive of disadvantaged communities, will occur throughout a project’s life cycle.” What “public involvement” means is unclear. But the Department of Transportation notes it should involve “intentional outreach to underserved communities.”
That outreach, the Department of Transportation states, can take the form of “games and contests,” “visual preference surveys,” or “neighborhood block parties” so long as the grant recipient provides “multilingual staff or interpreters to interact with community members who use languages other than English.” [Bolding mine.]
“This all just slows down construction,” says Jim Meigs, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute who focuses on federal regulation
“…all applicants for federal funding must in many cases submit reports that can total hundreds of pages about how they will pursue ‘equity’ every step along the way,” the Beacon reports.
Seriously, this is how you get things done in Bideworld?!
Their ABC reports stunning new research that shows exact opposite impact of warmer weather and fire extremes.
According to these experts fire extremes occurred in the summers of 485, 683, 709, 760, 862, 885 and 1108 AD.
“Dr Udy…urged that continued global warming heightened the risk of these extreme events.”
My first thought was how does this compare with the ‘medieval warm period’?
In the Northern Hemisphere records show that the MWP lasted from 950-1250 but Australia experienced a warmer period much latter 1200-1350.
None of these past ‘fire extremes’ occurred within a warmer Australia climate – as such … negatively correlate with any heightened risk from ‘global warming’.
It’s looking cold and snowy on the slopes of Australia’s mountains this morning: is that because of ‘global warming’, an ‘extreme event’, or because it’s June?
“on the slopes of Australia’s mountains”
Aren’t we supposed to look at antarctic ice to see what is happening on those mountains instead of looking at what is happening on those mountains?
Either way seems you’re supposed to view them through a model or two
“It’s looking cold and snowy “
Ha Ha most of the snow is “person made” or manufactured snow. Like that other famous oxymoronic statement “I’m from the government, I’m here to help”, why do we need to make snow? Well climate change and global warming.
So. Too warm and dry to snow naturally.
Pump water up hill
Run electric fans to atomise water
Hope that the air temperature is cold enough for the water droplets to freeze.
“Snow”. falls to the ground that may be warmer than the air temp
Bingo problem solved.
Ideal snow making conditions need cold air temps and still days and nights. Worst conditions for solar power or wind generated electricity, back to coal or diesel powered generators to do all of this pumping and blowing.
The circle is completed.
Whats the problem, no snow because “fossil fuels”
Solution, used fossil fuels to make the snow that fossil fuels are causing to not fall naturally.
I can keep up!
Now Greg,
Surely you don’t think a cheap, paper wall calendar can influence the IPCC’s climate?
‘My first thought was how does this compare with the ‘medieval warm period?’
Good point, this will require some sleuthing.
From the ABC story we get a clue.
‘When south-east Australia experienced extreme bushfire weather over summer, there was less wind around Antarctica, which meant less sea-salt spray laid down at the ice core site.’
This could only happen if high pressure was dominant down to Antartica and it prevailed throughout the Dark Ages.
Petition circulating to stop Chinese communist government consultant Daniel Andrews from receiving Australia’s award for his leadership, even heroism as a Companion of the Order of Australia.
He did launch his own inquiry into the failure to hire real guards for his detention centres and to refuse the available Australian army, leading directly to 800 deaths.
His appointed judge found that no one made the decision at 4am on a Sunday morning. And the Chief Police commissioner denied making the phone call with Andrews, despite the evidence and denied the subject of the telephone call despite the sms. Apparently the whole thing happened organically without a shred of leadership by either. Like the rubber bullets and the home arrests for posting on facebook. And allowing 10,000 people to march to support BLM but not the Anzac day march.
Nationally recognizable heroism, leadership indeed.
The Nationals petition is here.
In former days he would be Sir Daniel Andrews, hero of the time of the bioweapon, the Wuhan Flu.
The biggest crime committed under his premiership was incarceration of the innocent elderly man who dedicated his life to the service of others.
A hint – I am not Catholic and generally do not like organised religion.
And yes, I remember – in Australia Justice and State bureaucrats are separated by a huge wall.
mmmm whole State run without minutes, recordings or diary notes apparently when key decisions are being made. Perfectly normal.
Reminiscent of and likely inspired by Blair’s sofa government.
An invitation to “Run, don’t walk”?
“Unbelievable. The 1st question on Australian Army enlistment form – preferred pronouns – AND IT’S *MANDATORY!”
Not Oz but another recruiting high point –
“”Alt-Protein”: Pentagon Contractor Wants To Feed US Troops Lab-Grown Meat To “Reduce CO2 Footprint” ”
Britain’s top medical journal slaps warning label on scientific study IT published… after paper was hailed as ‘proof that Covid jabs killed millions’ (article)
From that it seems the argument is that because people we don’t like that had nothing to do with the paper said something about it, 2 + 2 is not 4.
“Professor Openshaw said the excess deaths post-pandemic…”
Nice to know it ended. When did it officially end?
“Financial Post- Yes, everyone really is sick a lot more often after COVID”
Canada, Japan, Singapore and Germany — places lauded for their successful efforts to contain COVID — are now seeing unusual levels of excess mortality, said Christopher Murray, Washington-based director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. In contrast, places that failed to control the spread of COVID, like Bulgaria, Romania and Russia, are now back to pre-pandemic mortality rates.
“Why would it be worse in places that did a good job? That seems a bit strange.”
There’s a lot of weaseling around the science by the scientists in there, best summed up by-
“This is because many of the side effects, like myocarditis and pericarditis, are rare, usually mild and resolve on their own with no long-term complications.”
Its either the journos not asking for solid evidence against the hypothesis, or the scientists don’t have any science to refute it, as said, 2+2 is not 4, believe us…
Who wore it better?
This criminal
this one
Saving lives, one fine at a time
Fine for speeding average $132
Fine for no seat belt or phone use average $1000
Sounds like something a career public servant would do.
When you’re a cop but not a cop –
A fine man, doing a fine job … as a tax collector.
Major apology millions of Aussies deserve
Mounting evidence shows the vaccines were rushed, less effective than you’d expect of a jab and – in some cases – dangerous, Caleb Bond writes.
Caleb Bond – columnist & co-host of The Late Debate
We are owed an apology for Covid vaccine mandates.
Mounting evidence shows the vaccines were rushed, less effective than you’d expect of a jab, and, in some cases, dangerous.
The whole premise of mandates was to protect the community. But these vaccines didn’t stop contraction or transmission of Covid – so what exactly were we protecting?
Sure, it may reduce your likelihood of catching Covid. But that should be, and should always have been, your decision.
If you were jabbed then what did it matter whether the person at the table next to you in the pub wasn’t? You’d taken your own precautions. It’s up to others to wear the consequences of their own decisions.
There are plenty of treatments that can help prevent and reduce the severity of myriad other diseases but the government does not force you to take them to participate in society.
Even former deputy chief medical officer Nick Coatsworth now admits he hasn’t had a Covid vaccine for two years.
If one of the most high-profile doctors in the country won’t do it, why would the rest of us?
And most of us haven’t. By May last year, nearly 17 million Australian adults had not had a booster in the past six months.
The sky has not fallen.
So I saw this headline
[Austalian Centre for Disease Control established to support WHO, ensuring everyone including Aborigines will be jabbed]
Then this one
[Urgent public comments needed on national vaxx strategy, closes June 19]
And eventually the links led me to this
Lots of reassuring words but you can quickly scroll to the Priority Areas 1-6. They even admit they’re going to harm you –
But it was nobody’ fault!!!
But then there’s page 10 –
So, as before, you will be excluded from society if you don’t comply.
After page 10 it becomes more Orwellian.
They have to employ somebody to pretend to read the Urgent Public Comments. LOL.
[Edited to include the headlines. Links are good but people shouldn’t have to click a link to discuss a comment. It’s just good manners. Clickbait comments are discouraged. – Jo]
They think they can keep us separated and alone:
“A representative from the committee overseeing the COVID-19 Royal Commission Terms of Reference Inquiry has said they are “not authorised” to explain why hundreds of submissions into the inquiry were censored.”
Ah, the Yank’s alphabet departments methods are spreading.. Back in the early days of Apple, Microsoft, Twitter-
“We have been asked to hand over customer’s records but we are not allowed to tell anyone that we have been asked”
“Trump is the ‘biggest threat’ to NSW jobs and economy”…NSW Treasurer as he prepares to cane us all with his next budget. Maybe he’s also living in lala land where Mrna vaccines work, CO2 causes global warming and Govts can print money then drop it out of helicopters.
“During his first term, Trump’s policies caused damaging trade conflicts between the US and other countries, especially China, that roiled financial markets and cast a shadow over the international rules-based trading system built up over decades.”
..anything to cover his own lack of balls-
“The budget will confirm a run of five consecutive deficits for NSW since 2019–20 is set to continue next financial year, but Mookhey said there would be “no general round of cuts” to bolster the bottom line.”
Apart from the general Leftists attempt to blame Trump for the world’s problems, its just a list of lies and propaganda with no real meaning. We all know the economy is slowing, we all know you can’t give money away with no repercussions, and we all know Govts are dead scared of the house-building industry slowing.
Having just perused the Sydney Moaning Herald – saw that article and gave it a miss!
Only thing I read was – Traveller Letters: Jetstar’s business class is barely economy standard
Not like the good old days in the 60’s:
Nowadays you get sandwiches and watery OJ.
Now where’s that hilarious clip I saw months ago…
Ah yes!
Fond Memories of 1st Class 1970 Qantas V-Jet 707, returning with Wife LHR-JFK-SFO-HNL-NAN-SYD – Qantas 50th Anniversary and they had 50 Year Old Port, Caviar with Egg, Ice & Vodka, and the Stewards carved meat from Roast on Trolley – Then enjoying Upstairs Qantas 747-200 Captains Club Lounge, and when that was replaced with 1st Class upstairs – travelling with Family and being only 5 people with 2 Cabin Crew. SYD-SIN-BAH-LHR
1st Class Lounges – Still enjoying Best 1st Class Lounges – Qantas 1st Class Lounge SYD International – Cathay Pacific 1st Chep Lap Kok– Emirates 1st Class Lounge Dubai and Cathay Pacific 1st Class Lounge LHR
Real Clear Wire – Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto Released Despite FBI Resistance
The 2023 Nashville Covenant School murders understandably received massive news coverage when they occurred. The fight over obtaining the murderer’s diary also received news attention.
But when “nearly four dozen pages” of the murderer’s diary were finally released last week, the mainstream media completely ignored it. It turns out that behind the scenes, the FBI had fought hard against the diary’s release.
The school murderer was transgender, and her diary reveals a suicidal left-winger who hated whites.
The FBI expressed concern that the release of the diary from a transgender person could lead the public “to dismiss the attacker as mentally ill,” which would “further permeate the false narrative that the majority of attackers are mentally ill.” It worried that the diary could “potentially inflam[e] the public.”
But there is a lot of important information in the diary. As is very typical of mass public shooters, the murderer was suicidal: “A terrible feeling to know I am nothing of the gender I was born of. I am the most unhappy boy alive. I wish to be dead.” She was also on the anti-anxiety drug Buspirone, whose potential side effects include “abnormal dreams, outbursts of anger, tremors, and physical weakness.”
The FBI worries that the diary will help create a link in people’s minds between mass murderers and mental illness, but suicidal people presumably have some mental health problems. Nor should the link be particularly surprising given that the Crime Prevention Research Center shows that 51% of mass public shooters in the last 25 years were actually seeing mental health care professionals before their attacks. That is 2.5 times the rate in the general public.
Hmmm.. so the normal rate of insanity is 20% of the population? That’s as worrying as the Govt running the country.
“the Crime Prevention Research Center shows that 51% of mass public shooters in the last 25 years were actually seeing mental health care professionals before their attacks. That is 2.5 times the rate in the general public.’
” Normal ” is a statistical average, and my understanding is that they’ve not found anyone who is. True?
Saturday stupidity: BLM leader explains white people
Does Melanin explain the need for DEI, the need to lower standards for non whites, the comparative high crime rates for decades or anything else?
Saturday sarcasm
I wonder what Bud Light will do for pride month, this month of June? 😆
“Sick Of and Done With”
“They’re kidding, right? That “Joe Biden” is capable of being president? Not just for another four-year term, but right here and now?
More on Kunstler’s survey of the scene at*-nation/sick-of-and-done-with/
One thing this suggests is that the cabal running things behind the empty suit “Joe Biden” is dominated by women, and my guess would be the women directly associated with Barack Obama:
Susan Rice, Lisa Monaco, Kathryn Ruemmler, Sally Yates, Valarie Jarrett, Samantha Power, Avril Haines, Victoria Nuland, give-or-take some combo of them, et al. I have alleged for years that the motif driving batsh@t-crazy, Cluster-B Democratic Party women is that Donald Trump represents Daddy’s-in-the-house.
In their boundaryless state-of-mind nothing threatens the Cluster-B ladies as much as the imposition of boundaries by a fearsome daddy figure. Daddy = the monster of monsters to them.
Thus, the “Biden” regime’s remorseless persecution of Mr. Trump — like the village rabble hunting down Frankenstein with torches and pitchforks — and the fantasies, were he allowed to live, about being sent to c@ncentration camps by the likes of Rachel Maddow. There’s nothing like barbed-wire and sentry towers to vividly suggest the imposition of “boundaries” on your behavior.
“Joe Biden” is not long for this world as a token in that game. Mere days, I’d say.
There is no way that the Democratic Party can afford to put him in a debate arena June 27th with Mr. Trump. Two minutes in, “JB” would be leaking sawdust and stuttering incoherently.
The Party would be revealed as a fraud for the ages.
And then, by the time you’re scarfing down blueberry pie on the Fourth of July, Hillary Clinton (better known here as Rodan the Flying Reptile, or She-Whose-Turn-It-Is) will be flapping her leathery wings on-high in triumph as “JB’s” emergency replacement.
I am here to save our democracy, caw caw—! Wait for it! Trouble is, batsh@t crazy women are exactly what our country is sick of and done with.
Brisbane Courier on-line headline behind the Murdochwall
“Telstra’s big call on carbon offsets”
Seems that they have opted out
UN Calls for Water Rationing to ‘Secure Climate Justice’
The United Nations (UN) is calling on the governments of “sovereign” nations around the world to introduce sweeping new regulations that will allow globalists to apply strict controls and limits on the water supply.
The unelected bureaucratic agency argues that rationing water is part of its agenda for supposedly “securing climate justice.”
The regulations would assert major restrictions on the water use of the general public by giving individuals a dystopian daily allowance.
Under such regulations, citizens would be limited to only one shower per day, grass lawns on private homes would be banned, and gardens would be restricted.
To ration the water, the supply to homes would be restricted by a state-controlled meter.
Ah, water wars. I have an interesting PPS file on that. Must fish it out.
Judge Acquits Man Who Raped 12-Yr-Old Because ‘Adult-Child Sex’ Is ‘Part of His Culture’
A 20-year-old man who raped and impregnated a 12-year-old child has walked free from a Spanish courtroom on Tuesday after the judge ruled that the child “consented” to the sexual encounter and that pedophilia was justified by the man’s culture.
Earlier this week, the court of Ciudad Real in central Spain ruled that the “socio-cultural context” of the Gypsy ethnic group was a factor to be considered in the case of the man charged with the assault and abuse of a minor.
Their “culture” is above the law then?
The same nonsense has happened here in Oz too.
One way street – go try your LGBTQ+ BS in the middle east and see how much “cultural slack” they cut you.
I wonder how long he will last though?
That stuff usually gets sorted out through unofficial channels….
“go try your LGBTQ+ BS in the middle east and see how much “cultural slack” they cut you.”
maybe that explains why so many want to come here!
Then go home to the supposed hell they escaped, for a holiday…
Freebies for all in the west, turn it into the country you left, and then they have to run the show, just like the countries they left.
Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world.
The Alliance is going to use frozen Russian monies around the world to rebuild Ukraine, beginning immediately.
Free enterprise has been chaffing at the bit to get in and stabilise the country’s power and infrastructure.
Strategically the idea is to capture Crimea and then return it to Russia, while Ukraine gets back their territory. Putin could fall on his sword at this point and with his departure the country might regain democracy.
None of that is going to happen! Except stealing Russia’s money of course, they have been flat-out trying to find a legitimate-sounding way to steal those billions of dollars without having to call it theft. Free enterprise… uh-huh, the Bidens of this world, champing at the bit to get in there and rape and pillage Ukraine using stolen Russian money.
Sure, charge millions for replacing a power station and have it blown up the next night by Russia again. Wasn’t that the ‘broken window’ theory of good old Keynes? Ukraine will be a glowing wasteland soon if the West keep this up, sticking their nose into a civil war between two parts of the USSR over having America put nuclear missiles within a couple of hundred Km of Moscow. There’s no way the Donbass will go back to the Polish part voluntarily, they weren’t fighting a war of existence for nothing you know.
Do you think there is any way in hell those millions of Ukies who left for Europe will go back after the war? if they had any patriotism they would be back there fighting now. The country has been a ruin since the USSR broke up, screwed by America and now by Russia, another Iraq or Afganistan, but with white people.
‘Ukraine will be a glowing wasteland soon …’
Crimea will be the wasteland, think strategically.
Putin is delusional.
‘Russian President Vladimir Putin said he would end the war in Ukraine if Kyiv hands over four of its regions currently under Moscow control, and drops its ambitions to join NATO.’
Petrodollar Dead? Rumors Swirl as Moneyed Powers Go All in for the Final Roll
Some really interesting developments are happening apropos the banking and financial situation in Russia and the world.
Firstly, to set the stage: there’s the rumor going around that Saudi Arabia has allegedly declined to renew its purported “50-year Petrodollar deal”, signed—again, allegedly—on June 9th, 1974.
Nothing to see here, move along.
Re “the Bidens of this world, champing at the bit to get in there and rape and pillage Ukraine using stolen Russian money.”
Seems that the EU just got a quiet reminder that there are more EU assets quarantined by Russia than the EU has of Russia’s.
And the EU is bucking at the terms of the “loan” –
“US-EU spat derails push for $50B Ukraine loan using Russian assets”
oohh, the corruption and the knives come out when thieves divide up E260billion in stolen money!
““What Washington is proposing is, ‘We [the U.S.] take a loan, Europe takes all the risk, you [Europe] pay the interest, and we [the U.S.] use the money for a U.S.-Ukraine fund,’” said one senior European diplomat. “We might be stupid but we’re not that stupid.” ““If it was the other way around, they would say we are crazy,” said an EU official about the U.S. proposal.”
“If Washington — or institutions with major U.S. stakes such as the World Bank — dole out the money, American companies are in pole position to profit, they said. “The EU can be naïve, but this goes too far,” said an EU diplomat. “This would benefit mostly American companies, so we have to discuss the conditions more in detail.””
The Russians are certainly exposing the West for what it pretends not to be- Fractious, disunited, underhand, illegal and immoral!
Volkswagon to invest in combustion engines.
But dont forget the other €120 bn VW are still investing in EV development !
Our own little manufactured crisis-
“A private government report obtained this week in response to questions over the decision to kill over 500,000 chickens in Victoria, Australia shows that the people making the decision had no verifiable evidence of a high-risk infectious outbreak.
The chicken farms that were claimed to be infected were so distant from any possible bird source that it was unlikely or impossible to have happened without deliberate intervention or manipulation of testing.
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (“CSIRO”), the Australian equivalent of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, is the closest possible source of the “outbreak” and it is not the first time they have been involved in the emergence of “new” viruses….
So, if you’re not scared of Joanne, or the ABC, you damn well better be because there is BIRD FLU COMING FROM ANTARCTICA TO KILL THE CHICKENS.”
He does make it seem all quite ridiculous- Why did it start in Vic and not in QLD then NSW, maybe ACT before finally getting right down South?
The image of Jack Nicholson says a lot…
That’s what I asked!
Another cute one from that article above-
“Autonomous Therapeutics
is a synthetic immunology company that develops artificial immune systems that are inhalable and resistance-proof. We use a new class of RNA, known as encrypted RNA™.”
..and they show an image of a ‘scientist’ farting around in a fume cupboard with super-dangerous viruses, wearing a mask.. over his beard! Sigh… 15years in the asbestos industry and I can tell you exactly how useless any mask is with a beard, no matter what its rating is!
We were getting right into it-
“And these are the same people (with the addition of Hume Field of EcoHealth) who incidentally “discovered a novel strain of Hendra-like virus from bats” in 2012, which they called the Cedar Virus. The Cedar virus was not only totally new but the very same people patented it. This means it was also synthetic – because you can’t patent something that exists in nature unless you manipulate it in some way to make it different. Of course, it is purely coincidental that this group also created a totally novel bat cell line only two years earlier, by adding the oncogenes SV40 and hTERT to bat cells.
And where did the funding for that “let’s make a bat cell line we can passage viruses through” work come from? The US military of course, via a guy called Chris Broder and the NIAID (Tony Fauci’s organisation). You really can’t make this stuff up.”
…and, no Govt dares to step out of line with the WEF’s directives! Expect a regime change via colour revolution, or a fatal accident for the Prime Minister..
“A European Union court has recently imposed a significant financial penalty on Hungary, mandating the nation to pay a fine of €200 million. This decision stems from Hungary’s non-compliance with the EU’s requirement for open borders among its member states, a policy that Hungary has resisted under the leadership of Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The dispute originated from a 2020 order by the European Court, which directed that migrants should be allowed to stay in Hungary indefinitely while their asylum appeals are processed. Hungary, led by Orban, defied this order, leading to the recent financial penalty. Additionally, Hungary faces a daily fine of one million euros until it aligns its policies with the EU directive.
The European Court of Justice articulated that Hungary’s refusal to adhere to the 2020 judgment regarding the rights of international protection applicants, and its failure to remove illegally staying third-country nationals, represents a significant and deliberate breach of EU law. The court described this non-compliance as an “unprecedented and extremely serious infringement.”
Absolutely nothing to do with Hungary siding with Russia over Ukraine, and saying Ukraine should not join NATO..