Death cult at nine
Let’s just say, hypothetically, that someone wanted an excuse to reduce global population, or limit competing tribes and religions, there’s a scientific hat for that. Climate Change is the ultimate excuse for mass death — done in the nicest possible way and for the most honorable of reasons. But isn’t that what they all say: Jim Jones, the Branch Davidians, Heavens Gate — death makes the world a better place?
The cult that pretends it isn’t a cult sells itself as “science”. I mean, what is the worst thing you can think of? Would that be one degree of warming, or the Black Death?
In Bill McQuire’s mind the catastrophe is not when billions of innocent people die.
One hundred years from now, what would our great grandchildren prefer: that the world was slightly cooler or they were never born at all? If you hate humans it’s a terrible dilemma…
Bill McGuire, vulcanologist, accidentally put his primal instincts in a tweet last weekend:
Thirty years of telling us that humans are bad has consequences. As Elon Musk said” They want a holocaust for humanity.” It turns out a televised diet of one-sided climate projection by mendicant B-Grade witchdoctors might be a dangerous thing for mental health. If only Bill McQuire had seen a skeptic on TV?
Predictably the McGuire tweet spread far, and got crushing replies so the Emeritus Professor deleted it, as all cowards do, yelling at us:
To which the winning reply was:
McGuire kept digging, declaring that “ I DID NOT SAY ‘WE NEED A PANDEMIC..’” only of course, he did say we need emissions reduction and that a pandemic was the only realistic way to do that. He told us he was being brutally honest after all. “I COULD HAVE SAID SOCIETY-BUSTING ASTEROID IMPACT INSTEAD OF PANDEMIC” he lamented, like that was so much better.
So spread the word, academia has become a cult. Don’t let children go there unprotected.
Remember once a mind is infected with Climate Change, bioweapons are just another kind of carbon credit.
The problem is not the Climate Cult itself, it’s the censorship that feeds the sickness…
h/t Old Ozzie, Another Ian, El Gordo
And so, yet another “tin foil hat wearing far right conspiracy theory” comes true.
There should be an app for keeping track.
I just wish someone somewhere would keep asking the question of these monsters who spread the lie WHAT’S WRONG WITH EMISSIONS? We’re dying of dumb. ToM
I’d also like someone to explain why the 1850 climate conditions are considered ‘optimal’. What was so special about the Little Ice Age? (other than cold deaths and crop failures)
Why not 1000 AD? (Medieval warm period)
Or 1 AD? (Roman warm period)
Or 1000 BC (Minoan warm period)
Good points.
Considering the extraordinary temperature and sea level variations over the last 22,000 years since the end of the last glaciation, the 1800s “freeze ” was a storm in a teacup.
Hunter laptop
Ukraine biolabs
Fake Steele dossier
Covid origins
Effectiveness of lockdowns.
Effectiveness of masks.
Effectiveness of covid-19 “vaccine”.
Safety of covid-19 “vaccine”.
If mini “Hunter” really had a brain he would have sat with the computer repairman while the work was done and never let the thing out of his sight.
Maybe he thought he was still in Ukraine and had total immunity from responsibility for anyting.
No point, as all the conspiracy theories have been proven right, and lefty doom wrong every single time.
Lefties, MSM, pollies, experts: 0
The informed, skeptical and switched-on: 1
Every time…
Alarmists are basically misanthropes where their ultimate solution to the non-existent problem of anthropogenic global warming, AGW, is that every one should die except for themselves and a few other special people like the ABC regulars:
The solutions to save the planet proposed by these AGW misanthropes include mass suicide, not having babies, or even eating the babies!
Basically alarmists are hysterical to the point of madness. This is not a logical debate. Alarmists are irrational and very dangerous. There is no evidence for AGW, none at all, but when you point out the obvious to these people, because they are so emotionally invested in this rubbish, you literally threaten their sense of self worth. That’s why they are so violent and aggressive. They’re not saving the planet, they’re saving their egos.
Originally intended as satire … not as an instruction manual.
Really? This actually happened and no one noticed?
What are you trying to say gee haw?
That it remains a tin foil hat conspiracy theory. Nothing changes because a professor somewhere vents his frustration in a tweet.
Many professors gee haw and hundreds of alarmists have advocated misanthropic solutions (sic) to the fairy tale of AGW.
What’s your solution gee haw?
First is to stop pretending that these people have power and should be feared or that they are connected to some sort of powerful “they”. Seek therapy.
So not to worry then about his influence on children? He has no power other than an influential authority (supplied by the government) over what the next generation thinks….
Based on your vast experience GA which therapist would you recommend?
Yeah- the volcanologist is going to tell masses of children you are all going to die in a firing squad. He has 31k followers on twitter.
There is no they and there is no influence.
No! a rational volcanologist is going to tell the children that volcanos spew out tonnes of CO2 and other greenhouse gases that make the lunatics shutting down cheap reliable electricity to stop CO2 emissions, an action that will make the children’s lives unnecessarily miserable, look like they are a delusional cult.
Gee Aye – as Jo says we have a very dangerous situation in our schools and unis where students are fed complete rubbish and indoctrinated, rather than educated. The Left loves these captive audiences. The kids do not realise by following this rubbish they will destroy our country and most of the West, whilst China and India laugh all the way to the bank about the white trash of Australia, swallowing complete lies…
My kids always laughed and told me about how their teachers were on this. Fortunately they had me to provide actual science, rather than the broken models, emotional appeals and non science that was being trotted out.
Actually he was hoping for a serious virus to wipe us all out. Which nearly happened with Covid-19 but it was not fatal enough so they have engineered a fatal vaccine instead, which steadily doing its work .
No influence eh GA: this:
And folk should read the new Misinformation and Disinformation Bill which has just passed parliament. This is the Alp/greens second attempt to do this. The first was by Gillard who had a minority gov’t dependent on Bob brown who hated public scepticism of AGW and wanted to censor any sceptical media references. Gillard engaged Raymond Finkelstein QC. In his report which recommended setting up a new media supervising body called the News Media Council Finkelstein justifies this because of the failure of the current self-regulatory bodies, the ACMA, MEAA and the ACP.
Finkelstein’s 2nd justification was at 2.25 of his report. For Finkelstein citizens lack the capacity to respond properly to free speech and as a result “are often persuaded to believe what is already dominant or what fits their irrational needs.” All the categories of “harm” flow from this ‘irrationality’.And that is the basis of all censorship: the censors think average folk are too dumb to make up their own minds.
The new Mis and Dis bill is not as frank as Finkelstein but it is more punitive and broad in its definition of harm:
Harm means any of the following:
(a) hatred against a group in Australian society on the basis of ethnicity, nationality, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion or physical or mental disability;
(b) disruption of public order or society in Australia;
(c) harm to the integrity of Australian democratic processes or of Commonwealth, State, Territory or local government institutions;
(d) harm to the health of Australians;
(e) harm to the Australian environment;
(f) economic or financial harm to Australians, the Australian economy or a sector of the Australian economy.
Number e will prevent any sceptical comment.
So, GA, you are wrong. Here is government legislation which will censor scepticism.
And then there’s my Pope – watch your sins of emissions.( God save me from these cults)
Maybe instead of making ultra-expensive solar panels in the Hunter valley, we could instead create a tinfoil hat factory, and become a superpower that way.
At least 45% of all power generated is wasted as heat. Simply making this more efficient by 10% will lower the heat island affect at every major city. We will then “measure” lower temperatures and feel good about a meaningless outcome. Meanwhile governments will arm themselves with bigger nukes while enriching themselves with yet more money printing. A neutron bomb will be “invented”. It will be capable of blowing up our entire planet.
CO2 build up is a minor problem. Real problems exist. One need only look back at the Permian to see that O2 levels went to 35% and hell actually existed.
Population density is not an imperative. Stupid density will kill us all first.
“We will then “measure” lower temperatures and feel good about a meaningless outcome.“. With a slightly different interpretation, you are spot on. Just read ‘”measure”‘ as ‘adjust’. All we have to do is adjust the temperatures, and we can get a good result with no effort. And then we don’t have to make any power generation more efficient, it can all be done by adjustment. There could be real benefits from making power generation more efficient, of course, but it is so much in the power companies’ interest I expect they are already doing the best they can.
My father would often point out that his AGRs (nuclear power stations) had copious 110ºC steam as a by-product and he proposed a double walled steel pipe (like a thermos) to move this steam to industrial parks where it could be used to drive machinery and then be condensed to 100ºC water and pumped around domestic radiators for space heating. Gerry Harvey (of Harvey Norman stores Au) generates electricity at his country home from hot water derived in half a dozen evacuated glass tube solar collectors. A heat pump is driven by the heat of the solar collectors and he sells ~48kWHrs of electricity to the grid on a sunny day.
We don’t need academic twits and billionaires telling us we’re surplus population like some rabbit plague. There’s plenty of energy to go round and if we’d only pump more plant food into the air we’d be able to grow more food.
That’s interesting about Gerry Harvey, there are also solar brine ponds that are supposed to generate power 24/7 via a heat pump in reverse.
The Dead Sea heat pump is quite old now and I’m not sure if it is still in operation but they successfully used fresher water to cap highly salty water which would heat up in the sunshine and be used to drive a heat pump and 150kW generator. I imagine the high salt environment caused a few corrosion and encrusting problems like the Birdsville, Au bore-water unit.
The neutron bomb already exists . There are some that posit that they can be used to destroy/neutralise incoming nuclear weapons . It is like the Covid vaccine….
” Stupid density will kill us all first.” IS the root of most problems. Indeed I find in most everyday problems with other folk’s machinery, that too much money, not enough Brain, IS the root of their own problems … and that is just the start of them.
How often does one hear about folks dying / getting killed as a result of being / DOING what they wouldn’t NORMALLY be doing if it wasn’t for the supply of money to them. ….
“Live and be Happy with your lot! “
Of course, the Chicomms have already developed such a disease, another weaponised version of coronavirus. This one attacks the brain and is 100% lethal in humanised mice.
Dr John John Campbell discussed it. Video deleted on YouTube. Can be found on Rumble:
Lethal Infection of Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2- related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR)
Presumably the Chicomms or whoever uses it will have a working vaccine before they release it.
Why don’t Bill McQuire and other climate catastrophists remove themselves? That’s a better idea and without their regressive policies, humanity will have a much brighter carbon-dioxide-positive future.
As Chris Martz said, “but you don’t want to volunteer to go first and lead by your own example …” And this is true for all of them as they jet around the world, or refuel their mega yachts moored off the coast of their third or fourth homes, and go to the international climate conferences in their private jets to tell the rest of the world not to do as they do.
It is so blatant you just have to laugh.
There’s an important perspective in this post that pushes us to look at the reality of modern society.
We are living in a social media swamp of massive proportions from which escape is almost impossible.
People have been disconnected from the truth by the invasion of their perception with concepts and beliefs that the manipulators have constructed, and it’s important to state: are not connected to reality.
Once we understand the motive for this Cult like oppression we will be better equipped to take the correct path to freedom.
Dear Professor Bill McGuire: You go first. Thanks.
That’s the polite version…
A vulcanologist and a neo Malthusian.
If he really believes that, he won’t mind setting an example and going first.
A swan dive into a lava lake would be good viewing especially if it is to ‘save the world’.
Ok Gee Aye, let’s wait for the usual Climate Cultists to denounce the Professor as a total fruitloop? The BBC probably won’t because he’s a regular talking head on their so-called ‘science shows’.
But I’m sure some renowned warmist will call him out …. Waiting …
Once more,with feeling; in their own words:
The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. – H. L. Mencken.
We (UN-IPCC) redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy…””One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore…” – Dr Ottmar Endenhofer-, IPCC co-chair of Working Group 3, November 13, 2010.
”A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” – Ted Turner, Founder of CNN and major UN donor
”Unless we announce disasters no one will listen.” – Sir John Houghton, First chairman of the IPCC
”It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.” – Paul Watson, Co-founder of Greenpeace
”We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” – Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation
”No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” – Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment
“The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe.” – Emeritus Professor Daniel Botkin
”Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, Founder of the UN Environmental Program
”Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.” – Professor Maurice King.
”I suspect that eradicating small pox was wrong. it played an important part in balancing ecosystems.” – John Davis, Editor of Earth First! Journal.
And there are plenty more open declarations of enthusiasm for or intent to commit genocide out there.
Getting the picture, yet?
An extraordinary expose of “the truth “.
It’s amazing how much war there has been in human history.
It’s pretty much constant so the big question is; what feeds it.
There are people living in a world where there are no constraints and they’re free to manipulate us, crush us and steal from us.
Perhaps it’s time we brought them to account for their antisocial behaviour.
You missed that Christiana Figueres, the comment about being nothing to do with climate change but all to do with destroying capitalism.
At a news conference in Brussels February 2015, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said.
Referring to a new international treaty environmentalists hope will be adopted at the Paris climate change conference later this year, she added: “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”
Figueres is perhaps the perfect person for the job of transforming “the economic development model” because she’s really never seen it work. “If you look at Ms. Figueres’ Wikipedia page,” notes Cato economist Dan Mitchell: Making the world look at their right hand while they choke developed economies with their left.
In other words, the real agenda is concentrated political authority. Global warming is the hook.
You forgot the sarc tag.
Haha! That tweet escaped the zoo! It was meant for his fellow-travellers and deluded little fan club, not for reading by the hoi polloi. They don’t hate us so much as despise us, we are the great unwashed below their ivory tower, the smelly useless ones who talk in grunts.
I’m sure they dream about a lethal virus that is designed to take out the non-academics, the non-Leftists, and maybe those without BA after their names. I expect they would really prefer be a duke in the Court of King Henry 8th than a cardigan-wearer in a block of Level2-civil-servant apartments.
Of course as the law of unintended consequences tends to prevail. The “chosen” elite will only wake up when, after getting rid of the great unwashed, then discover there is no one to acually DO THE WORK. You know the farmers who talk slow but think deep, the rubbish collectors, the people who have to work in crap so that others can live in style.
No milk for the latte, oh well lets use soy,oh wait no one to get up on the frosty mornings to get a field ready. The amazement when people actually discover that producing soy milk is a complicated process that needs, you know, workers!
Add ‘telephone sanitisers’ – unfortunately all on the B Ark. Douglas Adams was a visionary….
The stupidity of these zealots is that by impoverishing your population with erratic and expensive power and physically damaging the poor working bastards that were unable to work without a mandated ‘clot shot’ you actually increase your population. Impoverished women who are uncertain of their future actually have more children. His advocacy for the ‘get a prick and feel sick’ could mean that these children are damaged before they even have the chance to work hard for a cleaner greener more efficient world.
Demand for fertility clinic services is high in Australia. Women don’t readily volunteer that post mRNA injection they have abnormal Day 14 (ovulation) bleeding. It’s a form of auto-immunity from what I’ve read. One teen in my extended family reported this. The Au birth rate stands at 1.7 when even the former 2.2 is below replacement level. If this continues, by 2050 Au population will be decreasing at an accelerating rate. Not all mRNA shots were the same. Fizr staff had a special harmless batch and only certain batch numbers saw critical clotting such as the young lady above experienced.
Sales of Pregnancy tests went through the roof after the first ‘Get the Jab hit the slab’ shots. The comment from a long time Pharmacy assistant at the time was ‘they are breeding like rabbits’. The only problem was that many of the women who were missing their regular period had husbands trapped in fly in fly out camps.
Lets hope that many of the Clot Shots were poorly handled or manufactured so that they have not injured the young.
Jikkyleaks got hold of some FOI requests made on batch analyses of Pfizer products, bad ones were referred to as “death batches”. This link gives you a glimpse of it.
It seems the Jikkyleaks tweets and data are archived on Telegram for those with access to that platform. He or she chose to suspend the X account after threats were made against his/her family.
These Malthusian loonies have been around since the Rev Malthus’s book was released in 1798, so nothing new to see.
Ehrlich also raved on in his silly book in 1968 and he also was wrong about all his forecasts and claims.
And Scientist Julian Simon made a bet with Ehrlich and easily won the bet.
But great to see this latest loony bite the dust, but I’m sure there’ll be a lot more ignorant fools to take his place.
The ‘Club of Rome’ (now overtaken in influence by the World Economic Forum which meets at Davos) published The Limits to Growth in 1972 and The First Global Revolution in 1991. From the latter: “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill… All these dangers are caused by human intervention… The real enemy, then, is humanity itself”.
It’s not a conspiracy theory if they publish it openly…
The Left/WEF still heavily rely on the “predictions” of the Club of Rome “Limits to Growth” report of 1972.
The modeling is deeply flawed, just like modern climate models.
E.g. See H.S.D. Cole et al “Models of Doom: A Critique of the Limits to Growth”
Also see Wikipedia:
When reading through this article I am reminded of an old but still very enjoyable movie, The Marseille Contract (released as The Destructors in the US), which starred James Mason (Brizzard) as a drug baron and Michael Caine (Deray) as a contract killer who was hired to kill him. Caine managed to get himself invited into Brizzard’s home, where the following conversation occurred as they sat around the dinner table.
Countess: What aspect of the environmental problem concerns you most?
Caine: Overpopulation.
Brizzard (his intended victim): Did you know that in the time of Jesus Christ there were 100 million people in the world and in the 17th century there were 500 million people.
Dinner Guest: People will always make love. What is the solution?
Caine: I have a solution.
Countess: Not birth control or abortion, I trust?
Dinner Guest: Is that what you had in mind?
Caine: No, nothing like that.
Dinner Guest: Then, what?
Caine: I think that some people should be killed.
Dinner Guest: Yes, but which ones?
Caine: The bad ones.
Countess: But who will be the judge of that?
Caine: Well, me, of course, Countess.
Brizzard: Otherwise they might choose you!
[Lots of laughter around the table.]
Despite its age, the movie is well worth watching. Here it is:
That seems to be case more and more these days.
But perfesser, it’s green
We need to stop buying crap from China.
Catch 22.
People can’t afford food and power so how can they now escape the Chinesium cheap crapola market that they created?
Buy Australian made at 2 or 3 times the price? Nope.
I don’t buy crap from China. Everything else I do though.
There’s an outfit here working on a ™️vaccine™️ to stop cows releasing methane. What’s next: gangs of pasty city kids throwing tomato soup around milking sheds in their ‘JUST STOP COWS’ T-shirts?
First they came for Daisy…
‘Breakdown’? WHAT breakdown! We had an overnight minimum of 13C (almost balmy) while down south, some places hit -6C (Omarama, Mackenzie Basin). Odd how Carbon the killer operates in some towns but not in others: the Cult of SCIENCE™️.
Please don’t worry folks! When the world has had enough of humans it will take care of the problem without human intervention. In the same way all excess species die so will humans. Just ask the Aztecs and Incas!
Well, I admit I tend to try and live where there aren’t too many people. But also, not where there are too few. (The less there are the more there are at some point).
But I don’t wish death upon the world for an imaginary problem. That’s the difference between him and me.
Hilarious! They never want to lead by example. Sacrifice everyone else, but never the elites (like him).
And kids believe in this nit.
Unlike warmth, cold kills people, especially the elderly, quite effectively, another possible reason for the Left’s war against the energy supply.
“Net Zero” is just a rebadging of Pol Pot’s “Year Zero”.
The idiology of the Left never changes – just its packaging.
Remember what happened last time Leftists, the National Socialists, wanted to do something about who they regarded as “useless eaters” (Unnütze Esser) as they described them.
I guess younger people wouldn’t know since, by design, real history and critical thinking is no longer taught in schools…
Every now and then the curtain slips aside a little and we get to see the real Fascists that dwell within the Greenies and realise their macabre beliefs.
If Professor McGuire truly believes we need to reduce CO2 emissions why doesn’t he just turn off his volcanos?
Good idea: just turn them off by filling the craters with the spare concrete that would have gone into the wind turbine bases.
Any claims that our planet is full,
And in need of a population cull,
To cut temps. by a fraction,
By mass homicidal action,
Is more typical climate-change bull.
I’ve tried so hard not to become a conspiracy theorist over the last 30 years or so. But after the big reveal that was COVID, I’m up for anything. Just last week I was listening to a podcast debate on flat earth. Just for fun and I had a long drive. That CT is way out there, too extreme for me. Then there’s the moon landing. But the ones right in front of us are very believable. Why would “ they” want to start both a Carbon and Nitrogen war at the same time? Limit travel and currency. Who the hell are “ they” anyway? Aliens, lizard people, demons , Rothschilds , WEF. Something is not quite right , but maybe it was always thus and now it’s just more visible. Mr vulcanologist just did another little reveal.
‘ … but maybe it was always thus and now it’s just more visible.’
I’ll pay that, the communications revolution has created a monster of disinformation, but this situation can be turned around.
As time goes by the people grow tired of hearing doom and gloom on climate change and want to get on with their lives. The virtue signallers will be out of fashion.
Ignoring the problem does not remove the problem, it just allows the problem to fester unchecked.
NO. He didn’t.
Yes, he did.
The sound one makes when they realise they are peas from the same pod.
Dear perfesser, my local beach
Surf’s up!
“McGuire is regarded as a UK expert on geological disasters including supervolcanoes, impact events, tsunamis and earthquakes”
At least he practices what he preaches. Such a sensitive soul. You have to lava his work.
Wait until he discovers he is living in a caldera………..
These people are sick, insane. Just because their deluded cause is painted as virtuous (despite the real world results of their madcap ‘green’ schemes having negative environmental impacts), no one in the media dares question any of it. They in fact, join in on the ‘co2 is bad’ pile on like lemmings.
I wonder if this ldi0t ever bothered to think it out.
Imagine his ‘thought bubble’ actually came true, eh!
There’ a few million people left to try and ‘clean up’ billions of dead decaying bodies, spread out absolutely everywhere.
As Academics, well, they’ve never had to deal with something like that, eh. The closest this guy gets is probably taking out the garbage every time the kitchen bin gets full.
Now he’ll have to clean up and sanitise …… well, Planet Earth.
Huh! Good luck with that.
Imagine the stench.
Oh, and how does he propose to be one of the lucky ones who don’t get to die.
So many consequences.
No no no, I don’t do clean ups. I’m a Professor doncha know.
Why am I reminded of the Ark Fleet Ship B.
This is why the controlling powers don’t want to eradicate everyone at once. You’d create a disease nightmare scenario globally.
A gradual reduction, significantly above baseline so it’s not too slow, and with a range of causes so the primary agent can’t be conclusively identified.
Now how would YOU do it?
HOw do you think we deal with biological waste now?
Send it to university?
No Tony. A previous regime came up with a “solution” that meant no messy bodies to deal with.
Was that a ‘final solution’.
There’s always ‘ Soylent Green’, or they could be rendered down to make biodiesel.
Hey, I know how we can avoid a catastrophy. Let’s have a catastrophy.
When you think humans are evil and the cause of everything bad in the world, I suppose you’re going to think that mass loss of humans is not catastrophic.
Mass loss of human life in an attempt to avoid a catastrophy that isn’t happening, or at least not caused by the accused, would surely be a catastrophy.
The internet has a l-o-n-g memory and a lot of screencaptures.
As for diseases, as I’ve said, Dengue is going great guns, cases now in the tens of millions.
Bird flu, apart from cullings in India, is insignificant.
There is however an event I’m watching as it’s growing and spreading, already jumped countries. More analysis later…
Vaxxed Lose 25 Years of Life! 30-Year-Olds Might Reach 55
Recent government data out of Australia shows that the excess deaths in 2022 were 5162% higher than in previous years.
A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed.
Now they are 20 times more likely and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show.
According to the study based on government data from Cleveland, life expectancy is cut dramatically among the vaccinated.
In North America, the average life expectancy is almost 80 years old. However, this number plummets for young people who have been fully vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots. The study shows the rate of vaxxed deaths is growing in comparison to unvaxxed.
According to the study, someone who’s had 4 or 5 shots and is 30 years old today can now expect to live to just 55 at the oldest. This is a loss of 25 years from today’s life expectancy for the unvaxxed.
It’s going to be FAR faster and worse than that though because of…errr…other factors…
This is what the mind set that starts with being annoyed by the neighbors, “we can’t allow such riff raff into the club,” “why isn’t there a law banning people operating clunkers like that,” “the traffic is brutal, if all those people would take the bus instead,” “that fat woman with all those brats running amuck in the supermarket, should have had her tubes tied,”…..leads to.
Imagine what the world would be like if every left-wing moron like himself killed themselves for climate change? What a wonderful world it would be.
The CIS has started the Nuclear debate and covered the data, the legal problems and challenged the crazy maths of the CSIRO and AEMO.
This video is 1 hour but they cover a lot of ground and the speakers are very sane and at the top of their fields of expertise.
If you have the time please check this out and I guarantee you’ll learn something. This was just a week ago and I’m even more impressed with Aidan Morrison and the CIS team.
These people are the worst kind of narcissist.
When they think of their own death their phychopathic nature kicks in and they are furious at the thought that anyone should live after they die.
These morons have no imagination.
Probably dropping Nukes next as they’ve already done this Pandemic gig.
He’s probably right if we admit that his starting premise is correct. i.e. we need to drastically reduce emissions.
I.E.: We need to reduce emissions by [huge amount] so we need to reduce the population by [huge amount].
The tweet/X by Chris Martz is spot on though. Bill McGuire (McQuire?) isn’t volunteering to go first. His existence is obviously worth more than the rest of us peons.
His premise appears to be that a complete global collapse of human civilisation is needed to prevent significant climate change.
Maintaining the climate is paramount, civilisation is expendable.
His conclusion appears to be that a moderate reduction in global civilisation caused by climate change is not a satisfactory outcome. A better solution is a massive preemptive and selective extermination of humans- a catastrophic anthropogenic global genocide.
Bill McGuire
Apr 7
“East Antarctica 38.5C above seasonal average on March 18th.
Biggest jump in temperature ever recorded at a met station – anywhere on Earth.”
I hope this clown is getting professional help.
Wow, 38.5 C = 100.4 F,
and 100 is boiling so the Antarctic ice is boiling.
Run for hills.
The final high of the “heat wave” at the Concordia Dome station (altitude 3233 m) on March 18th 2022 was -11.5 degree C recorded at 04:27 UTC. That was “the warmest temperature ever recorded in a permanent weather station of the Antarctic Plateau in 66 operational years”.
Oh come on already. You’re being too hard on the guy. Can’t a fellow daydream a little?
It shows what sort of people can do ‘Earth Sciences’. The eminent Prof Tim Flannery’s degree was in English. Then a Masters in Earth Sciences at Monash. And a PhD in really dead giant wombats. Only to become Australia’s Chief Climate Scientist. Which shows you can get a PhD without actually being clever. Or a scientist. “Even the rains which fall..””the technology is straightforward” etc.
And our most famous fake Aboriginal, Prof Bruce Pascoe is not actually aboriginal but an expert in Aboriginal cities, aboriginal technologies, aboriginal manufacturing and much more. If you believe that, you will believe anything.
It’s a bit like the story of St. Patrick who drove the snakes out of Ireland. The problem is that he was the only one who saw any snakes.
I remember looking up the course outline for one of our high ranking US imports.
Will Steffen? He became the shining light of Global Warming in Australia’s Unerversities
Of basic science and maths it has but little, but hey, the main thing is to have faith and be able to lead others.
Great logic.
“We gotta lose a whole lotta people horribly with a pandemic lest a whole lotta people die horribly from climate change”
Besides, climate change is an unreliable way to kill human populations. It’s like trying to stamp out a house cockroach- the blighter always seems to sense the foot falling and promptly moves to a safer place.
So we are coming to a ‘consensus’ about the existence of the Cult, long after the Cult has taken near total control of the media and government.
Partly because the ideology of the Cult is so outlandish, that normal people couldn’t believe it.
Also because the Cult barely makes an effort to hide its’ intentions anymore.
And viola, most, if not all, governments are openly taking steps to outlaw criticism.
And Oz, like Pandemic lockdowns and mandates, is at the forefront of this effort.
They’ve not only breached the curtain wall, they’ve taken the Keep.
Is it every man for himself now?
It t is literally ‘men’ that the Cult has openly declared their enemy.
The magic thought ether machine has posted my comment before I finished editing.
And then disappeared it … maybe.
But alas I am a Man, but I can change if I really have to, I guess.
Just kidding, they can go stuff themselves.
Another accurate shot Honk; in Australia our ignorant Labor climate and energy wizards have inadvertently scheduled a future without electricity which will render pointless the accompanying restrictions on freedom of opinion.
According to many alarmists, climate change will decimate us anyway. What is the rush? Just cool the planet a bit more and glaciation will do the job. Why think so small?
Come to think of it, all the possibilities seem to make global warming inconsequential. There, that is my big word for the day.
Here in my part of Canada, it is unseasonably cold with temperatures likely to approach freezing tonight. To an Australian, it might make some sense to cool the climate a bit, but here it verges on insanity. That seems to describe our current lawmakers accurately.