A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Is this true ?
Sounds possible …. hope it isn’t true !
No its not – only one?
This stuff used to be handled inhouse, now they may as well stick it on X and instagram.
Pretty meaningless word salad, its all ‘believe me bro’.. All countries do what he described all the time, Australia included.
I still reckon ASIO’s budget must be coming up, otherwise who would care?
Sweet Old Bob,
You’ll notice that that neither the article nor ASIO’s Burgess used the term “Treason”.
That’s because Treason is defined as:
“Under section 80.1 a person commits treason if he or she:
causes the death or harm, resulting in death, imprisons or restrains the Sovereign, the heir apparent of the Sovereign, the consort of the Sovereign, the Governor-General or Prime Minister;
levies war, or does an act preparatory to levying war against the Commonwealth;
intentionally assists, by any means whatsoever, an enemy, at war with the Commonwealth;
intentionally assists, by ‘any means whatever’, another country or organisation that is ‘engaged in armed hostilities’ against the Australian Defence Force (ADF);
instigates a person who is not an Australian citizen to make an armed invasion of the Commonwealth or a Territory of the Commonwealth, or;
forms an intention to do any of the above acts and manifests that intention by an overt act.”
So whatever it was, it wasn’t Treason, or else we’d expect to see charges levied against the culprit. There have been no charges laid, to date. Hence no Treason.
Sounds to me like some politician sold his integrity for 30 pieces of silver. Dastyari (an ex-Labor MP at the Federal level) is the only one that I can recall getting anywhere near such an action in recent times. He’s denied Burgess was referring to him. No action has been taken against him (Dastyari). He was just caught peddling CCP influence around the Commonwealth in 2014, as so many Labor politicians do.
“The biggest storm of winter has begun blasting the Sierra Nevada and will continue into the weekend, with some areas expected to see 10 feet of snow.”
Fact check:
You must be at least 24 years of age to see it.*
*(See updated EU definition of ‘see’.)
Must be the ‘runaway boiling’ –
Parts of Europe and China in for a surprise March cold snap, as well as southern New Zimbabwe over the next few days: snow to low levels with half-a-metre-plus on the tops. But, but, it’s still summer fergoodnessake!
Talking of seasons changing, NZ’s sooty shearwaters (aka muttonbirds or titi) flocked off the beaches here last week (northeast North Island) for their final feed before heading north to Japan, Russia, Alaska and beyond. When they leave early, you know something COLD is coming this way. Hottest (n)ever!
What “rich First Nations culture and history?
The Aboriginals were never a nation- just 500 warring tribes and the Negritos where the first inhabitants of Australia
Do the boomeerang, diggeridoo and bark humpy make the grade of a “rich culture and history?
No King Charles III on $5 note
I am working on a dot painting of a VB can.
I can reimagine the $5 banknote … given the inflation we have seen, it should be converted to a coin by now.
Yes the $5 note cannot be far away from being replaced with a coin.
The $2 note was issued from its introduction in 1966 until its replacement by the two-dollar coin in 1988.
It’s interesting the idea that the diggeridoo and boomerang were universal and part of a continental culture and technology. There is no evidence of that. The people were completely scattered. And had never seen a wheel.
The didgeridoo was found only in Arnhem land.
“The existence of the real boomerang is restricted to the Eastern and Southern Australia. It was unknown to Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory, Tasmania, half of South Australia and the northern parts of Queensland and Western Australia.”
This creation of common universal culture, artifacts, history is nonsense. The aboriginals had no idea where they lived. Or that the continent was an island. Or that numbers were useful.
What we have seen is a form of imagining an Australian people with a common culture and parallel development with the rest of the world. A projection of European development on to what was a dead end isolated people. The arrival of Europeans would be better seen as a rescue mission. And there was never any military invasion.
The current attack on the British rescue is as ridiculous as the Monty Python “What have the Romans done for us?”. We were fine without clothes, cloth, metal, housing, doors, medicine, language, writing, the wheel, horses, cups, agriculture. The list of what they did have is close to zero.
Although the philosophers of the time like Rousseau pushed the idea of the ‘noble’ savage, that they were far better off with no goods, no money, no education because then there would be no conflict. They could not have been more wrong. Life in fact was hopeless, brutal, short, pointless and endlessly violent.
And Bruce Pascoe just makes it up and the progressives love it. Factories even. Agriculture. Cities of 1,000 people. Brick houses. This is now taught in Australian schools. Bruce of course is an aboriginal.
The first boomerang was found in Poland and is 23,000 yeasrs old.
Egypts had boomerangs 2,000 years BC. Hopi children play with them since unknown times.
Only the name came from Aboriginies, Bumori for wind
Boomerangs were common in Ancient Europe. Its unlikely the aboriginals invented them
Bruce IDENTIFIES as an Aboriginal – his parents are both European. A con job from the outset…
A reasonable explanation for the didgeridoo originating both in Ireland/Scotland and independently in Arnhem Land with the same name is suggested by the onomatopoeic nature of the name.
A similar primitive circular breathing instrument produces a similar rhythmic drone regardless of where it is played.
Some ancient, longhorns were found in Ireland quite a few years ago. No one knew how to play them. A person familiar with playing the didgeridoo was able to get a note out of them.
“I am working on a dot painting of a VB can.”
You can only do that if you’re English, otherwise it’s cultural appropriation.
I dabble in pointillism, but the artistic glitterati still frown.
The computer age is the essential life saving drip we are all now permanently hooked up to. The only “reverse side” of what we see on screen is delivered by a page/tab down or a flick left or right.
Given our imminent move to electronic currency – which may even arrive before a $5 note design – the reverse side should therefore be blank.
Think of the saving in ink and the added benefit that by being printed on only one side its true value is subliminally on show be it $2.50 or in a solar/wind/trans/bug eating age – nothing.
‘We invite all Australians to reimagine the $5 banknote in the search for themes that reflect our nation’s unique and rich First Nations cultures and history,’ she said.
She’d do no better than replacing King Charles III with King Billy I.
Senator Roberts raises a good question.
Activists build treehouses to protest Tesla’s plans to expand its plant near Berlin
Activists occupy German forest to block Tesla expansion
Subsurface temperature decline of the tropical central Pacific.
Amazing. How is this determined at 150 metres depth?
The pressure down there must be incredible.
150m, 1 atmosphere per 10m = 15atm x approx 15psi = 225psi.
Did you leave off the air pressure on the surface?
There is a better than even chance that the system will drift into neutral for a short spell and then become La Nina by the end of the year.
EU Seeks Rule To Ban Repairs On Cars Older Than 15 Years
The EU is a utterly oppressive government of 28 countries which represents no one but overpaid and power hungry bureaucrats of Brussels. I hope that it will fall apart soon with FREXIT. Maybe with their war in Ukraine but more likely with their war on the people of Europe. One more country follows the UK and the collapse will start.
The common market was great, like the world wide Hanseatic league. The introduction of a common currency and free travel were huge improvement in the European Council. With the internet and electronic banking, no one needs a common currency these days. And like America with no borders, free travel is a joke.
The European Union is a disaster, despite the pretence of Democracy. It is a dangerous pantomime by endless bureaucrats especially as the failed German Defence Minister, Ursula Von De Leyen is head of the EU. Promoted many times past her level of competence, her enthusiasm for war in Ukraine can lead to world war.
And behind it all you have the French(Napoleon) and Germans(Bismark, Kaiser, Hitler) competing to see who can run all of Europe. And using Russia as the common enemy when the historic enemy is within.
An assessment of Australias situation:
“A Swiss retiree has given a scathing, impromptu assessment of Australia, stating the nation needs “better management”.
Consider 1980-1990 Labor period, I think when Keating replaced Hawke as PM and the PM of Singapore Lee Kwan Yew expressed his concern about Australia’s debt and failure to fully capitalise on the abundance of natural resources (nothing has changed in 20224 has it) and land area for agricultural businesses. He described Australians as “our friends” and said he worried about Australians becoming “the white trash of Asian Pacific Region”.
Right now over 55 per cent of our country is under the control of Aboriginal Land Councils based on Labor’s Native Title legislation (Mabo decision based meaning continuous occupation must be proven, but has it been?) and more based on complimentary State legislation and even today there are many claims pending for public lands based on lack of use, example a former bowling club in the Lane Cove Sydney Council District, but that is only one of a long list Australia wide.
We have had governments selling us out, United Nations with far too much influence over internal affairs here, UN octopus arm organisations interfering, and even politicians from the far left influencing governments and not in my opinion in the best interests of us.
“So much for the pursuit of excellence”
Other threads there too
And another thing –
“COVID-19 And Its Vaccines Linked To Sudden Hearing Loss, Considered An ‘Emergency’: Doctor”
“Wide vs. Narrow Tires?”
I vote for narrow tyres on the basis that those thundering old classics at the Goodwood festival, slithering around with armfuls of opposite lock on skinny rims, makes for much better racing than categories sat upon wide slicks, where fast times demand boring precision.
Just watch a well-driven Lotus Cortina or Escort RS1600 dancing around and you will literally get my drift.
Different tyres for different use.
He was refering to off road use….a narrow tyre wont get you off a loose dry sand beach.
Small dia rims, high wall profile ,and wide tread patch needed at low pressure..
England February was in line with global claims, exceptionally warm and wet.
The most reliable but still not perfect CET mean actually came out at 7.8C which is 4C above their ‘normal’ period.
It was the second warmest in the 366 year record, missing top slot to a year in the late 1700s, by 0.1C .
From another blog –
“I always say; Thank God we don’t get all the government we pay for!!”
New fun with US politics.
Get your copy today.
‘White Rural Rage – a threat to American Democracy’
Do you have this dangerous threat in Oz?
An oldie but goodie.
The Blob Quivers
“Russian meddling will eventually outstrip ‘Saw X’ as America’s most exhaustively-mined sequel series”
Speaking of bad looks, did you happen to read the transcript of Hunter Biden’s testimony to the conjoined House Committees yesterday on the matter of the Biden family’s global bribery business?
It’s available at this link, all 229 pages of the hours-long session.
I read over 120 pages of the dang thing in the wee hours overnight and it’s really a fabulous soap opera of First Son Hunter Biden copping a plea over his various addiction problems (boo-hoo), and repeating endlessly, against a blizzard of incriminating documentary evidence, that his “dad” had no knowledge of his business deals with Ukrainian, Chinese, Russian, Kazakh, and Romanian parties, and did not receive any money filtered through the network of Hunter’s many fake companies (multiple Rosemont Senecas and Hudson Wests) that had no other business except routing payments into Biden family bank accounts.
The DOJ arm of the Blob has worked double-overtime, of course, to keep the mighty paws of the law from mauling poor, addiction-victim Hunter, most recently last month trotting out veteran “trusted” FBI informant Alexander Smirnov, arrested as “a liar” for having purveyed info about multi-million dollar bribes to the Biden family from the Ukrainian Burisma natgas company where Hunter was a board member (at roughly a million dollars a year), supposedly to get then Veep Dad to grease the exit ramp for Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was famously investigating the company and its oligarch owner Mykola Zlochevsky.
One conclusion you can draw from all these matters is that they are not going away.
Rather, they are leading to a set of gruesome showdowns not just for the ever more pathetic looking “Joe Biden,” but for his Party of Chaos heading toward a possible extinction event in November.
The big question really is, will that party blow up the United States of America in the process?
Fire trucks of the future might not put fires out but will be better for the environment.
A fire truck with a leaky water tank, what a joke.
Ahhh, this water tank technology. Far too new to have developed reliability in manufacturing. Or was it imported?
“At a cost of $1.8 million, it’s $300,000 to $500,000 more than a new diesel engine, but Fry said there are huge environmental and health benefits to an electric truck, as diesel fumes are a known carcinogen.”
as are ozone fumes from electric engines..
Be ironic if the fire truck caught fire from water leaking into the battery !
Electric police cars ‘running out of charge’ responding to emergencies
Last year a Queensland Police senior spokesman said that EV were not useful for police work because of the limited real or actual range achievable, time off road while being recharged and even locating recharging stations when and where needed.
Imagine the next day at the police station mood when it is realised that patrol cars were not plugged in overnight.
Soda Springs, California, has already received 19.1″ of snow in the past 24 hours, and more is still to come!
“We are violating the Paris Agreement
“Taking over farmland to build facilities to produce intermittent energy is a violation of Article 2(b) of the Paris Agreement.
Article 2 of the 2015 Paris Agreement states:
“This Agreement… aims to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change, in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty, including by:
“(b) Increasing the ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change and foster climate resilience and low greenhouse gas emissions development, in a manner that does not threaten food production”;
Bill Stinson of the Energy Realists has pointed out the critical final clause in 2(b). In a manner that does not threaten food production!
Clearly every encroachment on farmland violates that clause.
And intermittent energy is not sustainable anyway, so why would we spend billions of dollars to get more expensive and less reliable energy from facilities with a massive environmental footprint?”
From an email from Rafe Champion
A good place not to be –
Doesn’t seem to work well – reset to start to view the problem
Thunder storms are running above average, but thankfully no mention of gorebull worming.
If you can’t afford an over-priced unreliable electric car you vill not haff a car at all!
“With the internal combustion engine to be consigned to history in the not-too-distant future, recent information has emerged regarding the European Union’s plan to restrict repairs on older vehicles, reports EuroWeekly….Cars experiencing failures in major components such as engines, transmissions, brakes, or steering, and deemed old (potentially around 15 years), will fall under this category. Once labelled as residual, these vehicles would be barred from undergoing significant repairs and would likely be scrapped.
The regulation specifies conditions under which a vehicle is deemed technically irreparable or residual. These include extensive damage, such as being cut, welded, burnt, submerged, or exhibiting irreversible technical defects.”
They fail to see that the environmental cost of keeping my 40yr old Corolla running is far less than building me a new electric car!
Fighting Against Peace in Ukraine
a good summary and discussion on the situation.
Point to Note: Ukraine is not a democracy. It has banned political parties, cancelled elections, banned the church, jailed and killed dissidents and journalists, put western journalists etc on kill lists.
The USSA – the establishment – the wokies – the swamp – is so used to manoeuvring other people – ‘either you do this our way or you are homeless \ starve \ your house is blown up \ attacked \ die (pick option)’ that now that the tables have been turned they are finding the situation very difficult to deal with – just look at Nancy Pelosi’s body language and listen to her voice – the panic – the sheer terror. Europe must cut the USSA loose and sort out the situation themselves.
You get 2 types of women :-
the “you treat me right – I’m worth it” – trophy wives – wokies \ the swamp
the “let’s sort this out together” – real women – real wives.
With the invasion of Ukraine they suspended the Socialist Party, apart from that democracy appears to be working.
There is this minor alteration.
‘On 17 November 2011 the Ukrainian Parliament approved an election law that banned the participation of blocs of political parties in parliamentary elections; since then several parties have merged with other parties.’ (wiki)
Jimmy Dore with a Ukraine update.
And they shutdown all media bar the state owned propaganda machine
Why are you carrying water for Russia?
I have lived my long life under the threat of nuclear war. I don’t give a rat’s if Ukr is doing things that all nations do when at war, I want Russia broken militarily and it seems UK and France see this as a golden opportunity to put Rus in a box and nail down the lid.
The US is going the opposite way, they could bring the bloodshed to an end quick time but have no political will to do so.
Were Australia and US democracies when they interred good Italians and Japanese? Were Nazis allowed to publish freely in the countries of the allies?
You spent your whole life worrying about being bombed, nobody I know even gave it a thought.
No wonder your vaxxinated, you’re terrified of shadows.
How many countries has Russia nuked? He is referring to a NYT article, open your eyes and watch the video. You only want one side of the debate.
I take it you tagged to Kim but are referring to me. Why do tou never link to your propaganda free infomation?
Victoria Nuland and her Husband will be Happy – World War III possible – former French PM
Defeating Russia is essential and everything possible must be done to achieve that goal, Manuel Valls has said
The possibility of the Ukraine conflict escalating into World War III cannot be ruled out, former French Prime Minister Manuel Valls claimed on Thursday in an interview with the Europe-1 news channel.
According to Valls, the fate of the French people and others across Europe is “closely tied” to the hostilities between Moscow and Kiev, meaning they should “act much more decisively” to support Ukraine, including militarily.
“We cannot accept the hypothesis of a victory for Vladimir Putin which would represent the end of Ukrainian democracy and the strategic, military, political, and moral defeat of Europe,” Valls stated.
“Defeating Russia is essential, and for that, we must act much more strongly and quickly, and not forbid anything,” he added, apparently referring to French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent comments that sending NATO troops to Ukraine should not be ruled out.
Following Macron’s remarks earlier this week, a range of countries – including Poland, Germany, the US, Italy, the UK, and other NATO members – rejected the idea that they could deploy forces to Ukraine. The chief of the US-led bloc, Jens Stoltenberg, has also dismissed such a scenario.
Meanwhile, a public survey conducted by the French newspaper Le Figaro on Thursday also revealed that over two-thirds of French citizens disapproved of Macron’s comments on a possible NATO deployment to Ukraine.
Nevertheless, Macron has doubled down on his remarks, insisting that they were “weighed, thought-through, and measured.” So far, only two other NATO members, Estonia and Lithuania, have supported the French president, suggesting that sending troops to Ukraine should not be excluded.
Moscow has condemned Macron’s statements, warning that the deployment of NATO forces to Ukraine would “inevitably” lead to a direct confrontation between Russia and the US-led alliance.
Russia can’t subdue Ukraine, how are they able to take on “the world”?
Britain, France and US all have nukes. Why have they bothered if they cower the moment Putin makes empty threats?
So you claim to know what the Russian strategy and goals are? I guess you must if you are declaring failure.
Is there a statement from them anywhere that want anything but the the ethic Russian parts of Ukraine + a buffer to stop the phsychos shelling?
Are you suggesting Russian goals are to lose 400,000 men capturing a few % of Ukraine?
Don’t you remember that Putin invaded Ukraine two years ago and headed straight for Kiev, to “free” the city and the whole of the country. Of course he wanted all of Ukraine.
Don’t you remember that the Russian army was so inept it ran out of fuel halfway there and was left sitting like a badling of ducks on the roads because nothing could move and the land to the side was saturated and deep with mud. Retreat was impossible because they had no fuel. They were picked off and blown away like ten pins.
That was the first phase of Putin’s defeat. He wanted the whole of Ukraine and failed miserably.
Currently, we’re seeing the second phase. They’re still on the losing end. But now he’s hoping for the establishment of the North Korea style DMZ, comprising the Donbass only.
Ran out of fuel did they, they paint their tanks camoflage green and paint a Big Z in white paint all over them. There is no Z in the Russian alphabet, but there is in yours.
They paint different letters to signify 2 things , the first is to identify the individual vehicle as Russian the other as to what group they belong to within the Russian army . Seems the Russians don’t have the electronic capability of telling friend from foe . Made harder by most equipment both sides initially were made in Russia .
Study Finds Majority Of Patients With Long COVID Were Vaccinated
You could not make this stuff up.
“Dirty Oil Money”!
Jio-bp, or legally Reliance BP Mobility Limited, formally known as Reliance Petroleum is an Indian petroleum company that specializes in oil and energy, owned by Mukesh Ambani of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), one of India’s largest private sector companies.
Merged with BP in 2020
Billionaire Mukesh Ambani is kickstarting big fat Indian wedding celebrations for his son, Anant Ambani, 28, who is set to marry his longtime girlfriend Radhika Merchant.
The nearly 1,200-person guest list includes Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Rihanna and Ivanka Trump.
How does the BOM compare to the UK Met Office?
China wipes all Covid-19 data from health system
China has issued a nationwide directive to erase all COVID-19 data from the healthcare system. This includes data stored on paper or computers. Records of vaccine administration, nucleic acid testing, and any embarrassing incidents during the epidemic prevention process are to be completely expunged.
“I’m sick. Must be the shots!”
“We have no record of shots. Must be climate change.”
Today Is A Good Day To DEI: In Huge Win For DeSantis, University Of Florida Fires All ‘Diversity, Equity & Inclusion’ Staff
Following a mandate by the Florida Board of Governors, the University of Florida has fired all DEI (diversity, equity & inclusion) staff, effective immediately.
“To comply with the Florida Board of Governor’s regulation 9.016 on prohibited expenditures, the University of Florida has closed the Office of the Chief Diversity Officer, eliminated DEI positions and administrative appointments, and halted DEI-focused contracts with outside vendors,” reads a statement from Provost J. Scott Angle.
“Under the direction of UF Human Resources, university employees whose positions were eliminated will receive UF’s standard twelve weeks of pay.
Approximately $5 million in funds previously allocated to DEI initiatives will be reallocated into a faculty recruitment fund.
Learn to code (better than ChatGPT 😁) or become a trans “entertainer” for children.
Canada: Justice Minister defends house arrest power for people feared to commit a hate crime in future
Justice Minister Arif Virani has defended a new power in the online harms bill to impose house arrest on someone who is feared to commit a hate crime in the future – even if they have not yet done so already.
The person could be made to wear an electronic tag, if the attorney-general requests it, or ordered by a judge to remain at home, the bill says.
Mr. Virani, who is Attorney-General as well as Justice Minister, said it is important that any peace bond be “calibrated carefully,” saying it would have to meet a high threshold to apply.
But he said the new power, which would require the attorney-general’s approval as well as a judge’s, could prove “very, very important” to restrain the behaviour of someone with a track record of hateful behaviour who may be targeting certain people or groups.
Precrime rears its ugly head.
Power-drunk narcissistic politicians who want the power of a king with the accountability of a toddler.
Canada: Trudeau’s deadly pathogen lab and the ties to Beijing.
“We’ve just received these documents that Trudeau has been covering up”
“A massive security breach at the Trudeau governments most sensitive laboratory”
“Where the most dangerous viruses and pathogens are studied and handled”
“Trudeau’s government head of pathogens was collaborating with members of Beijings People’s Liberation Army”
John Spencer
Based on now two visits to Israel/Gaza since the war began, Israel and the IDF have destroyed Hamas’s strategy at every turn from tunnels to historic civilian harm mitigation steps while methodically and rapidly clearing every inch of Hamas territory.
“Hamas’s strategy is also not to hold terrain or defeat an attacking force. Its strategy is about time. It is about creating time for international pressure on Israel to stop its military operation to mount.
Hamas is globally known for using human shields, which is the practice of using civilians to restrict the attacker in a military operation. The group wants as many civilians as possible to be harmed by Israeli military action—as one of its officials put it, “We are proud to sacrifice martyrs.” It wants the world’s attention on the question of whether the IDF campaign is violating the laws of war in attacking Hamas tunnels that are tightly connected to civilian and protected sites. It wants to buy as much time as is needed to cause the international community to stop Israel. Its entire strategy is built on tunnels.”
Max Verstappen makes quite the mistake as he boots Red Bull’s RB20 2024 Formula 1 car out of Chapel.
A rapid flick right of the steering wheel ensues to correct the slide. Then he’s on his way down the Hangar straight in a flash of blue, red, and yellow. Yet the error is utterly understandable: Silverstone was soaking as Red Bull shook down its latest challenger two weeks ago.
But the speed of the car even in such conditions, and the heart-stopping work to gather up the wayward rear, is being shown in a stunning new spectacle. It’s a potential game-changer for how F1 television pictures are captured.
This is because Verstappen is being chased by a camera drone. One that can hit a top speed of 220mph (354 km/hr) and follow an F1 machine for a full lap of Silverstone’s grand prix layout. And it’s been developed by Red Bull’s Advanced Technologies division, in conjunction with the Dutch Drone Gods company.
I’ve seen these racing drones for years, with blistering acceleration.
UFO’s (UAP’s) have been seen doing instant 90 degree turns deemed impossible, but I’ve seen drones do just that years ago.
375 km/h drone:
“instant” 90 degree turns. Year ago…..or ever…. Yep
Saturday satire: when a woke girl reports a crime
A third of UK temp readings not fit for purpose.
So firewood collection season is now open in Victoriastan subject to days of total fireban , which got me thinking that in the north of the state even in NSW how many days of total fireban have we had this summer ? I can’t actually remember any .
Solar installation company goes belly up .
“A Harvard Education Is Really … Something”
“Elbowen” got one of those?
“Saturday Snippet: The Roman slide into dictatorship”
In case “Elbow”‘s got ideas