Reckless Renewables Protest in Canberra, Australia on Tuesday

By Jo Nova

Farmers all over the world are bearing the brunt of the massive infrastructure and land needed to collect low density, unreliable energy. They’re being forced to take part in a giant pagan experiment to try to change the global weather and with virtually no consultation. No wonder they’re angry. In Australia there are more than 1,000 renewable projects in the pipeline and people in the regions are furious. They’re coming to Canberra at 10am on Tuesday. Professor Peter Ridd will be there. Don’t miss it if you can get there…

The regions renewable energy war in Canberra on Tuesday

Reckless Renewables Rallyby Mathew Condon, The Australian

They will come from the north and south. By car and bus and train. And if they have to, given their passion, by Shanks’ pony.

The“Reckless Renewables Rally” is also expected to attract similarly disaffected sympathisers from Queensland, Victoria (itself embroiled in the great wind farm debate) and Tasmania.

Hundreds if not thousands of the wind farm- and renewable energy-aggrieved are set to pour on to the manicured lawns of Parliament House, Canberra on Tuesday, February 6 – federal parliament’s first sitting day for 2024 – drawn from the Hunter and the Illawarra, the two NSW regions earmarked for the government’s multibillion-dollar offshore wind farms beyond 2030.

PRESS RELEASE – National Rally Against Reckless Renewables – 6 Feb 2024 – Parliament House 10am

We urge the Federal and State Governments to cease their reckless rollout of unreliable, unaffordable, and environmentally destructive wind, solar, limited “firming” batteries, and high-voltage transmission lines, amidst an ever-increasing demand for reliable electricity.
Currently, there are over 1000 new renewable projects in the government’s “Powering Our Nation” pipeline (Source AEMO, 2023). Almost all of these are located in Regional Australia. In the lead-up to most of these “projects”, this government has conducted short, insincere, and unacknowledged community consultation. Exploiting the fact that most of these projects are located in or near coastal, farming, and traditional communities with small populations, the government continues to disregard our concerns. In many cases, our right to judicial review or appeal has or will be removed. Read the whole press release!

h/t to MP and Johnny Rotten. I wish I could be there…

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59 comments to Reckless Renewables Protest in Canberra, Australia on Tuesday

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    David Maddison

    Fantastic news.

    There still remains remnants of the Aussie fighting spirit and belief in a “fair go” despite the best efforts of Leftists to destroy it.


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    Watch the barricades and street restrictions come into force! My sincere thanks to all those would able to attend. Please say a chant for me!


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    Me too. Wish I could be there. Sadly I don’t think Bowen will care much.


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    I attended the Peter Spencer protest and the Convoy of (its been a while) protest and it was good to see the turnout on both occasions. On both occasions the Labor politicians ignored us and the cause. I expect they will do the same this time. The ABC will be there doing their best to show farmers as illiterate know nothings standing in the road of “progress”. I cannot come this time but I wish all those who do make the journey Godspeed. Blocking the Hume highway for two or three days with headers and registered tractors might make a more effective demonstration. After a day or two the shelves in Sydney shops would start to empty and people might want to know why.

    If the Environmental Defenders Office is really interested in protecting the environment and people’s rights then we should use them to block or slow down these ruinous projects. If we could prevent them until Bowen and Albo are thrown out at the next election we would have a chance.


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    Funny, the ABC and Guardian don’t mention any gathering.

    Has anyone seen Peter Dutton? He really should join Peter Ridd on Tuesday and say a few words.


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      David Maddison

      Has anyone seen Peter Dutton? He really should join Peter Ridd on Tuesday and say a few words.

      I’d be extremely surprised if he joined.

      His faction of the Uniparty is just as committed to the anthropogenic global warming fraud as the Labor/Green faction.

      And it was his party that:

      -Allowed ruinables to connect to the grid.
      -Sold much of our gas supply to the Chicomms at world’s cheapest prices.
      -Banned nuclear power by law.
      -Initiated Snowy Hydro 2.
      -Threw tax payer money at the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, as much a shock to them as it was to tax payers.

      Dutton and his faction of the Uniparty are not the ones to go to for rational thought.

      Hopefully representatives of Australia’s conservative parties will be there.

      -United Australia Party
      -Libertarian Party
      -One Nation

      And I am told the Great Australia Party but I don’t know anything about them.


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    CO2 Lover

    limited “firming” batteries

    The cost of providing “firming” batteries for a wind and solar only power grid would be around A$10 TRILLION (not Billion) – Australia’s GDP is only $1.5 Trillion!

    That is before the extra demand to re-charge and EV only car and truck fleet.

    These costs can be worked out on the back of envelope.

    The “inevitable transition to renewables” will never happen as Australia and Australians will be bankrupted in the process

    Batteries now being added to the grid now only provide grid stability and could only provide back-up for maybe 10 minutes at best.


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    I understand that Dutton and some of the Coalition will join the farmers, but I hope the farmers don’t back down and accept some TOXIC, UNRELIABLE rubbish, just to sooth a few of the well known jellybacks and cowards.
    And if Labor does show their face we’ll know that they’re starting to get worried and they’ll hope to BS and trick some of the famers in future negotiations and much further down the track.
    I know Barnaby Joyce and Matt Canavan will be helping to organise meetings on the day and they’ve told Andrew Bolt that they’ve had a gutful of Labor’s lies and want to bring an end to more Wind and Solar ASAP.
    But I’ll believe it when I see it.


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      Brenda Spence

      List of speakers: (from Craig Kelly Telegram)

      LIST OF SPEAKERS (note subject to change on the day) – note all relevant elected representatives invited:
      [10.00am Mr Grant Piper] [10.10am Ms Gemma Pride] [10.20am Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price] [10.30am Mr Craig Kelly] [10.40am Senator Ralph Babet] [10.50am Senator Ross Cadell] [11.00am Hon Barnaby Joyce MP] [11.10am The Hon Dr David Gillespie MP] [11.20 Senator the Hon. Matthew Canavan] [11.30am Senator Malcolm Roberts] [11.40 Senator Gerrard Rennick] [11.50 Mr Llew O’Brien & Mr Colin Boyce MP] [12.00 Ms Katy McCallum & Mr Jim Willmott [12.20 The Hon. Tania Mihailuk, BEc, LLB, LLM MLC] [12.30 Music] [12.40 Mr Aidan Morrison] [12.50 Dr Anne Webster MP] [13.00pm Mr Russel Broadbent MP] [13.10 Mr Tim Dean] [13.20 Senator Pauline Hanson] [13.30 Mr Tony Pasin MP] [13.40 Mr Bob Katter MP] [ 13.50 Mr Steven Tripp] [14.00 Ms Mary Morris] [ 14.10 Ms Sybelle Foxcroft & Jonelle Neilson] [14.30 Mr Alan Moran] [14.40 Ms Amanda De Lore] [ 14.50 Professor Peter Ridd] [ 15.00 Ms Kate Mason] [ 15.10 Mr Paul Funnell] [15.20 Mr Kevin Loughrey] [15.30 Mr Geoff Grimshaw] [ 15.40 Mr Sam McGuinnes] [15:50 Mr Bruce Murray] [ 16:10 Mr Daniel Wilde] [ 16.20 Mr Rob Parker] [16.30 Mr Glen Isherwood] [ 16.40 Ms Vesna Cerroni]


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        That’s a good list of speakers. Some pro nukes in there as well as realists.


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        Jon Rattin

        That list includes the names of several senators who are consistently not featured in the mainstream media, presumably because MSM doesn’t want people to hear the opinions of said senators or bills they propose to put through parliament. It will be interesting to see whether or not this rally gets any attention via MSM this week…I’m leaning towards a no unless something scandalous occurs that the press can jump on


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      ‘ … I hope the farmers don’t back down …’

      Hardly likely, the Canberra bureaucrats and socialist government are destroying our environment. Blighting the land with their towers of steel and solar farms, we’ll make them sit up and take notice.

      This agrarian movement needs a charismatic leader who the MSM cannot ignore.


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      Last night on Sky, David Jochinke, President of the National Farmers Federation, was talking about the way that the wind and solar industries were trying to steamroll and bribe farmers into accepting turbines, solar panels and transmission lines on their farms.

      But he also let slip that he had allowed wind turbines to be erected on his farm! Not sure which side he is on.


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        The National Farmers Federation is all about big farmers and bugger the little ones. He seems as genuine as that $5 Rolex my cousin bought in Bali.


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      David of Cooyal in Oz

      Not good news I’m afraid, but the BoM forecast for Canberra on Tuesday is for rain.

      The link opens at today’s map for the whole of Australia, select NSW, then Tuesday. Currently showing 25-50 mms.
      Take your umbrella.
      Regret I can’t join you.
      Dave B


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        BOM forecast is rain?? I’d be packing shorts, sunnies, Akrubra and sunscreen. Another ‘forecast’ from an organisation that gets things reliably wrong, but assured us that their 2100 predictions are rock solid.


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    Bill Burrows

    Robert Onfray (a retired forester) wrote an article for the Australian Rural & Regional News newsletter (1 Dec 2023). The most disturbing point spelt out by Onfray and alluded to in: ( StevenNowakowskiPanoscapes – Industrial Renewables in Central Queeensland See: is that Wind ‘Farm’ developments are exempted from Queensland’s Vegetation Management Act (1999)! This is outrageous given the fragile landscapes where the majority of these “farms” are being located (especially in the Gladstone -Sarina coastal range region) and doubly so because of the fact that these higher areas are also refuges for iconic/endangered fauna such as koalas and greater gliders. They are killing them off with not a blush of shame. I’m disgusted! [If a rural landholder had inflicted that sort of disturbance on his/her land after the VMA became law he/she would have faced fines well into the 6 figures. And there are very many examples in the Court system files to highlight this point.

    From Robert Onfray’s article: “The state has introduced strict vegetation management laws in response to receiving bad press about perceived tree-clearing rates and its management of the Great Barrier Reef. However, no state-based legislation protects vulnerable wildlife and intact remnant vegetation from renewable energy projects. The forest ecosystems affected by wind factories in Central Queensland are classified as 90 per cent plus remnant and intact vegetation. However, wind factories are exempt from the Vegetation Management Act 1999 (Qld) and Nature Conservation Act 1992 (Qld)”. ————” Instead, they are subject to State Planning Code 23, the Wind Farm Code, which overrides those two acts. Renewable energy companies can put wind and solar factories, transmission lines and pumped hydro schemes anywhere they like. Under the Code, renewable energy companies don’t need to conduct environmental impact studies as part of the approval process. We now have a situation where governments approve significant developments with minimal environmental review before sanctioning wholesale clearing.”

    But that’s not all! Orchid Energy is in advanced planning for a 6000 MW offshore wind turbine facility off the Gladstone (& Capricorn Coast?). The biggest turbines are currently c. 15 MW capacity suggesting about 400 are being planned for installation. Most of these “farms” will presumably be sited 10-20 km offshore. But because of the height of the structures (200-300m) they will be clearly visible from the land. And at night the individual towers need bright navigation lights to warn shipping and aircraft. The vision splendid – and smack in the Curtis Channel. The latter is a prime migration ‘highway’ for hump back whales. Hope the whales don’t interpret the red lights on top of the turbines as signals to stop their migration!

    Poor bloody Gladstone is being squeezed by bird choppers by land and sea. Towers of Babel for the ages!


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      David of Cooyal in Oz

      Orchid Energy might be able to meet their purchase costs of the head gear by buying inexpensively from China, but might find their insurance costs – if they can find an insurer – rather high.


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    CO2 Lover

    Labor’s Green Nirvana in Queensland

    How would Queenslanders have faired this summer if Queensland had a solar (with some wind) only power grid with no evil coal or natural gas production facilities remaining to provide back-up?

    Would remotely turning down air-conditioning systems to 50% have save the day during a very overcast and rainy summer with high humidity?


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      another ian

      The special Qld air conditioner modification –

      The fans have fold out crank handles so the owners can generate power by spinning them when brown / blackout conditions threaten

      (/s just in case)


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      What time of the year is airconditioning needed most in QLD? Especialllly on hot humid nights?

      Well you can count solar power out on hot humid nights.

      And how many sunny days are there from December to February?

      Usually it is Victorian who head to Queensland – this may soon change!

      The majority of Queensland’s rainfall
      occurs in summer (December-February).
      Far North Queensland receives 800-
      1200 mm during this season, most of
      which comes from the monsoon winds
      bringing tropical moisture from ocean to
      land. Summer rainfall totals are lower in
      southern Queensland, as this region lies
      on the edge of the monsoon circulation,
      but still often exceed 500 mm.


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    “Towers of Babel for the ages!”

    Renewables: the great engineering and scientific insult to all Australians.

    If you wanted to design something that’s inefficient, costly, short-lived and prone to failure then Wind and Sohlah Ruinables is the Answer.

    The towers will be too expensive to demolish and will be left for posterity to take down.


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      Generators on a stick, most real generators designed by real engineers are bolted to a massive concrete foundation, not waving around on top of a big stick.


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    CO2 Lover

    set to pour on to the manicured lawns of Parliament House

    The lawns over the roof of Parliament House would be an ideal location for a wind turbine to make our “Servants of the People” self-sufficient with renewable energy and to lead by example.

    No need to cut down any trees either.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      Parliament House could easily be carbon neutral, simply by putting a funnel through its roof and letting all the hot air flow through a turbine.


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    Whilst it’s great to see regional Australia rallying against renewables the problem is not just the inner city elites but the Judases amongst them who allow these monstrosities to be built on their land. Listening to the head of the FFV on Bolt say how terrible is the rollout and the lack of consultation and that there needs to be other solutions but at the end he admits he’s got wind turbines on his property. The rural bodies are a’s not a solution to put the transmission underground or the turbines on the perimeter only. There is only one solution no more wind turbines or solar panels and until the rural bodies are controlled by climate sceptics who would happily stop the transition and go back to coal the farmers interests are not being looked after.


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      Sorry Zig, but I did not see your comment before I posted at 7.3 above. I was extremely surprised that he had taken the 20 gold coins.


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    John Connor II

    Reckless renewables running riot rejected by rational & reasonable reckoning.


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    Geoff Sherrington

    A little off thread, but still in the category of misinformation, we are being bombarded with hottest year evah! hottest January evah! type press material.
    Meanwhile, here in Melbourne, we continue to have cool summers, not like the old days of January dripping wet heat for a week at a time.
    Here is Tmax and Tmin for Melbourne, Olympic Park 86338 station, for recent months of January. Geoff S


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    Diogenes Avatar
    Feb 3, 2024 3:03 PM

    Apologies if this has been posted before.

    Remember the mountains of abandoned rideshare bikes? Meet the Fields of BYDreams

    As a wise man once said about official Chinese figures, if they’re bad double them, if they’re good halve them.

    The Video shows over 10,000 cars rotting away – all 2021 Cars only 31 miles on the clock and all with regostration plates


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    another ian

    “The Sprawling Radio Network That China’s Firewall Can’t Stop”


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    David Maddison

    On the subject of similiar pro-freedom protests, recall the 1978 movie “Convoy”. Although fictional, it was based on real issues in the US at the time such as an inappropriately low speed limit for trucks.

    It featured the idea of American camaraderie (like Australian “mateship”) and joining together to protest against the injustice and tyranny of government, much like this farmers’ protest.


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      Aye, but is seen more as a form of KAMARAD-erie unfortunately, just as the AfD being an ALTERNATIVE to the current traffic-light situation is seen as being FAR right ? eh? Why FAR right, why even to the right ?… and as for in the UK, is REFORM the best name ?


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    Farmers…. bearing the brunt of the massive infrastructure and land needed to collect low density, unreliable energy.
    Yes IMHO, BUT but but and but again: The farming Media, the Farmers’ representatives and professional, Yes I Stress PROFESSIONAL organisations:- It is UNFORGIVEABLE that the Universities and advisory people are following this gravy train: Commercial choices? No no NO ! It’s a COMMERCIAL Decision, I hear you say, But like the changes in the workplace it is a Generational thing …. Generational? Aye, like the Board of Directors voting for Xmas – they ARE ALL just a bunch of turkeys ( no disrespect to the real Bird-brained). I could NEVER understand why/HOW in Ross-shire, Elderly EXPERIENCED ( we thought / assumed) could vote their fellow age-groups out of employment in favour of young inexperienced, in the name of “Fresh blood” etc. and then the Young Idiots “do it” because they CAN – they have the power to change for change’s sake – to make THEIR mark on society – because they can. “Be all you can be (arschlochs)” (as they say in everyday German) but not allowed in English.
    Oh I could go on but …. the answer’s in the wind .. and we have plenty of that here this now


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    Steve of Cornubia

    I just watched Jeremy Clarkson’s Farm series for the first time. I think he has done more for farmers in the couple of years making those programmes than any farmers union has achieved since they were created.


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    robert rosicka

    Right now about 78% of all the power being generated on the eastern seaboard of Oz is from fossil fuel .


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    A couple of acquaintances were told that high power lines will cross their land, so they tried to sell, but have now taken it off the market because nobody is interested.

    They’ll be going to the rally


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    Leo Morgan

    Get Up say:
    We have a plan to crash Barnaby’s anti-renewables rally and combat their lies with mobile billboards roaming around Parliament House at the exact same time.


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    Gee Aye

    Do they have a wet weather plan?


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    The UK is making a play for hydrogen leadership, but a lack of applications in domestic road transport limit the scope for success Paywalled at


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    I write on Tuesday evening (6 Feb) – just realised I have heard not a whisper about this on the SBS or ABC news tonight. Did it go ahead? Assuming it did, the usual suspects have once again just pretended that something they didn’t agree with had not even happened. Still waiting to hear anything at all about the nationwide protests in Germany rececntly. No wonder the public elected a leftist government – they are pushed that way every single day by the media.


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    Arthur R

    Can someone who went please give their impressions of the day? I was hoping to go but unfortunately health problems meant I was unable to attend.
    Have been following the buildup to the event on “Stop these things”, they said thousands of people were going to attend, fantastic! What was it like being part of such a large crowd?
    Very little coverage in the mainstream media sadly.
