A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Instutitutions, gov and media try to rewrite history today.
Hmmm.. Maybe they need to tell the NLA (National Library, Australia).
Anyone can easily visit and view, the “inconvenient” documents recorded from the past…
71 years ago this was published in the “Bush Fire Bulletin”. (1st Sept. 1952):
“The experiences of early 1939 and of the past summer provide tragic evidence of the ever present fire forces which are ready to be unleashed when high temperatures, low humidities and drying winds combine to establish blow up conditions. Floods, devastating as they are and too frequent as they have been, lay the foundation for following fires.
The ever welcome good season leaves vast areas of crops and grasslands vulnerable to the “Red Terror”.”
Hmm.. I wonder if the Gov will class that 1952 article as misinformation?
Nope … maliformation.
Your government is trying to scare you for your own good, and you are harming their efforts with hatetruths like history.
Tonyb can provide more insight into how your not allowed to mention history when world savers are busy saving.
But excellent effort, don’t worry, soon you’ll be able recognize the mine fields and avoid booby traps like us hardened and cynical veterans.
Even better, just go to the State Library of Victoria and read all about the 1939 Bush Fires Royal Commission –
Creaking open the old dusty books that have made University’s our premier of education standards… mistakes..NEVER!
Just don’t examine too closely as WE are the EXPERTS and never allow anyone who might jeopardize our institutions of higher education.
Now about those LAWS OF PHYSICS and those THEORIES in mathematics to back it up…
Facts be damned!
A circle is a closed loop that has a defined measurement.
Now using pi(3.14159) generated an open circle for our theories on motion continues forth…
This is curved and adding addition must also be curved as its orbital.
The problem now becomes mathematics is a straight line and any addition really throws off the orbit.
So, using pi is a mistake that is constantly needing to be corrected as it’s orbit flys off into different directions not intended…
Just my layman’s opinion..
Dowdy, A. J., 2018: Climatological Variability of Fire Weather in Australia. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 57, 221–234,
There is no causality between temperatures and fires, but between drought and fires . and the arsonists.
Arsonists… and badly maintained power lines – yet what do our Planet Saviours demand more of?
Given there is no anthropogenic climate change that scholarly pronouncement is clearly false.
The main factors affecting bushfire adverse events in Australia are likely to be 1) regressive activists prohibiting fuel reduction burns by fire authorities and 2) people continuing to build houses in high fire risk areas and 3) local councils and regressive activists preventing adequate clearing of vegetation around houses built in high fire risk areas and 4) arsonists.
The input variables for Forest Fire Danger Index are temperature, relative humidity, wind speed on a given day, and fuel availability.
Explain, why temperature is an fire index, as winter fires exists and seem to increase.
There are experts denying temperature as index for many reasons.
“Explain, why temperature is an fire index, as winter fires exists and seem to increase” See below
Temperature affects fire behaviour indirectly through influence on fuel moisture content and local wind formation (e.g. sea-breezes). So, as air temperature increases, fuel moisture content tends to decrease, and vice versa. Dew can form which can cause fire to slow or even be extinguished.
Also, the higher the temperature of the fuel, the more easily it will reach ignition temperature.
“There are experts denying temperature as index for many reasons.”
Will you explain the many reasons for denying temperature as an index?
Ignition temperature for self ignition ? :D:D
Warm air can be dry or wet, in a long drought, the temps don’t play a role, as there isn’t anything to evaporate.
What a complete load of BS. Australia burns. It has always burned. The bush cannot adequately regenerate without fire as many of the seed pods need the heat to burst open. When Tasman and Cook first landed in Australia, their abiding impression was smoke from the natives conducting controlled burning of the bush. The terminally moronic green movement has stopped the clearing of overgrown bush and just about managed to stop controlled burning. There was one guy in Strath Creek who was fined $50,000 for clearing overgrown bush from around his own house. After the black Friday fires in 2009, his was the only house left standing and over 100 people died. Deadly idiotic greens try to justify their stupidity and then claim it was climate change what did it. Australia has burned for millennia so when someone writes complete bollox about increased fire risk due to climate change, you know full well they are covering their own arses for potentially deadly incompetence.
2019 and 2020 bush fire season in Australia was variously described as unprecedented. Whilst we must always consider and be respectful to those who lost their lives and properties, this fire season consumed an estimated 24.3 million hectares. The 1974/75 bushfire season consumed 117 million hectares. The 74/75 bush fire season was made worse by, guess what, higher than normal rainfall, leading to more growth and an increased fuel load when it came to the fire season. The actual total area burned could have been much higher had it not been for an unseasonal lack of winds. There are records of major bush fires going back to 1851 such as Victoria – 5 million hectares burned. 1968/69 40 million hectares in the Northern Territory, 1969/70 45 million hectares in the Northern Territory. Why is anyone surprised when the bush burns? Unless, of course, they have a disingenuous agenda to push.
Thanks, we need that story to be brought out into the open so that the voting public is fully awake.
Local governments can “save” heaps of money by not maintaining the local environment and this means more cash is available for the essential trips to New York for UNIPCCC conferences.
The input variables for forest fire danger may be a little narrow, the horrendous bushfire season in 2019-20 was exacerbated by an out of place blocking high pressure system bringing gusty hot winds from the north west. Admittedly the Great Dividing Range was already tinder dry after a long drought.
In 2023 the MSM spread wild speculation amongst the populace that this summer was going to be hell on earth, but it failed to eventuate.
The main factors affecting bushfire adverse events in Australia are likely to be 1) regressive activists prohibiting fuel reduction burns by fire authorities and 2) people continuing to build houses in high fire risk areas and 3) local councils and regressive activists preventing adequate clearing of vegetation around houses built in high fire risk areas and 4) arsonists.
From the 1939 Victorian Bush Fires Royal Commission Report –
In the State of Victoria, the month of January of the year 1939 came towards the end of
a long drought which had been aggravated by a severe hot, dry summer season. For more than
twenty years the State of Victoria had not seen its countryside and forests in such travail.
Creeks and springs ceased to run. Water storages were depleted. Provincial towns were
facing the probability of cessation of water supply. In Melbourne, more than a million
inhabitants were subjected to restrictions upon the use of water. Throughout the countryside,
the farmers were carting water, if such was available, for their stock and themselves. The rich
plains, denied their beneficient rains, lay bare and baking ; and the forests, from the foothills
to the alpine heights, were tinder. The soft carpet of the forest floor was gone ; the bone-dry
litter crackled underfoot ; dry heat and hot dry winds worked upon a land already dry, to suck
from it the last, least drop of moisture. Men who had lived their lives in the bush went their
ways in the shadow of dread expectancy. But though they felt the imminence of danger they
could not tell that it was to be far greater than they could imagine. They had not lived long
enough. The experience of the past could not guide them to an understanding of what might,
and did, happen. And so it was that, when millions of acres of the forest were invaded by bushfires
which were almost State-wide, there happened, because of great loss of life and property -, the
most disastrous forest calamity the State of Victoria has known:
These fires were lit by the hand of man
Seventy-one lives were lost. Sixty-nine mills were burned. Millions of acres of fine
forest, of almost incalculable value, were destroyed or badly damaged. Townships were
obliterated in a few minutes Mills, houses, bridges, tramways, machinery, were burned to the
ground ; men, cattle, horses, sheep, were devoured by the fires or asphyxiated by the scorching
debilitated air. Generally, the numerous fires which during December, in many parts of Victoria,
had been burning separately, as they do in any summer, either ” under control ” as it is falsely
and dangerously called, or entirely untended, reached the climax of their intensity and joined
forces in a devastating confluence of flame on Friday, the 13th of January.
On that day it appeared that the whole State was alight.
Good post but Arsonists?
In what sense?
E-bike causes train fire in Toronto.
Trump was NOT on the Epstein list as one of the predators.
No surprise there.
His name does appear in an incidental sense but, for example, in the context that one of the victims was asked if Trump was involved and she said no and also that once the Epstein plane was delayed due to weather and Epstein proposed to go to a Trump casino.
The Leftist media report this as something like “Trump named in Epstein documents” as if to imply he was guilty.
As of yet, no list of predators has been released.
Can anyone in the ACT where GA is, confirm they’re experiencing the same temporal anomaly, where real world events have yet to manifest?
There appears to be a 24-72 hour time lag there.
Or maybe CNN just hasn’t reported it.
/most likely cause
“As of yet, no list of predators has been released.”
A list has just been released but it is not solely a list of predators
It is not a list that links anyone to any criminal act though more lists are on the way.
““Lack of Commitment” Threatens Europe’s Net Zero Progress”
“Green Billionaires Fund Large Backbench Tory Net Zero Parliamentary Caucus”
“Why Are So Many Californians Dying?”
“In other words, the net “from Covid” deaths may not be terribly different from the “from the Covid response” death count.
And that possibility is the most terrifying of all.”
From the article
Adjusted for the decline in population, that non-Covid “excess death” figure becomes even more concerning as
the state has seen its population drop to about the same it was in 2015.
In 2015 – obviously there was no Covid – 260,000 of the then 39 million Californians died.
In 2023, not including November and December, 240,000 people died not from Covid (6,000 additional people died of Covid.).
How many States in the USA have seen large influx of immigrants and still not increased population?
Australia: Class action commenced over Covid-19 vaccine injuries. This is not getting much attention in the media / press while the “new” Covid vaccines are being pushed upon us. The proceedings in the federal court are still ongoing.
“Breeze Around The Knees”
“In politically-charged fashion news:
I’m surprised how many men say they’d never even consider wearing a skirt.
Why yes, since you ask, I am reading the Guardian. Specifically, a piece by Mr Phineas Harper:”
Via Instapundit
But then there is the story of a young man considering joining the British army and the advice of his worldly uncle –
“Join a Highland regiment my boy. The kilt is an unrivalled weapon for fornication and diarrhea “
Och aye lad, spoken like a true Scotsman, Jummay!
We don’t call them kilts, thar kults – different to climate kooky cults, they wear skirts and big girls’ blouses.
Driverless Cars Are Untouchable by California Traffic Citations
Breaking News; A massive Lithium fire in a Western Sydney factory this morning. E-bike and E-scooter batteries created intense heat and toxic gases.
The climate done it: JUST STOP CLIMATE.
Remember when Jo was promoting hydroxychloroquine for COVID?
• Hydroxychloroquine was prescribed in hospitalised patients with Covid-19 despite of the low-level evidence.
• Subsequently, HCQ use was associated with an 11% increase in the mortality rate in a meta-analysis of randomized trials.
• The number of hydroxychloroquine related deaths in hospitalised patients is estimated at 16,990 in six countries.
• These findings illustrate the hazard of drug repurposing with low-level evidence for the management of future pandemics.
And do you remember, that in these studies HCQ was given not on day one of the infection but day 5 or 6, and that just these studies were done by Gilead related docs ? You know, Gilead, Remdesivir…..
And the other study, killing people, they used the dose not for Hydroxychloroquine but for Hydroxychinolin.
Ill give you some links:
Covid-19 : hydroxychloroquine works, a proof ?
Covid-19 : hydroxychloroquine works episode II “Stupefying effects in 53 countries”
CovidPapers, Recovery, the Oxford Connexion
How is your Frech knowledge ?
France Soir was very informative concerning HCQ, from the beginning.
Oxford – Recovery : are the data hiding the deaths ?
KG v Simon; 6-0, 6-0, 6-0…game, set and match to KG.
Yet another BBC climate story full of holes.
Sydney e-bike repair building goes up in flames.
‘Around 50 firefighters have worked desperately to control a large warehouse fire in Sydney’s inner west in the early hours of Friday morning.’ (Oz)
Cybersecurity expert warns that latest Instagram trend is a ‘field day’ for password stealing hackers
In the digital age, people are all for sharing a play-by-play of where and what they’re doing.
That has become the latest trend on Instagram – users share answers to 11 questions ranging from age, height, and day of birth to more obscure questions like their favorite foods and phobias.
While it may seem innocent, a cybersecurity expert has warned that the ‘Get to Know Me’ trend is a ‘field day’ for hackers.
That is because many people use those exact answers as passwords for everything from online banking to email and credit card sites.
The Department of Justice backs up Shiloh’s warning, advising everyone to ‘think before you post anything online or share information in emails,’ keeping in mind that sharing information with people you do not know is one of the biggest online risks.
Sensitive information includes your birth date, family members’ names, work history, and school names, yet people answer some of these questions in the ‘Get to Know Me’ trend.
Other more obvious warnings include not sharing your social security numbers, bank account information, and passport information online.
Likewise, the National Cybersecurity Alliance cautions against sharing personal information with anyone.
‘Many people take internet security lightly. They share their private data willingly and without any concerns whatsoever,’ the NCA site shared.
The GULLS (gullibles) are everywhere.
Russian hackers wiped thousands of systems in KyivStar attack
The Russian hackers behind a December breach of Kyivstar, Ukraine’s largest telecommunications service provider, have wiped all systems on the telecom operator’s core network.
Following the incident, Kyivstar’s mobile and data services went down, leaving most of its 25 million mobile and home internet subscribers without an internet connection.
Illia Vitiuk, the head of the Security Service of Ukraine’s (SSU) cybersecurity department, told Reuters in an interview that the threat actors breached Kyivstar’s network in May 2023.
They launched the attack months later, wiping thousands of virtual servers and computers and “completely” destroying “the core” of the telecoms operator.
“For now, we can say securely, that they were in the system at least since May 2023. I cannot say right now, since what time they had … full access: probably at least since November,” he said.
As I keep saying, hacks take time, and are discovered well after the event, weeks/months/years.
As I said many months ago, expect infrastructure attacks to ramp up, and they are.
Don’t assume that if it’s quiet, all is ok.
Similar to fiat money –
the fiat internet of things is i!!usory 💨
Perhaps this can be taken as an article which refers to the desirability of “small (and direct) government”
Leading causes of death USA, 1990 – 2019 (15-49yo)
Place your bets. Heart attacks? Cancer?
All those happy well adjusted people. Maybe a gender swap?
Dr John Campbell
“Lancet- Excess mortality in England post COVID-19 pandemic: implications for secondary prevention”
“John Campbell- ” Have we got a national curiosity deficit disorder?” ”
Tonga water vapour now enveloping the globe.
Pretty impressive.
If we are lucky the cooling due reflection will be significant.
Thanks David, much appreciated.
Happy Chinese new year-
Crematoria workers redundant!
Kunstler has a go –
“Do You Dare Even Look? — Forecast 2024”*-nation/do-you-dare-even-look-forecast-2024/WIW
“After Promising the Opposite, NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby Says He Has “No Details” on What Iran is Doing With $6 Billion We Gave Them
January 4, 2024 | Sundance | 13 Comments”
A fair guess might be “Giving it back with interest”?
And you thought self-immolating EV’s were bad
Charging EV explodes and jumps 5 metres into the air.
Toyota. Oh what a feeling! 😆
One by one, Rik Mayall
A clip from the 2014 film ‘One by One’ has resurfaced starring Rik Mayall. The characters in the film discuss the New World Order population reduction and how it would be achieved. It is eerily accurate to what we are debating today outside of the “official narrative.”
“In order to stabilise world population, they need, or want, to dispose of six and a half billion people,” Ernest, played by Mayall, said.
Oohhh..something with Rik Mayall I don’t have?
Sorted. 😎
One for Rik Mayall fans.
Friday funny: Biden’s first self promo ad for 2024
It’s sad that this is real, but funnier (more ludicrous) than the CNN Trio posts.
Game over USA.
“Game over USA.”
Is this a different game than the one playing out in Oz, NZ, UK, EU, and already game over Canada?
There is a political structure behind that add.
That structure appears intent on the political division the add promotes.
It also opened the flood gates on the US southern border.
If that power structure prevails, and it will, because it is logistically supported by nearly the entire corporate/tech/academic/alphabetic/NGO global monolith …
much more than the USA is over.
(This opinion is for recreational purposes only and any similarity with reality is coincidental.)
Hilarious though that the faction that demands men are women, and must participates in women’s sports, and that children should get gender altering surgery without informing parents …
calls the other side “extremists”.
Nope, the same game, but the USA started it.😉
Reap what you sow.
EV Buses are (still) a Complete Disaster
“The missing data that could prove whether the covid ‘vaccines’ are safe”
Instapundit lead in –
Credit to Rainforest Reserves Australia (
These wind turbines will only make corporations wealthy, cost taxpayers and electricity users a lot of money, endanger wildlife, drive up energy prices even higher than they are now and will then require massive graveyards after they fail to produce the elitist pipe dream of “clean, sustainable energy”.
Laws require coal mines to rehabilitate the land after mining activities have ceased, yet there is no such legislation in place for wind and solar panel projects.
Irresponsible and dishonest politicians are literally killing the environment for no gain. And it will be the next generations that will be paying for it.
Tasmania: Hundreds of patients given expired COVID-19 vaccines
A pharmacy in rural Tasmania has administered expired COVID-19 vaccinations to about 600 people over two years.
The state’s health department said the issue at Yolla Community Pharmacy in the island’s northwest was identified after a review of cold chain processes.
The department is working with the pharmacy to contact people who received a coronavirus vaccine between August 2021 and August 2023.
“Affected persons will be contacted via letter during the first week of January,” Director of Public Health Mark Veitch said on Thursday.
“While getting an expired vaccine will not cause harm, it may be less effective in protecting against serious illness or complications from COVID-19 infection.”
A department spokesman said about 600 people had been affected.
Dr Veitch encouraged people, especially those who are immunocompromised, who received a COVID-19 vaccine at the pharmacy to speak with their usual doctor about revaccination.
Hopefully the expired vaxxes have degraded and are less dangerous than the valid ones.
“Hopefully the expired vaxxes have degraded and are less dangerous than the valid ones.”
One might with intent ask “degraded into what” and for solid evidence on “less dangerous than the valid ones” –
I would have thought!
Australia’s fifth warmest year on record, just replace ‘climate change’ with Hunga Tonga eruption.
‘Australia’s mean maximum temperature in 2023 was 1.34ºC warmer than the 30-year period ending in 1990, making it the country’s 5th warmest year on record.
‘The combined warming effects of El Niño, a positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and climate change helped make 2023 one of Australia’s top 10 warmest years ever recorded.’ (Weatherzone)
Excess Deaths: how much longer can this horror story be suppressed. Decent people need help
By the 10th of January, the polar vortex in the tropopause will split into two centers consistent with the geomagnetic field. A harsh winter will befall North America and Europe.
Study Finds Staggering 17 Million Deaths After COVID-19 “Vaccine” Rollout
WEF and excess deaths
Dr. John Campbell
You beat me to it! Allow me to recommend the new book “The Death of Science”, a collection of essays including several by one of its editors, Prof Angus Dalgleish. He is a consultant oncologist and also genetics expert who put this paper online as quickly as July 2020 explaining the decisive genetic evidence why SARS-CoV-2 is a human creation:
The only place we find complete viruses is in invitro, why is that?
I could not find a test to them in the human lung?