A wind farm near Emerald, Queensland (ABC)
By Jo Nova
After all these years, finally, signs that more Greens are waking up to the awful truth
Steve Nowakowski was a Greens candidate in Cairns in 2006. He was a co-founder of Rainforest Reserves Australia, and was hired as a photographer, but he didn’t like what he saw. Two years ago he was concerned at the environmental damage of the Emerald Wind farm, now he’s filming the destruction in the hope of stopping wind farms being built in Queensland. He’s calling it lunacy, and arguing we need nuclear power.
In a big leap, he even realizes the green groups are “colluding” with the government and the money making environmental vandals in the greatest land grab of the age. Mark my words, eventually this issue will split the Greens.
First Bob Brown former Greens leader, and now footsoldiers like Nowakowski and a few other conservationists are campaigning against wind turbines — word is spreading…
John McCarthy InQueensland writes:
Former Greens eco-warrior says we should all fear wind turbines
“I have never seen such collusion in my environmental career as I do now between big business, NGO’s and state government in what I consider the greatest land grab of the age,” he said. He said the bulk of the wind farm projects have already slipped through while everyone was sleep-walking.
Nowakowski is shocked at the scale of the industrial wind plants being planned for Queensland.
For months Nowakowski has been trying to warn about the proliferation of wind farms in Queensland and the impacts the developments are having on the environment.
“Every high elevation ridge-line outside of National Parks and State Forests will have a turbine on it between Gladstone and Rockhampton along the Great Dividing Range,’’ Nowakowski claims.
“It now seems over 60,000ha of remnant forest to be cleared across Queensland for proposed projects with approximately 4600km of new haulage roads pushed into remote and wild forests along ridge lines and mountain tops,” he said.
On the Chalumbin wind farm he says “It blows my mind’.
On his youtube channel Nowakowski says it’s lunacy and a scam:
We will look back at the lunacy of our folly in years to come. There is already so much cleared and degraded land in Australia and here we are destroying some of the best high biodiverse remnant bits left.
Clearing and fragmenting some of the best habitat left in Australia for wind farm industrial estates is a delusional act that won’t save the climate. Real climate action is placing renewable energy projects in a planned and proper manner in appropriate locations that will lead to a net loss of carbon emissions and a net gain in increased biodiversity The environmental offsets given to these wind farm projects in high biodiverse locations are a scam.
There are more of these inappropriately placed projects in the pipeline including the Chalumbin Wind Farm, Upper Burdekin Wind Farm and the completely ridiculous Mount Fox Energy Park which is almost entirely contained in some of the best remnant wet sclerophyll forests outside of the protected estate.
Thankfully, Nowakowski is not the only environmentalist waking up. McCarthy mentions the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland which he says has also changed position due to the large amount of land being cleared for wind turbines. Then there is Apple, which has pulled out of a wind farm near Burdekin because of environmental concerns. Even the group building the Chalumbin wind farm has scaled it back from 200 turbines to 86 (and it has been renamed Wooroora — presumably for PR’s sake?)
This video is remarkably like ones made by skeptics for the last ten years. (Nearly). He’s now supporting nuclear power…
It would have been better if he’d realized this ten years ago, but he’s doing a great job now. Wait til I tell him about the corruption in science…
One day he will realize climate-skeptics were the real environmentalists all along.
More info: Chris Kenny interviewed him six weeks ago on Sky News.
I don’t know that Bob Brown is against windmills per se, just the ones that marred his personal view, but it’s a start.
This fool is decades too late and even the Brown loony woke up before him.
We shouldn’t be building any more of the TOXIC W & S disasters, because they wreck our existing grids and have a very short working life and then have to be replaced, AGAIN, FOREVER. Plus thousands of klms of towers to further stuff up the environment.
Ditto TOXIC EVs and the HUGE cost of new batteries after 7 seven years and of course the SH value drops to SFA.
How green was my valley…
How green were the ridge tops…
How green were the national parks…
Stuff it – we’ve got a whole planet to save! Do these ****s worship DOG? Delusions Of Grandeur?
Gives new meaning to rainbow serpents: besides, won’t these earthworks and strange totem poles to a foreign god – not to mention the bad vibrations man – upset the ley lines and ancient sacred pathways? Or does filthy lucre ease the pain of loss…
The green, green grass of home = RIP.
From windmills to splar, more cold hard truths…
It’s more of a “Rainbow Infection” rather than this:
Neville — He’s not a fool, and he’s not too late to help stop scores of new wind farms and wake up more Greens.
He wants nuclear instead of wind turbines. he gets the capacity factor and unreality of how inefficient and wasteful wind turbines are. And- this is really important — he gets the collusion of big business and the greens and the government. With that, its just a hop skip and a jump to the idea that the science is corrupt too.
He is exactly what we need — and if there were ten times as many like him, the world would be a better place.
Remember, there was a time I was helping the Greens raise money…
Killing koalas to “save” polar bears
Thanks for the link MP. Obviously worrying. This paragraph is also concerning
“De Brenni has admitted at meetings that the government cannot undertake any wind factory location planning as they have no wind data. This is because when the federal government sold off the CSIRO subsidiary “Windlab” to Andrew Forrest, all the data went with the sale. And Forrest won’t release the data for anyone else to use. Consequently, the Queensland government relies on the wind factory proponents to carry out their own rudimentary wind data collection for concept design. As a result, the wind factory proposals go through the approval process without adequate engineering checks on the technical advisability of their site selection. “
Twiggy is continuing to show that his environmental “concern” is not going to stand in the way of his money methinks. Twas ever thus. ToM
Whoever approved that sale – without a clause requiring freedom of information about the wind data – should lose 75% of their pension.
And the wonderful Mr. Forrest should be pressured to make the data available.
Or a law could be passed that does exactly that for a [very] modest fee [so it’s not expropriation], and, perhaps, a modest gong.
Auto, still astonished at the incompetence of so many civil serpents and pollies.
In a world where we have multi decade contracts for the supply of gas with no price adjustment mechanism, where we absolve pharma of responsibility for releasing their “safe and effective products” on us and where we accept “I dont recall” from senior officials and politicians at enquiries; I’m not astonished by much these days.
Good news: A reformed “Green”. It shows that in some cases they can be reformed and hopefully made useful members of society.
No surprise there….
Yeah but, he still has a bee in his bonnet over ‘carbon emissions’, whatever they are.
As Neville relentlessly makes clear, these spinning prayer wheels to the gods of virtue and profit are not exactly the cleanest, nor most efficient, form of electricity generation.
Subsidy Harvesting Token Factories (SHTF).
Perhaps now he’s cleared the scales from his eyes on wind generators he’ll next take an open-minded look at the whole CO2 inanity.
Hard, I know. However, ‘a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’ (Chapter 64 of the Dao De Jing ascribed to Laozi)
Even though greens might develop an aversion to windmills, many of them support a gatherer lifestyle (no hunting as they are vegans) which they aspire to, so probably won’t support coal, gas, nuclear or real hydro (not SH2) and then we’ll have no power whatsoever.
Only so long as the ‘gathering’ occurs in the local supermarket 😀
All as it ever was.
Follow the money.
ESPECIALLY the “spillage”.
Saw him speak at a meeting in Rockhampton, along with Matt Canavan and Nick Cater. There will be two wind farms, 2 solar farms and a battery in our area near Gladstone if projects go ahead, with one solar farm and battery next door. Nowakowski had said he was going to create a video for Central Queensland. Thanks for sharing it, Jo.
“For months Nowakowski has been trying to warn about the proliferation of wind farms in Queensland and the impacts the developments are having on the environment.”
We’ve been pointing out the issues here for years while smug bastards like Nowakowski have sneered at us. We won’t forget the verbal abuse, Nowakowski.
Agreed Winston.
We must not forget the tremendous civilisation-destroying economic damage of their anti-energy policies.
They can’t say they didn’t know that the whole anthropogenic global warming scam wasn’t one of the world’s biggest-ever frauds. We have warned about tbis for decades.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
One of the first books written on the scam was “The Great Greenhouse Delusion – Ten Facts” by P.A. Toynbee of New Zealand. It was self-published and I think it’s hard to get now. I have one in my collection.
ISBN 0-473-01507-2
I too have a copy, a great book, not very long, to the point and very easy to read.
Another is Howard Hayden’s (of The Energy Advocate) The Solar Fraud: Why Solar Energy Won’t Run the World.
I read them in the early 2000’s and I think it would be fair to say they opened my eyes to all this BS more than any anything else.
I neglected to say that the Toynbee book was published in 1992.
Was he a smug bastard, or just naive — exactly like I was once?
He’s been working unpaid for at least two years to stop wind farms. Should we insult him for figuring out the truth (mostly) and being honest about it, or welcome him with open arms?
I would like to buy him a beer and have a good chat…
Jo – it’s a reasonable thing to place trust in the experts in some field that isn’t your own, and CAGW used to be something I just accepted was correct because I had heard so many expert opinions on it and also because I knew that CO2 is indeed spectrally active in the relevant parts of the spectrum, and you can see this easily in the radiation plots of satellites looking down and in bolometers looking up. Thus it seemed pretty clear that more CO2 would both reduce the outward radiation in those bands and slow the rate at which the Earth radiates heat away, leaving us warmer. Thus apart from wanting to maintain the environment for future generations, I also cheered on solar panels and wind turbines, to reduce CO2 emissions. Around 13 years ago, though, a good friend and good engineer challenged me on that, so I spent a while looking at the data. Turns out you can’t see a correlation between CO2 and temperature/climate in the actual data, but it took me maybe 6 months to be sure about that. The clearest plot for this is temperature and CO2 from around 1700 on, though if you look back thousands or millions of years it becomes even more obvious.
Net, though, is that we know that the climate has changed throughout history, and we don’t actually know why except that CO2 has very little effect itself. The weather is a large heat-engine that moves heat energy from the equator to the poles, and it maybe runs a bit faster with more heat input, though in the Global Temperature figures we can’t even see the variations from the sunspot cycle or the orbital variations that change the energy per m² we actually receive from the Sun by a much larger percentage than CO2 makes. If we can’t see that signal in the data, there’s no hope of seeing the CO2 signal. Not only do we not know why the climate changes, we can’t predict it either (which follows on from not knowing the reason for the changes).
Thus the whole CAGW scare is built on sand. However, the people who believe it mostly won’t change their beliefs if we give them the data (I’ve tried). There’s too much momentum, and too many people’s wages depend on them believing it, and of course they also get a daily dose of news that emphasises any bad weather event as unprecedented and because of human CO2 emissions. The data exists showing some really bad weather long before a lot of oil or coal was burned, but that isn’t mentioned. Propaganda is very effective when repeated very frequently, and people are discouraged from questioning by having posts deleted or shadow-banned or being kicked off the platform.
Thus I can’t blame Nowakowski, but instead cheer him on for realising it’s a mistake and doing what he can about it. He’s however up against a huge mountain of people who still believe and will not see the evidence, and of course those people are in positions of power too.
Since I’ve got connections with many people working on the fringes, I think we’ll fairly soon have better ways of getting the energy we need without putting up windmills and solar panels, and without emitting CO2 too (though of course I’m not worried about that, and I’m not sure that we have control over CO2 levels either). Let people find out naturally that not emitting CO2 makes no measurable difference, providing the new energy sources are cheaper than coal. We simply can’t continue with high-price energy, since it affects the cost of everything. As such, I just hope the system stays largely working until the new energy sources obviously work and get to mass production. Might be a close-run thing.
“It now seems over 60,000ha of remnant forest to be cleared across Queensland for proposed projects with approximately 4600km of new haulage roads pushed into remote and wild forests along ridge lines and mountain tops,” he said.”
We often see WWF ads asking us to give them a donation to save some sort of animal that is at risk of extinction because of activities like habitat destruction. Never any mention of the reasons why habitat is being destroyed.
Then there is all the CO2 emissions that come from installing the turbines. A couple of years ago there was “news” of wind turbines being installed at a site in the Snowy Mountains in Southern NSW. The blades, obviously made in China, were shipped into Bega then transported by truck to the site. I think each truck carried one blade and the blades were so long that each truck required an escort vehicle front and back, plus a police escort. So each vehicle would then have to return to the port for another load. Of course, the reverse should happen when the turbines reach the end of their “useful” lives.
“the reverse should happen when the turbines reach the end of their “useful” lives.”
Lol!! Nah, dump them in a nearby gully and bulldoze some soil over them. The moment electricity prices don’t cover the maintenance costs the first company sells the whole plant, later the second company declares bankruptcy and leaves the whole mess to the taxpayer.
We can’t even dispose of used tyres properly, or recycle plastic bags, so expect the same criminals to be at the end of the feeding chain for “recycling” wind turbines..
Greens and other fools need to wake up and understand we already have low impact, almost invisible power generation technologies that are sustainable, reliable and inexpensive:
Coal, gas, nuclear and real hydro (not SH2).
Very few people ever see a power station because there are so few of them due to their high power output and high energy density but everyone sees wind and solar plantations because such huge numbers are required due to their appallingly low power output and low power density.
And wind plantations are highly visible because they have to put them at high elevations, often destroying beautiful forests and always destroying the view and aerial wildlife. And access roads destroy even more forests and allow invasive weeds to be introduced.
The ABC repeats television images of emissions hovering above coal fired power stations but never mentions that is vapour from the cooling towers.
It only takes a minimal amount of common sense and research to see that windmills are a complete and utter joke, unsuitable for supplying power. Not only that, their complete lifecycle leads to a net increase in so called co2 emissions! So what was the point of installing them? And dont get me started on the carnage in poor countries that are mining and processing the rare earths…
One massive con, that has greatly enriched a few people, courtesy of the poor taxpayer.
One thing I find ludicrous is the Just Stop Oil mob. Have they any idea what solar panels and wind turbines are made from? Probably not, as I think they don’t think any more than Chris Bowen does.
I often defend Bowen. I would not go to see an accountant about a potential prostate problem. Likewise I’d not speak with Bowen about technical problems such as electricity generation but would find an older electrical engineer with decades of power industry experience. Australia has become a land of bimbos who give the important jobs to the wrong people. There is an obvious shortage of science educated MPs in Canberra. Bowen has an economics degree so should not be expect to make sensible decisions about power or the environment.
There is also a shortage – almost a complete drought – of science-educate MPs in Westminster.
Last time I checked [via the wonderful source that is Wikipedia! – which even I can amend] – the Cabinet had two.
One has since been sacked.
Australia is not alone in being led by folks who would struggle to name five planets.
I’d have thought an economist should have the nous to consult an electrical engineer (one who does actually currently work at providing reliable and affordable base load electricity at large scale) to understand how it all works.
That goes more than double for an economist who, as an MP/Minister, holds a responsible position influencing electricity generation for a nation.
You can’t sensibly regulate/legislate on energy without understanding it.
Does anyone know how many wind turbines would have to be erected to generate the power needed to manufacture one wind turbine? Seems to me that the Chris Bowens of this world won’t be satisfied until Shtraya (as Albo calls it) looks like a coast to coast echidna. And then they’ll leave to find somewhere else to destroy. ToM
No wind turbine has ever been used to make wind turbines, in spite of multiple “fact checks” (eg. here) that keep saying that wind turbines produce more than enough energy to do so. The reality of course is that total numbers don’t tell the whole story. Power from wind turbines is totally unreliable and therefore unsuitable for any manufacturing process, and in particular is virtually impossible to harness for any of the main processes required for making and installing wind turbines, such as mining raw materials, making them into things like steel and concrete, transporting and installing them, and building all those extra transmission lines from remote wind locations to where the electricity actually gets used.
Can’t make cement or refine steel using resistance heaters, gas for cement and coal for steel are the most common fuels now, still.
The only reason they sort of worked for farmers pumping water was 1/ these was little competition before the age of petrol engines.2/ The pumped water was stored in a tank for use when the wind didn’t blow, but as farms got bigger this was a problem, so as engines came into use, Southern Cross engineering made a motza building petrol engined jack pumps to fit on the windmill pump.
They are still good value but only if properly maintained and shut down in high winds, and there’s the catch, can’t always be around for that sudden burst.
Willis Eschenbach tries to find the UN Sec Gen’s + Dr Hansen’s boiling oceans and finds ZIP, again.
And the oceans cover about 71% of our planet.
Every turbine requires an access track. The landscape scarring is immense. I noticed on Google maps how easy it is to spot wind farms in Scotland from the satellite view.
Horrible scarring.
Most people don’t realize how big these turbines are and how much area they occupy. That’s the first thing. The second is the access roads. Every turbine needs a high quality road to the base of the structure. More work can go into the access road than the turbine construction itself. It’s big engineering and the area adjacent to both the roads and turbine are changed forever.
Modern drilling locations are far less destructive.
How did any of these projects get Federal/State Environmental Approval?
They have to get the EIS and that is where the consortium runs into trouble
Not far from me there is the Kerrs Creek Wind Farm proposal and the authorities see all this beautiful land as terra nullius.
My goodness, this little anti-human has reached an epiphany. Well petal, you reap what you sow and now you must ride the whirlwind of your own creation. Not a peep out of these low bandwidth humans while extensive farmland is destroyed. No, they only join the fight when their favourite bits are already destroyed. Afraid it is going to be a hard lesson learnt by these “Well meaning” earth destroyers. The Berkshire has shown up and you have been discovered. All the death you have caused will be discovered..and now you ask for forgiveness and support??
A useful idiot stretches and yawns as he slowly awakens to reality. Not everyone has been sleep-walking mate. Just virtue signallers like you.
Driving through South Australia last year I was shocked at the massive scale of industrialisation of the countryside, and for nil benefit. It’s difficult to imagine a greater environmental catastrophe.
I drove in a few years ago from the North and it was heartbreaking. I did a lot of growing up between Truro and Blanchetown – I love those low, rolling, bald hills studded accasionally with a tree or a windmill sucking up a rare bit of water for the sheep.
These bird choppers are a sheer monstrosity. I hate them viscerally for ruining a landscape so important to me.
None of it is worth a cracker without the umbilical cord to Victoria.
South Australians should be forced to pay for full battery back-up so the umbilical cord to brown coal Victorian electricity can be cut.
SA has 8% of Australia’s Popullation and it would cost around $10 Trillion for full battery back-up for a wind and solar only grid in Australia with some hydro.
So full battery back-up for SA would be around $800 billion – that shoulld be a winner with SA voters.
Never mentioned are the diesel/gas fuelled jet engine powered generators located in the former GMH factory at Elizabeth, Northern suburb of Adelaide, or the more recent diesel fuelled generators for submarine manufacturing to ensure that blackouts do not interrupt welding and other ship building.
Did you ever notice that photos used for promoting tourism never have industrial wind turbines in them?
The greens on carbon are posing,
As for humans, they scarce hide their loathing,
Who would strip bare green hills,
For their monster windmills,
Because greens are wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Cutting down trees for wind turbines makes no sense.
Geologist Ian Plimer argues Australia is already at net zero because the nation’s wealth of vegetation sequesters more carbon dioxide than the output of the population.
“We’ve been at net zero for a long time because we’re a very, very big country with very few people, we’ve got a huge amount of grasslands and forests,” he told Sky News Australia.
“If we look at the amount of carbon dioxide that we emit every year in this country, it’s about 417 million tonnes.
“Those grasslands and forests suck up 940 million tonnes per annum, so we’re already there, and then when you put the continental shelf of Australia around it, and that’s only 2.5 million square kilometres, we actually sequester five times as much carbon dioxide as we emit.”
Mr Plimer said Australia’s emissions situation wasn’t being recognised because it doesn’t “fit the narrative”.
For decades that should have been the contrasting argument from our government when it came to CO2 emissions targets and agreements with the UN. Put aside ( for one second ) whether CO2 has any effect on climate, the debate from our representatives should have been that not only was Australia an extremely small contributor of CO2 to the whole system, our continent as a whole was a CO2 sink or major sequester. All the advising scientists would know this, but for some reason have stayed silent. I can do a calculation of how much CO2 is sequestered just from our agriculture crops ( Broadacre, Horticulture and Pasture) using quite conservative figures and the figure is nearly equivalent to our emissions. Also, probably every country in the Southern Hemisphere could use the same argument. There’s no science, it’s all politics.
Is it possible that when the resources of the planet were mapped for corporate interests, they included wind as one of the resources and then went about lobbying to find the most easily duped governments?
Yes, but WEF net zero really means net zero economic prosperity.
And that is why the UN chose to define their “net zero” as confined to the ballance of HUMAN related emissions, compared to HUMAN created sinks ( CCS, forrestry plantations, etc)
IE, all natural sources and sinks are ignored in the calculation.
..Thems the rules the players agreed to !
It’s not as simple as that CO2lover. All the grassland/forest/bush and soil emits about the same amount of CO2 as it absorbs. It’s usually in equilibrium. Most of the CO2 it absorbs is not man-made but natural.
Human emissions are a mere 4% of the natural ebb and flow. Australian emissions are 1.2% of the global total. Stick with that.
Australia actually led the world in carbon accounting because it was worth billions to us (in the screwed up “Kyoto” fake market). Our greatest emissions reductions actually came from land use and forestry change (we stopped clearing so much land in Queensland in the 1990s). David (my other half) built that carbon model and used satellite images to generate detail to 25m square resolution across the whole continent to estimate the carbon in the plants, bark, soil, leaves and roots. (But not in lakes, rivers or oceans).
The joke that is carbon modelling, is that we still don’t understand where a lot of the carbon goes, and that the oceans obviously are a huge factor but they are not even included in the Kyoto fake market.
The true Conservatives among us knew this 20, even 30 years ago. You can bet this bloke called his fair share of sensible Environmentalists “Deniers” and he STILL thinks CO2 is the bad guy.
Partially converting people like this is a nice little step, but it does little to truly kill the scam. He’s still a CO2 hating nutcase, and we forget that at our peril.
It’s standard practice of the Left to disown, cancel and severely punish any of their drones who goes bad and fails to follow the Official Narrative.
I wonder what Nowakowski’s punishment will be?
These windfarms could be killed off immediately if their promoters were only paid for dispatchable power and not just power when the weather allows them to make it.
The cost of providing battery back-up would make these projects completely unviable even with massive government (Taxpayer) subsidies.
Self made US multi-billionaire Warren Buffet a few years ago commented that without government-taxpayer incentives including subsidies for profit there would be no private sector investment.
Oh yes. And in ten years time all the hill tops and oceans will be littered with polluting dead windmills and thousands of death pits will be dug to bury the dead solar cells as they leach their poisons into the earth.
Billions, or is it trillions, totally wasted to turn our planet into an economically crippled, polluted scrap yard.
This is the brave new world these green bastards have created for the planet and future generations.
Never forget, never forgive.
By 2025, Germany alone will have spent $580 billion on renewables and related infrastructure. Add in the wasted “Renewables” expenditure in other countries and we are now in the TRILLIONS with zero impact on global atmospheric CO2 levels which showed no change in a steady climb during COVID when man-made CO2 emissions fell substantially.
Sucks being Cassandra hey.
Never forget that Australia and the entire SH are a NET SINK of co2 and the NH is a NET SOURCE. Here’s the quote from the CSIRO.
So why are we WASTING TRILLIONS of $ and WASTING decades of our time for NOTHING?
“Seasonal variation”
“Carbon dioxide concentrations show seasonal variations (annual cycles) that vary according to global location and altitude. Several processes contribute to carbon dioxide annual cycles: for example, uptake and release of carbon dioxide by terrestrial plants and the oceans, and the transport of carbon dioxide around the globe from source regions (the Northern Hemisphere is a net source of carbon dioxide, the Southern Hemisphere a net sink)”.
The Cape Grim baseline carbon dioxide data displayed show both the annual cycle and the long-term trend”.
Here’s the CSIRO Cape Grim link and look at Seasonal Variation.
He’s only one dissenter, but there will be more as this economic, engineering and environmental disaster is seen up close by more taxpayers.
Fourteen thousand windmills were left rotting in the USA at one location and they are hard and very very expensive to clean up.
Australia, you’re standing in it.
Up to our necks in their Schwamp.
The Other Side of the coin.
CNN NEWS has a dramatic story about climate denial.
“Thousands of YouTube videos analyzed by the nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), which has identified a stark change in the tactics of climate deniers over the past few years.”
That’s just a teaser. The article is incredible, amazing, Woke and ultimately insulting to those who read it because it assumes that readers are totally stupid.
To LATE DH!!!You and YOUR GREENS blob will be ultimately responsible for the devastating environmental destruction ruinables will have on the planet. It will be taught in schools about how moronic GREENS helped to destroy the planet, goodluck with that kids, suckers…bwahaha.
The educators have been a big part of the problem; particularly the science teachers. I don’t expect they’ll be ridiculing their elder counterparts in the years to come, much as they deserve it.
Group think is systemic in the schools. It starts in kindergarten. It gets even worse in the faculty lounges of the professors.
I recall my first trip to Mojave, CA. Driving up the Antelope Valley highway back in the early aughts around Rosamond I topped a hill and spread out in front were arrays of hundreds of those ugly windmills. I was stunned at their size and on a rise in the distance I saw a box truck dwarfed beneath one. Being in the remote desert I didn’t fret about it but now farmers fields in my area sport those horrid monstrosities.
Of all the wind turbine locations around the world, those Californian valleys and passes from the interior desert to the coastal plains would have to be the most ideal. The winds through the passes start blowing every morning at 8 o’clock and don’t stop until well into the evening. The clown eco-warriors mistakenly thought if wind generation would work in California, it’d work anywhere.
Unlike among conservatives and fellow rational thinkers, the Left won’t tolerate alternative opinions among their herd and dissenters are punished severely.
Therefore, sadly, the chances of others “coming out” like Nowakowski are minimal.
Have you noticed all the resident Leftists have been remarkably quiet lately?
Cat got your tongue?
Embarrassed by recent revelations?
Oh dear, I have been immoderate.
Chrissy Bowen has Plan B to counter the opposition to the vandalism to native forests for onshore wind farms – put them offshore where costs will be much higher.
What can be read into the Federal Government rejection of a Victorian Government pet project?
Japanese-backed wind generator’s licence rejected
Flotation Energy was considered Victoria’s second most advanced offshore wind project but the federal government has stunned many by preliminarily rejecting the project.
Another wake up call.
A hybrid system of wind turbines, solar panels, firming back up systems, a transmission line from every installation to the main grid, and now a brand new main grid only needed for efficiency of transmission by wind and solar never did make sense, cost-benefit analysis including all systems and land area plus replacement of turbines and solar on average every twenty years cannot possibly be the cheapest.
However, by maintaining coal fired power stations until they are no longer profitable to operate, seventy to eighty years, as compared to the fifty years for accounting purposes after assets value is written off, makes more sense. Then using the same land replace them with the latest ultra supercritical boiler technology. And/or factory made Small Modular Reactors with factory built electricity generator units for assembly on existing sites.
And continue to use the existing electricity grid network, expanded as required, when required.
A wind turbine business story worth reading …
Great article thanks keep it up God bless
The three Musketeers are still absent. Annual leave?
[…] Jo Nova […]
From about a decade ago, this two part dissection of the subsidies paid by the tax payer for wind turbines.
From the opening paragraph: “$3 billion annually in 2019; and continue at that colossal rate until 2031. The cost of the greatest subsidy rort in the history of the Commonwealth will exceed $45 billion ”
So, that’s 45 billion you and I will cough up to line the pockets of share holders and CEOs who mainly live overseas for something that takes power to start, makes not enough power to offset the CO2 produced in the making while stealing power to keep it running, then taking more power to stall it when the wind gets too high. Yep, it’s a winner and lets not get started about the decommissioning!!
The windmills have to be big eyesores.
A virtue signal isn’t sufficiently virtuous unless it’s in your face.
At least they’re not performing ritual human sacrifice at the top of them … yet.
I would suggest wind turbine farms are tiddlywinks compared to the environmental damage
of solar panel farms. Solar panel farms destroy the entire acreage on which they are placed.They are also depleting food production acreage at a time when the populations of humans is maxed out in history, but better fed than ever. Populations are still growing, thanks largely to technology and atmospheric CO2 growth stimulation of crops. The reality is the only lives valued by the elites of Global Warming are their own. Their ideas of the brave new world is reduced numbers and wealth of humans and they control those left.
Loss of reliable energy, loss of artificial fertiliser production, decrease in [CO2}atm, loss of farm acreage, laws controlling land usage and destruction of ruminants says it all.
sorry my editing timed out. Or I pushed the wrong button.
The proper name for a windfarm is ‘Swoosh’.
Cash cow for China!
This is too juicy to put elsewhere … From the CBC:
Extreme weather squeezes electricity systems. These strategies can help keep the power on
Build diverse generation to top up insufficient baseload.
Our national news service!
When there is not enough base-load, the obvious solution would be to build more base-load. When built, it will produce when the customer requires whatever the weather at the time.
Covid proved the vast majority of people are stupid and easily led. This is just additional evidence.
I didn’t see anywhere there where our ‘experienced’ environmentalist and ex-senator Bob Brown have been knocked back for meetings with Bowen and the Qld Climate change minister for them to school them with their industry knowledge.
All very well for him to claim the Australian public has been sleep walking, that’s utter crap!
His Marxist mates have been completely ignoring the science!
Time he started demonstrating in the streets and the steps of all Parliament, you know, like they did against conservative governments at the drop of a hat!
Your move now mate, get the teachers union to get the teachers to fill with the streets with their kids to fight the REAL problem – the renewables grifters!
Another one he could take a look at is the proposed pumped hydro scheme at Eungela west of Mackay. That’s going to be a major environmental disaster.
[…] Read more: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/01/former-greens-candidate-now-warns-wind-turbines-are-lunacy-and-a-s… […]
Who would breed from an idiot like him, you bolted the horse you fool, now rack off to where you belong HELL.