A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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To all…
In the last 5 years, Installed solar panel related fires in NSW (Australia) have increased five-fold.
Another problem that is becoming a serious issue for us…
Fire Rescue NSW are now attending a marked increase of fires caused by DIY or 2nd hand solar panel/inverter/battery installations.
Why?… If power prices continually increase by double digits, those that rent, those that are poor, those that struggle to pay their bills, etc…
Will try different ways to cut their energy costs…. Often with a bad outcome. Sometimes a life or two lost.
Those lives will become a forgotten statistic to the academics, bureaucrats, politicians and Govs.
They will become just another part of the collateral damage caused by your Governments “Net Zero” policy decisions.
I have served for 30 years.I have seen it all. I am tired of investigating a needless loss of life whilst our so called “elite” party at another COP function.
They don’t care about you.. They don’t listen. They will never be held culpable or accountable… understand that.
We have the best government that money can buy.
– Mark Twain
To paraphrase the late great prophet George Carlin:
‘They’ are in a club, and we are not. It’s the same club they use to beat us over the head with every day. They don’t care about you. They don’t care about us. They don’t care at all. At all.
There’s been a spike in home fires here too, including charity & church homes and halfway houses which had no smoke alarms fitted. And as the long-predicted fires of hell hath STILL NOT arrived, people who are COLD will resort to anything in an attempt to get warm, ie. stay alive, often with unintended – and deadly – consequences.
‘They’ don’t care at all.
William, speaking from the section of society where medical appointments have become almost a ritual, my observation is that Australia’s health system will never recover from the damage done to it by the mismanagement of CV19.
People have been broken, and a lot don’t know it yet.
SIL in Mackay last year, had to replace Roof Solar after 9 years – $10K – Ouch
Don’t know where the Old Panels & Inveter went.
My neighbour has two arrays, one on his house and another on his garage [both on a high FIT] and replaced them both early this year. That must be around 10 yrs use.
Aloha! There is a perfect word that describes all you say. The word is “KAKISTOCRACY”! Google it!
All the governments of the West are in a perfect marxist choreographed WEF corruption ballet!
“Private jets in Munich on the way to Dubai global warming conference are literally frozen on the runway, which has turned into a glacier,” said Ryan Maue, a meteorologist and former NOAA chief scientist.
44 cm of snow on ground in Munich. 60% of Europe is snow covered. Most snow since 2010.
Not only private jets, no flights at all in Munich, and no trains at all too. Closed because of wigte global warming. In earlier times they named that snow, but snow is so yesterday and no more existant…
Meanwhile, Germans are listening to music:
What else! 😆😆
Your kids, oops, dogs will never know what snow is.
and the USA.
show your kids so they know what boiling snow is.
Not only private jets, no flights at all in Munich, and no trains at all too. Closed because of white global warming. In earlier times they named that snow, but snow is so yesterday and no more existant…
And all these German children are running around going “WTF is this?”
“WOE is dis”? (What on earth)
Plus, there is always a problem finding enough parking places for private jets at Klimate Krisis Konferences. That’s why I didn’t go th is year. (Sarc.)
I think they’re deliberately keeping quiet about private jet parking arrangements at Dubai this year.
And good luck de-icing a runway with solar and wind power, LoL. Or continue to use nasty chemicals, which obviously is not working in Germany.
Problem easily solved by pumping water from the boiling ocean.
Read this and weep:
It is going to be a spectacular, expensive and society destroying failure when the Grid goes down…and it will with Bowen controlling things.
This madness – evil must end.
“Mr Bowen said ….that renewable sources, particularly solar, were now the cheapest forms energy.”
Outright bloody liar! The consummate politician.
Typical of our moron that identifies as an energy minister!! He’s still got the wrong end of the stick. The rest of the world at COP are now advocating tripling their switch to NUCLEAR
while our moronic mass ( there are 39 of them ) holidaying in the oil rich Middle East are floundering about with wind & solar which the west is dumping like last month’s raw prawns!!
Outsiders are quite right. The ALP government is built on the 3 i ‘s, ideology, idiocy & incompetence. What ever happened to the only building block….. COMMONSENSE!!
NSW passes climate bill to write 70 pct by 2035 emissions reduction target into law
NSW parliament has voted unanimously to enshrine the state’s emissions reduction task in law, legislating a new 70 per cent by 2035 target as well as the Paris aligned goal net zero by 2050.
The landmark legislation was passed on Thursday morning in what is being hailed as notably cooperative and collaborative cross-party effort led by the Labor Minns government.
It was passed through the Lower House unanimously, after amendments were agreed to in the Upper House to reach broad consensus. It will now be signed into law by the NSW Governor.
“Climate change is an environmental challenge, but also poses an economic opportunity,” said state energy minister Penny Sharpe on Thursday.
“This Bill provides certainty for industry, business, investors and all sectors of the NSW economy, and shows them they are not alone in responding to this challenge.
“I welcome the discussion and multi-party support that has led to the passage of this Bill and look forward to accelerating the transition to renewable energy that will deliver cleaner and more affordable energy to households and businesses.
“The passage of this Bill shows Labor can build consensus on what is right for NSW and deliver on its key election promises, despite holding minority government,” Sharpe said.
The result is particularly encouraging given the NSW Nationals-led push back against renewables in the state’s regions, where the state’s solar, wind and transmission build-out will be focused as it works to quit coal.
“It’s fantastic that the government, the NSW Liberal Party, NSW Nationals, Greens and crossbenchers worked together to get an excellent result,” said Farmers for Climate Action CEO Natalie Collard in comments on Thursday.
“The NSW Coalition has shown what can be achieved with sensible collaboration: increased focus on regional communities paired with increased ambition. What a fantastic outcome.”
Georgina Woods, a Newcastle-based environmentalist and the head of research and investigations at the Lock the Gate Alliance, said on Wednesday that the speeches in the Legislative Assembly were a “joy to read.”
“Everyone thanking each other for cooperating, affirming commitment to ambitious action, acknowledging community advocates,” Woods tweeted on Thursday.
“Of course, ‘The big test for this legislation will be how it mitigates fossil fuel emissions in the mining sector,’ as Alex Greenwich told the parliament.”
The Climate Change (Net Zero Future) Bill 2023, which delivers on an election promise, also establishes an independent Net Zero Commission to monitor the state’s progress to net zero, including through annual reports to ensure parliamentary transparency and accountability.
The Net Zero Commission can provide independent advice on projects and policies across the NSW government including approvals of any new coal and gas projects.
This will prove interesting in debate around the future of Origin Energy’s Eraring power station, one of Australia’s most polluting coal plants located on the shores of Lake Macquarie.
Origin has set a date to close the plant in 2025, but there has been speculation that the Minns government might intervene, to keep at least a couple of the plant’s four 720MW units open for longer to ease supply and price pressures on the market.
Of course, keeping polluting coal plants open longer than they need to be would be counter to the state’s now legislated emissions reduction targets, as groups like Nature Conservation Council of NSW have noted.
“The Minns government can’t prop up the largest coal plant in the country without seriously undermining its climate agenda,” the NCC CEO Jacqui Mumford said last month.
“The science is very clear on what needs to happen to meet this responsibility – we need to reduce emissions across every sector of the economy.”
Lord alone knows when this will be rolled back but roll back it must; if only it were as fast as the west australian Aboriginal Heritage Amendment and Repeal Bill 2023 eh.
Here comes triple the cost.
A very very prescient comment:
I heard on the radio the other day that there has been a dramatic increase in Australia of obesity and associated issues such as diabetes and heart disease due to the Left’s “body positivity” and “fact acceptance” movements that promote the idea that morbid or other forms of unhealthy obesity are just fine.
Yes , a walk through a local shopping centre shows the problem readily.
Common sense snd self discipline are so passe , besides, the government will take care of us, they’re rich.
I know you were being sarcastic Keith, but most people have no clue that “the Government” does not have an infinite supply of wealth but gets it by taking it from productive, hard-working people or or borrowing it, in which case it has to be repaid by same said people.
It depends on the measure of wealth. If measured in money then the Federal Government is an unlimited source.
If measured in terms of those thing essential to supporting and enjoying life then there is a simple test for the Federal Government. Blockade Canberra to shut down all imports and exports, including energy and communication links and see where the pain is felt first. I can guarantee that the hot air produced in Canberra will not get them very far. And the 100% “renewable” energy they run on will disappear.
Money is not a measure of wealth because it is just printed by Government without any backing of gold or any other precious commodity.
The money created by the Federal Government can command all the resources in Australia. So essentially all the wealth in Australia is at their disposal providing the population are willing to accept the money for whatever each individual has to offer.
Obviously this relies on the government acting responsibly and in the interests of all Australians. My impression is that people like Albanese and Bowen are strutters and preeners. They are not working in the best interests of Australians.
Australia needs to get back to governments that serve Australians rather than offshore interests.
“And the 100% “renewable” energy they run on will disappear.”
Notwithstanding the narrative they propagate, it is a lie.
They don’t.
They also use electrons that are derived from fossil fuel. Black electrons. Oh, the horror!
You, I and the gate-post know that.
And, rarely considered, taxes are of course paid by private sector taxpayers to government and public service employees are paid from tax revenue, so when a public service employee pays tax the revenue to government is not new money, the public service does not contribute.
Yesterday PeterPetrum said:
I have read this before and I believe it to be true but it is an area of scientific and medical research that is prohibited by political correctness and the ideology of the Left because according to them, all peoples are exactly the same, physiologically and in all other ways.
We are all part of the same human species of course, just as domesticated dogs are members of the species Canis lupus familiaris, but that’s not to say there aren’t differences. An obvious difference is in athletic ability. Who dominates certain events at the Olympics?
In any case peoples from hunter-gatherer societies and peoples from settled agricultural societies have, by necessity, evolved different physiologies to deal with food. Hunter-gatherer meals come randomly and infrequently while those of settled agricultural people are much more regular. The release of insulin has evolved differently in both peoples and when the former hunter-gatherers change the dietary habits to Western ones with food on demand, or at least regular meals, they do not adapt well.
Because of political correctness it is hard to find references to this but here is one:
Possibly the reason they never progressed above the basics was their communist system of living, one chap catches a roo, everybody gets to eat.
So no one is going to build a 6 bedroom, 5 bathroom 2 swimming pool mansion because 256 of his rellies would camp there sharing in his ‘good fortune’.
The impact of a change in diet is not just limited to Aboriginals
In a list of the countries with the greatest percentage of overweight people, Nauru tops a list of countries with the greatest percentage of overweight people, with an alarming 94.5% of its adult population (ages 15+) classified as such, based on the most recent estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO). The Federated States of Micronesia, Cook Islands, Niue and Tonga round out the top five, all with a portly population of over 90%.
Unsurprising, three-quarters of the US population is obese, its a disgrace.
This is the outcome of modern civilisation, apparently.
While likely close to the truth, recall that BMI is a rather poor measure of obesity unless the percentage of muscle mass (which is “heavy”) is also taken into account. What is the average BMI of the world’s professional sports teams?
“21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2022. 54% of adults have a literacy below sixth-grade level.”
Other Western countries don’t fare much better.
The decline of western ‘civilisation’.
Race based alcohol susceptability?
There is no evidence that Native Americans are more biologically susceptible to substance use disorders than any other groupRates of all types of addiction — not just alcohol — are elevated in aboriginal peoples around the world, not only in America. It’s unlikely that these scattered groups randomly happen to share more vulnerability genes for addiction than any other similarly dispersed people. But what they clearly do have in common is an ongoing multi-generational experience of trauma.
Alcohol, as ingested, is in fact harmless.
The liver however converts it to Alcohol Dehydrogenase, a powerful oxidiser, and that does the damage.
Then there’s the cider gum tree here in Oz that produces a sap that forms fermentation pools, and I bet that got some serious use in the past..
Private Jets Headed To Global Warming Conference “Literally Frozen On Runway”
How apt, they are going to a conference all about global warming and their chosen conveyance is frozen to the runway. BWAhahahhahahahaha
Oh Ruari, where are you.
A Warning from the Climate Gods that they are displeased with all the CO2 generation from private jets when videoconferencing could be used by COP attendees!
Today’s word is:
Reminds me of the “Tower of Babel” story . Seems nothing changes…divide and conquer still works .
Still no news as to whether the Left’s finest intellectual, Dr Greta Thunberg, is at the Klimate Krisis Konference in Dubai.
And what was her means of transport?
Strangely, if you do a Goolag search for “COP28 insects menu” withoute quotes you will find that the Elite delegates to COP28 will not be eating insects even though they expect we serfs to eat them as already happens in 1000 Aussie “schools”.
It’s time for a few proudly independent content providers to start following around the bigwigs, and pop up with handy insect snacks at every media event.
Would make an amusing newsreel to see the adults making ugly faces at the food they push onto school kids.
And as if we needed another example of MSM hypocracy. Breaking news Daily Mail advising of a stabbing rampage in Paris near the Eiffel Tower. Remember the Belfast stabbing of the 2 adults and 3 children last month? Remember the lack of information regarding the identity/nationality of the perp?
The Paris attack was apparently preceded with the perp shouting “allahu akbar”. Now before you go jumping to any conclusions the DM is quick to point out:
“The attacker – who launched the assault near the Eiffel Tower – was born in France and is French, a source in the French police said.”
So I guess the allahu akbar reference is nothing to worry about.
Seems the Pink Panther force can gather nationality facts and share them faster than the Paddy force. Croissants all round.
” Remember the Belfast stabbing of the 2 adults and 3 children last month”
I think in Dublin, IIRC.
Conniptions afterwards …
And in the EU, too! Goodness.
Dec 3, 2023 9:04 AM
The COP28 climate summit has bowled up a plethora of pledges on renewable energy, health and agriculture, and Australia has signed up to all the biggies.
Australia seeks to play good cop at climate summit
Hans van Leeuwen Europe correspondent
Dubai | The Albanese government has thrown its weight behind a flurry of declarations and initiatives at the COP28 climate summit, despite being one of the few countries not to field a political heavyweight to the conference’s all-star opening plenary.
Australia joined 100-plus countries signing up for headline declarations on renewed climate action in farming and healthcare, and also backed a pledge to triple the world’s renewable energy generation capacity by 2030.
The Albanese government also swung behind the formal launch of the 36-country Climate Club, which will be serviced by the OECD in Paris. Its members are ultimately looking to work more closely in policy lockstep, rather than in a disjointed or competitive way.
Although Prime Minister Anthony Albanese did not join more than 160 other leaders at the summit, the government still hopes to co-host COP31 in 2026 with the Pacific countries, and is keen to be perceived globally as a good climate citizen.
The renewable energy pledge, which was signed by 116 nations and also came with a commitment to double the rate of average annual improvements in energy efficiency, was feted by climate activists. They said it could help tilt the COP28 outcome more towards green energy and away from fossil fuels.
“It is a refreshing change to see an Australian government back the right kind of energy at the UN climate conference,” said Richie Merzian, international director at the Smart Energy Council.
“We welcome this leadership and look forward to it continuing throughout COP28 and beyond.”
Climate Change and Energy Minister Blackout Bowen noted that the announcement put Australia in the company of other resource-rich developed countries such as the US, Canada and Norway.
“For emissions to go down around the world, we need a big international push,” he said. “Australia has the resources and the smarts to help supply the world with clean energy technologies to drive down those emissions, while spurring new Australian industry.”
But Australia did not sign a pledge by 22 countries to triple nuclear energy capacity by 2050. The countries included US, Canada, Japan, Korea, Britain, the continental European users of nuclear power, and the UAE.
Climate Club
Bruce of Newcastle
Dec 3, 2023 9:42 AM
“It is a refreshing change to see an Australian government back the right kind of energy at the UN climate conference,” said Richie Merzian, international director at the Smart Energy Council.
Smart as in dumber than rocks.
No Amount Of Subsidies Will Ever Make A Wind/Solar Electricity System Economically Feasible (1 Dec)
The COP 28 climate confab opened today in Dubai. Some 70,000 true believers in the energy transition are said to be gathering. And not one of them appears to be either willing or able to do the simple arithmetic that shows that this can’t possibly work.
So far, no country that has made a commitment to “net zero” has officially backed off. (Argentina may soon become the first.). Things proceed as if all that is needed is to build sufficient wind and solar generation facilities, until eventually you have enough of them to meet demand. But that’s not how this works. The absurdity becomes more obvious every day. Can somebody please tell the poor people making fools of themselves in Dubai?
Let’s consider the latest from Germany. According to Statista here, Germany consumed 511.59 TWh of electricity in 2021 (latest year given, although the numbers have recently changed very little from year to year). Divide by 8760 (number of hours in a year) and you learn that Germany’s average usage of electricity is 58.3 GW. So, can you just build 58.3 GW of wind and solar generators to supply Germany with electricity?
Absolutely not. In fact, Germany already has way more wind and solar electricity generation capacity than the 58.3 GW, but can’t come anywhere near getting all its electricity from those sources. As of June 2023 Germany had 59.3 GW of generation capacity from wind turbines alone, and (as of end 2022) another 67.4 GW of generation capacity from solar panels. The total of the two is 126.7 GW — which would supply more than double Germany’s usage at noon on a sunny and breezy June 21. But, according to Clean Energy Wire here, through the first three quarters of 2023, the percent of its electricity that Germany got from wind and solar was only 52%. Capacity seemingly sufficient to supply double the usage in fact only supplies half. That’s because the supply does not come at the same time as the demand, and the wind/solar generation system provides no mechanism to shift the supply to a time to meet the demand.
And why doesn’t Germany just double the amount of its wind/solar generation, so that those sources would go from supplying 52% of usage to 100%. Because it doesn’t work that way.
Private jets en route to the Dubai Climate Extravaganza get frozen to runway – but it’s boiling, right?
I remember reading years ago that above 30 per cent was the point of grid instability?
Isn’t that the rationale behind ‘pumped hydro’?
COP28 can’t be important – Airbus Albo isn’t there.
As far as I am aware, Australia did not sign up to the only one with any hope of reducing CO2. To triple nuclear power generation by 2050.
However why anyone would want to reduce CO2 is beyond my understanding. Here at 37S we have had light but persistent drizzle for most of last week and a little chilly for December. I can see the grass growing and I advise anyone parking in our driveway to not leave their car under the wisteria for very long because they will need pruners to get back into the car.
As I was splitting wood I collected on the last day of November (Victorians are not permitted to collect wood from State forests in summer). It occurred to me that the log I was splitting was cut from a tree that was felled either because it was weakened at the base by boring larvae or as a means of reducing the emergence of the larvae into the beetle. I kept cutting logs from the tree toward the rot and stepped when I cut through a well of tree resin – probably 4m up from the base when the tree was standing. The cavity produced more than a litre of quite fluid resin. I know the resin production is a self-protection mechanism of the tree but I also wondered if forests fires help control invasive tree pests. A few trees in the area were marked with “bees” and all were left standing. There were only a very small number of trees actually felled. The three felled trees were clustered together and all showed signs of the boring larvae.
Climate Club, it’s a club and you ain’t in it.
I hear that agriculture is on the hit list of topics .
There’s probably the one saving grace for Australia. Albo is renowned for not keeping policy promises. If he’s not there then he can say he never signed Australia up to anything. Bowen however, may have signed the death rattle of his own career. Albo can blame him totally for any handicap he signs up to for Australia, refuse to carry out the promise and sack him for signing onto such a heinous deal.
The submissions at this link to the Senate based on SMR technology is very interesting, and note that the CSIRO Report on SMR estimated costs that Blackout Bowen quotes are at least four times higher than 2023 projects;
I remember when you could actually believe much of what you read in most newspapers.
Has our government learned the lesson? ……. It appears not.
DEC 2, 2023
Three days ago our Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, rose in Parliament to apologise to those families and individuals for those killed or permanently disabled by the teratogenic drug thalidomide. CLICK HERE to view. It appeared to be a heartfelt apology….well delivered….but presented by a politician so ignorant and ill-informed that he cannot see a pharmaceutical catastrophe a thousand times greater unfolding before his very eyes right now. Pardon me…. but I doubt he really cares about anything unless there are votes in it and it personally costs him nothing. Apparently, there are no votes in looking into the COVID “vaccines” (a Royal Commission has been denied) which have been associated with more deaths and serious injury than any drug in history. If only our Prime Minister cared enough to look.
Thalidomide was first used as a sedative and later for morning sickness (nausea of pregnancy). It was first approved in Germany in the 1950s and later in other countries and declared by doctors, nurses and pharmacists to be “safe” – even in pregnancy because it was assumed the drug would not reach the foetus. Many countries used the “safe wonder drug” including Australia for a limited time until adverse drug reaction reports started to mount and it was realised the drug could produce major limb deformities and even death on a single dose. It was a drug regulatory failure of mammoth proportions which gave rise to modern day drug regulatory quality, safety and efficacy guidelines.
But history has a habit of repeating itself.
Following the rollout of the COVID-19 “vaccines” (but not before in 2020 when the SARS-CoV-2 virus was most virulent), Australia began to record a high number of unexpected and unexplained deaths compared to the previous 5 years of data (called “Excess Deaths”. Highly credentialed clinical and scientific experts around the world have been saying for more than 2 years that it appears the “vaccines” are killing more people than COVID-19. CLICK HERE to listen to Dr. Peter McCullough in my Substack of 2 September. In addition, serious concerns about fertility and miscarriages have been raised worldwide and the data is very concerning. But nobody in government seems to be listening. The similarities are unavoidable.
Normally, our adverse drug reaction reporting system would have signalled a problem with the “vaccines” which were very poorly researched and lacked critical safety data including genotoxicity, mutagenicity and safety data for pregnancy…….but the government denies there is a problem. CLICK HERE to view my Substack of 11 November. There is a problem. I contend our adverse drug reporting system is broken. All Albanese needs to do is to read the book entitled “Too Many Dead” which is being released around Australia concerning Excess Deaths. All the facts are there.
It has taken 60 years for an apology to be given to the people harmed by thalidomide. How long will it take before an apology is given to the people harmed by the COVID-19 “vaccines”?
It’s absolutely disgraceful and quite beyond my understanding how the Leftists can support these evil, inhuman Hama$$h-les.
And how Australian “school” kids were allowed to take a day off in protest against Israeli victims of the atrocities..
Or how people tear down “kidnapped” posted or put laughing emojis on social media concerning reports of the atrocities.
Even worse now, is the historical revisionism of certain people saying that the pogrom didn’t happen.
We live in sick times.
At least some people care about doing something about the terrorist-supporting “school” “teachers”.
The first victim of war is truth which is why it’s unwise to take sides in such conflicts, or jump to conclusions unless your sources are top notch, as info now available has demonstrated.
Look at the Ukraine situation now and all those MSM lie indoctrinated sheep that backed Zelensky. Oops!!
How advanced are we as a species when we’re still fighting over dirt and praying to imaginary friends in the sky.
Not very.
You really do have a knot in your knickers over Ukraine , what I find amazing is the Dems are pro Ukraine and the Republicans are anti but with Israel it’s the reverse . Yes I know corruption is rife in Ukraine but they are trying to rein it in which may be an impossible task given the graft given to the Biden family but when it comes down to it are Ukrainian nationals any less in needing to be be protected from the aggression from a so called super power who think nothing of demolishing entire cities just to make some weird twisted point . How do you liberate a town by bombing shopping centres and kindergartens ?
“How do you liberate a town by bombing shopping centres and kindergartens ?”
A question to be given to the neo-n…. militias who did that to the Russian population of the provinces now liberated from them.
Corruption in Ukraine- not just rife but an essential feature of the whole economy. The glamorous branch of the Ukraine operation is money laundering, but there is also organ harvesting on-demand, international trafficking of white women for prostitution, child trafficking, bioweapon development and human experimentation.
Ask Putin how you liberate a city or town by bombing the crap out of it because I have no idea , that’s quite a list of accusations you have there and would any of those apply to Russia ?
People support Hamas because they think in binary terms. I was listening to a girl from Israel on a stream recently, speaking to the hostile reaction to the IDF response she said, “welcome to reality, and guess what, everyone doesn’t like Jews”. I’m amazed at how widespread it is.
I spend time following the genuine “far right” – and yes there is a real one but they’re actually quite left – and they are obsessed with Jews, though it is irrelevant they are small in number and will remain so. But they believe everything wrong in the world is because of Jewish control. It’s an extremely childish analysis.
But speaking of children, this is where the real growth of anti-Jewish sentiment lies. Children are extremely susceptible to the “they stole my land” narrative, and this is the story doled out to them by raving lefty teachers. These school protests I find extremely troubling.
It does not bode well for the Jews. They’re safe for now with the neo-conservative support from the USA, and also India I’ve come to discover. But once the Boomers are gone, I see danger ahead for Jewish people, possibly the worst one yet.
Its not a childish analysis with statistics like these
Maybe small in number, but clearly over-represented in government, and you’d have to be concerned about dual citizens.
Here is the stole my land narrative
What part of it is childish?
So there are Jews in the US administration and some (perhaps many) American Jews hold dual nationality. Thanks for your effort.
Could you now list the awful things that these people have done from their positions of power, or is their existence alone enough to enrage you?
15000 dead in Palestine and counting. They can stop it any time. Couldnt happen without US bombs:
Here is all the aid given to Israel
Not to mention what happened to Iraq, Libya, Syria – all enemies of Israel, just a coincidence.
Lost count of how many dead – millions?
So whats wrong with a bit of scrutiny? Is it too hard to believe there may be divided loyalties or a loss of objectivity?
Do some homework – go and study †he ownership of the western financial system and MSM.
RobB. Your series of maps is grossly misleading.
The association of the name Palestine with a bordered geographic area was invented by the British in 1918. It covered a large area extending to the borders of what is now Iraq. After 1945 the British divided that land by 1/3 to 2/3, the larger area went to a new nation, the Kingdom of TransJordan. The smaller part was divided again in about the same ratio with the smaller area designated as Israel, the larger called Palestine for want of a better name. The split was by a UN sub-committee of small nations. The British then moved out.
Before that there was no such thing as a Palestine nation or people, well, under the British mandate there were Palestinian soccer clubs, trade unions, orchestras, and so on, all of these had predominantly Jewish members. The other ethnicities, mainly Arab, did not regard themselves as Palestinian.
At no time did the Arab leaders agree to borders, they threw their people against others with the unconcern that still exists.
15000 dead. A number from Hamas. Whatever the number, casualties are the result of Hamas atrocities.
‘The ownership of the western financial system’
Why not say who you accuse of controlling all the money and all the press?
it is appalling that this slander is repeated, but I believe in freedom of speech even for lying bigots.
I do not do your homework bidding- do not just link, or hint, say it yourself.
Hopefully short enough, CTS
From Wikipedia, of all places:
The first written records referring to Palestine emerged in the 12th-century BCE Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt, which used the term Peleset …. In the 8th century BCE, the Assyrians referred to a region as Palashtu or Pilistu. In the Hellenistic period,…. as Palaistine. The Roman Empire conquered the region … then in 132 CE in the period of the Bar Kokhba revolt the province was expanded and renamed Syria Palaestina.[1] In 390, during the Byzantine period, the region was split into the provinces of Palaestina Prima, Palaestina Secunda, and Palaestina Tertia.
Before that there was no such thing as a Palestine nation or people,
Before that there was no such thing as a nation of Israel. And if you want to get biblical, who were the Philistines or the Amalek?
Whatever the number, casualties are the result of Hamas atrocities and Israeli military on their own people?
Why not say who you accuse of controlling all the money and all the press…say it yourself
Say what? Why? Fundamentally, people must not believe me, they must think for themselves and come to their own conclusions. When I read somebody writing some obvious rubbish, like “It’s an extremely childish analysis”, I just present evidence to the contrary; but sometimes I dont have time for everyone on the internet.
But here you go, who owns the Fed:
At this point, it might be worth recalling the influence of a Jewish banker in founding Israel:
Who owns the MSM? About a third Jewish:
“Do some homework – go and study †he ownership of the western financial system and MSM.”
I bet YOU have done your homework on the influence of Jews, haven’t you? There is no shortage of hate against Jews online and elsewhere, making them out to be behind every evil deed, everywhere. For people like you, the fact that bad things happen and Jews exists must mean the Jews did it. Sticking to the script you were given, eh? Don’t forget your instructions also say you must ignore the reports of young Israeli women being shot as they were raped by the brave Hamas “freedom fighters”. Or just call it ‘disinformation’. If all else fails, say the Israelis started it, which is tantamount to saying they deserved it. There’s plenty on the Left who will agree with you.
You will believe what you want to believe. Cast the seeds of noxious weeds on fertile ground and they will grow tall.
what’s childish about it? It’s like saying CO2 causes all bad weather.
Here, this explains a lot
What happened to the “Stopthesethings ” blog. WordPress appear to have tossed them. Anyone know whats going on?
What happened to BoM’s Tropical Cyclone page – it’s blank – yet we’re now in the second month of Cyclone Season. Maybe the Solomon ‘low’ forming this week might spark their interest: after all, cyclones are becoming so rare these days, children just won’t know what hit them.
Greg you need to keep up , Climate change causes more cyclones but Climate change causes fewer cyclones so you see it’s all very clear really .
Look for it spinning up and approaching the just north of central Queensland coast by the weekend. It may veer north or south yet, but someone will get wet and windy.
Tony Heller ‘real climate science‘ had problems with WordPress last month.
He has been working on recovering his archives since that time.
Hysterical Just Stop Oil meltdowns captured
Because Australia has been wasting staggering amounts of money on useless and destructive solar, wind and desal projects, money that should have been spent on useful things hasn’t been invested.
Telecommunications is one such investment that wasn’t made because the people with the money were too busy using it to harvest subsidies from taxpayers with the aforesaid projects.
As demonstrated by recent Optus outages, and now TPG (I have been without home Internet for nearly 4 days now) we no longer have reliable telecom infrastructure and I think with the failure to build power stations, a major outage of electricity will be next.
Didn’t alter your dns settings as per Saturday then?
I didn’t because I didn’t want Goolag to know more about me than they already do. On the other hand, all transactions on the Web are tracked by the Government anyway so I might try changing the DNS in the router to
by “all transactions” – you mean all traffic…
As ALL traffic is routed through high level USA-based backbones, monitored and recorded, you lose nothing by changing DNS’s temporarily now do you…
Interesting study into a clay like substance formed through the action of plate tectonics sequestering CO2 and possibly causing an ice age .
We need as much CO2 in the atmosphere as we can get. It’s extremely dangerous trying to reduce it.
Dinosaurs Loved CO2 – Dinosaur Era Had 5 Times Today’s CO2
You Asked: Dinosaurs Survived When CO2 Was Extremely High. Why Can’t Humans?
Olsen hypothesized that even with extremely high atmospheric CO2 levels of 6,000 ppm that were recorded during the Age of Dinosaurs and the subsequent global heating, humans could potentially survive — thanks to technological advancements, rather than evolution.
And even though the interior regions of continents would be unbearably hot, places at higher latitudes may still be cool and inhabitable.
Oh dear! Nothing but carbon dioxide controls the climate hence we are doomed (reading most of the poorly informed comments).
No mention of the cycle of “ice ages” every 140-150 million years, thus or
End Ordovician very cold and CO2 about 3,000 p.p.m.
Permian cold and CO2 about 5-700 p.p.m.
Late Jurassic warmer than today with CO2 about 2,700 p.p.m.
Pleistocene temperature dropping into an ice age while CO2 about 500 p.p.m.
Graeme No.3 please when it comes to CO2 and climate change leave facts out of it because it’s all about feelings and money and ideology.
Rare Discoveries Show A Different Side To History Than You Already Know
The rare finds collected here show an aspect of history that we rarely get to see. They peel back the layers of the stories we think we know to reveal little-known facts that make history more fascinating.
Yeah but… was it legal to fly your one-man Scorpio chopper while wearing King Tut sandals and navigating by a sun-dial ring? Asking for a deep-sea diver friend…
King of Jordan: Green Activists Must Be More ‘Inclusive’ of Palestinians ‘on the Front Lines of Climate Change’
Nigeria sent 1411 delegates to the Klimate Krisis Konference party in Dubai.
That’s how they use the funds meant to improve the well-being of the citizens.
The newly promised funds will likely flow in similar manner to worthless activities.
Our governments wonder why we are unhappy.
Finally someone answered their emails!
Free feed and gold plated dunnies.
Clive Best comments about the recent UK power grid. Click link for graph.
No Wind and no Sun on the coldest day of the year so far. Essentially Gas and Nuclear are powering Britain. Days like today show that Wind energy is an expensive folly. Germany too has no wind. It is powered mostly by Coal.
The answer here is simple , if there’s no wind and naff all sun you just need more wind farms and solar panels that will fix it .
Is that a Bowenism?
Yes it is Bowenism .
A simile I have used before is the case of the captain of a yacht who finds himself becalmed, so hoists more sail.
One for the flat ‘erfers
go sit with the climate and boiling alarmists, and shake those climate witch doctor rattles…
It’s just plain ridiculous to think the earth is flat , I mean how would the turtles that are holding up Australia swim if there was nothing underneath them !
They walk among us..
Yes, they tortoise that at school
At a fancy dress ball one couple came with the wife on the man’s back.
“What have you come as?” asked the hostess.
“I’m a tortoise,” said the man.
“A tortoise?” she asked.
“Yes. My name is Tom, and this is Michelle.”
Trom today’s Covid and Coffee newsletter
Texas AG second law suit against Pfizzer
“A blockbuster new September jab study made the rounds this week, titled “Assessment of Myocardial 18F-FDG Uptake at PET/CT in Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2–vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Patients.” ”
“The authors found nearly all patients who got the jab had some cardiac injury.”
Minister Bowen waking up a little?
Is overdue in introducing tighter vehicle emissions rules and probably won’t next year either.
(The West Australian 2/12/23. ‘West Wheels News’ by Scott Collie and James Wong. ‘Emissions Laws on the backburner’)Citing Scott Nargar, Hyundai Australia Mgr of future mobility and Gov. relations. The aim of these controls is to force consumers into EV’s. In Australia, 50% by 2030 and 95% by mid2030s.
Another in the same section, same paper by David Meredith. ‘Highly charged debate’ on the extreme difficulties and costs of setting up a multi truck EV business. Network upgrades, energy problems, Transformers at site, 1 truck 6x500Kg battery packs giving heavy loads on front axles and roads, which truck needs power immediately, times of recharging, x10 charging at once need ~1MW of power etc.
Maybe the inadequacy of the system based on renewables is just beginning to strike home, even to the most ideologically blinded politician of them all.
Could some public servant whispered in his ear that EVs would need a supply of electricity all year round?
Meanwhile, how are The Snows of Kilimanjaro going?
Reportedly, only a week, or so, ago.
There seems to be a concerted effort in the media to downplay record snowfall with news of record snowless days on the east coast of USA.
The snow extent in the NH has been tracking just below all time high.
Europe is presently experiencing cold weather with plenty of snow. This winter will be another test of the increasingly fragile energy supply systems. Some parts of US must be fragile as well.
“When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars…”
Let the sunshine in, love the music but not the doctor’s wives seance…
Let the sunshine in…check…
Got the apostrophes’wro-ong! (:
The warmth at the moment is extraordinary, which may account for the extra snow and blizzard conditions in the NH.
Arctic 2m now nearly +7C, a blown apart polar vortex and the displaced cold air is not incompatible with record global warmth.
Geez, an amazing discovery …
considering -100 at the bottom to +100 in the middle … the ‘average’ stays within one degree.
(I hope no one loses the original sacred degree stick.)
It’s good that we have ‘discovered’ science and are now able to determine whether nature is behaving naturally.
Fortunately there is a ‘Conference of Parties” to confer and monitor the the situation.
If only I had the gift of the ultimate understanding of ‘nature’, I too could travel in a private jet owned by my wife … which makes it not mine … wait, I think she’s wants breakfast.
If you could see how she gets when the coffee’s not on time.
(I could also hire someone to make the coffee and take out the trash.)
I am confident that now that we completely understand the weather and vaccines, we will determine the age and gender of the Universe … maybe as soon as next week.
I will carefully study the NYT, as to be updated about any ‘changes’ in Science.
Which I ‘follow’ without question.
Because questions are anti-Science.
Nutrient From Beef And Milk Found To Potentially Kill Cancer Cells
A study, published in the Nature Journal on Nov. 22, analyzed 235 bioactive molecules found in food. It looked for compounds capable of activating a group of immune cells called CD8+ T known to kill cancerous or virally infected cells
Researchers found that Trans-vaccenic acid (TVA) improved the ability of CD8+ T cells to infiltrate tumors and potentially kill cancer cells.
TVA is a long-chain fatty acid found in meat and dairy products from grazing animals like cows and sheep.
In addition, cancer patients with higher TVA levels circulating in the blood were also found to respond better to immunotherapy.
This suggested that TVA could potentially be used as “a nutritional supplement to complement clinical treatments for cancer,” according to a Nov. 22 press release from the University of Chicago where the study was conducted.
In the human body, only 20 percent of the TVA is broken down into other byproducts, while the remaining 80 percent circulates in blood.
The researchers experimented with TVA on mice. They fed mice with a diet rich in TVA and found that it “significantly reduced the tumor growth potential of melanoma and colon cancer cells compared to mice fed a control diet.”
Moreover, the TVA diet also boosted the ability of CD8+ T cells in mice to infiltrate tumors.
Oh no! Meat can kill cancer. The same meat (and dairy) they want to ban.
Ruminant animals…guess that rules out insects.
The turbo cancers, absolutely not due to Fakevax ™, will go crazy!😁
Cholesterol is a Good Guy
For at least 30 years, we’ve been conditioned to believe that cholesterol is the ‘bad guy’ in our body and horrible for our health. Almost every health article and book you read screams about lowering your cholesterol level, like it’s pure poison. Diets, drugs, and entire lifestyles are designed to lower or nearly eliminate cholesterol from our blood and our tissues. I actually remember hearing a cardiologist proclaim years ago that he hoped the latest/greatest statin would lower his cholesterol levels to nearly zero. What an idiot. Did he learn nothing in medical school about the necessity of cholesterol for a healthy body?
The human brain makes up about 2% of the body’s total weight but contains 25% of the body’s cholesterol. Most of the brain’s cholesterol exists in the axons of nerve cells, where it protects cells and facilitates quick transmission of electrical impulses. This has a big impact on how thought, movement, and sensation are controlled.
Scientists are still learning about the role of cholesterol in the brain, as well as the drugs they use to manipulate it and how they affect memory, dementia, and the risk of stroke. What we do know is that cholesterol is vital to proper brain function. It plays a role in memory and the utilization of serotonin, the body’s feel-good chemical. When cholesterol levels drop too low, the serotonin receptors cannot work. The myelin sheath around nerves is essential for transmitting impulses throughout the body.
In two studies, EXCEL and FACAPT/TexCAPS, more deaths occurred in the treatment group compared to controls.
Dr. Ravnskov’s meta-analysis of 26 controlled cholesterol-lowering trials found an equal number of cardiovascular deaths in the treatment and control groups and a greater number of total deaths in the treatment groups. An analysis of all the big controlled trials reported before 2000 found that long-term use of statins for primary prevention of heart disease produced a 1 percent greater risk of death over 10 years compared to a placebo.
Those 2 studies sound very reminiscent of the original Framlingham study conducted in the US so many decades ago. The study that started all the “cholesterol/ fat is bad ” junk nutritional science, which has led to a huge diabetes/obesity problem in most western countries. In that study they neglected to offer all the data from both study groups. Initially the published study did indicate that the group with a lower cholesterol had better heart health than the control ( with higher cholesterol levels). Until later it was discovered the all cause mortality of both groups were effectively the same. That data had not been included in the original published report. Those dying or affected by eg. cancer (more in the lower cholesterol group) were not recorded for the study. Dr Asseem Malhotra also quotes a more recent study where post heart attack, the treatment group on statins had a “4” difference compared to group not put on statins post heart attack. Not 4 years or 4 months- 4 days!! Hence, almost irrelevant when you consider the adverse effects of statins.
LDL is the “good” cholesterol but it doesn’t function without the presence of HDL which I’ve heard being described essentially as a solvent to keep the LDL moving.
It’s the ratio of HDL to LDL that’s important.
The Queen of Fats is an old book but I found it believable.
Flood of Self-Driving Cars in Shenzhen Brings Unemployment Wave
“Un-refutable Evidence of Alarmists’ Ocean Acidification Misinformation in 3 Easy Lessons”
Now the T-Rex dinosaur was transexual?
The Chicago Field Museum, where the T. rex lives and tweets, justified this lunacy on the spurious grounds that it is quite difficult to determine the sex of old dinosaur specimens (it’s not even certain if such creatures had true external genitalia at all). Therefore, as curators did not know for sure whether the specimen was a boy-lizard or a girl-lizard, they made the insane leap in logic that it was actually a trans one.
Was that DM’s head that just exploded? 😆😆
I see the United Nations didn’t make the same mistake of holding the COP meeting in Copenhagen again.
We just observed the coldest November night in Copenhagen (Denmark) 🇩🇰 in over 100 years.
In the wake of “Their Voice”
“The non-indigenous elephant in the room”
Simon Hunt: Holy Smokes! A Market Crash In 2024 & A Depression By 2025?
Thanks Kim, that’s the second time from very separate sources, I have heard the same thing.
The South Australian Government has voted to refer to Christmas, Australia Day and ANZAC days merely by their calendar dates – 25 December, 26 January and 25 April. May the ghosts/spirits of the original ANZACs, and those of all service personnel who succeeded them, haunt the instigators of this abomination for all eternity!
May they have a good Ramadan when it comes. I’m sure they would not want to offend people who have a habit of decapitation. By the way, what ever happened to that Stand with the Charlie Hebdo movement?
“Pickup Trucks Dominate US Auto Sales”
F Truck
Rav 4
What is going on in NZ?
Is this true?
Its hard to comment with no reference link, or sources provided !…..
Thanks Chad
Link from above
See here for background-
May not be still available?
Data from US Medicare, and the New Zealand Ministry of Health show, beyond doubt, that the COVID vaccines have killed millions. The data show dates of vaccination and death.
No room for ambiguity, the vaccines are unsafe and have killed,
on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses.
COVID vaccines significantly increased mortality for those aged 60 and older, the very population that the vaccine was supposed to help.
(Apology if I have copied/plagiarized another post, but this is important enough to repeat)