A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I forgot to check the aurora last night; apparently it was quite good.
I can remember the auroras here in NovoCastria about seventy years ago; the Aurora Australis.
Place used to glow but can’t remember the colour.
I even rode on it a few times.
Trained at Hogwarts?
Aurora Australis, SH
Aurora Boritupem . NH.
Maybe it was the southern aurora?
Quo vadis.
No doubt a smoother, less intrusive ride than the other one.
One reported in WA:
Dave B
Only recently heard (Nick Cater on the Brendan O’Neill Show) about Jacinta Price calling for an Asian Voice to Parliament.
Searching turned it up:
Apparently our Penny wasn’t best pleased!
Sorry if I missed it being posted here before. Bears repeating, though ABC fans might disagree.
Forgetting about the Brits and Europeans, according to Statista, there are 5.5 % ethnic Chinese and 3.1% ethnic Indian in Australia. I am curious though, can Aboriginals also claim UK ethnicity?
Some can.
Parents could be charged with domestic abuse for not using their child’s preferred pronoun under controversial guidelines
A fresh row erupted yesterday over controversial guidelines from the Crown Prosecution Service that could allegedly lead to parents being charged with domestic abuse for not using their child’s preferred pronoun.
The CPS faced claims it was ‘losing the plot’ over guidance that could also mean someone who refuses to fund their partner’s transitioning process could be committing a serious offence.
However, The Mail on Sunday was told the CPS was now reviewing its controversial ‘Impacts of Domestic Abuse’ advice.
Earlier this year, feminist campaigner Maya Forstater branded the prosecution service ‘ideologically captured’. And in a scathing report, the Policy Exchange think-tank called on the CPS to replace the guidelines with something that follows British law instead of ‘Stonewall law’: a reference to the controversial ‘diversity’ charity.
In a report backed by ex-Justice Secretary Sir Robert Buckland and two former senior judges, Policy Exchange said the law placed no obligations on spouses and partners to support a partner’s transgender identity – but that the CPS legal guidance on domestic abuse appeared to suggest otherwise.
Raising Your Child Should Require A License From The Government, Academics Argue
Parents should be required to obtain a license from the government and be screened for their views on homosexuality and other issues before being allowed to raise their own biological children, argues radical academic Connor Kianpour at the far-left University of Colorado Boulder. Critics are sounding the alarm.
In his paper, headlined “The Kid’s Aren’t Alright: Expanding the Role of the State in Parenting,” the self-styled “philosopher” argues that the government should take over the primary responsibility for the raising of children. This should be no problem, because even biological parents have “no right” to raise their own children, he claims in the paper published in the Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy.
“Individuals have no right to rear their biological children, nor do they have any interests weighty enough to justify a right to rear children generally,” writes Kianpour, a PhD candidate in philosophy, in the controversial paper. “Since these rights do not exist, regulated parenting policies cannot be said to jeopardize them.”
Now where have we seen all this before…
‘Experts’ Claim Not Reading Mainstream Media Can Cause Heart Attacks
Not Reading mainstream media and opting for alternative sources can cause heart attacks, according to new research reported by the mainstream media.
Yes, really.
According to a pilot study led by Manchester Metropolitan University, those who do not read legacy mainstream media and opt for alternative sources of information demonstrate unhealthy symptoms of physical and mental stress, which can lead to heart attacks.
The research study used so-called “sophisticated techniques” to monitor how people use media websites to measure their reactions to online information.
The researchers claimed people with a low ID have a flawed ‘threat’ response when presented with misleading information in a stressful situation, which they say brings on cardiac responses and erratic reading behavior.
And we’ll die of laughter if we do read the MSM garbage…
Perhaps we can start grading these experts on an idiocy scale.
Tuesday ejukayshun: Cymatics
“Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration. By sending sound waves through matter such as sand on a plate a cornstarch and water mixture, various geometric patterns emerge depending on the frequency and amplitude of the sound being played.”
Nikola Tesla was correct when he said “Our entire biological system, the brain and the Earth itself, work on the same frequencies.”
A cymaglyph for your contemplation:
Do they really mean that the laws of physics apply to human bodies?
Well, whoda thort.
But, as an afterthought, it may be a surprise to them.
Tuesday poser:
If we accept the theory that the universe is an artificial construct, then how would you prove it?
I know one way, but am after other opinions.
Tip: do not use the word “hologram”. Please. Don’t.😉
this is why I am a Styrofoamian.
Imagine a colony of ants sequestered in a lost overboard Styrofoam cooler, floating in a vast sea.
The cooler contains an unconsumed picnic … sufficient provisions for the ants to live many cycles of reproductive life.
Then ask yourself this question …
are the ants capable of understanding the origin of the cooler and its’ true purpose?
Oh well. I had very low expectations anyway…
Must Be the Climate Change: Pilot of Packed Passenger Jet Becomes ‘Incapacitated,’ Plane Makes Emergency Landing
The pilot of a packed passenger jet became “incapacitated” during a flight from the UK to Turkey, causing the plane to make an emergency landing in Hungary.
The Jet2 Boeing 737-800, registration G-GDFP, was performing flight LS-1711 from Manchester, England to Dalaman, Turkey with 161 passengers and 6 crew on board.
The plane was enroute at FL370 about 80nm south-southwest of Budapest, Hungary when the crew put out an emergency call.
The co-pilot then diverted the aircraft to Budapest after the pilot reportedly became incapacitated.
That’s a rapidly growing list!
Flying USED TO BE safer than driving.
So this whatever it is, doesn’t affect the vastly greater number of drivers? Drivers, who by the way don’t have the benefit of co-drivers to help regain control, are not becoming incapacitated to the extent that we are not seeing reports of out of control cars everywhere?
Excess deaths are still +20%. What makes you think none of them are drivers?
If one scrolls down to the bottom of the article one will see a list of related articles – all about the effects of mRNA vaccines. Looks like this what the article is suggesting.
Look what you find when you do real science. Not sure if the ABC realise what they have published.
Roger Maclean and Bruce Thom were the go to coastal geographers when I was studying Earth Sciences in NZ back in the mid to late 70’s.
Regarding their ongoing 50 yr studies at Bengello Beach, Thom said
“There’s been really no change over all that time in terms of the amount of sand and the position of the beach,”.
They are “passing the baton on” and I noted the guy taking over stated “We don’t yet see a very clear signal of sea level rise but my sense is that it’s going to appear in the next 50 years.” Guess that’s to ensure future funding.
Well done Roger and Bruce
Interesting.I learned to swim at Wylie’s Baths (opened in 1907), a coastal tidal-pool baths in Coogee, during the early fifties. It is incredible, with all the hype about rapid sea level rise, that Wylie’s and many similar baths in Sydney, and along the NSW coast, have not sunk below the tidal zone.
The Wikipedia post of Wylies Baths here . Note the comment without any evidence:
“Few religious beliefs of the people (Aboriginal) were recorded, but oral traditions have ensured that some have been carried on. Thus it is thought that the Wylie’s Baths location may have been a special place for women’s business, possibly associated with birthing, although more research needs to be done to confirm this.”
However, no mention of sea-level rise within the post.
Here is another report. It is all contradictory to someone who knows the local place names.
Maybe the US Army could claim the Rock Pool at Jezzine Barracks, Townsville as a sacred site. The town’s old folk insist that they quite regularly heard small arms fire at dawn at the rocky outcrop, allowing the tide to do a cleanup. My aunty who lived nearby was one who heard it.
Townsville was a garrison town with US Army building airstrips and taxiways all over the place. the bl@cks were treaded no better than slaves and there was an (un)official ban on them crossing the river into town. It boiled over once and a machine gun was set up on Rooneys Bridge to keep them “in line”.
So much history that should be told has been buried under the Official Secrets Act.
Martin Armstrong: Terrorists Blowing Up Stuff gives Excuse for Martial Law
Here is an outstanding, highly recommended video by Dr Clare Craig exposing covid lies. About one hour.
The New York Attorney General has made no secret of her vendetta against Trump. She now proposes to fine him $250 million US dollars, which equates to about 14 Mar-a-Lagos, based on her fatuous estimate of the worth of that property. Meanwhile, in a nearby state, President Joe Biden and his family face no inquiry into their dealings with foreign governments. Surely we live in interesting times.
An important contrast.
So I decide my house is worth a million bucks ( it isn’t – yet). Someone comes along and pays me a million bucks, with the help of their lawyers and bankers. Twenty years later the government decides that I am guilty of over-valuing my house?
Without knowing your name there is no way of knowing if you are a criminal.
Easy; if he has ever been a Republican candidate then he is a criminal.
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As I said yesterday, my neighbour’s five and six year old kids worked out that there’s something fundamentally wrong with wind turbines for electricity production (“but how do they make electricity when there’s no wind?”).
It’s just our politicians and industry “leaders” cannot.
David Maddison, thank you. Due to your advertising of the Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally, we ventured forth from southern NSW and spent five days in the Victorian goldfields, attending the Steam Rally and Sovereign Hill. Loved Inglewood, Halls Gap, the lookout over Ararat, Mt Buninyong and said hello to my great great grands in Daylesford Cemetery. You know you’re in rural Oz when the only other bloke in the Cemetery chats for half an hour and knew my family name and farm locations. Then the groundsman turned up and consulted the records and located all the family graves. Nice to see the monument to the Lost Children is in fine shape.
The Steam Rally was simply wonderful, a true reminder of days gone by and so many real Aussie faces. Saw one bloke in a Trump T-shirt! So, once again, thanks for the inspiration to make our trip which was a great success, and we were home in time to see the Melbourne Cup run.
Thanks H P.
Handmade all-purpose transport vehicles in The Congo called chukudus. Nearly all wood, including wheels. Amazing!
Never seen a better example of poverty causing deforestation. Let’s deny them cheap clean fossil fuel energy and leave their economy only half way out of the iron age.
As somebody else said “it’s the same as chickens for KFC”! What do these people know about Islamist states?
Why do we need a reality check on climate change?
Ehh? Haven’t you seen it coming? But quite honestly, we need, then, a FEW Reality Checks – and that WILL HURT.
Australians are supposed to be laid back and easy going. Peculiarly when hearing the news it seems that Australians are very stuck up and squeaky clenched cheeks tight arsed. What is going on?
I respond this way because Australian politicians police and other authority figures seem to ‘read the riot act’ every time they speak. Can this peculiarity have anything to do with Australia’s penal colony past. … “Reading the riot act” … get it?
The root of this Australian peculiarity finally dawns on me !!! It is Australia adopting English paternalism.
Form the “wind in the willows” … We are not asking you Toad, we are TELLING you.
There is one heck of a lot of people telling other people what they are going to do in Oz. That’s the squeaky tight arsed quality which I picked up on.
It is also the key to understanding the BBC. You know.. impartial dispassionate news!
The BBC is telling you to what you are going to think. Dead pan. It’s arrogent selfrigeous class ‘independent minded’ paternalism. … and no one is the wiser.
My post draws a blank. I suppost it’s because Australians consider themselves laid back and easygoing .. utterly at home with the ‘in your face’ bravado. … sublimly oblivious to ‘being told’
Americans revolted against ‘being told’
‘Telling’ is an essential quality of regality.
The Africans are getting confused by one meaning of ‘being told’ by King Charles versus another meaning of ‘being told’. Charles being king is a prisonor of ‘telling’. Everything which is said comes out that way.
Australians are very regal. Yep straight up and right in your face.
The aboriginal voice in parliament.
I found this quite brutal. As if the aboriginal people were telling the government what they must think.
I’m feeling deja vu all over again.
Now I wasn’t around in the 1030s [Doh!] but I have a sense of what things were like and there are eerie parallels of pacifism instead of strength facing evil which allows the very worst racism to flourish.
The other history repeating is the return of “jingle mail” from 2007. At that time home owners were posting their house keys back to the bank and walking away. Silly me thought it US centric and I lost a lot of money in the crash which proved to be a world wide phenomenon. Today Yanks are driving their cars to the banks and handing over the keys. Again the whole world is in deep do do. Don’t understate the problems.
Here’s >a couple of we gems to chew over : Spit or choke ?
3. Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds feel less in control of their futures
4. Kohler to make Energy Div. an independent business – what does that tell us about Non oil based energy ?
Headlines again!
“Finally, in the bottom story of the day: Nobody could’ve seen this coming. The Daily Mail UK ran a stimulating story yesterday headlined “EXCLUSIVE: Demand for unvaxxed sperm spikes: Women turning to shady Facebook groups to find unvaccinated sperm donors.”
And various other things
“COVID Propaganda Roundup: The Science™ Concedes the Shots Cause Strokes”