A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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UK Govt reports states that EV cars need to be parked farther apart to allow firefighters access
UK car park spaces have been getting narrower and cars wider for decades. You can hardly get out the door anymore!
Love it!
The funniest thing is trying to get a modern car into a 1960’s domestic garage.
Unfortunately my garage is late 1920s, try that!
… And ?…. Pray tell us : what are the Fire Brigade supposed to do then ( about it )….?
Move other things out of the way.
It’d be interesting to see an audit of the number mentioned in the article. I suspect they’re dangerously small.
Dave B
London mayor tries to sign up Londoners to no meat diet
No doubt the citizens will take as little notice if that edict as with ULEZ. Camera smashing carries on apace
How about fish then? How then do humans get their protein?
I know that there are lots of other ways to get protein, however, meat has it all in one package. Mother Nature made it that way.
Give the London Mayor a bacon sandwich and tell him that it’s tofu.
That Khan is evil incarnate. It disturbs me how our system of government can provide power to someone so against our society and values.
Fahn Khan.
Greta Thunberg pops up in London to get arrested yet again
She says ” I am doing a world tour and trying to get arrested in each country. AS I only walk it will take 35 years” well she didn’t actually say that but I think this is the fifth time she as been arrested. Not bad for a 20 year old
Didn’t she come up the Clyde in a Banana Boat? Oh no – it’s the Channel (Thames thing – not Scotland) Rubber boat and they TOOK her in then? Persona non grata
I hope that a person with that sort of arrest record would be refused entry at our border.
There you go, only the elite were educated enough to vote correctly in your recent referendum
The same in the UK of course over Brexit, where only the ignorant, racist, poorly educated and downright stupid voted yes and the elite have been trying to ignore the result ever since as we obviously didn’t know what we were doing. So watch out Aussies, they will still try to get their way!
There are plenty of sane voices here in OZ, however, the brain dead ‘Pollies’ have not been listening.
The 2025 Feral Guv’ment Election cannot come soon enough and I do hope that the Opposition is learning something from all of this. The idiotic ‘Energy Transition’ for one.
At least the Aborigines have got a very good Federal Shadow Minister who needs listening to and hopefully is able to engineer some change for the much better.
That’s strange. I haven’t found a single YES voter who’s actually read the 26 page Uluṟu Statement. The one that mentions “treaty” 41 times. Yet, quite a few NO voters I know have read it.
Ali obviously means “people with fewer tertiary qualifications” not “less educated”.
Anyway, didn’t Albo tell us it wasn’t complicated at all – “if you’re not a racist you should vote YES.”
Just my opinion, I think the ‘yes’ mob were dazzled and won over by all the star power, buckets of money for glitzy ads, and so on, not a case of reading or comprehending anything at all.
That’s Dr Waleed Aly to the likes of us ignorant rabble.
His 2017 PhD thesis from Monash: “Towards a structuration theory of global terrorism”.
What is structuration theory…? You’ll feel none the wiser for reading about it.
It’s the old axiom “Those that can, do, those that can’t talk about it”
According to Labor/Greens/TEAL & Australian Business Elites and Multiple Elite Australian Journalists & TV personalities, notwithstanding the Leaving Certificate Commonwealth Scholarship to Sydney University
I am an Uneducated Dickh@ad Dinosaur Stupid Racist (Thanks Ray Martin, Marcia Langton & Waleed Aly) who read Document 14, pages 87-112 of the ULURU STATEMENT FROM THE HEART on which Voice was based, unlike YES Labor Australian PM Airbus Albo who only read one page – Who is the Uneducated One?
PS – Document 14 Pages 87-112
I actually agree with this. A line exists between the university class and the rest. And that is correlated to education and intelligence. And it is exactly what played out in that referendum.
But I strongly agree with as Thomas Sewell said, intelligent people can come up with the worst ideas, and very dangerous ones at that. Intelligence is in no way a guarantee of the right decision in policy.
But people assume it is and this is the fatal mistake which makes Waleed and co completely wrong, and comically so. The fact they don’t even consider this point, and the arrogance of claiming they are so intelligent, is just laughable.
Trotsky was no fool, nor was any despot leftie leader or philosopher. And the more intelligent the brain gets the more susceptible it is to intellectual leftism, prone to self-loathing because of their perceived ability to think objectively, outside their own interests, which is morally superior. I’m yet to meet a non-intelligent vegetarian, but it’s a sacrificial decision.
The wisest people I know operate largely on instinct when it comes to values and consideration, and in the end get it right more often than not. The referedum yet another perfect example.
Prey tell how the dum bums manage to run the mines, the railways and power stations that keep the lights on, their electronics working and earn forex to buy the gadgets they can’t live without. The engineers [who I respect] don’t do it on their own.
The vote NO folk performed miracles on a shoestring budget, no Johnny Farnhams, no Hugh Jackmans, 2/6 pence and a dozen rolls of black gaffer tape and won the referefusal by the length of the main straight, but so called ‘educated’ folk look down their noses at us and tell us ‘you’re not educated enough to make the right decision’.
I mean, how condescending is that, innercity greens, Canberra public serpents and the usual leftist rabble.
WHO dystopia
Dr John Campbell interviews Mr Philipp Kruse, international lawyer, based in Zurick, Switzerland, A warning about a potential dystopian future.
The WHO seeks totalitarian control of the world. Is anybody in OZ fighting against this?
We’re all asleep at the wheel.
New York rejected the multi-billion dollar payment increase requests from the offshore wind developers on the grounds that it was anti-competitive. So they expect the contracts to be canceled then rebid higher, which they are rushing toward:
There is a law requiring a huge amount of renewables so this is basically a mandated seller’s market. Given the few offshore leases it is an oligopoly. The question is how high the prices will go? Great fun lies ahead.
Are the developers asking for guaranteed very high prices for future electricty produced?
“PERFECT – Absolutely Perfect, King Abdullah II of Jordan Lays Down the Hammer, No Palestinian Refugees in Jordan or Egypt
October 17, 2023 | Sundance | 199 Comments”
And bumped from Tuesday
“Israel and demographic reality”
“Safe and Effective®”
“DARRELL O. RICKE, M.S., PH.D.- COVID-19 vaccines immediate onset Autoimmune Disease adverse events in VAERS
“AccScience Publishing – Immediate onset signatures of autoimmune diseases after vaccination”
“Tree Rings Reveal Largest Solar Storm EVAH!”
Interesting to hear about a proposed “Forgiveness Day”. This is about Aboriginals forgiving and forgetting putting some of the responsibility for “healing” on those communities.
I don’t really know what to think about this. At first I thought why should I be forgiven as I haven’t done anything and I am not responsible for the actions of people in history. I am a recent immigrant so it wasn’t even my ancestors. Then thought if the “forgiveness” is not forthcoming this shows a real lack of willingness to reconcile or even make an effort.
The Truth Telling must become honest. At the moment it’s just a platform to beat non aboriginal up. There may have been instances of cruelty but I am sure most of, say, the so called stolen generation was done out of compassion. Removing children from abusive, dangerous environments. It would be interesting to see how the majority of those children fare today compared to those in the remote communities as all we hear are the handpicked sob stories.
Is Jacinta Price the next Prime Minister?
1) she needs to get a lot of experience, 2) she needs to do a lot of good for NT & Australia particularly for the Aboriginals, 2) only then should she seek a House seat. What the LibNats need to do is to get a lot of talent – a lot of capital – complement rather than compete. When Jacinta moves to the House she should already have in place several good replacements.
At least she isn’t a red headed lesbian.
“There’s More to the DeSantis Airlift Story Than We Realized”
FWIW – more Soros
“Open Society Foundations Closing Offices, Laying Off Staff”
“It may be a little premature to celebrate, but the Open Society Foundations are closing offices in Africa and laying people off. In fact, 40% of the organization’s offices on the African continent will be hanging out “Sorry, We’re Closed” signs, and the employees will be hitting the want ads. This is in spite of the fact that the organization is worth an estimated $25 billion. Closures also hit offices in Barcelona and Baltimore.”
More and links at
Eventually I found links for a recent comment
Recommend a browse of meteorologist John Shewchuk’s X (Twitter) posts:
John Shewchuk
Even Darwin Airport makes the cut.
Karsten Haustein’s 2mT series is back up and running after the “catastrophic backup failure”:
GFS 2m-T
Anyone that thinks this year’s anomaly is in any way “on top of” man-made climate change needs to see this.
Click on the panel and keep clicking. The Southern Hemisphere is little different since the last El Nino 2015/16.
But the Northern Hemisphere has been wildly erratic since then.
At the beginning of this year the NH began at a relatively low anomaly about the same as early 2015 levels.
In less than 9 months NH anomaly has gone from unremarkable to “absolutely gobsmackingly bananas”, as Zeke Hausfather would put it.
Similarly for the Tropics.
Clearly, “natural variation” is the dominant factor.
CO2 doesn’t get a look in.
What amuses me is that a couple of days ago the NH anomaly at Climate Reanalyzer was exactly the same as on the July “hottest day” (+1.2).
At the end of September it was +1.5.
The WMO missed their follow-up opportunity.
They’ll be waiting a long time for another one.
The Tropics are down from the high (+1.0 twice to +0.8) and smack on the 2015 anomaly at same date.
I think it will be down hill from here. If so, where will that leave Kevin Trenberth?
Global temperature rises in steps – here’s why we can expect a steep climb this year and next
Kevin Trenberth
Distinguished Scholar, NCAR; Affiliate Faculty, University of Auckland
What is there to drive the “and next” ?
Daily Surface Air Temperature
Arctic – no
NH – no
Tropics – no
SH – no
Antarctic – no
Am I missing something ?
For the record I respect Kevin Trenberth’s scientific efforts.
His activism – not so much.
Climate Alarmists to Obama: Use RICO Laws to Jail Skeptics!
I find that despicable.
>Am I missing something ?
Daily Sea Surface Temperature
60S-60N SST just taken a hike so maybe that will transfer to the air soon.
Oddly, Kevin Trenberth’s step graph has a 40 yr interval between steps from 1935 – 1975 where there was no change whatsoever:
Trenberth: Global temperatures climb in steps
That’s 30 yrs longer than the “pause”/”hiatus”.
What masked the “relentless and largely predictable” “human-induced climate change” for 40 yrs from 1935 – 1975 ?
Note the “Pre-industrial temperature” line on the graph. It is considerably lower (-0.2+) than when the IPCC human attribution kicks in mid 20th Century i.e. 1950+.
Is it possible that the “relentless and largely predictable” “human-induced climate change” is just missattribution i.e. the trend began long before mid 20th Century and in fact began at the LIA ?
Unfortunately I’ve lost the reference but I saw a comment by a Scottish Countess about 1760. As a child of ‘upper class parents'(I assume a teenager) she had 3 dresses; one for working in, one for daily wear and one for social events. “Today I learnt that my maid had 3 dresses and was thinking of buying a fourth”. The Countess thought that the better weather for many years had lead to prosperity for many. The great rise of sheep farming was spreading north from the border and was reaching the highlands (leading to the clearances).
Incidentally she must have been a generous employer as such dresses were about £5 or more than the yearly income of a labourer.
The winter of 1740/41 was very severe and caused many of the population of Ireland to perish – in percentage terms a death rate higher that the late 1840 when the population had increased nearly 4 fold. Again a sign of a warming climate.
>The great rise of sheep farming was spreading north from the border and was reaching the highlands (leading to the clearances).
The worth of clansmen to the Chiefs was the the weapons and fighting strength they could bring to battle.
Sheep made them redundant.
Many burned out of their houses. 300 shipped off to die in a swamp in the Caribbean. Highland and lowland.
Reason I was born in NZ. Family name goes back centuries and once protectors of the Scottish throne. Except were lowland Scots (Normans) originating in Normandy where the name originated from a herb that grows wild (cumin).
Red and Black ancestors. Red Comyn was stabbed to death in Greyfriars Church by Robert the Bruce (de Bruis).
Nothing to be proud of. Chiefs would raid, pillage and burn. Note the once tree covered hills now aren’t. One lost several 1000s of men in a raid in England.
And they sided with the English if the price was right.
Motto is “Courage” – but money is better.
While we’re on SST… although Niño 3.4 is showing +1 C across the central Pacific, there’s a HUGE cool (blue) pool west of Sumatra stretching across to the Maldives. It’s on the equator so it’ll still be a bath tub, yet it’s a striking anomaly (per tropicaltidbits). Inquiring minds are inquisitive.
>a HUGE cool (blue) pool west of Sumatra stretching across to the Maldives
This ?
SST Anomaly
Or this?,-1.04,265
A positive IOD pushing cool waters to the GBR.
Farmer Gez Avatar
Farmer Gez
Oct 18, 2023 11:40 AM
I think we should rename Canberra.
An indig name for the district but it was chosen by white men and is now sullied by the genocidal colonial regime that has subjugated the original owners of this country for over a hundred years.
PluckaDuck is my pick.
It captures the very essence of the place.
Ainsley’s Grotto
Green’s Land
What a surly griffin
The Commontheft of Australia
South Yass
Woe Den
I think you’re on to something there. Try again.
Mistake on the Lake.
High Court of Australia rules against Victoria’s electric and hybrid vehicle tax.
Reading about anger amongst “aboriginal leaders’ just now made me wonder, who voted these ‘leaders’ into power? Who do they represent and do they have a mandate? Given there are many tribes across all the states and territories, how and when did those tribes convene to choose these so-called leaders? What legal authority – if any – do they have to represent others? Can they be removed from office and, if so, how?
Note that they are unequivocally referred to as ‘leaders’ and not just spokesmen/women or representatives.
That is a question with a very complex answer as aboriginal groups and sub-groups, clan groups and other strata organise themselves along a lot of different ways according to how they choose to do so. You can be sure though that if someone claims to be a leader and is not, they will soon hear about it. There are, of course, also leaders who are defined as such by heading such and such an organisation.
Thus legal authority and community recognised authority are not always the same thing. Not sure what mandates have to do with anything.
They were supposed to lie down and say nought for a week
Take Noel ‘Noosa’ Pearson for example, self appointed never been elected for anything but gets vast sums put his way, this needs a good look at.
I think the media create or nominate Leaders.
I think communities create or elevate people to Elders.
As I understand it, the “leaders” the media select or nominate can’t actually speak for anyone other than themself. Their opinion is theirs. If they are an elder then they can speak for their mob only and no other group.
I was dealing with an Indigenous person on some cultural heritage matters affecting a development. He was born and lived in another state, but was not eligible to provide cultural advice or supervise works in his state of origin because his heritage / ancestral mob were not from the area he lived in. His heritage was from the location we needed advice in so his heritage allowed him to advise us to the exclusion of other indigenous people in the area who originated from mobs elsewhere.
This was always a problem with the Voice as it was mooted. It didn’t respect ATSI culture in that the 22 or so Voice committee members in Canberra would not have have truly been able to speak on behalf of all groups. A Voice would really need to be established at each local level to respect the culture and to offer advice truly be applicable to that community. e.g. having Thomas Mayo or Noel Pearson advising parliament about a matter or community from an area or community they’re not from would be as culturally appropriate as me advising. Even though Mayo and Pearson may have some greater insight than I from their own experience, it’s just not the accepted thing.
How do they think a treaty can be made with 300 clan/tribal groups, one mob will whinge that the other mob got more of something than they did.
Well, ain’t SAS Australia predictably entertaining.
Akermanis the first out with a “painful foot injury” the doctor couldn’t verify, and the associated limp totally disappeared in video clips once he was discharged from the course.
What a pussy!😆
As always, no-one can actually R-U-N when screamed at.
More like a casual trot. RUN you f###ers!
More clickbait promo’s that pan out to be trivial.
You’re safer with the enemy than with the contestants!
Oh well, nothing much else on the idiot box.
Jacinta is on the warpath.
‘Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has reacted to the news her motion calling on the Albanese government to hold a royal commission into Indigenous child sexual abuse has been voted down.
‘Ms Price had also called for an audit of the billions of dollars being spent on programs for Indigenous Australians and closing the gap after Labor’s Voice to Parliament was rejected by Australians during Saturday’s referendum.’ (Sky News)
Albo isn’t reading the room well.
Too Many Dead – An Inquiry into Australia’s Excess Mortality
Earlier this year, Australian Senators voted down a motion calling for acknowledgment of Australia’s record-high excess deaths, and the need for an inquiry.
Now, the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society (AMPS) has taken it upon themselves to conduct an independent inquiry, and they’re taking it to Parliament House, Canberra.
On Wednesday 18 October, a panel of Australian and international experts will address an audience at Parliament House in an effort to answer the question: What is causing Australians to die at unprecedented rates?
The list of presenters and contributors includes many esteemed names at the forefront of medicine, science, statistics, data analysis, and industry. The presentations will be filmed, available for viewing at a later date, and will be accompanied by a book ‘Too Many Dead’, to be released after the event.
AMPS advises that all state and federal politicians, all colleges and associations, and the heads of ATAGI, the TGA, the Department of Health, and key institutions were invited to make a submission and attend the event.
Who will tell the public the true cost of nutty zero?
“Went down a boy, came back a hero
Some share market comments via Covid and Coffee today
“As the reality of the market’s nearly-complete rejection of the mRNA shots sank in, Moderna’s stock price continued dropping yesterday, now down over 60% so far this year. “