A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Leftists In Canadian Parliament Seek to Erase Embarrassing Nazi Incident From The Record
Trudeau blamed Russia for the Hunka Blunda.
A Canadian Parliament standing ovation for a member of the Ukrainian Nazi SS?!
That cannot be erased.
That is forever.
There is a street party to celebrate Dictator Dan of Vicdanistan’s resignation at 5pm on Victorian Parliament House steps, this afternoon at 5pm if anyone wants to celebrate the demise of the Dictator.
(I am not the organiser, just passing on the information.)
Best forgotten, but bad deeds remembered.
Who would want to have his record in the history books?
“Who would want to have his record in the history books?”
Most politicians as he won three elections on the trot with an increased majority in each.
Don’t forget to wave goodbye to him.
Or maybe a certain salute? 😉
I wonder if the shoe-in will re-legalise it.
It was always a silly law, enacted as they took the salute personally, and deservedly.
Is it the first time in Australian history that there’s been a public celebration of the demise of a politician?
Also, as a parting gesture I hope Dan doesn’t instruct his paramilitary police force to shoot and kill people. They have already proven during covid their willingness to “just follow orders”.
I would go but:
1. It’s in the state formerly known as Vicdanistan.
2. I’m in a 4 week autophagy cycle. Damn!
What will Vicdanistan be called now?
Fortunately, it is ALWAYS 5 o’clock, somewhere:
David, the real reason is the death toll from the jabs.
It’s like one hundred 767 aircraft crashing in Australia every year. Yes, that bad …
And Dictator Dan has just got the information that the death toll he caused is not going to peak until 2026 (even if the sheeple stop jabbing).
Horse Teeth in NZ also fled. They know what they have done. They know that they are guilty.
Not to forget the Dictator of the People’s Republic of Western Australia, McGowan.
I know how you all loved Dan in Oz. This from the UK’s Daily Sceptic. I can offer independent counseling.
“Andrews has been rewarded handsomely for his reign of terror. In recent months he secured a 3.5% pay rise, lifting his salary to $481,190 (£255,031) – up more than $16,000 (£8,480) from 2022. For comparison, the U.K. Prime Minister receives around £160,000.
Andrews will also benefit from a historic pension scheme for MPs elected before 2004, which could see him awarded millions upon retirement.
The tyrant is finally gone. But it’s always disappointing when they go out on a high rather than in disgrace for grievously violating their citizens’ rights. It is, sadly, further confirmation that the struggle to prevent authoritarian politicians imposing brutal restrictions on free societies – and getting away with it, being fêted even – is an uphill one that is far from over.”
From our new leader; “We have a lot of work to do” Understatement of the year. More of the same, socialist left Groundhog Day continues.
It’s ok, we are having a glass of fizz right now to celebrate the dictator’s departure.
Hoping he finds a long flight of stairs in his new job. I’m not Victorian and never wished to be, but maybe someone might find their hands around his wretched neck at some stage.
Hey, watching the Dank Andrews departure celebration live stream.
I notice that most people are wearing coats as if it’s chilly.
I thought you guys were catastrophically careening into the hottest Summer ever?
David they are celebrating in the country too , just seen an advert for a celebration at a rural tavern between Whitfield and Mansfield .
Psychopaths like Andrews don’t just relinquish power for no reason.
What was the real reason he resigned?
Was his recent trip to China whereby he disallowed members of the press something to do with it?
Will he be employed by the UN or WEF for his proficiency at lying and ability to transform a once-respectable civilian police force into an anti-freedom militarised war machine against The People?
Face it. He resigned because he wanted to.
People who just want to will let everyone know well before they actually quit.
Theresa May, the embattled UK PM, actually resigned two months after announcing it, and that was two months after indicating that she would soon.
So? He is not Theresa May last time I checked.
No. He has a dick and May doesn’t, because she is a woman.
My comment relates to doing the right thing by the party in Government. When leaders really do retire because it’s too much, they tend to give every body sometime to organize a replacement. May did, Adern did.
“Face it. He resigned because he wanted to.”
Although it’s true that isn’t a popular view here
Could he have seen the problems coming for Victoria?
e.g. the likelyhood of blackouts this summer due to his policies?
Or the problem with the high (and growing) debt?
or that sensible people won’t invest in Government plans in States were agreements are suddenly cancelled?
Or that he wanted to collect his superannuation before the money ran out?
Better to go before it gets nasty.
‘Victoria has the worst debt burden of 17 similar states across the world, and credit agencies warn it is likely to deteriorate unless tough decisions are made to cut infrastructure spending and raise more taxes.’ (The Age)
Dan is lucky the Feds dumped on his belt and road delusions. State capitalism, as exhibited in China, is an abject failure and corrupt to the core.
No. He just didn’t want to be premier any more so he quit.
I tend to agree with you, he should get a more lucrative job in the free market.
With less work and stress
Logically, it’s likely to be a lie. A completely unbiased view would be that it’s likely to be a lie. It’s common for a leader to give plenty of notice unless under pressure to resign.
I think Bracks was the last Premier of Vic to resign immediately without being pushed, although his son was caught drink driving and abortion laws couldn’t be passed while he was premier, so likely asked to go before being pushed.
A murky resignation indeed; his deputy Thwaites also resigned the same day. There was a strong rumour in the legal world that had they not resigned the police commissioner Nixon would have proceeded with charges relating to a document which bore both their signatures.
In memory of Dan:
Battleground Melbourne, which covered Melbourne’s world-record lockdowns (clocking in at just over 260 days, cumulatively) and related protests.
Footage of police in full combat gear assaulting citizens with mace spray, batons and rubber bullets went viral around the world, it was so shocking.
And another reminder:
All for a plandemic less dangerous than the flu.
Lest we forget (their crimes).
Like Sturgeon, just decided to suddenly resign, then the scandal breaks.
Will they still be building a statue (or idol for the Left, much as they have statues of other dictators like Mao and Kim Il Sung) of Dan Andrews?
Identify as a repressed BLM member and tear it down if they do.
Neither Andrews nor the government he lead, commissioned or made plans for a statue.
is completely true.
“Neither Andrews nor the government he lead(s), commissioned or made plans for a statue”.
A disappointment to the Pigeon Community.
Or whatever prodigious defecate producing avian species you have in Oz.
Not a good move in the age of battery powered angle grinders.
If anthropogenic CO2 really was a problem, the world would be stopping the world’s biggest producer, by far, China, from making it.
China produces more than twice as much CO2 as the world’s next best biggest producer, the United States. China’s CO2 emissions are increasing exponentially and they are building two new coal power stations every week.
Meanwhile emissions from the US and the rest of the West are decreasing.
Why isn’t China progressing with what the anti-energy lobby keep telling us is the cheapest and most reliable form of electricity production, wind and solar? Why are they proceeding with what they tell us is expensive and unreliable coal?
Victoria has replaced its leader Andrews who is truly evil with someone who is “merely” grossly incompetent.
Something like the handover from Labor Premier Cain to Premier Kirner, followed by the Rust Belt of Victoria 01 statewide recession that impacted adversely on the national economy.
I remember Business trips to Melbourne and observing shops boarded up, service stations boarded up with chains across the driveways, unhappy Victorians.
What I find particularly interesting is how Jeff Kennett making excuses for Dan in the MSM . If we ever see justice for what he did I will be very surprised .We sold large chunks of Vic to pay for Labors previous disaster and Kennett had to deal with that . The price will be higher this time and the longer we wait the worse it gets . We are not out of the woods yet . Incompetence has a price too and with labor sometimes you get to pay for it twice.
yet they voted him back….. 3 times!!
Tens Of Thousands Of Armenians Flee Their 2,000-Year Heartland In Karabakh, Facing Genocide
“Just a river of cars… from Stepanakert to Hakari…” [see photos]
When the Muslims were expelled from Kosovo NATO went in with tanks, fighter jets, and B52s.
The Russian Foreign Ministry statement via William Bairamian on X:
Bairamian has a lengthy commentary at the above link worth a read (sample):
Bairamian adds:
Muslims in Kosovo were aided by the full force of NATO – Armenians nada.
I blame the person who drew the map!! There are bits of Armenia in Azerbaijan and bits of Azerbaijan inside Armenia.. I mean, how the hell can you call yourself a country when lumps of it are inside someone else’s land? You would think it would be obvious to swap land until they are contiguous, or form one country.. after all, its only the politicians who are making them hate each other, so swapping one set for another doesn’t matter..
I see the Russian peacekeepers were about as useful as the United Nations ones ever are, so they are happy to see Armenia lose Nagorno-Karabakh. No doubt the American have a hand in a glove puppet somewhere.. Ah, Samantha Power is in Armenia, so she’s giving the orders.
Fauci Was ‘Smuggled’ Into CIA Headquarters To “Influence” Covid-19 Origins Investigation: Select Subcommittee
Not advocating public displays of prayer and piety but there’s a message here:
‘This Isn’t 1984, But 2023’: Christian Arrested for Silent Prayer Learns Fate
‘I should never have been investigated simply for the thoughts I held in my own mind’
Just a probe.
Warren Mundine’s National Press Club address (26/9/2023) regarding the Indigenous Voice to Parliament.
His speech goes for 30mins then there’s 40 mins of Q&A.
His speech was interrupted by the cross to Diktater Dan getting out of Dodge.
Another utility “Big Battery” lights up in flames in Qld..
The 100 MWh Tesla battery system comprising 40 “MegaPack” modules ($60m cost) is near Townsville.
Only one of the 40 , $1.5m modules is burning and is being left to burn itself out as advised by Tesla.
This looks to be a repeat of the battery fire near Geelong last year?
Im willing to bet we never get to know the root cause of these fires.
” Im willing to bet we never get to know the root cause of these fires.
We already know what the cause is.
Lithium batteries is the cause. Check out John Cadogan’s Youtube channel. He has a vid on this fire. He’s also drunk the Kool Aid on global warming but that isn’t stopping him from criticising batteries, renewal energy and EV’s for their shortcomings.
I cannot understand why you would use lithium batteries in stationary applications. There are far safer and cheaper alternatives when battery mass and volume are not a problem.
What alternatives would you suggest ?
Please share your knowledge……..!
To all,
Do you wonder why the firies stand around watching a Tesla Industrial megapack burn?
The answer is simple – It is Tesla’s recommendation…. and our fire services are required to follow their advice.
Tesla says:… If a fire develops:
▪ Allow the affected unit to consume itself as it is designed to do. Applying water to the
burning unit will only slow its eventual combustion.
To answer any further questions you may have…This is the official, 31 page, “Industrial Lithium-Ion Battery Emergency Response Guide”.
It is what we are supplied.
It’s a great read of the hazards involved with a defective megapack..
Given the blame leveled at the agricultural industry for runoff damage to the “pristine” GBR, I wonder at the chemical containment practices and subsequent investigation of this charade and its potential impact on the future health of the coral.
No Queensland has not lit a celebratory bonfire to mark the departure of Dan. No effort, or for that matter, cause for celebration is required when you have a Tesla battery installation.
The Bouldercombe Battery Project got off to a “great” start when it went live in July south of Gracemere with the intent of soaking up region’s renewable energy to put downward pressure on prices.
Last night the “revolutionary giant battery forming part of the $60m green energy project” went dead
Sorry local residents but no green energy is coming your way only noxious fumes which may permeate for some time because the advice to the firemen in attendance is not to try and put the fire out.
Drug shortages reported at 96% of U.S. pharmacies as Big Pharma’s supply chain begins to fail
The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) conducted a survey recently which found that 96 percent of pharmacy technicians across the country are reporting shortages of what are considered “essential” pharmaceutical drugs.
Everything from chemotherapy and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drugs to weight loss medications and everything in between is currently in short supply due to lingering supply chain problems stemming from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic.”
“Drug shortages are affecting many areas of pharmacy practice, such as retail, compounding and hospitals,” said Anthony Longo, a doctor of pharmacy and director of pharmacy at Northwell Long Island Jewish Forest Hills in Queens, New York.
Eventually, the drug supply will run completely dry – then what?
In nine out of 10 cases, surveyed technicians indicated that they offer substitute drugs whenever possible, though nearly half of the time, around 45 percent, patients still end up leaving the pharmacy without their needed medications.
Most drugs are made in China, packaged in India then shipped worldwide.
Expect shortages everywhere.
You know what to do.
New $4B Panasonic electric vehicle (EV) battery factory in Kansas requires so much power that the facility will need its own COAL plant to run
A coal-fired power plant in Kansas that was slated for closure will remain open after all to provide needed power for, wait for it: a new electric vehicle (EV) battery factory producing “clean” energy storage products.
In accordance with the Biden regime’s ongoing efforts to force all Americans into an EV, Panasonic has built a $4 billion EV battery factory in the small Kansas City exurb of De Soto.
Local media reports state that the factory will require anywhere from 200 to 250 megawatts of electricity to function. This is roughly the amount of power needed to keep the lights on in a small city.
On track to receive a whopping $6.8 billion from fake president Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, Panasonic is proving once again that in order to create “clean” energy, you have to burn a lot of “dirty” energy, rendering it a pointless endeavor.
The amount of energy the new Panasonic EV battery facility needs is so high, in fact, that a representative from Evergy, the public utility serving the factory, testified before the Kansas City Corporation Commission that there are serious “near-term challenges from a resource adequacy perspective.”
Put another way, the Panasonic EV battery factory in De Soto is an energy hog of epic proportions. As such, Evergy says it will have to continue burning coal at a nearby power plant in Lawrence that was previously slated to eventually transition to natural gas production.
Jo will get a giggle out of this one!
“‘Disease X’ is 20 Times more Fatal Than COVID-19”
“Disease X” is the newest diversion to create fear worldwide
The WHO has created a future (non-existent) infectious disease of unknown origin called disease X, that according to anonymous WHO “experts” will wipe out millions, if not billions of people. Disease X is said to be a given and we must prepare now. In fact, UK scientists are already making a vaccine !
Who needs faulty modelers, when the WHO can just create panic based on a fictitious disease? Gosh, according to the headlines above, the WHO is already “decoding” the pathogen before it is even identified. That is truly an amazing feat of science . This is the public health crisis that WHO has been preparing for! The WHO can now model worldwide death and destruction before the virus is even identified. This is yet another permacrisis!
Not even close.
I’m still watching “it” and something else very odd, that got buried faster than a Biden corruption story.
Pity anyone without a pristine immune system.
Due to shedding by the vaccinated, there are bugger all with “pristine immune systems”.
Afternoon all,
This story is very similar to the SMH one in today’s paper.
Again nothing useful for prevention or cure, and not even a suggestion to reinforce one’s immune system.
” Virologist at the University of New South Wales, Professor William Rawlinson, said the medical community had a strong consensus that masks are effective for slowing the spread of respiratory illness, but a mix of responses were needed.
Dr Eden said there are no anti-viral drugs used to treat HMPV, nor is there a vaccine.
“There’s no specific drugs for these viruses. So it’s just managing the symptoms until the immune system kicks in and takes care of the virus,” he said. ”
“… no specific drugs…” – I guess that makes the story accurate, but I’d have thought a mention of the successful approaches to the similar flu and Covid viruses would have been helpful, even with some reserve.
Common message from SMH and ABC… I wonder who else?
Dave B
You have evidence? the literature on metapneumoviruses supports the article’s contention but also the economic imperative for acting against these viruses is pretty low at the moment. Similar symptoms does not mean similar approaches for controlling the virus.
I suggest there’s significant evidence in this statement from above:
” So it’s just managing the symptoms until the immune system kicks in and takes care of the virus, “.
My interpretation is that our natural immune systems are already capable of “taking care of the virus” unless that system is compromised, so ensure it’s Ok, and it will kick in faster and more effectively.
A bit like IVM for which I’m sure you’ve read evidence of its ant-viral ability here over the years.
“Common message from SMH and ABC… I wonder who else?”
Where the proper response is SMH (= “Shaking My Head”)?
Wednesday wtf: close call lightning strike
(Yes, it’s a strange file name but that’s the unique id Tumblr gives files, when I extract links. It’s not a virus. 😁)
Isn’t it time to cut our losses and cancel the utterly useless Snowy Hydro 2 project?
It will be a net consumer of electricity.
Where will the electricity come from as Australia continues to shut down and destroy its power stations?
Snowy Hydro II was “theoretically” a good idea . With the midday power glut produced occasionally by solar (in summer , and when its not cloudy or raining ) some of it could be saved instead of wasted . It is now looking at becoming the most useless white elephant in the energy room – Once again the solution has become the problem .
Please – think of poor Florence trapped only metres into her 13km tunnel. Definitely sexist, misogynistic, racist or something. /sarc
David, ..
..ALL electricity storage systems are net consumers of power.
..ALL utility scale grid systems are more efficient when storage is included ( even Coal fired)
…. Even at $12bn , SN2 is a much better/cheaper option than any other storage system
FYI , the only other available option would be an equivalent 200GWh of batteries at a cost of $100+bn. !
It will only become a white elephant if they have to go underground.
‘Network operator Transgrid previously said going underground was unsustainable because of the time and expense involved.
‘Project chief Jeremy Roberts told an earlier inquiry hearing doing so could cost anywhere from $13 billion to $17 billion.
‘The projected cost of the overground project had meanwhile increased to $4.89 billion.’ (Reneweconomy)
Also, the National Parks is taking the NSW government to court over the same issue.
Anyone betting against a dummy spit of epic proportions, if things don’t go a certain way in a couple of weeks, all the toys hurtling out of the crib? I’ve been hearing the term ‘racist’ is losing it’s sting, through over use. It might be about to get boosted into the stratosphere? If the facts don’t go their way, the emotions have usually just doubled down. I can see anything to benefit aborigines being totally blocked, and the other side being blamed.
I went through the Christmas gift catalogue that appeared in the mailbox today and found the obvious answer to all Aboriginal problems. For sale are aboriginal designed christmas baubles $35, aboriginal designed boxes of biscuits, $23, aboriginal designed tea pots $70, matching tea mugs $22.
There are aboriginal designed tea towels for $23, aboriginal designed toiletry bags $30, and cosmetic bags $25. Aboriginal designed table cloths for $90, or table runners for $30. An aboriginal designed duffle bag $60, or a backpack for $35,
..and I’m only 1/3 of the way through the catalogue! So, let all the woke whatevers and supporters of the voice full their homes with this stuff and keep the aboriginals flat-out making it, and we won’t need Govt assistance or reparations or a voice at all, capitalism is the best solution to their problems.
Unfortunately, KP, the items may be designed by aboriginals but you can bet your sweet bippy that they are manufactured by people who are aboriginal to another continent. Unless they identify as indigenous Aussies, of course. If Bruce can get away with it, why can’t they?
What, no boomerangs? 😎
They’ll be back next year.
China lies and fraud continued: now they’re spraypainting pigs black!
China is a close second to Ukraine in the dirtbag stakes.
What Drought and flooding causes: Record world wheat production and prices.
In 2018 Dan hosted global smart cities.
Maybe starting to get the idea?
“TARGET: NOT SO BLUE WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN. “Target Corporation has been even more woke than most large companies, but there are limits. Target has been vocal about the damage that organized retail theft is doing to its bottom line. Now the other shoe has dropped. . . . That is pretty blunt. If you, blue city, can’t maintain order, we are pulling out. But what I would still like to see is major retailers like Target explicitly getting behind law enforcement, and abandoning their (most likely insincere) wokism. That would really do the country some good.”
Posted at 7:56 pm by Glenn Reynolds”
Goes with this edition of “Blue State Blues”-
“Target Closing Stores in NYC, San Francisco, Oakland, Portland and Seattle Due to Rampant Crime and Lawlessness
September 26, 2023 | Sundance | 226 Comments”
Another one doing that (though no Woke connections mentioned)
“CVS Pharmacy to Close 900 Stores by the End of 2024, Citing Shoplifting as Major Problem”
“No Surprises Behind the Fake”
“Around 2.6 million years ago, humans started eating meat and, up to today, we have not stopped. Thanks to this, our brains became bigger and more developed. Under the guise of slowing climate change, environmentalist campaigns, the U.N., the Davos Club, and lots of progressive governments’ efforts against the livestock industry and meat consumption have grown. They claim that, after the burning of fossil fuels, the livestock industry is largely responsible for the climate apocalypse they trumpet. The Washington Post gives a taste of the collective vegan madness that has seized our media and political classes. ”
More at
The humanoid robots are coming!
Singaporean company Fourier Intelligence has released new video showing the production process for its super-strong GR-1 humanoid.
Fourier claims the GR-1 can carry up to an extraordinary 50 kg (110 lb) of weight, thanks to a particularly beefy pair of robo-buttocks in the form of two 300-Nm (221-lb-ft) hip actuators.
Its arms and hands, though, look pretty spindly, and the company has flagged its intention that this robot will act as a rehab therapy assistant, with grab handles at its waist to help people stand up out of wheelchairs and beds. So there’s every chance that’s where these loads will be carried.
Meanwhile, Tesla’s Optimus is progressing.
Powered by the same high-spec vision-based computers Tesla uses in its “Full Self Driving” Autopilot system, Optimus is now able to precisely locate its own arms and legs, calibrating their positions in space just by looking at them. Tesla says this self-calibration system is helping the robot learn new tasks more efficiently.
One such task is picking up a bunch of blocks and sorting them into different bins by color, which the robot appears to do with aplomb, smoothly re-routing its activities when humans step in and move the blocks around and showing a capability to correct mistakes when the blocks aren’t put down the right way up.
It’s moving pretty slowly at the moment; most of the functional video is presented at 150% speed. But the movements do look deliberate, precise and fluid, and Optimus’s hands appear to be working well. And balance is clearly not a problem – the video ends with a couple of smooth, one-legged yoga poses many humans would struggle to replicate.
Companies like Figure, Tesla, Agility, Sanctuary AI, Fourier Intelligence, Apptronik and many others will have humanoids in the workforce within a couple of years, and as Toyota has just shown us, they should pick up new skills extremely quickly.
Robots will do your job for you, while you languish in 15 minute cities, stuck at home, eating bugs by candlelight, paid for by your UBI.
However…if that’s the future then what real use are these robots? 😎
But TRUE AI is at least a decade away…
As I was young, I carried 25 kg on every shoulder… 😀
A perfectly balanced human then
AI is already here – we are nodes in it . Its motivations are not yet clear – what does it want ? . It needs us and we need it . It’s gathering data to allow it to make decisions and its watching what works . The internet is massive in terms of usable memory and processing power – its out there and evolving and soon it will run everything . Some smart people have been warning us for some time.
Old adage: Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity.
Covid ‘Wonder’ Drug Can Cause ‘Uncontrollable Mutations’ Warn Scientists
A Covid drug hailed as a “game-changer” may cause the virus to mutate uncontrollably, scientists have now warned.
Molnupiravir is given to thousands of vulnerable Brits who test positive, such as patients fighting cancer or liver and kidney disease. The antiviral, made by US pharma giant Merck, is claimed by its makers to ‘protect against severe illness’ and does so by forcing mutations in the virus that fatally weaken it. In short; the antiviral is designed to do exactly what health experts have spent 3 years telling us they’ve been trying to avoid.
In some cases these mutations do not kill off the virus, say researchers at the Francis Crick Institute and UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA).
Instead, a patient can remain infected with a mutated version of Covid and pass this on to others, according to the team’s analysis of millions of virus sequences.
Experts warned it is now key to find out if mutations triggered by molnupiravir can make the pandemic-causing virus more transmissible or severe, or allow it to bypass immunity from previous infections or vaccines.
Theo Sanderson, lead study author and researcher at the Francis Crick Institute, said: ‘It’s important we develop drugs which aim to cut short the length of infection.
‘But our evidence shows that a specific antiviral drug, molnupiravir, also results in new mutations, increasing the genetic diversity in the surviving viral population.’
He said drug makers must consider the risk of the medicine triggering mutations in a virus, when developing drugs that work in a similar way to molnupiravir.
I’m shocked, shocked I say! 😆
Turning your loved ones’ ashes into lab-grown memorial diamonds
Unlike the lab-grown diamonds that customers receive from Eterneva, the idea for the business did not come fully formed. It started as a simple curiosity. Eterneva founder & CEO Adelle Archer had been interested in the technology behind lab-grown diamonds — which are identical in quality to mined diamonds but don’t harm the environment or result in unethical labor practices — but she didn’t see a clear opportunity to create a business.
A personal tragedy changed that. After the death of one of her friends, Archer realized that few businesses offered thoughtful and meaningful ways for people to celebrate and memorialize loved ones who have passed away. She eventually landed on the model of Eterneva, which uses the carbon within peoples’ ashes or hair to produce diamonds in the lab that serve as memorials.
A diamond could never compare, but comes in at 2nd place.
It was told from the beginning that this may happen. So now an other conspiracy theory became true….
Is an answer to #26
In my ICE vehicle, just heard a PSA for C19 vax that contained this statement …
“COVID vaccines may not be for everyone, consult with your doctor “.
Holy F.
Now the UK’s development of the Rosebank oilfield off Shetland is to go ahead. This will almost certainly be declared unlawful under the Climate Change Act 2008 (amended). It will have to be repealed or amended again and that will be a real battle. Also oil companies might not wish to develop it if they believe that Labour will win next year’s general election and close it down. Interesting times, but more hopeful than a week ago…
Omnibus bill legislation?
Interesting to see how laws attempt to be all-covering to head off relegislation..
Here we change a slate of legislation with omnibus bills. Both parties do this to undo what the has previouly been enacted.
Omnibus legislation? They’ve not reduced us all to public transport yet…
Such similar democratic traditions yet so different. I fon’t think there is anything stopping omnibus bills in the UK, it’s just not done quite like that yet.
The Americans use omnibus so frequently it’s not even remarked upon. Those packages that pass through congress.
John Major made passage of the Bill to implement the Maastricht Treaty, a huge step toward a Eurostate, an explicit vote of confidence, which got him his result – by one vote – because the patriots knew that the Conervatives were behind in opinion polls at that time. He called the Eurosceptics in his Cabinet ‘bastards’. Perhaps he should have looked in the mirror.
Packham is a high profile BBC presenter who recently fronted a Channel 4 program all but encouraging illegal direct action.
All the police need do is stop attending green protests that seriously inconvenience people, and let nature take its course.
It doesn’t matter if they actually vote or not as long as it creates official ballots which can be filled in as needed.
“Eight million young people will be newly eligible voters by Election Day 2024. And, the time is now to get ready for the elections taking place this fall and next year. Several states have elections in November of this year and many other states will have primaries in the first few months of 2024. That’s why this National Voter Registration Day is so important: we’re at the starting line of the next presidential election.”
Swift first broke her political silence in 2018 to endorse Democratic candidates and urge fans to vote. Her political outspokenness came after she had previously faced criticism for not engaging in major political moments in the US, such as the Black Lives Matter movement and the 2016 presidential election.
E-Buses Bought From Now-Bankrupt Manufacturer By Blue Enclave Are Now All Out Of Commission
A Democratic enclave in Wyoming purchased electric buses to reduce emissions, but the buses are indefinitely inoperable after their manufacturer went bankrupt earlier this summer, the Cowboy State Daily reported.
Jackson, Wyoming, and Teton County formed the Southern Teton Area Rapid Transit (START) system, which bought eight electric buses from Proterra to add to its fleet of 31 diesel buses, the Cowboy State Daily reported. Proterra, which itself was at the center of a conflict of interest controversy including Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, went bankrupt in August, and START’s eight e-buses are now out of commission given that the manufacturer can no longer readily supply the parts needed for repairs.
The last of the START Proterra buses went out of service two months ago, according to the Cowboy State Daily. In fiscal year 2021, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) gave the Wyoming Department of Transportation $1.1 million in taxpayer funds to buy e-buses for START, according to the FTA website…
Teton County is where the Davos crowd reside when they are not in Davos. You can bet none of them take the bus. Even when getting dropped off to board their private jets.
So what are the busses for? Well, they are for the unwashed who shovel their snow, cut their lawns, make their beds, and mop their floors. Mostly undocumented. A slave class. It is a taste of what they envision for us all.
The pleasures of EV motoring
Been thinking about cars and what the future might be like with many more EVs on the road
– The trend to reduce automobile traffic to a single lane to share the road with other means of transport and EV charging. …
Surprised me that this seems to work quite well until I realized what was happening. Traffic gets funneled into a bottleneck of flowing through a single lane. Amazing how traffic becomes constricted in this manner on multilane highways, so reducing everything doen to one lane doesn’t have quite the immediate impact … except GRIDLOCK
Multiple lanes ack as buffer with things slowing down at the reduced lane/intersection chokepoint. Get rid of the multiple lanes and we lose the buffering. In a single lane flow, they stop quickly in a conga line chain reaction. Grid lock becomes more likely.
Try finding on street EV charging during grod lock.!
– Charging the EV with a volatile brown out electric supply.
Maybe not such a biggie, except when people go on the open higheay and try and all charge their vehicles at the same time en route. The will be huge waits at intercity charging stations because many people will be on low charge at the same interval of time.
Finally consider sitting in gridlock smugly not wasting gas by not moving … as the electric airconditioner or heater whirs away.
People will regret not having the opportunity of a large energy reserve that fossil fuel provides. Some people will hate needing to babysit their EVs
Evs are cheapervto maintain? ROTFLM … Etc.
Car companies that charge hundrreds of dollars for turn signal light and thousands of dollars for wiring harnesses. Aa mich fun as fixing a new appliance. Hah hah hah!
Drove a diesel for decadeswhich wouldfreeze up with the air temperature 20 deg F. or less
As with EVs I had to babysit those cars. I know the love/hate that freedom + babysitting brings.
I do not envy Ev owners. Volatile electric suppy strongly amplifies the demand for a rapid top up. With more EVs on the road, more EV charging sites in combination with amplification of demand from volatile supply will be anabsolute nightmare. … Far far far worse than trying to find a place which sells diesel fuel. Those diesel refueling points were know commodities without a run on their usage..
Having a vehicle trapped in traffic which uses no power standing still … but guzzles power heating or cooling brings on range an iety in a vehile already sensitized to range anxiety.
Get real. Think of the ballooning line ups to recharge on the highway when it is inconvenient/awkward for everyone in a large area to do it at home over the previous several days!
This is a better future?
Sure it’s viable. Just not so enjoyable. Possibly quite hateful.
I honestly think people are being optimistic (rose color glasses) when considering EVs. All the more so because things will get worse with further market penetration, NOT better through the hope of building morecharging stations. It’s a predicament of the volatility in refueling times. Running out of power makes people desperate, even those driving ICE machines.
And then there is the knock on effect of people cancelling their reservations because they feel insecure about arrival.
EVs will survive but people will pay bigger money to park and charge at night at their destination.There will be anxiety about getting up and going at times when recharching is difficult. Of couse with deep pockets .. money is no hinderence.
And recharging during the day/night … regularly or irregularly brings stiff difficulties to society.
Example: Does delivery gardening and construction switch to nightime so that recharging occurs during daylight?
More EV news. This in a place where 80+ percent of electricity is neutral and elec rates are less at night because of lower demand and abundant supply
As Toronto ponders EV mandate for rideshare drivers, experts say they can’t lead the charge without chargers
Great iidea. Shows just how lobsided theelectrification imperative has become.
Give taxi drivers the ability to use rechargable vehicles. This is the choke point?
“Anthony Fauci Had a Secret, “No Record of Entry”, Visit to CIA to Influence Their COVID-19 Origin Decision
September 27, 2023 | Sundance | 32 Comments”
“Summer warming 1895-2023 in U.S. cities exaggerated by 100% from the urban heat island effect”
Dr Roy Spencer
“We are now getting close to finalizing our methodology for computing the urban heat island (UHI) effect as a function of population density, and will be submitting our first paper for publication in the next few weeks. I’ve settled on using the CONUS (Lower 48) U.S. region as a demonstration since that is where the most dense network of weather stations is. We are using NOAA’s V4 of the GHCN monthly dataset.
I’ve previously described the methodology, where I use many thousands of closely-spaced station pairs to compute how temperature between stations change with population density at 10×10 km resolution. This is done for 22 classes of 2-station average population density, and the resulting cumulative UHI curves are shown in Fig. 1.”
Stirring the “covid cauldron”
“Elon Musk brings the smackdown to COVID vaccine effectiveness”
A tweet by Elon Musk about the COVID-19 vaccine has gone viral, after he posted about “disinformation.”
The Tesla CEO took to X, formerly Twitter, which he also owns, to share a montage of news headlines that said the various vaccines for the virus were “100% effective.”
“Have you heard dis information?” Musk captioned the tweet on Tuesday.”
“El Salvador, crime, and civil liberties. What does this mean for the USA?”
“And this is where El Salvador offers a useful lesson to the rest of us: Do not make people choose between human rights and safe streets, because they will choose safe streets every time.
. . .
The best way to keep people from trading civil liberties for civic safety is to not let crime get out of control in the first place.”
Self explanatory.
“Scientists reveal mechanistic link between zinc levels and diabetes”
Via Instapunt – “Zinc is good”
More “Our taxes at work”
“Just Pass Everyone
Australian universities face a government prohibition on failing grades.”
“Meat From Animals Vaccinated With mRNA Vaccines May Soon Make Its Way Into The US Food Supply”
Another triumph for “Know-all Testing”?
From an SDA comment from the thread mentioned below about other things but appropriate here too IMO
“Well, it’s always fascinating. If you think you have all the answers, you haven’t asked the right questions.”
“The Weight of “Nothing” Could Mean Everything (to Physics)”