A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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So we are now a Klimate Kulture Klub member. I don’t recall voting on this at a referendum or did Labor have this in their manifesto before the last election. It’s a Kluster! KKK rings a bell!
Did you notice the simultaneous propaganda “Antarctic sea ice dropping to record-low levels” & “Experts renew calls for urgent action on climate change”
Not a coincidence at all to cover Albo’s announcement.
And another alarm raised about impending GBR coral bleaching due to El Nino / La Nina wobbles. Obviously due to higher sea temps caused by you know what. They did admit that previous coral bleaching events were followed by re-colonisation. So what really is the problem?
The ABC version:
It also seems that someone has told the ABC that the plebs have woken up to the falsity of their backlit clouds, so have used a new scary photo, clearly showing the haze of that polluting carbon.
CO2 it certainly ain’t.
Dave B
Time to recall Sergeant Schultz of Hogan’s Hero’s: “I see nothing!, I hear nothing!, I know nothing!.” Are Albo or Bowen our Schultzes?
No they see everything
“No challenge is more pressing than that posed by climate change,” said the PM.
A ridiculous man, nothing is more pressing than ET disclosure.
We voted to get rid of Brittany Higgins’s tormentor, Scott Morrison.
For the thumb downers, it’s was sarcastic. A dig at Labor and the media making the rape allegation political.
I always wondered how they averaged out the world’s temperature, now I know
What a joke!
It is pure statistical garbage when we are told what the average global temperature is and that it is a heat record
Now I hear from Elbo that it is a Kollaboration. So 4K!
A man, Rikkie Valerie Kollé, has won the Miss Netherlands title and he will go on to compete for the Miss Universe title.
I guess the women in the Netherlands aren’t much to look at then.😁
Eva to the rescue – towards the end here
Obviously too busy for beauty contests
Looks like she would win dressed in a habit
Reminds me of that old nun joke:
You can kiss a nun once, you can kiss a nun twice, but you mustn’t get into the habit. 😁
An aural rather than visual but still a golden oldie:
Four nuns in bed together……….. two were playing hymns.
Well he was the obvious choice wasn’t he?
All his nuts were lined up in a row!
I mean…diversity and all that!
It’s well past time that real women boycotted these events.
Yes I saw that. Joke!
The Owner of The Miss Universe pageant is trans.
And to think that used to be Donald Trump!
Miss Universe will probably follow the path of Bud Light.
Already has – ask yourself: who won last year ? I can’t remember …..
My ultimate fantasy is that every single person in Govt that promulgates this KKK is unemployed banished to a far off Island!
I can not take 98% of the pollies that are gullible – especially noting that NONE of the “Predictions” have eventuated.
Greens MP will bulldoze 20 native trees to add three luxury townhouses
How a top Greens MP is bulldozing trees and vegetation to add three $1.5M luxury townhouses to her investment property portfolio – despite rare wildlife living on her land in prime koala habitat
By Jesse Hyland For Daily Mail Australia12:06 AEST 11 Jul 2023 , updated 13:12 AEST 11 Jul 2023
Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi expanding her property
She plans to bulldoze dozens of native trees and flora
A Greens senator is planning to bulldoze dozens of native trees and local flora around her investment property in order to build three luxury homes at the heart of one of the biggest koala habitats in the state.
The party’s deputy leader Mehreen Faruqi and her husband will knock down 20 trees at her Port Macquarie investment property and subdivide it to build three double-storey townhouses.
It’s only other people environment silly
A green over the age of 40 is someone who got their beach house 10 years ago.
Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Health emergency declared in Peru
“If the number of cases increases, there could be a lack of immunoglobulin,” Minister Vásquez warned.
Peruvian authorities Saturday declared a 90-day nationwide sanitary emergency due to the “unusual increase” in cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, it was reported in Lima. As per President Dina Booluarte’s decree, some US$ 3.27 million will be allocated to improving patient care, reinforcing control on the number of detections, and drafting reports for the population and health personnel.
Among the measures are the acquisition of intravenous immunoglobulin and human albumin, as well as specialized diagnosis of the biological agents associated with the syndrome and air-assisted transport of patients in emergency or critical condition.
According to the document, so far this year at least 18 of the country’s 24 departments and one constitutional province have had at least one case of the syndrome.
The unusual increase of cases of a rare disease in a short period of time “negatively affects the continuity of health services, as there are not enough strategic resources to respond to the volume and complexity of the cases in the different health facilities,” warned the decree published the El Peruano (Official Gazette).
Climate change strikes again!
A bloke on a blog I read who was “fit and well before being force jabbed by work” got this. He’s been in hospital for about 6 months. Just got back home and still on regaining muscular functions. He’s just got back to blogging some,
CIA’s Secret Mosquito Experiments In India
On July 17, 2020, Nandita Haksar, a prominent advocate for civil rights and a lawyer in the Supreme Court, raised an intriguing question in her article titled “Stranger than fiction: Did the CIA carry out clandestine mosquito experiments in 1970s India?” She pondered whether scientific collaboration becomes a battleground where profit-driven politics clash with politics serving the people’s interests.
In her own words, “It was in this room that I heard many stories of covert operations. That day, a young journalist came by and told my father of a strange experiment with mosquitoes being conducted right near Palam airport, as Delhi airport was then called. The man said it was an experiment on yellow fever. ‘But we don’t have yellow fever in India,’ my father had exclaimed. The journalist said that this was exactly his point. He claimed it was a part of a biological warfare experiment. We all sat in shocked silence.” This journalist, Chakravarthi Raghavan, eventually rose to become the head of the Press Trust of India (PTI). Another key figure in the investigation was Dr. K.S. Jayaraman, who was no ordinary reporter. Holding a PhD in nuclear physics from a U.S. university, he had chosen journalism as an elective and resigned from his government scientist position to become the Chief Science Reporter at PTI.
“Nature finds a way” 😎
Latest from Tony Heller.
He is being severely shadow banned on YouTube and he gets very few views.
In this video from 3 hrs ago he talks about the latest climate fakery from NASA.
The modern temperature record is based on very few weather stations, only Europe, North America and Australia up until maybe the 1920’s or later. In other words it’s impossible to have a global temperature record for other than those three geographic areas. Thus the talk of “hottest eeeevveerrr” is meaningless.
Thanks David, and thanks Tony.
A very neat refuting of the NASA fakery.
6 mins.
Dave B
Central Bankers Predicted Net Zero Would Lower Inflation – and Got it Spectacularly Wrong
Central bankers around the world claimed the Net Zero transition away from fossil fuels would lower inflation, but new analysis from top financial services firm Nomura has found it is in fact driving it. The Telegraph has more.
It was presented as a new utopia. Clean abundant energy, available to all. Millions of new jobs, flourishing economies and a cleaner, greener world. And all while cutting bills and freeing up money spent on light and heat to be used elsewhere.
However, as the transition to Net Zero speeds up, and wind and solar power replace oil and gas, it is becoming increasingly clear that prices are not coming down fast. Instead experts fear that going green will make the inflation crisis worse – in a fresh blow to the credibility of a string of central bankers who have predicted the opposite.
“Clean energy is cheaper. It’s cheaper today, and it will be cheaper still tomorrow, and it will be less volatile than the system that we have,” he told the Telegraph in an interview.
Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank, agrees. “Extreme weather events can damage infrastructure, ravage harvests and disrupt supply chains,” she said in a speech last year.[insert image of hail destroyed solar arrays here. JC2]
More “experts” getting is hopelessly wrong again.
Inflation and high prices?:
Come on, don’t tell me that adding a parasitic ‘power’ system to an already fully functioning and cost effective grid is more expensive to run than not adding it? Not only more expensive, but much, much less effective.
Type 2 diabetes? Pre-diabetic? Eat chocolate!
Imagine eating chocolate that did not cause your blood sugar levels to spike.
Israeli startup SOLVEAT says it can offer just that, with its edible blend of herbal extracts that can be used in chocolate and other foods to support healthy blood sugar levels.
SOLVEAT’s clinical team observed that the chocolate that includes the startup’s formula had significant clinical efficacy in controlling blood sugar levels.
They found that the infused chocolate actually lowered blood sugar levels by 10 to 24 percent in almost all test participants with prediabetes (when blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to signify type 2 diabetes).
The startup says that its aim is to deliver the benefits of traditional herbal remedies by adding them into everyday foods without having to actually taste the herbs.
Efforts are being made to render mosquitoes extinct.
But why should they be? They must have some important role in the ecosystem although no one knows what it is.
It would be better to concentrate on local control measures or ways to immunise people against malaria.
I think it is the big mosquitoes that spread disease. When they were parked in the desert in 2020, the all cause mortality was below average and flu was cured worldwide.
ack ack ack
Budda Budda Budda!
That was the sound of the DDT being sprayed around your suburb.
And that is another story!
David, it has been tried before.
Also I heard (maybe an urban legend) that there was a problem with an African river whereby the fishermen were being taken by crocodiles, so the (obvious) solution was to wipe out the crocodiles. This resulted in the edible fish also disappearing as they were now being eaten by the monitor lizards whose numbers had been kept in check by the crocodiles.,weighs%20close%20to%2015%20pounds.
I have always been intrigued by J. Robert Oppenheimer’s translation of a passage from the Bhagavad Gita from Sanskrit. When the first atomic bomb was detonated, he said: “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” It seems grammatically incorrect but apparently it was purposeful and an archaic use of the verb “am”.
Tuesday ejukayshun (and cool video clip): the Helix nebula
The Helix Nebula, often called The Eye of God. Located in the constellation Aquarius, it is about 650 light-years from Earth. In its current form for about 6,560 years, the inner disk is expanding at a rate of 32 km/s and the outer ring at 40 km/s.
Tuesday hilarity: scientific units anyone?
Corgi-sized meteor as heavy as 4 baby elephants hit Texas – NASA
Gotta love science.😆😆
Should make an effort to find it, must be made of ‘unobtainium’.
A sign from Queen Liz that she is not happy with Harry. Unfortunately she missed Montecito, but there is always next time.
Oh, no!
Another deadly virus on the way.
And it’s caused by “climate change”.
Time to panic!
Dr Suneel Dhand discusses.
I wonder if the COVID vitamin D/zinc regime would be effective against it?
No, it’s NOT time to panic.
I’ll tell you when it is. 😁
CCHF is primarily a tick borne virus and endemic in Africa, parts of Asia and the EU.
It’s absolutely not going to be the next pandemic.
The odd infected traveller is not a problem.
Thanks Tedros, thats such a relief
32 Pages
This is what’s happening in New Zimbabwe about tribal claims of land.
Imagine how much worse it will be when Australia gets the race-based The Voice.
Video: 3 min 21 sec
Consider the now legislated Aboriginal sacred sites, lands of cultural significance, required inspections with substantial inspection fees using Aboriginal Inspectors now operating in Western Australia.
As most now realise Aboriginal Affairs is primarily a State Government area of responsibility carried on after Federation in State Constitutions from Colonial governments.
Not only does interfering with claimed to be culturally significant lands result in substantial penalties but even if certified to not be and ground works proceed if somebody decides the original decision was wrong penalties still apply.
And I ask how appointed inspectors have the local knowledge of traditional land owners, there are claimed to be 300-plus “First Nations countries” remaining today from over 500 believed to have existed before 1788. Every mob has cultural differences and different languages. And most identifying as indigenous ancestry also have non-indigenous ancestry.
WA is a glimpse of a second unelected voices to parliament future if the referendum succeeds.
Another question to ask is “ How can modern decedents possibly know all the sacred sites”? A lot of the sacred mysteries were only available to FULLY INITIATED tribal members. I have not noticed a single modern aborigine proudly displaying full initiation scaring, they are NOT initiated, they DO NOT KNOW as to pass this knowledge to the uninitiated was AGAINT many tribal laws.
In case you missed this video on Voice+Treaty+Truth
Good video.
Another alert from DM regards The Voice.
Please encourage more Voice advisors & consultants to help the NO VOTE.
how many people are intending to willingly line up to get the new RSV MRNA vaccines?
Are these safe & effective or unsafe & defective? 😆
In APR this year scientists warn of increase rates of GBS, now
Surely these scientists are mis/mal/dis informationists 🙂 and will be erased from the internet once Albow’s new dictatorship is established.
Experts speculate climate change is increasing kidney stone cases among young children
Hospitals have opened ‘stone clinics’ to keep up with increased cases among kids.
Experts are speculating that climate change and other factors are driving the increase in kidney stone cases among children and teens.
Experts told NBC News that just three decades ago, kidney stones were largely a disease that affected middle-aged White men, but they now increasingly affect children and teens, especially in the summer.
The number of annual kidney stone cases increased by 16% from 1997 to 2012, according to a Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, with 15- to 19-year-olds seeing the greatest increase in cases. Kidney stone incidents were 52% higher among females within this age bracket while males become more susceptible to the disease at age 25, according to NBC News.
Kidney stones among children doubled from 1997 to 2012, according to the study, while Black children and adults suffered kidney stones at a higher rate than their White peers.
Amazing how warming of 0.1C could cause this.😆
Probably due to too much sports drinks with chemical contents and not enough water. Then again it must be that effervescent carbon dioxide!
No One In The U.S. Really Wants To Buy Electric Vehicles
EVs from Toyota, Ford, Audi and Genesis are just sitting on dealer lots as supply outgrows demand.
The problem with EVs was once limited supply, but it has now become demand. In the U.S., EVs are sitting on dealer lots for far longer than their gas-powered counterparts and piling up as buyers mostly continue to overlook fully-electric cars, as Axios reports. Despite carmaker lineups filling out with new EV models and the production thereof ramping up, people are still worried about charging and the pricing of EVs.
The latest reports from Cox Automotive indicate that car buyers are much more interested in EVs now than in the past: 51 percent of buyers who participated in a recent Cox survey are considering buying a new or used EV, which is up from 38 percent in 2021. And Cox says that EV sales will break the 1 million mark for the first time in 2023, with sales reportedly accounting for about 6.5 percent of the entire auto market in the U.S. so far.
Even so, it looks like EV supply is outstripping demand by a significant margin. The nation’s fully-electric cache is reportedly up by 350 percent this year, with nationwide inventory sitting at over 92,000 vehicles. That translates to a 92-day supply of EVs, which is almost twice the current average for gas-burning cars.
The problem with EVs was once limited supply, but it has now become demand. In the U.S., EVs are sitting on dealer lots for far longer than their gas-powered counterparts and piling up as buyers mostly continue to overlook fully-electric cars, as Axios reports. Despite carmaker lineups filling out with new EV models and the production thereof ramping up, people are still worried about charging and the pricing of EVs.
The latest reports from Cox Automotive indicate that car buyers are much more interested in EVs now than in the past: 51 percent of buyers who participated in a recent Cox survey are considering buying a new or used EV, which is up from 38 percent in 2021. And Cox says that EV sales will break the 1 million mark for the first time in 2023, with sales reportedly accounting for about 6.5 percent of the entire auto market in the U.S. so far.
Even so, it looks like EV supply is outstripping demand by a significant margin. The nation’s fully-electric cache is reportedly up by 350 percent this year, with nationwide inventory sitting at over 92,000 vehicles. That translates to a 92-day supply of EVs, which is almost twice the current average for gas-burning cars.
EVs seem to work best as local run-abouts, but given the big distances in much of the US (and Australia) I wonder how many people will hang to them for very long.
Do U-Haul recommend using EVs for pulling their hired trailers.
As for buying second hand EVs, do the dealers tell the purchasers the cost of replacement batteries?
Time will tell.
The Catch 22 is that, to be able to compete on price, manufacturers must keep the production up. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
Many manufacturers will fail. I’m looking at you Ford.
So New Zimbabwe wants to teach kids biodiversity instead of science.
Biodiversity is a fraud. It is merely a rough guide to excess species. Most biodiversity that is actually necessary for productivity cannot be seen, it is underground and microscopic. To destroy the baseline diversity, is near impossible.
That is all you need to know about biodiversity.
The following video will demonstrate just how low Once Great Britain has fallen.
A senior police officer gives a tirade about using the correct gender pronouns for people.
(30 sec)
Apparently this happened in 1035 AD
Even a couple of inches more this July is hardly justification that this event was a one in a thousand year event as was just claimed by the Governor, and parroted by our media with zero thought.
But nobody profited from the sale of that flood prone land.
King Island. Diesel 86%
Nigel Farage explaining his debanking …
from which I learned a fun new term … PEP …
Politically Exposed Person.
(Nice photo … wonder what they’re talking about?)
Well, who isn’t politically exposed nowadays?
And people that think wrongly, may expose us to wrong thinking, and we must empower Banks to save us.
Not only is there a Climate Emergency, but aliens may invade at any moment.
Of course, I mean the the non-Earth non-human aliens … not the Europe and US Southern border ones.
Political exposure these days requires a lot of explaining.
Well, that’s pepped me up , no end.
And after watching the youtube link; what can you say.
Nigel has shown quite conclusively that what we felt was true; World War Three is over, they’ve won.
Well done Klaus, Presidents Xi, O’Biden, Shadrack and Analise.
Over the last ten years I’ve seen the banking system go rotten and spent a lot of time working through problems with bank staff.
It’s like sitting with someone who is scared witless about offending the next level up but still trying to pretend that there’s reliability and honesty in the current banking system.
These workers are scared and that makes me feel very lost.
If you have the feeling, like me, that you have been “digitised” by the banks and faux government, then be reassured, it’s true.
One of the obvious winners reminds me of that old rhyme: blah, blah, blanch, return again Duck Widdington, Lord Mayor of London.
If only we could all be ritch.
Should be Dick Widd.
The tipping point they don’t mention –
That last graph needs an addition (IMO)
In the space below the arrow head and the supply/demand curve end it needs a box saying
“And here a miracle happens”
I was pondering on something like this.
“Underestimate Russia At Your Own Risk: A Comparison Of Hubris By Germany During WWII And Today’s Collective West”
Just imagine what woke Leftists must feel when they realise their purchase of a Tesla helped Elon buy Twitter and turn it into a free speech platform….!
Here is a tragic 16.5 min video discussing how the Elites manufacture mass psychosis to make people more accepting of totalitarian rule.
Everything described has happened in the past and is happening right now.
Here is another video by the same author about whether Orwell’s 1984 is becoming reality.
15.5 min
The train that just rolled over us.
Probably reorganizing for another go.
Unsure if this has been noted yet: –
UK’s Ellesmere Port hydrogen heating trial scrapped after protests
11-July-2023, about 1500Z
BBC’s text: –
Plans for a Cheshire village to be used to trial the UK’s first hydrogen-powered community have been scrapped after residents objected.
Gas firm Cadent had applied for Whitby in Ellesmere Port to be included as the site for the Hydrogen Village pilot.
The aim was to test the suitability of the gas for domestic homes – but the plans were met with opposition, with some saying they felt like “lab rats”.
Energy Minister Lord Martin Callanan confirmed Whitby would not be used.
MP Justin Madders said there had been safety concerns and the decision was inevitable.
Lord Callanan said: “After listening to the views of residents it’s clear that there is no strong local support. Therefore Whitby will no longer be considered as the location for the UK’s first hydrogen village trial.”
The government has not formally announced the scrapping of the plans but it is expected to do so in the coming weeks.
As well as Whitby, trials were also proposed for Redcar in Teesside. It would involve hydrogen boilers being installed in about 2,000 homes.
But some residents were uneasy about their natural gas being turned off and replaced with pure hydrogen from 2025.
Justin Madders, Labour MP for Ellesmere Port and Neston, said: “It is clear that asking people to try experimental new forms of energy consumption for their homes will not work unless basic questions about safety, efficacy and cost can be answered from the start. It is also clear that leaving people with the impression that this was happening without their consent sent entirely the wrong message out about how we need to tackle climate change.”
Cadent said it would be “disappointing to the many residents who told us they wanted their community to play a pioneering role in decarbonising how we heat our homes in the UK”.
While Whitby would not be used as the location for the trial, the information the firm had gained would play an “invaluable role in shaping how the UK heats its homes and businesses”, the spokesman said.
The firm said the government was still “likely” to progress the trial in Redcar.
End of BBC Text.
Hydrogen can be handled safely – in industrial plants, where the whole system is designed to do that – and staff are properly trained.
Picking a community – seemingly at random – maybe less so.
And the ‘compulsion’ is NOT a great signal to send ….
You could make a very dark comedy on this. What could go wrong.
You would think they might want to first demonstrate the economical viability of producing hydrogen from non fossil sources ,….before they push it as a replacement for a prooven fuel.
Looks like there’s a renewed push to get the Anthropocene recognised.
This is all over the ABC TV news this morning also .
At least they are showing that the planet has been in a Warming phase for the past 11,000 yrs !
FWIW – shouldn’t be in use here but we do import
“Is Pork Keeping You Awake? – Ractopamine”
On reading also used in beef and poultry
And the usual reluctance to release relevant information
“Energy Appliance Victory! (DC Circuit vs. DOE)”
Gas boilers
“Know The Warning Signs Of
1- Married and has kids
2- Full time employment
3- Regular church attendance
4- No criminal record
5- Distrusts the government “
I’m thinking of putting my White Privilege card up for sale, wonder what I could get for it.
Here’s a WEF graduate if ever I saw one! America’s next spy and military base for attacking Russia and China-
“The nomadic ‘oasis of democracy’ with a mission to become the next South Korea”
“The Harvard graduate has the build of a wrestler. He is the first Mongolian leader not to have been educated in the Soviet Union and leads a country where 70 per cent of people are under 35.”
How Google goes after The Conservative Tree House
No doubt they and their ilk will be helping with “Their Voice” too