A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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– on ‘bad cattitude’:
‘AP news is not news, it’s paid for marketing’ (good video, I’m not sure if anybody posted this already, sorry for the repeat if this is the case)
– on ‘The Hill’ , 30-01-2023 :
‘Bill Gates TRASHES MRNA Vaccines After MASSIVELY PROFITING From Their Development: Brie & Robby’
‘trashes’ is a bit over the top (I don’t like Gates)
– USA: ‘Ehline Law you can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna over Covid vaccine side effects’
You won’t receive lawsuit compensation for damages?
True. Unless you can prove fraud or wilful misconduct,…
– on Substack: ‘John’s Substack’ John Campbell May 30
with Mr. Andrew Bridgen MP
– on Substack: ‘Dr Byram W.Bridle Chronicles’
It takes at Least a Decade to Be Sure a New Vaccine is Safe
Source: Anthony Fauci: ” After Twelve Years You Could Find Out That All Hell Broke Loose,
Then What Have You Done” (see video)
Dr. Bridle is an Associate Professor of Viral Immunology in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph, Canada
– I always wonder why not more attention was given to this Pfizer report?:
Report Prepared by: Worldwide Safety Pfizer
—-> 1223 death
Thanks Catherine for posting that. I need a bit of help understanding the Pfizer ‘5.3.6’ report:
– Page 10: “There were 4 individuals in the anaphylaxis evaluation who died on the same day they were vaccinated.” and “Conclusion: Evaluation [] did not reveal any significant new safety information.”. Can someone please explin how 4 deaths on the day they were vaccinated gave rise to no new safety information.
– Page 11: “Seriousness criteria for the total 138 cases: [] Life threatening (13, of which 7 were also serious for hospitalization), Death (38)” and “No post-authorized AE reports have been identified as cases of VAED/VAERD, therefore, there is no
observed data at this time.” Can someone please explain how 13 life-threatening events and 38 deaths can be described as “no observed data”. [AE=adverse event, VAED=vaccine-associated enhanced disease, VAERD=vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease]
– Page 12: “Pregnancy outcomes for the 270 pregnancies were reported as spontaneous abortion (23) outcome pending (5), premature birth with neonatal death, spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), spontaneous abortion with neonatal death [1]” and “[] Abortion [] and Foetal death (1 each)” and “Death neonatal (1)” and “Conclusion: There were no safety signals that emerged from the review of these cases of use in
pregnancy and while breast feeding.”. Can someone please explain how 31 abortions or deaths can be assessed as “There were no safety signals that emerged from the review of these cases”.
Page 26 on Medication error: “Fatal (7)” and “All the medication errors reported in these cases were assessed as non-serious occurrences with an unknown outcome”. Can someone please explain to me how 7 fatalities can be described as “non-serious occurrences with an unknown outcome”.
Pfizer’s final conclusion was “Review of the available data for this cumulative PM experience, confirms a favorable benefit: risk balance”.
What would the report have looked like if an independent organisation had been given the data and the job of reporting on it? Would anyone in any country ever have agreed to be injected with the Pfizer vaccine?
Good day all.
Our home paddock is already very soggy and a visitor became bogged temporarily. It’s only late May!
It’d be interesting to know where you are. I am in the Adelaide foothills and we’ve has a very wet (by SA standards) autumn. Where I am May was around 4.5 inches and the whole 3 months around 9 inches. Despite that, you don’t have to dig far into the soil to find it’s still dry.
That is not looking after your dryland salinity potential needs then
We are in Nth Central Vic Adellad.
Apart from plenty of rain recently we also had that brief earthquake on Sunday. I wonder if that shifted any water? After the Sept 2021 earthquake in Vic our daughter noticed a lot more water appearing where she lives (also Nth Central Vic not too far away from us). That’s long before the floods around her way, last Oct/Nov, were made much worse by the failure to release sufficient water from Eildon when it was too full.
Thanks. My inlaws live around Shepparton (north of you I guess) where it has been quite dry since the big wet ended in December.
Hi Annie,
We are in for a cold and wet cycle for the next few years according to long term forecasters (not BOM endorsed of course, so chances are its true)
Umm, it’s looking a bit that way atm. Heaven help us, with Eildon at about 93%, when last heard. Too much at this time of the year.
Dry here in Brisbanistan currently, but we’ve had a soggy twelve months or so. I photograph motor sports and my calendar over the past year is full of red ink showing cancelled/postponed events due to flooded or boggy venues.
Being an English interloper, I have experienced enough mud to last several lifetimes and therefore propose to lodge a complaint. I was enticed her with lies.
Never heard of Dorothea Mackellar prior to coming to Australia?
“I love a sunburnt country, A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains”
Thought I would bold that last bit, just in case you missed it 🙂
You bought it with you 🙂
I’m in a different area of North Central Victoria and here it’s been wet all year. Normally the grass is all burned yellow by October/November but last year we’ve had green grass up until Xmas in places. We’ve had so much grass the kangaroos have bred up to dangerous numbers and will have to be culled this year to prevent starvation later. Cherries have been ripening progressively later over recent years as the warm weather has been slower to arrive. We didn’t get much autumn this year, the stable balmy weather seemed more patchy and interspersed with foretastes of winter.
“Great letter to Defence Chief General Angus Campbell from an Afghanistan veteran. Lest We Forget.”
And on “Their Voice”
“Letter to Richmond FC from a supporter over the club’s support for Albanese’s Vanity Voice”
The letter, re Lest we Forget, gives good material for thought.
Two excellent letters. re the football club, there is an earlier letter not published. It’s a circular from the government to all sporting clubs. It says, in essence, “support The Voice or we will remove all your funding and ensure that you cease to exist”
Mightn’t work so well.
Years ago a certain government in Qld did its best to kill country racing. Our district club said “Like Hell!”
Now I learned to ride at an early age but have ridden a horse twice lately – once in 1974 and once about 2000-ish.
I said to the secretary “I have never had a bet on a race horse. Chances of getting me there to watch horses run – Nil. You’d better find me a job”. So I was opening bat on the barbecue for as long as it took.
Quite amazing that the Doherty institute in Melbourne claims garlic may be active vs COVID after 18 months research. Meanwhile, nothing on HCQ/IVM or the dozen other re-purposed drugs etc that have shown efficacy for the last 3 years. Even more amazing is that MSM are running with the story which is also getting attention on social media. Imagine if the MSM actually ran a story explaining how lockdowns, masks and vaccine mandates were all a waste of time and we knew all this back in 2020?
G’day Ross,,
Here’s the ABC version:
And an extract:
” She said the garlic supplement could slow down the virus “so our immune system can actually go on and attack the virus where it mainly infects us — in our respiratory tract”. ”
Interesting, but not as effective as HCQ or IVM with Zinc. Nor as rapid in effectiveness would be my guess. And you need the effective immune system, so vitamin D first.
Dave B
Gold star to you David for consuming the ABC. You bravely go, where a lot of us will not enter, in order to maintain our sanity.
Thanks Ross and David,
But no, it’s not bravery on my part as I don’t watch the ABC TV news etc, it’s only their “Just In” that I follow, and actually quite like. (!). Its opening page offers a headline and usually just a single sentence about the story which is enough for me to decide to definitely read, maybe scan, or ignore, without the distraction of the TV presenter’s style or graphics.
It reinforces my gratitude to Jo for allowing us to express our views, without the editorial modification I’ve experienced on the rare occasions I’ve had any thing published in MSM. Thanks again Jo.
And I actually enjoy identifying the falsities and significant omissions in their stories on our favourite topics.
So I suffer no pain in finding these links and knowing that they are not paywalled so you can see the full text of the article I refer to.
This is the link to the home page in case you’re interested:
Dave B
Thanks for going to the ABC and suffering David, so we don’t have to…
Say, isn’t garlic a protection against vampires?
Garlic shortage in 3,2,1…….
Garlic Flu in 8,7,6…
Are you suggesting garlic scented toilet paper.?
“And, most dear actors, eat no onions nor garlic, for we are to utter sweet breath”
Eat enough and you are guaranteed at least 1.5m spacing.
Seriously, it probably works. My list is BHIQ – Budesonide, Hydrochloroquine, Ivermectin, Quercetin.
I and Q got me through this damn thing. Be careful with the Ivermectin; you might not need the standard dose, as it will clear out a lot of things as well as the bioweapon. Remember they can’t shove the Pfizer disaster at you for 6 months. After that, who knows.
Ivermectin has been shown in peer reviewed papers to kill tumors associated with prostate and Breast Cancer and any that have metastercised ? throughout the body. I have the paper saved but do not know how to upload.
A simple question by a non-engineer: Could our “excess, free”* wind electricity be used to liquify coal rather than pumping water uphill? If so it would negate billions in the capital costs of pumped hydro.
* You know what I mean. 🙂
Sounds about as dumb as using intermittent power to produce hydrogen. Just pulverise the coal, feed it into a highly efficient furnace ( HELE/USC), run it full bore for maximum thermal efficiency. Emissions – who gives a continental.
Politics is the art of the possible. What you propose is impossible in Australia today.
I am just thinking of a lower capital cost way to keep the windmill builders happy.
Trade for Australian rice?
Hasn’t the reclaim of sacred water from the Murray Darling system about stuffed our rice production?
Well I will cheer if that is true. As A rusted on North Queenslander, I was dismayed when the infant rice industry in the Burdekin Valley was bought up by southern interests and closed down. The Burdekin Valley with many acres of suitable land and copious amounts of water from The Dam, was an ideal and profitable place to conduct such an operation.
I was amused by the various MSM reports and coverage of the Bud Light and Target boycotts, in which they blame a “small, noisy minority”.
Last I saw, the Bud Light fiasco has resulted in around a $18 BILLION reduction in company valuation, and $10 BILLION for Target. On top of the losses in share valuation, there have been huge falls in sales revenue too, so far not quantified on Target’s part but Anhauser Busch’s sales volume is down in the order of $3 BILLION. Make no mistake, this is serious stuff.
So, with those disappearing BILLIONS in mind, just what does the MSM define as a “small minority”?
Get woke, go broke!
Now Lego has joined the groomers.
Coming soon:
Lego psychiatrist + couch.
Lego detransition blocks
Lego bag-o-nuts 😄
Get woke, go broke!
I blame a small noisy minority also. The trans activists that pushed companies that bit to far.
Were not the original problems at AB Bud Light created by a small minority?
AB was in what came another problem down the line – they were in the push for expiry dates on beer
I think “a small, noisy minority” is MSM not-so-secret code for ‘deplorables’.
A numerical hope for deplorables then?
Like the YSM’s good oil on Russia’s shortage on munitions?
Trudope called it a “fringe minority” – I bought the T shirt.
It’s a small, noisy minority, but they used to drink an incredible amount of Bud Light.
Here is a very good common sense look at the whole Bud Light fiasco.
8min 42sec
I just went on a short solo bushwalk at Killarney Heights, Sydney and I saw a group of about 90 school kids enter the track (Magazine Track), with teachers. Only about three kids were carrying water and the rest nothing at all. The track they were entering was 3.5km each way and I wouldn’t drink water directly from any of the creeks as it’s likely contaminated. I found it unbelievable that the teachers hadn’t required the kids to carry any water.
No need. A new world. Likely all had mobile phones and could call UBER water.
In todays education environment its unclear how a teacher can require a student to do anything. Maybe it was a practical section of an IQ test?
Unanswered question for Peter F.:
Who is the world’s largest emitter of anthropogenic CO2?
The coal fired electricity generation plants in China?
Please make sure to watch:
The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told
About the covid vaccine disaster.
JC II found a link to the full video:
The man who talked back to high handed officialdom about their Covid lockdown – mandate policies.
Dr Bhattacharya, one of the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, is interviewed on Uncommon
Knowledge by Peter Robinson
Majority of COVID Hospital Deaths Were Due to Untreated Bacterial Pneumonia
Knowing that people who were symptomatic for respiratory infections would be among the most tested population and that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s medical approach to COVID-19 was to tell people to go home and get as sick as possible, it was readily clear that people would be dying due to lack of treatment for treatable conditions, like bacterial pneumonia and fungal infections in the lung.
Now a study from the National Institutes of Health-funded researchers in Chicago has found that unresolved respiratory infections—not necessarily those involved in SARS-CoV-2—were present in people who failed to “respond” to mechanical ventilation.
They concluded:
“These data suggest mortality associated with severe SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia is more often associated with respiratory failure that increases the risk of unresolving VAP and is less frequently associated with multiple-organ dysfunction.”
Sounds like the 1918 Spanish Flu all over again.
I’m seeing global cases of bacterial infections climbing markedly.
Hardly surprising given all the damaged immune systems, where the previously innocuous now isn’t.
ZERO Unvaccinated Young People Died From COVID, Official Study Concludes
The Israel Ministry of Health (MOH) revealed this week that the only individuals aged 18-49 who died from Covid were those suffering from serious underlying health conditions.
The MOH provided the study data in response to an official request from attorney Ori Xabi.
Xabi filed a Freedom of Information request to obtain the government’s records on the average age of Covid deaths.
The requests stated that the data must be segmented by vaccination status, deaths of individuals under 50 without underlying health conditions, and the number of cardiac arrest cases between 2018 and 2022.
“Zero deceased of 18–49 years of age with no underlying morbidities,” the MOH admitted in response to Xabi’s request.
Note in passing that the UK gubermint is not going to investigate excess deaths, despite calls to do so.
Meanwhile again, the German Health Minister Admits Covid Vaccines Are Dangerous, Big Pharma Has Made ‘Exorbitant Profits’
German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, who claimed Covid vaccines are “without side effects” and Big Pharma would not profit from the vaccine rollout, has been forced to change his tune due to the disastrous results of the hardline Covid policies in Germany.
Once hailed as a hero, the man often called “Germany’s Fauci” is now engulfed in the biggest vaccine-injury scandal to have emerged since the pandemic.
Strangely enough, “Germany’s Fauci” still seems applicable.
German authorities have advised residents of Germany to consume no more than 10 grams of meat per day
Instead of almost 100 grams, adults should only eat 10 grams of meat a day in the future. At least that’s how the German Society for Nutrition sees it. She plans to change her dietary recommendations.
According to the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), 300 to 600 grams of meat per week are sufficient for adults. A “small amount of meat” as “part of a wholesome diet” can “facilitate the supply of essential nutrients”. This guideline is now to be adjusted. As the Food newspaper (LZ) reported, the DGE plans to change the recommendations. This should reduce the recommended consumption to 10 grams of meat per day.
The strategy is intended to be oriented to the year 2050 and contains short, medium and long-term Measures. The cabinet should define the strategy by the end of 2023.
As part of the federal government’s nutrition strategy, Dietary recommendations of the DGE be revised. Among other things, the consumption recommendation for meat is to be adjusted. As the LZ reports, only 10 grams of meat per day are then considered as a guideline. “That would be equivalent to one currywurst a month!”, the LZ quotes the general manager of the Dairy Industry Association (MIV), Eckhard Heuser.
The consumption recommendation for dairy products should also be adjusted. So far, the DGE recommends 250 milliliters of milk and an additional 50 grams of cheese per day. About half a liter of milk is used for every 50 grams of cheese. According to the LZ, the future nutritional recommendation of the DGE should only recommend 280 milliliters of milk equivalents per day.
10g of meat is around the weight of a small-medium egg, so virtually useless nutritionally.
It’s amazing that the same people who ran Germany into the ground in the 1930s and 40s are still running the country today. They don’t goosestep or wear funny hats anymore, but they are still there nonetheless.
You’re supposed to slice German sausage with a microtome now?
Albo says the voice is what the indigenous people want! It’s an unproven comment. Don’t know of any grounds on which he could declare it.
On the other hand, Albo and the YES vote activists absolutely ignore the Price-Mundine group, as though they are nonexistent. Albo therefore has no interest in unity. He opts as an activist for splitting the indigenous people, just as he is doing to the Australian people in general. It’s Labor’s favourite political tactic.
This approach imo reflects the two groups of indigenous. The YES activists are reflective of those that have made the transition into Australian society. They are the educated, erudite, moneyed class of aboriginal people we see governments of both persuasions pandering to forever. They seek power.
Then there are the less well integrated and remote community people who are ignored by government and wealthier aboriginal class, yet these represent the group that Australians feel strongest for when trying to better the lives of those we always see thrown up to us by the media. These are the very people Albo ignored on his visit to Alice Springs and refused to meet with. He has yet to acknowledge the fact of their existence and preference anywhere. This is the group most of the Price-Mundine group represent.
So Albo, what really are you banking on your activist YES mates doing for YOU. It has nothing to do with bettering the conditions for the worst off aboriginal people. You dismiss them as though they don’t exist, but more particularly because they don’t agree with you. They live the life your side uses as political leverage for anything aboriginal, eg the voice. But you dismiss them as an uncomfortable irrelevance. It is damning that they also seem to be the least supported by all those $billions over the years in indigenous funding! Where has all that money gone?
“And no, the Uluru Statement was adopted at a convention at a Yulara NT resort 25 km from Uluru. The conference was attended by 250 delegates, hand-picked from about twelve community Dialogues – of 300 plus First Nations countries existing today.
Attendance was capped at 100, with 60 reserved for First Nations groups – and invitations – only aimed to ensure consensus.
It has been pointed out: My mob can’t speak for your mob. Your mob can’t speak for my mob.
Second Voice to Parliament (a new ATSIV) is race based, divisive, and. there has been no consent as internationally agreed minimum standard between those 300 plus mobs.”
To call aborigines in the Norther Territory camps marginalized is a huge understatement but it is a good place to start. Because the Voice is nothing to do with helping marginalized aborigines in any way. Nor handing over the water in NZ to Maoris is reconciliation when there are no Maoris more than any other group. Scots, Irishmen, Englishmen, Pacific Islanders. That’s all history.
And in a country like Australia where everyone is from many other places, why is there a huge push to racialise Australia, one of the least racist places on earth? We have never had a war or a civil war or a racial war or even a big fracas. The closest we come to violent group conflict is football. Remember Rwanda? A million dead by machetes in a few weeks and they were all black, so it wasn’t colour.
This is a game to enrich a few and to undermine Australian society as a just place, to make out it is an historically violent racist place. This move is taking place simultaneously all over the world, say in Canada. And open the floodgates to uncontrolled economic migration and disruption. It is the open destruction of Western democracies as they shut down our power, strip our rights, pack our cities, take our money and tell us to eat insects.
It seems like WWIII against Democracies has started. And the military Virus from Wuhan was just the next logical step in war in a nuclear age.
As for Albanese, he is driven by his own Trotskyist dreams of revolution and absolute power like avowed power hungry communist Adam Bandt. I doubt either has changed in the slightest as they pretend to be chasing the great good for aborigines. That’s ridiculous, not even slightly credible. Meanwhile communist Daniel Andrews continues to wreck the joint while taking instructions in person in Beijing.
I really hope this ultimatum fails. Because it is utterly racist. Rejecting it is rejecting racism.
With the discussions on wording –
Remember that the ALP send trainees to learn what the Democrats in US are doing. They got fined for illegal electoral contributions not so long ago.
So remember the shemozzle on ObamaCare where on the night of final debate something like 1200 extra pages of the legislation were dropped and Pelosi’s comment “To find out what is in the legislation you’ll have to vote for the legislation”?
Unless ALL the words, caveats, maybe’s etc are out in the open a vote for “No” sounds like insurance (IMO)
“Three separate labs across the globe have now found the mRNA vaccine are heavily contaminated with DNA plasmids. These DNA plasmids can infect the e. Coli in your gut & make your gut a perpetual spike factory.”
As I’ve said many times, the gut microbiome is CRITICAL for health and impacts the whole body, and more and more new research is proving that.
Steve Kirsch has just posted this:
The data is clear: the more vaccines you give your child, the more likely it is that they will develop chronic diseases including autism
ADHD: 7x
Autoimmune disorders: 21x
Autism: 5x
Asthma: 9.3x
Epilepsy: 4x
Think of the children?
When are you going to start?
The next pandemic, I predict, will start in children.
Kids being kids, it’ll spread like a bushfire.
With the seemingly irrational drive to vaxx kids, their resistance will be limited and impaired.
It’ll quickly spread to adults, and we have our next pandemic.
What will it be?
Despite all the hype from the WEF, MSM etc, I see no evidence or trend for Ebola, Marburg or similar. In fact things are very quiet.
Dengue, some small outbreaks of bird flu (but virtually gone now), minor MP cases but nothing of interest or unusual.
At this stage, I’d suspect something more basic like Chickenpox or Measles. Maybe something new like Disease-x, but I see nothing brewing.
With damaged immune systems and persistent spike factories, anything could take you out…
It would have to be viral. There’s still too much muck and mystery about viruses for the general population to understand. No conception of the relative size of a viral particle and I still think there’s a huge chunk of information about viruses that the medical/scientific field simply do not understand. In agriculture, viral control is pretty basic- you kill the vector to inhibit the disease, not something you can do in humans.
Far from it.
Don’t underestimate non-viral sources or synergy.😉
JC2, One of those 3 labs was directed by Kevin McKernan.
I posted yesterday: “DNA contamination of mRNA vaccines.” (Kevin McKernan)
For further consideration, the video link below, is the interview published one month ago with Kevin McKernan.
In Setember 2022 he published this: “Differences in Vaccine and SARS-CoV-2 Replication Derived mRNA: Implications for Cell Biology and Future Disease.”
Since then he claims he has been censored by msm, et al.
Link to abstract here:
Wednesday Datwin Awards: underwater street repair work
I’m lost for words. 😆
A town with a population of 13,000, Wynnum in Queensland, Australia, witnesses an alarming rise in vaccine injuries and fatalities.
The forest of the fallen.
Damn you, climate change! 😉
How Amnesty International is used to bash China, at least according to this gentleman:
Now, The North Face have decided to Bud Light themselves.
JP discusses:
Get woke, go broke!
Jimmy Dore Producer Mischa Paullin’s HILARIOUS Klaus Schwab Parody!
Klaus Schwab is his own parody. Growing up in Hitler’s Reich and plotting the elimination of billions of undesirables, he makes the Bond villains including Blofeld seem lacklustre. Does he has a white cat? A lair under the sea or in a volcano?
So, what sort of Govt bans you from owning bullet-proof clothing. I would have thought statistics would show it was the safest thing for any hunter to wear, or resident in Sydney, or in many places.
Why ban something so useful? Is it because they need their thugs to be able to kill you rather than knock you down?
“Letizi was charged with possession of unlicensed ammunition, possession of unlicensed firearm, possession of bulletproof clothing “
Ned Kelly had that sorted.
Further down “Their Voice” slope? –
“South Africa’s Ruling ANC Party to Pass New Apartheid Bill that Forces Companies to Ban “Non-Black Africans” from Employment”
And IIRC we have rumblings too –
“Welcome to the World of Minority Contracting
Government goals and set-asides for “disadvantaged” firms breed corruption and fraud, deepen racial divisions, and cost taxpayers billions.”
Re South Africa
IIRC who keeps their nuke going?
I was told it’s European contractors from Framatone, the original French reactor builders, who ensure the safe operation of Koeberg when it’s running. Had it not been for them, judging by the staggering incompetence with which Eskom runs their other power stations, I assume that one or both reactors would shut down in safe mode and stay there.
Lost another house in Perth, due to lithium battery failure. Wasn’t even being charged.
A neighbour lost most of his house. Huge fire. A Dyson battery vacuum cleaner hanging on the wall.
Given the frequency of these failures this lithium battery technology ought to be prohibited in the community; inevitably insurance companies will supervene by adding clauses voiding the policy if these incendiary devices are stored on the insured property.
Got this from the comments of a video by someone, gender unknown goes by the handle of SacredHabitats and in his words.
This will explain in more detail what xxxx has been talking about. It’s a 28 min. speech by James Lindsay to the European Parliament on what is Woke, where they came from, what they’ve done and what their plans are, it’s the best 28 mins of time you can spend.
Well worth the 28mins.
Thank you MP! That was a brilliant presentation of the complex issue.
I’ve lost count of the number of times I have written this, but once more seems timely.
When it comes to politicians, ignore what they SAY and look at what they DO. After three months of campaigning AGAINST the Voice referendum, today the bulk of Liberal Party politicians voted FOR it.
Sickening, but not surprising from the Liberal faction of the LibLabGreen Uniparty.
I suppose it will just as easily pass through the Senate now.
It looks like Australia is being set up to become even more of an Apartheid state.
And how will it be decided who is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? Will there be special “race experts” to decide, or perhaps DNA tests?
With more and more people already choosing to “identify” as Aboriginal due to superior treatment in welfare programs, obtaining grants and employment preferences, it is highly advantageous to be considered Aboriginal whether someone genuinely is or not. And what proportion of Aboriginality even qualifies someone as such? A half, quarter, eight, sixteenth?
“And how will it be decided who is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? Will there be special “race experts” to decide, ”
Same people as 1930s Germany, they are always keen…
And in good news…
Cameraman takes out climate protesters who stormed the stage at dancing competition show: video
I can’t decide what’s more disgusting, the Japanese scientists or the Americans prepared to grant them immunity to benefit from their horrific experiments.
Chiefio looks at the $US, gold etc
“Problems In The Fed Gold Locker?”
A reminder
“The proudly British descendants of slaves liberated by the Royal Navy: St Helena is famous as the island where Napoleon was exiled. But as SUE REID found, it was also the base from which the Navy hunted down slave ships — liberating thousands”
We seem to have a philosophical gap between the Govt and the people over what constitutes ‘public interest’-
“An extended philosophical discussion about journalism and the public interest followed. “Your work might be interesting to the public,” an officer told Klarenberg, “but it’s not in the public interest.” He insisted that a journalist could be furthering the interests of a hostile state actor in reporting on national security issues.”
Kit Klarenburg was grabbed off a plane at Heathrow and grilled for five hours by the counter-terrrorism force. Seems someone doesn’t like his exposing of what The State gets up to..
I saw it in one of Caitlin Johnstone’s articles about how authoritarian the West has become-
They included the $50,000 fines for protesting in South Australia.. Lovely ‘Honest Govt Ad’ video as well! I don’t know how those girls aren’t in jail!
“Murder .v. Killing”
Farm Confiscation in America, its getting real.