A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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God Save The King ! 🙂
It should have been Queen Anne, first born, if sexual equality mattered.
Imo we’d be better off with Queen Anne. Far less likely to capitulate than Charles.
Anne was born in 1950, Charles in 1948. Affirmative action might have been needed to move her up the line of succession.
Anne wasn’t the firstborn, Charles was. I like and respect The Princess Royal.
Coronation day is opening very wet here in the Southwest of the UK. Its supposed to move up to London in the next hour or two so expect wet scenes. Our monarchs have been crowned at Westminster Abbey since 1066. The first king Athelstan was crowned on the same spot 100 years earlier although little of that building remains. All my relatives of a similar age are either called Anne, Margaret or Charles. Perhaps Anne will stand up at the Abbey and demand that she be made Queen?
During the coronation, when the king was walking away from the throne holding sceptres, did the lady in green walking ahead of him with the sword remind anybody else of Cammy from Street Fighter?
No? Just me? Okay… 😀
A potential Game of Thrones Queen type character perhaps?
She is Penny Mordaunt.
Ironically, by 3 when it was all over, its so sunny I had to don my sunglasses. The Coronation was a magnificent events and so well staged.
Or God save us from the king…
What harm can such a figurehead do Australia? He is harmless.
Pray that Biden become so harmless.
Biden is a corrupt shell. The cabal running the US similarly corrupt, but also very powerful.
Is it too early to call the US a failed state?
no it’s not too early. It is a failed experiment in radical liberalism
Not there yet.
Mr. gordo: It’s not too early to call the US (my country!) an empire in decline, but we are not yet a failed state. May change my opinion overnight, as something called “Title 42” ends. Dems are ordinarily ineffectual, but reducing USA is something they seem to have worked out. Unfortunate for the world, I think.
Charles is not simply a figurehead. He is now the head of the House of Windsor.
Together with the House of Hanover, they are the most powerful players in the cabal that run the world. That cabal consists of the families of the monarchies that once ruled Europe, and, by extension, most of the rest of the world.
Collectively they own controlling interests in Blackrock, Vanguard, BHP, RIO, Vale, and virtually all the major mineral, petroleum, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, media and entertainment industries.
They are known as “The Black Nobility” and the main families are: –
House of Bernadotte, Sweden
House of Bourbon, France
House of Braganza, Portugal
House of Grimaldi, Monaco
House of Guelph, Britain (the Windsors)
House of Habsburg, Austria
House of Hanover, Germany
House of Hohenzollern, Germany
House of Karadjordjevic, Yugoslavia
House of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
House of Nassau, Luxembourg
House of Oldenburg, Denmark
House of Orange, Netherlands
House of Savoy, Italy
House of Wettin, Belgium
House of Wittelsbach, Germany
House of Württemberg, Germany
House of Zogu, Albania
Start here:
Can I say he is a tosser on climate change? Sensible people will ignore him.
The Pope ran with the AGW campaign. Probably the most influential promoter.
Charles so far as I know will be Defender of the Faith. That will make two of them.
He is a true believer of the worst kind, he has clout.
A climate nutbag as monarch is hardly a good thing. At least his credibility is easy to assess via his repeated end of the world predictions. Here’s Charlie amongst a bunch of oh so certain clowns predicting climate doom.
Charles is a well known globalist who despises mankind.
He will be meeting with the WEF this September to advance their exposed and failing agenda.
How could his British subjects have used that £100M squandered on his coronation I wonder?
He doesn’t hate mankind. The events today were magnificent and would have turned a very tidy profit with hundreds of millions spent on food drink and gifts by tourists.
How strange is your use of “profit”.
People eat a couple of meals each day, whether they at work, home or play. Each meal costs money. How is meal money spent at this Coronation different, in turning a profit? Geoff S
People buy more expensive food and drink they wouldn’t normally buy. There were barbecues, organised parties, people travelling, tourists staying in hotels doing the same and buying gifts. Without the coronation that wouldn’t have happened so that’s ‘profit.’ far in excess over what would have been spent on an ordinary Saturday in May.
A 6:40 pm yesterday (Sunday am here in SA) how could you know the money was squandered? If the music performed at the coronation is a guide it was cheap at twice the price. Superlatives hardly begin to describe what we heard.
Long tooo rain over us …..
English is great! there is a word for everything!
Somehow school days never got me interested in English. And this was not the worst of it.
Just spare a thought, though, for bough, cough, dough, enough…..
I learned my English at Latin. And I recommend a smattering of Latin to anyone who wants a quick way to improve their English.
Latin and Shakespeare.
Take your pick.
Tee hee… Wot’s in a word, Annie, Keith?
For those not quite full of reverence, look all the TV pundits:
The Most Eventful Coronations in History
And of queen Caroline, as one claimed;
Lady please be gone and sinned not more,
But if that if is too great, go away at any rate.
My reference:
My Gracious Lady,
please grow away and sinned no more,
but in that is too great, go away at any rate.
It might be useful for other.
You’re knocking drought proofing?
Tbere was plenty of that type of rain! Just like June 1953.
Britain’s Royal system is a proven, ancient working political system especially since Magna Carta. There is no country in the world with such a continuous history of pageantry. Europe is stuffed with thousands of empty, lifeless castles, like graveyards.
Sure a US Presidential system is a working alternative but most nations who have wiped out their Royalty and Monarchy have regretted it. And if Joe Biden is the best America can do for Royalty, he makes King Charles III look fantastic.
And the stars of Hollywood and Silicon Valley and Wall street are no substitute. Infinite money does not buy style. We cannot all be princes and princesses but they do provide a depth to society. And the Terror in France and the reign of Cromwell showed that removing Royalty did not make for a more equal society.
With the Coronation Britain is the envy of the world, from Russia to China. For finding a way to blend history with the present. And little children around the world love to think that Princes and Princesses really exist. Even if the reality of their lives is a bit different. Real aspiration is better answer to the many questions of society than enforced ‘equity’ and ‘equality’. Communism has been a total disaster for more than a century. And the modern slide of Europe and the US into Fascism, Woke and Climate Fantasies is no better.
…’It’s a proven, ancient working political system especially since Magna Carta.’
Great trial and error process rather than revolution clean slate disaster.
Quite a few empty lifeless castles in the UK also old son
Many inhabited ones as well. Generally the castles ruined in the civil war were left to themselves but many others remain homes. Some of course were never intended to be strongholds but homes and estates and intended to impress friends and neighbours. This is Last castle ever built in England during the 1900’s and falls into the last category
Always intended as a family home but leaking from day one!
Well said Ted! Bravo
Saturtame entertainment: always ride a horse after four wheel biking mudruns
Now for the horse:
A return to the 1960s in Central Europe.
The Pacific Decadal Oscillation was negative throughout the 1960s.
But Spain was record hot.
So it all works out average.
Today I was in conversation with someone outraged by the obvious mistakes society is making, I reply in contrarian fashion. We live in a democracy and people have the opportunity to vote against this stuff they are outraged by, there are valid options, but they don’t. So they get what they deserve. I asked who did you vote for? Nationals. Well then what do you expect, something different?
What is concerning are those that vote for woke madness in places like California, decide they don’t like the results so move to another state, but then continue to vote for the same policies that caused them to move in the first place.
Absolutely Tony. That too.
On Thursday I posed the question:
” Might IVM stop the spike protein released by the jab? All over the body? Possibly curing “Long Covid”? “,
at #51 in:
Krishna Gans kindly responded with a link – thanks again K – to which I’ve now replied, but since it’s a few days back I reproduce that here:
” G’day Krishna,
Thanks again for that link.
It contains good supportive evidence for the efficacy of IVM against the covid virus, even when administered quite late. And should have been evaluated and accepted before any Emergency Use Authorisation was granted for the “vaccines”.
Unfortunately, as it was published in July, 2020, the results pre-date the release of the “vaccines” so do not provide any answers to my question.
Dave B ”
I guess that any investigation to answer my question would not have got past the censors even if it hd reached the publication phase.
That Question seems to be answered in the link I provided.
Evening Krishna,
My original question was intended to be about whether IVM is effective against some, or all, of the known adverse reactions from the mRNA “vaccines”.
The paper at your link doesn’t mention those “vaccines” at all, and in fact was published before any were made available, so cannot provide any evidence, for or against the value of IVM in post-jab patients.
Please correct me if I’ve missed something with those dates.
Australian Cyclone Season 2022-2023
I went to view the BOM’s outlook for this season only to find they remove it at the end of the season, why? But its easier enough to find what they had forecast for this season just past.
The average number of cyclones for the season is 11. The BOM predicted a 73% chance of exceeding that average, which of course means there was a 27% chance of not exceeding that number.
How did they do? Well we had a total of 6 recorded cyclones for the season, so just above 50% of the average. The last one Lisa, forming just inside the seasons window. Noting that any cyclones forming outside of the season of 1st November to end of April would be added to the season count.3 Cyclones Cat 5, Lisa, Herman & Darian 1, Cat 4, Freddy, 1 Cat 3 – Gabrielle and 1 Cat 1 – Ellie
I don’t know how the past seasons predictions have been going, 2021-22 there 10 cyclones, just below average but the BOM forecast? Predicted? 57% above average, so not so close, maybe? but this one, is a fail.
Be nice to ba able to pull some data together to see how they predictions track to reality, but the past 1, not so great. Haven’t we been hearing that we are seeing a reduction in numbers of TC’s yet the BOM seems to always predict exceeding the average? Happy to be proven wrong.
3 Cat 5’s! Here in the US a Cat 5 is relatively rare. Is this typical?
Yes, Cat 5 is rare but often a Cat 3 will be hyped as a Cat 5 until it makes landfall – The Pilbara has historically experienced a handful of cyclones every year but they seem to have reduced in number in the last decade or so.
There is plenty of data on cyclones such as here:
Generally the global averages of intensity and frequency are both flat. Global average from the long above:
Bringing up Lisa reminded me to point out the. power density in the wind. This link shows the wind power density over southern WA at 250hPa when Lisa was doing its thing closer to ground level:,-30.64,1201/loc=117.609,-33.752
Peak WPD at ground level near the eye of Lisa was about 50kW/m^2 corresponding to 160kph. But at 250hPa down south it was hitting 150kW/m^2 corresponding to about 300kph.
So in the troposphere, we can see convective power density over 100kW/m^2 and yet asked to believe some imaginary extra heat trapping of the order of 1.4W/m^2 is going to cause the planet to burn up. Climate clowns have no understanding of energy, energy transport or temperature.
Didn’t they review cyclone categories? A Cat 1 used to be around 90kmph – it’s now around 65kmph.
Rather ironic as the Benin statues are returned to the original slave traders who the British fought against
An unusual M5.3 earthquake in New Zealand at 11:37PM last night.
The epicentre was 70 km north-west of Te Kaha in the Bay of Plenty and in the Taupo Volcanic Zone. Unusual due to the depth of the hypocentre- 171 kilometre and below the lithosphere.
Lots of save the whale words.
Lawsuits loom.
Australians are about to start the fight against offshore wind so this information could be helpful.
One thing about rooftop solar is that there are few environmental hurdles. With our avowed climate emergency local council, trimming council trees to enable sunlight to get to a roof is one of the few ways to get them to reduce the risk of massive trees causing property damage when they come down in a storm.
So Australians have the potential to flood the grid with lunchtime power making the grid scale WDGs uneconomic even with massive sanctioned theft. Just a matter of delaying the wind projects until the rooftops prove the folly of intermittent generation.
There have been two notable changes in the NEM since Liddell closed – price volatility so bad that the $300/MWh cap is back in for QLD and NSW and NSW experiences actual Lack of Reserve almost on a daily basis.
It’s interesting that the CSIRO, in their recent energy storage report, seem to indicate that they believe that rooftop solar won’t expand much more.
What do they say about the impossibility of large scale storage?
They seem to defer to a paywalled McKinsey Report “LDES, McKinsey & Company (2021) Net-zero power: Long-duration energy storage for a renewable grid” (
Part IV of the CSIRO Report, Section 4.2 starting on Page 115, is the section that discusses the storage options.
Look at their “recommendations” for Long multi-day (24-48 hours) and you get this: “Multiday and seasonal storage will play a key energy ‘insurance’ and resilience role in major and isolated grids, with deployments expected to increase beyond 2030 as higher levels of renewables are adopted.
However, at these durations, storage technology options are limited and often have long lead times, with many stakeholders still considering investment options, including those that minimise storage investments, and evaluating trade-offs as they transition to net zero.”
Note the first part of the second sentence.
They then further amplify this “recommendation” with: “There are various technologies that could help meet this need. This project identified PHES, Li-ion batteries, VRFB and CST plus storage as near-term solutions that could be deployed and demonstrated. The analysis also highlighted systems currently at pilot scales of development that are being actively considered, including A-CAES, eTESe and gravity storage. However, these systems are not always applicable depending on the end use or region in question, and many have yet to be demonstrated.”
So… in summary, nothing.
This report also makes NO attempt to calculate the amount of storage required, or the costs of developing that storage. And it relies on the very faulty CSIRO GenCost report for its basic data. So we have 197 pages that STILL don’t offer any way forward for Australia to backup renewables with any viable storage medium.
I have just started a study on the huge CO2 emissions generated in building lots of offshore wind, beginning with the copper and iron mining. Turns out there is a sizable literature on this, for example: “Future material requirements for global sustainable offshore wind energy development”
Re general censorship
WHO declares end to Covid-19 global public health emergency
The World Health Organization declared an end to the Covid global public health emergency.
The pandemic has been on a downward trend with population immunity increasing from vaccination and infection, leading to fewer deaths, the WHO said.
The United States is set to end its own Covid public health emergency on Thursday.
Now, this is where it gets interesting:
Regulation 21E and 21F of the Amending Regulations require that COVID-19 vaccination information be destroyed within 30 days after the 12 July 2023 revocation date of the Amending Regulations (the specified destruction date), unless a law of Victoria, the Commonwealth or any other State or Territory requires or permits the information to be kept beyond, or destroyed earlier than, that date.
I’m sorry, am I missing something?
Just how is information (data) ‘destroyed’,
Is it possible to show proof of data ‘destruction’?
Make a TikTok vid of yourself hitting the delete button?
A decree from 11/11/22?
So Vic Ozzie employers were required to collect vaccine data, the non-compliant having been threatened by Dan with de-personing, and viola, that data is to be destroyed by the end of July 2023?
Were the un-personed made aware that they could re-personed at the end of July the following year?
(A year of un-personhood might be relaxing, if one knew they had the option.)
Was the un-personing simply an empty threat by His Danness?
Yes, we had a gun to your head but never mind … friendzees?
(We never told you it was a real gun.)
Who is running this circus?
Everyday I wake up and there is a plethora of new clowns.
With bureaucratic schizophrenia?
Jennifer Marohasy writes to Graham Readfearn (environment scribe at the Guardian) to tell him he is peddling misinformation.
We lost another family member to cancer a few weeks ago. We only heard of his passing two days ago. This time it was a brain tumour. He got just one year from diagnosis of a ‘pre-cancerous’ glioma, which subsequently turned into a fast-progressing cancer that raced ahead of treatment. So far, in just over one year, we have lost three, have another three in various stages, plus one who suffered undiagnosed seizures (too old to bother with expensive investigations). There is now one other young person who might be suffering some sort of cognitive problem, which we’re praying will resolve by itself or turn out to be false.
All are vaccinated.
FWIW – covid
“BBC Interviews Stew Peters”
Electrified Compressors and the Great Texas Blackout (a threat to grid reliability everywhere)
Looks like Chaz might not reign as long as he hoped.
This Coronation.
How much better it would have been if Charles has treated Diana properly, in ways that decent Men act.
How sad that she had to say in public that there were three people in the marriage. Is a King who does this worthy of respect?
Geoff S
I was intrigued by the shots and footage of the huge crowds. Despite the UK being VERY ‘diverse’, at least according to the media, and the ceremony itself figuring plenty of prominent diversity, the crowd seemed to be an ocean of native British people. Where were all the other folks?
Serious question.
Watching re-runs of Bridgerton, where British and other people people in high and nice places have dark skins, in a major revision of history and paintings.
Geoff S
The vast majority in the crowd, maybe. But there were some, probably in proportion to the actual population numbers, of darker skins. The BBC and the like tend to exaggerate, as we know; likewise advertisers.
We knew a lovely estate agent and his wife whose parentage was Pakistani; they were Yorkshire-born and brought up and had marvellous Yorkshire accents. As a child in Reading we had some delightful Caribbean-origin bus conductors on the trolley-buses; years later they were in professional rôles in the town.
That’s what caught me eye and intrigues me. On my last two visits to London, in recent times, we were frequently the only Caucasians on the bus or train, so I have no problem accepting that the percentage population with ancestry outside the UK is very high. This applies to London and a few other major centres such as Birmingham and Bolton.
This is what I found interesting about the predominantly Caucasian crowd. It was NOT in my opinion a reflection of the actual racial mix in London and begs the question, “Why not?” Is there more anti-monarchy feeling among those families that are ‘new’ or have lived in the UK for only two or three generations? Is the relentless propaganda regarding British colonialism and the royal family’s alleged role in it having an effect?
I’m in the sin bin! Oh well!
The other folk don’t care about the Royals, they are not their people. And the more of them that arrive will give legitimacy to getting rid of the monarchy altogether. This is the main argument we are seeing in Australia.
Diverse according to the media, but only in reality in specfic places such as London and other big cities and even there non indigenous people often tend to live in enclaves.
Good News!!!
“Australia ‘already has’ a Voice to Parliament with the National Indigenous Australians Agency”