A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Study Reveals People With Low IQs ‘Far More Likely’ To Be ‘Woke’
According to a recent study, individuals who possess higher levels of cognitive ability tend to be more supportive of individual freedoms and less concerned with being “woke.”
Led by Louise Drieghe, a team of researchers conducted a survey of 300 adults residing in North America to investigate this phenomenon. The researchers utilized the Mechanical Turk platform to conduct the survey and administered the Ammons Quick Test to assess participants’ cognitive abilities.
The Ammons Quick Test measures cognitive ability by asking participants to correctly match words to their corresponding images. The researchers hypothesized that individuals with higher cognitive abilities would exhibit a greater level of support for individual freedoms and less concern about the “woke” movement.
No surprises there…
Trouble is, at least 50% of people have low IQs !
That’s not right, 50% of people are below average. “Below average” and “low” are not synonym’s.
I’ve got a good splitting axe, you gonna hold the hare? ( I know it is hair )
I’m just not as dismissive of my fellow workers, I happen to like them.
The woke mob are living proof of the Dunning-Kruger theory. Lots of them are good at using big words and impenetrable grammar to hide how stupid they really are – they’re unable to describe their beliefs clearly because they don’t understand those beliefs themselves. So they try to bamboozle their critics that way, then accuse as of lacking empathy when they’re checkmated. It’s fun tying them in knots and then watching them explode with rage.
I live in Japan and hang out on a site called It’s littered with lefties who’re ignorant of their ignorance but experts at straw-manning and vitriol. And the moderators are even worse. Try to post facts and links about ‘ronavax problems and you’ll get censored, suspended or banned at the drop of a hat.
Yep, I know people like this and have had one in particular have meltdowns when trying to discuss complex issues with her. She’s never been able to think past the popular catch phrases.
Does sort of dovetail nicely with observed lefty reality:
Reliance on talking points and catchphrases
Love of so called fact checkers that regurgitate the above
Immediate response of anger and name calling when facts are presented that don’t conform with talking points
Preference for fantasy over reality when making decisions
The overarching desire to look good rather than do the right things
Studies of toxicity of Lead Pb claim to show that children who invest trace amounts of Pb get their IQ lowered. There has been inadequate testing of reverse causation, that the kids born with low IQ are more likely to ingest Pb from swallowing dirt and old Pb paint.
Geoff S
I had an interesting day – well part of the day – handing out how to vote fliers for a local candidate in the NSW state election. All the parties were there, the mood was jovial, and people who would probably rarely meet on a normal day were happily chatting away to each other. A candidate handing out their own fliers had good words for a candidate at the opposite end of the political spectrum. Another party supporter offered to get coffees for everyone. Was that real democracy in action, or is the division and violent protest and conflict that the media love the real democracy.
Democracy? Yes I vaguely remember that. Back in 1960 I handed out ‘How to Vote’ cards for my old man who was a long term State politician. His only opposing candidate was a local well off landowner whose political mantra was “we just can’t have Jim elected unopposed” – so he stood against my father as an ‘Independent’.
Nevertheless the Independent found it difficult to attract polling booth workers to support his candidacy. So he employed them on the basis that they would man the booth and hand out his how to vote cards for the full voting hours – 8am to 6pm.
Counting the independent candidates poll worker there were just the two of us annoying voters with our handouts when they came into our rural village to vote. Although ‘business’ was intermittent we had a great time sharing yarns, coffee & snacks.
Then about 2pm the independent’s poll worker told me that he had run out of his employer’s ‘how to vote’ cards. I was further astounded when he asked whether he could hand out some of mine! What’s up I asked? Well he said his candidate was happy to pay him for his day’s work – but a condition was that he had to hand out cards right up until the polls closed at 6 pm. So I happily shared my ‘how to vote’ cards with him.
Hence all prospective voters arriving at our booth after 2pm were left scratching their heads as they had 2 identical how to vote cards received from 2 different candidates support booths!
Needless to say the old man romped in and retired to our ‘prickle farm’ at the next election. Long live democracy!
World Athletics Bans Biological Males From Competing Against Women
The World Athletics international governing body has announced that it will not allow biological males to compete against biological women.
Lord Sebastian Coe, president of the body declared that as of March 31 no athlete who has gone through male puberty will be permitted to compete in female world ranking competitions.
It’s a start.😎
But don’t Leftists tell us that the transgenders are “real women” and it’s “transphobic” (sic) to think otherwise?
And what happens to the sporting records already made by men competing in women’s events?
Evidenced based approach to work out CO2 concentrations into the future. The general feeling is that CO2 will reach 500 ppm by 2075.
Skip to the comments for clarity.
My expectation is that the earth will meet a large mess of fragments from a hydrocarbon loaded new comet sometime in the near future. Most of the bits burning up on entry to our atmosphere. The CO2 levels shooting up to over 5000ppm then bringing the religion to a rapid end.
Assuming IEA stated policies emission scenario of slowly decreasing global emissions and that land use change will decrease to zero by the year 2100. It’s a very crude regression analysis but at least it gives a vaguely sensible conclusion.
Sounds like biases all the way down
Emission policies will have to change once wholesale electrical black-outs/starvation and massive price hikes start to take place.
(the latter is already happening)
The world cannot exist without the inexpensive reliability of fossil fuels.. period. !
Common sense will eventually gain traction again..
… and everybody, even the far-left green anti-CO2 virtue seekers, will be very thankful.
Simon they are busy cutting down forests now to make way for unreliable intermittent sand associated power lines .
‘The most likely future emission scenario is the IEA stated policies emission scenario of approximately constant, slightly decreasing global emissions.’
Its more likely emissions will increase, not slowly decrease.
CNN is dying.
Hopefully all of the World’s MSM goes the same way.
CNN is dying…….. more like, committing woke-induced suicide!
“Hopefully all of the World’s MSM goes the same way.”
Well, all the woke ones anyway.
Get woke, go broke.
Couldn’t happen to a better bunch.
Doubt if they would have an audience if it wasnt for airport and hotel TVs.
Saturday funny.
An unemployed person asks for resume advice:
How would you write “I changed a light bulb” on your resume?
Highest rated answer received
Single-handedly managed the successful upgrade and deployment of new environmental illumination system with zero cost overruns and zero safety incidents.
Had the weasel word generator wound up to 11 for that one, nice work.
500 ppm by 2075 hey gordo? A pity we can’t speed this up. Heal the world.
I would like to see it at 800-1000ppm.
It was dangerously low before.
I don’t even think that a lot of Leftists know that plants use CO2 and produce oxygen during photosynthesis. Just like they have an Aristotlean view of the world whereby it is presumed static and never changes, a view not predominantly held since Medieval times.
Nice to read Mike Jonas. Similar here. Met an old acquantance. Had an earnest discussion about boom and bust populations of koala and kangaroo with the Animal Justice Party boy. Had a better discussion with the Riccardo Bossi rep, he said don’t believe anything you hear in mainstream media – I replied that if I only watched mainstream media I’d never know anything about Bossi, I was quite widely informed. He was a 30 year energy industry worker, we agreed on most things, I guess he reads JoNova! I did not vote for a mainstream party in either House.
Flinders Island, power from diesel 90%, solar and wind 10%.
Sat 25th 11:55pm QLDtime Flinders Island
Wind – off 0%
Solar – off 0%
Diesel – on 100%
Cinderella you will have to take the stairs, the elevators aren’t working. But that is another fantasy tale.
Australian Government document on Pfizer vaccine dated January 2021 with Senator Rennick. Discussion in today’s podcast. Actual doc here, being NOT DISCUSSED by corporate media.
When I read that Greta Thunberg had been, or was going to be, awarded an honorary doctorate of theology from the University of Helsinki, I thought it was a joke, but here it is. Fact Checked by me.
How appropriate! As natural leader of the world wide church of Climate Change, having preached in many countries and being honored as the leader of the religion in the US congress and by the WEF/Davos. She remains the spokesperson on the religion. Or in her words “How dare they”.
So now we’re supposed to celebrate “How Dare Day”?
I’ll grab my hat
The link below will take you to a report of White House resident Biden’s trip to Canada.
It’s pathetic. All videos in link below.
Despite the supposed “climate emergency” (sic) there were 75+ vehicles in his motorcade.
Secondly, there was a desperate moment when he looked for his pre-written notes as he is incapable of making off-the-cuff remarks, at least ones that won’t embarrass him and the United States.
Thirdly, he said he is going to stay in Canada, much to the elation of Americans, but tragically he was joking.
Fourth, they invented a new term for illegal border crossers, “irregular migration”.
Fifthly, they make some stupid comments as regards supposed “climate change” in the US this northern winter.
The latest is that Biden and WEF puppet cohort Turdeau are joining forces to fight…authoritarianism!
So…we’ll see fisticuffs between the two of them? 😉
Oh the idiocy, hypocrisy and contradictions.
When will they end.
Quite a good review of classic science fiction movie “Forbidden Planet”, 1956. approx. 12 mins.
Or a very obscure Russian one called Planeta Bur from 1962 is on par too.
Or for some silliness, the 1902 classic by Jules Melies – A trip to the moon
Footage from Planeta Bur or “Planet of Storms” in English was used in the US movie “Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women” (1968) .
Not the movie but another obscure Russian effort
“Turns out that the scientific paper that set out the theory of stealth was written by a Russian scientist and published in a Moscow science journal. The paper was so dense and obtuse, though, that nobody recognized what he was saying except an engineer at the Skunk Works, who then convinced the management there to pursue it. The rest is history.” ”
Excellent (and funny) review of Forbidden Planet! I remember first seeing the movie in 1961 on the TV Program “Sunday Night At The Movies” on our family’s 12 inch black-and-white TV. I have seen it many times since but never really got a good appreciation for the film’s quality until watching on a modern large wide-screen TV.
I recently watched a surprisingly good old science fiction movie on YouTube “Stranger from Venus” (1954). Very good performance by Helmut Dantine as the stranger, but good acting all round. (1h15m)
Information on Wikipedia. Warning: spoilers.
David, Patricia Neal was the young woman in your movie and she was married to Roald Dahl for 17 years.
His books are in the news today because the Woke idiots are trying to censure them, but there’s been some resistance.
She starred in the movie Hud with Paul Newman in 1963 and he tried to rape her in the movie.
Newman played a real low bastard in the movie and his Father and Nephew both have had a gutful of his antics at the end.
BTW Patricia Neal suffered a very bad stroke but fought her way back and Dahl evidently employed some tough love to encourage her. She certainly had guts.
A younger John Le Mesurier is briefly seen at the start of the movie on the telephone. He was in Dad’s Army as Sargeant Wilson.
Patricia Neal was also in another 1950’s SciFi classic, The Day the Earth Stood Still (not to be confused with the 2008 remake which was so bad they had to include a copy of the original movie on the DVD for the remake to try to get people to buy the DVD).
Here is a brief biography of Patricia Neal.
One thing I find fascinating is the myths that have built up in science. Here is a big one:
Contemplating Newton’s gravitational formula along with the way that tides work in practice will allow you to quickly refute the idea that the moon is providing gravitational energy to ocean tides. The moon certainly provides the timing. But not the power. The moon is the conductor of tides and not the engine of tides.
You can check this for yourself by learning about the equilibrium model of tides, how this is in pretty flagrant opposition to the formula, and how this model contradicts the way tides actually work.
How about that? And yet science guys are conditioned not to be curious.
Newton developed the equilibrium model of tides but that was supplanted by the dynamic model of Laplace as confirmed by measurements. I didn’t think the equilibrium model had been accepted since sometime after Laplace proposed the dynamic model in 1775.
None of them work. Laplace was a great scientist but he didn’t have the information to construct a good model. So what happens is people go with tables, not with models, when it comes to a forecast. The dynamic model is really just the equilibrium model with added complications. Since the land is more dense, often closer, and never much father away then the water, the moon will not and does not treat it in the water in the differential way proposed.
Check out Talbot Bay. For the ocean moon bulge theory to be true the most powerful tides should be close to the equator. This works for Talbot Bay. But the inlet should be east facing to catch the bulge. This doesn’t work for Talbot Bay and in fact Talbot Bay is protected from any purported moon ocean bulge by the entire continent. All of North Australia would shield Talbot Bay from any such bulge. Now check out the horizontal waterfall. The power looks pretty strange for such a shallow sloped arrangement. Not saying there is anything out of order. Just saying it should arouse a curiosity that is notable in its absence.
This may be better footage. It’s when I heard a tour guide claim that the drop was only 3 metres I am thinking that’s got to raise an eyebrow somewhere.
Are you kidding?
No the moon obviously has a gravitational effect but not a differential one for the water alone. If you look at the formula any differential effect will be drowned out by the land. The land is always more dense, often closer, and never much further away (from the moon) then the water is. So the moons pull is already accounted for in the orbit itself. To look for a differential effect is double dipping.
We do see differential gravitational effects just not in this case. If you want to see a differential gravitational effect take a lead plumb bob close to Mount Everest. But water won’t do the job.
Yes it’s hard to believe the amazing Talbot Bay phenomenon in our own back yard. And it’s hard to believe that science has lost so much of its self-correcting nature.
Galileo derided the idea that the moon caused tides but I just thought that’s Galileo being fractious and stubborn in his kind of loveable way. But he was right. The biggest tides are up near Nova Scotia in the Bay Of Fundy.
Sort of East facing inlet but we can let that go that it’s not quite what we would expect. What we can’t let go is that it’s so far from the equator, that it would be an unlikely place for this mythical ocean moon bulge to manifest at its strongest.
Yet go down to those Islands at the Maldives. You would imagine the Maldives to be swamped and no honeymoons plausible in those magical places they have there. Flat low-lying islands, reefs and atolls that should be affected don’t seem to encounter this bulge.
Yet the moon still calls the tune. The moon sets the metronome. No doubt about that. But another thing that is curious is that the big tides seem to arrive only after the moon has passed whereas we know gravity to be an instantaneous force.
While I don’t know any details about how the moon provides the tides Clarence, I did read some time ago that the land gets pulled up 200mm in a full moon, but it is not something we can observe while standing in the middle of it.
Ken Ring, the long-term weather forecaster, believes the moon pulls the atmosphere upwards as the earth revolves below it.
If its not the moon, what causes tides?
I have to believe them KP. But looking at the formula, then thinking about that lead plumb bob near Mount Everest. Then thinking about our prospectors flying over the outback with a gravity meter looking for the really heavy ore like gold or uranium, I would suggest that this differential gravity effect you point to must be coming from the first really dense strata. Could be tens of miles down. And so there is no reason to expect that this phenomenon would be repeated in the water.
Notice you said in a full moon? That’s interesting. In a new moon also? If something happens in the full moon and the new moon but less so at other times, then it’s not gravity to blame. Since the gravity is the same, full, new or crescent. And we want to check timing. Whether the bulge comes when you think it ought to? Or just after the moon has passed by?
Ken Ring has the satellite information. What might he be seeing when he makes this claim? I know that Mr Corbyn also uses the moon as the key factor in his predictions. So I am not doubting the science here. Because these two are the gold standard. But what are they seeing?
Are they seeing the moon pass over and low pressure areas develop? Are they seeing the moon pass over and strata of air seperate in the stratosphere? That is to say a layer of thin air lifts up from another layer of thin air in the stratosphere leaving an inexplicable near vacuum between them?
And supposing they see these things do they occur just after the moon has passed and if not are these changes resolved quickly without fan fair once the gravity has gone?
So no, with all hat tips, respect, thankfulness and gratitude aside, we cannot accept the gravity explanation for the moons massive role in our weather systems or for its gravity as being what creates these air stratification, low pressure areas and inexplicable near vacuums. Listen to people like this any chance you can get. But that explanation is not the right one.
I’ve never chased down the details of orbital mechanics, but I can appreciate that there will be a difference between new moon, when the moon and the sun are on the same side of the Earth, and full moon, when they are on opposite sides.
At New Moon, when the moon is in front of the Earth in its orbit, is the moon pulling the Earth faster around the sun? At last quarter, when it is behind the Earth’s movement, is it slowing it down?
Then there’s the moon’s declination pulling the Earth up above its orbital central path, or pulling it down below it a couple of weeks later.. Toss in apogee & perigee for how strongly it works on the Earth, and my head starts to spin..
You are looking for a gravitational solution to problems that cannot be solved by gravitation. Since gravity is already incorporated fully into the orbits, strong that gravity may be its only differential effects we seek here. And since in the mainstream model they only pull out distance for differentiation, bringing the sun into this story is a bad joke. Because even squaring, or cubing the distance differential, where the sun is concerned, won’t make the tiniest lick of difference.
Wokeism is still gaining traction in society. Where are all the morons coming from? How can there be so many who refuse to listen to the arguments of others and understand reality?
I think a big part of the problem is that many of them believe they already know what the adults think, and are primed with a swathe of leftist ideology, half-truths and misrepresentations.
There are many sources, but humour sites are a big one. Here’s an example:
That’s far from being the most egregious example by the way. Browse further, it’s a relentless onslaught, and much is much worse than that.
The thing is, that the leftists have a stranglehold on sites like this.
If you rebut their nonsense, in that case by, for example, pointing out that it is not Republican policy to make life more difficult for everybody, and in fact Obamacare made things worse by increasing the average cost of health insurance cover in America,(1) your comment will quickly be downvoted.
With enough downvotes, you will be shadow-banned.
So kids who come for a laugh at a humour site, see only a single political viewpoint, green, woke, victimised, entitled, and convinced that both that Republicans are Hitler and that everybody else also thinks so.
It used to be the case that those who make their decisions based on considering all sides of an argument would swing the vote toward common sense, as the unthinking majority was pretty evenly divided. That’s unlikely to continue to be the case. Future elections will have each rational individual outvoted by a dozen who believe they know what you think and that you are the devil.
How can we prevent the deluge?
One way is to visit sites like this, comment on the memes, upvote rational comments and downvote the false ones. Don’t just go “That’s not my politics, downvote”, that’d be behaving like the woke. But upvote rational comments, so that not all reasonable voices will be muted. Downvote the dishonest, to prevent the false appearance of “Everyone thinks like this”.
You’ll be dismayed by the despairing tone of so many of the young who are certain they’re doomed, the ignorance, one-sidedness and irrationality.
Do your bit to help future adults.
(1) By $4,000 according to one source. Here’s another that argues it doubled it:
I admit my sources seem a bit dubious at the moment; I just googled them quickly to show such exist. I’ve read others far more compelling, but I don’t have them conveniently to hand.
* Wokeism, of course.
Another example; still far from the worst: .
“Educating Unquestioning Activists”
I live in a woke enclave near a major Uni.
I was out shopping yesterday.
I was struck, slightly unnerved by the vibe.
Folk under 35 or so, seem to me to be very different.
The seem oddly careful with fake niceness.
Declawed cats.
Or like an old Sci Fi movie where unsuspecting characters have a car breakdown in a remote town, and slowly discover all the inhabitants are aliens in human form and are awkward with incidental human functions.
I use cash, so $ mathematics often results in a software glitch.
Attempts at parallel parking are like SNL skits when SNL was funny.
The men present womanish and women present mannish.
Eye contact is like a encountering Borg in a Borg cube, they see you, but there is no activation.
Rainbows everywhere.
There was a handbill with a human skull.
“Scared to death of THE CLIMATE EMERGENCY”
But then again, life is good if CLIMATE EMERGENCY is at the top of your list.
And you have the option of declaring it.
Must be nice.
“How can there be so many who refuse to listen to the arguments of others and understand reality?”
Remember half the population isn’t really well equipped to be able to do this and many are struggling to house and feed their families and really cant engage in the luxury of what they would see as an intellectual discussion.
People are easily lead , evidence abounds of that trait.
Dr Pierre Kory’s talk on covid “vaccines” and Ivermectin at the United Australia Party covid conference.
Very good short article about socialism.
Great article.
This sentence caught my attention:
This is exactly what we are seeing in the energy/climate/vax policies.
Leftists claim there is no difference between male and female brains.
And yet they also heavily promote transgenderism implying that there is a difference.
So which is it?
Just another inexplicable contradiction of the Left.
There are physical and functional differences between the male and female brains.
That’s one of the basic issues that needs to be understood before any discussion on the “gay” tragedy begins.
When God created women he built in an autopilot. its purpose was to keeo the infant mortality rate below 90%.
Women can keep working long after they shoould be dead.
They panic here, they panic there, they panic, panic everywhere –
“Media Regurgitates IPCC’s ‘Final Warning’ on Climate Change – Without Realizing We’ve Already Passed 1.5°C”
“The Season is Here”*-nation/the-season-is-here/
maybe TonyfromOz can clarify, please? Green electricity…. or not :Just installed a freebie induction hob and researching its function: Auto standby induction hob
Well wodda ya know Induction hobs and Power Factor + the explanations: which led on to this explanation of the PF and its implications,
I am finding that the more I read, I find that I know less than I thought I didn’t, or something like that. Confused? Power factor is an expression of energy efficiency
Enjoy being confused.
A lot of discussion about the power used by induction hobs when not in use, but nothing on the effect of induction fields on human proteins. It seems no-one worries about it.
We were never evolved to live in such dense magnetic fields with our charged proteins.
When speaking of harmful EMF that is low freq. Wave length is in the tens of meters.
Covid jabs and Amy Sedgwick — a very sad combination
Yes; and I wonder how many other grieving families there are who just keep it quiet and sit on it.
We can’t rely on the government to tell the truth about this ugly situation and unless the family pushes hard it will remain out of sight.
“Was that a fatal mistake?”
With what we know now at least a 1 in 5000 chance it was.
Around that sort of area – Dad and an uncle were apt to quote a poem of the hazards of driving – from the 1930’s or earlier I guess. The only lines I remember are
“He was right, dead right, as he sped along
But he’s just as dead as if he were wrong”.
And the internet came up with –
The woke world vs the rest?
Declining populations are going to totally scramble any of these ideas of growth. China’s popn should halve in a couple of generations, (at present fertility Sth Korea’s 50 million will halve in one generation!)Russia is having to kidnap people to try to stop the slide!
They need to kidnap boys for obvious reasons.
Over centuries Russia has kneecapped itself with constant wars.
ALP coast to coast.
Alan Jones used to have Chris Minns on his SkyNews show commenting.
he came across as a decent, level headed bloke.
But I fear the company he keeps.
With Liddel to close, then Eraring…
…it will need to be a time for the level-headed, not for the activist!
Decisions will need to be made that run very contrary to the climate change memes.
A good period for Labor to be in charge, rather than the LINOs leftists. 😉
Ah! But the Government policy (last year) was to replace Liddell with the Waratah Super Battery.
The ‘Waratah Super Battery’ – the largest network standby battery in the Southern Hemisphere (So What) and with other minor transmission upgrades, will allow Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong consumers to access more energy from existing electricity generation.
Currently, at peak times Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong consumers are not able to access all the existing generation capacity available to the State because of transmission constraints.
Electricity supply to Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong comes through a number of transmission lines from the north, west and south of NSW. mostly Qld. and Vic
Transmission lines have capacity limits on how much energy they can safely carry at any one time. Currently, some of this capacity is kept in reserve to ensure the line stays within its technical limits in case there is a shock to the system, such as from a lightning strike or bushfire.
The Waratah Super Battery will allow this reserve transmission capacity to be freed up and used to transfer additional energy to consumers from existing generation. It does this by acting as a ‘shock absorber’ for the electricity grid, keeping the transmission system within its technical limits if there is an energy shock.
I note that the battery at 1400MWh is good for only 2 hours running from 1 out of the 4 generation units being closed. Better have a short bush fire etc
And When Origin Energy permanently shuts down the furnaces at its Eraring power station in 2025, seven years earlier than expected, it will slash the amount of coal burned in New South Wales by around a quarter (that’s the ABC view).
Wouldn’t it be better to follow TonyfromOz’s advice and replace the 5 old power stations with modern technology ones? Thay way would get more reliable electricity and reduced emissions, without the price rises caused by “cheap” renewables.
” But the Government policy (last year) was to replace Liddell with the Waratah Super Battery.”
Pretty sure that the “Super-dooper battery” is to be built as a replacement for Eraring, not Liddell.
Eraring GENERATES electricity…
the “super-dooper battery” DOES NOT !
I’m pretty sure AGL’s plan was to replace Lidell with a much smaller capacity gas plant, which won’t be built until at least a few years after Liddell closes.
Point is that neither proposed new infrastructure actually produces much electricity.
Instead, the required 24/7 GENERATION of electricity will come from captured unicorn farts!
They just have to find that darn unicorn herd first !
Its not who people vote for that counts, its who counts the votes that matters…
Has the whole West really stepped Left in my lifetime, giving away all the philosophy that bought them the standard of living they enjoy?
Yes. e.g:
Bob Hawke clean missed the twentieth century. He never got past the 19th.
Liberals need to go back to their base values and stick to them if they ever want to be voted back in , the NSW election was a foregone conclusion with a weak Premier and a Green treasurer.
If you want a woke, pseudo-environMENTAL government, kow-towing to the green agendas, and intent on destroying the electricity supply system….
You would generally vote Lab/Green/Teal…
But the NSW Libs, just like the Federal Libs, thought they could take on Labor on a Lab/Green platform.
Of course it was a foregone conclusion.
If the Libs want votes, they need to come from rational thinking conservatives… there are none to be gained from the far-left.
The Dan Duggan case will be another test for Australian politicians, seeing the Coalition failed so badly with Assange.
Like any pilot, he used his skills to train other pilots until the Americans moved against him. So Aussie arrested him (an Australian citizen) and is holding him to be sent to America for a big show trial. However his lawyers say that what he is accused of is not a crime in Australia, so are we an ally of America or just a vassal?
“His lawyers are arguing that the offences for which Duggan is accused of in the US are not crimes in Australia, and therefore it doesn’t satisfy the “double criminality” test for extradition under Australian law”
It will also show us if the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS) is just a whitewash team doing as their masters order them to.
With only a couple of cloudy windless days and nights in Perth recently, it’s been interesting to see that coal energy has had to step up to provide up to 60% of the power to compensate for the lack of renewable energy. Home solar can contribute up to 38% of Perth’s power on sunny days, but fossil fuel energy is still required to provide reliable energy. As for wind energy, forget it – it’s been virtually non-existent for some days, especially at night.
Just noticed that we still have an edit function – many thanks Jo.
Pity the main distribution link to the south coast (Albany) is so limiting. The northern wind farms aren’t producing much, but at the moment the ones on the south coast are spinning well.
But for the most part the south coast wind farms are too small to get included in the capacity factor reporting. Even if the Albany farm was among the first installed
“Australia’s Callide C Coal Plant Owners Enter Voluntary Administration”
Interesting. The absence of all of Callide would surely put a significant dent in the network’s power.
Are we coming around the corner?
Adam Creighton has a very good story in The Oz. about the censorship of information on CV19.
Here’s a quote:
“The moral depravity is astounding and quite possibly criminal,” Mr Lowenthal, a former fellow at Harvard‘s Berkman Klein Centre for internet and Society, told The Australian.
Ted – there is also a superb article in Australian Spectator – 23rd March (?) by a senior official of the newly formed Australian Medical Professionals Society & one of the lawyers who have defended victims of the vaccine mandates.
I agree – I think a detect a chink in the universal censorship re vaccine dissent.
“40 Facts You NEED to Know: The REAL Story of “Covid””