A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Another unexpected sudden death among people known to me. This brings it to four in the last two years. add to that the cancer cases and deaths, heart attacks, strokes and general chronic un-wellness. I’ve seen more of these in the last two years than I can recall during the previous 74 years of my life.
Same here. My wife is finding it particularly hard, with a high incidence of cancer in her extended family and also friends. We’re currently awaiting updates and biopsy results from three people. Her brother, diagnosed with a ‘glioma’ one year ago, which subsequently became cancerous (we heard only recently), died in February. Two cousins are in the end stages. It all seems to happen so fast.
I was photographing a sports event at the weekend, in the middle of a forest, and so spent a few hours in the company of a couple of officials who told me similar stories of their own families, with cancer and heart disease figuring highly. The conversation was started when one of them had a bit of a meltdown midway through the day, having just been told that his best mate had died that morning from brain cancer diagnosed just four months ago. These cancers just seem to bloody explode.
The so called turbo cancers. My mother succumbed to that syndrome; she was vaccinated in order to keep up her weekly visits to the hair salon; she was ninety-nine when she died so it’s not easy to pursue the argument that the inoculation did it, people roll their eyes.
Kiwibank counting customers whose ID data was stolen in massive Latitude privacy breach
Kiwibank had thought it had just over 2000 customers whose identification details had been stolen in the massive cyberattack on lender Latitude Financial. But now the bank fears the total could be much higher.
Kiwibank customers who want personal loans get them from Latitude in a deal that sees the lender pay commission to the bank.
But private details of 14 million Latitude customers were stolen from its computer systems in a cyberattack this month, including the driver’s licence numbers of 7.9 million Australian and New Zealand customers.
Data stolen includes copies of licences, licence numbers and passport numbers.
The victims include current and former Latitude customers stretching back more than 10 years, as well as applicants for its consumer credit services that include Harvey Norman’s interest-free loans.
A Kiwibank spokesperson said: “Latitude had previously confirmed just over 2000 Kiwibank customers were caught up in the cyber-attack on their system, out of a total of 16,000 Latitude NZ customers.”
Latitude hack much bigger than first thought, includes passports and addresses
Financial company Latitude says the data of 7.9 million New Zealand and Australian drivers’ licences has been stolen, as it confirmed the cyber attack on its systems this month was worse than previously thought.
Latitude first announced it had been hacked on 16 March], saying it believed the data of around 330,000 people had been accessed.
On Monday it posted an update on the ASX that the data of 7.9 million driver licence numbers of its New Zealand and Australian customers had been stolen, of which about 40 percent – 3.2 million – were shared with the lender in the past decade.
“In addition, approximately 53,000 passport numbers were stolen,” the company said.
“We have also identified less than 100 customers who had a monthly financial statement stolen.”
A Latitude spokesperson said they did not yet have information on how many New Zealanders’ data had been stolen.
If you can’t pay cash you can’t afford it.
Is this to divert attention from the big girls’ blouses who threw their handbags and tomato soup/juice at a bunch of law-abiding women (old-school language for, how do I say it, women) before storming the stage in Auckland on the weekend… as Mr Plod stood by… because rainbows and equal opportunity, or, because the law is still an ass?
New Zealand RIP: Rest In Pieces & Tatters.
The law abiding women you are referring to were at a public meeting in Auland organised by Kellie Jay Keen. She is a British activist for women’s rights who wants to protect women’s spaces from extreme left wing trans groups who amongst other things wish to compete in female sport and parade around women’s changing rooms naked.
A large New Zealand mob of these trans w*nkers invaded her meeting and she was assaulted by these cowards whilst the NZ police stood by and did nothing to protect her.
Without the private security she might well have been killed.
It’s a great shame on NZ and their government, authorities, media and police.
Take protein dissolving enzymes to end clots, scarring, heart attacks, some strokes and some cancers. Cancers form because the body is prevented by clots from attacking them.
we die not from a weak immune system, but one that saves the species by sacrificing the individual. Spike causes immune reactions and clots follow
Enzymes are proteins. If you eat them, its the same as eating meat. And the effects of injecting substances that are not FULLY tested are obvious.
Ford Motors Losing Billions on Electric Vehicles
In the mad dash to pursue all things electric for the sake of climate change, Ford Motors has invested heavily in the production of electric vehicles.
So far, things are not going according to plan.
Ford is losing billions on this in 2023 and it’s only March.
Ford says EV unit losing billions, should be seen as startup
Ford Motor Co.’s electric vehicle business has lost $3 billion before taxes during the past two years and will lose a similar amount this year as the company invests heavily in the new technology.
The figures were released Thursday as Ford rolled out a new way of reporting financial results. The new business structure separates electric vehicles, the profitable internal combustion and commercial vehicle operations into three operating units.
…and Toyota’s new CEO Koji Sato sees Hydrogen as the future rather than electric. 😁
Go woke… go broke.
Climate alarmism is so illogical.
In one hour, Australian PhD Robert Ian Holmes gives a presentation of why climate changes, and it is not because of carbon dioxide.
Weather related major disasters have increased over the last 50 years according to the WMO.The good news is that deaths have decreased.
I think you will find that the reporting of weather related disasters has increased over the last 50 years. Modern weather reporting services, including satellites and even the ubiquitous smart phone has made reporting of weather incidents much more regular than they were decades ago.
Peter Petrum 10 Peter Fitzroy 0.
Correct. An article by Graham Lloyd in The Australian on 14 January highlighted the fact that reporting of “extreme weather” has increased exponentially, from virtually nil 20 years ago, to over 2000 references, with most reports emanating from the U.S. (115,000 reports), UK (70,000 reports) and Australia (38,000 reports). There are interesting charts from SCOPUS and Dow Jones Factiva that clearly show this sudden increase in reporting.
Also Bjorn Lomborg, in an article in The Australian on 7 May 2022, points out that the UN methodology is flawed, as it doesn’t account for far less reporting of worldwide disasters compared to today. The same comment was made in a WUWT article on 18 January 2022, “Global Agency Sows Fear with Misinformation., which points out that only the reporting data from 1998 should have been used. And this data of course shows that disasters have decreased, not increased.
You could have, and at the very least, read the report in the link. Or you could backed your assertion with a link.
Graeme #4 has given you enough links if you could be bothered looking.
Here’s one of those links
Everyone knows that the WMO is heavy into climate propaganda, for the weak-minded.
PF, that report is old news, and has been discussed and refuted by many experts, of which Lomborg is one of the main ones. If you read his book “False Alarm”, you will note that he backs up all his statements with copious references to many scientific papers. Perhaps it is you who needs to indulge in some more reading.
The population has increased enormously.
People are living in places where they didn’t live before.
Flood plains, bush areas, dubious coastal strips.
Interesting that none of the climate indicators show increase,
eg, hurricane and cyclone energy series are actually low at the moment.
No increase in tropical cyclones, no major changes in rainfall events.
Its just that there are more people there when they do happen..
And still the number of deaths has dropped… amazing, hey !
Must be something to do with proper fossil fuel built infrastructure… Wouldn’t you agree. !
Damage costs have also decreased markedly
Yes, but…
It was reporting they were talking about. For that the driving factor is the “smart” phone.
Used to be that a tsunami could wipe a coastal town off the map and nobody would know until the next monthly cargo ship arrived. Things change. We are now aware of everything everywhere in minutes. Population has risen significantly and people are exposed to weather events and “disasters” more than ever before. In Australia we make a specialty of building in flood areas and living in the trees and then bleating when floods and fires happen, usually externalizing it it “climate change” rather than our own decisions.
Hungary and Italy Pass Laws Banning WEF Bug Eating Agenda
Hungary and Italy have both passed new laws banning the WEF bug eating agenda as citizens around the world rise up and reject the globalist elites’ plans for humanity.
Hungary has unveiled strict rules against the clandestine insectification of foods. The Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced that they are now requiring foods containing insect proteins to carry the label “Warning! Food containing insect proteins” and must be displayed separately from other products.
The minister stressed that the government wants to protect Hungarian consumers from foods containing insect protein authorized by Brussels in the European Union (EU) through strict product labeling and segregation rules.
Hungary was the only member state not to support the EU’s intention to allow insects to be marketed as food and food ingredients in the EU.
Now for some Colombian big-butt ants. Yum! 😇
Yes, put the insect foods in a special section labelled either “poverty food”, “Leftist food” or “animal feed”.
Some rare good news.
Nah, not here in Oz, David. The lefties would never buy it. Even their “vegan burgers flopped commercially. They will start “converting” us to eating bugs with the kids school lunches. And your complaints will get you labelled as an uncaring parent.
We have to fight fire with fire.
Start campaigning for bugs to be fed to crims in prison 24/7, “for their own good” – healthier diet and all that crap. The lefties will be stuck between a rock and a hard place – denouncing eating bugs as cruel and inhumane treatment, or abandoning a major source of their endless complaints – about 40% of those incarcerated are aboriginal or muslim.
[40% ? Would love to see a link !]AD
Try perusing the ABC online news from time to time. They regularly feature articles about the “plight” of the poor, hard done by aboriginals grossly over-represented in our prisons. They usually include stats. There was one just last week with reference to the upcoming referendum scam.
Besides which, what if I was wrong? Since when did it become site policy to delete posts simply because they are considered factually “wrong”?
Over the last three open threads there have been at least 20 comments that have implied, or openly stated, that the current Labor govt is worse than the previous three Coalition govts. All these comments are demonstrably, factually wrong. How come none of those comments were deleted?
Don’t bother replying. No need. The answer is spelled out in my comment at #19 below.
Fits you like a glove.
scroll down,
“At 30 June 2022:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners accounted for 32% of all prisoners…………”
Sometimes I wonder why we bother.
Looking at the “safeguard mechanism”, it seems like the Australian government is dead set on killing the oil and gas industry.
Even if subsequent governments see sense, it’ll take years to reverse this
Firstly, it is not likely we’ll get a government with any sense. The Liberals are only slightly less bad than Labor, the difference almost doesn’t exist.
Secondly, the irreversibility of the destruction of the oil and gas industry (and coal) is indeed part of the plan. Why would people invest in hydrocarbon fuels in Australia when there are places that would actually welcome the investment, places that don’t fanatically subscribe to the anthropogenic global warming fraud like Australia does?
So, the invisible diesel glut..
“Weekly gasoil inventories at the Singapore hub last week hit the highest level in more than a year, according to Reuters estimates, as Russia is now selling more diesel to Africa, replacing supply from the east of Suez…
Russia is said to be accelerating its exports of diesel to Saudi Arabia by both direct shipments and ship-to-ship transfers.. At the same time, Europe is ramping up imports of diesel from the Middle East and Asia to offset the loss of Russian barrels..”
Diesel glut?? Still $2/L around here!
At Wagga Wagga NSW today I paid $1.88 a litre for diesel.
Okay then, let’s see how long this comment lasts across at RenewEconomy.
The last time I commented at an article of Giles Parkinson, it went to M0der@tion, and then disappeared.
So, this time, I was surprised to be let back on to leave a comment, and it’s the first comment there, made just on five minutes ago now.
The article is about how offshore wind will hasten the closure of brown coal fired plants in Victoria, something that perhaps Giles did not do the Math on.
Link to article with my comment scroll down to the bottom. –
Here’s the perfect photo for them Tony!
from this
I couldn’t resist, I posted the above with your Renew Economy link I think I have more chance of getting cut than you do!
My post is GONE, it’s like losing a child! 🙁 🙁
Tony, they appear to be exaggerating capacity factors by using “load duration curves” (see link).
Do you have a comment on that?
Oh, and when you all do read my Comment Number 6 timed at 3.46PM, and in the ‘naughty bin’ (because I suspect that word may lead to that) you’ll take the link to the comment across at RenewEconomy, and whilst making the comment, I discovered something, and as you read it, you’ll think ….. Naah! Tony, that can’t be right!
You know how those brown coal fired plants in Victoria are so totally and utterly useless, well, here we have the two Units at Loy Yang B, both of them 500MW, so here we have a Nameplate for just those two Units of 1000MW.
So, I delved into the history of these two Units at Loy Yang B, to find the CF for them, because, after all, they are so totally and utterly useless. The CF for the last five years is as follows:
2018 – 102.8%
2019 – 98.7%
2020 – 102.5%
2021 – 104.9%
2022 – 102.3%
So the average CF for the last FIVE YEARS is 102.24%
Coal fired power – It’s just no good, is it?
TonyfromOz – you forgot to mention what CF stands for. I assume it’s Centre Finger.
Shows how good they are if they are allowed to get hot and stay hot rather than ramping up and depending on the sun and the wind.
Today sun and wind have been supplying abt 10% of demand. Worse than useless.
You just don’t get that from wind.
Still in …..
The link is –
Snarky response already, mentioning that offshore wind CF is ….. 60%.
That’ll be the day…
Perhaps they misread the figure for actual hours producing some electricity. The 60% CF figure is nonsense, even the best German ones achieve less than 50% and the average for their offshore ones is around 37-38%, much the same as the UK ones.
“..a company created 12 months ago to hold and develop Macquarie’s surging portfolio of offshore wind projects. None has yet been built, but the company has grand ambitions..”
That’s fine then, so long as you have big plans!
Among the feeble-minded, did you know there is such a thing as “climate grief”?
Climate Grief FAQs
What is climate grief?
Climate grief is a psychological response to ecological loss related to the changing climate. This grief can be experienced as profound sadness, helplessness, guilt, anxiety, or numbness related to the climate crisis.
How do you deal with grief in climate?
Talking to a therapist or loved one can help you work through your grief related to climate change. You can use this search tool to find a climate-aware therapist near you.
Remember that you’re not alone. Climate grief is a normal reaction to the depletion of the planet and a reaction that many share with you.
Recognize that saving the planet isn’t your job—some ecological loss is out of your control, but small actions matter.
Join a local activist or support group to connect with others and take action to help the planet.
What are the five stages of climate grief?
The five stages of climate grief can be modeled after the five stages of grief proposed by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.
Denial is when people don’t believe that climate change is a global emergency.
Anger happens when people don’t want to change their lifestyle in response to global warming.
Bargaining is when people convince themselves that climate change isn’t so bad to avoid facing the realities of the climate crisis.
Depression occurs when people get stuck in feelings of hopelessness or numbness in response to climate change.
Acceptance is when people calmly accept the science of climate change and are ready to work towards solutions to preserve the planet.
I seem to recall contacting this Psycom mob. No response of course. The Psycho profession world-wide is in lockstep with this perversion. I have not found one member of the profession willing to assist in genuine “intervention”. The stages I have observed go a bit differently. The first stage of course is the anxiety, apathy, threats of suicide, generated by the climate lie. That has been relatively easy to counter, but I just may be lucky. The second stage is anger, but not as described above; the anger is against the liars who have perpetrated the lies, and could result in “out of the frying pan into the fire”. Some of the threats have been blood-curdling. MUCH more difficult to handle; it is not easy to train someone in dissimulation, especially the young. The third stage, hopefully, is find them allies. From their peer group if possible.
Good grief ! Are they serious ! 🙂
They bring it on themselves with their own ignorance…. poor petals
Time for a Melbourne catch up.
The last one was 6th December 2019.
How about North Queensland.
I’m never going back to my birth state until that EVIL pr1ck has been removed from power, which looks like being a long time.
He’ll be in power for probably two or three more terms (8-12yrs) according to former Vicdanistan Premier Dennis Napthine.
By that time it won’t matter.
Victoria and the whole country will be finished.
By that time we’ll all be speaking Putonghua anyway but at least the Chicomms will build coal power stations and introduce nuclear.
“that EVIL pr1ck“
With so many to choose from, you’ll have to be more specific…
(Sorry, I’ll see myself out)
Where did he get $5ooo a month.
He worked 50 hours a week.
That’s like a 5 week month.
And probably had meals and accommodation provided, or subsidised.
So what? The point is, the same conditions are available to any Australian currently on the dole if they wanted to go and save a deposit for a house in a year. But much easier to moan about “cost of living pressures” while spending a thousand dollars a month on coffee and vaping.
Years ago now two daughters were living together and working in Sydney.
One said it cost $25 a week after rent to live, The other said $110.
The difference? One packed her own lunch.
One of the easiest ways to save money is to prepare your own food.
Unbelievably, most people don’t seem to know that.
Ah! But the thing is he worked, and worked hard in a job that thousands of Australians on unemployment benefits do not want to do. Working on a farm means leaving the city with its coffee shops and vegan bars and actually getting blisters on your hands and dirt on your boots. I know.
The Truth.
The Whole Truth.
Nothing But The Truth.
and as a single backpacker he has the flexibility to go anywhere and do anything
also he is young and can pound his body a lot harder than older people
he makes the mistake of thinking everyone is like him
in regional Australia there seems to be work aplenty. Tradies are snowed under with work, hospitality cant get staff, and assorted admin jobs come and go as well.
There are farms in WA willing to pay more than the minimum wage if you can show some experience (truck license?) and a willingness to work the hours. A 19 year old I know is getting at least $30/hr and likely more than 40 hr/week.
13x40x$30=$15600 If housing and meals are supplied…..
Australia’s Labor government has caved to the Greens and the Greenmail. We are now on a path to destroy manufacturing
and energy in Australia, banning any mechanism to allow factories, train lines, refineries, smelters, manufacturers any option but to shut down. No offset schemes with tree plantings. And a ban on new oil, gas and coal. So our income will be mining coal and iron ore for the Chinese Communist Party who will be allowed to do what they like. And thanks for the Flu.
I wonder why Australian companies do not fight back in court against the idea that there is any aspect of man made Global Warming/Climate Change which is based in fact? While we have been arguing against this evil fantasy, the Greens have been working to wreck the joint. And not to any benefit of anyone other than political power. Bandt and his communist cronies want a meltdown of society, delivering them the political power they crave. He could be the world’s next Pol Pot.
TdeF wonders:
why Australian companies do not fight back in court against the idea that there is any aspect of man made Global Warming/Climate Change which is based in fact?
So do I.
However, I presume it’s because they’ve done their sums and know that the so-called “renewables” will never cut the mustard.
Oil, gas and coal will save the day when industry starts to shut down and people swelter or freeze.
The unions are Australia’s best chance to save the joint now the Liberals have become Labor lite. When their members start resigning their union membership and speaking out publicly we’ll, no doubt, get some movement.
We’re all socialists now.
Because up till now it hasn’t busted them.
For many, come July 1 it will.
I heard Adam Bandt say, negotiating with them(labor) is like talking to the political arm of the coal and gas industry.
I suppose it would when you are as far left as the watermelons.
It’s all about political power. I doubt he understands anything and could care less about Global Warming.
So much for my broad plans to return to Australia and continue my oil and gas industry career. All the major and minor parties, and the majority of faux independents certainly seem like they’d be happy to see people like me dead, but will settle for destitution and ruination.
The older I get, the less chance there is to get a reasonable job or start a new career. It’s depressing to say the least.
Maybe I can become a “climate policy refugee”.
I still expect the wheels to fall off their wagon, maybe quite soon. If freezers start thawing, or if power is rationed, that will be what they are worrying about.
Greens secure ‘big hit’ against coal and gas emissions.
Greens Leader Adam Bandt says he has been pushing against new coal and gas projects – the most common cause of the climate crisis – and the safeguard mechanism will now place a “hard cap” on all coal and gas emissions.
Australia will take control of the weather?
Hooray! We are saved! No more “pollution”.
From the other end of the telescope –
A big increase in “political pollution” there IMO
When the upper Hunter shuts down with Liddell dynamited and slashing job’s in coal and power, laba will NOT be popular.
Those jobs will be sorely missed and I hope retribution follows.
Bye bye Libls, bye bye Laba.
Can’t see the Greens or Teales being an alternative.
Just imagine: your jobs gone unemployment is high and the value of your house is down 15%.
The Bring Bak Coal Parti should go well.
As expected, Jabcinda Ardern will be getting a new and even more sinister job after her fake retirement.
She will be policing “extremists” worldwide.
No doubt “extremist” will be defined as anyone to the right of Pol Pot, Chairman Mao or Che Guevara or anyone who believes in a science-based interpretation of climate or covid prevention and treatment.
Having viewed the Tarrant tape (before it was banned), I can tell you the shocking thing about it was the NON RESPONSE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES. Tarrant had shot up a Mosque going to his car to get more guns and was driving off BEFORE A SIREN WAS HEARD. With all the gun fire, there should have been an emergency response much sooner. It reeks of a false flag event. Jabcinda then shawled up and got huggy with her long face. It was NZ version of Port Arthur.
Agreed Simon.
I also read the manifesto before it was banned and it was clear Tarant leaned to the Left not the so-called Right.
And, Lest We Forget, the multi-national urban-response war-game ‘practice run’ going on the very same day across the road in Hagley Park. Oops, we forgot about that – woosh! – all gone.
Beware the Ides of March.
The BS just doesn’t end. Now he’s won the election, do you think he’ll enforce it? He said this about a year ago.
NSW Labor leader Chris Minns calls for booster shots to be made mandatory for essential health and ancillary workers
The NSW Labor Leader Chris Minns says a mandatory booster shot for public health care and emergency ancillary workers is “essential” in the fight against the Omicron variant.
February 3, 2022
Scientists Discover 512-Year-Old Shark, Which Would Be The Oldest Living Vertebrate On The Planet
A couple of months ago, a group of scientists discovered an ancient shark in the North Atlantic ocean. While they knew that this shark had definitely reached senior age, they didn’t realize until recently that the animal is estimated to be a whopping 512 years old.
At 512 years, that would make this ancient shark the oldest living vertebrate in the world.
Even though over half a millennium seems like a crazy amount of time, Greenland sharks actually tend to outlive most other animals because they are a very slow-growing species. These sharks generally reach a mature age at 150 years old, and some reports have shown that some sharks have lived for almost 400 years. This new discovery of a 512-year-old definitely breaks a record.
512 years would put the birth date of this shark at 1505, older than Shakespeare.
The discovery was detailed in a research study published in the journal Science. Marine biologist Julius Nielsen and his team used a technique to measure the amount of radiocarbon in the eye lenses of Greenland sharks, revealing the possible age of this senior animal.
I didn’t realise Christopher Marlowe was still going?
I had to look that up.
A most extraordinary story. The teenage and destitute young husband William Shakespeare vanished, possibly illiterate and but reappeared seven years later as England’s greatest playwright and poet.
“‘The Lost Years’ refers to the period of Shakespeare’s life between the baptism of his twins, Hamnet and Judith in 1585 and his apparent arrival on the London theatre scene in 1592.”
Meanwhile Queen’s man and Oxford graduate and spy, playwright and poet and James Bond of his time Christopher Marlowe was allegedly murdered by ruffians who just happened to be Cardinal Wolseley’s men in mufti and reappeared under the identity of the long gone Shakespeare. Wonderful script. Like the film Eraser with Schwarznegger. Wolseley was spymaster for Queen Elizabeth and Marlowe was his best agent but Marlowe had been sentenced to death for a single comment attributed to him by a friend. It was the law. So the only solution was for him to be erased.
And so the reborn William Shakespeare picked up exactly where Marlowe left off without missing a beat. The evidence is overwhelming, but the Shakespeare industry is huge, so nothing is said. Over the years a lot of cash went to Stratford on Avon, but Bill never visited his wife or children or parents. And no contemporary portraits were made. And no one asked any questions, but there is no question the uneducated missing youth William Shakespeare could not have written the works attributed to him.
There was a twist a few years ago when an original transcript of the trial of the ruffians who murdered Marlowe appeared with a researcher in Canada. The landlady of the inn swore in court it was plain murder in an upstairs room, not a bar brawl. And the three caught and tried were released without any punishment back into the employ of Wolselely. So Christopher Marlowe was rebirthed, like a stolen car as a young man who had been missing for seven years. It may have been 1592 but the schemes were the same.
I wonder if the shark remembers anything?
Bill Bryson will have to do a new version of his “Shakespeare”!
Re one possibility –
“As it now stands it is a complicated and ingenious thyeory,mbased (as I believe its proponents would freely enough concede) on a good deal of supposition”.
He does end the current book with
“Only one man had the circumstances and gifts to give us such incomparable works,and William Shakespeare of Stratford was unquestionably that man – whoever he was”.
Hang on, it sounds like they killed it to radio carbon date its eyeball?
What sort of idiot harvests any species for research if they suspect it doesn’t even mature until 150 years old?
Next they’ll be saying it’s gone extinct and blaming climate change.
They didn’t kill it. I think they found other dead ones and dated those to estimate the growth rate. And from that adduced its age from its size.
I hope so Dave.
The first Chief of CSIRO’s Division of Wildlife was an expert on the endangered Mallee Fowl.As the story goes at a public seminar one day he presented very detailed information on this rare bird’s diet. During question time he was asked how did he get this data.? To which he (allegedly) replied. “Oh I shot the birds and examined the stomach contents”.
Knowing penguins are extremely prone to being wiped out by various diseases, what is the first thing ‘conservationists’ do when satellites spot an isolated unknown colony – yes they go and infect, sorry, study it.
Likewise science has probably greatly exacerbated the global spread of various deadly amphibian diseases.
Tis the season for jumping the shark.
Cheeses Swept.
Reading through the comments here, day after day, anybody would think this country went through some kind of 180 degree u-turn after the election last year. It didn’t.
Why do you all go on kidding yourselves that somehow everything was so much “better” under the previous govt, and things are going to be so much “worse” under the current one? They weren’t and they won’t.
All that happened was one lot of liars, thieves and thugs got replaced by the other lot of liars, thieves and thugs. The lying, thieving and thuggery continues uninterrupted. That will remain the situation for as long as people think one lot of our liars, thieves and thugs is in any way better, or different, than the other lot of our liars, thieves and thugs.
Iirc the last mob got voted out.
If you vote out one mob and the next is worse you have a right to complain.
Who’s worst?
It’s a toss up so kick each one out until they show that they can be trusted.
You’re right, Hanrahan.
So tell me, so far what has the Albosqueasy mob done that was worse than the Abbott-Turdbull-Morrison crowd? Abbott broke more election promises in his first four weeks than Albosqueasy has managed in nearly a year.
Mind you, I’m sure Albo is working on it. Just give him time.
Abbott repealed the carbon tax and the mining tax and the BIG one stopped the boats.
Here’s something from SBS, hardly a fan of liberals:
Albo’s voice is a disaster and all he has done is talk about raising taxes, not save money. AUKUS [if you think it a good thing] would have been years in planning. Labor didn’t pull it out of a hat.
Abbott campaigned on the slogan “we have an expenditure problem not a revenue problem”. The message was that govt spending had to be reduced so that taxes could be reduced. Once elected he increased govt spending and introduced a “fairness tax” on high income earners to cover it.
Abbott promised to repeal S18 of the Human Rights Act. His very first act as the new PM was to announce he was reneging on that promise.
Abbott campaigned in the 2010 and 2013 election campaigns to introduce an emissions trading scheme (ETS). He only dropped it when KRudd promised NOT to introduce an ETS.
Nonetheless, in his final act as PM in September 2015, Abott signed into law the regulation which gave us an ETS.
Abbott “stopped the boats alright. He reclassified these country shoppers as “unpapered migrants” and flew them in taxpayer’s expense – 320,000 of them in two years.
The whole referendum business is a scam being perpetrated on us by the politicians. ALL the politicians. Take just five minutes to read how Section 128 of the Constitution is meant to be fulfilled, and then compare it to what the politicians are trying to sell us.
You can read the details here –
Both sides – the YES vote and the NO vote, are con jobs.
Abbott campaigned on stopping the taxes and boats. You can’t rewrite history.
He mainly turned the boats back, that discouraged people from STARTING the trip. If the boats couldn’t make the return trip safely he put then in lifeboats – money well spent.
Sadly, you are basically correct. There are very few on the coalition side, State or Federal, that give me any confidence of displaying any sign of a spine or vision.
Invertebrates, the lot of them.
Of course! Its the way the system has been set up! Two identical parties saying they are different to give the illusion of choice, when anyone can see it is a war of politicians & bureaurats against the public.
Gone is any pretence of freedom of thought or speech, any idea of self-responsibility, any recognition of capitalism as a business model.. and don’t expect any of that to comeback in the foreseeable future!
Throw out democracy, it is a failed system and only benefits the sort of people who say “Its not perfect but its better than anything else”… Said by a politician of course!
Sry about the huge link dump but very good comparison of “Share of people who completed the initial COVID-19 vaccination protocol”
Our World In Data
This is earth 🌎 shattering 💔 & irrefutable – Your government is actively killing you & suppressing the truth. If you can’t see it after watching this, you’re a fool👇👇👇.
One Billion Gretas: Biden Admin Pledges Taxpayer Cash To Support Young Climate Activists Abroad
Another largely forgotten WWII disaster, cause unknown.
Taliban Releases Video of Fields of US Military Vehicles, Piles of US High-End Weapons, and Room Filled with Stacks of 100 Dollar Bills Joe Biden Surrendered to Taliban | The Gateway Pundit
Its sickening Dave.
The puppet masters of Biden did it to humiliate and weaken the United States.
Also remember how Obama sent pallet loads of cash to Iran, used notes of course, (presumably serials not recorded) as per their request.
You have had a hostile takeover of your country.
Possibly the simplest, cheapest way to end the scientific fraud which is man made CO2 driven Global Warming is to show there is no man made CO2 in the air. What is needed is a documented measure of the total fossil fuel CO2 in the air. Something which can be seen around the world. And let people debate it, try to discredit it, but it is the one figure which destroys the idea that CO2 is piling up in the air, destroys nett zero, ends the fraud.
Australia’s 215 ‘biggest polluters’, miners, smelters, glass makers, train operators like V-Line now face an existential threat and Australia’s economic well being with it.
They need to fund a fightback with facts against fraud. It is what the CSIRO should be doing, but it’s been a long time since they did anything.
The evidence exists that fossil fuel CO2 in the air was 2.05% in 1958 and has now reached the massive figure of 3.0%. This alone would destroy Green credibility, nett zero, the massive RET tax buried in your electricity bills and the appalling concept of the Clean Energy Regulator.
Otherwise while the general agreement in this science education blog that Australia is going to hell in a handbasket is now certain with the ascension of the Greens and Teals to control through the senate. Even the unions whose jobs are to go are more interested in running superannuation funds than representing their members. Something needs to be done.
Thx, TdeF
I once installed a wooden railing in a stairwell for a friend. Before installing, I shellacked it. Couldn’t breathe right for several days afterwards. I never had a clue of what might have been the cause. Still don’t know, but what you say seems a plausible explanation.
One of the major issues re this insistence we will all eat bugs is the hidden factor of allergies, and the terrifying prospect of people of dying from unknowingly eating bug flour or suchlike in food and it has been suggested trying it out on school children to teach them the benefits. I am allergic to most seafood, and crustaceans and bugs have a lot in common. As usual with these stupid schemes, it is not until some people die that there will any real discussion. Another thing, what are they going to feed these bugs on to grow millions of them – dead bodies and excretions!!!!!!
JMP, I sympathize. Perhaps if you ask at resturants and shops whether they can guarantee it is insect free suddenly they will pay attention?
Dare I suggest that many of us could ask on your behalf and in advance.
Part 2
shellac food colouring has been in food for years.
According to an article by Ramesh Singh, Department of Zoology at Udai Pratap Autonomous College in India, 300,000 lac insects are killed for every kilogram (2.2 lbs.) of lac resin produced. Approximately 25% of all unrefined, harvested lac resin is composed of “insect debris” and other impurities according to the Shellac Export Promotion Council. The cost of shellac varies according to climatic effects on harvest. An employee of a shellac company told us that due to 2010’s crop failures, the price of lac resin has doubled to approximately $15/kg.
Shellac is a coating or glaze derived from the hardened, resinous material secreted by the lac insect, much like honey from a bee. Shellac in its raw form, known as “lac resin,” along with lac wax and lac dye, is produced in Southeast Asia. India is the largest producer in the world, yielding 18,000 metric tons of unrefined lac resin annually. Approximately 85% of India’s crop is exported, mostly to European countries, Egypt, and the United States.
Don’t forget cochineal
“…it is not until some people die that there will any real discussion.“
Except that, as we’ve seen from the horrific numbers of deaths and disabilities caused by the COVID “vaccines,” there will be no real discussion, because it will be suppressed.
No discussion so far in the media?
That’s the new Twitter, Keven. not the nightly news.
Interesting figures, which should make people think.
Not really. As I’ve explained many times, this is first year microbiology. Restrictions that slow a virus with an Ro (rate of spread) of 3 – 6 will automatically wipe out a virus with an Ro of just 1.4 (as influenza is). Anyone who understands exponential growth knows it is inevitable. As soon as the Ro drops below 1 it means each infected person is not even infecting one other person. Thus the infections will decline and inevitably reach zero, assuming the restrictions continue longer than a couple of weeks.
It happened all over the world:
May 2020: Influenza cases are 85% down across 17 countries
Australians wiped out the flu and avoided 50,000 other cases of sickness and disease.
I watched WA official statistics. Every week they test 300 – 1000 people and for more than a year they found not a single case positive for influenza. Due to closed borders and two-week quarantine on entry the virus could not get back in. See this report: from June 15 – 21, 2020. The following week they tested 720 specimens and found zero cases, and so on…
See the current Virus Watch Website which has every weeks report for the last two years.
Skeptics who want to be useful in the Covid debate will help more if they learn the scientific basics. We need every voice we can get. Covid is not influenza and we can easily tell them apart and have been able to for decades. There is nothing suspicious about influenza disappearing during the quarantine periods and social isolation. But there are shocking catastrophic problems with vaccines, and with bans on safe, cheap drugs.
Don’t lose sight of the real crimes. I suggest following different twitter accounts.
Thanks for the link to the Alex Antic talk, which I have just posted. h/t to you Kevin.
Alex Antic
In April this year the Commonwealth Department of Health objected to my assertion that the C@VID injections didn’t prevent transmission.
Labor and the Greens shoot down my Senate motion seeking access to C@VID injection contracts between Big Pharma and the Australian Government
No Australian journalists in China, Wow!
“Your chance of dying of a heart attack from that vaccine, according to their own studies, is 500% greater than if you’re unvaccinated, so they knew they were gonna kill a lot of people, and they did it anyway.”
Japan’s Inpex says Australia risks unintended consequences as it ‘quietly quits’ LNG
The head of Japan’s biggest oil and gas producer has warned that Australia risks undermining global security through a decision to “quietly quit” the international gas trade.
In an extraordinary speech delivered at a federal parliamentary event today, Inpex chief executive Takayuki Ueda suggested Japan had been rattled by government interventions in Australia’s gas industry.
The Left always ranted and continue to rant about “my body, my choice” for abortions and also transgender procedures for children, but at the same time they are the ones that were, and still do, push defective covid “vaccines” into people and are happy to destroy people’s careers if they don’t have them.
Just another inexplicable contradiction of the Left.
Caitlin Johnstone is having a go at the war propaganda suddenly flooding us to get ready for China.
We’re not going to war against our major trading partner to protect us from China, we’re going to war against China to protect us from America! In the ‘rules-based order’, America sets the rules and everyone else obeys them, so we just do as we are told. Refuse to toe the line and buy American arms and you become another North Korea!
The only point against raising taxes in Oz to increase the size of our military, is that if the propaganda was working it should be such a popular idea that they could crowd-fund it instead of coercing us with the ATO. Let everyone who wants war under America’s boot put a thousand dollars up front.
Must watch on the virus(es)
Because of the nature of how RNA viruses replicate, it is impossible for the original virus to still be in circulation.
You mean the exact same sequence? The original virus only lived a very fleeting life.
That guy sure covers a lot of ground without actually getting anywhere.
“The original virus only lived a very fleeting life”
Yes, so short in fact it couldn’t have gone round the world creating a pandemic. That’s because corona viruses aren’t stable enough to maintain a rapidly expanding clone for months at a time. He was quite clear on that.
Also, the initial one was optimized for infectivity and damage, so there was only one way for it to evolve, to become less infectious and less damaging. And that had to occur quickly. The only way of maintaining fear was to assay for a stable region of coronavirus RNA, one common to most of them. Since they are ubiquitous, it would appear that the bad one wasn’t going away, when in fact they were just detecting background, and giving new names to imaginary stable “clones,” which as already alluded to cannot exist.
“That guy sure covers a lot of ground without actually getting anywhere.”
Just because you can’t keep up is not his fault.
See Nextstrain. Mouseover each dot.
See the code variations. See the variants by mutation.
And the variants in each country.
One should make a distinction between “in circulation” and “existing”.
Just sayin’. 😎
1976 swine flu scandal: the cdc’s history of lying about vaccine dangers and effectiveness
It’s pretty easy to reverse engineer how the sun works. The fusion model has had 70 odd years to explain the temperature gradient from the corona through to the photosphere and can’t do it so that model is wrong.
Temperatures don’t tell us all that much. But they do tell us the direction of flow of thermal energy. It’s always from the higher to the lower temperature. So already we have the direction of flow and locations of energy generation and conversion. From there it’s pretty much a paint by numbers operation.
Check OZ pumped storage
”One should make a distinction between ‘in circulation’ and ‘existing’.”
As a class, RNA viruses “exist.” But RNA isn’t stable enough to say there’s a specific clone “in circulation.” It doesn’t appear to be possible, so the burden of proof is on those who claim it is.
Individual RNA viruses “exist “ and the swarm of their many swiftly evolving mutants, most of which are unable to result in infection, cannot be called a variant because they are all variants.
He is clear about the only way to make a clone of a virus is to reverse transcribe the RNA from one, expand the DNA, then use that to produce viral RNA from the DNA clone. But that’s not how the viruses work in the wild.
Not sure what your problem is. Care to elaborate?
Yonason, RNA viruses are obviously stable enough to survive on some surfaces with their RNA intact for days. There are strains in circulation and full coding shows that there is a shared common code in the cloud of mutants.
Since the common code in the cloud slowly shifts we can call it a variant on previous”clouds” of code which had a different most common sequence.
Do you have any references on how the full coding is determined? I’d like to put jj’s claim that no one’s done that (because they can’t) to the test. He does, after all encourage questioning what he says. But because he’s done some solid research, disproving his assertions will have to be at least as solid..
While I can think of reasons you might be wrong, I don’t know for sure, and am willing to modify my opinion based on solid evidence.
Looking forward. 😃
Thx in advance.
PS – There is great stability in some coding regions because most mutations in those regions will kill the virus, so that’s all one will see. Also, a claim he makes that makes sense, that many coronaviruses that are ubiquitous share certain coding regions, and what they may be “finding” is just background noise, not real signal that they are pretending it is. After all their cheating and disregard for human life we’ve seen, I wouldn’t put it past them.
I’m sure there is a pool of wild coronaviruses of different sorts. The pandemic virus has been sequenced now 100s of 1000s of times with variation inconsistent with the viruses that happen to be around. Take the various outbreaks – they can be tracked when they appear in different places and become dominant in many countries. Hardly what you expect for background. The background would need to spread somehow.
Although the virus is highly mutable all (ie all million or whatever number it is now) the sequences are more closely related to each other than to any of the other coronaviruses (species for want of a better word) that have been discovered.
Win me over. Simple enough – show me the research that shows that Couey and some of the experts he cites are wrong.