Florida Surgeon General warns of 84% increase heart attack deaths 18-39 men

Dr Joseph Ladapo (he speaks very well).
In March, Florida Health advised against giving any child a Covid vaccine. Now the Florida Surgeon General says adult men under 40 should not get mRNA vaccines against Covid because it nearly doubles their risk of a fatal heart attack in the following month. Not many men in their 20s and 30s die of a heart attack, but it’s a very big deal when they do, and this means nearly half of the deaths in that 28 day period post vaccination are a tragedy that could have been prevented.
The risk in young women was a hefty 59% higher too.
With such a strong signal, and in just a 28 day period post vaccination, we have to ask, why did it take so long to pick this up? Surely someone should have put the brakes on after the first few months? As the DailyMail reports there were 20 fatalities in men and ten in women in the first month alone. The study continued on for six months, but that first month ended mid January last year and here we are 21 months and millions of injections later… That early data would have been highly uncertain, but at some point during the study, people could have been warned.
Where are all our Chief Health Officers now — they must have 18 months of data on this, and if they don’t, that’s its own scandal.
Men above 60 had a 10% increased risk of cardiac fatality. Since heart attacks are so much more common in older men this small increase can end up having a big effect.
This trainwreck could be seen coming
Ever since we knew myocarditis was increased, we knew deaths would too:
Obviously, talk to your doctor, but if you took this Florida Health report or their guidance in to your GP, you might get different advice.
The cost-benefit ratio for vaccination at age 60+ is different but heart attacks are not the only potential drawback in the equation either. And given the lack of care, public data or even interest in reporting real risks, how can anyone calculate anything?
Dr Twitter decided that this was misinformation
Her is the dangerous tweet that Twitter said “violated the Twitter rules”.
As ZeroHedge reported Twitter deleted the tweet, but a day later they republished it — perhaps realizing that the launch-loop of their counter-attack was coming right back at them.
The Streisand effect would bring even more attention to the Florida Health announcement. Even Politico has written about the censorship. And since the message came from a “state health official” and from a guy with an MD and a PhD from Harvard no less, by deleting the tweet Twitter presumably violated its own rules too. “Authoritative sources” don’t get much more authoritative than this. Worst of all, Twitter was telling the world that what matters to Twitter is not truth, or even “the official truth” but just whether the tweet supports Big Pharma.
Excuse me, your slip is showing…
Now that the illusion of free speech is back (momentarily) there is an active debate on the twitter thread about the merits and failures of the study.
#1. “Diagnosis codes for cardiac-related deaths are imperfect.” Yes! But that is true for every subgroup we examined. Only in young men was the risk extremely high, and it was also increased in older men.
#2. “COVID test information was only available on death certificates.” No! We used all of our data resources-test results, vaccine records, death records-to exclude individuals who had documented COVID-19 infection, as we write in the Methods section.
#3. “The sample size is too small.” 3a. Elevated cardiac risk was also found in older men, and there were thousands of deaths in this group. 3b. The total cardiac deaths meeting inclusion criteria among young men was 77, not 20, as has been going around the web.
This study may not have shown an overall increase in excess mortality, but we know other larger datasets in the US, Germany, UK and Australia do.
hat tips to Eric Worrall, MM from Canada, Old Ozzie, another Ian, Wendy B, David Maddison.
For those who want more details on the Florida study, thanks to the Epoch Times:
The analysis from the Florida Health Department that informed Ladapo’s latest recommendation had sought to “evaluate the risks of all-cause and cardiac-related mortality following COVID-19 vaccination.”
Residents in Florida aged 18 years or older who died within 25 weeks of having received a COVID-19 vaccine, since the start of the vaccination roll-out in the state—Dec. 15, 2020—were included. The study end date was June 1, 2022.
People were excluded from the study if they had a documented COVID-19 infection, had a COVID-19 associated death, had received a COVID-19 vaccine booster, or had received their last COVID-19 vaccine after Dec. 8 2021. The last criterion was put in place to make sure that each person was followed up after 25 weeks.
The study found that COVID-19 vaccination “was not associated with an elevated risk for all-cause mortality,” but “was associated with a modestly increased risk for cardiac-related mortality 28 days following vaccination.”
“Results from the stratified analysis for cardiac-related death following vaccination suggests mRNA vaccination may be driving the increased risk in males, especially among males aged 18–39,” according to the analysis.
It also noted that the risk for both all-cause and cardiac-related deaths was “substantially higher 28 days following COVID-19 infection.”
As such, the study concluded that people should weigh the risk associated with mRNA vaccination with the risk associated with COVID-19 infection.
I never got the vaxx.
By the time we were re-opening (the only time I really considered it) I realized that the outcomes were not matching the promises.
Nobody knows … not my friends, my family, my colleagues – because I also saw the ‘fanaticism of belief’ being touted by the vaxxed and that of itself inspired me not to jump off the same bridge.
Maybe I have been foolish or maybe others have been made fools, time will tell.
I am 70 years old next month and I never got the jabs. So glad that I didn’t. I would like to die in my sleep from old age and not be murdered by Big Pharma and the Guv’ment.
I got 2 jabs of AZ. Then I could see that “the outcomes were not matching the promises”. Badly.
Commentary on policy on the CV19 activities has gone all quiet, so much so that some are noting the fact. This tells me that people in authority have realised that they made some awful errors and may be called to account for them.
Employers who insisted that staff get vaxxed would be particularly vulnerable.
Indemnities were advanced, but even those would surely not cover improper practices such as lying to authority.
Professor Clancy’s essay for the Class of 1965 covers the situation well. Read it and promote it.
The message in the title seems to be that that was Professor Clancy’s class, making him around 80 years old, which puts him out of reach for the Cancel Culture Crowd. He can afford to take them on. Addressing his essay to the distant past sort of sidelines them. That’s exquisite!
Well done Professor Clancy!
It should be clear that those in authority understood the likely consequences of mass vaccination using an inadequately developed vaccine well before the start of the vaccination program and relied on authoritarian controls and corporate media cooperation to conceal the scale of the problem.
The “commentary on policy on the CV19 activities” which “has gone all quiet” is quiet only while the counter narrative (a fearful viral pandemic with an extremely high morbidity and mortality rate) is not tenable.
I also got two AZ jabs, partly because of the implied promise that the world would go back to normal once enough people were jabbed. I came to my senses when the authorities told us that the
uncleanunvaxxed weren’t allowed to go to the same places as the vaxxed to protect the vaxxed from the virus the vax was supposed to protect them from.And the world STILL isn’t back to normal.
Great comment Frank.
I was told over and over that I should be vaccinated because we could get back to normal once we had 80%. Apparently I was at fault for causing the lock down.
Such is the force of social messaging!
“I never got the vaxx.”
Nah me either. I’m pretty sure we made the right decision.
We had covid (presumably) in the house recently. My double-vaxxed wife (wouldn’t listen until I could produce enough evidence) got levelled by it for a few days, I had a bit of a cough and some aches.
I went to the pages I’d bookmarked here at Jo’s site and pulled out all the appropriate hoarded medicines and supplements from the stash, and had her well and truly on the mend by day 5.
Which reminds me I must get the missus to slip a well-earned pineapple into the chocky fund for Jo.
The gene-jabs cause spike proteins to be produced by cells lining blood-vessel walls. These then protrude into the bloodstream and pick up passing platelets. These are mini blood-clots. put enough together and that is the end for your heart or brain or lungs etc,
Anyone wanting TRILLIONS of mini blood-clots circulating throughout their body can get the gene-jabs*. If that’s worth a back-slap from compliant fools, I guess I’m missing out on their prais. What a sacrifice, eh?
BTW: 8While everyone is free to commit suicide in whatever fashion suits them……gene-jabs. why not?…they do NOT the right to coerce it onto their employees and their own families as well, no matter how loudly they insist that a mass cull will be “good for society”!
We were invited for dinner last night. It was amazing. Miguel told us when the government told him to turn left he will turn right. Why ? Because they are not a good friend ! We found a really new good friend last night.
Today I related this to another friend. She told me she was not jabbed and neither was anyone in her family but her mother. That was not because she wanted it. It was because without the jab shed would Not be allowed her chemo. So she got two’ carrots’ . Now she developed a new cancer she didn’t have before. She is 75. Her daughter blame the carrots.
Jordan Peterson, on one of his recent videos, talked about the fact that in totalitarian regimes everybody lies. The govt just keeps lying to prop up its failed narrative, people lie to each other so that they cannot be said to be “dissenting” etc.
An old Soviet saying (maybe not exact but get my drift) was ” They pretend to report the news, and we pretend to believe it”.
If people don’t realise it yet we are at this stage, and the continual claims from the govt and the MSM about being purveyors of truth and censoring misinformation, of which this is just one example, cannot hide the total lies being told continually.
Science has been perverted by our govt and nearly all others, Florida being an exception. Don’t expect that there will be any good outcome from this.
Up s… creek without a paddle is where they are.
Every day that goes by with the vax program continuing makes their position worse. Yet they cannot change because they are in so much trouble already if all this scandal becomes widely known. The only thing preventing that is blanket censorship by the MSM and social media.
No Peter,
The health officials flew of into the never never with the heros!!
Further to: “Where are all our Chief Health Officers now?”
The Queensland CHO / CMO got a nice new gig as State Governor.
THAT is how it works in these games.
Western Australia appointed the police commissioner as state governor.
it is called “separation of powers”.
Labor leaves u out of it.
The chief health officers are suddenly very quiet & the media censorship is in its 2nd year.
That poison damn near killed me!
I think they are feeling the pressure.
Here in America, myocarditis has become common enough in youngsters for a hospital to produce an ad touting their treatment of the condition.
We share a planet but live in parallel realities.
In mine, the weather is normal, but the health care system is getting a bit scary.
And their is no COVID threat when I’m alone in my car, or out for a nice walk.
‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ Star Nene Leakes Reveals 23-Year-Old Son Suffered Stroke and Heart Attack (VIDEO)
I was double vaxxed with astrazeneca. No problem.
Then I was boosted with moderna and my heart problems started two weeks after. I could not walk round the block without feeling desperately tired with a malaise in my chest. It has taken a few months for these symptoms to subside. No more boosters for me.
Take that as a warning readers.
Appears to be fairly common, those that had the Astrazeneca in Australia as their initial doses are still all for the ‘clot shot’. Many of those were in the health industry. What was interesting was the campaign run against Astrazeneca and the Johnson & Johnson vaccines in favour of the Moderna and Pfizer. AZ & J&J were the source of the adverse events, take the Pfizer and you will be fine. (Jimmy Lees had fun with social acceptance of Pfizer versus AZ.) Was it the margin the elite would make or was there something more sinister?
Remember that the doctors and MSM would say to you “Just think how much worse you’d be if you didn’t have the booster.”
I was double vaxxed with AstraZeneca. No problem … for a week or so.
The first problem was muscle pains in the lower legs, hands, arms and lower back. Then episodic heart irregularities, migraine equivalents (no headache), reflux, sleeplessness, marked alteration in vocal timbre, and gait.
Worsened for about 3 months then eased over a longer period.
I almost forgot to mention the slowed memory recall, which wasn’t obvious in the early months but still evident a year later.
Whilst continually horrified at the censorship of dissenting opinions by Twitter, Facebook, et al, my inner cynic wonders why anyone would consider turning to them or the MSM for information. To paraphrase Marcus Aurelius, if one invites a thief into one’s house, don’t be surprised if he steals your belongings.
Add PayPal, Google to that grouping both censoring people
“Connecting Things – Konnech Election Compromise, CCP Infiltration, CEO Arrest, True The Vote and Recent Deep State Misinformation Efforts
October 10, 2022 | Sundance | 116 Comments”
“Stories You Won’t Find At The CBC” or most other YSM either”
Via http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/2022/10/10/stories-you-wont-find-at-the-cbc-22/
“Ideology Trumps Effectiveness”
“CTV- Unvaccinated B.C. paramedics want to return to work amid staffing shortages”
“But the Ambulance Paramedics of British Columbia – the union organization representing more than 4,400 paramedics and emergency dispatchers in the province – doesn’t believe that will solve its staffing problems.”
Florida, land of the free, where we prefer our officials to be as competent as possible, and transparent about their work.
When, because of wide public acceptance, a media is used by public officials in an official capacity to inform, and censorship occurs,
the “they are a private company” argument is mooted. The marketplace for information has a number of media who purport to do reportage, and
have overtly collaborated with the government; where collaboration is not provable ‘disparate impact’ is clear. The industry is likely to fix the problem to avoid government doing it for them; it would be less painful if Musk would monetize the little bird while serving the underserved community to provide a model. The green energy carnival going on now in Europe shows the typical outcome of a monoculture on bad ideas.
And we have a scandal on-going in Qld. about DNA testing where the State bureaucrats changed the ‘standard test’ and allowed a lot of crime suspects to avoid conviction.
The State Government’s response – hand wringing and expressing regret followed by a big expensive Green Energy announcement.
FYI: Qld. has a (well deserved) reputation for political corruption, excessive bureaucracy and State Debt.
Well it seems the people are happy with that (like in Victoria) – they keep voting that bunch back in. Here in Vic “integrity” apparently rates very highly as an issue for the upcoming state election, and based on that the Andrews government will be voted back in. Looks to me like the market in Vic is really ready to buy a few bridges…
If you want a comprehensive, if lengthy, review of the mess Big Pharma and Global Government collusion have achieved take the time to watch!!!
For those of even a slightly sceptical outlook, Forbes has this story
LOL, a far-left journalist opinion arguing using twitter responses.
And no, the study does not have to be published in a “journal” to make it a viable study.
The journalist is, of course funded by the CDC, Bill Gate, Bloomberg etc!
…. and has written for the Gruniad and HuffPost, NYT.. all far-left ..
.. making anything he says immediately and totally suspect and almost certainly pharma-based misinformation..
prove it – Forbes funds the republican party, show how the journistlist is funded by the CDC. back up your assertions with some links
It states it in his bio.
Do some of your own research for a change.
Your own link has text that says….
All linked to and funded by BIG PHARMA. !
And? There are no dates or topics for that funding.
So What.! Irrelevant straw-clutching as usual..
You really think $60 Million doesn’t buy complete obedience !
Spoiler alert.
Forbes tries to debunk the Surgeon General of Florida.
Are there any medical journals left that are not totally in the pay of big-pharma?
I very much doubt it. !
Peter, by “sceptical” I assume you mean “non-sceptical” in the finest tradition of Leftists reversing the meaning of everything?
As it says:
Woe to those who say of the evil that it is good and of the good that it is evil; who present darkness as light and light as darkness, who present bitter as sweet and sweet as bitter. Isaiah 5:20
A tip for you, Jonova . .
People suffering from Long Covid are being cured by Natto and Nattokinase. It dissolves the clotty fibers in the blood thought to be caused by spike proteins.
Nattokinase is non prescription, and Natto is a traditional Japanese fermented food. I am not selling. I am one of the cured trying to get the word out to others.
The active ingredient in natto is K-2. Try a combination of MK-4 and MK-7.
I’ve been counting on Yoghurt and Cheese to meet my Vitamin K2 needs… Am I right?
Custer — it’s very difficult to get adequate K2 from Yoghurt and Cheese. If you are doing moderate dose D3 (at least 5,000IU/d maybe more — until your blood levels measure at optimal) I’m told you will need 100mcg – 200 mcg of K2 (MK-7 or higher dose MK-4, or a mix).
red edwards is right about the natto — highest known food source of K2. But it does also have nattokinase. (Thanks Mondopinion!)
Cheese — Jarlsberg and Gouda have the most but you have to eat “quite a bit” — Gouda and Jarlsberg may have 70mcg per 100g.
Consider adding Egg yolks (grass fed free range): impressive 32mcg? per yolk. (though highly variable depending on whether your hens are raised on good pasture). Also adding liver (pate)– but chicken liver is only 14mcg per 100g.
Thanks for the link to 20 food sources.
Never tried Natto: interesting that it can be made with Soybeans OR Black Beans, and there’s only a slight difference in K2.
You can also buy K2 conveniently in pill form.
But I hear it’s culinary delights are enjoyed by only die-hard fans. Mind over matter I guess…
Fauci has played this game before, and he’s also admitted that with the high levels of the jab being administered in most countries that most adverse reactions etc are hidden amongst the data.
The ONE thing they can’t hide though is the excess death rates from ALL causes – this is what will bring these psychopaths undone in the end. Life insurance companies aren’t as dumb as Fauci assumes.
Unfortunately, (and sadly) that will be after MANY MANY deaths and after millions of others have been damaged for life.
Doktor Mangler, er, Falsi, was the key player in the HIV / AIDS fiasco.
Just another “political scientist”.
He seems to have done OK financially over the years, too.
Good interview with the Doc especially his take down of the CDC at approx 6 min in interview 2. Pity not more like him.
Dr John Campbell discusses this Florida directive in the following video.
Note that he is being exceptionally careful not to upset the Leftist pagan gods of YouTube who are offended by the truth and/or a alternative opinions.
It has been sad to watch how the John Campbell videos have been crippled by the censors. He now spends a lot of time couching all his information with repeat warnings to satisfy Youtube. It’s almost like he has to speak satirically. I believe he mentioned he keeps ivermectin at home in case of Strongyloides or something like that. The message is very clear that he is not allowed to say what he thinks openly.
Despite similar evidence (annecodtal or otherwise) of covid vaccine injuries and deaths in Australia, I see no sign of any authorities admitting to any problem or even any “journalist actually doing their job and asking some questions.
I have only a small but quality circle of friends and know of one vaccine death, one two week hospitalization for vaccine injury, an elderly man that urinated blood clots after he was forced to take the vax otherwise he would not be admitted to hospital for dialysis treatment (home treatment was not suitable in his case) and various lesser but still serious complaints.
Adam Creighton from the Australian has written about the Florida state warning. In fact, I was quite surprised because there were many comments to the article “allowed” by the moderators, which I hadn’t seen before. Maybe the tide has turned just a wee little?
Adam Creighton? He was on Sky at the start mocking people skeptical of the vaxx because he had the JnJ shot in the states. He was done for me there and then. He is just a grifter I assume.
No one can admit to anything just yet.
For the same reason they can not prove the ‘safe and effective’, respected scientists and doctors have been unable to prove the ‘dangerous and useless’.
Reliable data takes time!
That is why you do not approve medicines, devices and procedures without rigorous trials.
More importantly that is why you do not trial even the most common drugs on pregnant women and babies.
The fact the TGA has approved an experimental untested substance to be injected into pregnant women and babies is dangerously stupid!
‘Not having a big impact’: COVID drug fails to beat placebo in major trial
A COVID-19 medication that was thought to strongly reduce the risk of the illness becoming life-threatening and was bought in bulk by the federal government works no better than a placebo, preliminary findings from a major new study suggest.
Molnupiravir, sold in Australia under the brand name Lagevrio, disrupts the coronavirus’ ability to copy itself and was the first COVID-19 antiviral to win government subsidy here.
The medication is intended for people at high risk of serious illness – those aged over 50 who have risk factors, and the immunocompromised – after they test positive to COVID-19 but before they are sick enough to need a hospital. Australia was one of the most aggressive movers in securing access to molnupiravir, buying 300,000 courses in late 2021, before it was approved by medical regulator the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
But some scientists have long been suspicious of strange results in the drug’s early trials. Data from the new trial has hardened their scepticism.
The University of Oxford’s PANORAMIC trial enrolled 25,783 people with COVID-19, half of whom got molnupiravir. After 28 days, 103 people given molnupiravir had died, compared with 96 in the second group.
“Clearly, it isn’t having a big impact,” said Professor Peter Wark, an expert on antivirals at the University of Newcastle. “I think we’d have to look very critically as to the cost-effectiveness of continuing in this sort of way.”
All politicians, public serpents who advocate the vax, public personalities, social media executives, and medical authorities etc. must be take the substances they advocate and must take them in a provable manner, no saline injections. If these substances aren’t properly tested on animals, at least test them on those who force them upon us.
Bar Beach Swimmersays:
October 11, 2022 at 9:19 am
This vid is well worth the watching. (40 minutes)
Its from a public event held in Melbourne on 10/9/22 by the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society – co-hosting with the Australian Medical Network (known as the Covid Medical Network).
It’s a speech by Dr Phillip Altmann BPharma (Hons) MSc PhD- Truth and Trust, Casualties of the Pandemic
for background:
Dr Altmann is an well known Australian authority on clinical trials and regulatory affairs with more than 40 years experience in designing, managing and reporting of clinical trials, and in working with Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (ATGA) in gaining new drug approvals.
He established Australia’s first contract research organisation, or CRO, when he served a senior industry consultant for more than half of the pharmaceutical companies present in Australia. His career has seen him involved in more than 100 clinical trials, phase I through to phase IV.
He has been personally responsible for the market approval of numerous new drugs since joining the pharmaceutical industry in 1974. A graduate of Sydney University with a Hons degree in pharmacy, Masters of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees, focused on drug development, pharmacology, and pharmaceutical chemistry. He co-founded and is a life member of the largest professional body of pharmaceutical industry scientists involved in clinical research and regulatory affairs.
A fabulous speech by Phil. He is teary at the end – testimony to his outrage at the acceptance by governments & their medical advisers of drugs that are essentially experimental.
American Academy of Pediatrics calls COVID school closures “family time”
Research to be presented at the 2022 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition also noted that there was a correlation between screen time and family time increases and rising pediatric BMI rates.
ANAHEIM, Calif.—A study that tracked body mass index (BMI) two years prior to the pandemic and one year after the start of the pandemic in a primarily Medicaid pediatric population in Norfolk, Virginia, found a significant increase in BMI during that time.
When these differences were analyzed by gender, the increase was only significant for the female cohort, according to the study, “Examining the Effects of COVID-19 Lifestyle on Pediatric BMI.” There was an 11% mean increase in the BMI of girls, the study found.
The authors also observed there was a significant correlation between screen time and family time increases during the pandemic and rising pediatric BMIs, as families spent more time at home because of the lockdowns.
Face book has lost about 70 % of it’s value because it censors. Likewise Twitter is in trouble hopefully Elon can sort it out. People are moving to platforms that do not censor (like GETTR ) telegram and others. You tube is losing ground to the likes of Rumble. The more they listen to the nutters, the more their customers go elsewhere.
[spelling edit. – LVA]
Get woke, go broke.
Every time Musk has a foray into Twitter, contributors notice weird things happening with their followers and statistics etc. Last week a lot of “conservative” type commentators noticed a sudden purge in their followers after Elon’s actions last week. A lot them believe those purged followers were actually bots. Which begs the question – were those bots from the general population or actually created by Twitter itself ? For those of us seeking alternative commentary on many subjects, there is no shortage of alternate platforms available. The days when it was only Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are fast drawing to a close.
Res ipsa loquitur – The thing itself speaks
Twitter Temporarily Blocks Florida Surgeon General In Sharing New Risk Data on Vaccines
Twitter immediately took the post down as violative of its coronavirus misinformation policies. It was later restored after public outcry.
Dr. Ladapo was sharing data that he said indicated an increase in cardiac conditions for men under 40 who have received mRNA coronavirus shots. Rather than allow experts and citizens to debate such risks, Twitter moved to prevent others from hearing from the top health official in one of the largest states in the Union. It was later restored, which is in sharp contrast to other experts and science writers suspended or barred due to their raising dissenting views on the social media site.
It is not clear if the restoration would have occurred for other doctors given the past suspension and barring of experts questioning the efficacy of masks or vaccines. Even senators like Rand Paul were banned by companies like YouTube for questioning the efficacy of masks — a view now accepted as a legitimate concern.
The company seemingly wrote off free speech years ago. Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal was asked how Twitter would balance its efforts to combat misinformation with wanting to “protect free speech as a core value” and to respect the First Amendment. He responded dismissively that the company is “not to be bound by the First Amendment” and will regulate content as “reflective of things that we believe lead to a healthier public conversation.” Agrawal said the company would “focus less on thinking about free speech” because “speech is easy on the internet. Most people can speak. Where our role is particularly emphasized is who can be heard.”
I have written about five steps that Musk can take to restore free speech. However, the key is to break a culture of censorship at the company.
It’s unlikely you can break a far Left culture like that. It’s almost impossible to turn a Leftist into a rational thinker. They have a mindset incompatible with that.
Elon will have to sack/fire as many as necessary to achieve that objective.
“It’s almost impossible to turn a Leftist into a rational thinker.” Liberty Quote?? Im going to use this one. Great one liner
Conservatives and moderates need to build a parallel economy in the US
With the left’s control creeping over multiple American institutions, conservatives need to shake their dependence on them
American conservatives are in the midst of political and cultural warfare with the left’s ideology. The only way to avoid having to play by the left’s rules is to get creative, make a few sacrifices and put our money where our mouth is.
Conservatives and moderates have been sounding the alarm for some time now over the left’s “long march through our institutions,” referring to the attempted Marxist takeover of American culture and life. The march has indeed been long and spans decades, and while most can’t agree on where or when exactly it all started, many Americans are waking up to where it’s going. As conservatives, we are grappling with radical gender and race ideologies, ‘woke’ corporations and cancel culture, mob mentality, attacks on the nuclear family, and assaults on our Constitution and the framework of our society. It feels at times like normal America is on a hijacked plane and all the passengers want off, but the pilot and crew are suicidal. Quick thinking is of the essence.
I don’t mean to sound cynical, and I pray daily that America won’t come crashing down, but in many ways, much of what our founding fathers built has already been destroyed. And realistically, it would take generations to rebuild every aspect of American civil society after the left’s plundering.
So when half the country is being silenced, we have a major problem. It took a sitting president of the United States being banned from the largest social networks for Americans to truly wake up to the encroaching threat to free speech. As a result, multiple alternate social media platforms have since popped up. The rise of Rumble, Truth Social, Gettr, Gab, and Parler are hopeful signs of parallel infrastructure. Conservative-friendly internet servers, web hosting companies, and job boards have also emerged.
All of this is really just the tip of the iceberg. We are going to need payment processing systems, financial institutions, and other businesses that won’t cave to extremist demands. This became obvious when PayPal, Venmo, and Go Fund Me decided that if you share a view that doesn’t align with leftism, you can’t conduct business or even receive donations using their platforms.
Not only has Joseph Lapado issued the warning, he also replied to his critics in a very logical, assured manner. Oh, wow, look there, we had a scientific debate about COVID in the public arena. What a shame Australia didn’t have a public health official like Lapado. None of them, federal or state could even come close. What a shame now, Twitter has censored him. Come on Elon, where the hell are you?
We have the Chief Medical Officers our Health Minister (and Big Pharma) wants.
I don’t put much faith in Musk. He oftens says the right things but financially he is still very much in hock with the CCP.
Fortunately, from what I read on here, I pulled up at the two AZ shots, no more, no way.
Thanks guys, and gals.
Thinking people already knew about the increased risk of cardiac death in young men (e.g. athletes droping dead in the field) but many would not be aware of the increased risk of cardiac death for men over 60 that this study also revealed.
I wonder why it affects males and not females?
Is there some interaction with the mRNA, testosterone and heart tissue?
And I wonder if it affects M to F transgenders who have been castrated?
Note that it still affected females. Even though men had an 85% increased risk, women still had a 59% increased risk, and in those 18-39 ages almost all the women would be premenopausal with protective levels of estrogen etc.
Men have a higher risk of heart attack at all ages until women hit menopause when I believe their risks equalize a lot.
DM, if we could have an open , honest and frank discussion about the mRNA vaccines maybe the technology could actually be improved. I’m trying to be glass half full here. We could determine those people likely to have an adverse reaction with some real research etc The technology itself has great potential mainly due to its ability to product large quantities of vaccine very quickly. Something the old tech never could. We know the mRNA vaccines were rushed – the whole operation wasn’t called “warp speed” for nothing. What we dont want is a total “anti vax” type mentality, which I fear may be a possibility if there is this continual cover up process by governments and pharma.
(And lockdowns.)
That’s what created this mess.
Providing there was a actual crisis, which I personally doubt, (am I still free to doubt?) … warp speeding a product for people to CHOOSE of their own free will, might not be out of line.
One can easily find on YT, Trudeau and Biden declaring “there will be no mandates”,
And in the next breath calling Trump a liar.
And then in comes the media establishment to label and censor those that point out Justin and Joe’s 180s.
And promulgating true disinformation like “horse de-wormer”.
All of us have been watching this same movie in the climate ‘debate’ for years.
COVID is nothing but paint remover.
The decoration is stripped and the true colors revealed for all to behold.
They are left with nothing but coercion to maintain the charade.
I would say that it definitely affects females.
A friend of a friend, a nurse about 40 developed serious heart problems after her 2 faux vaxx shots. Will not be risking a 3rd shot and most likely has been sacked by now I would say such is the insanity going on in Victoriastan.
I always assumed it was just a matter of time before such things started to happen.
But I don’t think people really care. They assume the vaccine worked, and that this is still an acceptable risk. Plus, people have stopped even thinking about covid. The attention span has waned.
My boss, 48, recently had severe sharp chest pains and was rushed to hospital. Stress was the conclusion. It could well have been and there was no sign of heart attack from the ECG (is it?), but the alarming thing is, not he nor anyone even considered for a second it could be the 4 shots he’s had, or even the quite severe covid dose he had. It may not be but as scientists say the question is more important than the answer, but there’s no question at all.
Even more, this guy’s brother-in-law a few months before dropped dead on the street with a massive heart attack in his early 40’s. I assume vaccinated, they were all very keen on the vaccine. No one questioned it, from the stories I have heard at least. Just statements like “well you never know hey”.
Perhaps the statement from Dictator Dan to “have faith in science” might not be the oxymoron that I first thought it was. Perhaps faith is very much required.
Dr John Campbell’s latest video:
Leftism is based on post-modernism.
And post-modernist “thought” doesn’t believe in objective reality.
Sadly they have applied post-modernist thought to science and corrupted the scientific method, many scientists and science itself.
And post modernism is based on, or at least associated with Marxism. And we know how well Marxism deals with dissent.
Report Prepared by: Worldwide Safety Pfizer:
3.1. Safety Database
3.1.1. General Overview It is estimated that approximately (b)(4)…. doses of BNT162b2 were shipped worldwide from the receipt of the first temporary authorisation for emergency supply on 01 December 2020 through 28 February 2021. Cumulatively, through 28 February 2021, there was a total of 42,086 case reports (25,379 medically confirmed and 16,707 non-medically confirmed) containing 158,893 events.
Cardiovascular AESIs Search criteria: PTs Acute myocardial infarction; Arrhythmia; Cardiac failure; Cardiac failure acute; Cardiogenic shock; Coronary artery disease; Myocardial infarction; Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; Stress cardiomyopathy; Tachycardia
Number of cases: 1403 (3.3% of the total PM dataset), of which 241 are medically confirmed and 1162 are non-medically confirmed;
• Subjects’ age group (n = 1346): Adult(1078), Elderly (266) Child and Adolescent (1 each);
• Number of relevant events: 1441, of which 946 serious, 495 non-serious; in the cases reporting relevant serious events;
• Reported relevant PTs: Tachycardia (1098), Arrhythmia (102), Myocardial infarction (89),
Cardiac failure (80), Acute myocardial infarction (41), Cardiac failure acute (11), Cardiogenic shock and Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (7 each) and Coronary artery disease (6);
• Relevant event onset latency (n = 1209): Range from <24 hours to 21 days, median Making the information public as soon as possible may help assuage the concerns of vaccine skeptics and convince them the product is safe……
An alternative should have been tried out worldwide, but it stood in the way of an EUA and billions of dollars.
In March 2020, when the Covid-19 epidemic was already in full swing, another epidemic, of scabies, occurred in a nursing home in Seine-et-Marne(France). To treat this parasitic disease, doctors have been prescribing for decades a well-known and effective drug: ivermectin (IVM). This is how Dr. Charlotte Bernigaud, dermatologist at the AP-HP Henri Mondor Hospital, treated all 121 residents (69) and employees (52) of the establishment.
The rest is less commonplace: in this retirement home where the average age of residents is 90 years, with 98% of people with a comorbidity at risk, the Covid-19 virus has done virtually no damage. Only 1.4% of the occupants (including staff) had the virus, with moderate symptoms (no oxygen or hospitalization) and no deaths were to be deplored.
Similarly in an aged facility in Spain. All they had on hand were anti-histamines and antibiotics. They did not lose a resident.
Those who were involved in banning Ivermectin should be charged with mass murder.
Another case of get woke, go broke.
Paypal’s stock is down 5% after they threatened to fine people US$2,500 for spreading “misinformation”.
Tim Pool discusses.
The graph in comments at
looks much more like a stock shorter’s dream
Now, this might explain a little heart problem I had after my third jab (on wife’s insistence)
Just out of interest, who’s the chief beneficiary in your will?
Bad dog, Adellad.
Mrs. H has a long, terminal illness. I figured I was no use to her dead, chose against it.
Bowed to pressure and had the first. My reluctance may have been well founded but I might have to cede to the second this week, I can’t keep her at home much longer. Won’t have the AZ though.
Can you get a protein vaccine? Novavax (or ideally the Australian vax, but you probably have to go to Iran for that).
Australia bought millions of copies of Novavax, there must be some around. Don’t be put off if they say you can’t…
And I’m not a doctor, I’m not saying it’s safe. Just that it is an old technique, not the mRNA.
My info is that the Novavax is available officially but no clinic stocks it, has all gone off to stores I presume. Safety reports on Novavax are in-line with the others.
The Australian vax has been dealt with quite frostily if not rudely by TGA. If you had it overseas it does not count if not approved by TGA. The company has been forbidden to refer to it by name.
New site for jab injury stories
Say after me: the vaxxes are safe & effective. Hallelujah brother!
Meanwhile in WA, a message for the aboriginal communities:
“White fella jab safe ‘n ‘fective. White fella never do wrong”
Just wait 6 months.
Back to bunker.🤔
They already saw us as a bunch of pricks.
Q. What’s the difference between a cactus and a caucus?
A. A cactus has the pricks on the outside.
Mr. Paul Goes to Washington
The Kentucky senator presses on with his fight against the federal government’s Covid response.
For all its virtues, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington has never been considered a realistic film. Critics complain that Frank Capra’s movie is at once too corny and too cynical: one brave senator singlehandedly defending the public good against the thoroughly corrupt political and journalistic establishments. But we’ve been seeing a version of that plot for two years now, thanks to Senator Rand Paul’s lonely battle against Anthony Fauci, the Centers for Disease Control, and the mainstream press.
Like the politicians meekly following orders in the film, most of Washington has bowed to the CDC’s Covid edicts, but Paul has never tired of challenging the agency’s futile policies and dubious science. Like the movie’s media baron Jim Taylor, Fauci’s cheerleaders in the press and on social-media platforms have shamelessly pushed the party line—and worked hard to squelch opposing views, though they prefer to use “fact-checkers” rather than the street thugs whom Taylor hired to silence a rival newspaper. Journalists have smeared Paul, and censors have removed some of his scientifically accurate heresies from YouTube, but no one can stop him from regularly berating Fauci at the televised hearings of the Senate health committee.
The U.S. has also been an outlier in pushing vaccines on kids. The European Union, unlike the U.S., has not yet approved Covid vaccines for children under five. Except for Austria, European countries have not followed the U.S. in recommending a booster shot for healthy children under 12, and most don’t recommend it for healthy adolescents, either. Some countries have decided to stop even offering vaccines or boosters to young people outside the high-risk groups: the United Kingdom’s exclusion applies to children under 11, while Sweden’s extends up to age 18, and Denmark’s goes all the way up to age 50.
Young people have never been at serious risk from Covid, and now that most of them have natural immunity, there’s less reason than ever for them to get vaccines with rare but serious side effects. Those side effects led Florida’s surgeon general, Joseph Ladapo, to recommend against vaccinating healthy children under 18, and on Friday he went further. Citing new evidence in Florida of an increased rate of cardiac-related mortality among young men shortly after receiving the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, he recommended against these mRNA vaccines for men between 18 and 39.
If Republicans regain a majority in the Senate this election, Paul stands to become chairman of the health committee, and he has promised to subpoena Fauci’s records and bring Fauci out of retirement to answer more questions.
I’ve just made the mistake of watching both Jordan Peterson and Glenn Beck on the same day. Is it already too late for the US regardless of the upcoming elections?
Even the right wing media will not allow comments on this. I commented on a statement in an article below in the Australian.
We’ll likely see more of these. It doesn’t mean vaccines failed. The primary goal of vaccination–to reduce severity of illness– has not changed,” she said on social media on Friday.
The definition of a vaccine, before Covid, was that they actually protected one from infection. The failure of the mRNA “vaccines” to do so has prompted the CDC to change the definition of vaccines to one that just reduces the severity of the disease.
My comment was rejected!
California makes it illegal for doctors to disagree with politicians
By Dr. Joel Zinberg
Conformity of thought is now required whether it is online, on college campuses, or, if you are in California, in a physician-patient relationship.
PayPal recently introduced a $2,500 fine for anyone involved in “the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that — in “PayPal’s sole discretion” — “promote misinformation.”
After a firestorm of criticism, PayPal withdrew the policy, claiming the whole thing was a misunderstanding and was not official policy— hardly a convincing explanation from a site with a history of banning those it considers politically incorrect.
But California physicians have had no such relief.
Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed California Assembly Bill 2098, making it the first state to attempt to censor what physicians can say about COVID-19 to their patients. This is a dangerous, and likely unconstitutional, effort that other states must resist.
The statute instructs that, “It shall constitute unprofessional conduct for a physician and surgeon to disseminate misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”
California law requires the Medical Board of California to take action — up to and including license revocation — against any licensed physician charged with unprofessional conduct. But under the First Amendment, content-based speech regulation by government entities is presumptively unconstitutional and may be justified only if the government proves that it is narrowly tailored to serve compelling state interests.
Physicians who inform their young, healthy patients that the virus poses a minuscule risk of serious illness and death to them is providing truthful information, even though other practitioners or the government might claim that doing so is contrary to the standard of care.
I, for one, think my physician is a better judge of medical information than Silicon Valley elites and liberal legislators.
New video discussion of peer reviewed publication.
(16.5 mins)
If some honest lawyers can be find, it’s time to start suing A LOT of people.
Twitler’s FLAK response shows a high vested interest quotient. Evidently, the Florida Surgeon General was right on target.
Hi Jo
John Campbell may not be so beaten down as you suggest.
He deliberately keeps mentioning the You Tube guidelines so people can see them for what they are.
His dry sense of humour hides what he is saying from the woke crowd.
With the ivermectin he keeps (just in case) for Filariasis and “other things”, the last slab to fall out had 4 tablets missing. Make from that what you will.
That’s only a recent development. For a long time he was happy to run with the official line. The first sign that he wasn’t happy was when he couldn’t convince anyone of the need to aspirate for IM injections.
The tell today is that he stresses he is not giving advice but makes it clear he has not had the boosters.
No I get that part of his pushback against them is to remind everyone in the audience of why he is saying what he says…
But it does slow down the presentation. Sigh.
Speaking of videos.
Pfizer Grilled on Leaked EMA Emails at European Parliament Meeting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jQ0rjlZRYQ TrialSiteNews
Different question
The Spike Protein Isn’t Benign, New Study Finds
My wife and I, her mother and father (I think, but he might’ve done it on the sly) never go the jabs, and as far as we know never had any covid symptoms. Mind you, that was a bit easier to do here in Japan because there were no mandates, just some fairly string social pressure and propaganda. We’ve managed to resist it, while most people we know got the jabs and then proceeded to come down with covid to varying degrees of severity.
I think we made the right decision.
I had two AZ jabs. After the first there were no significant side effects. After the second I suffered three weeks of a virtual shut down in mental a physical energy from which I have yet to fully recover. I also suddenly lost weight, 7 pounds in one week; my normal problem is to keep my weight down!
I made the decision no more jabs but have kept it to myself as the reaction of those to whom I told it was not friendly.
I now wish that I had never had any jabs but the pressure to conform was immense. I sure hope they are building new cells at the International Court.
I had two jabs to be a good citizen, but when subsequent info came out, no more. But I have to say this. Beware of relative risk alarmism (there is a x% reduction) when absolute risk is trivial (x% with vs x% without), and could actually be a benefit within error. I take relative risk with a grain of salt.