Mark Zuckerberg | Photo by JD Lasica
Handy things to know: Someone inside the Department of Justice in the US has talked to the New York Post and says that Facebook spied on Americans who doubted Joe Biden or the election, and gave that information to the FBI “outside due process”. A full FBI investigation often followed the “leads” that came from Facebook.
Despite the mountain of data they found no domestic terrorists — not one criminal or violent Trump supporter — only full blooded patriots. They must have been disappointed. “It was a waste of our time” said an insider.
So Facebook has become a wing of the Government. Facebook needs Big Government to protect their Section 230 legal loophole and Big Government needs Facebook to protect the voters from the ugly truth. Nice racket if you can get it.
The old Sovinformburo must have longed for a searchable database of private conversations. If only the USSR had Facebook.
As the commenter Deplorable at the NY Post says “First thing is Facebook must be told that they can no longer call their private messenger private. “
Thank goodness for the New York Post. Thank goodness for brave whistleblowers.
Facebook spied on private messages of Americans who questioned 2020 election
by Miranda Devine, New York Post
Facebook has been spying on the private messages and data of American users and reporting them to the FBI if they express anti-government or anti-authority sentiments — or question the 2020 election — according to sources within the Department of Justice.
Under the FBI collaboration operation, somebody at Facebook red-flagged these supposedly subversive private messages over the past 19 months and transmitted them in redacted form to the domestic terrorism operational unit at FBI headquarters in Washington, DC, without a subpoena
So Facebook found the right keywords, notified the FBI and gave them “leads” with some parts of the private conversations. The FBI then got the subpoenas to officially get the conversations and investigate them. But even the covert surveillance teams found nothing.
Facebook says the claims are “just wrong”. The FBI neither confirmed nor denied it worked with Facebook.
Of course Facebook would never do anything like that — says Facebook comunication expert who used to work for Obama:
These claims are just wrong. The suggestion we seek out peoples’ private messages for anti-government language or questions about the validity of past elections and then proactively supply those to the FBI is plainly inaccurate and there is zero evidence to support it,” said Sackin, a DC-based crisis response expert who previously worked for Planned Parenthood and “Obama for America” and now leads Facebook’s communications on “counterterrorism and dangerous organizations and individuals.”
Notably, the insider says that Facebook and the FBI were only looking at conservative right-wing people, not potential Antifa terrorists. It was a biased fishing trip
One whistleblower seems to have been inspired to come forward after the raid at Mar-a-lago. One breach too far?
Unrest has been building among the rank and file across the FBI and in some parts of the DOJ for months. It came to a head after the raid last month on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida.
“The most frightening thing is the combined power of Big Tech colluding with the enforcement arm of the FBI,” says one whistleblower. “Google, Facebook and Twitter, these companies are globalist. They don’t have our national interest at heart.”
As I said in 2019, their new algorithms to combat misinformation were going to bore the world. Facebook announced it would limit the spread of links that were “more prominent on Facebook than across the web as a whole” — thus ensuring Facebook would propagate only Groupthink:
So that pretty much rules out Facebook spreading the word of whistleblowers, rebels, new theories, suppressed ideas, oppressed people and anything controversial, interesting or not completely predictable. Facebook seems to want to transform itself into a mumsie discussion board of old news and approved memes with all the thrill of an in-flight safety lecture.
Thus Facebook will become a mirror of the permitted, official, authorized web. Expect their ratings to adjust accordingly.
Something isn’t working well for Facebook (Meta). Here’s the market capitalization :
Couldn’t happen to a nicer crew. The top three shareholders of Meta are Zuckerberg, then Vanguard and BlackRock.
That would be Meta as in metastatic…Read it all at the New York Post.
Tell your friends and children that Facebook Direct Messaging is direct to the FBI.
Big Gov protects the Big Tech monster from market competition — and in return Big Tech protects Big Government from political competition. Democrats have outsourced political repression of their enemies to cabals of private companies.
h/t Bill nearly in AZ. David E.
“….. plainly inaccurate and there is zero evidence to support it”.
Translation “….. not outright untrue but there’s no way you can prove it”.
There goes the logic in the saying, “I dont do anything wrong so I have nothing to fear.”
I was warned about this back in the myspace (social media before facebook) days by a professor of shrinks. The use the same data that is used to target the adds . Best advice dont use social media
Best advice dont use social media. I doubt ‘real’ terrorist do. But their not who they’re after.
“Don’t use social media” — unfortunately, that’s what they want too. Sure, they don’t get your data, but it means non-left voices get silenced, and conservatives find it much harder to network and get organized. It means Big-Left get to shield their voting base from hearing the critics.
There are social media platforms that aren’t part of the Big Tech cabal like Gettr and Gab or Telegram, and the bigger they grow the smaller the power of Facebook and Twitter will be. But for those with the gumption, playing on Twitter or Facebook still has some point, as long as the writer goes in with eyes open that it is always hostile territory.
There was a time when Facebook was one of the largest sources of new readers here.
You are literally writing this on a social media platform.
Awww but back in 2019 when the targeting of children (again) came to the fore they said they would stop. But then in 2021 when they were caught out as having not stopped they again said they would.
At least with the targeting of adult political views is concerned they say they never even started so surely we can believe them. Can’t we?
I couldn’t possibly comment.
My perspective is that anything I say on the internet is potentially there “forever”, and most messaging services are not private. Even point-to-point encryption services like WhatsApp have the ability to share messages histories without the need to access the users phone/computer.
It seems like the most secure messaging apps are those which get demonised by governments and the media – because they may well provide a way to avoid scrutiny.
Given all that we know and suspect, I can’t imagine why any conservative would use ‘social media’.
Regarding messaging aps, this Tom’s Guide article is helpful:
The search string ‘tom’s guide messaging alternatives’ also provides helpful links – since one product comes in for some criticism, I won’t link to a specific article.
For email, Proton Mail looks like the best option, particularly as they have a very handy and easy-to-use VPN. It’s all free, but for a very small fee you can get a feature-laden package. Proton Mail also has comprehensive advice on security: https://proton.me/privacy
” The top three shareholders of Meta are Zuckerberg, then Vanguard and BlackRock.”
Vanguard and BlackRock are mostly, but not exclusively, “index fund” companies. Recent data shows ∞Meta as the 10th largest company by market capitalization in the S & P 500. A fund that uses this or similar index listings has to be a major shareholder of ∞Meta. That is part of the charter of the funds.
These sorts of things cause those of us that buy mutual funds to experience cognitive dissonance.
Another reason not to put money into these index funds. They prop up these douchebag companies.
But a friend recently asked his superannuation fund whether he was invested in BlackRock and the answer was effectively that it wasn’t easy to figure out beyond the initial layer of investments. I think he was referring to shell companies within shells …
But if BlackRock Vanguard and StateStreet control 15 – 20% together of all the largest companies on the market, isn’t that a problem?
The United States is the last place on earth I thought could become an Orwellian-style society.
This demonstrates the extreme dangers of an Elite Left operating without restraint because conservatives remained silent and apathetic over the decades over which the Left have been slowly implementing their evil via Rudy Dutschke’s 1967 plan of “the long march through the institutions”.
Note that I don’t think everyday Leftists are necessarily evil, they are just misguided and ignorant and are useful/useless idiots of the Elite Left, a slave army of fools, but there are a vast numbers of them.
The infiltration and boldness of the Left has now reached a critical mass and is causing Western Civilisation to collapse at an exponentially increasing rate.
This government-corporate partnership with a small number of Elite corporations which are allowed to exist and thrive because they benefit the state is exactly the model of governance of the National Socialists.
You would enjoy ‘the war on the west’ by Douglas Murray which investigates how the left have taken over the institiutions. Curiously we are not being attacked by our foreign enemies such as china and Iran but are being undermined by our own western intellectual elite.
In one section he points out that American intellectuals have decided that mathematics is a white imperialist construct and that if other races get the wrong answers they are not wrong just different. One professor says that if minorities believe that 2 and 2 are 5 that is correct.
Chillingly that is one of Orwells concepts in 1984
It’s frightening Tony. And absolutely not a joke.
This is a consequence of post-modernism, an ideology followed by most Leftist leadership and their slave army of useful/useless idiots, that posits that there is no such thing as objective reality.
The Leftist debate over whether 2+2=5 or not, as you said and I said, absolutely not a joke, is discussed from a conservative point of view by Michael Knowles in the following 3:09 min video.
2+2 = 5.. as used when counting Democrat votes! 😉
Carry on ?
Imagine a 2 bit computer…
1 + 1 = 10
10 + 10 = 100
11 + 11 = 110
That is about what mine is worth, these days.
Doing arithmetic using hexadecimal is fun 🙂
And I agree about Douglas Murray Tony, anything by him, including videos on YouTube, is excellent.
” we are not being attacked by our foreign enemies”…
Not in a hot war. But in every other way — through IP Theft, our universities, control of supply lines, in space ,TikTok propaganda, potential election hacking, funding of green sabotage, corruption of political players at the highest level, see Mitch McConnell et al, it all undermines the strength of the West. Our own movie industry is not allowed to criticize China without risking market access. China has weaponized its control as the largest single market on Earth. Apple did a secret $275b deal with China. How much did they sell out? Then there is the biotech war.…
Is two million spies enough?
See https://joannenova.com.au/tag/china/
Read interesting quote from Cicero over the weekend: “The closer an empire is getting to collapse, the crazier its laws get”.
Many moons ago Some clever scribe coined the name “Farcebook” and now it is proving true. How apt can you get!!
I have never forgiven Miranda Devine for her ‘DELCONs’ debacle (the moment she backed the ‘progressive’ Turnbull over Abbott & labeled all that still supported Abbott as ‘DELUSIONAL CONSERVATIVES’) and probably never will … but even I can appreciate the work she has done for US Conservatives (who are somehow less ‘delusional’ than Aussie Conservatives).
Being labelled a DELCON never worried me.
I considered it a badge of honour.
I think journalists and other commentators occasionally wander to the “dark side” in order to either please their employers or maybe just widen their reader base. That was probably Miranda’s moment. Andrew Bolt the same-he’s vocal about climate change, but was then also a big fan of the COVID vaccines. Robert Kennedy Jnr is big on his anti-vaccine/ big pharma rhetoric but then has some weird ideas on climate change. Bjorn Lombourg does good journalism on the absurdities of the climate change responses but then believes in AGW. I follow Rita Panahi on social media and a big fan of her other journalism. But, she is also an animal liberationist and also writes negatively on intensive agriculture. Sooner or later, they all tend to disappoint.
Rita is also big on mass immigration and said she would be the first to line up for the vaccine (she is addicted to travelling).
Another one was Adam Creighton. He was on Sky with Bolt I think, mocking those reluctant to take the vaccine (in the very early stages) as tin foil hat types. He gloated he was in the USA and was an early recipient of the JnJ vaccine, and he felt fine so he didn’t see why anyone else wouldn’t take it. Later that JnJ vaccine was removed or restricted from the market.
All these people use the term elitist in the pejorative but are basically elitists themselves, as I said about Rita, completely addicted to world travel which is why they were so keen to get those vaccines.
Maybe her recent years in the Big Blue Apple (NY) helped her wise up? .. She must’ve noticed people decamping to Florida.
I too Manny Trump supporters meant a lack resources.
“Read it in the New York Post” ….that would be the New York Post that had it’s correctly reported and accurate information about Hunter Biden’s laptop and the Biden Family business suppressed by these same media just before an election. Res Ipsa Loquitur!
A Q for our up/over friends:
Are Joe and Jane America so apathetic about politics that they never learn if MSM don’t tell them?
It seems that they don’t know an awful lot and what they do know is likely a lie.
I think that is a reasonable question that could be asked here in OZ as well.
I know a few people who believe that since that are on a “green” power plan all their power comes from unreliables.
I guarantee that the majority can’t be bothered to follow up when I refer to some posts from TonyFromOz, Ralf or JoNova blog. They believe, therefore it is true.
If you see or hear it in MSM (or any) , it’s because someone wants you to see or hear it. The inverse applies. The question is, who wants you to know it.
So much for Free Speech and Privacy rules. The Magna Carta is in Big Trouble right now.
The basic rights recognised by Magna Carta and all subsequent rights that follow from that such as habeus corpus, The English Bill of Rights (1689), and all those rights and more as embodied by the US Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution have all been thrown by the Left.
From Magna Carta we have:
– the idea of government only by and with the agreement and support of the people. FAIL
– everyone and all institutions are subject to and accountable under the same laws. FAIL
– everyone is treated fairly and equally under the law regardless of their standing. FAIL
Excellent short essay.
“The Long March Through the Corporations”
Mar 26, 2021
Key points.
Excellent Review – 13 Min 57 Secs
My Son Hunter Movie Review
17 Sept 2022
But will American FBI & DOJ take action on this????
Followed up with Superb Interview
Laurence Fox: My Son Hunter, Biden Corruption and free speech – Spectator TV
13 Sept 2022
The Spectator
168K subscribers
Winston speaks with actor turned political activist Laurence Fox on his new film My Son Hunter, Biden corruption, being ostracised from the film industry and the importance of free speech.
Love Laurence Fox in response to on the whole how would you describe the Film Industry
There is definitely a Mixed Group – the further you are away from the Camera, the views are more rounded
It starts off right wing as you go past the Chippies and gets steadily more left wing as you arrive in front of the Camera with the Intelligentsia
He then moves on to a great dissertation of Colonial Guilt
Rope A Dope – Hiden Biden Summed up in one Photo
The prettiest picture is the graph of Facebook’s loss of value. The only and I mean only effect that these slimeballs react to is loss of value. I guess that if you still have a billion left it s not too bad but billionaires are not so different from someone who as a hundred dollars and loses a twenty. It hurts and the more it hurts the better.
Do they really need a pro Trump social media statement?
Can’t they just ferret out Trumpists by basic marketing profile?
Lives in Texas – check
Pick up truck – check
Buys auto parts online and therefore knows how to fix truck – check
Has recently purchased American flag – check
Downloads the Toby Keith catalog – check
Downloads Lynyrd Skynyrd catalog – check
Has never announced personal pronouns on social media – check
Has searched deer season dates – check
Has searched venison recipes – check
Has not searched gluten-free items -check
Knows the difference between CO and CO2 and reads Jonova – check
Bids on ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ collectibles online – check
Follows NASCAR – check
Knows POTUS has illegitimate grandchild -check
I am a proud gluten-free vegan.
My pronouns are F%8=/$$$*.
Carbon must be removed from the atmosphere or we will all die in 5 years.
I wonder if Mark Z copied the operations manual for ….. Echelon.
(Now there’s a blast from the past!)
Sgt Tony, the CIA developed a similar project to Facebook. The CIA closed the project one day and Mark Zuckerberg and Dustin Moskovitz open Facebook the next day
Funny, how that was never in the film, hey? (Social Network)
Here is an interesting post on Quora explaining the relationship between various government agencies and social(ist) media such as FB, Twitter and Google.
And it’s no secret. The CIA publishes its activities via In-Q-Tel.
Who is In-Q-Tel?
It is the commercial arm of the CIA.
That’s Flight Sergeant Tony, also a blast from a long ago past as well.
Now, while this might seem to be off topic, it is related, because it also highlights how we are being $p1ed upon and only allowed to see what they want us to see.
I had a very good friend, Bob, who lived in Stockton California, and we shared emails sometimes up to ten and more a day, before he sadly passed away a couple of years back.
He wanted to know ‘all things Australia’, and he was just amazed that Australia was virtually the same size in area as the Continental U.S.A. with so few people and such ‘vastness’.
He was right into Echelon, starting around day two of getting to know each other back in 2005.
My sister, the computer programmer, Analyst, specialist, etc who knew all things computer had got hold of a wonderful programme for me, Google Earth, and I just loved cruising around on it, now updated three times since then.
Bob, my friend in Stockton was interested when I mentioned that I had visited the Harold Holt Naval Communications Base near Exmouth, and that’s where I began to wonder about programmes like this Google Earth. When I originally got hold of the programme, that Base at Exmouth was one of the places I visited early on. The first version I had showed what I knew was there, but now, when I started looking with Bob, now with the second version of the Programme, what I had originally seen at that Base had now completely disappeared, as had a lot of the infrastructure I knew to be there, and it was the same with later versions of that programme.
Because I had actually been at that Base, having to obtain special clearance (and luckily we were already Military, as that was when I was with 77 Squadron in the RAAF) and then escorted from the front gate to where were going to, and with a guard watching as the ten of us fished from the umm, ‘long jetty’, something about what I saw at Google Earth and what I actually saw with my own eyes just didn’t add up.
We (Bob and I) also shared real time emails as we both viewed the Installation at Pine Gap in Central Australia. (and that was umm, rumoured to be one of the Echelon bases) In those early days, you saw what was actually there, and the only puzzling anomaly I ever really discovered was with that Base at Exmouth. You could see the radar installations, and I explained to Bob about the ‘golf ball’ coverings for all the radars, and in those early days, you could zero right in on them. Those white golf ball coverings were installed so that (anyone not a member of ‘Five Eyes’) people could not deduce where the radar was ‘pointed’ towards. (Satellite geolocation etcetera)
Okay, why I actually said all this to set it up, is that ….. now, if you have a recent version of Google Earth, (and I have the Pro version) and you enter into the search engine ….. Pine Gap, you don’t get taken to the original site from long ago, the radar establishment, you get taken to a benign point in the middle of the desert, and you then have to scroll back out, and move around until you locate that Base.
And now ….. the computer graphics people have got hold of, and umm, should I say, doctored the image somewhat.
The same has also happened with all of the USAF bases that Bob and I also used to cruise around, and as an example, have a look at what has been done to Edwards AFB.
We see what we are allowed to see, now part of operating manuals for all social media as well.
And for those of you who do have Google Earth, try entering the name ….. Lin Zhi Airport, and when you get there, scroll up the river and surrounds and just look at what is happening in Tibet, and ALL of that is Chinese work. Eight years ago, it was absolute wilderness
My humble apologies. Fight Sergeants are paid the same as Army Warrant Class Two.
(Yeah, I sorta thought that would happen)
I have little doubt that FB in Australia will be doing the same thing with Australian private communications.
Also, Australian “intelligence” agencies have redefined “extremism” to mean almost anyone who has traditional conservative and non-violent beliefs.
Things are not looking good for Australia either.
True David, it is a patriotic duty to throw in random words that are being screened for. This will decrease the SNR of emails.
If you need help creating a word salad, you simply channel Kamala Harris.
Since when did ‘conservative’mean ‘extreme?’ Case of Big Brother
word change like freedom morphing into control. /’?
If you don’t accept societal change at the pace demanded by the Modern Left, they call you ‘extremist’ .. that’s how bad it’s become.
But they’re wrong .. inheriting the values of your parent’s generation is NOT extremist — it’s normal.
I don’t mind if values evolve over time; but I don’t want the agenda of activist infiltrators, to be forced on the rest of us.
The left love to distort the English language. The problem is they get away with it because they have marched through our institutions. Another example is the word “progressive”. This word used to mean to move forward. Now it means left leaning political persuasion. Naturally this is also how they claim conservatives are regressive. In fact the left are the anti progress backwards regressive lot!
What did the left do? DM made this up-
I recently tried to send an email link to a friend via FB messenger.
The post was rejected- it was to a conservative site (theferalirishman).
Surprising indeed, but confirms this story nicely. The site in question
has eye candy (known as Friday Femme Fatale) which I wished to share…
nothing dangerous at all!
I still enjoy listening to The Violent Femmes* – first heard ‘Hallowed Ground’ at a bbq in Margaret River, W.A. in 1984. [there’s enough ‘keywords’ in that sentence to get the Bluffdale, Utah, interweb router HQ all-a-flurry]
*3-piece all-male acoustic country thrash rock with a healthy dash of irreverent satire.
This version of “Blister in the Sun” is a classic – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRYNviFagcg
Unpacking the Apparent Trump-Hillary Double Standard: For Her, the FBI Helped Obstruct Its Own Investigation
By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
September 15, 2022
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch obtained evidence that a computer contractor working under the direction of Hillary Clinton’s legal team destroyed subpoenaed records that the former secretary of state stored on a private email server she originally kept at her New York home, and then lied to investigators about it. Yet no charges were brought against Clinton, her lawyers, or her paid consultant.
The leniency accorded to Clinton contrasts with recent moves by Attorney General Merrick Garland to aggressively investigate former President Trump and his lawyers for allegedly obstructing investigators’ efforts to locate subpoenaed records at his Florida home. Legal experts say the apparent double standard may provide a useful defense for Trump and his legal team.
The treatment of Clinton included a deal with her defense team that required the FBI to, in effect, obstruct its own investigation. During its 2016 probe, the bureau agreed with her lawyers’ demands to destroy two laptop hard drives containing subpoenaed evidence immediately after searching for files on them. They did so while the information was still being sought by congressional investigators and even though the lawyers had served under Clinton at the State Department and were subjects of the FBI’s investigation. In fact, the laptops were theirs.
Long before it bowed to the request, the FBI suspected Clinton’s lawyers played hide-and-seek with evidence, making the concession that much more baffling.
Long and Detailed Explanation
Puppet Masters
A mighty struggle grinds on behind-the-scenes that may determine the fate of the “Joe Biden” regime and the Deep State horse it rode in on….
Between vanishing livelihoods, car-jackings gone wild, fears of stroking out or infarcting from their mRNA boosters, threats of nuclear annihilation over Ukraine, and remorseless waves of mindfuckery emanating from the evil machine fronted by “Joe Biden,” is it any wonder that Americans struggle to understand what is happening to our country?
This week, the “commander-in-chief” declared that his Inflation Reduction Act quashed inflation. Roger that, sir! You are the King Canute of economics!
They had a party on the White House lawn to celebrate. James Taylor came down to fluff the crowd with song, leaving his brain behind in the Berkshires. Then, “Joe Biden” flew into his now-customary ‘roid rage, huffing and puffing and blowing smoke up America’s ass. The stock markets were not fooled. The very hour “JB” was dialing up the gaslight, the DOW landed 1,200-plus points below its morning open. Thud….
Last week, the “president” blurted out “we beat Big Pharma!” That was a shocker. He didn’t elaborate. Did the White House staff and the Pfizer C-suite meet for a volleyball game at Rehoboth beach? Karine Jean-Pierre didn’t say. Nor did anyone mention the government-purchased 171-million doses of the new bivalent Covid “vaccines” the FDA is rolling out. Do you wonder what the price-per-dose was? Go suck an egg… you’re not allowed to know. The compliant search engines will not tell you. Not even the one that goes quack. That was some “beat,” though, huh? Wait for the news about who actually steps up to take this new, virtually untested shot. Hint: people who live under a rock
The so-called Deep State — yes, that one… the administrative Moloch that ate Washington — fears for its existence in such a seemingly far-out case. As it should. Because Mr. Trump would replace the sniveling tool Merrick Garland with an Attorney General interested in restoring the rule of law, which will necessarily require the imposition of said law on a large cast of sinister characters in the federal bureaucracy, plus not a few elected officials, who have engaged in systematic seditious treachery lo these many years.
Two more miscellaneous items du jour:
Yeah but Hillary has a ‘D’ after her name .. that changes everything.
There have been long time conservative, middle of the road political commentators on Twitter. So, same as Facebook. They were some of the original users of that platform, because they could see it was a valuable instant medium for discussion. It’s why Trump went on Twitter, because his administration’s policy wasn’t being reliably discussed in MSM. Not only politics, but a lot of science realists as well, mostly attempting to change the dialogue on subjects like climate change. They all get kicked off eventually and some even try valiantly to rejoin. Only to get kicked off again. I’ve followed heaps. They all try to stay on social media because they have this basic ethic- they want to try to actually inform “the other side”. To have a responsible debate, perhaps like in old times or what once happened in university. Hence, a lot also remain on Facebook. Sure, they get a income flow from posting, but most want to genuinely contribute to a debate. You know, with those facty things. Most have fleed to other platforms. Substack, Telegraph, Parler, Gab, Rumble. But what happens is those platforms become echo chambers and there’s no real debate. We live in interesting times and I now don’t believe anything I hear or read the first time on any media. The fact that government are now influencing social media in the name of national security just deepens that mistrust.
in 2019 Someone called Trump authorised the FBI to trawl through the data held by the social media giants, according to numerous news outlets like CNN, FOX…
so it is not new, and it is not a leftist plot, it is BAU
In 2016, Trump was being falsely accused of Russian collusion by those media outlets, who were working with HC. He just didn’t realise the FBI was part of the D team and also involved, much in the same way the Hunter Biden laptop story was “managed” towards the end of his term. This is a leftist plot of the very worst kind and it includes the DOJ and FBI and other agencies, else Hillary and Hunter would already be in jail rather than being given the all-clear whilst Trump is raided for non-crimes of possession of documents he would have declassified.
It’s obvious to everyone that the USA has now been corrupted by this neo-fa$cist left-wing extremism, from government, the big tech, big media, law enforcement bodies and the military. The rapid banishment of those 50 migrants from the super-wealthy elite lefty heartland is proof that they don’t give a toss about these people. It might be called a vineyard by that wine is not for consumption by unworthy peasants. It’s all about power and control and stuffing the country in the process. All lefty causes today are aimed at dividing society, destroying the economy, destroying the family unit, removing person freedoms, vilifying our history, culture, flag and national pride and creating a path to Marxism.
The link to the NYPost does not work ….
works for me
[…] Jo Nova discusses Facebook sending your messages to the FBI if you vote the wrong way […]
Thank you for this story – very interesting!
Re (Meta) and its collapsed market capitalization:
I found interesting commentary that argues Meta may not be as big and influential as made out in the mainstream. See link:
[8 Feb 2022] John Coogan: Microsoft Just KILLED Zuck’s Metaverse
[4 May 2022] John Coogan: Zuck’s Metaverse Revenge??
Sp4eaking of “Twitter”:
Anybody who still use FB, Twitter or any platforms owned by these companies as well as Alphabet to express anything authentic should have their minds read. Treat it like I teach the kids to get the right grades – tell them what they want to hear or don’s say anything.
Another good reason why I don’t use Facebook. No offence to any regular readers but the only people I know who use Twitter are “twits”.
Yeah, there are all sorts on there