A great moment in Gender Science

The same people that tell us to “Follow The Science” on climate change can’t predict what a woman is.

Or if they can, they’re too afraid to say so.

It’s not science, it’s just bullies at work.

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68 comments to A great moment in Gender Science

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    She Said She Said with lyrics(The Beatles)



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      I know what a woman is. A feminine adult human.

      But any bloke who thinks he can predict what a woman is is having us on.


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        MM from Canada

        “Female,” not “feminine.”
        There are men who behave in a very feminine manner. They are not female.


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          And men who dress up in women’s clothes and pretend to sing.

          Its called “burlesque”.. very “fem” .. NOT


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            It’s not burlesque …a man who dresses in womens clothes is a cross-dresser and if he sings, is a cross-dresser who sings ….he can also be called a drag queen….often this is a sexual fetish he’ll get off on ….or he is experimenting with being “female” but not ready to transition properly and get the operations and take the tablets forever.


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          there’s a study I read the other day that found the majority of men who behave in a very feminine manner have low testosterone and vote greens/labor/dumbocrap!!

          Well who’d ave thunk that? 🙂


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          “Female” passes OK. It’s feminine.


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        Margaret H Smith

        Think this is a great joke. It had me laughing out loud. This is probably the best answer to the ‘gender’ problem we’ve had yet. 😀


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    Kalm Keith

    That “great moment in Gender Science” in the pool has been matched by the recent troubles experienced by the Tavistock gender reassignment clinic in Britain.

    Perhaps the legal action will hasten a move to a more scientific approach to the very real problem of gender dysphoria and limit further damage.

    Both Tavistock and the LGBTIQR _ “paint those rainbows” organisations might now be seen for what they are; self promoting opportunists.


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      Serge Wright

      What does drive this madness ?. It’s obvious to anyone with a positive IQ that getting young children to question their identity and then pushing irreversible surgery and hormone treatment, will create extreme misery and result in destroyed lives in the very worst way. Just a few years ago, western society would have viewed this as an act of extreme child abuse, carrying a long jail sentence. But, here we are in 2022 and people are pushing the most toxic policy imaginable and those who speak out are the villains.

      I don’t think this is driven by money, but more by people who seek to destroy the fabric of society, which is to destroy the family unit and control our children, with the aim of spreading their Marxist propaganda. When you look at this new progressive agenda in its totality it’s more evil than Nazism. Even Hitler didn’t go down this path to neutralise the gender of young children. This is as evil as it gets – IMO.


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        Institutionalising paedophilia. That is what they have been doing


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          I think it’s more about normalizing sexual dystopia which is consistent with the lefts normalization of racism, crime, mental illness and scientific illiteracy.


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        Apparently 1930’s Berlin was a hotbed of sexual degeneracy that the Austrian Painter crushed. The famous book burning was burning books about sexual degeneracy from that institute (cant recall it’s name, but it was run by left wing intellectuals). The last thing the Painter and his party would believe in is drugging children to change their sex. That is what they actually stood firmly against. Their true flaws lay in a few other hangups they had.


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      Thanks for reminding us about the Tavistock lunacy KK and let’s hope they’re heavily sued and eventually taken to the cleaners big time.
      Rowan Dean, Peta Credlin and others at Sky News have been following this madness for a long time and we should be very sympathetic towards the very young children involved and we should also pursue the gutless scumbags who have promoted and encouraged this nonsense over the years.
      The children involved always deserved our full support, guidance and protection at all times. And the abuse of children should be called out at the first available opportunity and our failure to do so is disgusting.
      So far 1000 families are suing the vile Tavistock experiment and let’s hope they are successful and hopefully stop any further child abuse.



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        Kalm Keith

        If my memory serves me correctly they started in 1989 and were flying on a wing and a prayer ie guesswork and arrogance.

        Towards the end of their first ten years of operation the biological reality of the gender dysphoria issue was finally brought to light and this should have been a point of reassessment of their activity, but apparently not. They plowed on.

        Interestingly the biological process which produces the damage was found as a result of the earlier work on the diabetes problem that occurred some years after world war two: Ref Dutch winter hunger.

        Basically the idea is that it’s not only a fight between the chromosomes supplied by each parent, there’s more.

        But back to Tavistok, they ignored reality for over twenty years, and that’s ugly stuff.


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      Clem Cadiddlehopper

      A very good listen on Spiked-online if you have the time to listen. Its very reassuring to know that there are brave women out there fighting for reasoned thought, despite the appalling attacks on them and the attempts to intimidate them. https://www.spiked-online.com/podcast-episode/have-we-reached-peak-trans/


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      The Lawyers are Coming:

      “Lawyers expect about 1,000 families to join a medical negligence lawsuit alleging vulnerable children have been misdiagnosed and placed on a damaging medical pathway.

      They are accusing the gender identity development service [GIDS] at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust of multiple failures in its duty of care.

      This includes allegations it recklessly prescribed puberty blockers with harmful side effects and adopted an “unquestioning, affirmative approach” to children identifying as transgender.



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      There’s not only a problem in the pool, there’s a wider problem in the gene pool.


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    Clean, white, sensitive and polished. Yup that is me even before my gender reveal.


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      It’s sooooo inappropriate having a gender reveal party before the child has a chance to decide their own gender.


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    John Hultquist

    How did you get a photograph of my mother?


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    I hadn’t realised that a female swimmer could sport a ginger beard. Must be something to do with Climate Change or eating crickets I guess.


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      Climate change has given more women penises and it will get much worse if we don’t limit global CO2 levels to 350 ppm.


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    “When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

    ’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

    ’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”

    ― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass


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    It has always surprised me that people obsessed with natural everything, food, clothing, etc, are the same ones who support putting children on drugs to change their sex. Obviously the philosophy is only so deep.


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    There is more truth in one of JP’s videos than anything that is published in the lamestream media.
    He nails it every single time.


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    Love all JP’s work- he’s the best at poking fun at, and sometimes completely demolishing all the woke b…..it. I just wish we had similar in Australia- no one appears to have the courage to do it.


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      Try Isaac Butterfield.
      He doesn’t muck around either.
      I mightn’t agree with everything he says but he doesn’t hold back on the woke crowd.


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    another ian

    Sounds like they have another computer model for that?


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    It’s all part of Post Modernism, that there are no facts, that there is no science, there is no history and that things are whatever you want them to be. And one of the facts is gender. It is specifically anti science. And it is also that carbon dioxide, one of the two gases from which all things are made is toxic, pollution and that cows for example are major polluters. Along with burning old plant matter. Which makes the plants pollution too.

    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust means that your body is made of elements of the earth and will return to earth’s basic elements after passing away. But that is pollution.

    There are no facts. And no mag JK Rowling is confronting a mystical world of no facts which is far more deadly than her magical world.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      “It’s all part of Post Modernism, that there are no facts, that there is no science, there is no history and that things are whatever you want them to be.”

      Not exactly. As with everything the Left supports, the freedom to say whatever you want, do whatever you want, apply rules and laws, change society, rewrite history, erect statues, they are to be applied ONLY in support of the Left’s whims and demands.


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        Of course. It’s a philosophy and political device of the left.

        And like most schemes, they use it to harass people and demonstrate moral superiority. It’s religious imperialism. And the left’s ultimate demands are nothing less than social and economic revolution, destruction. It has been that way since Lenin.

        Revolution and absolute power is the aim. The current absolutely unnecessary destruction of energy and the food supply and disruption of social norms are just a means to an end. The four horsemen of the ecopolypse.

        And Russia, Germany, Spain, Rome, Cuba, Venezuela ended up with an absolute ruler with power over life and death anyway. In the name of freedom and equality/equity. Just a means to an end, absolute power. Adam Bandt has said as much. Lenin is his role model. Otherwise he could not get a job.


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          There are facts in the post-modernism ….your beliefs and your feelings are facts and so are mine and if they are not the same about the same situation (eg the sun rising) that’s okay.


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    Serge’s question: What does drive this madness ? God’s answer: SIN.
    The Gospel of John 3:19 (ESV) says: “And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil”.


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    . . . maybe . . . Mother Nature . . . . isn’t . . . . . anymore . . . . .


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    English is a language which is generally gender neutral unlike latin-based tongues or German where every noun is either masculine, feminine, or neutral. Die, der, das. Die Fraulein, Der Mann, Das Boot. In Spanish the genderization carries through to the adjectives describing the noun – la chica bonita = the pretty girl.

    So are these woke gender-benders going to refashion entire language structures? Or are they mostly concerned with destroying English?


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      Russian and other slavic languages are also Latin based but unlike French, they have kept the neuter case. The other amazing battle is the feminist one in America to make professions gender neutral, like all the women ‘actors’instead of actresses.

      But it get silly in France. The French only have one (male) profession where the Spanish have medica, medico. So in France the same activist feminist movement wants add gender to otherwise male professions like docteur, pompeur. So far they have only acheive madame docteur.

      So gender is built into the very language and the culture. And it oppresses women. So in the new cultural Marxism the oppressors are always white christian males. And everyone of every race, religion, gender, status is a victim of the white male patriachy.


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      James Murphy

      There were discussions about making French gender neutral. If it happens, it’ll take a long time to become official because the keepers of the French language, the Académie Française, is very conservative in its approach to change.
      Until, of course, this institution gets destroyed from within… (existing members select and vote for new members, so there’s an inherent resistance to change, but I guess it only takes one or 2 idiots to ruin it for everyone)


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    Pauly B

    Woke mum – “it doesn’t make you less a man if you wear a dress. It’s just a silly gender stereotype that dresses are for girls…”

    Me – “How did you know your 5 year old boy was trans….”

    Woke mum – “He likes to wear my dresses………”


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      Men wore dresses for most of history. Like the toga in Rome or the tunics and cloaks of Greece. Trousers it seems were introduced by the Mongols very recently and for horse riding. This was adopted by both men and women. Still the formal military dress of the Scots and the Greeks is not masculine by modern standards. The Greeks have pom poms on their shoes with white stockings. But I would not dare call a soldier in either outfit feminine. Especially if they were armed as well as legged.


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    Bullying is kind of a type of science.

    If we believe in the Scientific Method as a long term prospect for humanity, then somehow the existence of bullies must be incorporated into the process … because there’s no prospect of bullies ever going away.


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    John Connor II

    If you can’t cut it as a man there’s always…




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    John Connor II

    Ad Campaign By Conservative Non Profit Group Highlights The Insanity of ‘Men in Girl’s Sports’

    A conservative non-profit group claims that it plans to spend millions of dollars in the run-up to the midterm election blasting “the woke ideology of sheltered white liberals.”

    The a tax-exempt nonprofit organization Citizens for Sanity, has billboards up and is starting a TV campaign focussing on transgender women in sports.

    The new ad illustrates the insanity of men competing in women’s sports under the guise of transgenderism.

    “Citizens for Sanity is not an ideological organization: we stand for reason, common sense, objectivity, equality, the neutral rule of law, and open scientific inquiry — everything the radical left now stands implacably against,” he said. “And we are using these messaging campaigns to alert Americans to the urgent need to defeat and repudiate woke insanity before it destroys America.”


    Citizens for sanity eh…
    We need branches in every country.
    How about a new political party?


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    John Connor II

    The trans agenda seeks to encompass kiddie fiddlers and normalise it. I’m sure Hollywood and politicians in high places worldwide won’t object. They’ll just destroy incriminating evidence at every turn, as they have been for many many years.

    Spanish Parents Plan to Sue Their Local Government After Kids are Taught How to Perform Oral Sex and Take Hard Drugs at Youth Event

    Spanish parents are planning to sue their locality over pornography being shown to children by the government’s youth department, which included oral sex training and other profane activities.

    This occurred in Vilassar de Mar, a Catalonian municipality, and was targeted at children as young as 12 years of age. Children were encouraged to imitate sexual positions, create genitals with play dough, and learn about illicit drugs. Children engaged in these activities with adults as old as 30 years of age.


    You can justify any form of decadence if you’re “woke” enough…


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    Spotlight on channel seven will have an expose on whether Congress tried to hide from everyone that;

    a) there really are men and women, and society can’t afford to humour people who will hold their breath until they go blue in the face.
    b) climate change science is flawed
    c) it’s strange that Trump easily lost the election despite 10% more votes than Obama’s landslide in 2008.
    d) there is alien technology on Earth

    Only one of these is an acceptable discussion for thinking people to have. The other three have been debunked by anyone who doesn’t drag their knuckles along the ground.


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    Oh! The photo!


    A woman? Our current society is going completely bonkers!!!


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    Shakespeare understood how to mingle farce and tragedy…


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    John Connor II

    Carinity Education Southside: Mum of transgender girl slams school for discrimination

    The mum of a transgender girl who had her application rejected by an all-girls school has launched a discrimination battle against the institution.

    Emma Jensen, the mother of 12-year-old Harley Jensen said she was assured by the staff at Brisbane’s Carinity Education Southside that her daughter’s biological sex would not be an issue during her enrolment.

    “I said, ‘she’s a female. She identifies as a female and is on hormone blockers so she can transition. I don’t see the problem’,” she told 7News.

    Ms Jensen claims that the day after her meeting, she received a call from the school informing her that they “we’re not taking Harley because she’s a male”. The family’s long-time social worker, Erin Oostenbroek backed up these claims.

    Speaking to 7News, Harley said her mum has been aware that she identified as transgender since she was in kindergarten


    “Identified since she was in kindergarten”…
    Yeah, right…
    We all know who making the lifestyle choices..


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      Always wanted a daughter, it seems.


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        So a 4 year old, an infant decided that he was a she? Surely that’s below any reasonable age of consent. You are not allowed to get a tatoo unless you are 18 year old, but you can decide your genitalia are a mistake and to go onto surgery and puberty blockers? That should be illegal.


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    Haven’t laughed so much for a long time …… Happiness cant do it without a ‘ piness’ Happy! maybe my spelling is rong but woddahell! Bullies need to be laughed at: they’ll steam till they burst!


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      Speaking of happiness and swimming etc. You should checkout the new holiday resort off Indonesia which you can view at Pen Island dot com.


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        Gary S

        Remembering Benny Hill’s French girlfriend who loved him because ‘he gives me ‘appiness every day.’ Bring back non politically correct t.v. comedy.


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    Geoffrey Williams

    Playing ducks and drakes ;
    If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck . .


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      Er, em, so it must be goose? I mean if it really was a duck, I’d have shot it! ( goose was too big for the pot and less susceptible to the pellet size )


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    2:17 Women can most certainly get other women pregnant. I’ve done it.

    This is pure genius, with this simple statement JP Sears destroys the woke concept of “My Truth”.


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    Honk R Smith

    I was just responding to linked article from another ian in the open thread.
    Ya’ know, they aren’t really serious about this stuff.
    John Kerry, Fauci, Gates, the Dans, the Biden doll puppeteers, the celebrity mannequins, know better.
    Our new SCOTUS ‘person’ can define a ‘woman’ perfectly well, like every other sane person on the planet.
    This is all theater.
    Once the new caste system is established, the charade will stop.

    We all sit around wringing our hands and exclaiming, “why are the media and pols and the celebrity elites so crazy?”
    They’re not crazy.
    They’re picking our pockets while we watch the squirrels.


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    Apparently the new name for Trans Identified Females is “Zippertits”


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    Just another example that woke Socialism has taken over society. Personally, I don’t give a rats about who is what. Let’s just get on with our lives.


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    I’m not a biologist, but from my study of botany, this IT could be a bug; you think?
