It’s just an investment: Big Pharma spends twice as much on advertising as it does on developing cancer drugs.
Think about that. Most drugs are only prescribed by doctors so why advertise on TV at all? It’s not like patients are wandering through Walmart looking for a Pfizer. Should I get the Glaxo instead?
It turns out that the advertising money is not buying customers it’s buying the media. And it’s not paying to show the world something, but to hide it instead.
As Mark Steyn says, for the first time in history every person on Earth needs the same medicine, and four doses of it, no questions asked. The silence is complete: There are $15,000 million reasons why MSNBC, CNN, and all the rest didn’t ask the FDA or the TGA to “show us the data”, or even to explain why the data had to be hidden for 55 years or even 75 years. When politicians signed secret deals on our behalf the media didn’t demand to see the contracts, they wanted to know why it wasn’t done sooner. It’s the same reason they mock cheap drugs that reduce Covid by 63% but get excited about every new patented wonder-drug which just reduces hospitalization by a couple of days:
When people say the media loves scandal and sensationalism they’re wrong. The media loves money:
Follow the COVID Money
By Jeffrey I. Barke, M.D., American Thinker
Maybe the silence comes from the fact that the pharmaceutical industry spends more on lobbying than any other industry group. In 2020 big pharma spent over $300 million lobbying officeholders and government officials. It clearly pays off. The research to develop the COVID-19 vaccines was nearly all funded by taxpayers. The distribution of the vaccines, once developed, was further funded nearly entirely by taxpayers. The record-keeping and reporting on the vaccines is also at the expense of taxpayers, and the new repurposed Pfizer drug Paxlovid, used to treat COVID, has been paid for by taxpayers.
The pharmaceutical industry is said to spend $5.2 billion annually on television advertising aimed primarily at the consumer. It poured another $9.53 billion into digital advertising aimed at consumers and industry in 2020.
This total of nearly $15 billion spent by Big Pharma on advertising is more than twice what is spent on new cancer drug research. In fact, nine out of 10 of the largest pharmaceutical companies in America spend more on advertising than on research and development.
But there is more. The U.S. government is pushing COVID-19 jabs harder than the companies would ever likely choose to do on their own. This might be the reason: Almost half of the funding that supports the U.S. Food and Drug Administration comes from the very industries it is mandated to oversee.
This isn’t speculation, it’s big money. Consider: Pfizer expects $32 billion in COVID vaccine sales in 2022. Moderna is forecasting $19 billion in COVID sales with the vaccine being its only current commercial product. Moderna had never produced a vaccine before it developed its COVID shots. Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna are reported to be making $1,000 in profit every second of every business day
Big pharmacy chains are also participating in this government largess as well. The big chains earn “…roughly $40 per shot” from the federal government. Since the government provides the pharmacy chains with the vaccines and Paxlovid for free, almost all their charge for administering the shots or dispensing the drug is profit.
Mark Steyn gives a voice to the people who don’t exist: the Victims of the Vax
After the intro he starts at 8:20. There are some truly shocking stories.
The UK is now offering compensation.
The Wall-of-Pharma-Silence is built on more than just adverts and sponsorships, otherwise the BBC, ABC and CBC might have even been useful. The Big-Pharma financial octopus is so much more than just ad money. There are research deals with universities and medicos, and royalties for researchers. And behind the scenes, there are conflicts of interest, like the way Alphabet owns Youtube, Google and 12% of company that makes AstraZeneca Vax. And Big Pharma also spent $4.7b lobbying Big Government. Lucky that never affects rules, regulations or drug prices, right?
Whether the news is about vitamins, sunshine or Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, don’t ask if the media is interested and the audience wants to know — just ask if it will help Pfizer.
The BBC is ramping up the vax/mask narrative with a new sub Omicron Indian variant just arrived in the UK they say. Coincidentally the gov. has decided it’s time to cull more of the over 50 herd with an autumn covid/flu booster.
Not in my vein!
Many years ago, I watched the documentary “The Marketing of Madness”:
Seems like Big Pharma has saturated that market successfully, and is just looking at different approaches to expanding their sales. When the prize is measured in billions of dollars in revenue, ask what Big Pharma will most strongly lobby against? Natural immunity, low-cost readily available alternatives, and any attempt to collect data on detrimental outcomes from their new wonder drugs.
None of which will ever “cure” the disease, of course! That would defeat future sales projections.
I know many liberal people that scarcely a few years ago would curse Big Pharma and Big Oil in the same breath.
Then IT happened.
Not a peep about Pharma.
None of the usual complaints about grotesque profits.
No demands for transparency,
It’s the damnedest thing.
How did they did they pull it off?
It will be a long time before we know the origin, true purpose, and full consequences of IT.
It’s right there!
The $15 billion!
I think that, in matters such as these, any business strategy should include a plan to get approval and support from the Left. Once accomplished, this will ensure that the matter/issue/product receives the protection of pretty much every institution, no matter what. This includes those that REALLY matter, such as powerful government departments and their unelected supremos. It ensures public broadcasting get behind you and the internet’s overlords handle the PR campaign. Criticism and investigation will be effectively banned and opposing views criminalised.
In short, get backing from the Left and, eventually, you are guaranteed success.
OK all you actual mathematics types out there:
PCR stands for “Polymerase Chain Reaction” and it is a STATISTICAL ANALYSIS process that involve s LOT of “oversampling”.
Those more familiar with digital audio and video will be familiar with that term.. It involve encrypting and subsequently decrypting digitized information in such a way that the inherently required error -correction is more precise. I just use the stuff, I don’t understand the code to it’s core. Basic interpolative error correction of the untangled Cross-Interleaved Reed-Solomon Code is core to sources like the now humble CD, but its use dates back well before those little shiny miracles landed around 1982.
Rapid Antigen Tests are supposed to find a specific bit of chemistry in a nasal swab. But WHICH Antigen?
Given the multitude of “corona-virus” types floating about the planet, which one do we seek? More pertinently; is the el-cheapo RAT kit engineered to find ONE and ONLY ONE antigen? If not, why not?
And I am getting mightily sick of the LSM / “expert” drivel anthropomorphising Covid 19 and its alleged bastard offspring.
If a blob of otherwise lifeless molecules started to “WANT” to “adapt” / “evolve” it would therefore actually be more than just sentient and WE WOULD HAVE ALL BEEN DEAD LONG AGO / NEVER BORN.
Any predator or parasite that is TOO successful eventually runs out of targets and gets a Darwin Award. IF this little beastie IS really getting more lethal, it is NOT part of the natural order of things. It may well be “ENGINEERED”.
That is bad enough, but there is an endless conga-line of “interesting” folk seemingly heavily financially and philosophically “invested” in playing murderous games with this whole caper.
“Political Science”, as it were.
Dr Geert Vanden Bossche explained it well, how a non-sterilising vaccine like the mRNA ones promotes viral evolution, while natural immunity suppresses it.
So once you have your mRNA vaccine out there it is a path to endless more vaccines as you happily chase the ever-evolving virus you started with. Some strains may be more infective or less, some more deadly or less, its like compressing the flu variants of 10years into three years.
It is interesting that You Tube has stopped censoring the discussion of the unexplained increase in the US, of all cause deaths and a set of serious health care problems, in the 18 to 49-year-old cohort group. Something is killing and damaging the health of Americans.
US Life Group Insurance companies and three career military doctors (signed affidavits) affirming the correctness of the data … have announced that in the US military and those people with group health/life insurance, there has been a sudden, unexplained 40% increase in deaths and a massive increase in a set of serious health conditions. This sudden unexplained epidemic of deaths and health problems, correlates with the period of covid vaccinations and has no scientific explanation.
There was an unexpected 40% increase in ‘all cause deaths’ in 2021
There is now open discussion in Medical journals, of regulatory/government and media failure/corruption to inform and protect the population.
“.. has no scientific explanation.”
Which in this case means the writer or speaker is concerned about legal action, losing their job or career, or worse.
Recent years have been years of disconnection. I don’t watch TV. I don’t read the MSM. Certainly not The West. All I consume is on the Internet and most of it medium to small independent sites.
Over the last couple of decades the establishment, the elites etc, have lost a huge amount of credibility. No one pays them much attention these days. I certainly don’t.
Unfortunately, you are in a minority. Many, many people still believe what the MSM spouts along with the TV so called ‘News’. 5 second sound bites at best. ‘Gasses for the Masses’ no less.
I subscribe to The Australian and it is good.
The Daily Telegraph too, but don’t get around to reading it much. Tim Blair is good satire.
Several years ago, gifts made to doctors by pharmaceutical companies, in the form of pens, notepads, etc was banned as it was considered this may have adversely affected rational prescribing practices.
Somehow the billions spent on advertising, research sponsorship and lobbying are not a concern!
Zero authorized and discussed therapeutics spoke volumes to an agenda from the onset of the pandemic, and then global Vaxx push.
What was that agenda?
I suppose we are going to find out over the next couple years. Possibly via negative efficacy data we are now seeing populate in studies.
My apologies for this. Watching the movie right now “Made Me Do It”
Just sayin>
Yes, I know as I worked for only 7 months for Pfizer as Speiclaty Rep. I quit them when I was in top 25% of Specialty in my NE district. They are that bad. I was making bank but decided and told family I don’t need to be the best dressed person at my funeral. Rather live poorer and happy. They blacklisted me haven’t been able to work for 6+ years, so I had to retire early. So it goes, Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Look at Canada and how well the shots have worked.
Unvaxxed, proud of it, and alive!
Why all this aggro against BigPharma? Many who post here and elsewhere should be thankful for vaccination against polio and tetanus and diphtheria and whooping cough and meningitis and hepatitisB and measles and mumps and chicken pox and haemophilus influenza and rubella. Without BigPharma severe illness and increased death rates from these and other diseases would be far greater
Digging deep there to defend the establishment.
Why assume that an industry that was useful 50 years ago is not now a parasitic malevolent self-serving and fraudulently corrupt operation when it behaves like one?
They didn’t have to hide the clinical study results for polio, tetanus and diptheria…
A year ago I would have said something similar.
Since then I have changed my mind. The novel Covid vaccines had a lot to do with it.
So has reading Virus Miania.
Ian, all of those vaccines underwent a recognised protocol of clinical trials that took at least 5 years, & up to 10 years of implementation. Very few adverse reactions, particularly in children & pregnant women, were required before a drug – even an approved one – was withdrawn from the market.
We all know that these vaccines were (officially) given emergency approval after mere months of testing. Granted, millions of doses have been given without any (apparent) negative effect. But the number of acknowledged vaccine injuries are far beyond the number required for immediate withdrawal in the past.
Most doctors must know this. It is surely one of the most heinous medical transgressions in modern medicine.
Yes I am grateful for being recently vaccinated against whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria so that I can meet and hold my first grandchild soon. Today’s new parents think all that is necessary even though I’ve been vaccinated for these things before. The nurse who jabbed me was quite blase about it, saying it wasn’t needed in “her day” and she was considerably younger than me.
Clearly Big Pharma has been successful in selling all these unnecessary shots (cost me $50) by exploiting the precautionary principle. I remain unvaccinated against covid and oddly enough my family are OK with that.
Footnote: I had to write the three diseases out on the application form and had the chance to impress by spelling diphtheria correctly. Ian you get a credit for also getting it right, so you must be of my vintage where we learned such “hard” words for Grade 3 spelling tests. Jo, you also being considerably younger must have missed having to do so!
I hadn’t noticed Ian and Jo used different spellings and I’m grateful for having been further educated.
What a ridiculous comment. So if you are against the clearly defective covid vaccines (5 shots now every 3 months for questionable symptom reduction only), you are automatically an anti-vaxxer who is against all vaccines? Using the Same formula to derive that people are right wing obviously. Compare the adverse reactions and deaths in VAERS (which is grossly under reported according to many doctors). The worst established vaccine I could see was that for anthrax at around 1% – covid vaccines > 50%!
In the 1960,s BigPharma were nice right-wing capitalists who gave everyone life immunity with one jab. Today BigPharma is loved by left-wing liberals who get one jab, then get covid, so get a second jab which doubles BigPharma profits, then get Covid again, so need to get immunity from a third jab which triples BigPharma profits, get Covid again, so need a fourth jab, but eventually the liberal ends up dead from spike protein poisoning which stops the heart from beating. It looks like most liberals can only take ten jabs before dying. So BigPharma have gone from making profits for the benefit of the customer, to making profits for the benefit of everyone other than the customer. But unlike liberals, I am a capitalist who believes that capitalism should only be for the benefit of the customer. So I take Ivermectin.
And in fact the original Polio vaccine had too many side effects and was promptly withdrawn from the market. Then another Polio vaccine was developed which worked with minimal/tolerable side effects. I had that Polio vaccine as a boy at school in England. It worked.
Now, we have a an experimental emergency approved drug (NOT a vaccine) with many, many side effects by all accounts. And test results have been suppressed. Have these drugs been recalled? “No way” says Big Pharma. There is too much money involved and that’s why. So, the Human trials continue with more shots and boosters and whatever next that they can think of (get away with that is). Have I had the jab? NO!! And the Guv’ments, CHOs and Health (LOL) Ministers wonder why not.
The UK government’s official data shows they made a huge mistake
They should EITHER admit their data is garbage or that the vaccines should be IMMEDIATELY halted for ages 10 to 14.
UH OH!!! The UK government now has a huge problem. A triply vaxxed child is 45 times more likely to die than an unvaccinated child. That makes the vaccine the biggest child killer ever deployed by any government and makes COVID deaths look like rounding error (45X vs. 0.05X).

More Danger Ahead With BA.5: Covid-19 Reinfection Doubles The Risk For Death, Blood Clots, And Lung Damage
A recent preprint concludes that two or more Covid-19 reinfections double the risk for death, blood clots, and lung damage among other negative health outcomes, demonstrating the clear and present danger of reinfection. The most recent Omicron variants have an enhanced capacity to evade our innate immune defenses. BA.4 and BA.5 are continuing that trend with replication of the sub variants associated with reduced activation of epithelial innate immune responses compared to earlier BA.1 and BA.2 sub variants. With BA.5 responsible for over 54 percent of all COVID infections and BA.4 accounting for over 17 percent, the risk of reinfection is especially high even for those who were more recently infected with BA.1 or BA.2. We need to take action now to prevent reinfections and ensure that they do not cause long term health impacts for broad swathes of the population.
Predictable…it’s the new variant that’s doing it.
How many Australian officials will end up in prison for their part in pushing the vaccine?
Don’t bother answering. I can guess.
[…] July 16, 2022 / brianpeckford Is $15 billion in advertising enough? Big-Pharma buys a media forcefield to cover the bodies […]
The big question is why so few people seem to understand what is happening. Mass formation Syndrome aside, this lack of critical thinking is occurring at a regular rate right across the major social and economic issues of our time.
Critical thinking?? But they’re very good at gender studies and pronouns these days! All those degrees that lead to “would you like fries with that” or “Was that a double-chocolate mocha?”
We are reaping what we sowed, we became too comfortably wealthy and lacked challenges, and the creativity we were meant to have time to indulge in didn’t seem to exist.
The Chinese, the Russians, the Indians.. those with drive and focus are coming up on us.
Corporations should not be able to deduct more than 1% of revenues for advertising.
[…] Pharma buys off the media critics with $15 billion a year, and they buy off the Government watchdog agencies too. But they also surround their Octopus […]
Bit of a shame to have those dogs on the show. It’s a serious issue and they were just a distraction and nothing to do with vaccine injuries. What was that about ?
Each drug rep costs 250 thousand dollars a year to maintain. It is the most capital intensive and expensive part of their costs. KPI’s are laughable and Drs, rightfully, are closing their books to company reps. The Drs don’t see value in rep visits, don’t trust the data and are too fricking busy to talk to the them.