What started as a minor an Australian headline turned into a glimpse of a mysterious world-wide phenomenon.
The Australian ABC tells us that Australian searches for climate change are up 5000%:

But even the ABC admits no one is really talking about it — apparently Australians are secretly thinking about climate change at home on their computer:
Discussion of climate policy may be conspicuously absent this federal election campaign, but Google search data suggests the warming of the planet is weighing on voters’ minds — at least more so than in 2019.
But strangely, they don’t report actual google search results for “climate change” — instead they quote some focus groups, and talk about 5000% increases in obscure questions like “What is climate change meaning?” which no one except 12 year olds doing high school assignments probably wants to know.
So here’s the last 18 years of actual Google data on Australian searches for “climate change”:
Holy Smoke!
But, wait, really? Is this year really that much more exciting for “climate change” than the uber hot duo of Copenhagen and ClimateGate in 2009, or Al Gore’s Nobel winning Documentary in 2007, or the massive bushfires of Dec 2019 when the whole continent was on fire?
It turns out that all the frantic interest in “climate change” in Australia happened in just one week. No, wait, it was all in just one day!
And that day Australians were interested in climate change was April 22.
What freak event would that be, that I can’t remember from three weeks ago?
But wait — the same effect happened on the exact same day in the USA, and the UK, and New Zealand, and Canada. And tripping off the Radar of Weirdness, the one-day wonder effect happened even in China and Afghanistan too?
Bizarrely, the whole world woke up on April 22 and decided to search for “climate change”.
Even people fighting a war in Russia and Ukraine stopped to look up “climate change” too. Though for the latter two countries, unlike many places, it wasn’t an all time highest ever record. But that did occur and by a wild margin in the West. What was going on?
The big event, apparently on April 22 was “Earth Day 2022”
Remember it? Me neither. Apparently Joe Biden gave a speech, and the whole world got excited, and more people than ever before searched for “climate change” on their computer, even in the back-blocks of Brazil, and the far reaches of Poland. And then it was gone. The record hit was a One Day Wonder. Either that or it was a fake “bot” at work, rigging results — but you’d have to ask, why bother? If the aim was to create a hit for PR purposes, why that day? Why not every day? And where were all the stories — Did I miss them?
There was one lame UK story that capitalized on the trendy spike – but it was hardly a big event worthy of coordinated cyber bot campaign.
Fake Trends? Fake Bots? Fake Journalists…
At the 3-million-dollar-a-day ABC not one journalist — apparently — bothered to do a google Trends search on “climate change” for the latest story. They’re activists — all of them, and rather pathetic ones. Consider how lame this is — not only is there no rising trend, and not much discussion of climate policy a bare two weeks before an election but the journalists are trying to convince themselves that Australians care about climate change and are really too scared to mention it.
So Australians are googling climate change, even if they’re not talking about it.
And in areas where they’re talking about it least, they may be googling it even more than elsewhere. “Maybe they can ask Google when they can’t ask their neighbour,” Dr Huntley said. “It’s not a surprise to me that people in small farming communities, where they don’t necessarily feel like they can have this conversation at the pub, are places where people are googling it.”
It’s a cult.
h/t to Dave B of Cooyal
What a tiresome lot The ABC is. The Australian reports that Virginia Trioli was ranting about Scomo giving the ABC the cold shoulder and not realising he was speaking on an alternative ABC channel to one of her commirades!
There’s so many of those ABC channels – even she cant keep up.
Like all trolls, Virginia Troli dwells in an isolated area or cave, lives together in a small family unit, and is rarely helpful to human beings. And all that for just 11 cents a day.
An interesting disturbance in the NettoSphere where the minds of the population are entrained. Sad.
In less than two weeks week can assess the effect of this mind flush on our Australian Elections.
Meanwhile, in other nett advertising, thank you Scotty, the image of Gladys is being used to promote free money for the voters if they will install “Solar” receivers on their rooves: it is indeed a gigantic Cult.
“It’s a cult.”
Famous Roman saying from the 1st century AD.
Fake is the key word concerning every element of “climate change”. The fake forecasters who first pushed freezing, then moved to heating. The fakes who continually forecast dire predictions who have been on the job around 50 years and have never got it right once. Australian fake Flannery who’s false predictions encouraged billions to be spent on his bogus claims. Continual fake information on MSM… That is just a few fakes amongst many!
What amazes me is that these fakers are still given air time.
I work in factories and people are pretty cynical and down to earth. One mistake and they will forgive but constant mistakes are not forgiveable and people either have zero credibility and no one will work with them, or they get shown the door.
The fact that the climate change crazies are given any hearing at all astounds me.
pob >”The fact that the climate change crazies are given any hearing at all astounds me”
Think again. There are many vested interests in what is now a (contrived) multi billion sector that lives and breathes the “climate emergency” e.g. EVs, carbon credits. In NZ anyone buying a diesel/SUV now subsidizes EVs and low “emitter” vehicles. The carbon credit “market” is equally insidious:
What are carbon credits? How fighting climate change became a billion-dollar industry
Impacting in forestry oriented NZ. Farmland is being sold to overseas interests to be turned into unproductive carbon credit forestry. Communities/schools serving those farms are facing wipeout.
>”In NZ anyone buying a diesel/SUV now subsidizes EVs”
Petrol/diesel pay road tax – but EVs get a free ride.
>”In NZ anyone buying a diesel/SUV now subsidizes EVs”
The Clean Car Discount scheme
Example: Clean Car Discount rebate
A company carries on a business and is registered for GST. The company acquires a new electric vehicle (EV) on 1 August 2021. The EV is made available to an employee for their private use as part of their remuneration package. The cost of the EV from the dealer is $49,999 (including GST). The company receives a rebate of $8,625 (including GST) from Waka Kotahi [Land Transport] under the Clean Car Discount scheme on registration of the vehicle.
Example: Clean Car Discount fee
The same company acquires a new diesel powered motor vehicle on 1 May 2022 for use in its business. The vehicle is made available to an employee for their private use in the weekends. The cost of the vehicle from the dealer is $59,999 (including GST). The company pays a fee of $5,175 (including GST) to Waka Kotahi [Land Transport] under the Clean Car Discount scheme on registration of the vehicle.
# # #
The opposition National Party has vowed to scrub all new govt taxes including this diesel tax – and is now polling higher than the Labour govt.
Do you think Flannery occasionally drives past one of the white elephant desal plants – and says to himself “.. I did that”?
“Do you think Flannery occasionally drives past one of the white elephant desal plants”
Not all desalination plants are white elephants. There are 2 in WA which supply 45% of the water supply. The first was but in 2006 and the second in 2012
sorry built
Flannery had nothing to do with those.
The only time the Brisbane desal plant was used was in the floods a few years ago , when the main water treatment plant got flooded.
Sydney desal plant.. has a roof again !
How many searched on “climate change scam”?
Not that you’d bother asking google about that.
Here is a link to the original abc story
I think everyone should read it before commenting here
Same as the link at the top of Jo’s article.
Why did you post this?
Because… Well I’ll leave that to others.
As Jo says, its arrant cherry-picked nonsense.
Just a pack of alarmist woke blathering… just as one would expect from the far-left ABC.
And as Jo has also shown.. It was just one day, for a fanciful non-reason.
You really should read the post from Jo, before commenting.
And just remember that Jo allows comments … nor so for Their ($3M per day) ABC.
And talking of fakes and cults here’s PF.
Oh happy day!
Happy days, a cake fult.
So I read it and they attribute a one day spike to Australians becoming more aware since the last election. No proper analysis to check if they might be wrong.
We pay heaps of tax-payer money so we can get a broadcaster not tainted by capitalism, where the journalist will be given a cheat sheet of conclusion and some cherry picked facts to back it up. And what do we get?
This subheading stands out in contrast to the post
“Trending climate-related search questions, May 19, 2019 to April 28, 2022”
So we are talking 3 years not one day
All koalas must be aware that Einstein showed that at the speed of light one day could appear to pass in three years.
Maybe I put that round the wrong way. While traveling, 3 years of travel would only seem to take one day.
sad .. PF doesn’t understand that the so-called trend is because of one large spike towards the end of that short time period.
Exactly. That spike is so big it dominates everything in the last few years. Indeed the single day changes the 18 year full trends completely. Lies by omission are still lies.
“And in areas where they’re talking about it least, they may be googling it even more than elsewhere. ‘Maybe they can ask Google when they can’t ask their neighbour,’ Dr Huntley said. ‘It’s not a surprise to me that people in small farming communities, where they don’t necessarily feel like they can have this conversation at the pub, are places where people are googling it.’”
This quote just cracked me up… Wait, Australians are going to pubs again? I thought they were all too scared of Covid-19.
Or maybe they’re all trying to find https://climateaudit.org again?
As always… all is politics and it’s all BS.
Let’s not forget that “climate change” has
morphedbarfed into “Net Zero”140
Well, “Global Warming” was losing its grip, so a name change was needed: Same excrement; different day and name. It also meant that every “ripple”, real and imagined, could be slated back to human activity. The death-cultists started to show themselves.
The ABC?
The All Bolshevist Collective?
Mind you, the “commercials” are barely better
With the latest shuffling of the deckchairs on the “Tyrannic” culminating in a couple of weeks time, the frequency and duration of churnalists interviewing churnalists is expected to rise substantially. Ditto “popular” voter surveys / “polls”.
Opinion shaping; all of it.
Yes, the terms describing long term weather will just get a little bit more ridiculous. So far it’s been inconvenient truth, climate emergency, irreversible damage, net zero, existential threat. Every now and then you hear some real superlative like climate “Armageddon ” etc. I think the effect of all the hyperbole is that people tune out. That as the descriptive terms get ever more loaded, people will just get more jaded.
Let’s face it ABC, Labor, Greens, Teals and other layabouts no one with two working brain cells cares about climate change. They do care whether they can boil the jug for a cup of char when they get up or switch on a light or do the washing or , heaven forbid, get warm when the frost is thick on the ground. The time has arrived where reality beats dreams so get used to it. Just as the vast majority have no trouble determining the sex of their children the same vast majority know that the climate scam is just that and the first political party that builds a coal fired power station will win in a canter.
That’s really weird even by the low standards of fake news and manipulation of public opinion by the Elites.
They are so brazen about it now, they don’t even attempt to hide what they’re doing.
And few people with the exception of Jo and a majority of people on this blog seem to notice or care.
They’re priests. Who’s main concern is that the Sunday sermon makes the congregation feel guilty enough, to put sufficient money on the plate to keep him in beer and punt money for the rest of the week.
Maybe folks were looking up Lenins’ birthday, April 22.
Has any other search engine reported an uptick, a downtick, or even a schisttick?
Depending where they searched it may be a good thing. Some may have found some facts they never knew before.
Maybe not. Google downranks search results for any rationalist blogs like this and others.
If you search “climate change”, “is climate change real” or “is global warming real” without quote marks on Google you won’t find any evidence-based commentary such as Jo’s in the top search results or maybe not at all.
Search results on Google are routinely manipulated to suit whatever agenda or narrative is attempted to be pushed.
Rational thinkers were somewhat elated when Morrison appointed Ita Buttrose as Chair of Their ABC since the impression was that Buttrose was somewhat of a rational thinker but were immediately disappointed when one of her first prouncements was thst she could see no bias in the organisation.
Everything Morrison does is a disappointment and ultimately a win for the Left and his appointment of Buttrose is no exception. Because of Morrison, the Left maintain Their ABC is one of their most important taxpayer-funded propaganda weapons.
Don’t feel too bad. The Swamp beat Trump, and Morrison is no Trump.
Google Doodle was climate themed that day, loads of users click on it without any real interest, there’s all your searches.
I don’t trust much on their ABC anymore and with google I’ve also piggybacked DD GO to help me most of the time.
That spike is very funny and about as big a con trick as the rest of their climate change nonsense.
I just wish that the average person would check all of their delusional nonsense before they BELIEVED again and again.
I know I’m dreaming, but I’m still an optimist by nature most of the time. But it’s a pity that the kids are bombarded with this junk on a daily basis.
Unfortunately Neville, there is no easy place for the average person to check. Most likely the average person will do a quick internet search ( so mostly Google ) and arrive at selected sponsored websites or Wikipedia. In which case they will only hear the climate alarmist side of the story. Lots of quotes from Greta, David, Tim, Barack etc as well. They wont spend more than 5 min on this exercise because the science will bore them to tears. As we head into the Northern Hemisphere summer I am preparing for a new deluge of climate alarmist disinformation.
More extremist nonsense from the crazy BBC and just like their ABC they don’t allow proper data to conflict with their so called extreme weather fantasies.
Yeah right ……..& Joe Biden won with 80 Million votes too.
Here’s more proof that the IPCC reports are more like religious documents that quote from holy scriptures, rather than proper science relying on data and evidence.
But don’t expect to find this on their ABC.
Their ABC is obsolete. In the early days of radio and TV it’s purpose was to provide a communications platform for Australians living in remote areas in places which were uneconomic for commercial operators. Now that is no longer the case as there is almost unlimited choice wherever you live.
Their ABC should be decommissioned and the one billion dollar yearly saving spent on real education such as science or mathematics, spelling, grammar; or dams and pipelines for irrigation and flood mitigation.
So true. But it’s actually worse than that. The obsolete ABC was decades ago captured by the left, and is now used as the ostensibly independent and authoritative face for the ubiquitous global corporate-media disinformation narrative.
You can never get rid of a Govt Dept, its Rule Two, straight after taxation…
Just think of the panic that would spread so quickly through the whole civil service if the hoi polloi realised we could do without nearly all of them and closed them down! Once one Dept went, others would follow!
Why do we need the ABC when the commercial channel this morning described the answer by both leaders as less than inspiring.
Both answered an adult female.
It explains why global warming is running hot in the media. Being right or wrong is ire ee Levant, it’s inspiring.
The question was what’s a woman. Sorry, dog was nagging me to go for a walk.
How bloated is their ABC, with 6 tv channels and god knows how many radio stations,
They have truly passed their use by date, nothing they provide can’t be supplied elsewhere.
The ABC must be razed completely. There would be a public outcry (people would miss playschool-sessame-st / BBC replays / weather / and some Australians feel attached to the branding — those that like Big Gov, or have no idea what the real news is). To reduce the outcry the new ABC could be instantly rebuilt as a new agency with new staff with the same name “ABC”. All salaries should be published in full, all the time, and salaries of the ABC should be limited to never exceed the salaries offered in competing private news agencies. New shows could be established that have panels with commentators from the left and the right. Indeed we could split the ABC into two agencies. Remember, they say they are balanced so they won’t mind at all if we just divide them into “Pro-Big Gov” and Pro-Small Gov” activists. 😉
Or we could get Australians to vote for commentators direct at the elections so the opinionated people in front of the camera reflect what Australians want, not what Ita Buttrose wants. Q&A would actually turn into a real show, get high ratings, and discuss national issues instead of being a 1 against 6 panel with a nominal conservative to be treated like a leper.
The nation should have a discussion about the need for a national broadcaster now that the internet is here and everyone has mobile phones.
Jo We’ve been “non-suffering from a lack of ABC” for a while. There used to be a radio in the kitchen for early morning rural but that went at least 5 years ago. I mentioned that in discussions with a friend who replied
“You and many, many others”
A couple of days I used a station vehicle where a son had installed a new radio with everything that whistled and whirred. And had to suffer ABC for a couple of hours because I couldn’t turn it down or off.
That is about where I am on mobile phones. I can dial on the hand-me-down. For things more complicated it has a keyboard made for midget fingers which mine are definitely not. And top such keyboard selection off with a case of old age shakes.
I very rarely watch tv either.
So the expiry of the current ABC won’t be of great concern.
If it was following Musk”s “If we have both the loony left and the rabid right off side we’re likely doing OK” then it would.
But would you make them accept comments on their stories like most fair-minded news services do?
I suspect they hide behind a narrative that ppl can comment on Twatter/FcBk but
many ppl do not belong to the Twatter/FcBk community .. for bloody good reasons. Not very “inclusive” are they?
And you really need to comment on stories directly – not via some awkward link that no one follows.
For example, when ABC parrot BOM telling about “wet, wet, weekend” in Brisbane just gone.
Hardly much rain came and the BOM weather models were telling us on Friday that rain would not come to Qld until Wednesday.
So much mis-leading information going un-corrected from BOM and ABC … criminal really.
Comments would allow challenges of the story’s “facts”. If you truly want an “informed” community.
How is labor rating so high in the polls, how skewed are they, their head idiot has a severe case of KRAFT, knows nothing, the rest are MIA, still mostly the hopeless muppets from the Krudd/Gillard goon show, lord help us.
The last election was a soe in for Labor also. NSW Labor victory dinner the night before, Bill packed up for the Lodge and Penny Wong melting down on election night. Ahhh the memories.
Can almost guarantee that Google ran an earth day artwork as their logo that day and curious people clicked on the picture to see what it was about, and this was counted as a “climate change” search.
As I already said above, it WAS people clicking on the Google Doodle produced the one day spike.
Security question
A while ago out of curiosity I clicked on the Live “Andy” and found I was taken to my open email account.
Trying again with the email switched off it went to another gmail account with a name shown presumably “Andy”.
Now, it just goes to the front door of gmail, maybe a change has been made.
A bit concerning.
Anybody else experience this.
I get the message
“You are about to log in to the site “gmail.com” with the username “sgcowell”, but the website does not require authentication. This may be an attempt to trick you.”
Needless to say, I stopped there and closed the window.
That’s it.
Is this deliberate or just an innocent mistake.
This might seem like a storm in a tea cup but if someone can access my open email account then that’s a worry.
? Caution until this is resolved.
Where are we?
Maybe “Andy”, sgcowell, could deactivate his name?
Then we’d all be safe.
—still linked to gmail.
For contrast, the most popular keyword search on DDG most days is “weather”.
You also have in this case the power of social media. Earth Day “bots” were probably working flat out on Twitter /Facebook /Instagram etc promoting Earth Day and then subsequent Google searches emerged. But it’s not good power. Why didn’t the ABC pick up the anomaly? Because they are no different to the rest of the media. If it bleeds its leads- is the old newspaper saying. In this case if it goes viral (I’m struggling for a word that rhymes with viral???) – its gets reported without any checking. You wouldn’t want a dose of FOMO at the old ABC, would you?
I don’t believe the ” If it bleeds its leads-” line anymore.
The scandalous corruption of the Biden family, with sordid videos, soft porn, drugs, and bad behaviour — is grist for the mill of tabloid media yet it’s being buried and hidden. The media would rather waste your time repeating the tiny details of the claims of soldiers in Afghanistan in a legal case for 30 days in a row, than telling us about election fraud and FBI entrapment on Jan 6.
People may have been googling the enormous list of wannabes for the Oz federal election (here in Herbert, 11 for Representative, 79 for Senate). The default search engine can be set to Google for web pages, pdfs, even local files. I batch-searched every candidate to flush out the ones that are hidden greenies, or in the “better include it just in case” cadre. So much choice for last place …
I would be interested in sharing analysis of closet or secret green candidates in Australia. I think quite a few Australians would like to know. links to source material would be useful too.
David Speers (Insiders) said the men of Wentworth supported Sharma, while the women said they would vote for Spender because of AGW.
So the ABC propaganda has worked wonders.
You get a gold star for watching that terrible program. In fact you might get 2 gold stars, because I read somewhere that they extended the show to 1.5 hours? I wouldn’t know, my TV wont get the ABC. 🙂
el+gordo watches it so we don’t have to…
Did the voters of wentowrth go back in time and travel around the world to create the data blip?
The blip is a bot.
The women of Wentworth will vote Spender because they think the most moderate Lib on the issue of climate change isn’t doing enough. All I’m saying is that feeble minded creatures with a maternal instinct will turn the world upside down.
“All I’m saying is that feeble minded creatures with a maternal instinct will turn the world upside down.”
That is a most surprising remark from you el+gordo. I would never have expected a sexist remark from you.
half of humanity is feeble by birth.
Leaf you aren’t taking this seriously.
‘For example, when asked how serious a problem climate change is, women in the U.S. are significantly more likely than American men (by a margin of 17 percentage points) to say it’s a somewhat or very serious problem. Canadian and Australian women’s concern also outweighs that of men in their respective countries, by 13 points and 12 points, respectively.’ (Pew Research Centre)
Do your own straw poll among wives, daughters and female friends. My exhaustive effort has found 97% of women think AGW is real.
Females have a natural tendency to save the planet for their grandchildren.
Bullying and intimidation work better on women for obvious reasons. They have a fine honed instinct not to put their heads over the parapet — even if they think otherwise, they are less likely to say so. Evolution gives men much more incentive to take risks. It’s just the economics of sperm and eggs.
But please, accuracy is always more useful… If 12 – 13% more women are more likely to believe in climate propaganda, that’s only 1 in 8 extra women above the men.
Thanks Jo.
“feeble minded creatures “
ah yes.. those that believe in CO2 warming.. gullible, unable to think for themselves.
And I’m sure some of them have maternal instincts as well, maybe.
And yes, they are destroying western society with their climate alarmism and net zero nonsense.
But they are part of the society they are trying to destroy.. and would probably be the first to complain as electricity supplies collapse.
Imagine the whinging and carrying-on of some of the inner-city climate200 teals if they couldn’t get electricity for even 20 minutes !
They have already done that
Context is missing. I remember, long ago, a post here about a step change in web searches. Lots of speculation about something that could be an internal change in data analysis. In this case the date could mean that schools all around the world were getting kids to do assignments about Earth day or whatever. The context might be unresolvable.
The shape of the up-blip also suggests to me a possible event such as an automated and unrestrained system (a bot?) triggering the high count before being reigned in.
Serp… someone doesn’t like your diligence so I green thumbed to even it up.
Sure Gee Aye — so why can’t the $3m-a-day ABC figure that out and tell Australians that the “climate trend” maybe entirely irrelevant, spurious and effectively have no meaning at all, other than to show the extent of stupid climate propaganda being demanded of our kids at schools?
And why are schools all over the world so interested in “Earth Day” in 2022, but not previous years?
Isn’t that just a tad suspicious itself? Do we really want to indoctrinate a whole generation from China and Afghanistan to Australia and Canada — Isn’t that unhealthy?
A kind of global soviet similarity in education …
“so why can’t the $3m-a-day ABC figure that out”
ABC don’t “do” even basic maths or logic.. That’s the obvious answer. 🙂
“A kind of global soviet similarity in education ” How have you not heard of the UN and its authority in educational matters ? Have a look at “Julian Huxley” https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000068197 “Higher Education” is not free and analytic
And to Andy above… I missed your comment which is sort of where I was headed though not as astutely.
Here is the google doodle archive
and here is Earth Day 2022
Sorry, that should be;
The religion of Renewables:
We believe in CO2, the gas almighty, baker of heaven and Earth.
Send us this day our daily subsidies and forgive us for having to send most of that tax money off to China; that’s just the way it is.
Bless us in body, solar infrared and back pocket for ever and always.
p.s. Bitcoin is best, it’s anonymous.
A mystery blip for Elvira Rawson from the google doodle before Earth day.
“Andy above”?
More likely below, there’s possibly a link to Tasmania and it’s U.
Testimony by a former Google engineer about Google bias and other comments. Even a rare case of an honest Leftist states serious concerns about Google.
Narrator: According to Coppola, Big Tech’s agenda is dangerous, in large part, because it is hidden.
Coppola: I think we had a long period, of ten years, let’s say, where we had search and social media that didn’t have a political bias and we kind of got used to the idea that top search was that, Google was probably the answer. And Robert Epstein, who testified before Congress last week, looked into it and showed that the vast majority of people think that if something is more highly rated on Google Search than another story, then it would be more important and more correct. And, and we haven’t had time to absorb the fact that tech might have an agenda. I mean, it’s something we’ve only started to talk about now. That’s why I’m talking to you. [transcribed by Denyse O’Leary, Ottawa, July 27, 2019]
Coppola is referring to the recent testimony of widely published behavioral research psychologist Robert Epstein (who described himself as “center/center-left” before a Senate committee):
Data I’ve collected since 2016 show that Google displays content to the American public that is biased in favor of one political party (Epstein & Williams, 2019) – a party I happen to like, but that’s irrelevant. No private company should have either the right or the power to manipulate large populations without their knowledge. …
I reach out to diverse, different audiences because the threats posed by Google, and, to a lesser extent, Facebook, are so serious that I think everyone in the world needs to know about them. I put my own political leanings aside when I report my data and concerns because the problems these companies present eclipse personal politics. To put this another way, I love humanity, my country, and democracy more than I love any particular party or candidate. And democracy as originally conceived cannot survive Big Tech as currently empowered.
Biden’s Ministry of Truth, and the one we will soon have in Australia under either the Morrison or Alba-sleazy regimes should force Google to attach a warning to Google that any search results obtained may be and very likely are manipulated to suit the political bias of the Google proprietors.
How many thinking people really had Earth Day on their conscious anyway? If they did, it was to proudly proclaim to the world the marvels of fossil fuels by turning all their lights on or some other gratuitous display of fossil electricity production.
Last Earth Day billions of dollars worth of economy-destroying wind subsidy farms and thousands of windmills produced randomly between About 2.6GW and 4.1GW, about the same as one or two proper coal, gas, nuclear or hydro power stations and would do it economically and continuously with almost no visual or infrasound impact or destruction of wildlife.
I and certainly most here haven’t fallen for the lies being perpetrated by the MSM, governments, educators, etc. wrt the mythical climate change catastrophe and the approach to solve it by way of net zero emissions. The question that one can’t answer so readily is what does the general public think about it and how will it influence their voting behaviour in the forthcoming federal election? It’s hard to discount the possibility that more people are being swayed to the myth than away from it given the flood of “news” about CLIMATE CHANGE! As they say, repeat a lie often enough people start believing in it. It can however be a two-edged sword, which is why it pays to do your own research, which I always do.
How liars create the ‘illusion of truth’
PeterS said:
I keep looking for it but it keeps hiding from me. However, the weather is starting to change thanks to the GSM .
My “alarm” went off at 3:30 (my time) this morning. It’s a natural alarm and a very loud one — it’s amazing just how awakening a good clap of thunder can be! Yep: I wuz truly wide awake.
Thanks Jo for that deep dive into the “spike”. Why don’t the journalists dig this sort of deep dive instead of just publishing the “headline” that promotes their belief and what they want people to think?
No different to the ABC’s Vote Compass “survey” that says that for this election more Australians are interested in supporting a reduction in CO2 as well as how much they are willing to spend to reduce climate change than ever before.
It’s not a poll, it’s not scientific, it’s a representation of what ABC readers/viewers think and we all know they are not representative of the typical Australian people or viewpoints.
Liberator said:
It’s because the journalists are not adequately educated to be able to express the concepts let alone understand them — insufficient science. Like most people, they’re hung up on CO2 causing warming — thanks to the erroneous UN — and trying to convince everyone to reduce “Carbon pollution.” It’s wrong — back-to-front.
We should be increasing CO2. Our food is mostly plant material. The plants which make it up evolved when atmospheric CO2 was about 1000 ppm. CO2 is plant food. At the moment, it’s about 420ppm. The plants are starving. We should be giving the plants lots of CO2 rather than working to restrict it.
I’m doing my bit. Are you?
hard left organisations like the ABC follow the Joseph Goebbels propaganda doctrine “If you tell a lie enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
The reason they do this is they believe it will magically become true, we see it on online polls where GetUp trolls flood the poll with their multiple online identities to distort the results. A good example is the channel Nine analysis of last nights leaders debate, they showed the online poll results for “Who won the debate”, Morrison 52% Albanese 48%, moments later to the commentators surprise they announced the results had suddenly flipped to Morrison 49% Albanese 51% because the call (SMS) had gone out to GetUp members to get on line and vote. Now GetUp will believe that this manipulated result is real.
hard left? I think you have missed the kowtowing to the current government.
“kowtowing to the current government.”
So yes.. hard-left.. and no they are not kow-towing to the present government, which itself is more than a little bit left wing.
Gee Aye, in what way is our current government anything but soft left? They even have a Net Zero target when the centre and right of Australia didn’t want it.
What the ABC calls “far right” — EG Marine Le Pen in France, could be something that espouses policies that were considered totally centrist 40 years ago and are still popular with more than 40% of the voters. How is that “far right?”
With due consideration for the politics of climate change, Australia has received a lot of criticism for not cooperating to the satisfaction of UN and COP26 delegates;
Its all a matter or relativity.
To the ABC, basically everyone else is far-right.
There is very little that could be called “left” of the ABC.
You can claim anything Jo if you make up your own definitions. Actual evidence and data though are harder to come up with when you are wrong.
“Actual evidence and data though are harder to come up with when you are wrong.”
Yep, we have noted many, many times that the AGW suckophants are incapable of producing any evidence.
Or do you mean like changing the definition of “vaccine” ?
So GI, why do you do it?
too funny
SBS is just as guilty as the ABC. Another safe place in this case for people with a foreign identity to spread the word of the woke.
Dr Huntley sounds like an inner city dill. You can get into some quite vigorous conversation about climate and RE in the regions if you care to. If you are in the “lifestyle” property driving radius from the city you can usually provoke some reaction from the weekend warriors.
Has anyone seen the senate paper yet , it’s a meter long, full of wannabes.
Which state are you in? Or at least are you in a big state or a smaller one?
“Flux” most likely
I’ve been prevailed upon to do a “family form guide” on that! I read the internet offerings. What talent to select from (/s)!
The family (having been raised to review before deciding) make their own decisions from there
It’s the waste, the worsening of the COL for the poorest people in the west, the fracturing of an efficient energy system and the lies by politicians and activists that renewables are cheaper and as reliable as fossil fuels based on ignored huge subsidisation. It’s the subsidisation leading to government guaranteed profits that is distorting (and financially destructive) both our political and financial systems. Greed and the grab for power over everyone to force people to live as the marxist greens demand, has destroyed the scientific method, debased statistical proving grounds and has the West destroying itself. Experts in appropriate fields are forced to follow the demands or be cancelled and lose the ability to feed their families. People with the appropriate qualifications in maths, stats and the sciences seem to have lost the ability to apply that knowledge to debate the truth or expose the fraud. One rarely finds any of them that will openly discuss why they believe the propaganda. They have to earn a living. They don’t question the activists. They don’t even question the use of the UN using the worse case scenarios dreamed up by computers to push the AGW unproven theories.
“One rarely finds any of them that will openly discuss why they believe the propaganda. ”
Find me a doctor willing to discus the propaganda behind Covid, or a media person willing to talk about Russia winning the war against NATO… All over the world professional people are unwilling to put their careers in danger by their speaking out, the self-imposed tyranny.
Therein lies the problem in a nutshell.
The freedom to argue a point from a secure knowledge base has been removed. Those responsible?
Begin with governments, their propaganda machines expert in selling lies, the law makers and police that wilfully obey a political edict – note the arrest of 22yo Pandou in today’s The Australian, arrested on grounds of making shop trading difficult and possibly stimulating community violence. He was demonstrating with a few supporters against the CCP; the ‘community’ were the people against his demonstration ie pro-China supporters heckling them. If that was a BLM demo, nothing would have happened.
Our police are enforcing the loss of our freedoms, as seen in COVID. Worse, they seem to enjoy it or, just as bad, they are too weak to allow Australia’s freedom of speech to survive. They don’t seem to realise that they are on the same road to perdition as were the brown shirts of Hitler.
We must now add unelected business bureaucrats chasing profits, as part of our governance. They demand we act according to the wokist of the woke demands or we don’t get exposure to what they sell. AFL, Qantas, Universities and their students (closed-minded universities chasing students from overseas, resorting to this sort of garbage is the reason that, if I was an overseas student, these actions would be the antithesis that I would pay hard-earned cash to experience as I chased new knowledge, or found contrary evidence to the enforced wisdom of the day. Peter Ridd was the example par excellence. Einstein, Galileo?)
Now we have the billionaire oligarchs of Australia that seek to secure their investments by controlling the Parliaments of the nation with relatively well healed, semi recognisable names that will toe their line and refuse to identify their own political persuasions and opinions on matters effecting the nation.
But we the people are the weakest link. ‘We’ are disinterested in politics or simply accept the propaganda of government and media as truth, and both those sources are totally unreliable for many obvious reasons. Society’s weakness plays right into their hands. In WA it is astounding the support for McGowan as the ‘Saviour’. It is also depressing when most of one’s friends and family simply spout ABC and West Australian ‘news’ as their belief without question. Is this historically how all successful societies end. We are certainly on the way out with our increasing expectation that governments owe us an easy living to the extent we don’t bother to or haven’t even the nous to examine the state of the nation each government leaves us with. Governments and their huge and variable array of activist supporters increasingly control how we think. That’s making us hugely vulnerable to falling into positions we have no way out of.
That’s a great piece Doc.
People are searching because it’s warming out of control and we’re all gunna snuff it.
The science is irrefutable.
New NASA data show Earth heating at unprecedented rate – “Like 800,000 nuclear power plants of 1 GW capacity heating Earth 24/7, 365 days a year”
CERES radiative flux data for 2021 has come available. The annual Earth’s Energy Imbalance was +1.52 W/m2, the energy equivalent to 1 million Hiroshima sized atomic bombs every day.
Another 12-month EEI record (from Mar 2021-Feb 2022). That’s a lot of additional energy in the Earth’s system, available to heat oceans, land and atmosphere, melt ice and increase sea levels.
Earth’s atmospheric CO2 hits highest recorded level in human history – Unprecedented level comes as greenhouse gas emissions continue around the world.
NEW YORK (The Independent) – Monthly average carbon dioxide (CO2) levels have reached above 420 parts per million (ppm) for the first time on record.
The new data, from Hawaii’s Mauna Loa Observatory, were released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
NOAA notes that CO2 is currently increasing about 100 times faster than other periods in geological history that have seen more natural increases in carbon dioxide
Nice knowing everyone. Bang! 😅
I went for a look at WUWT to see if there was at least an inkling of all that catastrophe.
“The Coldest April in the Satellite Record over the Pacific Northwest”
“A Sense Of Proportion”
“Earth Day Protest a Bust” (Goes with this thread IMO)
“Earth Day’s Failed Predictions Of 52 Years Ago & The Amazing Environmental Improvements That Have Occurred Since”
And if the CERES stuff is “new new” Willis will be along
Those who can manipulate elections via the internet can also do just about anything else they choose until and unless we avoid and effectively cancel ‘the googles and company’ altogether. It would amount to natural justice working a good ending into the plot just before the credits are about to roll. Let the bots fight each other for survival …
I am not sure which of the tech giants is the more powerful Leftist propagandist and manipulator. Is it Google, Farcebook, TikTok or pre-Musk Twitter?
Just departments delivering their facet of “the message” or controlling the resulting dialogue. They complement each other.
It’s easy to manipulate most people when they spend most of their waking hours staring at their phones or using a computer – how many of you can remember what life was like before the internet? . We are guilty too , but at least we do research and look at the available data (its easy when Jo lines it up for us…). My BS meter has been creeping into the red zone for years now . The last couple of years it’s gone off the scale….Here’s my ABC – accept nothing, believe no-one and check everything.
Do I detect a hockey stick?
OT, Its becoming a race to see which “renewable” country becomes the first to have a complete electricity supply failure
The trend on “climate change” is kind of fake. I looked in my own search history and my first search on 22 April is “climate change”. I’m pretty sure, I did not search for that as a first search on the day. Google probably coupled this in one way or the other to its graphics for earth day. The trend is artificial: look in your own search history on 22 April!
This browser’s history has “Mike Tyson Repeatedly Punches Man on Plane” which at a stretch could be to do with the atmosphere and thus climate; otherwise nil.