Dominion Voting Machine
What would you do if you discovered three weeks before your national elections that the voting machines your nation was about to use were easily hackable by local or foreign state actors? The Dominion electronic machines were going to be used in 16 states, and it was a “matter of national security”.
Judge Amy Totenberg decided it was all far too hairy, and too late to do anything, so she sealed the entire 25,000 word report by Dr Alex Halderman. But strangely in September the following year the author was still unable to send these “national security” documents to DHS-CISA. They were still legally sealed, and he was unable to give that information to the government.
Dr Patrick Byrne, the Stanford graduate of Philosophy, and also Asian studies, polymath, and self made Overstock billionaire wrote a story last October that in a normal world would have printed its own front page headlines, along the lines of “Scandalous report on Risks of Dominion Voting Machine Suppressed before 2020 election”. Naturally, no one has heard about it. Note that the report and study was done before the elections and contains no evidence that the 2020 elections were hacked, or stolen — it just shows how that might have happened, but even that makes it “fodder for conspiracies” and thus, not apparently something a mature democracy should allow people to read.
What’s worse than going to polls knowing the machines might be hacked? How about living under a government that might have been put there by foreign actors and is hiding that the machines made in China are easy to cheat on…
Yesterday Patrick Byrne posted Alex Haldermans Court Declaration. However the full 25,000 word report remains sealed. Apparently 70% of American votes are recorded on paper and 33 states have a paper trail for every vote. But 5 states, including Georgia, use entirely paperless machines for live voting, with no way to check…
Patrick Byrne: Curling v. Raffensperger and the Halderman MacGuffin
Dr. Alex Halderman is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Director of the Center for Computer Security and Society at the University of Michigan. He is, in short, a Professor of Dolphin-Speech, with focus on hacking. Halderman is no fan of Donald Trump, and from his public statements I would surmise that his politics are normal academic Lefty, but intellectually honest normal academic Lefty.
At a recent hearing, Totenberg sealed the report, citing a strong reluctance to draw any public scrutiny to the sensitive details in the case. Totenberg would not even allow an election integrity group to openly advocate for disclosure of the report, according to a transcript of a July 26 court hearing obtained by The Daily Beast. Instead, the judge asked that any such argument be filed in secret under seal. “There are so many other ways to educate the public besides trying to use this case,” Totenberg warned on the call. “I’m at the end of my rope about that.”
Totenberg decided to limit circulation of the report, opting to keep it to “attorneys’ eyes only”—and away from engineers at Dominion itself— out of a concern that exposing it to company employees would make it “subject to disclosure in other litigation.” “I’m concerned enough about the information contained in it… I have seen how this can blow up,” Totenberg said, according to the transcript.
Sam Jackson, an assistant professor who teaches about online extremism at the University at Albany, told The Daily Beast that the mere existence of this story could fuel conspiracy theories.
Halderman’s report shows that hacking these machines is easy, so “Georgia voters face an extreme risk that [ballot marking device]-based attacks could manipulate their individual votes and alter election outcomes.” And Georgia will not catch it if it happens. The same is true of 16 other states using these systems. That is highly concerning. Unless a Republican says the same thing, in which case it is a conspiracy theory. So when the judge suppresses the best information our country has about an issue of national self-determination, it is not actually suppression, it is “stopping a conspiracy theory”. Because a Republican said it. And the real problem with letting citizens know that votes can be manipulated and election outcomes altered… is that conservatives might use that knowledge to “undermine the validity of elections in the minds of conservatives” (though why an election in which votes are manipulated and outcomes altered has “validity” is considered something so obvious the Daily Beast need not address it).
Is this starting to seem strange to anyone else?
There’s a lot more at the link.
In January 2022, the legal battle continued. As the hyperpartisan “Votebeat” site describes it, the report that’s sealed is no big deal. Anyone with unfettered access to the machines could find flaws, and that doesn’t mean anyone else did, or they were used. It doesn’t even mean that other states who are using or thinking of buying Dominion machines should see the report either. And it doesn’t mean the Judge should ban the use of the machines, and encourage states to use paper instead.
All you “election deniers” just need to crawl back in your holes:
Why the debate over a computer scientist’s Dominion report is so heated
Unlike Trump’s allies, we should resist falling into the logical trap of assuming that potential vulnerabilities in the machines mean they have already been exploited. We should also be clear-eyed about the link between this lawsuit and the raging fire of the Big Lie. David Becker, executive director and founder of the Center for Election Innovation & Research, which helped Georgia research new voting systems, says it is “simply a fact that then-President Trump used these failed claims to justify his failed coup” and his unsigned executive order.
“Whatever their intentions, it’s undeniable that those who have brought recent claims in courts attempting to decertify particular voting machines they didn’t like — all of which have failed — have found their claims and testimony used by election deniers who seek to undermine voter confidence and the legitimacy of the 2020 election and future elections,” Becker said.
Does anyone else wonder if politicians elected with hacked electronic machines may have a vested interest in keeping them hackable “for next time”?
Since direct-recording electronic machines became popular as a response to the disputed 2000 presidential election, there have been folks advocating for paper instead. In 2003, Rep. Rush Holt (D-New Jersey) introduced a bill that would have required a paper trail in all federal elections. It went nowhere, and he introduced it again in 2007, when it, again, went nowhere. It received substantial opposition from others in Congress as well as state election officials…
State election officials hoping for golden handshakes or sweet future career offers probably don’t want security holes that they are responsible for, being discussed in public either.
And when will Twitter let Patrick Byrne get his account back?
h/t To Scott of the Pacific, David E
If nothing else, just read Mollie Hemingway’s Rigged. It spells everything out, and includes original references.
Biden’s “Ministry of Truth” will tell us what to believe.
Truth will set you free. Disinformation is the not the old disinformation.
If you can find a copy.
I just saw a copy available at Amazon.
Surprisingly, they haven’t stopped selling it like they have done with many other conservative-oriented books. (E.g. they refuse to sell any books that challenge the transgender movement.)
Placing any kind of “middle man” (the machine) into the voting mix is pure rigging. It has no other purpose. It’s like the following….
In many licenced clubs there is “computerized Roulette” whereby the gambler places a bet on any of the 37 numbers (from 0 to 36 inclusive) or combinations thereof at a video-roulette table. Then a video-roulette wheel is “spun” and the winners paid out in the same ratio as at a physical roulette table. Credits appear on the winners’ screens….which can be taken in cash if so desired.
So, what happens, d’ya reckon, if the potential result (payout) on any given number (already known to the software in play) is extremely damaging to the club? Well, since. unlike a physical roulette table in a physical casino, the computerized version can calculate immediately
total payouts for everything that’s been bet, the club will NOT be wiped out: will not lose overall AT ANY TIME.
Theoretically, at a real roulette table some high roller “might” plonk millions on a lucky choice and ‘break the bank”and…In fact this has happened: Evening Standard 2012: “High rollers have broken the bank at Fifty casinos”…..
Putting the machine in the mix at clubs stops this in it’s tracks. Putting computerized-vote-counting machines in an election follows the same path by ensuring the right result: the right winner……Comrades!
The big security weakness is the secret ballot. That means there is no way for anybody to confirm after the event that their vote was correctly recorded. And that is the starting point when the bad guys seek to corrupt the voting process.
The alternatives are either to not have secret ballots or to have security over every step in the voting process.
On a personal scale this morning I received personalized correspondence from one of the candidates in the forthcoming election. I find that extremely intrusive. The last thing I ever want to see after the election from a candidate is a personalized note thanking me for my vote.
Some trivia for you FG- apparently secret balloting was a process started in Australia and then adopted worldwide. So, we Aussies are to blame.
in fact Australia is to blame for many world wide problems of today
Possibly, ..but they all pale to insignificance compared to the problems caused by Religion !
Nope – read Henry Ergas in today’s Oz – it was the revolutionary French circa 1789.
Isn’t that ‘personalised correspondence’ just info taken from the electoral roll?
Yes GAJ. The information is indeed taken from the electoral roll which is why they used my wife’s legal name rather than the name she uses.
The information is for the purpose of checking eligibility to vote on election day. I object to it being harvested for any other purpose.
Vlad, an excellent referral! The Federalist is one of the very few sites posting analysis of the election of ’20. The fact that it was stolen is fairly verified by the branding of it as a “big lie”, a hall-of-shame level projection by lefties.
2000 Mules, 20 million ‘undocumented immigrants’, 200 Million Fools, and a 20 Trillion pricetag for the Green New Boondoggle.
Trump Reveals Trailer of Explosive ‘2000 Mules’ Ballot Harvesting Documentary at Ohio Rally
I see nothing.
We here in Amerika will be protected from ‘disinformation’.
Joe is an historical world leader name that I trust.
O.K. Got it;
In this new inverted multiverse, up is down, in is just another way of saying out, left is actually right, but on the first and last days of the week it’s straight ahead.
All that may be so, but conversely, the inverse is often the more real alternative when considered in broad daylight.
Anybody who doesn’t understand all of this definitely needs to be re-educated with a post, or even a pre doctorate degree at PUFF, the Pekin University for Foreign Fools which boasts constantly about previous U.S. graduates.
But c’mon man, let’s be serious about this;
The World is in Dire Straits.
I prefer The Bangles. Suzannah is very easy on the eyes … … …
Brothers On Arms?? Appropriate!!
Hackable voting machines, made in China, wonderful, nothing like democracy.
From what I remember Trump was leading by double digits percentage at the close of polling in the 4 states that really mattered.
By next morning nearly every pre poll vote was for Biden and it was decided Biden had won.
That is statistically unbelievable !
I don’t know why there isn’t more scepticism about this – ordinarily one would expect the percentages to be similar or no more than a couple of percentage point difference.
Anyway the media and progressives got what they wanted and I hope they enjoy the fruits of their labour – the US is just about done in less than 2 years !
Jon Drotz analysis shortly after the election got the Pennsylvania Biden midnight bump at 1 to 10^27. Now that is a long shot.Dr Frank has shown that he can predict the outcome of the vote in every county in every state given the public numbers in only one county for each state. The fraud was everywhere and very coordinated. Watch for the mule movie next week it wont tell the whole election fraud story but a major part of it.
Not only that but they want us to believe a senile dummy with a crackhead son, who couldnt muster more than a handful of people in a carpark, got the most votes in US history! Trump was packing out stadiums…
Lo and behold! The same thing happened in the French presidential election. Smell a rat anyone?
Marine Lepen had 14 million votes at 9.20 pm, and she had only 11 million votes left at 10.45 pm. Where did all these votes go?
there are reports showing corruption especially in the postal voting for the French election
l would guess there will be more evidence to come
there are too many people now not just going along with this narrative
its funny how the elections where the lockdowns have been severe have been won by the dictators
Canada, France ect…
That’s why the Left sabotaged the education system and critical thinking and basic arithmetic are no longer taught. But you can bet kids will be able to identify all supposed 57 “genders”…
The Left have created an army of slave drones.
I’ve never seen postal votes swing a seat more than a few percent when everyone is finally counted.
I remember they tried to explain away the amazingly high percentage of postal votes for Biden by claiming his supporters were all tucked away in their basements like him and used the postal option, whereas Trump voters supposedly shunned COVID advice and voted in person earlier. I saw plenty of Trump supporters at those huge rallies wearing masks and plenty of Biden supporters at protests without masks screaming in people’s faces etc. Amazing also that in seats that didn’t matter, the voting patterns looked pretty believable.
What amazes me is Trump was in power for 4 years and did nothing to change/repair the election system. I know the states run the election system but surely he could have done something to fix it.
Exactly, and Joe has been President for just over a year and so far he has done nothing as well. I’m sure he will spend the next three years fixing it.
What could he do? The election system is run by the individual states. This is also what hampered the Supreme Court from taking action.
AT least that’s the way I see it. Maybe someone can correct me.
The states set the rules, yes, but the rules were not enforced.
The top law enforcement officials are elected, political figures who take contributions for their election campaigns.
The court system, from Supreme Court down, refused to hear cases and excused themselves with spurious arguments, the inference is that they were scared.
Draining the swamp was a bigger task than he thought – and then he also believed he would have another four years to tackle it (which he should have had).
Well, this should be front page news….oh, that’s right.
yes that’s right it is not because it is a load of baloney.
You know its not a load of baloney
You know its the truth, and that it will eventually reach the light of day.
That is what the far left is so scared about, and why they absolutely must cancel and censor any comments about it.
You pathetic attempt to distract… has failed.
Nowadays american woke judges are behaving like ostriches .Upon any dispute they forget about the law and cannot do anything else than puttting their heads in the sand preventing that any reality may sink into their heads .Like ostriches their feathers are 80% black and 20% white although in reality the us is quite the opposite , but never mind the msm obeys them like nothing to see here , move along folks .
Like ostriches their feathers are 80% black and 20% white although in reality the us is quite the opposite
April 29, 2022 at 2:19 pm
April 29, 2022 at 2:00 pm
“White”, if we’re referring to colour, isn’t a single colour at all. It’s a mixture of all of them.
Which means it’s the most diverse and inclusive of all.
52 Types of White Color – Simplicable
What Are The 7 Colors of The Rainbow in Order?
The white light that emits from the sun can be broken down into the 7 colors of the rainbow in order:
Cancel Culture’s anti-white crusade risks canceling Western civilization altogether
Rather than belabor America’s turbulent history, while vilifying just one race, the United States needs to find a way to turn the corner on this cancel culture madness that exists as a malignant cancer on the body politic.
Liberal indoctrination in the United States has gotten so out of control that math textbooks, based on the work of some dead white men, among others, are no longer safe from the virtue-signaling Inquisition. Let’s be clear: no society can survive such insanity for long.
As difficult as it is to fathom, in the span of a single generation the patron saints of Western civilization – towering historic figures like Shakespeare, Washington, Voltaire and Copernicus – have been systematically dispatched to the local garbage dump primarily due to their hideous whiteness.
Indeed, the pale-faced tribe of ‘Caucasians’, to employ a more outdated racial categorization, has become so offensive to liberal sensitivities that with each passing year the mainstream media reports, with thinly disguised delight, the latest precipitous decline among the White population.
The republicans did the US a great service when they blocked the nomination of Garland to SCOTUS. The man has no shame abusing his power for political ends.
Reading this and all the other correspondence regarding the 2020 US election, I always get the impression that it doesn’t matter. That, Trump was just such an enemy of democracy, tyrant, Russian bot etc that getting rid of him was all important. Well, at least that’s what the Democrats, swamp dwellers, US MSM, Big Tech etc thought. That election fraud was in fact a necessary evil to remove Donald. Part of their fortifying of the election. That it was indeed a good thing. Hence, nothing will happen. The Dominion machines will probably be used again at the next election.
The result of that 2020 election was Joe Biden as US president. Geez, I just watched video of Biden talking about giving Ukraine an extra $30b and the US seizing the assets of Russian oligarchs. In the middle of his address he appears to have a complete breakdown. It’s all a bit terribly sad to watch. Its probably time he got COVID or spent more time with his family.
In summary: the guy who sleeps with Russian spies deflects.
What has Swalwell got to do with this?
A recount of the fraudulent ballots will change nothing. Even you are intelligent enough tom realise that, but hey keep on deflecting.
The ballots were audited too. In multiple places. No evidence exists of fraud anywhere near the scale suggested.
There is massive evidence of fraud. You can interpret that evidence in your own way but you can’t say it doesn’t exist.
I can say it doesn’t exist because it doesn’t.
says Humpty:
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
He was on to something there.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a Wall.
Gee! Eh?
How about you quote sources so we can apply a “2022 perspective”?
It seems to me that a number of putative victims of corruption in positions of power are resisting measures to clean up the voting systems. And a second group have not taken any positive steps. It would be interesting to see a summary of the changes made to the various US election systems since 2020.
If the polls are to be believed the democrats would have to cheat on an even bigger scale on the mid-term elections than they always have in the past. The likely consequence would be rioting in the streets. And you’d think that the democrats would not want that outcome, except there is considerable evidence that the democrats do want riots in the streets. And too many RINOs do not seem at all concerned.
Please folks do not think that because we do not have machines here in Australia that there is no vote rigging, cause of course there is and you only have to look at the media and social media to assess what goes on here.
An excellent preferential voting video is on gab.com under the group section/Australia. wayback.tube/video/632/preferential-voting-with-marbles
And another thing to remember is that on YOU the voter decides who has your preferential vote NOT any political party. Forget the how to vote cards, do your homework/research and vote accordingly.
And take your own ballpoint pen.
yeah. All those scrutineers from different parties ignore the erasers held in the hands of their opponents.
Here GA is correct. Our system has always had scrutineers who are free to appeal any vote.
The common fraud is in the voter registration. Candidates have walked their electorates and found addresses that either don’t exist or are not residential. This is not done on a grand scale but can tip close run races.
Don’t worry H, you can’t uncook the cooked.
You are totally devoid of any sense of irony.
“you can’t uncook the cooked”
Which is exactly why fraudulent vote should not be counted.
Once you have cooked the votes, and mixed them in with the stew, they are very difficult to tell from real votes.
In Australia scrutieers have all parties allowed to reject any of all ballots if informal, with every counting officer viewed from less than a metre.
In America, and the CCTV confirms Republican scrutineers had to compare signatures for up to 10 counters from at least 3 metres and sometimes from up to 6 metres. I like the signatures but viewed from 3 or more metres 10 at a time makes them ridiculous.
Audits in America seemed safe but were easily rigged and have had to progress to canvassing. This has proved that vacant lots voted. People did not exist. More people voted from addresses than lived in the residence and often the resident had never heard of them. 75 people lived in a house where there were only 2. Dead people voted. The cheating we are told was to protect democracy???
Anybody who believes 2020 was not rigged is a fool. That is why Trump called Piiers a fool.
I won’t watch Piers now as the evidence shows he is unreliable.
Any journalist who says there is no good evidence is useless.
Russell Brand’s analysis of that Donald/Piers interview is excellent and funny too. I hadn’t watched any of it until I saw it on his podcast today.
Mr. Aye: So you are appalled at the counties that “closed” the counting, pushed the scrutineers out the door, and kept counting? Go ahead, tell us that didn’t happen. If it did, then why are you not appalled?
While we do not have machines(Computers)used in the actual vote,except in some specified areas, computers are a part of the scrutiny.counting and tabulation of the results.the use of computers to actually READ the votes using OCR technology is,amongst other things ,permitted (Sec 278a and 278b of the Electoral Act) Remember the comment,often attributed to a well known “Naughty Person”that its the person that COUNTS the votes that decides the victor,not the person that casts the vote.
Anybody who claims there is no good evidence has not looked. The Democrats knew they had it all under control. But they seriously underestimated the magnitude of Trump’s vote and huge gaps had to be covered. They also failed to consider CCTV. The cheating is blatantly obvious. Anybody who ignores the sworn statements that should have been in the courts is a fool. The excuses to not hear the evidence were illegal. Jan 6 was a fraud. Videos show 6 ANTIFA buses arriving and people being waved in before Trump’s speach ended. What happened to Nancy’s laptop? Did Pelosi’s team create an atmospere where legitimacy of Arizona would have been questioned and up to 2 hours of debate exposed the fraud. Trump had offered 10 to 20 thousand guards and considering the communications before 6 Jan the only reason the guards were not required was because things were going to Democrat plans?
David Clements exposed why the courts had no grounds to avoid perfectly legitimate cases. The Americans have no idea who their president is. Perhaps Hillary Clinton was the Easter Bunny.
More seriously I think Biden’s puppeter is a commitee. Note Biden, when questioned refers to his boss as they. I looked forward to Piers on Fox but sadly he exposed himself as poorly researched on the vote rigging and hence is a fool. Stealing America’s democracy is a huge act of war. It enabled Destruction of America’s energy independence and borders. It gave Russia control of NATO energy and led to the Ukraine invasion.
Is any country in Europe more corrupt than Hunter’s Ukraine? Except Russia.
Reports suggest that Russia, during Obama, provided funds to bribe officials in Ukraine. The agents kept the money. Some mysterious deaths then occured in England. Ukraine is a poor relation of the modern warfare in USA. Communism uses modern methods and explosions are more obvious and far less effective than rigged voting machines, academia and media.
That’s some serious cooking you’ve done there Richard. Let me help you with a definition
Communism: a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.
So a system of social organisation managed to rig some vote machines and something something.
“Communism: a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.”
And those deemed unfit for the community, are starved, beaten to death, worked to death, or if lucky shot and buried in pits.
Just out of interest, did you follow anything of what Richard Jenkins wrote?
Gee Aye, Please find , it’s abundant, “The 45 communist goals” written in 1958 and later read in congress.
Cooked totes. Btw it was 1963 and really… who decided that these were “communism’s goals”.
A dictator decides to make his state communist.
“Hang on sir”, his deputy says, “we must first find that speech from 1963 as we are required to follow the 45 goals if we are to be true communists”.
You really do everything you can to defend the communist cause, don’t you..
Now why would that be.! 😉
Gee Aye, ” The Naked Communist” was written in 1958. The author was well informed and the publication, in retrospect, has been proved reliable.
I am amazed that it took so long to be read out in congress. It is in the congressional record.
Those aims explain much of what has happened.
They also are confirmed by the events since and current, that validate their credibility as a ‘prophecy’.
” now why? ”
Beecause it pays well.
Poor geee, Not able to counter one of Richard’s points.
So you distract, distract, distract… !
the Cabal admitted there interference in a Time Magazine article, full of bragging and boasting LOL
Ignore all the talk and evidence of election cheating in America because it’s patently nonsense. All the signs were there predicting that he would beat Trump: performing abysmally in the primaries, hiding in his basement instead of camapaigning, holding rallies where attendance was pathetic, choosing just about the least popular running mate and running behind Trump in all the polls. I mean, how could he lose?
this is factually incorrect.
Yep, correct, “unning” is not a word.
Exceeding your normal level of intelligence today, creating your own words to dispel the meaning of an entire paragraph. Amazing debate technique.
Amazing take down of my pasting error in order to distract from my exposing an outright lie.
Wikipedia has great info.
Like they predicted Hilary to win in 2016?
that is a compendium of all public polls. Steve claimed they all went the other way. Have you got something that proves him correct?
You do know that most polls are from far-left organisation, don’t you. !
Averaging a bunch of fake marxist-biased polls means nothing.
The Truth will set you free.
Yep, a lot of what wiki write in the political areas….. is downright lies.
So it makes total sense that you would use it as a reference.
I once used to donate to Wikipedia and do find it useful for scientific and technical articles but the overwhelming Leftist political bias in other areas caused me to stop donating.
Mr. Aye: I can’t believe these guys are taunting you over a typo!! You would never go there, would you?
“running behind Trump in all the polls”
You mean the far left polls.. oh ok !
Not able to counter any other part of the comment….
So use a far-left political propaganda non-fact as mis-information and distraction..
Apart from the fraudulent election, the decision by the socialist media to suppress the true story of Hunter Biden’s laptop was likely enough by itself to swing the election result.
I followed the Georgia senate runoff in Jan, 2021 between Ossof (D) and Perdue (R) closely. At 10:57pm, Perdu was ahead by 106,000 votes with 91% counted.
At 11:11pm Perdue was ahead by 114,000 votes with 92% counted (which would be all ‘the walk-ins’ counted)..
Next morning, with 94% counted, Perdue was only 2000 votes ahead. Ossof went onto win by a few thousand votes.
This one seat gave the Democrats control of the Senate. I wished I had been taking screen shots ATT but I thought Perdue was over the line as he was always in front.
It’s interesting how the Left are so fanatically committed to maintaining the narrative of no election fraud.
And it doesn’t matter how many times a recount is done, if the votes cast are themselves fraudulent, or the people are unqualified to vote for reasons such as being dead, the same result will be obtained.
Agreed David. And the fraud was very carefully designed so that even when individual elements weres uncovered the steal could survive.
Mr. Gardener: Agreed, the fraud was in paper ballots. I doubt the Dominion machine stories, don’t read them in depth, because I think there was a reason dems in the states that opened up paper ballots to the greatest degree knew that the troops could produce them, and once they were in nobody could tell a false ballot from a true ballot. The idea that it took 5 days to count in ’20 is debunked by the VA election of ’21, also COVID, also lotsa mail in ballots, yet Youngkin was the winner in the early AM hours next day. Frankly, I am tired of those foolish enough to deny what the dems did mostly in plain view.
Is up anybody even remotely persuaded by anything Gee Aye has written under this topic?
Nope.. seems to me Gee is just using empty distractions based on far-left propaganda..
Persuasion is not the tactic of choice in the Great Culture War.
The insurgents attacking Western enlightened culture are fighting a war of attrition.
Winning any one engagement, or specific argument, is unnecessary.
Force the dominate adversary to expend energy and resources … the goal is not winning, it is not losing.
We defend arguments, as they attack identity.
(Don’t like mandates … you’re an ‘anti-vaxxer’).
GA and associates drop in, fire a few ineffective rounds, and retreat.
The target is truth.
The strategy is confusion.
Sow doubt by constantly repeating lies, like “Communism is just sharing,” and “humans are a threat to nature”.
The educated class become so ‘open minded’, you can drive a truck through their brains.
Eventually we reject our own values and create the Ministry of Truth. (Already happened in US this very week.)
Then GA will be enslaved with the rest of us.
Considering there is an actual person.
GA may also simply be a child.
Anyone under 40 is a child to me.
This topic?
Thanks, well worth the read.
Well said, Honk.
Nicely put Honk R. This site is a mere microcosm but the waste of energy and resources bothers me most.
Tucker – Time to draw the line
Running out of hills.
I’ve followed it all pretty closely. From earliest WTF election night moments, to anomalies in the data, (Dr Douglas Frank et al) to large scale role abuse revealed by people walking the streets trying to find non-existent residences and people who had never existed at claimed addresses (suggesting operatives in postal services), to now finally have clear unequivocal proof in the form of True the votes cell phone data analytics cross checked against video surveillance. No one with an open mind can come to any other conclusion but that there was a massive coordinated ballot-fraud operation from democrats across at least the battleground states, and that it swung the election outcome to Biden – and likely the Senate too.
Big question is, will politico-judicial-media nexus, who have fairly strong interest in not allowing it to be fully investigated or to have any remedies applied, allow it to be fully investigated and have remedies applied. DOJ, FBI and CIA have all shown themselves to be at minimum highly anti-Trump – united perhaps in wanting to preserve their institutional and personal power against a disruptive interloper of a President, and manufactured or abetted fabricated scandals that they perpetrated against Trump over last 6 years. State politicians are a more mixed bag, but a large number of those in control, perhaps of both parties, must have been in on it – as they have won their elections. There is huge corruption in US political financing after all (how else do low paid politicians get so incredible rich). The reluctance of the judiciary to allow evidence to be examined in court is harder to understand – though almost all cases will run up against a partisan (they are political appointees) judge at some stage.
Good summary.
“..but a large number of those in control, perhaps of both parties, must have been in on it ”
For example, Liz and Mitt, and other Never Trumpers, as evidenced by their actions post election. You will never convince me that the Never Trumpers were not complicit with the Democrats. They all sold out their country.
“The reluctance of the judiciary to allow evidence to be examined in court is harder to understand..”
Look to the historical causes of such-bribery and extortion.
[…] Patrick Byrne: Major risks of Dominion Voting machines hidden before US Election What would you do if you discovered three weeks before your national elections that the voting machines your nation was about to use were easily hackable by local or foreign state actors? The Dominion electronic machines were going to be used in 16 states, and it was a “matter of national security”. […]
[…] Patrick Byrne: Major risks of Dominion Voting machines hidden before US Election What would you do if you discovered three weeks before your national elections that the voting machines your nation was about to use were easily hackable by local or foreign state actors? The Dominion electronic machines were going to be used in 16 states, and it was a “matter of national security”. […]
[…] State election officials hoping for golden handshakes or sweet future career offers probably don’t want security holes that they are responsible for, being discussed in public either. Read More […]
[…] Source […]
What is the meaning of the expression “Dolphin-speech” in the text?
Is it some idiom I’m unfamiliar with, or a bizarre case of auto-correct, or what?
Its presence strongly reduce the credibility of the post.