A year ago, one man sold his soul.
People were dying, hospitals were overflowing, but even by January 2021 we already knew ivermectin could save three quarters of those who died. Randomized trials of 2,282 people showed that only 2% of people on ivermectin died, compared to nearly 10% of the hapless people who missed out, yet he picked the “missed out” path.
Everything pointed in the right direction. The result of the meta-study was highly significant (p=0.0002!), the risks were almost nothing, the outcome was extraordinary, the effect was dependent on the dose, and the blood markers of inflammation were also reduced, as we’d expect. Yet the conclusion of the same paper was that we needed larger trials before the results could even be reviewed. And this single line that contradicted nearly everything in the paper, was quoted everywhere to say the evidence was “inconclusive”.
This was from the same man who said Ivermectin was “the way forward” and that he would give ivermectin to his own brother. Then suddenly he flipped.
A forensic analysis of that strange contradictory paper shows there were two or three other voices who influenced the wording. They were not named. When pressed, Dr Andrew Hill admitted that even The charity Unitaid has a say in the conclusions… This is how the brand name ScienceTM works. It’s not the data that matters.
Watch him squirm, as Dr Tess Lawrie grills him:
Dr Andrew Hill: “I’m not going to let this last for a long time”… (he knows it’s wrong).
He knew 15,000 people were dying every day. “It’s just six weeks” said Hill. That works out to nearly half a million people who could have been saved. And it ended up being a lot longer than six weeks. It was an opportunity missed. The paper was used to sack good doctors, slow research, and feed corporations billions of dollars for treatments that didn’t work.
Follow the documentary maker on Telegram: t.me/OracleFilms
The Abstract:
Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug being investigated for repurposing to SARS-CoV-2. In-vitro, ivermectin showed limited antiviral activity and a COVID-19 animal model demonstrated pathological benefits but no effect on viral RNA. This meta-analysis investigated ivermectin in 18 randomized clinical trials (2282 patients) identified through systematic searches of PUBMED, EMBASE, MedRxiv and trial registries. Ivermectin was associated with reduced inflammatory markers (C-Reactive Protein, d-dimer and ferritin) and faster viral clearance by PCR. Viral clearance was treatment dose- and duration-dependent. In six randomized trials of moderate or severe infection, there was a 75% reduction in mortality (Relative Risk=0.25 [95%CI 0.12-0.52]; p=0.0002); 14/650 (2.1%) deaths on ivermectin; 57/597 (9.5%) deaths in controls) with favorable clinical recovery and reduced hospitalization. Many studies included were not peer reviewed and meta-analyses are prone to confounding issues. Ivermectin should be validated in larger, appropriately controlled randomized trials before the results are sufficient for review by regulatory authorities.
Meta analysis of randomized trials of ivermectin to treat SARS-Cov-2 Infection.
So, it appears millions of lives have died unnecessarily thanks to various scientists, doctors and health officials. This is a catastrophic number in anyone’s language.
If this is all true, and I have little doubt it is, then those leaders and health officials responsible for the banning of ivermectin should now be held to account. That means being rounded up by the police (not arrested per se, at least not yet) questioned and investigated for various crimes. This is not a joke. But sadly it’s not going to happen for one big reason. The culprits and their puppet supporters know all this and are desperately looking for ways to divert attention away. The fears of a war with Russia is one of them. So, don’t expect things to change. We’ve seen enough evidence over the recent past to know that we have people in governments all over the world who are complicit in some grand plan to subjugate their people for a variety of reasons. Trudeau is a classic example of one, perhaps the most notorious example. Our own premiers and PM are other albeit less notorious examples.
Together with UNICEF, the Therapeutics Pillar secured 2.9 million treatment courses of dexamethasone – the first proven life-saving therapy for hospitalised patients – for people in low-and middle-income countries in July 2020, just weeks after the UK RECOVERY trial results showed it to be effective in cutting mortality.
Nearly 20 low- and middle-income countries in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America have placed orders so far, with more expected throughout 2021.
• ACT Accelerator moves to expand access to dexamethasone for low- and middle-income countries for COVID-19 treatment, 2 July 2020.
Manufactured in the U.S., Pfizer CentreOne has been reliably synthesizing and supplying commercial volumes of dexamethasone corticosteroid hormone APIs to leading pharma companies for decades.
PFIZER. Unitaid has a big conflict of interest in any Ivermectin input.
Dr Hill would have known this.
Geneva – Efforts to revolutionise treatments for debilitating infectious diseases have been amplified today with the launch of a new research centre at the University of Liverpool.
Established as part of a US$40 million international research consortium, primarily funded by Unitaid, the University of Liverpool’s Centre of Excellence for Long-acting Therapeutics (CELT) will be the first of its kind in the world.
By repurposing existing medicines into slow-release formulations, where drug effectiveness can be sustained over several months, ‘long-acting’ technology has already been successfully implemented in the fields of contraception and schizophrenia.
The Pay-off.
It is now common to read of people being silenced or deterred.
I have never seen a person describe what frighteners were used.
They must be very fearsome.
What are they?
Can anyone give a helpful link?
If more people are to be threatened, they need to know what to fear so they can fight it off.
Quite important, IMHO. Geoff S
It’s usually money. As in, “Toe the party line, or you don’t get any more grants.”
The 2020s will go down in history as the decade of the psychopaths! Covid was used as a political and financial tool. The end result was the murder of 100s of thousands by their own governments. Today’s slaughter in the Ukraine looks to be nothing out of the ordinary judged by these standards. God Help Us!
As I have said before and will go on saying without fear of contradiction, the two huge failures of government have been energy and covid. Faith in politicians has been smashed – not that it was profound to begin with.
Hot on the heals of those two failures is the campaign to blame Russia for everything under the sun. When that fails what will be the next grand scaremongering I wonder? Time will tell. Perhaps it will be a regurgitation of the CAGW scam or some food crisis. They re playing with fire and many more millions will die, perhaps billions. Yet most people still vote for these clowns. Go figure!
Most of the players have never been voted into their positions where they can dictate what is happening. Did we have a say in who the Secretary General of the UN is? Guterres is an out and out commie. Did we have a say as to who the the DG of the WHO is? No he’s appointed, but 1/2 of their budget is given to them by Gates who is “consulted” before any decisions are made. Did we choose the head of the IMF? The World Bank? Even the World Economic Forum is just a private business empire making decisions we have no say in and influencing (more like dictating to) our “elected” governments. The independent Nation State no longer exists.
The next Biggie is the food “crisis” 60% of European wheat comes from Ukraine and Russia. Over 75% of a middle East countries rely on it?
Over 40% of European energy comes from Russia.
It is not rocket science to work out we are heading for the mother and father of inflationary, famine and energy starvation.
Any chance this old pensioner could claim asylum in the Republic of Ausistan?
Maybe for the masses faith in government hasn’t changed. I don’t really know, as my friends are an echo chamber. I guess the election will provide a better indication
Did you not notice the outstandingly successful trial run with “The Hole in the Ozone Layer”
Did the Montreal Protocol deliver somebody a monopoly in the market for refrigerants?
Nobody has yet explained to me why this “hole” was at the South Pole when 90% of the population supposedly causing it reside in the North.
1/ Yes. T2/ Yes, Dow Corning, who owned the patents on the CFC replacements. 3/The hole in the ozone layer is a naturally occurring phenomenon, which was described as a “relative ozone lack” by GMB Dobson in his review article “40 years of Ozone at Oxford” Annals of Optics, 1968. It was first recognised in 1947/1948, when CFCs were not exactly plentiful anywhere in the world. ( Interestingly, Mt Erebus is a natural emitter of CFCs, but as CFCs are heavier than air , they just roll down out of the craters rim and do not effect the atmosphere.) According to Dobson, (and what would he know?)the relative ozone lack is caused by;1/. the lack of ozone being formed in the stratosphere over the antarctic winter due to no sun hitting upper atmosphere, . 2/ the westerly wind of the antarctic vortex preventing replenishment from outside till the end of winter, and 3/ temperature . the colder the winter the bigger the ozone lack. The ozone “hole” occurs every year and lasts 3/12
All we can hope for is that the insurance industry sues the hell out of Pfizer and Moderna, for fraud, which invalidates their EUA exemptions .The Insurers know that there were a lot of non covid deaths in the vaccinated, and we now know that the “all cause mortality” was higher in the vaccinated, than in the unvaccinated. The media is owned by the elites, with Bezos owning NYT and the head of Reuters on Pfizer’s board, but Wall Street will follow the money, and if Moderna and Pfizer look like crashing, the exits will be rapid.
Thank you ian hilliar. All of that works to strengthen my prejudice, that crookery is afoot on a grand scale, on a number of fronts, all involving chemical companies.
If this old farmer was given the job of explaining the “hole” I’d start by thinking around the comparative elevations. There’s a lot more air in the atmosphere at the North Pole than the south.
I immediately smelt a whole family of rats when this ‘hole” was announced in the mid 1980s. How did they know it was new? They told us a satellite had discovered it. The satellite had only been up there a handful of years. There was no mention of Gordon Dobson. I discovered him years later. After I had read that a major shareholder of a US chemical company had spent $250 million hiring scientists to get the Montreal Protocol established. Surely that was fanciful! Surely?
My conspiracy theorisIng was aroused years earlier when the ban on the herbicide 2,4,5-T took us from paying $9 a litre for our weedkiller to $140 a litre. The manufacturers had responded to a Greens campaign by making an ex gratia payment of $800 million to Vietnam veterans who may have been affected by herbicide use in the war. That $140 a litre would have soon recouped their $800 million.
And a monopoly on the supply of refrigerants would soon recoup the $250 million. Not so fanciful after all.
There’s a lot more to this story. Were the replacement refrigerants any different to the banned ones in their effect on ozone, or just representing evergreened patents. Right now they are again reversing the rotation of the world on that basis. Have they reached the end of that evergreening road?
I suggest that now is the time to put all of this stuff together and deliver it to our politicians. Along with Ivermectin and Chlordane.
The problem is our politicians were controlled before covid. What changed with covid was our news organizations were taken over and there was the start of official suppression of information. The covid release was planned. Covid was the start of official censorship and start of mass issuing of propaganda to stop things like ivermectin.
Suddenly all the news organizations were running propaganda pieces about Ivermectin. It is sad.
Our system was been taken by big Pharma and the Chinese. Money corrupts. The US is stinking corrupt.
I do not believe the covid release was planned. As far as Bill Gates et all are concerned, I think it was a happy accident. Bill said in an interview at Davos in 2015 that his “donation” of 10 billion to vaccine research and roll outs had made him a profit of 200 billion over the last ten tears, which was the best investment, in purely economic terms , he had ever made. Covid just started him to hypersalivate, like Pfizer and the rest.
But that is the point. Governments view those issues as successes. They have more power and money, and have weakened and impoverished their citizens, and turned them into dumb automatons who keep voting for the same sh!t. Precisely their agenda. We need to recognise this is we are eventually beat them.
I work with folk higher on the pecking order than myself.
Were I to mention this video to them, they will call me a ‘conspiracy theorist’.
And call the sources ‘right wing’.
And ‘purposely distorting context’.
And emphatically tell me that there is no evidence for the efficacy for IVM.
They will not even consider watching it.
Their world is much more comfortable and secure than my own.
The gravity of what has transpired is more than they can accept.
If the truth eventually becomes known to them, they will deny the above.
There are many people like those who call us “conspiracy theorists”. Often when I talk to such people they just say it’s fake news because they trust the MSM for their source of information, and stop listening to the facts. It’s all part of the plan by our governments to keep silent about the truth and allow ourselves to be divided and be conquered. If we had a truly good leader, he would have exposed the truth and fund an opposition to the ABC to allow real journalists to expose the truth, the exact opposite of what’s happening now. Then the people will distrust the current MSM and stop listening to them in droves. Instead we have a bad leader, some would say an evil one (not for me to judge) and so the big con continues. There is no way of stopping it until and unless we elect a good leader, but the reality is no such leader exists. It doesn’t mean we should not continue to bring as much of the truth out as possible, and Jo’s blog is just one of many such sites that permit the truth to come forth, at least some of it.
“What is the difference between a conspiracy theory and a headline?
About 6 monthys”
What’s the difference between a MSM headline and a lie? Most of the time instantaneous.
Ian now days conspiracy’s are spoiler alerts!
Peter- you did have a leader in Abbott but he was destroyed by your MSM at the behest of the NWO. Same with Harper in Canada.
The video just proves that a society without morals is bound to fail. Nothing that is made public in any field is trustworthy. As a society we have reverted back to a time where pagans sacrificed virgins.
It proves what?? I think you might be experiencing confirmation bias.
To me the video shows a case in which a man of weak will has been used by men of stronger will.
“To me the video shows a case in which a man of weak will has been used by men of stronger will.”
Yup he and the man with the stronger will are willing to withhold valuable lifesaving treatments from patients in dire need. That is the very definition of lack of morals. Dr. Tess Lawrie on the other hand is risking her whole career in order to expose this crime.
The weak morals lie somewhere between your first claim of a whole society and just these few people.
Dr Hill’s sin seems pretty small: he was bullied into adding a limp caveat: “more research needed”. The strong indications were still in the paper and he had every reason to expect more research would be done, and done quickly given the urgency of the situation.
The deeper question: why was more research not done? Do you think the answer might overlap with the people who browbeat Dr Hill?
People were dying there and was absolutely no TIME or need for further research. We are not talking chemotherapy here the worst that could happen is that Invermectin did not work well as expected.
Yes MR1666, that’s exactly the case, IVM is safe to use no doubt about that, there were several protocols very early that proved it worked so why didn’t the governments use it??
Instead our wankers banned it!! That’s criminal
The governments did not use it because if there were an effective treatment for “the virus” then no EUA was possible for the “vaccines”.
More research needed was a lie. It was already proved safe. So what if it didn’t work well, that would have been found out soon enough.
Read the TGA announcement banning Ivermectin; it reads as though it was written by an average twelve year old child, not even a smart one.
“Firstly, there are a number of significant public health risks associated with taking ivermectin in an attempt to prevent COVID-19 infection rather than getting vaccinated. Individuals who believe that they are protected from infection by taking ivermectin may choose not to get tested or to seek medical care if they experience symptoms. Doing so has the potential to spread the risk of COVID-19 infection throughout the community.”
This was an excerpt form the link that Acementhead posted. It is similar to the reasons here in the US.
You see the FDA’s emergency approval of the vaccines was predicated on the fact that no other viable treatment existed. Thus Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin had to be banned in order to keep the vaccines legal. It did not matter how many people died in the process.
Robert. Ivermectin is safe because it is used exptensively in Africa and other places to control parasitic diseases. You do not have to have the disease to take it because it is also a prophylactic and does not kill when the dosage is correct. Therefore logic says that if it works for some people then offer it to everyone. What is the harm? Well we know what the harm is and it is not to any patient but to the Pharmaceutical companies in terms of profit. Treatment has been withheld to maximise profits and that to this simple mind is a crime. This corruption will only be exposed when a few class actions are taken against doctors and hospitals. The Government has indemnified the medical profession against the adverse effects of the experimental drugs but not the withholding of effective treatment. I just hope these actions start soon and snowball. The medical profession must be held to account or these malpractices will continue. The next “pandemic” is only a pipette away in some Chinese laboratory just waiting for Dr Fauci to let it loose. It is no good just letting it go. Someone has to pay and pay dearly. Fauci should find out how Old Sparky works.
I’ll remind people that those “dangerous veterinary products” containing only ivermectin start with the big print on the label saying “Caution”
Mixed with anything else that label says “POISON”.
????? – So 16 people don’t like it that
Products with IVM get a “Caution” when it is the only ingredient
But products with IVM + other veterinary medicines get labelled “Poison”?
Seems a strange reading of the MDS and the safety of IVM to me
I thought that odd too.
I’m not saying that Hill was right, just that I think it more likely he was weak than evil. He came across as pretty weak in the video didn’t he?
If you want to find who was evil, look for who brought on his decision to add that caveat. Look for who pressed other researchers not to pursue Ivermectin. Go after the matador, not the cape.
He looked like he’d just got out of bed! No on-screen posture. That aside, I’ve seen that sort of expression before where I used to work, that clenched teeth grin where he knew damn well Dr Lawrie was right but he couldn’t admit it. In other words he was caught between a rock and a hard place.
No doubt Dr Lawrie would have liked to have gone over his head but she would have been steamrolled!
I have the feeling that people like Andrew don’t usually have to make the really big calls and are ill equipped when called on to do so. I agree that he was pressured by someone, probably big pharma, yet the evidence was available that IVM does not cause harm and so was safe to use. The question was whether it was effective not whether it was safe. I take glucosamine and it saved me two fake knees first recommended in 1992 but still not needed. Others say it does not help them. Do we then ban it because it does not work for everyone? Of course not so IVM should have been available to those who wanted to try it. I agree with your assessment of Andrew’s character but how many other doctors are pressured to agree to new drugs that may or may not be effective. The FDA is made up of doctors on the payroll of one or other pharmaceutical companies so are ripe for corruption. I am not sure about our TGA but maybe they need the microscope too.
Ian Hill,
Or maybe he hadn’t been sleeping well: a man under pressure whose conscience was bothering him?
On him reminding you of a former colleague, me too. The one I’m thinking of didn’t like conflict and would give everybody the answers he thought they wanted to hear. He got that haunted look when the different answers he’d given people began to surface. A nice agreeable fellow, but in the longer term everyone realised he was weak and unreliable.
Perhaps you did not read the number of controlled studies done, although they were there in their scores, so I’m more inclined to think you are playing the same game as Hill, to disregard what has already been done, buy time and hope it will get buried. No chance of the last, now.
Any spare chambers in Nuremberg?
Robert. Are we not having drugs forced upon us where the information on the research of them must be so bad if the pharmaceutical companies demand their research be closed to public until 2075 and the USA government is demanding the same exclusion exist until 2095, or something similar? These drugs are even labelled as vaccines but in fact are little more, if anything, than therapies. Ivermectin is only a part of the scandal around COVID-19 and deaths of many.
The distortion of what is true science the world has endured for more than 40years, is not limited to the science of Climate! And the entire matter has been brought down on us by those that say they are progressives, but they are little more than extreme left, capitalists or/and political activists that have set out to undermine the basis of the Democratic world; a world in which solid rules regarding proof of theory were to be satisfied before change occured. Cash, control, contempt and power rules the day.
I have heard of a court case (can’t think of specifics right now) where police coaxed a person to sex-up their evidence against a “known” baddie and that person later being horrified to learn that the *only* evidence was their sexed up story.
That’s the sort of thing that I think Hill has gone through: Be a bit more cautious Dr Hill; Add a clause that more research is needed; These are exciting results and we’ll fund lots more research. A weak-willed man might well comply, especially if it looked like his own research budget was going to grow. Later on he’s horrified that that one little clause is used to block the use of Ivermectin and there is no support at all for further research. Being weak-willed, he goes with the flow, but he’s not happy about it.
As for vaccines, I made comments at the beginning of the COVID-19 scare asking why on earth should we abandon the sick to their fate and rush to develop a vaccine to treat the well. It made no sense to me then. Still doesn’t. Despite Jo’s alarm, the disease has never worried me; the actions justified by it have been terrible, and the number of people who support those actions has appalled me.
The strange thing Robert is that when I read the latest Man Made Global Warming lies from a “scientific” study, it usually ends with ‘more study is needed’
This is a signal saying our grant is running out, so please send us more money -immediatly.
The reality is that many died with Covid not from Covid this bulked up number was part of the fear campaign.
So the reported 6M dead is probably 3M and Ivm could have helped almost all of the rest. The effective treatment of the tens of millions with Ivm would have emptied the hospitals and reduce the R0 sufficient for the Vaccines to have been tested and applied to the old and at risk initially while the world got on with treating cancers, hip replacements, etc.
If one country breaks ranks these folk will swing figuratively for following orders, where did I hear that before.
There are a lot of unknowns in the story Bill.
The year 2020 was the year of the PCR test cranked up to maximum panic, with people stuck on ventilators and hit with remdesivir. My memory was that all cause mortality did not really show much of a jump, though the Influenza numbers completely disappeared in weeks 11 to 14 all over the world except for Cambodia (according to #iamjohncullen someone forgot to tell them). Mind you the coroners were still recording a massive Pneumonia & Influenza death rate in the CDC data.
Then came 2021 the year of the ‘JAB’ and this has been where the deaths from ‘long covid’ really take off. Actuarial projections, all cause mortality, morticians clients all heading up along with the diagnosis of the various coroner viruses with more testing, more types of tests being included in the statistics.
And so many people sitting there proud as punch with their little stash of Ivermectin. Hopefully for their sake it is protection for the Flu or whatever may come next. They may be better of, taking off the masks, hugging and kissing and getting out into their communities to take up the slack in the caring vacated by the top heavy, both fiscally and morally bankrupt swamp.
and for Jo. Washington State virology back to around the %5 after the amazingly infectious Omnicron.
India broke ranks but nothing happened. The power of the MSM is such that most people are treated like mushrooms. Yet we have a government that keeps funding the ABC. Go figure!
a report l have heard by “the MSM experts” was that the reason Ivermectin only worked in the third world country’s was that the people are just so full of worms that they were sick anyway and when they had a dose of horse wormer it killed the worms giving them a health boost that helped them recover from covid
l have never heard so much BS in my life and wish l had saved the report so l could share it here
l have also repeated this to some others who believe that ivermectin is horse wormer but the result is that they have the look on their face that the penny will not drop, they think it is plausible that worms are the problem
and these people vote!
Do people really get sick with common intestinal parasitic infections anyway? Intestinal parasites are a natural part of the human condition, absent only in people of First World countries. In fact their absence is believed to be responsible for various allergies and asthma in First World countries. So people were not sick with most parasites in the first place.
My father 80 has a parasitic infection. It was not diagnosed till late…after 3 years and 3 doctors as now he is under massive chemical attack to rein it in. It left him sick with everything… it wears down the immunity. When the parasite really gets going they multiply and multiply form these great lumps – It could have been dealt with first up with ivermectin now he is on much more serious stuff that leaves him sleeping a lot, and the first round did nothing much, now he is on second round with 2 tablets.
They do if it’s hydatids. A fitness fanatic I know lost a lung and some other assorted bits due to hydatid cysts from tapeworm eggs picked up 30 years earlier. These days there are effective dog de-worming tablets available to break the tapeworm life cycle. Sheep farms used to be particular reservoirs of hydatid infection.
If people did not get sick with parasitic infections then we would not have anti-parasitics. Animals get sick from parasites and we are animals. Otherwise I would not go to a great deal of expense and effort to treat my commercial sheep flock regularly for a variety of parasitic infections. The sheep will die in numbers if not treated. We used to have a legal practice dealing with refugees. I remember in particular the Kurds back home would be sick and sometimes die from parasites. Their health was not good compared to most Aussies and parasite loads was one of their problems.
The Indian province of Uttar Pradesh, 240 million population had a huge death toll until they treated the infected & handed out to all close contacts of the infected a kit containing Ivermectin 12mg, vitamin D zinc & an antibiotic. The kit is called a ZILVERDO KIT. The antibiotic to treat any secondary infection.
This action stopped the thing almost dead in it’s tracks for pennies invested in treatment of 250 million people. Incidentally these kits & Ivermectin are available from Indian international pharmaceutical suppliers.
Pity we aren’t as smart as the Indians.
Very sad article but many of us who read and research for ourselves know Ivermectin works extremely well. The governments, media and health people all know it too. By the way has anyone seen the Pfizer material they were forced to release? Almost 1300 kinds of reactions to their toxic, murderous vaccines. Not a mention in our dangerous media. CDMedia published it in USA after Pfizer and FDA tried to get it locked away for 75 years like they did with the “Spanish Flu” information. It was neither Spanish nor flu but a horrendous experiment carried out by Americans.
Surgeon General Asks Social Media Companies for Target List of COVID Skeptics and Influencers
Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, Vice Admiral, U.S. Public Health Service Surgeon General of the United States, is married to a woman named Dr. Alice Tu Chen. If you look into the past of the surgeon general’s wife, you will discover Alice Chen is essentially a ghost – from the perspective of: who were her parents, where is her family? The lack of early childhood, parental and familial history is a key characteristic of CCP plants in the U.S.
When the U.S. Dept of Justice recently announced they were dropping the Chinese spy initiative, a program to review how CCP officials had been working for years to seed the U.S. with Chinese operatives, indications are the DOJ motive was connected to serious internal discoveries surrounding the wife of the U.S. Surgeon General, Alice Chen. I do not say this lightly.
Unfortunately, a tangential outcome from eliminating the FBI “China Initiative’, is recognizing we now have a completely compromised U.S. Surgeon General who is a controlled mechanism for the Fourth Branch of Government to leverage. This is the background context for this story.
Amid recent revelations surrounding the purposeful use of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic by government entities for political gains, which includes the structural control of social society vis-a-vis digital ID’s or COVID passports, The New York Times is now reporting the U.S. Surgeon General wants a list of people, groups and entities who were spreading “misinformation” about the COVID-19 vaccinations.
By the time we get to November of 2021, Murthy was pushing the children vaccination hard.
In July of last year, the Surgeon General asked Big Tech platform providers to remove content and censor anyone who would question the emergency use vaccine in adults. His office put out a 22-page advisory [pdf HERE] in an effort to combat what he called “misinformation” about vaccines. Now, in November 2021, Murthy is using that same approach to enhance his efforts toward childhood vaccines. There is something creepy about the scale of the effort. {Go Deep}
This is how you throw a bag over it.
First govt determines what adverse information exists (risk).
Then govt determines where the adverse information exists (target).
Then govt defends itself by labeling the adverse information process
Old OS
Did you forget to credit Sundance for that enlightened article?
Consider the consequences for the “mainstream” media should it, at this late stage, start accurately reporting the history of misfeasance of Big Pharma and government:-
– in creating both the pandemic virus and the defective vaccines;
– in suppressing unequivocal evidence of the dangerous nature of mRNA therapeutics;
– in using propaganda to obscure the extent to which the harm from SARS-CoV2 infection is concentrated in the very elderly and those with a specific set of co-morbidities;
– in suppressing the application and investigation of other therapies;
– in facilitating high death rates in those most susceptible and reporting the death toll as if it accurately reflected the risk to the young and healthy; and
– in suppressing information which highlighted the misfeasance.
An MSM mea culpa would lead to disclosure of corporatist influences in promoting what appears to be a vast criminal enterprise that corrupts everyone in its purview. The same corporatist influences which owns most of the MSM and which, in countries like the USA, even preselects most candidates for political office and write most of the legislation for government to ratify.
Say, has anyone heard from Anthony Fauci lately?
Has anyone else noticed a strange lacuna in the COVID-19 media Force? As though a single voice with a million appearances on national television has suddenly gone silent? Actually, yes, someone has, but before we get there, let’s take a quick peek at the media page for Dr. Anthony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) as of this morning.
And then … nothing. Did Fauci take a long vacation? Only from the spotlight, Jordan Schachtel pointed out yesterday. Fauci’s still making appearances, but suddenly he’s only making them on local news shows and podcasts (via Ed Driscoll):
Why, it’s as if Joe Biden and his administration suddenly found Fauci’s narratives inconvenient, after a year of using Fauci to ineffectively flog its COVID-19 messaging. Whatever could have changed their minds about using Fauci as the White House’s top COVID-19 surrogate?
Schachtel thinks that the White House finally read that memo from Democratic pollster Impact Research:
The wonder of this, of course, is why Fauci wasn’t sidelined months ago. Whether or not one agrees with his messaging, it became clear that Fauci was too much of a controversy lightning rod to sell it regardless. Using Fauci to push for vaccinations and masks would be akin to getting Jimmy Carter as one’s official spokesperson for economic policy. (Or foreign policy, for that matter.)
It appears that the White House belatedly figured that out, or that Democrat governors and mayors figured it out for them. Maybe Fauci will come back, if not soon then at the next variant breakout, assuming one emerges. The Biden administration would still be better advised to find a new voice with more credibility for its COVID-19 task force … and it better not be Rochelle Walensky either.
By the way … why aren’t the media outlets that provided us 24/7 Faucivision asking where their narrative star has gone?
Once a Cable News Darling, Dr. Fauci Now Relegated to Local TV and YouTube Broadcasts
Until very recently, NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci was a fixture on cable news, but all of a sudden, he’s all but disappeared from public view.
This has not gone unnoticed on social media.
Perhaps not coincidentally, Fauci’s disappearance seems to coincide with polling that shows Americans are fed up with COVID-Mania and ready to move on.
Democrat polling firm Impact Research last week advised fellow Dems to put the kibosh on the hysteria and pretend they fixed the problem ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.
“Declare the crisis phase of Covid over and push for feeling and acting more normal,” the memo instructed Democrats. “Because of President Biden and Democrats, we CAN safely return to life feeling much more normal – and they should claim that proudly.”
“Dr. Science” hasn’t disappeared entirely. He can still be found on local news shows, and obscure YouTube broadcasts, according to independent journalist Jordan Schachtel on Substack.
“He recently appeared on an online streaming show called “Woke AF” (As F**K), in which he expressed his disdain for the unvaccinated,” Schachtel reported.
The COVID Task Force still exists, but interest in it appears to be waning:
The other day, the White House COVID Task Force did a livestream social media presentation, featuring Fauci, on the steps ahead with COVID-19. Demonstrating Americans’ clear lack of interest in COVID Mania, the stream only accumulated about 7,000 views.
Because Democrats are in damage control mode ahead of the 2022 midterms, the scandal-plagued bureaucrat has been unceremoniously pushed to the side.
Fauci Knew of COVID Information Being Withheld by China in January 2020: Report
Anthony Fauci, longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), was apparently well aware that the Chinese government was withholding crucial information about the coronavirus as far back as January 2020.
The Epoch Times reports that new documents uncovered by Judicial Watch reveal communications between NIAID and their Chinese counterparts which signal that the American agency actively coordinated with the Chinese leading up to the pandemic, and subsequently covered up the fact that China was withholding information.
The 90 pages of communications records, obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, reveal that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) had been sending “experts” from the University of Texas Medical Branch to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) to train Chinese technicians in “lab management and maintenance” about two years before the pandemic started.
One such email from January 8th, 2020, sent by the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, was titled “PRC Response to Pneumonia Cases Shows Increased Transparency Over Past Outbreaks, but Gaps in Epidemiological Data Remain.” The email was circulated by staff at both NIAID and NIH.
“Hi, here is the cable from US Embassy Beijing reporting on the pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan, China,” the email says, written by Dr. Ping Chen, NIAID’s top official in China. “It has ruled out SARS, MERS, and flu. [Redacted] confirmed it is viral infection.”
But in the email, officials from the embassy clearly state that they were worried about the “lack of epidemiological data,” which they said hindered their ability to produce a more comprehensive risk assessment, which in turn prevented them from planning a more appropriate response from public health officials. The officials pointed out that “gaps in details information” and “lack of a final confirmed pathogen” made it “difficult to assess at this time” whether or not the situation presented a greater threat to the United State and the world.
The email notes that the lack of information is due to direct control over the information by Chinese government officials.
This and other similar correspondences in the latest data dump further indicate that prior accusations of corruption on Fauci’s part were most likely true. Fauci had previously come under heavy fire for repeatedly stating under oath that NIAID had never provided “gain-of-function research” funding to the Wuhan lab, as such funding may have directly contributed to the experiments that led to the creation of COVID-19. But additional documents and testimony eventually confirmed that Fauci’s NIAID had, in fact, provided such gain-of-function funding to Wuhan in the years prior to COVID.
O.O its not only Fauci who has disappeared from the media. Here in Victoriastan I have not noticed as single “authority” on the msm claiming anything about covid for a couple of weeks now. Its as though the virus and the last 2 years never existed. The news is about two sad events re cricketers and of course full capacity houses when the footy commences. No mention of the dreaded disease and ever decreasing adverts about getting triple vaccinated. It will all be forgotten by the time the election comes around.
Virus? What virus?
The nasty evil Russians killed it./sarc
Although…I sometimes listen to TalkRadio, a UK station. Any ideas as to why they broadcast ads. by the Victorian Gov’t? In the middle of obvious UK-based ads. one about Victorian roadworks popped up (?!!!) and there have been several repeats of the disgusting Victorian ad. about getting 5 to 11 year olds ‘vaccinated’, including about making it ‘fun’, or somesuch thing. Really? !!!!!?????
Oh dear, I must have used too many exclamation marks.
Comment re. Vic gov’t ads on TalkRadio, a UK-based radio station. They haven’t forgotten the indoctrination about vaxxing, espec. 5 to 11 year olds.
How they spend Victorians’ money too.
Speaking of the sad demise of Australian cricketers, my condolences.
We knew Shane Warne well here in Scotland due to his golfing prowess.
Is he to be added to over 400 (and counting) fit young athletes who have died after getting the injections?
Just last week a 41 year old fit hurling man died in Ireland – he also fully “vaccinated”
This myocarditis must be coming from Russia.
Mr. Ozzie: IMO the CCP decided Fauci had served his purpose and might put up a squawk if told to stand down. Plus, the longer it stays in the news, some news reporter might get curious about why experts STILL say “we don’t know” something the CCP knows but ain’t tellin’ us (when F. Collins retired recently, he said this very thing!). So they asked their friends the Russians to create a news story big enough to push covid off the news. To help Vlad pay for it, they bought $100b in coal, probably to replace Aussie coal.
Fauci hasn’t figured it out yet, but if he wants to get back on the Sunday news shows, he need to talk about Ukraine.
Over in never never land Ireland, they had (almost) as stupid house arrest as OS, NZ Canada and Scotland.
Last week right on cue ALL Whuflu restrictions were lifted.
The little Hitler in charge said it is to facilitate the speedy and uninterrupted arrival of Ukranian refugees.
So it’s all thanks to Boris.
Epoch Times is a CIA publication.
They have rolled him out again:
War in Ukraine could lead to devastating tuberculosis problem, warns Anthony Fauci
I expect he wants to get up our noses every 12 weeks with a messenger RNA tuberculosis vaccine.
If we have conflicting explanations for things, it’s handy to consider scenarios.
Scenario #1: a standalone evil conspiracy by some malign party, structured and planned.
Scenario #2: an unplanned lab leak followed by bureaucratic incompetence, amplified by opportunists
Scenario #3: the latest attempt in the ongoing creation of alarm amongst the general populace, driving people into the arms of a helpful-looking authority and to seek information from helpful-looking sources
No single scenario explains what we are seeing. But what is common among them is that the effects are amplified by well-meaning people with a narrow focus who try to do their narrow job, without realizing how some of what they do will connect with other well-meaning efforts to create a doom loop.
And opportunists amplify every weakness for their own benefit. From Farma to PhaceBook to the guys who put the ID in COVID, a lot of pockets got lined and a lot of agendas have been ratcheted forward, never to be backed off.
I think we humans feel like we are under pressure only when we are not buoyed up by groupthink. When groupthink is all we feel, any new and dissenting opinion could feel extremely disruptive. Especially if that dissenting idea might be easy for ordinary people to grasp and (shudder) cause them to be less obedient.
I’m going to go with the idea that the long game is Digital ID, thought management and no property rights whatsoever. Revelations 13 for those inclined to matters Biblical; and the worst of Brave New World and 1984 for those inclined to more recent prophecies.
the power of “AND”.
I can actually quite understand that. Most of us working in STEM fields are quite cautious, if not by nature then certainly by training.
It is quite possible that this seemed a case of the results seeming too good to be true, so the inherent caution of wanting more data and time for further analysis kicked in.
I can understand that. However, tptb were willing to use dangerous, unproved substances in millions of people without proof that they were ‘safe and effective’. The great drug that may not be named already had massive proof of safety. There was a much more reasonable hope in using it.
The bureaucrats are a different matter.
In theory, the regulators take inputs from various areas, weigh up the pros and cons, and make an informed decision.
However, as Yogi Bera (not the one who liked to pilfer picanic baskets) said:
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.
“I can understand that. However, tptb were willing to use dangerous, unproved substances in millions of people without proof that they were ‘safe and effective’. The great drug that may not be named already had massive proof of safety. There was a much more reasonable hope in using it.”
I agree.
“Most of us working in STEM fields are quite cautious, if not by nature then certainly by training.
It is quite possible that this seemed a case of the results seeming too good to be true, so the inherent caution of wanting more data and time for further analysis kicked in.”
Based on this line of thought, I would than expect that people who are working in STEM fields and who are quite cautious,would like to have more data on the Covid vaccines, on Paxlovid and on Molnupiravir.
From Pfizer:
‘PAXLOVID (nirmatrelvir [PF-07321332] tablets and ritonavir tablets)
-Clinical and Research Development:
In November 2021, Pfizer announced positive topline results from an interim analysis of 1,219 adults enrolled
in the Phase 2/3
In December 2021, Pfizer announced final results from an analysis of all 2,246 adults enrolled in the
EPIC-HR trial. The results were consistent with the interim analysis announced in November 2021,…
In December 2021, Pfizer announced results of an interim analysis of the EPIC-SR (Evaluation of Protease
Inhibition for COVID-19 in Standard-Risk Patients) Phase 2/3 study,….
In January 2022, Pfizer shared results from multiple studies demonstrating that the in vitro efficacy of
nirmatrelvir, the active main protease inhibitor of Paxlovid, is maintained against the SARS-CoV-2 variant
Omicron. Taken together, these in vitro studies suggest that Paxlovid has the potential….
– Regulatory Developments:
In December 2021, Pfizer announced that the FDA authorized Paxlovid for emergency use(8) for the treatment of
mild-to-moderate COVID-19 in adults and pediatric patients (12 years of age and older weighing at least 40
– Commercial Developments:
In November 2021, Pfizer announced an agreement with the U.S. government to supply 10 million treatment courses
of Paxlovid for a total purchase price of approximately $5.3 billion.
In January 2022, the U.S. government committed to purchase an additional 10 million treatment courses of
Paxlovid, bringing the total number to 20 million.
Approximately 10 million Paxlovid treatment courses are expected to be delivered to the U.S. by the end of June
2022, with the remaining 10 million expected to follow by the end of September 2022. ….’
‘In March 2020, when the Covid-19 epidemic was already in full swing, another epidemic, of scabies, occurred in a nursing home in Seine-et-Marne. To treat this parasitic disease, doctors have been prescribing for decades a well-known and effective drug: ivermectin (IVM). This is how Dr. Charlotte Bernigaud, dermatologist at the AP-HP Henri Mondor Hospital, treated all 121 residents (69) and employees (52) of the establishment.
The rest is less commonplace: in this retirement home where the average age of residents is 90 years, with 98% of people with a comorbidity at risk, the Covid-19 virus has done virtually no damage. Only 1.4% of the occupants (including staff) had the virus, with moderate symptoms (no oxygen or hospitalization) and no deaths were to be deplored.’
—> Based alone on this, if someone of my family would live in a retirement home, I would give permission to use Ivermectin if I would get the opportunity.
Ivermectin is not dangerous! There is no danger in taking this, certainly not under the guidance of a doctor…
The positive outcome of using Ivermectin and beating Covid in this retirement home in France by ‘accident’, could have been told to the residents and their families of the retirement homes in Victoria in 2020.
Imagine if it was than given to these residents and like in France, there would have been this great outcome for them,their families and the staff…. we could have been on a different path much quicker and there would have been a lot less suffering in all kind of ways…
Millions of people have taken Ivermectin.It was discovered in 1975, used first in veterinary medicine.
In 1987 Ivermectin was aproved for human use.
-Bill Gates:”SADLY (…?) the virus itself
particularly the variant called Omicron
is a type of vaccine, creates both B cell and T cell immunity
and it’s done a better job of getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines.
Serosurvey in African countries, 80% positive
Chance of severe disease, dramatically reduced because of that infection exposure.
We didn’t do a great job on therapeutics” …….
—-> ‘Mr Bill Gates and Australia’ 12 Feb 2022
Dr. John Campbell
Natural immunity discussed by Mr. Bill Gates
on the mRNA vaccines: I hope that there aren’t any bad surprises in the years to come.
‘I understand that this product has not been approved or licensed by FDA, but has been authorized for emergency use by FDA, under an EUA to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for use in individuals 18 years of age and older; and the emergency use of this product is only authorized for the duration ofthe declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of the medical product under Section 564(b)(1) of the FD&C Act unless the declaration is terminated or authorization revoked sooner.
I understand that it is not possible to predict all possible side effects or complications associated with receiving vaccine(s). I understand the risks and benefits associated with the above vaccine and have received, read and/or had explained to me the Emergency Use Authorization Fact Sheet on the COVID-19 vaccine I have elected to receive. I also acknowledge that I have had a chance to ask questions and that such questions were answered to my satisfaction. I also understand the need for continued masking/social distancing after receiving the COVID-19 vaccination.”
And yet again and again people were told these vaccines are safe,…..
“it is not possible to predict all possible side effects” …. but, as I understand it, it was possible to inform people of the many possible side effects according to Pfizer’s own data from February 2021 onwards, people were not informed of all of that!
Is this actually legal?
Old Cocky,
Such “training” is not for the advance of science, it’s for the protecting of egos.
Alright, it’s more in the TE part of STEM. Scientists and mathematicians are supposed to be “out there”, and the rest of us have to make it work.
In more detail, theoretical scientists and mathematicians are “out there”. The experimental scientists and applied mathematicians I know are obsessive about record keeping and repeatability.
Nah. He was nobbled. The vax was due to come out and they couldnt have an effective treatment. Tess Lawrie was correct.
Robert. Ivermectin is safe because it is used exptensively in Africa and other places to control parasitic diseases. You do not have to have the disease to take it because it is also a prophylactic and does not kill when the dosage is correct. Therefore logic says that if it works for some people then offer it to everyone. What is the harm? Well we know what the harm is and it is not to any patient but to the Pharmaceutical companies in terms of profit. Treatment has been withheld to maximise profits and that to this simple mind is a crime. This corruption will only be exposed when a few class actions are taken against doctors and hospitals. The Government has indemnified the medical profession against the adverse effects of the experimental drugs but not the withholding of effective treatment. I just hope these actions start soon and snowball. The medical profession must be held to account or these malpractices will continue. The next “pandemic” is only a pipette away in some Chinese laboratory just waiting for Dr Fauci to let it loose. It is no good just letting it go. Someone has to pay and pay dearly. Fauci should find out how Old Sparky works.
The British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group (BIRD) is a truly grassroots initiative bringing together clinicians, health researchers and patient representatives from all around the world to advocate for the use of ivermectin against covid-19.
Wouldn’t it be good for those that unfortunately contract COVID and end up in hospital to be able to choose their treatment protocol and sign off on it. Hopefully, an alternative IVM-based protocol will be available soon.
In Yahoo Finance no less
CHD Says Pfizer and FDA Dropped Data Bombshell on COVID Vaccine Consumers
Children’s Health Defense
Fri, March 4, 2022, 7:54 AM·4 min read
Clinical trial data contradicts ‘safe and effective’ government/industry mantra
Washington, DC, March 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a 55,000-page set of documents released on Tuesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) is for the first time allowing the public to access data Pfizer submitted to FDA from its clinical trials in support of a COVID-19 vaccine license. This follows U.S. District Judge Mark T. Pittman’s decision on January 6 to deny the request from the FDA to suppress the data for the next 75 years which the agency claimed was necessary, in part, because of its “limited resources.”
A 38-page report included in the documents features an Appendix, “LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST,” that lists 1,291 different adverse events following vaccination. The list includes acute kidney injury, acute flaccid myelitis, anti-sperm antibody positive, brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure, cardiac ventricular thrombosis, cardiogenic shock, central nervous system vasculitis, death neonatal, deep vein thrombosis, encephalitis brain stem, encephalitis hemorrhagic, frontal lobe epilepsy, foaming at mouth, epileptic psychosis, facial paralysis, fetal distress syndrome, gastrointestinal amyloidosis, generalized tonic-clonic seizure, Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, hepatic vascular thrombosis, herpes zoster reactivation, immune-mediated hepatitis, interstitial lung disease, jugular vein embolism, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, liver injury, low birth weight, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, myocarditis, neonatal seizure, pancreatitis, pneumonia, stillbirth, tachycardia, temporal lobe epilepsy, testicular autoimmunity, thrombotic cerebral infarction, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, venous thrombosis neonatal, and vertebral artery thrombosis among 1,246 other medical conditions following vaccination.
“This is a bombshell,” said Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president and general counsel Mary Holland. “At least now we know why the FDA and Pfizer wanted to keep this data under wraps for 75 years. These findings should put an immediate end to the Pfizer COVID vaccines. The potential for serious harm is very clear, and those injured by the vaccines are prohibited from suing Pfizer for damages.”
The FDA’s attempt to suppress these data in support of the pharmaceutical industry’s bottom line isn’t a new phenomenon in this country’s public health system.
COVID Vaccine Bombshells You Probably Missed
When a critical mass of American people realize what has been done to them, there will need to be a reckoning.
In recent weeks, there have been several stunning revelations concerning the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines—and they are being all but ignored by a corporate media eager to change the subject.
The FDA on Tuesday released a large tranche of Pfizer clinical trials documents in response to a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request by the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency. The documents show that the company knew people were at risk of experiencing more than 1,000 unique adverse side-effects to the mRNA injections.
Additionally, scientists last week revealed that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine can enter human liver cells and be converted into DNA—something the fact-checkers and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control assured the public could never happen. Scientists also recently discovered that a sequence of genetic material patented by Moderna in 2018 bears a suspicious similarity to the spike protein in Sars-Cov2.
And a new study published on March 2 found that the synthetic mRNA found in the vaccines does not degrade quickly as promised, but continues to produce spike proteins for nearly two weeks.
Amid these new discoveries, the medical establishment won’t stop pushing the genetic vaccines that have failed to stop the coronavirus.
The COVID pandemic now plays second fiddle to the Russia-Ukraine war in the media, but the virus continues to rage through highly vaccinated countries, afflicting the triple-vaxxed most of all.
“Hong Kong hospitals can’t keep up with the deaths amid an Omicron surge,” reads a recent New York Times headline. “Dead bodies are piling up on gurneys in hospital hallways as Hong Kong’s health system is overloaded by its biggest Covid-19 outbreak of the pandemic.”
In the United Kingdom, only 394 vaccine-free persons died in weeks 5-8 of 2022, compared to the 3,527 who were vaccinated, according to the UK Health Security Agency. This means unvaccinated Brits only comprised 10 percent of all COVID deaths during those weeks.
In the face of failure, tyrannical medical policies continue to disrupt our lives, including the military mandate, the CMS mandate, the blocking of early treatments, and the appalling push to inject children with the ineffective experimental vaccines.
Here’s a partial list of potential vaccine injuries the medical establishment is subjecting us to, as chronicled in Pfizer’s clinical trial documents.
Via Children’s Health Defense:
Another bombshell from Current Issues of Molecular Biology helps explain why the messenger RNA shots are so dangerous.
The Swedish study, released last week, found that the mRNA from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is able to enter human liver cells and can be converted into DNA, as reported by the Epoch Times.
The entire process reportedly takes place quickly within six hours, so after only one shot of the Pfizer vaccine, DNA of affected cells can be permanently altered.
Mathematician Igor Chudov noted on his Substack that this is something that wasn’t supposed to happen: “For over a year, our trusted ‘health experts and fact checkers’ kept telling us the opposite.”
The CDC also denied that the vaccines can alter DNA in a post on its website titled: “Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines”: “The genetic material delivered by mRNA vaccines never enters the nucleus of your cells.”
Another bombshell story the media has ignored is a recent scientific discovery that casts new suspicions on what the heck was going on in the Wuhan Lab.
Scientists have found a unique sequence of genetic material patented by Moderna in 2018 in the virus’ spike protein.
The truth cannot be suppressed forever, and when a critical mass of American people realize what has been done to them, there will need to be a reckoning.
There is more – worth a read
Millions of Doses of Covid Vaccine Dumped as Demand Plummets
“Nearly 1.5 million doses in Michigan, 1.45 million in North Carolina, 1 million in Illinois and almost 725,000 doses in Washington couldn’t be used.” Fox 5 reported.
As demand for COVID-19 vaccines collapses in many areas of the U.S., states are scrambling to use stockpiles of doses before they expire and have to be added to the millions that have already gone to waste.
Given the effectiveness of the vaccines are known to have a very short period (matter of months) they will need to create another pandemic scaremongering exercise to start vaccinations again on a grand scale. It will be interesting to see if the vast majority of people will still behave the same way as before and surrender to the scaremongering, or wake up and say a profound NO! As is sometimes said, “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me”. The problem of course is our governments have a way around that predicament. They will just make up some other scare and continue to achieve their master goal; subjugation.
You will need to be vaccinated against the Russians before the end of the month.. Just swap a few words around and keep the propaganda machine running at full speed!
Small wonder!
The vaccination centre at the Repat hospital, Melbourne is virtually empty now.
Until fairly recently there were long queues.
The Australian Government has purchased enough doses to inject every Australian aged zero+ ten times.
One way or another they are determined to get the “juice” into you.
That’s why compulsory vaccination remains in many areas such as work and trade, leaving the country (you’d think Australia would be happy to get rid of political dissidents) and in Vicdanistan the unvaxxed can’t attend public events or restaurants or even get a haircut or visit a beauty parlor.
Australia lags behind the rest of the world in opening up, just as you’d expect from the collection of federal and state governments whom are all fanatical globalist followers of nearly all UN decrees.
Notice also the change in covid terminology. They don’t now use the term “fully vaccinated”, no doubt because that’s a meaningless term. Someone might even get sued if they falsely say you are now fully vaccinated and you still get sick or die. Rather, the term now used is “up to date” with vaccinations. They no longer even pretend that they are just partially effective, if at all.
“Up to date” That means whatever they say it means. Fully vaxxed means, no more required.
Its now a date of their choosing, that can never be achieved.
We will have hyper inflation, starvation coming soon as the supply chain fails.
Well someone else can have my 2 jabs and “gawd” knows how many boosters they come up with as I remain “unjabbed”. My natural immune system is at least 10 times better than these experimental doses according to Israeli Scientists………………………..
Naturally all doses have been paid for a Pfizer’s profits are safe. We wouldn’t like those contemptible mongrels to suffer would we? We bought 100 million doses didn’t we or was that AZ?
Regarding vax expiry, we won’t need to worry in Australia, they’ll just keep extending the expiry date and they’ll last forever.
Vaccine shelf life extension
Ivermectin was derailed by Andrew Hill at the same time his university -Liverpool (within days) had received $40 million dollars in funding from an organisation Unitaid that Bill Gates
is involved with directly.The other players involved in this shocking episode of “killing ” Ivermectin were in the USA and they were Dr Fauci and his NIH and the CDC
they conspired together in ultimately creating health policy and directives that the WHO would then go on to tell world governments to ban the use of this Nobel prize winning
drug of 2015. And our slimey watchdog the the TGA (mostly funded by Pharma companies that introduced these gene therapy inoculations) wasted no time in outlawing
the prescription and use of Ivermectin.
This is an incredibly sad tale of corruption through money and profit that has lead to the deaths/murder of potentially millions of innocent people around the world.
Mike Reed
I wonder of India knew all this a long time ago. I would explain why India took a completely different path and rather than banning ivermectin they chose to encourage its use. Would that mean that India could hold to account the likes of Fauci for perpetrating a crime against humanity?
Why just India,
I would like to see something happen here in Australia against our own Health Authorities
This video is from March, 2020, and describes how zinc prevents the virus from replicating, but requires an ionophore to enter the cell. Medcram 34:
Dave B
Jo made this point early in the piece.
People forget and many new have arrived, I like seeing stuff repeated and as the blogger says, very few people look at the links.
Called reinforcing I reckon
Thanks a i,
That was my intent. I’m aware that Jo’s followers have increased in number and many would not have seen some of that early work which is so critical to our understanding and support things like the Zelenko protocol.
The ionophore described there is hydroxychloroquine.
I was a bit rushed this morning and didn’t get as far as finding the source showing that ivermectin has that same property as well as others which add to its efficacy. Not sure that I can find that reference in a timely fashion.
Dave B
I also wanted to emphasise the date when the video was made public, March 2020. Two years ago.
9 months before the Hill paper.
Dave B
Better to read it twice than nunce. ToM
Another simple effective measure that could have saved huge numbers of lives was to correct Vitamin D deficiency which is surprisingly common even in sunny countries like Australia or Israel where the paper I will discuss comes from.
It was known from the beginning that correcting Vitamin D deficiency would prevent many covid deaths, even before “vaccines” were available. This is not new information. It is inexcusable that this information was not widely promulgated by authorities. People need to be held to account!
There have been numerous past reports about greatly enhanced covid mortality with Vitamin D deficiency but here is yet another study. This one is from Israel.
It would be hard for then to argue the non-prescription supplement, Vitamin D, was a “dangerous drug” as they did with the “horse dewormer”.
Covid mortality with sufficient Vitamin D 2.3%
Covid mortality with deficient Vitamin D 25.6%
Dr John Campbell talks about it at https://youtu.be/unaG99XbsKk
Original paper:
SEE YouTube description for other links.
fascinating – when Hospital Pharmacist, asked what my Vit D levels were, I said had been trying for 2 years to get Vit D added to 3 weekly tests – she said ask your GP to get Vit D test – Seems dumb to me if I am having bloods taken at least every 3 weeks – spoke to Nurses and Surgeons in Ward and finally, think I got Vit D on one blood test – printout by ward nurse said Vit D to come
Was surprised, whilst explaining that Vit D was part of my anti-viral protocol, that no one knew of the UK Health experience of BAME low Vit D showing more susceptible to COVID, similarly in US CDC showing same for African Americans, Middle East and South Asia re low Vit D and susceptibility to COVID
Hope when chase Friday’s Blood get Vit D from previous weeks Hospital Bloods
Ozzie, (and other Ozzies
), if you have a “myGov” account and have linked Medicare as a service, you can see your medical history, (if you have consented of course). Then search for your latest blood test, which will indicate your Vit D level. (If requested by your GP.) This is where I found my current level and have adjusted my intake accordingly.
Brett Weinstein’s podcast with Linda Benskin and Gruff Jones has a detailed discussion of how Vit D protects against respiratory illnesses (amongst other things) and how to use it. I always assumed that living in Australia would mean I was fine for Vit D – not if you stay out of the midday sun, it’s not! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LFkWiNP1wQ&t=3198s
Across America, jurisdictions are ending covid-related mandates and shutdowns. No more masks! No more vaccine certificates! Get the kids back in school! Of course I think these developments are all good; I have argued from near the beginning of the epidemic that shutdowns and mask mandates are useless and counterproductive. But why are liberals in government now throwing in the towel?
The standard explanation is that the extreme measures taken to “combat” covid have worked, along with vaccination. Thus, because of the great progress we have made, life can get back to normal. Joe Biden framed it in typical fashion in his State of the Union speech:
Really? What progress is that? Is there any reason to think that covid is receding into the past? No. This screen shot shows new covid cases reported to CDC on a rolling seven-day average basis:
In fact, we are just now coming out of the highest spike in covid cases in the history of the epidemic. With regard to cases, there has been no progress in the past year, and there is zero reason to assume there are no major spikes coming in the future. And the vaccines have been widely available for a year now, while the CDC reports that 81 percent of Americans have received at least one shot. Obviously the vaccines have done little or nothing to stop the spread of covid.
You might say, sure, but those recent cases are the harmless omicron variant. Cases are up, but deaths are not. But you would be wrong.
Here are the CDC’s numbers for covid deaths, again on a seven-day rolling average basis:
It looks to me as though the last seven months have seen at least as many covid deaths as any prior seven-month period.
if you think that mask mandates, shutdowns, school closures and vaccine passports actually work to stop the spread of the disease, then there is no reason why those measures should stop now.
The reality is twofold. First, politicians are implicitly giving up on those anti-covid measures, even though they will never admit that they were wrong to impose them in the first place. Second, most people are fed up with covid restrictions and have more or less gotten over their fear of the disease. (Some, of course, never feared it in the first place.) With the midterm elections coming, politicians, including the politicians who run bureaucracies like the CDC, are giving in to the public will, while taking credit for giving us our freedom back. But none of this has anything to do with science.
Mid-terms and the Democrats will lose big time even with cheating.
It’s all about getting re-elected…………..Snouts in the trough and all that…………………
Refer to the instruction manual of the Left, Nineteen Eighty Four.
Watch the Left, Big Pharma, Big Government and the medical establishment re-engineer the historical record to say that they were never against Ivermectin or “they were following the best available advice” or “there had been no studies proving the efficacy of Vitamin D”. Etc..
Wow! What an amazing video.
Jo, as a rural Doctor for over 40 years I am disgusted that politicians and health bureaucrats banned Ivermectin for our use in light of the published evidence.
George, as a rural doctor, you probably had a fair number of informed patients that may have taken the “horse dewormer”, the only legal source for IVM in Australia (unless you happen to be a patient with a parasitic infection – in which case a doctor will be interrogated by the authorities as to why they prescribed it to make sure it wasn’t for treatment or prophylaxis for covid).
It’s only a matter of time before a VERY rich person who has suffered loss of a loved one is prepared to “take on the system” and prosecute individuals responsible for banning drugs (e.g. IVM, HCQ) and also failing to promulgate information about Vitamin D and zinc deficiencies, as well as banning published treatments from Dr Zelenko and other protocols for treating covid. That is, if they can find a judge who is not a Leftist activist (particularly the case in Victoria, Australia).
What is extraordinary is many of these things were banned or information failed to be promulgated even BEFORE the “vaccines” or other treatments were in use. The only “official” treatment, even when the Zelenko Protocol was banned (due to it using HCQ) was to go to hospital whereby you would be put on oxygen, then a ventilator and then you would be allowed to (or rather forced to) die because doctors were prohibited from trying other treatments.
CDC Admits They Lied, And Granny Died”
And bumped
“Whatever Happened to the China Virus Crisis”
And links
The world needs thousands more strong & brave women like Tess Lawrie if we are to get out the tyrannical grip we are all being held in.
What I observed at most of the rally I attended, that the majority were women. Where are all the blokes ?
What Rally?
I hear that at every rally. “Where are all the men”.
Probably 98% of men need to remain employed in order to feed their family(or even just themselves). Get seen as a covid dissident and destitution is your destiny.
COVID Did Not Panic Chiropractors. Why Not?
If you have been troubled by the rapidly declining claims for the efficacy of the COVID vaccines and boosters or by the rapidly rising reports of problems with the vaccines and the boosters, you might be interested to know how it came about that COVID did not panic chiropractors. It’s a fascinating story, and I was privileged to learn it firsthand.
The old-timers, just then passing out of the profession, had similar tales about an earlier epidemic. Chiropractic, officially born in 1895, was still very new, and there were few chiropractors when the Spanish Flu hit in 1918. But chiropractic adjustments worked for victims of the Spanish Flu just as they were later to do for polio victims. Medicine had little to offer, so people tried chiropractic, and those who did spread the word.
Chiropractic did not then and does not today have a treatment for the Spanish Flu or for polio. Chiropractic does not treat conditions. The aim of chiropractic is always the same — restoring the patient to health by means of chiropractic adjustments. The purpose of chiropractic adjustments is to enable the patient’s natural healing response.
I took patient histories, recorded exam findings, and made treatment records. Early on, I took the history of a terribly ill young woman who had recently been told by doctors at the Mayo Clinic that there was nothing that could be done for her, that she should get her affairs in order and prepare for the end of her life. She had originally set out on her path to many doctors and eventually the Mayo Clinic because of two hideous lesions, one in her upper arm and one in her buttock on the opposite side.
She was a blessing to me. I had been taught that chiropractors treat patients, not conditions, but I did not understand what that meant, not really. She taught me to understand what I had been taught.
Ask a chiropractor if he treats diabetes, and the doctor will no doubt tell you no. How about ulcers? No. Asthma? No again. What then do you treat, doctor? I treat patients — patients with diabetes, patients with ulcers, patients with asthma. But whether the patient’s problem is great or small, the goal of the chiropractor is always the same: health restored, and restored by the perfectly natural method of chiropractic adjustments, without recourse to drugs or surgery.
What Isn’t Being Talked About
While it’s not discussed, here are some interesting things to consider. You be the judge. Bio weapons labs in Ukraine. An unusually high concentration of these.
Weird, huh? The US has officially invested over 6 billion in Ukraine since 2014. Plus weapons, military training, and various grants.
Another little “odd” piece of information is the story of one Professor Joseph Moshe, an Israeli Microbiologist working in the US, who called into an LA radio show saying he was going to supply evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions. He contested that Baxter’s Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine.
He claimed the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune system and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death.
Moshe was chased, then tasered by an LAPD SWAT team. The information he wanted to share was, to my knowledge, never shared. That was one story, and maybe Moshe was full of isht, though it certainly would be odd for a professor to risk his career going on a live radio station suggesting such a thing. Why do such a thing if it didn’t have at least some shred of truth to it?
Then there is more on the topic of Ukrainian biolabs. A great thread now posted here going into this if you’re interested.
Now, the reason this has plausibility is twofold.
Russia has taken an extraordinary risk in engaging in conflict. They must believe those risks are justified.
The world has over 200 countries. Why is it that the US has so many biolabs in Ukraine, and why is it that Soros et al are so interested in the place?
When Snopes and Facebook “fact-checkers” tell us it’s false, we’ll know it’s true. I’ve not seen that yet but what I do notice is that the State department removed the docs and info about the EcoAlliance biolab sites in Ukraine from the US Embassy website here. They must have not yet figured out that they’re archived.
Here’s the list:
Why would the US have bio-weapons labs in the Ukraine?
I’m sure it has nothing to do with the massive Soviet era bio-lab located there. //s//
Seriously, how else can we investigate what was kept there, if not in the proper containment facilities?
One Leftist causes a problem, and then he or his friends blame it on whoever comes along to fix it. It’s like a law of nature.
“…at present, no scientific evidence exists directly demonstrating bioweapon development by U.S.-funded research laboratories in Ukraine.” – Lawrence Sellin, PhD
Looks like they may be primarily defensive, as I suspected from the start. Will alter opinion to accommodate new facts.
Still banging on about Ivermectin?, the evidence is against its efficacy.
That’s science in action, next you’ll be promoting bleach !.
Sorry, but the evidence is for it being far more effective and safe that the so-called vaxxines.
What evidence? Provide please and not just theories from paid shrills – real use data please. All the evidence (actual use) I’ve seen proves its efficiency. Put up or shut ..
I have known long before Rona that trials can and are designed to fail. Deliberate incorrect dosage and selection of trial participants just two of the more obvious tricks.
For example: Giving Rona patients Vit D 2,000 iu/day, oral has no chance of helping, but a trial was done on this to show that Vit D doesn’t work. Why? Why not trial high dose IV on day 1? THAT, my friends, could work.
G’day H,
Didn’t the Spaniards show, back in 2020, that giving large doses of vitamin D does work?
Carefully suppressed by our official experts here in Oz of course.
Dave B
As for climate science, try looking at any reputable scientific body on the planet.
As you obviously think they’re in some global conspiracy, you’re beyond convincing.
Climate science?? That 97% of reputable scientists who agree Persil washes cleaner?? As Einstein said, it doesn’t matter if other scientists agree, just ONE person can prove me wrong.
Hanrahan has laid it out for you, pick an experiment that has nothing to do with climate and show its a success. Ask 100 biologists if global warming is real and get a 97% consensus. Chop the dates off to just show a cool period then a warm period and behold, global warming is real!
No, there is more than enough proof that CO2 does not control the Earth’s temperature, but politics will no more admit that than they will that vaccines didn’t work & killed people.
If Ivermectin is the only thing we’re “banging on” about as things unfold, we’ll be lucky, and I will be thankful for being wrong.
Dave if you want proof, which I guess you don’t, check out my post at 5.2.2.
Have you tried the bleach ?, what have you got to lose ?.
Dave, diluted bleach as a nasal wash reduces viral load and carriage, so protects you ,and other people , better than masks.
Jo’s deleted it, your name is well chosen
Please reference the papers that support your position Dave.
and yet this paper (also using randomised trials etc etc) says the opposite
who to believe?
The big mistake Leftists make is that science is about belief.
It is a process of testing and accumulating knowledge and resolving differing data by healthy and rigorous discussion in accordance with the scientific method. That is why Leftists are always censoring such discussion, they don’t fundamentally believe in the scientific method.
it is true that scientists take certain things on faith – gravity for example. This is because gravity is accepted as a law, and does not require continual validation.
My rhetorical question was that there are two similar papers, with opposite results, and I have no way to validate either of them. So it comes down to making a guess as to which one is likely to be correct. I could have typed that, and knowing that pedents were lurking I probably should have. I would also note that you have not provided an alternative framework with which to judge either of the two papers, but have fallen back onto your favourite (and always misapplied) adjective
Gravity is a really bad example.
The observation that things fall is trivially true.
Newton’s hypothesis that gravitational attraction is related to mass and the inverse square of distance formalised and quantified this, and reproducibility promoted it to a theory. Further observation showed anomalies, which were largely resolved by Einstein. There are apparently still a number of questions in the quantum gravity area.
Perhaps you are confusing gravity with the Laws of Motion, which are by and large not quantitative.
You seem to be mixing quantum theory with the real world in which gravity and the understanding of motion are very useful concepts that have extraordinary usefulness and predictability.
Doh. Peter. That’s quite funny.
“it is true that scientists take certain things on faith – gravity for example. This is because gravity is accepted as a law, and does not require continual validation. “
Every time Gravity stops working on Earth and everything in the house lifts off, I wonder why everyone believes in it…
Nah, Fitzy seemed to have the wrong end of the stick, especially with the Law bit.
A better approach would be to analyse the two papers!
That would involve reading them both all the way through. Both papers are meta-analyses ie they combine the results of other studies.
Comparing which papers were selected for use in each study would start to show if there was selection bias, and likely other confounding factors, which may have affected one or other or both papers. I note for instance in the paper that you have quoted there was evidence in favour of Ivermectin but this was discounted on the basis that the Quality of Evidence (QoE) was poor. I did not get far enough to understand why they thought the QoE was poor.
see RickWill’s comment @27
Not really relevant.
Rick does not reference either of the two papers.
Straw man! Nearly a century after the fact, we find the Spanish Flu started in the US from an equine flu in the late 1800’s. Do we equally have to wait another century to find out the origins of this virus? In real time, ED specialists around the planet could see the symptoms…they knew how to alleviate the symptoms but were told by the CDC to apply only comfort..to let patients die. Someone had a go at applying a drug to alleviate the cytokine storm a symptom like another killer disease and so we find ICQ works in stopping people dieing. They still have the virus but they stop the body from killing itself. Someone then finds IVM works in killing the virus. AND WE HAVE THIS VIDEO now showing doctors actually knew enough to do something about it but sat on it Hill et al was the main reason NO further study was taken on IVM in the western world. You have to ask WHY?
You may find help here https://www.theconjugator.com/english/verb/to+die.html with the spelling of dying.
Oh Lordy lord..a grammar fail! Like a sign that jars Ivanhoe Girls’s School in plain view that drives me bonkers
Great comment Jonesy. Thumbs up from me.
“…gravity is accepted as a law, and does not require continual validation.” – P. Fitzroy
If so, then why does anyone still bother testing it?
Fact is, any time someone tells you “the science is settled,” you should know that you are NOT dealing with a scientist, no matter how many degrees he holds.
PF, if you look at the real world data in countries where Ivermectin was prescribed, you can see in every instance a huge drop in deaths was associated with the introduction of the drug. When you combine that with a proper controlled study where all doctors were in robust agreement of the results it paints a very compelling scientific picture.
Who to believe ?
It comes to believing the science or the corrupted vested interests. Banning Ivermectin opens the door for hundreds of billions of dollars to flow to big pharma, along with those that get paid off in the institutions and government to make that happen. Endorsing Ivermectin has no monetary benefit for anyone. You would only do that based on scientific rationale. Most likely the corrupted officials convinced the head doctors that deaths would be the same with the vaccine compared to Ivermectin and also that the extra money to big pharma would help funding of better drugs into the future, meaning the long term outcome would be better, which is a BS line anyway because the extra money will go to people’s bank accounts. Of course what we seen now is a death rate increase of 40% that cannot be explained by COVID and one that no one wants to know about, but one that we all know will be caused by mandating an experimental vaccine to make those in positions of power extremely rich.
Go to IVMMETA, spend a while, and come back and tell us what you found.
“Peer Reviewed Study = Ivermectin Works.”
I know GPs and a research scientist akin to Dr Tess Lawrie who have been waiting for this statement. Dr Lawrie has not just reopened this travesty but has identified some of its major proponents with Andrew Hill among its squirming leaders.
Hill is beyond help; it is one thing to remain silent about millions of avoidable deaths but to facilitate such deaths puts him in a category of persons which is reviled by history.
For less than $100 Hill can go write an honest note, buy a bottle of single malt etc and arrange a walk to the bottom of the garden.
“I’m not going to let this last for a long time”. Let’s hope not. Next week will do.
The ultimate tests of various pandemic strategies has to be excess deaths. All the countries that Tess Lawrie lists as having good results from Ivermectin have fared poorly with regard excess deaths. Some exceed Sweden, USA and UK where controls were haphazard at best.
https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-projected-baseline?country=MEX~ZAF~BLZ~PAN~CZE~HUN~BGR~SVK~PER~AUS” loading=”lazy” style=”width: 100%; height: 600px; border: 0px none;
Australia had relatively thorough border and mobility controls and very high levels of vaccination. Australia is one of a very small number of countries where excess deaths have been negative for the last two years.
The original paper by Andrew Hill was withdrawn due to some of the data being made up. On the other hand, The Rainwater Foundation that funds Hill, is into drug research and appears to make money out of drugs. So only he has some idea of the various forces he is responding to. By his own account, the anti-vax group are not pristine:
I expect the response to this comment here will experience the same rabid response that Andrew Hill experienced. The evidence is clear – the vaccines were far more effective than Ivermectin.
Nice shifting of the goal posts there.
There is only one test of a therapeutic – does it cure the disease.
There is only one test of a vaccine – does it prevent you getting the disease.
The Ivermectin therapy passes the therapeutic test.
The China virus vaccines fail the vaccine test.
There is only one test of a vaccine – does it prevent you getting the disease. – hunh, for a vaccine to work, you have to get the disease
Large numbers of triple vaxxed have caught Covid..
Thanks for making that point.
The vaxxines don’t stop you getting Covid.
They never claimed you wouldn’t catch, just that your symptoms would be reduced, like not dying. I hope your grasp of climate science is better.
Mr. Dave: Never is a long time. If you have not seen the videos (for instance, Dr. Fauci showing the msnbc host with his hands how the jabs stop the transmission), then you refuse to see it (or you would never say never). I realize you can find the good doc on other video saying other things, and we well know that you will not see what you choose not to see, and not see it reeeeally hard.
These “vaccines” are only vaccines by the CDC vaccine definitions alteration since 2015 IIRC
A friend’s comment on them – “Got that – means they’re as strong as cough medicine”
Is that right, so for the polio vax to work for me, I had to have polio.
how do you think it works?
Does that depend on what the definition of “is” is?
I only had the Polio jab the once when I was a boy at school in England. Never did get Polio…………….So your comment that “for a vaccine to work, you have to get the disease” makes no sense at all to me………….
You should remove South Africa from your ivermectin list. Although ivm is legal in South Africa, it was never an approved covid treatment. The government pushed vaccines there but not as hard as e.g. Australia. Ivermectin was never rolled out. Incidentally. neither my family nor any of my aquaintances in South Africa who took ivm ever got sick, this in a city where 90% have antibodies to covid. On the other hand, many vaccinated persons caught covid, and many I know will not take a booster.
You should check the true extent of ivm rollout in the countries of your list.
It is not my list. It is a list of countries that Tess Lawrie provides for evidence of the effectiveness of Ivermectin.
Looking at the graph, there were almost no excess deaths to Oct 2020, so having covid run wild that year didn’t have much of an effect. Then vaccines were introduced and the world suffered between 50% and 100% more deaths through 2021. Seems pretty clear to me, if you want to stay alive, don’t get vaxxed.
Oh dear, poor Andrew cannot stop lying. Ivermectin is NOT “a new drug”….
” Australia is one of a very small number of countries where excess deaths have been negative for the last two years.” Guess our lockdowns protected the vulnerable from the flu.
Ok Rick, if you want to use excess deaths as the success measure, do a fairer excess death test than just total numbers.
In the countries that adopted ivermectin, what were the excess deaths in the covid period while they were not using ivermectin and what were the excess deaths in the period of using ivermectin.
There are obviously other factors to be assessed, but at least start by eliminating a huge variable in your success or failure claim.
Now we’ve made $$ billions from selling unecessary vaccines and cosmetic masks etc, where are the next profits coming?
Hmm, lets tell pesky Ukraine nationalists that they might be able to join NATO and share the big boys toys. That’ll wind up the Ruskies. Ah, worked a treat. Crazy Ukies have threatened to take Crimea back off Russia who’ve had a fit and gone completely overboard.
Good thing I stocked up on those Lockheed, Raytheon, Boeing, BAe shares. Nice boom in sales coming to all those peasants the media have got worked into hysteria.
Oh and lets jack the prices up as well by throwing exaggerated and made up ‘war crime’ stories out there – the degree of media hysteria is directly proportional to how rip-off our prices can be.
Lovely job. Just look at what CIA-AP and MI6-Reuters are producing and distributing for us.
He wasn’t the only one to sell his soul. I think Napoleon was quoted as saying, “It is not surprising that every man has his price. What is surprising is how low it actually is.”
I have been surprised at how quiet the medical profession has been in general. Usually Doctors are up in arms if anyone makes any suggestion of questioning their judgements.
Doctors have got to eat too I suppose.
I look at US politicians with no surprise when they sell out their country, that they are traitors. I AM surprised that they are such CHEAP traitors.
And ours are different, how?
They aren’t, of course. I just kept my post short. Besides I couldn’t remember the name of that short ass who let the CCP pay his phone bill.
In Australia, doctors have been and will continue to be deregistered for questioning the Covid narrative. If they want to keep their job, they have to remain silent.
The emphasis on the publicity around IVM and HCQ is usually the drug taken alone vs COVID. But the beauty of both those re-purposed drugs is when used in the Zelenko cocktails with Zinc, Vitamin D and an antibiotic (eg azithromycin, or amoxicillin), particularly early in the viral infection stage. The beauty of both those cocktails ( and also Quercetin) apart from being cheap and effective, is that they generally do no further harm to the patient. The doses of all the cocktail ingredients are those already used on other ailments or well within tolerable limits. That’s the tragedy, they were unlikely to do further harm to the COVID suffering patient- then, why not just try it? Even today, In Australia we still have significant numbers of people dying “from/with” COVID. Could they all be treated early and safely?
Yes – we have used the “Zelenko cocktail” (it is also that recommended by many other frontline COVID physicians) – without the antibiotic- as a daily prophylactic for the past 2 years. Reckon it has significantly improved our general health. This is the great irony! Yet not a single doctor will come out publicly and recommend this for base line health!
Azithromycin can be harmful if you take it for a long time … but yeah for a couple of weeks should usually be OK. They give it out like candy in Europe.
Doxycycline (Vibramycin) is the one the Indians are using (the “Do” part of the Ziverdo pack), also has a long list of occasional adverse reactions particularly with long term usage.
Not 100% safe, but I agree, generally fairly difficult to kill yourself with those drugs.
If it’s good enough for the Queen even if she’s an old nag, then it’s good enough for the rest of us.
The “Safe & effective” lie – Bikini Atoll explains it best:
Pfizer and Moderna set to make $51 BILLION in COVID-19 vaccine sales in 2022: Global health leaders call for pharma companies to make shots available in the developing world
By Mansur Shaheen
U.S. Deputy Health Editor For Dailymail.Com
09:08 AEDT 05 Mar 2022 , updated 09:33 AEDT 05 Mar 2022
Pfizer and Moderna are projecting $51 billion in combined revenue from sales of the companies’ COVID-19 vaccines this year
A large portion of these sales are to richer, developed, nations that already have high vaccination rates
Global health experts have criticized the companies for not making the shots more widely available in the developed world
Overall, only 12% of Africans are fully vaccinated with some nations still below a 5% vaccination rate
Gosh, I remember how excited I was in mid to late 2020 (can’t recall the exact date) when our own Dr. Tom Borody announced that Ivermectin could successfully treat COVID19. I also recall that around the same time (somebody may correct me) that an Australian University (Melbourne?) announced the same conclusion from in vitro trials.
Even when this was poorly received here, I was encouraged when it was reported that Borody was going to the USA to produce a “blister pack” containing Ivermectin for the general market.
Plaudits to the remarkable frontline COVID physicians (predominantly overseas, but with a few heroes here too) who prescribed Ivermectin to save lives when they could. It is indeed an irony that the poor of Equatorial Africa, parts of India, Brazil and a few other lucky countries were able to get access to this life saving medication when the rich, “civilised” First World could not.
Monash Uni
BTW I told my cows what lucky blighters they were when I drenched them last week!
With all this rain I was concerned about the possible outbreak of Bovine Ephemeral Fever, which is a sort of inflammatory “Cow COVID” type of virus that is carried by mozzies which infect the cattle.
While it is not normally recommended for BEF my vet agreed “it was worth a try”. A shame our medicos for humans are not as open minded.
I’d like to know who in TGA and ATAGI influenced/or made the decision to BAN Ivermectin from use in Australia. We need an investigation into this whole affair.
I understand that Greg Hunt, formerly of WEF, made the decision.
He did, on the advice of the TGA. He didn’t have to do that, so it’s his responsibility. But it is the TGA words and reasons. I suggest we ought look very closely at the TGA membership. Who are those unelected rulers?
Does someone have the time to do the basic Bio checks?
For anyone wanting to do some bio checks, members on the TGA advisory committees and their bios are listed under each committee link here
and other committees
On February 25th 2009, Henry Kissinger made a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics in which he was quoted as saying, “Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it’s game over. They will accept anything – forcible blood or organ donation – ‘for the greater good’. We can genetically modify children and sterilze them …’for the greater good’. Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. It’s a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for the extermination services.”
I got this from a screen shot but typing it out made me feel sick. Why is the WHO involved in eugenics? If it is, this answers a lot of questions. The comment on ‘vaccine makers’ is very telling.
PADRE, try as I might. I cannot find a single link to any WHO committee on eugenics or any committee meeting on that day other than the closing of a birth and baby health council by Bill Clinton. Absolute pages and pages of guff refuting the Kissinger quote leaves me believing “where there is smoke..”
That sounds kind of interesting but I could not search out any confirming information about the WHO “Council on Eugenics” … there is a “UN Population Fund” and also there was a meeting in May 2009 of the billionaires calling themselves “The Good Club” who were interested in population control. Might have been some mix of things were conflated there.
Not I’m any supporter of Henry Kissinger, but I have a feeling that speech never happened. Kissinger did sufficient genuine bad things (see also Vietnam War for example) that his reputation is maligned already before anyone needs to make stuff up.
Jonesy and Tel,
The information was from a screenshot of a newspaper article. We are trying to find more detail.
You have to remember that there has been a constant discussion on eugenics for years, especially promoted by the likes of Paul Erhlich. Bill Gates is involved.
Padre, I’d need a lot of evidence to believe this is real. It reeks of fabrication. I have not looked for evidence, but I suggest that there’s no point discussing hypothetical WHO groups or quotes further than wondering if this is some fantasy concoction of “someone on twitter”.
To play devils advocate, ponder that while deadly forms of Covid were spreading and killing old voters — it served both the Dems and China for Republicans to think the vaccines were toxic. I’m not saying that the vaccines are safe, I’m pointing out that were are incentives there for two large factions to create fakola anti-vax material, to generate polarization, anger, and to put older voters lives at risk, because if more old Republicans die in marginal seats, would suit some players.
Everyone, keep your skeptical hats on.
While I agree that attributing specific motives for producing toxic batches, there clearly were toxic batches, and Pfizer and Moderna appear to have known that, and used them anyway.
Basically, different batches have different toxicities, and there’s no way big pharma couldn’t have know about it. What their motivation was matters not. The deaths and permanent damage, and the fact that they had to know, do.
I said nothing about toxic batches. Read my comment again.
“I said nothing about toxic batches.”
Did I misunderstand this…
You wrote “…it served both the Dems and China for Republicans to think the vaccines were toxic.”
I was just providing evidence that at least some were.
Update – here’s something that might be of interest…
With my skeptical tinfoil helmet firmly in place, I find what I’ve heard very disturbing. I don’t think they’ll ultimately succeed, but rest assured they want to, (by “they” I mean the self appointed technocratic elite).
But I’m constantly told by the political dissident right that Covid doesn’t even exist, it’s just a flu.
“This is ‘The Science’, the basis for mandates?”
She is right on one point, (mainstream) science wrt to COVID-19 isn’t black and white. It’s all black. I do hope one day we see certain leaders and health officials got to prison for the lies they have perpetrated on the people but I suspect they will avoid such punishment by any number of means.
This is an excellent video which discusses more peer reviewed papers that support the assertion that Ivermectin is a highly effective anti covid anti-viral and a very effective prophylactic.
Yes, Dr Campbell comes clean and admits openly that ivermectin does indeed saves lives. That actually means both major parties are aiding and abetting in the unnecessary deaths of countless people. Shame on anyone who keeps voting for them.
Thank you, William. That’s the best of his I’ve seen yet.
Also – How many people died or were severely injured because they were tricked into or forced to take the ineffective and harmful shot?
(HT – Doug Ross’ Blog)
More and more Peer reviewed work confirming Ivermectin as a treatment. https://youtu.be/rfyOihhAD4A
It’s not about keeping your job. It’s not always about doing as you’re told. It’s not about selling your soul to the highest bidder or the strongest thug.
Most of us understand ethics. It’s the things that allow our conscience to rest.
This, we should all pursue. To keep peace of mind; regardless of being a “professional” or not.
Professionals accept a duty to the profession; not an institution or establishment but to the concept; to hold it true.
Alas, those who pay often invoke a more urgent duty; that of putting food on the plate, keeping a roof over the family’s head… every Professional must make a judgement as to their priorities and how they can keep their mind at rest once the urgency fades. It is easier to fulfill one’s duty to the profession if one is not so vulnerable. To be strong against what appears to be stronger, corrupting forces.
It takes courage to stand against those forces. Courage may be drawn from one’s duty to the profession. Confrontation is certainly not comfortable for most people — methinks it should remain that way — but it is necessary to keep the corruption at bay.
We see in the video a man who is vulnerable. We can’t tell why he is vulnerable; nor will he reveal the corrupting forces. His struggle is clear. As fellow humans, we can forgive him. Will he be able to forgive himself?
Bernd, and lets not forget that it’s a different millieu when there are no consequences in the media. Why wasn’t Andrew Hill lambasted in the media? Why does he still have his status in the medical pecking order?
Once corruption becomes so big and common that the unforgivable is not even noticed — there are many vulnerable, weak souls who’ll say “everyone is doing it”.
Are we at that point? The tipping point? Not quite, because most voters don’t even know the corruption is so dark and widespread, but unless there are consequences, it’s coming.
He’s only uncomfortable while being pushed for answers. He’s only uncomfortable facing a somewhat robust discussion. His level of comfort improves dramatically when the pressing questions ease off and he knows the conversation is about to end and he’s thinking “I’ve got away with this quite well. She should be tearing strips off me”.
He shows no pause or reflection on, “well I don’t know how you sleep at night”. He’s not uncomfortable with his decision.
I don’t say that to suggest his conscience is clear meaning he’s done nothing wrong. I just don’t think he has the morals to feel adequately guilty over having done something wrong. He’s comfortable with whatever benefit he or someone else is getting.
Probably 98% of men need to remain employed in order to feed their family(or even just themselves). Get seen as a covid dissident and destitution is your destiny.
“After Disparaging Natural Immunity, CDC Director Admitted This (face palm)”
Hey, hey, Dr. Hill! How many people did you just kill!
Latest J.Couey post…
He shows us that it is clear that those who made all the mistakes, and on who’s behalf their critics were stifled by govt controlled media and their anti-social big tech allies and others, are admitting they were wrong. they want to be forgiven, as if they were doing their best (they clearly were’t) and as if they couldn’t have known they were wrong (they not only could have, but most did). And now they want us to forgive and forget?!
He then reviews some previously discussed immunology and introduces new (to his channel) material that is yet a further indictment of the malicious bunglers responsible for so much of the pain and suffering of the past 2 years.