The Truckers convoy is so much bigger than just rules on a border crossing. And it’s spreading — hundreds of trucks are gathering on the US Canada border at Alberta. It has become the lightning rod for the disaffected, the put-upon, and the seriously Fed-Up.
Lots of people don’t even know this is happening. This is a chance to Redpill friends. Reach out in emails. Just ask people, “did you hear about this?” Share the message, because the MSM won’t, and the Empire will silence the news and sabotage the protests every way they can.
Life is so absurd it’s hard to tell what’s satire
Socialists Condemn Workers Of The World For Uniting
OTTAWA—Socialists around the world are condemning the trucker freedom protest in Canada as the working class unites to defend their human rights.
“When workers of the world unite against overbearing government mandates, that’s literal fascism,” said a sobbing socialist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from deep within his top-secret bunker underneath Washington, D.C. “True, compassionate socialism is when the government partners with private corporations to force experimental drugs on the populace and threaten their very livelihoods if they don’t. Everyone knows that.”
The Empire is terrified of the power of Truck protests
They know the Truckers have the power to capture attention. The pushback reveals how just how worried they are. In Nova Scotia they have banned donations and people joining the protest. They are not even allowed to “park” in such a way as to slow normal traffic and the fines are obscene. Is this even constitutional in Canada?
The order stipulates that “all persons are prohibited from stopping, parking, or operating a vehicle or putting any item in such a manner as to create or contribute to a partial or complete blockade of the normal flow of vehicle traffic on a road, street or highway in the Province”.
“A failure to comply with this Direction could result in a summary conviction with fines between $3,000 to $10,000 for individuals and between $20,000 to $100,000 for a corporation per incident.”
Meanwhile Trucks gather at the US-Canada Border in Alberta
US Truckers promised to join their Canadian counterparts. They said they would go to Ottawa, and if they were not allowed to cross the border they would block it. These drivers (below) will not or cannot show “their papers”.
Trucker protests are not just show stoppers, they’re infectious. Looking in both directions (below), this is one hell of a side protest going on a long way from Ottawa.
The pushback to make life hard for these truckers is so desperate that reports are coming in suggesting that other people bringing in food to these truckers are being blocked. They are told in the freezing cold of midwinter that they will have to walk 20km (12 miles) to deliver food. Imagine if this were a BLM protest and people were stopping food deliveries?
Where is that Aerial Food Drop when we need one?
UPDATE: This report from Rebel News explains that while the Truckers on the border are being called terrorists who are holding people hostage, the Truckers say they have allowed all who want to leave, to go, and made room for emergency vehicles, but they were denied food, water, medicine and fuel in freezing weather. Rather than them being a threat to anyone else, it was the RCMP who were blockading them in. Snow is falling and some vehicles have run out of propane, some have families with children. But lawyers have arrived to the border to help the truckers who are being charged with offenses while they maintain a peaceful protest.
Meanwhile Trudeau received his booster shot at the beginning of January, but has just caught Covid in his secret hideaway
The effect of the third jab should be peaking about now shouldn’t it?
And the attempts to make out that the protesters are violent vandals continues:
Trudeau slammed the protestors’ actions during a Monday news conference, accusing them of using “hateful rhetoric” and “violence toward fellow citizens.”
“Freedom of expression, assembly, and association are cornerstones of democracy,” he said. “Nazi symbolism, racist imagery and desecration of war memorials are not.”
Police are investigating potential criminal charges against some protestors after reports emerged that some urinated and danced on the National War Memorial. Videos showed a group of protestors dancing on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
“Several criminal investigations are underway in relation to the desecration of the National War Memorial/Terry Fox statue, threatening/illegal/intimidating behavior to police/city workers and other individuals and damage to a city vehicle,” Ottawa police said on social media.
This is what the “desecration” of the Terry Fox statue was — two Canadian flags and a sign that read “Mandate Freedom”:

Terry Fox statue desecration includes two, count them, two Canadian Flags!
These people don’t know what desecration means. If it were a BLM protest they would have torn it down and dragged it away in chains.
As for the odd Swastika in a sea of Canadian flags, the righteously indignant believe their own “white supremacist” propaganda. They don’t realize the symbol is only used as a comment about Trudeau and his totalitarian regime:

They don’t realize the Swastika is a protest flag and a comment about Trudeau.
Viva Frei spent hours in Ottawa filming today and says he saw “Nothing but freedom loving, tolerant, Beautiful people at that protest.“. “…wouldn’t you know it, Canadian fake news and those blue checkmark Twitter politicians are absolute liars.”
BREAKING: Quebec to scrap proposed “tax” on the unvaxxinated
In a moment of good news, the protests have at least won a small concession in madhouse Quebec where it looks like it will scrap a planned “health” tax on the unvaccinated. Unfortunately at the moment, unvaxxinated people must still be escorted through department stores by staff to buy aspirin at Walmarts without stopping to get socks.
Spare a thought for this historic event — Canada is now #Truckistan
Seems a fair comment:

It doesn’t matter what tactics they use, the truckers aren’t leaving…and more are waiting to get in.
Open the highways #Truckistan 🇨🇦
— Traditional Canadian Girl 🇨🇦 (@canadiangirls99) January 30, 2022
The GoFundME stands at $9.6m. But there are a lot of Trucker GoFundMe’s? See also #FreedomConvoy2022 for news.
The Australian Convoy to Canberra is on Facebook and there are updates here
Please help provide other useful links in comments to better social media links on GETTR, GAB, Parler, Telegram, Bitchute, Rumble etc.
The truckers are on the right side of history, and our state and federal leaders are on the wrong side:
COVID Restrictions Collapsing – Resistance Was NOT Futile
Quote: “Resistance is futile”.
How long will it be before the truckers action has an impact on food and fuel deliveries, especially as so much of modern logistics runs on the ” just in time principle “?
The supply chain has already been disrupted due to COVID-19 restrictions and mandates. How much worse it gets directly due to the truckers action in Canberra is unclear. Our task to get our freedoms back is not meant to be easy nor simple. It will be well worth it no matter what it takes.
Who cares ? Id support it until the last morsel of food disappears, then you’ve got a true rebellion and it wouldn’t be against the truckers.
From our own truckers protest gathering in Canberra, the following message needs to be heard by everyone.
As you probably know… it is not a truckers’ protest.
Funny how the same people keep turning up to these things.
Who are the “same people” you speak of? If not truckers, who. Please provide at least a little detail.
Some might be truckers sans trucks but, yes, various protesters are experienced protesters. Back in the day of environmental/ anti-nuclear/ anti-war etc they would be called dole bludging rent-a-crowd.
[Apparently in Gee-Ayes Australia “only trucks count”. Not people… – Jo]
Strange how your rent-a-crowd who normally show up in Nike trainers, hoodies and push bikes now all have giant 8 wheeler trucks, flannel shirts and riggers boots. Get a life figleaf.
Wow… 8 wheels.
No, this protest is bereft of trucks. Owner drivers are out making a living and other drivers work for the man.
More mal-information from ga.
Inspired by the truckers .. It now include many other real Australians.
ga cannot cope with that idea.
Pretty disgusting to try to downgrade these peaceful real Australians to the sort of rent-a-crowd used by Soros in his AntiFa and BLM riots.
Jack the Insider has written a very cogent article on the “Truck Convoy to Canberra” a title hastily changed to “Convoy for Freedom” as there were very few trucks participating.
A couple of the more telling paragraphs in his article are”
“The mob in Canberra who tried to block the Prime Minister’s access to the National Press Club on Tuesday have been invariably called anti-vaxxers in the media but this is only half true. It’s a human potpourri of grievance based on the gamut of conspiracy theories, Woodstock for Q-cooked middle-aged saddos who spent much of Monday afternoon in the nation’s capital, shouting at an empty building.
If this was a protest about vaccine mandates it would make sense, but nothing makes sense about this mob. Take a look at any one of their interminable ‘lives’ and it will not take long before the word ‘paedophile’ is not just uttered but shrieked, along with gnarled accusatory fingers pointed at the windows of the parliament.”.
Those paragraphs and many others in the article succinctly sum up the “Convoy for Freedom” non-event
BTW They also support Gee Aye’s comment which is below
“Wow… 8 wheels.
No, this protest is bereft of trucks. Owner drivers are out making a living and other drivers work for the man.”
[ad hom — irrelevant. Debate the message not the man. – j]
Jack the insider has been fomenting divisiveness and aggression towards “anti-vaxxers’ – people who are concerned about the vaccines and where all this bullying is taking us, for months. Last week his diatribe was effectively ‘The anti vaxxers are coming for your children – look out !’ Half the time I think he makes stuff up.
He has become someone you would not want to mix with in polite society
In your opening line, change “cogent article” to “indulgent diatribe” and you might be on to something.
Adellad you write
“In your opening line, change “cogent article” to “indulgent diatribe” and you might be on to something.”
One person’s “cogent article” is another person’s “indulgent diatribe”
Given that the article is published by The Australian, that well known right wing gospel for tConservatives, the “Convoy for Freedom” would seem to ne more a “cogent article” than an “indulgent diatribe”
Whatever the article iscalledis immaterial as JTI is spot on.
Possibly if he pulled his head out, then Jack would become Jack sees daylight again.
Jack the insider was just running non-stop wishful insults.
The Australian is hardly a right wing gospel anything, though you may *need* to believe it is. It’s been running a VAX THE NATION campaign non stop — promoting 100% government policy on vaccinations, and no hard questions asked.
It would so much more fun if adversaries showed up with game.
” it is not a truckers’ protest.”
Yet more deliberate fake-comment from ga..
LOL and they suddenly own lots of trucks and large vans etc
The reason many of these genuine truckers used cars was to avoid too much congestion in Canberra.
And yes, while there are a lot of truckers and the convoy to Canberra was inspired by the Canadian Truckers, There are also a lot of normal real Australians in the convoy.
From your comments, I doubt you even know what a real Australian is, though.
“From your comments, I doubt you even know what a real Australian is, though.’
I’m not sure but isn’t a real Australian someone who was born here rather than someone who came here with their parents from the UK or Italy or Greece etc?
You just proved me correct.
You have no idea what a real Aussie is.
Its not someone you hates Australia as much as the far-left do.
“You just proved me correct.
You have no idea what a real Aussie is.”
But your comment on Real Aussie was directed to Gee Aye not to me. `So why are you saying I have proven you correct? And a real Aussie is, of course, someone who, unlike you, was born here
WOW Ian, do you hear yourself?
A real Australian is one who takes on the obligations to live within the Australian community, to obey the law, to respect others, to work and pay taxes, to defend the country and ultimately to benefit from their efforts.
Good-oh then I am a real Aussie as I meet all of those criteria.
Hmmm. The “obey the laws” is problematic when the laws are manifestly unjust. This latter may be considered in light of everything Adolf + henchmen did being first written into German LAW.
If you ain’t black, you ain’t Australian.
Pity about the Torres St. Islanders.
The position of Ian regarding who is an Australian has been supported by the High Court decision in the ‘Love case’.
One thing only matters, not the place of birth nor nationality nor law abiding, but just the race born into – racism.
This may explain why lawyers are held in contempt.
well, I see myself as Australian — Naturalised citizen since 1997. ( born in SFRY )
my question to you is this:
if you believe in communism, socialism, Nacional socialism, fascism, racism should you be citizen as well?
Maybe these people are actually concerned about the collapse of the economy, the removal of freedoms and the adherence to complete junk science. And because they are concerned they keep turning up – if they were not concerned then they would sit at home.
Having attended multiple protests and having my business destroyed by companies in some alternative universe mandating so I can’t work there, I am pretty concerned for myself personally but also for others in a worse position than me.
p o b … they are concerned about a great many sometimes overlapping things. Many of which have nothing to do with Canberra – the parliament or the city. I hope they are pleased to find that no one asks them for their vaccination status or asks them to check in. Maybe they’ll see our freedoms and want to move here from whichever stan they’ve come from.
All the problems come from Canberra, either through the Emergency acts or their failure to uphold our rights and even promoting states to mandate.
Someone posted an article here a few days back, your beloved reds are preparing to bring all the draconian shite into the ACT.
Constitution over rides Federal laws which overrides state law. Your all in this together.
Be aware that state constitutions are weak. Sometimes it suits the Feds to encourage the most problematic legislation out to the states because the states don’t have to pay compensation like the Federal government would. So the Fed just makes it “easy” for all states to bring in the same unconstitutional rules at the coincidentally same time… (See the Native Vegetation Act and Peter Spencer.)
I meant Federal constitution!
And your brilliant insight into their concerns comes from…? On the street interviews perhaps?
They don’t offend me at all. Canberra is happy to get their tourist dollars.
Your misuse of “your” offends me more.
Speaking of dollars – who is making off with all the donations from the patriots?
it’s not its
I could not care any less for what offends you.
Take a lot to catch up to the $444 million, and now another Billion your toss pot mates are giving to the professional snorkelers association.
You want graft and corruption, look outside your door.
all I see is a corridor. The tax payer pays the cleaner though
Your world exists only on other peoples money, and you have the same value as money.
“Take a lot to catch up to the $444 million, and now another Billion your toss pot mates are giving to the professional snorkelers association.”
As these “toss-pot mates” were the LNP governments of Turnbull and Morrison surely they are also mates of commenters here who, by and large, are on the right side of politics.
As with so many in the Liberal Party, especially in Sydney, the term “Chardonnay Socialist” is accurate. They are as much on the right side of politics as you are.
Yep, I refer to all the steaming pile of $#!^. Swimming pools, car parks, Submarines, Helicopters and the fire money, I have not even gone back past the current tosser.
Hilarious that anyone with a rational mind would think that Turnbull, or even Morrison, are on the “right” of center.
Turnbull was always of a very leftist bent….
..and Morrison is very much to the left of center.
They have both followed leftist agendas in nearly all regards.
“They don’t offend me at all”
But they most obviously do. Your comments show that.
The very thought of real Australians protesting against un-Australian mandates and coercion..
… really has you digging deep into your deep bag of mal-facts.
Anything, in a petty attempt to smear those real Australians.
Sorry, but these are not your paid thugs from the far-left Antifa, gay and BLM minorities that you are so accustomed to.
I sometimes give Gosh Yes a bit of stick, as he does me, but haven’t used the word “coward” though, as it’s inflammatory, extreme, inappropriate and I’m sitting behind a keyboard.
The people who really bug me on this site are ones who chronically post comments with green/left/commie/woke opinions that are simply an attempt to cancel real comment using Verbalism. Neither the blog management nor the unpaid scrutineers are likely to pick up this.junk, it sits and cloggs the blogg.
We are all moving through a difficult period.
Check this out;
Seem Ian doesn’t think the people who built this country, are Australians.
All those country people attending the anti-mandate/personal freedom convoy… not Australians either, apparently.
Keith, I know there have been a heap of comments deleted, so I don’t know if this is still visual to you. You may wish to reread that comment again.
I was referring directly to her and the politicians.
“you and the rest of your coward mates will just hide under your desks in parliament house”
Do not compare yourself to her.
We are all behind a keyboard now, but when we stand, we stand. You are the polar opposite.
Being against this movement, nah.
We are moving into a difficult period, a long and difficult period.
“The people who really bug me on this site are ones who chronically post comments with green/left/commie/woke opinions that are simply an attempt to cancel real comment using Verbalism.”
Your comment speaks volumes. Clearly you want a site which is an echo chamber where dissenting views are derogated, denigrated and dismissed and where right wing prejudice is prevalent. Fortunately JoNova is far more tolerant of different views.
Am not conservative.
Am not right wing.
All I want is the best for the community in all aspects of life.
All you are capable of is Contradiction of views expressed by others.
Don’t you have any vision, any aspirations?
Todd Hayden questions this apparent relation of some of these mandates and ridiculous decrees.
AS Todd observes, not one of the evil rulers or their corrupt minions have been brought to heel. The system is still intact and waiting to pounce. The lesson is from the rebellion of 1341, you can not go home. So until the system has been cleansed from the ground up, the funding of the useful idiots installed within the institutions is cut off, the war chests and ‘command and control’ of the UN, WWF, Greenpeace, BLM, UNESCO, WHO etc are confiscated. Services have to be decentralized. For example, you may as well a start your own community hospital and volunteer ambulance. The National Health systems collapsed long ago and have performed their function for the Rulers.
Until then the evil system will come for you, one by one.
Todd Hayden questions this apparent relaxation
Sorry a correction. I attempted earlier at posting to make the same correction.
Todd Hayden questions this apparent relaxation of some of these mandates and ridiculous decrees.
IT gets worse – Malcolm Roberts warning loudly of proposed Digital ID ( a G*tes project ) that will effectively as he says “put govt in th emoddle of every transaction a person does ”
As expected, the vaccine passports are just the thinn end of the wedge.
” The Trusted Digital Identity Bill represents a watershed moment in Australian history. We stand at the divide between a free, personal-enterprise future and a digital surveillance age in which the government sits in the middle of every interaction Australians have with each other and with the world. It achieves this in the same way China does, creating a digital identity that forms a central part of a person’s life. Call it a licence to live.
What can I say? History tells us this is the worst possible outcome for the environment, the populace and for fun.
We know what happens. A centralized bureaucracy controlling everything. What could go wrong?
Chernobyls for everyone.
Rebellion? What rebellion? Where? Are you meaning the English Peasant’s Revolt, in Richard II’s reign, which was 1381?
As far as I can tell, 1341 is only famous as the natal year of Wat Tyler, the leader of the 1381 Rebellion…
That statue is not defaced, it is decorated, with easy to remove decorations.
No spray paint, no beheading or ripping it down and dragging it away.
Nothing like when BLM or AntiFa totally destroy a statue.
I’m sure Terry Fox would have no problem flying the Canadian Flag, and was certainly all for “freedom”.
Here he is proudly wearing that Canadian Flag !
Pity the likes of Tru-dope and the MSM are not proud of being Canadian.
A video of what Trudeau calls “desecration” by the truckers.
The “desecration” of the war memorial was nothing more than 2 cars parked on the paving about 50 or 60 feet away from the actual memorial. When asked to move by police, they complied immediately.
There was a single swastika photographed at what appears to be the best hotel in Ottawa — as in $800/night, where no trucker could afford to stay, besides which the hotel is the customary haunt of the establishment types. The convenient swastika photo appears to be an inside job by the pro-government types.
The Terry Fox statue draped with Canadian flags and a cardboard “Mandate Freedom” sign was the best-known act of “desecration”. Some relevant background info has emerged. Apparently the Fox statue had previously been used by the authorities to promote the mask-wearing campaign by having a mask tied over its face, but that’s OK; it previously had a rainbow flag tied to its hand to promote LGBTQ, that’s OK; but 2 Canadian flags — outrageous!
Gotta love the Babylon Bee. The headline says it all.
Whenever I hear the woke cry racism, you know it’s a smokescreen to avoid the elitist label. If the woke want to know where the real problem is, a look in the mirror is all it takes.
And this just in:
Trudeau Demands Truckers Get Vaccinated Like He Did So They Don’t Catch COVID Like He Did
February 1st, 2022 –
The truckers are “for Canada”
Something Tru-d’oh is apparently incapable of.
But he’s been doubly vaccinated and had a ‘booster’ about 3 weeks ago, yet he says he has got COVID and is recuperating (out of sight). It doesn’t seem that the “vaccine” is much use.
‘Tis a thing of beauty.
Video here
Nova Scotia law re the truckers: ‘“A failure to comply with this Direction could result in a summary conviction with fines between $3,000 to $10,000 for individuals and between $20,000 to $100,000 for a corporation per incident.”
Little different treatment for Extinction Rebellion.
‘Police initially said they arrested 14 people under the Protection of Property Act for failing to leave the premises after being ordered to do so. However, they later corrected that number to 18. Police say all 18 people were later released without charges.
The difference is that the truckers are capitalists and the Extinction Rebellion people are communists.
The truckers have savings which can be taken away from them by authorities. But the ER people keep no savings so they can’t pay fines no matter how big, so the authorities don’t bother with them.
It’s a downhill slope.
I can see it now, Macksville, Kenworthington, Western Star City, etc.
I think you would find that Macksville is Renaultville. Few current brads are produced by their original companies.
“Mack Trucks is a subsidiary of AB Volvo which purchased Mack along with Renault Trucks in 2000”
Renault was a major shareholder from the late 1970’s.
We do have to be vigilant and show our displeasure at times if we want to retain the freedoms we have left. Political parties continuing the drift to the left need a gentle but peaceful wake-up call. Elections , unfortunately, can’t solve all these problems.
as there is a fast growing following for the do not vote “Greens, Labor or the Lib/Nats” l am seeing more and more in MSM talk about wasting your vote, making your vote matter or vote preferences going to one of the majors anyway
that shows me someone is worried and that elections may be part of the solution IMHO
l hope there is going to more information on how to vote to make a difference for the people who want a change
Craig Kelly for PM 😉
The big question is whether a vote under the preferential system is informal if all the boxes are not numbered. If informal and you don’t want to vote for the uniparty then there is no point filling in the ballot at all. Just get your name ticked off and deposit the ballot paper in the bin (or ballot box if you want to count as an informal vote).
Queensland had optional preferential voting for a while. No prizes for guessing that the same party who implemented that system later abandoned it.
“then there is no point filling in the ballot at all.”
Really bad idea to put a blank ballot paper in, too easy to “re-purpose”
A big cross on the whole ballot paper if you want to vote informal.
Every informal vote is a gift to the system. If you don’t pick and empower a minor party you are endorsing the Lib-Lab duopoly.
Right on!
If you DO empower a minor party you are electing labor.
Ever heard of a leftist NOT voting labor/green “to teach the party a lesson”? I haven’t either.
Are you so keen to revisit Rudd/Gillard?
“If you don’t pick and empower a minor party you are endorsing the Lib-Lab duopoly.”
Voting for the tor parties is counter-productiver for few have any policies whatsoever and if they do they’re never going to see therm enacted as they will not get through the parliament
which is why the winning candidate should be required to get more than 50% of the total vote (including counting the informal votes in the 100%) to get elected or you do it all over again. Happens twice and all new candidates are required.
Isn’t funding based on primary vote counts?
“Pox on both your houses” scrawled across it reduces its usefulness and scrutineers from both sides will pick it up and read it.
But how any but a few dissenters here can even consider going back to labor/green has me beat.
And don’t BS about a vote for a minor party not empowering labor. I voted labor all my life. After Rudd, never again while I’m on the green side of the grass. Albo? Even worse.
The formal status of your vote is very clearly defined in Part XVI(the polling) and PartXVIII(The Scrutiny) of the Commonwealth Electoral Act.(THE LAW) This clearly defines what is a formal and informal vote despite what the others may tell you.
More truckie pics from Dave Rubin. Getting difficult to hide these.
Exactly right, Jo – this is a world-wide Class war.
I have been writing about this for years – it’s the Patricians vs the Plebeians all over again.
And when the prevailing orientation of the ruling executive Patrician class is one of cultural self-hatred – including hatred of traditionalism and capitalism in favour of trans-national socialism – ways and means will be found (in this case the virus response) to move self-hatred into the realm of self-destruction.
Well said.
“ways and means will be found (in this case the virus response) to move self-hatred into the realm of self-destruction.”
The ways and means appear to have actually been pre-planned. We are facing something akin to a Medieval death cult with apocalyptic ideation.
Yes, well said. We need to stop that spiral into chaos before it takes on a strong enough hold it can’t be reversed and it has to go to completion, assuming it’s not already too late. No way of knowing for sure. So, let’s hope our PM is listening to the protesters. If he ignores it all then our next choice is to put the main parties at the bottom of the list, otherwise they will continue their bipartisan agenda to completion. It’s our democratic right so use it to effect rather than pretending things will be fixed by themselves after voting back the same despots.
Trudeau is committing political suicide in slow motion. There is a critical shortage of truck drivers in the US and Canada. Many truck drivers live in Canada and work in the US and visa versa.
Omicron has defeated covid. There is no medical or political logical reason therefore to continue to force/mandate vaccinations and to take that political risk.
The Fake media, the fake CDC, NIH, and the Dems have to this point been able to control the covid narrative. Biden was too dumb to know when to abandon the covid vaccines.
There is a US mid term election coming up. Mandatory vaccination of US citizens with a dangerous vaccine and then hiding the info that shows the vaccines are dangerous will be the subject of the US midterm elections and then a perfect reason to impeach Biden and to charge those responsible in the US government. If the US people find out the truth and about the lies.. They will fully support firings and changes to fix Washington. Same expectation for Canada.
US Department of Defense high quality data, which has been presented to congress, shows/proves that the first release RNA covid vaccines are dangerous. US whistleblower evidence supports the assertion that the US government hide that specific knowledge from the US public.
Even Pfizer reporting shows these concoctions kill more than they would save. This has been a message like a broken record, yet we have the Elites and the useful idiots in the media and politics ignoring it.
Then its clearly shown they are useless – witness Israels boosting efforts. The only boosting here has been to case levels, and, unfortunately also hospitalisations and deaths.
But again we have idiotic CHOs and others still exhorting people to ruin their immune systems, and worse, for no benefit whatsoever, except to Pharma company profits.
When this unravels it will not be pretty.
Will this be also Trumps downfall?
He still wants people to get the jab.
“Socialists Condemn Workers Of The World For Uniting”
What this headline proves is that the old idea of Left vs Right is an anachronism that has outlived its use by date. The battle for the future is NO LONGER a battle between Socialists and Conservatives – but a battle between Technocratic elites and the rest.
I suggest everyone read Patrick Wood’s essay on the difference between Socialist, Fascist and Technocratic dictatorships Day 4: Technocracy Vs. Communism/Socialism, Fascism and make a careful note of the differences.
The socialists think they are taking over the world but they are just “useful idiots” for the new technocratic elite. Want an example of a “useful idiot”? Try Klaus Schwab’s prodigy, Scott Morrison
Klaus Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” school rules the world?
Incidentally – Trudeau is another of Klaus Schwab’s “useful idiots” – and if that doesn’t tell you exactly what “leadership” you can expect from Scott Morrison …
Democracy is dead and buried. Democrats only ever get to vote for Klaus’ captain’s pick. As Canadians have found – Nothing can change through the ballot box – only on the streets.
a little bit more to add to your post
Yes,our very own Greg Hunt was working there in 2001.It seems that they have been working towards this”Plandemic”for some time,methinks.
People sometimes talk about cognitive dissonance as though it is a bad thing. In fact resolving logical conflicts in the belief system is one of the main ways people learn.
So the Babylon Bee is particularly on point. Get injected like I did to avoid covid like I did.
Anybody capable of learning will learn from reading a sentence like that. But watch out for the blue faced brigade who can’t think and breathe at the same time.
Another live stream:
Truckers being polite, not blowing horns in residential areas, cleaning up trash in Ottawa, in comments people wrote that they’d never seen Ottawa look so clean, exposing that the Confederate Mask person was shamed into leaving, Trudeau’s personal cameraman was involved in a false Nazi flag staging, Trudeau’s undisclosed location is in Tofino, Canadians know his address. Also some special agents being sketchy.
Rebel News had a piece on Ottawa Gov trying to get a tow truck company from Calgary. Somehow, I don’t think that is going to work. Both commentators were skeptical of Trudeau relinquishing his office because of the way Canadian parliamentary politics work.
However, Turd-dope has not left himself a way out. So, he’s a little cornered rat.
More Rubin:
More hurdles for truckers. Very nasty tactics, RCMP! If anyone dies, it will be on your heads.
Jo, a lot of these U-tubes link alternative media. In the meantime, they are doing good work.
Another live stream:
Truckers being polite, not blowing horns in residential areas, cleaning up trash in Ottawa, in comments people commented that they’d never seen Ottawa look so clean, exposing that the Confederate Mask person was shamed into leaving, Trudeau’s personal cameraman was involved in a false Nazi flag staging, Trudeau’s undisclosed location is in Tofino, Canadians know his address. Also some special agents being sketchy.
Rebel News had a piece on Ottawa Gov trying to get a tow truck company from Calgary. Somehow, I don’t think that is going to work. Both commentators were skeptical of Trudeau relinquishing his office because of the way Canadian parliamentary politics work.
However, Turd-dope has not left himself a way out. So, he’s a little cornered rat.
More Rubin:
More hurdles for truckers. Very nasty tactics, RCMP! If anyone dies, it will be on your heads.
As was pointed out by a YouTube commentator, the tomb of the unknown soldier is really not high on the list of things that “freedom loving” and “patriotic” people would vandalise. If it actually happened at all, I would not be surprised if it turned out to be people working to discredit the movement.
Apparently protesters cleaned up the Terry Fox statue, and left it in the same condition as it was found, but maybe this is not true, who can tell…
There are people in any protest movement who want to destroy stuff, break things, or otherwise cause trouble, but unlike BLM and Antifa efforts, it seems these are few and far between, when looking at the hours of footage available from so many different people at different places in Ottawa.
Terry Fox loved Canada. He would have loved the tribute of the Canadian flags in a freedom rally.
Pity certain Canadian politicians despise Canadians so much !
Tru-doh’s hatred of these real Canadians is palpable, as is the CBC and other legacy MSM.
I work in Canada, it’s amazing how many of my coworkers actually believe what the CBC and MSM tell them. They believe that the truckers and supporters are Nazis, racists and misogynists, including the ladies wearing hand-knit sweaters and giving out hot cocoa and fresh cookies.
When the Nazi flag appeared on the evening news a day ago, that pretty much solidified their belief. (I don’t have the heart to tell them the Nazis were Leftists like they are)
Bravo! Those truckers short-circuited Trudeau’s, Carney’s, Guilbeaut’s Great Reset. They understood what those alarmist want to make of Canada economy.
They’re following their cult leader’s economic philosophies.
Klaus Schwab is a living, breathing Bond villain with aspirations of taking over the world.
Why anyone would spend a minute attending his lectures is beyond me.
Well the message is now loud and clear for Canberra. Ending all COVID-19 mandates is not a radical idea but a necessary one given others nations are heading that way already. If the PM won’t listen now and by whatever means necessary he forces all states and territories to end all mandates, then as more and more are saying place ALP, LNP, Greens last in the next federal election to make the message even louder. It might be our last chance to get this country off the mandate treadmill before it’s too late for our very economic survival, assuming it’s not already too late.
I’m glad the Left are showing their true colours.
They have never been about supporting the “downtrodden masses” but socialism has always fundamentally been a movement of the mega-rich Elites who control a vast army of “useful idiots” to effect the transfer wealth and power from the poor and middle classes to the Elites.
Present examples include the anthropogenic global warming fraud to make the working and middle classes poor through high energy prices and the Elites who receive subsidies for their wind and solar subsidies farms. Or look at how the mismanagement of covid and the treatment monopolies given to Big Pharma when cheap and effective antivirals were banned for covid. Or numerous other examples of “crony capitalism”.
And look how the Left Elites censor, control, monopolise, propagandise and lie about what is happening in the world, the present truckers’s protests included. If it were not for blogs like this and other non-Leftist free speech sources, no one would know about it.
I agree that money is usually the biggest motivator, but don’t underestimate ideology, even among the already rich and powerful. For many, power is everything, the glitzy palace less so.
And the thirst for power occurs at every level of society, driving some of the absurd behaviours we see from the ‘useful idiots’ you mention. They are otherwise powerless little people who get a kick out of hurting others, whether by ‘cancelling’ them, taking away their rights, disrupting their meal in a restaurant or toppling a statue. For many, it’s the only time they have ever felt powerful. This thirst for power manifested through oppression and violence is what drives them to add more and more bogeymen to their list of enemies, and explains why every win for them just means they invent a new grievance and start the fight all over again.
You see, the fight is the end, not the means.
You may not be the only one who is glad about that. So might be future leaders of our nation. Once they are past their use by date they will be terminated. Former KGB Informant: Political Prostitutes are Useful Idiots
Trudeau comes out of hiding!!
There’s no doubt that when trucks and buses are involved with protests that they work very well. Rural Action Movement in 1991 managed to shut down Perth one morning when farmers were angry about commodity prices and a lack of support from their Western Australian state government. They blocked bridges with trucks and cut off the city. In the first year of Dan ( or is it Daniel?) Andrews government a lot of volunteer Country Fire Authority members drove their fire trucks to Melbourne in protest. They were protesting the Labor govt’s attempt to try and dismantle the CFA and also unionise members. It certainly had some effect and got the attention and sympathy of the general public. Like Trudeau, Andrews at the time was very wary of travelling to country Victoria for any ceremonies etc.
If only the people in control would actually follow the science……
Johns Hopkins Study: Lockdowns Had ‘Little To No Effect On COVID-19 Mortality’ But Had ‘Devastating’ Effects On Society
I heard Dictator Dan say on the radio this morning, in answer to when we might see the end of this madness, “We don’t know because we don’t know what variants are coming.”
Needless to say, the fake journalists pretended they didn’t see the problem with that approach: that we will NEVER know what variants are coming. If that’s Andrews’ criteria for lockdowns and restrictions, Victoria will NEVER be free.
When will journalist stop asking stupid questions and ask the only two that need to be asked, namely when did he sell his soul to Big Pharma and for how much.
But lockdowns will be minimal between now and November, this being an election year
Elections are irrelevant when a dictator is in control.
You (Victorians) don’t have until November, you really don’t.
Ditto WA and NT and for that matter all of Australia.
The sooner these science-detached crackpot premiers are removed from office the better because “worse than Covid” stage 2 is knocking at the door.
Furthermore, the idea that the incumbent despots (LNP or ALP) are re-elected or not is irrelevant. They are on the same page on both CAGW and COVID-19 associated mandates. We all know what to do about it when their elections come due. If we don’t do it through the ballot box then how else will we stop the rot? Talking about it until the cows come home will then be a waste of time as we will have to put up with them for another few more years – perhaps just enough to carry out the rest of the tyrannical plans.
Greater than 50/50 chance the variants will all be more infectious but less virulent.
going a bit deeper, mates:
who is Angela Merkel?
meet the globalists
Patrick Byrne in a brilliant interview
If they oppose the workers, they aren’t socialists, no matter what they call themselves.
A somewhat naive statement. Like saying the democrats are pro black/worker.
I just checked the MSM.
ABC – no such place as “Canada”.
Channel 9 – never heard of it. Look at Whoopi!
Channel 7 – Trudeau tests positive, “rowdy protests”.
CLearly they are under orders not to give the Australian public any ideas.
At least the Guardian gave it a run, reckons we are watching the development of a popular right wing movement.
Why would it be different now? We know they are in cahoots of the cabal to rip away the rest of our freedoms by government decree.
The MSM are deliberately blocking the real news. The people of Australia need honest journalism!
Jack the Insider just wrote an article for the Australian labelling those involved in the Canberra protest as anti-vaxxers. I’ll bet the Truth News Network wont fact check that.
For those who want the original KOWA press release, here it is.
If you need Google translate, you will need to eliminate the line spacings to get something like sense from it.
Japanese Pharmaceutical Company Kowa Said Today That Ivermectin Has Been Found Effective In Treating COVID-19 Coronavirus Variant Omicron
Invermectin worked well in India and HCQ worked in South Africa as well.So,why did OUR betters take it off the market and even threatened doctors with severe repercussions if they prescribed either of them.WHY?
I wish I had the courage to do this. As a teacher I have been forced by the Victorian Government to be double jabbed, and now I am being forced (3 months later) to have booster by February 25th of the same vaccine that obviously doesn’t work to keep my job.
Michael, we are sympathetic. Given the potential health consequences no one should be forced to do this. Many states are backing down on the passports around the world. Help us spread the message and get ours unwound too!
I have only contempt for those who have put you in this position. All I can say is – never forget what they made you do.
There were always other ways of combating any threat this virus posed – early treatment being one – and still are. At the very lest, the governments and their “advisers” succumbed to the lure of a “quick” cure by Big Pharma. Even if we discount the theory of sinister motivation, it was unforgivable incompetence and betrayal of the trust and great power we confer upon them.
I’m not telling you what to do. I have no idea what I would do in your position.
… another one …
One thing to think about is that the demand for online teachers is increasing and homeschooling is a thing now. Have a think about the bigger picture and the range of options available.
Australian reporter for Rebel News (Canada) reports on the Australian truckie protest in Canberra. You won’t see it on the Misleadia.
As of Monday, the Freedom Convoy has raised about $10 million on GoFundMe to keep them provisioned during their occupation of Ottawa.
But Mathieu Fleury, Ottawa City Councillor of Rideau-Vanier Ward, announced Monday his intention to seize the Freedom Convoy’s funds.
“This morning, I have asked the city manager and city solicitor to immediately launch court proceedings targeting the millions of dollars in funds frozen by @GoFundMe so Ottawa taxpayers are not left holding the bag for these protests,” tweeted Fleury, who has since protected his account.
The email states:
“I want to voice my support for the notion of City initiating actions against the GoFundMe funds to cover City expenses from incidents from the protests. (Police costs, businesses and residents for clean-up, promotion for our City, and messaging to support downtown residents, and funds for local groups who were victimized over the weekend) Please advise on actions we can and will take.”
I wonder what BLM owes…?
Part of the reason×1024.jpg
Brave Sir Justin of Ottawa
“When danger raised its fearsome head
He boldly turned his tail and fled”.
– Monty Python
Don’t worry, he’s talkin’ to the “January 6th was worse than Pearl Harbor” people.
They are coming to the rescue.
Dirty Truckers besmirching sacred Ottawa.
Think about it, a dirty trucker compared to that angelic face, sans cigar, ODG fatigue cap, and less scruffy beard.
Which one will the college girls choose.
Class war alright.
Even the media in India – anyone think there is a chance of a show in Oz (/s)
Looks like mr Trudeau think he’s the new Roi Soleil, the Sun King. Or should that be the king who thought the sun shone out of hid behind?
Jo’s headline:
It’s Class Warfare — The Truckers are the Workers against the new Bureaucrat-Kings
deserves a Pulitzer.
After Walter Duranty got a Pulitzer prize, no decent person should be accused of deserving one.
I like trucking by ‘not the nine o’clock news’ team
I sincerely hope that I live to see some kind of punishment for this.
Not severe punishment, only appropriate and just punishment.
This site is showing live feeds every day. Lots of cops, everywhere, watching the peaceful protesters handing out food and hand-warmers etc.
Truckers have been crushing bugs since the invention of the windshield.
Meanwhile in WA Chairman McGowan Has Gone Full Totalitarian. As such I’m keeping very close to home. No face nappy. No app. I’m doing my weekly shopping at the Farmers Market. I will probably do a big shop at the supermarket online and get it home delivered but that won’t be for some time. I won’t be going out to any public indoor place – no restaurants etc. Diesel will be from the 24H automatic station in the LIA.
Note the contrast between these heavy handed arrests for “camping” near the National Library — reported by ABC and the police & security non-response as other type of protesters set fire to doors at old Parliament House recently. Took days-weeks to arrest anybody then bailed like lightning.
Another “breaking news” update:
More live streams for today:
Rather OT….. UAH drops to +0.03C
I don’t think these truckers have fully accepted just how totalitarian their Canadian government has become.
License plates are being recorded, pics of drivers taken, notes kept . . . and the minute the public eye is off of this demonstration, Canada is going to start rounding them up and punishing them. It’s going to make the US’s Jan 6 prosecutions look like summer camp.
There is one and only one way to keep this from happening. We – the non-truckers – must not allow Canada to do such a thing quietly. We must keep watching, and keep listening to the truckers as they begin to detail how they’re being rounded up.
If they’re going to risk all to give the rest of us this much hope and cheer, we owe them that much.
$10 million from GoFundMe – assuming that the money is ever actually released to truckers, which I doubt will happen – is a drop in the bucket for the legal help they’re going to need. But don’t give more money now to GoFundMe. Wait until better routes are established.
“I don’t think these truckers have fully accepted just how totalitarian their Canadian government has become.”
You know, I think they have. That’s why they are protesting.
“License plates are being recorded, pics of drivers taken, notes kept . . . and the minute the public eye is off of this demonstration, Canada is going to start rounding them up and punishing them. It’s going to make the US’s Jan 6 prosecutions look like summer camp.”
Well, there’s a problem with that. You start punishing your logistics people, that’ll punish you. Like they say in the army, amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk logistics.
The glorious pictures of the convoys and supporters and the music of the horns are uplifting and inspiring. The farmers and the tow-truck operators in solidarity are a beautiful thing as well. The police need to join them, no question.
Every one of those truckers participating is one less trucker carrying a load. Just sayin’.
“$10 million from GoFundMe – assuming that the money is ever actually released to truckers, which I doubt will happen – is a drop in the bucket for the legal help they’re going to need.”
Actually, given the scrutiny GoFundMe is under in this case, and there are lawyers eyeing it, I think they’ll have to play by the rules. The truckers’ reps have crossed their t’s and dotted their i’s.
“Keep On Truckin’
These pathetic attempts at J-6ing are not working with wide swaths of an increasingly international audience—though they maintain their hold in the echo chambers of Canadian official opinion. ”
Love it; ” J-6 ing “.
The riot you have when you’re not having a riot, and the token trials, prosecutions and jailings to give the impression of truth to the faux indignation.
Go Hunter. Hunter. Hunter.
The USAs true role model.
“We Lie To You News”
My God, Australia!
As Bruce said, in the immortal Monty Python comedy sketch, “Australia, Australia, we love you, Australia.”
What’s going on with the HMAS Adelaide? I heard Morrison vaccinated the ship. The U.S. is in solidarity, we’ve been having ship issues too. Not to mention the F-35.. Apparently another vaccine injury.
Maybe when Australia’s finally a free republic it can have its true national anthem.
In waiting
The bureaucrats and politicians are crazies. Their approach to the trucker demonstrations to protect civil rights is a direct statement of their total contempt for the people of their own societies that they need to both elect and/or pay their blown-out salaries.
Finally the charge of the left to create its own despotic rule, after 60 years of taking over the institutions, is being seen for what it is: Nothing other than an aim to inflict a despotic ruling class to control the masses. This is a primer for their next move they call the great reset.
The left is suddenly seeing the methodologies used so effectively by themselves being used against them. For the left to call this a rebellion is in fact true. Their problem is, it’s not a rebellion to control the nation, as is done by the left. It’s a rebellion against the left ruling classes that assumed it controls our nations. Everyone and everything. That’s the rude awakening for the left.
People are taking back their control of their own Democracy. The truckers and their supporters are no different to the parents in the USA taking back control of their schools and protecting their kids from becoming indoctrinated in leftist woke and political theory at a very sensitive age.
The bottom line is, those huge fines and obstruction to supporters going about their legitimate business are actually the nails in the coffin for the left. Huge fines become meaningless in the face of those that could never pay them. The bigger the fine the more meaningless they become but the bigger the fight becomes against the leftist despots will become. When supplies really run short on the shelves is when the left sees it has to embarrassingly reverse course or face real agitation against it in society – just as has happened in Britain in being forced to reverse the sacking of unvaxed healthcare workers.
Go the resistance!!! Ring out The Marselliaise, Advance Australia .., The USA Anthem, God Save the Queen!!!!(;0).
This takes great courage from ordinary people to hold out against the full weight of government and the law. Unfortunately many western democracies, including Australia, cannot define leftism as simply being applied to the Labor and Greens Parties. The quest for votes has seen formerly regarded as centre or centre right parties more with the left to become centre left or worse. They have been paying the price of not fighting wokism but joining it and splitting their representation into a war zone between the Turnbull – Bishop leftist ‘Wets / progressives” and the more historical centre and centre rightists. The left have infiltrated the coalition parties here just as fully as any other institution in the country. Britain and the USA seem to have similar divisive problems.
Recordings reveal duelling realities of trucker protests
Checkout the twitter tag #RamRanch for more. Warning: Homoerotic trigger
Okay, so now is a good time to say that fear mongering and outrage have become the dominant drivers of social media, science, the press and politics. Not easy bucking the trend
Rebel News report:
Oops! Warning the very end of the video should come with a barf-bag warning due to CNN propaganda about experiments on children (aka Crimes Against Humanity)
Destined to become a meme
More Rubin Report:
Live Streams: