Just another day in a cold Biotech War?
“The international team of researchers suggest the virus may have mutated to have a furin cleavage site during experiments on human cells in a lab.”

Image: Scientific Animations
To put this in perspective the whole virus is essentially a code with 29,000 bases in a row, and this story is about a sequence of 19.
The code is in the same four letter “alphabet”, more or less, as all life on Earth — A, T*, C and G. But in this new discovery there are 19 particular bases (or nucleotides) in a row. These are the bases that were so useful that Moderna patented the sequence in 2016. Oddly, no other coronavirus has that sequence. Indeed, nothing else in a virus or animal cell does either.
The reason these 19 bases are so interesting is that they make up the critical point called the “Furin Cleavage Site”. Furin is an enzyme inside our cells that acts like a specialist scissor, cutting only certain proteins in an exact way. A number of nasty germs sneak in and use our Furin snippy tools too — like HIV and Ebola, and also influenza, dengue and now one coronavirus. The “Furin Cleavage Site” is the part of the virus spike that has a target painted on it for the Furin enzyme to find. It’s the exact right configuration to get “the snip”.And this snip or bit of pruning is “vital for human and ferret transmission”. It also seems to make the disease more severe.
h/t to OriginalSteve and Will
Now scientists find virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began
Connor Boyd, DailyMail
It is the only coronavirus of its type to carry 12 unique letters that allow its spike protein to be activated by a common enzyme called furin, allowing it to spread between human cells with ease.
Twelve of the shared letters make up the structure of Covid’s furin cleavage site, with the rest being a match with nucleotides on a nearby part of the genome.
Writing in the paper, led by Dr Balamurali Ambati, from the University of Oregon, the researchers said the matching code may have originally been introduced to the Covid genome through infected human cells expressing the MSH3 gene.
The exactly 19 letters are CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG, since you asked. The researchers write that this is “very rare in the NCBI BLAST database.“ (That’s the huge US government collection of gene sequences). Indeed, they say, it is absent “from any eukaryotic or viral genome” — Eukaryote being the word that describes any life on Earth more complicated than a bacteria.
So the exact 19 letter sequence is only found in the Moderna patent and SARS-2 which is, well… “odd”.
As an aside, in this story, the DailyMail is pushing the upper bounds of science communication. I’ve never seen a newspaper get this interested or this detailed in genetic codes — it’s all the more surprising given it is also the kind of newspaper which has several clickbait bikini-clad news stories every single day.
It’s a strange moment we are living in. I’m glad the DailyMail is looking.

Furin Cleavage Site
But don’t forget that it’s the 12 nucleotides in the middle of the 19 that especially matter, because they are the new nucleotides that weren’t in SARS-1.
So, what are the odds of these bolded 12 new bases appearing. The paper tries to calculate and the authors estimate the odds of these occurring naturally are one-in-[thirty-one-billion**]. I never get too excited about declarations of that sort. But the paper authors feel this is ” highly unusual and requires further investigations” which is definitely true.
The DailyMail found some other experts who are not so sure at all — viruses are, after all, mutation machines, and an infected person might be making a trillion viruses per ml in their saliva, so even one-in-three-trillion odds can be all in a days work. Nonetheless, as The DailyMail recognises, those who do know what’s going on have lied about every part of this epidemic from the start.
Sir Jeremy Farrar, an eminent British expert who publicly denounced the theory as a ‘conspiracy’, admitted in a private email in February 2020 that a ‘likely explanation’ was that the virus was man-made.
The then-UK Government adviser said at the time he was ’70:30 or 60:40′ in favour of an accidental release versus natural origin.
In the email, sent to American health chiefs Dr Anthony Fauci and Dr Francis Collins, Sir Jeremy said it was possible Covid had been evolved from a Sars-like virus in the lab.
He went on that this seemingly benign process may have ‘accidentally created a virus primed for rapid transmission between humans’.
But the British scientist was shut down by his counterparts in the US who warned further debate about the origins of the virus could damage ‘international harmony’.
And this is possibly the Crime of the Century, so we ought pay attention. If WWIII has bioweapons, the more of us that understand them, the better.
*Yes, in RNA the code letter T is really a U. That’s a long and interesting story for another day.
**Corrected from 3 trillion, which the Dailymail got wrong, and I carelessly copied. Thanks Robert and Leo. Not that “trillion” or “billion” matters much in the silly game of “what are the odds”.
There is a “war” on…..you are to cease talking of covid now.
The “war” would be much more believable if NATO countries stopped buying Russian oil and gas.
Back in reality, the experimental shots used in a crazed attempt to introduce digital passports and end democracy are costing far more lives.
What is CAGW doing while we are looking the other way?
The war has been going on for some time. The war escalated when covid was released. The Ukraine war is also escalation. The propaganda trick is that we were not aware that we were being taken over, losing our freedom/free speech/free internet and losing rational/honest government.
The Chinese/CCP insisted (used ‘diplomatic’ pressure to ensure it happened) that there should be a world military ‘games’. In addition they insisted that the world military games, must be held in Wuhan in September of 2019. The Wuhan military games participants officially complained that the ‘games’ were held in ridiculously undersized rooms which had had the ventilation turned off.
Roughly a 1/3 of the Canadians all got sick immediately after the Wuhan military games. Flu. The purpose of the Wuhan military games was to provide a cover story to explain to the Chinese people what is the ‘origin’ covid. The official CCP story is that covid was developed in a US military lab, it leaked out of the US lab, and spread to China via the Wuhan military games. The CCP cover story need to bring US soldiers to Wuhan for military ‘games’.
I’ve long suspected it was a deliberate attempt to take down the western military. That back fired.
I think a lot of other people think that as well, but they don’t want a full scale war.
So they pretend otherwise.
I can see a possible link between this and the Ukraine issue. Perhaps Putin’s real purpose in taking over Ukraine is to shut down these labs that are possibly being used by the West to stage a biowar with Russia.
The Secret US Biolabs In Ukraine
That’s a good article PeterS- “it is reported that the US has more than 400 bacteriological laboratories around the world, including at least 15 in Ukraine.”
“In fact, the work in the laboratories is carried out under the program of biological experiments. The budget is $2.1 billion and is funded by the US Defence Threat Reduction Agency. The Scientific and Technical Center in Ukraine, an international organisation funded by the American authorities and whose staff have diplomatic immunity, has also become involved in this activity. This organisation is engaged in financing projects for the creation of weapons of mass destruction,” wrote Medvedchuk and Kuzmin.
Further, the people’s deputies point out that after the launch of biolaboratories in Ukraine there were outbreaks of infectious diseases.
“So, in Ternopol in 2009 there was a virus that caused hemorrhagic pneumonia. Its victims were 450 Ukrainians. In 2011, there was an outbreak of cholera in Ukraine – 33 people died. Three years later, cholera was diagnosed already 800 citizens, another year later more than 100 cases of cholera were recorded in Nikolaev.”
People’s deputies also gave such examples. In January 2016, 20 soldiers died from an influenza-like virus in Kharkov, and more than 200 were hospitalised. Two months later, 364 deaths were recorded in Ukraine. “The reason is swine flu of the same strain of influenza that led to the global pandemic in 2009,” say Medvedchuk and Kuzmin.
They further point out that in 2017 in Nikolaev there was an outbreak of hepatitis A. In the summer of the same year there were similar hotbeds of infection in Zaporozhye and Odessa, and in the autumn – in Kharkov.
“In 2010-2012 [i.e., already under Yanukovych – ed] the Ukrainian government initiated checks to see if the laboratories comply with all safety measures. As a result, a number of gross disorders were identified that could lead to the leakage of strains of dangerous infections. .
Then people’s deputies write that in 2013 President Viktor Yanukovych abandoned such cooperation with the United States. “It is likely that Yanukovych lost power with the active participation of the US government precisely because of his refusal to cooperate with the Pentagon,” suggest the deputies from “Opposition Platform – For Life”. …. In 2014 Petro Poroshenko continued it.
It’s the crimeS of the centuryS.
This all has provided cover for so many goblins to crawl out from under rocks, that we may never get a clear picture of what’s happened to us.
Many of the crimes are yet to fully materialize.
Now they’re planning the crime of the century
Well what will it be?
Read all about their schemes and adventuring
Yes, It’s well worth the fee
So roll up and see
How they’ve raped the universe
How they’ve gone from bad to worse
Who are these men of lust, greed and glory?
Rip off the mask and let’s see.
But that’s not right – oh no, what’s the story?
But there’s you and there’s me
That can’t be right
To summarise, it’s more proof of the “man made” origin of covid, and more proof if we needed it that a lot of people in positions of power and influence will lie to us about anything and everything.
For more evidence of the origin,Truly, this book is a shocker!!!! An access to all the references in the book can be obtained at the bottom of the page.All the evidence needed to convince the truth of “Follow The Money” https://childrenshealthdefense.org/fauci_info/
Farrar has a lot to answer for. He clearly knew that a lab leak origin was a virtual certainty. In January 2020 emails he and Fauci exchange the 2015 paper published in Nature Journal, in which the Wuhan lab researchers detailed their success in manipulating a similar bat virus to give it the ability to infect humans via the ACE2 receptor.
But Farrar isn’t just part of the origin coverup. He is also linked to two trials in which critically ill patients were given HCQ doses far higher than the daily safe limit for a healthy person. These deadly trials along with the shameful “Surgisphere” fraud were used to halt early outpatient treatment with existing therapeutics.
The more I reflect on what seemed unthinkable, the more plausible it becomes.
I’m glad you don’t. The paper would have better credibility if they hadn’t bothered with it. They use a simple roll-of-a-dice calculation. How are we to relate this to the complicated real world of nucleotide replication and mutation? The real world coincidence could be more likely or less likely.
Incidentally Jo, a nitpick, their (meaningless) probability of 3.21×10^-11 translates into odds of (only) 1 in 31 billion.
Thanks Robert and Thanks Leo,
Will fix. As I said, I never pay much attention to sentences with the form “Odds of this being natural are blah”.
Incidentally, that error was by the MailOnline’s Health editor, not by the paper’s authors.
Also I would not say “meaningless” as clearly it casts very reasonable doubt on a natural evolutionary source as being unlikely, and is supportive of a great body of other research, and facts on the ground that indicates this was either accidentally or willfully released man made virus.
Leo G,
I saw “that error” in Jo’s text and I thought she might like to correct it, and she has. The error by the paper’s authors was to use a 4-sided “dice” to model evolution.
David A,
Evolution is nothing like a dice roll. I’ve seen creationists use similar calculations to “prove” the existence of God by the supposed improbability of the random emergence of the human genome. The figure in this paper doesn’t bear any relation to the real genetic event. How is it useful when the true probability could be much lower or much higher?
Besides, where does a probability really get you? Probability after the fact is meaningless. Toss a coin 100 times and write down the sequence of heads and tails. Now calculate the odds of that sequence happening. Better buy a lottery ticket because the odds are about 1.2×10^30 to one, yet it happened. Amazing.
Hmmm…..big thing now on “inflammation” – presumably the mRNA production of spike protein & its role in multi-organ inflammation might be overlooked? I guess we will see how such things are “presented”. This appears to be a pre-emptive push to normalize the expected long term outcomes of the recent gene therapy roll out.
“From long COVID to Alzheimer’s, all manner of health woes are increasingly thought to have one thing in common: inflammation. But there’s an ongoing mystery: why does it go rogue in some people and not others? Great medical minds are on the case.
I find this odd-
“Coombes faced a tough new reality after she returned from a business trip to Switzerland in March 2020,….The following day, NSW Health called Coombes to inform her that she’d tested positive… (She developed long covid) As a healthcare worker, Coombes was among the first wave of people to be vaccinated in NSW last year, which couldn’t come soon enough as by then, her body had zero antibodies to the disease, and was at real risk of reinfection.”
Unless long covid wipes out any antibodies, or your immune system stops producing antibodies which is why you develop long covid, she still should have had natural immunity from being infected.
And is it just me, or is it odd that “time” on covid has been called and the NSW Covid weekly reports have ceased being produced?
When all this madness started, COVID was called a “novel” virus. Thanks to Jo’s knowledge of virology and all things relevant to Coronaviruses that has been presented on this blog for the last 2 years , I can honestly say nothing was really actually “novel” about COVID. Cytokine storms, ACE2 receptors, Furin cleavages etc were all new to me, but they weren’t “novel” to a whole bunch of virologists, vaccinologists and epidemiologists. Now we find even the genetic sequence of COVID isn’t all that novel as well. ( comments were made from several people regarding this in 2020) All the knowledge was there, we just listened to the wrong people. For goodness sake, at the start of COVID, health experts said we could control it by social distancing and hand sanitising. Then the most absurd advice of all – that COVID wasn’t airborne. When you consider all this and the fact that well established pandemic responses strategy were effectively ignored you cant help but be a conspiracy theorist.
Ross, I believe you are right on most parts, but not the hand washing.
I called it in the earliest months. The pattern of spread on the Diamond Princess. The Hong Kong Tower sewage incident. The first UK superspreader with gastro but no respiratory symptoms. For the initial variants, the primary mode of transmission was fecal/oral, just like gastro.
This is how we were getting “asymptomatic” transmission. The carriers weren’t asymptomatic, they just didn’t have respiratory symptoms.
As the months rolled by, more and more data came in supporting my early call. Surface swabbing in Chinese hospitals was particularly telling. The highest surface viral loads was always around toilets, not patients beds.
It took forever, but eventually sewerage testing was adopted. It works because the human organ with the highest expression of the ACE2 receptor is the small intestine.
With Omicron, the balance of transmission may have tipped to airborne. But with the early variants, the transmission scenarios all fit a pattern: indoor environments were people were staying long enough to use toilet facilities, multiple common contact surfaces and low UV light levels.
There was no outdoor transmission. I have attended multiple anti-mandate / anti-passport rallies with 10,000s of “unclean unvaccinated granny killers”. None, despite the shrieks of the Establishment Misleadia, became super spreader incidents.
The masks were a fear reinforcement mechanism and a symbol of compliance. They had no effect on transmission.
Where does the evidence point? It’s simple. From Diamond Princess onwards, Australia had the scientific evidence to stop this virus dead in its tracks on our island. But if we didn’t import asymptomatic Asian students with low ACE2 receptor count and allow infected ships to dock, how could we have a virus emergency requiring expensive government controlled “vaccines” and digital passports?
Well, No, Ross. Covid-19 is and was Novel. We’re only talking about 19 out of 29,000 base pairs here, and that they are the same as a Moderna patent does not make it less Novel. Indeed, those 19 bases don’t appear to exist “in eukaryotes”, which means everything bigger than bacteria. That’s novel.
Omicron has now picked up some little bits from common corona colds — we don’t know if that helps make Omicron nicer, but it might have. That tiny section of RNA can be explained by being “folded” into Omicron in a person infected with both viruses. And if it helped the virus spread faster (by making the infection more asymptomatic) it could well be conserved and useful.
The biological world is full of shared copies of genes. EG: You, I, and every animal down to yeast share genes for things like insulin. Genes are like a tool box, and once a tool is useful it appears everywhere. Kind of like how the same screws, nails, washers, hammers and screwdrivers are now in garages all over Planet Earth.
Jo, it depends on your definition of the word ” novel”. You are probably using that term in a strict microbiology or genetic sense. Fair enough. I’m more referring to it as in a general sense. I keep hearing commentators saying things like ” Well, the politicians didn’t know what they were doing because no- one knew anything about COVID (SarsCoV-2), because it was novel”. Again, I call bovine excrement on that. It seems like we actually did know a lot about it, but listened to the wrong people.
We did know in Jan 2020 that HCQ was likely useful against it because it worked against SARS-1. You are right about that. Fauci knew.
But Covid-19 is novel in the microbiology sense and every other sense that matters to people who know and like older humans. Doctors didn’t even realize til April 2020 that it was primarily a vascular disease, not a respiratory one. We had N F Idea and good docs killed a lot of people accidentally in the first wave by treating Covid like it was influenza when it was not. Think “ventilators”. Think oxygen levels so low we didn’t know people could still be alive, let alone conscious.
Covid has rewritten many medical books.
We were stupid for not having real Pandemic plans in place.
The first rule in the new Pandemic plan should be “shut the borders”. The second should be, then drill through every drug we already know of for good cheap antivirals so we can treat people and then open the borders.
On Masks
As I have consistently said from the start, the science of Masks is not a binary 1:0 political option.
The full story of whether masks are useful ranges from 0 to 100 in the usual bell curve of 20 variables.
There are 10 different types of masks, kinds of viruses, particle size, charged nature, electrostatic effect, multiple layers, different material, turbulence, air speed, room size, humidity level, length of time worn, viral load, clustering of both particles, and K factors of viruses (cluster spreadability) and the very critical “fit” of the masks, and on and on and on and on and on and ….
I am weary of asking people to look beyond the politicization of masks which makes people on both sides of the political spectrum look pretty silly.
Masks are neither as good, nor as bad as political actors suggest. Instead they are many PhD theses.
I was surprised in March 2020 to find surgical masks worn by parents at home with kids with known-influenza made a big difference to their chances of catching influenza. I really didn’t think masks were that useful.
Ponder that Fauci only lied about masks being useless in Feb 2020 in order to stop his own hospitals from running out of them. Doctors and Nurses in Australia in Covid ICU wards were quietly discussing whether to quit if the hospitals ran out. I know, because I have friends who work in ICU wards in Australia and I was sharing those ethical discussions. The discussion went along the lines of “we wouldn’t ask firefighters to run into burning buildings if they didn’t have safety gear…”
I’m sure a well fitted mask was useful against the early strains of Covid. I’m not sure they have much effect against the incredibly infectious Omicron, especially when people are so clueless about how to fit them.
If anyone does want to avoid Omicron (as benign as it appears to be), they need an N95 / P2 mask, Well fitted. If used with nasal sprays and throat gargles, I expect it would reduce viral loads significantly. Strictly speaking though, people need goggles, or at least glasses as the virus can also enter through wet surfaces on our eyes. Some use povidone eyedrops as well -(I think that’s an FLCCC thing?)
There are well trained and smart people here in engineering and geology say, who would be aghast if their specialist area was turned into a political-stupid-zone where the main arguments amounted to saying all Granites were identical, or all bridges were the same.
“I was surprised in March 2020 to find surgical masks worn by parents at home with kids with known-influenza made a big difference to their chances of catching influenza. I really didn’t think masks were that useful.”
Is that study considering all the dimensions?
There’s more than one binary here. It’s not just a matter of the efficacy of mask-wearing in reducing viral transmission, but what masks are worn, how they are worn, how long they are worn, and what are the associated health, psychological, developmental, and social consequences of mask wearing.
Jo, two things to note:
1: COVID-19 could not have been completely novel. SARS-COV-1 survivors appeared to have good natural immunity against the “new” virus 18 years later.
2: Omicron is almost certainly a lab product. From Wuhan to Alpha to Gamma to Delta there is clear genomic progression and ancestry. Omicron is the odd one out. It shares a common ancestor with Wuhan but is not a mutation from Delta.
Different parts of a coronavirus mutate at different speeds. This allows scientists to “carbon date” the aproximate age of the virus assuming a host population of suitable size.
And there’s the problem with Omicron. If it were “natural” it would have had to been in a human population of several millions, isolated from the rest of the world since March 2018. And if you believe that, you might also believe wind turbines can replace thermal generation with a 30:1 ERoEI ratio.
Omicron is the product of human agency, and unlike Delta, it didn’t occur by ignoring 70 years of warnings to never mass use a non-sterilizing inoculation in the middle of a pandemic. The questions are: which nation, which lab, which scientists and how they aquired a pre 2020 sample of the virus. Also money. Shed loads of money. Also a HUMINT network capable of global seeding in the midst of travel restrictions.
Who is responsible for Omicron? Who wants to wrap Klaus in duct tape and feed him slowly feet first into a bacon slicer?
“Covid-19 is and was Novel.” – Jo
Well, from a certain point of view, it was.
“Dr David Martin – The Novel Sars-CoV2 Patents Disentangled:
73 patents have all the Novel Sars-CoV2 elements”
Ot wasn’t newly emerged from nature, but it was newly engineered for profit. So, in the latter sense it was “novel.”
I won’t say there isn’t a virus. There has to be one. And it does mutate, especially under pressure from a leaky “vaccine.” But it’s novelty isn’t any more natural than the inoculations are effective or safe.
Just a coincidence, I assure you. Nothing sinsister here. Don’t worry about it. Now just take these pills and let the nice men help you into the van.
We know what you’re trying to hint at here, but this does not imply Moderna had anything to do with the virus originally. The co-incidence isn’t as strange or insidious when you consider the order of some relevant events.
1. In 2001 an experiment on chickens found an innocuous virus successively infecting a chain of 24 chickens could (naturally) result in a highly virulent virus “with 100% mortality”. More relevant to Covid is their mention in passing of a different outbreak of avian influenza in USA in 1983 in which the virus being more attractive to furin was one of the steps in becoming more deadly, and note this also occurs entirely naturally:
2. The study of potential coronavirus transfer to humans started at least in 2014 under USA NIH grants, possibly earlier under other auspices.
3. The US patent 9587003 allegedly holding the specific enhanced Furin “cut here” sequence became a public document on 7 March 2017. I say “allegedly” because despite many RNA sequences appearing in the patent text, none of them are the sequence claimed by Ambati & Co. Maybe it is in an attachment I haven’t read, so I’ll gloss over that point.
4. On 18-June-2018, Ecohealth Alliance Inc receives $581,646 to (in part):
5. On 24-July-2019, Ecohealth Alliance Inc receives $661,980 to run an experiment to (in part):
This shows it is not theoretical, they are definitely testing infectivity. I would only guess that any ‘extras’ they can put into the virus to speed up infection will help the animal studies move along and finish faster. It’s the same end result (infects or doesn’t infect) but you find out sooner. Based on Jo’s description, inserting an enhanced Furin cleavage site was theorised to do this, and was known in the literature as a possibility as shown by the chicken article from 2001. A “furin cleavage site” is not a recipe, it is a description of what it does, but they still needed a specific genetic sequence to achieve that function.
6. Some time during 2019 the special Furin-attracting sequence appears in SARS-CoV-2, which is two years AFTER it was published in the patent. I have no idea if they have the RNA equivalent of copy+paste, but if they do then a copy+paste from the published sequence has been possible for that amount of time. Here is an article (from China!) by Pei and Lu in Dec 2019 claiming “These tools allow transcript-specific manipulation in gene expression”, which sounds pretty far-reaching to me. Arbitrary sequence insertion on demand is possible in that scenario. If such technology does not exist or can’t do exactly that, a much less likely (but possible) alternative is natural mutation as shown in 2001, and that it was co-incidental that the chain of animals it requires isn’t reached in the WIV’s lab animals until 2019.
So it could have been chance, but even if it weren’t under this interpretation the hypothesis is not nearly as dramatic: Chinese manufacturer infringes Western intellectual property rights, news at 11.
“We know what you’re trying to hint at here, but this does not imply Moderna had anything to do with the virus originally. “
Well, no. At no point did I assume or suggest that Moderna was using its own published string or involved in the creation of a bioweapon. I wondered if I needed to spell that out, but I figured that most people realize that the point of a patent is to be published. I also figured that people prepared to create a bioweapon would probably not worry too much about breaching patent rights. Though I suppose that gets very muddy if researchers believe they are doing research, not-for-profit and not-for-release, which some might.
Ambati & Co. found the match in the BLAST dataset.
The claims about the importance of the furin cleavage site in the post came from the paper, — or at least the ” … ” quoted parts did. Though I have seen similar claims elsewhere. Though I gather there is some debate about it too.
It’s more complicated – pls see the link in my #18.
One doesn’t have to assume or imply anything. If the patent record is correctly presented in my link, the big pharma corruption and collusion is crystal clesr.
quote: “And this is possibly the Crime of the Century”
Looks like it finally sunk in eh?/sarc.
Thanks to VladTepesblog:
Hey, remember how they told you the mRNA in the vaccines could NEVER wind up in human DNA?
If I remember rightly the last part of ModeRNA’s jigsaw puzzle didn’t happen until early 2019 when they finally got hold of the lipid nanoparticle technology they needed to deliver ‘the anti-spike’ into our arms. The spike appeared in the atmosphere a few months later…
Looks like the only things working in our favour through all this have been natural immunity and natural selection doing what it usually does as the virus mutated to be less severe and also not able to be controlled by the fake ‘vaccines’ which it has also mutated away from. Great joy!
Except that pharma and its partners in crime will be back – they have probably made ~100 billion USD between them out of SARS2 and they will try again. Doubly so if ‘the world’ doesn’t now comply with their 2015? plan to get the world addicted to an annual coronavirus ‘vaccination’ programme to supplement the annual flu ‘vaccination’ programme.
The people in Wall Street are angry with Moderna: https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/columnists/pfizer-moderna-investors-run-for-the-exits/article_f33832ce-9347-11ec-830c-6fe60d1a126b.html
At the peak in August, Moderna were on $484 a share, six months later Moderna are now on $150 a share. The Wall Street article followed by the Daily Mail article show us that Moderna is facing bankruptcy as its remaining share owners gradually find out what is happening. Investment adviser Edward Dowd expects Moderna to go bust. Moderna’s stock is down some 70 percent from its high of $484 on August 9, 2021, wiping out almost $ 140 billion in investment.
Dowd foresees an avalanche of lawsuits coming as the insurance industry continues to uncover the legions of mounting deaths coming from the complications of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Dowd teamed up with an insurance industry analyst and researched the life insurance claims. They found that since OneAmerica shocked the world by announcing a 40% rise in non-COVID deaths in younger working-class employees, multiple other insurance companies worldwide have seen the same thing – massive rises in non-COVID deaths. And the evidence inescapably points to the vaccines as the cause. A court in France has already held that a life insurance company cannot be held liable for a death because of the mRNA vaccine.
The mRNA manufacturers were granted Emergency Use Authorisation, which means they cannot be held legally accountable for deaths or adverse effects stemming from the experimental vaccines. However not when Moderna, Pfizer and any other company accomplishes this through deceit, also known as fraud. Fraud undoes all these protections. If a company or person intentionally deceives another to profit, we have fraud.
Dowd says “My goal is to awaken the country by seeing something is going on. And Wall Street is AWAKE!” “There’s lots of people who got the jabs that didn’t understand what was going on. A lot of them are in the investment world. A lot of them are smart people – they were duped too. Some of these people that got the jab are doing the work on shorting these stocks because – you know, you can guess – because they are mad as hell – and you’ve awakened the sleeping giant known as Wall Street. And Wall Street is on the move”.
That link didn’t work for me, so I searched and came up with this one.
Huh? now yours works. Go figure???
file that under news that’s almost as old as dirt.
First patent application for spike protein by Pfizer was in 2000.
Lots more there.
Firing this guy won’t make any difference when lots of actuaries already know the score; it’s not just Indiana or Germany, MetLife and other Big Life Insurers and re-Insurers know: https://www.eugyppius.com/p/andreas-schofbeck-german-insurance?utm_source=url
Israel data, 1 in 30 suffering: https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=245294
Oh, they said it wouldn’t happen: https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/worst-fears-realized-pfizer-mrna?utm_source=url
Because they didn’t look? Well, why would they?
Nice links!
Thank you.