The latest:
- GoFundMe has taken control of $9m in Trucker donations. But people started demanding a chargeback from their bank to punish GoFundMe with full refunds plus fees. Donors can donate to GiveSendGo instead.
- The Truckers are not going anywhere. The legacy media claimed they stole food from the homeless at a soup kitchen in Ottawa, so the Truckers built a soup-kitchen, called “the Shack”, as a community kitchen, and are feeding the homeless. When told that was illegal, and they could not build a fixed structure, they announced they were adding wheels.
- The city of Ottawa is restricting food sales to starve out the protesters, but instead the FreedomConvoy are feeding themselves. (Did the city not realize the Truckers might be good at the logistics of food deliveries?)
- After threats to bring in the military to remove the truckers, the Military has told Ottawa to find someone else to evict the truckers.
- Truckers are being called terrorist extremists but in the streets they are playing ice hockey, sweeping off the snow, congo dancing and doing the Macarena. Live music and fireworks happen at night. Look out, it’s an insurrection: Bouncing castles for children have arrived.
- In chilling news, a white van appears to have deliberately struck a group of protesters. Four are in hospital. The driver has been apprehended.
- UPDATE: Panicked, GoFundMe has now promised an automatic refund to everyone. But it’s too late now. If the aim was crush the resistance, it only made it stronger. But nobody wins. The money hasn’t gotten to the Truckers YET, but GoFundMe may have sabotaged itself.
Fightback against GoFundMe’s theft*
From SmallDeadAnimals and ZeroHedge
..the weak corporate cowards at GoFundMe have succumbed to the pressure from “powerful forces”. Ezra Levant claims it was a request from Trudeau. They now say they will donate it to charities of their choosing. So people who donated may end up unwittingly supporting BlackLivesMatter or Greenpeace. So GoFundMe become GoFundYourEnemies. That, obviously, is outrageous, (and how is it even legal?). But there are ways to fight back.
This was the second largest donation cause for GoFundMe in Canada, and would probably have become the largest had they not halted it. GoFundMe now claims the Trucker convoy is not a peaceful protest but “an occupation” with “unlawful activity”. Though GoFundMe was happy to fund the “Occupation” of Capital Hill in Seattle in 2020. Some occupations are more equal than others.
If you have donated via GoFundMe, please contact your bank and dispute the charge to your credit card or bank account. That will mean GoFundMe will need to return the money and pay a fee of $15USD.
The word is that donors should not use the refund form.
*UPDATE: In a panic GoFundMe now says it will offer refunds to donors “automatically”. Perhaps the thought of 120,000 donors demanding chargebacks with fees was a bit frightening, or it might be all the people reporting the group to Attorney Generals and asking for investigations into what is surely illegal?
Once the money is returned, people can donate via the Christian charity The site asks donors to be patient, as their servers are overwhelmed, and it may take several tries to get past the 505 Gateway error.
In their hysteria the collectivists destroy all they touch. Will GoFundMe recover when half the political spectrum refuses to use it? Long Live the alternatives.

Elon Musk accused GoFundMe of hypocrisy. … Twitter Link
A night with the untouchables
Reports from inner Ottawa from someone living there make for great reading. A local citizen wonders what makes the protesters tick, and nervously finds out that they are honorable hard workers from every corner of Canada, keeping the streets clean, honking by day but stopping at night. They love Canada and want to keep it free of tyranny for their children.
Farmers for Freedom
The Tractors have joined the Truckers.
Truckers are going nowhere
They stop honking at 6pm.
This is the audio landscape in a residential area of downtown Ottawa this morning.
— Glen McGregor (@glen_mcgregor) February 2, 2022
The honking will continue until freedom improves.
The Truckers are building infrastructure. One instant community kitchen….

News sites to follow the Convoy
The real news is anywhere-but-the-legacy-media. Thanks again to SmallDeadAnimals in Canada for the list below. I am but a cog sharing info. These blogs find such live and archived coverage of this historical event in Ottawa.
RebelNews Convoy Reports
- Ottawalks
- Machines Everywhere
- Travel Fun 69
- Tireroaster’s Garage
- War Campaign
- TunexTV
- Wheelburner Express
- Viva Frei
- TriSun Film
- Ottawa’s Freelance Photography
And here some video aggregators helping spread the true facts on the ground:
- Portland Andy
- RedPilling The Masses
- A&R Videos
- Frontline NewsFlash
- Nomad Outdoor Adventure & Travel Show
- Bowlleux Mobile
- Offical VA3DL0
- MiTreasureHunter
Well, that’s it GFM, can use their own letters and Go and get F……. Mongrels.
Never ever again will I contribute to it.
Trucker convoy finds alternative funding platform
After GoFundMe shut down the $10-million campaign for the ‘Freedom Convoy,’ organizers have found another platform.
The anti-mandate truck rally moved fast to GiveSendGo , which bills itself as the No. 1 free Christian fundraising site.
GiveSendGo had already raised more than $1.1 million as of 10 a.m. Saturday and tweeted they did it in 12 hours despite bot attacks, noting they raised money five times faster than GoFundMe.
GiveSendGo is swamped and the site was difficult to access Saturday morning.
This is an amazing speech in Canada, from a Polish man who grew up under Communism – a must see :
The Babylon Bee
4D Chess: Truckers Loot Nike Stores, Burn Some Cop Cars So GoFundMe Will Reinstate Them
The Babylon Bee
GoFundMe Freezes Funds For Child’s Heart Surgery After Finding Out He Supports Trucker Protest
After Enabling Violent, Far-Left Extremists; GoFundMe ‘Steals’ Millions From Freedom Convoy Fundraisers
This action by GoFundMe is totally BS, but these people forget that cancel culture can work both ways, just ask one of the remaining reporters at CNN, now known as Cancelled News Network.
Cancelled News Network. hahahahaha Hadn’t heard that one. Love it.
Going to pass that one along to my friend who is a diehard CNN watcher.
CNN was the Clinton News Network when D Trump was the US President……………….
We can only hope our own truckers will cause PM Morrison to run and hide as well. We’ve had enough of his deceitful nonsense.
With hindsight, the left-wing msm, ALP/GREENS are all experts. “We would’ve done Wuflu better” Albo, so Dictator Dan , McGowan better? An ALP/GREENS government will be a disaster for Australia.
Morrison is dead in the water by all indications let alone what the polls say. It goes further into the respective electorates where the PM is really on the nose now. People are cranky and needing someone to blame. But to be fair, not much of this is Morrison’s fault it’s just that events have overwhelmed him and his government. The Labor and greens frighten me. Go you good truckers of Canada.
We need people to vote Lib democrats or Palmer big time. What hope mainstream Australia against the foul left led by the media and other subversive elements. We need conviction from our politicians and ourselves.
We voted for Palmer in 2013.
What we got was Al Gore!
Sure thing. Hopefully has his head on straight this time. I’d probably vote for Attila the Hun if he decided to run.
I’d like to see politicians with convictions too, preferably with long sentences and little chance of parole.
Take the upcoming South Australian elections, the ICAC was hamstrung with unanimous support, and the bill was raised by “SA Best”. In my opinion, not one single member of the lower of upper house deserves re-election after they voted to protect themselves and their crooked mates.
Glen, Morrison carries a huge amount of the blame. He was fully on board with the WEF plan.
Morrison is responsible for:
– Signing the usurious contracts with big pharmaceutical.
– Establishing the national immunization database, without which the jab passport plan wouldn’t work.
– Signing contracts to buy Merck’s dangerous mutagenic drug.
– The actions of the TGA, which include:
* Approving Remdesivir.
* Blocking the use of proven therapeutics such as
Ivermectin and HCQ.
* Banning the use of rapid antigen tests for over
a year and a half.
– Failing to take federal action against State governments using mandates for coercion and their clear violations of the code of practice in the Australian Immunization Handbook, the Helsinki Accord and the Nuremberg Code.
Yes, State governments have acted atrociously, particularly those on the left of the Uniparty. But they could never have gotten away with their foul behavior without Morrison’s full support.
It’s all true, Konrad.
But if the recoil from Morrison and the LNP results in a Labor government, we will move from the frying pan into the fire.
I have asked a few times: Does anyone know a progressive who voted conservative “to teach his party a lesson”? I have yet to meet one.
Konrad, just another addition : The Trusted Identity Bill. Why is the Morrison-Joyce government allowing the World Economic Forum to write Australian legislation? This bill is a copy-and-paste from the World Economic Forum’s Global Digital Identity Project—part of the digital transformation initiative according to an Australian senator. It obviously has to be globally compatible. I recall reading that Morrison called the state premiers together and told them they would have to do the heavy lifting regarding CV19.
Another Morrison disappointment is that he and the TGA would not approve the traditional vaccine Covax19 developed by Dr Petrovsky and his team at Flinders Uni.; instead he signed contracts for the mRNA/DNA inoculations with BigPharma, multiple shots til 2024.
GlenM,ScoMo is directly to blame for OUR rights and freedom being taken away.He has had many ways to stop the states from locking us up,but chose not to.Greg hunt used to work for Klause Schwab(of the WEF) back in 2001,and you can bet he’s getting his marching orders from him.The difference between lib/nats and leibor/greens is almost zero.Time to vote for some of the minor parties and stop the rorting that has been going on for the last 50 odd years.
Have you forgotten Palletchook, Dickead Dan and McClown, that’s the left for you
Have you forgotten Palletchook, Dickead Dan and McClown, that’s the left for you.
Rudd/Gillard/Rudd convinced me NEVER to vote left again [I had done regularly] as long as I’m on the green side of the grass.
Of course, if I were in the US I could not make that pledge whichever side of the grass I was on.
Now also stealing rights of freedom of expression and of assembly: Freedom Trucker Lawyer Keith Wilson QC
Keith Wilson QC is the lawyer representing #TruckersForFreedom2022. He has a message for everyone concerning the announcement made by the Ottawa Police chief today Friday Feb 4th, 2022 announced measures against the protesters consistent only with an oppressive regime. In particular taking away their rights of freedom of expression and of assembly.
After threats to bring in the military to remove the truckers, the Military has told Ottawa to find someone else to evict the truckers.
Read that and I think it matters, big time.
I have always said that, save for urgent humanitarian work, where military personnel are required to do police work they should wear police uniforms, not military uniforms, and be sworn into the relevant police force.
Even with the recent deployment of military personnel in the COVID crisis the question should have been asked and clarified in the negative: “Is this deployment for the purpose of intimidating citizens”?
Not so if martial law is declared, and it could be. They do not swap their uniforms with police ones. Martial law is defined as:
Martial law involves the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule and is usually invoked in time of war, rebellion, or natural disaster. When martial law is in effect, the military commander of an area or country has unlimited authority to make and enforce laws.
Which should never be allowed to happen in Australia!!!
People forget how easily the situation could be solved.
Trudeau just has to say vaccines are voluntary and the Trucks will drive themselves out.
Talk of martial law is ridiculous. It is probably exactly what Trudeau wants. Then he can call it an insurrection, when it is nothing of the sort. It’s just a free speech protest for the right to decide what to inject without coercion.
Respectfully I have to disagree Jo. He may personally want it but he has a minority government. He could be voted out on a non-confidence vote at any time. From a political standpoint he is cornered now after stating he would not meet for dialogue with the truckers. They are in it for the long haul. That’s what the organizers are saying to us volunteers.
I was there at the protests for both Saturday (3 hrs) and Sunday (2 hrs). NO masks and no one cared. Very positive and festive spirit among all.
The PC party received more total votes than the Liberals in the Sept 2021 election. There is significant popular support from Canadians for the truckers from coast to coast. They showed it on all the stops along the way from Vancouver.
Omicron has completely destroyed any vestige of medical narrative the govt. had left yet both the Provincial and Federal governments are stalling. They know their days of dictatorship are numbered.
Trudeau just has to say vaccines are voluntary and the Trucks will drive themselves out.
I think the stakes have been raised, it is now a cobra V mongoose, “rumble in the jungle’ style fight to the death.
Maybe Hillary can give the truckers a pep talk.
I think thugs like this don’t care about peoples rights or their well being they swore to uphold.
Following thousands of complaints from local residents of threats and harassment by protesters who’ve made even sleep difficult with incessant honking, Sloly said police were now “committed to bringing this unlawful demonstration to an end.”
From what I have read elsewhere this is just not true. They do not blow horns after 6:00pm.
From a post by an Ottawa resident:
If GoFundMe has broken the trust,
Of the donors, it’s more than unjust,
As to take from a cause,
Breaks embezzlement laws,
And when held to account, may go bust.
Trust is a key factor in business. It needs to stand above politics.
Facebook has just taken a USD250bn lesson on trust. Zuckerberg is no longer in the top 10 wealthiest list.
GoFundMe could well be in terminal decline.
It looks like the CEO of GoFundMe has locked down his Twitter account
As Twitchy reported Friday evening, GoFundMe has nuked the Freedom Convoy 2022 fundraiser and is issuing all donors a refund, after first saying the money from those who didn’t specifically request a refund would be distributed to charities. As plenty have pointed out, GoFundMe doesn’t seem to mind fundraisers to bail out leftists arrested during riots. But the Canadian truckers, who are guilty of posing “non-violent danger” to the people of Ottawa, are too controversial.
It turns out he didn’t have many followers to begin with, but GoFundMe CEO Tim Cadogan has locked down his Twitter account.
We can expect more money politics if the Truckers fail.
The globalists will just steal your money unless you submit.
The wealth transfer as result of the Demic is already huge.
Since the elites decided the common cold is a “deadly pandemic” and dropped all pretense of representing the citizenry, the security of ALL property is doubt.
Everything, no matter how legitimately acquired CAN be seized by mendicant governments and their lackies. The bashings and gassings and shootings on the streets of Melbourne by Andrews’ thugs shows very clearly that ANYTHING is possible. The strutting about by McGoon’s thuggish cops in churches in Perth re-enforces this new reality. The demented (and regular) press conferences in the NT, where swivel-eyed unblinking loon Michael Gunner THREATENS every citizen have become the new normal…..
What this means is that it is entirely possible that very soon you will own nothing and you will NOT be happy. OK, so take steps to protect what you have. No point in thinking “Geez I shoulda been prepared”, after everything is gone!
I was watching the MSM news this morning (CBC, CTV). They were casting a negative view on the protest. Surprise!
They mentioned protests in Alberta, Quebec, Ottawa, Saskatchewan (the farmers have joined). And disparaged all. What they failed to realize is that they were in fact reporting on the GROWING support.
The truckers are in this for the long haul.
Imagine if any sizeable percentage of the truckers across the country took “vacation” or called in sick. In one week the shelves would be bare. I think that could happen if the current group in Ottawa is provoked by the Govt (re: Army).
Justin can’t claim to be Covid-isolating any longer, he’s going to have to face them.
Heaven forbid that he might have to walk amoung them, drink their Tims coffee and eat their home made cookies, he might even have to sing the National Anthem with those filthy racist truckers and farmers.
I am so loving this.
We live in extraordinary times.
Thank you truckers and all who are pushing back against the swamp.
Thank you Jo and other online assets who are keeping the information flow intact and relevant.
Strength to all those who have been damaged by the insanity of the last two years.
Names that are synonymous with the ugliness of this attack on society include AOC, HUNTER, PELO and O’BIDEN, TAWDRY ANHYDROS and the JABBERWOCKY industrial complex. Let’s not forget the part played by the likes of Cancelled Network News.
Hear hear!
Good news!!!
GoFundMe has capitulated, the Covid Freedom ‘Trucker’ protests are going to get the donated money. And Freedom Protests have started in Finland. Check out the mobile sauna. Protesting in style.
“UPDATE: GoFundMe Relents After Backlash, Will Refund All Donors to Canadian Trucker Fund”
The news is not quite as good. GoFundMe will refund the donors. GoFundMe will not fund the Freedom Protestors, I would assume because of Left wing pressure.
I will be deleting myself from their list.
Don’t want anything more to do with an organisation that has more in common with Fitzzsimons than is healthy.
btw he has another book combing out soon about those who sacrificed everything in war to save others.
So unlike the writer.
Well, I must admit that I’ve read a couple of his books from others book shelves. Pretty poor really and amounts to pulp history – a bit like his brain, which was no doubt severely affected by a French tight- head prop who sent him confused from the field. A lazy player and a even lazier thinker.
The fact that he’s riding on the backs of those Australians who did sacrifice and work to make this country is hypocritical and from what I am told he shews none of those virtues.
Is that the definition of a parasite?
Canadian truckers surprised by the outpour of support:
I think this comment on that website succinctly summarises the whole situation very accurately. It applies to other nations where draconian mandates still exist, including here in Australia. PM Morrison might have to follow Trudeau’s action by running and hiding as well but will lose the next election if he doesn’t wake up and at least changes his tune.
At least Morrison has somewhere handy.
Port Moresby is only a couple of hours away by air or he could go and stay on that Chinese island just off the coast of Queensland.
The truckers have become a rallying point for protesting against the blatant evil of the globalists thats manifested itself in the current canadian regime.
Its clear the protestors are peaceful, but mean business. The whole world is watching.Alt media is getting the info through.
The globalists need to walk away now while they can. We know they will regroup and try something else, but we will be there, waiting.
Now we know how thier game is played.
Game over.
This simple act of defiance started out rather quietly in Canada—as Canadians tend to be—but quickly spread to Italy, Holland, Brazil, America and now Australia. Truckers are joining worldwide as I write.
The beta-male soiling his trousers right now (in hiding, no less)—Prime Minister Justina Trudeau—called this peaceful exercise a “violent and hateful protest” while referring to them as “racists” and “rioters,” apparently missing the fact that the lead driver as they pulled into Ottawa was a Punjabi, according to those filming it.
In contrast, the not-in-hiding Chief of Ottawa Police, Peter M. Sloly— who was on the ground there—had a quite different story from Justina’s.
“None of that has occurred over the last four days. Let me repeat.
No injuries, no deaths, no riots in the last four days in the nation’s capital, even though we have a global cause, national protest.”
Peter Sloly claimed all of the credit for there being “No injuries, no deaths, no riots”. He thanked only the police for achieving this. The TFB should have thanked the organisers of the protest, who clearly must have been instrumental in achieving such a peaceful outcome. I suspect that the citizens of Canada and elsewhere will be able to compare the truckers with BLM and others, and will understand where the credit lies.
(TF = Two-Faced)
These truckers are going to be treated, by their government, as badly as the US government is treating the Jan6 protesters, and it will all be done after the fact, once the demonstrations have ended and everyone has wandered back home. As much as possible, it will be done out of public view.
Charges will be leveled, banks will be pressured to end truck loans and home mortgages, commercial licenses will be revoked, trucks will be “inspected” and failed, employers will be pressured not to hire them . . . .
It’s the smarmy lefty way of handling things.
And so . . . it will be up to those who have encouraged this protest – like me – to keep an eye open after the excitement has died down, and make sure that “divide and conquer” doesn’t work.
Having no version of the US Second Amendment, the truckers only have protection from government now, in huge crowds. They can be picked off and punished once they disband. We need to watch and call out what we see when that starts to happen.
And it will happen.
Thanks, a good point.
“….Collecting digital, financial etc evidence….”
It appears they are going after anyone who supports freedom, or have I mis-interpreted this?
[Snip speculation]
Funny how when people lawfully protest against vaccines and passports they [? the police ?] seem to forget the powers that be cajoled people into getting jabbed with a gene therapy drug under implied loss of employment, destroyed businesses via lockdowns, locked people down, removed freedom , destroyed many peoples mental health, created a form of martial law and forced face masks onto children…..
And those who protest are “bad”?
You are quite right, and the only protection will be a change of Govt to one that supports freedom and less Govt power.
Impossible to happen in Aussie, hopefully Canada can manage it.
Unfortunately in Australia it’s Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dumber . There’s so little difference in the two major parties there is effectively no opposition. It doesn’t matter whether the Premier was Labor or Liberal they’ve all been as bad as each other in spreading fear and enforcing compliance through mandates, masks and lockdowns.Minor parties will do well but probably not well enough to hold the balance of power. We may be stuck with a Labor Greens coalition which will be an unfortunate disaster.
KP,we have plenty of good people we can vote for.Australia First and PHON are just 2 that come to mind.We MUST stop voting for lib/nats or leibor/greens if we want OUR freedom back.
what I appreciate is the small details that they try to use against such a movement. Case in point, the noise keeping people awake all night. From what I have read and watched, iIt’s a lie, they stop at about 10pm, and they know they are there to protest about the government, not to unduly upset other people. Maybe there is noise after 10pm, but it isn’t anything like the daytime, and it isn’t common.
Reports say a lot of shops are closed in Ottawa, is that because they are not allowed to open, because they are genuinely scared, or, is it even true at all? this is not entirely clear to me.
The horn-honking is reportedly stopping from 8 pm to 8 am.
“Reports say a lot of shops are closed in Ottawa…” Last I saw, staffing shortages were the reason given, whether due to staff out with Omicron, clot-shots or mandates?
Various media outlets have reported shops being closed because the owners/workers are too scared to work… if they report on what’s happening at all.
Must be fun to be a journalist these days, just make stuff up, and get paid for it, as long as what you make up is supportive of the ongoing narrative.
Most of the downtown shops do seem to be closed out of fear. But a few are open with no restrictions at all – no passports, no masks, nothing. Green shoots poking up out of the darkness…
Something happened in Canberra with our truckers protest that might be as good as what’s happening in Canada, and it could be the spark we need to wake up the public here, finally.
The spark that rekindled the Aussie Spirit – A REAL News Update.
So in one way, those who hate freedom and peace appear to be exposing themselves -because they cant help themselves…..
Reminds me of the scorpion and frog fable…
Where’s Wally Trudoh?
Brandeau is in hiding
Isn’t that “Marie-Antoinette Trudeau”?
Where’s the bread princess?
23 and me reckon “TruCastro”
Come on. The Canadian/Ottawa Government is complaining that the ‘Trucker’ protestors are noisy and annoying and that they are parking illegally. That complaint is a ruse.
A ruse is something issued by the Evil empire to distract from what the protestors are protesting about. The paradigm is starting to change. Some of us have figured out what the governments have been up to. The protestors want a critical public discussion of the ‘facts’ about covid and the RNA covid vaccines.
The general public are clueless as to how dangerous the RNA vaccines are and how much less dangerous the Omicron covid variation is.
Canadian rights and freedoms would protect Canadian citizens from mandatory vaccination with an experiment vaccine which has been linked to heart and neurological damage, if the governments and US institutions FDA/CDC/NIH had not hidden the dangers. Hiding the truth and lying is the problem.
Because Omicron is 10 times more contagious than Delta, it is replacing all Delta variations. It appears that it is not biologically possible to create a more contagious version of covid that would replace Omicron and its future variations. It as if Omicron was designed to defeat the evil Delta covid variation.
The Omicron BA.1 and BA. 2 release (interesting BA.1 and BA.2 suddenly appeared both originating from ‘wild’/first release covid. BA.1 and BA.2 have the same complex set of modifications, from wild covid/first release covid that occurs instantly in some secret biological host/lab, before appearing in a poof of smoke. BA.2 has further modifications to make it 120% more contagious than BA.1.), that defeated the covid biological package.
The first release RNA covid vaccinations are obsolete and dangerous. The RNA vaccines are dangerous because they force the body to produce first release covid spikes. The first release covid vaccinations are no longer required because Omicron is contagious everyone that is not isolated will get Omicron.
Hey I contacted Go Fund Me and told them to Go Fund Themselves. They immediately said they were refunding Donor’s money. I told them it was too late. They referred me to psych help. They are as evil as Satan Himself.
“Andy Ngo
Hits another home run with this thread ”
Horsies and Cowboys!
That is wonderful. All we need now to declare victory over our despot government here is the same to happen together with farmers, nursers, teachers, small business owners, etc.. to join the freedom fighters in Canberra.
Lotsa Cowgirls, too. Hockey stick with the Canadian flag! Go, Canada!
In comments, it was mentioned that the lumberjacks should join in next.
This Canadian cop explains there are many parallels between what our despot governments are doing to what happened during Nazi Germany. A great awakening must happen very soon before it’s too late and history repeats.
Canadian cop’s call to action for all the Police Officers
He ends with this warning: “come Christmas our world will be ugly”. We shall see but I suspect he is correct on that point as well as all the other excellent points he made throughout the video.
Well, the Eugenics/Hygiene crew were pretty much the Karens of their time.
The Malthusians, a completely ridiculous economic theory, (c’mon, even owls know better, but somehow people don’t?), were all in. It was going big even prior to WWI.
You know, I almost feel sorry for the witless billionaires believing they are going to be immortal in the rapture of the nerds. Then there are the billionaires who worry about how to control their bunker security guards, who may be tempted to frag the boss and steal all his stuff.
Go you legends!
Sums up media in the US and really around the World including Canada
Two I really enjoyed
1. Tobin CNN “Am I the only one who kept his Hands to himself”
2. Lucy spaeking to Linus “Liberal Scientists can prove Climate Change is Real”
Linus Reply “They can’t tell the difference between Boys and Girls”
Linus Reply “They can’t tell the difference between Boys and Girls”
Cop this Putin & Xi!!!! NATO’s got your Gender Threats covered.
On the 3rd February 2022, the International Military Staff (IMS) Gender Advisor, Lieutenant Colonel Katherine Prudhoe and staff hosted their first Deep Dive Session on Gender and Hybrid Threats at NATO HQ. The purpose of the session was to build awareness and spark discussion about how gender and hybrid threats affects NATO’s military planning.
he Deep Dive explored key factors of hybrid threats, how disinformation can be used to discredit and undermine, and can also be used to exploit existing social divisions such as those between men and women. Outi Jalonen highlighted key examples women politicians as the victim of misinformation campaigns. Dr. Hoogensen Gjørv explained that “diversity can be a vulnerability but also a strength” stressing the importance of looking through different lenses and to find new solutions to counter hybrid threats.
The Deep Dive featured speakers Outi Jalonen from the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (Hybrid CoE), and Dr Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv from the Security, Peace and Conflict studies at the Arctic University of Norway. In addition to participants from IMS, colleagues from International Staff, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), Allied Command Transformation (ACT) also took part.
The Gender and Hybrid Deep Dive is the first among a series of future sessions, including Gender and Resilience, Gender and Deterrence, as well as the upcoming session on Gender and Climate Change in March 2022. The aim of the Deep Dive series is to integrate a gender perspective throughout all of NATO’s core tasks.
I had to look to check this was not the Babylon Bee again. Some things are really hard to parody. The fact that this is taking place in the military is one of them.
In a very small way I had a taste of this way back in the 80s when I attended a teaching conference. The topic was the differing needs of girls and boys in mathematics classrooms. I had several boys in my classes who soaked up more than their fair share of time. I asked whether boys and girls should be treated the same or differently. The response was that mine was a loaded question. I was pleased when several people protested that it was not. Thankfully I escaped teaching less than a decade later.
Some of my readers will probably remember a previous column in which I wrote:
“This isn’t an abstract argument over ‘the science.’ It is a fight … a political, ideological fight. On one side is democracy, on the other is totalitarianism. Pick a f@cking side, and live with it.”
This is it. This is that fight. It is not a protest. It is a game of chicken. A high-stakes game of political chicken. In the end, politics comes down to power. The power to force your will on your adversary. GloboCap has been forcing the New Normal on people around the world for the past two years. What we are witnessing in Canada is the power of the people, the power the people have always had, and which we will always have, when we decide to use it … the power to shut down the whole GloboCap show, city after city if necessary.
So get out there and support the Canadian transphobic Putin-Nazi truckers … or your local transphobic Putin-Nazi truckers. Don’t worry if you don’t have a swastika flag. The agents provocateurs and the official propagandists in the corporate media will take care of that!
Heh, indeed.
As Glenn writes in the New York Post: Truckers are starting a working-class revolution — and the left hates it.
Jo, apologies I know it has that dreaded word N@zi, but it is a superb read.
Not The Nine O’Clock News – I Like Trucking 2 mins 39 Secs
Musical comedy sketch featuring Rowan Atkinson, Mel Smith, Griff Rhys Jones and Pamela Stephenson.
Very good! Enjoyed that!
Canada Governor General Overwhelmed with Calls Demanding Trudeau Be Removed from Office
Another One: Missouri AG Launches Investigation Into GoFundMe’s Deceptive Practices After They Pulled Truckers’ $10 Million Fundraiser
EDITORIAL: Protests or not, the mandates still need to go
Author of the article:Toronto Sun Media
Canadians are currently split on their perspectives of the protests flaring up across the nation. That is to be expected in a democracy such as ours.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and others, have gone out of their way to amplify the handful of bad actors at the Ottawa protests and paint everyone with the same brush.
But it’s disingenuous of Trudeau — and other politicians and some members of the media — to ignore the very valid concerns raised by the protesters, both those in Ottawa and the ones set to appear in Toronto, parts of Alberta and other regions of the country.
The residents of Ottawa who live close to the convoy are rightfully upset at the non-stop honking that has made it difficult for them to focus and even sleep. It’s hard to blame them for calling for this to end.
But we shouldn’t lose sight of the forest for the trees — which is the issue of the overbearing COVID-19 rules most Canadians still live under.
No, we believe the mandates should end because it’s the right thing to do, and we have called for that to happen in these pages prior to the beginning of the convoys.
Canadian public health officials say it’s time to treat COVID-19 like the flu. We watch as other countries drop all of their restrictions. Saskatchewan is about to do just that. Alberta is set to announce a time to end their vaccine passports. National public opinion supports heading in this direction.
A sign of ‘progressive’ bigotry towards blue collar Canadians
It was kind of fun to watch “progressive” politicians and lib-left media light their own hair on fire over last weekend’s truckers’ rally in Ottawa.
But only kind of fun, because you know their over-the-top narrative about the Freedom Convoy (that it is a racist, sexist attack on Canadian democracy), is likely to prevail, no matter how false.
I wouldn’t want to live in downtown Ottawa right now with all the honking rigs, blocked streets, closed businesses and disruption of routine. But claims by mainstream reporters, Liberal MPs, local politicians and even the Canada Revenue Agency of widespread lawlessness were quite simply untrue.
As of Friday morning, Ottawa police were officially reporting, “There have been no riots, injuries or deaths.”
Indeed, preliminary data from the Ottawa Police Service show there was less crime in the neighbourhood around Parliament Hill than in a typical week.
Again, the point is all of the hysterical claims – Yasir Naqvi, the Liberal MP, in whose riding the protest was taking place, insisted his constituents were being so jostled and harassed by truckers they were afraid to leave their condos – just aren’t true.
Such claims are merely a sign of “progressive” bigotry towards blue collar Canadians. Liberal elites know very few working people, so it’s easy for them to imagine the truckers are rough boors who routinely spout white nationalist hatred and abuse their partners.
The left urges workers of the world to unite, until they actually do.
Meme of the Day #13
Trudeau can’t unite us because his strategy is to divide us
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, re-elected last year with the lowest popular vote in Canadian history — who has described burning churches as “fully understandable” — has neither the political nor moral authority to unite Canadians on any issue, let alone federal vaccine mandates.
Not when the Liberals triumphantly bragged about winning a second consecutive minority government with just 32.6% of the popular vote — see Trudeau advisor Gerald Butts — compared to 33.7% for the Conservatives.
This because they divided Canadians up into little slices of political support and opposition across the country, in order to extract the maximum number of seats from the minimum number of votes cast.
That was a repeat of their 2019 election strategy, where the Liberals received 33.1% of the vote compared to 34.3% for the Conservatives, now the second-lowest popular vote in Canadian history for a winning party.
That’s how our system works. All parties attempt it.
But politically, as we can see from current events, these were Pyrrhic victories for the Liberals.
On that issue, Trudeau has been quick to wrongly stereotype all protesters as white supremacists, misogynists and lawbreakers.
LILLEY: Liveblog from the Toronto trucker protest
It’s mostly been a party like atmosphere when and where I have walked through the protest. Check out the dancing in the videos below from my friend Alex Pierson.
As for all those hoping for Nazi flags or Confederate symbols, I haven’t seen any at all. Lots of Canadian flags and plenty of signs supporting various causes. I saw people playing volleyball and dancing and heard one Sikh man joking that he must be a bad white supremacist for being at the protest, he wasn’t the only Sikh man walking the route.
Along the paths at Queen’s Park North there was large presence from a Black evangelical church handing out books and literature while up on the pedestal of the statue of King George the VII a DJ was spinning tunes.
You won’t hear about it on the Misleadia but our truckies in Canberra are doing much the same thing.
In the following video you’ll see the regular police and the paramilitary police (who drive military Lenco Bearcat armoured personnel carriers and dress and are armed like military special forces) prepare to shut down the Freedom Camp in Canberra (Australia’s national capital for overseas readers).
This video was posted 14 hrs ago as I type this.
Who’d ever have thought we’d see paramilitary police patrolling the streets of Australia’s capital (or in Melbourne)?
B’Hell how many Police are there in Canberra? – is ACT a Crime Ridden Place?
Have I been in a coma for the last few days and missed the main stream news? Is it just me or have others noticed that doesn’t seem to appear as an item worth mentioning on the 6 :00 o’clock propaganda commentary?
Try a RNZ News bulletin any old time (but today being Waitangi Day it has gone to 11) for the very latest in trivia , COVID! , distraction , COVID !!, horse manure, COVID!!! , PUTIN !!!!, and koalas .
On the other hand , don’t waste your time.
Unbelievable. Bully boy tactics against peaceful people. The police are the ones presenting danger to the children, not the protesters.
” is ACT a Crime Ridden Place?”
Hell yeah! Hard to find an honest person in the whole State I’d say! Liars, fraudsters, thieves, shonky snake-oil salesmen and all of them hypocrites! Not that the Police seem to do much to stop them…
Now you mention it, I think its a crime to tell the Police a lie. Maybe we should get Policemen to become the journalists who talk to politicians.
The ACT has the smallest police force per head
Police Go After Australians Protesting for Medical Freedom
We’ve heard an awful lot about the Freedom Convoy in Canada and the burgeoning trucker movement beginning to gain momentum here in the U.S. but not as much about what’s going on in Australia’s capital of Canberra.
Australians from all walks of life have descended into Canberra to protest for medical freedom. Citizens who are appalled by the government’s tactics, which have included draconian lockdowns, quarantine camps run by the military, and other restrictions, are making their voices heard.
Don’t forget that Australia’s vaccine mandates even prevented the world’s number one men’s tennis player, Novak Djokovic, from defending his Australian Open title.
Sadly, Australia’s ostensibly conservative government is speaking out as well — with force.
A large police presence has made its way to the site and is now engaged in a standoff with protesters and have begun to take down tents and other temporary structure as well as towing away cars from the site.
Yesterday police issued move-on notice to campers, advising them that they were to move their vehicles off the Patrick White Lawns.
More people are expected to arrive in Canberra throughout the weekend, and the government is preparing to keep them out of the areas that police have already cleared.
Reportedly some police aren’t happy with the government’s actions
200 hundred or more police in Canberra have walked off the job over this protest.
They sent in a bus load of special forces cops today with automatic weapons, but they refused to do the job and walked off!
Apparently Canberra is trying to get forces from other states! …
See more
Officers even shoved one woman onto the ground in front of her horrified children as she was trying to move her car in compliance with their orders.
Thankfully these brave protesters continue to speak out against the draconian measures of the Australian government. The trouble is, based on what we’ve seen from other arrogant bureaucrats, Australia’s government won’t listen.
After all, they’re only looking out for your health.
This is what to expect from OUR betters?Stop voting for the lib/nats and leibor/greens.For far too long they have been promising everything and giving us the middle finger.ScoMo and the”Uni-party”are past their use by date.
Wow OO. You’ve found the truth there. I hope people here believe all that.
Do You Hear the People Sing?
“A left-wing supporter of the Justin Trudeau government drove his vehicle into the protest group last night injuring four people in Winnipeg, Canada. The unidentified white male driver of the Jeep was arrested after he attempted to flee the scene.”
Note that he is wearing his mask in his vehicle while alone. That just fits.
Trojan “Solo” too?
Jo, O/T but FYI :
Hard to look at these events and the actions of governments, and conclude this has all been about a health crisis.
This is good. The Freedom “Truckers” have a new funding site. The GoFundMe funds Freedom Trucker Funds have been returned to donors. The new Freedom “Trucker” funding site has raised over a million dollars.
Well on a related topic, in France, protests outside Pfizers office where calls of “assassins” have been heard.
A war / distraction is now getting higher probability to create a distraction.
I told you this would happen……the dam is going to burst soon.
Quebec City Canada Officially Proclaims, The Peasants are Revolting
February 5, 2022 – Sundance
It really does seem like something out of a modern-day Monty Python skit. Officials in the city of Quebec City, Canada were fearful the pesky unwashed peasants might make their way to the parliament buildings, so they blocked the passages and sent guards to ensure no one could traverse the ramparts.
Good grief, if the politicians only had a drawbridge, you could be sure they would have pulled it up to keep the peasants away and survive the siege. In an effort to retain their tenuous grip on power, Canadian officials have become a modern parody of medieval times.
Behind the walls, the powdered class grasp their goblets, drown themselves in the pontificating nectar of elitism, and hold frantic court filled with dark imaginings of unvaccinated ruffians scaling the walls. There are no political parties here, this is us, the elites, against them.
You can see it in their behavior, the ruse of the party system is gone. The tender heads of the Liberal clan resting in the assuring lap of their Conservative defenders. Conservative men in skinny pants, brave enough to white knight for the liberals in distress. Well, brave enough until the rubes break through the barriers maintained by the media guards.
Oh, the humanity. The jesters try to distract from the honking, yes, unnerving and deafening honking… all that honking. Honking, the auditory violence that reaffirms, to the pantywaist pearl-clutchers, that this is indeed an uprising. Honking… they just won’t stop honking. Quick, summon scribes to dispatch pamphlets that honking will not be permitted in village or valley.
Honking, as if the deep and thundering sound of Saxon horns were echoing through the courtyard. The farmers’ tractors suddenly look like trebuchets being assembled around the streets. The sound of alarm, the triggered fear befalling the receiving audience.
As noted by King Trudeau, all of this must be stopped if the Potemkin village of Canadian Democracy is to be saved. Alas, as dispatchers and scribes return from visits to other parts of the land, it’s not just Ottawa and Quebec City that are besieged, it’s almost every outpost everywhere.
Go FRauD Me…
TruCK FUdeau
Saturday Satire: Trudeau Vows To Break Biden’s Record For Consecutive Days Hiding In The Basement
Two days into his courageous, self-imposed quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19, the triple vaccinated Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, vowed to remain in hiding for “as long as it takes” to break Joe Biden’s record.
“I know there are legions of angry truckers out there rampaging across our capital city. But right now my highest duty as Prime Minister is to remain in my basement and watch P@rnHub.”
When asked by sole, carefully selected reporter who was allowed to attend the press conference how long he expected to remain in isolation, Trudeau replied,
“Well, since there’s actually no public health reason for me to be in isolation, I’m pretty much going to keep making it up as I go along. I know that President Biden had spent a record 63 consecutive days in his basement during the 2020 campaign, and I’m certain I can break that record. So basically I’ll be here as long as it takes.”
The Prime Minister went on to explain that he had even been in touch with Dr. Anthony Fauci from the United States to find out how long #science says he could remain quarantined in his basement.
Dr. Fauci’s reply? “Forever.”
History very clearly and very dramatically shows that when the 1% try to mess with the 99% it’s the 1% that come off very badly always. Democracy has mechanisms to deal with disputes in a civilised way. When the 1% disrespect and try to bypass those mechanisms that’s when rule of law – common law – is suspended and the rules completely change. That is very dangerous territory for the 1% as history clearly shows.
Responses to True-dope:
* It’s only two weeks to slow the spread of authoritarianism
* Just give in to our demands and things will go back to normal
h/t Tim Pool
Thank you Gofundme, now I know with certainty that I need never waste my time attempting to use your dodgy services.
[…] from mandated vaccinations has caused the establishment and the weak to crumble. Read more from Jo Nova […]
Politician announces he’ll run against Trudeau- Instantly the hard questions get asked.
Hey @PierrePoilievre
are you going to get rid of the QR codes?? Digital ID??? Cause if you don’t denounce them immediately I won’t be voting for you.”
The old decentralized blogosphere had the advantage that it had no single points of failure, and was virtually impossible to censor. A cynic might suggest that that’s why the powers that be rolled out social media to displace it. But the real problem of the Establishment Media, as with the rest of the Establishment, is that people don’t trust them because they’re not just liars, they’re bad liars, and they’re not just bad liars but people who can’t help — in fact who glory in — displaying contempt for their audiences.
The thing Joe Rogan and the Truckers have in common is that they’re proxies for the beliefs and attitudes of Average Joe Six Packs who quietly make up the thin chud line between a functional society and collapse and must therefore be held in check at all costs
Can’t wait for GoFMe to go broke.
They’ve completely destroyed their reputation. No one with any sense would trust them.
This may be the first time on such a grand scale but it is far from the first time they have refused payment of funds to politically incorrect recipients.
H More on that
“Andy Ngo
Hits another home run with this thread ”
I may have missed it Jo, but why have there been no posts about what’s going on Canberra right now?
See –
Are you suggesting that Jo has topic black lists?
If you feel the topic is of interest: Make a post.
You missed it .
Jordan Peterson: Oh, Canada
I find it funny how some leftists are saying the truckers fight for freedom is a Russian plot. Well, I suppose we should thank Putin for helping the West to wake up to the fact our Western governments are becoming more and more tyrannical in their mandates, and that more and more of us are fed up and demand our freedoms back.
Nominate him for an AO
“No More Bollywood Dancing, Justin Trudeau.”
“We are your white fringe minority!” say two Indian freedom protestors in a message to Justin Trudeau! ”
Do not forget, the Indian people in NASI germany were privileged as so called “Indogermanic” Aryan.
But nevertheless these guys are absolutely right 😀
Canadian Trucker Protest Enters Second Week
While numbers have reportedly dropped somewhat since last weekend, Ottawa is still thronged with pro-freedom truckers and their supporters. The protest has primarily been directed against covid mandates, but it has morphed into a broader rebellion against the oppressive bureaucratic state. The Epoch Times reports:
Canadian authorities are playing the role of comic book villains:
Ahead of the Feb. 5 protest, Ottawa police chief Peter Sloly said police are implementing a “surge and contain strategy” to deal with the protesters. This includes sending 150 more police officers to the protest area in Ottawa’s downtown core, barricading the area with concrete and heavy-equipment barriers, as well as “increased efforts” by national, provincial, and local intelligence agencies to target those “who are funding/supporting/enabling unlawful and harmful activity” by protesters.
When the “unlawful and harmful activity” involves burning down two miles of small businesses, as the George Floyd rioters did in Minneapolis, let me know. In the meantime, it looks like the Canadian government is concerned not so much about illegal activity as about the populist threat to its own prerogatives.
The liberal press continues its absurd efforts to smear the demonstrators with recycled falsehoods:
We’ll give the last word, for now, to a civil rights lawyer:
Keith Wilson, a lawyer with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms who is representing the organizers of the protest, said the
new measures by Ottawa police are similar to those used by oppressive regimes around the world.
Taking a quick stroll through the interwebs, can’t help but notice a plethora of anti- ‘mandate’ protests.
World wide.
Multi cultural and multi class.
Some to the point, like Canuckida, of threatening the stability of government and the culture.
This over a ‘vaccine’ that doesn’t stop the contagion and upwards of 70-80% of the populations have already submitted to?
Clearly not a health issue.
It’s about the creation a global control infrastructure.
Characters like Justin and Dan are holding on to it like a dog with a ball.
Hardly a grand insight.
But certainly shows that pointed headed arguments about vax effectiveness and alternative treatments are side show distractions.
More updates:
GiveSendGo experienced a DDOS attack, but have resolved the issue, and the support is pouring in:
Rumble – who have their own infrastructure – have offered to help GiveSendGo by moving the hosting to Rumble infrastructure.
Smart move by Rumble, IMO.
Google “Pierre and Justin”. Next Canadian election will be pure fuddle duddle
Poilievre will bait Trudeau who will rise to the challenge and explode in a wrath of woken indignation.
The elephant in the room is the ‘fuudle duddle’ (Google it :0 )
That’s funny ; a clip of the incident clearly exists , but I’m not permitted to view it.
CBC archives
‘Fuddle duddle’: When the PM denied saying the F-word in the House
It is now time for the heroes. The lawsuit by a former Canadian premier is helpful because it provides an opportunity for the general population to find out about the covid vaccine issues/dangers/scandals/crimes.
A former premier of a small Canadian province and the last person living who was involved in the drafting and signing of the Canadian charter of ‘rights’ is suing the Canadian government to stop Canadian covid vaccination mandates for air travel.
The Canadian charter of rights and freedoms should protect the Canadian population from mandatory vaccination with an experimental vaccine that has not properly tested (Pfizer’s vaccine test, did not check the blood samples taken from every subject, for biomarker changes. Modern medicine have found biomarker changes in the blood that occur before heart attacks, strokes, immune system failure, neurological damage, and so on. There are standard tests to look for biomarker changes.
Doctors of course order tests for all their patients. They do not wait to see if the person has a heart attack before starting the ‘treatment’. Pfizer did check for biomarker changes in the blood of test subjects.
The first release RNA experimental covid vaccines (two ‘jabs’) only provides protection for 5 months. This is different than old technology vaccines that provided protection for years.
Mandatory RNA experimental covid vaccines, do not stop the spread of covid, because the immunity they provide from getting and spreading covid, is only for a short period and the period of protection because less with each booster.
The first RNA covid booster ‘jab’ only provides protection for about 3 months and the four ‘jab’ provides protection for about a month. The mucus immune system response is not long lived and repeat fake activation reduces the mucus system immune response to Omicron.
“….In documents lawyers say have been filed with the Federal Court, Peckford and five others claim the mandate “effectively bans Canadians who have chosen not to receive an experimental medical treatment from domestic and international travel by airplane”…..”
Yes, heroes and their work give us hope.
Alberta border update:
It has quadrupled in size! More horsies coming tomorrow!
Of course, my favorite moment of that video, was the guy pulling his horse aside so that the kid could pet its nose.
“Hot Tubs & Saunas & Bouncy Castles, Oh My”
Other update threads there at SDA
Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.
That’s what I call a protest. Well done indeed. It must be bad if Canadians are protesting.
I read that if each person who donated files against GoFundMe and pays a fee for lodgement or whatever, GFM are forced to pay the legal fees, which really adds up. Sounds bizarre, but apparently it’s a law made in California to stop class action forcing people to fight things individually to discourage action. But it backfired when some Uber drivers got some hot lawyers involved and found this loophole. Also a guy called Owen Benjamin used the tactic successfully against Patreon.
Trudeau is not done yet, he’s getting the police to block people carting in fuel and gas to the truckers.
Yep. There’s something about emptying the fuel tanks of stationary trucks that makes sense to somebody.
That’ll show ’em.
Seems there is a call out for people to walk around tomorrow carrying jerry cans – empty will do
🙂 🙂
The Trudeaus (father and son) were/are a disgrace to mankind. I note that farmers are now joining the protesting truckers. As one farmer said on his placard: “NO TRUCKERS, NO FARMERS, NO FOOD”. See how long Trudeau Jnr lasts when the food shelves are empty.
I haven’t seen any reports on the shelf situation
LNP or Labor next Australian election? They are different sides of the same coin. Both work for the corporations, throw a few crumbs at the electorate, take away benefits from the vulnerable, the pensioners, the unemployed. Morrison like Trudeau had the premiers do the heavy work re CV19 mandates; albeit instructions from the same script provided by the WHO/WEF. Australians have no idea what it is like for these truckers in -25 deg. Celsius winter weather with wind chill factor making it colder; there is no heat in the Canadian winter sun.