Follow the science, eh?
Bad news for athletes born as baby girls – unless they start testosterone therapy straight away, it’s hard to see how they can win against babies with 18 years of DIY hormone “treatments” that help them grow six inches taller, with lower body fat, and larger hearts and lungs.
The old rules were silly, but the new ones are worse:
New Olympic Committee Rules Essentially End Women’s Sports
by Libby Emmons, The Federalist
The previous rules for the participation of men in women’s sports were already unfair, with male athletes having to show that their testosterone levels were below 10 nmol/liter of blood for 12 months or more. Women’s standard amount of testosterone is .09 nmol/liter of blood. Even with the application of testosterone during a British medical study, women were only able to increase to 4.3 nmol/liter. The normal, healthy range for men is 9.2 to 31.8 nmol/liter.
Overturning the entirety of human history and understanding about biology, the IOC states that “No athlete should be precluded from competing or excluded from competition on the exclusive ground of an unverified, alleged, or perceived unfair competitive advantage due to their sex variations, physical appearance and/or transgender status.”
At this point, it makes more sense to just drop women’s events entirely and make each race open. May the best human win.
Why have separate sex medals if there are no separate sexes?
Or were we hoping to inspire little girls to excel in sport, and perhaps stop women from being injured on the Rugby field…

One transgender rugby player who is six feet tall has been nicknamed “Beast” by teammates on the Porth Harlequins Ladies squad in Wales, BBC Sport reported.
We don’t want to offend anyone, but crushing dreams of girls is fine:
The IOC said testing athletes’ testosterone levels to verify that they are able to compete against women, who have far less testosterone than any male person, is “invasive” and “disrespectful.” They did not issue a statement on how invasive or disrespectful it is to force women to compete against bigger, stronger, men, or to allow men to take women’s places in athletic competition.
It’s not binding, so only countries that want to win medals will make the most of the opportunity.
These rules are not binding, but they do mean that every country can essentially decide whether they will send women to women’s Olympic sports events. “What we are offering to all the international federations is our expertise and a dialogue, rather than jumping to a conclusion,” said Keveh Mehrabi, IOC director of the athletes’ department.
In an open human competition which events will baby girls hope to grow up and win medals in? On a page called Great examples of women competing against men. There are examples from Horse racing, sailing, equestrian events, motorbike racing, and darts. But in sports outside those, there’s …
Billy Jean King v Bobby Riggs
How great a moment is it when a 29 year old woman beats a 55 year old man in three sets of tennis? Even the “great moments” list includes the story of Venus and Serena in 1998. The Williams sisters, at the peak of their game, thought they could beat any man outside the top 200. But Karsten Braasch, ranked 203 beat them both separately by 6-1 and then 6-2. Good on the Williams sisters for giving it a go.
One sport that the average woman can do better than the average man is ultra long distance swimming.
The Obscure Ultra-Endurance Sport Women Are Quietly Dominating
by Melissa Dahl, The Cut
There’s something special about ultra-swimming, it seems. In 2014, for example, Knechtle published a paper looking at 30 years of finishing times for the Manhattan Island Marathon Swim, a 28.5-mile loop around the perimeter of Manhattan. On average, the best women were 12 to 14 percent faster than the best men. Another study, published in 2015, looked at 87 years of finishing times for the 20.1-mile Catalina Channel Swim, and found that when “the swimming times of the annual fastest women and the annual fastest men competing between 1927 and 2014 were compared, women were 52.9 minutes faster than men,” Knechtle and his colleagues write.
Steven Munatones [is] considered one of the foremost experts on open-water swimming. A few years ago — purely to satisfy his own curiosity — Munatones analyzed the finishing times of men and women who participated in the biggest ultra-distance swims around the world. He did this for three years, keeping track of “12 or 13” races — he can’t remember exactly. He never intended to publish these results anywhere; again, this was for his own curiosity, as a coach and as an open-water swimming fan. Here’s what he found. “If you’re looking at the average times — the average woman is faster than the average man,” said Munatones, who is the founder of the World Open Water Swimming Association. “Which, frankly, I was surprised to see.”
The reason women have an advantage in the water is because body fat floats better than bone and muscle. It’s easier for women to stay horizontal and reduce drag. It’s hydrodynamic.
But don’t get your hopes up. The fastest longest swims are still won by men. Munatones points out that at the most elite levels of ultra long distance swimming, like, in English Channel Swims, the fastest men still usually beat the fastest women. The events Knechtle studied, he claims, don’t attract the Olympian types. It’s interesting that at the highest level, in the English Channel Swims, the average women were 33 minutes faster than the average men. But males have wider distributions on most bell curves. At the thin tail, there may still be more men.
All this effort to find sports that women might, maybe, possibly could outdo men in — really brings us back to the point of the post. Ultra-long events are the only events without machines, tools or horses that people-born-as-women might have an advantage in.
Women will win Gold Medals for the ultimate in long distance events, longevity. Otherwise, biology is what it is:
It’s not likely that women, at either the amateur or elite level, will be sprinting faster than men any time soon, whether that’s on land or in the water. “Women have lower hemoglobin levels, lower oxygen supply to their limbs, a smaller stroke volume in their hearts, and generally less power in their muscles,” Eveleth explained.“But even if it’s unlikely that a woman will break into the mens’ world record circle for the 100-meter-dash, at mile 100, they are catching up.”
We’re following the science all the way to oblivion. Genes don’t matter. Hormones don’t count, and science is just a PR tool for tribal politics.
the game of bridge, 80% of the worlds players are said to be women, the top 200 players are all men, a bit like tennis!!
This is called the Greater Male Variability Hypothesis (GMVH). A few years ago someone made a mathematical analysis of an evolutionary model, involving mate selection by women, which suggested that this might be the case in regard to intelligence, and published it in a peer-reviewed online journal. (The implication was that there were more extremely intelligent men than women – counterbalanced by more extremely stupid men than women, but it is the intelligent who make the world.) Under woke pressure, the journal did what only an online journal can do and deleted the paper, so that it apparently had never existed.
I read that and my response was: Yes, and?
Only in the last minute in the evolutionary clock have women had the option of marrying a goose with a big d!ck KNOWING that someone else [not the goose] will take care of her.
Can it be stated more simply than: Comely women can always find a sire for their baby. The Generals will sire more babies than the slain soldiers.
There was still traces of this in the Great War, not so much in WWII.
I am deploring the journal’s action, not commenting on whether the GMVH is true in regard to intelligence. The selection pressure upon which the model is based is neither proven to be in operation nor the only one. Here is the tale told by the author of the paper in question:
This is false. Bridge, like chess, is dominated by men. There is exactly one woman in the top 100 bridge players
Haven’t they heard of XY and XX chromosome structure?
Sure, there are some people with confused chromosomes, but they are quite rare.
SOGI has for too long been a core unadvertised element of ALP doctrine and a admits of no boundaries or singularities being a continuum akin to the premodern cosmologist’s imaginary ether; wherever one turns looking for support expect disappointment on this woke contest and wonder what will be next.
IIRC I read that in the US 90% of those claiming to be “transgender” already had police records for sexual offences. If you look around there is a video of someone claiming that it is the biggest lurk going now for sexual predators: wear a dress and a wig and enter ANY female (that is child or adult) bathroom.
In my world those males who claim to be female should be anatomically changed into such, by removal of the now supposedly “unnecessary parts” before such a claim can be recognized, let alone accepted.
Remember: “wanting his scrotum waxed”? Indeed! *nausea tsunami*
Remove this post if unacceptable.
Will: “In my world those males who claim to be female should be anatomically changed into such, by removal of the now supposedly “unnecessary parts” before such a claim can be recognized, let alone accepted.”
100% CORRECT!!
Great post.
Should be more of it.
Sometimes XX and XY matter, sometimes they don’t. The trick is to work out which is which and act accordingly. In most sports it matters. The easiest solution is to have XX categories and Open categories. I.e. women compete against women, or they can choose to compete against men. Men can’t choose to compete against women.
And I think men having to wear bikinis to play women’s beach volleyball will be very entertaining tv, just for the freak show factor. Now that I gotta see. Lol.
Not following obvious science, logic and reason while claiming otherwise has worked so well for climate science and for so long, this tactic has expanded into biology, immunology, economics, and has now become the sole support for nearly the entire Marxist agenda.
Indeed. The concern though is to what end and how far will it go? Too many are still asleep to realise how topsy-turvy things already are let alone how much worse it will get. So many treat these issues like the impact on women’s sport as insignificant and isolated when the reality is they are symptoms of a much broader and sinister plan. Oh well, as usual we have to learn things the hard way, then forget them again, etc. etc…
In your opinion, what is the “broader and sinister plan?” I have my own opinion, interested in yours.
Just usual destructive nonsense. Just as womens sport reaches peaks in performance and acknowledgement, along come the wokesters to tear it down.
They very rarely create (probably because they lack the ability) but always want to pull down or modify that which others have.
In todays world i dont see how womens sport defends itself or how the olympics wont become a clown show.
If there must be transgender participation in sport in one of the TWO genders which doesn’t correspond with the person’s karotype let them participate in their own sporting code. And preserve women’s sport for those with 46,XX karotype (or variations still regarded as female such as 47,XXX: 45,X etc.)
Perhaps if a transgender is castrated before puberty they would have no advantage in female sport but of course such a procedure would be highly immoral, or at least it would have once been considered so.
There are also extremely rare cases of genetic abnormalities such as “A patient with 46,XY/47,XYY karyotype and female phenotype”. Such extremely rare cases would have to be judged on the basis of whether testosterone actively contributes to strength in those individuals.
Castration was relatively common in the 18th century where male castrati singers were used to maintain the high voice of a boy.
The Roman Catholic Church banned castrati in 1903 and the last castrati singer Alessandro Moreschi from the Sistine Chapel died in 1922.
Maybe the IOC could make those males who are castrated before puberty eligible for women’s events and make those after puberty only eligible for men’s events. /s
I have lost interest in the olympics
I won’t be watching it again apart from a few specific events such as men’s sprint events and middle distance events
I enjoy watching women’s swimming because Australian women have been so good at it recently. However if they have to compete against men I will be switching off
The ioc have rolled over to wokeism and I can see all women’s sport descending into oblivion.
Where are all the feminists standing up for their own gender
Are they all so scared of political backlash from the twitter class
As have many. Ever since it became overtly and blatantly political and then added the woke nonsense to its profile it lost many.
However, despite the feminists, women’s sport being inundated by males pretending to be women is telling many women that they are wasting their time in trying to compete with such blatant cheats.
Cannot win as a man in fair competition? Then pretend to be a woman.
That has to be proof of a pathetic loser.
Agree on all points Mal.
The sooner it dies the better! Just a spectacle for enriching a select few at the expense of the long-abused taxpayer, I’m always hoping we get refused all these stupid games that leave a city full of un-used white elephants that go on costing money for decades. None of them are popular enough to be supported by tickets and private money.
Sure, let any sport organise a world championship on its own dollar, but attaching a ‘country’ name to it means its a gold mine as big as Covid for the organisers. The least they could do would be to go back to original sports, men only, done naked as they should be, and leave it at that! Beach volleyball FFS!!
Hanlon’s razor applies “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”.
But in this case I think there is definitely significant malice of forethought involved.
I think it involves BOTH, stupidity AND malice of forethought
Just politely though pedantically noting that it’s “malice aforethought”.
The Left keep telling us that women and men are equal.
So why do they push transgenderism so strongly? Now they are heavily indoctrinating children.
And for Leftist parents, having a “trans” kid is like having an exotic pet.
Like climate change it’s never really about the core issue but a much bigger agenda; the destruction of the West, which is already well under way and almost complete. Just need a few more nails and it’s dead. Then people will wake up and scratch their heads wondering what happened.
They’ll wake up and say “Ni hao ma?’
“So why do they push transgenderism so strongly?”
What better way to convince identity groups that they’re a target of suppression than by constantly reinforcing what differentiates that identity group from the majority.
But what about the Identity Group: Woman? They are being deprived of their special status.
They’re also being suppressed. The goal is for everyone to be in the suppressed class and government to be the suppressor put in power under the guise of some nebluous greater good.
It’s also a great way to divide generations and families. Today’s teens are being taught that their parents are abusing them if they don’t support all their gender identities.
It’s a wedge that weakens the family unit, and directly opposes the influence of parents. By pandering, the collectivists win teens over to some “outside” influence that the teens think cares more about them and their mental health.
Yes, it is a direct attack on the family. But that can only end in extinction. Maybe they dont mind that.
H.L. Mencken:
“The most erroneous assumption is to the effect that the aim of public education is to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence, and so make them fit to discharge the duties of citizenship in an enlightened and independent manner. Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States, whatever the pretensions of politicians, pedagogues and other such mountebanks, and that is its aim everywhere else.”
That Victorian upper house animal justice MP is especially blessed in having two such exotics in its family; ahead of the wave eh.
You are dead on correct. Exotic pet. And the child will bear the weight all their lives.
Once again the WOKE brigade of idiots are on a winner and just proves AGAIN how bloody stupid we’ve become. Just incredible that somehow these donkeys will sometimes choose to believe any stupidity or feral idea.
But where are the so called feminists standing up for real biological women?
And why is it that in Australia we only seem to have decent, intelligent,conservative women who have the nerve to stand up and speak out on behalf of their sisters?
By affecting the Olympics, replacing thinking with a wokeness criteria is clearly a global phenomenon that emerged from the political left across the whole planet all at once. The Internet played a role in its rapid spread, but where did it come from in the first place?
Did so much of the planet become stupid all at once, or is mankind just a race of bloody stupid idiots to begin with and ripe for the picking.
Old friend of mine says, “There is a finite about of intelligence in the universe, and the population keeps growing!”
The very same feminists are very quiet, (as are the LGTBQPZN) on muslims treatment of gays and women which is absolute proof that it is NOT the issue that matters, but the underlying division of western society alraedy well under way as brainwashed clowns calling thesmelves teachers turn our children into Redguards or Hitler Jugend clones who know all of the mantras but have nary a clue about anything. When they hit adulthood (accepting a forced responsibility) the “can’t copers” will flood the hospitals.God help us if war breaks out! Imagine these clones being conscripted and froced to fight say on the KoKoda trail (more likely Townsend).
(Just saw the cartoon of US military recharging an electric tank and telling their general that they have to surrender as charging will take another 4 hours and the enemy are attacking already) Neither the Russians nor the Chinese can stop laughing at the woke western armed forces.
Read this:
Gender verification was done in the Olympics from 1968, originally due to concerns that some Eastern European “female” athletes were males but ceased testing in 1996.
I remember some of those East German female Olympians. They were big, hairy and had well groomed beards.
The Para-Olympic Games is a wonderful idea for those who have suffered some form of disability. Perhaps we need The Alphabet Spaghetti Games and like sailing, you work with a handicap score if you are unfairly advantaged at the start of the race. The whole concept of most games is to place two teams or individuals in a competition where each has a “sporting chance” of winning.
The para games are a croc in my humble opinion because they do not adequately differentiate between a massive range of mental and physical disabilities. To me they are a spectacle, rather like the circus.
Time perhaps for women’s sport to make a stand.
I wonder whether any of the resident trolls will make an appearance on this topic. Could this be the bridge too far?
Depends on how many haven’t been poisoned by the leftist agenda. If there are enough of them then yes they ought to make a stand, and do it right now. If they don’t it means there are too many who aren’t taking it seriously enough even if they are not indoctrinated, and as such it’s one more nail in the coffin of Western life. Not sure how many more nails are required but it can’t be that many before it’s dead. As the saying goes, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) to do nothing, which has been the trend of late on a number of important issues.
Women should boycott the next olympics. I realise it’s a tough decision but what are their options?
This woke response has effectively destroyed the dreams of many young girls/women whose aim is to compete at the olympics.
Where are the feminists? This is an issue that would rally support from far and wide.
As Jo mentioned, if this decision is not reversed womens sport is dead in the water.
It’s an absolute disgrace.
What surprises me Forrest is that the same IOC banned Caster Semenya because she had an abnormally high testosterone content. As a middle distance runner she was unbeatable so the powers that be told her to lose some testosterone or cease competing. She had an advantage much like some men are tall and play basketball or some women are good at tennis. Caster had an advantage and was banned but if she calls herself a trans she will be able to compete. The men that gods wish to destroy they first make mad.
You won’t read about it in the legacy or the social(ist) media due to heavy Leftist censorship but there are now numerous instances of “transgender regret”.
Sadly, those that have had bodily parts removed and hormonal mutilation cannot undo what’s been done to them.
Also note that in the glorious socialist republic of Vicdanistan it’s actually illegal to counsel a child or adult with the idea that their genetics might in fact be aligned with their gender. The commies who run Victoria claim that it’s “settled science” that if someone claims they are of the other gender, then that’s what they truly are.
The “regret” is a real issue when Medicos specialising in gender reallocation were relying on information given them in times past.
Obviously many active doctors ; surgeons and psychiatrists didn’t assimilate the latest understanding of the matter.
The revelations of the last twenty years or so have shown that it just isn’t that simple and that strangely, the only thing that the recent LGBQITR movement got right was the rainbow symbol.
Sometimes it’s best to just go with what you’ve got and accept that you can’t be 100% sure where you are on the rainbow.
Huh. Funny I never thought of gender as a spectral disorder.
Hi Bozo
Even in regular males and females there is rarely a 100% male or female. Apparently being fully male or fem is not a pleasant experience.
When things go wrong during pregnancy there are two extreme possibilities;
Person has;
1. Male brain in female body, or
2. Female brain in male body.
Try working out the complexities of attraction in that set up.
To be honest I should say that the rainbow is more of an imperfect description because the transitions that need to occur during pregnancy can be interrupted at any time. X rays have shown organ growth being interrupted by events during pregnancy.
Complex is an understatement.
The rainbow metaphor is not just as a representation of diversity – it is associated with positivity and that all the colours are equal parts of the whole.
A good point;
my comment was not as inclusive as it could have been and being positive is a good part of any life.
A bit off topic, but it does illustrate positivity.
” … all the colours are equal parts of the whole.”
Ah yes, but as Roy G. Biv will tell you, RED is on top and always comes first.
The use of the rainbow symbol by the LGBTIQ+ community represents an unfair cultural appropriation of that symbol from the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) which was a sign of a covenant between God and humanity after the world was destroyed due to immorality.
Just as the fundamental lie of the anthropogenic global warming fraud is that CO2 causes warming, the fundamental lie of the Left’s promotion of transgenderism is that a person’s sex and their gender are two different things, unrelated.
A few random thoughts:
You can have opposite sexes but not opposite genders.
It would seem that the (grammatically incorrect) use of “gender” on forms of all type requiring one to state their sex is to do with the s-word being offensive to women. However in the late 1990s the ABS officially denied that the word “sex” is offensive to women!
“Sex” is not a four-letter word!
The IOC are definitely wrong on this one why ?
1. The public don’t want it.
2. Women athletes don’t want it.
3. Men athletes don’t want it.
4. Media and the crowds don’t want it.
5. It is immoral and completely unfair.
So why the hell does the IOC promote it ?
And why the hell do they allow trans males to compete in women’s sport ?
Somehow pressure has to be brought to bear on the IOC.
“And why the hell do they allow trans males to compete in women’s sport ?”
And why do they allow trans males, with thingy still attached, into female toilets and change rooms.
The the whole meme is totally and morally disgusting !
well, i used to be a mouse, where’s my metal category should i return to mousehood soon?
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
Spoke too soon wrt nails in the coffin. Found another one. Now there are moves afoot to allow 6+ or 8+ year olds the right to vote. On the topic of gender identity, how come it isn’t also applied to animals? After all, so many now are stupid enough to believe we evolved from them.
A human identifying as an animal is a “thing” you know. They are called “otherkin” or “trans-species”.
But whatever you do, don’t mix up otherkin with the furries…
‘identifying as an animal’
The guy is smoking too much dxpe but at least he doesn’t claim to be an athlete . .
Maybe the IOC needs to have a vote on the sport of smoking? That would be inclusive.
Back in the day I knew some Olympic level talent that’s for sure.
In Australia the reduction of voting age started with the Whitlam regime who changed it from 21 to 18. The intent was to get the younger and more naive to vote as they would more likely vote for the Left.
On the other hand, it can also be reasonably argued that if you expected young men of 18 to be drafted into the Army, then they had a right to have a say about it.
Since then, the Left have been pushing for voting at an even younger age trying to target voters while they still have a naive and idealistic view of the world and who will likely vote for the Left and their lies.
How about you don’t get a vote until you have a different address from (either of) your parents?
How about voters under 21 can vote if they pay more tax than they get in welfare?
Sounds good. Of course it will never happen. If anything, they might do the exact opposite and those who have jobs and are under 21 are prevented from voting. That would be far more appealing to the left.
How about citizens can vote if they pay more tax than they get in welfare?
Or the unvaccinated aren’t allowed to vote.
Incidentally Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner, who as Bruce was an actual Olympic athlete, is opposed to biological males in women’s sport.
Even though Jenner is transgender, they are a conservative Republican, not a Leftist hence Jenner has some common sense on the issue and is not trying to generate identity politics.
Are you suggesting that Bruce and Caitlyn could have different political inclinations?
Who are they?
In recent decades we have seen extraordinary public activity from the media- political- woke- victimhood industrial complex into awakening the general public to some new crisis.
We’ve seen CO2 induced Global Warming catastrophism, the associated impending “flooding” of earths surface, then the horrendous Trans, Gaye and Lesbian eruption of a few years ago, now we have the Viral Excressence to end the world.
Without exception these impositions on society have been sent to control and manipulate us rather than guide and restore; in each case real science has been either ignored, manipulated or turned on its head.
In the case of transgenderism there’s even an industry set up to help people to surgically and hormonally be reallocated to their “true” sex whatever that might be.
In some small number of cases people may be helped, but mostly it ends in disappointment and frustration.
It’s obvious that in this latest issue the Olympic Committee has not delved too far into the science and chosen to take the easy, woke way out.
The result is that women athletes are being abused because politicians want the quick and easy way out.
We need to insist that politicians do better cause at the moment they are failing us miserably.
Some time ago we discussed this topic, mainly because I could see the link between CAGW and the LGBQITR movement.
Since then we have been put through the mill again with CV19 and the ongoing Jabberwocky routine.
Earlier comment;
Kinky Keith
July 30, 2019 at 11:07 pm
Thanks Greg #,
A highly relevant comment.
The person mentioned has an unfair advantage, it seems and the administration doesn’t say boo.
My earlier comments tried to state that “gayness”, for want of a better word, is clearly understood by a small number of people.
It is a clearly defined issue.
Unfortunately at all levels of community life in the west the reality is hidden by a number of factors which include:
# laziness/ indifference
# politics
# religious Dogma.
The reason I push this issue on this blog is because of the startling similarities in treatment by the powers that be and media when compared with the Global Warming meme.
Ignorance is no excuse for ugly behaviour by the LGBTQIR crowd, politicians and the Church when the means for a full understanding of the issue are available.
All of the above ugliness takes away the chance of a normal life from those who are genuinely afflicted with transgender/gay/gender dysphoria issues.
This is NOT a Religious issue. If any blame needs to be dispensed the Very Last person to blame is the person with Gender Dysphoria.
This is 2019. The new age of enlightenment, I think not.
Quite a lengthy discussion back in ’19.
An insightful comment by Latus Dextro on the topic of epigenetics and the possibility of interference with development of an embryo in the womb.
“I understand a study is underway on the children of women pregnant in their first trimester and within the immediate sphere of catastrophe of the collapse of the twin towers of the World Trade Centre to explore the affect of the acute maternal stress on the response of in utero foetal epigenetics and phenotypically expressed later in the child.”
This is relevant to the “creation” of gender irregularity during pregnancy.
An insightful comment by Latus Dextro on the topic of epigenetics and the possibility of interference with development of an embryo in the womb.
“I understand a study is underway on the children of women pregnant in their first trimester and within the immediate sphere of catastrophe of the collapse of the TT of the WTC to explore the affect of the acute maternal stress on the response of in utero foetal epigenetics and phenotypically expressed later in the child.”
This is relevant to the “creation” of gender irregularity during pregnancy.
I’m a secondary school rowing coach. I was also a rower in my school years back in the late 1970’s which was pre- women rowing and totally male dominated. Women’s rowing in Australia really only kicked on after about 1980. Prior to that all the boats and oars were HEAVY. Women (girls) simply didn’t have the strength to lift the boats in/out of the water and it was difficult to use the oars. Once, you got the girls onto the water they were generally Ok. The big improvement was that initially with fibreglass and later carbon fibre construction, all the equipment was significantly lighter. That barrier to women rowing virtually disappeared in about 5 years. Plus the science of rowing improved in terms of the “set up” of the rower within the boat. Nowadays ( in Victoria) there are more girls rowing than boys. They have bigger regattas and more schools are joining in all the time. But, the boys are still better, faster rowers. Their times still excel girls significantly. If transgenders are allowed to row in Women’s rowing events it would be a disaster. I can see elite schools, clubs and then some countries at Olympic level favouring transgender to give them that competition edge. Ditto are lot of other sports as well.
In a ‘pub test’ I believe that 99% of normal men can spot a genuine woman.
It’s a physiological thing; size of the head, the face, body proportions and voice etc.
Secondly if the ‘person’ doesn’t meet the ‘birth test’ then it’s also clear ;
So that no vagina, no womb, no woman !!
And no surgery external or otherwise !!
Sorry to bang on but I like to see the best man win and likewise the best woman.
What’s wrong with the IOC ?
“I believe that 99% of normal men can spot a genuine woman” – I dont know about that, some of my friends have had some bad experiences….
If you want to see how heavily the Left are promoting transgenderism to young children, set Google to “images” and enter the search term “transgender children’s books” without quotes.
Just to give you some advanced notice so you’re not shocked, human-animal marriage is the next big thing….
David, you need to stop mate. You are ruining my Friday.
psst Ross. He’s not real.
Cory Bernardi’s slippery slope gathers momentum – a new meaning for “animal husbandry” it seems and a subliminal “f**k ewe” from our progressive elite.
I think Tom Lehrer was earlier. Much as I liked a lot of his stuff, he could be pretty tasteless at times too.
He’s still alive, aged 93!
Be interesting to see how this all pans out, but it is worth examining the stated aim and intention of the IOC. Ask yourselves if it has been accurately represented by the OP and the quoted article.
basic ABC news report without opinion
IOC media release with links to other resources.
now off you go and form your own views.
My view- the main change is that the IOC is putting the burden onto individual sports and I am not seeing a lot of provision for follow up governance to ensure that the outcomes matches the aim.
So the IOC will use the “they did it” defence?
What a copout!
That is my fear.
There’s a positive side to this. Records for women’s sports will end up matching those for men’s sports, as proof of gender equality.
/sarc (in case it’s not obvious)
Nah. Men wearing dresses will come close, but never beat the men who identify as men.
There is bound to be a testosterone effect to playing alpha male on a daily basis.
I don’t think garmetism has been defined yet as a gender restrictive factor. Do skirts cause women to perforn at a lewer level of competance?
At puberty compared to women , males develop more muscle mass, denser bones, broader shoulders, less fat, bigger hands and feet , greater lung and heart capacity, greater endurance capacity, straighter legs
( angle of the legs from the hip joint). They can run faster, jump higher and hit harder than women. And they produce the wonder hormone -testosterone . Males are built for flight or fight.
Females at puberty, put on fat, their hips broaden, their breasts grow, they are not built for flight or fight ; they are built for procreation of the next generation. This is a biological fact and women who choose to be super athletes often find their menstrual cycles cease.
All true. So what do you think of the IOC’s aim?
read the first paragraph of this (at least)
Mostly that’s six pages of typical woke drivel about equity and fairness which few would disagree with.
The important point is that they want an evidence-based approach to individual sporting bodies deciding who can and can’t compete.
Now, due to natural variations between the two genuine biological genders, male and female, it’s certainly true that some genuine biological females will outperform some genuine biological males.
So if that’s the case, why segregate sports by genuine biological gender at all?
The point is that in general, because of their superior muscle mass, stronger bones, bodies more designed for combat (or sports as a substitute for combat), and testosterone-driven aggression, genuine biological males are superior in most sports to genuine biological females.
Even a castrated male will retain their physical proportions and most of their muscle mass.
Therefore, for GENUINE fairness, genuine biological males, including castrated males, should be excluded from women’s sports without exception. And even if Leftists really do believe the biological absurdity that you can change gender.
Interesting view. I think, from this document, a fair partition of sports is possible, as you clearly want, but I am seeing that individual sports can adminster such a goal so that fairness prevails.
*not seeing. I’m skeptical that the IOC has made the right call.
It’s Absurd.
The Olympics is supposed to be about faster, higher, stronger. What could be more exclusive than an Olympic medal? Talk of inclusivity is nonsense.
I might be out of date though. I get the idea that, for some of the high-ups, the Olympics is more about indulgence and expensive gifts. For them, broadening the scope might serve to deepen the trough.
inclusivity – means giving opportunity. It doesn’t mean giving everyone a medal.
The grift in the olympic high-ups is well known. How are you linking this to transgender people?
The road narrows all the way. You’re already in an exclusive group to be trying out for a national Olympic team. Numbers are capped, so each female-gendered male on the team uses a spot that could have gone to an XX female. She won’t feel too happy about the new inclusivity.
I already suggested the possible link to the high-ups. They’re meant to be the ones who rule these changes in or out, and there might be a conflict of interests.
which means there might not.
Let women stand up for their rights.
I don’t think they need you to let them.
Actually they do. It is only in the last few seconds of the evolutionary clock have they been allowed/encouraged to speak out. It takes time, in the meantime be nice treat them as Ladies.
The Russians, Chinese and North Koreans will be all over this.
There are a few asexual species but generally male is male and female is female. The differences are usually obvious like lions. The gender generally influences the role. As a human I enjoy the differences. As an employer I often find tasks better suit the skills of a gender. I find males physically strong and females have better dexterity. Females have maternal instincts and priority. Females are generally better at multiasking.
Men are men and women are women and that recognition makes sympathetic harmony and compassion. A realistic world.
Equal pay for equal work is sensible.
WOKE is unrealistic and destructive. The majority of women quietly appreciate gentlemen and most men like to appreciate Ladies being feminine and deicate..
I feel for both genders currently as both have their innate instincts challenged. That causes confusion and mental stress.
SPEAK UP! The minorities are winning.
Hi Richard,
that’s a good description of normality and it’s a good launching pad to look towards the damaged physiology of people with gender dysphoria issues resulting from stressed pregnancies.
One of the things not understood by people in general and doctors who qualified more than twenty years ago is the reality of trans genderism where damaged people can have a body that is male or female but have a brain of the opposite sex. That’s a biggy.
To whom do you feel attracted if you are trans, a female looking person with a male brain. Is it the brain difference that dominates attraction or body?
Here’s a different take on this thing. I know that it has been suggested already but what if transgenders competed in their own category? People love sport and they love a good competition. Might be slow to take off at first but it could have huge potential. Also it could remove any resentment towards trans people . .
Exactly, well said.
“what if transgenders competed in their own category”
A) It sure won’t include any bio females pretending to be male so this category you are suggesting will ONLY be bio males pretending to be female.
B) Who is going to watch it?
The thrill is in the competition and testing yourself.
Correct, and on a level playing field . .
B/ Not moi.
It would be a cheap laugh if nothing else
It’s pretty obvious there is quite a spread on a spectrum, but I’d just like to know, is it anything other than a lust for power that makes some corral unconfident children, shut them off from any conflicting information, pump hormones into them, cut them, and then walk away from a smoking ruin? Names better be being taken. Ok people are at different places on a spectrum. What gives these people the right to say, ‘I know where you should be moved to.’ ?
And really this is just another skewer to use in the attack on the family, and western civilisation. It’s all BS, and they know it, and don’t care. Useful idiots abound. “The ends justify the means.” And the end is going to be rather ruinous, and will inevitably involve culling the human race. Enjoy the spectacle! As someone said; ‘It’s like living during the fall of Rome, with WiFi.’
The other question that is repeatedly asked is, ‘what faith should we have in a medical system, that doesn’t know how to tell the difference between men and women?’
In resolving any confusion or uncertainty the first order of priorities is to clearly define the problem.
In both the Global Warming mishmash and this Transgender meme the important thing is to not let the truth out.
In the case of CAGW the concept is easily demolished from either of two approaches and for the transgender thing the biological truth of a physically damaged human being would remove power from the managers of the LGBTQIR business model.
Clearly define the problem, then fix it.
One would think that every single female on the planet with half a brain would understand that this is a real threat to female sports and agree with you. So where are they? Are they quiet because they –
A) feel too intimidated by vile radicals to speak up?
B) are not yet aware of, or in denial that, female sports are threatened?
C) just don’t care?
D) are being muzzled by MSM / leftist social media to the point that no one can hear them?
E) ??
This lunacy, wherein men are permitted to compete in women’s sport, would abruptly end if women were to boycott all women’s events that are now open to men.
Come on girls, start the pushback immediately.
Wont make any difference in the Horse Riding events at the Olympics. Perhaps its time for the IOC to bring back Croquet as an Olympic Sport – no Mens and Womens Divisions in that sport.
We need women. We need men. We don’t need farcical athletic theater and we don’t need the olimpic stage to act it out on. Oh – you think I spelled that wrong? Defund this joke or start over.
So in order not to offend 0.01% of men who transition, it’s perfectly OK to offend 100% of women and erase their entire biological reality. I suppose that makes sense in some people’s universe.
” I suppose that makes sense in some people’s universe.”
When you are a Communist and you have a civilization to destroy then anything that works towards that end is ok.
After a century of fighting for women’s rights and even to compete in sport at all and certainly from competing absurdly with often much larger aggressive men in sport, the greatest threat to women’s rights is now high testosterone aggressive men demanding to be women.
However women still have the vote. And it is no less than a man’s vote. And half the voting population. So use it. Just ask politicians where they stand on men competing in women’s sport and enjoy the reaction, the double speak, the terror.
Vote against aggressive men stealing their hard won rights and politicians who support the absurdity that men can actually be women in sport if they choose. If a politician thought for a second they would lose the women’s vote for supporting Woke absurdity, it would vanish overnight.
And if the IOC thought they politicians would withdraw funding to please their electorates, they would stop this or bring in a special silly category for the confused. Even mixed up doubles. And events for centaurs and satyrs.
What was the point of a women’s vote if women will not even defend their own basic rights? As with all democracies, you have to defend your rights or they will be take away. Like Daniel Andrew’s continuing attempt to take away the democratic and legal freedom of all Victorians and crown himself as absolute emperor, at least under President Xi. And that is no joking matter.
Isn’t the obvious to drop men’s and women’s competitions as sexist throwbacks and just have a single competition in each sport. Women are given the chance by the army to try for the SAS, but same rules, same assessment, no special consideration or allowance given. Maybe sport should be the same – may the best win, regardless of chromosomes or sexual identification – problem solved. Imagine the uproar.
Good. A pushback has been needed on this issue for some time, and it will now come from elite female athletes, because they have so much to lose unlike invertebrate sports administrators, politicians, school boards, prison governors etc. This decision will most likely lead to a mass boycott of women’s events in the Olympics and to an alternative circuit being set up. It will be important that the people support the applications of elite female competitors to use major venues.
And I thought that Jarmila Kratochvilova’s 800m record would never be broken…
Just had a look at Jarmila.
I’ve a better idea. Just identify as the world record holder, and then you needn’t even bother competing.
The point of logic that needs to be pressed is: what is a woman? When the IOC answers: “A woman is any person who claims to be a woman”, the correct response is: “But what is that person claiming to be? You still haven’t defined what a woman is.” Don’t be diverted, because there is no reply other than XX, ovaries and vagina.
Also, campaign for a referendum on whether toilets be accessed by biological sex or self-identification.
Why aren’t women fighting this? Why aren’t all women upset about this? How can Germaine Greer and J.K. Rowling be cancelled by men for stating the obvious and women are not upset?
Or is all the fighting left to the men after all, in which case nothing has changed. At least it explains the absurd situation where it is left for men and at most couples to object to men dressed as women allowed into their wives and daughter’s change rooms, bathrooms and toilets. It’s not just sport.
Where is the outrage? Where are the social justice warriors on women’s rights? Or is that now an old fashioned idea because women have ceased to exist?
Germaine Greer *is* fighting this. A few years ago she said caustically that “just because you lop off your dick and then wear a dress doesn’t make you a… woman… a man who gets his dick chopped off is… inflicting an extraordinary act of violence on himself”. For that she was vilified as a ‘terf’ (trans-exclusionary radical feminist).
A shortened version of that is credited to John Wayne. I did a search and the results were flooded with John Wayne Bobbitt. Too late.
And she has been banned from speaking at universities, cancelled. As has J.K.Rowling. And doxxed and she says the death threats could paper her house. Dearth Threats? Death threats for having an opinion, let alone for stating the truth. Who decides what is true now?
But why don’t the women at the universities complain? It seems the alleged rights of a really tiny proportion of cross dressers trumps the half the population who are women.
The most unforgivable attack on a true Aussie woman is that on Margret Court.
The left have no shame.
It’s funny with women. My MIL was a beautiful, feminine woman totally at ease round BLOKES. She was the first white baby born in Quilpie Hospital [I think I have the right town, no matter] her husband ran a Blitz truck doing the mail run out of Boulia [where my Bride was born] and if legend is true he poured a new white metal big-end baring on the side of the road. Family friends were well borers [they went deep] and graziers. I’m talking “Pioneers”.
But I never heard this Lady state an opinion. That does not mean she, and her daughter who is much the same, should be ignored.
All women, OK, not the loudmouths, deserve the support of us Gentlemen.
This will end badly when a large male rugby player causes serious injury to a female player. It’s not a matter of if but when, and this is why we don’t play mixed contact sport at the competitive level. As a former rugby player myself I would be horrified at the thought of running at 40km/h into a line of female players, knowing the damage that would likely cause. The absurdity here is that we can all predict how this ends, which will be a serious injury, followed by legal action against the governing body that authorised the rule change. The payouts will be enormous and you would hope that those individuals who made the crazy decisions will be held to account.
Hi Serge.
40km/h ? 🙂
25 km/h might just be possible.
Interesting topic for this website… NOT. Jo, I will not be providing any more funds for this website until you get back on what this website was created for… AGW!!!!!!!!!
there’s a sinister link between CAGW, the eruption of Covid Control measures and the use of the LGBTQIR card to create conflict in society; political manipulation is the name of the game.
If the blog can help us “see through” the smokescreens that exist for each manufactured false alarm we will essentially be fixing our governments, legal and education systems, and resetting these structures for our benefit.
Its weird how, in the 70’s and 80’s we were complaining about the Soviet Union doing the exact same thing we’re so virtuously doing now.
I met someone who is suffering from the issue and she/he doesn’t feel happy about the false face of the problem as portrayed by the LGBIQTR movement.
This political movement simply increases angst by pushing a “them and us” confrontation that has no real benefit to anyone except those leading the charge who get political kudos and power.
Also the push for gender reassignment treatment with drugs and surgery is fraught with danger but is moving forward mainly because of politics and not out of any real concern for those
The person mentioned above is quite firm in the same observation, that there are only two genders.
The trick to understanding the background of gender dysphoria is in the biology.
Initially the problem can be created during a disturbed pregnancy which may lead, in its purest form, to either a “male” brain in a female body or vice versa.
Then overlaying that is the biological reality that to some extent there’s a spread around “normal” for both brain and body.
Then there’s possibility number two where there’s even greater complexity when someone with gender dysphoria reproduces, and not all can.
The complexity produced is a nightmare for so called “gender reassignment”.
To simplify things and avoid hard science the activists created their own story, LGBTQIR which sends everyone running around in circles.
The problem with determining who should compete in the Olympics-Female category is not easily resolved when someone can look female but have significant male “infrastructure” onboard that gives advantage.
I’m waiting for a definition of “man” and “woman”.
Thirty years ago I would have said that a man is an adult human being with XY chromosome configuration and the physical characterisics that result from that chromosome configuration.
I would have said that a woman is an adult human being with XX chromosome configuration and the physical characterisics that result from that chromosome configuration.
But since we are told that adult human beings with XY chromosome configuration and the physical characterisics that result from that chromosome configuration are women (as in “Trans women are women”) I must have got the wrong definitions.
So what are the new ones?
There are no “New ones” only damaged or incompletely formed “old ones”.
Few people have responded to my descriptions of the process which is completely biological and not related to religion, politics or any cosmic mystery.
One of my current posts has a link to a discussion a few years ago who much of this is outlined.
Basically transgenderism is a result of damage or disruption of the development process of the phoetus in utero.
Trans people were damaged or left unfinished as a result of misadventure during pregnancy.
Any discussion about the number of genders is a demonstration by the person talking that they don’t know what they are talking about.
The IOC needs to move to annual Games instead of quadrennial. It’s obvious they have too much time on their hands for virtue signalling. Maybe having to organise sport more regularly might make them a little more cognizant of the events they oversee and the differences in the records for the mens and womens events.
How about they have the Mens, Womens & Open events? Hasn’t all the vitriol around gender fluidity taught the IOC that transgenders don’t want to be slotted into a conformist category? Why destroy womens sport in the pursuit of appeasement? Just create another category. Let that determine the success of the athlete class and necessity for change.
I fully support it. The best event at the last olympics was the NZ ex male weight lifter. Let the madness reign. Its the only way to wake people up because most object to this stuff.
I know plenty of people who just swallow everything they’re told, but are largely apathetic and dont get enraged by anything. But this issue, they get emotional and angry about it. Its just what we need, as it may wake them up from their slumber.
Amazing, up to the fall of the Berlin wall, the biggest scandals were 1) the doping regime and 2) men competing as women under the communist teams. Seems we’re fine with those now. And it’s my generation driving this…so ashamed.