A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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‘The study (a Lancet pre-print) finds that Pfizer vaccine effectiveness wanes from 92% at day 15-30 to 47% at day 121-180, and from day 211 (seven months) and onwards “no effectiveness could be detected”. For AstraZeneca, vaccine effectiveness “was generally lower and waned faster, with no effectiveness detected from day 121 [four months] and onwards”. (The figure they found was actually negative, minus-19%.)’
‘While effectiveness against severe outcomes held up for many groups over nine months, it was found to wane significantly among men, older frail people, and people with comorbidities, contributing to an overall fall from 89% at day 15-30 to 42% from day 181 (six months) and onwards, with a number of subgroups even showing negative efficacy against severe outcomes.’
What could be the greater plan for big Pharma with the vaccines? First they will make a lot of money on selling them, especially the boosters, but I think there is a second phase that can be much more profitable: the the population a whole lot sicker, but not so sick that they die. This will sell enormous quantities of drugs.
I am a psychologist, and I see this with psychiatric drugs. One of the really big companies produces and antipsychotic drug that increases the rate of diabetes. They produce insulin and diabetes drugs. When people start taking antidepressants, they often get so agitated that they need valium like drugs to calm them down as well as sleeping pills. Most Psychiatric drugs make people obese, so then they can sell all kinds of drugs related to obesity.
What a perfect plan if they can make whole populations take a drug that will make almost all vulnerable to a host of disorders. That is what wee see with VAERS, already. Just think what will be the consequences in a few years. If the whole population just gets 10% sicker, it is a fantastic bonanza for big Pharma
You left out the the preventative treatments that nobody (other than research geeks like me) that are already known.
There is a RCT tested (in Japan) for a OTC treatment for osteoporosis. Vitamin K2. (Don’t take my word for it – look it up!). Vitamin D3 works synergisticly with K2 as well. Check out Vit D3 and early stage prostate cancer.
Lots of things out there.
So calling it the “health” industry is a clear lie. Always thought so.
It would appear that the COVID-19 virus was not developed by China but by the Pharmaceutical industry for obvious reasons!
Patients prescribed anti-psychotics are warned that the drugs may increase their appetites, leading to obesity. Also, some people with mental health issues may frequently choose unhealthy ‘fast food’ because it’s easier. But even on a strict diet, serious obesity (metabolic syndrome) can result. It is now suspected that anti-psych meds, some more than others, can change the way fats and sugars are metabolised in the body, causing weight gain. On the other hand, the meds can have a huge positive effect on a patient’s state of mind. It can be a difficult choice. Just as the vaccines can be a difficult choice. No-one knows for sure. But it would be nice to have more options.
I take this wearing off to be a good thing providing no permanent damage is done to the body in the process.
The implication for health care is to have any booster program carried out universally in a short period of time. There has been a very high injection rate in Australia in the month of October. That would suggest any six month booster should be conducted in April next year.
And in the meantime some real medicine can be done in the form of antivirals and cheap home testing.
I’ll be one of those avoiding crowds. Especially indoors.
We have the anti-virals, we have effective early treatments. It’s just that the various health overlords prevent them from being used universally.
Pressure for early Covid-19 booster shots
Being double-jabbed cuts the risk of coronavirus being transmitted between family members by only about a third, according to a study that found that this protection began to wane three months after a second dose.
The research, the first to track in detail how the virus is transmitted within the home, underscores the importance of being vaccinated, because the fact that other household members have been jabbed does not necessarily protect those who have not.
It will add to the pressure on government ministers to give booster shots quickly.
The results show that protection against infection dips about 100 days after the second shot – although protection against severe disease lasts longer.
Neil Ferguson, one of the study’s authors, said: “There’s nothing, biologically, to make us think the boosters will be any less effective if given after four months.
“It really is for (Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, an independent panel that advises ministers) to consider the data, and for the government to consider whether they want to accelerate the booster program.”
The study looked at 621 people in Britain who had mild coronavirus infections or who were infected but asymptomatic. Those who were double-jabbed could still pass the infection on to vaccinated and unvaccinated household members alike.
Among those who caught the virus and were vaccinated, no one fell seriously ill.
The researchers said that this was another piece of evidence strengthening the case that vaccines produce robust protection against severe disease and therefore reduce the burden on the National Health Service.
However, the vaccines had a relatively modest effect in lessening transmission, with 25 per cent of vaccinated people testing positive for the virus after exposure to an infected household member, compared with 38 per cent for those who were unvaccinated.
Whether a person had been fully vaccinated made little difference to how infectious they were, according to the study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.
Ajit Lalvani, of Imperial College London, who co-led the study, said: “The ongoing transmission we are seeing between vaccinated people makes it essential for unvaccinated people to get vaccinated to protect themselves from acquiring infection and severe Covid-19.”
The Times
Little by little the truth comes out. Written more objectively the last quote could be written “injections make infections more dangerous to others”.
What we’ll never know about COVID-19
The CDC isn’t tracking or telling us a great number of things
The COVID-19 pandemic has often seemed tailor-made for the information age, generating a flurry of daily statistics for people to perpetually gnaw on like cud. That data was supposed to at once inform the public and justify wide-ranging government intervention.
Thanks to political, media and corporate agendas, what the public has received is a mere patina of transparency. The numbers we’ve relied upon are incomplete, manipulated or outright misinformation.
Despite the real reputational risks, Americans must embrace our proud legacy of questioning authority even though there are some questions we may never be able to answer. Here are just a few of them. More to come next week.
– What is the true mortality rate?
– How many people have actually had COVID-19 and recovered?
– How many people were really hospitalized for COVID-19?
– How many lives could have been saved by preventive treatment protocols?
Perhaps the biggest of all the COVID-19 scandals has been the government and medical bureaucracy’s repeated effort to destroy the credibility of existing preventive or prophylactic treatments. Any physician or scientist who has had the temerity to suggest ways to reduce susceptibility and increase resistance through treatments like Ivermectin or other protocols has been denigrated. They’ve been censored and threatened by state medical boards and medical associations. Based on the data from dozens of international studies and outcomes when used by brave physicians in this country, hospitalization and death rates could have been reduced dramatically with the use of Ivermectin alone. To the government, these options were not even worth exploring or debating. Only masking, lockdowns, social distancing and vaccination would work. It’s the first time in history the medical and scientific community has inexplicably taken this approach. It was deadly.
– How many people died from COVID-19 who did not have co-morbidities?
Why do this? Simple – It would cut against the vaccine mandate fascination of the Biden administration and Democrat governors. COVID-19 is not deadly – even left untreated – for nearly all healthy people. Period. Yet, the government and the press have taken great pains to scare the entire population into acquiescence to mask, vaccine, lockdown and other mandates.
I’m up there in the danger zone re age but have no co-morbidities [unless a bit of gout is a problem] So what I want to know, and have never been told, is whether age is a single line risk factor or only there because old pharts carry “old football wounds” such as diabetes and hypertension.
We should also be told more about diet. Is my keto healthier than vegan, for example.
G’day H,
I’m working on the assumption that it’s all about one’s immune system, and if that’s Ok it will handle an initial infection. Hence my reliance on, and continuing ingestion of vitamin D. Augmented with zinc and quercetin. The two latter could probably be handled with diet, the former with sunshine.
Keep well. And stay out of hospital.
Dave B
“The numbers we’ve relied upon are incomplete, manipulated or outright misinformation.”
Of course! The Govt is involved and always has an agenda! The figures we get (instead of crap about how many are vaccinated) should be split into how ill the person who tested Covid +ve was. No symptoms? Sore throat? Cough? Can’t work? Bedridden? Hospitalised for treatment (not observation).
That would tell me more than anything I’ve heard from the clowns in charge. Just how sick are all these people? Is it just a few days in bed and back to work except for a few people? No-one retired counts, flu takes them anyway and no-one cares at all.
As I have never felt ill – still the only one who has never been tested for Covid within our Family, notwithstanding living in a 3 generation family including Grandkids 5/8/10 who are always ill, being at hospital at least 2 times every 3 weeks and 4 Ops at hospital over the last year – having followed antivirals for over a year, am the healthiest person around and am one of the “UnCleans”
COVID Madness Down Under Continues – State Now Confiscating Bank Accounts, Property, Licenses and Businesses if COVID Fines Not Paid While Unemployed Workers Locked Down
Of all the extreme measures carried out by various states in Australia, the collections and confiscations by the State Penalty and Enforcement Register (SPER) might just be the icing on the cake
During the lengthy COVID lockdown in the state of Queensland, Australia, (Brisbane area) most workers were not permitted to work or earn a living.
Several states stepped in to provide wage subsidies so people could purchase essential products and pay their living expenses. However, during the lockdown if you were caught violating any of the lockdown rules you were subject to a civil citation, a fine or ticket for your COVID violation.
Get caught too far from home, outside your permitted bubble, and you get a ticket. Get caught spending more than the permitted 1 hour outside, get a ticket. Get caught without a mask, even by yourself – and yep, ticket. Enter a closed quarantine zone (park, venue, etc.) and you get a ticket. Tickets were being handed out by police on the street as well as during random checkpoints on the roadways.
The result of all this compliance monitoring was thousands of fines, civil citations for violating COVID rules. Thousands of people given thousands of fines that would need to be paid.
Now the state is requiring all of those civil citations get paid, or else…. And the enforcement actions to collect these fines from the State Penalty and Enforcement Register are quite extreme. Citizens who have outstanding tickets are finding their drivers licenses suspended; bank accounts are being frozen and seized; homes and property are are being confiscated, as well as business licenses suspended for outstanding citations.
“Queenslanders who received fines for breaking Covid-19 rules risk having their homes seized and bank accounts frozen in a government crackdown to collect $5.2 million in repayments.” (LINK)
“This will hurt me more than it will you” said the master with cane in hand. “It’s for your own good”.
Net zero. Carbon or covid.
Same strategy and tactics.
‘NEW YORK, NY—In a moment celebrated by all hard-working lobbyists, Pfizer announced that the COVID-19 vaccine will reduce average daily child COVID deaths from almost zero all the way down to almost zero.
“These are phenomenal results. Our internal studies have proven a microscopic benefit to an even more microscopic risk to children,” stated Dee Pimbly, head of Pfizer’s Department of Propaganda to a crowd of journalists who have not allowed their own children to bask in the warm glow of sunlight, or interact with other children for almost no reason whatsoever.
FDA officials praised Pfizer for fighting a virus that is the leading killer of children after cancer, vehicular accidents, suicide, heart disease, drowning, suffocation, the flu, meteors from space, and slipping on a banana peel. Experts say the vaccine will probably kill more kids than it saves, but it’s ok because science.
When asked about any safety concerns, an FDA official replied, “We’re excited to start giving it to them so we can find out.”’
As Jo said on the previous thread;
Corruption is destroying our democratic way of life.
The post WW11 world that was built on the qualities of integrity, accountability and common sense was a wonderful achievement.
The only problem is that with wealth and stability we then see opportunists take the wheel and create the horrible mess that now confronts us.
Fifty years of progressively widening corruption has brought us to the precipice.
Post WW11 everyone was provided with work.
Seventy five years later everyone is guaranteed social security payments. Stuff work ; that’s so demanding.
This can’t last much longer.
“Seventy five years later everyone is guaranteed social security payments. Stuff work ; that’s so demanding.”
Time to cut the aged pension which at $1458.6 per fortnight which is $37,924 per year for a couple is way too much. Cut the aged pension rate to the unemployment benefit rate of $1,131 per couple per fortnight which is $29,416.4 per year.
Stop payment of franking credits.
Return to paying of income tax on income received from SMSFs and superannuation funds in pension mode.
Remove the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.
Stop the seniors energy rebate scheme.
Remove Rent Assistance, the Pension Supplement and the Clean Energy Supplement.
Stuff the elderly why should they get so many benefits? They should have worked for a few years more instead of relying on the state to provide for them.
My take is that the influence of religion has waned greatly, and with it the moral integrity that comes with it.
Its probably no surprise the push for communism globally means atheism as the official “religion” of communism.
The influence of organised religion has waned considerably over the years, particularly in Australia.
China and Russia are not communist countries, Marx would be turning in his grave, they are essentially fascists. The dictatorship of the proletariat is what we see, Russia has a pretend democracy while China has a million villages which directly choose their leaders.
Its a mixed bag, depending on the country, religion was the opiate of the masses but not these days.
Religion is on a slippery slope in Oz, but a revival is happening China.
Extremist religions are banned in Russia, like Jehova’s Witness, because they only recognise god as their true leader.
I know there are many here with better math/stats skills than I.
Would someone with time to spare watch this vid and confirm the impression I got that the jab does not improve all-cause mortality?
Your impression is supported by the available evidence.
Further to that the designation of “with covid” has muddied the water when it comes to the death rate. It would be like designating the sniffles as the cause of death in a motor car accident.
Government statistics are most valuable for the paper they are printed on. Soft, strong and thoroughly absorbent.
As with former US secetary of state Colin Powell who ” died of complications of Covid” co-incidentially he was in his mid 80’s and was suffering from leukaemia and Parkinsons disease, both life ending diseases in their own right.
Fun on the climate side:
My latest report.
Yes, hilarious.
Australia records more Pfizer reaction cases
– Australia has recorded 60 cases in one week of a myocarditis and pericarditis heart condition linked to Pfizer & Moderna in the past week.
And reported in the Herald Sun. Wonders never cease.
Excellent firewall removing facility.
You have to love the description of an increasingly occurring condition as ‘rare’. Put’s one in mind of the famous ‘mostly’ peaceful riots in the U.S.
This should be interesting:
And of course the 2016 election was rigged as well. Which just points to how bad Clinton was as a candidate. She couldn’t even win a rigged election.
“And of course the 2016 election was rigged as well. ”
As well as what? I presume you mean the 2020 election. If so perhaps you will provide the evidence to support your contention rather than just making throw-away remarks that have no substance.
Be a better troll. Somewhere else.
Can’t stand the heat eh Forrest Gardener. Bit of a wuss eh?
Having re-read my reply I must apologise for attacking the person not their argument for even though I was responding in kind to your comment which attacked me but did not have any other answers, that is no excuse for my response.
FG a blogosphere troll is someone who incessantly talks off topic, I’m speaking from personal experience.
On this open thread Ian has no case to answer.
Thanks el+gordo.
So, so so inclusive.
Makes me almost want to cry; the humanity is intense.
Inclusivity is good.
Vaccine reeducation???
There was a recent test case presented to the Fair Work Commission.
It involved a Receptionist @ an aged care facility, who had been sacked for not getting the flu vaccine, despite her GP providing her medical history, which included severe adverse impacts from her most recent flu vaccine.
The GP was advising the Receptionist’s workplace that a likely severe adverse reaction would occur if she was required to have another flu vaccine.
The FWC declined to accept the case & it was dismissed.
The majority ruling suggested one of the main reasons they rejected her appeal was that the receptionist was somehow a rabid vax-denier, based on her limited online comments.
The sole dissenting commissioner wrote a warning of looming medical apartheid and segregation.
This Fair Work Commissioner is now being ‘reeducated’ and is barred from hearing any future cases involving Vaccinations, until such time as her reeducation is completed.
Yes, there is oversight of the judiciary. Judge Vasta who found in favour of Peter Ridd in his initial foray against JCU is a case in point; some of his antics on the bench have been well worth review.
I rather think you have missed the salient points.
1.Employees have no medical autonomy and can be compelled to expose themselves to adverse health reactions by their employers OR they can be sacked.
2. Any future dissent to this Fair Work Commission ruling will see Commissioners subjected to restrictions of work and further compelled to be ‘re-educated’.
That, or you are being intentionally obtuse?
To be expected.
It appears the commissioner courageously spoke the truth, which is verbotten in a time of universal deceit.
It shows you how ruthless the globalist stooges are in prosecuting the flawed and rabid covid vaccination agenda.
When you look at all the medical evidence stacking up against the vacvines, you see starting to emerge in silhouette the political and power-seeking agendas that are clearly hiding behind the vaccine agenda.
Love it! Stalin would be ecstatic! So the Commissioner is-
“She is highly regarded as a workplace relations lawyer and brings high level analytical, negotiation and conflict resolution skills to this role, as well as a demonstrated capacity for complex decision making,”
but she doesn’t know shit-all so we had to re-educate her and will keep on re-educating her until she loves Big Brother..oops no, until she makes the RIGHT decisions involving vaccines!
I think the initial mention of ‘flu vaccine’ should have been ‘virus vaccine’.
I read the ABC link. Crucially, it did not mention about the receptionist-
” her GP providing her medical history, which included severe adverse impacts from her most recent flu vaccine. “
There is a sub-link within the ABC story that mentions the receptionist and the ruling.
Ok. I see it on the link you gave but cannot get there from the original link.
The case is about the flu shot; I’ve never heard covid mentioned in any story about this case.
Morrison says no to coal phaseout:
Good for him!
Australia agreeing to phase out coal would be like the Saudis agreeing to phase out oil.
Although, H, I remember a Saudi oil sheik being interviewed once and his comments where “the Stone Age didn’t end because of a lack of stone, nor will the oil age because of a lack of oil”
The difference being of course that the Stone Age ended because better technologies made life easier, whereas the phasing out of fossil fuels appears at this time to be a backward step.
but, to be fair, the FIRST oil age nearly ended because of lack of whales.
And according to the Greenpeace advert running on T.V. its kerosene ( or the like ) thats currently going to kill all the polar bears through lack of ice and all the little baby turtles, they wont be able to find the beaches they were hatched on because of rising sea levels.
Damn its hard to please everything
We’ve had Christiana Figueres telling us it’s not about the climate, it’s about ridding us of capitalism, we’ve had the Michael Mann hockey stick graph, we’ve had the East Anglia emails, what more do we need to convince us a giant scam is being promoted by the IPCC and others.
A virus.
The door is now open for increased immigration.
‘Hongkongers who have studied or worked in Australia will be allowed to apply for permanent residency from as early as March 5 next year after the country revealed details of a promised “safe haven”.
‘Hong Kong or British National (Overseas) passport holders and their family members can get residency in Australia in three years after meeting certain requirements, under amendments to migration regulations dated October 28. Immigration consultants and concern groups described the eligibility threshold as “low”. (SCMP)
Can anyone help me out here. Why is there a disconnect between the BoM’s climate summaries and the time series graphs (Australian climate variability & change)?
From at least 2000 to 2017 all the mean temps have been adjusted up. For instance, the annual mean temps for Aust in 2001 and 2011 were reported in the CS to be below average. But time series have been adjusted so these 2 years are no longer below.
From the 2011 CS (
‘The Australian area-averaged mean temperature in 2011 was 0.14 °C below the 1961 to 1990 average of 21.81 °C. This was the first time since 2001 (also a wet, La Niña year) that Australia’s mean annual temperature was below the 1961–90 average.’
Time series data
200101200112 0.05
200201200212 0.71
200301200312 0.69
200401200412 0.54
200501200512 1.16
200601200612 0.50
200701200712 0.76
200801200812 0.45
200901200912 0.93
201001201012 0.33
201101201112 -0.00
BoM have effectively raised these mean temps by around 0.1C – 0.2C – why?
We definitely need a BoM audit.
‘You want to know why China isn’t coming to Glasgow, it’s because they’re at home building an economy with reliable coal fired power, while the West is at the gabfest intent on destroying theirs.’
But China will have a hefty contingent at COP26. Just not the big boss. Most will man the China Pavilion. Or maybe they will person it since “man” is out.
Conversely, Biden will be there next week for no reason. The “ministerial” sessions where decisions are supposed to be made are the end of the second week. He is pure window dressing, especially since his green funding bills are still going nowhere.
I hope that Biden is asked to give several speeches to the congregation…
… just to complete the circus. 🙂
If the audience isn’t confused at the start, they sure will be after. !
Say what you want about Joe but he does a great robot impersonation.
With half the internal wiring missing or severely corroded !
Max Headroom was better.
One can only imagine the confusion in the interpreters’ booth as they valiantly attempt to translate ‘Bidenese’ into 50 other languages.
Critics say the government is exaggerating how much carbon dioxide can be stored in soil.
LOL.. the whole “net zero” meme relies on gross manipulation of data. !
EG – It is impractical/impossible to sample the Australian soil (769 M ha) with accuracy and sufficient precision to detect any sequential sequestration changes using ground based methods. This criticism would also apply to larger Carbon Estimation Areas under the ERF as well.
More importantly we can’t in all honesty report Australia’s net emissions when they are only founded on ‘cherry picked’ data. If we are going to claim a figure for ‘Net emissions for Australia’ we have to sample the whole of Australia, so that all the potential ways of manipulating the data by ‘partial sampling’ – which we excelled at for the Kyoto Protocol can’t be repeated.
I have a list of 25+ ways to scam soil carbon accounting in this country. I won’t put it out on internet sites because there are plenty of scammers out there who would be all over it in a flash. But here is a simple example that would certainly guarantee a good return in the short term – before you pass on/sell your CEA or contract sampling business to another sucker.
Include land in your CEA that has recently been subject to prolonged drought and/or heavy livestock stocking rates (by corollary time your offloading of the CEA/contract sampling business after a period of above average rainfall and low stocking rates). QED.
If we must have a Net zero plan and document to wave in front of Glaswegian party goers (and even the Australian people), it should be a plan based on sampling the whole of the continent for sinks at least. [Fossil fuel sourced emissions are comparatively easy to accurately monitor as sale of the product (of known C content) occurs after quantity verification via calibrated scales and/or flow meters].
This is why I am a great fan of monitoring net CO2 fluxes from the total Australian landscape via inversion of spectral sensor results from satellite platforms. You can’t cherry pick these results as the net flux recorded integrates all sources (emissions) and sinks (withdrawals from the atmosphere) that impact the landscape. I’m sure I have referenced the following link on previous threads – . This is my latest version and addresses concerns previously raised by Chad as to whether including ‘managed lands’ in our NGGI would satisfy IPCC guidelines.
Good luck Bill, the authorities seem to be totally unaware of the significance.
Thanks for the good wishes EG, but none of us need luck. What we need is knowledge, a reasonable scientific background, the ability to count and the discipline and rigour of reviewing the relevant literature back to well before ‘the Pill’ and men walking on the moon. Think of it old-timer and you will appreciate that there is a plethora of naysayers leading you to the abyss, simply because they are driven by beliefs and a socialised education system that disparages STEM subjects and confuses their minds into thinking history only began on the day they were born. ‘Authorities’ who inhabit ivory towers and capital city bureaucracies just don’t cut it anymore.
You can’t buy or read the information that inculcates the Australian bush into your veins – you have to live it. That was the lot of our fellow commenter Another Ian and myself when we laid down 40 miles (yes miles) of vegetation monitoring transects in SW Qld in 1965 – the year of the worst drought since the federation drought of the early 20th century. (And subsequently my colleagues and I extended this monitoring to another 120+ sites all over Qld). But Ian’s and my collective knowledge well preceded that, so hard earned in setting up these vegetation records, because it added to that passed on by our fathers and their own lifetime experience of the bush. And because we were trained to ‘review the literature’ before commencing any project, this led to awareness of amazing technological tools that subsequently transformed our knowledge of bush dynamics.
I don’t know how many times I have cringed while reading even the most sceptical of climate blogs when loose phraseology by highly regarded sceptics equates rising anthropogenic derived CO2 with ‘global warming’. We all need to think clearly and absorb what we read, not skim it in our haste. This is why I consider Angus Taylor has great promise. He notes that Australia’s Plan for ‘Net Zero CO2 Emissions by 2050’ is a plan for NET zero, NOT absolute zero. Yet time and again in the present COP26 frenzy we see, hear and read commentators, pollies, agenda driven greens and religious C zealots continually speak in terms of elimination of fossil fuels.
They need to get over it. We aren’t going to eliminate ffs from our modern society in any of our lifetimes, or by 2050 for that matter. So when ‘Net Zero’ became the goal du jour earlier this year I was curious to explore the possibilities. For my sins I studied C flux in soil as part of my post hole digger research project. Back in the late sixties a good mate from undergrad years was studying N2 cycling in tropical pastures for his PhD. When queried about his progress he was quite positive – except he complained that to get any real handle on N flux in soil he needed to sink (by hand then!) about 100 cores per acre. This astounded me and it came back to haunt me when I sought to monitor soil C because I knew that the C: N ratio in soils was relatively ‘stable’ at c. 10-15:1. So given my mates experience with N how could one possibly measure C flux in soils with accuracy and precision over 769 M ha – using ground based sampling?
And that’s when the linked explainer/essay mentioned in my comment (# 14.2) above came into being EG. I believe it suggests a novel route that highlights Australia’s tremendous advantages in pursuing ‘Zero net emissions’ under the Paris Agreement, the UNFCCC/IPCC guidance rules and the stated DISER procedures (position) to be followed in presenting our NDC to the PA. In my view the Federal Government and its relevant lead Agency are telegraphing the path they intend to follow. Sometime in the future a lazy MSM and a myopic one track academia and assorted ‘authorities’ and ‘experts’ may eventually also wake up.
“You mean… like measles?
Oh wait… not like measles, because if you take the measles shot you won’t get measles — or give it to anyone else.
Of course this forms the entire premise of so-called “mandatory” vaccinations, all of which has always been a crock of **** and worthy of a piano dropped on the head of anyone arguing for it. The only reason it didn’t happen over the decades is that those other shots were in fact safe (which these are not) and, once taken, you didn’t get the disease.
But now we have an actual Government so-called expert, in this case Germany’s, stating out loud that the vaccines are in fact worthless as a public health measure. They neither prevent you from getting the virus or transmitting it, making them nothing more than a very dangerous flu shot.”
More at
And an interesting calculation at
There is more to the story of course. The fallback position for the happy clappers is that the injections suppress symptoms and reduce severity of infections. So the infected injected are a bit better off personally but represent an increased danger to others because they are more likely to be completely clueless about their infections.
My two questions are whether the injections permanently damage the immune system and whether they force the evolution of the virus in a positive or negative direction.
As always the best medicine would be anti-virals and cheap home testing. Perhaps they will come when the happy clappers keep getting sick. Just don’t hold your breath for sensible government policy.
“Heh – social media edition
Speaking as a pastor (albeit a retired one), I had to smile at the news that Facebook was changing its name to “Meta”.”
More at
“Oops: ‘Facebook Meta’ Means ‘Facebook Is Dead’ in Hebrew”
No doubt fact checked by their professionals?
Might a retired pastor pray that Mark Zuckerberg’s Metanoia is a true road to Damascus moment?
Warning to Dunedin Residents
Weather incoming
Fierce storms which caused considerable damage to trees, homes and power lines in southern Victoria were caused by a deep low pressure in Bass Strait.
The low is now headed for the southern tip of New Zealand south island and has intensified.
That low pressure should dissipate and become a cold front before reaching NZ.
Over here on the mainland we have a classic La Nina wet season and cooler than anyone could have imagined.
22 snowcams had lovely pics of Victoria’s Mt Baw Baw and Tasmania’s Mt Mawson buried under a decent coating of fresh, frozen, snowy, globular worming powder this morning.
As el g writes above, it’ll lose its oomph before arriving here tomorrow, however the maps are calling for snow 31 Oct and 1 Nov. If so, that’ll result in snow falling during the first eleven (11) months of this year – the hottest EVAH! And as it always snows somewhere in NZ in December, the Warmunists’ prophecies will fail yet again, as they always do.
it did get pretty bad here in Vic, lots of trees down
Looking at I would not have wanted to be on the water in Bass St.
I know an oil driller that has seen a lot of that world.
His relevant comments to this are “The North Sea is bloody dangerous. And so is Bass Strait”.
100% of anti-fossil fuel doomsday global warming protesters prefer protest signs made from fossil fuels …
… and a quality fossil fuelled lifestyle!
“The protesters included Friday for Future activists from Africa, Asia and the Pacific,”
I wonder how they all got there.
And how much oil/gas was used in all their synthetics in their clothing.
Hint, for the kiddies…
You ‘exist’ because you have access to fossil fuels.
Without them, your life would be much shorter and much more difficult.
Shocking vid of OZ PO jujitsuing unresisting man to sidewalk resulting in severe head trauma.
Anyone know reason?
No mask?
A link may assist others in forming a view.
Further search finds vid not be Oz, but Chinada.
Months ago.
Bad as G Floyd, appears less justified.
We’re told here in US that only we have the bad PoPo.
A new study on the transmissability of Delta variant by and among vaccinated.
Beware the long tail of government overreach
The preposterous sanctions in Daniel Andrews’ Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment Bill are a mere a distraction from the truly sinister aspects of the legislation.
Imagine, for a perverse, twisted moment, that you’re the author of the world’s longest and most brutal Covid-related lockdown.
You’ve watched with satisfaction as your ranks of Robocop stormtroopers smash their way into private citizens’ homes, unannounced and without warrants, to arrest them for thoughtcrime.
You’ve felt a warm glow as they roll up in their futuristic battle wagons to beat and kick dissenters senseless, thrilled as they sneak up to slam people face first into the floor of train stations, squealed excitedly as they flatten and pepper-spray elderly ladies, clapped with glee as they fire rubber bullets (don’t whinge, they’re not lethal – yet) into the crowds of protesters.
You’ve battered your subjects into submission with absurd fines, sucked the joy out of their lives, denied them all freedom of movement, destroyed their businesses and their physical and mental health, saddled them with debt so great it will take generations of their descendants to pay down
Time, surely, to sit back and put your feet up, congratulate yourself on a demolition job well done.
As if, as the kids say. That’s what your everyday, run-of-the-mill dictator might do, but the truly ambitious ones are not so easily satisfied. They focus on the limits to their power, and work to eliminate them. Hence Victoria’s Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021, designed to kick in the day after the current state of emergency ends on December 15.
The preposterous sanctions proposed for breaching a public health order – $90,000 and two years’ jail for an individual, almost half a million dollars for a business – have been widely criticised, but these are but a distraction from the more sinister aspects of the legislation, which runs to 113 pages, with a further 73 pages of an explanatory memorandum; and for my sins, I’ve read them.
Unless the government’s legal sycophants are especially speedy (not a noted characteristic of lawyers or public servants), it looks like they have been concocting this scheme for some considerable time, ready to drop it on a weary public the day after a few desultory “freedoms” were granted. And as they plugged all the frustrating gaps in the Premier’s powers, adding vicious bells and whistles, not one of them appears to have questioned the morality of the exercise
We can leave it to more public-spirited lawyers to analyse the Bill in detail, but a few highlights leap out even to the untutored eye.
The power to declare a pandemic shifts from health officials to the Premier, who, conveniently, “may make a pandemic declaration whether or not … the relevant disease is present in Victoria”. That should be handy; no need for that infuriating wait for an actual case of infection to justify the next lockdown and suspension of parliament.
Fortunately, the initial pandemic declaration can only be for four weeks; unfortunately, it can then be extended, at the Premier’s discretion, for a maximum of three months. Oh, but hang on, “maximum” doesn’t appear to bear its usual meaning, for “there is no limit on the number of times a pandemic declaration may be extended by the Premier”, each time for a further three months.
This could sound a bit scary, were it not for the wisdom of the lawmakers, who have built in a number of safeguards, checks and balances.
The new section 165AQ, for instance, makes provision for the tabling in parliament of a pandemic order and associated documents. “This is another important measure to ensure pandemic orders are made available to parliament,” the Bill says, “to ensure they can be scrutinised”.
But look, what have we here? Two paragraphs later, the real strength of the “important measure” is revealed: failure to comply with this requirement, the Bill notes, “does not affect the validity of the pandemic order”. Scrutinise that, parliamentarians.
An order can be applied to any person “identified by one or more of the following – (a) their presence in a pandemic management area or in a particular location in a pandemic management area; (b) their participation in or presence at an event; (c) an activity that they have undertaken or are undertaking; (d) their characteristics, attributes or circumstances”.
That covers things pretty well. I fear (d) means trouble for the sarcastic, for people with small ears, for the bewildered, but insert your own target group.
And when they come to lock you up, detention “commences when the person is first taken into the physical custody of an authorised officer”, or of “a person assisting an authorised officer”.
Prudently, the people permitted to assist in your detention are only those who fit the narrow legal category of “any person”.
Sounds like there’s an opportunity to summon the Comancheros to take a breather from their meth labs and help administer some street justice. Safe as houses.
Thank God there’s a restriction on how long you can be detained. It “must not exceed the period that the minister believes is reasonably necessary”. Another careful, objective protection in a document of peerless legal precision.
But enough of that. The Bill will become law soon enough, when the time-serving crossbenchers in Victoria’s upper house – unworthy, single-issue idiots who can’t believe their luck in securing the wealth and dubious prestige of a seat in parliament – exchange their votes for another CBD injecting room, a safe space for companion animals and a fresh term on the public teat.
End Part 1
Part 2
Elsewhere, is there light at the end of the tunnel? Perhaps, but it’s not very bright. I’ve read that long ago there used to be other states and territories – some, according to legend, even had proper cities – but their names are lost to history.
NSW survives, however. Here in Sydney you sense a government trying, trying, to loosen the shackles, but it’s so very hard, so very unnatural.
In a month’s time, so the official Covid website promises, the state will be “fully reopened”. Except we’ll still have to wear masks on public transport, of course, and on planes, and in airports. And so will the people who attend you at a restaurant. Where, naturally, density limits will continue to apply.
Ooh, almost forgot: those density limits of one person per 2sq m, indoors and outdoors, will still apply to retail shops, gyms, churches, bars, museums, weddings and funerals, until who knows when. Nightclubs will be treated differently, obviously, because people traditionally enjoy getting down on a sweaty, crowded dance floor.
Well, not exactly. Instead let’s double the social distancing required to one person per 4sq m. Groovers hitting clubs in the Cross will find dancers spread across the room like at a Jane Austen ball. “Fancy a line of toot, Miss Bennet?” “Indeed I do, Mr Darcy. Pray take my arm and lead me to the unisex toilet.”
Even more curiously, the 4sq m rule also applies to brothels. I’m no expert, but it strikes me that order runs counter to the purpose of such establishments.
Sadly, I can find no information on when the tiresome QR codes will be retired, save a suggestion by the Minister for Customer Service a month ago that when we reach 95 per cent fully vaccinated they might be removed from low-risk venues.
At 95 per cent I’d have thought everywhere was low risk, but hey, caution, remember. At least vaccine certificates won’t have to be produced, which means the ladies who lunch in Sydney’s eastern suburbs need no longer fear someone catching a glimpse of their date of birth.
So this is what freedom now looks like. It hasn’t aged well since we last saw it. The sorry fact is that even outside the benighted state of Victoria, we had a sinking feeling this nonsense was never going to end, didn’t we?
Some of us look at countries such as Norway, which decided last month, at just under 70 per cent double-vaccinated, to lift all restrictions at once – yes, masks too – and wonder why the same can’t happen here, at our much higher rates.
Where does the idea come from that our tiny rump of unvaccinated citizens are a threat to the vaccinated? The whole country has detected only 166,000 cases from 43 million tests since the pandemic began 20 months ago, but all of a sudden, with more than 75 per cent of Australians fully vaccinated and an additional 15 per cent about to be, the holdouts are all going to contract the disease at the same time, and all so seriously that they require admission to intensive care?
Are otherwise healthy people, by virtue of not having an injection, magically transformed into statistical outliers in terms of vulnerability? Have we abandoned all logic?
It’s become so tedious. If you persist in believing unvaccinated means infected, and fear exposure to the unclean, stay at home, wear a mask forever and let the rest of us get on with life. Good luck to you. And unvaccinated people, if you still cannot be persuaded of the benefits of the Covid injections, good luck to you too – and good luck getting to Paris any time soon.
But it’s not just our governments and bureaucracies dragging the torture out; ordinary citizens, emboldened by our leaders’ consequence-free (for them) rule-making are now imposing their own half-witted versions of pandemic management, dripping with caution in such abundance that it threatens to drown us all.
Here’s a fun example: it doesn’t matter when the NSW Premier and his team decide to lift restrictions, a collection of Sydney theatres and their ensembles, revered for their ability to dress up, pretend to be someone else and memorise words, have declared you’re not entering their enchanting world of make-believe unless double-vaccinated and sporting the mask of obedience (which also conveniently hides your grimace at their right-on pieties), even after those rules are gone. By the way, thanks for the $75m arts stimulus package, everybody!
Medical professionals, not content with your multiple injections, are further demanding negative Covid tests a day or two before examining or treating you. What happens when the free testing stops? Will we be obliged to fork out hundreds of dollars to assuage other people’s paranoia? See, it’s not just the wicked unvaccinated who will be punished.
Employers in all manner of low-contact industries are implementing “No jab, no job” conditions, temperature testing their staff, continuing to mandate social distancing like it’s the bad old days of 2020, their security guards empowered to check your vaccine status.
What happens when vaccine certificates are no longer required? Will it be legal for hospitality venues to continue to demand them? Will pub bouncers be trained to make a snap health assessment, some steroid-fuelled ox with his meaty hand on your chest saying, “You look a bit crook, bro. Me and Bazza here reckon you’ve got long Covid, so bugger off”?
We might fantasise about lifting the mindless, petty, micromanaged rules and regulations all at once, but no, that might be unsafe.
Better to have people drift away from compliance as our governments peel off the Band-Aids agonisingly slowly, dragging the lunacy into next year and beyond.
For if the past 20 months have taught us anything, it’s that it’s not long Covid we need to worry about. It’s long government.
Steve Waterson
Commercial Editor
Steve Waterson is commercial editor of The Australian. He studied Spanish and French at Oxford University, where he obtained a BA (Hons) and MA, before beginning his journalism career.
Read it just after midnight in The Australian. Good article.
From the Comments
That photo at the top says it all. As a Melburnian I am angry and ashamed at what has happened here in the past 18 months or so and living here has been like living in Gilead in the Handmaid’s Tale, something I never imagined would ever happen in Australia. We must remove the tyrant Andrews at the first opportunity and any politician who votes for this appalling Bill will carry that stain with them forever and be judged accordingly.
An enjoyable if somewhat disturbing read.
“Inconvenient Facts from Indonesia”
“Uh oh, how are the usual suspects going to explain away this:”
I enjoyed the comment that Indonesians must be part horse.
“As I regularly tell morons on Twitter – “Billions and billions served isn’t data, it’s a McDonald’s slogan” ”
A comment at SDA, followed by
“And I think that motto was something like….”Billions served, millions eaten and thousands digested”. “
Those comments follow on from
“It’s not a randomized control trial so all beneficial results can be dismissed. Doesn’t matter how many millions of people participate. The vax is completely safe & effective however since millions of people have already taken it. That’s how bribery… I mean science…. works.”
Brilliant! But no one seems to have pondered this at all. Or, at least they don’t admit to it.
I was about to say that at least MacDonald’s doesn’t cause heart attacks…
… then…. hmmmm !
Simples. Just ignore it, the MSM will never cover it. Most of the populace doesnt enquire and is easily distracted. Not really a problem.
Why feeding cattle seaweed is a bum steer
Vikki Campion: We need to consider all consequences of net-zero plan
A plan to feed cattle seaweed to save the planet shows why we can’t focus solely on net-zero outcomes without considering the consequences, writes Vikki Campion.
Animal rights activists should be furious at the suggestion that cows should be force-fed fish food. Yet they have been deathly quiet on the government’s plan to reduce methane emissions, including putting $270 million towards a new Marine Bioproducts CRC to feed cattle seaweed to stop them farting — based on the premise that the natural process is unhealthy.
Ruminants have been eating grass for millennia, producing methane absorbed by growing grasses for cattle and sheep to eat again, but now we will pillage the ocean of kelp to feed 1.6 billion cows.
Won’t someone think of the dugongs? For every academic pushing the feed-cattle-seaweed line is a farmer confused about how you get a paddock of pregnant heifers to ignore fresh grass and eat a capsule of kelp. A seaweed feed study published by the Netherlands’ Wageningen University in March had to be cancelled after 21 days because dairy cows refused to eat seaweed — with one cow euthanised on day 13, “due to abomasal displacement, probably related to low feed intake and low rumen activity”.
The reality of grazing cattle is they roam and eat what they want. That’s how we convert tough grass, which people can’t eat, to protein, which we can — on land often unsuitable for cropping. Only a beast jammed in a feedlot would be desperate enough to eat seaweed.
It’s time to stop focusing solely on the net-zero outcome and start considering the potential consequences.
Take Port Macquarie, where the council, to meet emissions reduction targets, set seacliffs and coastal headlands, home to an ecologically endangered community of Themeda grassland, to “native veg offsets” under its biodiversity strategy.
Four years on, banksias and wattles, while native, are shading out the endangered community of “grasses, shrubs unique micro-organisms, fungi, lichens, mosses and ferns”.
Now we have a bizarre situation where environmental offsets are destroying an endangered ecosystem and creating a massive fire hazard.
When Australia signed the Kyoto Protocol at COP 3 in 1997, the states introduced native vegetation laws to “lock” in trees. We still draw on this locked land to meet international treaty targets.
Improved pasture of perennial grasses absorb more C02 than slowly growing eucalypt forest, but farmers cannot cut down their trees to plant grasses under state-imposed zoning.
In some areas of NSW you can cut a tree but must leave the stump, so you still can’t plant produce crops — and the penalty goes all the way to jail time.
The unintended consequences of a net-zero policy might be easy to ignore from an inner-city electorate but will be much more evident in the country.
House prices in regional areas are at record highs because people trying to subdivide paddocks cannot get them built if site inspections find a threatened grass.
Those proposals are knocked back under state planning systems, but a $1 billion wind farm which will damage the habitat of endangered greater gliders, koalas and tiger quolls can get ministerial approval.
Rare birds of prey, those most affected by wind turbines, need a hunting range of up to 100 square kilometres which makes finding a place for a wind farm that won’t threaten them virtually impossible.
Like net-zero, the premise you can pollute if you buy emissions credit elsewhere, wind farms get death credits — a conditional approval as long as they compensate blade deaths of rare raptors and parrots by saving other birds somewhere else.
The Bango Wind Farm was approved even though it was a risk to endangered parrots, as long as the company contributes $100,000 over five years to prepare and implement a Superb Parrot Conservation Research Plan.
We are pinning our economic future on hydrogen, produced by the electrolysis of water, a commodity we nearly run out of all the time.
For a country that has just emerged from its worst drought on record, it has a short memory to suck into a heavily water-based industry like hydrogen, which is more water-intensive than coal.
To build green hydrogen, we need dams. Yet we have built no new dams recently – the last one was in Canberra.
And some of the same proponents who believe deaths of endangered raptors and parrots justify wind farms, will be protesting new dams being built because of rare frog habitat.
Extreme environmentalists are in constant conflict with themselves. In Parliament this week we were told we should stop mining and rely on renewables, and not ever nuclear.
But the reality is, if you ban mining to appease green interests, than we don’t have the lithium, manganese, aluminium and silver that we need to build their electric vehicles and battery storage.
And if you ban the mining of coal, zinc, iron ore and silicon to appease those who have invested heavily in renewables, than we cannot manufacture the wind turbines and solar panels they need for renewable energy.
We have huge uranium supplies but we aren’t allowed to use it for nuclear power.
It’s been a decade since the plastic bag ban in the ACT, and Canberrans are told that plastic bag consumption is passing pre-ban levels and they need to make them more expensive with a “mandatory minimum price”.
Fruit and vegetables have gone up in price because we don’t have the backpackers to pick them — this is your Covid zero tax. Plastic bags need a price – that’s your waste tax.
The dichotomy is that if you want net-zero, you need more dams and more mines to get there.
And the world won’t be saved by force-feeding cattle kelp.
STUDY: MEAT AND MENTAL HEALTH: “Compared to vegans, meat consumers experienced both lower depression and anxiety. Sex did not modify these relations
“The analysis also showed that the more rigorous the study, the more positive and consistent the relation between meat consumption and better mental health.”
Funny, I always found sex lowered my anxiety levels.
PETA Urges MLB to Replace ‘Bullpen’ with ‘Arm Barn’
Just build the Hydrogen plant next to the Desal plant and the power will come from….look squirrel!
As one who takes an interest in cause and effect I am interested to read that official testing in Victoria returned 1,355 positive results yesterday.
Now, assuming there is a clear causal connection between public health measures and positive result numbers and an incubation period of three or four days we would have to look back a week or two to identify the public health measures which have led to this encouraging result.
So was it the number of injections? With roughly a two week period between injection and “protection” that looks a bit weak to be a causal connection.
How about the softening of home detention? That was supposed to go the other way.
Maybe there is no causal connection at all between the public health measures Victoria has been subjected to and the health outcomes at all.
Still, the powers that be have told all who would listen that the further softening of home detentions yesterday at 6pm will lead to an increase in positive test results. Only NSW was ahead of Victoria in softening its at home detentions and they didn’t get any increase in positive test results.
Somebody is confused. It is either me or the government experts. My money is on the former drips under pressure – the ex spurts. Frankly I don’t think they’ve got a clue.
The ‘climate crisis’ Toadyverse is unhappy.
Revisiting Climate at the Supreme Court
The Justices agree to hear cases on the EPA’s authority to regulate CO2 emissions.
By The Editorial Board
Oct. 29, 2021 7:06 pm ET
The Supreme Court on Friday rudely interrupted President Biden’s trip to the Glasgow climate confab by agreeing to hear cases that will let the Justices revisit their misguided Massachusetts v. EPA (2007) ruling that empowered the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate greenhouse gases.
In Massachusetts v. EPA, four liberal Justices and Justice Anthony Kennedy ruled that the Clean Air Act granted the EPA sweeping authority to regulate greenhouse gases as pollutants that endanger public welfare and health. The Obama EPA subsequently issued its “endangerment finding,” asserting broad power to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions, including CO2 and methane.
Yet greenhouse-gas emissions aren’t pollutants as defined in the Clean Air Act, as Justice Antonin Scalia explained in his dissent joined by Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito : “Regulating the buildup of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the upper reaches of the atmosphere, which is alleged to be causing global climate change, is not akin to regulating the concentration of some substance that is polluting the air.” Chief Justice John Roberts also dissented but on procedural grounds.
The Obama Administration used Massachusetts v. EPA to mount a regulatory assault on fossil fuels. Its Clean Power Plan conscripted states into replacing coal and gas plants with renewables but was stayed by the Court in 2016. The Trump EPA redid the power-plant rule to make it less punitive. However, it declined to scrap the Obama endangerment finding because it feared it might lose that battle in court because of Massachusetts v. EPA. The EPA was sued by liberal groups anyway.
After the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the Trump redo in January, some states and coal companies petitioned the Court to consider the scope of the EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions from power plants. They are understandably worried that the Biden Administration will seek to re-impose the Obama Clean Power Plan.
The Supreme Court accepted their petitions in an order Friday afternoon. Massachusetts v. EPA was one of the largest judicial grants of power to the administrative state in history. The new cases are a chance for the Court to state that, if Congress wants to regulate greenhouse gases as a pollutant, it should say so explicitly. That would be a victory for the rule of law and the proper understanding of the separation of powers.
Thanks J T,
Good news.
May it be successful.
Dave B
Being molecular weight 44 carbon dioxide is unlikely to abound in the “upper reaches of the atmosphere”; if it does form a blanket as John Kerry maintains then it is likely at the bottom of the air column which has an average MW of 29.
Envy – the deadly sin of radical politics
Oprah has once asked Bono (big celebrities apparently need only one name) to explain the difference between the American and the Irish temperament.
Bono obliged with a story of a man walking down the valley with his son and pointing out to him a big mansion on the hill. In America, the father tells his son: “One day, I will have a mansion like this man”; in Ireland he says: “One day, I will get that motherf***er”. This, in essence, is a difference between capitalism and socialism. For all its idealism and noble rhetoric of equality, justice and fairness, the naked drive for possession – of power and things – is the greatest driver of the revolution. Envy, resentment and hatred of some – few – of one’s fellow human beings is a surer and stronger impulse for action than love for many – the masses.
And perhaps a modern corollary where the rich man in the USA realizes he can easily prevent the poor man from achieving what he has done, and in Ireland resents being called a MF and then does all he can to get the poor man before the poor man gets him.
Why is it that so many rich celebrities’ embrace socialism? Is it because it stops others from attaining a better life and damns them all to being forever equally poor?
Because they have so much time and money. There other needs are all met so to feel relevant they think they will do something to save/improve the world.
In their world two of the most convenient bandwagons are socialism and climate alarmism. So they latch onto one of these and learn all the memes while giving up nothing. Its easier than thinking and doing something practical.
Fire, Fire, Fire: How Navy Failures Destroyed the Bonhomme Richard
“A guy with a flag simulates a flame, and a nozzleman says…I am squirting you with water…and then they say…fire is out.”
This statement by a Navy sailor is found in the recently released Navy report on the USS Bonhomme Richard fire and typifies how many of the firefighting drills were conducted for the crew before the catastrophic fire, lasting five days, destroyed the ship in July 2020.
In addition to poorly run and deficient drills, many of the ship’s crew had not donned Self- Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) in over a year, did not know how to use or activate Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) or halogenated hydrocarbon (Halon) firefighting systems, and were unaware of where to locate and use Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus (EEBA).
There was no “map of the ship” (Fire Control Plan as required by IMO SOLAS convention) available to shoreside firefighters when they arrived at Pier 2 at the San Diego Navy Base to assist in the firefighting effort. And there were no fire standpipes on the pier to supply fire fighting water.
As the fire aboard the 844 ft LOA, 27,000-ton Wasp Class Amphibious Assault Ship grew, temperatures reached over 1400 degrees F, melting her aluminum internal superstructure. Rapidly, the fire engulfed nearly the entire ship, enabled by chaos and confusion.
Mismatched hose threads, lack of compatible radios and common frequencies, inability to locate the fire, inability to provide fire fighting water, no SCBA refilling capability, portable pumps inoperable, dead batteries in equipment, inability to accurately account for all crew, inability to take correct draft readings (required for stability calculations), not accounting for free surface effect, and a “leadership vacuum”. These are just a few of the issues identified in the US Navy’s report.
Sounds like a farce, and of course its very likely its a widespread issue.
It certainly is.
About time. Big box of sandflies and a dozen vials of his vaccines waiting.
[Spelling fixed. Jo]
The recent bombing in Afghanistan points the finger at Beijing.
‘In its claim of responsibility, the region’s ISIL affiliate identified the bomber as a Uighur Muslim, saying the attack targeted both Shias and the Taliban for their purported willingness to expel Uighurs to meet demands from China.’ (Aljazeera)
The Celera 500L Just May Revolutionize Business Aviation
Its unusual shape helps it travel more miles on a single tank of gas.
Shaped like an elongated egg with wings and a stubby propeller hanging off the tail, the 500L is designed to leverage the benefits of laminar flow—an aerodynamic advantage that increases efficiency in flight by minimizing drag—to an extent never before seen in a production airplane
The relevant numbers? A cruise speed of 460 mph at 50,000 feet, with a range of 4,500 nautical miles. And, the company claims, it will be five times more cost-effective and eight times more fuel-efficient than bizjets with comparable performance, thanks to the super-smooth laminar flow surfaces, high-aspect-ratio wings, and an innovative, lightweight V-12 diesel engine. It’s more efficient than other turboprops too.
For critics, the Celera 500L is weighed down by another piece of baggage. Its creator, Bill Otto, isn’t even an aeronautical engineer. In fact, this is the first airplane he’s ever designed. But he doesn’t see his lack of experience as a drawback. On the contrary, he says, his outsider’s perspective is precisely what allowed him to seize on laminar flow and follow it to its logical conclusion.
“Engineers tend to look at what has been done and see how that can be applied,” Otto says. “My approach is not to do that. It’s to figure out what has to be done to satisfy the requirements and then do that unless it’s prohibited by something that has gone before.”
Because the tolerances necessary to achieve laminar flow are so fine—even the protruding heads of rivets holding wing skins in place can cause airflow to become turbulent—the company fabricates all of the airframe parts in its composite shop. The wings and empennage are carbon fiber, and while the fuselage of the prototype was made of fiberglass because it was cheaper, it too will be carbon fiber on the production model. Meanwhile, the Otto Aviation machine shop was responsible for meticulous metalwork to make, among other parts, the landing gear.
Components such as the avionics and pusher propeller are bought off the shelf. Otto originally considered an aviation derivative of a Chevrolet V-8 as the powerplant before discovering an innovative, clean-sheet turbocharged V-12 engine designed by German manufacturer RED (Raikhiln Aircraft Engine Development). The engine’s two six-cylinder banks can be operated independently of each other; if there’s a problem in one bank, the other continues to provide power. Besides this safety enhancement, the engine boasts extreme fuel efficiency.
A very interesting aircraft. Thought it would more than 6 passengers in that hull shape though.
haha! improved fuel efficiency? Compared to the world’s laziest 9litre flat six made in the 1930s..? Not hard!
There’s a reason light aircraft use 1930s tech Lycomings, and its called the FAA ! Otherwise its stuck as an ‘experimental, not for commercial use’.
How’s that lightweight, super-strong, extended range carbon-fibre helicopter going for NZ?? Sold to the USA and vanished forever!
I hope he gets it going, and at least he has a suitable name for a diesel-powered plane!
Diesel at 50,000ft you say? that will be interesting.
Victorian Governor must refuse to sign bills if parliamentarins are under duress or denied entry to vote.
Historicaly members have been
taken to the house in wheelchairs.
Brilliant Agitprop, The LGB Community Theme Song
October 29, 2021 | Sundance | 153 Comments
We have some of the most brilliant agitprop creators on team MAGA. Seriously folks, that’s not an understatement. Enjoy this, it is really good. WATCH: 1 Min 31 Sec
I like the end
“I’m Joe Biden and I forgot this Message”
From a comment at Chiefio
From the outside looking in
“COVID Madness Down Under Continues – State Now Confiscating Bank Accounts, Property, Licenses and Businesses if COVID Fines Not Paid While Unemployed Workers Locked Down
October 29, 2021 | Sundance | 55 Comments”
It is always interesting to see analysis from outside. And usually I rate CTH pretty highly.
The factual basis for the article is in the Queensland SPER system. All fines in Queensland are collected through SPER and have been for many years. For example, if you are fined for speeding or a magistrate fines you then the penalty is collected through SPER.
And the SPER can seek to enforce fines by garnishing wages and having banks take money from your accounts. But it usually just suspends your drivers licence.
The error in the word “now”. SPER enforcement is not new.
Soon to Lose Her Congressional Seat, Liz Cheney is Very Worried About January 6th Truth Surfacing in Tucker Carlson Documentary
To say the apparatus of the U.S. federal propaganda machine has been triggered by a pending broadcast of a Tucker Carlson documentary would be an understatement. Factually, there are very powerful U.S. interests who stand to be exposed if disinfecting sunlight is poured on an expose’ of the January 6th construct.
Before going into some very brutal truths about why Cheney’s motives are so intense, let’s first review her fear-based reaction to the Tucker Carlson documentary:
Carlson responded to Cheney last night. Watch Carlson’s response before we go further. 3 Mins 27 Sec
New Tucker Carlson Documentary “Patriot Purge” Shows True Story Behind Jan. 6… And It’s NOT What Dems Will Want To Hear
(Tea Party PAC) – Tucker Carlson, a popular conservative host on Fox News, recently promoted a new three-part series for his Fox Nation streaming network series called, “Tucker Carlson Originals,” that he says will reveal previously unreported information regarding the riots that took place at the Capitol building on January 6th.
According to a new report from BizPacReview, the series is going to be called “Patriot Purge,” which he revealed during a segment on his Fox News program Wednesday evening. Carlson stated he and his production crew have been hard at work on the series for close to six months now, going on to add that he thinks it will “answer a lot of the remaining questions formed that day.”
“Our conclusion? The U.S. government has, in fact, launched a new war on terror, but it’s not against al Qaeda, it’s against American citizens,” he went on to say about the series. “Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of our country. This is an attack on core civil liberties, and it’s essential that you know what’s happening and that you resist it.”
After revealing the series kicks off on November 1, Carlson played the trailer for it on his show. 1 Min 24 Secs
Looks like your last link has been chopped !
sorry, 5th time I tried it played in full.
I kept getting redirected to a congressional hearing but I finally got it to play.
Think the link was to the end of the video, not the start.
It’s almost like Liz is afraid that she may get exposed as being in on the steal from the start, rather just an accessory after the fact.
I won’t go into detail about a phone call I had several months ago. She promised that she would defend the Constitution and oppose the Biden agenda. The only chance she had to defend the Constitution and oppose the Biden agenda was before allowing him to take office by fraud. Since then she has further aided and abetted Biden’s tyranny and running rough shod over the Constitution like has never been done before.
““The Climate Is Changing, And Human Activities Are The Cause”: How, Exactly, Do We Know That?”
“Book Review: Patrick Moore, ‘Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom’ ”
“Moore reveals an interesting insight at the start of the book. Instead of going straight into a set-piece analysis of factors supposedly contributing to, or ‘proving’, the human caused global warming hypothesis, he poses a question. He asks the reader to ponder why it is that so many of the so-called proofs of the warming hypothesis are based on things that are either invisible or inaccessible to the average person. In the invisible category he cites carbon dioxide and radiation and in the remote category he cites Polar Bears and coral reefs. As average people find it hard to carry out a Polar Bear count, they are forced to rely on, and trust, the ‘experts’ who have the financial backing and incentive to perpetuate the story. ”
More at
Yes and I agree.
How do you measure a “Net Zero CO2” position anyway? What scientific measuring equipment and scientific procedures/protocols are being used? Do all Countries use the same methodology or is this dictated by the corrupt UN? Maybe you can estimate the CO2 being released by human activity in Australia. However, how can you measure the absorption rate of CO2 in relation to plants, crops, trees, and Australia’s territorial waters for example? So, how to get to this fictitious “Net Zero CO2”?
It all sounds like a load of BS to me and BTW, CO2 does not have much of an effect on Climate Change. The Sun, the Solar System, the Universe along with the rotation of Planet Earth around the Sun have a far, far greater impact IMHO. Let alone a load of Volcanoes going off at the same time on Planet Earth…………………..
Protesters rally in the city as lockdown ends
A large crowd of protesters is marching through Melbourne’s CBD in a gathering that’s legally permitted because of lockdown restrictions being lifted.
About 1000 people have rallied against the Andrews government’s controversial new pandemic laws.
The demonstration kicked off in the CBD on Saturday afternoon with an acoustic musical performance.
Organisers urged protesters to socially distance and remain peaceful in light of the heavy police presence.
“We want to make sure this is a peaceful day, so we can get more and more numbers over the next couple of weeks,” one speaker said.
Organisers vowed to rally “every week” until industry wide vaccine mandates are scrapped.
Unlike the recent anti-vaccine protests, Saturday’s demonstration was legally permitted following the conclusion of the state’s sixth lockdown.
Victoria Police said in a statement it was aware of planned protest activity in Melbourne on Saturday.
“There will be a highly visible police presence to ensure the safety of the community and no breaches of the peace,” the statement said.
Many demonstrators waved Eureka Flags at Saturday’s rally.
Once used as a battle flag during the Eureka Stockade, the flag has become a regular fixture at the anti-lockdown demonstrations.
Others held signs which read ‘Not happy, Dan we say NO, to you and your bill.’ Another held a sign with a picture of the Victorian Premier and the state’s chief officer which read: ‘Do you trust these men with your children’s lives?’
The group then moved their protest outside state parliament to protest the Andrews government’s pandemic management bill.
The proposed bill, which passed the lower parliament on Thursday night, would give the Victorian premier the power to declare pandemics and enforce public health orders for three months at a time.
Police walked alongside demonstrators who rallied from the state library on Swanston Street and throughout the CBD.
Despite the wet weather, the crowd swelled as another group of protesters from another nearby demonstration joined the rally.
Demonstrators repeatedly chanted “stop the bill”.
Protester John said: “I believe the bill which is being pushed through parliament is dangerous and out of control”.
“I’ve got family who haven’t been vaccinated and they are terrified at the moment,” he said.
The people at today’s rally, he added “can see this is a dangerous bill that will be locked, which the next premier can use.”
A man, who identified himself as Craig Backman, a former Senior Constable with Victoria Police, lashed out at the force over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
Mr Backman was familiar to the crowd after a letter where he criticised the force’s pandemic response was widely circulated on Telegram, a social media platform which has been popular with anti-lockdown rally organisers.
“Until recently I was a proud Senior Constable of the police,” Mr Backman told the rally.
“I came out against this cho (chief health officer) nonsense and that is what it is, absolute nonsense.
“And my colleagues here they know it’s nonsense.”
He called on his former colleagues to listen to their conscience and refuse to enforce the Covid measures.
“You want to go down as the private army of a madman?,” he said to his former colleagues.
This just came into my mailbox via a COVID protest site (Tom Woods) Read it & weep:
I write as a long-time listener to share my personal story regarding the vaccine mandates. As a Rothbardian libertarian, I have followed you for many years, watched you speak in person, and attended the Mises Circle on multiple occasions. I listen to your podcasts and read Lew Rockwell on a near daily basis.
I work at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA as an RF/microwave engineer, where I design, develop, and maintain high-powered transmitters for NASA’s Deep Space Communications network.
A portion of my work involves developing and maintaining the radar transmitter for the one-of-a-kind Solar System Radar on the Goldstone 70-meter Antenna also known as the Mars Site, which not only identifies and studies near earth asteroids that potentially endanger the Earth under the charge of “planetary protection,” but communicates with spacecraft such as the Voyager Spacecraft at the very edge of the solar system.
In addition, over the last five years I have lead a team which has been developing a new type of transmitter technology that has the potential to revolutionize communications for space applications. We are on the precipice of completing a working prototype of this new technology, scheduled to be completed this next year.
Unfortunately, on December 8th, I will be placed on unpaid leave for refusing a forced medical injection, and ex-terminated shortly thereafter, along with colleagues of mine that also went from hero to zero this past year after participating in placing the Perseverance Mars Rover on another planet.
I am devastated that the time, energy, and passion I have invested in my development work will be halted in its tracks when I am placed on leave, and my innovative efforts will die alongside me. Not only will I be terminated from my job, but my career as well, as government money touches and corrupts all aspects of my industry of expertise, and I will be unable to work for any company within my field.
I have witnessed the decline of our civilization for years now, but I must admit that I am shocked at the recent rapid acceleration of our societal decay. Despite the logical part of my brain having expected something like this for some time, I still find the entire situation that we find ourselves in a bit surreal.
Having shared my situation, I want to express how very much I appreciate the work that you do. People like you help others of us by serving as a beacon of light during dark times, and dark times we very much face, my friend. Your podcasts serve as a reminder that there are other kindred spirits out there.
With your example and inspiration, I recently chose to take a lead role in mounting a resistance within my organization by seeking out and recruiting like-minded individuals. Through our efforts we have managed to bring together many individuals from all walks of life, with differing backgrounds, cultures, and education with the sole focus of seeking liberty.
Thank you again for all that you do. Please wish us luck in our battle against the State.
Now, remember:
These are the kinds of stories we can never forget. We can never forget what the crazies have done to us.
Some time ago I featured on the Tom Woods Show a group of professional filmmakers — with credits you would recognize — who have anonymously banded together to create the ultimate COVID documentary, with all the charts and arguments against the standard narrative, but also with human interest stories that remind us of the human cost of the lockdowns and general inhumanity of the COVID regime.
I think you know why they’re anonymous — they don’t want their careers destroyed.
As I mentioned in the episode, I myself contributed $10,000 to this project, so I am not asking you to consider doing anything I myself haven’t done.
But I hope you’ll support them. For a couple of days they have a matching grant, so anything you give will be doubled.
No one is coming to save us, folks. We have to do this ourselves:
P.S. FYI, my friends at Rocket Languages (and I mean that literally — I know the co-founder) are taking 60% off all foreign-language courses, but only the next 200 courses or so, so once those are sold the sale ends. Thought you might want to know; our daughter loved their Japanese course. The link:
Thanks Vicki, we need to hear these stories.
It is almost beyond comprehension what people are dealing with, in our so called enlightened Western world. Who could have imagined two years ago, that we would be faced with exclusion because we wouldn’t take a medical procedure.
I’m not sure where this will end, either enough people will wake up to change things or we will get bogged down further into the mire. Sorry to say, I have no confidence in any of our govts to get us out of this mess .
Declassified-Assessment-on-COVID-19-Origins – 18 Pages
Updated Assessment on COVID-19 Origins
Key Takeaways
Scope Note: This assessment responds to the President’s request that the Intelligence Community (IC) update its previous judgments
on the origins of COVID-19. It also identifies areas for possible additional research. Annexes include a lexicon, additional details on
methodology, and comments from outside experts. This assessment is based on information through August 2021.
The IC assesses that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, probably emerged and infected humans
through an initial small-scale exposure that occurred no later than November 2019 with the first known cluster of
COVID-19 cases arising in Wuhan, China in December 2019. In addition, the IC was able to reach broad
agreement on several other key issues. We judge the virus was not developed as a biological weapon. Most
agencies also assess with low confidence that SARS-CoV-2 probably was not genetically engineered; however, two
agencies believe there was not sufficient evidence to make an assessment either way. Finally, the IC assesses
China’s officials did not have foreknowledge of the virus before the initial outbreak of COVID-19 emerged.
After examining all available intelligence reporting and other information, though, the IC remains divided on the
most likely origin of COVID-19. All agencies assess that two hypotheses are plausible: natural exposure to an
infected animal and a laboratory-associated incident.
‘the Intelligence Community’ & ‘ SARS-CoV-2 probably was not genetically engineered’
Wrongly named community! Actually, just thinking of the fkups the Yanks have been responsible for in the last 50years, no-one in their right mind would attribute any intelligence to their myriad spy departments! ‘Propaganda arms for billionaires’ would be more apt.
Executive summary (analogy):
We lost our car keys last night. We know that we dropped the keys in a gutter. The best evidence is that they fell down a drain. In the darkness we could not see our keys in the gutter and we could not see down the drain. So we went across the road where there was a light, but the keys weren’t there either. We conclude that our keys may have fallen down the back of the sofa.
I’m waiting until I find a picture of Fauci
Paw Patrol To Face Their Greatest Foe Yet: Dr. Fauci
Why is the so-called ‘health advice’ kept secret from us?
Megan Goldin
There’s a scene in The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy’s dog Toto pulls back the curtain to reveal the wizard is just a man pressing buttons in a booth. “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain,” he shouts.
The glimpses that we have had behind the Covid policy-making curtain in our own Oz have hardly been reassuring.
A strange dichotomy occurred as Victoria’s lockdown ended and the state went from famine to feast; 9pm curfew one night and a 10-guest dinner party the next.
The health advice changed to facilitate the one factor behind the spread of Covid in Victoria – home visits – while mandating a controversial measure with little data to support it – primary school mask mandates.
A cynic might think the health advice was being determined by polling rather than by science.
By making masks mandatory for primary school kids, the Andrews government turned teachers into enforcers of its mask mandate in classrooms rather than focusing on providing a nurturing learning environment for kids traumatised by 18 months of lockdowns and almost a year of missed schooling.
Mandating masks, as opposed to recommending them, means the kid whose glasses fog up can’t take off her mask without getting into trouble. Or the seven-year-old whose face is itchy or whose ears are hurting from mask straps can’t remove it without breaking the law and forcing the teacher to play police officer.
It’s a fantasy to think that masks, often ill-fitting on children and thus rendering any effect useless, are kept sterile or hygienic in primary school classrooms.
Inevitably, they will be dropped, stepped on, accidentally worn by someone else, left on germy desks and touched repeatedly by usually grubby hands.
Then there are concerns by pediatric developmental experts about the negative impact of masks on young kids’ speech and listening skills, as well as children being deprived of seeing smiling, happy faces and a range of non-verbal cues as they are conscripted into the grim theatre of the pandemic.
Don’t get me wrong, that would all be worthwhile if a policy of mandatory masking of primary school kids was supported by scientific evidence, certainly in places such as Melbourne with high vaccination rates. In NSW, masks are mandatory for high school aged children but only recommended for primary kids.
Whatever evidence there is globally about the efficacy of masks for kids in classrooms is well into contentious territory. For this reason, they are not required in many parts of Europe.
Epidemiologist Ewan Cameron from Perth’s Telethon Kids Institute wrote an article in The Age this month saying the data that Victoria’s chief health officer Brett Sutton cited when he announced compulsory masks for primary school kids was flat out wrong.
Instead of the figure cited by Sutton that 8 per cent of British kids missed school due to Covid infections when they returned to school, that number was actually less than 1 per cent, Cameron wrote, thus undermining the main basis for Sutton’s primary school mask mandate.
Cameron’s article also suggested that Sutton might be acting under the guidance of OzSAGE, a lobby group of pro-lockdown experts who he said was “scaremongering” with incorrect statistics such as that 1 to 3 per cent of unvaccinated children may be hospitalised for Covid. The actual number, he said, was 0.13 per cent.
Adding their voices to the fray, former deputy chief medical officer Nick Coatsworth and Deakin epidemiology department head Catherine Bennett issued a diplomatic yet damning indictment of Victoria’s pandemic restrictions and “whether the evidence relied upon to make them is sound”.
The lack of transparency is such that Victorians don’t know who has been advising their chief health officer and whether there has been a rigorous decision-making methodology in place that harnesses diversity of expert opinion.
Victoria’s ballooning Covid numbers during the final weeks of its stringent lockdown showed many restrictions were ineffective and even counter-productive. Many people were infected during surreptitious home visits that might not have occurred if there had been an option to meet outdoors throughout the lockdown without the risk of arrests and fines. Instead, Victoria’s CHO focused on measures that experts say don’t curb the virus, such as curfews and outdoor masks.
A Victorian deputy CHO said in May that the outdoor mask rule was based on a view by the Victorian department of health that 5 per cent of transmissions occurred outdoors. That figure is out by a factor of 50. International studies show that just 0.1 per cent of cases are transmitted outdoors.
It’s not surprising that Victoria’s health bureaucrats got it wrong. The fact is that the state’s health bureaucracies don’t have the mechanisms to manage a pandemic. They should never have been leading the charge.
That should have been done by The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee. Every state and territory’s chief health officer has a seat at the table. The committee is advised by working groups of leading experts. That the AHPPC hasn’t been guiding us through the pandemic is one of the great failures of Australia’s Covid response.
In April 2020, the AHPPC determined that schools were safe and should remain open. Global data today shows that this view was correct.
The Victorian government has fought tooth-and-nail to block the release of health advice. A state commissioner ordered the release of documents supporting an earlier lockdown. While social media wits joked the health advice was being quickly written retrospectively, there’s no doubt that it will all eventually come out.
Transparency translates into accountability. The lack of transparency over what’s behind the curtain of Australia’s pandemic decision-making has let down millions of people with decisions that have at times backfired, or caused collateral damage we will still be counting for years to come
The biggest problem for the authorities is when they make testable predictions.
We were told that positive test results would increase after the easing of restrictions a couple of weeks back. That prediction was falsified first in NSW and again in Victoria.
Now were were told that positive test results will increase after the further easing of restrictions in Victoria on Friday night. The daily briefings have now been canceled and the clock is ticking. If I was a betting man my prediction would be reducing numbers of positive tests.
And the question as always is one of accountability. Dictator Dan will (may) in time face the electorate. What personal penalty will the chief medical officer or any of his cohort suffer? In what way are they accountable in even the slightest measure?
‘We Got to Take These Motherf*ckers Out:’ Rutgers U. Prof Praises Low White Birth Rates
Rutgers University professor Brittney Cooper called white people “villains” at an online conference and praised low white birth rates, adding, “We got to take these motherf@ckers out.” The professor also claimed that “Critical Race Theory is just the proper teaching of American history.”
From the Comments
– LOL, the only thing this err – woman? – is going to take out is the entire stock of donuts at Krispy Kreme
– Not if Stacy Abrams gets there first.
– Great point. It’d be like Godzilla vs King Kong.
– I don’t think this massive creature can even GET OUT of her home.
– I know, right? If you’re going to go worrier on Whitey, at least lose a few pounds.
– Maybe she will just eat them all
– Meh, that’s starters
Methinks the Prof. is not fully informed. The religious right, her avowed enemy, is happily procreating. It must be the LWNJs who are joining their bl@ck sisters at the “fertility” clinics.
Led by EU and AUKUS dreamers, they destroy reliable energy from coal, oil, nuclear, gas and hydro while forcing us to subsidise net-negative dreams like solar, wind, wave-power, CCUS, hot rocks, pumped hydro and hydrogen.
All such speculative ventures should be funded by speculators, not taxpayers.
COP-Out-26 illustrates to the realists of China, Russia, India and Brazil that the West has lost its marbles and is in terminal decline.
For Scott Morrison to surrender Australia to these green wolves betrays an army of miners, farmers, truckies and workers in primary, secondary and tertiary industries that support him and his Canberra pack.
The fakery of COP-Out-26 is well illustrated by the provision of diesel generators to recharge the batteries of 26 electric cars provided for show in Glasgow. But that’s OK “because the diesels are run on recycled chip fat”.
Horses and covered wagons would be more reliable and appropriate and dried horse manure could cook their fake meat on their green, chip-fired barbeques.
Neither EU nor AUKUS green dreamers can run their world on energy plans drafted by neurotic school girls, clueless Princes, deluded accountants like Ross Garnaut or serial climate alarmists like David Attenborough.
China loves Net-Zero, using its growing coal power to manufacture the wind turbines, solar panels, electric engines and rare earth batteries for the Woke-World.
But the subsidy tap feeding green energy development in the Western world will run dry. Fake energy will fade away leaving a continent of jobless people with silent mills, refineries and factories.
Our land will be littered with derelict windmills, decaying solar panels, dead batteries and sagging transmission lines to be cleaned up in order to restore our land to productive grasslands, crops and forests.
Those huge concrete bases of abandoned wind towers will become permanent obstacles to restoration of this land.Next we will see digital carbon-credit cards designed by green academics to ration our energy and food usage to achieve their Net-Zero Nirvana.
A bleak future beckons.
The unusual thing about the situation we are in with the covid pandemic, is that we are being governed by medicos. Our health advisors who take their cue from WHO and the TGA, and others such as the CDC, NIH and FDA, are the real power behind the politicians.
This was crystallised for me today by the following quote.
Robert F Kennedy, Jr in the foreword to Dr Joseph Mercola’s book ” The Truth About Covid 19″ wrote…
“Iatrarchy- meaning government by physicians- is a little known term, perhaps because historical experiments with it have been catastrophic. The medical profession has not proven iteslf an energetic defender of democratic institutions or civil rights. Virtually every doctor in Germany took lead roles in the Third Reich’s project to eliminate mental defectives, homosexuals, handicapped citizens, and Jews…..Not a single prominent German doctor or medical association raised their voicein opposition to these projects. So it is unsurprising that, instead of demanding blue-ribbon safety science, and encouraging honest, open, and responsible debate on the science, the badly compomised and newly empowered govt health officials charged with managing the Covid-19 pandemic response collaborated with mainstream and social media to shut down discussion on key public health and civil rights questions“
It is also unsurprising that many have almost totally lost trust in the medical profession, I now think many are compromised or ignorant. When there is much evidence that antivirals and vitamins work, and they are actively being suppressed, to what other conclusion can one come?
Agreed. Trust and confidence are very fragile. One act of duplicity and they are gone for a very long time if not forever.
Cartoon: Bark of the Beast
Writing on the wall for Tasmania’s poor standards
Shockingly, 47 per cent of Tasmania’s adult males and 53 per cent of females are considered ‘functionally illiterate’. And the impacts are devastating.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 47 per cent of Tasmania’s adult males and 53 per cent of females are considered “functionally illiterate”, meaning they struggle with the basic skills needed to read a form or brochure or understand a newspaper article.
It’s a statistic that is both surprising and alarming for a country as wealthy as Australia.
A proposed National Early Language and Literacy Strategy, released last week, revealed that up to 50 per cent of male offenders experienced language difficulties and 60 per cent of prison entrants had left school by Year 10.
Awareness of the pressing need to improve the state’s lagging literacy rates is growing, largely due to the work of Martin and like-minded individuals behind the Tasmanian 100% Literacy Alliance such as economist Saul Eslake and workforce demographer Lisa Denny.
Denny would like to see more urgency from the government, pointing to the 2021 NAPLAN results, which confirmed an “alarming” decline in Tasmanian students’ literacy skills, particularly among secondary students.
Both Year 7 and Year 9 reading scores have declined since the test began in 2008, while the proportion of students meeting the national minimum standard has fallen in Year 7 and Year 9 for reading and grammar and also for punctuation.
In 2021, just 86 per cent of Tasmanian Year 9 students reached the national minimum standard in reading – the lowest of all jurisdictions bar the Northern Territory – down from 93 per cent in 2008.
According to Denny, Tasmania’s poor educational outcomes tend to be attributed to a “higher proportion of people from poorer socio-economic backgrounds”.
“There is a tendency to blame parents, with suggestions that parents do not value education in Tasmania and therefore their children are not engaged in learning nor do they aspire to higher education and training opportunities,” she says.
“Tasmania has the most regionally dispersed population in Australia and until recently our high schools only went to year 10.
“Furthering education beyond grade 10 meant that young people had to leave their families and communities to complete year 11 and 12.
“The extension of high schools to years 11 and 12 by the current Tasmanian government has provided the opportunity for young people to stay in their community to complete their schooling.”
With one-in-four Tasmanian children growing up in a family where no parent works, the Tasmanian 100% Literacy Alliance has advocated for greater wraparound support services and intervention programs to improve young people’s engagement with education and literacy outcomes.
It has also called for phonics screening to be mandatory across the state school system – as it is in South Australia and now NSW – and for better support for schools to implement evidence-backed structured literacy teaching, which has an initial focus on the explicit teaching of phonics decoding skills.
Such an approach is critical for students like 15-year-old Ed Bignell, who was diagnosed with dyslexia in his second year of primary school.
The Bignells, dairy farmers from Tasmania’s southeast, made the tough decision to leave their small country town and relocate near a school that offered explicit phonics teaching in order for Ed to get the support he needed.
That, in addition to fortnightly tutoring with a speech pathologist and homework closely supervised by mum Meg Bignell, has meant he’s been able to keep pace in the classroom.
“His reading is still slow and quite effortful,” Bignell says.
“Occasionally, he’ll get upset but then he just goes and gets on with it. We try to keep his tyres pumped up in different ways. He loves outdoor ed and he’s fantastic at fixing things.”
Ed has his sights set on studying agricultural science so he can become a farmer, “because it’s what my dad does and I’d like to help him out”.
“I like machinery and animals and being outside,” he says.
“I’ve ridden a motorbike since I was six and learnt to drive a car when I was ten. It’s hard to explain why I love farming, it’s just always been my thing.”
Air Transportation: AirBus Busted In Oz
October 27, 2021: The Australian Navy is buying six more American MH-60R ASW (anti-submarine warfare) helicopters to replace six Airbus MRH-90 helicopters currently used. The new MH-60Rs will also expand the navy helicopter force, which currently consists of 23 MH-60Rs, out of 24 received between 2013 and 2016. Australia has an option to buy six more MH-60Rs.
The MH-60R and MRH90 are similar in capabilities but the MRH90 costs about 20 percent more. MH-60R entered service in 1985 and about a thousand have been built or are on order so far. MH-60R is considered more reliable than the MRH90, which entered service in 2007 and had a lot of equipment and reliability problems, some of them still unresolved. Despite that 450 have been built so far.
In 2010 Australia received eight of the 50 NH90 helicopters it ordered, and was not happy with the aircraft’s performance. Called the MRH90 in Australian service, the experience was like what the Germans and other customers encountered with their NH90s.
The overall complaint is poor reliability, design, and durability. Many more spare parts must be stocked than was originally planned. There have been long waits to get needed spares from the manufacturer NHIndustries, which is a French division Airbus that develops and produces military helicopters.
The German Army conducted an evaluation of their new NH-90 helicopters, and were not pleased. Their conclusion was that, for combat missions, another model helicopter should be used whenever possible. A particular problem was the lack of ground clearance. The NH-90 can’t land on a piece of ground with any obstacles higher than 16 cm (6.4 inches). That makes many battlefield landing zones problematic. That assumes you can even get on a NH-90 and find a seat. The passenger seats cannot hold more than 110 kg (242 pounds). Combat equipment for German troops weighs 25 kg (55 pounds), meaning any soldier weighing more than 85 kg (187 pounds) must take stuff off, put it on the floor, then quickly put it back on before exiting. Then there’s the floor, it’s not very sturdy, and combat troops using the helicopter for a short while, cause damage that takes the helicopter out of action for repairs.
Worse, there is the rear ramp. It cannot support troops carrying all their equipment, making it useless for rapid exits of combat troops. There is not enough room in the passenger compartment for door gunners. There are no strap downs for larger weapons, like portable rocket launchers or anti-aircraft missiles. The passenger compartment also does not allow for carrying cargo and passengers at the same time. The winch is not sturdy enough for commandos to perform fast roping operations. And so on. The Germans were not pleased with the NH-90.
A fact check
Uttar Pradesh has had under 1 % of it’s 200 M people get infected so far. Only 20% are fully vaccinated and it’s new cases rate has been around 10 for the month, about the rate of deaths due to Covid in Australia, most in Victoria that had draconian lockdowns.
Someone needs to fact check the fact checkers.
healthfeedback is a sister site to “climatefeedback”.. (far-left propaganda climate site, Mickey Mann et al)
Nothing they say is worth a brass razoo. !
UPDATE: 71 out of 75 Districts in Uttar Pradesh, India – Its Most Populated State – Reported No Covid-19 Cases in 24 Hours After Implementing Ivermectin Protocol
Despite having the lowest vaccination rate, at least 71 out of 75 districts in Uttar Pradesh reported zero fresh Covid-19 cases on October 19th and 42 districts continued to remain Covid-free.
The Times of India reported:
At least 71 out of total 75 districts of Uttar Pradesh reported zero fresh Covid-19 cases on Tuesday with the remaining four districts accounting for 12 new patients in the last 24 hours. The number of active Covid cases stood at 118 in the last 24 hours.
With no new or active cases, 42 districts continued to remain Covid-free. The daily Covid case count in the state has not crossed 50 for around two months.
“Despite aggressive tracing and testing, UP’s positivity rate, which shows the level of infections in the people, has been registering a steady decline for several days indicating that Covid is receding from the state,” a government official said.
Read more here.
As of October 29, only 8 active cases were recorded. Here is the latest data of COVID-19 cases in Uttar Pradesh.
Electoral backlash expected in the near future.
Vax apartheid makes so much sense
A couple of days ago I posted this comment in the Australian in response to another comment following another article regarding Net Zero.
The “science” as you call it has always shown that our climate is a multifaceted chaotic system that is virtually impossible to map. Although CO2 is a “greenhouse” gas it is swamped in our atmosphere by water vapour, over which man has no control. It is now becoming clearer, and scientifically valid, that cycles of the sun, the oceans and the wind currents, and the resulting cloud cover, have a greater effect on climate than the tiny level of CO2 in our atmosphere. It was only 15 years ago that we talked about “global warming”, but as temperatures today are the same as they were in the late 1990’s we now have to talk about “climate change”. Climate change is pure politics, not pure science, and there are, literally, hundreds of qualified climate scientist who agree with me and millions of others.
It was rejected by the comment assessors! Anyone else having this problem with the Oz?
Not specifically on climate but anything on vaccination has to be “politically correct” or be rejected. It seems to depend on the journalist, “Jack the Insider” won’t tolerate anything not in-line. Anything from The TIMES won’t tolerate non-WOKE comments. Others are more tolerant, surprisingly Peter Van Onselen. Graham Lloyd is the target for the gullible AGW believers but they seem to have been discouraged lately because they are grossly outnumbered by those who support him.
P.S. I am not always the Graeme who comments there. That’s why I differentiate.
I’m not always the Annie either!
Perhaps add something to your “handle” in The Australian to distinguish yourself from the other “Annie’s”?
Great comment, everyone needs to know what you have written.
I have cancelled my online subscription to the Oz (twicenow) because my comments kept getting rejected on the virus. After asking why on one, an email conversation ensued and it was because the didnt like my link to Americas Frontline Drs, they insisted they were not reputable. Who is making those decisions?
Since the young Murdochs have taken over, there has been a change in editorial direction. Now I dont even bother with the headlines.
As a matter of interest what is the publication/rejection rate in the forum at the Australian where you are commenting?
I have very few comments deleted. Mine are mainly deleted when I stray into the ad hominem area, but hard to resist doing this at times…
Peter you wrote in your comment to the Australian
“The “science” as you call it has always shown that our climate is a multifaceted chaotic system that is virtually impossible to map.”
I am fairly sure that your phrase “The “science” as you call it” is the reason for rejection. The moderators nearly always reject my comments if they are considered to criticise another commenter.
Quite possible, Ian! I must be more careful to be sympathetic and caring and give no offence. Not in my nature, but I might try it!
Peter, I think sometimes the mods in The Australian remove a comment if they think it has strayed too far from the original article, which to me is fair enough.
Elites Are Using Climate Hysteria to Immiserate the Working Class | Opinion
Few things in life are as predictable as the rhetoric of climate change summits like this coming week’s in Glasgow. Over the next week, you will hear again and again that the planet is dying and that climate change will cause mass dislocations and starvation. The end is nigh, the UN has told us, and only green house gas reducing penance can save us.
We have been hearing this now for decades, with each global confab upping the ante, insisting that with the inevitable denouement, “not enough” is being done and what we need is to get more militant. And this despite whatever progress has been made.
The climate industrial complex, as economist Bjorn Lonborg has aptly called the climate doomsday crowd, has persuaded the media to indulge consistent exaggeration and predictions that link virtually any weather event— droughts, floods , hurricanes or heavy rains—directly to human caused climate change. As President Obama’s undersecretary of energy for science, physicist Steve Koonin, pointed out, the most widely reported projections reflect only highly improbable worse case scenarios based on such things as ever growing coal usage and no significant technological improvement.
“‘Tree Equity’: Democrat Spending Bill Designates $3B to Make Low-Income Neighborhoods Green”
Read it all.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) expressed his outrage on social media.
“Inflation is spiking at record levels, and the Democrats want to spend $3,000,000,000 ($3 BILLION) that we don’t have on ‘tree equity,’” Cotton tweeted.
What a load of hot air! Joe Biden is blasted for making 10,000 mile return trip that’ll generate 2.2 MILLION pounds of carbon to attend CLIMATE CHANGE summit in Scotland after president was snapped in gas-guzzling 85-car motorcade in Rome
– President Joe Biden was criticized for his use of a slow moving, 85-car motorcade in Rome ahead of UN climate change conference on Sunday
– It comes during Biden’s 10,000 mile return trip on Air Force One to Europe, which includes a 92-mile motorcade tour in Scotland
– Air Force One and the four large jets that accompany it will generate an estimated 2.16 million pounds of carbon during the five day trip to Europe
– The motorcade is centered around the president’s armored limousine, the Beast and its decoy which sports a 5-litre diesel engine and gets about 8 mpg
– Each car generates around 8.75 pounds of carbon per mile driven – 10 times more than the average car
– Also included in the trip are flights for his conference team, security personnel and individual planes for The Beast and Marine One helicopter
“Biden tips a bucket on Australia in meeting with Macron”
Reckon that the chances the subs come from UK just improved?
Climate is a non-linear dynamic entity. The only way one can understand climate (especially in the future) is by Chaos Theory. The current obsession with Climate Change (AKA: AGW) is purely political…no “science” is involved.
That’s not technically correct. WEATHER is a nonlinear dynamic entity and the Navier-Stokes equations of fluid flow applicable to the atmosphere display sensitive dependence on initial conditions, colloquially known as the butterfly effect: neighbouring trajectories in phase space diverge exponentially with time. But CLIMATE is an average of weather, and nobody cares about an individual storm kicked up by a butterfly.
I am not disagreeing with with you that the current obsession with climate change is largely political. I am disagreeing with you about why.
Climate is average weather and chaotic systems exhibit what are called strange statistics. That is, the averages also oscillateover time. Pick any 30 year period and the average temps, rains, floods, droughts, etc., will be different from every other period. This will be true for any other length of time as well.
So in an important sense there is no such thing as average weather, or steady climate.
especially when one of the inputs is continually being increased.
A continuous source of hot air?
Yep, solar has been increasing for quite a while.
Grand solar maximum latter half of last century, or were you “unaware” of that !
Solar activity above that of the MWP, yet the world is still cooler.
Still have presented no scientific evidence that the highly beneficial increase in atmospheric CO2 has been the cause of any warming whatsoever.
Learn, and please stop your zero-science trolling !
‘Especially when one of the inputs is continually being increased.’
There is no evidence to support that theory.
Pfizer plays hardball with weaker governments who want its vaccine:
This raises the question: is there also a confidential anti-ivermectin clause?
“Dr. Peter McCullough goes over the difference between getting myocarditis from the vaccines versus getting it from Covid. They really are different animals.”
Link at
“Geopolitics, Oil, And The Ultimate Inevitable Celebration Of The Oil Sands”
Not fashionable but – –
“A few months ago I predicted that by the end of the year the Branch Covidian religion would wind up eating itself and collapse.
Now it is.”
“Big Phama”
Earlier today in Melbourne, Australia:
“Sack Dan. Make Victoria Great Again.” “Fark Dan Andrews”.
Thankyou. I’m so grateful for the people who could be there to speak for us.
Aussie SKY News Host Rita Panahi Laughs Out Loud! – Says Joe Biden “Needs a Retirement Home and a Warm Bowl of Soup” (VIDEO)
Once again, it’s Sky News Australia that brings real reporting to the international community.
Popular Sky News host Rita Panahi went on a tear on Friday as Joe Biden touched down in Rome on his way to the G20 meetings in Italy.
Panahi continues to report the truth on Joe Biden’s mental state — something that is obvious to anyone paying attention. The man is out of it. He is suffering from full-blown dementia. This is a fact that the American fake news mainstream media HAS YET to report on!
It really is incredible and feeds the narrative that the mainstream media is a garbage dump.
OMG! Lost Joe Biden Nearly Pushed Off the Stage in Today’s G20 Rome Official Photo – Caught Talking to Himself
Biden Thinks Electric Cars Are Magic or Something
This Halloween, it’s all tricks and no treats
Oh, Joe Biden is doing just fine. Why do you ask?
“When you buy an electric vehicle, you can go across America on a single tank of gas, figuratively speaking.”
I have questions.
1. How much does a 3,000-mile extension cord cost?
2. How much does it weigh?
3. Won’t all those extension cords get tangled up, what with everybody driving hither and thither?
4. Where does the electricity come from?
5. Is it generated by the mighty Thor with his mystical hammer Mjölnir?
6. Why doesn’t Joe take questions after he says stupid things like this?
7. Don’t Americans have bigger problems right now than some fraudulent “climate crisis”?
8. Hasn’t Biden himself created most of those problems?
9. Why is an 80-year-old man babbling about electric cars in the first place?
10. After the past 18 months, does anybody actually believe government makes anything better?
Other than that… sounds great, Joe!
Actually, the “Portal Bridge” comment maybe does make sense, if you look behind it.
Biden still stumbled it.. of course
“As one commuter said” (not computer) etc…
“Portal Bridge” is a swing bridge over the Hackensack River, on the extremely busy NE Amtrak corridoor.
… and in non-peak hour can sometimes be opened to a boat, causing severe delays.. hence “time is money”
Biden was of course totally out of context and relevance…
… but to his own erratic, unstable mind it may have made sense at the time.
Biden doesn’t know Schiff
“I’d like to solve the Puzzle – Let’s Go Brandon”
I’m coming out as a proud member of the LGB community. Let’s Go!
Trump Announces New Social Network Where The Only Thing You Can Post Is ‘Let’s Go Brandon’
#PoopyPantsBiden trends on Twitter after President’s …
“Solidarity” is big with the left. So Joe shows solidarity with Jerry Nadler.
Amy Tarkanian
The word around Rome is that Biden’s meeting with the Pope was unusually long because Biden had a bit of an “bathroom accident” at the Vatican & it had to be addressed prior to him leaving.
I know we joke often about this, but this is the actual rumor going around Rome now.
8:09 pm · 30 Oct 2021·Twitter for iPhone
We Can’t Vaccinate This Pandemic Away
Robert Clancy
The author is Emeritus Professor of Pathology at the University of Newcastle Medical School. He is a member of the Australian Academy of Science’s COVID-19 Expert Database
Thirty frontline doctors in Australia recently treated over 600 patients with COVID-19. The treatment strategy was ivermectin (IVM) with doxycycline and zinc. Five patients required admission to hospital for progressive symptoms. There were no deaths. In a similar number of contemporary Australian patients not treated with IVM, 70 were hospitalised and six died.
This is consistent with world data bases: 31 randomised controlled trials show 62 per cent benefit with IVM, and seven meta-analyses recorded a reduction in death of between 57 and 83 per cent. Experienced clinicians have moved on to combine IVM with additional drugs, usually a broad-spectrum antibiotic such as doxycycline, and zinc, which has viricidal activity.
A logical conclusion would be that these results demand attention. With “freedom day” in NSW expected to be followed by increases in COVID-19 infections and hospital admissions, an IVM roll-out would be a logical outcome. That this has not happened may well prompt the question ‘Why is that so?’ The mainline press, which continues in its refusal to report and interrogate the evidence, also fails the public by presenting IVM as the antichrist of the medicine cabinet. A complex set of events has come together. These events and how they affect COVID-19 management and patient outcomes form the basis of this article.
as patients were being treated with IVM in Sydney and Melbourne with the impressive results mentioned above, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) made an extraordinary move to shut down the prescribing of IVM by frontline doctors for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. The TGA has form, as it made a similar ruling on hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), the other re-purposed off-patent drug shown to be effective in treating COVID-19.
Importantly, the reasons given by the TGA to justify its decision were not correct.
The main TGA concern stated was that IVM would confuse the public and lead to hesitation to be vaccinated. That, too, is incorrect. Doctors overwhelmingly support vaccination against COVID-19. The combination of safe and effective IVM with a vaccination programme will enhance viral clearance, reduce disease severity, reduce hospital admissions and reduce deaths. However, groupthink quickly led to professional bodies such as the AMA uncritically accepting the TGA policy. Even the Australian Academy of Science weighed in with political support for the TGA’s decision, doing so without any evaluation of the science.
Then came the coup: the regulatory body responsible for registration of doctors, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, warned that prescribing, dispensing, or even publicly discussing IVM, “compromised expected standards of practise”, leaving open disciplinary measures which have since resulted in doctors having their licences revoked. A crescendo of intimidation has ensued, all based on a failure to interrogate the data and understand the clinical circumstance, with perhaps a touch of group hysteria thrown in.
The conclusion to be taken from these collective authoritarian decisions is that medical choice is no longer the prerogative of the doctor-patient relationship in Australia. Bureaucrats for any reason can decide and enforce medical issues without discussion with relevant medical experts.
THE SECOND development is a changing balance in evidence relevant to early treatment. Negative critique has been rebutted, and support has become stronger.
THE THIRD development has been the frenetic response by media and government to an orchestrated campaign by pharmaceutical giant Merck promoting its re-purposed antiviral agent, Molnupiravir, before significant data assessment has been completed.
THE FOURTH issue is the recognition that genetic vaccines have limited value. While doctors support the current vaccine roll-out, reported “danger signals” must be clarified.
TO CONCLUDE, we cannot vaccinate ourselves out of the pandemic. Most COVID deaths in England over the last seven months have been in vaccinated subjects, and studies across 68 countries confirm increases in COVID-19 infections are unrelated to levels of vaccination. Booster shots with current vaccines come with little support, and possible enhanced toxicity as reported to the FDA.
A long and Excellent Read
Your link is incorrect or blocked OO.
or linking from the address in the Comments which is where I found the reference
October 31, 2021 at 7:10 am
I’m one of the rats that’s waiting for the human trials to end.
Quadrant has a good article on vaccines and why I prefer to be the rat:
“The evidence is pouring in that the COVID-19 vaccines are not as efficacious as advertised against the Delta variant”
No surprises here, except to the naive who’d like to believe everything the salesman tells them.
Great results from Indian state with ivermectin! When will people wake up?
It IS the crime of the century, the non-acceptance of antivirals.
Brenda read above
Thanks OO, I read it on Quadrant online. Excellent! Why 8s it that a professor of his stature has no voice in our current situation? It’s a travesty!
…and here’s the video clip of the police officer speech at the protest.
Lockdowns aren’t over, the “pandemic” isn’t over, none if it is over. This is just a brief respite like all the others.
There’s only one way it’ll be over and that requires the removal of all corrupt incompetent lying political figures and accomplices.
I previously gave a xmas timeframe for expected events and given what I’m now seeing worldwide I stand by it. There is information I have decided not to share. In time, but not now.
No elaboration, sorry. Things will just have to play out.
“Expect a New Wave of Pro-Vaccine Propaganda over the Coming Weeks!”
“Alex Berenson reports that Rochelle Walensky’s highly politicized and disgraced CDC is up to more no good:
The CDC hits a new low
(I didn’t think it was possible either.)
But yesterday the Centers for Disease Control, America’s not-at-all-politicized public health agency, released a new study purporting to show that vaccination protects against Covid infection better than natural immunity. Of course, a wave of stories about the benefits of mRNA vaccination followed.
To do this, the CDC used some magic statistical analysis to turn inside raw data that actually showed almost four times as many fully vaccinated people being hospitalized with Covid as those with natural immunity – and FIFTEEN TIMES as many over the summer.
I kid you not.
Further, the study runs contrary to a much larger paper from Israeli researchers in August.”
COVID aged care deaths down, but fully vaccinated residents still vulnerable
Government data, released to the ABC, has revealed 36 of the 49 aged care residents that died after contracting COVID-19 during NSW’s Delta outbreak were fully vaccinated.
All had underlying health conditions or were in palliative care.
Until now, the overall number last year’s deaths in NSW aged care facilities had been reported weekly by the Federal Department of Health and their vaccination status occasionally mentioned in NSW Health daily updates, but no cumulative figure had been publicly released.
A State Funeral for Bert Newton.
How well will this go down with the 100s of thous who have been denied “last rites” and attending funerals for their loved ones and friends in Vic?
Is anything “too far this time” for Andrews?
He didn’t die when those restrictions were in place. Are those families going to be upset about every funeral in perpetuity?
Bring back the wooly mammoths!
Not politically correct comment on Boris the PM’s plans.
A little late to this party, but I just found this on another website, and it bears being broadcast as far as possible. Let us recall that myself and others have posted, on at least several occasions, Einstein’s famous observation:
“Only two things are infinite: the Universe, and human stupidity, and I am not certain of the former.”
Check this out:
In spite of widespread stupidity we are still making material progress.
Solar forcing far greater than tiny non-measurable non-effect of CO2.
CO2 really is a non-player… a mozzie bite on an elephant’s a**e
That is a standout, now all we have to do is connect the dots, solar forcing is the main driver but exactly how does this translate on earth? The oceanic oscillations seem to be involved, along with a shrinking atmosphere and meandering jet stream.
say 5 days vs 270 year… that is 1 in 20,000 approx.
No wonder there is no empirical scientific evidence of CO2 warming ! 😉
The AMO has been fingered as a major player.
‘In their study, Vahrenholt and Dübal also looked into the background of the observed stronger heat absorption by the Earth. The corresponding explanations can quickly exceed the understanding of laymen: Based on observations of the so-called enthalpy of the climate system and oceanic heat uptake, it was shown that there have been two warming periods on Earth since 1850, each lasting 20 to 30 years. A third warming period began in 1990 and continues to this day.
‘The onset of each of these three warming episodes was accompanied by changes in the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, a natural periodic ocean current in the Atlantic that significantly determines the climate…’
The AMO is disowned by Mann, but I have renewed faith.
“The AMO is disowned by Mann,”
That is a good sign that it is a major driver. 😉
And why they had to get rid of the 1940’s temperature optimum.
The PDO leads the charge.
Or perhaps not.
‘We demonstrate that the 60 year component of the PDO is strongly time-lag correlated with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). On this timescale the AMO is shown to lead the PDO by approximately 13 years or to lag the PDO by 17 years. This relation suggests that the AMO and the 60 year component of the PDO are signatures of the same oscillation cycle.’ (d’Orgeville et al 2007)
The AMO is disowned by Mann, because it is not hockey-stick shaped.
It has a cyclic nature, but such thoughts are forbidden at Klimatariat HQ.
The AMO seems to play catch up with the PDO, which seems to be influenced by solar forcing.