Strangely, making electricity affordable makes it harder to employ people. Who knew?
The IPA shows that nearly 650,000 Australian jobs are at risk from Net Zero policies, and most of those jobs will be lost in the regions and thus in National Party electorates. Seats predicted to escape that pain are in inner city areas.
Thus and verily, the price of Net Zero will be largely paid by the deplorables.
As we saw in Britain, Spain, Italy, and California, more Green jobs always means less real ones. For every “green job” artificially created, between 2 and 5 actual jobs were lost. Green jobs are the vandals of civilizations.
The Liberal Party (theoretically, conservative) holds many inner city seats. So we can explain the schism tearing the Coalition of the Liberals and Nationals apart on energy policy. The Coalition holds 17 of the top 20 electorates with jobs at risk, but also holds 12 of the 20 lowest risk electorates.
The IPA issued a report on likely job losses in February this year, and a report on the electoral landscape yesterday:
Net Zero Hits Regional Workers Three Times As Hard: IPA Report
“A worker in an electorate represented by the National Party is threes times as likely to lose their job than a worker in an electorate represented by the Liberal Party under a net zero emissions target” according to the IPA.
An analysis of the employment impact of a net zero emissions target in Australia, estimated that up to 653,600 jobs could be put at direct risk as a result of a net zero emissions target and that potential job losses would be concentrated in the agricultural (306,200 jobs), heavy manufacturing (74,100 jobs), and coal mining (62,000 jobs) industries.
17 of the top 20 electorates with the highest proportion of jobs at risk from a net zero emissions target are held by the Coalition. Six of the top 10 electorates with jobs at risk are held by the members of the National Party Room.
73% of the seats in federal parliament held by the Nationals are ‘at risk’ seats, compared with just 10% of seats held by the Liberals, and 3% of seats held by the Labor Party.
With an election coming, it’s time to make sure The Deplorables and their MP’s know what the price is for trying to perfect the global climate.
“A net zero emissions target would be a carbon tax by stealth.”
Hat tip to Alan Moran.
Cian Hussey, and Daniel Wild (2021) Net Zero Emissions Will Divide Australia, IPA, October 6th 2021.
Daniel Wild and Cian Hussey (2021) Net Zero Jobs: An analysis of the employment impact of a net zero emissions target in Australia, IPA, Feb 2021.
The Nats don’t want a bar of it, the outback is already losing its population, half empty old towns and villages. If the cafe latte set attempt to roll us they’ll have an agrarian uprising on their hands and the Liberals would lose their political rump.
Fun with hay-balers and log-chippers?
The Nats should never have let it get this far, but until Barnaby Joyce arrived on the scene they hadn’t a clue.
The outstanding biggest, most glaring issue disqualifying the whole CAGW scam is the steadfast refusal in all carbon taxing proposals to allow credits for the sequestration side of Agriculture’s carbon cycle.
It seems they have been able to get away with this gross inequity because only one other industry, forestry, which nobody notices, has a sequestration/emission cycle. People just do not understand it.
One must wonder how people could be so foolish as to not recognise that inequity. It was because of that inequity that Barnaby Joyce was able to get Agriculture “excluded” from the various proposals, but this was just shunting it into the “too hard” basket. The inequity was never acknowledged, never recanted.
It is for sure and certain that the authors of those proposals understood it very well, and are still waiting for the opportunity to get it applied, Agriculture was until recently the last sector of the economy still dominated by small business. Their aim is to eliminate small business, abolish all private management of industry.
Do you think any of these vacuum heads understand what the ‘primary’ in primary industries actually means?
How long do you think the fancy office on the top floor of the skyscraper will last if the foundations collapse?
Net Zero is a path to economic destruction and an easy takeover by China, which is the real end game of the green Marxists. The problem for Australia is that we need the USA to reject this suicide as we stand no chance by ourselves, even if we hold firm.
All was looking good when the man was Making America Great Again and putting the UN in its place with his instructions to get out of the affairs of member nations, downsize and get back to what the UN was created to do.
Yes, we needed the orange peril to control the yellow peril and restore world order. The only way the west survives is if we remain economically stronger than China, else we all perish, especially down here due our our vast resources of energy, minerals and uranium, which will be the reason for the rapid invasion and takeover. When you look at his plans for energy independence, the industry kick starts and the tariffs on China, it was the perfect way for the USA to reclaim dominance and allow the continued existence of liberal democracies and the free world. He understood this perfectly. Perhaps the most sad part of this saga is that he was undermined from elements within his own country that have sabotaged not just his government by the entire west and the billions of people who will follow. Meanwhile we have crowds of brainwashed kids and young uni students in all western countries who truly believe climate change is boiling the planet and creating a tsunami wave of sea level rise, but they are too devoid of an unradicalised brain cell to see what’s really coming and how they helped bring it all about.
People talk about leaders being asleep at the wheel and you can see that Morrison finally twigged as evidenced by his sudden rush to find nuclear submarines that might create some fear and resistance for China when they send many thousands of troops by sea to land on our shores. Unfortunately , he’s asking the dummy fake leader for help, whose party and government institutions has been overtaken by supporters of the very enemy we are trying to defend against. We are now in check mate, looking for a move to create stalemate. It doesn’t look good
There’s no point prolonging the agony. Let the Left have there way and let’s let the economy collapse.
It’s the only way people are going to wake up and see the insanity of the Green Dream (which incidentally is also the name of a veterinary and human euthanising agent, pentobarbital).
But get ready, many rural areas are in decline.
Move to the country and be self sufficient on food and energy!
The Green Latte Sippers & Kale eaters in the city will have no coffee beans or soy milk.
The PAL dog food based Plant beef patties will disappear!
Their $140,000 Telsa’s will have no charge.
Their iPhones will stop transmitting
The governments around Australia will stop.
Money will cease to important.
Only food and energy.
And you won’t need a vaccine passport either.
Maybe I need 5 acres to be self sufficient.
As long as your Council Greens agree to it.
UN Agenda 21 – Sustainability and other impositions enforced by the Green Police.
If there is no food being produced, the inner city will suffer, and hopefully to a much greater extent.
Highly likely…a form of “natural selection” at work….
Also dont forget armaments….necessary in times of chaos …
The bush is already under attack and has been for years. John Howard introduced the mechanism which manifested as land clearing restrictions followed by native vegetation laws. Now we have city based bureaucrats dictating how much water which falls on your farm that can be harvested in farm dams. Then there are the multitude of water laws affecting irrigators. Then there are the animal welfare laws, transport restrictions, lack of infrastructure and so on. The bush is under attack. Net zero will ensure the farm sector stops farming and hopefully cause the city to starve of both food, fibre and money. They might replace some things with imports but how will they pay for it without exports. Bring it on. Just like the stupidity of renewables net zero will only resonate when the city suffers. The ultimate stupidity is that while we save the planet the Chinese will decide to save themselves at our expense. We are governed by fools who are advised by idiots.
Make sure it has an independent water source or you’re up the proverbial ditch
“Maybe I need 5 acres to be self sufficient.”
More like 50 acres and a good water source.
And China will magnanimously come to our “rescue”, thus putting off the explosion of their own internal, self-created population dynamics bomb for a few more years, or, until their dodgy agricultural, energy and water practices bite them on the bum. Or all of the aforementioned.
“Interesting times”: Indeed!
Clear fire-lanes, overhead protection AND a good water source.
The coal miners and the heavy manufacturing workers all buy financial services and many other things from “the city”.
In that modelling instance “if a doubt leave it out”
That can be done off a laptop in the pub.
Seems St Hidas Schooling Perth who invited their most famous old girl Gina Rhinehart to address the girls, Gina was unable to come due to Covid restrictions , so she sent a 15 minute video to be played to the girls. Seems the staff of St Hildas were not impressed with Ginas views and were only allowed to see around 5 minutes of the film where she talked about her days at the school. The minutes that were not allowed to be seen by the girls saw Gina telling the girls to question all they are told and to tell their parents. Gaurdians and grandparents wha tis being taught at the school. Gina then went on to explain the fallacy of the Al Gore movie and Inconvenient Truth.
Well it seems that inconvenient truth is not for the minds of the girls at St Hildas.
Well someone must have the original – Can we get a copy and put it out there. There just maybe some at St. Hidas who has an independent brain or sense of curiosity who will fall upon it and spread the word – and I would mind see it either.
Back in the days before the Left took over the education system, students were indeed taught to do exactly what Rinehart said, that is, “question everything”.
No doubt she is aware of the UK Court decision that before that video can be shown to students they must be told that it contains material that is deceptive.
Did you get a copy of the video? Can you post it here on this blog?
We could all enjoy showing it to our grandchildren who are suffering a most useless education full of left-wing woke indoctrination.
October 7, 2021 at 7:24 pm · Reply
Full speech is on Gina’s website:
A great speech by Gina. Really worth watching and listening to.
Disgusting to hear that the staff censored its use to “protect” their precious charges.
Also linked here
“Gina telling the girls to question all they are told and to tell their parents. Guardians and grandparents what is being taught at the school”
there is hope, total respect for Gina
As the headline says ‘Net Zero’ is and has always been a fantasy. It doesn’t and never will exist since in order to produce energy you have to ‘burn (or utilise)’ something to produce it. The closest process we have to ‘Net Zero’ is nuclear and so, if there really is a CAGW looming then we have no choice but to move towards greater reliance on it for the sake of all our futures. The fact that we are not moving to nuclear full speed ahead suggests that CAGW is a scare tactic of similar significance and scale as we have seen with SARS-CoV-2.
None of our political, scientific, and media elites can be trusted and parhaps only total failure of green policy is going to force the necessary revolution to happen. Let us hope that happens before too much damage is done to the innocent.
“if there really is a CAGW looming”; there is no evidence of that!
The operative word is “blackmail”.
A pile on of UN member nations and even Australia’s allies going woke to impose climate hoax political agenda.
Cooperate or else your international trade and other arrangements could be put at risk.
This rubbish by our politicians of both persuasions has gone on for too long. They are just milking it as much as they can to make themsleves look like the “good guys” for voters. As Greta Thunberg says, “Blah Blah Blah” to their rhetoric. Our politicians are just telling lies about how they intend to “fix” the non-existent problem. If they want to tackle it seriously then start building nuclear power plants. That’s all that is required. Otherwise, they should shut the F…… up!. All they are doing now is feeding the lunatics like Greta to keep them sprouting their lies. We now have reached the situation where extremists are telling lies and in response our politicians are telling a different set of lies to try and appease the liars. What a farce.
Well said.
Thank you. It appears someone here agrees with the Greta that we should do something about climate change rather than just talk about it. I wonder who that could be?
They can have my vote as soon as they can quantify exactly how much cooler the earth will be and exactly how much less CO2 as a percentage will be in the atmosphere.
Australia’s Chief Scientist has already answered that question at a Senate Committee Meeting, his reply was a figure close to zero.
Full speech is on Gina’s website:
Does anybody disagree that before the Federal Government makes any further commitment to reduce emissions and in particular agrees to the net zero emissions demands there must be research into the economic impact by year through to 2050 and 2030?
New Zealand is the only nation as far as I am aware that has done the accounting and as a result the Government exempted farm animals from the figures. That being one of the most important domestic and export sectors for New Zealand.
Businesses produce a Five Year Business Plan and from personal experience they rarely if ever prove to be as accurate as the current financial year budget.
I doubt that any of the net zero emissions fans have any idea of what economies would look like of achieved.
So how about our elected governments consider we the people who they are meant to represent and look after our best interests do so now.
Remind your elected representatives that Australia cooperated with the UN IPCC and signed the Kyoto Japan Agreement on emissions reduction targets, “greenhouse gas” emissions, and those targets were exceeded, Australia being one of the very few UN member nations that signed that Agreement and achieved the targets.
Following the IPCC Paris France Conference late 2015 Australia signed the Paris Agreement in 2016 to reduce emissions further and is well on track to meet or exceed the target.
There were credits due to Australia from the Kyoto achievement and now the climate hoaxers are reluctant to allow us to offset our Paris target with those credits. However, without them we will achieve the goal.
So with due regard for the new demands, now zero emissions, how about the IPCC and other nations that have not achieved the goals they signed up to achieve leave Australia out of their extortion gang behaviour and then, maybe, they would be in a position to ask us to do more?
Just let each electorate vote for if they want reliable electricity, or not.
Give them what they vote for. !
“With an election coming, it’s time to make sure The Deplorables and their MP’s know what the price is for trying to perfect the global climate.”
But will the “Deplorables” (I like the initial cap because it honor’s my kind) …
be allowed to vote without the you know what?
I imagine the Deplorables have the highest rate of not being you know whated.
The ‘pandemic’ my turn out to be the most ingenious voting rigging scheme ever.
In New York, you can vote without ID, but you can’t go into a store without your you what papers.
Dan is not going to allow himself to be outdone by New York is he?
(If we all do the right thing, it will never rain ’til after sundown … and no one will ever die.)
Anyone who votes for LNP or ALP+Greens either believes in the emission reduction rhetoric and lies coming forth from both sides, or simply doesn’t give a damn what to believe and what our governments do.
Peter – I think you are projecting here…
IPA = reality and truth.
Very difficult for some to accept reality or truth.
Anathema to them.
I imagine the Deplorables have the highest rate of not being you know whated…
Possibly you meant to write “unaffordable” in that first subhead?
Oh well… with the upcoming snouts-in-trough meeting (IE: COP26 in Glasgow), nothing will be decided, except where the next snouts meeting will be (odds on Northern Hemisphere). Love to see how big the carbon footprint will be in Glasgow, and how many pigs will attend. If Scomo doesn’t want to go…then send the Alpha Sow Zali Steggal; and then hope that she doesn’t return to Australia (no great loss).
The rational and easy answer is: Use the COAL.
(And imprison any politician who doesn’t comply.)
As the world moves into a very cold winter. Outside the tropical regions, 60% of the world’s population is going to freeze this year.
The Chinese thermal coal demand was reported as a direct result of China’s very cold winter last year, but this was quickly amended to say the demand was because of economies ‘springing back’. But that does not make sense as the system was quite adequate two years ago? And it is not winter yet?
All reports from the last winter and even the spring in America and Europe were of an exceptionally cold year. Spring in Texas and France were freezing and warming very late but that is just the weather. And bushfires are Climate Change not fuel load.
But the predictions by Professor Weiss at 8:54 and elsewhere of a rapidly falling global temperature are being confirmed by the news if not by the IPCC, the BOM, NOAA or any other weather bodies. Just as the rapid sea rise has not happened in 33 years, the alleged global warming is now global cooling. And yet world leaders like Greta Thunberg will attend COP26 to talk of how to change the weather by shutting down industry and agriculture and travel and doing nothing at all in Western democracies. Not a word about China.
The real problem for COP26 is that the weather is not cooperating and world cooling is a conclusion you can only imply from exceptional weather events because actual cooling is never reported, just the record low temperatures. But you will note Global Warming has completely vanished from the news stories to be replaced entirely by Climate Change. So why is there a world shortage of thermal coal? In the early fall?
After 33 years of Global Warming, why is the world freezing?
It is really puzzling, the shortage of fuel in the US and Europe, the shortage of coal for China and India. And the perverse explanation that it is because of the Climate Crisis. How does that work?
Today the Brietbart article on rocketing fuel prices in the US is so odd. Summer is over but Climate Change is causing fuel shortages as evidenced by rocketing natural gasoline prices? And natural gas for that matter. Biden White House spokeswoman Psaki says ““Certainly, we all want to keep gasoline prices low, but the threat of the crisis — the climate crisis — certainly can’t wait any longer”
How does the ‘threat of the crisis’ create shortages? Surely that’s a clear sign of Global Cooling, not Global Warming and if the world is cooling, why is the world building more windmills? And why is there a shortage of coal? It wouldn’t have to do with Presidential bans on pipelines and fracking then? And handing control of energy prices back to Russia and Iran?
Wouldn’t it be ironic if demand for electric cars was breaking the grid and pushing up electricity prices and creating shortages of natural gas and coal?
In reply to:
“Wouldn’t it be ironic if demand for electric cars was breaking the grid” It is not ironic because it is so sad/pointless and it is assured failure. Carbon zero is ‘planning’ to fail.
Net Zero, 2050 is impossible, because the schemes are a scam. Germany/UK are at the point where the green schemes fail. Electricity and natural gas is starting to get so expensive industries are shutdown and there is starting to be shortages. Why start on a ‘path’/plan that will not work? Attempting carbon zero using the green scams will destroy a country’s economy.
What is the measurable benefit of the green scams? The ‘plans’ are not going to stop forest fires or extreme weather. The green ‘plans’ are not going to make the earth colder or change the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
A scam is forced spending on something does not solve a ‘problem’. A scam is something that does not work… And propaganda has been used to hide that fact from the general population. There is great deal of green hype lies.
We have screaming Greta/angry demonstrators, who are clueless that the green plans will never work, and will bankrupt countries causing predictable hardships. Like wars/civil unrest, crime, riots, poor unemployed people, homelessness, and so on. Greta thinks she is helping the climate/people/environment.
Countries need jobs. As jobs are lost countries become poorer and there is less money to spend. Countries that spend more money than they gather in taxes each year, will destroy their economic base/GDP.
The green schemes ‘saturate’. It is a fact that CO2 reduction reaches a point where there is no significant reduction in CO2 to install more sun and wind gathering.
There is no magic battery that can store energy for months or years. Batteries lose energy, ever day, due to internal discharge. It is not possible to run a country off of batteries. Steel mills will not be powered by batteries.
The Green Scam Legislation is trying, to force every country to take all loads for heating, manufacturing, transportation, and so on …. Which are currently powered by burning hydrocarbons, to be changed over to electricity. That will force the electrical grid to be expanded by a factor of three and there are processes/loads that cannot be powered by electricity.
“The UK electrical grid power supply output would be required to INCREASE by a factor of THREE (with zero emissions) as all heating, manufacturing, and transportation, is going to be powered from electricity”
And there are certain process/energy requirements than cannot be electrified.
Cement cannot be made with zero emissions and there is no solution. Same for how to power ships or airplanes. There is no solution as to how to construct buildings or what is going to replace plastics.
There is no solution for how to mine with zero emissions or how to smelt steel. The solution is more recycling.
Tesla Musk Says U.S. Electricity Production Needs to Double to Power Transition to EV Vehicle
Consider how many barrels of oil the U.S. consumes each day: roughly 19 million. That’s 7 billion barrels a year. About 40% or 50% of the barrels are used to power cars, according to BP’s annual energy report. (Planes and homes need their fuel, too.) Cars burn about 3 million barrels of oil each year.
It’s quite interesting reading all these comments. Do we have a problem? Yes we do. Climate Change is getting worse. As the earth’s atmosphere heats up, it collects, retains, and drops more water, changing weather patterns and making wet areas wetter and dry areas drier. Higher temperatures worsen and increase the frequency of many types of disasters, including storms, floods, heat waves, and droughts which we are all experiencing right now in different parts of the world.
Will these crop of politicians save us? Absolutely NO.
They are only after their pockets and spewing rubbish to get votes.
Change begins with us. By using energy-efficient appliances and powering our homes with renewable energy.
We need to speak up and let our voices be heard.
Oh dear, the delusion and baseless belief is strong with this one. ! LOL.
Possibly a recent arrival to this oasis of sanity… she’ll have to bathe in its waters a bit longer, to get the benefits…
“Higher temperatures worsen and increase the frequency of many types of disasters, including storms, floods, heat waves, and droughts which we are all experiencing right now in different parts of the world.”
Sorry, but actual data shows that none of these things is actually happening.
You have been sold a scam and a lie!
The current problems are all because of the destruction of reliable energy supplies due to the promotion and subsidising of unreliable energy non-supplies.
Only the most foolish would want to continue down a path that is becoming a total failure.
[wee edit – LVA]
Esther its my melancholy duty to inform you that carbon dioxide does not cause global warming.
Don’t rule it out el+g: It might yet be discovered by the teams/hordes of “scientists” frantically searching for ‘proof’ (which they haven’t found in the last 40 years).
Esther, do you realise that one of your bottom teeth is missing?
“Climate Change is getting worse.”
That is a “nonsense” statement
What has “got worse” in the last 60-100 years, with the climate, that can be scientifically proven to because of human released CO2 plant food into the atmosphere where it is most beneficial.?
You will need to present actual real scientific evidence to back up your unfounded assertions.
Esther, welcome to the forum but if you stick around you will see that “unsupported” statements get challenged.
And your statement We need to speak up and let our voices be heard. must be challenged. “Your” voice is all we have heard for 40 years. This small group, “us”, is trying to counter that imbalance a little.
As you get to know us you will find many here are retired ie we have been observing the world for many decades. Personally I have not seen any undesirable change in my 80 years except for the inevitable encroachment of our rapidly increasing population on the natural part of the world.
By the way, our rapidly increasing population is proof positive that the world is a benign place generally.
If it’s happening as you claim where exactly and how because I see nothing to prove AGW exists anywhere except for in the minds of those that believe in crystal ball predictions passed as science . And if removing Fossil fuel use to zero emissions the result on the environment would be quantifiable if your crowd are to be believed . Esther you have been conned .
Esther, I’ve got some news for you. Energy efficient appliances and Wind/Solar energy are NEVER going to change the grid load by more than 20% because it is physically impossible.
In fact, wind and solar energy actually destabilize the grid beyond some 25% total generation capacity.
It is grid scale ignorance that perpetuates the nonsense you espouse. Earn an education in Electrical Engineering, Power Generation, Distribution, Control and Economic Dispatch, and you might understand the futility and incompetence of your position.
Fantasy powers nothing. Ignorance impedes progress. Reality has the final vote. Objective Facts Rule.
hahahaa. Are you serious ? Here ? We’re all a bit too beyond that. Haha.
If 100% of Australia’s CO2 output is removed (globally 1.15% ) exactly how is that going to help anyone anywhere?
Just as the coercion for COVID-19 vaccination is not about the virus, the rhetoric of reducing emissions is not about climate change. They are both about a small group of elite, powerful and rich people who want to become even more elite, powerful and rich at the expense of the masses. One strong bit of evidence of that, and there are plenty of others, is the refusal by our puppet leaders to consider alternatives to their own propaganda; nuclear power in the case of energy policy and proven treatments in the case of the COVID-19 virus.
As a result our politicians along with most of the masses have a closed mind and will not survive the coming turmoil, such as the Great Reset and beyond that the elite who are the real architects of the “final solution”, not the political leaders. The political leaders are just puppets following the architects. Whatever the architects say, the leaders will obey like robots. Why? Because the elite have so much power and wealth already so our leaders mistakenly believe they must know what they saying is true otherwise they wouldn’t be so powerful and wealthy in the first place. That’s how the world works.
However, it’s actually the case of the blind (elite) leading the blind (leaders) leading the blind (much of the masses). All three groups will themselves get a nasty surprise in the end.
Surely there must be some country already at “net zero”?
I found two reported: Suriname and Bhutan – their secret? Dense forests that are carbon sinks, and low population density.
And GDP per head one tenth of western countries.
Technically speaking Australia already is, and always has been. Also, probably always will be. Australia produces 570-660 MT of CO2 emissions annually. The Australian biosphere consumes 8045 MT per year. The biosphere cleans 15x more CO2 than we produce. Not only are we already at Net Zero , we are in fact extremely Net Negative. All the Southern Hemisphere is a Carbon dioxide sink. There would also be many countries in the NH who are sinks – just look out for those with low populations relative to their land mass. Preferably a land mass with some greenery.
“Strangely, making electricity affordable makes it harder to employ people. Who knew?”
At the beginning, should that be unaffordable?
No…. everyone knows that renewable energy doesn’t cost anything and is therefore totally affordable
That’s what they keep telling everyone, anyway.
Slymo, don’t say you weren’t warned! Net-zero will be the number of Conservative Politicians are seated adjacent to the Treasury Benches! If you persist in this ludicrous and expensive gesture your legacy will be that of another failed, potentially, great Australian Leader. You’ll be queueing up behind Malcontent for speaking engagements at “Your ABC!”. Either get real or get out!
A dead guy from india to illustrate this article is apt.
GEE, why is the photo apt? You do know the touchy, feely history behind this donkey I presume?
Just ask the young women who came within striking distance of this IPCC creep.
Apt because it is an article about unfounded fear mongering.
Net Zero is an abject fantasy, supported on the short term by the political misdirection of public funds, and shielded from criticism by a progressive/ignorant media.
There is more at stake than 650,000 AU jobs. Certainly, Jobs are quite meaningful. But there is much more:
Agriculture requires fertilizer that is synthesized from Methane. AU food supply requires fertilizer.
Industry requires reliable power at cost effective rates or else the Industry is bankrupt, the jobs are history, and the products made elsewhere by others.
Thus far in 2021, Petrol prices have increased some 30%, as have propane, natural gas, fuel oil, and diesel fuel. The increase in food prices has been about 20%. ConAgra (US) predicts an additional 4% in calendar 2021, and 11% increase in 2022 for food alone.
Ordinary people cannot absorb these cost increases and employment interruptions, government intrusion and restrictions, without facing hardships and potential bankruptcy.
Until/unless there is a change in energy policy, every Nation bleating about Net Zero is on a collision course with financial ruin and civil unrest. Net Zero is National Suicide. Why can’t people see that?
Indeed. I spread that fertilizer for a living. It’s already gone up significantly, because of climate change policies making gas expensive. Insanity of these morons is astonishing.
AGAIN,just for our ignorant blog donkeys.
The CSIRO tell us that the entire SH is already a co2 NET SINK and the NH is the co2 NET SOURCE.
SH population is just 0.8 bn and the NH is 7 bn people. Anyone not understand these very simple sums?
When will the ignorant pollies, reporters and MSM wake up?
What happens is that when Australia (South) exports coal to China (North) and then China burns the coal producing CO2 … the Carbon accounting adds that as an emission from Australia, not from China.
Then our total looks a lot larger, especially on a per capita basis.
That’s how you can end up with the Northern Hemisphere producing more CO2, but the Southern Hemisphere effectively taking the blame from the perspective of allocating all the “Nett Zero” blah blah blah.
Was there an error in the headline? I think you meant “unaffordable”.