A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Hey, Mr./Ms. Tilba^squared:
Last ‘Weekend Unthreaded’, post number 74, you indicated that ‘no one ever said that Arctic sea ice would disappear [before 2020]’ (yes, a paraphrase).
Then I posted this:
and later clarence.t posted this:
but somehow, the cat got your tongue, or something. What say you?
V. t. I.
Tilba Tilba is a village in southern NSW.
Just sayin’.
Nice little seaside place it is too 🙂
It will remain ignorant !
He needs to get out more – although they may not let him.
2007 Prof. Wieslaw Maslowski from Dept. Oceanography of
the US Navy predicted an ice-free Arctic Ocean in summer 2013, and
said the prediction was conservative. BBC December 12, 2007
2007 NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally predicted that the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer in 2012.
2007 Arctic summers ice free by 2013 BBC Dec.12
2008 University of Manitoba Prof. David Barber predicted an ice-free North Pole for the first time in history in 2008,
2008 man in kayak sets out to paddle to the North Pole (in 2-3 weeks) Spoiler he never got there, too much ice.
2008: Al Gore warns of ice-free Arctic by 2013
2008: Arctic will be ice-free by 2018
Source: Associated Press, June 24, 2008 quoting James Hansen, Al Gore
2009: Arctic ice-free by 2014 Al Gore USA Today, Dec. 14
2010 Mark Serreze, director of the NSIDC predicts the Arctic will be ice free in the summer by 2030,
2012 Prof. Peter Wadhams, head of the polar ocean physics group at the University of Cambridge (UK), predicted a collapse of the Arctic ice sheet by 2015-2016,
2013: Arctic ice-free by 2015
Source: The Guardian, July 24, 2013 -Peter Wadhams Oxford University
2013 I do not think any Arctic sea ice will survive this summer.
Sierra Club Canada March 23, 2013
Clearly Tilba is a CAGW skeptic, and all the alarmists are “nobodies”.
Tilba is not a skeptic, that is his only failing.
James Hansen said there would be no arctic ice this century .That is after 1999. He told USA Congress in 1988 on the record!
In Australia we were told there would be snow after 1999.
But global warming became climate change???
The gullible accept this obvious incompetence. They accept that the vikings grazed GREENland when Mann says it was cooler than current times!
Whoops then no snow was in Austraiia after 1999. i left out the no!
Well, there wasn’t going to be any rain so you couldn’t have snow, could you?
Or are you relying on David Jones of the BoM?
2012 Enjoy snow now, by 2020 it will be gone
Environmental Researchers say the end of Australia’s ski culture is in
sight, despite one of the best snow seasons in a decade The Australian Sept 5, 2012
What certain dudes said at certain times is not especially relevant. Look at the data – the Arctic Sea Ice (both March max and September min) is shrinking long-term, and has been doing so since 1980 at least. What is so hard to understand about this? Does anyone actually deny that trend?
You might not believe that AGW through CO2 release is causing Global Warming, but surely you don’t believe there is no warming! Good grief!
Yes… It did warm. The question is why did it warm? The warming which just happened is now ending is called a Dansgaard-Oeschger warming event.
The scam is that 20 years ago…. Climate proxy specialists discovered a set of observations that disproved AGW.
The Climate proxy specialists did not believe the first Greenland Ice core analysis… So they drilled a second ice core at a location where there is no ice movement. The second ice core confirmed that the Greenland Ice sheet warms and cools cyclically. And that this warming has nothing to do with changes in atmospheric CO2. Atmospheric CO2 rises during these warming events however this change is the change in CO2 is not captured in the ice core ‘analysis’ for technical and political reasons.
This is link to a book, that was written by one of the proxy climate scientists that discusses the Greenland Ice core analysis and its implications. (The conclusion in the book was the sun was causing the cyclic warming although how the sun was causing the warming was not known.)
The past warming events had the same ‘signature’ as this warming event. The most amount of warming occurred on the Greenland ice sheet same as recent. The past warming events have gradual warming for about 150 years and then short term warming for either 20 years or 30 years correlating with a change in the sun. Immediately after the short term warming there is cooling… Sometimes significant abrupt cooling.
Greenland ice temperature, last 11,000 years determined from ice core analysis, from Richard Alley’s paper. Alley is in the CAGW inner circle.
During the past warming events the Antarctic Ice Sheet plateau cools. This is because the albedo of clouds is less than the albedo of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. This phenomena is called the Polar See-Saw. During a D-O warming event, the North Pole warms, the Antarctic Ice Sheet cools.
The Antarctic peninsula juts out of the Antarctic Polar Vortex and it is lower elevation than the Antarctic Ice Sheet plateau, so it hence has high yearly snowfall rates. The Antarctic Peninsula ice core captures the temperature of the Southern Sea which warms and then cools with the same periodicity as the warming and cooling of the Greenland Ice sheet, during a Dansgaard-Oeschger cyclic warming event. This is the ‘signature’ which enables us to know what we have just experienced, this is a D-O warming event.
Davis and Taylor: “Does the current global warming signal reflect a natural cycle”
…We found 342 natural warming events (NWEs) corresponding to this definition, distributed over the past 250,000 years …. …. The 342 NWEs contained in the Vostok ice core record are divided into low-rate warming events (LRWEs; < 0.74oC/century) and high rate warming events (HRWEs; ≥ 0.74oC /century) (Figure). … …. "Recent Antarctic Peninsula warming relative to Holocene climate and ice – shelf history" and authored by Robert Mulvaney and colleagues of the British Antarctic Survey ( Nature , 2012, doi:10.1038/nature11391),reports two recent natural warming cycles, one around 1500 AD and another around 400 AD, measured from isotope (deuterium) concentrations in ice cores bored adjacent to recent breaks in the ice shelf in northeast Antarctica. ….
"Public media in the U.S., including National Public Radio (NPR), were quick to recognize the significance of this discovery. The past natural warming events reported by Mulvaney et al. are similar in amplitude and duration to the present global warming signal, and yet the past warmings occurred before the industrial revolution and therefore were not caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gases. The present global warming cycle lies within the range of these past natural warming cycles, suggesting that the present global warming cycle may be of natural origin and not caused by human activity–as climate skeptics have been arguing for some time."
Thanks for the response (and #1.6 below). Thus far, you’ve not owned up to your previous statement (post #74 previous ‘Weekend Unthreaded’) where you stated flatly that ‘no one had predicted that the Arctic would be ice-free [in a short time frame]’. And, yes, it IS relevant what, ‘[cherry-picked] over-excited predictions’ have been. Recall Richard Feyneman, who cautioned that ‘no matter how elegant your theory, if it does not match reality, then it is wrong.’
Or do you dispute one of the mental giants of our time?
I suppose you’ve seen those reports/articles in the New York Times, which discuss the unprecedented warming in the Arctic; seals are having a hard time finding sites to raise their young. Sea ice is vanishing at an alarming rate. The water is so warm that some species are struggling to survive. It’s really bad up north.
Oh, did I mention, that these reports and articles are time stamped the 1920’s? Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention that. Check it out; the links have been posted any number of times here, and at Anthony’s.
So, the Earth climate is getting warmer? How remarkable! Gee, must be the first time that’s ever happened! Oh, wait, my Geological Time Scale 2020 (Gradstein, Ogg, Schmitz, and Ogg) has numerous paleotemperature charts, covering some 3,600 million years of Earth history, and those charts are full of temperature changes, in both directions! What’s even more remarkable is the complete disconnect between the concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth atmosphere, and the temperature! In the Hirnantian Epoch (late Ordovician, and into the early Silurian), when CO2 was over ten times what it is today, there was a wide-spread glacial event. Or, how about the Cryogenian and Ediacaran Periods, with CO2 running up to 12,000 ppm (about 30 times present-day concentrations). Did you catch that word, ‘cryo’? It has a specific meaning. It means ‘really, REALLY super-duper extra cold things’. I mean, like, dude, it’s wowie-zowie unbelievable cold! Like, frozen, dude! Ya know? Cold? Dude? Like?
Of course the climate is changing. It always has changed, and always will change. In spite of what CO2 is doing. Vostok and EPICA showed distinctly that temperature drives CO2 concentration, and not the other way around. If you missed that, then it is on you (like you missed the repeated predictions of an ice-free Arctic, over, and over, and over again).
What would be really nice is if you (for once) did some research on your own, free of places like (non) skeptical science, and found out about the broader picture. Global climate is a ‘coupled, dynamic, non-linear system’, and a SINGLE variable is not going to ‘run the show’, as it were. I’ve never accepted that one, single thing controls what happens to Earth climate, simply because such a phenomenon is well nigh impossible.
You’ve found this place, and there’s plenty to learn here. Please don’t be like so many people I have known, who had a great education, but never let it go to their heads. You can free yourself of all those mis-conceptions you’ve been fed, and realistically, you’re the only one who can.
Peace and health be upon you and your household (by the sea), with my Regards,
“the Arctic Sea Ice (both March max and September min) is shrinking long-term,”
More ignorance-based BS
Arctic sea ice is far above the 10,000 year average.
1979 was a extreme high that caused major issues for Arctic sea life.
What is so hard to understand about this?
Yes, there has been some highly beneficial solar-based warming since the LIA, which was the coldest period in 10,000 years
Be very thankful of that slight warming !
400-500 year old shrubs under retreating Greenland glaciers.
How much warmer must it have been for them to have grown where they are
We are still cooler than the early stages of the LIA.
What is so hard to understand about this?
Is James Hansen just a certain dude? He is addressed as a leading authority selected to address Congress. It amazes me that he still ls accepted as any sort of authority.
It seems accountibility is not based on reality now. Consesus has replaced science.
Read Peter Ridd ‘Reef Heresy?’
JCU should be ashamed as they use our taxes to defend their bias.
The great Peter had to rely on donations and brilliant work by Jennifer and others integrity to prove the GBR is in outstanding health and well protected.
The only problem the reef has is being totally polluted with propaganda!
The observed warming is tiny and well within natural variations.
One obvious Arctic melting source comes from the volcanoes on the Gakkel Ridge 3km below the ice. One year I flipped through the summer polar satellite photos and found a huge circular area of open water. A few people besides me pointed it out. It looked very like something warm was melting the ice from below. Shortly after that NASA removed those images and replaced them with blank ice covered ones.
Generally we are seeing increased seismic and volcanic activity and most volcanoes are under-water so transfer heat directly to water but this does not fit the popular narrative that says “it’s Mankind wot dun it”.
It is quite possible that this year the Arctic ice will bottom out above 5Mkm².
Arctic ice is running lean.
Posted my version further down, but it went into the æther. !
From my reading, the maximum Arctic sea ice (March), and minimum Arctic sea ice (September) have been declining about 13.5% per decade since 1980 (or the start of the satellite era).
I think it’s fairly clear that the Arctic sea ice is shrinking steadily … and for the record I am no fan of alarmist or doom-laden predictions on Global Warming either.
But cherry-picking over-excited predictions does not take away from the reality of sea ice decline over time. The rate will vary year-on-year and decade-on-decade, but the trend downwards is clearly there.
Zero real downtrend since 2007.
Yes, ignorant one, the late 1970s was a time of extreme high extent of Arctic sea ice, up there with the extreme highs of the LIA.
The current level is still far above what it has been for most of the last 10,000 years.
Do try to learn the facts. You are beginning to look like a low IQ teenager with distinct learning disabilities.
And no, the Arctic sea ice has been pretty much steady at the current relatively high extent for the last 12-15 years, and may even bottom out above 5 million km² this year.
“beginning to look like a low IQ teenager with distinct learning disabilities.” or an un-evolved 60’s hippie.
Lordy , now when you note the words that come out of their mouths and check them against reality you are “cherry picking” Its a an alternate reality thing I guess.
‘I think it’s fairly clear that the Arctic sea ice is shrinking steadily …’
Its more complex than temperature, mostly its up to the ocean currents breaking up the Arctic ice. A NASA study pinpointed the problem …
‘A recent study by NASA found that sea ice is growing faster during the winter months today than it did decades ago. This increased growth of sea ice has helped to slow down the overall reduction in Arctic sea ice and delayed an ice-free Arctic.’ (Forbes 2018)
What has altered since 1976?
Zero trend in Arctic sea ice for the past 14 years.
Tilba still can not own up to a false claim, shown wrong over 20 times.
How do you do that, the empty post?
I upvoted it anyway, just out of respect for the right to be left alone!
Serp, you fail to understand that yarpos is an individual with a multitude of talents.
Unlike yarpos, I am able to keep the vast majority of my talents very well hidden.
V. t. I.
Clearly those articles in The Guardian and RealClimateScience were referring to the extensive policing of the polar drug trade. They meant the Arctic will be free of methamphetamine soon….yes.
Good news!
Widespread roll out of IVM could stop the lockups and the virus in weeks, but if IVM becomes too successful it will be banned as the Left will lose their means of social and economic destruction.
Note that it was never specifically illegal for Australian GPs to prescribe IVM for covid, unlike the case of HCQ but its good to see a medical group formally recommending it.
August 13, 2021 The Centre for Digestive Diseases issued today a press release titled “Ivermectin Triple Therapy Protocol for COVID-19 Released to Australian GPs for Infected Elderly and Frontline Workers.”
As we previously covered, this early treatment protocol combines ivermectin with doxycycline and zinc.
“Triple therapy specialist Professor Thomas Borody, famous for curing peptic ulcers using a triple antibiotic therapy saving millions of lives, today released the COVID-19 treatment protocol to Australian GPs, who can legally prescribe it to their COVID-19 positive patients. They can also prescribe it as a preventative medication. Borody says this could be the fastest and safest way to end the pandemic in Australia within 6-8 weeks.”
“The three medications are now on chemist shelves right now. GPs can email [email protected] to obtain the dosing protocol and COVID-19 treatment information for their patients.”
“GPs can legally prescribe the therapy today as an “off label” treatment according to Australian Guidelines – a standard practice in medicine.”
“In fact more than 60% of prescriptions in Australia are “off-label”. It’s not a new concept. It’s happening every day to manage diseases and save lives.”
“The Government could end the pandemic by openly encouraging GPs to prescribe these TGA approved medications. Those who test positive, are identified in contact tracing, as well as those in high-risk groups like the elderly and healthcare workers, can then access the therapy quickly.”
Ivermectin was discovered in the 1970s and is on the World Health Organization (WHO) list of essential medicines.
“There is mounting worldwide clinical literature pointing to a 100% cure rate using Ivermectin Triple Therapy,” said Professor Borody.
This is excellent news. Perhaps Australia will ‘solve’ the world’s covid problem.
The link you provide has links to other good sources for the general population.
here are the videos from Dr Borody about the triple therapy
Dr Borody calls it a cure, so that would mean no need for an emergency
I showed that site [[email protected]] to Mrs H’s GP and he simply said “No”. I’ll make an appointment with my own, he may be more reasonable.
Try the covid medical network if in Australia. They will email you with information.
You will receive an email with the following message in the body of the email, along with 3 PDF’s attached.
Thanks for your email and patience. CMN have been overwhelmed with requests and our small team are catching up on emails.
Please start by contacting your own GP so that they understand that there is a demand for preventative and early treatment options.
I have attached some documents that may assist you with having this conversation, as well as help inform others in your circle (including MPs).
We are still compiling our private directory, (and you can imagine it is not wise to have them available online) but here are some doctors that are discretely available via Skype, zoom or telephone consults for consultations on this treatment:
I did this and once my GP realised that I had done my homework, and knew that there were 20 randomised control trials, plus many other studies, he became quite conciliatory. I didn’t make ivermectin the reason for the visit, and the Dr raised the matter of the vaccination which I do not intend to get, and explained why. I used that to lead into the subject of ivermectin. As my Dr. works in a medical Centre he has to follow their policy, but he did suggest places where I may be able to get Ivermectin. Keep in mind that most GP’s only have the info that they get from the TGA and Dept. of health which they are accustomed to following.
I now have an appointment with one of the Dr’s listed in the body of the email.
If you are in Melbourne I can put you in contact with a doctor who knows the science abd who will prescribe IVM. Perfectly legal and ethical. Contact Jo to get my contact details so I can tell you. (Actually, he might be able to do a telephone consultation if you are not in Melbourne, not sure.)
Hi David, could you please send me the details for the Melbourne doctor as our clinic in rural Vic isn’t interested at all.
My email is [email protected]
Thank you so much
Reading that really lifted my spirits, just what I needed. Am I being cynical in saying lets see what the Government does to stuff it up?
I am terrified the government will ban IVM for covid treatment as they did with HCQ.
That would create a black market and introduce smaller gangs of criminals than the pharma giants.
The need for ivermectin in agriculture makes this impossible. And there is no way to make all of the agricultural products dangerous for human consumption without making them harmful for the intended animals too.
Not good news unfortunately. That same article was posted here a week ago and I pointed out then that it was a year out of date. The Cairns News picked it up a full year too late. The original Covexit story it is based on was on August 19th 2020.
Nothing has changed. Professor Borody has been ignored.
David I think this is great news, however there is a cloud on the horizon. The WHO wants to control the world’s supply of Ivermectin, because covid has put the health of millions of people in third world countries on the back burner. Diseases such as leprosy and parasites such as guinea worm and Onchocerca respond to IV and case numbers have grown exponentially. I’m sure big Pharma will support the WHO so it can maintain its hold on its currently captured market.
What Biden’s handlers have done with Afghanistan (since Biden is too demented for independent thought or action) is either indescribably incompetent or indescribably evil. I’m not sure which but I’m tending to think it was deliberate evil to continue Obama’s mission to destroy America.
When Afghanistan fell, Biden went to bed early at 5pm instead of his usual 7pm…
David, I’ll bet $1,000 on the second option.
The Cabal is fighting for it’s life
and is panicking.
We need to get rid of it completely
from our lives.
Biden is simply the mouth piece, and figurehead for the globalist deep state
Joe went to bed to sleep through the suspended election count; he’s one cool customer eh.
This is absolutely amazing. A US Army sergeant talks to a bunch of Iraqi “soldiers”. He doesn’t hold back his feelings. Same speech would apply to the Afghan “Army”. Or any other army of the area sharing the same culture.
“STRONG LANGUAGE warning.” but good post David M.
Believe it or not we used to get rev ups like this in our local Army Reserves from Officers and NCO’s, it was usually done to lift lacking standards in any aspect of being an effective infantry battalion, and it worked, don’t know if they’d do this now though?
Anyone who went through basic training during the Vietnam War era would be familiar with the lingo. I learnt a few phrases that were new to me, as well as regularly being referred to by some that I was already familiar with.
Well, it was worse in the 60s and 70s to be a US recruit.
Double extra super duper language warning.
“I am Drill Instructor Sgt Hartman”
And this is only half of what it was like.
The actor, R Lee Ermey, was an actual drill instructor brought in as a consultant for the filming. When they couldn’t find an actor who could carry out the role convincingly, he was put into the movie.
One of my favorite movies is “We Were Soldiers”. Lt. Col Hal Moore. Army Air Cavalry.
If anyone wants to understand the battle of La Drang valley, 1965, that’s the one to watch.
It is very intense. Not for the faint.
the book is even better, written by ‘Hal’ Moore and the journalist Joe Galloway, who actually flew onto that battlefield with Hal Moore, and was there the whole time. Joe Galloway was one of very few civilians, and as a journalist, to be awarded The Bronze Star for Gallantry during that battle.
Incidentally, two of the helicopter Pilots (Bell Iroquois (Hueys)) flew their unarmed choppers into and back out of the battle zone, under intense fire, ignoring the closure of helicopter missions into the area, now called the Battle of Ia Drang, (pronounced Ya Drang)
In 2001, 36 years after the Battle, Ed Freeman received the Medal Of Honor for his 14 flights into that Battle zone, and six years later, in 2007, his ‘boss’, Bruce Crandall, (Ed Freeman was his ‘wingman’) also received the Medal of Honor for his 22 flights into that furious situation.
Also one of the best factual military books out there.
If you like reading military novels, perhaps one of the best fiction novels is Once An Eagle, by Anton Myrer, written in 1968, and probably hard to find now.
“CHICKENHAWK” is another good one, particularly if you have an interest in helo aviation. It is a first-hand account from a pilot from ab-initio to after the war.
great book and a very decent movie version I thought
the unpreparedness for the casualties that would come struck me, the cuts back to the taxi delivered telegram “we regret to inform…” and Moores wife taking the job was jarring to say the least. Hard to believe Moore and Plumley made it back to eventually retire. More leadership in their little fingernails than we see much of anywhere today.
I wonder if the translation had the same intensity and detailed word meaning ?
IE ..when he called some one a “pu55y” ..that may have been translated as a “small cat”….?
It can be hard to be effective in a foreign language, even for those who can speake it fluently. !
Do you need a FB account to open that? My sensitivities are being protected by someone.
‘Twas a long time ago but I do not recall anything abusive from my DI when doing boot camp for the RAAF. It was prolly a service thing, us “blue boys” were going on to tech. training corses. I drilled the .303 but never learned to drill the SLR, though I shot it once [only] in 8 years.
You don’t need a Farcebook account to open it.
I’m sure the Chi-comms have no interest whatsoever in the $1 trillion worth of lithium mineral the Taliban now have control over.
When Taliban fighters entered Kabul on Aug. 15, they didn’t just seize control of the Afghan government. They also gained the ability to control access to huge deposits of minerals that are crucial to the global clean energy economy.
In 2010, an internal US Department of Defense memo called Afghanistan “the Saudi Arabia of lithium,” after American geologists discovered the vast extent of the country’s mineral wealth, valued at at least $1 trillion. The silvery metal is essential for electric vehicles and renewable energy batteries.
Taliban might engage Chi-comms to set up reeducation camps.
how big pharma is using graphene oxide in drugs
Big pharmas-Bill Gates 2020 deal on vax
“They’ve got the bank records. They got it all thanks to the Embassy.” -North; Dr. Joel Hirschhorn articles
graphene nanoparticles in biomedicine, brain research/modification
I take it all back dinn, rob; this is top work.
Very large Porites discovered on GBR.
Paleo climate history.
‘Exposed moss and willow shrubs buried beneath today’s receding East Greenland glaciers can be dated to 400 to 500 years ago, suggesting this period (the early Little Ice Age) was as-warm or warmer than today.’ (Notrickszone)
Dear Peter C
I posted in the previous open thread:
You requested the link:
Select the Astrazeneca after typing ‘COVID”
Select a date range: This event was on the 3/8/2021
Select the Adverse event: Under the heading that begins ‘Injury’ and select ‘Adverse event following immunisation’
The report is still there. God Knows who would have stuck this thing in a baby. I am hoping it is an error. Though we do know from the Pfizer study of the vector in mice that the ability of cells to produce the encased message crosses the placenta.
Be aware this data base has so many adverse reactions it times out if you attempt to plug in the adverse reactions resulting in death for all the Covid vaccines.
My attempt to scrape the data base came up with an average age of death as an outcome as about 73 YO compared with what I understand is the average of death from Covid as 86 YO. The graph with time shows a decline in the age of those dying probably as the treatment was made available to a younger age group.
The end of the US Alliance draws near.
‘Game changer for American alliance. After the ignominious rout in Afghanistanour, four former PMs agree … Australia must now become more self-reliant.’ (Oz)
‘I suspect the globalists on this occasion may have overplayed their hand. Our Aussie Prime Minister Scott Morrison normally tries to be flexible and accommodating on the world stage, but being seen as the lapdog of the USA, the UN and Britain all at once would be guaranteed political career suicide.’ (Worrall wuwt)
Demand for COVID-19 antibody drugs soars in hard-hit U.S. states
Germany thinks it will get to NET ZERO.
Electricity Generation 2021
TWh____ %____Generation
0.66_____0.2____hydro (pumped storage)
24.41____7.8____Black coal
57.44___18.3____Brown coal
10.33___12.5____Hydro (run of river)
8.29 ____2.6____Imports
“renewables” claimed as 47% from wind, solar, hydro & biomass. Hydro existed, and capacity has actually declined as most pumped storage schemes were shut down as non-profitable.
And note that biomass emits CO2. 46% of electricity comes from CO2 emitting sources.
Now rearrange those figures by shutting down nuclear and coal-fired (as planned) and wonder where that 39.2% will come from.
And if Macron gets his way, that 2.6% imports (largely from French nuclear which he wants to replace with wind) won’t be available either.
Country sport finals in Victoria abandoned this weekend on Disaster Dan’s directive last night. Seems another lockdown is coming.
More devastation, expecially for kids.
A lockdown will come any hour now to try and counteract the planned freedom marches at 12pm, test and case numbers will be fabricated to back up the excuses to stop people protesting the regimes behavior.
See Jeff Kennett’s latest Tweet which I posted below.
Legends in Sydney and Melbourne, that took some balls.
We had record turnout in my area 800 to a 1000, but we had no restrictions to worry about.
ABC TV turned up so I gave them a serve, ran away, lying trash. Would not respond to my questions, so I will assume that they were spat out on a wall and sun hatched.
This is a good video about Novavax for those who haven’t seen it.
It is a proper vaccine and I’d be prepared to take it if it ever becomes available in Australia.
Sorry David but it isn’t a “proper” vaccine if you mean conventional deactivated or weakened virus. It’s still only a spike protein vaccine but doesn’t use gene therapy to make your body produce them. Instead the spike proteins are cultured and you get them injected into you.
Only time will tell if it is safer or more effective than the current vaccines but since it is also injected and spike protein only, it’s guaranteed to be leaky.
CEO at St Vincents Hospital Melbourne said she thought it would be available in November this year.
British commandos drive into Kabul to rescue British Irish and afghan nationals whilst US troops hide in the airfield.
This is surely the end of the American century. The US troops may be pulled out at any moment by Biden in which case the remaining allies will be in deadly danger.
A fair guess that the various military commanders “on the ground” in Kabul, will have agood agreement on hoe things will play out.. I dont expect any military force will abandon its allies if there is a serious risk they could minimise…….no matter what Biden or any non combetant might say.
US troops are not “hiding” that just suits your rah rah UK spin. Rules of engagement come down from above. Point fingers at Washington if you think the whole deal is a point scoring opportunity.
Not point scoring. The US troops have been told not to go outside the airport perimeter and not engage. They are not happy about it I am sure, but that is the current order.
With Biden in charge rather than Trump it seems doubtful Biden will change the orders to ask snatch squads to go into Kabul although if the escapees are high profile that can’t be ruled out.
The whole of Nato is at risk because of the precipitate way the Americans have withdrawn and don’t forget it was the triggering of the relevant clause in the Nato alliance by the US after 9/11 that brought Nato here in the first place. The US assured Nato just weeks ago that sufficient infrastructure would be left so Nato troops could continue to operate. Unfortunately the US left Bagram air base in the middle of the night without warning. That would have been the ideal place to stage an orderly withdrawal.
This is an amazing video. This guy makes his own integrated circuits in his garage laboratory.
Thanks David. You always manage to dig up some great techno videos.
It is indeed an amazing video and perhaps the garage lab is more amazing.
I asked for legal information regarding mandatory vaccinations a few threads back, thanks for the replies, I found some good links through Reignite Democracy Australia website go to the informed consent page and download the documents to use for you case to uphold freedom of choice.
Looks like there may be some home grown resistance in Afghanistan as rebels in the panshir valley retake several towns
Latest Tweet from Jeff Kennett, former nominally conservative Vicdanistan Premier.
It should be now clear to you why Dictator Andrews recruited another 3000 police. It certainly wasn’t to fight crime, which they are mostly not allowed to do.
Also the ~600 AR-15 rifles and ammo issued to police in late 2019………. that we know of.
Purchased at staggering expense too. The Police Minister was not able to account for the expense when asked in Parliament. They were basically taken to the cleaners with an incompetent purchasing department. Whoever sold the rifles to the Government took them for fools, and they were right!
Dont really have a problem with that as an available tool. One nutter with a rifle and you are left pretty much as a target with a weapon that might shot with adequate accuracy out to 50 metres but you only train at 7 metres.
A couple of years ago the then retiring NSW Commissioner for Police at a media conference advised that police officers had been given more freedom to decide on the use of weapons, and that military rifles were being supplied with appropriate training for all police officers for anti-terrorism and similar events.
He later announced that the ADF had reached agreement via the Federal and State governments that commandos from Holsworthy Army Base near Sydney could be called upon to assist NSW Police if required.
From memory during 2014/15 the Abbott led Federal Liberal-National Government introduced much tougher anti-terrorism legislation.
Yep this is all about a virus.
In Australia, how many of the positive covid PCR test results actually correspond to people who are genuine clinical cases (i.e. sick with symptoms) or are actual asymptomatic spreaders?
The “case” numbers vs hospitalized shows the ratio infected vs clinical cases is small. Add in all those who must be infected and not showing symptoms so they don’t get tested (ie the sources for the “mystery” infections) and the ratio must be vanishingly small.
Symptoms, that’s so 2019, we got a test for that now, a gold standard.
The standard you have when you haven’t got any standards.
—asystematic is a new term in virology. The dark horse project debunked the papers. Mike Yeodon confirms its a fabrication.
I am struggling to think of any correct or wise or at least properly thought through decision any Australian Government of any political persuasion has made in recent years.
They are incompetent fools, the whole bunch of them!
They are only human political animals confronted by a situation out of their control. If you had the ear of the PM or a Premier, what would you say?
So swiftly in there defending incompetent bureaucrats el gordo, again.
They would be incompetent fools if they didn’t make an effort to suppress Covid.
So if you had Morrisons ear would you suggest he drop all restrictions before or after we reach 80% jabs?
Absolutely, along with use of ivermectin in treatment and prophylaxis.
Plus get CSL to make a generic version here since it’s off patent
Nobody defends incompetent bureaucrats, they have always been with us, but lets look at the brighter side and laugh a little.
use your brain
Scotty agrees with you, but unfortunately in the Westminster System he is powerless to do or say anything about it. The States are in control of medical stuff, not the Feds.
So here we are, worse off than when all the hysteria began, a risible counterweight to the return to normality spreading all over the world, slumped into a manufactured psychosis. Australians are being deliberately and methodically terrified, while enforced isolation weakens our resilience.
It renders us more susceptible to the howls of panic, unchallenged by normal debate and conversation, forbidden to meet, discuss or express our disagreement.
We are turning on each other like medieval city states, while our basic human decency dissolves into brawls over toilet paper.
In 1653 Oliver Cromwell dismissed England’s corrupt and incompetent Rump Parliament with the words: “In the name of God, go!” A pity he’s not around today to remove the ars@s who polish the benches of our own parliaments.
Steve Waterson
Commercial Editor
Steve Waterson is commercial editor of The Australian
Bunnings to close stores to retail customers in Sydney. Will be open for trade customers only.
Click & Collect available for the Peasants i.e Online Customers
Bunnings will close doors across Greater Sydney from Monday as new restrictions on retail are imposed by the NSW government.
The hardware giant will only be open for ‘click and collect’ customers, although tradespeople can also access the stores.
“We know from experience that applying a consistent approach across a metropolitan area is easier for our team to manage and helps reduce travel by residents between local government areas,” Bunnings managing director Mike Schneider said on Friday.
The decision comes as new rules to take effect in in Sydney’s COVID-19 ‘areas of concern’ from Monday, August 23, limit Officeworks and other big retailers to online sales only.
Welcome to the Party, Pal!
Of all places to hear it, I heard on abc breakfast tv there will be a protest on the Tweed/Coolangatta border on Sunday (tomorrow).
As I am blocked on antisocial media, if anyone with any info could post, it would be greatly appreciated.
I’m on there’s a few groups with protest info on there, I’ve got this
Yep at the boarder Sunday 12:00.
Truckies were going to blockade due to forced inoculation, the chook changed the rules Friday to allow truckies access without getting a lethal injection, hope they still do it.
United non-compliance.
Latest issue of the light just released.
Hot off the cyber presses.
Thought for the day:
“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.” Groucho Marx
Bruce (democrats loving) Springfield
or Springsteen even. Another celebrity mouthpiece
Yeah should have been Steen but stupid phone thought it knew better
Thanks for the correction
An interesting development …
A death’s door treatment, while useful is not as good as an antiviral that can be used early and also for prevention plus is cheap. But new treatments are all that will be approved as they are the only ones to get funded for the studies needed to gain approval.
“They’ve got the bank records. They got it all thanks to the Embassy.” -North; Dr. Joel Hirschhorn articles
graphene nanoparticles in biomedicine, brain research/modification
Latest garbage from the UN…
Press release
One billion children at ‘extremely high risk’ of the impacts of the climate crisis – UNICEF
Children in the Central African Republic, Chad, and Nigeria are among the most at risk of climate change, according to UNICEF’s first child-focused climate risk index.
19 August 2021
November 16, 2020.
NEW YORK, 20 August 2021 – Young people living in the Central African Republic, Chad, Nigeria, Guinea, and Guinea-Bissau are the most at risk of the impacts of climate change, threatening their health, education, and protection, and exposing them to deadly diseases, according to a UNICEF report launched today.
‘The Climate Crisis Is a Child Rights Crisis: Introducing the Children’s Climate Risk Index’ is the first comprehensive analysis of climate risk from a child’s perspective. It ranks countries based on children’s exposure to climate and environmental shocks, such as cyclones and heatwaves, as well as their vulnerability to those shocks, based on their access to essential services.
Launched in collaboration with Fridays for Future on the third anniversary of the youth-led global climate strike movement, the report finds approximately 1 billion children – nearly half the world’s 2.2 billion children – live in one of the 33 countries classified as “extremely high-risk”. These children face a deadly combination of exposure to multiple climate and environmental shocks with a high vulnerability due to inadequate essential services, such as water and sanitation, healthcare and education. The findings reflect the number of children impacted today – figures likely to get worse as the impacts of climate change accelerate.
“For the first time, we have a complete picture of where and how children are vulnerable to climate change, and that picture is almost unimaginably dire. Climate and environmental shocks are undermining the complete spectrum of children’s rights, from access to clean air, food and safe water; to education, housing, freedom from exploitation, and even their right to survive. Virtually no child’s life will be unaffected,” said Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director. “For three years, children have raised their voices around the world to demand action. UNICEF supports their calls for change with an unarguable message – the climate crisis is a child’s rights crisis.”
“with a high vulnerability due to inadequate essential services, such as water and sanitation, healthcare and education.”
So instead of the utter waste of money on unreliable electricity supply,
Why not focus on the things they mention above.
Its just sickening to watch them trying to use “climate” as a get-out clause.
And of course, the latest high risk item for children is not mentioned.. Covid Vaccines.
From the propaganda garbage report..
“Improving children’s access to essential services, such as water and sanitation, health, and education, can significantly increase their ability to survive”
And every one of those requires solid reliable electricity..
… so get off your backsides and fix it and stop the idiotic garbage climate change rhetoric.
Another EV battery fire hazard recall:
GM extends recall to cover all Chevy Bolts due to fire risk
Oh dear, what have we been saying? My garage is directly below my bedroom. I am OK with Toyota’s hybrid technology, it is now mature.
Well, that depends on a few things…
Which version of Toyotas
Hybrid you have …original, PIP, Prime, etc…..some have different battery chemistries.
What you mean by “Mature” ?….TOYOTA have changed many things since the first Prius etc.
… dont get to relaxed,…Toyota hybrids are not fireproof !
They don’t get charged in the garage.
So Prius is the only car with electrical wiring then.
The point was, despite being “mature” tech, Toyota’s Hybrids are not immune from fire risk.
You may also consider, that being petrol AND battery powered, it could be argued that a hybrid has double the fire risks !😳🤔
Is it possible that Arctic sea ice will bottom out at over 5 million km² ?
Do any other dog owners have a problem getting their electricity meter read?
I have a small dog which thinks the sun shines out of Mrs H’s bum so is never far from her, sitting in the chair with her quite likely. He is never in the yard alone but the meter reader knows he is there and won’t take the readings.
The note they leave in the letterbox says in part: For safety reasons our field crews are not permitted to enter a property if there is an unrestrained dog or if they cannot confirm that the dog is restrained, (my bold) Ergon’s website says holding the dog or holding its collar is not considered “restrained”.
Ergon can give a day the meter will be read but it might be two days either side of that.
Reading all that as written the ONLY way the guy will enter the yard is if he can actually SEE the dog on a chain. They say you can fence off part of the yard but that wouldn’t work, he can’t confirm that the dog is restrained, he could be asleep anywhere. So the only way to meet the letter of the demand is to chain the dog to a stake in the yard , visible from the gate, for the five days that he MIGHT come in.
I’m surprised that you don’t have a smart meter
I have smart meter placement. Out the front.
Does your town council analyze your dog shìt DNA to enforce poop-and-scoop bylaws?
There is more to surveillence than smart meters
I hope they have better things to spend our money on.
You can reject the smart meter by contacting the provider, only a week left I think, its another government opt out, or your in.
They should give you a date for meter reading so your pit bull can be restrained for that period.
Looks as if the Delta wave is unavoidable. Not good 🙁
Eventually, it will be good as NSW will be forced to realise their lockdowns are futile and then the flow on will reopen the whole country. 10 days, I give Gladys
Delta is so virulent it can have a negative generation time!
That means the infected person shows symptoms BEFORE the infecting person is symptomatic.
Try contact tracing that.
Was expecting less growth from yesterday. The numbers surprised me
Nevertheless, a hard lock down where people stay at home and go out very little should be enough. When I read “only work when you cannot work from home” I consider it a soft lockdown
Movement of people is a major problem, I had a vaccination this morning and while waiting I overheard a conversation between three people and the reception nurse, they all had an appointment but only one was a patient registered at the Medical Centre, the other two were asked where they were from and they answered naming a Sydney north shore suburb, and when asked how long they had been in our Mid North Coast NSW area with some hesitation one said “about two months”.
Too many people have been travelling.
Here essential workers go to work masked on crowded buses. People go to buy food at stores a couple of times a day. Construction workers on commercial property are considered essential. Delivery drivers, postal workers meat packers, manufacturerers, amazon workers guards, It workers, gas statioons, automobile mechanics …
Well you get the idea. A hard lockdown is kind of soft
Actually, what all the mystery cases show is that many people go through the infectious phase then recover after having symptoms so mild that they never realized they were ever infected with the Delta variant in the first place. The lockdowns are destined to fail.
CAGW is nonsense. Tilba take note. The Sun drives climate. Not some failed models with attitude.
“Contrary to the findings of the IPCC,” he says, “scientific observations in recent decades have demonstrated that there is no ‘climate change crisis.’ The concept that’s devolved into the failed CO2 anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) hypothesis is based on the flawed predictions of imprecise 1980s vintage global circulation models that have failed to match observational data both since and prior to their fabrication.”
Of course CO2 has nothing to do with climate and weather conditions, and it is not “Carbon pollution” by any stretch of the imagination.
I agree that the catastrophists are a bit over the top, but I don’t let it distract from the main gig – which is that the planet is warming, and it is doing so far faster than normal “natural” processes would cause it to.
We’re now talking about decades, or a century at most, rather than millennia.
And not only is it happening at a really fast rate, but there is evidence that it’s getting faster. I have absolutely no doubt that anthropogenic release of CO2 through the massive burning of fossil fuels is causing the rapid rise in global temperatures.
Just look at Arctic sea-ice melt. Greenland ice-sheet melt, or the missive permafrost thaw. No amount of cherry-picking sophistry can wish these realities away.
I think any other position is head-in-the-sand blatant denialism. YMMV.
“I have absolutely no doubt that anthropogenic release of CO2 through the massive burning of fossil fuels is causing the rapid rise in global temperatures.”
Yet you have zero scientific evidence to back up that nonsense claim.
And you refuse to look at real data that proves your mindless beliefs are totally wrong.
Arctic sea ice is far above the Holocene norm, after a recovery from the extreme high in 1979.
Greenland glaciers are revealing shrubs dated to 400-500 years ago, so even the early LIA was warmer in Greenland than it is now, by at least a few degrees.
All your inane comments are based on mantra driven ignorance and denial of historic reality.
The greatest “deniers” are those that “believe” in the AGW meme.
Time you woke up your tiny nil-educated mind and did something about it.
I like your tolerance of views that don’t accord with yours.
So, absolutely zero counter to actual science or evidence.
Just unsupportable belief.
Get your head out of the sand, and stop making idiotic comments that you cannot substantiate or support with actual science.
Tilba says
“ I like your tolerance of views that don’t accord with yours”
That is extremely ironic, and at the same time blind.
Your view demands we restructure the global economy and definitely puts your hands in the pocket book of everybody on the planet. ( not hyperbole)
His view does zero of that to you or anyone. ( oh, and he is correct, CO2 is highly net beneficial and those benefits are set to continue increasing for any foreseeable future, while the harms, failing to manifest globally, will continue to fail more (-; on an exponential path as CO2 increases. ( each additional CO2 molecule has less warming
zero thought process of your own.
Absolutely ZERO evidence of CO2 warming.
Provide some if you have any.. or crawl back into your troll-hole. !!
?? You seem to be really mentally damaged, GA !
ps.. Whoever said there is zero evidence, was totally correct
Regurgitating AGW mantra, proves an inability to think for themselves.
You are free, any time you want, to produce evidence of warming by atmospheric CO2…
… but you won’t.
Could you specify the, ” … so far faster than normal “natural” processes … ” rate of warming which is causing you concern, please.
Thank you,
V. t. I.
Yes – of course the sun is involved – over scales of ten of thousands of years. But what all sensible, concerned, qualified, non-deniers are saying is that the rate of Global Warming since 1850 is way outside any natural processes.
And I agree with them. You can deny all you like, and even abuse and insult me and others … I don’t care a whole bunch. But deep down I know you attack people like me because you know we are right … if we were wrong you wouldn’t bother.
And if you had evidence you’d provide it instead of saying “trust the experts”.
Poor response.
Can you explain how anyone can get evidence that isn’t supplied by very expensive climate monitoring systems and analysis algorithms. If one points to the evidence that is published and freely available to view is it invalid because someone else (an expert- shudder) produced it. I challenge anyone else here to provide the evidence that they “have” (to quote you Jo) for anything in this realm.
“Poor Response.”
Self titling again ??
Your response is totally empty of anything but waffle, GA.
“If one points to the evidence that is published and freely available”
We are waiting for someone to do that. Actual science, not models, and not mantra.
Still awaiting the rate and magnitude of ‘ … climate change … … faster than normal “natural” processes … ‘ that have you so concerned.
It is customary to express the number of Kelvins over the time frame in question. For example, I’ve seen the “since the Industrial Revolution” change expressed as about 1.2 Kelvins in about 160 – 180 years.
Please specify what numbers you are looking at; thank you and Best Regards,
V. t. I.
“You can deny all you like”
Deny what.. deny the equivalent of a Goldilocks and the three bears.
The “denial” is all yours.
You prove you are totally unable to face facts that show the AGW meme is a load of garbage.
No, its is not warming any faster than natural.. there is no evidence of that.
There is no evidence that CO2 has been a cause of this highly beneficial warming.
We “correct” your brain-washing, because we know its is just that…
… its a belief based not on any actual real science, but on anti-science BS.
“And I agree with them.”
But are unable to produce anything to back up that belief.
Do you believe in Little Red Riding Hood, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy?
They all have just as little real science behind them.
Tilba Tilba:
Have you ever looked outside of your beliefs for confirmation? Cycles in the sun’s output are known and have been discussed.
Question: If the sun only changes over thousands of years and the CO2 level was stable (until 1850)**, what caused the Medieval Warming and the Little Ice Age?
**That is IPCC “science” which also denies (in the teeth of the evidence) that the Medieval Warming occurred. Even that well known believer in man made Global Warming Brian Foley coudn’t swallow that fiction. Try reading some of his books – ‘The Little Ice Age’ was his best seller, but ‘The Great Warming’ about the effect of climate on civilisation would also leave you, if not wiser, at least better informed.
Pretty sure that Tilba has absolutely zero interest in becoming “better informed.” !
“Greenland glaciers are revealing shrubs dated to 400-500 years ago, so even the early LIA was warmer in Greenland than it is now, by at least a few degrees.“
Any response, Tilba. Cat got your tongue?
How much warmer would it have had to have been for trees and shrubs to have grown where they are now being found under retreating glaciers?
Get your head out of the sand and stop your brain-washed denial of the fact that we are currently only a small bump out of the coldest period in 10,000 years.
“of course the sun is involved”
Yes, solar increases account for basically all of the warming since the LIA. !
Tilba Tilba
Since 1850? As co2 was still at 250ppm or so, consequently what was the mechanism that caused this unnatural change in temperatures?
There is a bazaar struggle in the ABC News24 studio today, the live anchor is attempting to report on the Melbourne anti lockdown protests but when the live pictures start someone in the control room switches to another recorded story or runs a promo ad. The pictures clearly show several thousand protestors but the reporter claims about 300 and just as the protest line was meters from the police line they cut to a story in Afghanistan.
ABC management do not want us to see the size of the anti Andrews government protest.
The “journalism” profession is a disgrace. They no longer report the facts, they are simply paid propagandists of the Left. In the case of Their ABC they are clearly in breach of their charter to be impartial and acting illegally.
It depends where you draw the centre-line comrade, and who’s doing the judging on what is “Left”, “Centrist”, and “Right”. Personally I find the ABC pretty wokey on cultural and multicultural issues (and Global Warming).
But on big issues of substance (the economy, the stock-market, industrial relations, wealth distribution, taxation, in fact capitalism generally) – they are just as straight, conservative and legitimising as any other media – including Murdoch-land.
To you, who is totally uninterested in reality, and lean so far left your ear scrapes the ground,..
… even Marx would be centrist.
The same format again: did they teach you anything else in journalism school?
Meanwhile, after looking for possible rhyming words to go in the headline leader, there’s obvious exhaustion, nothing left to take care of the actual facts.
An example of the multiple manipulated, you need to take charge of your life and throw off those chains.
They did end up showing the crowd during tonight’s news and stated the size was about 2000.
a good reason why l have stopped watching anything ABC for years now is the clearly seen Bias and editing
Conspiracy voodoo – I’ve had News24 on more-or-less all day – they’ve shown heaps of vision of the big crowds at the lockdown demo. You’re looking for dark stuff that ain’t there – and jumping at shadows -.
[snip. enough with the name calling. – LVA]
A couple of videos just in from the Melbourne protests,
Melbourne: Riot police have been filmed pointing projectile weapons at people protesting government covid mandates today.
Language warning.
Going to twitter …
It’s huge. Just look through #Melbourneprotest on Twitter
Typical protest stuff, although the Melbourne one was nearer to riot
Silly thing to do during an epidemic. Just takes one superspreader
Funny how people and governments didn’t go wetting their pants over bad flu seasons through the decades, doctors have admitted covid-19 is easier to treat with Ivermectin than treating influenza A or B, blame the corrupt medical profession and governments instead of people that have enough brains to see whats really going on.
Historically 900+ people die of Influenza every year in NSW. Same for Pneumonia. NSW Health numbers.
The alarmists have predicted 100 of the last two superspreader events.
If they just hold up a couple of BLM signs it will all be fine.
BLM Rally – Ban Lockdowns & Masks
A very silly thing from the [snip namecalling]- they want to stop lockdowns but their event might prolong them.
It’s called “free-dumb”!
I think it is fair to say that freedom and democracy no longer exist in Australia. The fact that they ever did seem to was an illusion. There was no real freedom, there just seemed to be because government was not exercising their dictatorial powers.
“Freedom” and “democracy” are not synonymous. The tyranny of 50%+1 is still tyranny.
I think it’s very unfair to say that … we have a wide range of freedoms enshrined in the Federal and State constitutions, we have upper houses in most jurisdictions that also oversee any legislative moves, we have all manner of rights under common law, and a judicial system that will uphold freedoms in most cases.
We have elections frequently – and the parties in power (federal, state, and territory) change reasonably frequently. We haven’t had entrenched power since Menzies, Bjelke-Petersen and Playford.
Democracy works on majority rule – it’s not “tyranny” – and under the Westminster System it’s fairly hard to hold absolute power very easily or for very long.
It’s not perfect (for example the rural rump hold more power than mathematically it should) – but overall it works to the satisfaction of most punters.
Of course you are right that we still have our democratic institutions in place.
But what is argued is that we are seeing democratic assumptions and privileges eroded. Now this is being justified, by authorities who believe they are right, in an appeal of a national medical emergency.
But evidence, mostly from OS, challenges the assumptions of this analaysis.
I have never felt more that “we are an island”. There is virtually NO national discussion through the mainstream media, of the international virologists, epemiologists, pathologists et al who oppose the use of the current vaccines, warn against the rise of ADEs, & urge the use of anti-viral meds. There is also no serious analysis of the percentage of deaths per population of this virus.
Old Ideas still work – Especially in Lockdown
For the Men – RCAF 5BX plan
For the Women – RCAF – XBX Plan
I remember my father, mother, and sister (all sporty types) doing 5BX and 10BX in the 1960s – both parents made their 90s, and sis is going strong at 73!
Thanks, I’ve often thought about looking up the 5BX and never followed through (until this).
At 73 my knees and feet cannot take the running in place. However, I got a BOSU ball and can run on it – highly recommended.
“U.S. Embassy in Kabul Sends Out Thousands of Blank VISA Documents Which Are Easy to Falsify and Makes Things Worse
August 21, 2021 | Sundance | 31 Comments”
U.S. Embassy in Kabul Sends Out Thousands of Blank VISA Documents Which Are Easy to Falsify and Makes Things Worse
Why is the US (our rich and powerful friends) always so monumentally dumb? It’s been going on for many decades – well before Trump and Biden.
Terroir attacks were on the die turn with the last President. ( After a few were heavily punished) Numerous Arab nations were making peace overtures with Israel. Then, a stolen election.
What is the current status of the claim we used to hear a lot of but not so much now that bring infected and recovering from covid does not confer future immunity on you?
Another lie or scary story or true?
The lie is that natural immunity is not long lasting because antibody testing fades. Trouble is the testing doesn’t test for killer T cells which can be lifelong.
I’m a mechanic, I have have listened to hours of learned ladies and gentlemen explain this but would still flunk the exam. What I have picked up is that if I had natural immunity I would resist like ‘ell getting the jab. I think that would be a mistake.
Very true. The statistics from Israel show that infection is far more likely for those vaccinated (4% minimum based on the 96% efficacy claims which means the rate gets higher over time as the effects fade) compared with those recovered from previous infection (0.1%).
Mike yeodon found blood from SARS covid one rallied strong t-cell response to as as SARS covid two, noting cell memory persistence over a decade. Also the two are 20% different, and variants only 7% difference. Also I’ve heard of folks waiting for antibodies test’s STILL WAITING,
Rain falls at the summit of Greenland Ice Sheet for first time on record
Could this be a first report of a weather event where there is no mention of CO2?
Caught up with our daughter in Wangaratta yesterday (that past era when such things were legal)
Once we had settled in I noticed something about the young families around us that gave me a little hope. I have previously remarked to my gorgeous ex fiance that modern parents (especially in the city) are more interested in their smartphones than their kids , with the kids having to compete for attention.
Yesterday there were three young couples with stroller age kids in the restaurant. To my great surprise they were actually happily engaged with their child and each other. No phones on the table. One did take a call, dispensed with it quickly and went back to the humans in front of them.
Nice to see, the young’uns give me hope yet.
Not in the headlines – yet
Joe Bastardi
“Henri is the storm we have feared for decades”
Met people doing their job: Creating fear based on models.
Except that is “Bastadi” not “Biden”so we’ll see
“Tropical Storm Henri Careens Toward New York with Hurricane-Strength Winds”
It looks like the high-population areas (Manhattan / Queens) have dodged the bullet, and the centre is moving east of Long Island. Rhode Island and Cape Cod might be in the line now.
And perhaps Barack and friends on Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket. Perhaps they all have cellars with a decent wine collection.
It has been down=graded to a “storm.
The big concert in Central Park Saturday Night was cancelled.
Good thing too it seems – the Park had a record 113 mm of rain in an hour or two – that’s a lot.
‘Careen’ used to mean scraping the barnacles off the bottom of a boat (in England). We might have said that a storm ‘careers’ towards a coast! How did it change its meaning in the USA?
Saturday night at the movies.
I sit up late after the Lady has gone to bed trying to find simple enjoyable movies. I thought comics were stupid as a kid so that takes much of Hollywood off the table.
There can’t be many B&W waries left [modern ones try to outdo each other with slo-mo blood] so has anyone any suggestions? [I’ve watched Casablanca a number of times already]
One of my all-time favorites is ‘In Harm’s Way” with John Wayne, Patricia Neal, Kirk Douglas, Thomas Tryon, and Paula Prentiss.
Paula became so enraged at director C.B. DeMille that at one point she broke her foot kicking a prop on the set.
I’ve not seen it in decades, likely unavailable. If memory serves, this was the only movie Brandon DeWilde ever made; he lost his life shortly after the movie was released. Had he survived, he might have become a fairly big star.
I’m likely wrong on some of this information.
Regards to you and the Missus,
V. t. I.
I’ll look for it. I have seem many of the Duke’s early westerns I know he rode his own horse Penny in them.
You probably saw it, and it is color (not B&W), but on the subject of WW I, “The Blue Max” with George Peppard, Ursula Andress, and James Mason, is also a great film.
I was going to buy the DVD of it, but it is M.I.A.
(frowny face)
I watched it and it was OK but I was going to score it zero on historical accuracy but the IJN Yamato did do battle with the Yanks in the Battle off Samar as part of a large fleet and was repelled by a far smaller US fleet. If interested do a search on Task Force Taffy and the USS Johnston.
Hi Hanrahan,
Correct; it is NOT historical in any sense, just a nicely done war/love interest movie. If you noticed, the writer took some “actual” names (“Levu Vana”, for example, in the movie) and just turned them around (Vana Levu).
Yes, I’ve read Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors (James Hornfischer). I can recommend it without hesitation. That and Shattered Sword, which is the most comprehensive study of the Battle of Midway produced to date. I was looking forward to the 2019 rendition of Midway, hoping it would be a better depiction of the events of the battle, but there were too many ‘new’ historical errors for me to recommend it.
I’ve not yet looked at your links, but will. I’m still waiting for “Tilba^squared” (by the sea) to respond to postings at #1 and #35. Somehow, once his/her cage gets rattled, he/she/it clams up. I’m hoping I get the chance to eviscerate this false claim that ‘climate is changing faster than can be accounted for by natural processes’ bunk.
Doubtful at this point that I’ll have the opportunity.
Hope you have a great ‘Saturday Night at the Movies’ next Saturday, and stay healthy,
Hi Vlad. It may have been different in Nelson’s day but in WWII winners and losers could not be calculated simply by ships lost. By this measure Coral Sea was a draw but strategically, combined with Australian success at Milne Bay and Kokoda Track, it rolled back the Japanese advance and they never regained the initiative. Midway OTOH was a tactical victory with a 4:1 carrier loss ratio but the Japanese had others, the Yanks were down to Enterprise and Hornet [I think]. They didn’t press on and lost any advantage they might have had.
After Savo Is, a humiliating defeat for the RAN and USN, the Japanese never again had a victory at sea.
All quiet on the western front 1930 film still holds up today, The Colditz storey 1955 classic pow movie also The Great Escape, fantastic cast.
Made in 2017, an EXCELLENT treatment of WW I is Journey’s End. Paul Bettany is in a supporting role (he was in Master and Commander, and recently did Manhunt: Unabomber in the role of Ted Kaczinski). He’s become one of my favorite actors.
Hope that helps,
I’ll return the favour with a few from left field you may never have heard of.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
Robot & Frank
The last is not to everyone’s taste. The rest of the family switched off. lol
A friend lent us a copy of the book re. Guernsey. Droll for a while and then I became rather bored by it. Didn’t finish it and gave it back.
We have a set of old films on DVD as given out by the UK Telegraph a few years back. Better see if any are worth watching…
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
This is a beauty – highly recommended.
Hi Hanrahan:
Third link is a duplicate of the second.
Interesting, dare I say, ‘eclectic’, tastes you have there. I think I’ll catch that first one fer shure; I saw some shows related to the occupied island on our American Heroes Channel (AHC for short) a few years back.
The title of the Guernsey movie was intriguing right from the start. A couple hours east of Casper, we have Camp Guernsey, which is a Wyoming National Guard training complex. Our unit is an artillery brigade, and one must pay special attention to the times the training area is “hot”. I’ve had to fly around the area on numerous occasions (yes, I once worked as a Pilot; 11,500 hours total time). Air Traffic Control does a great job of keeping us out of the location when active training is going on. For the past few years, I am given to understand, the area is now “hot” 24/7/365, instead of just now-and-then.
Thanks for the links; much as I like Frank Langella, I’ll put that movie onto a ‘back burner’ for now,
Consistency Eh?
“One Hundred Authors Against Einstein”
“Academics say we need to stop global warming by reducing population, and have 11,000 academic signatories behind this idea.”
“This is the same stance AAAS took 100 years ago when they were key backers of eugenics.”
I luv it that DeSmog has taken the time and effort to compile a comprehensive list of “deniers”, a list of thousands of us, including hundreds of PhDs.
Isn’t that thoughtful of them?
Disappointed not to see my name on the list, Yonnie Stone PhD in Climate Trolling and General Smartassery.
Yonnie, you sir, are my rock. The philosopher postie with critical insight, courage to say what you believe and most importantly a retained sense of humour. Strained at times, but still lingering in the background. Keep making us laugh and maintain the rage.
DagNabbit! That’s why I’m not getting my checks from ExxonMobile (as they usually spell it)! I ain’t on the dog-gone list neither!! And after all the work I’ve done to get on the list!! I signed the Oregon Petition (TWICE!!!!), and I ain’t no persona non gratia!
What’s a poor feller to do these days to get hymnself recognized as one of those dang-blasted DE*NYE*ERS-types of mal-contentment-ers???????!!???????????
Oh, WOE is ME!!!!!!
I did a one year contract with Exxon Mobil once (felt like 3) What a shambles of a company , at least in the IT area. I wondered how they made money, or how much more they could have made.
Making a list of people that oppose your thought process strongly indicates that something is wrong with your thought process.
Desmog switched to lists after the Voodoo dolls kept deflating from sticking pins in them……..
Chuckel ! 🙂
Its great to have a handy list of “reliable” real scientists. !
Thanks DeSmog ! 🙂
Just seen your comment after posting mine. Dare I say that great minds think alike?!
Bookmarked. Now I can check who to trust! Didn’t see Craig Kelly on the list? Was very glad to see John Redwood on it.
In 2010, Osama Bin Laden laid a protective order on Joe Biden, forbidding any assassination attempts being made on him. Bin Laden’s reasoning was that Biden was so incompetent that it would be the equivalent of a major terrorist attack if Biden was to ascend to the Presidency
h/t American Thinker
Biden is certainly proving to be a strong Taliban asset !
As in
“The Eagle’s Stare – Pentagon Unaware of State Department Security Alert Telling Americans Not To Come to Kabul Airport
August 21, 2021 | Sundance | 126 Comments”
More on vaccinations, side effects, efficacy on War Room. Fast forward to 32 minute mark and listen from there.
You will be shocked.
Out of Israel. Those vaccinated early against covid19 have higher rates of infection and more serious disease.
Listen from 40 minutes.
Listen earlier if you want to hear more.
Bannon is still talking about Trump becoming speaker after the mid-terms. How cool would that be? 😎
so the inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA drugs Dr Robert Malone says the vaccines exasperate the problems associated with the kung flu?
who else would you listen to?
l have heard that from a few other sources
if this phone call to Australian Clinical Labs is be proven to be true Gladys has some explaining to do
l think the questions about where she is getting her data should be revealed as so many believe the BS and want to wear the ribbon
Thanks Marksman.
Short summary: The standard PCR test as used by Australian Clinical Laboratories does not distinguish between the first Covid variant and the new Delta strain.
The implication is that the two cannot be distinguished. However it is likely that the people with positive tests are retested with another assay which does a genomic sequence.
The standard PCR is good enough to pick out the postives from the much larger group who are negative.
Now for a deep dive into the genomic sequences being used please Peter. Could the genomic sequence for the variant just be another section of the modeled nucleic acid sequence for the virus. There is zero reporting from these laboratories. There isn’t any reporters from Catalyst, 60 mins etc in these testing bodies.
We are flying blind lead by people with a poor record for leadership or accuracy. Prepare for the crash!
Merck would like you to know that ivermectin definitely makes them money. They also want you to know this:
It is important to note that, to-date, our analysis has identified:
• No scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies;
• No meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and;
• A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.
These are the people who make the drug for use in humans. Please take their word for it.
What is it with the hard left and hypocrisy?
So therefore using your logic, the experimental mRNA gene therapy should not be used!
How do you explain the lack of infection & mortality in the rice growing countries where these prophylactic treatments are used to minimize a real killer called malaria? That was until as I understand, the World Health Organisation and World Bank came in an insisted on the vaccination.
I’m not hard left or hypocritical. The words above are from the makers of Ivermectin – not me. What is it about what the MAKERS say that you can’t accept or want to deny? Ivermectin is pseudo-science voodoo.
Merck don’t own IVM anymore. Not since 1996. It threatens their more profitable drugs now. Why would they say anything else?
You’re dissembling .. Ivermectin is a not a malarial prophylactic – you’re conflating two things.
The general feeling is that Ivermectin doesn’t work on Covid or the Flu.
Science us not based on “ general feelings “
The general evidence, both peer reviewed and analytical observational, is they work very well
Extraordinary escalation of violence by Victoria Police firing bearing ball sized pepper shots at the demonstration yesterday. Nobody lost an eye as happens in France when this tactic is used. Michael Smith News posted the reaction of Craig Kelly to it.
No calls for resignation of police minister and the chain of command in vicpol responsible for this outrage yet as there would be were XR or BLM taken down with those methods.
Thank goodness for Jo and her take on covid. I’d be going mad to think no one thought like this. The reliable source of quality information, and she is spot on and not afraid of rubbing the grain of her readers, in the name of integrity.
Great respect.
Hurricane Henri, another weather bureau beatup.
Hurricane forecasts have to trend towards the worst-case scenario, and they have for the last 50 years. I don’t like it either – 9 times out of 10 they overstate the forecast and the total mayhem never eventuates.
But I understand the reverse is hugely awful … telling people there is not a drama – just a piddling Cat1, and then a Cat3-4 comes barrelling through and kills hundreds of people.
I understand why they always err on the side of worst-case. You would too if you had their job.
“You would too if you had their job.”
A job which is more to do with advertising than giving real time predictions and assessments of future weather.
Masks don’t stop the spread of COVID-19. At all. Not even N95 masks.
The following article compares the infection rates of various regions in the USA and other countries where masks were mandated vs those that didn’t and also the timings of masks mandates and their removal vs infection rates. The only possible conclusion is that masks are totally ineffectual in containing and keeping out the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
But they make a nice fashion accessory, I feel naked without it.
Now the politics begins …
‘Liberal MPs are urging Prime Minister Scott Morrison to take a hard line against states that veto plans to ease lockdowns when vaccination rates hit 70 per cent.’ (SMH)
Masks aren’t 100% effective – no-one ever said they were.
But they are HUGELY useful, and far far better than not having one. You’re promoting nonsense that harms people. Why? Are you a mask-hater? What is your point?
‘According to the latest IPCC Assessment Report 6 (AR6), the observed temperature increase and the calculated temperature increase according to climate models have been almost the same 1.3 °C from 1750 to 2020.
‘The report shows a strong positive trend in solar shortwave radiation from 9/2000 to 6/2017, but its impact has been omitted in post-2000 warming calculations which explains the high temperatures since El Nino of 2015-2016.’ (Prof. Antero Ollila, Notrickszone)
“Climate Models”.
Back in the sixties there were things called “falsies”; you couldn’t see them but you could see their effect.
The IPCCCCCs Climate Models are the modern equivalent of the “falsie”, you can see the manufactured statement that claims to be true but the whole concept is a fabrication.
There’s No Scientific link between atmospheric temperature increase and human origin CO2 creation.
There is, however, a scientific mechanism at an altitude of 11 km which allows CO2 to make a small, very small contribution to atmospheric heat loss and hence, overall cooling.
Biden ‘Live’ Presentation on Afghanistan and Hurricane.
Skip the Hurricane portion… Start at 56 minutes to 1:10 minutes.
A CBS poll, this Friday… determined that the majority of American now believe Biden is not capable to run the military forces.
Biden is asked about the poll….. His response and the maniac smile/laugh…. Is evidence that Biden … Is senile and sensitive about his senility. Hence no one in the WH has discussed the problem of his senility with him. If the US was a private company…. Biden would be instantly removed and the board of directors and his staff fired for hiding what is going on.
This presentation and Biden’s answers to the press core’s question is sufficient evidence that Biden is senile and not capable of being president. A cognitive test will not be required.
This is a link from the Washington Post coverage of Biden’s Afghanistan conference which includes reporter questions.
56 minutes to 60 minutes Biden is answering questions from reporters.
Biden is asked about the Friday CBS poll that found that majority of voters believe Biden is not ‘focused’ on his job, competent to do his job, and effective at his job.
CBS reporter Ed O’Keefe asked the president about the most recent CBS News poll which showed while American approve of removing troops from Afghanistan, they disapprove of the president’s response.
“A new poll out today shows Americans wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan, but they disapprove of the way you’ve handled it,” O’keefe said.
“The majority of Americans – forgive me, I’m just the messenger – no longer consider you to be competent, focused, or effective at the job. What would you say to those Americans?
William: Biden’s response is confused verbally and logically….. “Look I am responsible for making the Judgements that no one else can or will.”
Biden’s response to his administration’s complete failure to monitor the events on the ground in Afghanistan and to have contingency plans…IS. He is the only person who can or will make the Judgements.
Biden is confusing the word Judgements, with the word decision. Logically Biden is not the only person in the US who can make the big decisions and be commander and chief of the USA.
A person with senility or an idiot can make ‘decisions’ and judgements.
So appropriate for the times in which we live.
Here is a link to the presentation.
The above link has been deleted.
Amazing – Aussie cops are beasts (not in a good way)
my sympathies to whoever reads such tosh.
GA can’t handle the facts..
Neither can he make a cogent argument against them.
The fight between Berejiklian and other premiers over ‘Covid-zero’ is interesting
Serves the USA voters right, for electing a President in the early stages of Alzheimers. Ronald Reagen developed Alzheimers, but only in the last stages of his Presidency. Biden has only just commenced his 4-year term, and is already exhibiting the symptoms. And with a VP like Kamala Harris, God help the USA and the world!!
Is there any evidence that Joe Biden has any dementia … sounds like a meme from the MAGA/Fox crowd to me. Where is the evidence?
You obviously haven’t bothered watching him in interviews.
The guy has even more mental issues than you do.
Not elected.
As this thread winds down, and Jo/Mods will soon close comments, it should be noted that Mr./Ms/? “Tilba^squared” (by the sea) has not answered the challenge posed at post number one (Arctic sea ice predictions), the general statement at, nor has (it) responded to a simple request for some clarifying information at 35.2.2 and 35.3.2.
I must be making some very unreasonable statements.
Take note, that as you challenge feeble mis-conceptions, you to will be ignored,