Could Pfizer have wished for more?
Eight weeks ago, Australians weren’t that interested in the vaccines to an exotic foreign disease. Back then, only 7% of the population were fully vaccinated, and now, viola, it’s 21% of the nation (which is a quarter of all adults).
By letting the virus leak in to a Limo Driver, who could have been protected with a $50 Hazmat suit, and then being too slow to act, the Premier of New South Wales has lit a fire under the rush to vaccination, not just in NSW but indirectly across the rest of Australia, since nearly every state has now been infected with a Covid strain that has a post-mark from Sydney. By trying to do a minimalist response, she ensured maximal type of lockdown.
On June 24th, only 2.8 million doses of vaccines have been given, now it’s 15.3 million. That’s some uptake. Eighty percent of all the vaccinations in Australia have happened in the last eight weeks.

Guardian Graph plus annotations by Jo.
She’s now saying the Delta virus can’t be eliminated, even though most other states have done that, and everyone knows it.
Big Pharma must be delighted. The CCP too.
Australia and New Zealand were in a bubble of freedom and safety that was, unfortunately, antithetical to the advertising pitch and hit jingle — “Vaccines are the only way out”. Despite being 93% vaccine-free (or more) the two nations had one fiftieth the deaths-per-capita of the UK and USA, and less economic damage too, showing that hard borders beats vaccination for viral control. It stood as an example of a better way to deal with the average bioweapon. Any nations that locked out the disease could open their borders to each other, and their economy, and they didn’t need Big Pharma.
Australia and New Zealand had the luxury of watching the results of the epidemiological experiments and mass-mutation-games around the world. But that’s all at risk now, and the only solution (apparently) is mass vaccination.
It’s a national emergency, lets use the slowest medicine we can find?
Given that this slow medicine takes five to ten weeks to work, it remains unexplained why anyone would pick it to beat a surging epidemic with a doubling time of four days. Especially when there are other medicines that work in hours and are insanely cheap. The cost of a single day of lockdown in Sydney would cover free national doses of the drug that shall-not-be-named plus probably enough Vitamin D, Zinc, B6 and B12 to give 25 million people a lifetime supply and deworm all the cattle in Australia too. It’s almost as if the government is spending other people’s money?
I’m not suggesting that Big Pharma are running the NSW Department of Health. I’m just saying that if they were, all the Department decisions would look uncannily the same.
In the US Big Pharma spent $4.7b lobbying in Washington in the last 20 years. At any point, the government could set up inquiries into using cheap drugs instead. Yet they don’t.
Big Pharma are pretty happy with that.
They must be very happy that Gladys is in charge of nearly the whole nation’s strategy.
If you would rather live without mandatory vaccination or at least be able to wait for more data, a longer safety record, or other choices, the Sydney outbreak is making it much harder.
The lockdown might have ended already if close contacts were given antivirals and Vitamin D.
Covid live vaccination:
This article is very unimpressed with the dictatorial powers of the premier and police in Australia. Presumably this is all part of the drum beat to get people vaccinated whether they want to or not.
I am not sure I have seen any scientific tests to determine the efficacy of the various anti virals available. Until they do I suppose the authorities will say the vaccine is the only route out.
Interesting article; I like the picture of the Death Star with the golf tees sticking out of it.
The original HCQ trial was designed to kill – it was very successful. HCQ remains reasonably effective when done right The TOGETHER trial from Argentina was designed to fail, and it did. The Oxford unprincipled trial also designed to fail. The last two are 3 doses only administered late with none of the recommended adjuncts. These are the “best and brightest” who would fail research methods 101.
“I am not sure I have seen any scientific tests to determine the efficacy of the various anti virals available”.
We should all throw in a few dollars to buy Tony a white cane and a SEdog.
In 1969 I was using an antimalarial potion for two months that was based on quinine.
I assume that the current HCQ wouldn’t be much different.
The “antivirals” seem to have a long useful history.
You can buy him all the sticks you like, but if he refuses to use what is available, there is no hope.
Thanks Beowulf. I am all in favour of using anti virals if they work. To know that, proper trials need to be conducted by competent authorities . The amount of virus related trials to determine their efficacy is far lower to date than that carried out for vaccines (And I’m fully aware of the shortcomings of those).
I went to as suggested and read the studies.
This UK study is up to date and looks at the evidence to date. It is from a respected authority and is pretty even handed and demonstrates why to date the UK Medicines agency (which before Brexit covered all 28 EU countries) The new European Medicines Agency covering the remaining 27, or the FDA have as yet not approved them.
The number and range of tests has been very limited to date. This is why I would like to see proper large scale unbiased tests carried out. If a cheap and effective alternative or addition to vaccines could be found the NHS for one would be delighted to reduce the extreme pressure on its staff and save billions of pounds.
This study by the University of Liverpool puts the link above at 5.07 in context. A link goes from it to the study in 5.07. Probably best to read this preliminary review first
I reckon Dr Zelenko is competent, even super competent, and his reading about, and the successful treating of patients with his protocol, even in its earliest form, was far better than any of the trials for the “vaccines”, which are still in their experimental stage for safety. HCQ has been in use safely for over 60 years. The “vaccines” – did they last 60 days?
I further reckon that the approach you’re recommending is inappropriate for an emergency situation and is, at least partly, responsible for the ongoing mess we’re in.
Dave B
There has been 18 months to carry out trials. It should have been done before now. HCQ may have been safely in use for 60 years but not on covid 19. Are you suggesting that drugs, untested on this particular virus, should be used on the basis of the limited and often ad hoc trials to date, which are far less than for the vaccine?
I thought both the Liverpool study and the one resulting from it dated 21st July 2021 that I linked to are fair and even handed and they suggested proper testing was needed. I would agree with the expert medical opinions given and wish they had done it earlier. I suspect there is a “Trump” factor in play here.
I have written to both the newspapers and my MP months ago asking for alternatives/additions to the vaccine be tested.
If anti virals work I am all for using them instead of, or in conjunction with, the vaccine as appropriate.
I can not stress enough that the virus is not the bubonic plague and the response from the West has been verging on the hysterical and often highly inappropriate.
I do not think vaccines are the answer to everything , clearly they are niowhere near 100% effecticve, they are uisdeful though in the appropriate age ge and vulnerability groups.
It will be difficult through for politicians to admit they are not the full answer they had believed
G’day Tonyb,
“Are you suggesting that drugs, untested on this particular virus, should be used…?”
Yes I am.
HCQ in particular has been widely used and safely for over 60 years and its anti-viral properties were known to some. It was worth a try by knowledgeable doctors, especially in the emergency situation.
In my view the banning of it, and ivermectin, is an act of political incompetence at least.
Zimbabwe is a pretty good example of where the widespread use of ivermectin has been and I think still is – very successful.
Dave B
“… but not on covid 19.”
Proven since then to be effective.
The real point is, what are the pros and cons, the risks and benefits to the patient, not to the industry, nor to the doctor, nor to the medical profession.
If the medication is safe, then try it!
This aspect is known to the establishment as the dangers of HCQ were invented only 18 months ago.
Peer-reviewed study: Ivermectin cuts COVID infections, deaths by 75%:
Database of all ivermectin COVID-19 studies:
There is a vast amount of data on the efficacy of numerous therapeutic drugs including Ivermectin, HCQ, Nitazoxanide, Fluvoxamine and many others.
Go to to see the listing of over 100 studies on Ivermectin and the meta analysis of same. Now look at the top of the web page. There are links to similar data for all the other main therapeutics being successfully used in nations outside our small group of “vaccine passport” nations.
(No, don’t kid yourself. Australia is one of the nations desperate to introduce “vaccine passports”).
I never had the annual flu shot.I had my 1st last year because dad was in a nursing home. But im having a covid shot so we can have some kind of freedom, eg, England and the vaccinated countries. Many European countries already have no vaccine no entry. When 70 to 80% are vaccinated we’re opening up. Looking at OS data majority of covid deaths are the un vaccinated. So when everything opens and ur un vaccinated, you take ur chances. The quicker everyone gets vaccinated, the better for the countries mental health.
Opening up — you’re dreaming.
Here’s the figures from Israel with about 90% vaxxed and now giving their 3rd shot for over 50s because the first 2 didn’t work (see below). They have set up mobile vax stations all over the place and are vaccinating literally 24/7. Their PM calls their vaccination program “a great success.”
Health officials are predicting that the number of patients hospitalized with the virus will double every 10 days, hitting as many as 4,800 – 2,400 serious – patients by September 10. The highest number of serious patients until now was around 1,200 – a number Israel hit in January 2020.
You won’t be opening up at 70% or 80%. If you do you’ll be worse than Israel.
Then there’s Gibraltar 99% vaxxed by June 1st where cases spiked from June to mid July and remain high, and Iceland with 90% of 40s to 70s and 98% of over 70s double-vaxxed, but cases surging again.
Iceland’s chief epidemiologist even suggested some COVID-19 lockdown restrictions could remain in place for up to 15 years.
So, cases doubling in Israel every 10 days and Jo has just told us that it takes 5 to 10 weeks for vaccines to take effect and to what extent they take effect at all is at best dubious given the Israeli experience thus far.
These “vaccines” are a waste of time, money and lives.
Hear hear Beowulf. ToM
Well said Beowulf. It depresses me immensely that the power of big pharma can trot out at miraculous pace “experimental vaccines that are maiming and killing large numbers.
Two whistleblowers from the CDC have admitted that Covid cases have been wildly exaggerated and the end game is all about the “vaccines”
Interesting how spikes in the virus are mirroring vaccination increases.
beowulf asserts:
To draw that conclusion beowulf you must have access to data that gives the death rate for vaccinated and compares that to the death rate for the unvaccinated.
I would like to see that data. Without it your statement is nothing more than a bald assertion.
On the other hand there appears to be some data that demonstrates your assertion as unsustainable:
“It seems compelling, even for skeptics, that unvaccinated people represent 99% of those now dying from COVID-19, when they represent less than 50% of the adult population in the USA.” Stuart C. Ray, MD, professor of Medicine and Oncology in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore.
What “freedom” do you expect? The “vaccines” are not stopping the “fully vaccinated” from catching, incubating new strains and spreading the virus.
The viral load of a “fully vaccinated” person infected with Delta is just as high as an unvaccinated person. Just look at what is happening in Israel. They are now telling people that if they don’t take a third shot, they face “mortal risk”.
You know what? They aren’t being entirely untruthful. Those who didn’t take the jabs and aquired natural immunity are far better protected and for longer than those who took the mRNA shots.
I’ll take my chances with the virus, and get over it with the help of therapeutics. If my government tries to introduce “vaccine passports” without simultaneously introducing “natural immunity passports” I am going to have a lot of fun. There’d be no further reason to obey any “law” of such a government. None whatsoever.
But I won’t get my fun. The failure of the “vaccines” is simply happening too fast.
Yep, exactly. We have our antivirals organised already.
G’day Brenda,
I do hope you’re getting your vitamin D levels up, now. Remember it takes about two weeks for what’s taken orally to be processed into the available serum form.
Dave B
Brenda, can you tell me how, as I am failing? Don
” … without simultaneously introducing “natural immunity passports …”
The fact that there will be no such as “natural immunity passports” shows that no part of this global exercise is concerned with health – if it had been we would have been given lots of information from the beginning on how best to protect and treat ourselves.
And it doesn’t even matter to the authorities that, medically speaking, the difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed is virtually nil.
The “vaccine passports” serve only to register you as a signed up cypher in the NWO, onboard for the next dozen shots to make sure your “passport” doesn’t expire from a missed shot and leaves you unable to buy food or keep your electricity on.
You’ve written exactly what the MainStreamMedia is telling you.
Here is the other side of the story …
1. From the link you provided:
a. Deaths in the UK from Covid vaccines = 1,536
b. Number of injections given in the UK = 84,457,622
Hence, death from injection of the vaccine = 0.00182%
c. Current case fatality in the UK (Death from Covid-19) = 2.1%
2. Addition stats:
b. Deaths of unvaccinated as a percentage of all Covid deaths = 99%.
Hence, deaths of vaccinated as a percentage of all Covid deaths = 1.0%
Do you understand what this means?
You can easily see the UK stats here.
In the past few months (the dreaded Delta strain) the deaths per day is at approx 100 and the infections per day averages at about 30,000.
That would make the case fatality about 0.33% in the UK recent months.
In comparison the 2017/2018 influenza season was around 0.13% which is less than C19 but not by a whole lot.
There’s some provisos that with the COVID deaths, any death 30 days after a positive COVID test is counted therefore no confirmation that COVID was actually cause of death. Then again with influenza they never ran exhaustive tests and the death rate includes a lot of guesstimation therefore both of those numbers are probably higher than real.
If you prefer to look at excess mortality (all cause) for Europe the graphs are here.
At the top you can compare the all ages and all cause mortality for all of Europe which peaked at approx 90,000 deaths per week (they measure it in weeks) when Influenza hit Christmas 2017 and then as a comparison you can look at the big wave Christmas 2020 which peaked at about 100,000 deaths per week and was somewhat of a broader wave.
Based on that, you would say at worst COVID was killing twice as many Europeans in Christmas 2020 as the Influenza wave in Christmas 2017 … but the difference is probably less than that. This is presuming that Influenza really did go away in 2020 and we all know that’s highly unlikely. Long term baseline for all European deaths is approx 70,000 people per week.
Looking only at recent European deaths (Summer 2021) there is no sign whatsoever that it’s worse than average, indeed it looks almost identical to a typical year. Summer is always slightly below baseline in terms of deaths … cold weather kills more people than warm weather.
It’s not entirely unrealistic influenza spread was limited during a time when restrictions against covid were so widespread.
Covid takes longer to spread (longer incubation period) and is more infectious, so preventing the spreading of covid will also prevent influenza.
Walensky AND Fauchi? You could find better references I think!
DonA says:
And what would those be?
In any case 1. a, b, and c. are from GlenFromAus. Did you not read his comment?
If you have stats that rebuts those I’ve used, I suggest you show them.
Otherwise your comment is meaningless.
Have you any?
The news-media have claimed that a huge number of deaths in the USA from Covid-19. However, a look at the total deaths ln the USA does not support that! The graph linked below shows that in 2014 deaths increased by 1.82% (possibly due to increased population) and then the rate of increase decreased to the present with 2020 having an increase of 1.12%. Where are all of the Covid-19 deaths in 2020? A detailed look will show that people with serious co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer etc . were fewer over that year. The ones who died of these were listed as Covid -19. deaths if they had it even though they would have died anyway of that other problem.
Yes: things are a bit dodgy.
A couple of months ago I went searching for total deaths for great Britain and Australia.
For data bases dealing with national data the lack of availability was surprising. On the British data base there was even a warning that some outsiders were misrepresenting the data and if any such incidents were noted then they should be reported to the government approved providers ; them.
Also a check on statistics relating to occupancy and age of residents of nursing homes in New York was illuminating.
A huge population of residents who in other poorer locations would have been gone a couple of years earlier could be seen in the data.
Perhaps Mr Cuomo saw that too?
Kkth: I had a close look at the UK’s official ONS data (often quoted by the good folk at UK Column) because their claim about the modest extent of the deaths in the UK was so contrary to the MSN narrative. And it is all there–hidden in plain sight–in publicly available ONS graphs and tables. To remove the effects of the PCR test and relaxed (only for COVID) death attribution rules you need to go to “all cause” deaths. To correct for population increase and an aging population you need to go to an age standards rate of death i.e., what the ONS call ASMRs. When you do that that the rate for England was lower in 2020 than every year prior to 2009. And the death rate in the UK in 2020 with COVID was lower than the rate in Wales in 2018 without COVID.
curse the aoutocomplete…I meant to say ASMR = Age-standardISED mortality rate.
All of this is not to trivialise COVID-19. It is almost certainly a nasty bioweapon. The problem, in my opinion, is not with the death rate immediately following infection. The problem is the long COVID inflamo-thrombotic complications and the potential neurodenerative disorders (mad cow disease, Parkinsons, Alzheimers) that may be trigger through the action of the spike protein causing clotting and amyloid plaque aggregation in the brain.
So I would say even though the death rate is witin the ball park of a seasonal flu, we should treat COVID seriously and impliment reasonable public health measures to minimise infections and treat any infections that do occur with the treatment protocols that have been found to work (involving variously: monoclonal antibodies (e.g., regeron), HCQ, ivermectin, fluvoxamine, steroids, colchicine, the vitamins Jo mentioned above, and zinc). When I say “reasonable” I mean having regard for the tradeoffs between COVID measures and their effects on other aspects of health and LIFE & happiness in general; the arguments for which were well made by the folk that put out the Great Barrington Declaration.
Thanks, and the mention of long covid was important, something I’ve not given a lot of thought to.
oops again: What I meant to say in that last sentence was that, looking at ASMRs, that “the death rate in ENGLAND in 2020 with COVID, was less than the death rate in Wales in 2018 without COVID.
Although they are called the “UK” Office of National Statistics (ONS), due to the peculiarities of the Union, they only report on England & Wales, and the other two parts of the Union (Scotland & Northern Island) each report their health stats separately.
Good points Rob, and I did the same thing for Canada and found the same result: no change in the death rate in 2020. Well, it was up, but on exactly the same trend curve as the previous 5 years or so, probably due to the aging population demographics. What pandemic?
“Misrepresenting the data” my foot… go on, British Government, pull the other one, it’s got bells on…
Not so sure about the health thing.
For Israel, I extracted covid data and plotted the curve of vaccines vs infections, and I am predicting that at approx 50%-60% fully vaccinated population – the next infection wave seems to start.
So for Australia the next wave should begin as we get to 50% vaccinated around early October, if things progress linearly.
So we *might* get a repreive between waves briefly mid november.
So I’m predicting new lockdowns around 1st October, possibly lasting 6 weeks , then lockdowns December – February.
Make sure you have working aircon or a pool or evaporative cooling… may be stuck at home over summer.
Then the planned “Ah ha – we need a 3rd dose…and a 4th…and 5th……” will then start…..
But then I did some more digging :
Iceland – 60% fully vaccinated on July 1, sharp uptick on graph at an angle 45 degrees beginning on July 15
Singapore – 60% fully vaccinated on July 1, sharp uptick on graph at an angle 45 degrees beginning on July 15
Australia – 25% fully vaccinated on July 1, sharp uptick on graph at an angle 45 degrees beginning on July 15
But here is the weird thing – of the 4 countries I looked at – UK, Australia, Singapore and Iceland – around the 1st of July all countries showed a sharp trend up in cases.
Considering the whole vaccine thing is run globally, the fact each country either
(a) imported a new and infectious strain the weeks before July 1, or
(b) miraculously is better at detecting the virus on July 1, or
(c) or its all just a paper exercise to scare the punters into taking the vaccine ( Victoriastan, now Gladysstan gets honourable mention here ).
It so neatly aligns to pivot on July 1, makes you wonder.
I am guessing they all got the memo at the same time.
Seems to add to the evidence its heavily stage managed.
I have yet to see any information on the TREATMENT or prevention of infection from our “Betters” There is a totalitarian tsunami of pressure on us to “Volunteer” for the test or “vaccine” There is absolutely no conversation on procedures to follow, or treatment following a “positive” test. The procedure appears to be just “Isolate lock down in intimate quarters with other positive testees and keep testing ” untill you either end up in hospital or fail to test positive.There has so, far as I have seen,not been any treatment suggested or provided for those who have tested positive.This is despite the massive amount of detailed trials(In excess of 60) available showing high levels of success in prevention and cure of covid.
A good site. Good to hear some wisdom in the face of overwhelming cowardice here in this country.
You are being a bit harsh on Gladys Jo. It is the feds who control the international boarder. They have allowed all too many planes in. If that plane crew had not been here, the driver would not have been infected, so the feds must bare the majority on the blame for introducing it, if not it’s subsequent spread.
Fair point. Scott Morrisons big failure has been his uninspiring leadership on state borders. He doesn’t control them, but he could have led the way. Also his lack of recognition of the importance of safeguarding the international border. He could have had the foresight last year to talk of opening the small clean states up to each other and NZ much earlier. But he is too NSW focused — so little safe states were kept isolated from NZ and each other until NSW and Vic were clear. As a national leader he let down all the smaller states. Now again, the news is NSW centric as are the policies. And even though every other state wants elimination (as do voters apparently) simple incompetence is going to make it extremely difficult to get back to open borders within Australia until 1/ NSW gets to zero (unlikely unless Gladys starts enforcing the rules) or 2/ The rest of Australia adopts the incompetent approach of fantasizing that vaccines will work and it’s OK to let a Chinese Bioweapon roam free.
The national border-
Australia’s ‘refugee’ intake continues unabated while citizens are locked out.
for some excellent articles for clinicians on ivermectin protocol go to
the evidence is overwhelming and the denials are criminal
Tonyb in #1-
Has not seen tests showing efficacy of the various anti-virals-
This is a strange remark for any reader of this site as such test reports have been linked many times.
Who has seen the test reports showing 1) the efficacy and 2) safety of the vaccines?
I understand that Adjunct Professor John Skerritt, head of Australia’s TGA, has not. He asked Pfizer if their vax works and is safe and they said ‘Yes’. (abbreviated account)
This was mentioned in the article I linked to above but I didn’t believe it
Surely the Victorian premier has not banned drinkers from removing their masks when drinking alcohol outside?
“Surely the Victorian premier has not banned drinkers from removing their masks when drinking alcohol outside?”
Apparently he has; The first link you supplied contains a video of him say that.
(and Don’t call him Shirley!)
I think we need to design a new mask with a self-sealing hole in it to insert a straw for the adult beverage of your choice (the straw will need to have a check-valve in it so that you don’t accidentally exhale through it).
I think that mask could be very popular as a Protest. It would need to have a large sheep face printed over it
“It would need to have a large sheep face printed over it”
Good point! Perhaps we should also have it make a “Baaaa” sound when you exhale through the mask something like the sounds in the link below:
US military bands are already using slit masks so they can play their trumpets and trombones. Very effective I’m sure. There was a photo a few weeks back of the USMC Band playing on the Whitehouse front lawn in slit masks. No sheep faces though — too unmilitary.
“US military bands are already using slit masks so they can play their trumpets and trombones.”
But just think of all of the exhaled air going thru the instrument; I hope they are also putting a mask on the bell of their instrument. And did you ever open the spit valve of a brass instrument and examine its contents? Yech!
Yep…nice big puddle of trombone spit under every trombone…not to mention the aerosolized spit coming out of the instrument.
The people who make these rules are clealry clueless, or just get a thrill making up dumb and useless rules.
Bloke I worked with years ago always had a smoke on the go no matter what he was doing, when stripping steel and painting it he’d burn a hole in the mask with the lit smoke and puff away while working, years later we had Worksafe show up and the inspector caught him doing it, I’ll never forget the look on that inspectors face when he realized what he was seeing. 🙂
The size of the droplets that fog your glasses when wearing a mask are LARGER than the droplets carrying the corona or other cold viruses. What does that tell you.
Wonderful RicDre and thanks for the sound effects. It’s better than being angry, we’ll just make a mockery of the whole sorry mess. ToM
Note how supportive all the comments are of Taliban Dan !
Next come the burkas ! Full face coverings for all.
We appear to have a Medical and Legislative “Taliban” running the covid show…..
Too late,… that was done last year, with many variations, as soon as masks were dictated.
1001 Youtube’s on the subject.
Better not be a plastic straw, they are more dangerous than any virus.
Ha ha! That proves it’s all mad in Vic; no mask removal to drink a beer outside! ROTFL. When are fellow Victorians going to treat this with the utter ridicule it deserves.
Obviously the beer needs an extra filter stage
There’s people out there who’ll take this as a challenge and begin posting numbers to Guinness Book of Records for masked drinking of pints of beer.
My wife tried this with a surgical mask and a cup of cappuccino on Sunday. Didn’t work out too well particularly with the white blouse.
Okay the delta variant is more contagious (RO=8 ,1 person can infect 8 people).
The original Wuhan was less contagious (RO=2, ,1 person can infect 2 people)
All the “vaccines”(they are not traditional vaccines) are nucleic acid gene therapies.
All these “vaccines”(Pfizer,Moderna and J&J) have been okayed in the the US as Emergency Use Authorisation and apparently has obviously just gone along this EUA.
They have not gone through the trialling and testing (4 Phases) like the trusted traditional vaccines have (this can take 5 to 10 years)
These “vaccines” are not sterilising (they do not kill the virus in the host).
These ‘vaccines “have been noted as -Leaky “vaccines’ meaning the vaccinated/injected can A.Still get infected by the Delta variant and B.Still spread it.
So in the light of all the above the Australian States and Federal governments so called strategy is to get 70 to 80 percent of the population injected and therefore
end the need for Lockdowns( that have destroyed jobs ,small buiseneses ,caused untold psychological damage and massively disrupted the education of our kids)
So forgive me if I’m missing something here but at the point where we are 80 percent injected and the Delta variant (or some other mutation) is still in the community
and still capable of spreading – then by this logic the only strategy is we must then be careful and go back into lockdowns for are own safety sake.
Cheers Mike Reed
Thanks Mike, you got it there.
No, it would be to do what Jo said, to be fitter, live better, take your vits and minerals, use the most prospective cheap plentiful antiviral we know of, etc.
These “vaccines” are not sterilising (they do not kill the virus in the host).
Does the seasonal flu vaccine that? Do they have a 5 to 10 year trails process? People take the flu vaccine so they don’t run a high risk of getting sick, and can still work and function, but that has a minor risk factor and cost too. But does it completely prevent them spreading the latest seasonal flu? Probably not. But if no one is getting seriously sick, and industry does not shutdown, what then does it matter? As long as it does what is advertised with minimal risk. At the end process of the virus’s main infection phase we’ll certainly all be much better informed about how to reduce our risk from all transmissible viruses. But of course we’ll forget it all quickly, and fail to learn most of the lessons.
Pity about all our precious small businesses going to the wall, no one who’s sane can be happy about that. But I don’t see how that could have reasonably been avoided with a novel virus with the capacity to close down all hospitals. And a major effort has been made to try and maintain people, jobs and businesses.
The sterilizing aspect seems to be little more than another meaningless pointless excuse from the anti-vax mob and is certain to be ignored by almost everyone. What is extremely disappointing is the total lack of interest in anti-viral options and that just looks like a combination of sly corruption and/or gross medical system failure. And that is being expresses as outright actual _ d e n i a l.
“The sterilizing aspect seems to be little more than another meaningless pointless excuse …”
Actually, the non-sterilizing aspect is very important if it leads to move variants and Antibody-dependent Enhancement as some studies have indicated.
Update to my comment #3.2.1:
I meant to say “… if it leads to move variants some of which the vaccine will not provide immunity to and Antibody-dependent Enhancement as some studies have indicated.”
Darn, I hate typos, that was supposed to be:
“… if it leads to more variants some of which the vaccine will not provide immunity to and Antibody-dependent Enhancement as some studies have indicated.”
It’s ok, I worked out what you actually meant!
WXcycles, I agree with everything in your post except for “The sterilizing aspect seems to be little more than another meaningless pointless excuse from the anti-vax mob”
As RicDre stated, mass use of non-sterilising vaccines will lead to variants plus being non-sterilising is a certain path to failure for meeting the governments’ goal of absolutely preventing infections since their will always remain a pool of infected. People need to realise the latter even if the former is over their heads.
Analitik is right.
1/ Non sterilizing vaxes create a big risk of nastier variants.
2/ Influenza is a totally different disease. It naturally produces sterilizing immunity.
(unlike most Coronaviruses) My understanding is the flu vax can mimic the natural immunity to some degree, albeit only for a year and only for the same subtype of virus.
just what l think about what you have posted Jo
1/ the clot shot is not a vax, its is a prophylactic that is used to reduce medical symptoms
what is considered a vaccine?
Vaccines are products that produce immunity to a specific disease. When you are immune to a disease, it means you are protected against that disease (you can be exposed to it without becoming sick)
a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
2/ the flu shot is not a vaccine either, same as above
the flu shot does not last a year, it is given seasonally because it only lasts around three months in most people, here in Victoriastan it is suggested to get the “flu shot” in May for the best protection in the flu season
l would also like to share the thoughts about naturally acquired immunity by immunologist Dr Brindle
the mutations are not because of the unvaccinated
So what is it about say the AZ “vaccine” that doesn’t fit that criteria.
mutations can be caused by the unvaccinated, but most likely the most pressure will be from the vaccines. it is interesting how fast this can happen too –
also from that site, it seems as though Lambda may cause Israel to lock down if it turns up in the country, which they have said in another story that they see as failure.
Being as there have been other covids floating around the flu scene for ages –
What is the effect of all this Peking Pox variants and “vaccine” on those and any natural immunity acquired there-to?
Many of my friends who support lockdowns and vaccines stare blankly when I point out that under the govt’s own ‘vaccine plan’ we will supposedly have no lockdowns while we have thousands of cases and tens of deaths a day.
Our Govt will simply not have the ticker to go through with their own plan.
In a chat group, I have had someone say that one unvaccinated “case” is equivalent to a death. They were insinuating that the outbreaks were all the fault of the unvaccinated.
After I pointed out Israel using booster shots less than a year from people being “fully vaccinated” and continuing to have hospitalisations even amongst these triple “vaccinated”, they stopped posting but never acknowledged my points.
Most people have no idea how the vaccines produce a response to the most mutable part of the virus structure and that the protection provided from the vaccines fade relatively quickly.
Data from the CDC just a week or two ago … vaccinated people have 1/8th the chance of catching covid that unvaccinated people have and if they do catch it they have 1/25th the chance of requiring hospitalisation and 1/25th the chance of dying. Having caught it, vaccinated people can still transmit it, but less effectively than unvaccinated people with their higher viral load. While a vaccinated person passing it to another vaccinated person is no big deal, passing it to an unvaccinated person is a bigger concern.
Bear in mind also that a 66% vaccination rate means 1 in 3 people aren’t vaccinated, 75% means 1 in 4 and 80% means 1 in 5 and 83.4% is 1 in 6.
An easy to follow outline; the next question is how trustworthy is the cdc data.
“I fixed your sign”
have you had a look at the Australian TGA’s DAEN website? If you haven’t, it may be because the media is refusing to cover it.
Here’s the link
You put COVID in the select medicines and 3 options arrive…
COMIRNATY COVID-19 vaccine (active ingredients: BNT162b2 (mRNA))
COVID-19 Vaccine (TNS) (active ingredients: COVID-19 Vaccine (Type not specified))
COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca (active ingredients: ChAdOx1-S (Viral vector))
You tick them all and in the date range put (by selecting them from drop-down
@019 to 2021. there is a three month time lag but you will get the numbers up to early 17 May 2021 (three months before today)….as follows….
Number of reports (cases): 18527
Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 18318
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 190
This looks OK to you? Or are you finally being shaken from your belief that all’s under control on the vaccine front?
BTW{ If anyone else was unaware of this situation, could you at least give me some encouragement to dig into it, by maybe commenting?
Have a look at what caring intelligent medical practitioners are doing here in Australia.
Not every medical practitioner is fooled by the propaganda and accepting of the official narrative, nor is just in it for the money.
thus far there have been (up to 17th may 2021: a 90 day time lag) 190 REPORTED DDEATHS believed to be as a result of the gene-therapy injections. does this bother you?
this is on the TGA’s website Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DEAN)
That CDC statement claims that getting vaccinated reduces some risks, an argument for vaccination.
But I have seen other data leading to the opposite conclusion.
More important and often ignored is that having the vaccination introduces new risks which overwhelm any claimed benefit.
If Big Pharma are so smart at understanding and designing a vax to combat these infectious virus’s…….why can they not produce a vax that is also “contageous” ..?
….IE, it can be passed from one immunised person to several others , simply by passing them in the street !
Then we would NEED to go out and socialise, drink together , party, rub bodies more !…Yeaahh !
Fighting the virus with its own tricks !
What if the mRNA ‘vaccines’ are already producing contagion and we who choose to wait and see how things go will end up ‘catching’ a variant from the vaccinated by design?
There is little evidence that the Delta strain is more capable of initiating a sustainable infection. Various lab studies indicate that the threshold for infection on the surface of upper airway epithelial tissues is about 40,000 virions at a concentration of 250,000 virions per square centimetre.
Apparently the viral load that subsequently develops is much higher in a “Delta” infection, and provides a partial explanation for higher epidemic reproduction rates.
An issue that is being carefully avoided by the experts in our public health system is one about the potential for the vaccination program to increase the Reproduction Number (R0).
The mode of transmission in the community overwhelmingly involves people in an early stage of infection with few or no symptoms but whose airways are producing viral counts sufficient to infect others at close contact distances. The unvaccinated are not normally asymptomatic for very long, but most of the vaccinated remain asymptomatic for the full course of the infection and a significant proportion have very high viral loads for many days.
I question whether our authorities should be pursuing vaccination of younger groups before the most susceptible older citizens are adequately protected. Here in NSW most elderly people with at-home care have only had access to the program for about 8 weeks and less than 20% are fully vaccinated.
It appears public health authorities are more interested in protecting the vaccination program.
Please add “our TGA has just gone along with this EUA”
“Okay the delta variant is more contagious (RO=8 ,1 person can infect 8 people). The original Wuhan was less contagious (RO=2, ,1 person can infect 2 people)”
I always wondered how the virus knew how many people it could infect; did the Alpha version only have a single bit counter so it could only count to two? Did the Delta variant add two more bits to its counter so that it could count to eight? If a variant comes along that can ignore its counter overflow we’ll be in real trouble as it will be able to infect an unlimited number of people!
The answer is very Darwinian.
Any strain that kills all of its hosts gets extinguished.
Any strain that only kills half of its hosts gets to thrive more.
And any strain that kills very few of its hosts thrives big time.
Sort of.
A variant that kills slowly can still thrive.
Sadly the mathematics behind this also applies to the “vaccines”, not just the virus.
HIV/AIDS is the classic example of this. Fortunately, it is not highly transmissible except through bodily fluid exchange and we have anti-virals that treat the condition very well.
SARS-CoV-2 is a totally different kettle of fish
The anti-viral drug triple therapy is also the answer to ending the threat of the Fauci Flu. Sadly the governments of a small group of nations, including Australia, don’t actually want to end the threat of the virus.
Fortunately the matter is out of their control now. They are fighting a losing battle. The adverse reactions from booster shots for the new strains now being incubated by the “fully vaccinated” will be worse than for the original jabs.
Holy crap !…this thing is really sneaky.
Now i have to check my tea kettle more carefully !
You cook fish in you tea kettle??
No, …..but i will if that kills the virus !😜
….i thought you said that is where the virus is !🤮😂
Sorry Chad, but Analitik did say you have to use a “totally different kettle”.
A fish kettle looks rather different from a tea kettle
The pellet of the poison’s in the vessel with the pestle.
The flagon with the dragon has the brew that is true.
Thanks, a refinement I wasn’t aware of, my biology being very basic in this stuff.
“There is no silver bullet and vaccination is not a silver bullet.
It is a tool,” Dr Chant said.
Vaccination alone will not get us out of this situation.”
… and then Gladys says “everyone must get vaccinated.”
If only Frank took the fork in the road …
“The health system is under stress. Let’s be frank,” she said.”
“Dr Chant said the state was at a “fork in the road” in the fight against the virus.”
>> I could use clichès until the cows come home … but I try to avoid them like the plague.
Frankly I don’t give a damn.
Will this silver bullet kill the fish in my kettle that Analitik suggested the virus is ?
If not,..what “tool” is needed…vaccinate the kettle ?
Why does she believe a name change to Frank will help ?
Or,is she suggesting a full transgender solution will stop the virus ?
I am confused ?.
I see, you are not against the inadequate response as such, just that your preferred shamanistic treatment was not used.
Like any capitalist, when you find yourself at a disadvantage you try to blame anyone or anything, instead of admitting that you are flogging a dead horse
This post is therefore a classic of the gene.
By the way ff only NSW had followed WA’s or VIc’s examples, non of this would have happened – but Liberal party politics on both the state and federal levels made that impossible, you can not take cues from Labor now can you?
“flogging a dead horse”
Don’t get to annoyed if Jo has used your meme… your only mode of operation.
incomprehensible comment, and you claim to have a postgraduate qualification
Poor peter. still flailing about mindlessly. !
Basic comprehension never was one of your strong points, was it.
Keep flogging, little man.
Ignore the troll. Let him feel like he’s “won”. We all know he hasn’t.
It may have been “incomprehensible”, but it was comprehensively incomprehensible.
And in another nearby comment we are exhorted, no less, to acknowledge you as “one”, one of us.
No, you are not one of us; all you do here is extend the length of a thread without contributing to the development of ideas or information.
That’s a terrible burden to bear.
I was going to use “bare” there, but I didn’t think that you or your boss from the other side of Australia would get the joke.
Why don’t you do something useful and go out and look after the Koalas.
“By the way ff only NSW had followed WA’s or VIc’s examples, non of this would have happened“
Do you mean that Gladys should have used her mates as security and killed hundreds in nursing homes? Or that she should have locked immigrants up in their apartments with armed guards at the door?
A good rabid lefty like PF just mentally sweeps all that under the carpet.
That is beyond Peter’s recall and his intellect. Wonder how he’ll go drinking his French ’75 through a straw- assuming he is Vic.
Dan Andrews must be a capitalist. Well, I guess that puts an end to the socialist dictator rumours.
Flogging a dead horse doesn’t mean Jo is wrong. Just means those who could take the advice on board are stubborn or remain willfully ignorant. Per Jo’s previous posts there does seem to be good evidence that antivirals assist.
Near the top of this article Jo wrote, “By letting the virus leak in to a Limo Driver, who could have been protected with a $50 Hazmat suit, and then being too slow to act, …” (my bolding)
No doubt Jo could’ve made the criticism more palatable to you but the article had another focus.
If you’ve read other Jo posts you’d have seen where she is critical of NSW’s response. Jo even said Vic doing it better. But still critical of both NSW & Vic for inadequate precautions/controls that let the virus out.
How did the Limo driver get infected? Letting infected people into the country was the problem, not an unprotected driver (who was complying with the rules). You see, blame shifting.
Slowness to act – you mean the strollout, it’s not a race, to quote the prime ministerial numbat.
I know you’re a frequent reader so you should have seen the myriad of comments Jo has made about shutting the border as the primary defence. It seems odd to me that you would think Jo doesn’t agree with that.
Jo isn’t blaming the driver. She is being critical of the simple step the govt could have taken to protect the driver. Where Jo mentioned the driver you will notice it’s a link to another article of hers where she is critical of of not protecting the limo driver. And, for the billionth time, she refers to our border as a defence.
No. Clearly Jo means the slowness to act on locking down. Jo hasnt been advocating the vaccines so why would she be referring to the rollout?
Exactly the point, it is not about the limo driver – so why is he being referenced – that is blame shifting. We locked down against india remember, but infected white people are allowed to transit our borders. That is where the blame lies, as that is the route by which the virus exploited.
It’s not blame shifting when the criticism is clearly aimed at the govt. and not aimed at the driver. It’s not a case of a clumsy bit of writing that has laid blame where it wasn’t intended. You’re interpreting something that simply is not there. Which is particularly odd given Jo linked the other commentary even though without it there was little room for misinterpretation. Congratulations for showing Jo has too much faith in her readers.
It’s difficult to critique the govt on how it let the virus get into the state from the air crew (I’m not blaming the air crew) without listing the driver as the contact point (I’m not blaming the driver), simply to show how easy and cheap it would have been to stop that transfer and what simple preventable failure does when we keep the borders open.
Yes, we had a short temporary lock down on India. But we didn’t lock down on Indians. White people were not allowed in from India and Indians were allowed in from places other than India (provided they weren’t coming from India in the previous 14 days). Don’t make an issue about race when clearly it isn’t.
“Like any capitalist, when you find yourself at a disadvantage you try to blame anyone or anything,”
Well then – if you had any doubts about Biden!
What’s the problem?
NSW only killing one tenth as many people as Victoria did?
Golly that must upset you.
“Given that this slow medicine takes five to ten weeks to work”
These so-called COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ only “work” to reduce symptoms of the disease – they do not stop infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus or transmission to others.
Iceland with over 70% of the population vaccinated now have the highest number of COVID-19 cases EVER!.
The reason that there are two “Jabs” is that one “Super Jab” would destroy the immune system – so the first jab only knocks it around. This is the worst time possible to be infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. After 4 weeks the immune system has recovered (if not infected with SARS-Cov-2) and it is then knocked around for a second time and then after 10 weeks symptoms may be reduced for the next 4 to 6 months, allowing the jabee to become a “super spreader” if infected instead of staying home in bed.
Rushing to “vaccinate” people while the virus is rapidly spreading is sheer madness – but we have come to expect that from incompetent public health officials like Dr Chant who was also responsible for the Ruby Princess scandal.
Their cases in Iceland are higher than before but it has been 81 days since the last death.
Unvaccinated people will literally be a dying breed. Fortunately, hospitals will not be overrun so they will get good treatment.
UK has got below its peak since freedom day but daily cases are still running around 30k. However daily deaths are much lower, around 90, than the pre-vaccination peak of 1,700:
Sure – that’s why over 66% of indians in a mass serology survey were found to have anti-bodies to SARS-CoV-2 with only 8% of the population fully vaccinated and another 20% partially vaccinated. I guess that 38+% differential are zombies
That would be my estimate as well.
The best estimate of excess deaths through the Covid period in India is 4.9M based on the Consumer Pyramids Household Survey. Apply my simple rule of 1% die gives 490M cases or 36%. 31% of the population have had least 1 jab. So you would expect around 67% of the population to exhibit anti-bodies. Maybe a little lower like 66% because the 31% is to last week and it takes 12 days to develop an immune response.
India was devastated by Covid. The country ran out of oxygen trying to keep people alive. Anyone who thinks their official Covid death rate is close to the real situation should look to buy a clue for obvious reasons:
Devastated until they started widely using ivermectin. And not devastated to the degree based on the assumption that infection rate corresponded closely to the PCR test rate.
“Unvaccinated people will literally be a dying breed”
The unvaccinated will not be the ones dying of Antibody Dependent Enhancement. That’s not the way it works.
Vaccinated people are dying by the tens of thousands. Not to mention the numbers who are being permanently disabled. Stats are updated at this site
“Big Pharma’s best friend” … We have a late contender for the title.
VIDEO: Essential workers crossing border into Queensland must be vaccinated
“Queensland’s Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young says essential workers have until Friday to have at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to be able to cross into the state.”
>> I live on this border – QLD side (I can literally see border markers from my place).
Business owners having to shut shops because staff can’t cross, or in some cases, owners as well.
This community is being destroyed not by the virus, but by the politicians.
Meanwhile, CHO Young is being paid $12,500 a week. With pay rises.
PM ScoMo “says one in four eligible Australians are now fully vaccinated”
(IN FULL: Scott Morrison says one in four eligible Australians are now fully vaccinated | ABC News via youtube)
>> According to my maths ciphering, that’s the majority (3) not vaccinated to (1) vaccinated.
The time to stop this madness is now, if not yesterday.
“CHO Young”
Is that short for “Chairman” Yung ? !
Plan B must be to revert to the cheap anti-virals that cannot be mentioned, after January.
Have been having my posts that mention the pharmaceutical that cannot be mentioned rejected by the OZ for several weeks now.
There must be a conspiracy of Big media, big Pharma, and big government, to deny the existence of this other way. Dr Chant says we have reached a fork in the road, meaning some sort of choice, wonder what the signposts say?
That’s encouraging Murray, I thought my name had a big red cross against it and the moderator at The Australian automatically deleted it. I have had posts deleted whilst I am still typing – that occurs if you type ‘Fauci’. Robert Malone explains that the WHO, Pharma and the Media are intertwined.
We are being kept under a cone of silence .
It would be good to publish a list of words that are anathema to the moderators at the Australian except, of course, the list would never get published as the moderators would reject it. This comment too may meet that fate as it is off topic.
[ Yes, it is off topic, but you raise a good point. – LVA]
Yes, I asked for this and was given that answer. Which is dumb because I’m guessing that few of the comments that get modded actually end up being censored or edited. Maybe the mods could provided some stats on this.
“Dr Chant says we have reached a fork in the road”
Well, as Yogi Berra said: “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”
I would say we are already well and truly forked.
l’m starting to thinking that the governments are stuck because of the conditions in the contracts they signed with big pharma to get the so called vaccines
but l really do not know why they are against handing out anti virials
l have had dark thoughts about why but l am trying hard to be nice LOL
on the link below is a doctor who says that he believes if we adopted a protocol that promoted a good immune system we could be out of the pandemic within 6 weeks
l am all for the ivermectin treatments as well
I’m not afraid of the virus so much but I’m terrified of the Government.
G’day Graeme P,
I share your concern and add “our medical bureaucracies “.
Last night I got significantly angry about it all and sent this email off to my state and federal MPs, both Nationals:
Good evening,
I expect you’re already aware of this speech (5 minutes – please watch), dated August 12, 2021.
I can’t fault his content and fully support his theme, and his questions. If ivermectin’s use were promoted we could be out of the current military/police state we’ve become, within weeks, safely and inexpensively. Or has our sovereignty been contracted out to Pfizer?
At this stage I consider the governments of which you are members are incapable of even seeing available solutions to the COVID crisis, and may even be complicit in its continuation. As such I will not be voting for the coalition at either state or federal level again.
David Beach
(full address a d phone number supplied)
In the mean time I’m abiding by their laws, avoiding the “vaccine”, following the quercetin version of the Zelenko protocol, but continuing my daily intake of 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day.
Dave B
That does it nicely.
Thanks Dave.
KK ’63
You may find that if the recipients of your email are aware of current trials they might refer you to this recent article from Trialsite.
Unfortunately if you are in a public position and recommend a particular antiviral which is later found to be ineffective, there may be unforeseen consequences.
All credit to Trialsite for publishing the article, which indicates Ivermectin may have no effect on Covid-19, especially as Trialsite is an advocate for Ivermectin’s use in Covid-19.
Trialsite are commendably neutral. I do wish they had linked to the study to make it easier to follow up.
The following tells me this study needs deep scrutiny before taking its result as definitive.
A little further investigation reveals the course was 6mg of oral ivermectin once per day for 3 consecutive days. Not enough for significant effects since the MATH+ protocol calls for 0.4-0.6mg per kg (28-42g for the “standard” 70kg) for 5 days
Another study designed to fail.
Sorry, that should have been 28-42mg
Chuckle, I thought you might have been over-dosing a tad 😉
They should have tried that as well so the lethality of ivermectin could be reported.
Thank you, I was thinking ‘crumbs’ – I give my horse 5 grams when I worm her.
I seem to recall both Dr Piere Kory and Dr Tess Lawrie said that that trial was designed to fail–it was built into the treatment protocol (as noted above).
Similarly with HCQ, but they tried a slightly different way to achieve the same thing. They knew that HCQ was showing success against COVID-19 when it was:
1. Used in relatively LOW daily HCQ doses of 400-600 mg (from memory);
2. EARLY in the illness;
3. In CONJUCTION with Azithromycin and Zinc.
So both the WHO Solidarity Trial and Oxford Uni’s ironically titled “Recovery” Trial chose to use:
1. A VERY HIGH (toxic) HCQ dose;
2. LATE in the illness;
3. Without the other two drugs (Az and Zn) of the COMBINATION!!! therapy.
Absolutely criminal. By the end of day one of both the Solidarity and Recovery trials they had already put the trial participants into the window of a LETHAL DOSE (around 2400 mg from memory) with more HCQ given each subsequent day to finish them off (HCQ has a half-life of about a month so the doses are effectively cumulative). So they were able to publish that HCQ was ineffective and dangerous.
“which indicates Ivermectin may have no effect on Covid-19”
…. which indicates homeopathic levels of Ivermectin may have no effect on Covid-19
To stop wuhu take ivermectin with food.
Have you no comment (or apology) to make on the debunking of the “research” you referenced?
Have you no capacity to do a critique of these “studies” before you reference them here and play merry-hell with the good people on this site?
Your credibility is measured very nicely by the red/green thumb score. You should take note of it.
Got this gem from –
“Every person who’s unvaccinated is really a little incubator for developing a new variant,” said Dr. David Weber, with the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America.
Now David Weber is my favorite military SF author, this professional? is telling me to get injected with spiked protein loaded to boost my immune system for the super deadly Wuhan cov19.. That’s where delta mutates from dumbass – why would I risk death or producing more delta and infecting my family? — to make more money for fizer? At least the unvaccinated are going to produce a less dangerous variant of delta. Covid should be just another flu next year,,, unless fizer and their ilk keep it going! – oops that must be the plan!
Australia needs to immediately change our “vaccination” policies. The government’s fever dream of “vaccine passports” is never going to work. The “vaccines” cannot stop the virus spreading, and their mass use is accelerating viral evolution.
On the evidence of what is happening with adverse reactions in the children in the US, we need to introduce prior exposure / natural immunity testing. No one with prior exposure should be jabbed. It is the young who will have the highest rate of unknowingly had an asymptomatic infection. And prior exposure is looking like a key factor in adverse reactions to the jabs.
“The “vaccines” cannot stop the virus spreading, and their mass use is accelerating viral evolution.”
Hmm, maybe that’s not a bug, maybe that’s a feature. There are a number of people calling for a mass reduction in earth’s human population (though they never seem to volunteer to be part of the reduction themselves).
The Japanese have tracked the movement of the lipid carrier throughout the body and after 48 hours it ends up in the bone marrow and ovaries.
And they are giving this to children .
I watched and was disappointed that they didn’t canvass what happens to the concentrations of lipid capsules in my ovaries and bone marrow after forty-eight hours?
Maybe I’ve watched too many Tony Heller videos…
I always thought you were a bloke, Gee aye, now you, my life is turning upside down.
AstraZeneca doesn’t use lipid nanoparticles as the vector to get the vaccine into the cell it uses a modified chimpanzee Adenovirus. Pfizer and Moderna do use lipid nanoparticles. So should children get AstraZeneca?
“So should children get AstraZeneca?”
No, they should completely avoid any of these experimental vaccines that have totally unknown medium to longer term side effects.
Agreed. The lipids are an unknown danger but the spike proteins are proven toxin. Healthy kids need to GET infected with CoViD to form a strong, lasting immunity.
I read the part of the Rona that does the damage is the spike, is this correct?
Yep. The cleaving action that enables entry into cells damages all surfaces in the body.
I am with you there Konrad,
Unfortunately getting our health officials, ministers and academics to even acknowledge an alternative to the lockdown and vaccination strategy seems like an impossible task.
We had an example in Victoria of a career public servant economist resigning in protest at the abrogation of prudential management when rules from the plandemic template were adopted; subsequently he published a book (I bought one) and formed a political party.
Our Chief Health Officer is a dab hand at climatism and as pointed out elsewhere on this blog an in-law of the plandemic management so the benefits of, say, elevating vitamin D levels is unlikely to figure large on his health agenda but he’d attend closely were one to expatiate on the toxicity of carbon.
“…but he’d attend closely were one to expatiate on the toxicity of carbon.”
Maybe someone should tell him that there is Graphene Oxide in the Covid19 vaccines and also tell him that graphene contains that toxic element Carbon; that will get his attention and he will be forced to ban all of the Covid19 vaccines. It doesn’t even have to be true as he appears to believe in Catastrophic Climate Change and truth is at a premium in that subject.
Now that so many politicians and medical bureaucrats have nailed their colours to the “vaccine” mast so publicly, so vehemently and for so long, and committed themselves so gullibly or corruptly to Big Pharma, there is no turning back for them.
They would much rather take the country down with them than admit they have made the stuff-up of all time or slept with the enemy, or both.
Can you imagine Gladys coming out tomorrow and saying “we made a mistake, forget everything we’ve been telling you for 18 months, no vaccinations necessary, no more lockdowns, just take your cheap effective IVM and go back to normal folks”.
Fat chance.
Actually I could see Gladys saying this. But equally I can see there is no way Scott Morrison admitting fault on the Quackzines. Scott Morrison is too much of a Turnbull.
90 These links will answer all the questions about the “Treatments that shall not be revealed “
I got a script for Ivermectin from my doctor yesterday, & picked it up from my local chemist this morning, along with the recommended doses of zinc & Vitamin D, sufficient for 2 weeks treatment for myself & my lady. It was no problem, & others who believe in such treatment can do the same. I do have horse wormer in the cupboard, fine for horses, but doubt it’s mixing is adequate in small doses.
I am keeping it as a treatment at present, but will move to using it as a prophylactic if infection rates in Queensland approach the NSW rate. We already take zinc & D as a supplement at a lower rate.
I will have a vaccine if & when I am convinced they are safe & effective. Should be known in about 5 years I reckon.
Fat finger, see green.
Hasbeen… might consider adding to your prophylactic routine
Quercetin or mixed flavanoid supplements (green tea, berry extract) 250 mg/day
Mouth rinses containing cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) orpovidone-iodine (PVP-I) 2x/day….Gargle, do not
Hasbeen, I am very anxious to do the same but have not had your luck with a Dr. Any suggestions
My doctor is in Beaudesert Queensland Don, if that could help. He also knows I have had 3 heart attacks, so any clotting may be a problem for me.
He offered no resistance to giving me the script, & the local small country chemist had stock.
He has had the jab himself, & so has his mother, on the assumption that it should reduce the severity of any infection.
In Ontario, Canada, our medical professionals are forbidden by their governing body from discussing with their patients any non-politically-approved approaches for dealing with Covid. That means they are only allowed to discuss vaccines, masks, social distancing, and lockdowns, or face investigation by the authorities and potential disciplinary measures. No official ivermectin prescriptions for us. Or zinc, HCQ, azithromycin, etc.
There are 7,135 active cases in Australia today, which is only about 1,000 cases short of the prior highest peak of active cases here, so very much a third (very minor) wave of infection. Yet lagging daily deaths are still only about 1/10th of the prior peak daily-deaths. So what the medical system is doing is working fairly well, and/or the Delta variant is much less lethal than prior variants, and/or people are looking after their immune system health better this time. This does not suggest to me that reopening at 80% vaccinated can’t occur if this improvement continues. The real question is, will a rush of serious infections cripple medical services at that point? Maybe not, in which case it’s manageable, with very low mortality, so becomes safe to get up and rolling again.
Very well put. We need to examine what things have changed (and why) in order to make decisions rather than continually looking backwards.
No country that has high levels of vaccinations is experiencing heavy load on their hospital system.
UK has about half the daily cases of the peak but only 5% of the daily death toll. That is consistent with the 90+% effectiveness of the vaccines in preventing death.
Its summer there, or are you ignoring the seasonal cycles for some reason?
I don’t think there is one with COVID19, that was very clear from comparing hemispheres during the first 6 months of 2020, where the warmer hemisphere had the more severe percent of cases and a higher mortality. Plus the US surge occurred during Summer and faded fast in the coldest part of the North American winter.
Yeah, it does look like it’s going to ultimately work, combined with other health efforts.
I have to tell you Jo that I do not agree with this article and your assessment of the Covid Pandemic. The virus is real and it is killing people in a most awfull manner. I for one do not wish to succomb to such a death. I am no medical expert and so I do what my doctor recommends in order to protect myself and this means getting vaccinated which I have done.
Nor do I see any conspiracy in this current Pandemic; to me it matters little whether the thing is man-made or has spread naturally. It is here and we must deal with it best we can. And if ‘big pharmaceuticals are making a lot of money from this so be it’.
Also Australia has made mistakes in it’s handling of the disease, primarily in it’s slowness in aquiring sufficient vaccines.
And when and if we get back to normal I do no know, but when we do I for one will have a new appreciation on our lives and freedom.
Let’s hope for your sake, and the sake of many others, that this “experimental” concoction of toxins is actually safe in the medium to long term
There are many guinea pigs out there now.
“… and this means getting vaccinated which I have done.”
I support your decision to consult with your doctor who gave you all of the known advantages and disadvantages of getting the vaccine and gave you the option to do addition research if you thought that was necessary. That allowed you to make an informed decision on what was best for you. I trust that you think that others should be allowed the same option.
Greeting Geoffrey.
Like RicDre, I support your informed decision on what was best for you.
But as for “when and if we get back to normal I do no know, but when we do“, I have some news for you.
“Our pre-pandemic world was anything but normal, and our post-pandemic world will not be like going back to normal at all.”
– Quote Adil Najam, Dean, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University
There is one way to get back to ‘normal’, and that requires the majority over-throwing the minority, the fasc!st tyrants who are currently making up these virus ‘rules’ to save us.
This is incorrect. Our government contracted for 3 vaccines to be supplied, Pfizer, AstraZenica and Novavax with AstraZenica to be produced locally as the backbone of the response. These decisions were made prior to any of the vaccines completing preliminary trials (Novavax still hasn’t) so ANY decision on vaccines was an informed guess. The clotting issue of AstraZenica wasn’t anticipated (although given the history of adenovector vaccines, it should have been) nor was the huge delay on Novavax development.
On top of this, the primary failure is the refusal to look beyond the WHO guidelines for vaccination (+ Remdesivir and some steroids). Anti-virals and dietary supplements are the real key to dealing with CoViD.
When you put all your eggs in the vaccine basket all you end up with is scrambled eggs and more lockdowns.
If one wanted to conduct an experiment with vaccines with an unknown safety aspect and unknown efficacy why not conduct an experiment on anti virals with a known safety record and unknown efficacy. It will be far cheaper and safer with anecdotal evidence of equal or even greater efficacy.
Lockdowns are only a temporary solution and cannot provide a return to normal life.
I’m sure the trials of anti-virals are coming thick and fast. But they won’t be the familiar ones that have been used by millions (billions?) for decades like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, fluvoxamine.
Instead, as was done with Remdesivir and now with Molnupiravir, expensive on patent drugs will be found to be efficacious (even if you have to look at minute percentage benefits) and new expensive drugs will follow. This is the path out that big pharma is laying out the narrative to follow.
Agree Zigmaster, but it amazes me how all the politicians and commentators are locked into the idea that the “vaccines” are the pathway out of the issue. They have no Plan B, as you allude to.
Politically they have put themselves into a corner and I do not think it will end well for a lot of them, from a political point of view.
It seems like all the premiers and CHOs are on big pharmas payroll.
Gladys should explain Taiwan where the downside of the bell curve since its peak on June 2 (from 7581 to 593) has been achieved in a population less than 3% fully injected.
Much the same applies in other places (Indonesia, Banagladesh), even in the UK where the downside was already apparent mid December and was clearly established during February before the injection program really gained pace.
The global ‘wave’ October – February had no substantial input from injections, nor did the ‘delta’ wave from March to June which only had about 6% injected.
Further, in injecting into the face of a wavelet Gladys should be aware she risks turning her injected citizens into mutation factories. The irony is that 99.5% or more of her people who test positive and achieve natural immunity will
have a more secure immunity and a safer health profile than those she has terrified into uninformed consent to offer themselves up as phase 3 guinea pigs.
Why do we underestimated our own immune defences? Australia has over 30,000 people who have already cured themselves with help from nobody.
Has anyone ever become immune to the flu or the common cold? Is there immunity to Covid viruses?
My doctir wont give me Ivermectin as he says the trials were unsuccessful He suggested i keep an eye on the Molnupiravir trials currently being run. Do you know anything about this Jo ?
David Madisson and I posted about Molnupiravir, earlier.
Have a look at the side effects he posted at
It is depressing that most doctors don’t read further than the “Australian Prescriber”.
There have been multiple references given on this blog over the past week showing the likely usefullness of Ivermectin.
It’s clear you are no doctor shopper Mark but surely there’s no harm in a second opinion?
Denmark has taken the bold move
Boldly following Sweden!
‘She’s now saying the Delta virus can’t be eliminated, even though most other states have done that, and everyone knows it.’
Um, sorry, not true! The problem is deluded people thinking they can eliminate it, instead of live with it! This obsessive desire from tin pot demigods in Australian states thinking they can get to zero cases and STAY there is the problem. It’s a zero emissions delusion
Well said Simon B
Delta has arrived in NZ. 6 cases so far — one fully vaccinated — in Auckland and Coromandel (all towards the northern half of the North Island) so the whole country has been locked down. Auckland is down for a week and I think the rest of the country is for three or four days. Whatever. Nothing in the South Island, all that was needed was to close Cook Strait, but everyone has to suffer.
Life has just gotten boring again.
This is the start of the NZ annual “Sickness Season” when coughs, colds, sneezes and ruddy dnoses swell and grow and otherwise flourish.
Testing stations have mushroomed all over the Auckland landscape overnight and everybody with a “sickness” has been told to go have a test.
So the masses went out and queued for miles to be tested.
One of the cases was fully vaccinated. Still no mention of Vitamin D 3. I’m wondering if another letter to Her UnRoyal Highness, the Great Jacinders, would be worthwhile or if it would also just be ignored. I think it could usefully exploit the vaccinated one catching The Bug.
Sigh. 4 th lockdown … I was beginning to wonder if this year was going too smoothly.
Wow. Thousands of people should have been wearing hazmat suits! That qualifies as great hindsight. I don’t get what is being asked here. The preferred choice seems to be, no vaccines, and totally shut out the world. Forever? That’s how it would have to go. Delta is a massive jump in the virus’ infection effectiveness. Whether it is causing worse symptoms isn’t clear yet, but it’s first assault is too fast for our body to properly respond to? So maybe the vaccines aren’t losing potency, they are just being overwhelmed? IVM is being overwhelmed. FLCCC are finding it is losing it’s effectiveness. Dr Kory and family have caught the virus, and have been prophylacting. Dr Jackie Stone said you have to bring an equal sized army to fight this virus, and she managed to do it with the 50 times as infectious SA mutation, but Delta’s 1240x !! Good luck. A question is, is the body being forced, by this massive assault, to collapse more totally (is that possible?), or has the counter just been pushed along the spectrum of infectionability, so more people are being effected more? If the later is the case, IVM might still have an important role, as there have been many recorded late covid19 recoveries, and with it’s help in long covid19? The whole ventilator thing is ridiculous. Start treating the virus, the protocols may still be working, even if you cant hold back the infection? How much has the % of people being infected, who get it seriously, changed?
And then there is the question of Delta’s origin. It has been said it looks like a perfect example of gain of function? The mutation has occurred in the very section of the genome, that no Sars2 in the wild has. Which leads to the question, was this an escape. or a release?
Just watched the latest FLCCC, I don’t think I’d change anything I’ve written. A good mouthwash, even a nasal spray, used often if you’re around people. Easy.
Cases, cases, cases! Fast moving, blah, blah, blah! What is the hospitalisation rate, what is the death rate? ‘Illegal’ parties, only 2 people allowed exercise together even if 4 live together, to assist easier identification for ‘authorised officers’. What the? No exercise outside your home now? What a ridiculous political situation we have allowed!
Someone posted this link y’day
I notice that curcumin gets a good rap. It is a good supplement for general health, and the brain we are told.
Your Doc [mostly] will tell you supplements just give you expensive urine but they don’t like competition.
Searched for Australian guidelines for treating COVID 19:
Look at everything they say NOT recommended to use including Vitamin D, C, Zinc unless in research setting (as well as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquin, Budesonide). Heaven help anyone who needs medical treatment!
This is the only good thing about the initial “treatment” regime of “go home and call us if you start feeling really bad”. At least at home, they can’t stop us taking anti-virals and dietary supplements. The issue remains of all those ignorant of this plus getting hold of the anti-virals themselves.
The drawbridge method which Jo has espoused since almost the beginning of COVID certainly has its attractions. Basically, isolate and wait it out. Rely on your local economy to tick over. The Sandgropers (where I think Jo lives??) are doing this in spades. It works very effectively and Western Australia have only had minimal lockdowns. BUT, BUT, BUT- at some time you have to open up into a COVID world with new variants. That’s the worry and if your population doesn’t have some natural herd immunity from some community infection then the likes of NZ, WA, Tas, SA etc are basically sitting ducks. I don’t think even high vax rates are going to be a saviour in that case. The only hope is that the next variants mutate to less benign biotypes and you can wait it out. Thats a gamble.
Less benign or more benign?
Annie, we need more of that.
Enzymes in Humans are Mutating the Novel Coronavirus in an Accelerated Fashion to Make it Less Harmful.
Recent research published in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution demonstrates that the interaction of SARS-CoV-2 with humans is accelerating the attenuation process above the natural mutation rate exhibited by the virus itself. The authors hypothesize, and I think rightfully so, that a human enzyme called APOBEC is responsible for this process.
They found that there was an abnormally high rate of mutation causing the nucleotide “C” to mutate to the nucleotide “U” in the viral RNA. This preferred mutation resulted in a high % of U’s throughout the genetic sequence, much more than what would be predicted by random variation.
What do these extra U’s in the sequence do? They make the virus less fit and slow down its replication in our body. This is because of three different effects. First, a higher percentage of U’s make the viral RNA less stable and more prone to degradation in our cells. Second, these U’s at certain locations along the genome reduce the translation rate of RNA into viral protein. Third, these extra U’s increase the immunogenicity of the viral RNA, meaning that our immune system can recognize and fight the virus WITHOUT THE ADAPTIVE ANTIBODY RESPONSE!!!
He points out that APOBEC enzymes depend on Zinc for their catalytic domain, so take a good Zinc supplement, and a Zinc ionophore like EGCG or Quercetin.
There’s that pesky quercetin and zinc again. Dose yourselves up.
I urge you to read the full article. It’s quite short but action-packed.
There’s hope.
Not all back yet – just touching base. I see things are hotting up. So now officialdom is saying even 80% vaccinations and zero cases are enough to remove the lockdowns but not enough to relax all restrictions unless and until the virus is eliminated. Of course, even if we did eliminate the virus, which is impossible, they will not give us back all the freedoms we have lost thus far and the ones we are yet to lose. When we have the vaccine passports (possibly a federal one linked to the Medicare system) we will know with 100% certainty our leaders, state and federal have sold their souls to the evil one and are embarking on the greatest reset this world has ever seen to allow for a draconian new world order to be ushered in. IMHO I’m pretty much convinced that already have sold their souls. It remains to be seen how fast things develop but in the last few days alone it’s becoming clearer all the states officialdom (some call them gestapo leaders, which is appropriate given how they are speaking and acting now) have more draconian measures to unleash, not less.
BTW, better stock up on food and water just in case – delivery and supply chains may be next to go under the hammer. There is one ray of hope – some people are waking up. I doubt though it will be enough to turn things around. Even if there is an uprising, it will be very quickly squashed once the military are called upon to assist the police. Make no mistake about it, short of a complete revolt (unlikely unless a civil war breaks out, which itself is unlikely) the march towards a draconian new world order is inevitable. That’s a greater fear than any pandemic could possibly be, and the current one is really mild in comparison to many in the past, which by the way didn’t require anything as draconian as to what we are witnessing today. That alone is proof enough we are heading for much darker times. So much is to say but most of it is so obvious anyway, at least for those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and a brain to think.
Oh, also watch out on the new technology they are experimenting with using graphene printing on people’s skins. As I always thought microchipping is too crude and clumsy. A special tattoo linked to a centralised system would be ideal for draconian regimes. They are already talking about using such a system as the basis for a future version of the so called “smart watches” thanks to recent developments using 3D printed electronic skin with bionic high resolution and air permeable porous structures.
Might be back later this week. Take care.
Thanks for checking in, PeterS. I hope things settle out quickly for you.
Revelations 13, v16
The Delta variant is largely meeting this hope – otherwise the greater infectiousness would have many more hospitalised.
Vic, NSW and Qld are acting as WA’s moat with SA being the drawbridge so the effectiveness of their isolation but continued economic activity is through the buffer provided by these other states. Same applies for Tasmania (SA aside)
Sorry, this was supposed to be a reply to Ross’s post #27
Thanks Analitik – should be “more” benign. I meant less active biotypes.
A lot of the virus spread modelling is based on the R˚ factor. People tend to recite these R˚’s as if they are indisputable. There is the claim that the Delta variant has a R˚ higher than the alpha variant. But like all modelling etc that reproduction rate doesn’t appear to be represented in actual real case numbers. Well ,at least to me. NSW seems to be a perfect example where there has been a lockdown “lite” version for weeks since the original outbreak. If the R˚ was correct then NSW should be seeing cases in the thousands already. Yet, the case numbers are only still in the hundreds. In fact for a couple of weeks stuck around that 200 mark. This appears to have been repeated in earlier outbreaks in Brisbane and Melbourne. We are still only seeing infection numbers going up amongst close contacts. Which seems about the same as the alpha. Also, during the alpha outbreak last year in Victoria one day we hit 700 cases. Delta variant seems to be producing similar stats. For all those OS contributors to this blog – yes, Australia has only cases numbers in the hundreds. Yet, we have close to 60% of the population in lockdown with single death rates per day ( at most ). Our politicians call it COVID Zero- heard anything more silly?
Not just D group vitamins but equally important B group, especially B1 (heavily depleted by alcohol).
It’s interesting how everyone is encouraged to stay home and inside but not be outside reaping the benefits of the sun that you CAN’T get from a pill. Interesting too how bottleshops are considered essential. Combine isolation, depression, anxiety, alcoholism, setiously weakened immune system & B and D group vitamin depletion and you have…surprise surprise…the same symptoms as Covid! Take a flawed test that showed an inactive remnant of a recent cold or flu and yep, you’re positive.
Well, why doesn’t everyone get outside in the sun, minimise the wine for a few weeks (it’s hard I know), eat some quality food for a change along with some Brewer’s yeast which is sky high in B vitamins.
I reckon Covid numbers would plummet faster than Berejiklian’s chances of re-election and escaping prison.
lotsa Vegemite ! 🙂
I used to like that and liquorice when I was young.
Haven’t had either for decades.
I was called “the vegemite kid” in primary school.
They used to sell “vegemite crusts” at the canteen, two for a penny.. yumm !
A fridge without Vegemite is sad thing to see.
Liqorice = glycyrrhizin!
Lancet 2003; 361: 2045–46.
‘The outbreak of SARS warrants the search for antiviral compounds to treat the disease. At present, no specific treatment has been identified for SARS-associated coronavirus infection. We assessed the antiviral potential of ribavirin, 6-azauridine, pyrazofurin, mycophenolic acid, and glycyrrhizin against two clinical isolates of coronavirus (FFM-1 and FFM-2) from patients with SARS admitted to the clinical centre of Frankfurt University, Germany. Of all the compounds, glycyrrhizin was the most active in inhibiting replication of the SARS-associated virus. Our findings suggest that glycyrrhizin should be assessed for treatment of SARS.’
Also other articles listed at:
Oh no.
Seems like I’m going to have to learn to like liquorice again.
No not brewers yeast, you will explode. It’s called ‘nutritional yeast’ or ‘deactivated yeast’. You will find it in the health food store. It’s flaky and has a yellow colour, smells like cheap cheese.
Jo, the vaccination graph you are using to show an uptick from the point where the “limo driver” event occurred appears to be a graph of fully vaccinated numbers.
Given you can’t be fully vaccinated in one injection it’s not likely there would be an uptick in fully vaccinated people related to that event. It would simply be a point in time after the first injection. Possible that some had waited a little longer than the AZ 12 weeks were prompted to get the second dose, or maybe affected by the differing opinions on timeframe for second dose which changed from 16 weeks to 12 weeks (or some similar change). But if the graph is of fully vaccinated then it’s just a chart of those who had already decided to be vaccinated before the “limo driver” event and the event doesn’t change their intention.
Perhaps a better chart would be daily vaccination numbers of first dose and see if there was a rush at the time of that event.
Availability has been a limiting factor and it’s been after the limo event that younger age groups have been opened up. Of course, we would expect virus spread to prompt some people and the news that we will see restrictions ease at 70% and 80% vaccination.
In State and Territory vaccination centres NSW up trend for daily vaccination rates started about 10 May, Vic, QLD, & SA about 23 May, WA 10 June, ACT 1 June, NT 4 May, Tas 13 May.
In GP clinics Aus Wide the first uptick was mid May and second one 1 July.
You can view some charts here. Scroll down a bit to the “Daily Doses” charts and I suggest selecting “own axis” for the charts to get a better view of the trend changes as the scale on “same axis” hides the trends on the smaller number states.
It is a funny graph. Why does it stop at 22 million vaccinated? The US has already some 200 million vaccinated, why NSW could not match them? 🙂
The USA population is more than 300,000,000.
The Aus population is only 25,000,000. Of which less than 22,000,000 are aged over 16. The graph doesn’t need to cater for numbers greater than 22,000,000 when it’s only graphing Aus vaccinations.
Australia (and the state of New South Wales) can not match the US for vaccination numbers
The following video completely backs up the pro-Covid-Vaccine side and totally defeats anyone against Covid-vaccines.
????? Are you being funny?
Looking at this now the /SARC tag went missing.
Watched the first five minutes: well put together.
Life is risky, but I’d rather live it properly.
“To live is to risk death. Not to live is to be dead already”. My favourite saying from many years ago but I can’t remember its source. Maybe from some book on yoga.
“Movement is life!”. My husband’s favourite saying. I don’t know where that came from; maybe the military many years ago!
is credited to Jules Verne.
is credited to Moshe Feldenkrais
Looking at the information on this website brings up few questions
2019 (Males) Ranked number 10 is Influenza and pneumonia deaths 1,775
2019 (Females) Ranked number 8 is Influenza and pneumonia deaths 2,315
That is a total of 4,090 deaths caused by influenza viruses.
How many of other deaths in 2019 with other preexisting conditions were with the influenza?
How they reporting Covid deaths now. (Covid death with preexisting condition)
Also what level of certainty can be put down to efficacy in a mix of:
Social distancing
Lock downs
Hand sanitisers
Looking at the footage of testing sites where people form long lines on foot. Could these be super spreader events? Including mass vaccination hubs? Are governments only concerned about the numbers and not the consequences?
I recall hearing news in passed years where health officials advised that people take extra care due to higher than normal flu season.
People with flu were often seen wearing masks in public.
People with flu took sick days off.
There was no panic, there was no doom and gloom being spread.
Israel and latest research show vaccination is not the panacea some claim with the vaccinated leading the charge in hospitalisation and deaths. Prof Pollard of the Oxford Vaccines Group (AZ vaccine) is more realistic saying that the vaccines will NEVER allow us to achieve herd immunity. And the vaccines today are already out of date as they do not work v well with Delta and will be useless against the other variants coming down the pike.
Provide Ivermectin , open up, and let people get natural immunity and like all past pandemics this will recede into the rear view mirror. But the current pollies are incompetent and reckless, pushing vaccines which are not ever going to achieve what is claimed. Worse still all the boosters and jabs, as we clearly know, will cause many needless deaths.
The bureaucratic groupthink is no substitute for hard nosed actual analysis and will result in disaster for our country.
Jo had posted about Israel
In Sunday’s (15th Aug) Telegraph on page 9 there was an Article entitled “Health orders ‘like living in Nazi Germany’. In the article, Police Minister David Elliott, while responding to Cumberland Mayor Steve Christou’s comment comparing the latest lockdown as like “Nazi Germany” said, “Using a public health crisis for political gain is the most abhorrent thing I have seen in my 35 years of political activism”.
Really? If it wasn’t so serious I’d still be laughing. So the Mayor’s comment is more abhorrent than letting people die rather than allowing Ivermectin to be allowed to treat Covid? ToM
Until the politicians get their head around the fact their elimination strategy is impossible to achieve, unless they keep the international borders closed FOREVER with absolutely no movement( not even what is going on now), then there will no real progress.
Anyone who tests positive should be given an antiviral script or even better a packet with relevant meds in it and told to take it.
It is clear the “vaccines’ do not work like they said they would after having indoctrinated the masses into that belief.
I have just heard the UK is saying people cannot travel outside the UK until they have had the booster jab and they still have to quarantine for 14 days when they return. Where will it end …. when you have had the 10th, 20th or 30th the booster jab ???
Life will end at some stage with the boosters. There is already research showing the immune system is being damaged by the treatments masquerading as vaccines.
The spike protein is a toxin and will wreck the immune systems of those being jabbed. More jabs = more damage. People will die of colds and flus due to diminished immunity engendered by the treatments.
The northern winter may well be a turning point, a time when people realise the catastrophically bad decision making that has occurred has created not removed huge issues with covid and other ailments amongst the vaccinated. The bureaucratic groupthink needs to be decisively ended – its time for them to be removed and replaced by people with commonsense and an ability to properly weigh evidence and understand the astronomical collateral damage of lockdowns and emergency use only treatments.
Unless I am mistaken, a Chief Medical Officer is not the Chief Covid Officer. He/She makes administrative decisions regarding all health-related matters.
Regardless, all these people seem capable of doing is spewing out the daily number of ‘cases’ then giving ever-increasingly stupid advice on how we can curtail this ‘horrific’ plague. Not one of them couldn’t tell you how many are mildly sick, very sick, mortally sick or completely unaffected by the virus. They could not tell you how many citizens, on their watch, have suffered from mental illnesses as a result of their policies. They could not tell you how many people have not been diagnosed with cancer or other life-threatening conditions since their eye has been off that ball and singularly on the ‘Covid ball’.
Not one of them has ever told the public that the best thing you can do to combat Covid is to eat well, lose weight if you are overweight, and get a bit of sun on your back each day.
Not one of them, as far as I can tell from their respective CV’s, has significant clinical experience in epidemiology. We have world class experts in this field at our disposal, yet state governments and the federal government continue to heed the advice of bureaucrats who are not properly qualified. Why not go to the best? It is like a 3-hat Michelin chef offering to feed guests at your birthday party, but being told ‘No thanks, my son works at Maccas, he’ll take care of it.’
I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make here. Yes – the CHO/CMO is a bureaucratic position, and they have a lot of legal powers. Their expertise is relied on by elected officials.
But Dr Brett Sutton (for example) doesn’t sit in a garret reading tealeaves … he takes advice from the best epidemiologists and virologists that can be found. He does in fact use the 3Hat Chef.
There are two issues that go to your frustration.
Firstly, there is a great deal of political risk if governments “allow” the virus to spread, with lots of new cases and deaths. Even this very thread is based on slamming Gladys Berejiklian, for things that aren’t necessarily under her control. So governments are going to be ultra-cautious, and very conservative.
Secondly, quackery and pseudo-science have got in the way, in a really destructive way. As part of a desperate election-year tactic to down-play the virus, Trump and others (like Boris Johnson) resorted to anything for a “cure”, in the many months prior to a vaccine.
If they had stuck to basics – masks, social distancing, hand sanitiser, banning crowd events and venues, promotion of sunlight, exercise, weight-loss, and a good diet … they could have had a (de-politicised) path to victory.
But no – they had to go extreme, and promote all manner of unproven stuff … horse de-wormer, HCQ, other re-purposed drugs, bleach, internal UV lights … there’s a long list of Mediaeval thinking here, often from people with very little credibility.
So now ALL alternatives are off the table – and the vaccines are the one-and-only Holy Grail.
Human beings aren’t that mart really.
[Lots of speculation, ridicule, opinion, disdain, and judgement, but no contribution whatsoever. – LVA ]
Tilba, it’s almost like you are a paid propaganda agent. 🙂
Given that Specialists heads of ICU with 500 papers published are talking and using antivirals, your job apparently is to derail conversation that runs down the centre. By polarising, namecalling and pretending the debate is only the two extremes, it’s almost like you work for Xi or The Democrats.?
Or are you just protecting yourself against cognitive dissonance because your bureaucratic CHOs or Democrats are your Gods and anyone who questions them are “quacks”? –
Maybe TT is a relative
Great reading.
” Not one of them couldn’t tell you how many are mildly”
Was that meant to be;
” Not one of them could tell you how many are mildly”
One thing is for sure, modern medicine is broken.
With as many groups as you like to choose from to use as a test sample; with a single, safe, long-used chemical compound; and with 18 months of an urgent need, the industry (NIH) is unable to come up with anything more compelling than:
‘There is insufficient evidence for the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel (the Panel) to recommend either for or against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.’ See at:
This despite, for example:
192 studies (as at 17 August, 2021) listed at
and those listed at
The ineptitude beggars belief.
The obvious question is why would a cohort of people who are socially classified and self-classify as smart be so incapable of producing a useful conclusion for the benefit of those they are paid to serve?
The emperor is disrobed.
It’s not the poor, flamin’ limo driver’s fault, it’s the non-sterilizing property of the so called vaccine. Data from Gibralta, Iceland and other highly vaxxed countries show that the vaxxed are hosting the virus and getting sick to varying degrees. This is always going to happen until a sterilizing, ie, true vaccine, is used to stop the virus at the host. True vaccines, like
Sabin oral Polio, Measles, Mumps & Rubella vaccines are sterilizing for those viruses. To date, no sterilizing vaccine has been invented for Corona viruses which is why “booster” shots will always be required for the latest mutation. This is a great money spinner for big pharma. Our so called health bureaucrats are useful in promoting the process by fear and misinformation. If they were really keen to get control of the latest mess they would start promoting overwhelmingly proven multi drug therapies involving HCQ & Ivermectin. They would also promote good immune system health via Vitamin D3, good diet and exercise. Instead, they promote detention of the well, the sick and the economy. How’s that working?
Along with the horse de-wormer, you should have mentioned bleach injections and the insertion of ultraviolet light. LOL.
Yeah, they gave Nobel Prizes to horse de-wormers. It is one of a handful of drugs listed by the WHO as an essential medicine.
You get the prize for today’s shallowest comment.
OT. As we all know…. Solar energy drives climate
Nice theory but is vaccine spending affectred at all?
Would they have bought the batch of unused Pfizer from Poland without this panic?
Not really an answer.
Most likely they would have. One of the limiting factors to people getting vaccinated was the lack of Pfizer and the AZ not being recommended for under 60’s.
But there wouldn’t have been rush for vaccines and the existing purchase agreements would have met the demand.
See my comment #29 regarding the supposed rush illustrated in the “fully vaccinated” chart Jo has used.
Off topic if permitted but I found this today
What is the explanation for the rapid rise in autism? Very concerning.
There have been anecdotal reports of the clot shot eliminating multiple sclerosis symptoms so it would be a fine irony were it to cure autism the increase of which is attributed by many to mass vaccination of infants; so yeah, let’s go all in and vaccinate our children and pets.
Childhood vaccination as a cause of autism has been debunked over and over. It’s irresponsible to repeat and perpetuate urban myths and fairy stories.
Could be insufficient vitamin D in early development.
Interesting video!
Read the full video summary, interesting.
It makes you think.
An excellent interview with Dr Robert Mallone with Dr Erin Star from the TrialSite News channel
He discusses in some depth about the spike protein modifications made for the Moderna/Spikevax vaccine to make it a more effective (stays in open configuration) and safer (stays attached to the cell outer) antigen but how there was insufficient followup on the effectiveness of these changes (particularly the attachment) before they were given emergency authorization approval.
What is stopping the federal government from quickly organising and paying for an independent and thorough investigation into ivermectin?
And why not offer it as an option when people first test positive, rather than sending them home with nothing? If people are expected to sign an ‘Informed Consent’ document for AstraZeneca, which can result in Vaccine Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) – which was only discovered last March and is not yet fully understood – then why not ask the ‘early positives’ if they would like to sign for ivermectin? It wouldn’t be a controlled trial but if lots of success stories mounted up, such as rapid improvements and few cases of Long Covid, wouldn’t that be a helpful indication of efficacy?
Haven’t you heard? The WHO says ivermectin is DANGEROUS if used for treating CoViD – much, much, much more dangerous than it is when used for treating parasites. Somehow.
So our health bodies go along…
It may be that you are signing the informed consent form because the Vaccine is experimental and you are agreeable to take part in the experiment.
Nullifying Nuremberg
The contract with Pfizer!!!!!!! I am prepared to conclude that all the contracts are based on this one.
Haven’t you heard? The WHO says ivermectin is DANGEROUS if used for treating CoViD – much, much, much more dangerous than it is when used for treating parasites. Somehow.
So our health bodies go along…
Question: Do you think a combination anti-viral therapy (for prophylaxis or treatment) comprising of HCQ and IVM together plus other standard supplements such as Zn and Vit D would be more effective than HCQ and IVM alone?
Yes, the advice seems to be that early ivermectin works best as part of a mix, so ‘early positives’ could be given a take-home treatment kit. In September 2020, Prof Thomas Borody suggested combining it with zinc and a common antibiotic. Only last week the FLCCC updated their protocols to suit Delta, so they may be the better guide now. But ivermectin remains the star ingredient. No real profits to be made, but potentially of great benefit to the Australian people, so shouldn’t we be able to look to the Australian Govt to provide an independent scientific investigation?
FLCCC don’t seem keen on hydroxychloroquine (HCL) and don’t include it in their suggested iMASS and iMASK protocols – which have ivermectin. However, some US doctors seem to use both HCL and IVM when they are treating individual patients, taking into account that patient’s individual situation, age, the other meds they may be on, the stage of the disease, etc. Generally, the suggestions seem to be for one or the other (in combination with other things).
Correction: I think HCQ not HCL may be the usual abbreviation for hydroxychloroquine.
If some sort of preventative treatment becomes compulsory why can’t people be given an option?
1) Those who are happy with the vaccines can take those since they are totally trusting of government and Big Pharma claims of their efficacy and safety.
2) Others who are not trusting of the claims of government and Big Pharma can take the anti-virals of their choice according to the established protocols.
Since universal vaccination will not stop infection or transmission, and will only encourage the evolution of a super virus, what point is there in making vaccination compulsory?
Ah, but there are no safe established protocols for anti-virals according to the WHO.
But new & on patent repurposed anti-virals coming soon from big Pharma will undoubtably be emergency approved for WHO established protocols, to be used in conjunction with vaccines.
A sensible proposition, David. The health bureaucrats don’t have to relinquish control of our movements, but more importantly we get a valid choice of how we achieve immunity from the virus. The hard part will be getting the backwater health bureaucrats to wake up to the fact that those taking antiviral regimes based on IVM & HCQ will be employing a sterilizing end to the virus, whereas those opting for the mRNA jab will be promoting their bodies as mutation sites for the virus as a trade-off for ameliorated symptoms.
Democrats suck. They have ALWAYS sucked.
Until we are rid of them, they will always suck!
Oops. Wrong thread. Sorry
Worth saying, nonetheless.
Thanks, Analitik.
Just to highlight the misinformation campaign taking place on ivermectin (& other anti-virals), there is a recent McMasters University study with preliminary results showing ivermectin is ineffectual for treating CoViD.
h/t Ian for this Trialsite link – I’m SURE that he posted it intending for someone more diligent to dig out the details.
A little further investigation reveals the ivermectin course woefully inadequate for significant effects
In comparison, the FLCCC Alliance MATH+ protocol calls for 0.4-0.6mg per kg (28-42mg for the “standard” 70kg) for 5 days
Just coincidentally, the study was partly funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation….
The protocols I have seen require the dose to be taken WITH food so the fats in the food can carry the Ivermectin into the bloodstream. Dosages are ,, NO food for parasitic control.(Remains in intestinal tract with the parasites) WITH food (To pass into the vascular system to have its theraputic anti Covid effect)
Quite so.
I wonder if this info was used in the trial set ups to show ivermectin does not work?
It would be as ‘effective’ for that purpose as using an insufficient dose.
I remember the days not so long ago when people said of pneumonia that it was ” the old man’s friend”. They meant that a person who was approaching the end of their life would be carried off by pneumonia rather than linger on, suffering. For some unfathomable reason we have decided that it is better to continue accumulating days of existence rather than accept the rhythms of providence. We are so thoughtless and lacking in wisdom.
Good point Harpo. Interestingly, the death rate since the arrival of Covid 19 is steady. It is fair to assume that a large percentage of the deceased were not long for this world anyway. It is criminal that those, on the other hand, with long, healthy lives to look forward to are being ruined financially and emotionally by atrocious policy decisions.
You almost make it sound like romantic fun to die gargling mucus and die attempting to get one more breath. I have news for you, instinct is not so romantic, it just takes the automatic action for survival, every single time.
Well, its back to the bleach Jo !
‘Some countries like Denmark finally realized that what is left just isn’t a serious disease that justifies any extraordinary measures. So Denmark has lifted the face mask duty, even in the public transportation and shops, and will remove absolutely all blanket Covid restrictions from October 1st, the Parliament decided. More than a year later, they join the Swedes; Sweden has below 15,000 deaths and the rate of dying has dropped to nearly zero and this is the final one. The Danish lawmakers’ decision occurred despite the fact that the vaccination level isn’t very high in Denmark and they don’t show clear signals of a decrease of the (small) number of cases. But it is simply obvious that Covid-19 ceased to be a major disease in the hospitals. In Czechia, 46 out of 26,000 hospital beds host a Covid-positive person and only 14 of them are in serious condition.’
From The Reference Frame, 17 August, 2021:
It’s surprising how well Denmark did, and I have not seen anyone with a good explanation. They did have a brief lockdown in the early wave and as you say some people are vaccinated, mostly the elderly. Those people live a very outdoor lifestyle, they love the sun and love their boats, getting out on the water.
They had a kind of voluntary quarantine where anyone coming from outside the country was told to stay home a few weeks and get tested. It was not strictly enforced but (so I’m told) most people followed it. They only closed schools for a month or two then opened them back up again.
Yes … but Sweden has had 1,429.2 deaths per million, while Australia has only had 38.1 deaths per million. Australia has been doing something nearly 40 times more effective than the Swedes.
I think this conflates two distinct things … firstly, the limo driver was unfortunate, but there had never been at that time a hazmat or PPE protocol for such workers, and I think it’s a bit tough to be too damning in retrospect. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, especially for pollies and journos looking for cover.
Secondly. it is not the NSW Premier’s fault that feral individuals – for either $$$ or ideological reasons – headed off to SA, Vic, ACT, Qld. It’s actually quite hard to have a completely non-porous border.
I think if Gladys could have the last four weeks back, she would change just about everything – but almost everyone on the planet would. But I think it’s a bit rich to say she’s owned by Big Pharma. Anyway – if Big Pharma delivers effective, safe, vaccines – then isn’t that a good thing?
No one needed “hindsight” to know that letting Delta in would spark disaster in NSW. Protecting Lino drivers with PPE is just basic textbook infection control.
If even a basic degree in microbiology can predict the outcome of sticking international arrivals in cars with locals, doh, any government adviser should.
It is Gladys fault that the rules are not being enforced in NSW. People are breaking the rules and not being fined.
It is Gladys fault that people who are vaccinated might think they are protected and they don’t need to lockdown as much.
Voi – see
La – there.
No bow needed.
But the bow is required for the Viola.
The autocorrect probably swapped without Jo noticing.
Are you saying bow or bow?
Extremely naivete to think all this hard border nonsense is going to work forever. Yes it can buy time until the population is vaccinated or alternative therapies can be found, but the idea you just sit there in your own bubble until the end of time was always highly highly flawed. Of course what was essentially luck people had already ascribed to their superior skill over other nations in a feedback loop reminiscent of self congratulatory fellatio.
Of course now the attendant folly is to try and get back to the glory days at infinite cost to the economy when even if we got back there another breach would as sure as night follows day occur.
Alternatives therapies HAVE been found. PLEASE read the following and consider with an open mind.
Yes im aware of the great work they have been doing. I dont know what it is actually going to take for pollies and vaccine obsessed ‘experts’ to listen. I see little downside to such options, or at least a coherent downside has not yet been made.
COVID 19 = < 2 years. Human existence = 2 million years or less. What is all the worry about?? There is always going to be a viral challenge for Homo Sapiens to survive, whether or not it is artificial. Immunity will, eventually, win
CDR J.H. Furman:
“The forced vaccination of all military personnel with the present COVID-19 vaccines may compromise U.S. national security due to the unknown extent of serious vaccine complications”
Gladys’s response to the Covid Delta strain, leads me to wonder if Michael Photius is now selling his services to the pharmaceutical industry as he is the wind and solar industries.
We seem to have two Matt Keans in parliment now, the other one appears to run health.
A day late and a dollar short but the perspective from Canada is that the current crop of vaccines (we’ve predominantly used Astra Zeneca, Moderna and Pfizer) does little to nothing in relation to the Delta strain of the virus.
Canada had a terrible start to our vaccination program, thanks to the bungling of our federal government. We also notoriously chose not to close our borders, largely at all. Lip service was paid, but practically speaking nothing was done.
The same bungling federal government did step up and aggressively pursue vaccines – paying 4X the amount England did per dose for Astra Zeneca, and even tapped into a program for third world countries. That did succeed and we went from being functionally third world in vaccination rates to very near the top now, with ~70% of adults vaccinated with both doses.
What has that gotten us? Not much. Most businesses still require masks, even if they aren’t mandated by government (the sheep have been trained). We’re out of lockdown now (after being in from November through June)but it is the heat of summer here, not traditional virus/flu/cold season, unlike the southern hemisphere. I expect we’ll be back in lockdown by October as colds and flus ramp up again. And we’ll be locked down in spite of probably reaching 80% vaccination rates.
Don’t kid yourself, the gamma variant will be up next (why don’t media talk about how new strains are more contagious but less lethal – this virus is evolving along the expected path) and more restrictions will follow.
I’m not remotely anti-vaccine and have been vaccinated with dual dose Pfizer. I also expect a booster shot would be normal procedure for the fall (regular flu vaccines are required each year at the start of flu season). But the vaccines do not deliver on the social aspects that the governments so seem to enjoy – lockdown and control. Thus far few countries have recognized that we need to learn to live with this rather than hide in fear. Politicians seem opposed to learning. Go figure.
Thank you Jo. You seem the only person to understand this.
Listening to this mantra that “vaccination is our only way out” after seeing the remarkable results of shutting borders is frustrating to say the least. Unbelievable stupidity.