What if Sydney could shorten the lockdown with cheap common drugs, but we didnt even try them?

How much does the Medical Swamp hate antivirals?

Coronavirus, wuflu, CCPvirus. Image.The news nobody wanted to hear (except perhaps Pharmaceutical giants): 29 new active cases in the NSW community.

Will NSW get desperate enough to try cheap drugs with low risks, mass production and promising results? It’s winter and the Delta variant is spreading. Contact tracing is rapidly being outpaced. The number of close contacts doubled overnight to 14,000.

What have they got to lose?

The Financial Review

NSW reported 44 new locally acquired COVID-19 cases, 29 of those were in the community while infectious and the number of close contacts has doubled from 7000 to 14,000 in the past 24 hours.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the lockdown was likely to be extended beyond Friday, July 16, unless there was a “dramatic turnaround” in coming days.

Antiviral hesitancy could be costing the state billions. What if an antiviral trial were offered to anyone who tested positive and their contacts, subject to medical advice (approved by their doctor)? It would be a great reason to go get tested. Got symptoms? — We may be able to help you and your family.

Some antivirals and vitamins like D3 appear to prevent the spread if given early enough — even by 80%. Calculate the obscene cost of every days delay.

Australia must have kilotons of some pharmaceutical grade drugs we could test, adapt and move quickly at costs of cents per dose. If it doesn’t work, we’ll know we tried.

The trust factor is going to shot to pieces when people find out.

Essential reading

 Perhaps solve the other pandemic: Vitamin D deficiency — to help beat Coronavirus?

 The Big Ivermectin Reviewe Ivermectin may prevent 86% of Covid cases

Hydroxychloroquine, a year later, 3 times higher survival rate. Trump was right. (183)

9.6 out of 10 based on 77 ratings

122 comments to What if Sydney could shorten the lockdown with cheap common drugs, but we didnt even try them?

  • #

    The selling point of vaccination is that the protection is enduring. Enduring for months if not years. Yes antivirals could help but don’t their effectiveness fade fast, once administered


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      Travis T. Jones

      If you need top ups every four to six months, it ain’t a vaccine …

      Pfizer CEO believes a third vaccine dose may be needed between six and 12 months after vaccination



      • #

        The ‘science’ shows their vaccine’s effectiveness dwindles with time. Need a 3rd dose and maybe a yearly booster thereafter

        Isn’t research wonderful


        • #

          A yearly vaccination against influenza is the norm and is not the subject of debate. So why would a yearly vacation against Covid-19 cause any undue comment?


          • #

            Apologies vacation should read vaccination


          • #

            There is a lot of pushback from government bodies on the emergency approval of a 3rd dose of Pfizer/Moderna.



          • #

            A yearly vaccination against influenza is the norm and is not the subject of debate.

            Speak for yourself. I’ve never had one, nor have I had the flu.

            I have been supplementing with D3 and anti oxidants though and my health has been improving as I age.

            Perhaps solve the other pandemic: Vitamin D deficiency — to help beat Coronavirus?


            • #

              Perhaps solve the other pandemic: Vitamin D deficiency — to help beat Coronavirus?

              Given the ramp up in cases in ICU from South West Sydney as it was in UK with BAME Residents Midlands – Vitamin D Deficiency could be part of the problem


          • #

            “A yearly vaccination against influenza is the norm.. blah, blah…”

            That’s because its a tried and tested normal vaccine,

            not a genetically modified experimental concoction… not fully tested.

            Off you go Ian, trot off like a good little lemming and get your third shot…

            You are already a total clot, so it can’t get any worse.


    • #

      But, Rave, the protection is not enduring. Actual vaccines give decades or lifetime protection.

      The mRNA jab gives perhaps 6 months protection. Nobody really knows. Haven’t you heard Pharma and Govt Health experts saying you’ll need a 3rd jab and maybe a new jab for every variant? This is an admission by their own statements that it is snake oil, and risky snake oil at that. The jab doesn’t keep you from getting Covid or from spreading Covid or from dying of Covid. So what good is it?

      Covid mutates rapidly. Your own immune system gives the best protection for the longest periods and is adaptable to variants. The key is to suppress the cytokine storm and immune system over reaction using known or discovered medicines that suppress the cytokine reaction long enough for your immune system to do its job properly. Those are the best chance for survival from ever changing variants, not an endless series of synthetic mRNA jabs.

      The antiviral drug effectiveness do not fade fast “once administered”. They fade fast if “administered once”. A person might have to take the antiviral for 5 days or more. But after that, they are actually, permanently, immune.


      • #
        Geoff Croker

        Antivirals combined with anti inflammatories, zinc and Vit D.

        Getting a treatment will stop this virus spreading.

        mRNA vaccines will create variants.

        Simple biology with no BIG payoff to guv parasites.

        Chance of it happening in regulated economy…….


        • #

          People have caught covid more than once. Even in the absence of vaccine, it is doubtful that herd immunity would ever be reached


          • #
            Richard Owen No.3

            Even people with full “vaccination” have caught covid again, and a few have even died from it.


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              More than “a few ” Richard.


            • #

              Given the very specific nature of the mRNA and Adenovector vaccines (the spike protein of the original SARS-CoV-2 virus is the only antibody trigger), it is likely that a higher percentage of those “fully vaccinated” would catch CoViD-19 than those who had recovered from a previous infection.


          • #

            If you don’t accept herd immunity Aus/NZ will be isolated forevermore.


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          “mRNA vaccines will create variants.”

          Why will it? Variants occur due to changes in the viral genome that occur during replication


          • #

            Correct in a way but misleading as the ‘vax’ does not cause/create variants, directly.
            It does stop (or hinder) one variant, if other variants evolve, they- the new ones- are not stopped by the vax but have all the ‘fresh meat’ an open field, to take in as food and to grow in.
            Some of the current vaxes are claimed to be effective against stated new mutations. If so, they would not be effective against all. (As we are seeing). However, the antivirals are understood to be effective against a wide range of the class.


    • #

      I took HCQ for four years, one tab a day for a week, than 1 a week for the time I was in malaria country. never caught it, though the Metallurgist I was working with (local) caught cerebral malaria and was medevac’d out, came back eventually, but never really came back.

      Good for months so you need a booster of the same shite every couple of months. What is the definition of stupid again?


      • #

        Even if you do dose with the booster every couple of months. I do not believe the Hospital systems can handle the adverse reactions.

        The available Therapeutics Goods Administration report, if you enter the Covid ‘Vaccines’ and a date range 20/2/2021 to 10/4/2021 (the last date available to the public).
        Number of cases with a single suspected medicine is 7489 with 51 dead. The most common symptom is vomiting in those that die. I do not understand why the experts continue to discuss Thrombosis when this does not really rate as an adverse effect causing death with what was principally the Comirnaty ‘Pfizer Vaccine’.

        The report up to the 8/7/2021 has over 36000 adverse effects reports and states:

        Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 4 July 2021, over 8.2 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been given. The TGA has received and reviewed 355 reports of deaths in people who have recently been vaccinated and found that only three were linked to immunisation. These deaths were all related to the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine – two were TTS cases and one was a case of ITP (reported below).

        This number of adverse effects and the circular firing squad nature of the Covid Quarantine powers in removing frontline health staff is being felt in Queensland Hospitals. So forget the pea and thimble tricks, the jab does not appear to be administered just to people who will be dying in a couple of weeks (anyone doing that should get a severe talking to in my opinion). These deaths are occurring to otherwise healthy people full of ‘Hopium’. Hope that the jab will allow the restrictions to be removed.


  • #

    Lockdown has a profound effect on the mental health of the young, killing many hundreds through trauma and suicide as this UK study shows.

    In contrast only 25 under 18’s died from covid in the year ending February 2021


    This grouping are at very tiny risk of covid therefore, but at considerable risk of harming themselves. Surely they should not be locked down depriving them of their friendship groups, study, sport, entertainment and all the things that motivate them, whilst being cooped up with their family in no doubt a sometimes fractious atmosphere with resentful adults


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      Watched a clip on YT of sky, the lady stated suicides where up 180% in Vic. That’s the result of this fear porn industry, who will never take the blame for the destruction they have propagated, but will always claim they saved lives. Got a model that proves it!


    • #

      If the young people learn not to trust their government it would eventually do some good … presuming we keep our democracy another generation.


    • #

      Scott Morrison would tell you to wash your mouth out with soap….

      Seriously his idiotic govt cannot even bother to tell people what their actual risk is from covid. And in most cases, as you allude to, its negligible.

      Ivermectin or HCQ (Cliver Palmer has provided millions of doses) are a huge benefit as they can be used as a preventative and if you get the virus. They are KNOWN and SAFE, and the mRNA and other vaccines concocted for this fake pandemic are completely unknown and who knows if they really are safe – those with severe adverse reactions or who passed due to them would suggest otherwise.

      Once the dust settles my belief is many who took them will rue the day as there is evidence their immune system will collapse at some stage in the future.

      And the best for last, if you are injured, maimed or killed by the vaccines, too bad. The vaccine companies can continue their mayhem unfettered by the need to be responsible for the outcome…and enjoy ongoing free advertising from the Govt into the bargain.


  • #

    If antivirals were tried and proven effective en masse, why would anyone want or need a vax that carries known and unknown side effects both immediately and days/weeks, perhaps decades, hence?

    The vax, high cycle PCR tests, the neverending variants, media fear mongering, assumed political power, cancel culture, etc, are the notes in a symphony of a worldwide power grab. None of the empowered have any interest in losing that control. Any PCR test over 25 cycles is just amplifying noise, but you can get any level of “cases” desired.

    Too many groups (FDA, CDC, NIH, AMA, DHHS, elected officials, Big Pharma….) have based their power, future, control, income and profit on never having anything other than a permanent cycle of jabs for as long as possible. They don’t want antiviral drugs. That would derail the gravy train.


    • #

      It is still fear porn but frightening the young with stories that they will not live to 30 because the world will burn up must contribute to that total.

      When we were young some said “I want to die before I get old” but these people intended to burn bright until then. That was different.



    • #

      Yes, effective anti-virals would provide time for the vaccines to be properly tested for long term efficacy and side effects. But then the emergency authorisations that allow them to be used right now would be withdrawn since the “emergency” aspect for newly developed drugs and vaccines depend on no other treatment options being available.

      So big pharma is totally against allowing any existing medications and supplements being shown to have significant prevention and treatment benefits against the SAR-CoV-2 virus.


      • #
        Annette O

        Yes that is my read on it so far. The revoking of the emergency status of the need for the vaccinations is exactly what Big Pharma does not want.


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        David A

        Preventive anti virals would likely allow heard immunity with T cells as or more effective then these vaccines, making them unnecessary.


  • #

    If only we had a simultaneous “parasite” pandemic. We could kill two birds with the one stone.


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      Well we in Australia do have a mouse plague at the moment. Perhaps if everyone took the shots the plague would go away as well. You follow?


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      One of the Argentinian (from memory – I know it was in South America) regions distributed ivermectin ostensibly for “deworming”. Most likely it was to avoid being criticized by the national government.


  • #
    a happy little debunker

    Covid Panic Porn in Tasmania

    A couple of expat healthcare working Brits (both vaccinated) left Tassie on June 30th with a Covid negative test, arrived in England July 4th with a Covid positive test, after spending 3 of the 4 days travelling about Asia.

    Tasmanian Authorities are releasing a list of places they travelled around in their last days in Tassie – because they ‘might’ have had Covid whilst in Tassie despite the negative test and being vaccinated.

    Gleefully reported on the ABC.

    There is absolutely no reason to report these events – as it is neither in the public’s interest (to create alarm) nor indeed even newsworthy (2 more covid positive cases in England) .

    Done purely as click bait and encourage PANIC!!!!

    ‘their ABC’…


  • #

    I have made reference in previous posts to the ‘nudge’ unit based in Whitehall and with offices all over the world including Sydney.

    This is a thought provoking article whose title is self explanatory


    In answer to jo’s query as to why we don’t use meds, surely one answer is that there has been no outcry for them as people have been ‘nudged’ to believe vaccinations are good and meds are bad, or at best there is no proof that they work so ought to be shunned.

    I am writing an article myself on this subject. The nudging is highly sophisticated, highly effective and is being used in many walks of life so you behave as the govt would like you to do.

    This most certainly includes decades long nudging of a gullible public and an enthusiastic media over climate change.

    The tool being used is FEAR which has been used to huge effect over covid.

    How do you counter fear and the clamourous desire to be saved from scary hobgoblins and led to safety, as HL Mencken observed.

    Forget science. Forget past temperature records or extreme events showing the past is similar to the present. How do you counter fear?

    As jo contemplates, rather than write, as her wrist recovers , she might like to ponder how you can prevent people demanding action over climate change in order to keep themselves and their family safe


    • #
      John R Smith

      Feels like continuous blows to the head to me.
      Tonyb, I greatly admire your reserve and gentlemanly nature (which I lack due to genetics).
      Your historical take on climate as greatly influenced me.
      I love history too.
      We are living through the greatest and most complex political crime in history.
      The kind we aren’t recognizing until it’s too late
      No governmental structure ever had these kind of power tools before.
      Show me where I’m wrong.


      • #


        Thank you for your kind words.

        I immediately thought of a saying I had attributed to someone like Marx, referring to the power of the State to put around rumours to scare people or put their version of events out there before anyone else did.

        It went something like;

        “a lie can spread round the world before the truth has got its boots on.” On googling it I found this really excellent little article.


        It apparently came from Jonathan Swift and on looking closer I found this additional quote from him

        “The latter part of a wise person’s life is occupied with curing the follies, prejudices and false opinions they contracted earlier.”

        The Internet with its rapid dissemination of information, social media, gullible people who don’t bother to check facts, conspiracy theories etc, all contribute to your belief that no governmental structure ever had these kind of power tools before. Orwell of course saw the current future

        “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” George Orwell, 1984.

        The latter part of a wise person’s life is occupied with curing the follies, prejudices and false opinions they contracted earlier.


        • #
          John R Smith

          Tonyb, I have two periods to my intellectual life (pardon the very loose use of ‘intellectual’).
          BCC and ACC.
          Before Climate Change and After Climate Change.
          I concluded the AGW was false and that it’s promotion had nothing to with actual science and was in fact a political conspiracy.
          (On going and more powerful even as it is more obviously BS.)
          You influenced me quite a bit in this conclusion.
          Forgive me if I have misused your POV.
          (Of course, if the smart folk among us didn’t have their POVs misused, culture would grind to a halt.)
          So, besides being fun, conspiracy theories in my experience often turn out to be closer to reality.
          Gulf of Tonkin incident (I’m still mad about that one.)
          Wuhan Lab Leak
          I’d love to buy you a beverage on Mont St. Michel and talk about my favorite Briton (what’s a Briton?)
          William the Marshal, and how France used to be a couple of miles farther away.
          Never happen though.
          Actually honored that you respond to me.


          • #

            Tonyb, I have two periods to my intellectual life (pardon the very loose use of ‘intellectual’).
            BCC and ACC.

            Before Climate Change and After Climate Change.

            John R,

            I responded to survey 2 days ago, by major Oz company on Climate Change and Carbon Credits – I was asked to clarify why I responded that I did not believe in Climate Change.

            “Climate Change is the biggest Criminal Con in History – 110 km South of Winton – 95 million years ago Lark Dinosaur Quarry was part of a great river plain, with sandy channels, swamps, and lakes brimming with freshwater mussels, lungfish, and crocodiles. Rainfall was over a metre per year, so the surrounding lowland forest was lush and green..

            A huge meat-eating theropod, smaller than a Tyrannosaurus, approached the lake. It slowed, saw the other dinosaurs gathered at the water’s edge and began to stalk, then turned and charged. The stampeding herd of smaller dinosaurs left a chaotic mass of footprints in the mud as they ran to escape.

            Today, no Dinosaurs – the Climate Changed and No Humans were involved”

            PS have been to both Mont St Michel and St Michael’s Mount and enjoyed both


    • #

      H.L. Mencken

      “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”


    • #

      I am writing an article myself on this subject. The nudging is highly sophisticated, highly effective and is being used in many walks of life so you behave as the govt would like you to do

      The BIRD group (British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group) is trying to provide that exact “nudge” to the UK government but are being gaslighted and “disappeared” in by social and conventional media outlets


  • #

    My GP has provided me with prescriptions for Cholecalciferol – Vitamin D, one capsule per month 50,000 IU. It was his recommendation when I became his patient several years ago.

    I supplement it with 1,000 IU every third day and rotate that with various other supplements I have been using since I was thirty years of age.


    • #

      G’day Dennis,
      Sounds like you’ve got an informed doctor, and the once a month pill sounds attractive, although I’ve read somewhere that a shorter term, smaller dose, can be preferable. The argument was about the half life of vitamin D given as about 14 days.
      Have you had a blood test just before you take a monthly pill?
      My 10,000 IU per day has given me 60+ng/ml. That 60 makes me feel safe, and constantly. (With zinc and quercetin.) Although I’m still terrified by politicians, news reporters, and “experts”.
      Dave B


      • #

        My 10,000 IU per day has given me 60+ng/ml.

        Pleased to hear, as I take the same amount, as well as try to get an at least an hours sun each day when out.


        • #

          I used to think I was getting enough sun at one stage, and was told by the doc that my blood levels were Ok. So I didn’t worry about it. Until COVID when I asked what the actual number was – 20 ng/ml. That is still considered Ok in the guidelines, but NBG in my current estimation. So I’ve gone for the supplement form, and regular blood checks.
          Some people are reporting sunshine and good numbers. I think live between 35 N and 35 S and bare a lot of skin around midday. That “and” needs emphasis. I meet the first condition, but not the second.
          If you’ve had a blood test recently (at least in Australia) your doc probably has a vitamin D number for you, and just said “It’s good” for any number above 20. Ask, and get the unit used.
          It’s worth emphasising that it’s the amount of vitamin D available in the blood which is the determinant of success of your immune system under any attack.
          Dave B


        • #

          I registered 150 nmol/l [the other standard] entirely via the sun.

          The half life is more like three months so monthly is OK. I do it daily as routine because I sit down at the table for breakfast. There are other things you should take daily anyway. It’s what floats your boat.

          As a boy I added cod liver oil to the seed for my budgies and put a drop of baby D3 on the dog’s smacko now. So don’t forget your pets.


  • #

    I note from https://retractionwatch.com/retracted-coronavirus-covid-19-papers/ that over 150 papers on COVID have been retracted or have notes of concern against them. The prestigious Lancet does not do well but is often quote by the MSM.

    List of retracted Lancet papers …

    “Calcifediol Treatment and COVID-19-Related Outcomes,” posted to Preprints with The Lancet on January 22 and removed on February 19.
    [note Calcifediol Treatment= vitamin D treatment)
    “Chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19: why might they be hazardous?” published in The Lancet on May 22, 2020, retracted and replaced July 9, 2020.
    “Chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19: why might they be hazardous?” published in The Lancet on May 22, 2020, retracted and replaced July 9, 2020.
    “Family planning in COVID-19 times: access for all,” published on May 18, 2021 in The Lancet Global Health; retracted on June 28, 2021.

    and finally the one so widely quoted by ABC, BBC, and so many other MSM outlets, blogs, tweets, etc.

    “Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis,” published in The Lancet on May 22, 2020, subjected to an expression of concern on June 2 ,and retracted on June 4.


    • #

      Unfortunately retracted papers continue to get cited because of a lack of awareness of the retraction. MSM are of course one of the main offenders.


      • #

        A good reason to have laws in place to fine such transgressions. That would make them check before propagandising.


        • #

          Less regulation or more is simply wasted effort.


          • #

            If we are to have regulation, at least make it relevant, fair and proper. We are over regulated but the irony is much of what is not regulated ought to be. Another example is we ought to have a regulation that would put a stop to the bias in the media. When an untruth is told and is not retracted or an apology given then a hefty fine is applied. That way, organisations like the ABC will be so flooded with such actions they will be embarrassed and will either change or else they become surplus to requirements and die away. Regulation as the name implies can work very well. When things are not correctly regulated we end up with chaos, which is exactly what the evil left desire and so far are well on their way to achieving. They need to be stopped before it’s too late.


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  • #
    George McFly......I'm your density

    It is an absolute disgrace that the use of simple effective life saving drugs has been politicised.

    I personally was very close to obtaining Ivermectin to use as a preventative but luckily we live in a very low risk area.


  • #

    Sydney is experiencing the extreme government overreach Victorians have copped under chairmen Dan the past 1 1/2 years and I do not envy them.

    If Sydneysiders have a feeling of Police not being Police, no rule of laws and separation of powers then they’re not wrong, regardless of the blathering political or pseudo medical misinformation ALL AUSTRALIANS must unite and actively oppose the steady path to servitude through government Covid directives which are complete overreactions, medically and economically improper and a violation of human rights on state, national and international levels.

    If people simply turned off the MSN fake news and researched facts based on their gut instincts we would have this Marxist crap sorted in a week, to anyone lurking this excellent blog and thinks there’s even remotely an element of truth in the information posted here then don’t be afraid and look into it with an open mind, it could change your life and the course of our nation.

    Also I’d like to hear from any medical professionals here on their opinions regarding HQC, Ivermectin or proven CV-19 treatments and their opinions on why or why not they work.


    • #

      The lockdown decade eh, the 2020s in Australia. Victoria will be closed again, all the mechanisms are still in place; plus we have the added bonus of not knowing when our electricity will stop being delivered and that’s a certainty also.


    • #

      Pretty obvious to those who are not asleep that our governments of all persuasions want to achieve zero cases via lockdowns and vaccination, neither of which actually work to that aim. In effect terrorism has officially become mainstream.


      • #

        If this be the government we deserve then we are a dismal unimaginative people, truly a rabble, deserving of no salvation.


        • #

          You are correct in terms of the general population. We get the government we deserve. At the individual level though it depends. I certainly didn’t vote for either side. They are both “leading” the nation over the cliff. That’s OK though as my vaccine is Jesus.


  • #

    Lockdowns appear to be used to drive people toward the vaccines, as people become exasperated and lose income etc.

    Its a form of stand over tactics, mafioso style.

    Antivirals mean freedom from globalist thuggery, so they have shutdown HCQ etc.

    There is some hidden timing they need to achieve to get as many jabbed as possible, presumably to maximise the “impact”, whatever that might be …


  • #

    I have been trying to find doctors that are prepared to prescribe Ivermectin as a prophylaxis for c19. I have spoken to a handful and had no success, even though I keep the discussion very polite and cordial. Sometimes they are not aware of its usefulness and other times they site concerns of medical insurance and licensing. I think doctors that are not part of a larger practice are more likely to be helpful as they can make their own decision rather than having to abide by the practice’s decision.
    This is a shame as ivermectin can be obtained in other ways, such as online pharmacies from India and certain animal medications and people may pursue these options if they cannot get Ivermectin via a doctor. It would be safer all round if doctors could prescribe Ivermectin and patients could be monitored by a doctor. You never know, some useful findings may also come from it. I would volunteer for a trial for Ivermectin as a prophylaxis treatment for c19. While I’m not holding my breath, I am trying to find a doctor in the sydney area that is informed about Ivermectin and who would be prepared to prescribe. Any tips? (P.S. Just say no to lethal injections)


    • #

      docs can prescribe off label legally in Au. I saw three names in Melbourne on the flccc site for international docs. somewhere in here there is a pg of internat names https://covid19criticalcare.com/guide-for-this-website/how-to-get-ivermectin/
      they can teleconference but waiting list is 1 month.
      Let us know how u get on.


      • #

        Thanks Jo,
        I did that earlier. When I looked there was only one doctor in Vic listed and I called him. He was very informed and helpful. I do not have his consent to provide his name here so I will not. He did ask me to try and find other doctors in my area and let him know if I find any. So far no luck.
        What he would prefer to do is establish a network of doctors that are able to help in different parts of the country so he can refer people to a local doctor as he is already getting lots of calls and its too much for one doctor to look after that many people. So I thought I would help him out and try and find other doctors so more people can get the treatment they want (especially if they do not want the “vaccine”) and then the load is spread among more doctors.
        So if anyone is speaking to their doctor, ask them the question and feed the details back to Jo (if she is agreeable)and then she can give the name to the doctor in Vic to start building a network. This is what they have done in the US and parts of Europe.


      • #

        You’ve probably already heard this one:
        There were two lab rats sitting in a cage.
        One asks the other “have you had your C19 vax yet?”
        The other one says “no I am waiting for the human trials to finish first”
        Made me laugh (even though its too true to be funny)


        • #
          shortie of greenbank

          Unfortunately as much of a joke that is it also ends up being a clear breach of the Nuremberg Code which states that human trials cannot commence until lab animal testing is complete. When ‘fact check’ sites claim you cannot quote the nuremberg code since this isn’t part of the trial they conveniently refuse to deal with the animal trial part which was not completed before initial human trials started.


      • #

        I noticed that Nurse Practitioners are listed in the US as prescribing IVM. A Nurse Practitioner is a Registered Nurse (Bachelor Degree) who has studied further and passed a Masters Degree. They are allowed to prescribe medicines. Some medical practitioners are not happy with this.


    • #

      Have you tried Dr Thomas Borody?
      an advocate of ivermectin,
      contact number in the link.
      Dave B
      (No, I haven’t contacted him. I’m relying on the Zelenko protocol at this stage, which I started before I knew about ivermectin. No prescription required if you use quercetin in place of HCQ.)


    • #

      Getting your doctor to prescribe ivermectin-
      I think it is most unlikely you will find a doc registered in Australia who would be willing. They can be fined, reprimanded, and de-registered. The relevant authorities are the state licensing boards, and the TGA which is run as if it were a subsidiary of the usual pharmaceutical companies.

      The problem is subsidized health care- so much government money goes in that there is complete government control.
      Perhaps there are medics who operate completely outside the state system, I think there are not any as registration and licensing are still necessary.


  • #

    There are a lot of open questions about “how we got to where we are”. In 2015, US and China knew there was a problem. They were looking at antivirals 6 years ago.


    “Chen provided to NIH colleagues for an upcoming virology conference which was to be held on March 9-10, 2015 in Beijing, titled “Advancement in Our Scientific Understanding of Avian Influenza and MERS as Emerging Respiratory Threat to Public Health in Asia and Beyond – From Viral Evolution to Animal and Human Hosts,” one of the scheduled speakers was Matt Frieman of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, who was going to address the topic “Repurposing FDA Approved Drugs for Coronavirus Infection.” Another speaker, Xinquan Wang, of Tsinghua University, was going to address the topic, “Potent Neutralization of MERS-Cov by Human mAbs to the Viral Spike Glycoprotein.”


  • #
    Russell Cairns

    I just read a very interesting article about COVID, vaccines, etc. featuring the inventor of RNA vaccines. The URL (It’s rather long) is:


    The Epoch Times is, admittedly, somewhat right wing but I find a lot of its content quite fascinating.


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      What’s wrong with being right wing, provided it’s not extreme? It’s better than left-wing of any type. Trump is right-wing. Admittedly he had his faults but he also did a lot of good. I know right-wing is a taboo subject but overall, being right-wing is all about being not wrong as well as not left.


    • #

      Epoch Times is good. Less sensational so a better red-pill option for those who are skeptical of main stream media censorship.

      Having said that – the Gateway Pundit is where I primarily keep up to date on the progress of the US election audit(s). Looking forward to the Maricopa County AZ audit coming out very soon!


  • #

    The health plutocracy aren’t interested in shortening their lockdown diktat with safe, common, cheap drugs of proven efficacy because they are working to a totalitarian agenda where absolute control of the citizenry is the goal. They are acheiving this with lies and coercion designed for the purpose of keeping people in a recurrent state of fear. The word ‘diktat’ is important here, because it applies to totalitarian victory propaganda over the subjugated.


    • #

      like i said — just profit and incompetence is enough. Most lefties dont like lockdowns either – they need their dinner parties.

      The fear suits them. but not the cramping of lifestyle. Put science before politics to understand big drivers here.


      • #

        But the lockdowns do allow the lefties to virtue signal their compliance by “following THE science” and berate those who have actually researched the overseas outbreaks and findings.


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    Even Better Mews

    Just ONE cup of coffee a day cuts the risk of falling ill with coronavirus by a tenth because it will ‘turbocharge’ your immune system, study finds


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    Mark Allinson

    “What if Sydney could shorten the lockdown with cheap common drugs, but we didnt even try them?”

    Jo (hope the arm is doing well) your title to this thread seems to be predicated on the assumption that the authorities place the health of the people as their highest aim.

    I have seen absolutely no indication throughout this past year or so to justify such an assumption.

    The actual outlawing of possible alternatives (HQL, Ivermectin) and the imposition of destructive lockdowns for a 99.7% survivable disease suggests to be that our health is well down the list of their priorities.


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      I really don’t think most of our authorities are that cynical – rather they are blindly “following THE science” and adhering to WHO recommendations.

      As Hanlon’s razor states (I first came across it in R A Heinlein’s works):

      Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity

      The WHO are the true villains in this sage being wholly in the pocket of China and big pharma. Their director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in particular should be charged for crimes against humanity.


      • #

        I would add that even the Dan Andrews government in Victoriastan is only partially guilty of not “placing the health of the people as their highest aim”. Those in charge (Andrews, Sutton et al) are utterly fearful of repeating the debacle of the meat works and nursing home outbreaks of last winter so they issue the draconian lockdowns as their CYA actions through ignorance of any alternative. Stupidity rules at the top in Victoria.


  • #

    Finger slip – News not Mews and 1st coffee of the day drunk.


  • #

    So when death numbers are zero and case numbers are not accelerating fast enough, the alarmists turn to “close contacts” for the best scary number (doubling overnight).
    They must not have heard about Six Degrees of Separation?
    Again the poor performance of Oz mathematics education is showing.


    • #

      NSW records 50 new local cases

      NSW has recorded 50 new local cases of Covid-19, the largest daily number since the latest outbreak began.

      More than half — 26 cases — were infectious in the community.

      “When you know that when there are 26 cases infectious in the community, the only conclusion we can draw is that things are going to get worse before they get better,” Premier Gladys Berejiklian said.

      Twenty-nine new cases were detected in south-west Sydney, with a further 16 in the city’s east.

      More than 40 people have now been hospitalised with the illness.

      Ms Berejiklian used a press conference on Saturday morning to plead with people to tell the truth to contact tracers “the first time”, suggesting people have not been honest about their movements while infectious.

      The Premier said the state could not “turn things around” until the level of infectious people in the community was reduced.

      A total of 42,023 tests were conducted over the past 24 hours

      Of the 50 locally acquired cases reported to 8pm last night, 29 are from south-west Sydney and 16 are from south-east Sydney. Transmission in these two areas continues to be of great concern.


      • #

        So what happens if the case numbers get to the proportion the UK has at the moment? Do we start locking people up at home? Hmmm.


        • #

          As in any war, we treat the wounded*, bury the dead and soldier on. Why do you ask?

          * That would be a change, wouldn’t it?


  • #
    Kalm Keith

    As Gabriele put it last year;


    There aren’t absolutes in the current situation; government must assess the situation and work from the best balance point

    At the moment that’s not being done.

    Rate of spread of infection.
    Morbidity associated with infection.
    Benefits from vaccines.
    Dangers from vaccines.
    Benefits of masks, if any.
    Benefits of lockdown if any.

    Social, economic, business damage coming from lockdowns has been strangely ignored and covered by the mantra; we’re all in this together.



  • #
    Cold Front

    Medication they’re rejecting,
    Early treatment they’re preventing,
    the Med Establishment.

    The NIH, the CDC the WHO- the heck with you,
    With your sitting on the fence,
    The politest way to put it is willful ignorance,
    Despite over 50 studies and mountains of evidence.

    Are we correct in our assumption,
    They supported gain of function,
    And not only in theory, also financially,
    And was not stated intent,
    A global crisis to prevent?

    And now the world does find itself,
    In the middle of the fight,
    Like a sneezing bat-soup connoisseur,
    They’ve lost their appetite!

    It would seem they’re in no hurry,
    For a sanctioned trial or study,
    In treatment or prevention,
    And refuse to even mention,
    All the data pouring in.

    For Big Pharma there is much to lose,
    And so they label controversial,
    Though their reasons are commercial,
    The safe effective treatments,
    Many nations already use.

    And the tiresome mainstream networks,
    Their allegiance plain to see,
    At least for anybody watching it,
    And thinking critically,
    If you hunger for the science,
    And brilliant repartee,
    Search online for ‘Dark Horse Podcasts’
    Or Simply FL C C C.
    (and turn off the ABC!)

    In any battle, large or small,
    We know eventually,
    The light of truth will light the way
    And it will be plain to see,
    The loudest voice with all to lose,
    It shouts conspiracy!

    But what’s to gain for IVM,
    When compared to a vaccine,
    Though let’s call it what it really is,
    A new gene therapy.

    Ask yourself cui bono,
    Who benefits the most,
    Those who place supportive care,
    Over Hippocratic Oath?

    Which party has the most to lose,
    And who’s trying to make a buck,
    Who really cares for patients,
    And who doesn’t give a Fauci.

    In this debate it’s plain to see,
    Who’s on the side of good,
    Who’s the Sheriff of Nottingham,
    And who is Robin Hood.

    So if you hear it doesn’t work,
    By print or TV station,
    Know that you are being fed Covid misinformation.

    So congratulations Doctors,
    Take a bow and tip your hat,
    You’ve used your nous, your skill and brains,
    And cracked this covid crap.

    A grateful global population,
    United as one nation,
    Applaud your mighty efforts,
    To defeat this enemy,
    We know now that the battle,
    Was fought as much politically.

    But it’s over, done and dusted,
    The dam is busted through,
    You’ve flipped the script on Covid,
    And the obstructionists of the WHO.

    For now its they who must defend,
    And sell the narrative,
    That EUA’s are needed for experimental jabs,
    And the risks are worth YOU dying for,
    As there’s no alternative.

    But for now we are applauding,
    And looking on in awe,
    And statues they’ll be erecting,
    For the Scientists, the Doctors
    And that Nobel Prize selection,
    Now an anti-viral miracle,
    Its name is IVERMECTIN!


  • #

    Even amongst the Liberals just the thought that Craig Kelly was right all along would be reason enough not to do anything that could help establish that proof. Forget the fact that we would solve all the issues we have in managing the virus and the vaccine rollout going forward. They would rather that the economy lose billions peoples lives get put at risk and life remain abnormal than take the risk that Craig Kelly was right all along.
    It’s frankly disgraceful that they don’t take this chance.


    • #
      Roger Knights


      The Australian MP Craig Kelly hailed the pre-emptive steps taken by Yogi Adiyanath and his administration in his tweet, ….. [He quoted this tweet:]

      J Chamie @jjchamie · Jul 9: India: Last 30 days:

      Uttar Pradesh with 17% of the country pop had 2.5% of the deaths and less than 1% of the cases. Maharashtra with 9% of the pop had 18% of the cases and 50% of the total deaths. Maharashtra is India’s pharma hub

      The state Health Department had introduced Ivermectin as a preventive measure for people who came in contact with Covid patients, health workers, and the treatment of the patients themselves. With such pro-active measures, both in the first wave and second wave of the pandemic, Uttar Pradesh emerged as the most successful state in the entire country to effectively curb the Chinese pandemic.


  • #

    If you REALLY want to get pissed about how the Govt is feeding the vaccination coffers, have a look here – Invermectin isn’t anywhere near the most effective treatment.

    If you are worried about the mythical virus, print out the list and ask your doctor which ones he will let you use.

    And by mythical I mean as in ‘the subject of myth making.
    1. It is nowhere near as dangerous as they make out. Between relabelling flu as CV19 and the listing of covid when there are obvious co-morbidities, the fataliy rate is nothing like they are telling us AND even what they say isn’t that bad. It’s like a bad flu season and we’ve never destroyed our economies over those.
    2. They are still using PCR as the diagnostic tool, even though science says it is NOT effective for that purpose.
    3. They are not telling us the cycle thresholds being used. The CDC has been very clear they will not even accept cases where the CT is over 28 times yet most labs around the world have CT’s of 35 or more.
    4. The ‘cases’ are merely positive PCR tests – very few are actually ill people. Think it through – wouldn’t almost anyone sick enough to have symptoms be doing something about it? I mean, given the hype and all? So how is it they are having to contact trace after a PCR test? It’s because almost none of them have symptoms and almost none of their contacts have symptoms.
    5. The mRNA vaccines are NOT vaccines. They are genetic activators that do exactly what the virus does – enter your cells and get them to produce according to instructions.

    If the people ever find out the level of lies and manipulation, the French Revolution will look like a mild chastisement of the pollies. The worst part is what this and the global warming debacle are going to do to Science. Will the man in the street ever believe in Science again?


    • #

      Oh, and one other thing…

      Have you noticed how people dying from terminal illness (or infamously, injuries from a motorbike accident) are labelled as covid deaths even when the co-morbidity had them on their death bed already?

      But people dying from the vaccine are listed under their co-morbidities even when they were previously NOT on their death beds?

      Something stinks and it ain’t the fish!


  • #
    Cold Front



  • #

    H/T Catallaxy Files

    An excellent letter

    The Hon. Brad Hazzard, MP
    52 Martin Place
    SYDNEY NSW 2000
    Ph: (02) 8574 6000

    Email to: wakehurst@parliament.nsw.gov.au

    CC: Fiona.Martin.MP@aph.gov.au ; Nola.Marino.MP@aph.gov.au; Clare.ONeil.MP@aph.gov.au
    Craig.Kelly.MP@aph.gov.au; senator.Hanson@aph.gov.au; senator.lambie@aph.gov.au; senator.rob
    erts@aph.gov.au; A.Albanese.MP@aph.gov.au; menzies@aph.gov.au;
    Adam.Bandt.MP@aph.gov.au; Tony.Burke.MP@aph.gov.au; Andrew.Hastie.MP@aph.gov.au;
    Greg.Hunt.MP@aph.gov.au; Bob.Katter.MP@aph.gov.au;

    To the Honourable Premier and Ministers Federal and State,


    1. I refer to the Government declared pandemic and various business closures nationally since
    around March 2020 and June 2021 (the “Lockdowns”).


    44. The purpose of this letter is to demonstrate that the Australian community has only been fed one side of the story and anyone who critically assesses or “questions” the science is ridiculed, or intimidated using terms such as ‘antivaxer’. In particular of speak of front-line doctors who have merely been trying to bring facts and scientific evidence by way of education to the Australian public, and then threatened with deregistration.

    45. The idea of Government exerting pecuniary pressure on business to undertake a vaccine rollout (by proxy) may not fall within the guidelines of peace, order and good governance.

    46. The issues faced in Australia and globally have been challenging, but there is also the idea that they have been disproportionate to the publicised risks as opposed to the scientifically provable risks. This is not to suggest that COVID-19 is a hoax, rather the suggestion that the lack of transparency creates a deep sense of suspicion in the community that suggests transparency and democratic debate is supressed.

    47. There is no doubt that the widely promulgated message of COVID-19 has created fear and insecurity in the community, largely due to the heavy-handed tactics employed by State Police members(presumably ordered) to supress open debate and forcibly coerce citizens to comply with Public Health Orders that are questionable in some instances. By way of example, the Orders presumably used to justify lockdowns and manage the transmissibility of the virus are dubious at best. Whilst it is understood that a delicate balance does exist between management and transmissibility, the idea that someone sitting down in venue is a lower risk than someone standing in the same venue is questionable because at some point, each person must stand to move. It follows that if a virus is as deadly as claimed, it would not matter whether someone is sitting or standing in the same venue, the virus, based on the public messages, is so deadly that entire cities must lockdown.


    • #

      Poor letter. While correct it is too complex for those addressed. It does not state what should be done and by whom, and if they do it what is in it for them.


    • #

      I wish the letter had asked direct questions and demanded clear, written, responses.

      1. How many PCR cycles were used to evidence a “case”?
      2. What is the basis of decision regarding the RNA amplified in the PCR test?
      2a. How is the PCR test calibrated to a known genome sequence of which Covid variant and how are they differentiated?
      2b. Provide the genome sequence for each variant and the source for that sequence.

      3. As the Delta variant is more transmissible but less deadly, please explain the non-use of antiviral drugs.

      4. Covid mortality risk is age related and is 0.06% for age 18-39, 0.3% for age 40-49, 1% for age 50-59, 2.4% for age 60-69, 6.08% for ages 70-79, and 20.6% for age 80+. Please explain the need for vaccinating anyone under age 50.

      Ref: https://www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2020/07/13/covid-risk


  • #

    Suicide Attempts Among Young Girls Skyrocketed in Early 2021

    You can’t foundationally alter societal function and not expect considerable consequences.

    And for most of 2020, change came in a fierce way.

    Undoubtedly, many adults loved staying home more.

    But kids aren’t meant for isolated idling. A social component to their daily lives is an important part of development.

    And suddenly, due to a medical anomaly, that element was taken away.

    The effect, as revealed by a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was potentially deadly.

    Especially for young girls.

    At the start of the lockdown, suicide attempts among teens ages 12-17 began to rise.

    Among collateral damage: child and adolescent emotional health.

    Per the CDC, during February and March of this year, ER visits due to suspected suicide attempts skyrocketed compared to the same period in 2019.

    For teen boys, incidents were up 3.7%.

    But the frequency for girls jumped 50.6%.

    Hence, as stated by the study:


    • #

      I’d suggest a further reason for the rates: the web.

      These days, young people live a good portion of their lives on the brutal internet.

      There’s no less forgiving, less kind place in modernity than social media sites.

      And there’s nothing more threatening to young people’s self-esteem and self-image.

      The pandemic didn’t just take away person-to-person interaction; it surely replaced it with activity online.

      Concerning suicide in general, it’s long been acknowledged as an effect of America’s COVID clampdown.


  • #

    If the main problem is stated to be the overwhelming of health services, then the use of IVM etc could help relieve the problem.

    This article gives an interesting take on the pressure behind the bad-mouthing of IVM trials.


    The expert the BBC programme used to discredit the trials is apparently based in OZ.


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  • #
    Mark Smith

    You have to think the first world’s health systems are dependent on the drug companies. It is inside knowledge of top level of all governments that if we offend the biggest drug/ health care companies too much that the health systems will collapse like a pack of cards- they can’t be excluded from the COVID.


  • #

    12 months ago, some of us were saying on this blog, that we needed to look harder at a mitigation strategy that included treatment…. and we were accused of being “anti-science”, by those who were hyperfocused on exclusion/elimination as the only viable strategy.


  • #

    Every morning I watch the latest COVID stats, with Gladys, Chant and Hazzard…AKA Larry, Curly and Moe. The 3 Stooges could do a better job than these 3 morons


  • #
    Cynical Seamus

    Just read this legal challenge/open letter sent to the head of the UK NHS – hat tip to HotScot commenting on WUWT.


    This has to be the most comprehensive yet concise statement of what is wrong with the ‘message’ being force-fed to the UK public at the moment.

    BTW – all the best, Jo, look after that wrist.


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      Thanks Seamus,

      Got through half of it and will later finish it off.

      All I can say is Wow, that’s Huge.

      If that action fails to, at the very least, make some people very uncomfortable it will be confirmation that democratic process is finished.

      The Gates links are just the final nails to confirm that this action must proceed.


    • #

      From the lëtter, posted by Seamus:

      ‘Before we come to what information has been presented to the public it should be
      noted that those presenting the information have not publicly declared at the press
      conferences their financial links to the vaccine industry. Public Office Holders should
      act with integrity and transparency when presenting information to the public,
      particularly information relating to public health.
      Those financial links include direct investment in the vaccine industry as well as
      financial assistance with grants from charitable foundations set up by those with
      investments in the vaccine industry.

      It should be noted that Moderna’s share price has risen from $10 to over $200
      in the space of eighteen months. Bill Gates and his charitable foundation are significant
      investors in Moderna, one of the companies supplying a vaccine. It should also be
      noted that Bill Gates has a known association with Geoffrey Epstein. Many of those presenting
      the information to the public are associated with or employed directly or indirectly by
      organisations who have been financially funded by the Gates Foundation.
      The MHRA, the UK regulatory body approving the vaccines, has itself been funded by
      the Gates Foundation.’


  • #

    Catch-22 for politicians. Damned if they do and damned if they don’t. No doubt the PM using his advertising experience along with all the government spinners are trying to find a way to spin their way out of this one without doing political damage. How many lives to be lost, economic shutdowns to be borne and sickies to be had as the cost of refusing therapeutics? How long do banks have to carry unpaid mortgages, or do they go to the wall.

    This one is just about COVID. The biggy is how to explain the cost of the governments’ decisions that Anthropogenic Global Warming is real – because they decreed it and continue the process of destroying Western economies only and they openly support creating greater economies for their main opponents on the planet. It’s the same catch-22 for which we, the peasants have to tolerate for as long as governments persist that saving face for them negates opening up the science to full on public debate which they should never have stopped in the first place.

    Why did our government capitulate in the first place? These are two of many movements taken over by the left. We are giving up our freedoms, and have police forces enjoying their newfound powers against non criminal citizens. Many people seem to think government will look after us better than we can look after ourselves, and governments are only too ready to use fear campaigns to strengthen the notion. Even as we go broke. Big business along with its media chums are working to support any woke idea where they actually assume control over the citizens that work for them or use their services. They support government irrationality because they see even bigger profits from that irrationality eg solar panels and windtowers and all that comes with destroying our fossil fuels based economy.

    When the tide changes eventually, business will simply move along having banked its profits. In the end, for big business, they see global governance as even bigger profits and less controls individually, taking major control over such central governance – just as China did with the WHO. At that stage, nations and citizens beome irrelevant. This is what happens when politicians become bored, look for expanding their ‘poorly appreciated’ talents.


  • #

    The Australian (newspaper) wasn’t having any comment of mine with Ivermectin in it. Whoever was moderating Claire Lehmann’s story today was making sure nobody would hear about Ivermectin on their watch (although the initial one slipped through and got 3 likes in the brief period it was up).

    For posterity (and if you don’t mind Jo/moderators) – my rejected comments are below for reference:

    I’m wondering if Ivermectin is allowed to be mentioned in this discussion? If not then it’s a clearly an overly zealous censorship issue. My previous comments relating to it are being rejected.

    Story: The ethical dilemma posed by vax ‘objectors’

    I’ll take Ivermectin over any of the ’emergency use’ (i.e. no long term studies) mRNA vaccines.

    Story: The ethical dilemma posed by vax ‘objectors’

    Unlike the regular vaccines, the covid ones have not had the same amount of scrutiny, and are different in how they function. Studies are showing unexpected effects, not just side effects.

    There is another option being used by many doctors across many countries that big pharma don’t want to push because it costs cents instead of thousands of dollars per jab.

    I’d be very happy to take one of the safest drugs that has been used for many many years over a vaccine that can unexpectedly cause blot clots and has unknown side effects.

    You want to talk about choice? Give me Ivermectin which helps prevent and treat (including long haul symptoms anyone?) Covid.

    whatshot 3 likes reply 0 replies
    Story: The ethical dilemma posed by vax ‘objectors’
    13 HOURS AGO


    • #

      I dont mind getting The Australian Rejects. Though ABC rejects are more fun.

      Thanks for trying to post it. Someone had to read your comments, It helps!


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    Black Death…Bubonic Plague…who cares? (Not me). Planet Earth (plus possible outside factors, like meteors) is the only driver of life (with absolutely no interference from mere humans)
