Things are turning around in India — starting within days of increasing the use of Ivermectin again.
But where is the media? Who is reporting that the turnaround in some states of India has started within a couple of weeks of the expanded use of Ivermectin — the 50 cent old drug that has been used for 3.7 billion prescriptions worldwide, given to children to treat headlice, scabies and worms and is used by the ton on cattle and sheep farms.
Hallalujah? Or read and weep — how much of the ghastly debacle could have been stopped before it even started?

Ivermectin starts again in India (shaded dark grey) @jjchamie
On April 20th, New Dehli, AIIMs reccommended Ivermectin be added to the take home care package. So people getting tested would be able to start early treatment.
Cases started slowing down almost immediately.
On May 10th the Health Minister for Goa recommended the use of Ivermectin in Goa. Indeed, he offered it to the entire adult population.
The next day, the WHO, ever so helpfully, warned against the use of Ivermectin in India.
- Just three weeks after adding Ivermectin, Delhi now leads India out of the deadly second surge of the COVID pandemic. Cases that had peaked at 28,395 on April 20 plummeted nearly 80% to just 6,430 on May 15. Deaths peaked May 4, and now they are also down 25%.
- Meanwhile, three other Indian states have followed Goa’s lead in adding Ivermectin: Uttarkhand, Karnataka, and Uttar Pradesh. And, as expected, they have seen a drop in new daily cases as well, with Uttar Pradesh down nearly 75% from a peak of 37,944 just four days after they began following the April 20 AIIMS guidance to just 10,505 on May 16.
Sadly Tamil Nadu is going the other way, they used Ivermectin for three days, then stopped it, and bought up Remdesivir instead (a Gilead drug that costs around $3000 a patient.) Still, it’s handy to have a control group.
Shame the people of Tamil Nadu are part of the experiment. Hard to believe the Chief Minister in Goa is M K Stalin.
Twenty thousand doses of Remdesivir cost 60 million dollars, while 20,000 doses of Ivermectin go for a few hundred. Where is a developing country getting the 60 million dollars a day to purchase the Remdesivir? Why is their leader throwing away a cheap drug, Ivermectin, that has saved lives in other countries?
India started using Ivermectin back on August 8, 2020 at the peak of the first wave. It’s not easy to find out when or if the use of Ivermectin slowed or stopped. Indeed it is strangely difficult to find anything on most search engines apart from fact checks that warn against the use of Ivermectin.
There are claims that the use of the drug stalled in January, but very little official confirmation.

From Twitter
Could the media get the situation more wrong?
Back on April 28th at the peak of new cases in India the geniuses on Business Insider said it was the perfect storm for India and blamed, among other things, the slow roll out of the vaccine. Nameless experts even blamed Ivermectin.
Experts said some doctors in India have – whether due to a lack of training or sheer desperation – tried administering medications that don’t work against the virus, like ivermectin, a prescription used to treat parasitic infections.
“I’ve heard stories of people getting three, four, five, six meds prescribed to them, medications that have not been shown to be effective at all,” Kuppalli said. “I think people are just grasping for straws and that just adds to the chaos and the anxiety.”
The message from one doctor in India:
From Twitter
In Peru, Ivermectin cut covid deaths by 75% in 6 weeks: cheap, safe and quite ignored
Ivermectin is a drug so useful early researchers got a Nobel Prize in Medicine for work on it. It’s so well known that in the last thirty years more than 3.7 billion doses of Ivermectin have been given out. It’s so safe we can use it on cats and dogs and even toddlers. It’s dirt cheap and its use in Ag-science is measured in tonnes. The cost of Ivermectin is around 15c in the third world, and $50 for one round for a human in New York. (It’s a lot cheaper than a $5000 a day ICU bed.)
, , , , , , , , , , Early Multidrug Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19) and Reduced Mortality Among Nursing Home Residents,
Yeah, well, don’t expect the Australian Grubbnmnts to
remove the fine of $30,000 for ANY doctor that
prescribes Ivermectin.
I reckon OUR Grubbnmnts are part of the Globalist push
and want to keep us under their COMPLETE control as
long as the sheeple believe everything they put out
in the MSM.
GOD, help Australia.
Sheeple need sheeple drench.
To-day, a recently retired doctor who I’ve known since his pre-medicine days, commented that in war the first casualty is truth and COVID is definitely a war. It seems crazy that a doctor who spent four years at Uni and then (say) 30 years in practice, should be talked-down-to by some crony politicians and told how to carry out his job.
People have chosen money over life. The MSM has been complicit. This is genocide writ large. A crime against humanity.
Correlation is not causation – many other factors are at play
may explain ?
The “you” was supressed, sorry
Peter, no.
There have now been 56 studies, including RCTs, that show Ivermectin has high efficiency in both prophylaxis for and treatment of the Fauci Flu.
Meta analysis of the studies shows 81% reduction in mortality, better than some of the “vaccines”. (Up to 96% when used for prophylaxis).
And unlike partially effective vaccines, the therapeutics will be unlikely to facilitate more deadly mutations.
Link supporting Konrad’s comment
“Database of all ivermectin COVID-19 studies. 93 studies, 54 peer reviewed, 56 with results comparing treatment and control groups.”
Additional link for information (Frontline Doctors )
Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID-19
Yep, governments/experts/pundits keep trying to align their views/policies/beliefs with the largely natural progress of the epidemic curve.
Every epidemic is made up of many waves and many epicentres of infection, all at different stages, so people will find one town, area etc. that they believe or suggest is a control that proves their case, when it does no such thing.
Rationally, history shows every epidemic in history has been self-limiting after exponential growth. There is no reason why covid 19 would just keep growing until everyone had been infected.
Thumb me down, I don’t care!
C’mon MrGrim, every life is self limiting too. Some people care when the end point is. (The size of that wave matters).
Look at the waves in different countries. There are many different patterns and number of bumps, some bumps blend together, and some stretch right out. Have a look at Iran and Mexico. And it ain’t over yet.
We are under the dictate of the big pharma lobby. The emrgency approval for these doubtfull vaccines is based on the non existance of drugs against COV-19, these exist with Ivermectin and HCQ (well used in Turkey f.e.) So the question is, why prefer these vaccines with known problems and with much more unknown future problems in favour of these drugs healing without side effects. OK HCQ has some, Aspirin has more and more dangerous side effecs.
And, it’s known and was told, there is a natural immunity, f.e. if you may have had a Corona Cold infection, a study done in Germany, a town with the earliest big outbreak of COV-19 where every person was part of the study has shown an 32% immunity, in Bergamo, Italy the found the natural immunity to be even 36%.
I never heard or read about further studies about.
If you are vaccinated or healed, you have the right to get privileges in Germany, the privileg is to be part again of the normal life.
An antibody test, a positive one is no reason to be accepted as healed, you are only healed after a positive PCR test, following quarantine and a later negative test, but only for 6 month !
We have no compulsory vaccination by law in Germany, but by facts.
“An antibody test, a positive one is no reason to be accepted as healed, you are only healed after a positive PCR test, following quarantine and a later negative test, but only for 6 month !”
Indeed Krishna Gans!
The measurements are taken against that moving metric of ‘cases’.
Hahahaha! As unscientific as ‘back-radiation’ warming the planet!
Just to add that I recently had yet another PCR test (first week of April) and yes I’m still positive. 9 months of being positive with no symptoms and the UK NHS says I must ‘quarantine’. Well they think I am.
And I will not have one of their injections as, IMHO it will probably cause more problems than is solves.
IMHO, the UKs COVID PCR tests are not reliable worthwhile test.
PCR tests double the amount of virus present for each thermal cycle.
The important thing is the number of cycles. Anything over 25 cycles will likely yield a positive result even if you don’t have covid. The 40 to 45 cycles initially used in testing produced enormous false positive results.
25 cycles is an amplification of about 3 million.( 2 ^25 )
45 cycles is an amplification of about 35 trillion. ( 2 ^45)
At 45 cycles, it is just amplifying “noise”, Not actual virus pieces. A meaningless result.
do you think they don’t know that?
Of course they kow that, latest since Jan 20, as WHO proclaimed just that, an cT of 45 proves nothing about an infection. Symptomes and an positive PCR test based on cT 45 may be an infection.
If you get a positive PCR test earliest 2 weeks after second vaccination you need for reporting these cases an PCR test with cT, if I rememder well 28.
The respective paper was linked here about 2 weeks ago.
Tom, your story has caught my attention. Forgive me speculating here. But it raises so many questions.
After nine months of testing “pos” — perhaps so incredibly weakly positive that means — what? Tiny fragments of viral rna still appearing in the nasopharynx? Do you know how many cycles of PCR were used. If they are asking you to quarantine they surely owe you a full explanation.
If the Ct was 45 (really?) — obviously you would be no threat as is, and their request doesn’t immediately make sense. Is there something they are not saying? I’m wondering why those viral fragments are not long gone? Our bodies are quite good at chopping up rna and reusing the bits. Is there is any chance there is a tiny reside left of virus hiding in protected cells, and being remade at a low level? Is your sense of smell just fine BTW. There are papers suggesting that the virus may hide in those nerves.
The NHS should explain themselves fully and transparently. Are they afraid the long positive testers are harboring residual live whole virus in protected cells, or have they not really even thought about why they would ask someone to quarantine for nine long months? Incompetence being the first choice.
Some people in the NHS must surely be aware of the potential for immune escape from long running infections, but with the level of incompetence in the UK NHS running so high, I’m not at all confident there is any advance planning about that.
And we ought also ask whether there could be something about you that triggers a false positive too. Have you done a test for antibodies?
T-cell testing is also available.
Thanks for the concern Jo.
However my experience of the NHS over the years has been less than good. They may well “The NHS should explain themselves fully and transparently.” and voice some of this but in practice too often they’re far from understanding what they say.
So far communications with my health practice consists of trying to get me to take an injection using social and emotional pressure. My reply always is about facts, figures and research papers, something they NEVER have answered or appear to have considered. For them I am apparently misinformed by the internet, then they move on to just trot out the governments line about having an injection to protect love ones and the rest of society. My answer to date is NO, as any injection should primarily be about protecting ME.
I agree with that tomomason.
I am confused about herd immunity. Why does it matter for Covid? IF the vaccine is so good then those who have had it are protected and those who have not have themselves to blame if they decline.
Not counting Zinc and Vitamin D there are 11 other non vaccine pharmaceuticals (including IVM) that look to have a role in treating COVID-19. For Australia, the success of Ivermectin in these other countries is truly embarrassing when you consider Monash University were one of the original research groups that highlighted the product way back in 2020. Then add Professor Thomas Borody, gastroenterologist of Heliobacter fame, who also advocated ivermectin and its doubly embarrassing. There’s a total incuriosity from the AMA and most Australian doctors regarding these, effective, cheap treatments. There’s virtually no MSM coverage at all. If this was an equivalent treatment for breast cancer or MND etc there would be no stop to the publicity. Also frustrating is the fact that products like IVM and HCQ could have been used in treating common flu coronaviruses as well. All we needed was over the counter IVM/HCQ + Zinc + Vitamin D and all our past flu epidemics in winter could also have been suppressed. Imagine the savings in lost work hours over the last 10 years.
At least by using ivermectin, one can be reasonably certain that if they should have some kind of worms, that they will be taken care of.
Craig Kelly had flagged about Ivermectin and HCQ plus zinc many times, but the MSM would not report on the factual bases that he raised. Instead they resorted to the now usual belittling and labelling. Even Scomo, utterly shamefully, got in on the act.
Its beyond disgusting.
With Ivermectin readily available we can open up now and dispense with the highly questionable treatment (mislabelled as vaccines) programs now being pushed on us. But that is all too simple, it follows logic and it removes the influence of many “experts” and politicians.
But no, we have Scomo now actively canvassing vaccine passports WITHIN the country – Nazi Germany revisited, and as pointed out above, fines for those medical practitioners who dare to care for their patients with proven remedies…
I don’t recognise the country I have lived in for over 50 years…
Ross: Given all that, and more; WHAT IS THE REAL END-GAME?
This is straight-up “Management by crisis”; where the “management” runs to rampant totalitarianism and the “crisis” gets more regular “updates” than Bill Gates software.
Has anyone found a supplier of Ivermectin?
It would be good to have some on hand so that one could start self treating as soon as a positive test is returned.
I could tell you but then it would be banned for use as a treatment on my cattle by the Gubberment
The issue is not getting it it is knowing the dosage to use. Cattle are 1ml per 10kg of body weight. The last thing that farmers need now is for it to be banned because someone over dosed on it
It is hard to overdose on Ivermectin.But I am sure someone will do it. Why the ??? do people always think more is better. Good thing is that those stupid enough to not be able to work out the dose have probably already had the “vexxx ine” On the other hand Moxidectin it is easy to overdose on. There are other ‘mectins as well. Probably best to stay away from the others. Since early 2020 it has become increasingly hard to Goggle for Ivermectin, and active ingredients have been removed from the descriptions on many ebay products.
This is the link to a Canada company who has developed an injectable version of the drug Ivermectin which makes Ivermectin biologically more effective. It also reduces the amount of the drug that is administered which reduces/eliminates side effects.
The in vitro test, of the soluble version of Ivermectin using live covid were successful for the against the three most deadly versions of covid. Which makes sense as Ivermectin is working/saving lives in India. That is good news.
This Ivermectin cover up is pathetic. Maybe the India death rate change/monkey business will get news coverage.
This Ivermectin cover up, if it is discovered is a game changer. Proof of a world ‘conspiracy’/broken lying news, concerning covid. Perhaps the Indian press and social media will pick up the difference in death rates. It truly is astonishing.
This summary of solubilized Ivermectin … outcomes.. I got from the company’s Web page.
MVMD has the best pharmacokinetic data for Ivermectin in the world with broad implications for both human and animal health. Pre-clinical key findings:
MVMD’s solubility technology delivered 800% increase in bio availability through intramuscular (IM)injection and 500% increase in bio availability through sublingual compared to oral tablets.
Vaccines have been overdosed several times, at least reported in Germany
2mg/kg once weekly as prophyllaxis. 2mg /kg /day for five days. If you take ten times that dose,you will often have severe visual disturbances, but they are only temporary
Where ” 2mg /kg /day for five days. ” is mentioned,
I think this should be 0.2mg / kg
Note, the safety margin for Ivermectin is very large.
Any farming supplier, it’s just sheep & cattle trench. I really don’t recommend using it without approval from a registered medical practitioner though. Just get the vaccine, it’s safer and more effective.
There is no official interest to stop COV-19, the only interest is to keep people in fear and under control, and in case of case reduction, the warnings about mutants aren’t far away to menace with further lockdowns.
They need the absence of a drog against COV-19, because if there is any medication, there is no reason for an emergency approuval for these so called “vaccines”.
Google 6 or 12 mg ivermectin tablets and you may find suppliers in India(and possibly China). You may get listings for those approved human uses as well.
Stay away from ordering medications from India if in the USA. I have done so with an Indian Doctor who on the FLCCC website is registered to prescribe in the USA, and the Ivermectin and Colchicine have been held up in Customs by the FDA for over 6 weeks now. FDA wants production info from the Indian Doctor to clear, but it looks like he is afraid to follow through and put himself more on the radar. So, good try but a lost cause.
April 2020 my PCP would prescribe HCQ if needed, but this year I asked him about Ivermectin, and this was even after I sent him Dr. Borody’s study info. Nope, he would not on either Ivermectin or now even HCQ, and he looked like a sheep trying to flee the room when I became inquisitive. The NIH had the same week changed its ruling against Ivermectin to a neutral rating by pressure from the FLCCC Alliance. Next I asked a friend about his doctor who saved his CoVid positive, overweight, diabetic wife with Lupus who was already taking HCQ for Lupus. He added zinc, D, C, an inflammatory and a blood thinner per EVMS and FLCCC guidelines to save her life. Would he prescribe me Ivermectin? The response was the doctor had commented, ‘Please do not associate my name with how I treated your wife with CoVid.’
So the word is out in my opinion, treat CoVid with Ivermectin or HCQ in the USA and be careful of the consequences. Big Brother is watching what you do, and they all know it. Looks to be the same everywhere in the world. Sad state of affairs that such evil intent can be so easily implemented and sustained in the face of a global pandemic.
I suggest you visit a stock firm (Elders ) etc that sell sheep drench. There is one called “Ivermectin ” or seek one that contains it. I have no idea of dose rate but in sheep it goes on weight and is used to control intestinal worms.
See my comment below for where to get Ivermectin, comment 10, for your dog, horse and sheep of course.
Thank You Plain Jane.
Yesterday I went to a livestock supply company in a nearby country town (a lot of the farmers there keep and train horses).
I asked for Ivermectin for a horse. The shop keeper did not even ask what for. He said; “do you want drench or paste?” I said pellets would be best. Most of the products had Ivermectin mixed with Praziquantal, but I thought it might be best to have Ivermectin alone. .
We found a preparation called Eraquell pellets. Cost; $27.95. It comes as a sachet (each 35gm sachet contains 140mg Ivermectin). I haven’t opened the paper sachet but shaking it suggests that it contains a lot of small pellets, about the size of small seeds. That is excellent because it means that I can easily divide the dose.
I wanted is to have some on hand. The clinical experience to date suggests that the earlier the treatment is started in the course of the illness, the better. Dr Zelenko said he was treating his vulnerable patients with hydroxychloroquine even before the test result came back.
Next I have to confirm the dose.
Those interested should also read Pain Jane at #10 below.
I dont suggest the pellets because it is too hard to get the dose correct for animals smaller than 500 kg. You would have to use scales and assume the Ivermectin is evenly spread in the pellets (probably is). The paste I suggested below comes in a thin tube with graduations of 100kg for a total of 600kg. Dosing is close enough at 100 kg. The taste is fairly yuck but not too bad. The heart worm tablets for dogs are more expensive but very easy to carry and good for small or light animals.
India had very few COVID-19 cases when mass vaccinations with EXPERIMENTAL and “leaky” vaccines commenced on 16 Jan 2021.
By 27 April over 100 million Indians had been “jabbed”. However, over 80% had received the first dose only.
Therefore over 80 million asymptomatic super-spreaders were created to spread COVID-19 while showing little or no symptoms themselves.
EXPERIMENTAL and “leaky” vaccines will only make the COVID-19 pandemic worse.
Ivermectin is indeed a game changer and it’s probably the best single treatment for COVID infection by a big margin. People such as Craig Kelly have understood the importance of this drug and have put their careers last and humanity first to try and get this message across. The fact that big pharma and big government have been working together to cancel all who have tried to promote this treatment is a sad indictment of society today. In my opinion, MSM such as the ABC also have a lot to answer for by promoting these lies and ignoring the truth.
btw – I have my own Ivermectin kit ready and waiting in the medicine cupboard, complete with with Doxycyclin and zinc.
In the US, employers are being pressured to require Covid vaccination as a condition of employment.
Legally, any adverse reaction effects would be passed on to the employer.
A “form”, based on US and International law, is offered so that employees may safeguard their rights if they choose to comply with such a requirement. I’m not sure an employer wants this kind of headache.
It gives an idea of the scope of such a requirement and the responsibility faced by an employer.
I have been helping source Ivermectin for friends who have dogs, horses and sheep. Many products have Ivermectin mixed with other worming compounds. Many similar wormers have other compounds in the ‘mectin class rather than straight Ivermectin. I have noted that on ebay they are now not often listing in the description what the active ingredients are in the Ivermectin only products so it is hard to search for those not in the know. There are many chemicals in the same class, Abamectin being a common one, and also Moxidectin (which is different to the other ‘mectins and MUCH easier to overdose and fat soluble so stay away from it).
Horse wormers in the ‘mectin class often have Praziquantal mixed in for killing tape worms. So you have to search for products that have only Ivermectin, or else want to control tape worms in your horse as well.
Some sources for your information:
NUHEART Red Meat Flavoured Heartworm Tablets for Large Dogs X6 50lbs – 99lbs – ebay
Equimec Paste Broadspectrum Parasite Control for Horses – ebay
Ausmectin sheep drench 5L or 20 L – Specialist Sales (at 80kg sheep cost is $0.29 per dose)
All these products leave you to work out the dose for your animal based on weight.
I farm sheep, cattle and horses and I also have dogs so I deal with these type of products on a daily basis.
How do you know that praziquantal won’t be effective? Maybe it was people using ivermectin, adulterated with praziquantal, that have been getting benefit. Self medicating with drugs intended for farm animals strikes me as being in the same category as religious zealots who flagellate themselves. However, there is no arguing with the flagellants that they are harming themselves with no benefit, other than what is in their minds.
While worming medications may be relatively safe, and justified by the greater danger of the damage from worms, that rarely is the issue with humans. However, losing a sheep or cow to side-effects is nothing like losing a human family member.
Don’t let anyone try to tell you that humans are rational.
G’day Clyde,
I think you’re missing the point a bit here.
This discussion is about supply, what’s available how one might use it.
That it is effective, is safe, and what amount to take for either prophylactic or curative purposes has been demonstrated and discussed by Jo and other sources, including medical trials.
Dave B
If you like dementia or mad cow, do go ahead and take the jab.
Volume 5 | Issue 1 , Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 2021
COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease
A prion disease is a type of proteopathy, or disease of structurally abnormal proteins. In humans, prions are believed to be the cause of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD), its variant (vCJD), Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker syndrome (GSS), fatal familial insomnia (FFI), and kuru.
We just don’t know and can’t know at this stage. That’s why the rush to “vaccinate” children is so insane, especially given that their risks from the disease are so low.
But what is the ivermectin protocol for humans in re WuFlu?
Assume your supply’s in the form of cattle drench which can be obtained freely from any rural supply merchant in Oz.
The MSM will come gushing when the drug companies introduce another mandated money spinner. With the relentless bad data of destructive side effects from the vaccines emerging, it’s predictable that the drug companies will want to corner the market with something relatively benign, like a pill containing the heretofore supressed alternative treatment protocols of Ivermectin, Zinc, Vitamin D3, & an antibiotic like Azithromycin. The beauty of the pill idea is no need for an Emergency Use Authorisation, and more acceptable to the public in terms of passports, plus an extension on making truckloads of money from huge markups on relatively cheap drugs.
Merck has already got molnupiravir (molnupiravir-nu-pira-vir), an ivermectin competitor, well down the pipeline and has licensed its manufacture to five Indian firms. There’s a gushing Bloomberg story about it. Over $1.2 billion has been spent on it so far.
Well, I was sick as dog about a year ago. About two days in I treated myself with ivermectin. A 1/2 day later I was feeling fine again.
Good to hear your anecdotal story.
Yes, it reminds me of an acquaintance in California who was convinced that he had COVID-19, despite not having been tested, and not showing any of the classic symptoms such as loss of taste or smell. He took HCQ and proudly announced to everyone he knew that he had beaten COVID-19 and proven the efficacy of HCQ. Voodoo practitioners could learn a thing or two about how to control people with spells.
There are so many drugs that someone or other has claimed to be effective against COVID-19 that I’m surprised that someone hasn’t made similar claims for birth control pills or blood pressure medications. One should seriously consider the placebo effect for the numerous claims around common drugs that weren’t intended for viruses.
Good Idea! It has been done.
Ivermectin Versus Ivermectin Plus Doxycycline Versus Placebo for Treatment of COVID-191
Clyde, get over yourself and your better than thou religious sermons on off label drug treatments that prevent or minimize CoVid-19. There are plenty of RCT’s and OCT’s concerning the use of Ivermectin. Too many to ignore! Have you not asked yourself even once why there are no official government sponsored Ivermectin trials almost a year after its discovered benefits with SARS-Cov2 and CoVid-19?
So you can continue to eulogize, or educate yourself on the facts. The FLCCC Alliance does a great job of listing all the Ivermectin studies. Hope you do, but from reading your posts my guess is your religious affiliation to the status quo will be inhibitive.
Sometime in the last couple of weeks there was a list of doctors all over the world that were prescribing Ivermectin, including 3 in Sydney, and 1 in Melbourne. I cant find it. FLCCC has a list for the US, and that’s where I figured it was from, but no. I’ll keep trying.
Someone linked a Tucker Carlton interview a couple of days ago, with a doctor McCollough. That’s the best interview I’ve heard; looking at it from an even wider perspective than the actual therapeutic drugs, and asking why no western official body has a covid 19 treatment protocol? Private groups have worked it out, but there is huge pressure to suppress them.
A friend has just got over bad shingles, and the FLCCC guys are saying there is promising signs for Ivermectin with that – probably just collaterally.
“A friend has just got over bad shingles, and the FLCCC guys are saying there is promising signs for Ivermectin with that – probably just collaterally.”
I treated a shingles blister with horse ivermectin topically. It relieved the pain in an hour and cut the blister down to half-size in a day. A second application halved its size again.
Shouldn’t people who orchestrated this propaganda campaign against Ivermectin be held accountable. Perhaps some jail time for compliant public servants who have chosen to let people die rather than follow the science. The whole relationship between big pharma and the medical bureaucracy is a scandal way beyond the Cuomo aged care / nursing home scandal. Hundreds of thousands or more people have died unnecessarily to support an agenda that I’m not really clear about. The benefits of Ivermectin has been shown from pretty early in the pandemic and the denial of the science by authorities is truly gobsmacking.
Ironically the relative success that India had until a couple of months ago were another scientific evidence model that Ivermectin worked and the latest outbreak coinciding with its withdrawal adds further to its credentials.
I must say that when all the dust settles, and the COVID response globally is reviewed, I hope that some people suffer real consequences for their corrupt practices.
The situation is now truly appalling. We have been demonstrably lied to continuously over the last few decades wrt CO2 and global warming. We have been demonstrably lied to continuously over the last year or so wrt to coronavirus and cheap drugs.Information that used to be freely accessible has been removed from the web (remember the Wikipedia list of sceptical scientists, now disappeared? Just one of many). How can we now trust anyone involved in those lies, about anything?
6 May 2021: “Extensive study shows ivermectin can reduce the risk of infection by 92.5% and is the standard of care in many countries [..]
The Bird panel followed a process consistent with World Health Organization (WHO) standards. It reviewed not only the RCT data but also a summary of studies and numerous epidemiological analyses. This research showed positive effects on population-wide rates of excess death from distribution and treatment adoption of ivermectin.
A three-quarters majority of panel members found moderate to high certainty of this comprehensive evidence base. Importantly, the panel identified no conflicts of interest among the trials. The panel consensus chose the strongest recommendation option for ivermectin to be adopted both to prevent and treat Covid-19.[..]
The WHO has unfortunately refused to recommend the use of ivermectin outside clinical trials. While the worldwide effort to rollout vaccines is taking hold, I simply cannot understand why it and other professional and regulatory bodies disregard this promising treatment, which could be saving lives around the world right now.”
I wish 2 things. First, that Trump had never mentioned hydroxyCQ because it politicized medicine. Secondly that the WHO wasn’t involved in some conspiracy to destroy the west.
With their first advice of no need to shut borders, and then advising against medicines, one has no other option but to assume so.
NEVER forget:
Murphy was an OPTIMIST!
Folks Im no expert but I dont believe you should be taking Ivermectin for animals. It’s for animals. Ivermectin for human consumption – I am assumimng – is a different form and dose ? Soem people on here seem keen to get to the local rural supplies store and skull some.
Ivermectin is a chemical, it is, or it isn’t, ivermectin. Farmers have a lot of money tied up in their flocks, why would they accept impure products?
yes but the active ingredient is Ivermectin which is probably at the rate of mg/L in the finished product that they pour on the animal. So theres a lot of other stuff in there. It’s not pure Ivermectin. Not sure I’d be drinking that or rubbing it on my skin unless i had four legs and liked eating grass a lot.
Philip is not sure.
How about considering the choices and consequences-
‘A live jackal is better than a dead lion’.
There is also the animal products for internal administration that you haven’t mentioned. Anyone using external product internally might have thought to read the directions.
And I doubt you’ll be able to provide us with much evidence of a different response between say sheep and humans on the internal use.
I saw a mention recently of a very large scale Ivermectin trial on human usage for lice etc that got its approval – (IIRC a billion doses)
After WWII there were the victors and vanquished: The victors tried and hanged many of the leaders of the vanquished in the Nuremberg trials for “crimes against humanity”. “Bomber” Harris and Curtis Le May were never questioned about the firebombing tactics they employed.
Millions have died unnecessarily in the last year, many in “The world’s most advanced nation” but there will be no trials, no undefeated nation will put up its own in a world court. The criminals will continue with ever increasing prestige and salaries with ever less scrutiny.
Googling bot social media campaign funded by big pharma against
ivermectin wont tell you much
an AI could in theory draw the strings back to near the origins
Wolfram’s Mathematica can do searches – and there may someone who put up the time to do it but there will be deniability
a campaign wouldn’t cost much, esp with links to authoritative physicians
with links to Govt
better – like the climate debate – to work out how to produce a distributed public ledger of truths – that can’t be got to
like Wikipedia
G’day Jo,
At the moment there are many Australians in India trying to get back home – because they’re scared of the Covid situation in India. Perhaps they’d be better advised to get to Delhi or Goa and see a local doc?
Thanks Jo for this. I was confused about what was happening in India as I thought earlier they were using HCQ quite widely and had the situation under control, so was surprised when their numbers started to go up so badly. The power play between the good, the bad, and Ivermectin would make an interesting story. But I doubt it will become clear any time soon.
Dave B
I stayed healthy through this whole thing with a simple 3-part protocol.:
1. Anytime I felt the least little tickle in my nose, throat, or chest, I put a pot of water on the stove and got it simmering. Breathed the steam for maybe a minute. Did it more than once, if need be. Usually, there was no need to do it more than once.
2. I have an ionizer in my bedroom. I would turn it on for a while and sit in front of it for the same reasons as above. (But, I read that colliding molecules also produce negative ions, so that is probably also a benefit of the steam, beside heat and humidity.)
3. If I felt I needed “medicine,” I resorted to some excellent, locally-produce elderberry syrup.
All simple and inexpensive. Number one costs nothing. Works like a charm for me.
I DID NOTHING THAT WAS RECOMMENDED BY OUR PUBLIC HEALTH MORONS FOR THE LAST ALMOST YEAR AND A HALF, EXCEPT WEAR A AMSK WHEN I ABSOLUTELY COULD NOT AVOID IT. In fact, I had an allergic-type reaction in a restaurant one day, to some over-zealous disinfecting. So, I had a problem with the pandemic response. Not to mention how ill wearing a mask makes me feel.
Debates on the efficacy of vaccines vs medications usually end up being a competition of ‘Who’s got the most impressive sounding spokespeople that get the most publicity on the biggest media platforms’ with the vaccine team winning that dubious game. I prefer a debate based on facts or at least, what-we-know-so-far. In such a debate, vaccines don’t seem anywhere as good as the promotional material suggests.
And don’t get me started on the modern profit-driven medical caper with it’s culture of intimidation and influence through the legal and government systems, and the way the workers that support them are bullied into silence….or I’ll be up all night!
You mean like that model of the “How TO Book” called
“How to do it and not get it”, authored by “One who did it, got it and can’t get rid of it”?
I don’t get it.
(Did I walk straight into your trap?)
It is interesting that California recently had one of the highest rates of COVID in the country. It was burning through the population like one of their infamous wildfires. Now, with the advent of warm, sunny weather, California has one of the lowest rates in the country. Yet, no widespread use of ivermectin or remdesivir.
It may be that after burning through the most vulnerable, (in California and India) COVID naturally subsides. I’m reminded of the old joke about the drunkard hanging onto a street-light pole and blowing a whistle, to the annoyance of everyone nearby trying to sleep. A cop arrives and asks him why he disturbing everyone. The drunkard replies, “To keep the pink elephants away!” The cop informs him that there aren’t any pink elephants around. The drunkard responds, “See, it’s working!”
Spurious correlations are always a temptation to use as confirmation bias ‘evidence.’ That is why the medical profession established experimental procedures with control groups.
The COVID Crisis in India: an Interview with Dr Dhananjay Bakhle
Thanks for that Krishna,
Very informative, and answers some of my questions, including that your States are responsible for Health, so there are variations in approaches and results.
Dave B
Thank you for posting this excellent article. Very good treatment protocols as well as front line information from India.
You overlooked the role that CO2 may be playing. It is well known that the annual peak in northern hemisphere CO2 (as measured at Mauna Loa) occurs just about the same time as the peak in the COVID cases in India. /sarc
How did I not see that…?
This article has some information about the dosage for ivermectin treatments:
Thanks for the link !
How about putting the dates Facebook banned Craig Kelly on the graph – The Indians would have a case to sue Facebook for damages when they were told to stop taking Ivermectin. Someone needs to take the power mad Techs down.
[…] And just like that, nobody cares what’s happening in India anymore. […]
This is linked at SDA where in comments there is this mention of a more effective injectable form
[…] Here’s a chart. The greyed in area on the right-hand side indicates when the Ivermectin protocol was initiated. (Charts below sourced from this website.) […]
Yes. India’s daily infection rate is no longer a major news headline…now I wonder just why???
It’s now black fungi what make the headlines
Here’s the reddit thread on ivermectin:
[…] (1) Covid cases falling in the parts of India that approved Ivermectin use […]
Late into the Ivermectin conversation. But, for what it is worth – I dose my cattle with Ausmectin (which contains Ivermectin). It is very very effective against parasites, for which it is recommended.
Although it is recommend that one use gloves when administering this “pour-on” treatment, I doubt if farmers don’t regularly get the stuff on their skin. I certainly do, particularly when dealing with fractious cows! Can’t say that I have heard of terrible reactions.
This year, I just may not be using gloves at all!